#I apologize in advance for literally everything Childe says and does
starter for @fearbend​
“Your technique is impressive! I can’t say I’ve ever met anyone brave enough to wield Pyro and Electro at once before.” Enthusiasm laced Childe’s tone, that which only heightened when a quick once-over of the girl revealed no Vision or Delusion to be found. Well, well, what have we here?
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What kind of person could wield the elements without the aid of an Archon’s blessing or the Fatui’s counterfeits? Instantly the Traveler came to mind—a being from another world, something beyond human. Naturally, the question then became: was she as powerful, too?
“Though, I can’t help but wonder...” Head tilting, a congenial grin distracted from the intrigue in dull eyes. “How are you able to do that without a Vision?” 
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Lucifer Morningstar x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons Part 2
I had a blast writing part 1, so here's some more headcanons of reader progressing through their pregnancy!
Warnings: Pregnancy Mention, Implied Smut
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- He doesn't have a pregnancy kink per say, but... seeing you pregnant with his child does things to him that he can't even begin to put into words. He's always found you beyond gorgeous, of course, it's just that now it borders on literal worship. Said worship will be expressed quite physically on a daily basis; he'll slide his hands over your middle, leave trails of kisses up and down your body, and catch himself staring multiple times even before the two of you get out of bed each morning. He can't even really believe that you've somehow managed to get more beautiful, but he'll consistently try to describe the depths of his devotion in song, gifts, and countless hours spent adoring your presence.
- He'll want to start preparing for all baby related events as soon as possible, in part because the arrival of another heir is going to be quite the occasion, but he also just wants everything to go perfectly. The official announcement will come with multiple days of celebration across Hell, including a massive party in the castle itself, and each event that follows will somehow manage to top the last. You'll get enough gifts to fill up multiple rooms, and so many cards with well wishes you could fill up an entire library, but Lucifer expects nothing less. Every ounce of his considerable power is dedicated to making sure you get the best of everything. This dedication also applies to the little things the two of you do together, like decorating the baby's room. He'll insist on hand crafting the furniture, the toys, and every decoration with you directing at his side, and he'll use the most magical materials at his disposal. Hand painting the walls with stardust is not out of the question.
- Things have changed a lot since Charlie was born, and he was previously unaware of the many technological advancements now available for expecting couples, specifically ultrasounds. He's amazed and wants to attend every appointment even more at the prospect of actually seeing your child before they're born. Of course, upon beholding the lopsided blob on the screen for your first check up, he's far more overwhelmed than he could have ever imagined. He can see little hooves and everything! The doctor doesn't quite know what to make of the King near to weeping at the sight of a being no larger than a peanut, but you take it all in stride. Once he finds out that pictures can be taken of the scans, he requests as many as he can carry, and his pockets are bursting with photos of Charlie and her not-yet-born sibling. He'll show them to everyone that does and doesn't ask.
- While he can be overly protective and his efforts to provide for you are more akin to spoiling, he's not at all without cause in doing so; carrying a child of Lucifer is no easy task. As your body becomes the epicenter for a developing power beyond imagination, you'll need him by your side with increasing frequency, especially once the baby's uncontrolled magic starts surging and affecting your reality. You'll be unharmed, but it's still quite nice to have Archangel level powers around to get things back to normal once you start inexplicably walking up the walls, speaking in dead languages or levitating random items with a glance. He takes it all in stride with humorous stories about how Charlie did the same before her arrival, though your cravings for increasingly esoteric rare foods do have him apologizing for the inconveniences of angelic biology, as even he needs a few days to acquire the rarer items your body demands.
- As delighted as he is to have another child, he can't help but be haunted by doubts of all he's done wrong as a father so far. No matter how much of it was out of his control, he fears everything that went wrong will happen again, and that he might just be gaining a second child to fail. It's only through your loving reassurance that he retains some faith in himself, and dares to believe he'll be a halfway decent dad to two children.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Something I noticed in the leaked scene where Octavia calls out Stolas and leaves—Stolas STILL does not say sorry. He tries to make excuses or explain whatever the reason was that he had to leave—but he doesn’t once acknowledge her hurt.
He doesn’t stop and say “I did leave, and I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have left you, Octavia, I’m sorry”. or listen to her and her feelings.
I’ve noticed with Stolas that there’s ALWAYS an excuse. Always.
He cheated on Stella? Well she didn’t actually care about him so it’s fine.
He constantly makes Blitzø uncomfortable with his non-stop sexual advances? Well he actually really loves and thinks highly of Blitzø, the person he coerced into having sex with him, so Blitzø’s in the wrong for rejecting him.
Octavia is hurt over and over again by Stolas not listening to her or prioritizing her, his LITERAL CHILD??? Well, she’s selfish and Stolas is trying REALLY hard and didn’t MEAN to leave her or ignore her all those times so it’s fine! He’s a good dad! She just doesn’t understand!
I used to be, at the very least, intrigued by Stolas as a character. Now i get annoyed every time he’s in a scene. If the show actually held him accountable in ANY way, or if it was framed to show that HE ALONE is in the wrong and is responsible for his actions, it would be different.
But now Stolas is just the fucking James Somerton of the show, where nothing is his fault, and ANYTIME someone tries to criticize his character and the way he’s written they’re labeled a “homophobe”. I hate it here.
Getting a real sense that that "I'm sorry, Via, for everything that's happening right now. I know it's a lot. I should have listened," is going to be the last time we ever hear Stolas apologize to anyone.
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strewwwberry · 1 month
About to do a Rant on shen Jiu coz yeah, so ⚠️trigger warnings⚠️for, you know, him lol
(Additional tw please read beforehand even if its just a skim)
I personalize a lot of my writing to the viewer/reader, if you are someone who tends to input yourself into writing, whether purposely or not, please be aware that it may get uncomfortable or too personal to you, be aware of what you can read through and what is uncomfortable or you simply don’t like, stay safe ♡
Also apologies in advance if I project at all through this.
Shen Jiu's story has got to be one of the most tragic I've read, and not just for his slavery, abandonmet, sexual and physical abuse and then extortion after "freedom", and on top of that the old tale of the abused become the abuser. No, not just that, but because he was willing, he was 110% willing to ignore his feelings, brush aside his abuse an torture, everything, if Yue Qinguen just told him why he wasn't there, just gave him a reason, hell not even a reason, a goddam excuse to why he wasn't there.
He would've, he may not have been a good person even after the fact, actually I'd bet that he wouldn't be a "good person" at all. But, I belive that at the very least, it would've calmed his heart ENOUGH to not repeat the cycle of abuse, even If not for any reason but yue qingyuan.
Even as an adult he was still a child inside wanting the comfort of someone he trusted more than anything, and to be reassured that he wasn't abandoned, that his qi-ge was just late.
And to make it worse, he was, yue qingyuan was simply late. He pushed to hard to quickly, refused to ask for help, refused to explain, got himself in a deadly situation, was late and continued to not explain himself but instead give a look of pity and a stupid sorry every single time as if that changes anything.
Now to go into that, that look of pity. I can literally feel in my soul how fucking cruel that was to have done to Shen qingqiu. Imagine you make it out alive through being sold into slavery, abused in all ways possible, had to fight your way out because your one and only wasnt able to, got basically kidnapped and then further used, escaped THAT, and finally made it to a sect where you see your one and only, hoping that no he couldn't have left me... Did he? No he didnt abandon you, there must be a reason. But nothing, just pathetic apologies constantly. He must've thought himself above me, I'll prove him wrong. You make it to be a head disciple on your way to be a Peak Lord, an impeccable position and a near impossible accomplishment for an ex slave, and still nothing, just pity.
Then you finally get to the top, your on your way to Ascension, already immortal despite being too old to even cultivate when you started and your qi-system (whatever it's called) is absolutely wrecked (miracle you can even cultivate, an insane improbability to have made at to a golden core and immortality). But still, even after all you've been through and persevered through, pity, pity for a man who made it. Pity for a man who went through hell and still fucking made it.
I'm just saying, I'd be mad too.
But no, it doesn't end, of course it doesn't.
Your anger reaches a point unmanageable, you refuse to explain, no one explained anything to you and they won't listen anyway! refuse to try because what good could it do? No one will believe me anyway what's the point? Only friends are brothel ladies, who you pay to be with you, you get called a pervert and a lecher for caring for these woman and that girl disciple of yours who you take pride and comfort in. Are you a pervert and a lecher? Is that true? Only you really know.
