#a recruiter just reached out with an opportunity that he thought my profile matched
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fishing-for-blood · 6 months ago
Hey guys maybe queue this one up for next year because it. .fuckign WORKED
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la-voce-to-me · 7 years ago
AU August
Day 10
On Ao3
Chat stared at her as she put on her lipstick. They were parked slightly outside the main line of cars for the red carpet. The noise from the gala was still audible despite the distance, but they paid it no mind. Even though she could feel the weight of his green eyes on her, she continued to slowly swipe the tube over her lips.
“Do you need something?” she asked, finally snapping her compact shut.
“Is that the poison lipstick?”
Ladybug stared at her partner. His face was neutral, no sign of a joke or sarcasm given away in his usually expressive eyes. She blinked at him a few times before facing forward in the car, tapping their driver on the shoulder.
“Jade honey, your best friend better be more competent than he sounds,” she said smoothly, taking small delight in the indignant sound her partner made.
“I know how he comes off Lady, but I promise he’s the best at what he does,” the driver responded with a chuckle.
Chat huffed, slouching back in his seat with a small “unbelievable,” muttered under his breath.
“To answer you question, newbie,” a voice said, crackling to life in their ears, “having a poisonous lipstick would just make Ladybug sick. She just likes having red lips when wearing a black dress.”
“Thank you, Vixen,” Ladybug said with a clipped tone.
“Welcome Bug Babe,” Vixen replied. She could practically hear the woman stick her tongue out at the headpiece.
The next few moments were spent in silence. As much as Marinette loved her job, being Ladybug was always nerve wracking with a new partner. Her previous one had only lasted two missions before being switched to a lower tier at his request. The girl before him lasted longer, around four months, but she quit the agency after working with Ladybug.
Her team was the top tier at the agency. Jade Turtle was their man on the ground, a getaway car, a bodyguard, and informant all in one. Vixen had been Ladybug’s partner the longest until she got injured in the field, but stayed on as communication and detail master. Ladybug was the face of the operation, the only one who had a reputation, and the only one whose face was recognizable.
Working high profile cases as a new recruit had been a poor career choice, as it turned out. Her favorite missions were the ones where she could just be a secret agent- not the Lady in Red, not that one bitch who stopped an assassination by tying the hit man up with a yoyo, just Ladybug.
That’s why this one had her nervous. Jade had recommended his friend, a high profile model, to be her partner. This gala would be the first test to see if his fame could overshadow her infamy, and still be productive.
They had already attended Fashion Week together to start the rumours circulating, then fed her civilian identity to the press. It had been a month since then, and the press could not get enough of the newest couple to Paris’s fashion scene. A good cover, so long as it didn’t prevent them from doing work.
“Okay kitty, let’s move,” Ladybug said, ushering her partner outside the car.
The noise was instantaneous. The had slowly crept forward in the line of cars, until they were right in front of the gala entrance. Reporters shouted, cameras flashed, and Chat smiled. He wrapped an arm around her waist, posing every few feet on the carpet.
“M. Agreste, what do you think of the gala being announced just a week after your fathers?”
Ladybug felt her partner’s hand squeeze for a moment before he answered.
“You can really never have too many charity balls, in my opinion. If dressing up is what people need to do in order to donate to good causes, then I’m all for it,” he replied breezily.
The hand on her hip tugged them almost through the entrance until one question reached them, clearer than the rest. “Mlle Dupain-Cheng, what are your thoughts on the primary auction item this year?”
The pair of them paused, and Ladybug turned to face the reporter.
“You know, this is just awful of me but I’ve been so busy with clients that I don’t happen to know what item you’re referring to. I’m sure it’s a treasure, whatever it might be.”
“If that’s all, we’ll be heading in now…” Chat cut in, once again placing a hand around her waist. She heard the cameras clicking during the action, rolling her eyes.
They strode through the crowd, occasionally pausing when Ladybug would signal for Adrien to stop and greet someone. Their target was easy to spot but hard to track, so his casual conversation was convenient cover.
“LB, it looks like there might be an issue…” Jade said, voice low in her ear piece.
“Really,” she said, turning away from Chat with a small smile. He nodded, heading towards a group of people trying to catch his eye.
“Adrien’s dad is here…”
Chat’s head snapped towards the door, and Ladybug flinched at the action. As much as he had proved himself in the way of stealth, there were certain things Adrien just hadn’t gotten the hang of. Reacting visibly to information coming from a headset was one of those things.
Ladybug strode over to her partner, whose eyes were still fixed on the silvered head of the figure making its way into the entertainment hall. She clasped Adrien’s hand, hoping for a moment that he would understand that this was her being a friend, rather than a partner in (stopping) crime.
“Pardon me, if I could steal my date for a moment, I believe he promised me a dance,” Marinette said, addressing the curious faces of the people Adrien had been talking to. “Adrien, are you alright?”
