#Have Achilles being a lil shit
skibasyndrome · 2 months
Hi Simon !
I'm very curious about the murderer on the run, but even more about greek heros AU !!! 👀👀👀
(I was wondering myself who they could be, but Achille and Patoclus of The song of Achille work so well for them I can't imagine anybody else !)
Margot!!! Thank you for much for asking 💜💜💜
Ohhhh I said something about both already, but since I have more """""snippets"""" (messages I spammed @themarsbar with) for murderers on the run, here you go: ngl, posting just... crappy lil snippets is a little bit cathartic for the perfectionist in me
[Wille comes back to their hiding place - turns out he got hurt on the way] But he stumbles into their hideout clutching a bundles up piece of fabric against his arm or shoulder and Simon who's been sitting in some corner, still pissed at some fight they had earlier comes rushing towards him as soon as he realizes what's going on. And maybe Wille first wants to fight him, because he can handle this, he's /fine/, he's always handled stuff himself and he doesn't need Simon to give a shit, but maybe Simon gets a little louder and tells him to stop whining and let him do this, because he /knows/ how to handle this (mom's a nurse and all) and maybe Wille is sitting on a chair or couch or something and Simon is standing over him and then Simon grips his head so Wille can't avoid looking at his eyes the way he's been doing more and more recently and, well, that works. Because once Simon has Wille's face in his hands and has him looking him in the eyes Wille is very quiet, so Simon can say something assertive like "you can continue being an asshole to me after I made sure you don't get sepsis. you won't owe me any gratitude" and. well. Wille is quiet then, nodding when Simon lets go of his face to go collect some utensils.
Ask me about my WIPs <3
PS: ahhhhhhhhh, @grapehyasynth and @themarsbar were literally talking about just that the other day!!! the wilmon x song of achilles potential!!!!!!
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dootznbootz · 9 months
Water Nymphs and their descendents in Dootz/Mads' bullshit :P
So I know I'm going a bit nuts on the nymph stuff so I thought I'd explain it a lil bit! :D It's long af as I have SO many thoughts. Might make a straight-up demi-god one later
Things that are true with both Nereids and Naiads descendants:
Neither can do much with and have a hard time with their opposite. AKA Freshwater vs. Saltwater. It's possible that they can get used to the opposite but they will not be able to breathe or really control it. Can control and work with some but it's...difficult and not a lot. Naiads though, CAN take out the salt in increments and eventually just get fresh water. This was usually done during very bad droughts with permission from the Nereids. This is probably one of the things that give Naiads an advantage over Nereids as Nereids can't go further inland where freshwater is and necessarily turn it into salt water. Also, Nereids are bigger and physically stronger than Naiads. That doesn't mean that they always "win". But Nereids ARE more well-known and have a better connection to the big water gods. Also, only Poseidon's children can do shit with both.
Water births! This only affects PREGNANT people with naiad blood. If the father of the child has naiad blood but the mother does not, she probably won't need to do a full water birth but probably will need more water (why more water nymphs are women) It has to be within their "water type" as well. (Salt/fresh) For naiads though, with all the different types of water sources, it is more complicated. As say, for example, if there is a drought when they are born, they probably grow up to be smaller and possibly sickly. And being born in a lake vs. stream will affect size as well. Sometimes even a pond. Usually, there are preparations to try and be near a good water source for the expecting mother. There are some times when it catches moms by surprise and they have to rush to the nearest water source. Sometimes that's a bathtub :P Possibly sickly and small baby. Kind of like how certain fish grow to be bigger because they're in a big place :D Nereids are big ladies because of the sea being BIG :D
If they end up living in a new place? It's an adjustment to that new source as the minerals are different along with the different cultures as well. However, if naiad born person is visiting and there's "business" to be done with the locals, ofc they're not gonna partake as it's not "their water". If there is a drought probably will only do stuff for their companions.
There's not necessarily a "rivalry" or fighting between nereids and naiads. It's more like a "Hi! We're cool but I will NOT go in your water. I don't like it." Both will eat fish from "the other side" though. They might just not PREFER it. If there's freshwater going into the sea, they tend to meet there but don't like "passing over".
Both are kind of "fishy"! :D Pointed ears, sharp teeth, scaled, Big Irises, usually blue/green in eye color, shimmering scales sometimes, etc. Don't necessarily have gills and I think I'll have them kind of breathe through their skin.
"What tf does it mean to be seasick?" Both are comfy on boats no matter what type of water their on 🤷
Also while all fullborn nymphs are women, there are nymph descendants that are men and still have nymph traits and abilities.
With men going to war...there's a reason why they don't move water while fighting.
