#ducktales spoilers
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dewey-ing-it · 4 months ago
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This is one of the funniest jokes in the show for me. The boys were brought up with nautical shit from Donald, Dewey was abhorrently confident he could drive Donald’s house boat to Cape Suzette unaided, they most likely did boat drills every week knowing Donald’s anxious ass, and Dewey still doesn’t know the difference between port and starboard side😭
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laz-kay · 5 months ago
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~ 36 episodes later ~
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stardynamite · 5 months ago
While rewatching ducktales, I realised that they looove foreshadowing, they do it all the time, sometimes they even give the whole plot of an episode in the very first scenes without the viewer noticing lol.
Anyway, I realised that they foreshadowed the whole “duke of making a mess” thing that Huey had in the sword of swanstantine episode!
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THE THING IS, EVEN on my first watch, I could tell that this was supposed to be a multiple episode arc but they HAD to make it shorter because ducktales was getting cancelled and I’m PISSED. LIKE ALL OF MY FAVOURITE CARTOONS, THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE.
DEWEY had his own arc where he’s trying to uncover his mom’s dissaperance with Webby. LOUIE had his own arc where he was struggling with his place in the family and HUEY. DIDN’T.
Ughhh they foreshadowed the Duke of making a mess in the intern episode and even in Scrooge’s birthday!!
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Those are BOTH season 1 episodes (I’m not gonna list more foreshadowing because you get my point) SO THEY’VE BEEN BUILDING UP THIS ARC SINCE THE BEGINNING AND THEY DIDNT GET TO CASH IT INNNNN RAHHHHHH 🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️
When watching the ONE episode where he appears, you could IMMEDIATELY tell that it should’ve been a bigger deal. I mean come onnnn, they enter Huey’s mind scape and there’s a huge closed up door??? With locks??? DUUUDE THAT WOULD’VE BEEN AWESOMMMMEEE
I’m saying all of this but this is just to vent some frustration about how animation shows will just be cancelled without the chance to say all that they’ve wanted to say… and as the one who wants to hear it: *cries and wails and pees on the floor*
Ducktales was planning so many more seasons and only got 3, like every other great animation show nowadays i fear
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cavvietrix · 2 months ago
"Well, you've successfully pushed your family and everyone who cared about you away. Again. I hope you're happy."
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bobby-sama · 1 month ago
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Dewey's surprised face is priceless!
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smimon · 4 months ago
DuckTales (2017) episode “A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill!” really is something
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writebackatya · 6 months ago
DuckTales 2017 Finale Spoilers:
June: Now that Heron’s gone
May: Where do we belong?
Lena: We belong right here
Donald: {on the phone} Hey Daisy! You know that adventure we’re going to take?! How about a couple of stowaways?
Webby: EXCUSE ME!?? I just got two new sisters and now you’re just taking them away from me!?
Lena: All of us were going to Funso’s this Saturday but I guess that plan is out the window
Violet: We literally JUST made them friendship bracelets!
Donald: {moves phone away from his head} Uh…
Daisy: {on the phone} DONALD! We’ve been planning this trip for just the two of us for months! I like your friends but I don’t think I want José and Panchito to be with us for that long
Donald: {goes back on the phone} What!? No, no, no, no! You don’t understand! What I meant was I’ve adopted two kids-
Daisy: YOU ADOPTED TWO CHILDREN WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST!?! Donald! We’ve been dating for almost a year now and we’ve never had that conversation about having kids!
Donald: It’s okay Daisy! I have experience! Trust me, raising kids on a boat away from the rest of the world is the way to go!
Huey: Wait! Uncle Donald! You and Aunt Daisy are leaving!?
Della: You didn’t tell the kids you were leaving!?
Donald: I, uh, was going t-
Dewey: He never tells us anything!! We didn’t even know that much about you until we moved into Uncle Scrooge’s place
Della: WHAT!?!
Dewey: Yeah! Any time we’d ask about he’d just avoid the question!
Donald: I was going through stuff!
Louie: {to May and June} You don’t wanna live on his houseboat, trust me! He turns into an absolute monster whenever he’s docking the boat
Donald: Louie!
