#I enjoy listening to him speak
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zetterbabe · 9 months ago
chucky on the upcoming series (06.04.24)
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nipuni · 2 years ago
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Once again I bring you some Eriks 😊
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seawaveleo · 7 months ago
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i am still on the first episode, it’s 1am
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thelastspeecher · 8 days ago
One of my favorite things in Redwall is when Martin the Warrior gives someone a dream but makes sure they don't remember the dream until The Right Moment, even if it's like, days later.
Sometimes he even tells them in the dream "hey you'll remember the rest of this on Thursday" so they remember part of the dream and that there was more, but not all of it.
One of my other favorite things in Redwall is when Martin the Warrior fuckign possesses someone for a little bit bc they weren't doing anything and they needed to do something so well guess ole Martin will have to step in AGAIN.
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bytewire · 14 days ago
I may not enjoy the old story, but I actually do quite like how gentle AL-AN’s voice was. Not that his current isn’t, but it is more flat and very straightforward. AL-AN originally had a lot more emotional undertones.
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royalich · 2 months ago
I am actually cracking up that my solavellan playthrough doesn't Canon the solavellan ending she kept her mouth shut because that was the last straw she said divorce and vanished
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zeb-z · 2 years ago
the beef that Cellbit and Cucurucho have is hysterical to me. Cucurucho is like I hope you enjoy the island :•] and Cellbit is like you are a joke you motherfucker you are bad at art you are bad at everything you fucking suck, if I could I would beat the everloving shit out of you, and Cucurucho is just like Hahaha :•] and Cellbit is like I am going to kill you
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prince--esque · 20 days ago
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I'm. Hm.
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majorshatterandhare · 1 year ago
Okay, accent/pronunciation post.
In Hereward the Wake, Tim pronounces “duty” with a /j/ (yod) which creates a pronunciation something like /ˈdjuː.ti/ in the IPA or “dyoo-tee” in English phonetic spelling. From what I can tell, this is one of two common pronunciations in English accents, the other being /ˈdʒuː.ti/ in the IPA or “djoo-tee” in English phonetic spelling. This second pronunciation features coalescence of the d and yod to create a dj sound. This can be contrasted by Rachel’s pronunciation of “duty” in Alice, which features yod dropping, and can be written as /ˈduː.ti/ in the IPA or “doo-tee” in English phonetic spelling. Although Tim is doing a very odd accent in Hereward, it doesn’t really matter in this case. In Riddle of the Sphinx he pronounces “introduced” with a coalescence of the d and yod (/ˌɪn. trə ˈdʒuːst/ or “in-truh-djoost”) and regardless of whether it is coalesced or not, as long as it’s not *dropped* it works for our purposes.
Okay, now we get into why this is funny to me. The yod-close back rounded vowel pair (/ju/ or “yoo”) comes to English from French. The French close front rounded vowel sound (/y/, I have no idea how I’d write this in English phonetic spelling, but make the inside of your mouth like you’re gonna say “ee” and your lips like your gonna say “oo” and that’s how you make it) came into English and was separated into /i/ and /u/ (or “ee” and “oo”) but then the /i/ was replaced with yod. This was not only applied to words that came from French, but also some pre-existing English words as well (and is now applied to foreign words once they’ve been in English long enough, like “Cuba”).
Now, when did the yod-close back rounded vowel pair enter English? Well, when was English heavily influenced by French? That’s right, when the Normans took over. And who fought the Normans? Hereward!
This lead me to the idea of an Anglish translation of Hereward the Wake. Has anyone done that yet?
[Note: information on the yod-close back rounded vowel pair came from this video by Dr. Geoff Lindsey; IPA representations were taken from the online Cambridge Dictionary and Wikictionary and adjusted where necessary (such as making “introduce” into “introduced”). Also I’m not actually positive that Tim doesn’t coalesce the d and yod in “duty”, it sounds kinda like both to me, but either way it comes from the French which is the important part for this post.]
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moonshynecybin · 10 months ago
It’s the way Marc spent most of his career on the top step next to vale where the crowd would just chant vale’s name even if Marc was the one that won and know vale has his academy riders on the podium and one of them won and Marc is the one everyone is screaming for and cheering for.
ah yes little known indie darling of motorsport. marc marquez.
