#hastag my headcanons
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charafansmile · 21 days ago
Something about toriel hating the monsters outside of the ruins in similar way to chara hating humanity. Not only does she isolate herself from them, but the ruins monsters are also pretty intimidated by her. if she never made that agreement with sans then im pretty sure there would have been no convincing her to let us leave. Like at all.
God even the queen toriel ending might suck for her just a bit. Imagine being put in charge of your people who betrayed you and are all willing to play niceys NOW after 6 of your kids died (in the name of 2 of them!) and they would've killed the 7th if they didn't befriend everyone! No wonder she got rid of the royal guard and told everyone to be nice and welcoming as far as she would be concerned that's what they should have been doing from the start. I imagine it's very awkward between her and undyne. I know she fires alphys in Canon, but I imagine they would have eventually started to get along and she could join the human fanclub with mettaton. But God it'd probably be so awkward. So so awkward. I really think she develops a great disdain for monster kind during her exile that she has to workout.
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I know what she says here is popularly interpreted as the 'them' being asgore/ the royal guard. But it always felt like to me she was referring to monster kind as a whole. (That and if chara has similarities to toriel, it makes sense that toriel would have similarities to them...)
Exiled queen is even WORSE for her cause now that disdain is mutual and the little kid she tried to protect killed people and a war is inevitable at that point. At least with asgore in charge she had the solace that he would be too much of a coward to go through with it. At least she has sans (and sometimes papyrus) in those endings for support but I can't imagine she in any way in a better mental place than before.
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okiroash · 2 months ago
love your pokemon art sm, i hope your exams go well!! do you have a favorite trainer red headcanon?
aww gosh thank you!!!! that means tons!! 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️💥 a favorite headcanon huh.. that's hard to choose! I guess I can use this chance to say that I love the idea of smash bros red being a faller red...
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Jim: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Jaden asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight
Jesse: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Jim, already taking his clothes off: Jesse you're so fucking stupid
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texas-chainsaw-fanworks · 1 year ago
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Upcoming Event for the TCM fandom!
After the success of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fanworks event back in December, this blog has been relaunched for a new upcoming event!
For one week in July, there will be a corresponding series of prompts and themes relating to disability and disabled characters in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1, 2, and the game. However, as long as disability is the primary focus of the piece, there is no requirement that these prompts must be followed.
By piece, this means that all kinds of fan content are accepted. Fics, art, writing, playlists, covers, edits, moodboards, and so on. Anything you can dream of. I simply ask that no AI generation is used in the process of the creation.
Then, when it’s time to post, participants just use the event hastags! #tcmfanevent AND #tcmdisabilityweek
Additionally, dark and disturbing content will be allowed due to the nature of canon, but with limitations. My harsh limitation is that no proship pairings be featured. This means absolutely no family x family or adult x minor ships. In the case of past trauma or references to unwanted events like these, I ask that the piece be tagged and adorned with warnings accordingly.
If a participant has any questions on limitations or otherwise, this blog is open for messaging and inbox submissions, as well as the moderators own blog @charleslee-valentine. I will answer from any of those places if questions arise.
Finally, I want to clarify that this event is neutral on disability. I am disabled myself and find joy in my life in different ways because of it. Please do not use this event as an opportunity to bash a disabled identity. This is a celebration of the canonically disabled characters in universe first and foremost, like Bubba, the Sawyer twins, and Franklin. Personal frustration, ableism, and difficulty are obviously allowed, and the content doesn’t have to be all sunshine and rainbows, as long as the line into intense and unresolved self-hatred isn’t crossed.
Again, if this leads to any questions, please just let me know.
Onto Prompts! The image below has a least for ease of saving, and there is also a text version down below.
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Disability Pride Event Prompt List
Day 1- Alternate Communication
• Bubba Sawyer is nonverbal. What other ways might they speak with their family?
Day 2- Weird Lookin’
• Nubbins Sawyer stims and plays freely, but faces ableism. Feature his relationship to disability in this piece.
Day 3- ‘Nam Flashback
• Chop Top Sawyer has PTSD and head trauma. Explore his experience with disability.
Day 4- Gonna Be A Fun Trip
• Franklin Hardesty is a paraplegic wheelchair user. Highlight mobility aids for him.
Day 5- Victims
• Stretch, Sally, Franklin; How might TCM victims be disabled after their time with the Sawyers? Remember the Sawyers themselves may also be victims in the right context.
Day 6- Underestimated
• Times when a disabled character wasn’t taken seriously.
Day 7- Headcanon Disability
• Your favorite headcanon/interpretation for TCM character disabilities.
