#sa-ra choi
virsancte · 18 days
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making my oc smoke the cig i cant bc i ran out
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kdim · 1 month
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The Glory 더 글로리 (2023) | Episode 4
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golden-redhead · 2 years
I'm really happy that, in the end, the bullies in The Glory were the ones who destroyed themselves.
It's a good, beliavable and strong message. It's exactly like Dong-eun said, she set the board, but most of it was just them being horrible, destructive people that they always were, incapable of truly reflecting about their actions or making amends.
If they stopped, at any point, maybe the outcome might have been different. They didn't, though, and instead they showed that they were forever stuck in this high school mindset and convinced that in the end everything is going to work out in their favor.
It's exactly the kind of ending this show should have had and I'm so glad this is the direction the writers took.
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ds29gurl2 · 2 years
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Seeing all these sadistic m*ther f*ckers get theirs, cleansed my soul, watered my garden and cleared my skin.
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I finished season 2 in one day and it was an awesome time!
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heartofwolves · 2 years
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marril96 · 9 months
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The Glory 1.15
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mrs-sherlock-holmes · 2 years
Dong eun waking up in the morning like: I am ready to terrify some bitches
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My favorite friendgroup 🥰
they really are #Goals
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the-expired-tofu · 1 year
The Devil's Trumpets | Pt. 2
|| A 'The Glory' fanfic || MINORS DNI [18+]
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a/n: Hey there, this is my first time writing a fan fiction. I might change a few things in my fictions later on. Also, my English isn't my first language so my writing might lack some fluency. Hope you enjoy :)
trigger warnings: lots of swearing, bullying, murder, gore, depression, abuse, mature content, violence, sexual themes.
pairing: reader x multi
Heaven never appeared to be on my side since I was born. My prayers were never answered. I dreaded waking up everyday when I was in highschool. You see, I never asked for any of this. I simply wished to lead a normal life. Is that too much to ask for?
My parents divorced when I was seven years old. My mother chose to marry a wealthy man and take my sister with her. While I were to stay with my alcoholic father. Even though I shared the same roof with him, I always felt lonely. He was always spending all of my money on more alcohol. Luckily he never abused me. I had to take care of him. Each and everyday became more difficult for me. Leaving with my mother would have been a very different experience. I'm curious of what made her change her mind. She always gave me the same reason for leaving me with my dad.
“Someone has to stay behind to look after him.” She did send us money from her husband’s account to cover up my father’s medication. That’s how we kept in contact with each other. The day she left us was the last time I saw her and my sister. My mother never bothered to make a call nor visit us, or even check on us. I figured she left us for her own good.
However, I was quite close to my sister. Even our parents' divorce couldn't properly separate us. We used to write letters to one another every day since I couldn’t afford a cell-phone for myself. I kept all her letters in a box till this day.
Living like this in Semyeong never really bothered me. Taking care of my dad all by myself was quite difficult if I say, but other than that, I was fine. Until one day, I was walking on the school grounds to get to the cafeteria, when I heard a horrifying  scream coming from the gym. There were quite many students casually walking near the place. How come nobody heard that?
Now that I even think about it, I realize I should have exercised caution while being curious. I decided to check out the issue. And that’s when everything started.
I was peeking through the door when I noticed a group of four students crowding near the stage. I could here some laughs when I noticed a girl with straight long hair coming out of the crowd. That’s when I saw her for the first time.
Moon Dong-Eun. Both her hands were tightly held by two more students, Son Myeong-Oh and Choi Hye-Jeong, while Lee Sa-Ra was holding Yeon-jin’s hair curling iron.
I lost my balance and fell on my back. It was a guy holding a basketball and stood right over me.
“Oh come on do I look that bad?” He asked as he grabbed me by my hair.
“NO, NO, NO, PLEASE NO!! HELP!! ” I yelled for help and not one student wandering outside the gym came for my help.
“Yeah you’re fucking ugly Jae-joon, no wonder why she fell when she saw you.” That was Lee Sa-ra. She held a cigarette in her mouth while curling Yeon-jin’s hair.