“Why is he here?” Adrien hissed back. “He said he wasn’t coming. He said it was an offensive move from Armani to do this!”
“Adrien, look at me,” Marinette said, her voice low. He did as instructed. “Fashion politics don’t make sense. Knowing what I know of Gabriel, he could be here because he saw the answer you gave that reporter and hightailed it over here.”
“What if you have to arrest someone! He’s going to give me such grief for dating outside his approved circle…” “I can handle him, okay?”
“Stop worrying Chat, you have a mission,” Vixen interjected. Adrien breathed in deeply, and Marinette could practically see his Chat Noir mask slide back into place.
“Speaking of…” Ladybug murmured, eyes narrowing. “Kitty your dad is talking to the target. It’s the first person he’s talked to in the whole time we’ve been there.”
Chat turned slowly.
“That’s our target?”
“Didn’t you look at the file I provided?” Vixen’s voice rang shrill in their ears.
“I didn’t recognize the name and I guess she looks different in greyscale. That’s, well, I know her as one of his assistants.”
“...how did I miss that…” Vixen whispered. They could hear a lot of typing through the com, and then a small “shit.”
“Adrien, shall we claim that dance?” Ladybug asked, guiding him towards the dance floor. Many people were already swaying to the music that flowed from the orchestra. She turned to face him, clasping his shoulder. “Okay Vix, talk to me.”
“Chat I don’t think you’re gonna be happy, but I think Gabriel might be the actual target…”
“What? How could my father have anything to do with this… black market whatever?”
“That’s some pretty big news my dude, are you sure we should go through with the mission?” Jade asked.
“This is the only opportunity to retrieve the stones, regardless of who might be arrested that is our primary goal for tonight,” Ladybug cut in, resting her head on Adrien’s shoulder.
He smiled at her tightly, seeming to be caught between appreciating the comforting gesture and realizing his father might be behind one of the largest artifact heists in history.
The music slowed to a stop, and they turned to applaud the orchestra. A man in a tuxedo walked onto their stage, taking a microphone from the podium.
“Welcome everyone to the Harvest Charity Ball, hosted by Armani and the Human Rights League! We will shortly be starting the silent auction, so please continue to dance and mingle, but do not forget to take a look at the auction items!” There was chatter as the announcer paused, smiling widely.
“Of course, the main object of the silent auction is a guided tour for inspiration, donated by Gabriel Agreste!”
Ladybug scrunched her brow, shooting a look to her partner. He wore a matching confused expression. Suddenly, she remembered the reporters question from outside.
“Did she ask me because I’m an up and coming designer, or was that a hint?”
Chat seemed to understand what the question referred to. The clapped politely as the rest of the big name silent auction pieces were announced, and turned to each other once the music began again.
“Lady, I can’t find anything about the big auction piece being announced before today, I think you should find that reporter…” Vixen said, worry creeping into her voice.
“I couldn’t see who it was, but I think she went inside after you two…” Jade said.
“Okay, after this song we’ll look,” Chat said, letting the first impish smile of the night creep onto his face.
They didn’t have to wait until the end of the song, however. As soon as the music hit its peak, the lights cut out. Ladybug pulled out the small knife she kept sheathed in the shoulder of her dress, while Chat let his hand rest on the staff hidden under his jacket.
“Follow me,” a small voice said, appearing between them and gone just as fast. They looked at each other, then back where the voice had been. A swath of red slipped around a nearby pillar. They followed slowly, trying to jostle as few people as possible.
“He needs to be stopped,” the voice said again, just as the red cloth disappeared around a corner.
“Wait here,” Ladybug said. Chat obeyed, resting against a wall.
The room was as dark as the main hall had been, but there was one item on a silent auction table that seemed brighter than all the rest. She crept forward, looking around the room for the voice that had led her there.
The item was a simple but high end coat. She reached out to run a hand along the silhouette of the coat, when she felt a rush of power seep through her hand.
“My name is Tikki. I am the goddess of creation. Do not be afraid, my dear ladybug. I need to save my siblings.”
The voice came from everywhere and nowhere, seeming to originate from her own body. She let out a gasp, causing Chat to rush into the room.
“Your eyes-” was all he got out before his own began to emit a small but definite glow.
“Ah, your Chat Noir is here too. Plagg will instruct him as I will instruct you. Listen carefully…”
Ladybug was having a hard time understanding what exactly was going on, but the calm that had seeped into her bones made following Tikki’s guidance easy. She knew with certainty that this was the right thing.
The coat was a disguise from the buyer- there were several sacred artifacts sewn into various places of the coat- artifacts that apparently contained the spirits of gods. She deftly undid the coat, handing each of the artifacts to Chat. Just as the last one had been freed, the lights came back on.
“Adrien, son. What are you doing here?”
Tikki’s presence fled with the return of the lights, allowing Marinette to take back over.
“We happened upon this room when I was looking for the restroom, and I couldn’t help but notice- this coat is your handiwork, is it not?”