The reason this event is limited to TCM 1 (1974) and TCM part 2 (1986) and the 2023 game is for ease of moderation, since these are the only TCM media I, the event runner, am familiar with.
With that said, I hope you’re all as excited as I am for this event during disability pride month! See you July 1st-7th!! No sign-ups required! Just create and post if you’re interested!!
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thewritetofreespeech · 2 years ago
Could I request the GoM with an s/o who loves to cook for them everyday?
Bentos, little snacks, sometimes breakfast and dinner if possible.
GoM + Kagami - S/O who cooks for them
He loves it.
He has some of the finest chefs in the world preparing his food on a daily basis, but he prefers your cooking.
It might not objectively be better, but it’s from you and from the heart.
Will actively throw his 5 star lunches away if you’ve made him something. Insists on having you prepare his meals for travel games as he doesn’t want anything else in his body.
He sort of expects it at this point.
It probably started off with him stealing food from them during lunch. In a flirtatious, but also ‘I’m hungry gimme’ kind of way.
He really liked the way they cooked though, so he started just stealing more.
In the end, it was just easier to make him his own so they could at least having something for lunch of their own.
Loves it, and gushes over each one every time.
Cute s/o’s making cute bentos is the pinnacle of the aesthetic he’s trying to build for himself.
Takes a dozen pictures of each one and posts them on Instagram with the hastag #bae-nto.
He really does like their cooking their. Their omelet rolls are almost as good as his mom’s.
He doesn’t have a big appetite, but he’ll make an exception for s/o’s bentos.
They actually started making them for him because they were concerned about Kuroko’s nutrition. Despite living this long already, he apparently couldn’t live on convenience store bread and vanilla shakes forever.
It gives him a bit of nostalgia, as his grandmother used to make them for him. He stopped asking as she got older as he didn’t want to burden her, and switched to the quick-fix lunches.
His favorite part is just sitting with s/o and enjoying their lunches together.
Surprised by it.
His parents work very long hours (it’s my personal headcanon that they are both doctors, which is why he wants to be one) so he ends up making lunches for him and his sister.
Having someone make a lunch for him is a rare treat at this point. Senna has tried, but given her age and small hands it usually ends up being animal crackers and seaweed chips.
S/O is even cognizant of the color of the day for Oha Asa and tries to curate bentos related to that.
He’ll eat them but he’s not happy about it.
Like Kuroko, s/o started making lunches for him because they were concerned about his nutrition. He can’t just eat junk food.
But he wants to only eat junk food, so when s/o brings him healthy lunches & snacks he gets moody.
The gesture is appreciated of course, deep down, but couldn’t they add more treats for him as a reward if he eats the stupid salad??
+ Kagami
Surprised, but in a really heart warming kind of way. He hasn’t had anyone make a lunch for him since he was a real little kid.
His dad didn’t cook. He usually ate the lunches provided at school in the US. The day to day cooking was provided either by takeout, microwave quick meals, or their housekeeper/nanny his dad hired. Kagami actually learned to cook so he could have some sort of homecooked meal as he got older.
So the fact that someone would want to cook for him for a change is a real punch in the old doki-doki muscle.
Plus, the way to any man’s heart is through his stomach 😉
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storiesofsvu · 10 months ago
It's Bingo Time!!
I usually do some kind of bingo for my birthday/spring and I figured it'd be fun to do one again this year. Though the timeline may be different, we'll see lol.
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Prompts are all spring/summer themed or smut. Any and all of them can be made as suggestive as you’d like, you don’t need to keep the smut fics to the smut prompts!
Submissions can be anything! A mood board, headcanons, drabbles, gif sets, a one shot, a mini series/collection including all the prompts, social media au’s, whatever you want!!
The rest of the rules are under the cut!
Prompts can be made into any genre, make it super spicy, super fluffy, or heartbreaking. Just make sure to include any and all appropriate warning at the top and in the tags!!
Fics can be a ship, reader insert, an OC, whatever you want! This is for you to have some fun and get creative!
Accepted Fandoms:
-Anything and Everything!! Yes!! I am always wide open to every fandom out there! It does not need to be something I write for, regularly read or even know what it is! It’s your choice!
Some examples:
Law and Order (svu, oc, og, ci),Criminal Minds, 911, MCU, One Chicago, NCIS, Grey’s Anatomy, OUAT, CAOS, Private Practice, Abbott Elementary and everything and anything in between!