And then this bastard kid she just had to point out.
Shen Jiu, refused to acknowledge his REAL flaws and blamed everyone else for everything even when it truly does end up his fault. What. Is he just supposed to deny or admit anything? Of course not! Let them belive whatever the hell they want, I've always acted this way making me seem untrustworthy and because they're hypocrites they wont try to find out why anyway, and I'm always the victim.
Which he was for a long time.
But then he wasn't, not really no, still a victim or course, but right now, with his standing and power?
and then even though they were in the wrong, his refusal to try (understandable but still) was his own choice, his refusal to at least get along with them, not start fights, not ostracize and critisize in the form of snide commentary. No one made him did that, he was traumatized and a child, yes, so was it understandable? Of course! Was it still his own actions that even as an adult he refused to stop, let alone apologize for, even if not literally apologizing? Yes, yes it was.
And then a child. Whose had it rough. Maybe not (yet) as rough as you, but rough. And then to abuse that kid, torture and isolate that child become he was so lucky to have had a mother? A mother who, although still his mother, wasn't even blood? And because his eyes reflected that of a monster, his name reminding you of your abuser just like how your own now does to. hes too much like me, that look just can't be humane, he must be a monster. And you know what you were right he was a half demon child. But not even a demon deserved to be pushed into the abyss to die, no child not even a demon child deserved what you but him through.
That is not how that works. You hand him over to the water prison and figure it out, because the laws are fucked but at least that's something then just acting how you think is right even when you know its not. But no you had to, because what would they say, harboring a monster, you must be one to.
Then on top of all that, you swore to yourself that once you got your peak Lord name, you'd bury your past like you literally just spawned in the moment it's given. And then failed to bury it. Because life isn't that easy. But for once you just wish it was. You wanted to kill that child, so for the one that reminds you to much of yourself? You'll kill that one instead.
Shen jiu doesn't deserve excuses, hell he doesn't even want people to make excuses for him, not for himself and not from anyone else (except if that excuse Is qi-ge giving him so much as "I got caught up drinking my hella fancy tea, I dint mean to leave you there") .
But he was tragic.
He was human, so very human. A human playing the part of a trancendial being. A human boy in the appearance of someone untouchable and inconceivable.
Playing this act means no one can use nor abuse you.
Now, no one can hurt you,
Not anymore.
But they still did
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lakemetaphor · 6 months
I just wanna talk about Tomura for a second. And yes, this is about the 419 leaks and how they've been bouncing around in my head for the past 24 hours. And I apologize in advance for how long this is probably going to be. 🫠
Something about it has been bothering me, and not from a writing stand point, I actually think it's written very well. But instead, it's that it's kind of left me with this weird, almost gross feeling every time I look at those panels. That visual of AFO reaching out to baby Tenko is disturbing in such a way that it's hard to really put it into words at first.
For not one second of his life, has Tomura known peace. Since his birth, All for One has literally had his hands on him. Tomura has just been told that his entire life was preplanned, down to his literal birth. And not once has anything he's done, said, felt, believed, or hoped for has been his own. Everything he's ever wanted has been the result of AFO meddling, even if he wasn't aware. And when he finally got his conviction, the thing that became his primary driving force as a villain, it had stemmed from his childhood.
His father abusing him, his quirk and the result of that awakening, and being ignored by people on the streets. Which, we don't have confirmation that AFO had anything to do with that last part, but the result still stands.
And I know a lot of people are iffy on the execution. That everything that happened to Tenko/Tomura was orchestrated by AFO so now his character means nothing and his journey was for nothing. And all I can think is, it takes a special kind of writer to weave a character in such a way that the audience is feeling that same dread, disappointment, and hopelessness that that character themselves is feeling at the reveal.
Just last chapter (418), we had Tenko/Tomura say flat out that he has to believe he chose to kill his family or none of it makes sense. He doesn't understand why he was born this way. He doesn't like the idea that it might not have been of his own control. He needs there to be a reason. And the reason he attributed to it his entire life, his way of coping with that fact, had been the lie AFO fed him that he was born for destruction. And that is what became his driving force.
Something that we, the audience, have been made aware of during Tomura's origin chapters. AFO tells him to embrace the power to destroy, as that is what his impulses tell him to do. He is the one who puts that idea into his head.
So, really, like Tomura, we were all gaslit by AFO into believing that Tomura wanted to destroy hero society and the world, just like he did his family.
And I can see why that can be a disappointment, or why it can feel like wasted time. Because AFO has just told us it was. Which is what I mean by us, the audience, being able to experience Tomura's emotions with him.
Which shows just how good of a character Tomura is. That this reveal can happen and we feel angry, and betrayed, and like everything we experienced was for nothing. We feel hopeless. How do you come back from this? Where does a character go from here? What is the solution?
And, I don't know, I'm not writing this story, but I have some thoughts about it.
The main one being that Tomura is still a person. He still lived a life. His life. Regardless of how and why he was born, where he lived, who raised him, he still existed. And maybe he was never meant to be alive. Maybe he could have grown up a normal child had his quirk not been messed with. But the fact remains that, he didn't. At the end of the day he still lived the life he did. Regardless of why it happened.
He can still feel the feelings associated with that upbringing. He can still speak on those experiences. Because they are his own. They happened through his eyes, to his body, in his mind. And, as much as AFO wants to take credit for their origins, it was still Tomura who had to live them. There is only so much of a person you can control. You can guide them in a direction, encourage them towards a specific goal, give them all the tools and pretend it was fate, but you cannot control how they react to it and what they take back from it as a result.
And I think it's possible that Tomura will realize that is the case. Most notably, it could (and I think should) come from his memories of the League. AFO didn't tell him to believe in Twice and Toga when they went to sabotage Overhaul. He didn't make him bond over video games with Spinner. He didn't plant the idea in his head to ask for sushi from the MLA because of a one off conversation with Compress.
Maybe AFO had some say in who joined the League when it was first forming. Maybe he was the one who told Tomura to make it in the first place (I'm pretty sure he was). But nothing he could say or do or touch could make Tomura connect with them the way he did. The friends he made and the bonds he formed and the person he became while he was with them, was still his own. And I think that would be a great way to resolve Tomura as a character.
Because, even if he wasn't technically a failure of hero society like the rest of them, even though all of the hatred he had for the world has been diminished into the fault of AFO, at the end of the day, it was Tomura who decided he wanted to be a hero to the villains.
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amugoffandoms · 1 year
THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS: A Little Discussion into the Machiavellian Concept and Its Applications to MILGRAM
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Hello there!! Welcome to my discussion into MILGRAM and the Machiavellian concept of the end justifying the means. Apologies in advance if stuff doesn't make sense, I feel like this was a very complicated thing to explain??
enjoy the es headers to divide some of my thoughts lol
I was thinking about something and the phrase "The end justifies the means" popped into my head, especially for Haruka.
Like, I feel like the end (getting his mom's attention) certainly justified the means (murder) in his point of view.
But, such an idea is often frowned upon, as "That snappy justification for everything “sinful and wicked” sounds good on paper at first to some realists, but in practice, it is a slippery slope to despotism and immoral horrors. See Hitler, eugenics, and other horrors like that." (Source)
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However, the Machiavellian concept has more nuance to it.
"Machiavelli in all cases is implying that “the means” matter, and “the ends” don’t magically justify them, yet sometimes it is worth accepting all the ramifications of “unjustifiable means,” and the damage they do to one’s reputation, for the end goal.
In other words the ends don’t cancel out the means in every respect, but they may none-the-less justify to some extent the original less-than-virtuous actions needed to secure the ends. . . .
DO THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS? The ends can sometimes justify the means, and the ends are often more important than the means. Sometimes, one must muster up criminal virtue to ensure an end which brings the “greatest happiness,” but one must understand that we are talking about the “greatest happiness” theory here. Thus, people should consider the philosophy of consequentialism and consider the morality of the means as well as the result of the ends, and not just seek their ends by any means without consideration. Machiavelli as a political thinking, virtuous master, and republican would no doubt apply the same sort of reason to the seeking of a perfect happiness theory. Truly, one could argue, that only a tyrant would consider ends to justify means – period…" (Source)*
*The source is from the same link as above.
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Now, I'm not calling Haruka a tyrant (he's literally 17 and was neglected as a child, of course he'd do what he could.)