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lemondoddle · 5 months ago
I don't know what I expected from reading American psycho, but I can tell you that having the first in-depth murder immediately followed by a four page chapter reviewing the band Genesis and Bateman getting a boner due to a psychic connection with Bono at a u2 concert was not on my list
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askchilchuck · 4 months ago
hello hello chilchuck! i have brought more music to share, it is the spooky season after all, so here’s some of my favorites to listen around this time! *i hand him two cds* the first one is the misfits, supper good stuff.
*i stare at the other cd* thats uh- the insane clown posse, icp for short. i dont know if youd like them?? but they’re an essential for this time of year. you can listen to them if your up to it, but if you do i think you should have this too *hands chilchuck a 2 liter of faygo*
well, i hope your octobers goin good. and have a nice day!!
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These guys are a little more… Violent… Than the last ones you’ve shown me… Is that really what’s cool with youth these days? Pretty scary if you ask me… Oh, that reminds me! He runs off for a second, and returns with a couple of CD in his hand.
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You always bring me music, so I wanted to find something to show you! The artists i know from back home don’t have any recordings of their work yet, the technology is still very unknown here since only a hand full of us know about it now, but the girls helped me get a hold of this band. He hands you some Clannad CDs. They’re very similar to what was popular when I was a kid. Their stuff is in Common, too, so you should be able to follow it pretty easy. I know it’s not the type of stuff you normally listen to, but I still think you’d like it.
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mirrortouchedsea · 1 year ago
Okay but like... the way in Night Club when Hinata starts opening up to Rinne and Rinne sees who he used to be so so clearly in Hinata. Feeling like the world believes your entire existence is wrong, nothing is going right, you just want to give up but you can't. Hinata comments that it's easy to open up to Rinne and I think part of that is just that Rinne intimately understands what Hinata is going through, trying to find himself in a world that he feels like an alien in. And while Rinne obviously doesn't like to be so upfront about his feelings, you can tell he's watching out for Hinata and encouraging him to act up and act out, to be loud because someone is proud of him and is glad that he's there (and now Rinne is in Hinata's corner and he's less alone than he was before).
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akkivee · 1 year ago
read a post that classified?? explained??? the various ways kuukou’s been written across hipumai’s media and it made laugh lol so it went
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functions on actual common sense
actually uses fundamental buddhist monk arguments
his father will tell him to do something and he will actually do it diligently
the kuukou with the least corrupt personality
a completely pure individual. purity at its finest
he’s living his best life out here, the kinda guy that excitedly runs to his dad to show off his decorations, and had a blast celebrating halloween, christmas, hinamatsuri etc
adults tend to treat him to food
will also throw away the mattress his teammate sleeps on
the kuukou with the most corrupt personality
drama tracks/manga:
a healthy 19 year old that may have experience with women
the kinda guy who will sing a song like get busy and can also make a lady ghost experience nirvana
because of an intense and overwhelming love for his family, he will occasionally adopt a buddha-like tone of voice
he has a corrupt personality
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sergeantjessi · 1 month ago
Finished watching Doug's "GTA 5 Chaos Mod but if I break the law I explode" VOD today and I'm just now realising how much I like to listen to Parkzer. Good voice. Good way of talking. 10/10 would listen to him for hours. How did I not realise this sooner omggg
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pardonmydelays · 1 year ago
hello! do u have any favorite clips of lins voice? moreso I mean his speaking one! I find it very calming and nice to listen to! especially when it's particularly deep and raspy like when he's on an early morning talk show/interview
so... i once watched this whole thing & i couldn't understand a single word, but i love when he speaks spanish, just close your eyes & listen.
but honestly, i agree with you, it's not only his singing voice but his speaking one too, there is just something about it that makes me feel so calm even when i'm sooo stressed, idk, it's like a little reminder for me that i can actually stop for a second & just breathe... if that makes sense. idk bro, he is the light of my life.
there is also this entire playlist of sad sad conversation that i linked in my previous ask & it honestly feels like he was talking directly to you, it's so nice to listen to his voice when he is recording himself, it's so natural & awesome but he's also super funny & entertaining.
this thing sent today by mysterious anon is also totally worth listening to!
there's also this (so special to me & i can't even explain why), this will denifitely make you cry & feel so many things at once, i very often go back to this one as well for no reason at all, it's just nice to listen to.
& as a bonus i'm just gonna leave this here...
i don't know what's going on here. but it's amazing. & you're welcome.
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