#He hasn't found out yet but when he does he's gonna be real surprised
Bau!Fragrance and Bau!Jschlatt are brothers
Yeah, spoiler warning. Bau!Jschlatt and Bau!Father Fragrance are brothers. Bau!Fragrance is a Spider due to a contract he signed with Sadamus, the spider queen. Bau!Jschlatt and Bau!Fragrance both used to be regular humans, Bau!Jschlatt became a Satyr/Rain after revival/post-mortem due to his bones and organs being splashed around by Puffy, who is, a Satyress/Fauness. (She carried the bones around as a disturbed trophy, saying shit like "The wicked bitch is dead!) And neither of the men have interacted with eachother in years.
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sunshine-overload · 5 days
[BSTS] Main Story Season 5 Finale ‘Owner’s Order’ - Part 5
Part 4
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Chapter 15
-starless hallway-
sotetsu: Yo, good work today, Lico. Your show was great.
lico: What? You were watching? That's surprising~ I thought you couldn't care less about the stage.
sotetsu: Do you think I’m Haseyama? If I wasn't interested in the stage, why would I still be working here? Anyways, you dropped your wallet in the locker rooms.
lico: Huh? No way, did I?
sotetsu: You did. I gave it to Unei-kun for safekeeping. You can't be dropping money on the floor whilst you still have a debt to pay off. Aren't you being a little too careless?
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lico: Shut up.
sotetsu: So, how close are you to paying it off?
lico: Pretty damn close. So you can piss off.
sotetsu: Well it's not my debt so it's not like it affects me either way. But if you don't start getting more bold about it you're gonna be stuck dancing in the palm of Haseyama’s hand forever.
lico: And what do you know about it?
sotetsu: I’ve never been in debt myself so I’m not sure but you either waiver or repay them in full. Kasumi knows a lot about that sort of thing.
lico: Kasumi does? Wouldn't have expected that. Are you telling me Mr. Mob of the Mobs is good with money?
sotetsu: Yeah, you can go and ask him for yourself. Though the fact he doesn't talk about it probably means he's trying to hide it.
lico: Probably. It would be a pain if the Owner found out about it too. And so? What else?
sotetsu: What do you mean?
lico: What merit was there in telling me this? I don't exactly trust any information or advice that’s coming from you.
sotetsu: Hahaha, you’ve gotten sharper, huh, Lico? I gain no direct benefit from it, I just l think it could lead to an interesting outcome.
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lico: Hm… I guess that suits you, your personality is rotten to the core. You're the type that finds stirring up drama between other people fun. You’re really not someone I wanna associate with. That's why I don't believe a single word that comes out of your mouth. Sorry, but I’m not in the mood to be your puppet.
sotetsu: That's the spirit. Don't forget to keep your guard up.
lico: God you're annoying!
Chapter 15 SideA
-haseyama’s office-
haseyama: Now then, what to do. There's a lot of ways to go about it… I suppose not being able to maintain a conversation is the most irritating part. I’ll start by overcoming that.
haseyama (on phone): Hi, it's me. Could you come to my room? As soon as possible. Hurry it up cause I hate waiting.
-time pass-
haseyama: You made it, Lico. I see your debt has decreased a tiny bit.
lico: What? The hell do you mean a ‘tiny bit’? I’ve paid back heaps.
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haseyama: That's true, you sure have been working hard. Even I can recognise that. However, the reality is that you still owe me. It hasn't been paid off fully yet. I’d love to be able to give you a raise in order for you to pay it back quicker.
lico: W-what? Are you being serious right now?
haseyama: Of course I am. I’ve looked through the records of when I wasn't here. You’ve really been doing a great job. Like shutting up a disagreeable Mizuki by winning a team versus against him, for example. It seems even customers outside of our regulars enjoyed that show.
lico: You're saying I’ve been doing well then? In that case–
haseyama: However! What I’m talking about here is just reviews, impressions. What I want to see is results. Like concrete proof that Team B has been making more money. While you yourself may be popular the profits haven't had any real jumps.
lico: …So sales is what you want. You think I don't know that already? Mizuki doesn't care about that sort of thing though.
haseyama: And so it comes back around to Mizuki again huh?
lico: He seriously doesn't understand just how many times I’ve had to cover for his ass. He’s a feral dog that's gotten off the leash. He seriously needs to get his act together and be more smart about things. Gaining the support of all the women in the audience is literally our job.
haseyama: Well, I’ve said all that I wanted to say. If Team B can become more profitable then even I will recognise those efforts. I’m sure that with the right person at the top Team B has the potential to make a lot of money. Just remember that if you’d like to earn that pay raise. That's all.
lico: I understand. You better not forget you made that offer.
-time pass, starless hallway-
lico: What the hell is that old man spouting so suddenly. It's freaking obvious that I’d want a raise. “With the right person at the top” huh…
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saki: Oh, Lico-san! There you are, we’ve been looking for you.
lico: What's the matter Kotori-chan? Were you looking forward to seeing me that badly?
-gui appears behind him-
gui: There you are, Lico.
lico: Uwah, holy shit!? Don't scare me like that!
gui: It's time for your hall shift. You weren't there so I needed to find you.
saki: I’m glad we found you. I hope your shift goes well, Lico-san. Do your best.
lico: Well I’ve got to now that I have you cheering for me, Kotori-chan. Let's go, I’ll escort you to the restaurant, I’ll tend to your every need today.
Chapter 15 SideB
-behind starless, night-
sin: Gui, what are you doing out here?
gui: Throwing out the trash.
sin: Is someone in that street over there?
gui: Sotetsu had to take a phone call.
sin: I see. You’ve already thrown the trash away then?
gui: Yeah. I’m done.
sin: Are you not heading back inside?
gui: Should I?
sin: No, we have enough hands today so it's not urgent.
gui: Then, I’ll stay out here a little longer.
sin: Hm. How come?
gui: How come… That means why… Are you asking why I want to stay out here?
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sin: Do you have any other reason to stay out here now that your errand has been completed?
gui: Reason… Because I want to. If you want to do something, then you should do it, that's what I’ve been told.
sin: Hm, that is indeed true. However, what I am asking is for what reason do you want to stay out here?
gui: Um... Because Sotetsu and Kasumi’s scents were strange.
sin: Now that you mention it, whenever I see them together even during rehearsals they're tense.
gui: Also, if Sotetsu doesn't go and get changed now he won't make it in time for the show.
sin: Another good point. Could you go and call Sotetsu over for me then?
Chapter 16
-rehearsal room-
rindou: Is anyone still here?
menou: Oh, Rindou. I thought you'd already gone home.
rindou: I was going to head home after quickly reviewing my lines. I didn't expect to find anyone still here.
menou: Do you want me to hand the room over? You're the centre in tomorrow's performance aren’t you?
rindou: It's fine, I can manage with half of the room. You're not done yet either are you?
menou: Okay. Let's go half and half then. Do you mind if I watch you for a bit though? Your Satan truly is interesting.
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rindou: Interesting in what way exactly?
menou: Well… Your Satan has a nobleness to him that resembles that of a fallen angel. With a heart full of resolve he defies heaven without regretting the result. Except, did something happen to you?
rindou: What do you mean?
menou: The other day your portrayal of Satan changed. I could sense a hint of regret from him. As if he regretted banishing the humans from the Garden of Eden. Or rather, that he regretted falling from heaven himself. This is what makes playing a role that was written for you so tough, isn't it? You can't run away from the nuances.
rindou: That's true. He… may have had his regrets. But that's why he has no choice but to face them. Because once you've fallen to hell, there's nowhere else left for you to go.
menou: Hmm…? Oh I know! Since we don't always get the chance, why don't we rehearse together?
rindou: What do you mean we don't always get the chance? We're on the same team… Also I wanted to practice by myself–
menou: Then how about I play Rapheal? That should work right?
rindou: You mean you can play our team’s version of Rapheal?
menou: Yeah, more or less. I’m curious to try it.
rindou: Well, I doubt I’ll be able to convince you otherwise. We can practice together for a bit then.
Chapter 16 SideA
-starless restaurant area-
saki: Sorry for sitting around whilst you're busy closing up shop.
yoshino: It's fine, don't worry. I’ll be done in a moment, so you can relax. You're always coming to watch our shows and I always look forward to hearing your feedback afterwards.
menou: I’m used to there being a lot of different standard members. This event almost feels like a festival. Speaking of, which team do you want to win? The owner’s team or Kouichi-san’s team?
saki: Wha, you want me to answer that now?
menou: It's only Yoshino and I here, I don't see the problem.
yoshino: You can't ask her that, Menou. 
menou: Hm~? How come? I like Kouichi-san’s team just as much as mine. Your singing sounds great, Yoshino, it's powerful. I wouldn't mind performing with either team~
yoshino: You're as free spirited as ever. We're not allowed to switch teams in this versus though. That's what makes it a versus performance.
menou: Hm, I suppose that's true… However it's not like the result of this versus involves us, so I don't see the point in getting fired up about it. So how about we also make a bet of our own? Like the owners did.
saki: What kind of bet?
menou: The winning team gets to choose the next show's programme and location. For example, every future show will be held at an onsen! We can tour the whole country visiting each and every onsen.
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yoshino: I’m sure you’d enjoy that, but I can't say the same for everyone else.
saki: Ahaha…
yoshino: I’m actually relieved that the bet is only between the owner and Iwami-san. There's no distractions to worry about, and I can focus solely on the stage. Plus, the show being here at Starless means Saki-san can commute easily.
saki: That's true.
menou: I didn't think of that, you're a genius Yoshino. I’d like Saki-chan to watch us too. I suppose I’ll satisfy my onsen cravings by visiting a local spa and do my best here at Starless.
yoshino: Yeah. Please keep cheering us on, Saki-san.
Chapter 16 SideB
-starless hallway-
rindou: You're here today, Iwami-san.
iwami: Yeah. I figured I should check in on my team. The show was great today. The audience seemed to like it.
rindou: Thank you. While you're here, there's something I’d like to ask you.
iwami: Something you’d like to ask me?
rindou: Did you tell Nekome not to take the centre position?
iwami: Uh… Huh? What's this about Nekome?
rindou: In this performance Nekome’s opponent is Kokuyou. Nekome is our team leader, right? On the other team, Kokuyou is double casted as the centre, however on our team, Nekome is position number five. So, I was wondering why that is.
iwami: I’ve had no input whatsoever when it comes to the show itself. Rather I thought that's just how you guys decided it should be.
rindou: So that means Nekome decided it himself. But why…?
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iwami: His usual position is number five, right? Maybe he wanted to keep it that way.
rindou: This is Nekome we're talking about. It's likely he thought being the centre would be bothersome.
iwami: Well that's possible too. You never know with him. If that's all you wanted to ask then–
rindou: No, there's one other thing. For what reason did you return to the store? Why did you choose to return now?
iwami: Are you asking why I didn't return sooner? Sorry about that, it's my bad for abandoning you all.
rindou: What is Starless to you?
iwami: What Starless is to me is likely different from what it means to you.
rindou: Iwami-san…
iwami: I know I’ve caused you trouble, but I’ll be counting on you to win.
rindou: ……..
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Chapter 17
-break room-
kokuyou: What’re you doing here?
nekome: I could ask you the same. Don't you have rehearsals?
kokuyou: They're all finished. All that's left is the real deal. 
nekome: It only feels like the versus started yesterday and yet it's already drawing to a close.
kokuyou: (smoking) This shit isn't a versus performance. It's basically just a special show. A show between my double casting with Kei and Rindou and Mizuki’s show. A limited run of two shows, that's all it is.
nekome: Hm. You're surprisingly relaxed about it. You're more mature than I thought, Kokuyou.
kokuyou: Huh? You making fun of me?
nekome: I just find it interesting, that's all. In the past you would’ve jumped at the chance of a fight.
kokuyou: Look, I’ll be blunt, Nekome. This isn't a fight between you and me.
nekome: Huh? But it's a versus performance. And we're both the leaders of our teams.
kokuyou: The competition is between Haseyama and Kou-san. I just jumped on board Haseyama’s side.
nekome: When did you become a sophist?
kokuyou: Sophist? The hell does that mean? I’ve had it. Every single person here speaks in riddles. I’m sick of everyone skirting around the point. 
nekome: So you're going to go around picking fights with everyone then? Even outsiders? Hahah! That's crazy, I’d expect no less from you, Kokuyou.
kokuyou: Don't make me pick one with you.
nekome: It's because you're like this that I left Starless to you. So thank you, Kokuyou. For protecting Starless all this time. If you win this versus, I’ll let you in on one secret that I know.
kokuyou: Huh? What are you saying now?
nekome: And if I win, then you have to tell me something. During ‘Abandon the Dawn’ what were you up to? And where were you? Yep yep, I’m feeling motivated now~ Bring it on, Kokuyou.
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kokuyou: I never said I’d take you on. But you better not go running away now, Nekome. I’ll pull you back by the scruff of your neck.
nekome: A competition is no fun without a bet after all. Best of luck.
Chapter 17 SideA
-starless back rooms-
haseyama: Hello there, young lady. Come with me to the stage wings, I need to wish my team leader well.
saki: Huh? You're going to?
haseyama: I’ve gotta visit my soldiers on the front lines. Come on, let's go.
haseyama: Yo, Mister Starless. I’ve come to check on you.
kokuyou: Piss off.
haseyama: My, how rude can he get? Right, young lady? He just told me to piss off.
saki: I’m sorry for interrupting you right before the show.
haseyama: What a thing to say after we took the time to come and see you, huh?
kokuyou: Damn, you're really annoying.
haseyama: Who is centre today?
kokuyou: Me. I'm the leader after all. Kei’s sitting in wait as backup.
haseyama: It's the closing show, so go and bag me that win, ok? Don't go slacking like your last show. I was this close to retiring Team W.
saki: What? You can't do that.
haseyama: I don't see why it should bother you, young lady. We have five teams, it's not like doing away with one would matter much.
saki: No!
kokuyou: Relax, it's not your fault. As if I’d let him get rid of us. Say, Haseyama. You sure are getting old, you keep repeating yourself. Moreover, you should be grateful and treat me with some respect. I’m about to win this thing for you after all.
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haseyama: The heck, being a bit condescending there don't you think?
kokuyou: If I wasn't there when this all started you would’ve had to beg Kei to be your team leader.
haseyama: Agh!?
kokuyou: I know this store and us cast members are nothing but tools to you, but this is Starless. A place where the audience can watch our shows. And I’ll prove that to you. No, we’ll prove it to you. You look forward to it too, Saki. 
Chapter 17 SideB
-starless lobby-
iwami: You’ve come to watch too have you, little lady? Looking forward to Nekome’s team’s show?
saki: Oh, you're here too, Iwami-san.
iwami: I figured I’d see them off before the closing show. Want to come with me?
nekome: Oh, Saki-chan~ I’m so happy to see you.
iwami: Oi oi don’t just act like I’m invisible. I came to wish you well too.
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nekome: Oh, thanks. Anyways, I hope you enjoy tonight’s show, Saki-chan. Our centre has been decided too. I've left it to Mizuki tonight, he’s been managing to pull off a more adult appeal lately.
iwami: Has he? He doesn't seem any different to me.
nekome: You don't get it at all~ Well, you’ll just have to see for yourself in the audience.
iwami: It's the closing show, so make sure it's good. You can't go slacking off either Nekome. You may not be the centre but you're still our team leader.
nekome: How rude, I’m always 100% serious.
iwami: Then prove it once the curtain rises. The little lady will be watching too. Still… When I look at it from here, Starless really has become one respectable place.
saki: That's because everyone's been working really hard.
nekome: The ones who made it this way weren't you or me, but the members that were left behind.
iwami: True true. I handed the place over to Haseyama and then Kei arrived. 
nekome: Hahah, it's been one turbulent development after another.
iwami: It's not what I had planned. To begin with I never intended for this place to be a show restaurant either…
nekome: An old man wallowing in nostalgia, oh how it makes my heart hurt.
iwami: Shut up you.
nekome: Both the store and the cast members may be different now compared to the ones you knew in the past. But this is the Starless of the present. Right, Saki-chan? I hope you enjoy the show, I’ll dedicate it to you once again.
To Part 6
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Drabble- Joel Miller: Birthday Time
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Joel had a birthday today regardless of him not yet telling me I knew that secret inforamtion. Now that we had been in Jackson for a whole year. Tommy had gotten comfortable with his older brother being around, and with me being around.
He was happier then he probably let on that Joel had found someone to be with. We both knew how hard losing his daughter had been not that there were many stories shared between the two of us.
Ellie had saved him, and Joel had saved me. Ellie had finally found some sort of stablity. Joel and I could see the smile that would grow on her face as kids her age came knocking on our front door asking if she come out and doing something totally legal with them.
I had asked Tommy just a few months ago when Joels birthday actually was. "Tommy?" I called out his name in the mess hall. "Hmm, Y/n what can I do for ya?" He answered as he closed the distance. "I have something important I need to tell Joel but I want to do it on his birthday. So, when is that?" I asked, the cold weather was already growing in Jackson. My three layers and little gloves that made my hands warm were keeping me comfort as I waited for Tommy to answer.
Brows turned down, "He hasn't told you?" Tommy asked, I rolled my eyes dramtically. "He told me bullshit, I don't believe him sayin' his birthday has already passed" I said tugging at my gloves. "Yeah he has a tendency to do that, well let's see" Tommy looked up towards the roof, looked like he was counting in his head. "This month actually hmm… somethin' like the 26th, he's turning somethin' like fifty-seven. Does that help?" Tommy asked, curious as a black cat. I nodded and placed my gloves back on my hand.
The months were hard to keep track of sometimes, and if you got lucky you'd find something that would drag you right into the time period you'd need. Well I had that. I was on a clock for the next seven months at least. I walked home, and waited until Ellie came back from hanging out with her friends.
"Ellie I have to ask you to help me in the kitchen please!" I yelled out, "Kay be there in a second." Ellie came trotting, "I need you to help make a cake for Joel, it's his birthday soon." Her face bloomed with exctiement, "Really! We have everything we need? For fucking real" I smiled and nodded my head.
Cooking with Ellie was 'exciting' She was a choatic baker. Floor and sugar laid across the counter top, and egg shells had somehow ended up in the batter mix. "I need one more favor from you?" "Hmm?" "Can you see if the town has any birthday candles?" She saluted me and ran off grabbing her coat before slamming the door. For the time she was gone the cake baked and gave the house a new and refreshing smell of warmth and love.
As the oven dinged and the door slammed I knew it was Ellie. Catching her breath, hands resting on her knees. "I… Icould only fucking find like a few.." She muttered trying to catch her breath. I took them from her hand and kissed her forehead. "That's fine Ell." We waited together, until the cake cooled and I could ice it.
I told Ellie about the secret, knowing she'd be far to excited about it to let me say in front of Joel without her knowing first. "Ellie, I have a surprise for Joel. Do you wanna know it first?" I asked, her browd kintted together. "What kind of surprise?" I cleared my thoart. "I'm pregnant." I said simply, confusion then exictment, then happiness. "Oh hell, Y/n I'm gonna have a little sibiling." My tears started to prickly with tears, then Ellie was hugging me.
I placed the candles in the cake and waited for the second slam on the Jackson house door. "Ellie, Y/n?" Joel screamed out, "You just wait right there, old man." Ellie screamed out. The heavy footsteps stopped, "why?" I laughed, and Ellie giggled. Ellie walked out first, turning off the living room light and I walked behind her with a few lite candles ontop the cake.
"Why did the lights go out?" Joel muttered, "Oh you stop it, today is an important day today." I said softly. "What are you two up to now?" He asked trying to hold back his own laugh. "Fucking open your eyes!" Ellie screamed when I got close enough to Joel.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOEL." Ellie and I shouted. "How'd you know… did… who told you it was my birthday?" A few questions came out of Joels mouth. "Blow out your candles will ya, I wanna slice of that shit." Joel rolled his eyes and looked at me over the flames, blowing out the candles. The dark took over the room once more, but Ellie was quick to flick the lights on and grab the cake from my plams. "Careful Ell." "Yeah, yeah I want a slice." She walked to the kitchen leaving just Joel and I alone. "Tommy told me." I said softly, as Joels arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me in. His lips were cold and a little chapped but I didn't care. I kissed him back with purpose. "I missed you ya know." Joel mutters agasint my lips.
"What did you wish for baby?" I ask Joel, he thinks for a moment and puts his forehead to mine. "For a family with you, but I already have that darlin'. I've got you and Ellie that's all I need." Joel says. I back away just ever so slightly. I look Joel right in his eyes, bitting my bottom lip.
"What about if we added another to our little family?" I asked, scared now that maybe Joel didn't want this baby we were going to have. "One more wouldn't be so bad, but I'm not getting any younger, darlin'." Joel said dragging me back into his chest. "Good" I muttered, "Because I have something to tell you." I felt Joel tense agasint me. "Hmm" "I'm…" "She's pregnagnt with a baby and shit." I heard Ellie scream from the other room. Joel looked over at her, then down at me pressed agasint his chest. My cheeks warm with embrasmessment. I nodded my head.
Joel smiled, his eyes brighting up somehow more, and he reached down bring his warmed up lips towards mine. Kissing me softly. A large warm hand landed on my lower stomach. "How far along?" Joel muttered softly, just between the two of us. "I'd say two months." Joel smile only grow.
"A baby and a birthday." I hummed along with him, "Hey you save me and my girl a slice, Ellie." I heard Ellie scoff, but bring out more plates.
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Completed on: 05/24/2023
Posted on: 06/21/2023
Last of Us-
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artificial-sleep · 10 months
Denki and Hitoshi that share an apartment and try to collect all of the stray cats nearby.