However, Haruka believes in the original idea, that his mother's attention justified killing someone. But, here it states that to some extent, these actions can be justified.
So, Haruka can't entirely justify his actions because of just the end. He begs for his INNOCENT verdict despite what he can and says he will do. There are obvious consequences to these actions and it's not fair to take just the ends into account.
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In fact, as I write this, it makes me believe that MILGRAM, underneath all of this, is asking you:
"Does the end justify the means?"
You see this throughout the entire project, either subtly or directly:
Haruka - As aforementioned, does getting his mother's attention justify killing someone?
Yuno - (I'm using the pregnancy entrapment theory here as it's very plausible, but you could use many different theories.) Does getting someone's attention/love justify trapping them in a pregnancy?
Fuuta - (help this one's complicated ^^;;;) Does someone dying justify your mindset of destroying all "evildoers"?
Muu - (See, this one is complicated as well as her murder and why is heavily debated, so I'll go with Muu trying to kill Rei because she wasn't forgiven and also because she wanted the suffering to end. Please let me know if there is a much more nuanced idea.) Does the ending suffering justify killing someone?
Shidou - Does saving a singular person justify all the other people they've killed to save them?
Mahiru - (See, once again, complicated, since we have no idea what her murder is, but I'll try a guess. Once again, please let me know if there is a much more nuanced idea!) Does someone dying justify overwhelming love?
Kazui - Does someone dying justify lying, but telling the truth in the end?
Amane - Does someone dying justify your faith?
Mikoto - Does protecting someone (or in this case, an alter) justify killing someone?
Kotoko - Does serving justice justify possibly killing someone?
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One thing I forget to mention in the original posting (and I'd like to thank @inferablossom for this point! Please take a look at their reblog here!) is the application with Es and MILGRAM itself.
In their words, they say, ". . .the treatment of the guilty prisoners. . . that's an important thing to look at. All the prisoners who were voted Guilty had their thoughts rejected in the fork of hearing lots of voices condemning and judging them, something that's been not unfairly called out as psychological torture. We are being asked to judge these prisoners as forgivable or unforgivable. Some of them, people won't find forgivable, and many have stated an intention to forgive them later, but not now, with an intention to make them 'better' in some way. But can we justify essentially subjecting people to psychological torture to achieve this aim? And on the other side, for Kotoko, many people likely voted her forgivable based on her crime, but she also deemed it as accepting her deal and therefore sanctioning her violence against other prisoners. Can we justify actions that could lead to her harming many people?"
As I stated in my reply, I honestly wasn't looking into MILGRAM because I was so focused on the prisoners, but it's a great point!
I'm basically restating my reply here, but:
Can we justify putting prisoners through "psychological torture" to ensure "betterment"? Can you forgive someone terrible to save someone else?
For example, Haruka and Muu. After Haruka made that threat in his 2nd VD, people must have seriously been considering voting for Muu's innocence to stop him from committing suicide. However, we all automatically went to a guilty verdict.
Voting for Kotoko's innocence caused her to beat up the other prisoners. So, are you able to justify these actions that can lead to more?
As an audience, we must see if the ends justify our means, see if violence can justify forgiveness, and if "betterment" (or in what Alice said in their tags, harm mitigation) can justify psychological torture.
This is very reminiscent of Fuuta's 2nd MV, where he yells at Es for being just like him. Es, and I suppose us as well, justify their actions by saying this is MILGRAM and they must find the truth.
(Can finding the truth behind someone justify psychological and physical suffering?)
It also reminds me of Amane's voting! Everyone wanted her to realize her murder, but it caused her to become more "stuck" with her beliefs. Can betterment justify a guilty verdict, causing psychological torture, to realize one's murder?
If we were to judge ourselves, would it be fair to say we'd give ourselves a GUILTY verdict?
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Quick Side Topic: In voting in MILGRAM, I like to take into a few factors: personality (it is not affected as much, but depending on the situation, it does help), actions, and the crime itself.
I'm not saying anyone who voted certain prisoners the opposite way is wrong to vote that way, but I like to think of these factors to fairly judge, as if I was part of a jury in a trial.
For example, since her voting period ended last month, Muu. I voted her guilty because of her disregard for Haruka's threat and guilty prisoners' wellbeing, saying they deserved it, no? (In my eyes, no one deserves such a fate unless they have done something EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY wrong. I'm not justifying murder, but I'm saying the actions done to them were wrong.) Her personality didn't really swing my vote any way. Her murder, however, did. In my eyes, it seemed like she was trying to get retribution for her bullying (I have this whole theory that one of Rei's friends were being bullied, killed herself, and Rei called her out on this.)
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Back on track...
Once again, there is so much more nuance to each of these characters than DOES THE END JUSTIFY THE MEANS? Haruka is certainly more than wanting his mother's attention; Yuno more than trying to get pregnant from someone; Fuuta more than his mindset; Muu more than her suffering; Shidou more than his dead patients; Mahiru more than her boyfriend; Kazui more than his lies; Amane more than her faith; Mikoto more than his DID (Can't recall if this is the right term.); and Kotoko more than serving justice.
But, that's what some of their ideals and murder itself boils down to, can you justify murder? Can you look at why they did it (motive/goal), what happened (murder/means), and your own morality and decide if you can forgive someone?
Can you look into yourself and truly find that there is a justification for murder?
In the words of Es in former English subs for UNDERCOVER, "You get to know them and tie them with their EGO? Can you really judge them? Is it really okay to be done with deciding with just your EGO? Will you be able to forgive them after listening to their sins?"
Can you look past the less-than-virtuous means to justify the end?
In the words of the new English subs, "Shouldn't you look beyond your EGO, before it all ends?"
Can the ends justify murder?
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If you've made it this far, thank you for reading my little discussion into this topic. Once again, I apologize for any confusing parts in this. I myself am still trying to grasp the concept, but my thoughts are now in writing.
I'm not well versed into some of these characters, so I am willing to edit this to fix any mistakes I've made in their little analysis of them! Thank you for your help if you do!
I think the first thought of this concept and how it was comparable to Haruka and it started snowballing.
When I realized I had my thoughts down in a whole essay/discussion, I realized it would probably be best to divide this up into easier to read chunks??
MILGRAM is an amazing music video project and considering the release of I Love You is soon, I'm excited to see what is in store. If I recall correctly, they said this was an intense trial, so oh dear! ^^;;
Here's to more amazing songs to analyze!
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apollos-boyfriend · 11 months
translation + transcription of cellbit and roier's house tour - 10/17/23
note: i am not a fluent spanish speaker. i can understand it pretty well, but there may still be some issues with the translation of some of roier’s lines! i apologize in advance. this conversation starts at 03:22:40 of cellbit's vod, and goes until roier finishes messaging bagi.
R: So this is your house?
C: I believe so, but I don’t remember it.
R: No way. Okay, Bagi showed me another, separate house-
C: (interrupting) It wasn’t this one? R: No, it was a tree house.
C: Okay, look. This-this-
R: (interrupting) You had a really beautiful house then, huh?
C: Supposedly, this is the house I grew up in.
R: (crosstalk) Supposedly. So, you and Bagi are from this island?
C: Looks like it.
R: Seriously? What . . .
C: Look. There’s a beautiful kitchen, a living room-a living room, the kitchen.
R: Yeah. Oh, there’s spiderwebs here. I suppose that a lot of time’s passed, yeah?
C: Yeah.
R: Many years, because you’re, what, 46?
C: (laughs)
R: A lot of time. 
C: Twenty-six, twenty-six, twenty-six.
R: (reading in English) “Wash your hands.” (back to Spanish) Wash your hands. Why is it in English? Did you speak English when you were little?
C: Maybe-maybe my parents?
R: Or better yet, you’re a gringo, and then you turned Brazilian. It could be.
C: Or maybe-or maybe my parents were bilingual?
R: You think?
C: (crosstalk) Or maybe! It’s not uncommon for you to have signs in English, even if you’re Brazilian. (breaking rp) My mom has a sign that says “coffee time”, and she’s Brazilian. My real-life mom, my real-life mom.
R: This one looks like it was written in-it was written with sharpies, you know? A sharpie marker. You know?
C: (back in rp) Maybe we were learning English? And that’s why we know it [now]. 
R: (crosstalk) Ah, of course, it was practice, yeah? What is this?
