#this man is a clown x a billion šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
bohemian-nights Ā· 1 year
Whatā€™s your opinion on show and book!Viserys (Rhaenyraā€™s father not her son btw)?
Where do I even beginšŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I apologize in advance because this is going to be a rant and probably wonā€™t be that coherent.
I straight up hate his guts. Sorry not mincing any words because heā€™s a f*cking idiotic selfish POS(actually thatā€™s an insult to sh*t) Jacka** whose actions(or rather lack of actions cause this MF does nothing) almost single-handedly destroyed an entire dynasty. Seriously f*ck both the show and the book versions of him are literally the worst.
If anyone is looking for one character to blame the Dance on, well look no further than this turd because heā€™s the reason for all the unnecessary chaos.
Book!Viserys gets 1/2 a point over show!Viserys based on the fact that he never orders Aemma to be cut open, but heā€™s just as stupid and selfish as show!Viserys.
I think out of all the characters on the show Viserys is the one whoā€™s changed the least fundamentally from his book counterpart. The only major difference is the Aemma situation, heā€™s not a creepy pedo(cause he and Alicent only have a ten-year age gap), and he ā€œcaresā€ for Helaena and her children in the book(I say ā€œcareā€ loosely because if he cared he wouldā€™ve realized that those babies would become targets the moment he died).
Fundamentally, Viserys is a character who is willfully oblivious to what's happening around him. Heā€™s created a powder keg situation yet he fails to notice it because he thinks his word is law and everyone should just blindly follow what he says because heā€™s the king. He can break tradition because he is king. He can make the rules up as he goes and spit in the face of others because he is the king.
Let me be clear, there is nothing wrong with breaking the precedent of succession for favoring males over their female relatives. However, thisļæ¼ dude is a. A hypocrite(the whole reason why he is king is because he was a man whereas Rhaenys who had the greater claim was a woman) and b. A dumb dumb.
The moment Alicent popped out Aegon II he created a succession crisis. You can not tell me that he didn't realize that Otto and Alicent would put Rhaenyra first over their own flesh and blood cause he would never do that himself. He shouldā€™ve never married her if he wanted to keep Rhaenyra as heir.
(And as much as I rag on her, you know what, the reason why sheā€™s so horrible is because of him. He was a sh*tty father to her just as much as his other kids).
He was the king. Itā€™s not like he loved Alicent. He couldā€™ve had any number of mistresses and fathered any number of bastards no one would care and they wouldnā€™t be a threat to his daughters claim like his true born sons were, but what does he do? He marries her anyway.
You could make the argument that oh Rhaenyra was his eldest child so the Hightowers shouldā€™ve respected that, but Viserys also helped to facilitate another succession crisis by turning a blind eye to Rhaenyra having obvious bastards(he got lucky that Corlys for the longest time cared more about appearances than his blood).
While everything might have been okay for Rhaenhra had the Targtowers not been in the picture(or if they bent the knee), No one, and I mean no one was going to take those boys being made king and the Lord of the Tides seriously once he, Rhaenyra, and I guess Corlys, had died.
If Viserys actually loved any of his children he wouldā€™ve named Aegon his heir, married Rhaenyra off to a man who she could have a fulfilling marriage with, and called it a day, but nope. This dummy really let his guilty conscience(and his nether regions) ruin his family(I believe that even book!Viserys felt some guilt over Aemma dying which is why he kept Rhaenyra as heir and allowed her to do whatever).
If this is your favorite character(I doubt he has any actual fans except god bless him, Paddy) please tell me why because there is absolutely nothing likable about him:
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I apologize for posting this yucky picture, but Iā€™m so glad they decided to make him look like a rotting corpse instead of making him fat like in the book. His outsides started matching his insides and itā€™s what he deservedšŸ¤”
Bottom line show!Alicent is a saint for putting up with him and I donā€™t blame book!Alicent one bit for letting his putrid corpse rot for days on end. He's the reason why House Targ almost went extinct(and why they lost their dragons for basically 200 years).
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