They have a system down pat: putting fresh food and water out for them every evening and trying to sweetly lure them in with "pspsps"s and light pats to slowly gain their trust.
They've been trying overtime recently to catch a particularly skiddish orange tabby. But Hitoshi  hasn't even managed to get close enough to pet it yet. But he sees its cute lil eyes from behind a bush or beneath a car and continues his relentless pursuit nonetheless.
"Did you see Pumpkin this morning?" Denki asks that night as they both settle in after their shifts. Hitoshi laughs.
"Really? You're going to the name the orange cat we found in October Pumpkin? How very original of you, baby," he teases, and Denki pouts.
"Shut up. I think it's cute!" he whines, crossing his arms in mock distress.
"Yeah, saw him lingering around the dumpster. Went under the fence before I could get close enough. I had to skip my run so I wouldn't be late," he says with a sigh. Denki looks sympathetic.
"It's starting to get colder out," Hitoshi says quietly, and Denki nods in understanding.
"It's okay, Tosh. We'll get him," he reassures with a small smile.
They continue setting food out each night and find it gone by morning, so at least they can hope Pumpkin has been fed.
But still no luck in luring her inside, bathing her, making sure she isn't sick, and is well-watered, fed, and nurtured.
After a few weeks, the entire community is in on the hunt. Hitoshi had a reputation for being the apartment complex's "crazy cat lady" even before Denki moved in and became his accomplice. Everyone sends strays his way and asks him questions about their cats and kittens since he probably has the answer. He's always eager to help.
But no one has been able to catch Pumpkin.
Days of this turn into weeks, and Hitoshi starts to lose hope.
But then one night, Hitoshi getting home a little later than usual having been tied up with a particularly challenging villian with a quirk that gave his opponents something like hives when making contact, something changes.
Hitoshi is sore, itchy all over, and tired, but that doesn't stop him from sweeping the parameter with the hope of finding Pumpkin. The cat is nowhere to be seen.
He sighs, feeling defeated as he makes it up to his doorstep.
He is taken aback when Denki squeals as the door opens, startling Hitoshi a bit, but Denki hardly notices, coursing with excitement.
"Tosh! You're home! Guess what?! I have the most amazing surprise!!" he beams, and Hitoshi can't help but smile. "You're not gonna believe it."
Hitoshi is about to say something like, 'Aww baby... What? You didn't have to do anything special" when he hears a very distinct "meow" that has him tilting his head and squinting his eyes, trying to listen closer.
That doesn't sound like any of his cats. "Who was that?" he asks Denki, confused, looking around him to see what new friend Denki had brought home.
And as soon as he sees it, Denki nearly bounces off of his feet, shaking with enthusiasm as he exclaims, "IT'S PUMPKIN! TOSHI, I GOT PUMPKIN!!" Hitoshi's mouth drops in surprise, and for a moment, he can't speak until the sweet cat meows again and an automatic "aw" falls from his lips as he drops to his knees and extends his hand to the cat.
"She's still a little stand-offish, but..." 
"She?" Hitoshi asks, looking up at Denki with watery eyes like he's just seen their daughter for the first time. Pumpkin very hesitantly bumps the tip of her nose against the ends of Hitoshi’s fingers, smelling and getting a feel for if she wants to get any closer.
And then she does, nestling her head under his hand, and Hitoshi nearly sobs. She's so darn sweet.
"Yeah, she's a girl! And she's wild for wet food. I laid some out this morning, the real fishy smelling one since Princess doesn't like that kind, and I thought maybe we could just get rid if it, and within the hour, I caught her on the porch."
Hitoshi is just beaming with joy.
Denki and Hitoshi spend the night playing with their cats, sprawled out on the floor together, watching Princess and Bonbon, their two domestic, in-door cats, swatting at toys and showing Pumpkin the ropes as she watches hesitantly.
Within a few days, Pumpkin is happily adapted, and they allow her to go in and out freely as they do most of their foster kitties once they're sure she's clean, but Pumpkin prefers to stay inside, close to her new family.
She even gets along with Princess and Bonbon and she stays plenty warm all winter long under the pumpkin-print throw blanket Denki insisted on buying for her. Oh, and she of course gets ALL the pets and tuna-flavored wet food her heart contends.
- E N D -
Bonus: Just imagine when it gets really cold out and Hitoshi lets ALL of the feral strays come in, and it's just him and Denki in a one bedroom apartment holed up with like 12 cats. 🤣 I LOVE them ugh (also Denki is responsible for naming all of their cats)
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 7 months
Wreckless - The Escape
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*Warning Adult Content*
This week hasn't been much better except that Finnegan is sleeping pretty well.
I guess I shouldn't say it's not much better, that's a massive improvement. 
He's still working too hard and we've got my birthday hanging over my head even though we sort of dropped the whole thing after I apologized yet again. 
That night, Finnegan decided to give me a hell of a good time instead and I didn't say no.
He's told me a few times since then that he's fine, that he's over it but he's been snippy and pissy this week.
He reminds me of the Finnegan I found in his hallway that night all those months ago.
Man, it feels like ages.
I think he's missing little time and it's getting to him but I can't make him do it.
I don't think he can either.
I keep thinking that tonight will be the night but so far, no sign of him.
I even challenged him to a remote controlled car race last night and he did it but it wasn't the same.
The excitement, the glow, the glee wasn't there.
That's why I'm more relieved than you can imagine when he texts me Friday afternoon.
Finnegan Walker: Do you want to head to the beach with me, tomorrow? I can only do one night but I could use a break.
I don't even have to think about it.
Emmett Locke: Absolutely.
The beach will help.
He's finally going to let 'Little Finn' out to play and I can't wait.
We are packed and in the car by eight.
We've even decided to just get breakfast on the road because we were so anxious to leave.
That's when I find out that Finnegan has never had a Krispy Kreme donut.
I fix that situation pronto.
He's eaten two when he says...
"I know it's a lot of driving so I don't mind helping out."
Not happening, besides...
"I love this car. I don't mind driving it at all."
"I need get a lease, no reason to rent this one but I haven't bothered yet. It's been nice having all the space."
Geesh, I can't imagine how much it's costing him.
He doesn't care though so why should I?
The space, so he'll get something smaller.
I'm not surprised.
"I can't lie, I'm gonna miss this. We'll have to pack light if you get another Roadster."
I've never had an SUV but I totally get the appeal.
"Yeah, I thought about that. Not sure what I'm going to get, yet."
"If I can help let me know."
Maybe I can talk him something decent sized for trips.
My car, well I'm not sure I trust it to drive the whole way to the beach and it's just a little sedan.
"Where are we staying?"
"Oh, I just got a hotel for the night. It's hard to find anything  on a weekend in the middle of August."
I know... I was surprised that he got a house last time.
Stuff at the beach usually books up by February.
"That's fine by me, darling."
"They only had a room with two double beds."
"Well we'll either hold hands across the gap or use one to fuck in and one to sleep real, real close in."
He laughs.
"I'm just kidding. Please. We have a suite."
Of course he does.
"But it wouldn't phase you, would it?"
Seriously? Not at all.
Of course I prefer a decent sized bed, especially since he hasn't been sleeping well but no.
"Darling, I've slept on the ground, on cots, in trucks and in foxholes. Any bed is fine by me."
"It's really hard to fuck with you."
"No comment."
He smacks me gently on the shoulder.
This is good, he's more 'Little Finn' than he's been in weeks and we're not even there yet.
"So am I, Em." 
I got an 'Em'. 
It makes me smile. 
"And I'm really glad we're getting away today. They said it might rain tonight, I hope it doesn't."
"We'll have fun either way, darling. We're almost to the bridge."
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 16
Request: Yes or No
This first half is for you anon! Excuse my inability to write drunk characters lmao
"What the hell are you doing?" You blinked, looking up at Tony. You stumbled back slightly, gaze flickering around the room.
"Uhm.." A small snort left you, holding onto the counter and raising the bottle of whiskey.
"This?" You answered, head tilting as you smiled widely. Tony raised his brows, eyeing you with a disapproving gaze.
"So what? You drink now?"
"Clint would know if I- Oh, fuck." You caught yourself before you could fall, a small laugh leaving you. "If I touched his beers."
"Barton's drinking too? What a great influence you have, kid." Tony frowned, shaking his head.
"This isn't my first time." You muttered, huffing softly as your eyes narrowed. Tony raised a brow, taking in a deep breath.
"Could've fooled me."
"Sam was pretty sneaky." You giggled softly, putting the bottle down before you could drop it. You didn't notice the way Tony flinched when you put it down a little too hard.
"Drinking isn't the answer to what you're feeling." Tony called, taking a step towards you. You scowled, shaking your head.
"You're a stupidly lucky bastard, Stark." You muttered, taking a step forward. Your hands quickly caught the island, ice covering the area you touched.
"Okay, kid, let's get you to bed before you set this place on fire." Tony said, reaching out towards you. You scoffed, smacking his hands away.
"Don't touch me, asshole." You snapped, hands heating up and turning the ice to water. Tony didn't want you to have an outburst and make a sinkhole swallow the facility.
"It's been two years. Two years since everyone just.. Poof! Gone! What did you lose, huh? A kid you barely knew? Your pride?" You raised your brows, staring at him. His face was fuzzy and the room was slightly spinning.
"What did you lose? Your parents were already dead, your bestie is alive, your wife is alive, you're expecting a kid! You lost nothing." You sneered, glaring at him with glossy eyes.
"Everyone I love is gone but you get to start a new life with Ms. Pans or whatever her fucking name is. You get to have a family while I have to live without mine.. Clint.. Clint doesn't even come home half the time!" Your brows lowered, body trembling as you tried fighting back tears.
"I think we should talk about something." Tony said softly. You scoffed, rolling your eyes and licking your lips.
"Yeah? What? Gonna tell me I'm immature again?" You asked, letting out a small fake laugh. You looked away from him when tears began to slip down your cheeks.
"Why do I keep losing everyone?" You sobbed, taking in short breaths. Tony's gaze softened, placing a hesitant hand on your shoulder.
"It's not your fault, (Y/N)." He said softly, frowning. Tony had never seen you vulnerable. You were usually snappy and feisty with him.
"I d-didn't try hard enough." You breathed out, a quiet whimper escaping you.
"All of us could've tried harder. All of us wish we did. Don't you think Thor feels the way way you do? He's just angry instead of sad. No clue where he flew off but.." Tony sighed, eyes shutting as he thought of things to say that wouldn't piss you off. You turned and stared at him for a moment before reaching out and grabbing the back of his head, leaning forward. Your lips met his though your mind didn't process that you were kissing a married man with a baby on the way. You pulled away from the stunned billionaire, patting his chest.
"You suck." You whispered, eyes becoming droopy before you collapsed. Tony quickly caught you before you could hit the ground, clearing his throat.
"Hey, F.R.I.D.A.Y? Could you contact Rhodey? I need some assistance." Tony dragged your body towards one of the couches nearby, laying you on your side in case you had to vomit. Tony stared down at you, taking in your flushed, tear stained cheeks. He raised a hand to his lips, gently touching them. He shook his head, looking down at his ring with a heavy sigh.
"What's up, Tony?" Rhodes asked, gaze immediately dropping onto you.
"Could I charge him for underage drinking?" Tony asked, looking at him. Rhodes shook his head, chuckling.
"He turned 23 last month. Sent him a birthday card and a small cactus plant." Rhodes told him, approaching the couch.
"How come I'm never told of his birthdays?"
"Cause he doesn't like you." Rhodes answered simply, grabbing your legs as Tony hooked his arms under your armpits. They got you to your old bedroom in the facility, thought it took them a while. Tony propped up a pillow under your head, placing a trash can beside the bed.
"What would a kid like him want on their birthday?" Tony asked, looking at Rhodes as he put his hands on his hips.
"His boyfriend back." Rhodes muttered. Tony blinked, turning his head to look at him with wide eyes.
"Yeah, Barnes. I found out when we went to Wakanda. They were all over each other. Never thought he'd have a thing for older guys but.. I gotta admit, Barnes is an attractive dude." Rhodes shrugged, gently bringing the covere up over your shoulders. He gently rubbed your shoulder, sighing.
"He's a good kid. I guess I gotta lock up whenever he comes over. I'm surprised he even still bothers being here. Thor's nowhere to be found, you're barely even here.. God knows where Clint is. He hasn't visited yet."
"I'm gonna retire." Tony announced, looking at Rhodes. Rhodes raised his brows, looking at him.
"I wanna give Morgan a good life. One where she sees her father every day." Tony explained. They both turned to you when they heard you groan and gag, throwing up into the trash can and almost falling off the bed.
"I'll go get him a water bottle and painkillers." Rhodes mumbled, turning around and leaving the room. Tony nodded, licking his lipd and sighing softly.
"Are you just gonna stand there?" You asked in hoarse voice, slowly getting up. You sluggishly walked towards the bathroom, washing your mouth.
"I wouldn't bother. You're probably gonna throw up-" Tony cringed, hearing you throw the toilet seat up and vomit again. Rhodes entered the room, placing the pill bottle down and glancing into the bathroom.
"Should I contact Clint?" Rhodes asked, looking at Tony.
"He can come here when he realizes his son isn't home." Tony replied, glancing at Rhodes before turning around and leaving the room. Rhodes nodded, walking towards the bathroom and placing a hand on the doorway.
"Need help?" He asked, head tilting. You shook your head, grabbing toilet paper and using it to blow your nose. Rhodes hummed, leaving the room as well. You pushed yourself off the floor, walking to the sink and washing your mouth again. Your throat burned and you could taste what you had for dinner. With a heavy sigh, you approached the bed, collapsing onto it. Your arms wrapped around one of the pillows, nuzzling into it. You turned your head when someone entered the room.
"Read this when you have a clear head." Tony said quietly, placing a file on the nightstand. You furrowed your brows, a frown tugging at your lips. You were tempted to look at the file but your body desperately needed sleep.
The next morning, you woke up with a raging headache. Your mind and body were still tired but you weren't sure if what you needed was sleep or actual therapy. You noticed the trash can you had thrown up in was gone as you pulled your legs over the edge of the bed. The yellow file caught your eye again. You sighed, deciding to use the bathroom before anything else. You picked up the pill bottle, taking two tablets and pushing them down with some water. You licked your lips, putting the water bottle down and taking a seat on the bed. You picked up the file, placing it on your lap. You stared at the writing on the front in sharpie.
"Is this.. My file?" You blinked, flipping it open and seeing your picture in the top right corner followed by your information.
"Why would I need this?" You flipped to the next page, seeing a picture of an unknown woman.
Florine De Meyers (Could be a false name) is believed to be (Y/N) Bartons' aunt from his fathers side.
Your mouth went dry as you reread the sentence over and over again. After almost six to seven years with the Avengers, you had never been told about your family. It was always your parents being unknown yet here was a piece of information stating you had a relative. You closed the file, standing up and leaving the room. You made your way to Tonys' office, tossing the file on his desk. Tony looked up from the box in his hands, glancing between you and the file.
"What the hell is this?" You questioned, arms crossing. Tony carefully placed the box down, clearing his throat.
"Your file."
"Yeah, I know that, dipshit." You sneered, earning a pointed look from him. Tony sighed, picking the file up and going to the second page.
"Shut up and sit down." Tony ordered. You glared at him, sitting down on one of the chairs.
"Florine De Meyers is a 47 year old woman from Lasne, Belgium. It's unknown if Florine De Meyers is her real name since not much is known about her. It's stated that she had a brother but no information came up about him. We, well more like F.R.I.D.A.Y, went through your blood test and searched for any relatives. She's the closest living relative you have." Tony said, putting the file down. Your leg bounced as you tried to stay calm, taking in soft deep breaths.
"So, all this time I could've been learning about my family? Why didn't you tell me sooner?! She might've been snapped away too!"
"Quite frankly, you seemed happy with Barton and his family. Plus, I forgot about it while trying to save the world a few times." Tony answered, picking up trophies and medals, putting them in the box.
"Does Clint know?" You asked softly.
"Nope. Romanoff doesn't know, Banner doesn't know, Thor doesn't know, Rogers... Well, as far as I know, he's unaware but he very well could." Tony shrugged, closed the box and taping it.
"She lives in Belgium?"
"That's what I said. Though, you might not be from Belgium. We think she's your fathers half sister. So, your father and her share a parent. It's why we had some difficulty finding anyone. Your parents made sure nobody could make any connections. Whether it was protect you or to protect themselves, we'll never know. Florine might know though. F.R.I.D.A.Y, what's the most recent security footage of Florine De Meyers?"
"Florine De Meyers was seen in a supermarket last thursday." F.R.I.D.A.Y answered, making a picture of a security footage appear. You stared at the picture, sighing softly.
"Where's Nat?" You asked.
"Contacting Agent Romanoff." You stood up, pulling the file towards yourself and looking down at the picture as Tony spoke with Natasha. Florine seemed to have a permanet frown on her face, eyes hard and icy.
"Romanoff is on her way. She can accompany you to Lanse." Tony said, watching you with a small frown.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." You looked up at him in surprise. Tony was never one for apologies.
"I thought that if.. Your parents wanted to desperately protect you, I should respect their wishes and do the same. You're a big boy now. It's up to you to decide what you want to do now." Tony said, placing the box down and looking at you with a gentle gaze. You swallowed, nodding as you rubbed your arm.
"Uhm... I'm sorry for being a dick and insulting you." You apologized as well, choosing to ease the tension between you and Tony.
"What's up?" You turned to look at Natasha, picking up the file and closing it.
"I need a ride to Belgium."
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maplecornia · 3 years
Chapter 4
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 3.06K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔞/𝔫: this one is literally just revolving around one of the BTS members. i don't really have much else to say other than HYUNJIN'S BACK and I'm crying.
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags: @kookaine | @fangirl125reader | @kookiebbyxx | @taradevonne
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Kim Namjoon never imagined he would lose his assistant.
JaeJin was a great worker and a great friend. He loved music and expressed it through his very soul, his every move whenever he danced or helped Namjoon produce a song. Namjoon smiles as his hand hovers over the soundboard.
In the back of his mind, he remembers the days spent here ever since Jaejin was promoted to his assistant. He remembers the first time he met his dear friend, how nervous Jaejin looked, unspoken excitement reverberating off of him in waves.
As Namjoon pushes up the volume on the soundboard, he thinks back to the moments spent as Jae learned how to be his assistant, as Namjoon taught him as much as he could. How what started as respect turned into a mutual friendship, and later, a brotherhood.
Though Namjoon is sad to see JaeJin go, he is happy to see his dream accomplished. He will miss Jae's smile, his laugh, and his good heart, but he knows that just because Jaejin is taking a different path doesn't mean they will cease to be friends.
As soon as Joon finishes a part of his song, he sighs, pulling away from the board and whipping out his phone.
He doesn’t know why he started thinking about him all of a sudden, he was one of the first people to know that Jae was leaving. Besides, he would see him soon, it’s not like Jaejin leaving for a couple of months means that he won’t ever see him again.
Standing, RM walks out of the room, leaving Suga to continue by himself.
He's lucky that Yoongi has his headphones on. If he caught Namjoon slacking he wouldn't get off easy. Carefully, RM exits the room, shutting the door softly behind him as he leans against the wall next to the door to the studio. Turning his phone on, he checks the time, his heart thumping slightly.
8:30 am.
Perhaps the reason his mind is so full of nostalgic memories is that he’s been waiting since last night to meet his new manager.
Jaejin said that his replacement should show up around this time, but he hasn't given much information other than that. Namjoon pockets his phone and heads down the hallway towards the front lobby.
Staff members pass by him, some working for TxT, others for the new girl group they put together about 3 years ago, and even more for the new boy group that BigHit began putting together in 2020.
Namjoon finds their presence surreal.
The members of BTS's staff have been around ever since their debut, and even more, have joined the crew over the years. These staff members will no doubt do the same for their groups, maybe stick around till the very end.
If anyone asked Namjoon's opinion, he would say it was the staff that had to do the real work. And all from behind the scenes. They are the ones who help them put on a great show. They are the ones who tutor them, provide for them, allow them to create their vision, their masterpiece. They are the stitches behind the fabric.
To Namjoon, BTS is just the face. The whole idea of them, of their message, was created through everyone's effort. Including ARMY, including their staff, including BTS themselves.
Losing one of their members would be like trying to fill a hole that cannot be filled.
Perhaps that's why Namjoon is so worried about Jaejin's replacement.
No one can truly replace him.
Namjoon never wanted a new manager.
There was a reason he chose Jaejin out of all the others, a reason he turned a backup dancer into his manager. He needs someone with the same passion, the same grit, the same determination that he has. Jaejin had that, and more. He was able to keep up with Namjoon’s crazy schedule, his unhealthy habits, his tendency to overwork himself.
Normally it was Suga trying to keep up with him, trying to help him, trying to do the best for him, but when he met Jaejin, he found exactly what he needed in a manager.
Will his replacement be able to do the same?
Entering the lobby, he knocks on the counter, where a receptionist is taking a call. She looks up at his knock and he smiles at her, receiving the usual smile back and a slight blush on her cheeks.
After a moment of their little staring contest, Namjoon grows impatient. He indicates silently that he’s waiting to speak with her and her eyes widen in realization. She nods sheepishly at his signal, holding up one finger to signify to him that she'll talk to him in a second. He complies, settling in as she continues her call, faintly aware of Kim Namjoon behind her.
Namjoon is never sure how to feel about these types of things.
People recognizing him in the street, others noticing him even with a disguise, he doesn't know what to do with the attention.
Why didn't people pay attention to him before? When he didn't have all the makeup, the money, and the influence? Are they looking at him because they appreciate who he is as a person?
Or because he is Kim Namjoon?
RM of BTS.
