#I am the best writer that ever existed /j
sandeewithtwogaye · 5 days
What are all your Delta headcanons?
I’m glad you asked that!
The good thing about characters with unfinished stories is that you can make a lot of headcanons about them :)
First, he always gives a first bad impression on people. His aggressiveness, chaotic energy and the way he talks about “killing bad guys” throws people off. He’s also very cocky so he sometimes just say out of pocket things without thinking. That results in him not having a lot of friends. The only ones he’s really close with are Color and Epic, so he’s pretty protective over them, even tho they’re probably wayyyy stronger and older than him (don’t tell him I said that). Thing is, once you get over first impressions, he actually gets somewhat friendly. He’ll always lend a hand if you need help, tell jokes, give you friendly punches, etc. He still says weird things but he can be very helpful and sweet.
Another thing, I really like the headcanon that he has internalized toxic masculinity, but only towards himself. “Heroes don’t cry”, “dresses make you look stupid”, “don’t show any weakness”, “man up”, stuff like that in his head. He’ll never put those expectations onto others tho, cause he kinda puts more pressure on himself than everyone else. Everyone should express themselves however they like, that’s what makes them so brave. EXCEPT HIMSELF >:D (/j). He’s so cocky but he also has a fragile ego. If you dare him to do something he will do it bacause he doesn’t want to be seen as weak. Speaking of looking weak, he doesn’t cry because of that. Last time he cried was when he failed to bring everyone in the underground back to life. Crying means he failed, that everything is lost and there’s no hope left (he should speak to a therapist about that)
Also also, about his human soul (Beta), they don’t really talk much, but they both still care for eachother. Beta watches his back and gives him courage to keep fighting and try new things. Because of this, Delta basically has a second pair of eyes, which gives him good reflexes. And like I said in a previous ask, Beta would sometimes move Delta’s arms and punch people, but only when Delta is off guard or when he’s frozen like a dumbass.
I have more but I’m too tired, so here’s a list of them instead:
- Likes working out with Blue (gloves gets stronger if he builds muscle)
- Has a lot of respect for Dream, even though he disagrees with his methods
- Is 26 years old, uses he/they, aromatic (romance repulsed)
- “do it first, ask questions later” when it comes to his friends
- Eventually gets friendly with Cross after realizing that he’s not going to hurt Epic
- Would throw the middle finger to Nightmare and challenge him to a fist fight (hates Nightmare with all his might)
- Has NOT met killer yet, but thinks Color and Killer are dating (they’re not)
- They’re fashion sense is so boring and simple. Wears white/grey shirts and black pants only (less colours = manly to them I guess)
- Stays up at night to talk to Epic and not leave him alone (also fails to stay up and falls asleep in the middle of their conversation)
I’ve got more but I’ll stop here lol this is a lot
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maneatrrz · 1 year
‧₊˚✩ 01 ; girls like girls / k. sully
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♡ 𓂃 ꒰ girls like girls! ꒱˚.༄ ೃ kiri sully x fem!reader. 901 words. one of two. ⌒(≧▽​° )
𓆩♡𓆪 synopsis: kiri sully was certain she wouldn’t ever exist to you-at least, not in the way that she wanted to.
content: na'vi!reader, metkayina!reader, emo teenage angst!kiri, reluctant babysitter!kiri, kiri turning into shakespeare. tuk being the sweet little demon baby she was meant to be. she is my child and i love her so dearly. i don't know, this is pretty short for the first part? but i wanted to get this out for the additional notes and i was just having writer's block with it. sorry!
ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ additional notes: i have posted this in the midst of aging drama-the actor who portrays kiri, sigourney weaver, is not a minor. and according to john landau, james cameron's literal production partner, the na'vi have a longer lifespan than humans: 160-180 years, as oppose to the average 80, and they are older than the "equivalent-looking human". as in: na'vi years and human years are not the same. the na'vi reach their adulthood in the time that is equal to 15-17 human years. after that, their aging stagnates. which means if lo'ak and kiri have been alive for fourteen human years, and neteyam has been for fifteen-lo'ak and kiri are the human equivalent of seventeen, and neteyam is eighteen. idk what to tell you girlies. these are 8-foot tall, motion-rigged blue space aliens. enough. i turned eighteen like two months ago and watching you guys made my head hurt. let's put this energy towards real-life child predators, and women & men pushing thirty simping for blatanly established human minor characters! anyways, hope you enjoy this first part of the fic. thank you lovelies.
୨✩୧ ; fic under the cut!
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there was no reason for kiri sully to feel such ardor towards you. absolutely none. yet, she couldn’t help but be entranced by the way you moved through the waves.
you were just gliding through cerulean waters with lo’ak, neteyam, tsireya, ao’nung, and roxto. jake had introduced you all to the human custom of ‘marco polo’ when you were young, and it seemed you had never grown out of it. kiri had been thrown out of the game, looking over tuk’tirey for her father while she made a sandcastle. tuk was especially displeased with this, as she thought she could beat you all flawlessly in marco polo. but alas, she was not allowed to wade out that far.
watching your every move from afar, kiri surmised that you were not very good at this game. every single person who was marco before had gotten you immediately, no matter how far away you started. probably because you would start splashing and kicking every time they got close, through a fit of feverish giggles. especially when lo’ak was marco-he’d ignore everyone else just to get to you. then, it became the coquettish game of ‘how fast can [name] swim to escape impending doom?’
“this sucks,” she caviled and clutched a stick limply, etching your name in the warm, manila sand.
“you would feel better if you built a sandcastle,” tuk hummed with an expectant lilt, looking at kiri.
“i would feel better if i was lo’ak.”
“would you really? he kinda smells.”
“true,” kiri tilted her head with a nod, scribbling out your name. “[name] doesn’t seem to care, though.”
“oh, blegh,” tuk’tirey stuck her tongue out, swatting at kiri. “stop that.”
“jeez, jeez-” kiri raised her hands in defense of tuk’s minacious and staunch (endearing and incredibly light) pummels. “tuk, i’m not even doing anything!”
“you’re doing that thing that daddy does when mommy looks at tonowari for more than like, two seconds. you’re being all,” tuk did a sashay back to her sandcastle before turning around and putting her hands on her hips, “j-e-l-u-s. jealous.”
“hello? it’s j-e-a-l-o-u-s. you literally cannot spell.”
“i’m literally seven and i’m trying my best.”
“fair enough. but i’m not jealo-” she was cut off by tuk ‘kikiki’-ing at her with an outstretched finger. “you know what? fine. maybe i am a little bit jealous. but it’s not like it matters, anyways.”
kiri threw her head back, falling into the sand. she stared up at the calm azure heavens adorned with ivory, velvet clouds. the image paired perfectly with what kiri called the polyphonic melody of unrequited love: her pining heartbeat reverberating through her spine, your distant, cherubic laughter, and the sound of the waves skimming across the shore, before melting back slowly into the sea. as far as kiri was aware, you only knew her as one of two of neteyam’s (your neighbor) siblings your age. not the goofy, obnoxious younger brother with unkempt braids and winsome dimples, but the brooding basketcase of a sister. the looming, deviant character who thought she could feel the heartbeat of the empyrean, the atlantis, and the motherlands. she was certain that to you, she faded miserably in comparison to the awkwardly-charming foreigner and prodigal eldest son that newly inhabited awa’atlu. she could tell from the way you hung on every honey-coated word that was uttered from neteyam’s lips-big, sparkly doe eyes complete with dilated pupils completely enraptured by him. kiri could tell from the way those roseate, glacé lips of yours curved into an intoxicating smile that she simply couldn’t get enough of, everytime lo’ak unleashed his ‘comedic brilliance’. she was certain she wouldn’t ever exist to you-at least, not in the way that she wanted to. “yeah, this seriously sucks.”
“why don’t you just ask if she likes you?” a query from tuk that made kiri jolt up, turning her head to tuk’tirey in bewilderment.
“absolutely flabbergasting. that you just told me, to do that.”
“why? whenever i have a question, i ask it.”
“but this is different, tuk,” kiri exhaled deeply, bringing her knees to her chest. she ran her hands through her hair, before scratching the top of her head. “she’s a girl, and i’m not a boy.”
“so? i don’t see a problem,” tuk contorted her face in confusion, before shrugging and kicking her meticulously crafted sand fortress-she was getting bored. she sat down crisscrossed in front of kiri, tapping her nose. “girls like girls, like boys do. nothing new.”
 tuk’s idea was not entirely inane as kiri’s riposte made it out to be. it was getting harder to mask her tempestuous affinity for you, with each passing moment. you merely being around her made her heart beat at such a frenetic pace in her sternum. your scent permeated her senses, suffusing her cheeks a feverish and tender sanguine-you smelled as saccharine as the candied simpers you gave her, with light floral notes and a hint of ocean’s brine. and your visage-oh, your countenance as a whole-remained steadfast as the most ravishingly beauteous thing she had ever seen. you were like a painting to her: every curve and every color was painted by eywa’s pedantic hand.
