#I do not like using the term kin shift typically
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qimicloud · 8 months ago
This is going both on this blog AND in the tags because I'm that.... embarrassed isn't the right word, neither is shy. Alas. You get the idea. Unfortunately my place for putting these sort of thoughts has been barred from me atm so
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blackcatsnest · 2 months ago
The meaning of "Solas" and its influences
While researching lore for my solavellan fanfic (if you are interest, see here), I came across something intriguing that I haven’t seen much discussion about in the fandom. Solas once said, “I was Solas first. Fen’Harel came later. An insult I took as a badge of pride.” This implies that Solas was his original and "only" name before he chose to rebel against his kins.
This raises an interesting question: do spirits even use names? From what I remember (and correct me if I am wrong), in the game spirits are typically referred to by their nature—Spirit of Justice is Justice, Demon of Spite is Spite, and so on. The only exception is Cole, but he gained his name by assuming the identity of the real Cole. This suggests that spirits don’t have the same sense of individualism as mortals. However, if they embody or manifest in a physical form, they might adopt a name that reflects their nature or experiences. This leads to an interesting possibility: Solas might not have had a name until Mythal crafted him a body. But why would Solas, a spirit of wisdom, choose a name associated with pride? (And it can also mean 'stand tall,' which carries a more positive aspect while still hinting at pridefulness—thanks for the reminder from @smoggyfogbottom )Here are two potential theories:
Theory 1: The trauma of becoming physical twisted his essence into pride.
The process of taking on a body is said to be very traumatic, maybe that altered Solas at his core, leading him to identify himself as pride rather than wisdom. However, I find this theory unconvincing. At the beginning of their creation, the Evanuris were still performing good deeds, and Solas served Mythal and her people as an advisor. This indicates that the spiritual purpose of the Evanuris wasn’t significantly altered right away. While the act of taking on a body may have been distressing, it likely wasn’t as severe as the transformation spirits undergo when crossing the Veil and becoming demons instantly. Thus, there’s little reason for Solas to call himself "pride" immediately after gaining a body.
Theory 2: The name originally meant wisdom, but the meaning changed over time.
It’s possible that the word Solas initially conveyed the idea of wisdom or something closely related, but its meaning was later distorted to represent pride. This wouldn’t be the first instance of a name or term being twisted over time. For example, the meaning of Fen’Harel has been confirmed to have changed. According to the Codex, Fen’Harel does not mean “God of Deception” or “Trickster,” but rather “God of Rebellion” or even “God of Noble Struggle.”
Codex entry: The Rebel God The Dalish use "Harellan" to mean "traitor to one's kin," but the word does not appear in any elven text before the Towers Age. The ancient root-word is related to "harillen," or opposition, and "hellathen," or noble struggle. The Dalish call Fen'Harel a god of deception, but I posit a far more accurate translation would be "god of rebellion." What he rebelled against is a story lost to time. In Dalish legends, Fen'Harel seals away the other deities out of love of trickery. If we understood more ancient elven, we might find earlier versions of the Dread Wolf's story give him a more nuanced motivation beyond spite.
-From A Treaty on the Pagan and Heretical Customs of the Elven, by Senallen Tavernier of the University of Orlais, commissioned by Empress Celene.
If this distortion of meaning could happen with Fen’Harel, it’s plausible that the name Solas experienced a similar fate. The question then becomes: when did this shift in meaning occur?
The Codex notes that the word Harellan—first appeared in the Towers Age. This suggests that the meaning of the root of the word, Fen’Harel, and the related terms Solas, were changed much earlier, potentially as soon as Solas led the rebellion. The Evanuris likely employed highly effective propaganda to paint their enemy in a negative light, which endured for thousands of years.
But where were Solas’s supporters and allies in all this? After the Veil was created and its devastating consequences unfolded, many likely turned against him, resenting him for the chaos and suffering that followed. Others may have felt betrayed or abandoned. Over time, they may have forgotten that it was Solas who freed them from slavery, focusing instead on the cost of his actions.
An additional point of interest lies in the timing of the word Harellan’s emergence in the Towers Age. This coincides with the birth of Flemeth and her eventual possession by Mythal. The Codex containing this information is found in the Temple of Mythal, which seems too significant to dismiss as mere coincidence. Could Flemeth/Mythal have influenced the Towers Age Dalish to create Harellan and deepen the misrepresentation of Fen’Harel’s true nature?
If so, what was Mythal/Flemeth’s motivation? We know that Mythal and Solas’s relationship was never a healthy one—there were certainly elements of manipulation involved, and many people even believe Mythal was abusive towards him. Perhaps she still harbored grudges against him? Having a trusted subordinate rebel against you would have been both humiliating and deeply personal. In some ways, Solas’s actions may have even contributed to her death. So she seeks revenge, even after all these years? We have no way to be certain. But her action did denied Solas further from his legacy as a liberator. Now he is reduced to a villain in the eyes of future generations completely.
This is why I think Mythal is definitely not the noble and innocent figure Solas would like us to believe, and why their relationship may not have been a romantic one. I imagine their dynamic to be more like a superior and subordinate, or perhaps a mother and son, mixed with thousands of years of friendship. In one word—complicated. I also believe there’s more to the story of Andraste, who is implied to have been possessed by Mythal at some point. Morrigan once remarked that Andraste “runs off and falls in love with a wild man,” suggesting that she and Maferath had a genuine emotional bond. If there is no Maker, as Solas claims, why then would Maferath become jealous and betray Andraste? Could it be that Mythal sought to destroy the Tevinter Imperium to restore Elven glory, but the war dragged on for too long? Perhaps Maferath saw no end in sight and felt it was all spiraling out of control. This would be an interesting topic to explore further.
But back to our current discussion: the impact of these shifts in meaning is significant. Imagine waking up with the hope of seeing a better future, only to find that everyone now calls you a traitor. While Dragon Age lore doesn’t specifically state that names influence people directly, it’s common sense that names represent how others perceive you—and this perception undoubtedly affects self-image. Over time, even Solas begins to acknowledge himself as the God of Lies, believing deception is inherent to his nature, even though he uses lies only as tactics.
And let’s be honest—he’s a terrible liar! He leaves hints everywhere, unable to fully conceal the truth. Moreover, spirits reflect people’s thoughts and emotions, and at his core, Solas is still a spirit. Can we blame him for struggling under the weight of these misinterpretations and the world’s expectations?
It seems Lavellan understood his nature better than most. She said, “Lies of the heart? No.” That simple statement cuts to the truth of who he is.