He dragged me near the place where Moon Dong-Eun was lying. I noticed a burn on her right arm that resembled the shape of the curling iron. I had to get away from this place. I have to call the police.
I tried to free myself from his grasp but he dragged me back to the same place where Dong-Eun was. She was almost unconscious when I called out for her.
“Call her all you want. Neither can she help you, nor can anyone else.” Hye-Jeong let out a laugh when she dangled the keys in front of me.
“Oh look! Dong-eun has a friend now,” said Yeon-jin with a pout on her face.”Isn’t that adorable?” She said as she cupped my face with her hands.
“What’s your name?” she asked me while she looked down at my legs.
“She asked you a fucking question, you bitch,” asked Jae-joon who still held me by my hair with a painful grip.
“Well what does it say on her nametag?” said Yeon-jin as she opens the pin of the tag from my shirt. “Y/N. What a pretty name, and such pretty legs,” she took a few steps back to take a look at my legs again. “I wonder how my cigarettes would look on them.”
“Look, please, I swear I wont tell anybody, please let me go, I have to go back, I have to take care of my dad, he is not doing well. Please let me go” I started crying because I knew, I have no way out.
“Well the show hasn’t even started yet and you already want to go back?” said Yeon-Jin. She started backing away from me when she raised her thumb at me and then all of them started grabbing me at the edge of the stage. Myeong-oh and Hye-jeong grabbed me by my arms. I started panicking when I saw Sa-ra walking towards me with three burnt cigarettes together.
She shushed me with her finger on my lips. “This is high quality weed. Nobody can say no to these babies,” She said as she pointed the cigarettes towards me. She took a puff out of the three cigarettes together and grabbed me by my thighs. Before I even knew it, she pressed those together on my thighs.
My scream echoed on the walls of the gym. I tried flinging my legs in the air but she held them with a firm grip.
After she was done with my left leg, she went on to press them on my right one.
My screams became more and more distorted as I choked on my tears. My lungs, my throat, my legs, everything hurt.
“Oh my god, this bitch is fucking loud. Can someone shut her up?” said Yeon-jin.
“On it,” said Jae-joon. He threw the basketball away he was playing with a while ago and put his hand inside his pocket to take out a small bottle eye drops. He pressed a few drops on his eyes and put it back inside. I remember that it was that day he brutally beat up another guy who made fun of his colorblindness. His knuckles were still red from that guy’s blood.
“Imagine if she ever screamed my name,” said Jae-joon with a smirk on his face as he threw the ball away.
"Can you just shut the fuck up and shut her up?"
He grabbed my waist firmly and put his palm over my mouth tight shut.
Sa-ra continued pressing the cigarettes on my skin. My muffled screams died down eventually when I started feeling numb. This went on for quite long as I remember.
“Yeah that’ll do.”
Sa-ra removes the cigarettes from my thighs and lets go of my legs. I slid down the table and dropped to the floor. The stinging pain in my legs grew worser.
“She’s already out? Damn she’s weak as fuck,” Yeon-jin said as she nudged with her shoes on my thighs.
“Why did you do this to me? What harm did I ever do to you people?” I muttered.
“Because bitch if we didn’t, you would have told someone about us. Even though nobody even gives a shit about what we do. Nobody will ever believe you, and nobody will ever come to save your day” Yeon-jin said in a sing-song voice and the others laughed as she stood towered over me.
“What a whore,” said Myeong-oh. He kicked me at the back as I winced from the pain.
“Hey let’s go to the karaoke bar, it’s opened by now,” said Hye-jeong.
“Bye hoes,” Sa-ra waved as she walked away with others.
I laid there, barely conscious. My tears didn’t stop and my eyes were stinging. The world grew blurry around me. The burning pain, the bruises, the wounds, my head, the ringing in my ears, everything felt worse. I couldn’t even move. Before I knew anything else, I passed out on the gym floor.
I wiped the steam off my mirror as I stood naked in front of it. Some of the burnt skin on my thighs grew pinkish red over the years.
        I wore some clothes on and started drying my hair. Min-hee is fast asleep in her room. I collected all the dishes from the table and put them in the sink. It’s 11.45 p.m. My sleep can wait.