“so if i were to…” kiri closed her eyes with a sharp, delayed sigh, shaking her head. “...confess, when would i? or-how would i?”
tuk’s mouth curved into a smile laced with playful, youthful malign.
kiri was going to have her hands full, wasn’t she?
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all writing works are my own, do not repost or repost on platforms such as archive of our own (ao3), wattpad, fanfiction.net, and the like. — maneatrrz © 2023.
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msmargaretmurry · 3 months
good mooooorning the capitals are inexplicably in a wild card spot!! sending in j, u, & y for the ask meme hehe
good morning my friend!! they sure are!! that's the power of love baby!!!!! 💕💖✨🙏🦅
j. What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
ohhhh i SURE have. futurefic is my favorite thing. just, everything about it — the mass of feelings that your characters thought they left in the past rearing up again! getting to slowly unravel whatever backstory you've concocted for your readers! all the complicated feelings that come with having grown up and built a life with imperfect pieces even when it was the best you could do at the time! also i love futurefic because it is almost always also second chance romance and i love second chances so much.
u. Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet.
yes! so many!! i unfortunately only ever end up writing like 1/20th of the pairings i'm into because i am a SLOW writer but, i would love to get my grubby little fingers into whatever is going on in vancouver — probably elias/brock or elias/quinn. i feel like i would like to try my hand one day at connor/leon but i need to be gripped by the EXACT right scenario u know? i don't know if writing prompt fills on tumblr dot com counts as trying it but if it doesn't then i am absolutely adding eldest son disaster pairing matthew/quinn to this list. also i don't know if i want ME to write this but i do want a nice long tender unexpected feelings leon/bedsy fic to exist in the world because sometimes we all need a little problematic age gap in our lives. i feel like i have more but i am totally blanking. oh — gibby/trevor. i do want john to destroy that twink, preferably while he's deep in his jamie feelings. i want it to be MESSY.
y. What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories?  Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?  
this is pretty complicated tbh! like, i was NOT in a good headspace with haw when i posted it (i def should have done another editing pass but i was like fuck it i'm done lmao) but other people's love for it really and truly helped me get out of that headspace and remember why i loved the story and characters so much! so the popularity of the fic was a really lovely thing for me there. but also there's like, i wrote a band of brothers fic a couple years ago that's obviously never going to be super popular because it's for a tv show from 2001 but also i think that it's the best written thing on my ao3 page. by far the fic i'm the MOST satisfied with even though it only got a moderate amount of love due to the smaller fandom! then in the middle there's something like tnno, which a lot of people love but i was satisfied with it regardless because the two pals whose feelings about it mattered most to me also loved it. so i think this equation changes depending on my personal relationship to each fic!
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horsefreek151 · 13 days
My husband's First time Watching Twilight
My dear husband has not seen many of the movies that were very informative of my tween and teen years; Twilight is one of the top ones. He not only agreed to watch it but agreed to let me write down his reactions. Here are the 3 PAGES of comments I recorded during the two hour movie.
Opening line: "I'd never given much thought to how I would die." - Well, Lucky you
I'm glad this deer is going to be totally unharmed
What ?! Hang on... He catches the dear mid jump like a trick dog.
Him: Why is (Stephany Myers) so obsessed with baseball? Me: Shes Mormon Him: I think it's the homoerotic subtext
ACAB even (Charly)
Alright... one bathroom? There's only two of you!
Billy (who is in a wheelchair) responds with how hes doing by saying "Still Dancing!" - I love him Meets Eric - GAY BEST FRIEND *He was disappointed by him being straight* *Pauses Movie* I had no idea her name was Isabella
Mike Existing - That's the most awkward person Ive ever seen
Jerk kisses her on the cheek without consent - That's assault
*Edward walks in* - OMG thats BATMAN *JKJKJK*
How ... Why ... Why is she laughing.
So he can see the future... Nobody in this movie knows how to eat food. Fuck you, Binder! She is the awkward one Charly Guy in Mill getting hunted - Hes agile I would have fallen over by then. Bella slips and falls over - Relatable *he is unaware of the trope* "Not in Phoenix Bells" Line referring to large animals hunting people in Forks - "YoU DoNt HaVe AnImAls iN ArIzOnA" What do you mean Charly!? They have Mountain Lions and SNAKES Charly! *I mention scorpions too* No writer in this movie ever talked to a high schooler. "Your name is Bella?" - Its actually Isabella as I have learned I only care about this golden onion... and why it isn't a golden garlic. "Cold wet thing" - Unlike sand which is hot and course She also looks like shes in white face paint. (Edward) just walks away like a fucking freak... I love it. None of these people have ever talked to a human before. *Car Crash* - So much is happening... why are there so many cuts... The vampires all look like fucking mimes Your asking him about the speed he got there and not the CRUMPLED DOOR?!
Dont worry (Bella) Im also confused about what happened *Edward in the corner of her room* Hes like a fucking PTSD flashback. Hes a fucking sleep paralysis demon Its dumb to send (the vampires) to highschool. I didn't know one of (Bellas) personality traits was Clumsy There Bio teacher belongs in a sitcom They act like they are fifty or twelve... not like teenagers... twelve is more accurate. The most unrealistic part (of there field trip) is that the bus driver is not screaming at him for banging on the door... or maybe I grew up in Boston. *Edward dose the apple thing* - Ok now he's just making fun of her Robert Patterson and the guy playing Charly are the best actors. Edward mentions wearing a mask, and Bella quips about it - OOOOO, She called Edward out for being autistic! *He can say that as I am autistic and I give him permission* *Edward cant go to LaPush* - Is it cause he cant cross moving water? *He made so many jokes about vampire lore I didn't write them all down* I was trying to tell what time this flashback took place and I just couldn't. I'm glad they gave us a 30-second tutorial on how to get a book online. Some of this look like a horror movie TOKYO DRIFTING, Dam that was a fuckin j-turn! "Little do (her friends know) he was going to eat her, for her blood" Oh Bella, I understand he's a pretty boy, but back up from the "How do you know what he was thinking?" and back to the "WHY WERE YOU STALKING ME!?" I can't wait for the almost SA scene to never come up again... *sarcasm* * They touch hands by oops * - Touch Barrier Broken Charly and Billy watch the game - DAD DATE! ... Oh no not Butcrack SANTA! Looks at Jasper - Is he another vampire who fought for the Confederacy? She sees buttcrack Santa's body - Do they not have body bags? With how much he's stalking her he should be called Edward the Relentless *he loves what we do in the shadows* Why are we spinning... why is there so much spinning? Bella claims Edward talks old-fashioned - He talks like a badly written character... like everyone here. "you won't hurt me" - cause stalkers never escalate violence when things don't work out. Because she's a white woman, and he's her pit bull. LISTEN TO HIM WHEN HE SAYS HES DANGEROUS BELLA. "personal brand of heroine" - Him: because everyone knows heroine comes in brands Me: Im on name brand Meth (me referring to my ADHD MEDS) Him: You're on generic Meth, and you know it. (as I take the generic brand) YOU'VE KNOWN HIM FOR LIKE A WEEK "Irevicoably in love with him" - GIRL... WHY? Sees Emmit - He kinda looks like Peet Davidson I like (Edwards) sitting like a little weirdo He turned to madly in love on a dime. Wait hang on.... (skips back to Billy giving Bella the stinkeye) Eyyyy They do what we do! (Billy holding all the stuff while Jacob pushes, like we do with my wheelchair) Just Sees Jasper - "Ive never seen more fear in a character than in his face right now
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Is he scared she will know he fought for the Confederacy? (I have yet to confirm or deny the truth of this statement) Alice being Alice - OOoO Edward, she's gonna steal your girl! No wonder he's fallen in love in 3 seconds... he's been seventh wheel for who knows how long. *there dancing in edwards room* - *husband starts singing my fair lady* "Hang on Spider Monkey" - IT's THE LINE!!! *I mention how it's creepy that he watches her sleep* Well, you watch me while I sleep, but you have insomnia... and were married. *they kiss*- This is the most Mormon shit I've ever seen. At least they show how realistically boaring being a vampire would be. Drinking while cleaning your shotgun... that's totally safe Charly... "Why do you play baseball?" - Since they are American Bella! - "Well it is the American past time" Esme says - SEE! The Thrupple of trouble is walking in like there ready for a photoshoot. Blond Thrupple guy (James) looks so High... "...STuck here like MOM" - OOF! KNIFE TO THE HEART! Did her friends just steal mugs from the diner? Edward won't stop drinking her blood - Bop him on the nose with a newspaper like a dog. Edward sad he "didn't" stop - But you did stop when Carlile bopped you on the head with a newspaper. We kissed once now were in love forever.... They are all weirdos and this feels like a cult Director of Photography, I hate you. Costume? I can't forgive you for that flashback. High school science teacher, you were my favorite. His final review: This was a bad movie. There are better vampire movies, there's better romance movies and better young adult movies. All the genera are valed, this is just a bad example of all of those generas. I understand why its popular tho, and why young woman loved it. Especially when you take in at the time, it came out. Its the American mix of all about sex but completely clean and demonising sex and not having any sex in it. To me its the same way that 50 shades of gray wants to be about sexy bdsm while still saying bdsm is morally wrong. Nothing wrong with wanting a sexy vampire with wanting a romance, I like romance. Theres nothing wrong with media for young women. This is just bad.
