#spear of selene
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tealottie · 2 months ago
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Funny Bonus Panel Below:
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I didn't sleep at all ain't no rest for the wicked (i'm the wicked btw)
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delladyke · 2 years ago
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She is so dear to me... :)
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rommaru · 2 years ago
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Art trade with the amazing, talented and kind @sherbetlemonss 💖✨
Some hurt/comfort between Gyro and Scrooge post Spear of Selene. Scrooge is holding Della's last note.
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haystarlight · 1 year ago
So I started thinking of an AU where Della didn't take the Spear of Selene and the bois grew up with their entire family and now I'm thinking....
In this AU, F.O.W.L. wouldn't have seen the need to make April/Webby
Not hear me out
Cause Webby and the bois are the same age yeah? But we don't know exactly who was born first. We know the bois hatched in April 15 (HA! April!) but we don't know when Project #87 started. It's totally possible Project #87 got started after the bois were born
No okay listen to me
F.O.W.L. needed Scrooge's heir, right? But an "heir" doesn't necessarily have to be a direct child, it can be a niece or a nephew too, the show itself says so. Scrooge refers to them all as potential heirs.
So F.O.W.L. didn't need Scrooge to be a father really, they just needed Scrooge to have a child (or multiple children) in his family to potentially consider as his heir. This is why I believe Webby wasn't made until after Della left with the Spear of Selene.
Before Della got lost, Scrooge had 5 potential heirs right there. The twins and the unhatched Duck bois. F.O.W.L. didn't need to clone Scrooge, they just needed to wait until the eggs hatched and see if they could manipulate the triplets into getting them the papyrus.
But then Della got lost, one less potential heir. And Donald had a falling out with his uncle and left the mansion, one less potential heir. And the triplets were hatched and raised in the houseboat, without meeting Scrooge or even knowing they were related. Three less potential heirs.
No potential heirs
So now F.O.W.L. has a problem. And what do they do? That's when they make April/Webby.
So if Della didn't get lost and the family didn't break apart, then they wouldn't have made Webby.
More evidence to this is the fact that we see that Scrooge was living alone when Beakley moved in with him. Della and Donald were all already out of the picture before Beakley came to his door with a child.
Della knows Beakley as "Agent 22", she's surprised that she's the housekeeper now. So, we know that she didn't move in until after Della's disappearance.
So, in an AU where the Spear of Selene didn't happen, there's no Webby.
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elseisnthere · 8 months ago
Ok, so Negaverse you is more like Mark Beaks or Glomgold, in that you are a very corrupt businessman. You DO have your family with you, but they are more like minions to you, Donald is the lucky one instead of Gladstone, Huey is a mean jock, Dewey is a coward, Louie is honest, Della actually hates doing missions, but you force her into doing them making Negaverse you directly responsible for the Spear of Selene, Beakley is more of a behind the scenes person, and Webby is very manipulative.
Im-I'm responsible for the spear of selene? This cannae be- I would never force anyone on adventures or treat my family as pawns!? The spear of selene was no one's fault!
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marmot-bee-person · 1 year ago
Daily ducktales quotes
brought to you by Mushy’s latest hyperfixation
Scrooge: Easy, Beakley, Della wouldn’t just steal an aircraft and set out on a whim. (beat) Well, except for that one time.
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transisopod · 2 years ago
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snowynb · 2 years ago
I’m very normal about spear of Selene angst.
(I’m not)
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thequeendanithefirst · 1 year ago
In the end of the serie they must be 12 I think. Or 11 but ending. Can someone repost and tell me what they think?
Does anyone else think about how, technically, Della was on the Moon for 11 years, not 10?
She took the rocket before the boys hatched, in season 1 HDL are said to be 10-year-olds, and Della only comes back in the middle of season two, which during the finale Dewey tells Donald, "You owe me 11 years of Turbo!", implying that at this point the boys are 11, and since we never saw their birthday, we have no way of knowing if they turned before or after Della was already back.
But even if their birthday happened after, the point still stands, because Della left before they hatched and came back in the middle of the season, which would make her time on the Moon closer to 11 years (almost completing it) than 10 years.
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sometimes-they-come-back-237 · 11 months ago
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*EDIT: I wanted to reaffirm that I DO NOT dislike Della. She’s one of my favorite characters and I love her as a character. This is just something that occurred to me when I was rewatching the show, specifically when I got to “What Ever Happened to Della Duck” and “GlomTales.*
I can understand why people have criticized Della for the way she grounded Louie. Forcing him to stay in his room. Literally. She had Gyro program that robot, DT87, to make sure he was stuck in there.
I can’t fully justify her actions. But I can somewhat understand her mindset.
So, here’s my argument.
As a child, she was not disciplined enough or at all. Never scolded for a lot of her actions. From what we saw in “First Adventure”, she (and Donald) set a firecracker under her father’s chair which caused him to be hospitalized. It’s been established that she was already very reckless and impulsive.
That only got worse as she grew up adventuring with Scrooge who was just as bad.
Then the Spear of Selene incident happened.
Della being stuck in an isolating environment with nobody but herself is most likely the first time in her life that she actually reflected on her actions and realized how much harm she did, not just to herself but to her family, as well.
That scenario is why she thought the correct way to ground Louie was to literally keep him stuck in his room with no connection to anyone else and the inability to go anywhere else in the mansion.
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best-ducktales-episode · 9 months ago
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bolddeducktionneverfails · 11 days ago
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🏹☁✨💘 Happy Heartsmas! 💘✨☁🎯
Here's what I was...hoping to have finished in time for Valentine's Day Weekend.