C: I don’t know-ever since I was-I was a child, I already knew English and Portuguese. That’s why-I-I-I don’t know if I told you this, but I met Badboyhalo in those games. 
R: Oooohhhh . . . 
C: We helped each other as much as we could, then we went our separate ways. 
R: So Badboyhalo Is also a killer?
C: Yeah.
R: Let me say, I don’t remember anything, but I remember that I’m Mexican. And that I have a grandpa. And the world’s best ass. Hey, what does “mamão” mean?
C: “Mamão” is papaya.
R: (crosstalk) Mamão. Ahh, papaya. And eggs, and milk . . . okay. So, let’s continue with the house tour. Show me-show me your house. 
C: Uh, up here-
R: Hm-hm. The second floor. 
C: There’s a hallway. I think this was the parents’ room.
R: No way. “Meus pais” literally. 
C: (laughs) “Meus pais.” Meus pais, meus pais, meus pais.
R: Actually meus pais. It can’t be. 
C: And here-
R: Okay.
C: Look.
R: Ohhhh. You like red, huh? What do you have here, potions?
C: (crosstalk) I think so.
R: You think so? Uh, what’s your actual favorite color?
C: Uh. 
R: Red?
C: I don’t have a favorite color. I’m not twelve years old.
R: (crosstalk) You don’t have one? You don’t have one that you like more than the others? Or your top three favorite colors, at least?
C: Uh. Red, black, and blue.
R: Ah, so you do have them, asshole. Everything here is red. And pink. Do you like pink? C: Not really. 
R: Oh, look, books! “Murder on the Orient Express”.
C: They’re mystery novels. They’re really good, actually.
R: Oh, really?
C: Hm-hm.
R: I can’t read them, but they must be really good. Okay. Show me-show me your house. Or is that all?
C: That’s all. Uh, I think that’s everything.
R: (crosstalk) That’s all? Damn, you guys were poor, huh?
C: (laughs) But I think that-
R: (crosstalk) I’m kidding. It’s a really nice house-it’s a really nice house.
C: Yeah. It must’ve been nice to live here. But I don’t remember it. 
R: Yeah, you don’t remember anything. Hey, do you know if Bagi remembers it all?
C: (crosstalk) I think so. I think she remembered all her investigations. 
R: Ah, childhood.
C: I think that I’m going to-I’m going to call her over.
R: Oh, okay. Do you want me to talk for you, or do you want to be here in person? I think you should talk in person, because right now, she’s feeling sad, and really confused-
C: (interrupting) Don’t you think that she should come here?
R: I-I believe so. She should come over here. Hey, look, Cellbit. Let’s support her-let’s support her. Let’s go get Bagi, okay? Actually, I don’t know where she is.
C: Send her a message telling her to come here.
R: Okay, I’ll send her it on Whatsapp.
C: Tell her to come to her old house.
R: Okay, I’ll send her a pigeon. A messenger pigeon.
C: Good. A Whatsapp.
R: Yes, a Whatsapp. (whistles) Okay. (typing) Hi Bagi. Can I talk to you? It’s important. Hey, I think you should hide your name, hide your name, okay?
C: Yeah. I just did that, uh-huh.
R: Ah, okay, perfect. So she doesn’t know. So we can surprise her, you know? A surprise!
C: Yes.
R: Here’s fucking mini-Cellbit. Okay, and I asked if I could talk to her, okay? And after that, we go with her-or, maybe I could tell her to come here.
C: Tell her to come here. I think that’s better. 
R: Okay.
C: I’m going to-I’m going to put my mini-me-
R: (typing) I need you to come to your old house-though, though, she never showed me this house, she might go to the wrong one.
C: But she’ll know, I think.
R: Okay, so I’ll send a 00101. (typing) Can you come to your old house, the green one-is green “verde” in Portuguese, or how is green?
C: Yes.
R: Yes.
C: It’s “Verde.”
R: Okay. (long pause, then typing) I need you here now, please. Okay, okay maybe she’ll come here.
C: Perfect. Good.
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evansbby · 5 months
My dilf story was literally a nightmare like…
I was dating this 40 year old man, and I had JUST turned 20 😭 I thought he was so hot, and he was rich so I thought I was living my y/n life. Anyways, he was married which I didn’t know. He told me he had kids, but that he was divorced. (idk what i was thinking, like i was ready to be a step mom at freshly twenty yrs old 😭) Eventually after like six months of us together, his wife found out and made my life hell. She found out where I worked and started screaming at me, and at that time I worked at a law firm, like it was very professional 😭😭 She called me a whore, a slut, a home wrecker, lots of racist shit (i’m colombian, she was literally calling me a bean muncher? saying shit like ‘go back to where you came from’💀) and I literally had no idea what she was talking about. ALSOO SHE LITERALLY SAID ‘go find another n word whose dick you can suck’ AS A WHOLE WHITE WOMAN LIKE WHAT??!! I WAS SO CONFUSED 😭😭 She then threw her coffee at me (thankfully it was cold), then keyed my car, slashed my tires and smashed every window.….yeahh 😀. Fun. Ruined my career there so I obviously had to quit (found a way better job afterwards thank god). Safe to say I broke up with him. It was this whole thing, like he was trying to gaslight me into thinking that that was his ex and that she was delusional 💀 He ended up paying for the damages, and paid my rent months in advance bc he wanted to make it up to me and get back together. We did not. After that he was still trying to see me and apologize, AND HE WAS STILL MARRIEDDD UGHH WHY ARE MEN LIKE THIS??? Two weeks later my period was late and I found out I was pregnant…yup…that motherfucker knocked me up😭😭
Now three years later and I’m watching reruns of every shrek movie with my baby girls...yes plural, as in twins 😭 I just want to clarify that I love my babies very much, and I honestly wouldn’t change it for the world 🙏🏼🩷🩷 He’s still married to that woman, pays a shit ton of child support and yes he does spend time with our daughters, but his wife hates my guts even though I tried to explain everything to her. So yeah, I do not let my daughters near her. He can only see our kids if I’m there as well, bc like I said, his wife hates me and literally threatened to kill me and my babies when I was pregnant.
So if you’re thinking about being with a dilf. don’t. Go read some dilf fanfics and stay at home 💀 I also lost my virginity to him, and even though the sex was amazing, i still feel guilty that I unknowingly slept with a married man. Stay safe girlies 🩷🩷
you managed to shock me with each passing paragraph like GIRL ARE YOU OKAY?!?!? that is… a lot to go through… from creepy older man to unknowing adultery to crazy wife to lying to RACISM to BABIES??? PLURAL??? TWINS??? 😭😭😭 bestie you went through it all !!! And more!
And this is what I mean like these older men who go after younger girls are highkey such LOSERS fr most of the time!!! I know we all have our dilf fantasies but the truth is why can’t these men be with someone their own age??? Why do they have to be with a girl freshly 20 or younger whom they have nothing in common with???
Also bestie the whole time I read this jaw dropping tale of yours, the part I hated the most was her embarrassing you in your JOB! Like I was thinking I hope she didn’t ruin your career and I’m so glad you have a better job now!!! And two cutie baby girls 🥹🥹🥹
But yeah, I think dilf fantasies are best left as fantasies lol
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
What’s your opinion on show and book!Viserys (Rhaenyra’s father not her son btw)?
Where do I even begin🤦🏽‍♀️ I apologize in advance because this is going to be a rant and probably won’t be that coherent.
I straight up hate his guts. Sorry not mincing any words because he’s a f*cking idiotic selfish POS(actually that’s an insult to sh*t) Jacka** whose actions(or rather lack of actions cause this MF does nothing) almost single-handedly destroyed an entire dynasty. Seriously f*ck both the show and the book versions of him are literally the worst.
If anyone is looking for one character to blame the Dance on, well look no further than this turd because he’s the reason for all the unnecessary chaos.
Book!Viserys gets 1/2 a point over show!Viserys based on the fact that he never orders Aemma to be cut open, but he’s just as stupid and selfish as show!Viserys.
I think out of all the characters on the show Viserys is the one who’s changed the least fundamentally from his book counterpart. The only major difference is the Aemma situation, he’s not a creepy pedo(cause he and Alicent only have a ten-year age gap), and he “cares” for Helaena and her children in the book(I say “care” loosely because if he cared he would’ve realized that those babies would become targets the moment he died).
