frownyalfred · 2 days
Ugghhh cant people let two men be friends?? Superbat Makes no sense! Its not like the official dc tik tok account posted a compilation of their moments with a "which could mean nothing" caption!!!
DC normalizing that toxic and inappropriate relationship is disgusting. Think of all the fans they're showing that content to -- I mean, Superman and Batman are FRIENDS. This woke bullshit needs to end (/s)
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sunshinechay · 9 months
I absolutely understand why Babe would forgive Charlie so quickly. These two moments right here explains it perfectly:
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And this one
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Babe has spent almost his entire adult life feeling like he can’t love anyone. Feeling like he can’t, like he wasn’t worthy of that love, that he wasn’t worth it. He wanted someone who would love him uncondititionally and completely. Someone who would take care of him and not judge him. Then came Charlie. For all of Charlie’s flaws and lies, that is the one thing I don’t think I’ve ever doubted. Charlie loves Babe. He loves Babe so much but he also knows that if he tries to tell Babe who he is right away, Babe will reject him. Babe will, like he did at first, assume that it is all a part of Tony’s plan to get Babe back, to force him to go along with what Tony is planning.
With the foundation that their relationship has now, Babe knows that Charlie loves him. That everything he did, no matter how fucked up, was because he loved him. Charlie offers to die so that Babe will gets his senses back. I think that right there says a lot about how much Charlie loves Babe. How much Charlie loves period. He was even willing to lie to Tony on something easily fact checked. He lies and says he hasn’t seen Jeff. If Tony doesn’t know Jeff works at the garage I’d be very surprised. Charlie is so completely willing to put himself into harms ways for those that he loves. And Babe knows that.
So Babe forgives him. Babe forgives Charlie because Charlie disproves every single negative thing Babe has ever thought about his ability to love, about his ability to be loved. Babe is so starved for love, for touch, for someone to love him. Charlie gives it to him in spades, never stopping. Babe feels safe enough with Charlie to actually love him back. Something he has never done before, he’s never felt like he could.
This is also not so incidentally why I won’t get on the “Way might be a walking red flag but I’m color blinded” train. I have felt the exact same way Babe has felt before, something I still struggle with to this day. That kind of intense self loathing is tough to live with. Babe lived with his for years before Charlie. He never felt like could love anyone, and Way made him feel that. Way made him feel like he wasn’t worthy. It feels like an extremely fucked up version of “if I can’t have him no one can”. I do think it comes from Way also feeling similar to Babe, which is why I am still ultimately sympathetic to Way as a character, but the boy needs to step the fuck back from Babe and let the man live his life and be happy with Charlie. Babe has said so many times, including to his face, that he and Way could only ever be friends. Way just doesn’t seem willing to accept that, which a big yikes for me. Add the hypnosis on top of that and if this were in any other genre, I’d be voting for Way to get his head lopped off. Still I love Way is able to move on, whether that is with Pete or not. Hopefully his and Babe’s friendship will improve because of it.
So yeah, I don’t find it surprising at all that Babe is willing to forgive Charlie that easily. Charlie is everything he’s ever wanted on a silver platter. He was also willing to be completely honest with Babe as soon as Babe asked for honesty. He didn’t lie, he didn’t beat around the bush. He explained it all, point blank. He didn’t even lie about being the reason Babe lost his senses, even when he could have and it’s likely Babe would have never found out. Charlie proved that he does love Babe, genuinely and completely. He wants to protect Babe no matter what. He is willing to do anything. It’s exactly what Babe wants and what he needs. I have no doubt Babe will give back as good as he gets too.
This likely isn’t the end of the road for this discussion. I think they will revisit it eventually, though under what circumstances I can’t say. For now, Babe is willing to forgive him easily, because he loves Charlie and Charlie loves him. In the end, that’s all Babe wants and now that he is getting the chance, he’s going to grab it and hold on with both hands. He knows he can do that because he knows, down to his core, that Charlie will do the same for him.
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otaku553 · 1 year
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An alt design (redesign?) for my demon slayer oc, koharu
Wanted to incorporate the little clouds inside the cape for more coherence with the other two Ebisu siblings, and figured that since they’re the main “researcher” of the family, and the one with the least physical strength to offer, their design should lean slightly more into academia with the cape and the hat! Was thinking of making it a tonbi (overcoat with shoulder-cape down to sleeve length and inner jacket) but I think the single long cape makes the design overall easier to read :)
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kkkkkkkitty · 1 year
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jetcat-14 · 7 months
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How did ....
Anders get this women???