        I turned my phone on and opened Facebook. I searched up Moon Dong-Eun. I found a profile under the same name but there weren’t any pictures. I wonder if it’s really hers.
        I was staring at her profile. Should I search them up as well? I mean, I have to if I want to change my mind.
        I searched up Yeon-jin’s profile first. She worked as a weather forecaster at a news channel and married the CEO of Jaepyeong Construction in Semyeong, Ha Do-yeong. She had a child named Ha Ye-sol, same age as Min-hee.
        Jeon Jae-joon is a wealthy heir to a country club and helped up scaling a clothing boutique named Siesta.
        Lee Sa-ra became an artist.
        Choi Hye-jeong works as a flight attendant.
        For Son Myeong-oh, I couldn’t gather much information about him except maybe he works for Jeon Jae-joon.
        This much was quite enough for me. I put my phone down on the table and rested my head on my arms. I kept staring at the ceiling. The yellow light from the street outside illuminated my room. I looked over at Min-hee, she’s fast asleep.
        I took my phone and went over to the common balcony. I opened up my call logs on my phone as I closed the door behind me to make sure Min-hee doesn’t wake up. At the top of my call logs displayed Moon Dong-eun’s name. I almost made the call  when I paused.
        Wait, no. Am I doing the right thing?
        I didn’t press on her name yet. Instead, I stretched back by holding on the railings and looked over at the city before me. Seoul looks beautiful especially at night. The city lights flickered like the stars in the sky. All the quietness up here and the distant hustle of the people and traffic made me calm.
I closed my eyes and let out my breath. I looked back at my phone and pressed her name. I pressed the phone against my ear. After a few rings at my end, ”Hello Moon Dong-Eun? It’s me,  Y/N.”
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Yeon Jin: One of you will betray me tonight. Sa Ra: Is it me?
Yeon Jin: No.
Hye Jeong: Is it me, Yeon Jin?
Yeon Jin: iS iT mE YEon jIN?
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moondongeun · 2 years
It makes sense that Dongeun made Yeonjin her dream. After all, the root of her suffering is Yeonjin. And then Jaejun simply lets her do what she wants. Between the two of them, their influence is enough to not only ruin Dongeun's life, but inadvertently the lives of those they call friends. These friends are all stuck in a cycle where nothing changes, and it is Yeonjin who makes it so. "I do it because nothing will ever happen to me, and nothing will change no matter what." (Yeonjin, ep 1).
The rot in this friend group begins and ends with Yeonjin. Her parents are wealthy, she is pretty, and nothing in her life ever changes. She has never had to work for anything, has never known lack, and similarly, her husband and job were given to her as well. Her power has never been because of who she is, but is thanks to who supports her; first her mother, then her husband. Therefore, she never suffers, whether she is bullying someone at school or at work.
Jaejun has never been challenged in his life, and everything he has has been given to him. he's never really had to work for anything, and that's one of the reasons he hardly values anything, this includes people. He only values his own ego, his dog, Yeonjin, and now Yesol, who he's found is his daughter.
Sara never had to work for anything either, and then comes the point when has to work to set herself apart, to be unique and singular. Not necessarily for herself, but for her parents. Her parents are wealthy, but sara does not seem to have nothing that profits them, except for her art, and that particular talent only manifests when she is under the influence of drugs.
As for Myeongo, he acts as an errand boy. Myeongo's presence reminds Jaejun that he is superior, and leaves him to do his errands and dirty work, just as it was in highschool. Sara and Yeonjin use him as an errand boy as well, and minor criminal activities. I'm sure they are prepared to dispose of him at the slightest evidence that he is linked to something illegal. This is why Dongeun says that he has nothing to lose but his life; he has no wealth nor does he have people who love him.