Fundamentally, Viserys is a character who is willfully oblivious to what's happening around him. He’s created a powder keg situation yet he fails to notice it because he thinks his word is law and everyone should just blindly follow what he says because he’s the king. He can break tradition because he is king. He can make the rules up as he goes and spit in the face of others because he is the king.
Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with breaking the precedent of succession for favoring males over their female relatives. However, this dude is a. A hypocrite(the whole reason why he is king is because he was a man whereas Rhaenys who had the greater claim was a woman) and b. A dumb dumb.
The moment Alicent popped out Aegon II he created a succession crisis. You can not tell me that he didn't realize that Otto and Alicent would put Rhaenyra first over their own flesh and blood cause he would never do that himself. He should’ve never married her if he wanted to keep Rhaenyra as heir.
(And as much as I rag on her, you know what, the reason why she’s so horrible is because of him. He was a sh*tty father to her just as much as his other kids).
He was the king. It’s not like he loved Alicent. He could’ve had any number of mistresses and fathered any number of bastards no one would care and they wouldn’t be a threat to his daughters claim like his true born sons were, but what does he do? He marries her anyway.
You could make the argument that oh Rhaenyra was his eldest child so the Hightowers should’ve respected that, but Viserys also helped to facilitate another succession crisis by turning a blind eye to Rhaenyra having obvious bastards(he got lucky that Corlys for the longest time cared more about appearances than his blood).
While everything might have been okay for Rhaenhra had the Targtowers not been in the picture(or if they bent the knee), No one, and I mean no one was going to take those boys being made king and the Lord of the Tides seriously once he, Rhaenyra, and I guess Corlys, had died.
If Viserys actually loved any of his children he would’ve named Aegon his heir, married Rhaenyra off to a man who she could have a fulfilling marriage with, and called it a day, but nope. This dummy really let his guilty conscience(and his nether regions) ruin his family(I believe that even book!Viserys felt some guilt over Aemma dying which is why he kept Rhaenyra as heir and allowed her to do whatever).
If this is your favorite character(I doubt he has any actual fans except god bless him, Paddy) please tell me why because there is absolutely nothing likable about him:
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I apologize for posting this yucky picture, but I’m so glad they decided to make him look like a rotting corpse instead of making him fat like in the book. His outsides started matching his insides and it’s what he deserved🤡
Bottom line show!Alicent is a saint for putting up with him and I don’t blame book!Alicent one bit for letting his putrid corpse rot for days on end. He's the reason why House Targ almost went extinct(and why they lost their dragons for basically 200 years).
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toomuchracket · 1 year
wait, wait. what happens when our aunt sees matty for the first time? will it be at a special event for their family? or?
your parents have a family barbecue maybe six months or so after your aunt shat on your relationship - your dad phones matty (his favourite child, honestly) to warn him in advance like "unfortunately we have to invite her. but i've stocked the garage with beers so if shit hits the fan we can just hide in there", which matty finds both ridiculously funny and endearing but maintains will be unnecessary because everything will be fine. on the day of, though, he's actually quite nervous, taking ages to pick out the right t-shirt to wear and fixing his hair; you're like "baby come on you look lovely we need to leave now or we'll be late", and matty sighs but he's like "ok, you're right, let's go". you're staying at your parents' that night (in your old teenage bedroom, which you think is going to be weird as shit lol), so you shove your overnight bags in the back of the car and set off. the drive seems to calm matty down a bit, or maybe it's just the fact he gets to hold your bare thigh for a while as he drives lmao.
when you get to the house, your aunt is already there - she literally greets you at the gate and makes you introduce matty, properly scrutinising him as you do and then instigating an interrogation conversation with him. she's civil, he's sweet, you're stressed... thank god for your dad, who abandons his spot at the barbecue to rescue you both like "c'mon, son, we'll get the bags inside"; matty kisses your head as he follows your dad, and your aunt is like "hmm. he's not what i thought he'd be" - you bite back a smirk like "no?", and she's begrudgingly like "i still don't necessarily approve of the age gap, but he's nice. it's obvious he cares about you. and he's handsome, that's undeniable". this is as close to both high praise and an apology you'll get from her, so you smile and give her a little hug, and she's like "but don't you come crying to me if it ends badly. i did warn you" before she leaves you to annoy your cousin lmao.
you go into the kitchen to find both your parents and your boyfriend all holding beers, and as she passes you one your mum's like "we saw a hug. good?" - you smile like "as good as we'll get from her. she says you're nice, matty, and it's clear you care about me. and she admitted you're handsome", and matty's like "admitted?? like it's a controversial take??", and you roll your eyes like "of course THAT'S what you take from my words, bloody narcissist". your parents laugh as matty kisses your cheek like "nah, i'm glad she sees i care about you. that's the most important bit. right, can we go and meet your cousin's baby now?"; you're like "yeah, come on", pulling a "stop it!" face at your mum raising her eyebrows and smiling at you both at matty's words. for the rest of the day/night, matty's his usual sweet self, cooing over your baby cousin, chatting to anyone and everyone, cuddling into you on the little rattan couch as the event draws to a close and the sun sets. your aunt must have been keeping an eye on you both the whole day, because when she hugs you goodbye she's like "it really is nice to see you happy", which is an absolute win actually - she still doesn't hug matty though, only nods goodbye at him lol. she'll never fully approve, or admit that she does, but she also won't shit on you and matty's relationship again. and who wouldn't be at least slightly charmed by him, sweetie that he is? <3
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the-writer-mao · 1 year
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Okok but can you imagine if the cloaked figure from ep 7 was related to any of the KingOhgers?
Hear me out:
To target the kingdom of MEDICINE and beauty is smart- the kingdom with the best resources of medical aid and the most talented doctors? Not only would it be detrimental for Ishabana’s own people, but imagine refugees from other kingdoms seeking medical help?
Your next hope? Probably N’kosopa.
Honestly if I was a bitch ass like Racles, I’d target Ishabana and N’Kosopa first because they are the most technologically advanced, then I’d follow up with Toufu due to the agriculture (arguably the order is debatable) and then Gokkan.
I don’t necessarily know the ages of the KingOhgers, but I’m going to naturally assume Gira is the youngest. They all are also human so I’m assuming they age normally, so I doubt the hooded figure would be the 6th ranger unless they don’t age, or they’re going for an older member this year (since Himeno was a child when we first see them).
But just for the sense of melodrama, I feel like the stakes would be higher if the hooded figure would be related to one of the KingOhgers. It’s too early to tell since we only have snippets of Gira, Yanma, and Himeno’s backstories and not enough from Rita and Kaguragi-
However I’m led to believe that the hooded suspect could be from N’Kosopa or Shuggodam.
Himeno’s parents were implied to be greatly respected leaders, but mind you this is in Himeno’s perspective. They could have very well made some bad decisions or have made some disagreements with the other kingdoms;
(Ever stopped to think that the Beauty of their kingdom COULD be a cover up? The perfect kingdom that’s done “no wrongs” 🤔)
Shuggodam and N’Kosopa’s reasons for terminating the King and Queen could be out of
a) spite/revenge
- perhaps they failed to help heal someone, or refused to
or b) competition
- they’re both technologically advanced, especially in the medical field, eliminating or setting back the competition would make the remaining kingdoms more appealing and likely prosper.
- I’m also curious to see the state of N’Kosopa prior to Yanma’s presidency. What if Ishabana denied a request for help from N’Kosopa? Especially when they were struggling through a poverty issue (as implied from Yanma having to work hard to reach the top from the slums)
My only wonder is why not eliminate the Princess? Sure the reason could be as simple as forgetting, but wouldn’t it be easier for the hooded suspect to eliminate the heir of the throne as well? You’re basically creating THE Batman origin story. There would have to be a valid reason.
(Also maybe I’m reading too much into it, but the hooded figure was cocky, with the head-nod gesture and all, I think they might’ve smirked? Correct me if I’m wrong Ofc, but I’m thinking that leaving Himeno would be all apart of the plan)
This trope of the mysterious and unknown hooded figure being related to one of our heroes really works into the ongoing themes of this series:
All these high titles of royalty does not equate to mighty or perfection- as long as they’re human, it means nothing at the end of the day- humans will always be the reason of their own downfall and we are capable of control, mistakes, and retribution.
Imagine if Yanma and Himeno gain self respect for each other finally, only for it to be revealed that the hooded figure is related to Yanma? All the trust they’d have to had built up to that point? Could be shattered depending on the strength of these kings’ bonds. And the literal IRONY of Yanma saying that it’s humans fault at the end of the day- we all know he’d want nothing to do with that hooded figure if that’s the case- he’s his own person and believes that being blood-related ISN’T everything.