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jeahreading · 7 months
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(Right I think It's time for me to finally get this over with )
Helloo and Welcome to my Blog, This is Primarily a Writer/readerBlr, but there are other things too(Particularly listening to podcasts ) since I can't be bothered to make a side one.
My reader side - I am an avid reader and am almost always in the middle of a book, I will be updating here on which books I'm reading
Current read list -
Dracula (Bram Stoker)
The Screaming Staircase (Jonathan Stroud)
A Dance with the Fae Prince (Elise Kova)
American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Kai Bird)
The Silver Birds (Apolline Lucy)
That Night (Nidhi Upadhyay)
The Complete Adventures of Feluda, Vol 1 (Satyajit Ray)
The Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown)
The God of Small Things (Arundhati Roy)
The War of Lanka (Amish Tripathi)
City of Bones (Cassandra Clare)
Circe (Madeline Miller)
The Housemaid is Watching (Freida McFadden)
And that's all I can remember Right about now , Yes I'm reading 10 books or more simultaneously, no I do not have an explanation to that.
My main Genre is Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery and thriller, But I do love widening my scope so do recommend me any books you might think may pique my interest. 😁
My reader side also includes me obsessing over podcasts, I'm including my Favourite podcasts here too, and I assure you they are amazing!
Podcasts for you - I usually listen to them on Spotify and love True crime, mystery, Murder mysteries etc. Here they are -
Rotten Mango by Stephanie Soo (True Crime) - I wouldn't suggest you listen to this if you get disgusted or scared easily, I usually am not affected by these kinds of things and I was still very disturbed, The first 2 episodes are quite... I would suggest you research about it more before you listen to it.
Baking a Murder by Stephanie Soo (Books and movies) - This podcast is again one of my favourites, the way she explains the movie is just so immersive, if you want to understand a story but don't have time to sit down and read the book/watch the movie then this is for you.
7 Suspects by Cryptic Radio(Murder Mystery ) - OH MY GOD, holy- this is probably one of the best mystery podcasts I've ever listened to, tbh you think you know what is going on and till the very end that is kinda sorta true, but then in the like the last 5 moments the plot twist so intense you are left sinking on to the floor thinking "What just happened", listen to, right now.
Magnus Archives by Rusty Quill (Story? horror? not sure what it comes under) - I've started listening to it after getting intense FOMO and can confirm it's going pretty well, I mean I have a LOT to catch up to, but I can say, it's caught my interest.
Murder in HR by Caspian Studios (Murder Mystery) - Again OH MY GOD, again, this is one of the best mystery podcasts I've ever listened to, I mean yeah, the gym ad thingy gets a little bit annoying but the rest of the story compensates for it, again, you think you know where you are going, again up until the very end you just don't know what the hell is going on, and again (Do you see a pattern) when the mystery hits you you are flabbergasted, soo I suggest give it a listen(also kinda obsessed with the soundtrack).
Murphy's Inc. by 97toNow Productions (Scifi mystery) - This is one of the better ones, I'm still listening to it and it's just actually really good, It's kinda the thing you listen to once a day, kinda relaxing (for me at least )
Ok, so this one is a bit different, there is a podcast Caso 63: Enigma: Spotify studios but it's in Spanish which I still haven't quite learnt and I didn't know this existed. I was recommended 2063 theke Esechi by Spotify Studios which is in Bengali which I do, in fact, understand. It was voiced by one of my favourite actors and I was absolutely in love with it, It feels like I wasn't listening to a podcast but a movie and there is so much confusion and so many twists. This podcast has been made in other languages as well, the other two ik are Case 63 (In English) and Virus 2062(In Hindi). So check it out!!
Treat by C13Features (Horror, gory) - This is like a podcast movie, it's around 2 hours long maybe? this is pretty good I would say, you can give it a listen.
Welcome to Night Vale by Night Vale Presents (Absurdity?) - I really don't think I need to say anythi_-_- HAIL THE GLOWCLOUD.
Morning Cup of Murder by Morning Cup of Murder (True Crime) - True crime yk...
The Sounds of Nightmares by Little Nightmares - Bandai Namco Europe (Horror, gore, mystery) - Uhh it's a little unnerving how detailed the actions of characters are As if they were compensating for the fact that there are no visuals, but it was pretty good I would say(Also like the soundtrack)
My writer side- My most popularly known name is Jeah (jee - ah) and I'll be using that here, I am a new author getting started on writing. I still have a looong way to go but, I enjoy writing very much even though my mind and body are definitely not on par with my will to write which is why my second unintended hobby is procrastination. Most of the time that I'm here on Tumblr I am supposed to be doing some other work, like right now.
Anywaysss here are my current WIP's
Mirror My Way - This is my first and only properly published Book. Tbh Not very proud of it, I did it in a hurry, because I took part in the school's Writing program, did nothing the whole year, and finished it in the last week, I honestly think It had potential but I kinda ruined it trying to finish it within the deadline. I wouldn't recommend you read it, It was supposed to be a part of a duology or trilogy but I think I'm just gonna let it sit in the corner for now, let it be there, think upon its mistakes, it did wrong 😤.
Tots and Coffee - Now this one I like better, this was actually inspired by the Scam Caller post here on Tumblr. Kinda had a sudden burst of inspiration and Wrote the first Chapter and since then it's still going pretty strong. Unlike the previous one, it is there on Ao3 if you wish to read it 😁.
I dunno what to call this but I occasionally write short stories in the replies of Pinterest pins when I come across writing prompts. This isn't a wip exactly but , I once posted the starting of a story and jokingly wrote "Continue-!" at the end thinking that would be the end of it, but someone did eventually continue it and that led to a string of events and a very weirdly Eledritch, beautiful Frankestine story formation, I'll be posting it slowly here on Tumblr as well, so keep checking!
Forgot to put it in earlier, but check out @the-writers-corner-inc It's a group blog I initiated, and you can find lots of fun stories, prompts, visuals and more!!
And that's about it, I don't what else to say, but while you're here, grab a cup of coffee or tea, pick out a book and read a page, I'm right here on the other side with a book as well, let's be booky buddies 😄😄😃😃🍵☕
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regretepets-au · 22 days
Can you draw Cat'ter mating Dog_Mark?
You know what? Fuck you. You useless piece of shit. You absolute waste of space and air. You uneducated, ignorant, idiotic dumb swine, you’re an absolute embarrassment to humanity and all life as a whole.Themagnitudeofyourfailure just now is so indescribably massive that one hundred years into the future your name will be used as moniker of evil for heretics. Even if all of humanity put together their collective intelligence there is no conceivable way they could have thought up a way to fuck up on the unimaginable scale you just did. When Jesus died for our sins, he must not have seen the sacrilegious act we just witnessed you performing, because if he did he would have forsaken humanity long ago so that your birth may have never become reality. After you die, your skeleton will be displayed in a museum after being scientifically researched so that all future generations may learn not to generate your bone structure, because every tiny detail anyone may have in common with you degrades them to a useless piece of trash and a burden to society. No wonder your father questioned whether or not your were truly his son, for you'd have to not be a waste of carbon matter for anyone to love you like a family member. Your birth made it so that mankind is worse of in every way you can possibly imagine, and you have made it so that society can never really recover into a state of organization. Everything has forever fallen into a bewildering chaos, through which unrecognizable core, you can only find misfortune. I would say the apocalypse is upon us but this is merely the closest word humans have for the sheer scale of horror that is now reality. You have forever condemned everyone you love and know into an eternal state of suffering, worse than any human concept of hell. You are such an unholy being, that if you step within a one hundred foot radius of a holy place or a place that has ever been deemed important by anyone, your distorted sac religious soul will ruin whatever meaning it ever had beyond repair. You are an idiotic, shiteating, dumbass ape and no one has ever loved you. Rhodes Island would have been better off if you'd never joined us. You are a lying, backstabbing, cowardly useless piece of shit and I hate you with every single part of my being. Even this worlds finest writers and poets from throughout the ages could never hope to accurately describe the scale on which you just fucked up, and how incredibly idiotic you are. Anyone that believes in any religion out there should now realize that they have been wrong this entire time, for if divine beings were real, they would never have allowed a being such as you to stain the earth and this universe. In the future there will be horror stories made about you, with the scariest part of them being that the reader has to realize that such an indescribable monster actually exists, and that the horrific events from the movie have actually taken place in the same world that they live in right now. You are the absolute embodiment of everything that has ever been wrong on this earth, yet you manage to make it so that that is only a small part of the evil that is your being. Never in the history of mankind has there been anyone that could have predicted such an eldrich abomination, but here you are. It’s hard to believe that I am seeing such an incredible failure with my own eyes, but here I am, so unfortunately I cannot deny your existence. Even if I did my very best, my vocabulary is not able to describe the sheer magnitude of the idiotic mistake that is you. Even if time travel some day will be invented, there still would not be a single soul willing to go back in time to before this moment to fix history, because having-
Okay I'm /j
but screw you still lol - Cherriezkin
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
i wanted to kinda talk about my opinion on some things related to Ana Huang and the romance genre in general- sorry for the rant!!!