You must tag me @storiesofsvu and use the hastag #kbdaybingo2024 on each creation. There’s a chance I will put together a masterlist (and if I do I likely won’t until it’s all over)
Bingo begins May 1st and runs all the way to June 27th
Only post ONE creation PER DAY, and only one square per creation
No under age oc’s/yn’s
Tag all and every warning appropriately at the top of the fic
Anything over 1000 words MUST be under a readmore
Please appropriately tag your characters! I don’t want to see a list of side characters who have one line or are only mentioned when it’s a specific character x reader fic!
For each fic you write, you’ll earn a ballot and at the end I’ll do a draw and there will be a winner!! (don’t ask me what the prize is yet lol)
Everyone is welcome to participate! (anyone submitting or reading smut must be over 18!!)
If you have any questions feel free to message me!!
tagging some people I think might be interested!
@whiteberryx @rustyzebra @iamnotoriginalphil @happenstnces @bullet-prooflove @hotchfiles @prentiss-theorem @scorpsik @thatesqcrush @witches-unruly-heart @polkadotpenguin16 @escapingrealtiylovinginsanity @waitingfortheendtocome @five-bi-five-mind @demonicbaby666 @baubeautyandthegeek @safficranger @valentinesfrog @milfandh0ney @asolitaryrose3 @alexblakegf @hotchs-big-hands @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @mxmmyprentiss @alexblakeisgay @jordanstark007 @chestnutninny @maximoffcarter @lizdonnelly @v3nusxsky
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i-cloudyink-i · 1 year ago
Hastag transfem Petey/Penny truther gang!!! This is also Penny from my ihhhh Rockstar Dogman AU that I made back in July ^_^
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raticalshoez · 6 months ago
reading ur last reblog and hidfhihs LIFE SERIES BUT POKEMON,,,instead of last person standing its last pokemon standing,,,worlds most painful nuzlocke speedrun ksjfdhslfh
Dude I was thinking of making fakemon based on Life Series members and like. This idea is so big brained...
So I don't have designs yet, but here's my ideas for the primary types they would be:
Grian - Flying
Bird motif, for the most part, but also idea of a bird's eye view, watching over, Watchers...lmao
Jimmy - Ghost
He has such a strong theme of death that I just had to dude...
Etho - Ice
What with the Snowfort and Red (Winter) Army, he has connections to snow and cold. Also ice is a bad type competetively and Etho washed up pvper...
Bdubs - Grass
Mossy guy! Also he likes the sun and uh photosynthesis..? (And he dropped a wither rose in Last Life)
Tango - Fire
It's his hair headcanons but also his love for explosives
Impulse - Electric
Caffeinated animated redstone innovator and also his color scheme!!
Lizzie - Fairy
She owned the Fairy Fort, so I feel like it's only fair. She also likes cute things but can be mean sometimes (like the fairy typing itself)
Gem - Fighting
GeminiSLAY, very competetive fighter
Pearl - Dark
Something wicked this way comes. But also, wrongfully seen as evil! Misunderstood like some dark types okay (ABSOL IS LITERALLY HER)
Scott - Water
Mean gills but also I'm pretty sure water's a pretty good typing competetively? Mainly cause mean gills though
BigB - Psychic
Messing with people's minds by being the liar of all time. Has a motif of deception with his character
Cleo - Poison
Sometimes associated with snakes, but also they have venom behind their words. Lots of vengence.
Mumbo - Steel
A bit unsure about this one but I thought of Grumbot! Also because I associate the steel typing with machinery, and also Mumbo's vampire hc's are funny with this considering steel's probably associated with silver
Some I'm more unsure about:
Martyn - Dragon
Uhh...fantasy smp reference..? Dragon is a really powerful type and Martyn is a formidable guy? They also have a sense of mystic to them with related to his hastag lore..?
Skizz - Bug
I can't do shit to explain myself here uhm uhm. His angel headcanons of wings...his silly little guy energy matches silly little bug...he dies fast in the series..?
Joel - Ground
Mounders? He did dig those holes in Double Life where he was called a mole...oh and also this would make him weak to Scott's typing which is very funny
Scar - Rock
He sells useless things and says they're valuable. See: the crystals of Last Life. Also all his relationships are rocky haha ba dum tss (he is the loneliest life series character I coukd talk about him for DAYS)
Ren - Normal
This leaves Ren with normal which just...doesn't feel right...like. This man is FAR from normal! Most I could think of was like a dog-like a theatre related pokemon, but those could be outside of the normal type! I'm lost...
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed my insanity. Tune in if I end up mystery dungeoning the life series members and making them fight to the death
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stitchwraith-stingers · 4 months ago
im bored can u guys like. give me random ass fop headcanons the mose bizzarethe better for me to rate them, like either on strawpage or in my ask box idc i am hastag bored
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thebreakfastbandit · 7 months ago
Howdy folks, Mancake here, inviting you down to the Butter Barn!!