Gabriel seemed to only notice Marinette after she had spoken.
“Ah, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, very astute. This designer does have a very similar construction to my own but…” His voice trailed off as he fingered the opened seams.
Marinette took the moment to snap one of the black handcuffs that had been previously embedded to the lining of a pocket in her dress. Gabriel looked at the metal around his wrist, then back to the woman holding them.
“This is how your mother and I met,” he said, turning to Adrien. “I’ll go quietly, not to cause a scene.”
“Your son had nothing to do with this,” Marinette couldn’t help but say.
Gabriel’s impassive face turned into a soft smile.
“Neither was I when I first became her partner.” “We’re not partners in crime,” Adrien said softly.
“But partners nonetheless,” Gabriel said.
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verbigeratingidiolalia · 5 years ago
Basically I feel like I come to tumblr whenever I need to rant or like get something off my chest. Life updates: I’m in grad school now to get my PhD in cancer biology. I knew the university I was attending would be a super PWI... and all of the shit show that accompanies this. Long story short, I thought even though this uni was a PWI, that it was one of the better choices for diversity and inclusion by far (this still might be true, but it still is majorly lacking). Acclimating to the yt academic environment is already really hard, and I just have never felt like I had a place of belonging all throughout my life/ schooling so I feel like I have a lot of compounded issues ranging from family, to being in academia, and friends/ school groups. So I’m just going to like go through them all in different posts and dump my thoughts because I feel like I have no one to articulate this to AT ALL and it sucks.
Academia: Like I said before, I am about to matriculate into my 3rd year in my PhD program and I have never felt so lost. When I first applied here, some of my friends had gone to the summer program for undergrads and said the diversity office was amazing and supportive. After all of my other interviews (like 8 others) for either cancer/ cell biology programs at other schools who basically told me they didn’t have any diversity office/ support or that they’d need my efforts to make their programs better I felt like the university that I chose would be the best choice because it seemed to have a solid advisor and office in place.
Although this might be true superficially, I have never been so wrong. I have never really felt welcome in the diversity office where I am after they asked me for my background. It seemed that once they found that I was a multiracial student who didn’t match the criteria of students that they commonly recruited, there was a big divide and lapse in communication. The director of the office actually ignored me in public spaces for months at graduate events after this. They were known for being personable and gossipy, which really appealed to a lot of the students I knew and befriended in my graduate program/ school, but being on the other side of that just felt so othering. It’s strange because that’s supposed to be their job to support all URM students-- and it still really hurts. 
Moreover, since I have arrived here someone in my cohort constantly harassed me and bothered me in public spaces concerning my racial/ethnic make-up. It has been extremely awkward to combat this and constantly have to validate myself in public spaces with other students, in elevators with faculty, and in class. It feels like everyone at this institution knows I am a underrepresented minority (URM) student, but everyone decided to make assumptions about what that was instead of asking me. Although I don’t like being asked the pointed question “where are you really from?” I much prefer that than being profiled and put a group that I do not identify with in both professional and social situations. Not to say there is anything wrong with being associated with other groups of people, but I don’t academically represent this certain group of students, and I certainly do not want to take the space from other URM students in this group who deserve to be in my graduate program. 
I have cried several times because it’s been really frustrating and uncomfortable. The feeling has only continued as I continued throughout my career and joined my thesis lab. And most unfortunately, these feelings have even stemmed from direct conversations with my colleagues and my mentor. I currently work as a grad student in the lab of a well known WW in my field. When I interviewed with this faculty specifically, I was really excited because she was exactly in the field I wanted to be in and seemed to have a great reputation among fellow faculty and students. I asked her directly how she works with diversity, if diversity was and important factor for her life/work, and how she feels about my intense involvement/volunteering with URM. Her answers were vague (which wasn’t very surprising), but I enjoyed my experience rotating with her and decided to join the lab. I now regret this. Last year, I expressed my desire to start applying for my own funding, which was responded to quite well. I submitted several applications for grants/ fellowships during my time in the lab so far. However, my PI knows that I am URM and gave me an opportunity to submit a diversity supplement for a R01 grant she had for my current thesis topic. I was very excited to do this, but upon reviewing my application I saw that she too just assumed what minority group I belonged to and I felt hurt that she didn’t ask. There was also a signed letter from the diversity office which basically “confirmed” I was a URM student. Upon seeing that we were about to submit forms to the government which were falsely identifying me (which takes spots from students from this group) I called my family to ask if I should confront her and get her to change the forms. My mother and sister were furious, but my father said that I should keep my relationship with my advisor smooth. He asserted, like he has many times before, that people love to fill quotas and that it is easier to let it be. But, in my heart I just knew that it wasn’t right. I confronted my advisor and it broke my heart when she merely responded with a laugh “Oh, I just assumed. What are you?”. After telling her and justifying my identity once again, she said she would change it. I never know if she truly did, and she never really apologized. As a WW who is older, I know that some things that she says are out of pocket and not really PC. But I feel like I could never trust her again with anything personal after this, even though I only considered her as my boss in the first place. 