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What is a para? I have seen the term a lot in madd circles and suspect is has to do with paracosms yet people use the term to refer to what seem to be like character/ ocs like an entity? What does it mean. Could u break down the common used terms in the madd community and perhaps some other kin things or give links or find where I might find information? -from someone who also has madd
Sure, with pleasure!
In short, a para is a character in your daydream. If I recall correctly, the term was created because "oc" didn't feel fitting, as madders often spend a lot of time daydreaming, and therefore most have a special bond with their characters.
As for some other madd terms, well! (in very simple terms once again)
A paracosm is a world/storyline you daydream about!
You might also find the terms immersive daydreamer and neuronarrator around. Those are terms for vivid daydreamers who's daydreams aren't maladaptive.
A parame is the "main character" of your daydream, the one you "fol.low" during.
A paraself is a version of you in your daydream.
For more about all this (more terms, resources,...), i'd like to redirect you to @acircusfullofdemons 's Ultimate Daydreamer's Guide , it's a great resource!
For kin vocab, it's quite large but I can give a few words of info ^^
Fictionkin, fictionfolk and isofic are terms for people who kin a character or pop culture creature.
Objectkin is similarly built: it is a term for people who kin objects.
Conceptkin follows the same pattern: term for people who kin concepts (like chaos, life, death, fear,...)
Otherkin is a word for the comm unity, a bit like alterhuman. It's an umbrella term.
Therians typically refers to people who kin animals existing on this Earth.
Kinsidering is a term reffering to discovering a new kin, thinking about it.
A mental shift refers to when you have a period of time during which you think like your kintype (more so than usual)
A phantom shift refers to a period of time during which you feel your phantom limbs, aka the limbs and body parts your kintype has, but your current form doesn't.
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wxlfbites · 2 years ago
After a decade of identifying as a therian, it is with a heavy heart that I drop the label for myself. I simply no longer feel any connection to the word which has now been morphed into something unrecognizable to me. I first awakened in 2012 and became involved in the online community in 2014. I have watched the many struggles and phases of misinterpretation come and go around multiple platforms. I’ve helped spread education when there was much misinformation to be managed. Not that I was any kind of huge influence in the grand scheme of things, but I’ve seen the things the community has been through and we’ve always fought tooth and nail. Now though, it seems the war has been lost…
This community has held a special place in my heart for a very long time. But unfortunately, there’s nothing left of what was once my home. Somehow, kids wearing cat masks and doing quadrobics on TikTok did in months what the “tumblr kin” and “fluff” before them couldn’t in years, dismantling decades of work trying to uphold the original culture and definitions of our elders. The current shift in usage of therian terminology, having spread to other platforms now, has led many of us old-timers to abandon the label because not only does it no longer describe what we are in a community setting, we’d also like to avoid being associated with the “TikTok therians”. This community has become more like a giant roleplay group than anything.
This is why I have personally switched to using older “were” language. Maybe it’s because it’s from a time when the community was flourishing with people who truly connected with each other through their shared animality, but calling myself a “were” has given me a sense of peace that I don’t think I’ve felt with therian in quite a while. I have two pinned posts about the “were” language if you want to use it too. The Were Community can be your way to remove yourself from the therian community, or its terminology can be just a way to rephrase how you would typically describe yourself in therian terms. Either way, I’m never going back to using the word therian for myself. I like were much better.
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wizardsfang · 1 month ago
Do you experience species dysphoria? Do you experience shifts? How do you like to refer to yourself in connection to your types?
Do you have the urge to make a den? If so, how do you deal with this urge? (Basing off of boar)
Does your unicorn deviate from the "typical" unicorn? If so, then in what ways?
Can you tell me more about your beast type? I also consider myself a beast and am quite interested in how we deviate because it is quite broad, all things considered
Q: Do I experience species dysphoria? How do I experience shifts? & how do I refer to myself in connection to my types?
In short, i do experience species dysphoria. However, it’s much more different than it used to be!
Nowadays a lot of my dysphoria derives from issues with stuff like fatphobia, but more often then not my kins actually help alleviate it! — Unless I’m just having an especially tough day, most of my species dysphoria derives from me not being “strong enough” to really feel good as my kins (seeing that most of my main kins are very physically powerful)
When I was younger I experienced A LOT of real severe species dysphoria. But as I’ve aged I’ve become more comfortable! This is honestly a story for another post though, so I’ll keep this briefer.
In regards to shifting, a lot of my shifting is mental! I have what I call “zoomies” which is essentially just maladaptive daydreaming; it allows me to mentally be wherever I want while I walk n run around my home :]!
Sometimes I have more behavioral shifts, but I keep this very controlled. Generally speaking the only behavioral changes I let be present are for silly things like dogs/yotes/foxes, in which yapping and vocalizations are frequent
And while I’m shifting, I don’t normally refer to myself as anything other than my name if im referring to myself at all. Though, shifts for more fictionkin related stuff sometimes benefit from specific names :3!
Otherwise, I just refer to myself as whatever creature I am.
Q: Do I have the urge to make a den? & How do I deal with it?
Short answer, yes! I get den & burrowing urges, especially when distressed.
And I deal with it by burrowing or making a makeshift den out of blankets, pillows, plushies, and my bed when it’s especially strong! Though honestly, I kind of consider my entire current bedroom my den due to how it is. So I don’t get the urges as often as I used to
I find a lot of comfort in my bedroom. It’s essentially for nothing other than sleeping and hiding away atp, and I think that really benefits me
Q: Does my unicorn kin deviate from a “typical” unicorn?
Oh absolutely it does. It’s actually a small point of personal strife for me, because I simply cant find unicorn media from others that’s very similar to me or what I experience
There’s another question I recieved that’s sort of similar so I’ll elaborate more there- but in short:
My unicorn kin is a hyper-carnivorous, physically unstable, embodiment of tragedy and loneliness. It’s borderline a concept kin all on its own. And when I say it’s physically unstable I mean it’s both a sort of violent kin that would pierce fascists on its horn & also just literally a shape-shifter type of creature
It’s really cool! At least to me! It’s also a very fun n whimsical experience despite how serious & sad it seems by the description above.
Link to elaboration on it here
Q: What is my beast kin like?
Ok truthfully, there’s actually more than one beast kin that exists for me.
But the primary 2 are:
A. a “featureless” smooth creature in comparison to many other animals. An aquatic quadruped mammalian (?) with no ears, borderline no tail, a small broad snout with small nostrils, glaring eyes, and a gnarly set of teeth & clawed paws.