I'll talk about Nereids first as there are only 50 of them and not as many children. (This is Achilles' and Thetis' time to shine)
Much more PHYSICALLY powerful and larger (Blubber also exists with real saltwater animals!) than Naiads as the sea never has "drought" (No water), and is bigger and endless. (Though Achilles, being only a demigod, could get his ass beat by a full Naiad if he's near freshwater).
Achilles can literally drink seawater and actually prefers to do this. Can breathe in it as well. And this poor boy, being Nereid-born yet still getting fresh water for baths whenever he was more inland. He would just CRY during them because it "feels wrong". He eventually gets used to it but it's sadly still uncomfortable for him :'( Toss this boy in the sea.
Achilles is actually really tall. Like towering over most of the other Achaeans as he's a demigod.
One of the reasons WHY he's so sure he can take on Scamander/Xanthos (other than rage) Why are there so many names for one individual?! is because of the whole "Nereids are more powerful physically" than beings from the river but...Achilles is NOT in his element... He's not near the sea. He's also JUST a demigod. You're not fighting a naiad-born person near the sea, you're fighting a River GOD in his element. (I know he just doesn't give a fuck but it's funny to think about him being like "Yeah, I could take him down" and getting his ass kicked)
Naiads!!! I have a lot more on them as this has more to do with the characters of the Epic Cycle, as many of them are descended from Naiads, and how Naiads interact with mortals more often (getting drinking/bathing water)
So the "gods of that specific body of water" are like the "Queen bee of a hive", Naiads are like the worker bees. The Gods are usually at the very source of the water and "are the water" themselves. Naiads do a lot of the "work" though. Naiads will ask for help if they feel they need to or if the god is angry enough.
While Nereids almost all look identical in many ways. (same parents) Naiads from place to place absolutely vary. All sorts of body, hair, eye, etc. types based on the water you were born in! Especially if the father doesn't have any naiad blood in them. The more Naiad blood in you, the more you are like the water you were born in. The More WATER you are. The more "Human" your parents are, the more likely water will not affect your appearance.
Born in Rapids from a long, medium-width river? Probably curly (rapids being wild) and light hair color (the white moving water) with a tall and "medium" body. Born in a very clear, calm lake that's very deep and has a lot of red clay? Straight red hair with a chubbier body typer. Born in the murky, calm, short, creek? Probably smaller framed, with straight dark hair. You get the idea! :D
If, for example, a full-blooded naiad gets with a man who is half-naiad, it's not uncommon for your child to come out with some "impossible" appearance. Two black-haired parents can give birth to a blond baby if born in a certain place simply because of the WATER. This doesn't affect personality though.
Also, Naiads CAN go from place to place as long as it's the same region and similar water! River, stream, lake, fountain, and it's not too uncomfortable if it's in the same region (same minerals help!)
Full-blooded Naiads live in the water basically at all times but ofc, it's not like they don't marry and live with their new spouse. Though they should spend SOME time every day in the water. While it's harder for them to get dehydrated, it's still possible. Also, it feels nice! :D
If you're a mortal person who's now married to a naiad-born, you BETTER have easy access for them to get to water or then they'll probably leave you. :P Though sometimes nymphs have flings and just have their children be raised as a naiad but that depends on the place. Not ALL can live among mortals or then who'd do river stuff! :D
Different places have different customs with naiads and even with how much interaction happens. Culture usually somewhat resembles the culture of the region in general as well. Sometimes even depends on the wildlife and water type. Activities with River Naiads are different than the activities done for the Pond Naiads :D
With mortal interactions for example as well, Sparta is a place where nearly half the nobility are in some way descended from Naiads and literally can walk up to a nymph for help and most likely get it and offerings are more like "gifts" as they have more "friendship" there. While Ithaca has basically NO ONE descended from them and has to give offerings and sacrifices as required for example. (Odysseus is only so close to those naiads mentioned in the Odyssey because they become new sister-in-laws for him through Penelope. They're Telemachus' aunties >:D )
Mortals will even make man-made sources of water if the Naiads need more room/water sources. Or if there's a drought, may ask the royalty for help in possibly speaking to the Nereids if they can have some to change into freshwater... It's a partnership in most cases.
Even if the relationship between the people and nymphs is good, sometimes shit happens. If they are "mad" at the people for whatever reason or maybe weak from something themselves, they usually will head up the river/stream and...leave the people to deal with the water until they get their offerings or their strength back. Even non-humans make mistakes/get weak also sometimes.