Himeno having to accept that beauty isn’t everything either- she may love her parents, but she also has to be aware their flaws too- I’d love to see if they were actually at fault for something and Himeno having to come forward to apologize.
[Honestly I’d love for all of these rulers to have to come together JUST to break the generational traumas caused by their prior rulers]
And if the hooded figure was related to Gira? I’d imagine that surely this unknown figure has probably caused more damage in other kingdoms- unless Gira’s secured bonds with the others by this point, they might question his loyalty, or they might straight up be butt hurt and it’s gonna suck regardless for him :(
Anyways that’s the end of my theory. I’d love to hear yours!
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Hi Kerry, here are some Nice Ask Weeks questions for you!!
1. What about TK’s character interested you the most in exploring his backstory, and what made you decide to explore what it would have been like had he had a little sister?☺️
2. If we were to get a flashback in s5 to a point in TK’s life, at what age would you prefer the flashback to be set?
3. What about the show made you join the fandom and is this the first fandom you’ve been in?:)
I wish you a wonderful weekend🌼☺️🌼☺️
Hi Mar! 😍💝
Oh my.... first off, I want to apologize for how unhinged the answer to this question might get and also in advance if I give you a bunch of information you didn't want- The biggest reason is the cliche reason of write the fic you yourself would want to read. I came into the LS fandom when season three had just aired, and I adored TK and Owen's relationship in the first season, and the third season did this SO dirty - like there were literally so many times they could have, should have included a scene for them and just didn't- and because of this/the Gwyn stuff, when I went looking for sweet Strand family feels fic, if it didn't have a publication date of 2020, was some version of, "Gwyn is the ONLY parent TK has ever known and Owen was not there for TK once, IN HIS LIFE, they were basically STRANGERS the day TK didn't come to work and Owen clocked that as something being wrong - and I respect everyone's right to write whatever fic they want. I would never tell any of those writers I didn't agree with them, because they had their opinion and I had mine (also I'm sorry I make way too many references, please throw something at me) but in the show The Good Wife, there's a judge who makes every lawyer preface their statements with "in my opinion" and I was like is that a nifty idea! Because I'm not going to say my take on their relationship is THE right one because it's just how I see it. Before I started my long fic I was just writing cute Strand family stories that are shorter because I didn't find those, so I wrote them. Also (and there is a very long, unhinged post that I don't think I'll ever be brave enough to write about how much it grinds my gears they killed Gwyn off) but I truly hate that they killed her off, I don't think it was the right decision or that it has served TK's character arc, and also, I think Gwyn and Owen are such strong characters and they both love their family so fiercely. Which brings us to the cliched reasons - the things of write what you know and only you could write this fic this way, I was like pfft so made up, and then I spent a year writing a fic over 200,000 words with no end in sight about children of divorce who felt very loved by their parents... and realized that yes, this was written by a child of divorce who felt very loved by her parents. Like in the show, I was also seven when my parents divorced (albeit for a much, much more cliched of a reason) and something that I really strongly see and relate to is that despite what has happened, TK loves and has always felt loved by his parents, and has never had to question that. It doesn't mean they haven't let him down and it doesn't mean that everything's perfect- it's like an early episode of Scrubs where their parents all visit and Dr. Cox tells JD, "Every one of our parents does considerable emotional damage". This is very true, and (I swear I'm trying to be concise and just failing) and I know that so many people's parents fail their kids in this respect and they don't get to have that relationship, but if you do have that bond that the Strands do and that love is never questioned (especially as TK has stated his parents were there for him any time he relapsed), then you look past the times they didn't measure up because they mean so much to you; and I really see that in TK's relationships with both his parents. And TK is just so sweet and so caring and if there are too many characters on TV that are an only child I will be like .... but what if they were a big brother/sister? (Me watching the first three years of teen wolf: why do none of them have brothers and sisters lol) Also because (this probable doesn't come as a surprise given that it's 50 chapters deep lol) writing TK as a big brother is really, really fun for me - because he would be the kid who was so excited his mom was having a baby and wanted to help as much as he could and tell his whole class it's his baby - TK Strand is a character that is very fun to write at any age
I would love to see a flashback to the beginning of his relationship with Alex; just because I'm so curious about what it was about Alex that made TK want to propose, (this would also be hard because it would be so different from his relationship with Carlos, but it's a very curious time to me)
It's the first fandom I've been in like this; probably yes, cause I don't think any other fandoms (like Teen Wolf) I was actively a part of like wrote for it- I did not expect to love this show this much - I'm a big parks and rec/west wing/outsiders fan and was like Rob Lowe as a dad- well sure- and then by the time the title card aired I was like "WHAT IS THIS SHOW" like it still amazes me how fleshed out almost every character is in the pilot/first season. Like - I hadn't written anything for 13 years before I started watching LS- but the characters they provided us with were too good to ignore
Thank you for the ask 🥰- and sorry I ramble too much 🫣🫣
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curryoneverything · 7 months
Baby Pls
Pregnancy has completely ruined my appetite. Cravings have turned into fallacious sweet nothings, simply hard to swallow with a "wish I didn't" aftertaste. The only safe foods are fruit and potatoes. Speaking of potatoes, my child's name is going to be Irish. (I hope that isn't offensive like equating black culture to watermelon, my apology in advance.) Since my baby does have a bit of Irish in him or her it seems fit. Today, I ate Chicken Katsu, a dish I would normally fuck up on sight, I found myself awfully critical when reflecting on its tasting notes. The rice too mushy, the chicken too stale, the sauce too... something, very much so something. Ginger ale still in the lead, water be tasting hella metallic. I had a fucking toaster struedel and could not finish it. WOW. Everything needs more balsamic vinegar, it has literally saved like three slices of pizza in the past two weeks. I used to LOVE Papa John's. I am ashamed to say I traveled 6 hours, racked up enough toll money to buy a house, for a few days getaway, ordering a simple, classic pepperoni pizza from Papa John's. Guess what, no balsamic vinegar. It was unbearable. I don't mean to sound ungrateful for the many food options I am blessed to consume, sadly, they have not agreed with my stomach. Tomorrow, we try another safe food (cinnamon toast crunch with berries) in hopes it is in agreeance with my roommate. My baby better know as soon as humanly possible (lol) he or she will be expanding that palette. That's what I spent this entire year trying to do! I just found out I like eggs, now they all taste rotten. Ai-yi-yi.
Well, I'll catch you on the sunny side, I have a vitamin to take and a ginger tea to make.
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andraxicated · 3 years
Genshin men as k-dramas
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Pairings: genshin men x f!reader
Synopsis: Scenarios of you and genshin men in some of my favorite k-dramas.
Characters: childe, scaramouche, itto, thoma, kaeya
(pt.2) ayato, albedo, kazuha
(pt.3) dainsleif, diluc, zhongli, xiao
Tags: fake dating | sussy husband | comedy attempt | malewife in an apocalypse | sexy red flag | fluff
a/n: this got too long so I'm cutting these into parts!
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Childe — A Business Proposal💍
you feel so out of place in this fancy restaurant where everyone seems so poised and classy. why did you even agree to this? oh right, you need the money. waiting feels like forever until a sexy voice that made your body tingle calls out to you. "hello? (f/n) (f/l/n)?" you look up to the man confirming your name and you swear the air got knocked out from your lungs. HE'S SO FINE??? AND HE'S RICH?? jackpot!!! wait, don't forget you're on a fake date. you need to mess things up! and so you act like a crazy woman obsessed with her riches and is fond of hot, crazy, steamy, wild sex. you're literally throwing away your dignity just for this awkward date to end (why isn't he saying anything to you T_T). you swear you've done everything you could to get this man to be turned off and yet this falls on his lips: "I like you." WHATTHE? wow, what a crazy man he must like crazy women too. what was his name again? ajax? childe? oh well, it's not like you will ever see him again.....SURPRISE SURPRISE BIATCH, he's your fucking boss, the owner of the company. the urge to jump in front of a bus is really strong right now <3. help, how are you going to solve this? you just fooled your boss on a date! and wow, the universe must really hate you because he found out <33 and now you're sitting here across him, apologies endlessly spilling from your mouth because you're such a desperate peasant for money. he's like "i don't like people who waste my time." and you be like: "ok i'm sorry *cries* :((" but then...he sets up a proposal??? a proposal where you two have to fake date and then get married just to get his grandpa's pestering off his back. wait this isn't a marriage proposal, it's a business proposal!