Obviously it literally has features but in comparison to a lot of mammals or anything really it’s lacking a lot of things that would make it distinct, which ironically makes it distinct in terms of animals. So I call it a beast. Because it’s just,,, a thing?? This is a very old kin of mine that embodies a lot of my confidence & odder behavior. I feel it’s better described when drawn.
Its recently resurfaced today & is very present as a shift atm.
& B: a long, long, feathery dragonoid type beast with a flat face and a wide mouth that features gnarly teeth and tusks; Big round eyes like a hare; large and long hand paws; no ears; an unkept feathery plumage resembling a mane down its stupid noodle neck.
It’s a beast loosely attuned to an eastern dragon & is able to twist its body in unreasonable ways. Imagine movement sort of like the Cheshire cat- but for a very big fucked up thing. This is described as a beast cause- well- again it’s not properly any animal. It’s sort of just a thing.
Both of these, along with most other beasts, come with a lot of feeling alienated & feeling different or othered. Because they are obviously very specifically one way.
Im a psychological therian, one who believes that many of my kin types involuntarily develop as a means for me to cope with complex feelings & trauma. And if I were to psychoanalyze myself, I think the beast kins all (in some way) are how I express feeling odd or out of place in a positive way.
Being an undefined thing, a beast, has always been wildly appealing to me. Even from a young age. So it makes me really happy to get to be something that is properly all its own.
Being a beast is really freeing for me. Even when it’s negative stuff like aggression.
What about you? Id love to hear about your beast-isms :3!!
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moonpool-system · 9 months ago
How your discovered that you are system? Did you have doubts? Were you even wrong about systems and thought some stuff was normal, or not a system thing? How you understood that you are polyfrag, and not just a DID system? Alsoooo... Silly question, but, how you understand that you are fictive, or certain fictive? Urge to call yourself with certain name? Memories? Feeling it's not your body?
Hello! Thank you for the questions and the patience!!
> How we discovered we're a system?
Well we actually didn't go through a typical "syscovery" - we started out thinking we were a singlet, and created an intentional headmate via tulpamancy. Turns out our fascination with plurality wasn't just curiosity, and we'd actually been monoconscious for as long as we can remember beforehand! Badeline was probably our very first polyconscious member.
> Did we ever think some stuff was normal and not a system thing when it actually was?
This connects to the last question, yeah we really struggled to figure it out at first due to being monoconscious and median. Our first experience with being aware of our plurality was polyconscious and partitionary, so it took a very long time to realize my/our identity alterations weren't JUST kin shifts, they were very definitely overarching facets that different kintypes are aligned under.
> How did we understand we're polyfrag and not just a DID system?
Honestly it took us a long time to come around to this even though the signs were pretty obvious. We've called ourselves polyplural for a long time, since there was no way to ignore the drastically complicated & layered headspace, the extremely high new member rate/system count, and the very specific/complex system functioning we have. There were two reasons we held off from the term - we didn't think we had "enough" fragments (we'd only identified one or two for a long while, in part due to denial), and we didn't think we'd experienced "enough" trauma. Both of these happened to be coincidentally solved by us introjecting a(nother) subsystem of *entirely* fragments, now due to extreme past life trauma/phoenitrauma. It kinda made us realize... we were gatekeeping our own trauma?? That has drastically affected our functioning and recovery journey??? That was just as intense as (or even more than) our isolation, abuse, autism socialization trauma, and more??? We decided we can't keep doing this to ourselves, and we need to look for help and resources for our fragments. We looked back on our system and there're so many more than we first thought. They deserve healing too and we're not going to let them be cut off from those resources. We're still objectively polyfragmented even though we don't understand the psychology behind it 100%, and that has to be okay. We're fighting feeling unwelcome under the label every single day.
> How to tell you've switched to a fictive identity?
Well personally for me&, it's very much a sort of "shapeshifting" feeling, of "becoming" an identity in a much more drastic and all-encompassing way than a kin shift. My gender, preferred pronouns, likes, dislikes, tastes, and hobbies might shift on a dime to the point I find distaste in those sorts of things that contrast in other facets. I feel like I wish to be looked upon differently and seen as a different variant of myself. It's comforting in some contexts and stressful in others, tbh. But being monoconscious is weird so yea. With our polycon fictives we can usually tell when it's a fictive forming rather than finding a kintype because there's a very distinct *that's not me* feeling
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a-dragons-journal · 2 years ago
Hello dragon's-journal! Happy Otherkin Day!!! ✨😋✨ So I run a kobold blog, and kobolds have been my gender for about 10 months now. But a few days ago I had an undeniable kin feeling of a snout on my face! What are some methods, tricks, or resources I can use to better connect with wherever these kin feelings are coming from?
(Also, while I do have a kobold sona I use, the snout I felt was LONGER!!! How do I fully get to know this other kobold (if it even is a kobold!) that I'm connected to?)
So, for one thing, if this is the only thing that's happened to point you toward 'kinity, I'm gonna gently say - hold your horses a bit there, champ. Phantom shifts just happen sometimes, to everybody; they're not by any means a 100% indicator of a kintype. (We even have a word for when a non-'kin person runs across the 'kin community, spends a bunch of time reading about us, and then suddenly starts experiencing phantom shifts, "shifter's disease.")
So, give yourself a bit more than a few days, first off, mayhaps. See if it happens again; spend some time thinking about what's making you think you might be koboldkin.
That being said, I'm gonna toss you a handful of links with advice on questioning:
This guide to questioning (and definitions of basic terms) by @/shadowfae
A list of places to interact with other nonhumans
While I don’t have a list onhand, websites are going to be a good place to find writings people have published about their experiences, especially if the tag for your kintype on Tumblr is underwhelming - I’ll recommend this page: https://houseofchimeras.weebly.com/bookmarks.html (please note that that website's no longer being updated and has moved to houseofchimeras.neocities.org/) for a place to get started finding those. (Generally speaking, whenever you find a good alterhuman website, they’ll likely have a Bookmarks, References, Further Reading, etc. page full of links to other websites. Find that page and go through it to find other good websites, and then rinse and repeat.)
My “questioning” tag, which has both posts talking about general advice and posts answering specific questions (and posts with people talking about their own questioning processes)
A list of typical experiences for various alterhuman identities (note typical, not required or universal)
My general “kin resources” tag has A Lot in it, a lot of which is not going to be relevant to you specifically, but it’s there if you want to peruse it
Hopefully that's helpful! Please don't hesitate to stop by again if you have any more specific questions.