Business hasn't been the same lately, so I was advised by a friend to come to this site; turns out a lot of us are using it these days.
Might not be on often, as I've got a business to run, but I look forward to doing business work everyone.
In character writing: syrup slinger writes
Done with in character writing: closing time
Answering asks: on the house
Out of character posts: bacon bits
//OOC: Hey guys!! As a big mancake fan who wasn't able to get on Fortnite in time for his skin, I decided to make a blog as him instead.
I'll be running him off headcanons, and would rather not have NSFW interactions; please keep it clean!!
Can't wait to see how things go!!
I'd also like to give credit to @grimmkrieger, who is the artist behind my pfp!! I absolutely adore it; couldn't have asked for a better one
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charafansmile · 14 days ago
I would like to hear you ramble about charisk some more if you don’t mind!
Yay :) sorry this took so long to respond. I had a lot of thoughts and have been writing this sporadically.
I love charisk they r very silly to me. Codependent 10 year olds with no boundaries by proxy of sharing a soul, give one abandonment issues and make the other as emotionally constipated as a ten year old can be and you gotta recipe for disaster which is what I think they r. Disaster babies..
My ideal dynamic for the two is frisk eating trash, chara going "ew" and then excitedly directing frisk towards more trash. Other ways I have described them: ambassador and their 'evil' advisor (chara thinks this is a pointless addition, all advisors are evil), dawg look at my lawyer I am going to jail, Speedrunner chara who looks up walk-through and guides x fuck around and miss half the story by skipping important dialog frisk. If they were to play Minecraft together chara makes exp and villager farms while frisk is a million miles away 'exploring' and digging straight down for the vibes (vibes being screaming down their mic running from endermen while chara is trying to get a mending villager). OCD x ADHD. Uncomfortable amount of eye contact x cannot look anybody in the eye for any reason at all. Would rage quit a game if they dont get their way x save scummer. The words worst middle school situationship ever! Hundreds dead no survivors!!! Kid with protagonist syndrome x another kid with who has whatever the opposite of that is. Narrator x the hero. Soulmates by most definitions of the term but more specifically they share a soul and are mates. Kid whose transition goals include the arch-angel angel Gabriel and the puppet from fnaf x kid whose gender is whatever happens to be in their pockets at the time (bugs and rocks mostly, sometimes a quarter and a half eaten lollipop).
It's something I ship because I find it very, very silly and cute, but also has the ability to be compelling to! I love characters that are so wrapped around each other that they basically become one person. One entity. Romantic or not I just like that dynamic. (Shout-out to garnet Steven universe for being the blueprint). I'm down for shipping frisk with any of the other kid characters (friskid is super cute..) but charisk is always going to be my favorite of them. "What if I was a ghost kid who hated humanity and failed my one goal to save the species who adopted me and then I wake up immediately after that failure and have to haunt you this weird human kid who CAN complete the prophecy I thought I was destined for" ... it's cute to me.
I'm very picky when it comes to depictions of chara and while I don't necessarily like soft chara or soft frisk I do prefer those depictions over ones where chara or frisk are entirely evil or adversaries with opposing goals because to me the crux of their relationship should be that they are working together!! I don't really like the idea that chara would have to change or 'redeem' themselves in order to be loved, I think frisk should love them BECAUSE chara can be mean and snarky and a jerk. And I think chara shouldn't be guilt tripping frisk or making them feel bad for being 'curious' or starting nm because chara helped and encouraged that route! I think chara would grow fond of frisk for a multitude of reasons beyond frisk being able to 'save monsterkind'! I like their relationship more when they view each other more as co-conspirators rather than either trying to 'save' the other, they should be besties first, star crossed lovers second. I could see their relationship starting out very rocky with chara being standoffish at first until they warm up to frisk, with the added angst of not recognizing the underground anymore and going along with whatever choices are made as 'neccesary' in order to move on. I can only really see them developing a strong bond after multiple resets and neutral runs becoming the only people who recall everything since even flowey doesn't remember nms and pacifists.
Chara as a character does seem obsessed with consequences and the idea of moving on, which is where I can see drama coming from in the relationship as frisk to me is the opposite of that in wanting to turn over every branch, see everything they can, and know everything they can. (And if I ever get around to making a charisk fic this is probably what it'll be about). I don't think chara sticks around as a ghost after any of the endings except for the neutrals and none of those are particularly happy either. I think nm and pacifist fulfill the prophecy in a way that allows charas 'ghost' as it were to be fulfilled which is another motivator for frisk to keep reseting because if they dont they lose chara... which is something chara can't understand.