And if someone is killed by a nymph?? Do you actually want to avenge them if it means you won't have access to water without some other sacrifice?? All those asshats that always need to take a piss off the piers and fishing docks and into the water would be killed on sight btw
Full-blooded Naiad Wife (Like Periboea): Can sense bad water as soon as it comes near them. Knows from what source it is from. Can tell what is causing it. Can purify with no problems. Can water bend a lot. Can live underwater without leaving it ever to get "air". Should have a "dip" in the water a few times a day. Usually pretty "ingrained" into their original region. It's dumb to try and bring her to a new place full-time. Can heal wounds AND probably sickness. Pointed ears, sharp teeth, large pupils, some scales, etc.
3/4 blooded person (Like Penelope and her siblings): Basically the same as above except for minor things. One difference is that if there is bad water, they usually can tell what's causing it but maybe not the specifics (i.e. Knows that there's a dead animal contaminating the water but might not be able to know what exact TYPE of animal.) Can water bend a lot as well but probably not the entire river. Has to be in the water at least ONCE a day. Can stay underwater for around a week until it starts being "uncomfortable". Can leave the region and adjust to other waters (though it'll probably still be uncomfortable at first) Can heal wounds and sickness (some naiad-born are more talented than others) Pointed ears, sharp teeth, big irises, not nearly as many scales but probably some, etc., and can be affected by dad's genetics but are definitely more affected by the water they were born in for an appearance.
1/2 blooded person (Like Tyndarius, Icarius, and Hippocoon): This is where the changes really start. Can't sense bad water until they touch it. Can "move the water" but not as much or as efficiently. Should take a dip once a day but CAN go without for 2 days until they start getting uncomfortable. Can only be underwater for around 1-3 days (depending on, some spend more time in the water than others) before needing oxygen from the air. Prefer not to be in seawater but CAN without feeling "too wrong". Only slightly pointed ears and while they have sharp teeth, they can smile without scaring people not familiar with it.
1/4 blooded person (Like Clytemnestra): Usually have to actually TASTE the water before they can tell it's bad. If they practice a lot they can maybe use a bathtub full of water :D. Only slightly pointed ears. can maybe stay underwater for 1 day with practice. can go a week without a few days without a "dip" in the water. Can go in the ocean with just an "...Ew."
Control group, with no naiad blood: "I'm just going to take a sip of water...Why tummy hurt? Say sike right now."
"Why don't men in the armies who are descended from Naiads use their abilities during wars?"
...Because local river gods don't let them. :D
"Look, you can drink from my waters and even fight with it for minor scuffles but don't involve me in your wars! >:( Be thankful I'm letting you have water to drink and bath with, you dipshits!"
I mean with how Scamander reacted to his river getting fucked up from all the blood and bodies??? Achilles fucked around and found out.
Rambling and maybe a bit silly but let me know what y'all think! :D
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grapecaseschoices · 5 months
@thee-morrigan has tagged me to pick five songs i like! i decided not to go with my top five spotify repeat songs, and instead go with recent ones that have been puttering in my brain [the ones who SHOULD be top five lool].
1] Dear Wormwood - The Oh Hellos:
But now I understand you/And I will not be part of your designs/I know who I am now/And all that you've made of me/I know who you are now/And I name you my enemy
So, I've been "working" [haha. smh .... no] on a possible future Kenedis, who is a mix of TWC!Kendis, Exile!Kendis, and a couple of past RP concepts. So, ofc, this mean shit parents have to be a part of the backstory. Hence this song that I feel fits my nebulous ideas for an arc, lol.
2] Seven Devils - Florence + The Machine: What playlist wouldn't be made better without this song? I just don't know which one to put it in yet, lol. I am making a series of playlists for a set of future characters for a RP i might be joining [the one mentioned above], it started with me wanting a Florence song for Kendis [bc I've had at least one Florence song or at least a song by an indie rock/folk artist in my past few Kendis playlists]. But I'm still deciding if this is the one I want. But I just ended up thinking about this song a lot as well as about how much I like/d it. So here it is!
3] Silence - Khalid, Marshmello:
I'm in need of a savior (savior)/But I'm not asking for favors /My whole life, I've felt like a burden/I think too much, and I hate it/I'm so used to being in the wrong/I'm tired of caring/Loving never gave me a home/So I'll sit here in the silence/I found peace in your violence/Can't tell me there's no point in trying/I'm at one, and I've been quiet for too long,
Been on and off so in love with this song [have I ever been fully off it? LMAO]. To keep it short - since this entire thing is lengthy - I feel this would fit Austyn if I ever did a playlist [probably won't] in her POV, particularly re: her relationship with Kendis [oh first loves~].