finished king of sloth by ana huang and urgrhrgrhrhrh i actually really really enjoyed it!!!! (i say that ab everything i read tho tbh, i've just never been the type who criticizes the media i consume so PLEASE don't ever base ur opinions off of mine :)
my post isn't about the book specifically or even the author. i lowkey have a bone to pick and its NOT with ana huang or the book but moreso the reaction i've been noticing about the book (specifically from people who have been making fun of it and/or people who read it)! this isn't meant to start discourse or anything but i am open to polite discussion about some of the points im bringing up. this is generally focused around ana huang but also a lot of majority-feminine centric media has this same problem.
anyways, i'm gonna try to express how i feel as best i can without being rude or offensive ajshsjs-
it just lowkey irks me that sm people have been hating on ana huang now that she's getting attention, and since she's a romance writer, her fans and fanbase is mostly women and/or girls, (which is totally ok)!! however, i genuinely feel like this is just another barbie movie or sarah j mass or taylor swift scenario where the second something/someone that a lot of woman like starts to get publicity, people (mostly men) start excessively hating on it.
i have genuinely seen sm people dissing not only ana huang but her writing as well. now i don't know much about her as a person and i know that a lot of people are flawed so if she's genuinely done something wrong PLEASE lmk, i don't keep up w that stuff. and hey, maybe you just didn't like the book and thats ok too!!! its totally valid to not like something, but to make fun of an author and the people who enjoy her content just seems.. ehh.
a lot and i mean a LOT of people claim that she's only popular because of her smut but i actually enjoy her books more than just for the smutty/romance aspect. maybe that's just me, but i genuinely find it interesting and a lot of other people i know also enjoy it for the plot. and if u are reading for the smut that's ok as well, this is a totally safe space, and nobody should judge u on your reasons to read a book. the books are INTENDED to be fluffy and spicy and overall are just fictional romantic stories. they're smutty, funny books, not the bible. it shocks me how much people make fun of them.
i just keep seeing this trend of people negatively nitpicking anything and everything about authors and their writing ESPECIALLY when its romance and it just rubs me the wrong way. ive seen a LOT of people upset about huang including cameo's of her other characters in her latest book, and if you don't like those other characters so much then why... are u reading it??? THAT SOUNDS SO MEAN IM SORRY but its just so strange that people are upset about her including her own characters from her own series'?
its just disappointing that whenever someone or something becomes popular, there are always people who are just trying to be negative and diss it along with the people who enjoy it. i'm NOT making this post to be rude or offensive to people who genuinely don't like the author or the series, ur absolutely entitled to ur own opinion!!! however i have just seen this link SO MANY TIMES of people suddenly disliking something/someone bc a lot of woman seem to enjoy it and it just makes me a bit sad and disappointed.
(also side note can men stop hating on the romance genre and books they haven't even read? please??? can feminine people like anything anymore??? romance exists as such a successful genre bc the majority of readers are WOMEN who have to create fictional scenarios about being loved by seemingly "unachievable" men that are literally just doing the bare minimum. women fantasize about being treated with BASIC HUMAN RESPECT as though that isn't the standard, bc honestly, it isnt.)
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cosmic-light-fics · 9 months
I am slogging my way through an extremely tedious bout of writing inertia but I absolutely needed, needed, needed to get my thoughts out about this wonderful piece of work created by @sashafiercer. It's hard for me to articulate myself a lot of the time. I don't always think I am saying the things I want to say in the best way or the right way, and I fear I won't do justice to the works that I long to praise. That's why it's taking me forever and a day to be securely confident in divulging my thoughts on the absolute freaking masterpiece that is intimates conquering intimacy (if you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for? A sign? Well consider this your sign. Go read it and get blessed by brilliance. Seriously).
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Back to the point, though. The fact that I haven't been able to fully impart any of my love for this series to the masses of the SydCarmy fandom is ticking me off to levels of annoyance that, up until this point, have been unknown to humankind. So now with my little preamble and aired grievances out of the way, let's get down to the nitty-gritty, which is my long overdue love letter to what I love and cherish most about this series.
What do I love most about a need to amuse and enjoy?
Simple. The fact that it exists. I'm being completely honest. I don't think I have ever stumbled across a piece of writing that felt like it was made specifically for my consumption. I feel selfish a lot of the times when I go back and read the series (I've lost count how many times I've re-read it all. Just know I have a tab open to it at all times). I feel selfish because this series is everything I could have ever wanted in a SydCarmy fic. From all of Sydney and Carmy's interactions, to their spot-on dialogue, to the freakishly accurate humor, to the stark beats of emotional vulnerability. It is all there, in this series, and I get to read it however many times I want to, whenever I want to, for FREE! I get to be in this world that @sashafiercer created and experience all of these super sweet and challenging moments that make Sydney and Carmy so special as a couple. That's not even the half of it though. Reading this series is like watching a special continuation of the show. That's how great it is. I don't for one second feel like I am reading a fanfiction when I read this series. It's perfectly in alignment with the character's canon. And best of all, it's focusing solely on Sydney and Carmy, not only as a couple but who they are as individuals.
I love how no moment between them is a boring moment, even if it is the most seemingly mundane thing ever (e.g.: Sydney wrapping her arms around Carmy while he washes the dishes, Carmy eating a pb&j while Sydney freaks about them having sex for the first time, Carmy finding Sydney eating Mini Wheats in the middle of the night). I could read moments like that between them for the rest of my life and never get bored because there is a magic to those moments that @sashafiercer just grasps spectacularly and executes flawlessly. It truly is magical how this writer puts so much love and care into these intimate moments. It's so needed between them, this constant layer of every moment between Sydney and Carmy being on a level of intimacy and vulnerability that pushes them to continuously acknowledge, confront, and find peace in their love for each other.
Speaking of their love for each other... those sex scenes....
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The epitome of fucking with feelings. I feel entitled to rest and recuperation after reading them make love for the first time because WHAT EVEN WAS THAT?!?! How in the world am I going to be able to describe all the ways in which I just COULD. NOT. EVEN!?!? Carmy's gentleness and passion and eagerness and Sydney's eagerness and her vulnerability and their utter devotion to each other is HURTING ME!! In the best way.
with the intention of forever just dropped and I don't even know what to do with myself and all these emotions. I don't want to spoil anything because it's new, but I didn't believe I could root for SydCarmy anymore than I already do. I don't think I will love any other depiction of Sydney and Carmy's love for each other more than I love this depiction. I love this series. I love it with my whole heart and I will be a glutton and just ravish every single word every single time I read it. It's a whole meal. It's seven course, three star cuisine. It's love defined specifically for Carmy and Sydney and I just want to be a part of every single moment. I want this series to go on forever. And if it doesn't, I'll just be so grateful to have what I have, which is everything to me already.
I don't want to stop singing this series' praises, but I've run out of words (thanks, writing inertia).
I love this series with my whole heart and it's the best feeling in the world. Thank you creating this @sashafiercer. Thank you for all the work and hours you put into this work. Thank you for the care and small little details that make this work so exceptional. This series has taken residence inside my entire being and truly is the highlight of my SydCarmy fandom experience.
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Unfortunately, I was not able to evade that cursed woman for as long as I had hoped. She got me, exploiting my greatest weakness in the way her own characters are exploited by that very same weakness throughout the book: fucking love. My best friend, the love of my life, has fallen victim to Sarah J. Maas and in her obsession she has forcibly dragged me down with her. Now that I think about it, my best friend is quite literally the only thing that could ever make me pick up a SJM book. So in the name of love, I subjected myself to booktok's finest (which isn't saying much given booktok's reputation) and here are my thoughts, namely the ones I couldn't bring myself to voice to my friend. After all, the whole point of even reading this in the first place was so that she could have someone to talk about it with. While I am not above pointing out it's flaws to her, I don't have it in me to spite the very thing she gets so much joy out of as deeply as I would've wanted to. Besides, who am I to talk as a Twilight enjoyer when I know damn well that series was a beloved dumpster fire just as much as ACOTAR is. And honestly, her love for the series and my love for her has dissolved some of my bias and frankly, distaste, for the book. And now on to the review.
Disclaimers: Spoilers, ADHD ramblings and tangents, ungodly amounts of pretentiousness from someone who doesn't usually enjoy fantasy, and yes I know this book functions as a prequel and the second book is way better (I started the second book last night, wish me luck)
ACOTAR felt juvenile in nearly every aspect. To be fair, I had just finished reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstien mere days before picking up ACOTAR so I had to remind myself to go into it with a level of graciousness. Yet all the graciousness in the world cannot override the horrific editing of that damn book. Attempting to fall in love with a whole new world and characters was incredibly difficult when the writer in me was literally dying inside. To be completely honest, I always evaluate the writing of any book I read, especially in the beginning. I'm not even going to discuss how the majority of the book drug its feet or worse, was filled with inescapable, constant monologuing. I could rant and rave about "show don't tell" for hours, which is why I am choosing not to spend more than two sentences talking about the god awful fucking monologuing (to be fair, I'm aware that slow starts and monologuing are often necessary in fantasy books but definitely not to this extent). But holy shit, there were way too many instances in which I was flung from my daydreams and smacked square in the face by the sheer... fanfiction-ness of her writing. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE fanfiction and I am a huge advocate for its existence and protection, especially as a purely anti-capitalist labor of love without a single care about the skill level at which it was written. But when I pick up a viral #1 New York Times Best Selling Author's book, the last thing I am expecting to see is such elementary writing--that I firmly believe could've been rectified if she had hired an editor that was even half decent at their job. My qualifications for making such a claim? Even I have edited a full-length fantasy novel and unfortunately, it took many harsh reminders from my best friend to at least attempt to focus on the story rather than obsess over all the changes I would've personally made before I considered the book decent enough for publishing.