Scaramouche — Flower of Evil🌹
everything was perfect, it was the same old morning routine you would never get tired of. waking up to your husband cooking breakfast, your daughter's eyes creasing when she sees you, and your giggle that warms the house. your husband thought it was perfect too, and he wanted to stay like that forever...but how could someone who had a dark past pretend like it didn't exist? the past will never let him go and Scaramouche will do anything to keep his family out of danger. unfortunately, it can't be helped, you are a detective after all. fate it may be, your team is the one who's investigating your husband's case. the moment you picked up that watch, when you recognized it, hid it from your colleague, doubts started to rise and suddenly you can't breathe. was it all lies? your cold neighborhood crush who eventually warmed up and loved you...was it all fake? just like your husband's identity? every night, laying on that bed with him, his touches on your skin now bring pain rather than relief. no, you're not going to let love blind you. you are a detective who swore to bring justice. and you are gonna bring justice. even if it's against your husband, even if this fragile dollhouse falls apart, as long as you're alive...justice will prevail.
Itto — It's Okay to Not Be Okay✍️
the moment you saw Itto and that big beefy arms of his, you wanted him. and what you want, it's what you get. that's what always been happening in your life, everything is so easy to get! except for this stubborn himbo who disregards your romantic and sexual advances. is he gay? maybe asexual? nah, you don't think so. but why does he always reject you? any attempt of dressing up in grand designer clothes doesn't seem to catch his eye and it's so frustrating. oh, he's busy taking care of a granny and a kid in a retirement home...that's sweet and...attractive. the visits to the retirement home get more and more frequent because of the everyday itch of seeing his face. the more you stay, the more you learn about life and the deeper your feelings get. don't worry about unrequited love, because this big man is also falling in love with you despite your eccentrics. the time spent with Itto is a time well spent, a short period that cannot compare to the dark and empty life you had before. this is a path of healing, a path of love, and a path of family. you'd gladly take this path in any life because of the happiness it gives. you're working on a new book with the kid whom Itto takes care of as the artist. this is not child labor, this is just commissioning an artist! you close your eyes and recall the past months you had with Itto and the people at the retirement home. then colorful imagination, sceneries, and characters just pop up in your mind as you hurriedly scribble down the train of thought. "kid draw this." you pass the notes to the boy who's sketching on a notepad and he nods while he gets his materials. you lean back with a satisfied smile as you smell the incoming money from this bestseller book.
Thoma — Sweet Home🌇
so this it...this is the end of your short life. you're a year from graduating and reaching your dreams and now this stupid zombie apocalypse happens out of nowhere. you haven't even stepped foot in Switzerland yet! goodbye mother, father, friends, relatives. goodbye world it was a mid life. wait are they even alive— "hhk!" a quiet hitch escapes your lips and you quickly bite down the flesh as the monster's ears turn and face you abruptly. your face contorts in horror at the terrifying appendage that's nearing your face; your body instinctively presses on the wall even if there's no room left to hide. you were accepting moments ago and now you're keeping quiet because you want to live. 'guess this is human survival instinct. and your survival instinct is telling you to hold your breath and keep quiet but your pounding heart won't listen, and you know the monster could hear it. this was a terrifying way to go, your heart pulled out of your chest. the ear gets awfully close to your nose and you close your watery eyes while your ears ring, lips bleed, and body paralyzed. 'let's just make this quick please. it's just like sleeping right?' a sad thought enters your mind as your body calms down while preparing for the blow. then a shrill shriek startles you as you open your eyes, watching the ear pull out quickly. A stabbing sound squelches and your heart drops as your hands absentmindedly place over your mouth. you don't know if you're relieved or guilty but you just press your knees to your chest and close your eyes. then, the atmosphere changes as a familiar voice calls out to you: "hey, are you okay? are you hurt?" your eyes take in the sight of a blonde guy holding a knife-broom with a worried expression on his face. then suddenly, every piece of nerve just connects together and your mind is back on track. OMG IT'S THAT CUTE MALEWIFE MATERIAL NEIGHBOR! IT'S THOMA! your sight then follows the familiar dog walking around the apartment and it turns to you as if smiling, serotonin immediately overwhelming you. you're very happy thoma and taroumaru are alive— oh, another man is holding a katana and a woman carrying a guitar! glad to know you're on the winning team!
Kaeya — Nevertheless🦋
he's the type of guy who doesn't like commitment and thinks relationships are a bother but likes to flirt. what a total asshole. and of course, you don't know that this potential danger is now approaching you since your back looked so appealing. kaeya sits beside you and asks: "is this seat taken?" you turn to speak but then you're met with the hottest man you've ever seen. one eye covered but the other is dark blue, tan skin, has a tiddie window, and an aura that just screams sex. you've been mesmerized by his appealing looks that it left kaeya chuckling, snapping you out of your dream. "n-no it's not taken." you reply to him as he sits beside you, ordering a drink for himself. you just broke up with your boyfriend and yet this man is currently occupying your mind, is that even right? that night continued with the both of you playing darts and enjoying each other's company. a small detail you noticed about him is that he has a butterfly tattoo on his nape. you wanted to ask him about it but it seems it has a deeper meaning that's not suitable for light talk. lucky you, he's surprisingly a schoolmate of yours! kaeya's visits to your apartment become frequent since he says he wants to get close! supposedly innocent touches become heated ones that lead to the bed. nevertheless, this unsafe attraction is what keeps you bound to each other.
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fallinfl0wers · 3 years
hello!! c: I loved prompt 18 and so I was wondering if you could write something with childe, diluc and kaeya ​​(separately) where your s/o is very excited for the date that was arranged, the reader gets dressed and puts on his/her best clothes, but then after waiting a long time for her partner, she realizes that he won't show up. Maybe after returning home find the character sleeping or doing something else? angst/hurt with comfort attempt pls? 😭
When he stands you up, and then apologizes
summary: you had both agreed to this date, you even planned it on advance so that it wouldn't interfere with his schedule together! ...so why isn't he here? includes: childe (19 bullet points), diluc (21 bullet points), kaeya (19 bullet points) format: bulletted headcanons + small dialogues warnings: reader being stood up, also i think this turned out to be really gender neutral? i think i didn't really use gendered words... thank you for your request! i hope you like it >< i'm still not very good at writing kaeya, so i hope this was okay;;
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Truth be told, you were already expecting this to happen. Deep down.
But that didn't make it hurt any less.
You both had planned it with months of anticipation, too. He promised you he'd be here.
But here you were, coming back home after being stood up. You had waited for him for hours, and he never showed up.
So you were back at the winery, and he wasn't even there. The maids told you he had to attend... some business outside.
Just great, you thought as you entered your shared, empty room and put on some more comfortable clothing. He forgot about it.
When Diluc gets home late at night and goes to your room, he's greeted with you snacking on some cookies and reading a novel.
"Love?" "Oh, you're finally home. Hi."
Diluc feels guilty. The reason why he hadn't gone to your date was because he had received yet another threatening letter from the abyss order and had to take care of that as soon as possible.
It really wasn't his intention to stand you up!
Even if you know about his vigilante duties, he feels hesitant on telling you this.
He feels like it sounds like an excuse even if it isn't and he has proof.
So he kneels down next to the bed while you keep giving him the cold shoulder, hurt, yet trying not to show it to him.
"I'm sorry, love. I really am. I promise you this will be the last time something like this happens. Please let me make it up to you."
And making it up he does.
For the rest of the month, he clears his schedule as much as possible to spend time with you.
Whatever you want to get or do, he will get or do.
You want to eat your favorite cake? He'll get the maids to bake it for you.
You want to visit Liyue, you say? He can take you there and get you anything that catches your attention, from a simple dish to the most expensive of jewerly and outfits you could want.
He's awkward with his words, but even then he tries for you and tells you how precious you are to him, how much he loves you and how sorry he still is he sometimes can't spoil you and spend time with you how you deserve.
More than anything, though, he spends quality time with you and does acts of service for you besides the multiple gifts (since you probably rejected a lot of his offers to get you things). That's how he tries to make it all up to you.
He promises he'll be more careful from now on.