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yourpeepysucksdotorg · 1 year ago
Yourpeepysucksdotorg Homepage
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Abt Me
Hi! You can call me Legwarmer. My pronouns are she/he/they.
I am spiritual otherkin and have multiple kintypes. I am also a diagnosed DID system, my system blog is @dreamcircuitsys !!!
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Abt Yourpeepysucksdotorg
The reason I created this blog is to have a safe space to post about my experiences with being otherkin, especially my main ID, as well as to learn more about this community and myself.
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Abt My Otherkinity & My Kintypes
I’m spiritual otherkin - I’ve lived past lives as all my kintypes! That’s where their names come from :] Below you can find a list of all my kintypes and the names I use when shifted!
💜 White Footed Purple Fuzz Peepy (Itemlabel) Legwarmer - She/Her
🍦Alolan Ninetales (Pokémon) Yogurt - She/Her
🪼 Vaporeon (Pokémon) Arroyo - He/Him
🦊 Awoofy (Kirby and the Forgotten Land) Reese - He/Him
🐈 Remlit (Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword) Marina - She/Her
💫 Fecto Elfilis - They/It (Kirby and the Forgotten Land)
💚 Little Mac (Punch-Out!! Wii) Maximino - He/Him
(Note: Due to Fecto & Maximino I’m technically fictionkin also! But I just use otherkin as an umbrella term.)
Some Disclaimers -
Doubles are always free to interact for any of my kintypes! Feel free to block or not interact if you don't feel comfortable with doubles, I won't hold it against ya! Just let me know if you don't want me interacting.
I will not tolerate any sexual jokes about any of my kintypes. This is mainly referring to Arroyo, but it will be an automatic block. 
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(I don’t like making DNIs usually since they’re typically just common sense, but I feel like it’s necessary here. Otherkin get bullied/harassed a lot and I don’t want that happening on my blog, and I also want you all to know that if I reblog something from someone who falls under one of these categories that it was a honest mistake.)
•Bigots in general. You all know who you are. (I can elaborate if needed, just shoot me an ask, but this should be self explanatory.) • If you’re going to drag me into identity discourse, or if you’re going to twist my words to push your own personal beliefs. I’m not going to debate other people’s existences with you. Don’t start discourse over something I post. Say anything you want to me, Legwarmer. Don’t attempt to hurt others.
•Proshippers, MAPs, Zoos, again, you know who you are, I shouldn’t have to elaborate, we do not condone hurting others on this blog. •I don’t care if NSFW/Kink blogs interact, just don’t add anything onto my posts or message me with anything NSFW/Kink related. I’m not comfortable with that. You guys do you though! Judgment free zone, just… this isn’t the spot for NSFW of any kind. 
•If you make me uncomfortable I’ll just block you.
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Xtra Info
I have a different tag for each of my kins now! Tags will be formatted as “#(Kin name) speaks” - for example, “#Legwarmer speaks”!
This is the 9th iteration of this post! 
Added Maximino
That’s all for now! I’ll update this post as necessary.
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thekids-onholiday · 5 months ago
ccould you explain what fictionkin means? i don’t get it and would like to understand,is nonkin the right term to reffer to myself since im not fictionkin/therian/ect ?? sorry that im asking these questions here genuinely the first time i hear about this
Hello! I will do my best. I am not an expert. But based in my own experiences, fictionkin is essentially identifying partially or fully as a fictional species, character, etc.
For example, I'll use 2 of our kintypes...
One example is my Deathclaw kintype from Fallout, I have flicker-y memories of living AS a Deathclaw, and I occasionally have shifts where I feel more in tune with that Deathclaw aspect.
Another is, for example, my Evan Myers kintype. This is similar to my Deathclaw kintype, I have memories, more present than my Deathclaw kintype... shifts that make me feel more in tune, etc. except this is a CHARACTER rather than a SPECIES like my Deathclaw type.
I would like to put this out here now, and say that Not all kin have memories, not all kin have shifts.
But the definition is, simply put:
" Those who identify as something that is considered fictional, typically (a) fictional character(s) or species. Characters may not always be directly mentioned in the canon of their source material; for example, one may identify as an original character (also known as an OC), a background character, a non-canon character, or occasionally even a glitch. Fictionkin identify as a fictional character or species, rather than with them, and see themselves as actually being them on some level. This belief is involuntary, long-term, and intrinsic to one's selfhood. "
There ARE voluntary kins, such as kin for fun or link kins, but I won't get into defining that here.
If you want more help understanding I urge you to research on your own, or seek help from fictionkin blogs that offer answers to questions such as these.
To answer your second question, yes, you would be considered non-kin.
We hope this was helpful for you.
[On ONE last note, Therians have a different experience from fictionkin, and again I would recommend doing research on your own, and we apologize for possibly being unhelpful or unclear.]
Thank you for asking, and being respectful. We hope you have a good day.
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demystifiedstardust · 7 months ago
Revisiting the lexical gap
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I've hit a speed bump on my lexical restructuring. How do I complete the sentence,
"Aether is my _____."
(Readmore for length)
Link is a no-go for the same reason kin is a no-go-- my current quest is to step away from that subcultural glossary. So, what comes to mind next?
My knee-jerk reaction is to fill it in with self-insert, but that doesn't feel correct. A self-insert typically is a one-way relationship; a fictional representation of the real self. I need a word that also acknowledges the opposite, a real-life representation of the fictional self.
Next on the ladder is IRL, which feels closer to what I want to get across, but... the term has changed since its first usage in kin-adjacent-spaces. Ten years ago, IRL was typically part of a system of identity tiering: something along the lines of IRL > core > primary > secondary > tertiary. Nowadays, it looks like its usage has shifted into a marriage with the Delu//sional Attach//ment community? And I have feelings about the perpetuation of misinformation surrounding stigmatized mental health issues (such as misinformation about delusions). So I have zero desire to use that word for myself, due to the misinformation culture within that community. It's a shame, because the original usage of IRL would have worked for me pretty well.
So, what's next?
There's fictionhood, but that feels clunky since that's really not the way that word is meant to be used grammatically. It also feels a bit too encompassing. My fictionhood is everything to do with my fictional side, not just in relation to Aether.
I've settled on just fictional self for now. It's grown on me a little, but I'm still not sure if I'm ultimately satisfied with it. I think part of me still craves the familiar comfort of a ready-made label, which is something I'm just going to have to push through.