Louie: And you two already saw the mansion! It’s a way better place to live!
Webby: The air vents alone make the mansion worth exploring!
June: Ooh! Does your houseboat have any air vents!?
Donald: Uh… {opens the plane doors to start the finale credits}
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lonnievonvanderbeaks · 5 months ago
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Here are some Ducktales Orginal Characters at @georgiarose made for me! These characters are part of my stories and universe!
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violetganache42 · 3 months ago
Dynamite Entertainment's DuckTales (1987) #2 Preview
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Four Corners of Your World - Part 2: "The Phantom of the Scrooge-a-Rama Dome!" Writer: Brandon Montclare Artist: Tommaso Ronda Colorist: Agnese Eterno Letterer: Fabio Amelia Editor: Nathan Cosby
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letsdeweythis · 3 months ago
DT17 SPOILERS! Also blink effect and eye contact!
I'm insane about Della Duck she's one of my favorite DT17 characters so I had to do something about it. now we have this
also would you guys believe me if I said this was my first time drawing everyone here but the triplets
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colourfulbookdragon · 11 months ago
!!!Warning spoilers for ducktales 2017 finally!!!
Webby: Am I technically your aunt?
Louie: No no no no No
Huey: I mean biologically, you are. Practically no.
Louie: Noooo, just no!
Webby to the adult cousin: hello, fellow cousins.
*screaming who idk probably most of them*
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dewey-ing-it · 3 months ago
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“Eh, luck’s overrated”💚
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naathanuwu · 8 months ago
Ducktales(2017) finale spoilers ahead
Currently rewatching the show because why not and omfg rewatching it with the knowledge that Webby is Scrooges daughter shatters my heart :(( The way she admires him auuughhh
S1 E12 makes me all giddy because the way Webby cheers for her own father without knowing that he’s her father
I love that silly duck family sm
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spirit-dumps · 6 months ago
Spoilers for ep 12 of season 2 of Ducktales (I’m watching the show blind)
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I have been waiting for this moment for far too long. AGHHHH MY HEART
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haystarlight · 1 year ago
So I started thinking of an AU where Della didn't take the Spear of Selene and the bois grew up with their entire family and now I'm thinking....
In this AU, F.O.W.L. wouldn't have seen the need to make April/Webby
Not hear me out
Cause Webby and the bois are the same age yeah? But we don't know exactly who was born first. We know the bois hatched in April 15 (HA! April!) but we don't know when Project #87 started. It's totally possible Project #87 got started after the bois were born
No okay listen to me
F.O.W.L. needed Scrooge's heir, right? But an "heir" doesn't necessarily have to be a direct child, it can be a niece or a nephew too, the show itself says so. Scrooge refers to them all as potential heirs.
So F.O.W.L. didn't need Scrooge to be a father really, they just needed Scrooge to have a child (or multiple children) in his family to potentially consider as his heir. This is why I believe Webby wasn't made until after Della left with the Spear of Selene.
Before Della got lost, Scrooge had 5 potential heirs right there. The twins and the unhatched Duck bois. F.O.W.L. didn't need to clone Scrooge, they just needed to wait until the eggs hatched and see if they could manipulate the triplets into getting them the papyrus.
But then Della got lost, one less potential heir. And Donald had a falling out with his uncle and left the mansion, one less potential heir. And the triplets were hatched and raised in the houseboat, without meeting Scrooge or even knowing they were related. Three less potential heirs.
No potential heirs
So now F.O.W.L. has a problem. And what do they do? That's when they make April/Webby.
So if Della didn't get lost and the family didn't break apart, then they wouldn't have made Webby.
More evidence to this is the fact that we see that Scrooge was living alone when Beakley moved in with him. Della and Donald were all already out of the picture before Beakley came to his door with a child.
Della knows Beakley as "Agent 22", she's surprised that she's the housekeeper now. So, we know that she didn't move in until after Della's disappearance.
So, in an AU where the Spear of Selene didn't happen, there's no Webby.
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bobby-sama · 1 month ago
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Hello, Della Duck.
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