And he kept that promise, since in the next big date you organized, he was there an hour early with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, waiting for you.
You were never stood up again.
Normally, you wouldn't blame him or be too hurt when this kind of thing happens.
You understand he has a very important position within the Fatui and that means he can be sent on important, urgent missions at any time and he can't complain or go against his orders.
You respect his work, you get it and all.
But this time what hurt you the most wasn't being stood up, it was the fact that he didn't show up the next day, or the next, or the next, or the next after that.
He practically disappeared for two months without any notice and without sending any kind of letter or message.
A lot of the usual agents you'd see working at the bank and you knew worked under his command weren't there, and the few who were had no clue where he went.
You were both angry, hurt and worried sick.
You waited, and waited, and kept on waiting.
And the night he finally came back home, fortunately unharmed, you literally tackled him with a hug with tears in your eyes.
"Uwah, you missed me that much~? Wait- it's not the time for this! I'm- I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry I couldn't go to our date that day, it really wasn't my intention to-" "S-shut up! I- Do you know how worried I was?!"
He was thinking about your date the whole time he was away on that long, long mission.
Ajax can be a lot of things, most of which are bad things, but he would NEVER break a promise.
So he feels extremely guilty for breaking that one promise he had with you :(
If you thought Diluc could start to get overwhelming with gifts and attention, you have yet to see what Childe is willing to do to earn your forgiveness.
You WILL be treated like royalty, whether you want to or not.
He will spoil you rotten with everything he can. Food, gifts, travels, physical affection, adventures, theatre plays, concerts, art works, books-
Say the word and he will give you whatever you want. No need to hold back! He loves spoiling you, don't feel guilty for anything.
Hell, he would even let you beat him up without defending himself if you were really that mad at him.
"Okay, do you remember what we say in Snezhnaya about pinkie promises? If we break one, we can be thrown in the ice. Do you want us to go to Dragonspine so you can throw me in the ice or something?!" "A-ajax, we don't need to go that far!!" Or maybe you do, hmm...
Overall he's very apologetic and feels a bit disappointed in himself.
He never wants to break your trust, so he will make sure this won't happen again!
The Cavalry Captain is a very busy person, even if it sometimes doesn't look like it.
You know it, you've known it from the very start.
But it doesn't make it any less humilliating or painful to leave on your own after waiting for him for hours just for him not to show up at all.
You go back home and, after having cried for a while, you go to sleep on your own, locking the door from inside and keeping the key with you.
So when Kaeya went back home, he couldn't enter the room to sleep.
This man literally forgot about your date, sorry.
He just got so busy early in the day- he was practically overworked the entire day and couldn't get out to go to your date.
In fact, he was so tired at the moment that he feel asleep the moment he sat down on the couch.
So the apology would wait until tomorrow, when you would finally get out from the room to have breakfast.
You saw no glimpse of him, and assumed he just wasn't home right now.
But as you were making breakfast for yourself, he appeared seemingly out of nowhere and hugged you from behind.
"Hello there, darling... I'm sorry for yesterday, I suddenly got all this work piled upon me. I know, I know it sounds like an excuse but I swear it isn't. I'm just- I'm sorry, sweetheart, I really am."
He goes on to explain everything that happened to him the day before and apoogize over and over again.
He feels so sorry :( He was so stressed and overworked, it really just skipped over his head.
He asks you how would you want him to make it up to you.
He will do about everything you want, no matter what it is.
He, too, would let you hit him for a while if you were feeling mad enough to do it.
He's going to be practically glued to you for the rest of the week- or even the next month if he can!!
He will get very touchy and vocal about it too... Overall, Kaeya is going to be really clingy with you.
You might need to tell him to stop if it gets overwhelming, otherwise, he's going to keep on doing it!
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austronauts · 2 years
Hi bestie I'm making a presentation on Mitch to my friends (please don't ask I have immeasurable brainrot and need to get it out somehow) but I don't really know what to include to really encapsulate all of his... everything so what are your personal favourite moments/ important Mitch lore. Also if you could drop some pics of him sitting on men's laps and engaging in otherwise questionable activity that would also be appreciated lol
oh my GOD. that is SO CUTE and i am so so honored to be called upon to help you with this incredible project.
i feel like (although its in need of an update. not me doing quarterly updates of this mitch marner primer like it's my actual job) my mitch marner primer will have a lot of the content you're looking for (if you haven't already seen it flkjdlsss. apologies in advance for the insanity of this even existing) *also my matt martin tag, justin holl tag, and patrick marleau tag has a lot of adorable gifs and photos!)
random things that immediately come to mind are what justin holl and alex kerfoot and Zach hyman said about mitch that just STAY WITH ME because i feel like they convey what mitch means and is for the people around him: justin holl: “you can’t really put into words how much Mitchy means to this team” alex kerfoot [when asked about where the leafs miss mitch the most - when mitch was out with injury i think]: "we miss him everywhere" zach hyman listing the things he'd want on a desert island: mitch
Other lore stuff (this is going to be very stream of consciousness and messy...apologies in advance)
The way Mitch draws SMILEY FACES and stuff on his gloves to remind him that hockey is supposed to be fun (and sometimes he writes Z on it - presumably for Zeus. Other times he's written H on it for Hayden, a child cancer patient/friend that Mitch befriended during his London Knights Days, which you can read more about here)
THE ENTIRE ATHLETIC ARTICLE about what mitch was like during his London Knights days https://theathletic.com/2469915/2021/03/25/mitch-marner-ohl-season/. THIS IS SUCH A GOOD ARTICLE but does have a paywall…if you don’t have a subscription, copy+pasting the athletic link into here should allow you to bypass
This video of Zach asking reporters if they caught Mitch singing loudly in the lockerroom lmao. I just LOVE how every single Leaf immediately points out Mitch as the one who's most likely to always be busting out into song and dance. I just know he was a Gleek when he was younger i just KNOW IT
What Jon Cooper says about Mitch. i just know jon cooper is smackin his lips somewhere out there wanting to sign mitch to play for him. Coops i know what you are
The way it's literally IMPOSSIBLE for mitch to go ANYWHERE or do anything without acquiring at least 3-5 doting father figures who want to kidnap him and squeeze him like a stress ball (same)
EVERY. SINGLE. THING about the 2015 NHL draft class and the friendship between connor dylan and mitch. every single thing
The way Mitch takes ANY and EVERY opportunity he can to gas auston and his teammates up! and his general inability to chirp anyone without immediately backtracking (most noticeable in the leaf to leaf with matt martin) and being a big loser about it. I know he always says he LOVES getting under his friends' skin and being annoying but i feel like this is like the time he asserted "he was thick for his size"? aka patently false but we love the DELUSION for you, babygirl! no but fr - it is generally impossible for mitch to get through any media appearance without complimenting or referring to auston at LEAST once. that boy is a simp to the core for auston matthews. this i think is even sweeter because - idk about now - but it's pretty clear that mitch's dad saw auston as a massive rival to mitch and a threat to mitch's potential success with the leafs? so mitch's friendship with auston and general "HEART EYES HUMINA HUMINA AWOOOGA HES SO GOOD HES MY BIG BOY HES MY MASSIVE MAN" demeanor about auston is all...in spite of his dad
The way he's never met a goalie he hasn't fallen in love with
The way he loves all dogs and kids (and the way kids seem to gravitate toward him). he's a CARICATURE of a man.
The way he complains and whines SO much whenever his teammate posts a photo without tagging him, even if he's not even in the photo. the constant need for attention. the babygirl behavior!
The way he sTILL HATES VEGETABLES and distrusts soup because of the texture and YET will make "ice cream soup" by mixing it with a spoon until it's all melted before he eats it. like what the fuck? what the fuck.
his utterly guileless warmth and happiness and enthusiasm for LIFE, hockey, and his PALS. he's a little stupid sometimes but he's so sweet and so CUTE and just a little k-pop group maknae-coded man
The way he melts himself into older players' families so thoroughly their kids believe that mitch is actually one of them
Moments of Mitch sitting on other players' laps or generally needing to be the most tactile physical-affection craving baby:
mitch and matt napping and spooning
this just makes me laugh bc mitch...wat are u doin
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anyway, i will end this with what my friend said about mitch: i think once you're friends with mitch you just accept that he will be cuddling and spooning and draping himself over you. look. all these men clearly have the tired expressions of 'look, mitch just happened to me i didnt have a choice.'
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