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variant-archive · 2 years ago
(Preemptive apologies if I'm not entirely understanding your experiences) What you're describing sounds to me like a form of plurality! I will say from personal experience that what you're describing (awareness of other versions of yourself, sometimes off in their own space) is part of how I realized I have a system. If you ever feel like you change notably during kinshifts, or you "become" them temporarily, it could very well be introjects/fictives/whatever term you like most. I'm someone who's introjected my past lives as traumagenic headmates (complicated I know lol), and I've known other people who feel like many-in-one or that have their past/parallel lives as parts like I do for any number of reasons. Communication isn't necessary at all for being plural, nor is being fully aware of specific parts. Sometimes you just "feel" the shift/switch, and it clicks as another aspect of you but doesn't quite click as a headmate.
Even if what I said doesn't help, I wish you a lot of luck in your journey to find the words that best describe you :) I know how alienating it can be sometimes to not know whether you fit into something, but you're definitely not alone
Hey, I really genuinely appreciate you responding! See, the difference in my experience is that I don't shift or switch in any way other than feeling my astral body change from my true self (a love deity furrything lmao) to one of my kintypes (sylveon, alolan ninetales, etc) and my true self can also shapeshift into different body plans (biped, quadruped etc) so I identify as more of a shapeshifter than anything. I guess the fact that I do "become" my kintypes astrally is something. But my identity itself doesn't change at all, just how I percieve my body in my mind. It's so weird, I feel like I'm stretched across the alterhuman spectrum in such an awkward and unusual way to the point that I'm almost a lot of things. I do know I'm otherkin though so I typically use that. Instead of one body, many minds I feel like I'm many bodies, one mind. Although there are barriers between the other shards of my true self in other universes, likely because they're literally in different realities than me. I do have exomemories/exotrauma though, although vague (my memories for specific fictional characters is stronger because I can simply "re-live" them through the media though). I'm considering attempting to connect to both my true self and the other shards in a spiritual way since (to me) that's the only way to penetrate the barriers of reality. Unfortunately I have a lot of difficulty practicing my beliefs though :( because of my anxiety and trauma I never feel safe enough to do it.
Also it's funny but I never feel my astral body change to my humanoid kintypes (rainbow quartz 2.0 etc) but that could be that it's because they look less like my true self than my non-humanoid kins and I find myself seeking to become more like my true self within this life as it alleviates the dysphoria I get from being in this reality sometimes. I also wonder if my other shards are aware of me/kin with me or something. I don't see why not as all of my kintypes are sapient but they simply might not ever learn about what alterhumantiy is
Sorry for the rant lol but thank you, I'm just happy that anyone is open to listening to my experiences and relating to them even though they don't fit neatly into the alterhuman spectrum. I really don't want to intrude into plural spaces when I don't really feel plural but I can't deny how uncannily similar some of my experiences are. I think the way I'd describe myself is "other-self aware". I've been interested in coining new alterhuman terms if I can get the spoons so I might do that. I still want to explore my identity and figure out what would and would not be appropriate first, though. I don't wanna hurt anyone.
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starsofthestorm · 1 year ago
hi !!!! therian here, ill do my best to answer :3
1 - of course !!!! personally, im polytherian and otherkin. i have six kintypes !!! red fox, arctic fox, bat-eared fox, gargoyle gecko, and two video game lizards <3 there are many forms of therianthropy, such as cladotherian, polytherian, ect !!!! (cladotherian is kinning an entire genus / general collection of species without knowing or having an exact type between them, polytherian is being a therian of more than one animal)
2 - mhm !!!! therianthropy isnt exclusively feeling completely nonhuman
3 - absolutely !! not all therians experience shifts, for me i rarely experience mental shifts without triggering them. some therians dont experience any shifts at all !!!!
4 - yes !! therianthropy isnt about past lives, its simply identifying as a non-human animal <3 only one of my types is past life based and that isnt what makes you a therian. non-spiritual therians are called psycological therians !!!
5 - a furry is someone who enjoy anthropomorphized animal characters, aka animals with human characteristics such as standing on two legs, having complex expressions, and speaking. a therian is someone who identifies AS a non-human animal who has lived or does live on earth (however it isnt exclusive to this and you can be a therian of mythical creatures <3 we dont gatekeep labels here !!) otherhearted is identifying WITH a non-human animal, the "other" being non-earth ones usually. animal-hearted is the same, just with earth animals !!! otherkin is identifying as a non-human animal in general, its used as an umbrella term from what ive seen but also as simply not being an earth animal !!!!
6 - nope !!!! gear has nothing to do with being a therian, nor do quadrobics. theyre simply ways people connect with their type/s
7 - no, and yes. that isnt what makes you a therian, but it can be seen as common therian behavior. in the end, the only one who can tell you if you're a therian is yourself. you could be strongly connected to nature and often behave like animals without being a therian. therianthropy is identifying as an animal, being non-human or alterhuman in some way
8 - always curl your fingers, always stretch very well beforehand, and remember to take it slow and steady. its exercise and it can be VERY exhausting, dont overexert or hurt yourself. tutorials online are very good for safely learning quads be very careful, its okay if you cant do them. you can break your fingers or hurt your fingers, hands, wrists, arms, legs, ect.
dont wear masks while doing it until you're comfortable doing them, and even then make sure the mask is well ventilated !!!! again, quads are exercise.
start slow and dont rush !!!! i spent quite a while struggling to just walk before i made it up to sort of running and small jumps. i actually cant figure out trots but thats typically between walking and running in terms of difficulty !!!!
i hope i can be of some help !!! <3
so i’ve been questioning therianothy (sorry if i spelled that wrong) and need some help. i also have tons of questions! if the fellow therians could help me out, i would love that.
okay so… my questions
Am i therian if i don’t identify as one animal specifically?
Am i therian if i only feel half animal and half human?
Am i therian if i don’t experience shifts often?
Am i therian if i don’t have dreams about past lives?
what is the difference between furry, therian, otherhearted, otherkin and animal-hearted?
do you have to have a mask to be a therian?
am i therian if i have a extremely strong connection to the natural world and act like animals all the time?
do you guys have any tips for quadrobics?
i have been having a bit of an identity crisis because of this… ugh lol. thank you guys!! love you ❤️
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that-dreaming-dragon · 4 months ago
I want to talk about something I seen again and again, and I myself also have a hard time getting away from, language.
In specific, I’m talking about shifting terms and definitions.
A lot of the times, it’s basically kinshift.
“What’s wrong with kinshift?”
No no, nothing’s wrong. Just that it being strictly otherkin/fictionkin/therian shift is the issue—it’s too limiting and exclusive. Nothing wrong tacking on it being a kin/therio shift. But we are the alterhuman community. There are more than just identify-as shift.
