#I deserve that
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The start of something new.
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ananke-xiii · 5 months
A dream, mine:
spn s13 but with cas alive and jack's a baby, dean and mary are in the AU and lucifer is still on earth. Somehow sam and cas manage to save jack and themselves from lucifer but now they're on the run and they are both questioning their life choices. Sam's like super pissed because he's been baby trapped by cas of all people and he's now stuck with an unhinged angel and a baby that's half his nemesis, a nemesis with which he shares the most unfortunate, most fucked up, saddest "profound bond" of all time. Cas is pissed too because he was handed the shortest (technically the tallest but shhh) straw by fate and ended up with the wrong brother, what's worst, he's now forced, once again, to re-evaluate all his millennia-long prejudices against all kinds of abominations since he's stuck sharing a car with two of the finest examples ever produced. Jack is just a baby which means he cries a lot, wants to eat, does his things etc and the crying alone is enough to send cas and sam crazy. Cas resents sam because he thinks he's using the angel with the excuse that he doesn't sleep so he can look after the baby. Sam resents cas because he went doing his hot girl shit instead of following his plan. Things reach a boiling point when they're in a gas 'n sip, sam deep in "newborn lore" on his smartphone, trying to understand what a newborn can eat out of gas station food, and cas's exasperated because "we can just wear a white coat, go to a hospital and steal breast milk". Sam snaps and he's like "what IS wrong with you, dude?" and cas is so done so he's like "tell me, sam, what IS wrong with me, sam?". Sam's not dean and he's not above recounting all the times cas has fucked them over, fucked him over, he literally uses his fingers to start counting everything that's just wrong with cas and he sure as hell starts by telling him how thick an actual angel of the lord, "the fucking angel of fucking thursday has no feel" (sam's words not mine), can be to save a person from hell without realizing that the soul's not there when he basically did the same thing for dean so "uh cas, explain this to the hand, CAS-TI-EL"! And cas finds out that, after all, he's not that bad at this feeling and being almost human shit cause he suddenly feels very in touch with his feminine side and he's ready to remind sam how thick can he be to think that god was speaking to him telling him to open the cage, like "what sam, just because amara was speaking to dean, you thought god would have spoken to you, to you, SA-MU-EL?" They're one step close to a catfight, neither of them is shy enough to prevent it, they both can and will grab each other by their hair and grip tight to raise themselves from this domestic hell. But they're in a gas 'n sip, whisper-yelling about angels, hell, souls and god and people begin eyeing them, the clerk reaches for the phone. They stop and realize that, in their current state, they're both two male presenting beings somewhere in their forties or in their vicinity with a screaming baby in cas' arms and one call away from child protection services . Things are not good.
Meanwhile, dean is with mary, fake bobby and fake charlie having the time of his life in the fake purgatory copy that is the AU releasing all his decade-long repressed sexual energy toward a certain angel by killing angels with bullets made out of angel blades and knifing the occasional monster of the week that goes bump in the night. Things are good.
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skinreflectsthesun · 1 month
Think I really need to redirect my energy onto myself. I’m realizing that a lot of the things I want I could have if I focused on myself even half as much as I focus on others.
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rottiens · 4 months
I just drank the coldest coke and my son is snuggled in my lap, I can't be happier now
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princess-aries · 8 months
be enthusiastically into me or leave me the fuck alone tbh
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aropride · 1 year
everything in this world would be better if i could spit venom out of my teeth
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Stede is so forgiving about people trying to murder him in season one. Every time someone tries he’s just like “that’s unfortunate, anyway…”
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aheartofgold · 9 months
I just really want Crowley and Aziraphale to hug in series 3 like I want everything else but I want them to give each other a hug that feels like a sigh. That feels like relief. That feels like letting go of 6 millennia of worry and paranoia.
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hirakiyois · 2 years
they really handed peat the human version of a puppy and said he's your problem now :)
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citriosis · 3 months
i love my therapist actually. we had a really good session today about The Medical Shit and it was just. nice. the weight isn't completely lifted but i know i'm not alone in carrying it.
anyway empurple time bc the second i got out of session it crept into my brain again lmfao
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xamaxenta · 11 months
Envious of the way insects shed their exoskeletons and yearn to do the same
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birf · 2 years
ya know I have never been with someone or have had someone pursue me who isn’t also talking to someone else and at this point I want someone who’s unhealthily obsessed and has tunnel vision on me
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forbelobog · 5 months
gepard using all his stored up kinetic energy in one go and snapping a man's neck when???
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satoumafuyuss · 1 year
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Tell me if the years are all gone..
teehee silly oc art :3c I had an idea so i wanted to try drawing it even though I felt incapable oof but it turned out way better than i expected!!! I'm having fun slowly rewriting these characters story. I guess its ending up being sadder than I initially made it back in 2015..
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espectres · 7 months
@dnangelic replied: maybe.
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" How cruel ... "
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heroicintention · 10 months
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I would save your life eight times a day if only I could.
Hit the ❤️ for a starter from Snorkmaiden / Flora Snorken, just a happy little fae girl. A fan of flowers, good teas and jams, and of course Moomin. It's always a sweet time with the maiden around... or maybe a sassy one.
currently tentatively accepting from all 18+ roleplay blogs as i get this blog up & running to make new connections! multimuses please specify which muse you want a starter for! rules can be found here.
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