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If you ask Whole Foods a question, you go to jail.
#RightToRescue #Whole_Foods #WholeFoods #vegan #veganism #animal_rights #animalrights #humane #humanely_raised #humanelyraised #WayneHHsiung #Justice #Dharma #Ahiṁsā
#justice#RightToRescue#Whole_Foods#WholeFoods#vegan#veganism#speciesism#animal_rights#AnimalRights#animalliberation#plantbased#veganfood#antispeciesism#animal rights#end genocide#free palestine#free gaza#palestine#israel#gaza#Instagram
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I have ben taking a bit of a carnivore approach for January. I love keto, and I am still in ketosis, but, its definitely easy to get away from what keto truly is. Its easy to start buying all the new easy grab and go products in the shelves these days. Even if you are educated like me and have taken keto mastery certification by @ketogeniccom, and check the label for any hidden sugar alcohols that are true keto, or ubtrue fibers that knock you out of ketosis - and the ingredients checks out and its REALLY keto.. its still easy to slip the slippery slope of an unbalanced non-whole foods approach to keto. Its also easy to rely on just keto desserts. Yes, yourll be in ketosis, but, what is it your actually aiming for? Sometimes its hood tontake a step back and abstain a little bit. Get back to the basics of simple whole and unprocessed foods. If you are just starting keto. By all means explore making those keto desserts and treats at home. Its FUN figuring out whats keto! But, my advice for those recovering from binge eating, food addiction or aiming for weightloss would be to make just enough of that treat for that one day. During my first 6 months of weightloss, I only ever had one keto sweet per week, on Sundays - and that was pancakes. And that was it. Almond flour can be a bit inflammatory of your consuming it every day. #ketoon #carnivorediet #grassfedsteak #freerange #freerangechickens #eggs #friedeggs #butter #ilovebutter #grassfedbutter #bacon #pork #humanelyraised #eat #food #foodphotography #carnivorewomen #carnivorediet #wholefoods #wholebodyhealth #weightlosscommunity #weighlosslife #oa #eatingrecovery #onedayatatime https://www.instagram.com/p/CJzOqhxAwNx/?igshid=1s019qpn6bcff
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Repost from @alliummarket: The wait is over... HAYWARD KIWI JAM IS HERE!!! This gorgeous, seasonal jam from our beloved friends @innajam comes out in winter during peak kiwi season and is tart, sweet, crunchy, tropical-y, pineapple-y, and the perfect companion to almost any cheese. We are devouring it with @american_cheese_society winner Green Hill Camembert from @sweetgrassdairy in Georgia. This creamery uses milk from suuuper happy cows who live a 100% barn-free life and are roaming grassy pastures 365 days of the year. Come on by this weekend and try this match made in heaven! #kiwi #jam #seasonal #smallbatch #artisanal #freshfruit #jamandcheese #cheese #grassfed #happycows #happycheese #camembert #doublecream #awardwinning #humanelyraised #animalhusbandry (at Allium Market and Cafe)
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Next step... . . #butcher #humanebutchery #humanelyraised https://www.instagram.com/p/CACH-5Dg9hh/?igshid=1hcrg0cfyrkjz
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Available Now: 4505 CLASSIC CHILI & SALT PORK RINDS, CERTIFIED KETO, HUMANELY RAISED, FAMILY SIZE BAG, 7OZ ONLY $9.99 Check Out @ https://www.shelhealth.com/collections/snacks/products/4505-classic-chili-salt-pork-rinds-certified-keto-humanely-raised-family-size-bag-7oz #keto#ketomeals#ketosnacks#ketotransformation#porkrinds#protein#gains#fitness#humanelyraised#wellness https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ztD6RH3os/?igshid=n8drpancdk9e
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Saturday morning at our local farmer’s market we visited our favorite organic, 100% grass fed, beef vendor (https://www.facebook.com/simoncertifiedorganicfamilyfarm/) in search of steaks for our weekend feast. He offered us options....1st was Mau, a young cow less than 24 months of age when she was processed. 2nd was Holly, an eight year old they had just processed after she stopped caring for her calves. When I asked the farmer/vendor to describe the taste difference he told me that Mau could be enjoyed with white or red but that Holly definitely would be best served with a bold red. We bought both - I wanted a side-by-side taste test. I do not have a sensitive or educated palate. I wanted to know if there was truly a difference in an older cow and a younger cow that were both raised on the same organic, grass-fed farm. Let me tell you there is a HUGE difference. And if you ever have the opportunity to try an “old” cow - don’t pass it up. Oh, and they were prepared together in exactly the same way - brought to room temp, salted, grilled to 140, rested for 20 minutes. Mau was quite tasty. Light, airy, almost creamy - great flavor that we’ve continually experienced from this farm. (We’ve been eating their meat for years). Holly was dense, meaty, and SO flavorful. Not tough, that is too strong a word for her texture. She was heavier, not light. So hard to describe but so real of a difference. This was such an educational experience for us. I love our farmer’s market and our vendors. It is a wonderful thing to be able to talk to people who actually raised the meat that we are buying,