There is the term cameo shift for anything not kinshift, but there is the implication of its impermanence. Perhaps it’s not that important a distinction, and people would be fine using it, but I find that shifting language should be automatically vague. “Getting closer or the fluctuation of one’s alterhuman state”. It’s a workshop item, I’m not good with exact wording of things.
Well, that’s a community discussion topic.
Let me talk a bit about my own experience, that’s easier to talk about.
I have a good number of shifts that I experiences. Not all of them I know the respective terminologies off the top of my head.
== Phantom Shift ==
I’m most constantly experiencing phantom shift, and can probably call it being perma shifted. Just fluctuate in intensity. It’s why I attempt to word a definition that covers this sort of situation where it isn’t “getting close to the state of being one’s ‘type from typical human” (that ending part regarding what to put as the “starting” state gave me a lot of pauses, because how can I cover human fictionfolk or orthohuman but otherhuman?) My type of shifting is not uncommon, with a baseline which one is already their alterhuman ‘type, and just the intensity that changes.
Anyways, phantom shift. I mostly feel my own wings, tail, body parts and what have you. The change comes from the shapeshifter shenanigan, which, amongst the shapeshifter of otherconnect discord, we talked about a possible couple of terms for basically a “shapeshifter’s changing form shift”. Shapeshifter shift is a mouthful.
Gosh I kept getting side tracked.
Beyond my kintype shift, I’d once felt a near full body phantom shift of my three-tailed enfield hearttype. And it’s a linktype born out of paratype feelings!! You know how excited I was? To feel something, to have a confirmation of its success (of the linking process), and to just get to feel something that is unusual in a way.
I don’t think I feel other sort of phantom shift. If I do, it’s so far too hard to tell with the amount of draconic type I have, as for the humanoids…
== Mental Shift ==
I don’t really get this as much anymore. Which, I think it is a good thing, because the times I feel closer to my Naruto hearttype is usually when I’m feeling close to the negative part of his situation—when he was a isolated boy, seen as a freak, maybe bullied by other kids, it’s fuzzy now, what is the exact scenario that would trigger this sort of empathetic mental shift. I think I prefer it that way. I don’t think I could ever embody the positive or even neutral part of Naruto himself, considering my hearttype is of a AU version. But hey, my alterhumanity likes to surprise me, I’ll be sure to yell about it if it happens.
Mental shift with my other ‘type are all rather vague. When am I not a creature? I flip on the dime depending on who I am with, so “mischivious chirpy creeture dragon thing” is a constant state of mind. I did have the beastly Berserk shift, though that needs me to be in a certain state, like a set of requirement has to be met first in order to let the Beast out (ha, the pun, Beast is my inner beast in a lot of ways, so the double entendre is very intentional). So far, rage is one, but not always since anger is a constant emotion I deal with. The other is lust, with good dose of dominant personality. I’m not sure if the Berserk shift caused the dominant nature or if it is the other way around.
I’m trying to recall if I get any mental shift from my kardiatype or our Aurelion Sol vaguetype, but with Sol, star is a unbound version instead of the hauty, self-sured, egoistical version within the game. I’m guessing my kardiatype would be a sort of wise, eldery guardian, caring and proper, sophisticate? I’d felt a little like that when I’m in my eastern tatsu form.
And yes, my personality can have shifts here and there depending on the form I’m in. A lot of the times, I can’t control how the form will influence me, sometimes I almost think it’s my personality shift that trigger the shapeshift shift (see what I meant about it being a mouthful?).
Feels like if I keep saying shift, it will start to lose meaning. Why are words so limiting? Maybe it’s a English thing too.
== Astral Shift ==
This is a weird one. I can never tell the line where it’s considered phantom and where it’s astral.
I think the one time I would more firmly categorize this is when I was doing a meditative session, and as I visualize, my “body” (possibly astral body) grew, and grew, and grew until I’m a two or three stories tall eastern dragon. From that point, I guessed that my eastern dragon form can grow indefinite in length. But now I think that can apply to any that’s not strict in form “condition”.
== Dream Shift ==
Save the best for last. Well, kinda. Since I plan to talk a little bit about my miscellaneous shifts that I don’t remember the term or don’t know how to categorize later.
Lucid dreaming, one of my favorite activity. Word contradiction aside, I have a lot of dream shifts. Frustratingly enough, I’ve only get to feel my orange fur and fluffy white wings like, twice, as far as I can recall. One was your typical european western form, another time is vague, but I know it happened. I will need to check back on my notes.
I’d jotted all of them down, the ones I can recall.
Here is where I will actually use cameo shift, and sort of ties into my whole grumpiness about shifts being always tied to one’s kin/theriotype. Because here, my cameo shifts are shift into things that are none of my alterhuman identitype.
I have become a sort of water spirit, humanoid and blue liquid body, circling around a low hanging new moon as if I’m enacting the Dream Work iconic opening.
I have shifted into a number of draconic creatures, once with cheek fins (that actually hurts when I touch them, inside a dream!!), once with pitch black scaled tail and batty wings (isn’t it bats?), once with ranbow scale down my body into a tail that has a tufted tail. I was a tiny dragon once, probably rivaling my fae dragon form, just a whisp of a whelpling. I also was a strange blue dragon, no scale, no fur, the skin texture almost leathery, and wings you’d seen more on Pixiv. Kind of sci-fi fantasy mixture but it’s fully organic. Alien.
I also had once took on a form of somewhat anthro, red scaled, webbed winged, and it felt like a fire-breathing dragoness, with breasts and all. I rarely call my dreams nightmare but that one, that was truly a nightmare scneario, I had echo of combo dysphoria both in species AND gender, that I hope to never feel like that again. Y’all that are that sort of dragon, you’re fine, but me? I can’t. That is everything I am not.
I also have dream shifted into this hulking black mess of anti-matter, man-made dragon—dark, chaos, the sense of wrongness pervasive to my whole being. I think I looked a little like if ender dragon meet digimon. That was a level of bad only rivaled by the red scaled, webbed winged, and fire-breathing, anthro dragoness.
I think one of my favorite dream shifts though, is shifting into my kardiatype.
There is a sort of preciousness tied to that life, whenever I get to have a glimpse of it. Treasured and held dear. The plot of the dream wasn’t a happy one, edged with despair and desperation, but important nonetheless.
It was a small Japanese village, almost like a scene from a anime.
I was with my family and my partner, it was all joy and happiness. But then suddenly, there was panic.
The whole town had to escape and run towards the really high mountain where was this sacred temple of some sort at the top.