When they were younger, the violence with which Sara and Myeongo treated Dongeun reflected those who they orbited ie. Yeonjin and Jaejun. The very essence of them has only ever been an echo of a reaction greater than themselves. Sara, though Yeonjin's best friend, is the a representation of her darker side, the cumulation of her evils. I personally headcanon that Sara smokes to forget, to be able to live with herself. Myeongo is the same for Jeon Jaejun, a reflection of his hidden cruelty. I also believe Myeongo drowns himself in alcohol every night until he blacked out because he has to live, not only with the deeds he has committed but also the way he is treated.
The entire group keep Hyejeong around for much the same reason they do Myeongo. Hyejeong is a sort of yes man; she adds nothing to thier friend group, but leeches of them. Lee sara and park yeonjin keep her around because she reminds them they are better than her. Jaejun tolerates her because Yeonjin no longer slept with him after she got married, so he turns to Hyejeong. Hyejeong is aware she is pretty and ususally uses it to get what she wants, a habit started back in highschool to get the keys to the gym from the PE teacher.
A less noticed individual but equally as important is the girl who was bullied after Dongeun, Kim Gyeongran. She still is still under the friends' thumb, though she is hardly acknowledged, and is an errand girl. She works at Jaejun's store, and is seen giving Yeonjin her shoes when she is at the station reading over her news script. I have hopes that she will join hands with Dongeun and drown all of them in a polar night.
All this to say that this group of friends are still trapped in high school, in a never ending time loop. No one realizes it because the only people they accept into their inner circle is each other; its an unhealthy codependency. They may think they have progressed and become successful in life, but notice none of them have lasting relationships except for Yeonjin. None of them have anyone to really rely on outside of each other. Now, Dongeun is turning them paranoid and against each other. When they are isolated and without wealth or the support of their friends? What will they do then?
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virsancte · 4 days
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happy halloweenie season from the afterlife cleanup crew
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nerdsleaze · 2 years
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Why is The Glory so frickin' good? 😍
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twentysnoir · 8 months
Especial KRP — Sobrenomes Coreanos
Cansado de Lee? Kim? Seo? Song? Choi? Hwang? Park? Abaixo do "Read More" você vai encontrar alguns sobrenomes mais incomuns que pode usar em seus personagens coreanos.
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Ah, A (아 - A)
Ae (애 - É)
Ban, Bahn, Van, Vahn, Pan, Pahn (반 - Ban)
Beon, Bun, Buhn, Veon, Vun, Vuhn (번 - Bón)
Beom, Bum, Buhm, Veom, Vum, Vuhm (범 - Bóm)
Bo, Vo (보 - Bô)
Bok, Vok (복 - Bôc)
Bong, Vong (봉 - Bông)
Boo, Bu, Voo, Vu (부 - Bú)
Bi, Vi, Bee, Vee (비 - Bi)
Bin, Been, Bean, Vin, Veen, Vean (빈 - Bin)
Bing, Beeng, Ving, Veeng (빙 - Bing)
Da (다 - Dá)
Dam (담 - Dam)
Dan (단 - Dan)
Dang (당 - Dang)
Dae, Dai (대 - Dé)
Dok, Dock (독 - Dôc)
Dokgo, Dokko (독고 - Docô)
Don (돈 - Dôn)
Dong (동 - Dông)
Dongbang (동방 - Dôngbâng)