4] Ready For Anything - Blackway, Aeph, Koko:
Even as prey I can chase off the predators/You can′t run with me lil boy you too delicate/Hold Up/I′m feeling a little bit dangerous/And they looking a little bit anxious/If I'm laughing when/ I′m twiddling my fingers/It's only a warning that you can′t just/Walk up to me
I haven't strongly with the desire to write, but I've been still low-key itching with ideas. And one of the ideas, is for this future RP, involving a darker Andy. I usually play Andy before or after the travesty that really fucked up his life [he has a few too, so I should say ADULT life]. But not during for many years. I'm [nervously] hoping to, and this song fits real well what I've been pondering. Not 10, 000% but strongly enough.
5] Achilles Come Down - Gangs of Youth: You crave the applause yet hate the attention.
Sooooo I recently realized this song is perfect for Kendis. I don't know why I never have, lmao. I mean in general but particularly for specific Kendis'. Again, like the above it''s 10, 000% but it's ENOUGH that I've re-fallen in love with this song. Ugh. It hurts.
(Honorable mention [as this recently has gotten back into my head] The Moss - Cosmo Sheldrake)
just gonna tag 5 people, sorry if you've done this!: @quaxorascal @wayhavenots @agnes-nutter @thats-a-lot-of-cortisol @laufire
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menelaiad · 1 year
hi! what are some of your fav menelaus headcanons??
oh anon you've done it now
tall. like. 6ft tall.
not broad. muscley and clearly strong. but leaner. aga and ajax and the like are certainly wider than him.
has been tall a long time. grew very fast. pissed of aga in the process. has a habit of curving his shoulders because of this. trying to appear shorter than he is.
a follower. hence the shoulder thing. he spent a lot of his formative years just. following aga. listening to aga. he was the second son. he wasnt set up for kingship or anything so he was kinda just left.
protected a lot by aga. i feel like menelaus' kinder nature was allowed to grow and flourish and wasnt CRUSHED by atreus because aga ... protected him. menelaus could be himself around aga.
grew his hair fucking super long in sparta like the spartan men. even before the marriage to helen. because of the exile and tyndareus' kindness he just felt like sparta was home. so he kinda ... assimilated himself as soon as he could.
goes freckley in the sun.
he always makes a habit to use helen's name. not an epithet. or a title. her name is Helen.
due to not being prepped for kingship. menelaus can not read or write very well. if at all. he's even dictated to or gets people to write for him. after he became king he probably learnt the basics? but i feel all of atreus' energy went to aga (who also cant fucking read tbh)
i personally think menelaus was kinda ugly. or not like. conventionally handsome. but he's just such a nice freakin dude that people can't help but like him.
menelaus likes birds.
despite his. usually dormant nature. menelaus inherits atreus' anger. and it comes out in bursts. like strong. violent outbursts. like you see in book 3 with paris. when menelaus just drags him around and beats him. it's explosive and heated. it burns hot and dies just as quickly. but that is very atreus of him.
menelaus suffers from aches in his wrist after the paris fight and also he develops a limp from the wound in his thigh where he was shot with an arrow.
emotional. very emotional. with both the good and the bad. feels every emotion very strongly. feels others emotions (agaMEMNON in IOA) very strongly.
sharp features. sharp jaw. sharp nose. high cheekbones.
expressive as all hell. raises his eyebrows. makes faces. he is feeling things and his face will tell you what.
laughs a lot. not afraid to laugh and smile. smiles with his teeth a lot.
his smiles never quite reach his eyes but we'll move on from that.
develops a really close friendship with pat over the course of the war. that stems from them meeting at the suitor thing and they had lil chats then. often laments to him about how different things would be if helen had chose pat instead.
loses his fucking MARBLES when antilochus dies. i feel like the atreus anger would have come out again here.
after pat's death and him returning the body, achilles beats him to shit and menelaus doesn't fight back. he takes the blame ...... and the beating.
unintentionally always one of the funniest people in a room. is funny without even realising he's being funny. makes helen cry laughing several times.
i believe he was meant to marry clytemnestra. or at least that was the OG plan. they have a lot of fond yet awkward memories of each other.
blames himself for aga's death. and by extension - cly's.
iphigenia inherited the HOA red hair. watching her get sacrificed fucked him up tbh.
hermione is so SO SO important to him. especially as she was conceived around the whole 'sterile curse' thing in sparta. she is like a lil miracle to him.
honestly? can sometimes be a bit of a bitch.
gonna stop here cause that got REALLY long. but there's a handful of random ones that i wrote as they came into my head SDFGHJKL
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bsideheart · 2 months
Hey! :D
What the fuck! :D
Let me tell you, listening to the last mmmh, let's say 3 hours of the burning bridge audiobook at 1.5/2x speed while doing the dishes was an Experience TM.