Running was too slow. Whatever was making everyone panic was too fast. Dark and all-encompassing, approaching fast, black fog at the edge of my vision. So I turn into a white serpetine dragon, white jade colored mane and tail fading out of existence, grabed my people and putting them on my back along the way, theb just start flying towards the mountain while having everyone else grabbing each other and climb on.
When we reach the mountain base and started flying up almost vertically, I saw the mountain wall depicting various scenaries and of strange rune of history and legend and myth. The answer was at the very top of the mountain when we reached it. But I can’t remember what was it.
Let’s not end this section with too big of a cliff-hanger that even I don’t know the ending to. Here is a list I keep on the sort of dragons I turn into within my dreams. I’m a little awed by the amount and variety myself.
List of Dragons I turned/dream shifted into
white colored jade maned eastern dragon (my past life/kardiatype)
small teal-blue colored chubby dragon
tiny wyrm dragon
tiny hatchling dragon
my core form (kintype)
my large formme (kintype)
human made pitch black mess of bio dragon
human form with water dragon scale tail and ear fins (touching the fins hurt for some reason)
human form with black scale bat wings and tail
human form with rainbow scale and black marking, furred tail with mane, two pairs of feathered wings
just ram horn on human form
(a photo of) me with red scales as anthro, webbed wings, feminine shaped (dysphoria)
Colossal size webbed wing dark colored body with beak like snout
bipedal spiky, webbed wing big scales large horn
chimeric sludge/goo hydra
Salamence shaped wings
White red pink hues scaled european. Spikey tail and spine, several spikey behind head
== Unknown and Vague Shift ==
I really like grey area terms or the idgaf terms, like vaguetype or quoiluntary, I also learn a term called quoiian. Not sure if I will use that one yet since I’m pretty happy with the ones I have.
There are the possibility of shifts I don’t know how to categorize because of their vagueness. But I definitely felt some that I can’t easily put them into one of the other ones I can give name to.
Things that are maybe sensory shift, how do people even capture them in the first place? And do you categorize them as the ‘tism? Hypersensory. Aura shift seems confusing, and potentially the same blurriness that maybe-astral shift provides. I can’t be sure if I’d ever gotten envisage or shadow shift, but in the back of my mind, I know to put a pin on them.
So with all that, we could perhaps talk about shift not just as a kin/therian sort of thing. I have seen many ask of “can I have [non-kin/theriotype] shift?” enough that I just want to scream “YES”. Because you absolutely can, and the term definition can use a slight update to reflect that inclusion. If not a community wide acknowledgement at the very least.
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rowanwolf · 2 years ago
Talking About 'Linking
I don't talk much about being a fictionlinker. Mainly because that's voluntary. I talk much more about being a wolf and a gryphon and a kitsune, because I didn't chose to be those things. Theriotypes and kintypes aren't chosen, so I feel a little more free to talk about them. But linktypes are chosen. And I think there's a sort of gatekeep-y weirdness about not being able to (or not feeling that I'm able to) talk about my linktype. And I want to kind of get into that a bit.
I am, on the whole, against KFF. If you're not familiar with that term, it means "kin for fun." Not because I feel there's anything inherently wrong with taking on an identity voluntarily, even just for fun. My opposition to it comes from the terminology. "Kin" is our word - and not a verb. It's shorthand for "otherkin" and widely used in the otherkin and therian community. As I said, I don't feel there's anything wrong with taking on an identity because you want to, but use the right term. That's what the terms "linktype" and "link" exist for. The issue with KFFers is that they've hijacked the community's terminology and invaded spaces that are refuges for otherkin and therians. And then the bigger issue is that a lot of them (from what I've seen) turn around and call those of us who are actually otherkin or therians crazy. Because our identities are genuine.
So I do really advocate for the use of the terms "otherlink" and "-linker" and "-linking." It just helps distinguish actual 'kin from folkel who have taken on their identity voluntarily. But at the same time, I don't feel that I can talk about having done so myself. I have a copinglink that I've developed. Firekeeper helps me deal with stress and stressful situations. She started out as mainly to do with things relating to my therianthropy. She's physically human, but was raised by wolves and identifies as a wolf. Over time, she's become something that helps me deal with stress in general. And I took her on voluntarily. She's a part of me, but she was a choice I made and she feels very different to me than my theriotypes and kintypes.
On topic, though, I don't typically feel like I can talk about my linktype, because I don't want to be seen as "faking it." But just because that one identity is voluntary, that doesn't mean the rest are. I'm not a wolflinker or a gryphonlinker, I'm a wolf therian and gryphonkin. But I am not fictionkin, I'm a fictionlinker. They're different things. And I feel that, although my experience as a fictionlinker is different than my experience as otherkin (I feel that's maybe closer to fictionkin than therianthropy, since my kintypes are mythical creatures) there are similarities: I find a great deal of euphoria and comfort in reading Firekeeper's source and I do shift involuntarily at times - although I think that may be more that my brain has decided this is a good coping mechanism for stress. I have an extremely strong attachment to her and to her brother, Blind Seer. He feels like family to me.
But I don't want folkel to look at my having a linktype and immediately label me a fake or a KFFer as far as actually being a therian and otherkin. And that's a divide I think needs to be addressed. If folkel would use the correct terminology, I think that would be a good start. Having that established, separate terminology would help create a distinction of space and give room for respectful discussion. I know one thing I've heard mentioned with regard to issues with calling KFFers problematic is that some of them might be actual otherkin or therians who just haven't figured that out yet. And I think having that division of space would actually help that. It would give folkel with voluntary identities - 'linkers - their own space within the broader alterhuman community. If 'linkers were able to interact with the otherkin community in a manner that respected our 'kin identities as real and genuine and not chosen, it would allow for better discourse. And while you'd still get those folks who decide we're nuts for believing our identities to be true, I think that calming of the hostilities that have come largely from KFFers trying to invade 'kin spaces could allow 'linkers who are actually otherkin or therians to be able to discuss and explore that facet of their identities.
I don't know, that's just my two cents. I'm old and first joined the community when therians and otherkin were still very much separate (hence my distinction in my referring to them), but I think that with a respect for boundaries, things could improve greatly. I do have more to say about Firekeeper, but I'm going to make that a separate post. I feel this is probably the outer bounds of this post's topic.
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eldorr · 2 years ago
temp pinned
temporary pinned post until i figure out what to put here.
until then here's all of my blogs:
@eldorr = Main Coining Blog (you are here)
@mister-eldritch = Adult (18+) Coining Blog
@monsieur-eldritch = Triggering Content Coining Blog
@tucuteboything = Discourse/Vent blog (If you genuinely want to talk with me about something triggering or discourse related, please do so there)
Also with my DNI IDs, I opted into a more "context for context" approach, as I know some screen readers don't read dashes or slashes, so I opted into writing the ID in a way I hope won't come off as me being pro something and anti something similar lol.