My lab no longer really feels like home. Not like it ever did. With recent events such as the coronavirus pandemic/ protests against police brutality and systemic racism I feel extremely disappointed in the handling of this situation by my mentor. My mentor assumed that everyone would be just as excited to get back to research, asserting that COVID-19 wouldn’t be a big deal and working in a building where rules haven’t really been well-established would be fine (because of x, y, z statistics from the surrounding hospitals). She also asserted that she wouldn’t be there and tried to bend the capacity rules to help our lab have more people working. And the last thing that she said after many conversations with our group about returning to research was that if we didn’t feel comfortable, we didn’t need to come in. That struck a chord. The first thing you should ask people is if they feel okay, and assert that their comfort is paramount.  My mentor, who has made research her life (which is a choice and that’s fine), said we could make up for lost time with a 7 day work week and the last thing she asked was about our comfort. That speaks volumes about my university and the awful environment that so many graduate students have to face. I felt extremely pressured to go back to work-- but I still haven’t gone. In terms of protests and racial injustice/ police brutality, my mentor sent out ONE email about the current state of the nation. It was all fluff, all wishing that the city stays safe from looting. No resources to support Black people or our community. It was all from a place of privilege, one that puts property above people. This is all while other labs are having important conversations about racism, giving out resources and taking strong stances to be anti-racist. I have never felt more alone in this space. As a student of color, I have not received any words of support from my mentor. All I have are half-assed emails from our diversity office and program that basically have done nothing. I have attended university town halls that have been superficial and frustrating. Everything about graduate school makes me want to drop out with my master’s more and more everyday. And I don’t even feel like I can tell my advisor this, because our relationship will never recover. 
I struggle with my personal feelings as a student of color and my academic career. I’ve reached out to my family asking it if it would be appropriate to try to leave the lab over this, to switch mentors. It just doesn’t seem clear. But I am tired of being asked to validate who I am. I am tired of my colleagues assuming who I am, of saying “Oh I forgot you were x, sorry”. I am tired of academia being so white, so awful, but not being enough of any group as a multiracial student to really feel like I have a sense of belonging with other URM. 
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
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Free Education University
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    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
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Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
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Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
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“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
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“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
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richmeganews · 6 years ago
Recruiting Women to Online Dating Was a Challenge
“Abstinence ... Animal rights ... Very conservative ... Marijuana OK ... Children should be given guidelines ... Religion guides my life ... Make charitable contributions ... Would initiate hugs if I wasn’t so shy ... Enjoy a good argument ... Have to-do lists that seldom get done ... Sweet food, baked goods ... Artificial or missing limbs ... Over 300 pounds ... Drag ... Exploring my orientation ... Women should pay.”
By the fall of 1994, Gary Kremen was working toward launching the first dating site online, Match.com. There was another four-letter word for love, he knew, and it was data, the stuff he would use to match people. No one had done this, so he had to start from scratch, drawing on instinct and his own dating experience.
Generating data—based on the interests of a person in categories such as the ones he was typing out on his PC (“Mice/gerbils or similar ... Smooth torso/not-hairy body”)—would be the key to the success of Match; it was what would distinguish electronic dating from all other forms. He could gather data about each client—attributes, interests, desires for mates—and then compare them with other clients to make matches. With a computer and the internet, he could eliminate the inefficiencies of thousands of years of analog dating: the shyness, the missed cues, the posturing. He would provide customers with a questionnaire, generate a series of answers, then pair up daters based on how well their preferences aligned.
This post is adapted from Kushner’s new book.
Kremen started from his own experience—putting down the attributes that mattered to him: education, style of humor, occupation, and so on. With the help of others, the headings on the list grew—religious identity/observance, behavior/thinking—along with subcategories, including 14 alone under the heading of “Active role in political/social movements” (“Free international trade ... gender equality”). Before long, there were more than 75 categories of questions, including one devoted to sex—down to the most specific of interests (including a subcategory of “muscle” fetishes).
But the more he thought about it, the closer he came to an important realization: He wasn’t the customer. In fact, no guys were the customers. While men would be writing the checks for the service, they wouldn’t be doing anything if women weren’t there. Women, then, were his true targets, because, as he put it, “every woman would bring a hundred geeky guys.” Therefore, his goal was clear, but incredibly daunting: He had to make a dating service that was friendly to women, who represented just about 10 percent of those online at the time. According to the latest stats, the typical computer user was unmarried and at a computer for hours upon hours a week, so the opportunity seemed ripe.
To enrich his research into what women would want in such an innovation, Kremen sought out women’s input himself, asking everyone he knew—friends, family, even women he stopped on the street—what qualities they were looking for in a match. It was an essential moment, letting go of his own ego, understanding that the best way to build his market was to enlist people who knew more than him: women.