Deung (등 - Dûng)
Deungjeong, Deungjung (등정 - Dûngdjóng)
Eogeum, Uhgeum, Ugeum (어금 - Ógûm)
Eun (은 - Ûn)
Eum (음 - Ûm)
Hak, Hahk (학 - Rác)
Hae (해 - Ré)
Hyeong, Hyung, Hyoung (형 - Rióng)
Ho, Hoh (호 - Rô)
Hwa, Hwah (화 - Ruá)
Hwangmok (황목 - Ruangmôk)
Hwangbo (황보 - Ruangbô)
Hoo, Hu (후 - Ru)
Ja, Jah (자 - Já)
Jeom, Jum (점 - Djóm)
Je, Jeh (제 - Djê)
Jegal, Jekal (제갈 - Djegál)
Jeo, Juh (저 - Djó)
Jong (종 - Djông)
Jwa, Joa, Jua (좌 - Djuá)
Jeung (증 - Jûng)
Kangjeon, Kangjun, Gangjeon, Gangjun (강전 - Gangdjón)
Ka, Ga (가 - Ga)
Kal, Gal (갈 - Gal)
Kam, Gam (감)
Kan, Gan (간 - Gan)
Kae, Gae (개 - Gué)
Kyun, Kyeon, Kyoun, Gyun, Gyeon, Gyoun (견 - Guión)
Kyung, Kyeong, Kyoung, Gyung, Gyeong, Gyoung (경 - Guióng)
Kye, Gye (계 - Guiê)
Kok, Gok (곡 - Gôc)
Kwan, Gwan (관 - Guân)
Kwok, Gwok (궉 - Guóc)
Kyo, Gyo (교 - Guiô)
Kuk, Guk, Kook, Gook, Kuck, Guck (국 - Guc)
Kung, Koong, Gung, Goong (궁 - Gung)
Kwok, Gwok, Kweok, Gweok (궉 - Guóc)
Keun, Geun (근 - Gûn)
Keum, Geum (금 - Gûm)
Ki, Gi, Kee, Gee (기 - Gui)
Kil, Gil (길 - Guil)
Lin, In, Rin, Leen, Een, Reen (인 - In)
Man, Mahn (만 - Man)
Mangjeol, Mangjul (망절 - Mangdjól)
Mae (매 - Mé)
Maeng (맹 - Méng)
Myung, Myeong, Myoung (명 - Mióng)
Mo, Moh (모 - Mô)
Mok, Mock (목 - Môc)
Myo (묘 - Miô)
Moo, Mu (무 - Mu)
Mubon, Moobon (무본 - Mubôn)
Muk, Muck, Mook, Moock (묵 - Muc)
Mi, Mee (미 - Mi)
Nan (난 - Nan)
Namgoong, Namgung, Namkoong, Namkung (남궁 - Namgung)
Nang (낭 - Nang)
Nae (내 - Né)
Noi, Nwe (뇌 - Nê)
Ok, Ock (옥 - Ôc)
On, Ohn (온 - Ôn)
Ong (옹 - Ông)
Pan, Pahn (판 - Pan)
Paeng (팽 - Péng)
Pyeon, Pyun, Pyuhn (편 - Pión)
Pyeong, Pyung, Pyuhng (평 - Pióng)
Po, Poh (포 - Pô)
Pyo (표 - Piô)
Pung, Poong (풍 - Pung)
Pi, Pee (피 - Pi)
Pil, Fil, Peel, Feel (필 - Pil)
Ra, La, Rah, Lah (라 - Lá)
Ran, Lan (란 - Lan)
Rang, Lang (랑 - Lang)
Ryeo, Ryuh, Lyeo, Lyuh (려 - Lió)
Roe, Loe, Roi, Loi, Rwe, Lwe (뢰 - Lê)
Sa, Sah (사 - Sá)
Sakong, Sagong (사공 - Sagông)
San, Sahn (산 - San)
Sam, Sahm (삼 - Sam)
Sang, Sahng (상 - Sang)
Seomun, Seomoon, Suhmun, Suhmoon, Sumun, Sumoon (서문 - Sómún)
Seonu, Seonwu, Seonwoo, Seonoo, Sunu, Sunwu, Sunwoo, Sunoo (선우 - Sónú)
Seob, Sub, Seop, Sup, Suhb, Suhp (섭 - Sób)
Sobong (소봉 - Sobông)
Soo, Su (수 - Su)
Sun, Soon (순 - Sun)
Seung (승 - Sûng)
Si, Shi, Xi, See, Shee, Xee (시 - Xi)
Tak, Tahk (탁 - Tác)
Tan, Tahn (탄 - Tan)
Tang, Tahng (탕 - Táng)
Tae (태 - Té)
Uh, Eo, Eoh (어 - Ó)
Wan, Wahn (완 - Uán)
Wang, Wahng (왕 - Uáng)
Wun, Un, Woon, Oon (운 - Un)
Wi (위 - Uí)
Ya, Yah (야 - Iá)
Yeop, Yeob, Yup, Yub, Yuhp, Yuhb (엽 - Iób)
Yeong, Young, Yung (영 - Ióng)
Ye, Yeh (예 - Iê)
Yo (요 - Iô)
Yong (용 - Iông)
Yook, Yuk (육 - Iúk)
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ellapastoral · 1 year
Your video review of the glory is so good and i like how you review it. I tired with some people doesn't bother to give actual criticism just ranting how they dissapointed doesn't have violent toward the perpetrator when the point it's made it clear from the start moon dong eun revenge is not involving psyhical violence
Let's start first with park yeon jin her downfall she's becoming the suspect of the murder son myeong oh, her husband divorced her, her daughter ashamed to be related to her, her mother in law hated her after she find out she's cheating from her husband, her own mother abandon her, her so called friend abandon her, she's in prison and it's her turn now being bullied by her prisonmate
Isn't that satisfying to see her downfall
