Complicated Shape
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wizardsfang · 8 hours ago
78 votes so far (Im technically one) n HOOH, lotta critters opinions on it
If you wanna vote hop on in! Still got time to look at stuff
Been thinking of making a nonhuman/alterhuman zine line that is reoccuring on a monthly or bi monthly schedule- one that has varying themes of focus underneath the nonhuman/alterhuman label
Would include art, writing, photography- whatever might work best for the theme & would ofc be for the purpose of documenting & sharing experiences of nonhumans n alterhumans.
Been thinking of this for a couple of weeks but tonight I’m feeling especially drawn towards the concept of a project like this. So im thinking of prodding the idea around publicly to see what yall might feel
Maybe if it got big enough/had enough support, the zine could aim for physical copies/prints to mail out in future drops
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wizardsfang · 17 hours ago
Niche Kin Appreciation — Day 1 : Introduce your kin.
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This is my russian sable (martes zibellina) kintype. I'm a gray type coat.
My species is a type of marten that mostly in inhabits Russia, China and some parts of Japan (although, that would be the japanese sable!). We live up in mountains, deep forests and some flatlands. We eat mostly small stuff, but we can also eat stuff bigger than us like musk deer!
Sadly, we're a fur farm livestock animal, mostly for luxury points, yay.
We're generally a very rowdy and fierce creature, but we're also very silly.
As for more in-depth about my noemata, I live in the deep forests of Russia, I believe around mountains as well. But I have some memories of being born outside Russia...particularly Ch-rnobyl's area. Why? I don't know, I'm just an irradiated sable, give me a break. That fact is something I struggled to accept, due to what happened in Ch-rnobyl. I think I was born around those times too, like a decade after, or just falling short of a decade. I discovered this while watching a documentary on Ch-nobyl's wildlife after the accident, everything felt eerily familiar. Like I was supposed to or already had been there.
I also have memories of traveling great distances towards east. I can't remember having a mate, must be due to the fact that not many of my particular species being there, although I remember seeing one or two martens from afar.
And yeah, that's about it. In a nutshell: radioactive stoat.
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wizardsfang · 18 hours ago
If there’s anything I’ve learned from my brief time actually interacting with the alterhuman community- it’s that I really can see folk who hold some different values from me & still go on about my day
Not in the sense that if I see an abuser or fascist walk by that i’ll be quiet or content- but in the sense that I don’t need to agree with everyone on how something should be handled to be ok here.
We really can all be here for the most part
It turns out- coyotes dont gotta befriend the deer or rabbit they see; foxes don’t need to understand the porcupine or crows they come across; hogs don’t need to have dinner n break bread with the bear or the field mice. We can cohabitate in the forest together without literally having to share a den; and I appreciate that a lot as I age
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wizardsfang · 21 hours ago
Hello! Can I request a fat giraffe for the “send me an ask and I’ll draw them fat?” Here’s a reference photo! (Though you can choose any photo really!)
If you can’t draw it that’s also fine as well. I’d just thought I’d ask ~🦒 thx in advance even if you can’t draw it
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Fat giraffes seem like an almost mythical sight. Due to the nature of their anatomy & their lifestyle- a giraffe must be especially gifted and fortunate to find itself carrying some chubby rolls & extra fat on its tummy; it reminds me of the heavens
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Sorry if this isn’t as chubby as needed! I may honestly try again in a more chibi style; turns out giraffes are actually really hard to draw fat
Alternate colors below the cut
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A green & purple version as reference to me & my mom; she was fat too & is a big part of why im able to love my own fat so much. When I was really little & hella autistic about giraffes- we’d associate ourselves with them when we saw mother & baby duos
I still think of her when I see these funky creatures :]!!
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wizardsfang · 22 hours ago
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This month's #BirdWhisperer was the common pigeon!
reference by Kuanish Sarsenov
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wizardsfang · 1 day ago
In desperate need of cool happy therian posts
Nothing wrong with therian angst but ive been working so hard to be a positive creature & every time I come in here it’s either dysphoria or discourse
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wizardsfang · 1 day ago
Been thinking of making a nonhuman/alterhuman zine line that is reoccuring on a monthly or bi monthly schedule- one that has varying themes of focus underneath the nonhuman/alterhuman label
Would include art, writing, photography- whatever might work best for the theme & would ofc be for the purpose of documenting & sharing experiences of nonhumans n alterhumans.
Been thinking of this for a couple of weeks but tonight I’m feeling especially drawn towards the concept of a project like this. So im thinking of prodding the idea around publicly to see what yall might feel
Maybe if it got big enough/had enough support, the zine could aim for physical copies/prints to mail out in future drops
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wizardsfang · 2 days ago
Take 5 bits wet beast Wednesday
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wizardsfang · 3 days ago
Been thinking of making a nonhuman/alterhuman zine line that is reoccuring on a monthly or bi monthly schedule- one that has varying themes of focus underneath the nonhuman/alterhuman label
Would include art, writing, photography- whatever might work best for the theme & would ofc be for the purpose of documenting & sharing experiences of nonhumans n alterhumans.
Been thinking of this for a couple of weeks but tonight I’m feeling especially drawn towards the concept of a project like this. So im thinking of prodding the idea around publicly to see what yall might feel
Maybe if it got big enough/had enough support, the zine could aim for physical copies/prints to mail out in future drops
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wizardsfang · 3 days ago
GAAA ABSOLUTELY GORG; these are such pretty colors- they’re really so fitting for you!
reminds me that I need to do my next post on this
Niche kin appreciation 30 prompt challenge!!