The splitting of the party was truly where my nerves started being harrowed ngl, don't split up, is a rule that should be applied outside of the horror genre, imo, for my own health. Maybe it's cause of me reading asoiaf recently, but I hate the instances where shit is happening to characters in 2 different locations far apart, and they're both working on slightly different information and footing without easy communication cause that's how we get Tragedy.
Gilan riding like hell and demanding he go back for Will, Evelyn/Casandra and Horace made me lowkey sad, ilhsm, character of all time he's hilarious. His training of Will and Horace is very much giving me Star Wars jedi lineage vibes to me. Also, the scene where he dead ass shoots up like a Looney Toon character to bolt and inform everyone that Cassandra is, in fact, alive, had me gagged with giggles. Okay, thanks for nothing mourning wise, ig.
Speaking of Evelyn, I was vibing with her, secret and all, until it was revealed, she was the Princess of the Realm. Like, don't get me wrong, I still like her, but idk, man, it stuck as a little mmmh fixed? Like I get for plot, obvi the hostage situation had to work. Ppl needed a good reason to go after Will, its to raise the stakes cause what if they found out blah blah blah. But she could have just a random layperson with a huge secret, and I would have preferred it that way cause that way we get an outsider pov in the country/ conflict. I wouldn't even have minded her being some form of nobility. It just feels like a setup for Will to Get The Girl and the Girl is also the Princess. Man, idk.
But moving on. These lil shits. The first time, they're on the field (sort of), and they commit war time arson and mass property destruction. Like, okay, fun!!! But also, the slow and invisible, basically enslavement of the fantasy Gaelic people in their own country by an evil mfer from im assuming fantasy Britian gave me the chills. I might be stretching, but I live in Ireland, and the history of the brehan laws, an gorta mor and the indentured servitude is still present and kicking. Like well aware slayery and indentured labour in no way are the same thing, but the similarities crossed my mind on a surface level
The final battles were quite ingenious, really. The fake out, dive, split, and reform tactics were really good and plausible for the highly specific situation here.
Also Morograth sassy old Queen vibes??? Maybe I'm seeing things. He's so sarcastic and so open about the fact that he does not give 2 shits about killing a kid in unfair combat.
But lowkey the narrator speaking of some random figure running out to bitch slap Morgorath in the face with a gauntlet? First, I shouted out loud, "Gilan NO!" and then after a second even higher "HORACE NO!" Like that knife vine. Or that simpsons meme. That moment was so fucking hilarious to me I paused for a second to giggle at myself.
You, a natrually born and skilled fighter, blindly running into battle, underprepaed and fueled by anger and fear/mourning for your boy best friend? Mmmmh, kinda Achilles Aristos Achaion coded of you babes.
UGHHHH ANDDDD. The fact that Horace defeated Morg by being rescued by his horse (Will coded of him!) and then using a move taught to him by a ranger while he was training with 2 rangers, a huge community with a sense of reliance and family or at least geneialty while he himself hates that cause its narrative representation of that (Halt) defeated him, who rules his subordinates in the complete opposite fashion. Something there metaphorially.
Also hilarious that when Rodney is giving out to him for his reckless behaviour, Horace is so concussed he's convinced he's in trouble for not finishing the job of killing Morgarath so he gets back up to do it.
But kinda weird that Morgarath died so easy? He's not dead me thinks.
Okay. Morgarath calling Will Halt's whelp. It's funny if it weren't sad.
Also him running to coast, almost losing his horse in desperation, and losing his SHOE (obligatory sam winchester I lost my shoe gif insert here) trying to catch up to the boats, going apeshit on the bow n' arrow ON HORSE BACK BY THE WINDY ASS SEA AND TAKING BITCHES OUT TO THE DECK WHILE RIDING REINLESS??
I can just imagine the movie shots in my brain. The wide shots of the crashing sea. The shouting of the men and slapping of the oars. The establishing shot, a wide shot of Halt, a tiny figure against this hulking moving boat on the massive sea. A close shot of Halt loading and drawing his bow. The desperation bled of the page 100%.
Him shouting desperately to Will that he'll fine him (not even him and the princess just him) wherever they take him even tho he just rode all the to the coast all ready. Okiiii. And the fact that Will just shouted his name back at him. Like. Oughhh, just a kid. Shouting for his dad.
HATE that Halt is just left there standing on the shore. And we're left to imagine the after. Does he go back to camp. Does he stand there for hours until somebody notices his absence and follows his tracks? Is it Gilan? Rodney? Horace? Crowley and Co.? The Kings party? Does he stand there numb? Does he cry, lash out in anger with his poor horse beside him? Does Gilan blame himself for leaving the kid? Does Horace for being separated? Does Rodney try and comfort him? Does Crowley now think him a "loose canon"/flight risk? Do Halt and Duncan mourn the loss of their children together? Who tells Alyss? And Jenny? Does Alyss spend time with Halt for days after?