In his mind, if he could just put himself in their shoes, he could figure out their problems, and give them what they needed. He’d hand over his questionnaire, eager to get their input—only to see them scrunch up their faces and say “Ewwww.” The explicit sexual questions went down with a thud, and the notion that they would use their real names—and photos—seemed clueless. Many didn’t want some random guys to see their pictures online along with their real names, let alone suffer the embarrassment of family and friends finding them. “I don’t want anyone to know my real name,” they’d say. “What if my dad saw it?”
[Read: The lure of online dating is not, in fact, irresistible ]
Kremen went to Peng Ong and Kevin Kunzelman, the men who were developing programming for Match, and had them implement privacy features that would mask a customer’s real email address behind an anonymous one on the service. But there was a bigger problem: He needed a female perspective on his team. He reached out to Fran Maier, a former classmate from Stanford’s business school. Maier, a brash mother of two, had always been compelled, albeit warily, by Kremen—“his fanaticism, his energy, his intensity, his competition,” as she put it. When he ran into her at a Stanford event and told her about his new venture, he was just as revved. “We’re bringing classifieds onto the internet,” he told her, and explained that he wanted her to do “gender-based marketing” for Match.
Maier, who’d been working at Clorox and AAA, jumped at the chance to get in on the new world online as the director of marketing. To her, Kremen’s passion and pioneering spirit felt infectious. And the fact that he was turning over the reins to her felt refreshingly empowering, given the boys’ club she had been used to in business. Maier showed up to the basement office with pizza and Chinese food and got to work.
One day, an engineer at Match asked her, “What weight categories do you want in the questionnaire?” She arched her brow. “Oh no,” she said. “We’re not asking that.” Women never want to put down their weight, she explained to the dubious guys. Instead, she had them include a category for body type—athletic, slim, tall, and so on. She also cut down Kremen’s intimidating laundry list of questions. Fewer questions enticed more people to register, which meant a larger database and a greater selection of potential matches.
But they had a catch-22. Women weren’t going to join unless there were other women online. Maier, along with other women brought on to help spread the word, started by recruiting friends. They created a logo—a radiant red heart inside a purple circle—and printed up promotional brochures. To entice people to try out the service, they held promotional events at happy hours in Palo Alto, where the turnout was generally, as the Match marketing executive Alexandra Bailliere put it, “30 guys with pocket protectors and no women in sight.”
Trish McDermott, a marketing executive who’d worked for a matchmaking firm and founded a dating-business trade association, and the others would slip on fake wedding bands to ward off the guys. “Are you interested in meeting new people?” she’d say. “This is a new dating site, like personals in the newspaper but it’s on the internet.” Then she’d get a blank stare as the person would ask, “What’s the internet?”
They weren’t just targeting heterosexual women; they were going for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities. Match’s marketing consultant, Simon Glinsky, pointed out to Kremen how the gay community had already been early adopters online, using bulletin boards and nascent communities such as America Online, CompuServe, and Prodigy for dating. Glinsky related from his own experience, having grown up in Georgia, where meeting other gays was a struggle.
Glinsky went to a gay computer club, where members gathered to talk about AOL and the latest deals at Radio Shack, to explain Match to the crowd. Match held a promotion during a gay skate night at a roller rink in Burlingame, just north of Palo Alto. Bailliere and Glinsky urged skaters to come over and learn more about Match, offering to take their photos with giant digital cameras—which seemed exotic at the time. One by one, the skaters marveled at seeing their faces appear on the computers, and word began to spread.
The San Francisco Examiner ran an early piece on Match, speculating that it could transform the “grand old dating game,” as it put it. “What happens when singles have an alternative to bars,” the article went on, “and don’t just meet based on first impression/physical attractiveness alone?”
[Read: The 5 years that changed dating]
On April 21, 1995, Kremen launched Match.com. Match was a free service, supported by ads, with the idea to charge for subscriptions when it grew. And there was only one way for it to reach that point. “We need more women!” Kremen shouted, storming through their basement office. “Everyone wants to go to a party where there’s women!” he said. “Every woman means 10 guys join!”
Since they didn’t have any women besides their own employees and their handful of friends, they had to create some themselves. Maier dispatched interns to Usenet groups, where they posted laudatory reviews of Match. When Rolling Stone wanted to run a piece on Match, along with a sample profile of a female member, the women at the office scrambled to invent one. Bailliere drew the short straw, slipped a black jacket over a white T-shirt, and smiled for the camera. Her fake profile, “Sally,” said she was seeking a 25-to-35-year-old guy for an Activities Partner, Short Term Romance, or Long Term Romance to “go hiking and have LOTS of fun.” (Match.com did not respond to a request for comment.)
Having her profile, albeit fake, in a high-profile magazine sent a stream of messages to the email Bailliere had set up. A German in Brazil told her he wanted to use her to re-create Nazi youth camps, and became so obsessive that she grew nervous. “Gary,” she told Kremen, “I don’t know who this person is or if he’s really even in Brazil.” Concerned, the team worked with consultants to develop safety guidelines, such as meeting prospective men from the internet in public places. Maier had them market Match as “safe, anonymous, and fun.” They also invented self-policing tools for people on Match—such as giving them the ability to block and report others for bad behavior.