Putting the thought out of his mind, he turns his back to the receptionist, unlocking his phone, and opening the chat with Jaejin. He doesn't see any sign of his replacement, but then again, how would Namjoon know what she looks like?
YOUNG APPRENTICE- oh hi, what’s up hyung?
When was your replacement supposed to be here again?
YOUNG APPRENTICE- ummmmm, 8:00 am or so, why?
RM pulls away from his phone, looking around for any sign of a girl who looks lost or out of place in the lobby. Every time Jaejin talked about this so-called friend, he referred to them as a “she” so the only thing Namjoon knows about this new manager is the fact that she’s female.
Sadly, as he desperately scours the lobby, there's no sign of anyone there that fits the description. The one girl who was waiting in the waiting area has just been called aside and led to a meeting room. Namjoon, a little worried, bites his lip before a buzz in his hands causes him to glance at his phone.
I’m sorry it’s just….she’s not here yet
Namjoon rolls his eyes playfully at Jae's reaction before walking out of the lobby. If she's not here, there's no need to hang around, and it doesn't seem as though the receptionist is paying much attention anyway.
As he leaves, the receptionist stares after him almost hopelessly, Namjoon oblivious to the longing gaze.
He glances at his phone once more maneuvering his way through the hallways of the building.
YOUNG APPRENTICE- are you sure?
YOUNG APPRENTICE- I'm gonna murder her
Well I can’t know for sure
Could I have a picture or maybe a name?
YOUNG APPRENTICE- I never gave you one?
Not to my knowledge
YOUNG APPRENTICE- oh I am so sorry hyung! Her name is Lin Yen and just give me a minute and I'll find you a picture
"Lin...Yen...." Namjoon murmurs, pondering it in his mind.
"Just who exactly are you?" he whispers, putting the phone down once more as he comes to a stop in a corner of the hallway.
Yen...he repeats in his mind, playing around with it, trying to see how it sounds on his tongue, how it feels circling in his thoughts, how it plays on his voice.
It's a beautiful name, one he hasn't heard often, and for some reason, he feels as though it's foreign. Another vibration from his phone jolts him out of his pondering thoughts, and he looks down at the screen, immediately bursting out laughing.
Jaejin has sent the picture of you, but it's not just any picture.
It's a picture of you eating salad.
But that's not what makes it so funny.
You and Jaejin are at a Korean BBQ in the picture, and you hold the signature salad bowl up to your face, your chopsticks hooked around an enormous bite. You're shoving the bite into your mouth, your cheeks puffed up like chipmunks, your eyes wide and nose pinched.
Your expression, your face, the fact that you're attempting to shove a huge bite into your mouth, everything about the picture is hilarious, and Namjoon can't stop looking at it.
He can't stop looking at you.
Now he is sure that you are a foreigner, with that complexion and your facial features. You aren't necessarily tall, but not super short either. Then again, Namjoon doesn't think that Park Jimin is short, so what does he know?
One thing is for sure, though…
You are beautiful.
And it’s not only the physical things that make you beautiful, though they are a contributing factor.
It’s the personality.
The charisma that exuberates off of you, managing to touch him most charmingly through a mere photo. The way you smile, how it lights up your eyes. The blush of your cheeks, and even the color of your hair. Everything about you has captured his attention, and he can't look away.
His smile doesn't want to fade, so he covers his face with his hand, leaning against the wall. No doubt he looks like an idiot, but he doesn't care.
You have that gift.
The natural gift of familiarity when you are less than strangers.
And it has surprised him. The cool, calm, professional, wise Namjoon wouldn't have thought that such a thing could reach his heart...and yet he can't stop smiling.
Startled, the smile fading just as quickly as it began, Namjoon jumps, his phone slipping out of his grip. Frantic, and a bit embarrassed, he fumbles to catch it before it falls, but to no avail.
He watches in hopeless despair as the phone hits the ground with a sickening thud, the screen immediately cracking at the impact of the harsh tiled floor.
Namjoon lets out a groan, while a slender, pale hand reaches out and picks it up. Wincing, he glances to his side.
Where Min Yoongi holds his phone in between his fingers as though it were a dirty piece of trash; looking unamused. Glaring at him with a stare as cold as ice, he drops it into RM’s hands before folding his arms across his chest. Namjoon rolls his eyes at his luck, sighing inwardly.
He doesn't look too happy.
"Hey, Yoongi, I--"
"Yes, please explain, Kim Namjoon." Yoongi drawls, his voice monotone and sending shivers down Namjoon’s spine. Almost shamefully, Namjoon turns off his phone and slides it back into his pocket, avoiding that icy stare.
"You're supposed to be helping, yet you left for what? To laugh at memes? Now is not the time to be fooling around with Jackson for heaven's sakes!” Though Yoongi doesn’t raise his voice, the severity of his tone is enough to make it seem as though he has and Namjoon has to restrain himself from visibly flinching away from him. After a moment of silence, Suga sighs, rubbing his temple with frustration. “Why are you so distracted today?"
Joon has been asking himself the same question.
"For one thing, they weren't memes and I wasn’t talking to Jackson. It was a picture of Jaejin's replacement. I was trying to see if she's arrived yet." He explains, a bit indignantly, before walking away towards the studio once more, hoping to escape the conversation.
He should have remembered that nothing escapes Yoongi.
"And did she?" Suga follows Namjoon, managing to walk fast enough to catch up with him and yet still look nonchalant and unbothered. RM sighs at the question, speeding up his pace, as he notices the studio door in the distance.
Jumping at the opportunity, Namjoon makes a break for the door, Yoongi calling after him in surprise. He reaches it, leaving Suga behind in the dust. Opening the door he sinks into a chair as though it were a refuge from the uncomfortable situation he found himself in. As Yoongi comes to a stop in front of the door, Namjoon acts as though he were there the entire time.
"Do you need something?" he asks innocently, and Yoongi rolls his eyes, walking in and closing the door behind him before settling into a chair of his own.
"Yes. I need you to focus on this project. This is important, and is nowhere near done if it's going to be our next title track." He murmurs, immediately setting to work, his mouse echoing in the silence. Biting his bottom lip in guilt, RM turns back to his phone, frowning a bit at the sight of the cracked screen.
Yoongi is right, Namjoon knows this.
They dedicated this day to work on BTS’s new title song.
Namjoon especially wanted Yoongi to produce it because of his incredible skill and work ethic. He practically begged him to take time off from his other projects to work on this with him, Yoongi is sacrificing a lot of his time just to be here.
Namjoon knows how important time can be.
It doesn’t help matters considering how this song is so essential to their comeback album. Promotion is still far off, but it doesn't change the circumstances. ARMY waited for them for so long to come back to them, it’s only fair that they give them the most groundbreaking album they can.
But RM can't focus.
And it’s for such a stupid reason.
Just because Jaejin is gone doesn't mean the world will fall apart.
He knows this, it's just...
Namjoon smiles a bit bitterly, turning back to the booth as he resumes his work once more.
"She wasn't there." Suga turns to Namjoon at the sound of his voice. Namjoon notices but doesn't pay any mind, continuing to play with the soundboard, creating his type of spell, his sort of magic. "In response to your question."
Yoongi doesn't respond, waiting for Namjoon to finish. That's the way he is, sometimes RM can’t finish a thought in one sentence and it takes him a moment to piece things together, what with everything else running through that expansive mind of his. Suga knows when to wait, when to stay silent, and allow RM a chance to tell him everything he needs to.
He's no stranger to listening to people, especially when it comes to Namjoon.
Sometimes, Joon just needs to let something out without anyone saying anything, and Yoongi won't say anything unless he feels it's necessary. He’ll listen, and be there for anyone to lean on, able to offer them the emotional support they need to carry on.
"I'm sorry, I guess I'm a little nervous to meet her." After a moment, Yoongi responds to him, his soft voice carrying across the room in a comforting murmur.
"What's the big deal? If she's professional, she'll be perfect. I'm sure there's nothing to be worried about." He reassures him. RM nods, trying to concentrate once more, and put the thought of your arrival to the back of his mind.
Maybe Yoongi is right, maybe there is nothing to be worried about.
However, Namjoon can't help but think that your arrival will change their lives.
And who knows if it'll be for the better?
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𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: how are you guys liking Jaejin now? lol
chapter 5 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
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boydgearloose · 4 years
DuckTales Theory: The Rightful Heir of Scrooge McDuck
With the finale on the horizon, I've been thinking a lot about where they could potentially take the whole "rightful heir of Scrooge McDuck who is destined to find the Papyrus of Binding" thing. After rewatching the whole series thus far a few weeks ago, it's been on my mind a lot, and with all the news we've gotten about the finale recently, I've managed to piece something together that I think is pretty plausible. I want to warn you guys right away that this post will have spoilers for the finale promo that was released on Monday, so if you haven't seen it and don't plan on checking it out, please don't read any further! That being said, let's get into this.
For starters, let's look at what we know about the rightful heir to the Papyrus of Binding so far. FOWL is taking all of the missing mysteries and it's included, but they can't retrieve this one on their own. In The First Adventure!, Scrooge wrote that it shall go to "the rightful heir of McDuck" and "that those who attempt to harm any of them will be incapable to getting it." Therefore, nobody in FOWL would be able to retrieve the Papyrus because none of them are Scrooge's heirs and they've all tried to harm him and his family in some way. Another thing to note on the topic of this particular episode, despite being the finale of the show, The Last Adventure! is a clear parallel title to The First Adventure!, where the Papyrus was introduced, so it's likely to be found in the finale.
Now, let's look back to The Split Sword of Swanstantine! At the end of this episode, it's shown that Black Heron has gotten a feather from one of the McDucks for some mysterious reason. Many assumed this would be a cloning situation, where they need to get McDuck DNA in order to replicate a "rightful heir" who hasn't hurt Scrooge or his family in order to get the Papyrus back. However, a lot of the fandom seemed to think it was Scrooge's feather. I personally don't think that is the case. In the episode, we see Heron swipe at all of the children.
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She very well could have picked up a feather from one of the kids instead. Of course, the triplets are the first to come to mind because they are essentially Scrooge's heirs, so it would make sense if she was after one of their feathers. But then, I started thinking and realized that none of them really take after Scrooge entirely. Huey primarily looks up to Fenton and Donald (if you're looking for someone inside the family) and leans toward being a superhero/scientist rather than adventurer. We know from the last episode that Dewey wants to be a pilot and has always primarily looked up to Della more than anyone else in the family. Louie you could make an argument for, but he only really admires Scrooge because of his money. He doesn't like adventuring and would rather focus on strategy.
So who could the rightful heir be? Well, there's really only one choice and it fits infinitely better than the rest. I'm very certain that Webby is going to be the rightful heir who is destined to find the Papyrus of Binding. There is a ton of evidence hidden throughout the show since season 1 of this, and I've collected all I could find. I'm sure I even missed some.
First of all, let's get into Webby's character. From her first appearance, she's shown to idolize Scrooge and everything about his family. She's invested in McDuck history and dreams of becoming an adventurer just like Scrooge. In fact, the episode of the series that introduces FOWL way back in season 1 is one that focuses heavily on Scrooge's bond with Webby. There's also the part in A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill! where it's revealed that her perfect dream is quite literally turning into Scrooge. She also believed him longer than the other family members in 87 Cent Solution! There's LOTS of stuff in the show about Webby looking up to him, too much for me to even include in one post.
Season 3 is focused on legacy. We've gotten focus or are getting focus on the legacies of each of the triplets: Huey being a superhero (we could get more of this tbh), Dewey being a pilot and whatever's going on with Louie in the next episode. What about Webby's legacy? Well, it's very clear to me that it lies with Clan McDuck. The last Webby-centric episode we got was The Fight for Castle McDuck!, one that heavily focused on why she's a part of the McDuck family and heavily revolved around getting a placement in it (the whole statue thing). This episode really felt like it was leading up to her ultimate legacy being to follow in Scrooge's footsteps and become a great adventurer. It was also very recent and not counting the Christmas episode which was likely out of production order, the last Webby episode before the finale. (Also, I think it's important to note that the first season 3 episode that heavily focuses on FOWL has a Scrooge and Webby B plot. Just food for thought.)
Another important thing that I just noticed is that in the season 2 finale Moonvasion!, at the end of the FOWL reveal, the camera SPECIFICALLY pans in on Webby hugging Scrooge. This is a deliberate decision, as Webby could have easily been shown with the triplets of Beakley in this scene. But they chose to put Scrooge and Webby front and center.
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Another thing to point out is that FOWL's intentions with the feather is obviously cloning, as mentioned before and theorized by many. In the finale for the promo, we saw two new characters with an interesting resemblance to Webby. It's very likely that May and June are the results of them trying to clone Webby through her feather.
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However, they don't look exactly like her. Their color schemes and hairstyles are different, and we know by the casting announcement that they have different voice actresses. Therefore, I don't think FOWL has mastered the art of cloning just yet. They need a perfect clone of Webby, and much like Bentley and Buford (who appear to be clones of Bradford, I'm gonna be real), they're like Webby but not exactly Webby. I wouldn't be surprised if they were sent to the lost library for being "rejects," where they're later found by the family, explain why they were created and open up the exposition for The Last Adventure.
How does FOWL know Webby is the rightful heir? I don't know. I don't think we'll be able to determine that until we know more. But I feel like they somehow do and plan on making the perfect clone of her to retrieve the Papyrus before the McDucks are able to. This is a bit of a stretch, but maybe Beakley knows about this too and is keeping it from Webby because it opens her up to danger. Who knows?
And one more thing before we wrap this post up: remember when Frank said something from Last Crash of the Sunchaser! would come up in season 3? That had to be about him stating Webby wasn't family. It could very well be brought up again in the context that Webby isn't only family but the rightful heir of Scrooge McDuck himself!
Anyway, that's about all I have. I'm sure there's more evidence, and if you have any, feel free to respond with it or send it to me via DMs or asks! This will definitely be on my mind until the finale airs LOL
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pedropascalssimp · 4 years
Feisty dala
Boba fett x fem reader
Summary: din djarin and you have been traveling together since you had both met that day you two had discovered Grogu, now on a mission to find a jedi seeing stone, only you find a certain mandalorian who seems to like getting on your nerve.
Warnings: language. Violence. Mentions death. Blood is mentioned. Boba being grumpy. Fluff because Im obsessed with soft old Boba 🤧💕 and lastly (gasps) IT'S LONG!?
No one asked for this I just wrote it because I was bored and finally had free time.
*not my gif*
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The razor crest was submerged In silence, Grogu in the seat beside your mandalorian friend while you was in the one behind the little green boy.
The stars whizzing by in white blurs while you simply tap your fingers against the leather chair arm as you boredly look around at the ship. You was told by din to be quiet, your constant talking about various things had irked him, he claimed you couldn't be quiet for even five minutes. ever so eager to prove him wrong you decided to bet on it, telling him that you was capable of being quiet for ten minutes to up the stakes of the bet, so he threw fifty credits on the table and you agreed. But damn was it hard to keep quiet, especially whenever the urge to tease the mandalorian about how he just spoke to his son in a baby voice was so strong.
But you bite your tongue and ignore it, ignore how he puts the ship into autopilot so he can hold Grogu and continue to baby him. "are you hungry kid? You haven't eaten in nearly two hours... Surely you must be hungry little womp rat" din tickles his side making the child giggle. It was then you knew din was purposely trying to make you tease him, trying to make you lose the bet. But you stubborn and determined to win, so you cross your arms and lean back in the seat comfortably.
"lucky for you... I managed to get you some more cookies while we were on Trask, want some?" he asks the green child who nods eagerly, din proceeds to retrieve the promised cookies and soon let's Grogu dig in. Standing up from his seat, his visor falls on you.
"one more minute until the bets up, I'm actually surprised you haven't spoke yet" he said with amusement, watching how you grin at him with a cocky expression. "but I do dread when it's over... Because I'll never be able to shut you up" he jokes while patting your shoulder, walking out of the cockpit to eat you assumed. Once he was gone and the minute was up, you let out a deep sigh, smiling over at Grogu who had cookie crumbs all over his face.
"that man spoils you kid, but judging by the smile on you're face you don't seem to mind" you stand up and plop down in the pilot seat to see Grogu better, "can I have one?" you ask, eyeing a cookie. Grogu looks at you, down at the cookies then sighs deeply before handing you one, as if he was opposed to giving you one. You take it with a grateful nod, saying thanks while munching on the cookie.
The sound of the door opening makes you look back, seeing din walk in and motioning you to get out of his seat, doing so you outstretched a hand, looking at him with a smirk. "I do believe you owe me fifty credits Mando" you enjoyed the huff that escaped his modulater as he practically throws the money at you.
"I hate you, you know that right?" he said, the playful tone giving away his words was nothing but playful banter.
"the feeling is mutual buckethead" you laugh while sitting back in your usual seat, looking at the credits with a proud smirk. "can you believe that you lost to me? That is just so surprising" you sarcastically say, remembering how you always win bets, but din hasn't learnt his lesson on how not to gamble with you.... The muttered curse word's from din only make you laugh more.
"Grogu, remind me next time not to indulge her when she places a dumb bet" Grogu coos and looks out the window, "it won't take long before we land on tython" din announced after a few moments of silence.
"oh maker, everyone prepare yourselves! Mando is about to land the ship!" you giggle after you buckled in, "try and not wreck this time captain" you tease him while you watch him buckle Grogu in.
Whenever his visor falls on you, you can feel the glare fixated on you, burning holes through your head. But you offer him a innocent look. "next words that leave you're mouth will be you're last, because I'm taping you're mouth shut" he spoke while turning back to focus on flying.
"oh, kinky" you joke with a grin. That made him snap his head around.
"what!? No - no I didn't mean like -
"it's just a joke Mando, calm down" you laugh, his stuttering at a simple joke letting you know it embarrassed him. He was definitely a innocent soul, even though his line of work put blood on his hands, he was somehow still a kind person, but damned if you ever got on his bad side, because that's when the cold blooded bounty hunter comes out. Hint why you befriended him that day you and him met, you was after the same bounty, along with a Droid. You, din and the Droid made your way to the bounty and your heart dropped when you saw Grogu, innocent wide eye's looking up at the three of you. The Droid, ever so heartless, was going to kill the kid, but din killed the Droid and you and him made a promise to protect Grogu. From that bloomed your friendship.
"let's just get to this jedi rock thing" din mumbled while you chuckle behind him from your seat. Maker was he clueless about the jedi, you wasn't that educated on them either but knew more about them then him.
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Din flies around in search of the right location, green mountains and blue skies a beautiful contrast to what you've usually been seeing lately. Tython wasn't much, but it was still beautiful. You watched with adoring eye's as Grogu looks around with fascinated eye's.
"Looks like that’s the magic rock I’m supposed to take you to down there" din spoke while he slows down to fly around the rock in the middle of a clearing on the mountain. "Sorry, buddy. I can’t land on the top. Too small. We’re gonna have to travel the last stretch with the windows down" you looked out the window at the seeing stone with amazement, it was definitely something new to you. But after a few moments you take in din's words.
"wait, you're gonna use the jetpack? What about me? What am I supposed to do walk?" you questioned while looking at the mandalorian.
"either walk or stay on the ship" he shrugs while finding a place to land, surprising you by how smoothly he landed the razor crest. "me and him will be back after we figure out whatever it is this jedi thing does" he picks Grogu up and holds him tightly while looking down at you. "don't destroy my ship out of boredom, I know how you get when you're bored" he points a finger at you like a dad scolding his kid.
"I'm not gonna destroy you're ship Mando, besides... Now with you gone I can finally take a peaceful nap, you're snoring won't bother me now" you lean back in your seat and spare a glance at his void visor.
"whatever, I gotta get Grogu to the jedi rock thing" he leaves without another word, taking little Grogu with as you sigh. What the hell was you supposed to do? Actually sleep? As much as you really wanted to, you found yourself to wired to sleep, so you stand up and explore the ship, descending the ladder to the cockpit. You look around at everything boredly, finding a crate to seat on while looking over your blaster. It was what felt like hours later, but really more like fifteen minutes, when you heard the landing of another ship, this made you jump up and holster your blaster while opening the ramp of the crest, looking for the mysterious ship you heard. Out in the distance, you spot a ship, it was rusted and old looking from what you could gather, but you didn't see anything. Walking back into the crest while the door closed with a hiss, you grab the com din gave you and activated it.
"Mando is everything okay?" you ask, hoping he'd respond, hell he probably didn't even have his com on him.
Crackling was heard before the sound of din's voice comes in, "yeah...sort of..." he muttered back, making you lift a brow in confusion.
"sort of!? What's happening? Who's ship just landed!?" you rushed out while pacing the floor, worried things might be going south out there while your in this ship doing nothing to help.
Din detected the concern and stress in your voice and sighs, "I'm fine, Grogu is doing his jedi thing and I'm talking with this guy -
"guy!? What guy? What the hell is happening out there din!?" you used his real name making him turn the com off. Great now your clueless as to what is exactly happening while your stuck on this ship. Perfect.
Laying the com down, more like slamming it, you let out a angry huff. Running a hand down your face while deciding if you should stay on the crest or leave. About ready to make your mind up your almost out the door, but before you could open it, the sound of yet more ships landing was heard, that's when you take out your blaster and open the crests door. Walking outside only to spot stormtroopers.
"oh you have to be kidding me!" you angry growl out while spotting din fighting stormtroopers off alongside two other people, din tries making towards Grogu who was at the top of the hill. But of course you can't focus on that now considering a few troopers spot you, rising your blaster up fast you shoot at them, hitting one in the leg while the other in the chest, taking another shot you take the last one out easily.