Also if you're on my DNI you can still use my terms/flags, just don't interact with me outside of reblogging to hoard blogs.
If you're looking for my "Gendered Terms Archival" list for terms similar to Man/Boy/Woman/Girl/Enban/Enby/etc it would be [here]. I update it whenever a post with terms that fit what I'm archiving on it ends up on my dash.
Also some important things to note while clarifying about my DNI, under a read more since it's long:
The only "transid" group I'd be fine with interacting is trans species, because as far as I'm aware it's mostly just another word for alterhumans (mostly otherkin/therians), especially for those who want or acquire body mods to reflect that. The term didn't originate from TransID rhetoric so that's why the term transid is in quotations above.
I don't support the grouping of Mspec identities under "Bispec" under the guise of being inclusive. I view it as no different than calling Mspec identities "just Bi". I don't support the spread of BaB rhetoric.
I support KFF and the more casual use of alterhuman and otherkin language. I support those interacting with communities and exploring their identity in non-standard and non-strict ways. I believe anyone should be able to explore and have fun with their identity without being harassed by EITHER side, whether that's people harassing KFF (or other non-kin alterhumans) for the language they choose to use, OR KFF harassing or being ablest/sanist/etc to alterhumans whose identity is non-chosen. I believe folks shouldn't be forced to use highly specific microlabels if they don't want to, even if that language would "fit more."
To do with the above point, and before anyone throws a fit, I'm a reincarnate godshard. I use the term Kin and Kinnie casually to describe my nonhuman-hood as it was the first language I was introduced to and is the only terms that feel like it sticks. I do experience phantom limbs and shifts at times, however any identity (kin) I may take on typically fades at a certain point due to myself being basically a faceless shapeshifting void. I usually do identity as those past 'kins, in a state that may be described as "that was me" or in flux between is/was.
I will also ask if you're a KFF "factkin" to not interact. I'm fine with non-chosen factkin as a lot of the rhetoric against them have also been used against factives.
BIID and BDD are NOT the same as being Transabled or TransID. Don't conflate the two. I also believe folks with BIID/BDD should be able to coin and use terms to describe how they experience their disorder. Such as terms like Aldernic sublabels to describe a body one feels they should have.
Think that men of a minority cannot be oppressed for being (the "wrong" kind of) men. Likewise DNI if you support the phrase "transandrophobia truther" or you support Ba*ddel (e) rhetoric (the anti-nontransfem weirdos).
I'd also ask for folks who support the terms TMA/TME, or use the phrase "theyfabs" even in joking settings to not interact; yes, it's exorsexist and anti-transmasc rhetoric. I'm a Transunitist (Pro-Transunity) if that helps.
Pro-Contact Harmful paras in my DNI covers ANY para that involves any non-consenting partner, anyone or anything that cannot consent, or any involvement of a non-consenting third party.
There's quite a few things missing from my DNI that are mostly run of the mill "basic DNI" stuff, basically any bigot, bigoted belief, right-wingers, etc. I'm pro-choice btw.
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karak9 · 3 years ago
Identity Flicker
There is a certain type of “shift” I have experienced for as long as I’ve been in the otherkin community, but never had a word to describe it. So, I created one! I don’t expect it to really catch on, there’s not many people who experience this in the first place and it’s a bit of a long term, but I think it accurately describes what I experience, so I will use it :)
Identity Flicker: A temporary identity that feels like a kintype but is not solid or stable. Typically involuntary, but can be intentionally triggered.
Identity flickers are along the lines of fiction flickers but more general and not tied to just fictional characters. It can describe any type of flicker in your identity, whether it’s as an animal, a plant, a concept, etc.
Identity flickers are different from cameo shifts because cameo shifts are just about the shift itself, while a flicker is more like becoming something (in a nonphysical way) temporarily. As a polymorph, it’s easy for me to be influenced by my environment. A normal otherkin would, for example, watch a documentary about snakes and think “that was cool” or maybe have a cameo shift where they feel the mentality of a snake or feel the body of one. For me, I would watch the snake documentary and begin to feel like I am a snake- not in a cameo shift way, but as if it’s been a kintype this whole time. If you are someone who has experienced cameo shifts, you probably understand the difference between a shift and your identity.
The thing that distinguishes identity flickers from kintypes is that they are temporary. They feel essentially the same, but flickers don’t last. They may come and go, but are not nearly as solid and stable as actual kintypes. Flickers can feel exciting and can easily be confused as a new kintype, but will ultimately fade away.
I can’t speak for others who may experience identity flickers, but mine tend to last anywhere from a day to a couple of months. They are often caused by consuming media revolving around a specific character, animal, etc, which can range anywhere from watching an anime series to reading a kin essay about someone’s experiences as their kintype in detail. They can also be caused by being around certain animals, or talking to someone about their kintype experiences. Essentially, anything that makes you think about what it’s like to be a certain animal/character/etc. Again, this is just how it works for me. Feel free to add on more if you experience identity flickers as well!
How to tell if you are experiencing an identity flicker:
You have the feeling of “this is me” when looking at what you’re flickering into. It may feel more intense and exciting than finding a kintype. There likely are no previous signs that this was a kintype, such as not experiencing certain instincts or urges until the flicker. If you still can’t figure out if it’s a kintype or an identity flicker, wait it out! I know it can be frustrating and you might want the answers now, but the best option is to wait for it to potentially fade away. Remember you have all the time in the world to figure yourself out. There is no shame in experiencing identity flickers, or mistaking them for kintypes! They really do feel like kintypes. It’s not easy to tell them apart, and has taken me a lot of practice to even begin to figure them out before waiting for them to fade.
You could also use “identity shift” in place of “flicker”, I just felt flicker made the most sense because it aligns with fiction flickers.
Note: I’m aware “otherflicker” is a thing but I like words that are self explanatory, and dislike the weird “fictionkin vs otherkin” divide it seems to have, and dislike the amount of “other-” terms in general. “Identity flicker” works for me, no one else has to use it, but I felt it was important to make a coining post so that everyone has a chance to fully understand what it means to me!
Also, I did create this term to describe my experiences as a polymorph, but you do not have to identify as a polymorph to use this!
Fictionflicker coining: https://fictionflickers.livejournal.com/profile?admins=maintlist
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