The site’s PR executive, McDermott, began hosting a weekly chat session called “Tuesdays With Trish” to dole out dating advice. She billed Match as the dating solution for the emerging online generation. “We’re delaying marriage,” she’d tell reporters. “Many of us moved away from home, and many were just moving from suburbs and starting careers and we lost all that fabric of informal matchmaking when we stay home … You can put a profile up this morning and that night have a response waiting for you.”
This post is adapted from David Kushner’s new book, The Player’s Ball: A Genius, a Con Man, and the Secret History of the Internet’s Rise.
The post Recruiting Women to Online Dating Was a Challenge appeared first on .
The post Recruiting Women to Online Dating Was a Challenge appeared first on .
from WordPress http://www.richmeganews.com/recruiting-women-to-online-dating-was-a-challenge/
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jbreinlinger · 6 years ago
The Wheat from the Chaff
If you’ve read any of my blog posts before, you may know that I hate the traditional 5-star feedback systems. I think they are missing so much opportunity and often present a false signal of quality.
I was chatting with the founder of interviewing.io recently and was pleasantly surprised that they are taking a big step forward in a feedback system that’s really designed to separate the proverbial wheat from the chaff.
It made me realize that we’ve all been making a big mistake with feedback systems.  In most marketplaces, we’ve been operating in a one size fits all mode.  Everyone from eBay to Uber to Upwork to Amazon uses a 5-star feedback system on competed transactions to accomplish two very distinct goals.  
Marketplaces have been misusing  the 5 stars to poorly accomplish both of these goals.  
Goal 1) prevent bad transactions from happening in the future.  (Expel bad)
Goal 2) identify the highest quality good or service.  (Retain & Optimize great)
The standard 5-star system has unwittingly accomplished the first goal of preventing bad transactions, although you really only need a 2 or 3 point scale to accomplish the same thing.  However, due to a variety of reasons —> the 5-star system does a terrible job at identifying the highest quality good or service.  I believe it’s naive to think that the same approach can both identify the worst and the best in a marketplace.  Note that for some marketplaces the goal may be only to prevent bad transactions (Uber / Lyft) while in some other marketplaces (Farfetch / Toptal), the goal should really just be about identifying the best.  Depends if you’re a commodity or master marketplace.
I’d like to use this post to explore how to do a better job of identifying the best.  Let’s proceed.
Why don’t 5 star feedback systems work to identify the best services or goods?
I’ve blogged about this topic, see here.   There are multiple issues:
There is massive grade inflation - I adequate.
There is an apathy problem - I don’t care to take the energy to rate a middling service.   
I want reciprocity - if I rate something 3 stars, will I be punished by the other user?
I have misaligned incentives - do I really care about the future users of a marketplace or do I mostly care about myself?
The result of all these things is that you end up with tons of “5-star” rated users or products and can’t tell the difference between them.   
I’m not going in depth on this one since you can read all about it here.  
Let’s talk about what elements could truly improve the ability of feedback systems to identify the best?
To Chess:
ELO ratings have been around since about 1960 and do a remarkably good and accurate force ranking of worldwide chess players.  (My ELO ranking on chess master pro is a wimpy 1150 - a bright beginner).  There are millions of chess players in the world, and I believe the vast majority of serious players know their ELO ranking and also know exactly what it means to be 1000, 1500, or 2000.  It’s also remarkably accurate and a very good predictor of the outcome of a match. 
As a thought experiment, could we rank all of the CEOs in the world in the same way? Could we rank all of the sales people in the same way? The answer is probably not - but there’s still a lot to be learned.  ELO ratings work so well because chess is purely a game of skill (no chance or external factors involved) and every game is a pairwise competition involving 2 and only 2 players.  So we’ll never get to be as clean and accurate as chess, but shouldn’t we try? How valuable would it be if we knew a forced ranking of every software developer in the world? We don’t even need to be that accurate. If we could merely separate the top quartile, we would have ridiculously valuable data for recruiting and hiring.  We actually invested in a company that was using pairwise (1 vs 1) competition style rankings of people to generate this exact data.  It didn’t work out for external factors, but I still believe the data would have been highly accurate and incredibly valuable.  
The lesson we should take from ELO ratings is really the same lesson all of us learned in  college.  People should be graded on a curve.  In marketplace 5-star lingo, someone who gets 4.8 stars might actually be 10 times better than a 4.7 person.  Or they might be the same.  Just need to graph out the distribution curve of feedback and grade people according to a standard deviation.  In ELO rankings, this happens naturally by bumping people up or down the scale based in their wins or losses versus other users.  This can be accomplished easily in a marketplace if the same user has ranked 10 different things.  