Running towards the hill while taking out troopers your almost toward din, but a familiar face stops you, "Fennec!?" you ask, looking the woman over, she shoots you a small smile before shooting a trooper who was behind you.
"you sound surprised to see me y/n!" she shoot another trooper while you start aiding her in taking down the damned men.
"well considering the last time I saw you, you was dead" you quickly dodged a blaster shot before looking at her again, "yes, I'm a little surprised to see you" you offer her a smile before parting ways. Trying to help your partner out, but din was already so far up the hill. That's when you spare a glance at the crest and spot a man going inside. This intrigued you and your quick to race back down the hill to see what the hell that was about.
Running inside the ship you hold your blaster up, spotting a older man putting on din's hard earned beskar. "and what do you think you're doing with my friends beskar?" you ask him, looking over his face. Although scarred greatly from what you could only assume a life threatening experience, he was quite handsome. Dark eye's and a ever present scowl on his face.
He hums before looking away and continues putting the beskar on, placing the chest piece on. "this armor belongs to me" he grunts out with a gruff voice, a accent leaking through his voice. It was beautiful, rough but still a sound you find yourself yearning to hear again. "and don't point that thing at me unless you plan on using it princess" he spoke while putting the leg pieces on now.
Holding it more firm you walk closer to him, not liking his attitude. "and who says I won't use it? Now put my friends armor back before I decide to drop you old man" you say, deciding if he wanted to call you princess, something you really didn't mind but hating how it made your heart feel weird, you'd call him old man.
Ignoring you, something that really pissed you off, he places the helmet on and pushes past you. "I knew you wouldn't pull the trigger, now either help take some of these troopers out or stay put princess, wouldn't want you to break a nail" he walks off after that, leaving your blood boiling and jaw clenched.
Oh he was definitely going to pay for that, because you don't let anyone get away with such shit like that. Practically in a fit of rage you help Fennec, asshole, and din take out the troopers, fighting your way back up the hill as you switch between using your blaster and blade. You felt his lingering gaze on you as you fought, but ignored him, to focused on killing those jerks. And finally you succeeded and stood by din as you both watched the other mandalorians shoot the ships that held the remaining, fleeing troopers. The shot hit one ship making it fall and crash into the other.
"nice shot" din said while you roll your eye's and glare at the mandalorian in green chipped and beat armor.
He turns around, visor fixated on you two. "I was aiming for the other one" he spoke and this time you found his beautiful voice annoying.
You hated the man already, yet... Why the hell did he make your belly flip and heart flutter?
Oh maker...at the realization you was falling for the stranger you hate him even more.
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It all happened in a blur, one moment Grogu's in his protective blue force field thing, the next his not and some rather lethal looking droids are taking. And the crest? It's gone, blown into dust. You couldn't do anything but watch your friends world crumble before him. No matter what you said it wouldn't make him feel better you knew, but once you heard the anger in his voice and determination, you knew he would stop at nothing to get his son back.
And so that's where you was now, all on the slave I while boba, you found out the assholes name finally, paints his armor, you watched him with crossed arms and a glare. You was still angry from his earlier words and attitude, but also still hypnotized by his face, the scars looked like they had to have been deep painful wounds once upon a time. But his beauty in them was something that really drawn your attention, his dark brown eye's held this new special glent in them as he looks at his armor, painting it with care while the smallest of smiles tugs at his lips whenever his paint brush comes across a certain deep mark or dent in the armor. It was stunning.
But like hell your gonna let his good looks capture you, draw you in like some lovestruck puppy. Because you didn't like him, no, that would just be obserd, idiotic even. He was a smug, grumpy jerk, he was even a bit older then you.... But maker was his voice something else, something you could never tire of.
"like what you see princess?" he spoke up, gruff voice startling you out of your thoughts. Scoffing at him you look away, trying to glare at the wall without letting your blush creep up your cheeks at being caught staring.
"can't say I do" you retort while glaring at him again, his smug amused face making your skin burn with frustration at the man. "and stop calling me that fett, unless you want me to kick you're ass?" you offer him a little smirk this time and he chuckles, focusing back on his work.
"oh, a feisty dala eh?" he doesn't even look up to see your reaction, he didn't even know if you spoke mando'a or not. "I like that" he adds with smug smirk, this time catching the red painting your cheeks.
"I don't even know what the hell dala means" you shake your head and glare at him again, his eye's now glued to yours, the intensity of his eye contact enough to have your skin burning for other reasons besides anger.
"I see you're little boyfriend doesn't teach you his own people's language?" he hoped that din wasn't really your boyfriend, for whenever he said that you was a feisty dala and he liked it, he meant it.
"okay for one thing, that idiot is not my boyfriend, and another no, he hardly even speaks to me unless it's absolutely crucial" you chuckle at the thought and watch how boba let's a little smirk tug at his lips while he works.
"dala means woman, therefore I called you a feisty woman...which you are"
"and you like it?" you tease him with a prideful smirk, standing up and walking over to only sit back down beside him. He looks down at you with confusion and a little skeptical look.
"what are you planning little girl" he grumbled as he puts his paint brush aside and turns his attention on you.
Shrugging you simply gaze up at him, loving how he keeps flickering his gaze over your face, obviously taking in every detail. "well it's kind of boring just sitting around doing nothing so I thought you'd like some help?" you point at the extra brush and his eye's look down at it, then back up at you.
"sure, just don't mess it up" he grunts out while handing you the brush and instructing you what to do. After he explained how he wanted it, you began helping him silently, your mind souly focused on the even slow strokes of the brush, turning the beskar a deep green. While you was lost in painting the man beside you watched with the smallest of smiles, boba found himself lost in the soft expression on your angelic face, the way your brows slightly lift up when you come across a dent, the way your lips slowly tug up when you triumphantly finish and admire your handy work. Boba fett wasn't one for being all sappy or overly lovey dovey. But he couldn't help but note how his eye's was practically glued to you, because he thought you was absolutely beautiful, an angel among the galaxy he had the privilege of meeting. Looking away from you he wipes any trace of affection off his face and starts painting the more detailed red and oranges onto the beskar.
It was ever since that day spent on the older bounty hunters ship, you and him sat and painted in a comfortable silence. And although he seemed like a grumpy and cold person of few words, you couldn't help but enjoy his company. After you had both finished your work you started small talk that soon led to you befriending the man.
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Walking into the cantina with boba close by your side and din taking the lead, you follow the man in silver beskar to a table where two mandalorian women sit, eating while their helmets are discarded on the table. As you approached them, they stare up at you, boba and din. The red head eyeing din, the one you knew as bo-katan, having met her back on trask, while her friend simply pays you no mind, the one who's name you have yet to learn, not that you really cared honestly.
"I need you're help" din spoke, bo doesn't bother to look at din.
"Not all Mandalorians are bounty hunters. Some of us serve a higher purpose" she tells him, making you scoff quietly and look away from them, arms crossed across your chest, eye's focused on your shoes. After that you zooned her out, not really caring what she had to say, you wasn't her biggest fan after all, she didn't really make a good first impression.
But when she starts speaking to boba? That's when you really start listening. And at first, although angry, you let her insult slide.
"You are not a Mandalorian"
Not wanting to start a fight with someone din was speaking help from. And then the one you soon discovered to be koska reeves spoke up with a jab.
"I didn’t know sidekicks were allowed to talk"
Making your blood boil, but you bite your tongue and ball your fists up by your side, boba saw you growing angry and that sparked his interest, but din also knew and you could read him like a book, you knew he was pleading you to stay calm, and you honestly tried, but then....
"You are a disgrace to your armor" bo said, while standing up. You instantly scoot closer to boba and the anger was like fire in your eyes as you glared at the red head.
"it belonged to my father" boba spoke, and you remember how he told you the stories of his father jango that one night on his ship, how his eyes would light up fondly at certain memories he told you, that same light turning to a dark look of what one could only describe as grief as he then told that jango was taken from him by the hands of a jedi...you felt sad for boba, wrapping a arm around him, and if it was any other being boba would have chopped their arm off for touching him, but he couldn't deny how nice it felt whenever you held him. Boba grew quite fond of you, that scared him in a way, but he'd be damned if he ever pushed you away, so he embraced the feeling and finds himself falling harder for you each passing day, only hoping you felt the same.
"Don’t you mean your donor?" that hung thick in the air and you couldn't take it anymore. Din noticed that your calm composer had faded into nothing and was replaced by rage.
Pushing past boba you glare at bo-katan and now stand in front of the man, "watch you're tongue bo before I cut it out" you emphasis your threat by retrieving your blade, holding it in your hand casually. Boba smiles beneath the helmet at your words, but din was shaking his head knowing that your threats was never empty.
"this isn't you're place to talk sunshine so why don't you continue being quiet and hiding behind you're Clone friend?" she takes a step closer to you, tempting your patience.
"unless you want you're ass kicked I'd suggest you shut up" you almost growled the words out, your hands twitching to just punch her in the face. You hated the disrespect she was giving boba, he was a tough man, had a tough life ever since his father was taken from him at such a young age, he deserves better then bo-katan and her little friends insults.
"y/n... Not now" din warns in a sad attempt to make you back down. But once bo opens her mouth and let's her words fly out... Din knew there was no way that would happen.
"like you could do anything" she mused while eyeing you. That's what made you throw the first punch with your left hand, the blade you carried still in your right. That made din nervous, he didn't want you to kill the people he was seeking help from. He needed them.
Bo dodged your punch and lands a kick to your leg, almost making you fall but your quick to throw yourself at her and manage to grab both her arms and forcing them behind her back while kicking the backs of her knees causing her to fall, you held the blade against her throat and force her to look at you.
"I do believe you owe my friend an apology" you pant out, having lost your breath during your brawl. Bo glares at you hard, her own pants huffing out from the fight.
"dank farrik y/n! Stop!" din snaps, hand on his blaster making you gap at the man. Boba held his blaster as well but his visor wasn't on you.
"are you seriously going to shoot me?!" you exclaim making him shake his head.
"no but if you haven't noticed there is a blaster held at the back of you're head" he seethes prompting you to peek over your shoulder and spot koska behind you with a blaster. Rolling your eye's you retract your blade from bo's neck and push her forward. She stumbled but soon stands up shooting daggers into your skull. Before you could move past her she punched you in the face making you stumble backwards with a grunt, grabbing your now bleeding nose.
This made boba step forward now, grabbing your arms and ushering closer to din. "I'm sure you can handle the rest by yourself mandalorian, we'll meet at the ship" boba told din before leaving the cantina, hold firm on your upper arm as he practically drags you away.
"you're something else dala, we didn't need you starting a fight" boba tried to scold you, but his amusement was clear as day in his voice.
Scoffing at him you shake your head. "they were disrespecting you, someone needed to put them in their place" you say while your eyes squeezed shut. The pain now slowing creeping up on you, the blood still flowing from your nose.
"that wasn't you're battle to fight, you should have kept you're mouth shut and let me handle it" boba grunts while stopping to look over your nose, it was most likely broken. "does it feel as bad as it looks?" he teased while slowly using his thumb to wipe away the blood, only to have it replaced by more.
"I'd be lying if I said no" you offer him a smile, looking up into his visor void of any signs of those brown eye's.
"well once we're back on the ship I'll fix you up, it's the least I could do after you defended my honor" he muttered and the smirk in his voice was heard. You only smile and start walking, his hold on your arm loosened up, slowly sliding down, past your elbow, fingers covered in leather do to the gloves he wore danced across the skin of your wrist. For a brief moment you thought he'd hold your hand, the thought making your heart flip in a way you've never experienced. But... He drops his hand and instead walks a little bit ahead of you, disappointment setting in deeply in your chest. Perhaps he only saw you as a friend, that thought makes you sigh softly and look at the back of his helmet. Perhaps you was ignorant for thinking a man like him could think more of you then a friend.
Boba wanted to hold your hand through, the mere thought of it appealing to him. But boba fett doesn't hold hands, he doesn't display any sort of affection, especially not publicly like hand holding.
It didn't take long for you both to arrive at his ship, Slave I. Once on the ship your met with Fennec and Cara casually talking amongst each other, both pairs of eyes falling on you and boba. Fennec takes one look at your face and gives boba a lifted brow.
"what happened?" she asks as cara shakes her head, already knowing that you most likely started a fight, you and here having met during a fight against each other along with din actually. She had a smirk and you chuckle at her lowly.
"she couldn't control her temper and feisty nature and it got her a broken nose" boba takes his helmet off and starts looking for his med supplies.
Fennec looks over your nose with a grimace, "it's broken alright. Where's the mandalorian?" she proceeded to ask boba questions as you surprisingly wait patiently for boba to get the med kit.
Finding it he walks back over to you, making you sit on a crate while he kneels in front of you, elbows resting on your knees as he wipes away the blood. The closeness almost made you blush, but you managed to compose yourself.
"he's most likely trying to salvage enough trust from his two friends to help him on his rescue, although this feisty dala here probably stomped that hope out the moment she held a knife to bo-katan's throat" boba explained and now with the helmet off, you could see the proud smile on his face, more like a smirk actually.
"what made you do that?" Cara laughs while cleaning her blaster rifle. Giving you a amused look.
Rolling your eye's you wince when boba starts putting bacta spray on the gash across the bridge of your nose. "they were being rude, so I taught them some manners.... Sort of" you wince again making boba mutter a apology. Cara chuckles and stands up, heading somewhere amongst the ship, Fennec saying something to boba you didn't quite hear as she walks off and out of the hull of the ship as well.
Boba sighs and stands up, adding the bandage to protect your new wound. Then he starts putting away the kit. "you really shouldn't have done that back there princess" he spoke while turning to look at you, arms crossed while leaning against the wall of the ship.
You sigh and start picking at the forming hole in your pants on your knee. You didn't regret what you did, you'd even do it again if it was to ever happen, but you didn't want to look boba in the eye's, you didn't want to see the angry or disappointed look he'd most likely have. So you picked at your pants, "I wasn't just going to sit there and listen to them basically trash talk you boba... You deserve better" you muttered the last part and can't help the little smile that tugs at your lips, you found it quite funny actually, hilarious that you had the upper hand in the fight and almost put her in her place.
"I don't deserve anything" he spoke gruffly. That made you snap your head up to give him a confused look. Eye's taking in every detail and scar on his face, you hated the look in his eye, the sight of self loathing. You stand up quickly and waltz over to the man and ever so cautiously placed a hand on his armored chest.
"you deserve more then what the galaxy has given you boba fett, you deserve a easier life. A damn break for once, from the stories you've told me... I know for sure you deserve only the greatest things in the galaxy. Especially after this" you trail your hand up his chest and ever so gently trace his scar's adorning his face with a look of admiration, a look boba didn't expect to see.
He grasps your wrist and holds your hand against his face. "I've been dealt with some tough obstacles in my life mesh'la, but the galaxy has finally took some pitty on me and gifted me a angel" he whispers gruffly, making sure only your ears heard the sappy words that left his mouth, he'd never live it down if Fennec heard him, she'd tease him up until he finally snapped and either killed her or glued her mouth shut. And have to settle on the last option because he would never kill the woman.
You smile at him, the sight one boba would store away in his mind forever, it was a beautiful sight. "surely you're not talking about me?" you mused, trying to hide the blush but boba saw the slight tent of your cheeks.
"who else would I be talking about?"
"well din is a absolute innocent angel under all that beskar" you joke making boba huff and give you his scowl. "but since you're obviously talking about me -
Boba rolls his eyes at your talking and grabs the back of your head and smashes his lips against yours, making you gasp in surprise but eagerly respond and kiss him back, eye's fluttering close as you cup his jaw now. Chest flush against his as his other hand grasps and squeezes at your hip. You've never felt more intoxicated by anything else in the galaxy then now, the man definitely knew how to kiss, no doubt highly experienced. His lips was chapped but addicting as yours moved against them roughly, his pace he set for the rude interruption of your words, but your not complaining.
That is until he pulls away with a smirk, making you pout up at him. "I don't expect a yes to come after this, but once I help you're mandalorian friend retrieve his kid me and Fennec are going to tatooine... Would you be willing to tag along with me?" he asked lowly, hushed almost as he cradles your face.
"you kiss me like that and expect me to say no? Of course I'm going with you boba, I don't plan on leaving you're side any time soon" you say, gazing up into those brown eye's of his. A smirk tugs at his lips. "who else would defend you're honor?" you add playfully, but a truth was laced in them.
Boba rests his forehead against yours before pulling away. "well then after this little rescue I'll give you enough time to bid you're friends goodbye and we'll make our way to tatooine" he gives you one last peck, it was rare of boba to do so, let his lips gently press against another's with such delicacy, but he liked the feeling of your soft lips in such a way. Almost tempted enough to do it again but you spoke up making him shrug that off for now.
"what are you going to do there?" you ask curiously, catching the smirk on his lips as he hums in thought.
"take what's mine... Perhaps even do what you said, take a little break" he starts walking to the cockpit with you hot on his heels, waiting for din's arrival.
Plopping down in a seat beside him, you lift a curious brow at his words, wondering what it is he'd be taking. But you decide not to pry any more. You'd figure out over time. "do you think bo and her friends will help us?" you stifle a laugh at the memory of the fight.
"if she's smart she'd stay far away from you princess, you had a murderous look in those pretty eye's of yours" he spoke with amusement.
"then she'll help us" you snort at your joke as boba shakes his head. A little blush on your cheeks from his compliment.
"I'm the luckiest man in the galaxy to have found someone like you, my feisty dala" he looks over at you from where he sat in the pilot seat.
It didn't take long after that for din to arrive, announcing bo and her friends would help. Later that night you told din that your and his ways would part as your path was wherever boba leads you. Din agreed with your decision and even felt happy for you, and after saving Grogu and bidding him goodbye as din allowed Luke to take him... You, Fennec and boba made your way to tatooine, where Boba had taken the throne that once belonged to jabba and Fortuna and given you a home. Your relationship bloomed from there and that's when you knew what you felt for him was love....
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takerfoxx · 3 years
The Owl House, Season 2, Episode 1, "Stranger Tides," First Impressions!
Yo ho, yo ho, it's a pirate's whaler's life for Luz!
Now, if you'll recall, a common problem I ran into while reviewing season 1 is that while I was definitely enjoying it, it was so episodic that I often found it difficult to find something new to say about each episode. There wasn't a whole lot carrying over from one episode to the next that I could really sink my teeth into and fill out a full review, with the plot not really kicking in until the final two episodes.
Fortunately, I did not have that problem here, and now that season 2 has started, I have PLENTY to say about its debut episode.
So, this is what you'd expect for the first episode of the new season, an episode basically intended to bring everyone up to speed on how the characters are dealing with the ramifications of the previous season and introduce a few new elements that will set the tone for the season to come.
And basically, things at the Owl House are...not really great. I mean, sure, everyone got away and it looks like Emperor Belos hasn't really made their recapture a priority (most likely deliberately), but thanks to Lilith deciding to share Eda's curse to neutralize it, they both have found themselves powerless. They're not completely without magic, but what they have left is so meager to be practically useless. All expect for Eda's detachable limbs. Those still work. For Luz, as she never had magic to begin with and had to work extra hard to get around that handicap and find ways to keep up with everyone else, that means she's suddenly the breadwinner of the family, the one with the most power despite living with two (previously) notoriously powerful witches, and thus has taken up bounty hunting (sort of ironic, if you ask me). For Lilith, that means coming to terms with losing literally everything important to her, from her power to her position as the Emperor's Coven's poster girl, having been replaced by a spoiled teen prodigy (and oh, ho, ho, we will get to him!) as well as her own feelings of guilt for having cursed Eda in the first place.
Actually, guilt is the main motivator in this episode. Luz feels guilty for having gotten Eda trapped and that Eda now has to prioritize what little money they have for Luz's sake, which motivates her to take on more and more dangerous bounties to try to make it up to her. And Lilith feels rotten for the curse and that the fix ended up sapping Eda's powers, so she's driven to find some way of making herself useful, which fills out this episode's A-plot and B-plot.
Meanwhile, Eda herself is...handling things like a champ, actually. Sure, she's not thrilled about losing her power, nor does she care for the sudden dip in respect from the locals as a result, but she's not wallowing in self-pity. No, she's working and innovating, finding ways to adapt and keep ahead of the game. And to rip off the Empire too, because fuck those guys.
So anyway! Let's start with our A-plot: Luz the bounty hunter. She's doing her best to keep her spirits up and keep food on the table, but bounty hunting is a tough job and because everyone knows that Eda is powerless, the bondsman has no problem ripping them off because he knows he can get away with it. Furthermore, with the portal gone, Luz's messages to her mom aren't getting through, which is weighing on her mind.
Okay, we already know that Luz's mom is probably going to get involved this season. I predict that at some point, Emperor Belos completes his repairs of the portal, and when he does, all those unsent message will suddenly spill out all at once, giving good ol' Mama a heart attack.
Sort've serves her right though, because, you know, G-RATED CONVERSION THERAPY!
But anyway, she overhears Eda talking about eschewing her booze in favor of getting Luz food she can actually eat, so she resolves to make it up to her by taking on the biggest bounty of them all, which so happens to be a magical creature called a Selkie-dama, which requires her to join a ship that's setting out to do that so she could get a cut.
A ship that just so happens to be under the command of Lilith's replacement, who also so happens to be the mysterious spy working for Emperor Belos that we met last season, whom we will get to!
Anyway, they fortunately rush through the bit of Luz proving herself to the crew, because who cares, King finds out agent's private room (in a reveal that calls back to a similar scene in Gravity Falls) and gets captured, and they find the Selkie-Dama, in which Luz shows us how far she's come by utterly wrecking shit.
Unfortunately, the bounty is stolen by a mysterious figure, and Luz isn't about to get ripped off again, so she goes after them, only to find that that SURPRISE, it's Eda, who figured she'd cut out the middleman and just steal the bounty directly, because you have to admit that that does make sense.