Holy fuck I gotta stop with this shit bro, the hole I'm digging here.
Crazy ass ending. I HATE it. More pls
HEY :D HEY GLAD TO HEAR IT :D i showed mh older sister this ask and they were giggling the whole time so rest assured you have very correct opinions. “don’t split up” is always a good rule ur right ur right !!
bro GILAN…………. he’s literally the best character and his dedication to getting that information back was beautiful, and when he went like “MY GOD ITS NOT HER” and halt spilled his glue all over himself 😭🙏
never really thought about evanlyn’s story feeling forced but ur right, maybe bc i was like 11 when i read for the first time but considering other possibilities is pretty interesting. as for the “setting up for will to get the girl and the girl is the princess”, well……… u just gotta see how this one plays out hehehehehhe it’s actually a fascinating way to handle a love triangle and yeah…… fantasy gaelic ppl enslaved by fantasy british ppl…….. the implications are there to be seen and it’s. ough.
MORGARATH MY LOVE he’s literally the most dramatic villain in the entire series. and “gilan no! HORACE NO!” HAD ME CACKLING GHFHSJDHS he’s so silly!! horace himbo agenda is true and real especially in the first few books!!! he has balls of steel for that horse move i genuinely thought he was gonna die. but he didn’t <3 and don’t worry morgarath is actually dead, it did seem pretty anticlimactic tho
AND THE SCENE OF HALT CHASING AFTER THEM IS JUST :( it’s so desperate and heartwrenching and the way he takes his horse as far into the water as he can while shooting and like. will calling for him as loud as he can BROOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭 and then all those possibilities about what happened……………. my fragile soul can’t take this. did he mourn in private agony or did he lean on his friends for support i’m inclined to say the latter. but i think the next book gets into it kinda :3 WAIT. WAIT. WHO TELLS ALYSS OH MY GOD who tells alyss i’m gonna lay down in the ocean and never stand up fuck. fuck
please never feel ashamed of sending very long asks about rangers apprentice this was so much fun to read and answer, i cannot WAIT for you to read the next one!!! any character or plot thoughts in the meantime are welcome!! 🫶
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
thinking deep thoughts… mostly about camper ellie (im writing a fic) who is forced to go to a camp instead of spending summer with her mum and ends up trying to get kicked out as much as she can. Only until her true achilles heel, reader, reveals that no force would actually remove Ellie from camp- also that reader is Ellie’s co-bunk instructor!!!
Ellie being obviously gay whilst Reader kinda just is oblivious. Ellie being a bad boy, and reader just shitting on her for doing so. Just funny thoughts, and cute lil moments… yum.
OMGGG WAIT this plot is so good !!! That makes me so excited bb ♡ WAIT omg that’s so cute like Ellie doing the most delinquent shit ever and acting out because she doesn’t know how to express her emotions and reader just doesn’t get it but tries to get Ellie to have more fun and to not be such an ass and finding it corny LOLL
kinda reminds me of a good grumpy x sunshine trope
Anything you write turns to gold I’m convinced your pen is willddddd !!!! (▱˘◡˘▱)
you being an amazing writer EJJE I LOVE THAT
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mskinkyafro · 1 year
More FX The Bear talk but I’m on 2x05 and this is going to be my take on mainly on Sydney’s character which ties into the dynamic and ship for her and Carmy.
Includes Spoilers up into 2x05
I absolutely adore Sydney, I love her dry humor and sarcasm. Her toughness, drive, passion, and ambition but also it’s also her Achilles heel at the same time along with her impatience and inability to take criticism personally. I think Sydney’s impatience and idolatry of Carmy is another problem along with her passive aggression.
And what I mean by idolatry is she views Carmy as ticket to help catapult her into the success and dream she’s been trying to chase. Which clearly he can bc of his experience, mentorship, and talent and ultimately he believes in her and allowing her the space to essentially be an equal in his business. But that’s the key, maybe I missed something in S1 but at the end of the day, The Bear is HIS business rather than an official partnership/co-owned restaurant of Sydney.
Also the pedestal point I’m referring to whether or not it’s obvious or in a typical manner is that Syd holds onto and sometimes when alone with him mainly talks to Carmy more so about what he accomplished before/his past (which is something she is aiming to be like) even though Camry tries to gently educate her that it’s not as shining as she imagines it.