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Understanding Food Labels at Farmers Markets and Stores

Farmers Markets are truly a joy to attend. Leisurely browsing the farmers' delights, especially on a day with azure blue sky and a perfect temperature can be both awe-inspiring and intriguing. This is the type of day that everything surrounding you in sight will be perfect to serve and enjoy. In fact, your mouth is already watering looking at that perfectly grown peach with just the perfect array of colors. Which brings up a question of the labeling attached to the produce or meat you are about to bring home. For the conscientious shopper, this mini-dictionary will help reduce the confusion for easy identification. When selecting fresh produce or meat, terms may be mentioned, a product labeled, or a display you can't resist, Now Let's take a closer look so You know exactly what your buying And The New Terms You May Stumble Across. The Topics Covered Are Listed Below....Any New Terms? Let's Get To It. LOCAL - ORGANIC - SUSTAINABLE - GRASS FED - CAGE FREE - FREE RANGE - GMO FREE - PASTURE RAISED - HORMONE/ANTIBIOTIC FREE - PESTICIDE FREE - HEIRLOOM - HERITAGE - FAIR TRADE - HUMANELY RAISED CERTIFIED HUMANE - NATURAL - BIODYNAMIC AG- KOSHER - REGENERATIVE ORGANIC FARMS -NATURAL
This is an unregulated claim and applies to the label on the eggs. It adds no value to the chicken meat, as they are generally raised in large, open structures called "growout houses". Cage-Free generally means the hens who laid the eggs were allowed to live outside of cages, although the term does not mean that they were allowed to roam outside. Cage-Free means "not confined in cages" as opposed to free-range. Typically, large commercial producers confine the hens to cages. Ask the farmer how the birds were raised is the best solution and you will get your answer.
Free Range
This term can apply to meat, dairy, or eggs. The USDA only regulates this claim for chickens and eggs, and it means the birds were allowed access to the outdoors. Whether the birds were actually outside, or for how long, is not regulated. Free range livestock generally roam freely outdoors.

Certified Organic
A farm must pay for this certification.. Many believe that farmers that use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or chemical herbicides are the ones that should pay? It is a continuing debate. Certified Organic in the US is a USDA label and other certifying bodies must be approved by them. A farm must be chemical-free for three years, meaning no synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or chemical herbicides can be used. Organic meat, eggs, and dairy products must come from livestock that have not received antibiotics or growth hormones and were given only organic feed. Organic is a labeling term for food or other agricultural products that have been produced using cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that support the cycling of on-farm resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity in accordance with the USDA organic regulations.
Organic vs. Natural Organic Natural
Toxic Persistent Pesticides Not Allowed Allowed GMO's Not Allowed Allowed Antibiotics Not Allowed Allowed Growth Hormones Not Allowed Allowed Sludge & Irradiation Not Allowed Allowed Animal Welfare Requirement Yes No Cows Required To Be On Pasture Yes No Lower Levels Of Environmental Pollution Yes Not Necessarily Audit Trail From Farm To Table Yes No Certification Required Including Inspection Yes No Legal Restrictions On Allowable Materials Yes No Natural is a word that sounds great. You decide.

(Beyond Organic)
Regenerative Farming is an approach to and a system of farming principles and practices to farming and food supplies that immensely enhances ecosystems. It rejects the use of pesticides, artificial fertilizers and claims to regenerate topsoil, reduce carbon footprint, increase biodiversity, improve watersheds and cycles, increase yields, enhances ecosystem services, increase resilience to climate fluctuation, and strengthen the health and vitality of farming and ranching communities. Regenerative Farming aims to capture carbon in soil and aboveground biomass, reversing current global trends of atmospheric accumulation. Regenerative Organic farming, animal husbandry and environmental conservation puts a central focus on improving soil health and fertility.