THAT SAID: One of the reasons I always gravitate towards fanfiction when I'm in a reading slump is because it's just so... digestible. ACOTAR was also digestable in a very similar way, which is sort of what made it possible for me to finish it in about four days. Honestly, (aside from my autistic ass struggling to connect with a brand new fantasy world and characters I feel fundamentally estranged from) the fanfiction-ness of the writing made me feel the same as when I'm watching reality TV: aware of the quality but choosing to have a good time with it anyways. Because my friend loved this book so much, I desperately wanted it to be good. But once I accepted that the writing was mid, as well as a good bit of the plot and the characters, I was able to enjoy myself enough to lose myself in the story, no matter how much the pretentious bitch inside kept trying to claw her way to the forefront of my thoughts. It was almost freeing to subject myself to such a juvenile piece of literature. Speaking of, there is one aspect of it's juvenility that I will not explore, but rather, let Robert Pattinson's reaction to reading the Twilight books to voice the principle of those thoughts instead:
"I was convinced Stephanie was convinced she was Bella, and it was like it was a book that wasn't supposed to be published. You're like, reading her sort of, like, sexual fantasy about some...really sexy guy and she just writes this book about it. And like, some things about Edward is [are] so specific, it was like I was just convinced that...this woman is mad! She's completely mad, and she's in love with her own fictional creation. And like, sometimes you...feel, like, uncomfortable reading this thing! And I think a lot of people feel that is...in the same way kind of voyeuristic and and it creates this...kind of like, a sick pleasure in a lot of ways".
Although this sentiment about ACOTAR may not be exceptionally widespread, personally, as a far-left rad-fem socialist who has spent years learning to decenter men, some of what Rob said resonated with me. Despite that this type of book is not particularly appealing to me personally, that doesn't mean it's inherently bad quality (but can easily bar it from being good quality), and this aspect definitely would've connected to my younger self before I became a chronically online femen@zi.
Moving on. The pretentious bitch inside me couldn't help but quietly take note of what was executed nicely and what was not, even as I was doing my best to go with the flow. I might as well go ahead and discuss what else I liked about it before I'm written off completely. I adored the imagery and sensory details--it's truly what made the experience good enough to keep reading. Her descriptions really draw the reader in and make them feel like they're right there with characters, in the good times and the bad ones too. I definitely don't have aphantasia and am a chronic day dreamer so I absolutely love descriptive books. Colors, sensations, emotions, all of it. I loved and hated the way I felt genuine emotions in all kinds of scenes (hated not because I'm a bitter hater, but hated because I can't help but feel everything any character I'm reading about is feeling--good, bad, or otherwise. And boy did Feyre go through some shit). Typically, books that can make me feel deeply are the best books but in this case, it acted more as a saving grace, especially because most of those feelings that were present in this book, though intense, lacked a certain type of depth I tend to gravitate towards.
Another thing I liked was Lucien! Lucien is by far my favorite character, not because he's particularly extraordinary, but because he feels...real? rather than being another one of SJM's romantic projections. (Sorry the writing style changed half way through, I was lowkey writing like SJM because I thought it was funny but I got tired of that real quick.) In the same vein, every now and then Feyre would get real as fuck, which was greatly appriciated when reading about such intense situations. Nightmares feel like a cheap excuse to avoid having to deal with your MC being traumatized because it's not uncommon for nightmares to be one of the only aspects of trauma focused by YA/new adult writers as well as a trojan horse a romantic scene. ACOTAR felt more believable (or maybe the word is genuine?) because Feyre dealt with real consequences from her trauma such as DSM-5 accurate depression, chronic low self esteem, mistrust, trauma bonding, etc. Lastly, I can't tell if I loved or hated the way SJM tied up all the loose ends (excluding some intentional cliffhangers). On one hand, it was satisfying as a reader to not have found any glaring plot holes yet I can't shake the feeling that she was making it up as she went. Source: trust me bro
As for Feyre's flaws, I feel that other readers have already explored in those depth and I don't feel the need to keep beating a dead horse. Same goes for Tamlin--I didn't find him all that interesting or charming even when Feyre was falling for him, so my already subpar opinion of him got worse and worse and will likely continue to do so as I continue reading the second book. He is so incredibly immature I can hardly stand it. Don't even get me started on how he always wants to fuck and thinks that suffices as an expression of love and care for Feyre. Even if that's technically not how it is, that is definitely how it read. To be clear, I'm pretty sure readers aren't meant to adore Tamlin; my issue is that Feyre goes through hell for someone so mid and we as readers are supposed to think her love and devotion are justified.
Now, let's get back to some hardcore griping! Amarantha's villain origin story makes sense until you actually meet her. Interacting with her felt like interacting with a cartoon villain from a shitty kids show. She was terrifyingly sadistic yet the justification for it was too weak to uphold her sadism. She felt like evil personified rather than a fleshed out person suffering the human condition (I know she's not human but you know what I mean). Good villains don't have to be redeemable, but they do have to be somewhat believable. These fae are all centuries old and have been through so much but somehow lack the emotional maturity I gained at the ripe age of seventeen?! I too have been a woman scorned enough to do make some interesting choices but jesus christ, Amarantha, it's really not that deep. Maybe it's the trauma that makes them like that, because I certainly have not endured what they have, nor have I ever held the amount of power they wield and I will never be able to fully comprehend what that does to a person. So who am I to talk. Anyways, I could ramble endlessly about Amarantha's shortcomings as a character but I think I've touched on her most glaring offenses.
Ugh. Now I'm gonna acknowledge that damn riddle and Tamlin's heart of stone concept that was executed so, so...let's just say, uniquely. When I read Amarantha's riddle, I came up with an answer so quickly that I was certain was it was incorrect. My personal belief system is centered around love (obviously not just the romantic kind) so I thought maybe I was biased since I try to see love in everything, not to mention the answer I had come up with seemed way too on the nose, given Feyre's circumstances and how much of the plot was driven by romance/love/attachment. But to my surprise and simultaneous disappointment, the answer to the riddle was love. I feel like even Feyre should've got that because of her Amarantha-enforced circumstances. And as for Tamlin's heart of stone--that Feyre figured out surprisingly easily even though she couldn't figure out that obvious riddle--it certainly wasn't something I was predicting, and the concept of it felt a little...elementary? Not because it was predictable or anything, but because of how squarely SJM looked that heart of stone metaphor in the face and decided to... well... do that....
I'm just glad she made Feyre grapple with her decision to kill the two innocents and let it haunt her afterwards, especially when her motives are called into question. She loves Tamlin (somehow. but maybe I'm just a manhater) which is what drives her to do what she does and what puts her in direct conflict with Amarantha but I'm just glad SJM bothered to create circumstances that let Feyre's selfishness (I'm not saying I would or wouldn't have done the same thing in her circumstance) also happen to benefit the entire kingdom-world thing. Basically I feel fundamentally estranged from Feyre because I see the value of all people and would like to think I'd do the right thing based on love and respect for all living things rather than for a whiny man child. I feel like I'm getting sidetracked somehow.
I'm hesitant to even talk about Rhysand because I'm not sure I fully understand him as a character yet. However, I love him as a character so far even if I don't love him/his personality that much. He felt developed in ways other characters didn't, similar to Lucien but I actually liked Lucien's personality from the start, even when he pisses me off sometimes. But on the topic of Rhysand, I was uncomfortable with how SJM wrote about SA in general. As a woman, I'm certainly not unfamiliar with the topic and have had my own share of experiences, although I will honestly admit that I haven't had any big T trauma in that area of my own life so this may not be my place to discuss this. That may also be why I can't quite put my finger on what about the way SJM wrote about SA bothered me. All I know is that something about it rubbed me the wrong way, almost as if it bordered on disrespect. But again, I'm not entirely sure.