I've got a miriade of headcanons for them and how the whole soul sharing thing works and I do believe the player is an entity in the game, so that's another aspect of their relationship to me. "What if I fell underground and you were a cool ghost telling me shit and I was possessed by an eldritch being that shares your name and then they make me kill a bunch of people and I probably woulda done that anyways but then you take over and then they sell their soul which is also mine to you" <- something like that. Idk I like undertales narrative 10x more when the meta part of is apart of it. That and I think chara is aware of us too. We named them and while you could read their speech as them talking to frisk I prefer reading it as them talking to US. But I do still think frisk would have done no mercy of their own volition too out of curiosity or even a desire to see what would change if they did it without our help. Mostly I just think without us they would have done two no mercy's max, a bunch of true pacifist and then even more neutrals in an effort to stretch the game out as long as they can while chara would get more and more bored not understanding why frisk won't just give up and live their life without them.
Tldr: I think they're silly and have the possibility to be the exact sort of angsty codependent weirdos I like while also being able to be just plain cute weirdos that make me sad. They should get to play Pokémon together and go on a chaperoned date to chucky cheese so chara can info dump the fnaf lore to frisk while frisk tries to recreate the bite of 87 with the animatronics to 'rizz them up'. Pathetically down bad frisk x chara who is honestly embarrassed that it's working....
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mommypieck · 1 year ago
whenever I go to ur aot headcanons it takes me to the Tumblr website on like chrome and not on the app, is there any way I can fix that?
the problem is on my side. i put the links from my computer, that's why it acts like this. im thinking of just hastaging the stories because the links just don't work
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fandomstars · 2 years ago
Main Info (Scroll down for most recent posts)
Other blog: A Satisfying Blog
It’s on my fanfic “Satisfied” on A03. If you have any questions on it, or headcanon/oneshot requests of AshxPaul, feel free to flood my inbox over there!
Writing Request form: https://www.tumblr.com/fandomstars/713991057199775744/what-i-write-and-how-you-can-request
(( Submit requests in inbox thanks! ))
My writing hastag is #fandomstars33
My Masterlist
Also need any writing advice? Ask away and submit it in my inbox!
A03: Shywriter33 & QuagsireHallow
Fanfic Update Status
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celorangeine · 7 days ago
Like many others, I noticed that you are definitely a Townies' enjoyer, so what are your headcanons about Edgar (he is my favorite Townie and one of my fav leaders)?(◔◡◔)
( @preppiesenjoyer )
I already dumped most of it in here, but there's always more I have to say about Edgar. tehehe. I love the towniea
- I think he'd have a collection of CDs. all extremely old shows from like the 90s and he gets it all from his mom
- despite it all. he's kind and extremely understanding. u could be the weirdest person #ever and he wouldn't say anything. he'd only hate someone if they're actual assholes or snitches
- the word respect means a lot more to him than it does to anyone else. I think to him respect is the best thing anyone could earn. or honor. maybe because of that he's a big fan of samurai shows (I'm self-projecting right now u guys)
- all his life he'd been surrounded by crime and the only times he'd join in is when he really needs the money to help his family. otherwise he's just defending himself most of the time and that. is why he's so good at fighting. he also owns a gun guys trust. click this to see what gun I think he'd have heh....
- ok I say he is not judgemental but he really is to cops and rich people especially
- Edgar is close to his mom. mostly because he had a responsibility as an only child to protect her from his piece of shit dad who refuses to get a job. it's hard for his parents to get a job in general cause of their old ages so Edgar grew up working multiple jobs. some definitely illegal #lolz
- I saw somewhere that Edgar is good at poker and I #AGREE. and it's mostly because he's somewhat involved in the casino incident at Bullworth
- he knows a liittllee Spanish 😛
- he is extremely good friends with Gurney. I think they'd. maybe meet when they were tweens (is that what you call it ?!) and Edgar has only been close to him before meeting the townies. hastag acidburn...
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nxtsnw · 3 years ago
are we ignoring the fact that shinichiro was running around with a mistletoe, hoping that someone would kiss him spontaneously?
eventually wakasa accidentally passed under it, and takeomi forced them to kiss.
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badmemoryneko · 3 years ago
okay i have a fun idea.What if yall give me prompts and i make hcs posts for a while?I cant and wont promise ill get to all of them but it’d be fun to try to make em for a while,while i prepare this very long ramble post im planning and also cannot draw for long.
Fandoms that id do hcs of:
OKKO:lets be heroes
ATLA(only the gaang and like maybe some of the lotus members)
the arcana
vargas(the JTHM fanfic)
so yeah,requests are open and welcomed.
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