#I go nuts for the expressions
cyberllfe · 1 year
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connor vs sixty
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ahdriking · 4 months
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Khem meet Wichien for the first time
- Mansuang (2023)
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bandy-andy · 1 year
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holding :)
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pilotduty · 10 months
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been clawing at the walls of my enclosure over the lyricism in destroya vs the lyricism in millions
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kosmicsandshoes · 3 months
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have i ever mentioned how much i love drawing on the ipad
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butwhatifidothis · 3 months
🔥 Hubert?
It is entirely possible to like Hubert and not like Edelgard and vice versa like. That is an absolutely insane thing to see MANY different people say/agree with. Even with how deeply they are connected to each other they are characters that act pretty damn different from the other and it's possible for folks to vibe with one over the other because of that.
For another take that might not be hot but I still wanna get out, I find it frustrating that Hubert's one support that has someone bring up whether his undying loyalty to Edelgard is actually helping her at all when he never directly challenges her and thus never actually lets her grow as a leader - an idea that's actually incredibly interesting to delve into as it challenges Hubert's ideals and shows off how surprisingly childish he can be when criticized ("when I do literally everything Edelgard wants without question you call me a doormat but when I go behind her back and do things without her notice you call me unhelpful!! what I am supposed to do then??" "bitch TALK to her??? that thing you failed to do EITHER TIME????") - ...gets dropped so unceremoniously in favor of "I like you Ferdinand" "well I like you too Hubert." Actually meaningful discussion that both shows how genuine Ferdinand is in actually helping Edelgard and brings up the question of whether Hubert is actually helping Edelgard with how little he directly challenges her gets thrown out the window in favor of shallow compliments and gift giving that in the verse of the supports comes so out of nowhere Ferdinand genuinely thinks Hubert got sick; it's annoying as fuck
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caffeinatedopossum · 5 months
Haha what if all the overwhelming rage I'm suddenly feeling is actually just 21 years of accumulated injustices that I'm only now starting to feel because my self esteem is improving. But then because it's so overwhelming that it feels genuinely unsafe to both myself and those around me for me to express it, I have to repress it further and the only way I know how to do that is to lower my self esteem again so that I don't feel angry cause I no longer feel like I ever deserved better
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jellybeanium124 · 6 days
no see results option. this post is only for people with 1+ roommates.
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gumgamug · 1 year
barbie spoilers
it made me so emotional when barbie is crying to america fererra’s character and she says “i’m not pretty anymore” because god, isn’t that what it’s like growing up? you’re a young girl and you’re happy and confident and you like who you are and the things that make you happy and then you grow up and there’s a shift. and all of a sudden you’re so conscious of who are and the way you look and the thing you care about most is if you’re pretty, not because you’re shallow, but because you want to be loved. you know that being pretty means that people love you. you know that when someone says you are not pretty they mean that you are not wanted. barbie just perfectly encapsulated how women long to be called beautiful not just because of societal conventions but because we want to belong! we want to be loved! we are afraid of loneliness and rejection! and that’s why i think the movie was so powerful when it said: being beautiful and wanting to be beautiful aren’t inherently bad. it is where we draw our beauty from that really matters. not from others, but from ourselves; and when others recognize and uplift you because of the qualities within yourself that you have nurtured, it is the most wonderful feeling of all.
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
I consider myself good at hosting but not necessarily a ‘good host’ because I try take care of everything and try to keep an eye on everyone but am very. Never Forget You’re In My House. I’ll put guests to work when relevant and get clean-up started while people are still around lol
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anti-cosmofangirl · 2 years
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I headcanon that he draws those eyebrows on every morning.
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piplupod · 1 year
i neeeeeed people to think a little bit abt what theyre saying and do a bit of research on shit before they say things to ppl w mental illness and disorders and just general disabilities lol
seeing an uptick of ppl commenting on others bodies "out of concern" esp when those ppl have been open abt having an ED and it's driving me nuts. do not fucking comment on peoples bodies, idc if ur concerned, just say something like "i hope you're doing okay, sending love!" or whatever, no need to make any mention of weight or appearance dear god. i guarantee you that we all know that we look unhealthy. it's distressing esp if you are trying your best to recover. we can't fix how we look until we're at that point lol, it's just upsetting to hear ppl say "you look so skinny!" or "you're not looking very healthy!" when we cannot do anything about it more than we're already doing
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adammilligan · 2 years
it would be so much fun if adam walked the line between being a silly drunk and being a sappy drunk. like yknow he gets wasted and suddenly it's a toss-up whether he's gonna tell michael his halo is soooo pretty or make a deez nuts joke. or both
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elegyofthemoon · 11 months
idk why it took me till ascending serval the last time to realize her ascension material is the silvermane badge and 😭
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wormholy · 2 years
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Expressions for some ocs I’m working on. These are 6 of like. 20 I have in progress
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pussymasterdooku · 1 year
#today on: Allie Liveblogs Her Parents’ Divorce:#two and a half fucking hour long phone call with my dad about how he thinks my mom is the problem#in the INSANE dynamic they have going on with his 24 year old lesbian employee who is LIVING WITH THEMMMMMMM#and him doing his signature I Am Just A Reasonable Man Perceiving The Situation Objectively shtick#us both mouthing I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!! at the phone#ohhhhhh he wanted us to say she should just get over her frustration and then there wouldn’t be a problem#and she shouldn’t be frustrated in the first place because the problems Aren’t Even Legitimate Problems Because They Could Be Worse#and like. my mom has been bringing up divorce to us since 2019 and he has expressed that he wants to improve the marriage recently#and they uh. got married due to a miscommunication and are entirely incompatible LOL like i’ve been Trying but this call made me feel like…#Its So Over My Dudes#but apparently he thinks their marriage is NOT on thin ice it’s a 9/10#revised to ‘idk MAYBE it’s an 8/10’ when he told us he doesn’t think. in 34 years. they have ever had a two sided conversation…#they Have Never Once Had A Conversation by his recounting. thats not true but it IS an insane thing to say STEVE#ohhhhhh he makes me mad ohhhhh i’ve been in my Dad Anger era for a couple months and he brought it to the SURFACE tonight babey!!!!!!!!!#ohhhhhhhh he does not respect his wife he does not try to understand her he does not think of her as a real person#and i mean. she’s nuts and takes her feelings out on everyone around her!!! she is only just now seeking to manage her adhd#but she tries so hard for him and he’s just. full of shit and i’m sick of him. ok cutting myself off but this has been:#ALHPD#which will be the tag now ig if anyone wants to mute LOL#ohhhhhhhhhh this has dealt me so much psychic damage i have so much evil energy now lmao#ohhhhhh 🔪🔪🔪👨🏻🪚🪚🪚#🔨🔨🔨🔨#🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈#ok that’s all
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