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Look at him
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pythiaswine · 2 months
thinking about how difficult it must have been for Rachel Fawcette [Hamilton] to leave her firstborn behind in order to safely remove herself from Lavien's house. how much it must have eaten her up inside and how there was nothing she could do because her husband owned her and he owned their son and he owned everything that was hers and if she stayed, there's no telling what could have happened to her. And she lost her firstborn son over it, fuck the rest of everything she lost and how people treated her, she had no claims to her son who clearly grew up to resent her for what she, if we think critically for a moment and look at the context and the subtext and hey, let's face it, the TEXT, likely had to do. how women were constantly pitted in the most volatile of situations in those days and how she did the difficult thing and saved herself.
but yeah sure let's reduce her to Whore because that is so much more impactful through a modern lens, like sure let's give her disgusting husband, and every other fucking man throughout history, the glory of successfully making the women they hurt out to be cheating whores. let's tell her son's story by calling his mother a whore every other fuckin song. let's act like "son of a whore" at the end of all things is more of an insult to him than it is to his mother, the so-called whore who clearly had it so bad at Lavien's that she fucking left. do we not realize that by reducing her to that, we let Johann Michael Lavien fucking WIN? i'm sick. so fucking sick to my stomach I hate it here
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larsnicklas · 5 months
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time to be #gr8 (x)
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lousylemonseminar · 3 months
“I was just so hungry, gill”
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Meal isn’t pictured in alignment to how it’s described in the THING!
AUSVBRBRHEHTHRGRGRGRGHRHGHGGG i bashed my fist into the wall multiple times while reading this fic[link] in astonishment of the details and how they alluded to things and i can Talk SO LOUD AN D UNCEREMONIOUSLY but i wanna put that under the cut along with my Fav quotes of this SO READ IT FIRST READ IT FIRST READ IT FIRST!!!! I PLEA
On a less serious note There were multiple times where my brain had to spare myself from fathoming by making stupid connections like Chip taking doppelgillys kidneys because in a bit where gill said he took chips And other Stuff Like That but then THE HE PROBABLY TOOK HOIS HEART FIRST????? IM KILLING ICARUS????/NSRS IM MAIMING THORN???? obeheheemanba okay!!
So here’s most of the screenshots I took while reading this! Which will help me relive the atrocities
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My reaction to Did you know it wasn’t me by here they be dragons /pos :
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They seriously couldn’t have done that to me after I spent like thirty minutes writing how much I admired the tension and the buildup and the emphasis on how fucking dead chip was OH MY GOD.
Icarus if your reading this I cannot emphasize enough how greatly the fics I’ve read from you Fuck with my brain
I remember watching the a new riptide episode at some point and genuinely wondering why gill and chip wasn’t more conflicted with each other and why gill wasn’t being more obedient to his friend for knocking his shit I
Reading the absolute ferocity went at doppelgilly made drawing this SO SoSo so much more rewarding for me which is something I have a Lot of trouble with . Or like being passionate / having fun with drawing it’s insane
I was kicking my feet fangirling over it
You’re such an amazing fucking author in which i do still wanna write down why those excerpts Stuck So Hard and GOSHHHBD DB losing it I admire you so much have an awesome sauce day :o3333
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housesunstone · 4 months
18 d10’s 18?!!?
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 1 year
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I posted this and like immediately deleted it because I’m self conscious as hell but not before @jiserus-blog spotted it and drew this ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE rendition. I am in love with this, thank you so much, everyone else please admire.
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pbpsbff · 7 months
sometimes i forget people genuinely took sides when ca:cw came out like i watched the movie through the lense of SPIDERMAN??? SPIDERMAN IS HERE??? HES HERE???
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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cw gotham knights (trailer) / twt src
now i know i can't be the only one preparing themselves for an onslaught of jayharvey/twohood posts bc these two mfs decided to play iconic characters from gotham city
especially now that task force z exists????
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task force z (2021) #6, #7, #12
bruh cockles is gonna get a whole new set of remarkably well done ship edits very soon
ETA: please see my reblog for jackles as bruce wayne update!
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glassamphibians · 6 months
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 3 months
I’m actually ecstatic that you liked it cause in the back of my mind I was like “if aether doesn’t like the way I wrote Dazai I have to deactivate”
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beiyuanism · 11 months
something something "you must take that emotion and you must bury it" something something "he left me (...) so i had to bury it on my own"
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4-hour-naps · 10 months
ep. 3 Yokohama Gangster Paradise
episode tally: 2 | total tally: 7
Dishonorable mention: Naomi. We both know. I won’t say anything else.
Note: I have noticed a trend, atsushi gets on his hands and knees reaaall fast when money’s involved
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