And now, off to Dribbble:
Who’s the best graphic designer in the world? It’s a very tough question to answer, but Dribbble provides some answers.  You can go to their site and sort descending by number of likes.   Pretty damn good designers at the top.  This user-generated data based on likes (and not on feedback) is way more meaningful to separate the wheat from the chaff.    
And to Google:
Google is truly the innovator here.  SEO should serve as a very informative field since Google does a pretty good job of picking the top 1-10 webpages out of 30 trillion options for every search query.   To oversimplify everything, Google started with the observation that website links were a great indicator of authority and importance.  Over the past 20 years, they’ve added another 150+ behavioral factors to assess importance and relevance of any webpage to any search query.  One of the great (and scary) parts of this whole Internet thing is that we can track and analyze pretty much everything that everyone does online.  So, we know if people spend 5 seconds or 5 minutes looking at a profile.  Or if they hit like at a 20% rate or a 2% rate.   I believe that behavioral data — data about time on page, click-thru %, % like rate, etc will be one of the more meaningful opportunities to identify the best in any network of lots of people or goods.    
Marketplaces are WAY behind - most have a single search relevance function based on some sort of keyword and a simple feedback score sort option.   Over time, marketplaces will develop more advanced algorithms that incorporate more behavioral data - things like job approval rate %, message response time, on-time delivery %, etc.  
Who’s the best chef in the world?
Easy.  Just look at the 180 or so 3-star Michelin chefs.  It’s probably one of those. Why doesn’t a similar ranking system exist for VCs, founders, sales reps, software developers, or admin assistants.  Well, for one - the Michelin guide is a unique and amazing institution.  Two -  nobody has really tried.  Could you survey and ask 10,000 people who is the best VC you’ve ever worked with directly? What would the results be? Would they be correlated with the VC performance?  I started a habit several years ago that has been very helpful in my career.  After most meetings, if there’s a good connection, the 2 parties ask, “how can I help?”  I’ve tried several different asks  but my favorite is to simply ask for, “please introduce me to the best entrepreneur you know.”  Interestingly enough, most people have no problem identifying who that is and I get some fabulous intros this way.  However, if I asked for, please introduce me to all the 5-star entrepreneurs you know, I think the results would be very different and I’d be left with all the filtering on my plate.  I strongly believe that humans are exceptionally good at assessing relative quality and absolutely terrible at assessing absolute value.  It’s easy to answer which hamburger was better - McDonalds or Roam Burger.  It’s very hard to answer, how good was McDonalds.  
Is my dad qualified as a VC?
I love my dad - he’s as unique as they come, a lifelong electrical engineer, and he’s grown an interest in startup and angel investing.  He met a random startup entrepreneur and decided to invest.  I checked out the profile and thought it was in the bottom 20% of founders I’ve met.  So - the question is - who is more qualified to rank the founders?  And should it matter? I believe it does, but every single marketplace I know treats all user feedback the same.  A Yelp review from a Michelin food critic counts just as much as the Yelp review from an annoying teenager that got rude service on their Groupon date. How could that possibly be the right approach?  User authority and relevance is still completely missing from marketplace feedback systems.  Marketplaces will eventually follow in Google’s footsteps by introducing some notion of user authority.  
We’re clearly still in the early days of marketplace science.  We’re doing ok with our current systems to identify the negative users and products in a marketplace.  But, we have a very long way to go to get great at separating the wheat from the chaff and identifying the absolute best people and products. 
I believe the biggest opportunities are in the following themes: 
1) Grading on a curve (ELO)
2) Analyzing user behavior
3) Asking for relative vs absolute value (who’s better / best)
4) Utilizing user authority (like PageRank)
5) Using more social signals (like Dribbble)
If you’re a marketplace entrepreneur out there doing interesting things to improve feedback science, please do reach out.  Would love to hear from you.  
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
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Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
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Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
Tumblr media
“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
Tumblr media
“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
Tumblr media
Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
Tumblr media
Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
Tumblr media
“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
Tumblr media
“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
Tumblr media
 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
Tumblr media
Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
Tumblr media
Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
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“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
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“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
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Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
Tumblr media
Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
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“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
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“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
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Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
Tumblr media
Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
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“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
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“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
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Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
Tumblr media
Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
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“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
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“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
Tumblr media
Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
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Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
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“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
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“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
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Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
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Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
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“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
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“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
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Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
Tumblr media
Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
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“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
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“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Free Education University
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/free-education-university/
Free Education University
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Is a 17 course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!
Free Education University is an all-inclusive, eleven course curriculum that teaches you how to find the right financial opportunities to fund your higher education and graduate debt free!  
How to write your admissions and scholarship essays  
How to find scholarships and grants specifically tailored to your personality type, hobbies, college major(s), and much more!  
How to get grants for trade or vocational school, community colleges, or a university 
How to graduate DEBT FREE!
Regular price is $400. Buy now for $89!