But anyway, none of that matters, because that's when HE finally is properly introduced.
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Hear that? That's the sound of thousands of thirsty fangirls (and quite a few fanboys and fanenbys as well) shrieking.
Meet the Golden Guard. Yes, he's arrogant. Yes, he's sassy as fuck. Yes, he's voiced by Zeno Robinson. And according to his brief appearance in the OP...
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So. We now have this season's small antagonist.
And since Luz is the only resident of the Owl House with any real power (Hooty aside, but we'll get to that) and now with Amity as Luz's close friend (more on that later as well), that makes him Luz's new rival! Ooooh, I can smell the Enemies to Lovers fics already!
Yeah, it's gonna be a HUGE ship, but that's no prediction, everyone knew that anyway.
But while I doubt they're actually going to get together (though count on our bi-queen Luz getting smitten once she sees his face), I do smell a redemption arc for this guy. I mean, why would they make him so likeable otherwise?
Yes, he was a jerk, but he was a jerk in an endearingly entertaining sort of way.
But beyond that, I do note that he also has a tech-powered staff (seems to be the same one that held the palisman that Belos fed off of last season, but with an upgrade), and wields the same flesh-based magic as well. Now, his ears do show that he's not a human, but I still wonder if all that tech magic (which has to be manipulating the flesh of the Titan itself) is either a crutch for the magicless or a shortcut for those who want power fast.
Also, in addition to slotting in as Luz's rival, he also has taken Lilith's place as the face of the Emperor's Coven and also uses Eda's "BYYYEEEEE!!!" catchphrase, he's set up to be a foil to just about everybody!
Anyway, he's not here to take them out just yet, but instead forces them to kill the Selkie-dama. They don't, of course, and instead trick him into thinking that they did, but it does show that 1. Emperor Belos is content to leave them be for the moment, and 2. Emperor Belos is seeking the destruction of magical creatures. Huh.
Also, called it on Luz becoming Eda's teacher when it comes to glyphs.
But speaking of rivals and ships, the question over all of this is Amity, who's been MIA with a broken leg for a while. No doubt she's not going to be upset about Luz being stuck in the Boiling Isles, but if Luz does start crushing on Prettyboy Golden Guard, I can see her feel all sorts of upset about that. I still thinking that Lumity is endgame, but now she's got to work for it, and there is going to be angst.
Anyway, our B-plot has Lilith trying to make things up for Eda, by putting together a scrying potion to spy on the Emperor's castle. Nice, will probably be important later, but the real important part, in addition to her getting over her pride (not an easy thing) was the surprisingly touching friendship she's building with Hooty of all people! I didn't see this coming, but they honestly have some great comedic chemistry.
And honestly, I can see it. Lilith's first introduction to Hooty was him opening a can of whoopass on her and her men, and now he does it again to save her from the fire bees. Sure, he's weird and annoying, but he's strong and competent as hell, something that she would naturally respect. I honestly like what they have building, and the Lulu and Hooticifer nicknames were adorable.
And now, onto our brief glimpse of Belos, who still managed to steal the whole damned episode with just a few words. We see he's gone that long, white hair thing going for him, so not a rogue palisman. So, human or shortcut-exploiting conman. Regardless, just as he seems content to leave the Owl House be despite Luz having the key (which will definitely be important later), he also seems aware of the scrying, and has no problem letting it go on.
Okay, this season is shaping up to be a great one. And next episode is an Amity episode, in which her parents meet Luz, so let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOO!!! on the Lumity teases and oh God NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! on the awkward cringe comedy that is sure to result!
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ask-sou-hiyori · 3 years
Important Lore!
This post will contain very important details about this blog. It’s highly recommended that newcomers read this in order to understand aspects that will be mentioned throughout the blog!
It may be long since so much has happened and Mod Soup wants the audience to understand as much as they can, but also lore is very tasty so there’s that too.
Everything will be listed underneath the Keep Reading as to not clog up the current events, but will remain pinned and be updated when needed~!
(MAIN: @soupietime )
(Disclaimer: if you've seen and read before I was involved in the Takeover event and all that, please note that the previous Dad Midori stuff is NON-CANON to this blog, it makes me, the mod, quite uncomfortable. thank u and here's a snail 🐌 \^o^/)
(...Catboy Shin event was pretty funny though not gonna lie)
(Added fact: I HAVE NOT PLAYED 3-1B YET-)
(Keys: MILL / More Information Listed Later)
Name: Shin Tsukimi / Sou Hiyori (previously)
Age: 22
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 106 lbs
Sexuality: Bisexual (male leaning)
Gin Ibushi (@askgin-ibushi) - Familial love. His only son, officially adopted before the beginning of the “#up the tower” (MILL) HE LOVES HIS EPIC SOOOOOOON.
Sara Chidouin (@ask-chidouin-sara) - Didn’t pay much mind at first due to lack of trust, but soon developed a protective nature towards the girl. Adoption material?
Sou Hiyori/Midori/Spark (@ask-sou-midori) - Unaware of his new name (Spark). He has heavily conflicting feelings due to the effects of “#event: blended” (MILL) but currently does not forgive him for his actions due to the amount of trauma caused to both him and his family. He’s afraid of this man, yet misses him greatly. Seeing him brings him immense pain, but also a strange comfort. He is unaware whenever he relapses with Hiyori.
Zinnia (@askgin-ibushi) - Strong security guard lady… kind and protective. Good for comfort and cuddling. Soft.
Leidora Margarati (@askgin-ibushi) - Resident Doctor. Helped Shin realize that Midori/Spark gave him severe brain damage with the “blending” and everything in his blended life was a lie. Shin is grateful for her in telling him the truth, but as a result Shin has many conflicting feelings about everything and himself, plenty of migraines and headaches to go along with it all. Leidora is the one helping Shin heal from the severe trauma caused.
Shin Tsukimi (literally me) - ……
(There are various other blogs out there, but Shin has not made much of a relationship with them yet. These blogs are who Shin has interacted with relatively a lot and thus formed relationships and thoughts about them)
Every character from these blogs are from their own YTTD universe. Through the power of Tumblr and ask blogs, a rift was torn and brought these characters together.
Though… Gin and Midori/Spark have been known to be from the same universe.
Revealed during “#hospital arc”, Shin is from Gin and Midori’s universe as well. It’s been believed he perished due to an act to save Kanna in the second main game, and then killed after an escape attempt. However, that was proved false after a conversation between Shin and Spark, Shin showing him his abundance of gunshot scars from how he was “killed” in the second main game, Spark immediately recognized the scars, and thus… the reveal has been made. Gin is aware of this fact as well after Shin returned to the hospital, the two now closer than ever.
There had been a Sara in the three's universe. Gin had taken his own Sara with his sacrifice win, but she had eventually offed herself, leaving Gin as the only survivor before finding out that Shin survived as well.
Kanna is a sister to Shin. Shin is a brother to Kanna.
Gin and Shin are family :) Father and son
(NOTE: If you are going to read through the tags of the events, MAKE SURE to read through the notes of any interactions, as very important parts of the events are played out through interactions between the blogs. It’s not only through the asks of the audience. Plus it's easier than scrolling through to find every single interaction reblog)
#event: takeover (@askgin-ibushi)
The event that brought us together
Part 1 synopsis
Part 2 synopsis
You may read these synopses on the event in the links above, or you may read through the whole tag on Gin’s blog :D
#event: blended
(TW: mental manipulation and toxic relationships)
After the events of Takeover, Shin was found by Gin in… well, Gin’s room. Midori manipulated Shin before getting chased away and told Shin to stay in the room until he came back. Obviously, Midori did not come back. Shin only left the house after getting a few answers from Gin (who came up to his room shortly after Takeover) about what happened, and Gin falling asleep. Snzz.
Soon after, Shin gets a call from Midori again, and… surprise surprise… Midori manipulated Shin once again and got the man to follow him into a warehouse, putting a machine (that was similar to the one Midori put on Gin previously) onto Shin’s head despite the man’s loud and frantic protests, “blending” his brain and turning him into his own “perfect Shin”, which was a Shin that absolutely loved and adored the man, doing anything he would tell him.
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Midori, using Shin’s totally real love and adoration to his advantage, sent him to Gin with the intent to lure and kidnap him. After all… Gin was part of Shin’s “family”, it would be wrong to just leave him alone… While Shin had a “family” mindset, Midori wanted to kidnap the kid solely due to the fact that Gin was the “winner” of their death game via sacrifice. Midori had the job of collecting the winner and making them join Asunaro. Shin and Midori’s plan succeeded, the two kidnapping both Gin and Hinako (she was there too with Gin. Asuga was also there but she was knocked tf out so yeah).
After kidnapping Gin, Midori had blended him as well, finally creating their “perfect little family”.
...All was going “well” until Gin decided to fight Midori to protect Hinako. That soon resulted in Gin getting stabbed by Midori, and Midori’s head getting bashed onto the ground. Due to the blunt force trauma, Midori developed something similar to a conscience, now realizing what wrong he’s done and a will to assist Shin after seeing him panic over a bleeding out Gin.
They eventually arrive to a hospital, Gin getting the treatment he deserves, Shin getting observed by Leidora and figuring out what Midori has done to Shin’s brain, Sara getting blended as well, but only to erase her memories, and Midori leaving after Shin confronted the man about what Leidora has told him. Midori finally leaves Shin’s life…
...Or does he?
#up the tower
(TW: suicide attempt)
Days after entering the hospital, Shin constantly has headaches and conflicting feelings about everything he’s ever known. He thinks about what was fabricated, and what’s real. At times, he even has trouble differentiating the two. Shin’s blending had made him basically addicted to Midori like a drug. With the lack of Midori around because of Leidora’s advice, Shin goes into a withdrawal over the man, and soon develops hallucinations over him. The hallucination is tame, but starts leading Shin out of the room, making him follow him all the way up to the roof, ignoring those who stand in his way.
In reality, the hallucination had only left the room, disappearing right after. It was Shin himself who had decided to make his way to the roof. Before he had left the room, Shin was on a call with Midori… Midori found out about the hallucinations and took that as Shin missing him dearly, his “error” fixing temporarily and the man driving over to come collect Shin. When Shin mentioned over the phone about walking “up the tower” to wait for Midori, then jumping off to land in his arms in a false fantasy, Midori’s error picked up again and panicked, now rushing to the hospital.
Once reaching the top, followed by Sara and Leidora, Shin stood over the edge, remaining there as the others spoke to him, trying to convince him not to jump. Shin revealed he's been having so many problems with himself: He's weak, he's awful, he's a horrible parent, he could've prevented all of this, and various other bad thoughts about himself, and then the constant pain he's felt since the blending, which has only gotten worse overtime, was the breaking point for him, he just couldn't handle it anymore. The pain was unbearable.
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It had only calmed down once Gin made his way to the roof, bleeding due to opening his injuries up again while walking up to the roof after anons told him about the situation. The moment Shin took notice of Gin and heard his voice, he realized why he's still here. It would make him even more of an awful person to jump and leave him alone once again. Soon enough, Shin staggered off the edge of the roof and embraced Gin.
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This arc ended with Shin, Gin, Sara, and Leidora going back into the hospital. Midori had been watching this entire time, the sight of Shin's suicide attempt making him leave once more, realizing it was his fault that the attempt even occurred.
#hospital arc
Several months had gone by since Gin, Sara, and Shin had entered the hospital. Gin's being cared for his injury while it scars up, Sara is there due to her blending, and Shin is mainly there on a close watch due to his suicide attempt, while also there healing from his blending.
Shin relapses, and escapes the hospital to go see Midori again, breaking his room's window and hopping out and landing on mattresses that an anon laid out during "#up the tower". The whole hospital is in a panic at his disappearance, especially since Shin was in the mental ward.
Shin goes to Midori's place, and all seems normal until Midori figures out Shin broke out to see him again. Midori wants to take him back, but Shin asks for Dunkin Donuts first, something to eat since the man hasn't been eating right since the hospital. They get their food, and thanks to an employee commenting about the two being "lovers", Midori quickly pays and drives away as fast as he could, ending up in the woods. The two lay down on the ground for a while and have a few talks. Only when some anons give Shin steps on how to run away, Midori brings Shin back into the car and starts driving back to the hospital.
...They don't get that far, as some teasing occurs and Midori's "error" fixes itself for a brief moment, and harasses Shin. Shin eventually kicks the man in the nuts which led to Midori threatening not to take Shin back. Shin, of course, freaks out.
Eventually the error returns, and only with a few words of encouragement from Shin does Midori start driving Shin back. Once they arrive, Midori gives Shin a piggyback ride since the man's body is in immense pain. Once they get close enough to the hospital, Shin gives Midori a goodbye hug and a thank you for being relatively good, and finally returns to the hospital.
Shin had reached the hospital, but his legs had quickly given out, causing him to fall face first onto the ground. A security guard, Zinnia, was the first to find him and carry him back into the hospital, where they were met with an upset Leidora, demanding that Shin speak about his whole breakout. Shin... couldn't speak, he was too tired and absolutely exhausted. After Zinnia managed to temporarily make the doctor leave, she brought him back to his new room (no windows this time) and let him rest.
Soon, Gin had peeked into the room, both him and Shin glad to see each other again. They had a comforting moment before Shin decided to talk to Gin about what happened during their game. Gin, still thinking he's the only survivor, asked Shin about his own game. Eventually, Shin revealed to the boy that he was not the only survivor after all. When Shin showed Gin his gunshot scars, Gin finally realized his dad was his own Shin all this time, and soon ran out of the room in a panic, in despair over the fact that he had "killed" Shin's Kanna, whom was a little sister to Shin, because of his sacrifice win, even though Shin nearly died in order to protect her. Shin's act to protect Kanna was futile.
Zinnia to the rescue! She caught the young boy in her arms, as well as Shin, who had been chasing after Gin. She brought the two back into Shin's room and told them to talk it out like normal people. And so.. they did. It ended well, and now the two are sleeping so soundly together in each others embrace like father and son. Zinnia sits with the two, watching over them to protect them. Snzz.
#event: shin ai
After returning Shin back to the hospital, Midori had a mini breakdown over the situation. In order to attempt to cope, he went back home and brought out something he found in his closet before… a monitor. After hours and hours of trying to fix it back up, it finally worked, and what appeared on the screen was an AI. An AI of Shin, in fact. At first it was incredibly awkward and highly uncomfortable for the AI, since all Midori did was stare at him. But after asking question after question, Midori finally spoke to the AI.
The two conversed and became friends! More "interaction points" were programmed into the AI, per AI's request, and all was chill until an anon started trying to tell the AI what Midori has done in the past. Shin AI knew the man had did bad things, he's lived through so much of that before he had shut down for a long time. But… Midori caught on and finally told the AI what he's done. The AI was mortified at the blending and kidnapping and the like, but had grown some sympathy towards the man. After all, the AI knew about Midori's "error", and how he wanted to change, but he wasn't sure if he deserved to.
The AI kept on reassuring Midori, supporting him the best he can from now on. To pull him away from being Sou Hiyori and allow more room for change, the AI even gave him a new name… Spark.
Spark intended for his gay thoughts to lessen after turning the AI back on but y'know. That only caused him more gay thoughts.
Not too long after… the AI received an email, glimpses of Sou Hiyori flashing every so often on the email, as well as text telling the AI that He'll see him soon. The AI is panicking… but what more could he do about it?
//To be updated soon//
Start of the blog
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After "#event: blended"
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Festival event :) (#event: festival)
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"#hospital arc"
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(I do not have a sprite made just yet, however, he's wearing an oversized hospital gown with small shorts underneath, as well as the scarf he always wears. There are some eyebags under his eyes, and his eyes themselves still has remnants of the swirls, caused by the blending)
"#event: shin ai"
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(Disclaimer: All art/edits shown in this post belong to me)
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bxllafanficc · 4 years
¡Skate/sing your hearts out! (Yuri Plizetsky x reader)
(part five)
Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Masterlist
Summary: After last year's cancellation of Figure Skating Grand Prix, Yuri Plisetsky finds himself unable to bring out his inner skater after a year of doing nothing but enjoy life like a regular teenager. That's when you enter the picture; We Are Voice Grand Awards's currently hottest competitive vocalist come first place two years in a row. Just like the other competitors of Grand Prix, it turns out that Victor and Yuuri faces the same issue. With an arrangement between Victor and Yakov, they agree to travel to Japan and hire you as a mutual coach for Yuri and Yuuri to help bring back the emotion into their performances like before, maybe even more intense than ever. Yuri however, who's never experienced issues with his coaches before, for some reason finds this one particularly difficult to coexist along with in their (reasonably) odd partnership. Warnings: none
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*Yuri's POV*
(One week later)
He groaned, still trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes even after breakfast. The sun was annoyingly bright today and the crowds chatting along the streets became a loud buzzing in his ears. They walk along shore at a smaller street where the typical fisherman has been standing, even years from now since Yuri saw him last. With a face mask up to his eyes and his hoodie up, it also came to be exceedingly hot underneath his disguise. Sweaty again.
In front of him walked Yuuri and Victor, sheering for him to hurry up meanwhile Victor snapped some photos behind his head on him and (Y/n). 'A selfie to remember' he said. Though the sour face of (Y/n) was far from something anyone would like to remember. Terrifying.
Right. Why? Yuri didn't exactly hit it off at its peak this morning with (Y/n) as his roommate. The cold shoulder hitting him like a slap in the face grew even larger every time he tried talk her back to normal state. A 'what's the matter with you? Stop being a drag!' Wasn't gonna get him an answer so far. Though, Yuri found himself surprised that he even made an effort into talking with her in this mood. One week with her and he's already softening up? Not great. He can't treat her as if she isn't a stranger to him, nice or not. Even if she always came at the late ending hours of his practicing at the rink and greeted him with a late snack after training. Star-shaped apple slices and a smoothie. He found it weird the first time and he still does. Every morning and every late evening because Yakov happened to mention that apples were Yuri's favorite fruit.
And this morning? Maybe he could actually admit that he screwed up. It probably could've gone better if he hadn't stolen Magnolia from her... Long story short, she was asleep with the cat in her arms and Yuri sneaked out a makeshift toy to lure him over. (Y/n) quickly noticed that Yuri was now the person cuddling the cat and she tried to call him over for his morning brush with a happy chirping sound. But Yuri had held Magnolia still when he tried to go until the cat was like 'meh whatevs' and went back to sleep in Yuri's arms. He knew now afterwards that it was already a little bit much to hold the cat back but the worst part wasn't past yet. No. The worst part was when he said 'He wants to be with me, not you, you clingy hag' and 'Maybe if you weren't so stubborn and tacky all the time he would be sprinting to you this moment instead of cuddling with his savior.' When she hadn't responded well to his words some unknown force told him to push it harder. So kept on pushing at her limits with spiteful manners and comments. He can't really understand why he'd said that now afterwards. All that came out meanwhile Yuri was still half asleep from past day's exhaustion, and he hadn't yet realized that he probably should filter the way he talk to his coach, nonetheless the,, he wouldn't say idol,, but- Nonetheless the acquaintance she is. Though he couldn't stand her. How itching and irritated he felt whenever she made her own sour looks. Isn't she supposed to be happy sunshine or what? Just get over it already, it was just an insult anyway.
But it was clear that (Y/n) took the insult to heart and has been doing so since then. At breakfast, he had received a bowl of starshaped cut apples put down harshly in front of him at the table. That along with blueberry pancakes. Why she was the one making breakfast, he didn't understand. But it had certainly not been unbearable to eat. No the opposite really. The entire Katsuki household was there along with them and everyone had been gulping it down like starved hounds. But the thing really throwing Yuri off was the fact that his appleslices were the only ones being but into starshapes. Just that she took the extra time even though or because she was upset at him?
Yuri gazed at the girl's direction as he thought of the event. 'So very unnecessary' he thought. Was it some twisted joke he didn't quite get or a revenge he didn't see coming? Because except for the apples, she had been totally snappy with him since they left for the unknown adventure Victor had described it as. And she wouldn't really have made that extra effort out of kindness judging on her mood today.
(Y/n) was very keen not to glance at him just one bit this morning since that breakfast. And when Yuri made a huge deal out of it afterwards, Victor had took him aside and whispered into his ear; 'There will come days where she won't put up with your bullshit anymore and today seems like such a situation. I don't know what you did to cause that reaction because it's quite rare. But I recommend you lay off and let her cool down on her own.' His words had been a sense of advise with a hint of bitterness in it.
Just minutes later he had gathered us four and announced that he would be taking them all somewhere to cleanse our minds and gather our thoughts. He hadn't really understood why all four would go there but that's when (Y/n) decided it was time to announce a pretty important details she almost withheld from him until now. Apparently the entire reason they chose to do this whole coaching in Japan was because she had taken Yuuri as her apprentice as well. It all seemed relevant of course. Why else would Yuri be here right now and not with her back in Russia? But it made him feel uneasy and let down for some stupid reason. Why she apparently thought it was much more important to teach Yuuri than him since they were in Japan right now. He's always gotta be the favorite even though Yuri won gold and proved himself to be better than the piglet. Victor already chose him. And clearly (Y/n) did too. But she made him believe that she came here only to coach him.
He didn't understand anything. He didn't want her coaching, didn't want to hear anything she had to say. She wasn't a real coach even. He certainly didn't want to share a room with her and he didn't want to feel relieved at the sight of her at the rink yesterday, coming to his rescue like that. He just wanted her to stop talking so much but now he couldn't stand the silence she was giving him.
Couldn't she just get her shit together?
"Ta-daaa! We're here!" Victor's shout made Yuri snap back to reality at the beat of a second. It took him a moment to understand the building the man was waving towards but soon he remembered the experiences he had there.
