#I hope I’m proven wrong!
i-really-like-phrogs · 2 months
I was sad about the sequel coming out in a month… A buddy challenged me to draw Keatlejuice as a way to cope. :’(
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juliet-ohara · 3 months
I have ultimate faith in charles but wow the pain ferrari makes him (and us) go through is really incredible ... which ofc we all know lol but there’s something about this triple header that’s getting to me idk 😭 I went into this week w the lowest expectations and fps didn’t help. I hope I’m jinxing it + they’ll turn it around (and I always know charles will outdrive the car no matter what) but it fr makes me so sad to think about how much he’s dealt w in this team for yeaaars and how much effort he gives week after week and still there’s so far to go. ik I’m being overly dramatic after only 3 or so bad races but the highs are high and the lows are so low !! ugh someone pls give me hope for this race bc rn I’m just banking on charles’s sheer insanity behind the wheel. anyway forza ferrari sempre it’s a new day tomorrow
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jacarandaaaas · 7 months
we got new official? encanto novel and the synopsis has a typo and the cover looks so😭 it should NOT be giving wattpad!
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Okay so I’ve purposely not read anything about the new companion/her actor, but like, with the way RTD has started off his return, with Tennant’s costume and calling him the 14th doctor and overshadowing Gatwa’s entrance and naming Donna’s daughter Rose, it all really feels like he’s trying to milk nostalgia to bring him/the show back into the good graces of its worst critics from the past few years.
Like, with Ruby Sunday (what a name…) being a young blonde girl immediately after the Doctor’s return to Tennant’s body, I feel like RTD’s just going to use her to be the vessel for the Doc’s Very Own Morality Nostalgia Trip/Getting Over Rose Time like he did with Martha, which I think was a pretty universally disliked decision.
Maybe I’m wrong, but Doctor Who has been built over the past half century to be a show about moving forward, and all of these gestures look more like bringing things “back to normal” to me, which i think is the wrong move.
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tw1nter · 18 days
I got into a discussion with someone and was curious what the people of tumblr thought on it
(i know grading is different for countries so i ask that only Americans respond)
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quibbs126 · 9 days
Also there’s been one thing personally bothering me with the new Lives we’re getting in the new Fantasy Life game
Namely, what exactly is Artist supposed to do or contribute? And why is it a Life?
Farmer I kind of get, with it presumably being your way of getting crops that the Cook Life requires, not to mention there were a number of farmers in the original game
But what does Artist contribute? It seems to be painting focused based on the picture they gave us, so is it just, making paintings? So have in your houses? That seems kind of not important
The Carpenter Life may have been mostly about crafting furniture, which is also optional, but not only did the furniture occupy a 3D space, instead of just being a picture on a wall (that’d probably be hard to see at most angles with the top-down perspective), but you could craft tools and weapons that the Blacksmith Life couldn’t
And Tailor may have been about mostly clothes, which again, may not contribute much, but that’s making part of your character’s appearance that you will constantly be seeing as you play, so it’s kind of necessary
I guess it’s a matter of finding out when the game comes out, but I just don’t get what the point of the Artist Life is. Is there not another crafting Life they could have made that would be more useful? Or maybe a new battle Life?
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yamishika · 1 year
At this point I’m just hate reading 100 YQ to see in how many more ways it will disappoint me
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armando-triplepapito · 4 months
Okay let me give Armando the benefit of the doubt, you never know maybe she’s another Claudia Bosch😭
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 months
I’ve already accepted that I’m gonna hate the villains endings (esp Dabi’s), atp I’m almost done grieving and ready to move on to blissfully ignoring canon before it’s even confirmed
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captainninej · 1 year
absolutely adore taylor swift as an artist, a songwriter, a performer, a businesswoman and an icon
but right now a lot less as a person who used politics as part of one musical era and is now aligning herself with someone who has caused a lot of hurt and hatred to marginalised people :////
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deityofhearts · 9 months
currently I’m just having to like accept that I’m not anyone’s best friend or favourite person, I’m not even like in anyone’s top five fav people
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Just found out the FNaF movie isn’t rated R
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dragonologist-phd · 2 years
Mmmmm as cool as the stuff between Vax and the Raven Queen is (and don’t get me wrong, it is *very* cool, I love death deities), I have to admit I’m not a huge fan of how they changed the Vex and Trinket backstory. And they cut Percy’s talk with Vex after her death?? I can only assume they’re saving that for later on and they’ll combine it with some later scenes, but it does stick out to me how we see Percy apologize to Vax but apparently not to Vex herself?
(I also just miss the flirting by way of crafting arrows, I really hope they incorporate that soon)
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demonio-fleurs · 1 year
i feel like the only person on this site who is convinced that garp is gonna die, and it’s so weird
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toyourliking · 10 months
my tumby hurts and there’s an unusual 4am occurrence happening across the road so this is looking to be a no sleep night
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addictt-with-a-pen · 1 year
I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that I will never be loved, but I’m not sure that I can.
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