In conclusion, my best friend just texted me not five seconds ago: "I think you just have a hard time comprehending that people write fun little fantasy stories simply because maybe they just like writing fun little fantasy stories". And she would be correct. I am too pretentious to truly love and appreciate this series the way it was meant to be. I've always felt the need to look deeper in anything that I enjoy, I've always felt the need to connect personally with each work of art I choose to dedicate my time to. I am first and foremost a Supernatural fan if that tells you anything, and even my love for Twilight grew from a specific, deep personal connection I had the concept and characters. I have just driven myself mad trying to figure out why this book was written, why I as a reader should care, and what exactly fueled SJM with so much passion that she felt the need to write an entire series (which is why I'm suspecting she wrote it as a self indulgent piece; that's the only logical explanation I can come up with, anyway). ACOTAR was not written for me and that is okay. It doesn't help that I tend to avoid fantasy as a genre anyways. Yet, I'm going to keep reading it. Because I still managed to have a good time with the story and characters, and of course, I'm going to thug it out no matter what because I love my best friend. Lastly, one thing SJM did a good job with was, in spite of it all, making me curious enough about what happens next to genuinely want to read the next book.
edit: it’s been a few days and ive gotten further into the second book. sjm really got her act together, that’s for sure. im beginning to understand why people obsess over this series. it’s a shame the first book is such a dumpster fire but im glad the story is redeemed in the rest of series (fingers crossed); the characters and world building had so much potential and im extremely happy to see sjm giving them the writing they deserve in the second book. with this new perspective i also realized that acotar was so genuinely awful that it literally made it impossible for me wrap my head around why she wrote it. thank god she get her shit together so that i can finally see the beauty of the series
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gothlesbianlardo · 11 months
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Rairpair Fic
Two Weeks by justlikeswitchblades
Rated: T
Pairing: Bitty/Ransom
one of the first fics that made me fall in love with bittyrans and it’s super cozy and sweet 🥰
Introduced You To A New Author
NHL!Bitty AU by @a-very-gay-disaster
Rated: N/A to E
Pairing: Bitty/Jack
nhl bitty is one of my favorite au’s of all time and sidney has become one of my favorite writers since I read this series
Character Study
How’s The Weather Up There by @goldasschains
Rated: T
Pairing: Bitty/Jack
a very fun au where bitty is tall and the thought of him being taller than jack is really cute and silly
Inspired You To Write
Reel Against Your Body’s Borders by halfabreath
Rated: G
Pairing: Bitty/Ransom
a favorite bittyrans fic of mine that inspired me to want to write bittyrans but also the pairing in general got me to discover ranzimbits especially because of bitty’s tweets and how much chemistry there is between the three of them
Best Worldbuilding
The State Of Being Alive by thitherstarling
Rated: T
Pairing: Ransom/Holster
idk if it counts as worldbuilding but the main plot involves ransom being drawn to holster playing a piano they found at a park and he comes to a realization that he is falling for his best friend
Genfic (No Ships)
A Little Loving In Between by @unacaritafeliz
Rated: G
Pairing: None
my favorite nursey-centric fic that takes place during his birthday throughout the years from childhood to post samwell
It’s Canon To You
Glow by @ivecarvedawoodenheart
Rated: T
Pairing: Ransom/Holster
honestly every holsom fic by this writer is canon to me 🥺
Underrated Fic
Amaranth by mnemosymnal
Rated: T
Pairing: Lardo/Camilla
idk if it’s underrated but every sapphic check please fic I’ve liked are underrated to me. but anyway this is the most beautifully written lardo/camilla fics I’ve ever read!
Main Character Is The Side Character
Ease Your Tension by @ivecarvedawoodenheart
Rated: T
Pairing: Ransom/Jack
so as you may know I am a big fan of any pairing within ranzimbits, and this jackrans fic is one of my favorites.
Short Fic (Under 1k)
Samwell Bridge, 11:11pm by @cricketnationrise
Rated: T
Pairing: Lardo/Camilla
I submitted this lardo/camilla prompt to cricket and I love it very much! 💕
Bookmarked Recently
Not What It Looks Like by halfdesertedstreets
Rated: T
Pairing: Bitty/Jack/Kent
in general I love everything this person writes but this fic may have given me a big soft spot for pb&j
You Weren’t Sure You’d Enjoy It But Really Did
I Watched It Begin Again by jacksbits
Rated: E
Pairing: Bitty/Jack/Kent
another pb&j fic that may or may not have made me like them. I also may have gotten emotional when rereading this fic.
Snow Day by @a-very-gay-disaster
Rated: G
Pairing: Bitty/Ransom/Jack
I know this is the only ranzimbits fic that exists but it is the best fic in the world and I love them so much!
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curator-on-ao3 · 8 months
For the thing, I was going to make you talk to me about Fly Me To The Moon, but I will be nice or anyway more recent and pick The Week instead.
Oh my goodness, @grissomesque, thank you! ❤️ I’ll talk about both. 🥰
Fly Me to the Moon is without a doubt the most technically difficult story I have ever written. This multi-chap J/P has two time periods that must move together to up the stakes for our characters with the latter time period’s episode-specific linear time dependent on the earlier time period for a key event our characters need to understand that gets peeled back for the reader layer by layer. And that’s not all! Then each time period fractures into parallel universes, again marching in tandem. In sum, the story has four universes, three canon and one AU, and digs into key episodes while also existing outside of them. My outline was bananas. Despite that outline, I fully rewrote the first chapter no less than five times. I didn’t know if anyone would read the story or like it or understand it.
But I enlisted the help of a wonderful beta who reassured me everything actually made sense.
I posted the first chapter and held by breath.
And, let me tell you, that story was the best commenting experience I have ever had.
A commenter told me she went to transcripts because she so much disagreed with my characterization of Tom Paris, then saw that what she thought was in the transcripts wasn’t there and her vision of Tom is different now.
A P/T shipper commented that she was almost rooting for J/P and what the what, also she said she never commented chapter by chapter but she was enjoying the story that much.
Comments were so kind, so thoughtful, so insightful on this story I had worked my ass off to write. It was every writer’s dream and I wish for an experience like that for everyone.
In terms of the fic itself, one of my favorite parts to write was the “Author, Author” Janeway and Paris holograms malfunctioning because that creeped me out. Similarly, I enjoyed writing Janeway cross-examining her “Worst Case Scenario” hologram self. The commonality of both canon holo-programs depicting the Janeway and Paris bond was such a treat to explore.
Okay! Whew! I will always be delighted to talk about Fly Me to the Moon.
In terms of The Week … that story means so much to me. The Week is a Pikeuna one-shot and a follow-up to a Pikeuna ficlet called The Weekend, both written between seasons one and two.
In The Weekend, Chris and Una are students at the academy and he’s utterly oblivious to the fact that 1. he’s smokin’ hot when he’s shirtless and making her pancakes, and 2. she’s weird. Like, “humans don’t do that, my dude,” weird. I had an absolute blast writing young, bumbling, trying-so-hard Pikeuna.
The Week catches up with our heroes two decades later while the Enterprise is getting a computer upgrade after sitting out the Klingon War. Chris and Una have been a couple that whole time (it’s not an AU, I sob) and they have this wonderfully settled love in which Chris has figured out a bunch of stuff … mostly correctly but definitely not quite all there. I wanted to explore an old, deep, and meaningful love that doesn’t nullify the essential loneliness of the self (because nothing does), yet a love that still helps people find their best selves through care for each other.
There is also porn.
And, let me tell you, writing old, established sex was really fun. (I am just now realizing that both Fly Me to the Moon and The Week have old, established sex, with Fly Me to the Moon more graphic when they’re younger while The Week is more graphic when they’re older.) Anyway, this is sex for two people who have tried all the positions together and know what they like. Two people who have a shorthand for sex just like anything else. And, of course, one person who enjoys his longtime partner but started banging her before either of them had enough experience to know that some of what she does is absolutely not possible for a human body.
So, yeah, I enjoyed writing the sex. Especially the book-oriented sex scene.
I also found great meaning and a sad sort of satisfaction in writing Una’s fears around racist humans. When Una speaks with the woman in the grocery store and Una is so, so scared and covering it up with bravado … damn. I purposefully wrote that in a way that I hoped would resonate for other minorities — and commenters (some of them privately), without knowing my intention, told me it did. That choice became satisfying again when Ad Astra Per Aspera similarly expanded Una’s backstory to resonate for experiences of many members of historically underrepresented communities.
Um, I have rambled here and had an absolutely marvelous time doing it. Thank you so much, @grissomesque. I deeply appreciate you asking about these two stories. 💙
Want more information about a fic I wrote? Send me an ask.
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maxx-the-queer · 1 year
Neverafter Episode 5 Rambles
Spoilers Ahead, naturally!
Okay, so the red beads, right? I feel like Brennan’s REALLY prepared to give these out willy nilly at this point, given how often the Intrepid heroes seem to be making saves to get them/avoid getting them.  So, given what we just had in ACOFAF with the artefacts (the feather, the mask, the hart thing etc) I feel like these have gotta be something to the effect of what they did in ACOFAF. I’ve got a couple theories. 