"No- nonono! I'm not going through that hellish session again. No damned waterfalls and no hitting me with a stick!" Yuri turned on his heels but was grabbed by the collar of his neck by a pouting Victor. (Y/n) who was clearly new to the subject gave Yuuri a hesitant look but Victor wasn't going down.
"Come on, it will be great for everyone. And I promise no hitting this time!"
'This time.' He didn't believe it one bit. He knew it was just an attempt to get him through the doors. Once in, no turning back. But if there was going to be hitting, he was secretly hoping that it would not be (Y/n) as the one doing it.
"Still no. There's no way you're getting me through those doors! Never am I ever standing under a waterfall again!"
The rapid flow of the water forcibly threatening to push him forwards was as cold as he remembered it. Screw the hitting with sticks, this just felt like someone rapidly slapping him across the back over and over. At least the water could've been warm. What was the deal with that anyway? He knew exactly why going here was kept a secret from him. They would never have caught him if he knew before. Now Yuri is standing in the middle, unable to escape. A quiet but intimidating (Y/n) who hasn't spoken up for hours and Yuuri who seems to actually be taking this whole thing seriously. Then there's the big question. Where is Little blondie Rasputin in the picture. The answer is right in front of him in a corner of the other side of the room. In a bubble bath taking it easy. He said that he'd be making sure we'd concentrate on opening up our minds and he'd tell us if he noticed otherwise. Yuri believed none of it. He just doesn't want to be here himself. Cause why was (Y/n) doing it if both the coaches aren't in on it. She's already in touch with herself and doesn't need it. Part of him guesses that she was participating on her own terms for some reason.
'This isn't working. I'm literally standing here thinking about everything and anything until time passes!' He thought. And...
He made the mistake of looking to his right. (Y/n) was standing close beside him with closed eyes. He was going to close his eyes as well but then he noticed how soft her skin looked. Like, all the wrinkles caused by her constant grumpy face were flattened out. Her mouth hung low and her lips were slightly parted. That made him notice her slow breathing making her chest rise and fall in a nice rhythm. Even though the water hitting his scalp shouted angrily in his ears, he was somehow able to here her melodic breathing. She was doing this the right way. And she looked completely relaxed. Almost asleep.
He kept on listening to her breathing and prayed that she wouldn't open her eyes right this moment. If so, she'd probably have realized right away how long exactly he had been staring at her.
He brushed it off and adverted his gaze, closed his eyes shut. It wasn't anything more than that. He had to get to know her at some point and her striking eyes were always too intimidating for him. He would always look away to feel less stripped of his soul in front of her. It was almost the first time he really could study her features up close, and without her knowing. (D-Did that sound weird-? anyway.)
He couldn't see her anymore but her light breath could still be heard. A part of it made Yuri think of music when he listened to it. He'll focus on that. Mach the breathing to his own.
Everything she did held a steady rhythm to it, unintentionally probably. The music was so much more than just the beautiful voice she had, but it consumed her entire being. Maybe that's why it felt so real on stage.
Does he have to let the skating consume him too? What if he loses control of what he's doing? Starts doing a different choreography or hits the wall again? What would happen if he just let go?
"I think we're done for today. Great job guys! You too Yuri!"
Well, he would never find out because he could never let that happen. Ever. If he doesn't hold control, then what does he have.
Yuuri and (Y/n) came back to reality and stepped out of the fall. Yuri followed short behind and watched the droplets of water running down the back of the girl in front of him. Her shoulders were much less tense than before they begun their session.
'If she thinks she's her to help me let go of all control and fly off the surface of the earth, then I'm sorry. For your coaching will have been in vain.'
Yuri was the last one out of the showers and was alone in the locker room as the piglet had already finished before him. He put one the clothes he came in since he came unprepared and set off to the main entrance. To his surprise, he found (Y/n) leaned against a nearby wall just outside the path leading the separate changing rooms apart. 'She's been waiting for me?' She still looks stern but this time Yuri's directly hit in the face by it. She's not ignoring him anymore. Her eyes are as piercing as always but not with excitement or content as usual. Yuri has to turn his head. The feeling's too much.
He walks beside her this time as well. Not a few feet behind like the way they came here.
Victor's tall back was seen outside the building through the glass doors and the two of them headed out. Yuuri was there too but they weren't alone. A large crowd of screaming teenagers as well as adults were swooning over the two skaters. Reporters and journalists were at the front struggling to ask the pair questions meanwhile guards from the center nearby held them all back. At the corner of his eye (Y/n) was turning slightly pale of the sudden screams that roared as they arrived together. As soon as Yuri was noticed the same reaction came for the second time and he joined in on the surprise. His first instinct was to run and hope none in the crowd ran faster than him. But is seemed like (Y/n) sensed his intentions before he did. A firm and calming hand was placed upon his head and as what- a warning? A threat? He looked at her and she smiled. Not to him, but to the crowd.
"Is that (Y/n) and Yuri Plisetsky?"
"Yes! But why are they in Japan? And together?"
"Aww look! They look so cute together!"
A couple pictures were taken of the two of them and Yuri was as stunned by the girl's hand as well as her warm presence towards her fans. He was even too caught up to snap her hand away.
"How long have you known each other?"
"Yuri YURI! What were you doing in there with the Aubade duchess of (nationality)?" Duchess? Right. One of her many titles created by her fan base. It's pretty funny. Why a duchess? Why not a queen or an empress? Yuri wasn't the one to complain though. He was called the Russian punk.
"(Y/n), any reason you're in Japan? Any hot news you'd like to share with us?" The woman asking leaned over the fighting arms of the guard and winked playfully at the two of them. He saw (Y/n) getting visibly  uncomfortable at the suggestive question and she stuttered, trying to come up with something smooth and contained for the reporter to use in her article. Yuri was just pissed off at how rudely this woman got all up in their private life like that. He felt like it had been put upon (Y/n) as her responsibility alone to answer that and that just made him angrier.
But the back of the tall Russian male hiding him from camera views stopped the salty defensive words he almost spit out.
"Of course! It's about time to announce anyway. On the behalf of myself and Yakov Feltsman, we're proud to announce that (Y/n) (l/n) will spend her time in Japan as coach for our competing skaters; Yuri Plisetsky and Yuuri Katsuki, in their preparations for this year's Grand Prix senior division!" Victor's worlds were happily announced to the audience and the next moment all hell of a screaming mess broke loose. The reporters rushed sideways to call their firms about the news and the guards almost failed to hold the fighting fans at bay. It all was a mess already. It went from being super private and secretive to Victor dropping the act without warning and soon the whole world would know in just a couple of minutes.
A/N; Aaand another chapter! I have so fun writing these and it's almost like therapy session for me too:') no waterfalls though. It seems like Yuri's starting to warm up to (Y/n) right? Well... Baby steps;) What do you think will happen in next chapter? Let me know what you think!
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yeongwvnhi · 4 years
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Supernatural creatures AU
Taglist (send an ask if you want to be added): @twancingyunhoe @vickylamore @glxwingstar @se0--0ho @seohospepe
Genre: angst!!, fluff, suggestive
Rating: 16+
General Warnings: Supernatural creatures (vampires, werewolves etc), blood, violence, weapons, language, death, poisoning and just dark themes in general.
Chapter Specific Warnings: mentions of a funeral and a mortuary,talking about death, blood and talking about internal bleeding, needles, refusing to eat (mentioned once), talking about cause and time of death (mentioned once), mentions of a lack of anatomical activity, lots of crying lol
Pairing: ONEUS x fem reader 》 choose your ending
Synopsis: somehow you came back to life just about a day after dying, scaring the poor guys who work at the mortuary one late night as you flee, not knowing where to go before they found you.
Word count: 3k [thanks to @moongaera for beta-reading <3]
–> for reference: Y/N - Your Name,, N/N - Nickname
》Previous《 》Next《 》Masterlist《
"Hyung, stop thinking about what could have been" Leedo interrupts the sorcerer's train of thoughts. "I know what you're thinking and it's not your fault. No one is mad at you for failing. You tried your best" 
Seoho remains silent and Leedo sighs, the two of them making their way back to their residence. 
"Oh you're ba- What happened?!" The owner of the house greets them first, almost losing it at the smell of blood and the way the two men's hands are covered in the now dark red/brown-ish substance. 
"Seoho Hyung was asked to try and save someone, but turns out the poor girl got so heavily poisoned he was powerless" Leedo explains. "I'll explain to you in a bit, we're just gonna go and wash up" 
The man just nods and watches the two of them walk away with pity swimming in his eyes. He knows how much it hurts his friend to not be able to help someone who so desperately needs it. 
"Hwanseok.." your mother speaks and puts her hands on your father's shoulders. "We should… organize Y/N's funeral" 
Yongjun hasn't come out of his room again after Haeryeong explained to him that you, his older sister he looked up to, has died. 
Your father just nods, knowing he has to let go. 
So about an hour later a van from the city's mortuary came and got your body. Your parents filled out all the papers regarding your burial and watched as the workers drove away. 
Everything was pitch black and so… cold. But not the kind of cold that made you shiver, no, that type of cold that keeps you cool but at just the right temperature. It's hard to describe, yet you found comfort in it. 
It's like you're dreaming of nothing but that nothing was still something. 
And you felt heavy. So damn heavy that you can't move a muscle, it's like you're paralyzed. 
The only thing that indicates you're still somehow awake were the distant voices. You couldn't differentiate them except for one deep voice. 
After that, you kinda flaked out and now you were just confused. What was happening? and why couldn't you wake up or anything? Because it felt like an eternity. 
"J-Junghwa please tell us you're pulling a sick prank on us right now" a close friend of yours says with a shaky voice. 
"Yeah! No way- No way did that happen!" Hae-in also says, tears welling up in her eyes. "You were with her, what happened?!" 
Junghwa rubs his face and looks at the three girls in front of him. "I'm telling the truth - I swear I am! I had to get the Necromancer but even his efforts were in vain. She died and her parents probably already had someone pick her up…" 
Hae-in breaks out in tears, sobbing into her hands before Yura takes her into her arms, also silently crying. 
"This feels so unreal" Hana says, trying hard to not break down as well. 
"I know… I'll miss her so much" Junghwa says, eyes getting glassy. "I just… thought I'd let you guys know.." 
Yura and Hana nod at him while Hae-in continues sobbing into Yura's shoulder. 
Junghwa turns around and wipes his eyes, making his way back home. 
"Seoho, how do you feel today?" 
"You have to eat" He says, pushing the plate of toast towards him. "Woong is going to short-circuit when he realizes you are not eating the breakfast he prepared for you" 
"But I don't feel like eating, Hyung" The sorcerer fights back, hands going up to hold onto his head. "I just failed a very influential and nice man! I couldn't save his daughter because I didn't see what poisoned her!" 
The older one frowns and sits down next to his friend, taking his hands and looking him in the eye. "Listen Seoho, this is not your fault. Everyone makes mistakes and it does not help you one bit if you dwell on them. Instead, take them as a lesson for what you can do better next time. There is always a chance for you to prove yourself and this was not the last one, okay?" 
The sorcerer feels tears building up in his eyes at his Hyung's words and nods quietly, afraid his voice will break if he speaks. 
The older one gently guides Seoho's head to his shoulder and lets him cry it out. He understands the pain his younger friend feels almost too well. 
The younger one of the two quickly composes himself and wipes away his tears. "Thank you H-Hyung" 
Said man just smiles gently and pats his shoulder. "It's okay" 
"Seo-ie Hyung~ did you eat your food?" 
"Ah shit, here we go…" 
You could feel your senses coming back to you one by one, hearing being the first. 
"Cause of death?" 
"Spirit-Iron and Vampire-Root poisoning and rapid internal bleeding" 
"Time and date of death?" 
"4:37pm, January 25th 2920" 
"Name and age?" 
"L/N Y/N, 23" 
The two men got interrupted by a loud banging noise. 
"Ah shit, what did the intern do this time again" 
"We should check it out, it's not like she's going anywhere" 
"You're right, let's go" 
That's when you opened your eyes, sterile white light shining down on you as you sat up. 
To your surprise you were still in your clothes which were soaked in blood, but luckily not sticking to you anymore. You sat up and your feet met the ground. 
You tiptoe around the examination table and towards the door, carefully peeking around before navigating your way through the building with the help of signs hung up. 
"HOLY FUCK!!" you hear one of the two men scream. "THE CORPSE IS GONE! WHAT THE FUCK!!" 
You were surprised you weren't panicking, but that was a problem for later as you sprinted outside and into the forest which was near the mortuary, not paying attention to your surroundings. 
"What?" Your father's voice sounded through the living room and your Mother peered up. "What do you mean 'her corpse is gone'???"
Haeryeong could feel the feeling of dread creep up inside of her as she listened to what Hwanseok was saying. 
"Oh god" he mumbles. "N-No I don't think you should try and find her body- I'll take care of it. Yeah goodbye" 
"What the hell happened?" Haeryeong asks, eyes wide. 
"The mortuary called and said Y/N's body is gone" Hwanseok explains, "this must be some sick joke" 
"Do you think the Necromancer has something to do with it?" 
"As much as I want to believe he's not at fault, he's the only one who's capable of such thing" 
"What do you plan to do, Hwanseok?" Haeryeong asks, eyebrows furrowed in worry. 
"I'm going to pay him a little visit tomorrow" 
You finally stopped running when you felt like you were far enough into the woods, sitting down against a tree. 
That's when you started noticing the details. 
No breathing, no racing heartbeat or pulse, no sense of fear or threat. 
What the hell was going on? Weren't you just on your way home from that frat party with Junghwa? Your drink tasted weird and everything was spinning until it just went black. 
Did someone put a weird potion into your drink? 
You don't know for how long you've been sitting there, but it somehow felt like an eternity and it dawned on you that you were most probably dead. 
The lack of a heartbeat and breathing was worrying and so fucking confusing, if your body would still be able to you would've totally panicked. Yet here you were, sitting totally calm against the bark of a tree, trying to grasp the situation. 
It was just so illogical how your brain is still working but your heart doesn't beat. It defies all the knowledge of the body's anatomy and it drives you wild. 
Slowly getting up again you try and see where you can go, but everything is just so dark and you can't see past the thick trees and small rays of light the moon provides, but you heard what felt like every little noise. 
And then the crunching of leaves and twigs snapping got your attention, head whipping around to look towards where the noise was coming from. 
You were on high alert as you kept your eyes on the spot. 
"Are you lost?" A male voice asks you, but you remain silent and press yourself against the tree. "Hey don't be scared" 
You hold your tongue at the snarky reply that was about to slip out when the man steps forward onto a spot illuminated by the moonlight. 
"Who are you?" You ask, getting ready to defend yourself. 
"I-" the guy stumbles over his words, probably not having expected this question, "I'm Seoho, the Necromancer" 
That's when you notice the black outline of the Spellmark around his left eye, a stark contrast to his light skin. 
You take a tentative step forward, more into the moonlight and you see the man's eyes widen. "No- No this can't be real" 
Furrowing your brows and tilting your head you ask him, "what can't be real? Do I know you?" 
He sinks to his knees in what looks like shock and you go closer, squatting down in front of him. "Hey what's wrong?" 
Seoho looks almost mortified as his eyes meet yours. "I-I watched you die just a few hours ago! There w-was so much blood!" 
A confused pout forms on your lips as you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "That explains a lot…" You mumble, "I woke up in this mortuary and ran into the forest without knowing where to go" 
Your little explanation seems to have stirred something in the guy as a sob wrecks his body and you don't know what to do with yourself right then and there. "Hey- please don't cry!" 
He laughs dryly and wipes his eyes. "I'm sorry this is just- overwhelming" 
"But aren't you used to seeing dead people come back to life?" You ask. 
To your surprise Seoho shakes his head. "That's what everyone thinks, you know?" He sniffs a little and regains his composure. "But I have only ever revived one person" 
"Yeah so… it's kind of new to me" He says, "and I actually didn't revive you, Y/N" 
"What? Hold up- what?" You're taken aback by his statement and look into his eyes, disregarding the fact that he knows your name. "What do you mean? Are you saying I came back to life by myself??" 
He runs a hand through his black hair, exposing his forehead briefly before answering you. "It looks like you did, yeah. I don't know how that's possible but-" 
"Hyung, where did you run off to?!" Someone yells from a distance away and you see the man tense. 
"You should go back to your friend, I'm sure he's worried" you suggest and stand up. "I think I'll go back home-"
"No!" Seoho frantically exclaims and you give him a surprised look. "I mean- don't go home! I should check up on you first!" 
Playing with your fingers, you think about it for a second before the new voice calls out again. 
"Seo-ie Hyung~" he chimes. "Where are you~" 
The sorcerer gives you a pleading look as he also rises back onto his feet, his taller figure slightly towering over you. 
"Fine" you give in and a smile breaks out on his face, a cute eye smile hiding his eyes in a crescent moon shape. 
"Hyungie I found you!" The voice exclaims from behind Seoho and quick footsteps approach you two as the guy jumps onto the older one's back. "Ohhh who's that?" 
The guy is shorter than Seoho and his hair a bright pink, his eyes flashing yellow for a second as he curiously blinks at you.
"Uh.. hi?" You awkwardly greet and wave your hand at him. 
He hops down from Seoho's back and approaches you, circling around your figure. "How would you never want to die?" 
The question catches you off guard and you furrow your brows while watching his movements. "I guess being burnt alive sounds pretty gruesome" 
He starts laughing hysterically only to stop after a few seconds. "I see~" he says and stands in front of you, holding out his hand for you to shake while Seoho watches you two closely. "I'm Hwanwoong! What about you?" 
You take his hand cautiously and shake it, his strong grip startling you slightly, not having expected someone of his size to be so strong. But then again; never judge a book by its cover. "I'm Y/N" 
"Your hand is awfully cold, N/N-ie" He comments. "Are you sick?" 
"Woongie, that's enough" Seoho finally steps in, "we should head back, yeah?" 
Hwanwoong releases his grip on your hand and nods with a big smile. "Should I hurry back first and tell Grumpy Hyung about your guest?" 
You hold back a laugh at what he called his older friend. 
"Yeah, do that" Seoho nods and cracks a smile. "But don't call him Grumpy, you know he hates that" 
"That's why he is grumpy hyung! But okay, I'm going~" Hwanwoong giggles like a child and starts running away. 
"I'm sorry for this… weird encounter" The sorcerer turns to you with a sheepish smile. "You know how shapeshifters are" 
"It's fine don't worry" you wave it off, "he's actually quite alright" 
Seoho snorts at what you said and clears his throat. "Just wait until he has a fit… then he's not so alright anymore" 
"We should go now" 
You bite back the question you were going to ask and opt for just nodding as you follow beside him, navigating through the woods. 
"Are we there soon? It feels like we've been walking for days" You complain and Seoho chuckles. 
"Don't worry we'll be there in 2 more minutes, Y/N" 
Then you suddenly realized that he knew your name before you even told him or his friend. 
"Wait.. you knew my name before" 
"Did you forget what I said? About watching you die under my hands?" 
"Your father had someone get me" 
You remain silent, since it made perfect sense now. 
Seoho leads the way through a particular dark part of the forest before a giant building comes into view. 
"That's it" He says and looks at you. 
"Woah" You comment in astonishment and meet his gaze. "This is where you live?" 
The sorcerer gives you a proud smile and nods. "Yup. I live here with five other friends. They're my family" 
A soft smile also reaches your face. 
"Ohh Seo-ie Hyung is back!" Hwanwoong's voice is loud as he practically yells that. 
Both Seoho and you turn your gazes to the front door, Hwanwoong's bright pink hair standing out against the dark interior, a taller man in a red suit standing next to him. 
Seoho takes a hold of your wrist and drags you towards them. "Hey Hyung" he greets the taller one. "Did Woongie tell you?" 
"Yeah" the guy nods, his attention then on you. "May I ask for your name?" 
He speaks very… formal, detached even, you notice. "I'm L/N Y/N" 
The man gives you a tight smile. "You can call me Ravn for now. Nice to make your acquaintance" 
"Ah, me too" you awkwardly bow a bit, making a chuckle erupt from the tall guy. 
"Let's head inside" Seoho speaks up again and enters with you first up, practically shoving you inside before the other two follow close behind. 
He shows you into a hospital-like room and makes you sit down on one of the four beds. "I'll be right back okay? I just need to get my assistant" 
"Alright" you nod and watch him leave, closing the door behind him so you decide on just looking around the room. 
It looks pretty sterile, IV-Bags next to every bed but without fluid, monitors of all kinds and also a sink next to the door. It looks like they took lots of instruments from a hospital room. 
You don't remember where you heard it, but you're pretty sure someone once told you that the Necromancer's healing abilities were pretty weak, so he had to rely a lot on potions and normal things like they are in here. 
Just when you finished your thought, the door opened again. 
"No way" a green haired man says and looks at you, calmly sitting on the bed while Seoho closes the door behind them. "You- How?" 
"I told you, I don't know. That's why I got you to help me check her up" 
The two guys go and grab some stuff from around the room and put it on the table next to the bed you're sitting on. 
"Hey uhm" you speak up, "I heard you're not that good with healing stuff" 
A pang of hurt flashes across his face for a second after your comment. 
"Ah! I'm not making fun of you! It's just that-" with frantic hand motions you try to explain yourself, "I'm one of the best healers in this land so maybe I could help you out..?" 
The hurt in his face immediately gets replaced with relief and he exchanges glances with his companion. "I mean, I don't see why not" Seoho bashfully smiles at you. "It would mean a lot to me" 
You smile back at him. "Okay we can talk about that later, right? What kind of stuff do you need to check?" 