The USDA has a separate grass fed rule that applies to ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats, and bison. These animals must be fed “grass (annual and perennial), forbs (e.g., legumes, Brassica), browse, or cereal grain crops in the vegetative (pre-grain) state.” (Although ruminants are best adapted to a grass-based diet, most animals in today’s food system are fed grains.) The grass fed designation also requires the animals to have “continuous access to pasture during the growing season.” Because the term “growing season” isn’t defined, however, some critics believe this language still permits certain degrees of confinement. For this reason, the American Grassfed Association has developed more stringent standards, which say the animal “must not be confined to a pen, feedlot or other area” during the growing season, prohibit antibiotics and synthetic hormones, and address other elements of animal welfare.

A “pasture raised” claim on meat, poultry, dairy, or egg labels means that the animals were raised for at least some portion of their lives on pasture or with access to pasture, not continually confined indoors. On beef and dairy products, a “pasture raised” claim on the label does not mean that the cows derived all their nutrition from grazing on pasture or that they were 100 percent grass fed. Cows that are raised on pasture can be given supplemental grain, both during the grazing season and winter months.
HUMANE FARM ANIMAL CARE - HFAC With Consumer desire to know how the animals are treated during their lifetime and before harvest, and the desire for appropriate care and treatment of the animals and labeling of the products, the Humane Farm Animal Care Labeling Certification began which has a 28 a member panel and a process that includes review of animal research and visits to farms to review various outdoor systems. The USDA has no standardized definition of “humane”, although multiple organizations have created their own niche in the industry with their own labeling and certification standards. Animal Welfare Approved and Certified Humane labels (the latter is managed by Humane Farm Animal Care, which also publishes a comprehensive label comparison chart). These certifications not only evaluate access to pasture and exposure to growth hormones, but also things like sleep periods, litter management, castration, and methods of slaughter. Read the full article
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Bacon pimento cheese says it all. Thanks @thepixieandthescout for hosting a delicious tasting for @fatapplefarm #eatlocal #meat #humanelyraised #farmfresh #thankafarmer (at The Pixie and The Scout) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuIa8zbBUDy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bks7dlt87njw
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#TuziTraegerNation Let me introduce to you my "8 B Sangweech" - Bacon, Bacon, Bacon Breakfast Burger By BBQ Break! Woooooooo Can you say #TraegerTasty. Today is day 25 of my 365 day #Traegering #challenge. Thanks @greenfieldnaturalmeatco for all the #deliciousness #noaddedhormones #noaddedantibiotics #humanelyraised #vegetablegrainfed #glutenfree #canadianfarms #ontariofarms #breakfastburger #burger #breakfast #bacon #eggs #delicious #bbqlife #bbqbreak #bbq #grill #foodie #food #blogger #traegeron #nodaysoff (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtD7L-ShEeo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=febpd0avzmau
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Driving to LA today with @willybalsh8 to drop off some donut samples from TC Raw Eats, and do a delivery! #humanelyraised #grassfedbeef #tripe #local #california #wholegroundchicken #rawfordogs #farmersmarket #fruitsandvegetables #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #proud
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We did a little restocking at one of our favorite shops today @chopshopbutchery 👈🏻👌🏼. Not only do they offer delicious and responsibly raised meats, the have a great selection of locally crafted goods, sauces, spices, snacks and more. We left a few bars of our new Tulsi Rose & Hibiscus Soap (made with @ashevilleteaco tea) and our always popular Rusty Crow ESB Soap (with @turguabrewing beer). Get yours while they last 😊. . . . #soap #soaplove #soapmaking #coldprocesssoap #tallow #lard #tea #beer #beersoap #maker #makersgonnamake #handcrafted #handmade #handmadesoap #asheville #ashevillenc #ashevilleshopping #ashevillesoap #828isgreat #gottobenc #womanowned #shopsmall #supportlocal #locallysourced #humanelyraised #restocking #butchershop #knowyourbutcher
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With The Animals 🤗 #guineafowl #gosling #ducks #pastureraised #humanelyraised #youngfarmers #allhandsondeck #teachthemyoung #smallfarmers #poultry #lehighvalley #farmlife #familytime #quarantinelife https://www.instagram.com/p/CBeQYSYFMDX/?igshid=1me1362mxvlmu
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I’ll take five of those, a three of those, and one of that and ooh! Ooh! Ooh! One of that... #stockingup #MEAT #100%carnivore #paleo #keto #humanelyraised #delish (at San Francisco Ferry Building)
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What’s for dinner at your house? This Slow Cooker Cheeseburger Pie is a definite… What's for dinner at your own home? This Gradual Cooker Cheeseburger Pie is a particular crowd pleaser.
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I found #humanelyraised chicken @wholefoods for a super easy Sunday dinner #marinated #grilled #rosemary #chicken with #steamed #broccoli
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