She views him as the Great and youngest chef of America, THE Carmern Berzatto vs the at times, irritating lil bitch Carmy. 😂 I feel like he’s Carmy to her when he’s he’s acting like an asshole. But still there’s this standard that she holds him to where I think she fails to see that’s not quite who he is.
But I feel like she doesn’t give room for Carmy to exist as the flawed, grieving and at times emotional unfit person he is.
Like in episode 2 or whichever when they open Mikey’s locker she’s so insensitive to the gravity of that moment for not just the crew who worked under Mikey but his siblings especially Carmy. And that’s something hopefully as I get further into S2 she’s called out for or learns to give him that space.
Syd expects ALOT out of Carmy and I think is naive to the weight on his shoulder and how stretch he is trying to fix up the problems left behind by Mieky and doing right by them all. And so to be upset over small things like, not being told about needing walls taking down when they have a limited time crunch. Or even though working on the menu and needing the second pair of eyes or advice to work through the creative drought she’s experiencing while cooking, it’s obvious that Carmy needs an outlet and time away from being constantly bombarded and surrounded by the restaurant 24/7 and his guilt and trauma outside of it plus the constant cluster fuck of playing peacemaker from Sugar to Fak To Richie to even Syd.
Also on the flip, because Carmy trusts Syd and “typically” doesn’t have to worry about her fucking things up, but even keeping her in the midst of mess that needs him isn’t good either nor healthy. Also her being a black woman it holds even extra subtext of shelving Syd into a superwoman and/or wearing a cape to save others is tiring and wears thin on her. Which once again, so far we see Carmy doing that. I’m episode 5 even though it was a much needed, let your hair down moment.
It’s his restaurant and bc they said every second count he shouldn’t have let such shit get out of hand especially when there’s no time to let it go unresolved. Then you through in Sydney’s habit to shutdown and be passive aggressive rather than explain why she’s upset and vocalize what she needs Carmy to do better.
So the unhealthy anchor Carmy has Sydney in this restaurant especially when they aren’t on the same page like they should be especially when once again, Sydney doesn’t have a real ownership into this (correct me if I’m wrong) but then also the lack of grace Syd gives to Carmy to function outside of eating, drinking , pissing, and sleeping The Bear is unhealthy also.
And until they both resolve the way they utilize one another and subconsciously and consciously view one another outside the mural respect and commonality of lovers of food and being creative in that manner, a potential romance between them won’t work or be sustainable.
But I’m trying to maybe keep hope and fingers cross that this can develop into a tastefully done slowburn that’s nurtured and supported by letting the art of this show take its form and not writers being dead set on an original plan 😭
Hopefully this made sense 😂
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escudofracturado · 11 months
Meta: What do you associate with your character (like, songs, images, troupes, ect)?
OOC// Note: We're gonna talk mental health here, so maybe skip this if you're not feeling it. Also I talk a lot idek if it's all super relevant but I don't shut up.
I sometimes struggle with these but ig it's a time to ramble about my characters kinda day lol. I have a bunch of songs on Milo's playlist that remind me of him and his past and his whole vibe. Which his whole vibe is the theme of like hope versus hopelessness. I'm mean and ruined his life as he was finally beginning to get more of a grip on his mental health and life in general- when he was really starting to feel hopeful about the future. Because it's an interesting point, when you become more aware of your mental health, and you start to recognize the patterns, start to understand the effects, but you can't help it, or you want to self-destruct, or you don't care enough to do the things you know will help. Milo's a very personal character to me, more so than Arden, honestly. You know, all characters have an aspect of yourself in them, but I did dump a lot onto him, and so much of his history involves themes that I love and really get to me.
Anyway, trope-y wise, (and apologies bc I never know the like specific names of character tropes and I can never get through the massive list on tvtropes to find em) you know, widely speaking, he's kind of a combo stoner/skater/gamer, but he's also very like 'the heart of the group' kind of character. He has a lot of love and kindness in his heart, and he cares so much about people- more than he does himself. He always wants to cheer people up, cheer them on, he'll be there to listen and support and will make himself look stupid if it gets someone to smile. He puts other people before himself. A bit of comic relief/sunshine boy/soft boi/defender of the innocent. He's been through some awful shit, has felt miserable, and he doesn't want that for other people. I think of, like, Garfield Logan (aka Beast Boy) and Joker Moreau from Mass Effect.
Songs that stand out to me: TALES OF DOMINICA by Lil Nas X, Achilles Come Down by Gang og Youths, Lost in IKEA by CLIFFDIVER, Dungeons & Dragons by Jenny Owen Youngs, A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley, Loser by Sueco, If it's True from Hadestown, Last Hope by Paramore, Mood Ring by Lorde, City by DBMK, Numb Little Bug by Em Beihold, Control by Halsey, A Burning Hill by Mitski, and The World Is Ugly by My Chemical Romance.