1) it’s a larger Level of Exhaustion style mechanic that works across all the versions of their story, where they’re taking on effects that start as just minor inconveniences (in a way we don’t yet understand or notice) but will impact them more as they accumulate, eventually hitting a maximum if they continue to do so. Naturally, this could have grave consequences such as perma-death, being forgotten in every realm, being unable to go to the Happily Ever After etc.  2) Conversely, the beads corrupt them so much from their happier versions that while they might become more powerful and stronger temporarily, they eventually become unrecognisable and are unable to resolve their stories as the people they were. Maybe they become villains or something.  Anyways, the beads are stressing me out and I’m so mad we don’t know exactly what they do yet.  Now, Scheherazade, Aesop - names of actual storytellers we’ve gotten thus far. I assume the Brothers Grimm will make an appearance in some capacity, since they’re some of the other most recognisable storyteller type figures (that most people would recognise by name). And given that Brennan has included Scheherazade, I wonder if we’ll be hearing about writers of folktales and nursery rhymes from other non-European cultures as well? Elody being an observable figure in Scheherazade’s realm is also very interesting, as that seems to suggest she is much like Snow and Cinderella who appear to have awoken and since have gained free reign of the story realms. Once again, through not entirely her or Gerard’s fault, this awareness of all the version’s in which Elody loves him a lot less could likely be what’s contributing to the re-froggening.  Putting Cinderella’s glass slipper shard into the book seemed to be interesting as well, I wonder if the blank pages thing was her resisting even the Happily Ever After version of her story and that she’s still traversing the different versions of the Neverafter freely. Conversely, what could be the consequences of her being unable to escape Mother Goose’s book if that were the case? What would that mean for Snow White, or for Rosamund, or the other numbers of princesses? Would that be helping or hindering whatever the fuck is going on with the Stepmother???
I am still bamboozled by the amount of factions in this and the sheer amount of all of the different agendas. The Storytellers, the Princesses, the Witches, the Fairies, the Stepmother/Evil fairy, the Tricksters, the Big Bad Wolf, everyone else who just exists, plus the Golden Goose and the Gander.  I still don’t know what the Stepmother/the Big Bad Wolf’s respective agendas are. I am a little bit intimidated by them ngl :)) I am super jazzed (and not) about the next episode, because spiders. Hopefully gonna be okay with that one lol.  Silly bonus:  was an absolute pleasure to get even a glimpse of Senator the Ram again. best character so far /j
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therealieblog · 2 years
I’ve started reading Lindy West’s book ‘Shrill’, and I am loving it. She’s hilarious and sharp and fierce. 
In the book she talks about working as a journalist for The Stranger, Dan Savage’s paper. She talks about how Dan was a good boss, but abrupt and not big on praise, and how she loved working for the paper.
Unfortunately, Dan, at that time in the early to mid aughts, was extremely fatphobic. He regularly wrote columns condemning fat people for being lazy, unhealthy and a drain on public resources. Lindy began striking back at him (mostly respectfully) in answering columns, and the one that I’ve transcribed below was incredible. He eventually changed his tune, and she says nowadays he’s far more positive about fat people. I like to think Lindy’s words helped open his eyes. 
In the passage below, she responds to a column he published about being at a water park in the mid west, and how “unsightly” people’s fat rolls were in their swimsuits. It’s not a nice column, so I won’t quote more of it than that, but this is Lindy’s response. I did my very best to transpose her words directly from the audio book I have, but the italicizing and bolding are mine. 
“Hello, I am fat.”
This is my body. Over there. See it. I lived in my body my whole life. I have wanted to change this body my whole life. I have never wanted anything as much as I have wanted a new body. I am aware every day that other people find my body disgusting. I always thought that some day, when I finally stopped failing, I will become smaller, and when I become smaller, literally everything will get better. I’ve heard it gets better… My life can begin. I’ll get the clothes that I want. The job that I want. The love that I want. It’ll be great! Think how great it’ll be to buy some pants or whatever. At J. Crew. Aw man. Pants! Instead, my body stays the same. 
There is not a fat person on earth who hasn’t lived this way. Clearly, this is a terrible way to exist. Also, strangely enough, it did not cause me to become thin. So I do not believe any of it anymore, because fuck it, very much. 
This is my body, it is MINE. I’m not ashamed of it in any way. In fact, I love everything about it. Men find it attractive. Clothes look awesome on it. My brain rides around in it all day and comes up with funny jokes. Also, I don’t have to justify its awesomeness, attractiveness, healthiness or usefulness to anyone, because it is MINE. NOT YOURS. 
*Footnote: I’ve noticed that a lot of people have trouble with the basic definition of fat acceptance. They wanna argue and nitpick about calories and cardio and insurance and health and on and on and on, and if you are one of those people, wallowing in confusion, fret no more. I can sum it up for you in one easy to remember phrase. GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU FUCKING WEIRDO! Print it. Laminate it. Be it. 
I’m not going to spend a bunch of time blogging about fat acceptance here, because other writers have already done it much more eloquently, thoroughly and radically than I ever could. But I do feel obligated to try to explain what this all means. 
I get that you think you’re actually helping people and society by contributing to the fucking Alp of shame that crushes every fat person, every day of their lives. The same shame that makes it a radical act to post a picture of my body, and tell you how much it weighs. But you are not helping. Shame doesn’t work. Diets don’t work. 
Footnote: Fatphobes love to hold this assertion up, of how delusional and intractable fat activists are. ‘Calories in, calories out’ they say. ‘Ever heard of thermodynamics?’. ‘Uuuh I’ve never seen a fat person in a concentration camp. High five, Trevor.’ 
Leaving aside the barbarism of suggesting, however obliquely, that well, at least concentration camp victims weren’t fat. No fat activist who says ‘Diets don’t work’ is suggesting that you cannot starve a fat person to a thin death. Rather, we’re referencing the rigorously vetted academic conclusion that traditional diets, the kind that are foisted upon fat people as penance and cure-alls, and our entrance exam for humanity, fail 95% of the time. Whether fat people fail to lose weight due to simple laziness and moral torpor, or because of a more complex web of personal, cultural and medical factors, those numbers are still real. Those fat people still exist. Pushing diet culture, as a cure for fatness does nothing but perpetuate the emotional and economic exploitation of fat people. Shame is a tool of oppression. Not change. Fat people are already ashamed. It’s taken care of. No further manpower needed on the shame front. Thanks.
I’m not concerned with whether or not fat people can change their bodies through self discipline and ‘choices’. Pretty much all of them have tried already. A couple of them have succeeded. Whatever. My question is. What if they try and try and try, and still fail? What if they are still fat? What if they are fat forever? What do you do with them then? Do you really want millions of teenage girls to feel like they’re trapped in unsightly lard prisons that are ruining their lives? And on top of that it’s because of their own moral failure? And on top of that, they are ruining America with the terribly expensive diabetes they don’t even have yet? 
You know what’s shameful? A complete lack of empathy. And if you really claim to still be confused. ‘Nuh uh, I never said anything guys. Seriously!’ There can be no misunderstanding shit like this: ‘I am thoroughly annoyed at having my tame statements of fact, being heavy is a health risk, rolls of exposed flesh are unsightly’ characterized as hate speech’. (she is quoting Dan Savage’s response to her last letter here). 
Ha! 1. “Rolls of exposed flesh are unsightly” is in no way a tame statement of fact. It’s not a fact at all. It’s an incredibly cruel, subjective opinion that reinforces destructive, paternalistic, oppressive beauty ideals. 
Footnote: In his response to this post, Dan took me to task for cherry picking that quote, explaining that he wasn’t mocking the flesh rolls of fat people specifically. He was mocking the flesh rolls of all women who wear low rise jeans without having the correct bodies for it. 
Oh, OK, FYI, feminism isn’t super jazzed about men policing women’s clothing choices either. Also, it was totally about fat people you liar. 
I am not unsightly. No one deserves to be told that they’re unsightly. But this is what’s behind this entire thing. It’s not about health, it’s about eww you think fat people are icky. Ew. A fat person might touch you on a plane, with their fat. EW. Coincidentally, that’s the same feeling that drives anti-gay bigots, no matter what excuses they drum up about family values, and yes, health. It’s all ‘ew’. And sorry, I reject your ‘ew’.
2. You are not concerned about my health. Because if you were concerned about my health, you would also be concerned about my mental health. Which has spent the past 28 years, being slowly eroded by statements like the above. Also, you don’t know anything about my health. You do happen to be the boss of me, but you are not the doctor of me. You have no idea what I eat. How much I exercise, what my blood pressure is or whether or not I’m going to get diabetes. Not that any of that matters, because it is entirely none of your business. 
3. But but but my insurance premiums! 
Bullshit! You live in a society with other people. I don’t have kids, but I pay taxes that fund schools. The idea that we can somehow escape affecting each other is deeply conservative. Barbarous even. Is that really what you’re going for? Good old fashioned American individualism? Please. 
4. But most importantly, I reject this entire framework. I don’t give a shit what causes anyone’s fatness. It’s irrelevant, and it’s none of my business. I’m not making excuses, because I have nothing to excuse. I reject the notion that thinness is the goal. That thin equals better. That I am an unfinished thing, and that my life can really start when I lose wait. That then I’ll be a real person, and have finally succeeded as a woman. I am not going to waste another second of my life thinking about this. I don’t want to have another fucking conversation with another fucking woman, about what she’s eating, or not eating or regrets eating, or pretends to not regret eating to mask the regret. Oops. I just yawned to death. 