#5. Assign colors to your kin
If I had to assign colors to my vaporeon kintype it would be a soft, sea foam kinda pallet, with rich blues and soft greens, something like this!
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I feel very connected to fresh bodies of water with this kintype so I believe that I am a vaporeon that dwells in lakes, ponds, and grotto like bodies of water. The greens would be noticeable in my pelt since vaporeons tend to be very blue, the colors help be blend into the more mossy fresh water- I even colored a reference that what I believe I look like as a vaporeon
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wizardsfang · 3 days ago
Humans are so cute & silly sometimes
Like wdym they’ve had hundreds of years of interest & fixation on making stuff with clay or with spinning wheels or with collecting various small- unuseful items
Humans are so cute because they are, to me, inherently curious and playful
When not challenged with survival- humans just wanna make shit spin really fast & play with dirt
I guess let this be a reminder that humans aren’t always so tough to deal with- sometimes they’re autistic as hell
Im thankful at times like this that I can have humanoid hands so I can engage in this special form of play- im thankful I can express my nonhuman desire through the playful human ways
Im happy I can create
It is perhaps the biggest gift of this life
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wizardsfang · 4 days ago
Very this ^^
One realization I had when questioning if I’m an elephant seal selkie, is that being “ugly” is just such a human assigned trait, and it’s annoying.
Animals in the wild don’t know if they’re “weird looking” or if they’re the opposite and “cute”.
That is such a human view on things. As non-human animals, we shouldn’t restrict ourselves to just looking into animals that are “cute” or visually “appealing” to look at. It restricts us from possibly finding our true selves, and isn’t what we need in the nonhuman community.
We need more acceptance of those who are “weird” in their animal or nonhuman identity.
Be weird, be proud, and be who you really are.
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wizardsfang · 6 days ago
Of course! Go ahead, im happy you enjoy it
Hello! We saw your "send me a theriotype and I'll draw it fat" and we were thinking if we could please suggest maybe a lioness? (Perhaps a golden-furred one?) Our host is a lioness, and we are bodily fat, and we think that would be neat to see if you ever do end up drawing it!
(We would also like to ask if the lioness could perhaps be drawn with PCOS, if that is possible, but we're unsure what drawing that would look like- we are bodily intersex and think that would be cool to be represented as well.)
Thank you!
- ??? (blurry)
Warmup/Practice sketch for a fellow lion :]!
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I imagine lioness w/ PCOS sport a slightly scruffier chin & a patchier the average neck; longer fur growing in that can’t quite pass as a mane but works perfectly for decorating and adding a bit of personality. Longer fur around elbows & hips too- giving a special regality to a golden god
Not sure if this is the sort of golden imagined- but I was thinking of morning sunlight while coloring! So I hope it works well enough :]
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wizardsfang · 6 days ago
Hello! We saw your "send me a theriotype and I'll draw it fat" and we were thinking if we could please suggest maybe a lioness? (Perhaps a golden-furred one?) Our host is a lioness, and we are bodily fat, and we think that would be neat to see if you ever do end up drawing it!
(We would also like to ask if the lioness could perhaps be drawn with PCOS, if that is possible, but we're unsure what drawing that would look like- we are bodily intersex and think that would be cool to be represented as well.)
Thank you!
- ??? (blurry)
Warmup/Practice sketch for a fellow lion :]!
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I imagine lioness w/ PCOS sport a slightly scruffier chin & a patchier the average neck; longer fur growing in that can’t quite pass as a mane but works perfectly for decorating and adding a bit of personality. Longer fur around elbows & hips too- giving a special regality to a golden god
Not sure if this is the sort of golden imagined- but I was thinking of morning sunlight while coloring! So I hope it works well enough :]
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wizardsfang · 6 days ago
We should all be obsessed with how cool this is & scream at it
It’s so nice to see how my fellow creatures look on a more personal level!!
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💢 grrrrrr bark bark !
i finally finished these drawings of my otherkin self ! this is p much how i see myself in my head sometimes. i did this for fun while doing some balto style studies. i think i turned out so handsome <3 i had fun combining many of kintypes into him, it makes me feel so good! it'd make my day if you reblogged this or told me something you liked about it!
🚫 not f2u, the art or the character/drawing. do not tag as kin as this is a representation of me personally. thank u !
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wizardsfang · 6 days ago
My identity is so complicated
A part of me wishes I could have a word to describe the vastness of my nonhumanity; to try and capture the seemingly unending kinship I have to so many animals & creatures & things.
Like, I really find myself putting the poly in polytherian.
I have kinship with so many animals and creatures to an overwhelming point; to a point where my identity is as lost with them as it is without them.
And that one little part of me yearns for an easy way to describe it. But the rest of me?
Well I suppose I’m very happy my experience is so hard to capture in full; im happy that something as simple as my identity is worth an extravagant story and explanation.
I suppose I’m thankful I’m worth the time and word!
I’m complicated. And I think I’m really growing to be happy about that
I think id rather be something someone has to explain- instead of a therian or otherkin or just nonhuman.
While those labels are dearly beloved- while they bring me community- i think I’ve been feeling like they’re a bit of a cage.
So maybe my complexity is a personal blessing.
Maybe it’s good to be a complicated shape
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wizardsfang · 7 days ago
Nothing more wonderful then eatin a lot & curling up in your den during cold winter days
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