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Growing up in a single-parent home, Matthew was acutely aware of the financial difficulties surrounding him, his mother and his two brothers. By the time he reached high school, Matthew was determined to find a way to fund his education, and 8 years later he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees debt-free without ever taking out a student loan. He was able to receive money for books, gas, clothing, food, rent, tuition, and off campus training programs. Since completing his own education by achieving a B.S. Degree and Master’s Degree, Matthew has dedicated his career to helping others fund their education in the same way he did. His advice has inspired and assisted hundreds of students and families to fund their education.
WEEK 1: FIND YOUR PURPOSE The course begins by helping you discover what you want to study and why. You might know what you want to study already, however, this course will help uncover some hidden discoveries about yourself!
Learn the fundamentals, terms, and strategies that pertain to finding monetary sources for your higher education. Understand how these basics can be translated into stipends, on-campus jobs, grants, and scholarships.
This is the first question I ask everyone I work with. It is an important one because it gives you and I a broad sense of who you are, what you like, and why you like it. This will be the first part of your story, and while you are sharing this I will be connecting this content to funding resources. You will not only walk away with some resources, but a knowing that everything you are is important and can be turned into funding.
There are literally 100s of scholarships and funding opportunities that pertain to your work and volunteer experiences. Don’t get stuck on conventional things. Remember, everything matters!
The process of embracing your obstacles can lead to understanding why you do what you do. The “WHY” will be your ‘Golden Nugget’ used for funding opportunities, interviews, relationship building, the scholarship application/essay, and your personal college essay, just to name a few. Get ready to share who you are.
In a world of black and white and conforming to the society around us, it is nice to be able to kick back and express your true self. In this installment, we are going to get to the root of “you” and your interests. Believe it or not, uniqueness has a huge role in how potential recruiters will make their decision on accepting you into certain schools and programs.
That’s right, if you could do anything or be anything, what would that look like for you. Could you create a job that would completely define who you are? How amazing would it be if you could create the perfect job for you by simply writing the job description to match your personality and individuality?
You will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much you are able to get from the sources you uncover.This is a very relevant question in this course, as you will need to know where your funding is coming from and how much are you able to get from these sources. You will also need to understand how to manage these sources and the organizational skills that it will require to maximize the effectiveness needed to help pay your way through school.
Google has helped transform the world in this technological and information era. In this course, you will learn how Google can be one of your best searching tools to help you find un-utilized scholarships and grants or internship programs with amazing benefits.
It is not who you know, but WHO KNOWS YOU. Learn how to stand out with the people reviewing your materials so they see beyond the words you’ve written. Let them get to know you in writing and in person. This is what you will be walking away within this course.
This is the moment you have been working towards. Whether it is a personal essay for college admittance or for scholarships and grants, an application is the final phase between you and your goal of earning the opportunity to receive grants and scholarships. This course will walk you through the application process. Let’s start turning in materials to get you money.
This course is about realizing that failure is just an opportunity to grow and change; to learn what works and what doesn’t. throughout this curriculum, I’ve shared what works and pointed out the things that don’t. Now is the time to take the plunge for yourself! Remember, there is no such thing as failure, which will give you the opportunity to change your strategy and become stronger and more successful in the funding world in order to help your education flourish. CONGRATULATIONS! You have finished this curriculum!
There is Scholarship Money for Everyone Click the Links to Find Out More!
Dos and Don’ts To Getting Funding 
Student Stories Examples 
How to-Writing a High School Resume 
Personal Profile to help the counselor 
Help Student Talk with the Recommender 
Sample Student Resume 
To Help Recommenders get Started 
Curriculum Outline 
Scholarship Opportunies Off The Beaten Path 
Scholarships From Your Passion to Read
Tumblr media
Matthew is a walking multi-utility knife: he was a chemistry lab assistant when it wasn’t even his major; he got into college affordably thanks to his musical scholarship; and by the time he became a career advisor, he had taught college level biology, algebra, statistics, and had lectured in front of hundreds of people.
He’s a man who knows how to get things done, but more importantly, he knows how to network, and networking has always been the key to his success. He is the Associate Director at Prescott College, almost right next to his Arizona home, where he shares his methods on how to get the funding for college so that students can go to college for free.
Matthew has a diverse family, of two brothers who work in Hollywood, a father who works in the health industry, and a mother who runs her own company selling construction equipment. Quite a cast of characters, Matthew included, and what a cast of people that make up his network. There’s no denying he is a powerful talent in his field, and his advice has inspired and assisted students tremendously.
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“My undergraduate and graduate studies would have cost me over $70,000, but I was able to go to school without taking out any loans by successfully obtaining scholarships, grants, and sponsorships from organizations, and MUCH MORE.
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“Scholarships are not an easy to tackle, so I thought. Matthew absolutely changed my entire outlook on scholarship hunting.”
When does the course start and finish? The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish. How long do I have access to the course? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own. What if I am unhappy with the course? We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Copyright 2019 | thelearning.institute
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
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