If you really want change to happen, if you really wanna help fat people, you need to understand that shaming an already shamed population is…well… shameful. Do you know what happened as soon as I rejected all this shit and fell in unconditional lurve with my entire body? I started losing weight, immediately. Well la dee fucking da. 
Footnote: If I had to do it over again I’d write this last part more clearly, because I think the way it stands undermines my point a bit. What I was trying to say was that if anti-fat crusaders really want what they claim to want, for fat people to be ‘healthy’, they should be on the front lines of size acceptance and fat empowerment. There’s hard science to back this up. Shame contributes measurably to weight gain, not weight loss. Loving yourself is not antithetical to health, it is intrinsic to health. You can’t take good care of a thing you hate. 
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ongreenergrasses · 2 years
1, 3, 5, 7, 9!
helloooo 💖💖
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who has never read your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
i think (despite earlier misgivings) that and so they did. is actually a more accurate reflection of the things i like to write, so start there! if you’re not a j/n fan read hips as your intro fic instead
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
i always write about people who are Going Through It but getting through it
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
i always wanted someone to ask me where i got the inspiration for hips! it’s based more on my life and my experiences than anything else i’ve ever published, and i hated it at first because i thought it was too boring and vulnerable, so but now i am so, so proud of it.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
i kind of love the world i created in he ain’t heavy he’s my brother, it’s a nice universe to hang out in. also although it barely exists the nebulous restaurant au is also a world i’m personally a fan of
9. How do you find new fic to read?
bookmarks of the authors i like! and then that author’s bookmarks, etc. i haven’t really been reading that much fic lately though
fic writer questions
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gayhoediaz · 2 years
fanfic ask game
tagged by @rogerzsteven and @imsupposedtobewritting thank you babes 💕
What is your total posted word count on AO3? (Go to your Works, then click Statistics.)
Although I’m pretty sure that's the number of words currently up on my profile. I've orphaned and deleted over 100 and probably about 80% of all of my fics, so I have no idea what the actual number would be.
How often do you write?
I try to write a little bit every single day. If I've just completed a longer fic, I'll take a day where I don't write, but then I'm usually editing. It's just a really nice way for me to relax and unwind.
Do you have a routine for writing?
I do! The past month or two I've been getting up really early, around six am or a little bit earlier. I'll get my coffee, and I'll take my adhd meds, and I'll sit down and try to get some words down. I love getting up early, it's really peaceful and quiet, and it's when I find the most inspiration. For a while, I was struggling because I couldn't find enough peace to write with all of my coursework, but this has been working really well, because it's like my brain knows that between 6am and 8am, (and full saturdays, when I can) that's my me-time, and I don't have to worry about anything that doesn't bring me joy. I really recommend having a set time to enjoy your hobbies. It sounds counterintuitive, but it's really helpful.
What’s your favorite tropes/pairing?
I always find questions about tropes so difficult to answer, because I think my favorite tropes vary depending on the pairing.
My favorite pairing is really just Buck and Eddie at the moment, (For writing, that is. I do read a ton of other pairings.) and FWB is always elite for them, as is fake dating.
For a long time I was writing Ian and Mickey (and I'm still technically working on a fic for them with J, but it's taking a long time, okay, we're very slow.) but I don't write them as much anymore, I've just kind of fallen out of the fandom a bit, although I will say that any AUs having to do with either crime or fame - or both - are always a lot of fun when it comes to them.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
I think my favorite fic that I have ever written is actually one that I haven't posted yet. It's coming out on thursday. Hopefully by then I will have a title for it.
As for the ones that are posted, I think the one I'm the most proud of is either stupid people. or moonlight, nightmares, and tearful confessions.
Your fic with the most kudos?
stupid people.
Anything you don’t like about your writing?
There actually isn't a lot, and the reason for this is not because I'm the best writer that has ever existed or anything ridiculous like that. It's simply because I have been writing for so many years, and I've written so much that I have just kind of carefully carved out exactly what I like, and what I want. (At this point in my life, at least.) That's not to say that everyone has to like my writing style - of course not - but I like it, and it's taken a long time, and many, many hours of writing to get to that point. I'm sure that there are aspects that I can improve, and that I will improve, however, another reason why I feel the need to say this is because I think a lot of us need to work on our courage when it comes to this kind of thing. It's perfectly okay to be proud of your writing.
That being said:
The one thing that I do think I could work on is that sometimes the descriptions of the characters moving can be a little bit repetitive, and a little bit too technical. I also really, really try my hardest to create an atmosphere, and because of that, I also think that certain scenes can drag on for too long. I can describe the rain in one sentence, I don't need two more, you know? You guys know what rain is.
Now something you do like?
Like I said, I really do try my hardest to create an atmosphere that you just want to climb into and live in, and I think I'm slowly getting even better at that. I really do want to live in the fic I have coming out on thursday, and I can't wait to see what that aspect of my writing is like a year from now.
I also like my dialogue a lot, I think it usually feels pretty natural.
tagging @ekstasisandangst @messyhairdiaz @eddiediazes @eddiediass @gayravi @loveyourownsmiilee @captainchimney @fearlessdiaz @buddiemidnights @bitchfacediaz @thatbuddie
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shinakazami1 · 1 year
• previous ask anon here! I saw the positive response on my last ask so might as well say some more (imagine getting happy from being praised on your own praise, can't be me/j)
• you may feel like Dear Stanley doesn't get many reads but I assure you, if the fic was a youtube video I would put it on loop (they are so silly and the metaphors and the way he cared so much about those little details?? same fr)
• Tomato getting more content. oh no. my heart. you better prepare to pay for the damages that will be inflicted on my soul.
• I decided to tour your ao3 works and read Bad Luck! …I checked all the tags, no worries. (Love, Falling and All Things did came up first but it's in a series so I put it for later)
• 27k. That one hour of reading was quite something. It's so wrong but it's so good?? keyboard smashes I won't dive into details here, but the words hold so much feelings. They are so,,,a (Fanfic writers my beloved good job you two) Question: how are their lives after that. are they happy like really truly happy. it's an au but i need to know if my blorbos are ok.
• I'm probably going to read the soulmate bodyswap series next, and I'm really excited since 1. omg tooth-rotting fluffy gay men, I need this and 2. planetariums, aquariums and animal facts are my absolute favourites stop hitting my soft spots (once again thank goodness for fanfic writers amen)
• sorry if this is too long and possibly confusing! I'm not the best at writing anything out...maybe retreating to ao3 comment sections now that I know anonymous/no account commenting exists (because of you, I finally found out about it after all these years, thanks). Have a nice 365 days!
Anon please my gosh I just opened tumblr and I saw I had a message and just to hear my reaction for your comment meant a lot means a lot to me ofahioasi we are rn in a very silly loop and just please know I told my close buds about you writing these asks and just it means so much to me, and to see you wrote such a long comment (I checked, wow, 307 words, dude I appreciate you sm if you would ever want to reveal yourself be my guest IOHFSOIFSAO I just, I truly appreciate you)
Now lemme just respond to each point under the cut but PLEASE THIS IS NOT CONFUSING NOR TOO LONG THIS IS JUST SO PRECIOUS
Dude I am so glad you liked the metaphors!! I really wanted to make him project onto different things and just, Narrator feels like a man who would care so much about details that others wouldn't
If I ever get back to writing haha, but the prequel is gonna be a cute slowburn of how they got together (no angst tho haha noooo sir don't look how I mostly write angst hahahaah h a ) ; while sequel is their trip to the mountains which would have similar tone to the original!! But gosh thank you you really make me want to write it hehe
Bad Luck is one of my collabs with a user who left TSP community so now I am left as the only creator listen but they were the ones who came up with the idea for that and Good Luck Charm, which is the fic this one kinda comes from !! We were a bit scared if people would think we agree with Stanley's actions (esp since I was the one who wrote them fihfsoiafsih) but I am glad you like it! And well - we actually discussed it and haha no they are not good they are far from good in that au, what we intended to do was (SPOILER: DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW IF I EVER WRITE IT) that Stanley would confess to Narrator that he drugged him and Narrator would be very mad but since he got bitten and it was found out that he was omega, he would lose his job since the world is omegaphobic and Stanley would only later learn just of how much he fucked up. But since the damage is done and Leo would not want him to have easy way out, they kinda stay together and Stanley develops and anxiety disorder. They kinda make it all work and let themselves explore the feelings but Leo never forgives and good for him, good for that man
Gosh to hear you want to keep on reading my work???? That just means so much to me??? I wrote this one with Surf and the amount of silliness that series has just still makes me giddy with how I pulled some of my fav moments in my TSP fanfics so I hope you will not only have a nice read but if you do write, you will share your opinion if you will want to!!
You reminded me I have to check ao3 iohfashiosafois I haven't really been logging in so I prob been slacking off with responses but please, wherever you choose to write, it will always mean so much to me. You already spending time writing the first thing meant for me a ton, esp since this semester has been hard and I've been in art block overall but please anon, know that your words truly make me feel not only good but just grateful to you. Know that your words mean more than you can imagine and they can affect people in a good way. Thank you <3 Have lovely 365 days! (or 365/2 days, if you are a Kingdom Hearts fan)
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