Lee sa-ra her parent are being exposed for their crime then park yeon jin use media by showing lee sa-ra crime so in order to keep her from trouble, her video of masturbating are revealed to the internet, now she's being arrested for stabbing someone in the neck. Even if she didn't get into prison after her video being revealed everyone will remember as her the daughter of pastor who drug addict and love to masturbate in the church
Choi Hye Jeong she lost her voice and honestly i'm sure there some people who gonna mock her misery and some might pity her misery. Considering her parent only own a laundry store , no money, no rich boyfriend or husband just a simple pathetic woman
Jeon Jae Jun if he wasn't dead he downfall still worked. No one gonna see him as a threat they see this as opportunity to taking advantage of him, mock him, all it's left to him it's just rich loser who become blind
Son Myeon Oh what a pathetic man you end up being the one who first to die. Just because you work with rich people doesn't they like you
Like these is much more satisfying than seeing being murder brutally
This is the video they’re talking about by the way and yes 🤭 the glory was so good, villaness stories like this are the best 💗💗
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fayrachazia · 2 years
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✨️ The Glory Part 2 ✨️ “The Glory Part 2” has unveiled new character posters and a teaser ! The newly released posters for Part 2 feature Moon Dong Eun with each of eight characters who are deeply intertwined with her. Among the characters in solidarity with Moon Dong Eun are Joo Yeo Jeong, Kang Hyeon Nam (Yeom Hye Ran), and Ha Do Yeong (Jung Sung Il). In each of the three posters, Moon Dong Eun stands on the right side and faces them either with a warm gaze or a gentle smile. The texts on the top-center of the posters that read, “She is my salvation,” “Happy I started to dream,” and “I don’t like saying that I don’t know something, but I don’t know yet,” seem to describe the thoughts of Joo Yeo Jeong, Kang Hyun Nam, and Ha Do Young, respectively, regarding Moon Dong Eun. On the other hand, Moon Dong Eun’s attitude and gazes toward the perpetrators group consisting of Park Yeon Jin (Lim Ji Yeon), Jeon Jae Joon (Park Sung Hoon), Lee Sa Ra (Kim Hieora), Choi Hye Jeong (Cha Joo Young), and Son Myeong Oh (Kim Geon Woo) are completely different. Moon Dong Eun looks down at them from above with her hands clutched to different body parts of each character. The texts aligned in the mid-center of the posters that read, “Your soul, which laughed in joy throughout all of it,” “Those leering eyes,” “The hand that mocked and broke others,” “The lips that laughed at others’ misfortune,” and “The feet that were eager to inflict pain on others,” seem to describe Moon Dong Eun’s feelings of resentment, anger, and revenge toward the perpetrators who made her life miserable and made her spend all her life scheming her revenge. #theglory #theglory2 #theglorypart2 #더글로리파트2 #songhyekyo #송혜교 #leedohyun #이도현 #limjiyeon #임지연 #yumhyeran #염혜란 #parksunghoon #박성훈 #jungsungil #정성일#kimhieora #김히어라 #chajooyoung #차주영 #kimgunwoo #김건우 #characterposters #drama #kdrama #koreandrama #dramakorea #fayrafeed (di My Imagination) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoetoNyvbnt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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