I've been thinking of drawing LP and Della falling from the sky together, like the show posters, or "Last Adventure", and thought it would make for a good Valentine card design. 😊
The more I've been think about how we got the Plan B ending for the series, the more I wonder what Plan A would have been like…and I personally can't help but wonder if we were supposed to see something like that…🤔 🤷🏾‍♀️
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🏹Here's a more Space-y themed version:
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tokuvivor · 1 year ago
Can we just talk about how good this scene in The Spear of Selene! is?
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To start, we’ve just got the gradual buildup of Dewey and Webby adventuring around Ithaquack, just to find some sort of answer about Della. It all culminates in this line:
Webby: We’re so close to the truth! Why won’t you let us find it?!
Dewey: Because…what if my mom was a bad person?
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And even though she really wants to figure this one out, Webby respects Dewey’s wishes, and decides to drop it for now. But then Dewey has a change of heart, deciding that if they’ve gotten this far, they should see it through to the end.
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At which point, an ominous figure jumps out from behind them…
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…who turns out to be the Goddess of the Moon herself, Selene!
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One thing I will make note of is the fact that Frank and Matt were originally intending Selene to be more serious and regal, but they ultimately reworked her characterization to better fit Nia Vardalos’ voice, which is how we ultimately got the wise, yet laid-back and playful Selene we all know.
Anyway, Selene explains that the whole gauntlet Dewey and Webby just went through was intended for Della, because she knew Della would find it fun.
On the topic of whether Selene would have actually known that Della got stuck on the moon, her moon, I would like to think that yes, she did know. I mean, besides the previous point, she and Della are super close; it just doesn’t seem right to have her not know what happened to Della. As for why she couldn’t do anything about it, well, need I remind you who her father is? But I digress.
So Selene, despite being this all-powerful goddess, doesn’t know what Dewey’s talking about by a “Spear of Selene”, but eventually realizes that he’s “Della’s kid” when Dewey brings up “his mom” taking it.
Even though Dewey’s dismayed that he’s now back to square one, Selene assures him that Della was a good person. The greatest, even. And she made everyone around her better.
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She even gives it to Dewey for him to keep.
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And she assures Dewey not to give up his search, because Della wouldn’t have, either.
And then we get this sweet bit…
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Also, I just love how gentle Selene is with Dewey in this scene. I mean, the boy’s never met his mother, has been looking ceaselessly for answers about her for months, and even though Selene doesn’t have all of them, she tells Dewey what he needs to hear, and even gives him a much-needed hug. She’s not Della, but she gives Dewey that maternal guidance that he really needs right about now.
Random headcanon: Just like Louie with Goldie, Dewey calls Selene “Aunt Selene”. Well, I can see all the boys doing that at some point, but Dewey would probably be the first one.
(Minor credits to TV Tropes for this analysis)
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justaboot · 2 years ago
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godfrey-the-chaos-duck · 1 year ago
I made a little art book of Della's journey in the Spear of Selene! And I set it to the lyrics of Space Oddity by David Bowie!!!
So, here it issss (under the cut, it's LONG)
Listen to the song as you read for the best effect
Apologies in advance for making everyone cry over Della Angst
@justaboot @writebackatya @christianfoxymc @minaduck and all other Della stans out here, this is for you!
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Ground control to Major Tom... Ground control to Major Tom...
Della leaves McDuck Manor, and faces the journey ahead.
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Take your protein pills and put your helmet on Ground control to Major Tom
Della gets ready for takeoff. She initiates the launch sequence, there's no going back now, but it'll just be a few hours, right...?
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Commencing countdown, engines on Check ignition, and may God's love be with you
Gyro (who I firmly believe LIVES in that lab or at the very least sleeps there a lot) wakes up to the sound of alarms blaring - how did she know it was here?!
Della has a picture of her and her family - little does she know...
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This is ground control to Major Tom, you've really made the grade And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Gyro, in a panic, calls Scrooge, praying he'll wake up and answer.
Though it's two in the morning, he does.
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Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare This is Major Tom to ground control, I'm stepping through the door
When Scrooge hears what's happened, he is understandably horrified, and rushes to the launch site at once.
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And I'm floating in a most peculiar way And the stars look very different today
Della looks out at the stars. It's an unearthly beauty the likes of which she'd never imagined.
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For here am I sitting in a tin can Far above the world
The Spear gets farther and father away from familiarity... from safety...
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Planet Earth is blue And there's nothing I can do
Della's journey is still going smoothly - for now.
*just pretend I did something for that instrumental break*
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Though I've passed one hundred thousand miles, I'm feeling very still And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Scrooge sits down at the comms desk, desperately trying to get a message through to Della.
The cosmic storm has started, and Della's a bit rattled, but not scared.
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Tell my wife I love her very much She knows
Scrooge and Della are beginning to realise the gravity of the situation - she might not make it out of this one. Of course, neither of them wants to think that.
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Ground control to Major Tom Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
The Spear is struck by a fierce bolt of lightning borne from the stars themselves.
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Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Scrooge can scarcely bring himself to believe it - and neither can Della. The last time he'd heard her voice, and it was a helpless, piercing scream.
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Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you— —Here am I floating 'round my tin can Far above the Moon
Scrooge bows his head in utter despair as tears begin to well up behind tired eyes. She's gone.
The Spear crash-lands on the lunar surface.
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Planet Earth is blue And there's nothing I can do...
Della stares back to the world she left behind.
Scrooge mourns for the niece he lost.
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marmot-bee-person · 1 year ago
Is it just me or does the inside of the rocket in the finale look a lot different from the inside of the og spear of Selene?
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