"Well first of all we need to check your blood" the green haired guy starts explaining, "then we need to check your vitals and brain activity and lastly abilities" 
"No physical tests or anything?" You ask and raise a brow. 
"What Leedo forgot to say" Seoho now answers, "is that yes, we will do physical tests, but they come after the stuff he listed" 
"Ohh I see" you nod in understanding. 
Seoho goes to grab a syringe and you watch him closely. "I hope you're not afraid of needles" 
"Actually I am" you reply, bending back a bit to get away from the instrument. "I've always hated them" 
A frown pulls on the sorcerer's lips. "I'm sorry. We do need a bit of your blood though…" 
You fight yourself for a few seconds before giving in. "Please make it quick" and the man nods, patting your knee briefly. 
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cocastyle · 5 years
Change - Ch. 1 | T W O
Paring - Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 4,863
A/N - Merry Christmas! I’m already so overwhelmed by the love and support this series has gotten with only one chapter out! it’s crazy tbh and we still have the whole series to look forward to! I can’t wait for you all to see what is in store! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
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T W O - New Friends
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Stanley's voice was all Y/N could hear as she quietly played with the hem of her yellow dress while her cousin practiced the readings he would have to cite from the Torah. She didn't quite understand all that he was saying due to the fact he was stuttering and mispronouncing a few words, but she understood the gist of it and that was all that mattered so she was proud to say the least.
Y/N always had loved listening to her cousin, his voice holding a soft and warm tone to it that made her relax every time he opened his mouth. But just when a small smile had begun to play on her face as she listened to the boy, her uncle, Donald Uris, had stopped him, a deep frown on his face as he said, "You're not studying, Stanley."
Y/N glanced up from her dress to look at her uncle who stood above the two on the level above. She glanced at Stan who had lowered his head ever so slightly, his shoulders tense as he stared at the book in front of him.
"How's it gonna look. . .the rabbi's son can't finish his own Torah reading," his father frowned, shaking his head slightly at the boy. "Take the book to my office. Obviously you're not using it."
Y/N winced at the harsh words before looking over at Stan again, the boy nodding numbly as he picked the book up. His eyes flickered over to lock with her own and she offered him a small smile which he returned with a weak one before he disappeared from the room to put the book up.
"Y/N," her uncle called out and the girl was quick to look up at him. "I'm going to go grab my things and then you and Stanley can meet me in the car, okay?"
Y/N nodded silently in response and her uncle seemed to like that because he gave her a small nod as well before walking away, leaving the girl to sit by herself in the middle of the synagogue. She didn't know how long she was sitting there before she began to grow a little impatient from waiting on her cousin. Why it took Stan so long to put up a single book was beyond her, but she couldn't bring herself to go after him and tell him to hurry up, thinking it to be too mean.
So Y/N just sat there silently, her fingers messing with the hem of her dress once again as she softly hummed to herself.
The young girl instantly tensed before her head shot up, her eyes flickering around her in confusion at the voice that had sounded an awfully lot like her father's. "Peanut," the voice said again and Y/N found herself jumping up onto her feet.
"Dad?" she questioned, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she gulped. What was her father doing here? Hadn't she been sent away so that he and her mother could finish off the divorce?
"It's all your fault, Peanut," her father's voice rang out, a confused look crossing the girl's face at those words. "How could you split your mother and I up like this? If it weren't for you, we'd still be together. We wouldn't even need this stupid divorce."
"I-I. . ." Y/N began, but she froze once she saw a figure standing in the shadows on the other side of the room, the figure belonging to someone she thought was her father.
"You split up our family! You're the reason everything's gone to shit. No wonder we sent you away for the summer. It's not because we need a break from each other. It's because we need a break from you," her father hissed, his voice growing nastier and more hateful by the second.
"I didn't mean to. I didn't know!" Y/N defended herself, but her voice was low and trembly and her eyes had already begun to prickle with tears.
"You're a shitty excuse for a daughter. We should just get rid of you now before you can ruin our lives further," her father spat, his words hitting Y/N so hard that she had to wrap her arms around herself for comfort.
"Dad," Y/N cried out, but all he did was laugh in response. However, he wasn't laughing for long before the sound of his laughter seemed to change pitches, morphing into laughter that Y/N didn't recognize as the figure started to make its way into the light.
Y/N felt her breath get caught in her throat at the sight of a clown standing there, the figure turning out to not even be her father. Did that mean the clown had been the one to say all those things?
"Oh, poor little Y/N. All alone and loved by no one," the clown mocked.
"That's. . .that's not true," Y/N insisted as she shook her head, her feet glued to the floor while the clown slowly began to walk towards her.
"Your parents sent you away for the summer, did they not? And your cousin Stanley. Well, he can't stand you. There's a reason he hasn't come back yet you know. He just wants to enjoy the time he has away from you," the clown told her, a smirk spreading across its face as it grew closer.
"That's not true!" Y/N exclaimed, tears falling down her face as she tried to ignore the clown's words. However, that was hard when her biggest fear was the people she cared about leaving her and not caring about her anymore.
"You're alone. You're worthless," the clown muttered, now only a few feet away. He stopped before he could get any closer and Y/N could do nothing more than just stare at him, silently praying that her uncle or even Stan might return to save her.
"No one could ever love you."
Then, before Y/N could even blink, the clown was running at her, its mouth opening up wide to reveal rows of teeth that had Y/N screaming. The high pitched scream that left her lips combined with the high pitched scream of her cousin coming from upstairs (which she had yet to notice) was enough to jerk her body into motion, the girl bolting away from the clown and out of the synagogue as fast as she could.
She was just about to run out the front door when someone coming from the stairs collided into her. Y/N hit the ground hard and opened her eyes only to come face to face with someone else. Another scream escaped her lips and it was quickly returned by the person she had run into—her cousin, Stan.
"Jesus, Stanley!" Y/N cried out, her eyes wide with fear as she pushed herself up onto her feet.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming. Are you. . .are you okay?" Stan asked worriedly as he got up onto his feet, his body tense as he looked around him almost like he was afraid someone would pop out at them.
Y/N was silent for a moment as she looked back towards the room she had just come from. The clown had disappeared and there didn't seem to be any sign of him having existed at all. Not wanting to freak her cousin out or have him thinking she was crazy, the girl just sent Stan a small forced smile.
"Oh, I'm fine," she assured him, her eyes flickering over his slightly pale face. "What about you? Are you okay?"
"What? Me? Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Stan asked, his voice rushing out quickly.
However, Y/N didn't seem to notice and only gave the boy a sympathetic smile before saying, "Your father was a bit harsh back there." Stan's face fell at that, both out of relief and embarrassment since Y/N had to witness the whole thing. "Hey, it's okay. You'll get it. I can even help you practice if you want."
Stan looked up to his cousin in surprise. "Really? You'd do that?" the boy asked, his voice coming out soft as his eyes flickered over her face looking for a sign that she didn't actually want to help him.
"Of course. I've got nothing better to do," Y/N pointed out, a nervous laugh escaping her lips as she looked back towards where the clown had been standing only moments before.
Stan looked in the direction she was looking in confusion, but quickly looked away when he heard a loud honking from outside. "Shit, that's my dad. We should go," Stan muttered and Y/N swore she had never agreed to something so fast in her life.
So together, the two walked out of the synagogue, leaving the nightmares they had just witnessed behind them.
- - -
Y/N stared at her hands which had balled into fists in front of her, her knuckles so white that she swore if she tightened her grip anymore her fingers might fall off. It was the next day and officially the first day of summer, but Y/N had yet to get the events that had taken place the day before out of her head.
Her father's voice. . .the clown. . .it had all just seemed too real to be something her brain had made up.
"Y/N!" Stan's voice rang out from downstairs, instantly snapping the girl out of her thoughts.
She quickly relaxed her hands and lifted her head before calling out, "Yes?"
"Bill, Richie and Eddie are here! I'm going to go ahead and get my bike, but I'll meet you outside, okay?" Stan asked.
"Okay," Y/N called out to him before she heard the sound of her cousin's footsteps disappearing and the sound of the door slamming behind him. It was only then that Y/N looked back to herself in the mirror, pausing slightly to take in her appearance and fix her hair once again before she was walking out of her room to go meet up with the boys outside.
Outside, Stan was already standing near his friends, his bike by his side as Richie rambled on about how he was sure Y/N had gotten even hotter since the last time they saw her. "I mean, five years is a long time. She's probably a total babe by now," Richie rambled. "Do you know if she has a boyfriend?"
"No," Stan muttered in annoyance. "She does not."
Richie glanced over at Bill and nudged him slightly with his elbow. "You hear that, Bill? There's still a chance," Richie teased.
Bill sent his friend a small glare in his direction, but it was quickly replaced by a look of pure shock, his eyes widening slightly and his mouth falling open as he looked at something behind Richie. Both Richie and Eddie gave the boy a confused look before turning around, their eyes widening at the sight before them while Stan just smiled.
Coming out the front door was none other than Y/N Uris herself, the girl definitely having grown up since the last time they had seen her. Her hair was long now, a sharp contrast from the small bob cut she had sported five years ago. Although she still had some growing up to do, it was obvious Y/N had grown into her features more, her body having natural curves that hadn't always been there and that would only grow more defined with age.
Bill didn't know why his face heated up at the sight of her, but it did. And boy, when she looked up at the group, her eyes brightening before she gave them a bright smile, Bill swore his heart stopped.
"Holy shit," Richie muttered as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Stan the Man, you've been holding out on us. Your cousin's smokin'!"
Stan scrunched his nose up in disgust and was quick to whack his friend in the arm before Y/N could hear. Y/N gave her cousin a curious look as she came to a stop before the boys, but Stan just shrugged in response.
Y/N shook her head with a small smile on her face before turning her attention to the three boys who stood staring at her with wide eyes. "Boys," Y/N greeted as she nodded at them. "It's been a while.”
"It sure has and damn has time been good to you," Richie flirted, throwing a wink to the girl who blushed slightly as she rolled her eyes.
"You sure haven't changed one bit now have you, Tozier?" Y/N asked, her smile growing while Richie chuckled softly.
"Oh, trust me, sweetheart, I've changed. In more ways than one," Richie joked, winking to the girl.
"Beep beep, Richie," Eddie hissed as he glared at the boy, instantly earning the attention of Y/N who smiled widely at the sight of him.
"Eddie!" Y/N exclaimed happily. "How are you? How's your mom?"
"I'm-I'm doing just fine, Y/N. Thanks for asking," Eddie blushed, surprised that she had asked him that. "And. . .uh. . .my mom's doing well."
"That's good," Y/N smiled before turning her attention to the last person in the group. Her smile was wide as her eyes flickered over Bill who was staring at her in awe.
"H-H-Hi," Bill finally managed to whisper out, both of them getting flashbacks to the first time they had met.
"Hi," Y/N replied softly, tilting her head ever so slightly as she looked at the boy. Bill couldn't stop the blush that was growing on his cheeks and he was quick to look down at his feet, smiling slightly when he heard the soft giggles that escaped Y/N's lips.
"Damn, Bill's already trying to get the girl," Bill heard Richie whisper to Eddie. Thankfully Eddie seemed to be thinking the same as Bill and was quick to whack the boy in the back of his head as he gave him a 'what the fuck' look.
Stan shook his head at his friends before clearing his throat to gain their attention. "We should probably get going if we want to stay at the Barrens for a while," Stan suggested, his eyes flickering between the three boys before landing on his cousin.
Bill coughed and shifted awkwardly by his bike before nodding his head. "Stan's right. We sh-sh-should go," Bill said and the others didn't object.
Not having a bike of her own, Y/N walked over and joined Stan on his bike, wrapping her arms around her cousin's waist before they took off along with the others. Y/N couldn't help but smile and hold her arms out by her side as she enjoyed the feeling of the wind rushing through her hair and the sun kissing her face.
It was moments like these where Y/N forgot about all of the problems that seemed to follow her wherever she went, her parents' divorce being pushed to the back of her head as a feeling of happiness took over her body. For that feeling as if she were flying and the happiness coursing through her veins, it was enough to make her feel like she was on top of the world.
Bill was unable to stop himself from looking towards the girl, a smile appearing on his face as he admired her. As if sensing his gaze, Y/N's eyes flickered open and she glanced over at him. Their eyes locked for a split second before Bill quickly looked away, silently wondering to himself why he kept staring at the girl and why she was making him so flustered.
Shaking his head, the boy quickly began to pedal fast, exclaiming, "Hi-ho Silver awaaay!"
This earned a round of laughter from the others while Y/N shook her cousin's arm and exclaimed, "Hurry, Stanley!"
"Your old lady bike's too fast for us!" Richie complained as him and the others hurried after Bill and towards their destination.
The Barrens.
- - -
"That's poison ivy. And that's poison ivy," Stan listed off, pointing to different plants as he did. "And that's poison ivy."
Y/N glanced at her cousin and gave him a confused look, but just shook her head and looked to the ground, not wanting to have to explain to him how not everything he saw was poison ivy.
However, Eddie seemed to be the only one to believe him, the boy's eyes widening in horror as he stepped away from the plants. He bumped into Y/N and gave her an apologetic smile before looking to Stan. "Where? Where's the poison ivy?" he asked.
Stan went to point at the plants again, but Richie was quick to dismiss the boy. "No where, not every fucking plant is poison ivy, Stanley," Richie muttered in annoyance making Stan's face drop slightly.
Y/N glanced at her cousin and gave him a sympathetic smile as she reached out and grabbed ahold of his arm, hugging it lightly. Stan's eyes met her own and he returned the smile, already letting Richie's words roll off of him.
"Ok well I'm starting to get itchy now and I'm pretty sure this is not good for me," Eddie said as the five began to walk towards the Barrens, ditching their bikes on the side of the river.
"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie asked, glancing back at the small boy who frowned and nodded his head.
"Sometimes, yeah."
"Then you probably have crabs."
A look of pure horror flickered across Eddie's face as he looked to Richie who was trying not to burst out laughing. "That's so not funny," Eddie frowned.
Y/N watched as Bill turned his flashlight on before taking the lead and starting to journey into the sewers. The girl grimaced slightly at the sloshing around sound that followed as the boy walked inside, the smell hitting her nose and it taking all of her being not to gag.
She didn't want to upset Bill, so Y/N continued walking forward just behind Richie. However, Stan stopped short and since she was still holding onto his arm, she was forced to stop as well. She turned to give her cousin a confused look only to find him staring at the sewers with a disgusted look in his face, a tiny bit of fear evident in his eyes.
"Aren't you guys coming in?" Richie called out and that was when Y/N noticed that not only had her and Stan stopped, but Eddie as well.
"Uhuh that's gray water," Eddie replied with a shake of his head.
Richie gave the boy a look before scrunching you his nose and rolling his eyes. "What the hell is gray water?" Richie asked, sounding almost exasperated.
"It's basically piss and shit. So I'm just telling you. . ." Eddie began. "You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee."
Y/N chuckled softly and looked away from the boy, her eyes locking on Bill who was walking further into the sewer. Not wanting him to go alone and knowing that Richie would be arguing with Eddie for a while, Y/N gently let go of her cousin's arm and slipped into the sewers.
Stan didn't notice her leaving until it was too late. He tried to grab for her, but Y/N was already walking away and Stan was too afraid to go after her, so he was left standing there with a frown on his face.
Y/N tried not to grimace as she walked towards Bill. As long as she didn't focus on the smell or the knowledge that she was in the sewers, it wouldn't be too bad.
"Are. . .are you serious?" Eddie questioned as Y/N walked past Richie who had picked up a stick that had been floating in the water. He began to sniff it and Eddie gagged.
"Doesn't smell like caca to me, Señor," Richie told him.
"O-O-Okay, I can smell it from here," Eddie complained.
"It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face," Richie joked making Eddie huff in frustration.
Eddie had to inhale deeply just to keep himself from yelling at the boy and only when he was calm did he speak again. "Have you ever heard of a staph infection?" he asked.
"Oh, I'll show you a "staff" infection," Richie said as he went to pick something up with the stick, neither him nor Eddie noticing Stan roll his eyes at the two quarreling boys.
Bill didn't even turn as he heard his two best friend arguing, the situation being nothing new. He merely rolled his eyes and continued flashing his flashlight towards the water, hoping to find a sign that his little brother Georgie had even there.
"That's so unsanitary," Eddie cried out. "This is literally. . .This is literally like swimming inside of a toilet bowl right now. Have you ever heard of listeria?" Eddie's voice was cut off by him screaming out as Richie tossed something from the sewer at him.
Y/N chuckled softly before finally reaching Bill's side. He was just standing back up with something in his hand and turned to look at his friends only to bump into Y/N, the two suddenly face to face. Bill's eyes widened at the close proximity, but it was like he was frozen in headlights and unable to move.
Y/N blinked in surprise, her eyes flickering over Bill's face. She couldn't help but notice the slight blush that was beginning to grow on his cheeks, but she wasn't one to talk since she knew hers were turning red as well.
"Did you. . .did you find anything?" Y/N asked softly and that was enough to have Bill snapping out of whatever trance he had been in. The boy quickly took a step back before looking down.
"Y-Y-Yeah," he whispered as he shined the flashlight on the shoe he had found floating in the water.
Y/N took a step forward, not really caring about how close they were as she took a closer look at the shoe. However, Bill did notice their closeness and he really hoped she didn't hear his shaky breathing or his heart which felt like it was about to thump out of his chest.
He had really hoped that after not seeing the girl for five years, that his old feelings for her would be gone. But boy was he wrong. Seeing her again just made all the feelings surface once again and if he didn't know any better he might've even said they were worse than the last time.
"Betty Ripsom," Y/N whispered out, reading the small tag on the inside. A small gasp escaped her lips as she looked up at Bill. "Stanley mentioned her once. She's the girl that just went missing not too long ago, correct?"
Bill nodded and Y/N took a step back as she let out a shaky breath. "Well, shit," she whispered, the sound of her cursing being so adorable that Bill couldn't stop the corner of his mouth from twitching up slightly.
Bill seemed to realize what he was doing and quickly shook his head to rid himself of his thoughts of Y/N before looking towards his friends who were still crowded by the entrance. "Guys!" Bill called out, the three boys instantly going quiet as they turned to see Bill holding the shoe while Y/N held a hand to her forehead.
"Shit," Stan muttered, his voice cracking slightly in fear. "Don't tell me that's. . ."
"No. Georgie was w-w-wearing galoshes," Bill informed him, but that didn't seem to make Stan feel any better. Richie walked over to Y/N and Bill before taking a look at the shoe as well.
"Whose sneaker is it?" Eddie asked.
"It's Betty Ripsom's," Richie replied as he read the name written inside.
"Shit! Shit, oh god, oh fuck!" Eddie exclaimed as he shook his head. "I don't like this."
"How do you think Betty feels?" Richie asked causing Y/N to look at him. "Running around these tunnels with only one fucking shoe." The boy hopped on one foot and let out a small laugh but the others didn't laugh.
Richie looked to Y/N, hoping to at least earn a laugh out of the girl but she merely rolled her eyes at him and lightly whacked him in the back of the head. Richie gave her a shy smile and that was enough to make her let out a small laugh, Richie's smile instantly widening at that.
"What if she's still here?" Stan asked, his voice small. That caused Y/N and Richie to look away from each other and over at the boy, Bill finally pulling his gaze away from Y/N with a sad look in his eyes.
Y/N gulped before looking at the tunnel behind her. She then glanced at Bill, the boy's eyes locking with hers almost instantly. She seemed to be silently asking him if he wanted to do this and when he gave her the smallest nod in return, Y/N took in a deep breath before beginning to walk further into the sewers with Bill by her side.
Richie noticed the two moving and was quick to fall into step behind them, calling over his shoulder, "Eddie, come on!"
"My mom will have an aneurysm, okay, if she finds out we were playing down here," Eddie called out, his words making the three stop. "I'm serious."
Y/N couldn't help but think that Eddie had a point. If her parents were here they would be the same way. That is. . .if they even cared.
"Bill?" Eddie called out, knowing that Bill was the one calling the shots. The boy was hesitant to turn around, but when he did he found four pairs of eyes staring back at him, four lives that he was basically in charge of at that moment.
"If-If I was Betty Ripsom, I would want us to find me. G-G-Georgie too," Bill said, his words making Eddie and Stan look down. It was obvious neither of them wanted to be here and if Y/N was entirely honest with herself, there was a part of her that would much rather be at the quarry than walking through a sewer.
"What if I don't want to find them?" Eddie finally asked, his question making Bill look at him in surprise. "I mean, no offense, Bill, but I do not want to end up like G-" Eddie quickly stopped himself before he could finish his thought and Richie and Y/N both looked to Bill who was trying his hardest not to cry.
Y/N felt her heart ache for the boy and she ever so slightly reached out before placing a hand on his arm, a small way of comforting him without bringing attention to his state or them. Bill clenched his jaw and looked to the ground while Eddie sighed from the entrance of the tunnel.
"I don't want to go missing either," Eddie corrected himself.
"He has a point," Stan muttered and that was enough to have Y/N letting go of Bill's arm as she looked to her cousin.
"You too?" Bill asked, a hint of betrayal in his voice.
Stan looked at Bill in silence for a minute before inhaling and saying, "It's summer. Y/N hasn't been here in five years and this is the first summer I finally get to have her back here again."
Y/N felt her heart drop at that, the sadness that her cousin had been trying to hide from her for all of these years he'd had to spend without her being hidden within those very words. She hadn't known he had missed her as much as she had missed him.
"We're supposed to be having fun," Stan said, his eyes locked on Y/N before he forced them away to look at Bill. "This isn't fun. This is scary and disgusting-"
Before Stan could finish what he was saying, the sound of splashing water had the five tensing up while Stan and Eddie quickly turned to look behind them. Y/N was quick to run back towards the entrance, stopping by Stan's side as he reached out and put a hand on her arm.
Their eyes widened slightly at the sight of a boy around their age flailing in the water. He tried to get up onto his feet only to fall again and it was only when Y/N squinted her eyes to get a good look at him that she noticed he was bleeding from both his stomach and his nose.
"Holy shit," Richie cried out as he ran over and stopped in between Eddie and Y/N, the boy looking up to them once he realized he wasn't alone.
"What happened to you?"
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thinking journal for season 12 Prime Empire 😎😎😎 (1/2)
So, I'm keeping this during all of season 12 to put down my thoughts as they appear. It's mostly for not ranting every single time a new episode comes out so please don't mind me too much 😅 I'm following the English release so please no spoilers 😙
I'm gonna split it in two, since apparently the season has 16 episodes. So this is the first part, enjoy my rambling 💜💜
It's the 30th of March and here we go!
I'm so, SO HAPPY, we have a theme for this season. For my experience apparently silly themes (tech ninja, ghosts, pirates) had brought very surprising results so I'm SO DOWN FOR THIS 😍😍
It seems that they fixed the mood, there is a specific mystery and a specific mission to follow. I like it too
I'm really glad there are plenty of references to past episodes, comebacks are my jam
The only thing that still kinda bothers me is the length of the episodes. It's not all bad, I just think the 20 minutes format was better. One thing is splitting 20 in 10 minutes, another is putting together 11 minutes of important stuff. Doesn't bother me too much, I just wish there was more time for my favorite show 🤷‍♀️
Is it normal for me to feel really old after they made the "what is a VCR?" joke? Like, I'm a uni student so still pretty young, but I lived through the transition from that to the DVD so... eh, I laughed anyway👵
Jay is smart, I really believe he is. Yet I saw him putting a possibly corrupted motherboard into a legendary game randomly found into a villain's lair, and I was like "Of course he did that, I love you you dumb*ss" raising my glass of juice towards him 😎
Okay, I'm down for this Lloyd. I'm down for a season with Lloyd being creeped out just because, being silly, just a ninja helping his friends and- (remembers there's a Harumi avatar in the sets) I'M NOT READY
The ending was actually nicely creepy. Cool nods in approval
THAT INTRO THOUGH, THAT WAS EPIC! Love the techno sounds, love the clear gaming connection, I rate it 10/HECK YEAH LONG LIVE THE FOLD
I was scared about how the shorts were supposed to play along with the season, but it looks fine so far with the mechanic and later for Scott. Good 👍
Ah, Fist to Face, that game came all over from the nostalgic season 1. That's what I'm talking about 😎
So they just associated that Unagami is probably Dyer's avatar like that? Like sure, I thought about it, but it looks a little rushed. Mm, I wonder if there's something more behind it?
Cyrus Borg is back and he TALKS!!! Finally, he gets some action! Go tech dad!
I'm so happy he referenced the Digiverse, I would have been very disappointed if he hadn't. Time flies Borg...
Not gonna lie, I thought the next to follow up Jay's spot as best in videigames was going to be Kai or Lloyd. It's not disappointing though, since pretty much all the ninja have been seen playing, and to be honest I like the implication that Cole and Jay probably played a lot together. As bruiseshipping or as BrOTP, I still love them together no matter what 💙🖤💙🖤
Ooooohhhhh, that's why Zane and Pixal are left behind. It makes sense, sure, but I don't understand the implication of the plan: they saw Dyer entering Prime Empire, so why looking for him in real life? Mm, maybe they will investigate about his life and what happened... PIXANE ON THE CASE 😍
Already saw Prime Empire's world in the shorts, of course it looks DOPE, still very happy to finally being there!
I don't know why, but Kai questioning the double jump made me laugh. Also poor him, he just got his powers back from last season and they're already gone again 😂
And of course. Them. Wow. It must be the most amazing and CURSED thing I've ever seen so far, the League of Jay 🤯 I'm so happy they exist and they freaking use past seasons' suits!!! Awesome!!! Never thought I was going to see Jay's old plain haircut again... yeah, he got better with the curly one, but I'm feeling nostalgic 🤷‍♀️
Their nick are histerical omg, Jaybird, Dee-Jay, Jaywalkin, I'm loving this way more than I should 😂 Also they freaking screamed "JAY-NJA GOO!!!" and I don't know what to do with that, it's too great for me to comprehend 👏👏
And then, THIS happened:
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Your Honor, I would like to confirm this as THE MOST SECRET DREAM I'VE EVER HAD FOR THIS SHOW FINALLY COMING TRUE!!! A NINJA FROM NINJAGO DOING THE NARUTO RUN!!! 🤯🤯🤯 Done, I'm done, conclude the season, this is more than enough for me 😍
First Kai gets hit and fall from a building, DYING, then Lloyd gets desperate for his brother (MY BROTP 💚❤💚❤), then Kai respawns and Lloyd looks so relieved and Kai is all panting while slowly realizing it's a game and MY HEART CAN'T HANDLE THIS MUCH OKAY???
As a very passionate Kai fangirl I always expect the cringy moment, it really is inevitable for my favorite hothead. I love that idiot so much it's unbelievable, even if it's an absolute and costant suffering 😅 Holy Garmadon it was painful seeing his VERY slow realization that in this game you only have four lives
Okay, I did not expect to hear about Mr. Cuddly Wamp ever again since Hands of Time and BOY if I'm happy it was actually a password, I love this show 😂
Okay, for as long as it is not debunked, I will hold onto the Scott is Jay's brother/twin theory. I'm sorry but: his jacket has dragons AND lightnings on it, they have very similar skin in avatar mode, he said he was waiting for him in the short, he could very well have his same hair under cap and hoodie and he's a mechanic too. I know, I know, they could have the same skin because Scott helped him for the avatar, and there might be shadier reason behind the 'I was waiting for you' thing, and there are tons of good mechanics in Ninjago... STILL HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE??? 😍
SCOTT HAS ONE LIFE POINT TOO??? NO! NOOO!!! NOOOOOOO!!! Don't you dare appear and steal my heart only to die at the end of the season, come on!! 😭
So for now it seems like he just wants to survive. Can we actually confirm he's an avatar and not an NPC? I mean he could be, but I don't see the point of an NPC self aware of his life points. Idk, maybe I'm overthinking this 🤷‍♀️
Lol, Kai is the only one weirded out by the Jay-con all around him. Probably because he hasn't heard from his fans since Skybound 😅 (I'M STILL HERE MY FLAME BABE, ILY ❤❤❤)
And in all of his glory, freaking Superstar Rockin' Jay!!! 😎😎 Okay, I loved the design since the first time I saw it, but it looks possibly even better in the show 😍😍😍 And Jay looks absolutely adorable in it, and he's got a guitar, and he was waiting for his friends, and he hugs them (I'm weak for LEGO hugs for some reason) and he is so happy and AAAHHH 💙💙💙💙💙
I'm very curious about how Scott will play into the situation, clearly he will provide some kind of insight about Prime Empire. I can't wait to know more about him!! 😍
I did not expect this when I saw this Okino guy in the trailer... and I'm so happy I was surprised, I love him 👌
And he's voiced by Alessandro Juliani?? HECK YEAH!!! With all the hype about the DnD 13th season, and consequentially the knight theme, I really miss Nexo Knights and having Aaron's VA around makes me happy... any hope to have Giles Panton as well? I miss Clay the most 💙💙
This is what I'm talking about, the game theme needs this stuff! I was already happy to see life points, double jumps and respawns, but this? The NPC guide? Awesome 👍 It's nice to see the take on the matter, the guide seeing so many players getting killed, first because they did not listen, then because they were actually just unlucky. The touchy matter I always expect watching Ninjago 👏👏
At least I THINK he's an NPC? For now I don't really see a way of knowing, and it doesn't look like it matters. He didn't show life points so maybe? Does this mean he can't die? I have questions people
Which brings me to the cube thingies. That's what happens to the dead players? I mean, I would understand if they just become pixels, but there's also the drone that takes the datas every time. Idk, feels like there's more behind it. And honestly? It looks like great material for angst, like one of the ninja dies but then they discover they just need to get where Unagami stores all of the players! I hope it's something like this!
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They designs of the players are really cool, I already saw them in the other episodes, but seeing them this close just confirmed it. Between this and Jay's awesome avatar, I see lots of great cosplay ideas coming 😍 I wonder when will Kai and Lloyd use their avatars, and why would they since I'm guessing Jay did for disguise and to distinguish himself from his fans
PLEASE TELL ME WE'LL SEE SCOTT SOON, I ALREADY MISS HIM!!! 💙💙💙 I have too many theories about that tech dude, I'm so excited about who he might turn out to be!
I was a little skeptical about the new ninja suits, but seeing them in the show convinced me, very cool! Especially on Nya 💕💕💕
Alright, Okino is indeed an NPC. Cool the fact that at first he could not understand the fact that he was in a game, but when reality changed he was forced to. Welcome into the crew! 😙
I'm kinda worried about it though, either they will shut down the game and he will stay inside or he will sacrifice for them. He's a very loyal samurai, I can see that happening and I'm SCARED
I WAS SWEATING BULLETS AT THE AMBUSH!!! I 100% saw it coming, we all freaking saw it coming, even the ninja did but where like 'we can walk and die or we can risk and die so might as well'. But still, my babies DYING and respawning so fast was not pretty 😱😱
Nya got the scariest death until now in my opinion, holy Garmadon Dyer DOES have a twisted mind...
Seeing Kai so scared of being in a new situation and with one HP reminds me A LOT of the Digiverse, and that's actually a nice touch. Give him a cellphone, hothead is a social media expert, but put him in a game and... huuhhh... 😅
Have I mentioned I love the ninja's new emoji masks??
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BECAUSE I DO!!! 😂😂😂😂
So Unagami knows about them trying to stop him and he sent the rat people because of it. Considering how little we know about this guy, I'm wondering what we are about to discover
Alright, going to the next challenge, very curious about this adventure. So... beware of the rats, ninja? Still not sure what I think about the rats 😅
I would like to say Okino is the edgiest character of the show I've ever seen... but I've seen MORRO. But still poor guy, he got a case of the Matrix
Oooohhhh, the major question in videogames: better go grinding for more money to get the better stuff but while losing lots of time, or get the least expensive just to go on with the story but definitely risking to lose lives?
Ah there we go, so the energy cubes mean something! Also reference to the Sushimi guy of the set (gosh that name, I can't 😂). So do people actually die in Prime Empire or they are just kidnapped kinda? Can the ninja just bring back? ANGST POTENTIAL
Cole please don't die please don't die please don't die for the love of Garmadon please don't die somebody help-
Nya giving Kai a sweet look after seeing her brother is okay, that's what I live for 😍
So apparently Unagami is trying to build some kind of device using the energy cubes of the dead players (sounds kinda creepy like this 😱) to create some kind of portal? To Ninjago? I don't understand, if Unagami is Milton Dyer then why this? Just to bring his army and conquer? I mean I guess, sounds a little simple though. Then again, if it turns out it's not Dyer, it could be Unagami wanting to be real and get into his creator's world? Mm...
I like the message, having the ability to choose your own path. Very fitting for a game themed season, I hope it gets explored even more!
More for the "I love the ninja emoji masks of this season"'s compilation 😂😂😂
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Duuuude, Jay being good at mazes comes all the way from Possession, the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master! 😍 ... or maybe I just rewatch this show too much... could be both really 😅
Unagami is NASTY!
Confirmed the thing about going into the real world, what scares me is how much powers Unagami seems to actually possess. Like, can he do the block thingy whenever he wants? Just straight up pause and do whatever? Wow...
Jay being extra 😎
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I mean, of course he is, he's got better statics! 😂 I like how he seems so focused and in charge, I still hope we see more of him... and Scott... WHERE IS SCOTT???
I love dragons, this metal one is cute 😍
So now we have two ronin: a samurai looking for a path on his own in a digital world... and a shady guy named Ronin 😛 Total respect for Okino, he really showed the values he believes in. No matter he was programmed his way, I hope he finds what he's looking for. Better come back for the final battle!
One Keytana down, two more to go. I know one is the price of the race, while the last one... I don't really know.
More of the masks because I love them 😂 Here we have Vegeta Lloyd and Kawai Cole ✌✌
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
It's Not A Joke
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Captain Magnum x gender neutral!reader
@sierracolorstheworldofwords ty for the request!
A/N: The ending was a bit rushed because I wanted to get it done before I went to sleep and it is almost midnight,,, so,,, uh Rated T for swearing. Magnum being an oblivious FUCK and reader getting tired of his bullshit. Fluff. Slight angst at some points. This one's a bit short, sorry. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1.9k
You stare at Captain Magnum and sigh. He was so wonderful… he was fun, handsome, not to mention tall…
It's really no surprise you have a crush on him.
Every single person on the crew knows of your little crush, and you know that they know. It was obvious! You'd always stutter around him, you blushed whenever he complimented you, and you did everything he asked of you immediately and without question. Everyone knows.
Except, of course, the captain himself.
Everyone was surprised he didn't know, including you. You thought you were being pretty open about it. Granted, you hadn't actually told him yet, but he probably should've figured it out by now. For a pirate captain, he was pretty dumb.
"Really? Again?" Magnum's previous first mate asks. You'd started talking to him after you were made first mate, and you two got along. You both could complain about the captain to each other. You also learned his name was First Mate John. Well… just John now. You'd have to help him come up with a pirate name soon. You were a pretty shy person, but you were less so around John. You felt like you could be comfortable around him.
"Yes, again. What else am I supposed to do?" You scoff.
"I dunno... tell 'im?"
"If he hasn't figured it out by now, I'm not sure I want to," you both laugh.
"Fair enough," he smirks, 'but are ye at least gonna drop some hints or somethin'?" You slowly turn your head towards him.
"What do you think I've been doing the last 3 months?" You joke. He snorts and pats your shoulder.
"Best o' luck t' ye, kid," he chuckles. You give him a small wave goodbye and go back to looking at Magnum. He stands up from his spot on the stair leading to the wheel and starts walking over to you. You go into a mini panic as your heart speeds up and you go back to mopping the floor.
"First Mate Y/N!" He booms. You flinch at the volume.
"H-Hi captain," you stutter, avoiding his gaze, "W-What can I do for you?" He sets a strong hand on your shoulder and you buckle under the strength, your face heating up.
"I was wonderin' if ye would like t' be in charge o' th' next lootin'," he explains, "Ye've been here a while 'n I reckon ye could do it." Your eyes widen and you look up at him. That was apparently a bad idea because you were unable to form actual words after that.
"We, uh… I do.. I mean I'd… um…" you sputter out. He looks at you worriedly.
"Ye alright? Ye look unwell…" he reaches out and feels your forehead. You almost instantly pull away from him. He frowns.
"Ye're burnin' up, mate! Are ye sick?" He gently sets a hand on your head. You duck away, dropping your mop.
"I'm fine!" Your voice cracks, "I'm perfectly okay I just uh… I need to rest a bit is all! Yeah…" you speedwalk to the cabin you share with John and shut the door.
Magnum stands in the middle of the deck, feeling very confused.
"That was strange," he said to himself, "I wonder wha' th' problem be…"
About half an hour passed and you were sitting in your bed, your face in your hands. You went over the interaction several times in your head, feeling the same amount of embarrassment and shame each and every time. John walks into your shared room, looking smug.
"I reckon that went well, don't ye?" He teases.
"Shut up…" you groan.
"If he didn' know ye liked 'im afore, he oughta know now."
"And if he doesn't, I'm throwing myself overboard." John laughs and sits on your bed. You peek at him through your fingers.
"Kid, I mean no offense towards th' cap'n, but he's a moron. At least when it comes t' feelin's," you snort in agreement. "Ye needs t' tell 'im directly if ye wants 'im t' know." You remove your hands from your face and sigh.
"Ok… I'll tell him…" you pause. "Later…" John smiles at you.
"There we go," he consoles. He thinks for a moment, wondering what could take your mind off things, before speaking again. "So, the other day, what were you saying about a heist?"
That night, you walk out of your cabin, your knees shaking. John had given you another pep talk, along with a couple other crewmates. You felt a little better, but it didn't really help with your anxiety. Your heart is beating so fast you were afraid it would stop. Your palms are oh so very sweaty, and your legs have gone numb at this point. You barely feel them carrying you over to the captain, who was at the wheel. You stand next to him for five minutes, waiting for him to notice you're there. Eventually, he does.
"Ah! First Mate!" He bellowd. You flinch. "Wha' can I do fer ye?" You take a deep breath in.
"I have something to tell you, captain," you say shakily. Neither of you say anything for a while, and you wonder if he heard you.
"Well? Go on then!" He instructs.
"R-Right… ok… um…" you stammer. You keep playing with a button on your shirt, trying to think of what to say. You can feel his eyes on you and it made you even more nervous. Why did you let them talk you into this? You weren't ready! You couldn't do this. You… you…
You look to the side and see John watching you from behind the mast. He gives you a thumbs up. You respond with a smile and he leaves, decided to let you do this on your own. You take a deep breath and…
"I like you, captain," you blurt out. Magnum doesn't respond and you get scared.
"Be that all?" He laughed, "well, I like ye too!" You blink and look up at him. His face didn't seem to change very much. You're about to smile, but pause.
"Captain… I don't think you understand me…"
"O' course I do! I be yer cap'n, ye're part o' me crew, o' course we like each other!" You stare at him.
"That's not what I meant,"
"Oh? 'n wha' did ye mean?"
"I meant…" you pause, wondering if you should just give up. No. You made it this far. Finish it. you command yourself.
"I meant I love you." You say. He looks at you, eyebrows furrowed. "Like… I'm in love with you." You continue, hoping he gets it. He's quiet for a moment before laughing.
"That's real funny, Y/N!" He chortles. You stare at him before letting out a laugh.
"Yeah. Ok. Sure. Yeah, of course. That's fine. I don't even care! That's fucking fantastic!" You grumble. He stops laughing and looks at you.
"That's some language… are ye ok?" He asks. You start walking back to your cabin.
"Yeah, I'm ok! Of course I'm ok! Why wouldn't I be ok?!" You yell and slam your door. Magnum stands there, wondering what just happened.
John opens the door a couple minutes later and walks in.
"Ahoy bud… Ye alright?" He asks gently.
"I don't want to talk about it," you growl.
"Aw, bud…"
"It's not even the fact that he doesn't like me! It's the fact that he laughed! Why would he do that?" You lamented. John set a hand on your shoulder. He's about to say something to try and make you feel better, but he stops.
"Wait… he laughed?" John asks.
"Yeah… why?"
"Would you mind telling him again tomorrow?"
"What? Why the hell would I do that?"
"I want to test something. Please?" He begs. You look at him and sigh.
"Fine… this better be good…"
You and the rest of the crew sit and tell stories. Most of the stories are coming from Magnum, but you're not really listening. He notices this and tries to tell more interesting stories, or stories that he thinks you'll find interesting. You still refuse to even look at him, so he lets other people talk.
"Tell him. Right now," John whispers. You sigh and turn to look at Magnum. He leans forward a bit, wanting to hear what you have to say.
"I love you, captain," you say confidently. The whole crew looks at you, and then at Magnum.
"You made that joke last night, Y/N," he laughs.
"It wasn't a joke," you say. His smile falls. The crew decides that it would be a good time to leave, and that's exactly what they do.
"It wasn't a joke."
"Wha' do ye mean?"
"I mean I do love you, captain. I'm in love with you. I would like to be in a relationship with you…" your face heats up and you start sweating. God, why were you saying this? Maybe this was the only way he'd understand…
You look up at him and see a confused look on his face. Oh, fuck it… you think.
"I want a relationship with you. I want to hug you and kiss you and hold you close. I want to make you smile and I want to be your shoulder to cry on if you need me to. I want to whisper sweet nothings to you as we fall asleep. I want you to let me love you." You explain, heart racing. Both of you are silent for a minute. You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for rejection.
"Oh…" he says, uncharacteristically soft. "I… love ye too…" you look at him. He's looking at you, a slight blush on his face.
"You… you do?" He nods a bit. "Then why in the name of Davy Jones did you think it was a joke?!" You shout.
"I didn' know ye'd like me back! I thought ye liked John!"
"What do you mean you thought I liked John?"
"I mean I thought ye liked John!"
"Oh my God…" you rub the bridge of your nose. "Why did you think I'm always so nervous around you?"
"I thought... y'know... ye found me intimidatin'..."
"Of course I find you intimidating that doesn't mean I don't like you."
"Oh…" He rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Uh... Sorry I was so ignorant t' yer... Affection…" you chuckle at the apology.
"Sorry I didn't tell you sooner," you both sat there, just looking at each other.
"So uh… should we… should we kiss?" He asks nervously.
"Only if you want to. We don't ha-" you're cut off by his lips settling onto yours. You put your hands on his shoulders to keep you upright. He puts his hands on your neck, tilting your head to where he's comfortable.
"Awww!" Multiple voices say from behind you.
"Get a room!" John calls out. You pull away and bury your head in Magnum's shoulder, your face burning.
"Oi! If ye all aren't swabbin' th' deck in th' next five seconds, ye're walkin' th' plank!" He commands. The crew all scramble to get to work. You sigh and pull back to look at him.
"I'm… gonna go help them…" you murmur with a blush. He sighs.
"Ah, okay... We'll... Continue later," he states. You smile and walk away, grabbing your mop. As you mop, you glance at Magnum, seeing him watch you with a lovesick grin on his face. John, also holding a mop, slides up next to you.
"So, when's th' weddin'?"
"Shut up, you fuck!"
the ending is so obviously rushed I'm sorry lol
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