Images: Brambles, scorch marks, goofy smiles, a group of friends being young and dumb, sharing a joint, emotionlessly lying in bed, sitting with back to a wall curled up and crying, taking a protective stance in front of someone, late nights playing video games, gripping a sink with both hands while looking into a mirror, razor blades, a parent yelling at a child, a comforting hand on a shoulder
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strings0fcontrol · 1 year
Headcanon for Hannibal
Nightmares quail before Hannibal Lecter. Hence, the Hellenic deities tend to grace him with delightful dreams, a recompense for his unflinching dissection of one of their terrors within his own slumber. To this point, no nightmare had managed to torment Lecter successfully (except in his childhood). Their endeavors, futile and only resulting in their own undoing, ultimately led to their surrender. Considering that, he made the entire Pantheon SHIT itself, similarly to when the story of Achilles & Patroclus was unfolding. The realm of his dreams has become a place even they tread with caution, prompting them to bestow upon him a multitude of muses to appease him. Among his ardent devotees and staunch allies stands the deity Nyx, who generously imparts her favor upon him. She finds no fear in him, but instead, a sense of amusement and genuine awe. Even the gods, in their wisdom, have come to respect the dread potential of his psyche.
I could make a Chuck Norris flavored joke that Hannibal Lecter doesn't pray to Gods, Gods pray to Hannibal Lecter, but I will refrain from being too smug. xD For now. Anyway, the story I posted before that works in conjunction with this lil' HC.
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gothcsz · 3 months
You know, it’s actually really sad right now with Paloma.
Like, she doesn’t have anyone she can really trust right now. Not a single person that is really on her side and that makes me so sad for her.
Her friends are all obviously shit, her supposed best friend is horrible. Javi keeps pushing her away and being horrible to her and just fucked the supposedly best friend so why the hell would she trust him?
She has nobody and I just wanna give her a hug. I honestly hate that Javi just had to do that with Sloane… you say the fluff is near but I would have such trouble forgiving him for that. Yes, he’s single and he can do whatever he wants. But what does it say about him as a person that the one girl he goes for is Palomas best friend? Idk, that just feels too deliberate. Bc come on, he definitely knew Sloane wouldn’t keep quiet about it and Paloma would somehow find out! Also, when Sloane mentions Paloma and he basically just ignored it and kept going, even though that was the biggest red flag.
Idk, he definitely needs to do something bc just saying sorry isn’t gonna cut it lol
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she's literally gone through so much in the past... however long that she's been dealing with this shit!! so yes, i'm also in the same boat. group hug?
but also that's kinda august's goal here... to detach her from all those around her to the point where she feels like she has to go back to him and fulfill this quote unquote prophecy that he keeps feeding her (which btw do y'all think it's real or is it just a giant manipulation thing that's been going on for decades?!) which is why he sent sloane to deal with javi. to further drive that wedge between them. but it seems to be doing the opposite...
and as much as javi wants to be a 'better' person... it's a lot more complicated to navigate than he thought ?! yeah sure he hasn't put much effort in and it feels like everything he does contradicts his goal but nobody's perfect and it takes a lot of trials and errors until some breakthrough is made... right? isn't that what they say in therapy? 🤔 (i ask as if i don't have a whole degree in psychology)
granted it was a huge oversight for him not to expect sloane to yap to her bestie…. he's an idiot, i fear. a self aware fool who knew even as he was doing it that fucking her was a mistake but he still went through with it... what's that meme that's like 'them red flags look green when i'm horny' bc that's him to a T and as stated in chapter 5
Always thinking with the wrong head. It’s his achilles heel.
then in chapter 10
[...] his bad habit of losing himself in women 
so the flaw is there and he KNOWS it, it's just the overcoming it that's kicking his ass
paloma, my beloved, is a small town girl that’s never experienced ‘love’ or anything remotley like this. add those conflicting emotions on top of all the lore about her mom… and well, she’s clinging to anything that she can. she’s way too forgiving which is her character flaw (how quickly she forgave mr. thorton for jumping at her. how easily she forgave javi the first time he ghosted her) i do plan on talking about that more next chapter(s) :)
sooo yes you're right, why WOULD she trust him when all he's done is hurt her and a simple sorry won't fix it but we're gonna see this thing through together OKAY?! tysm for stopping by and leaving this lil spiel in my inbox; it's always a pleasure reading comments from readers <3 ALSO I HOPE I DIDN'T PISS YOU OFF TOO BAD OKAY STAY WITH ME
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mypromptlair · 2 years
TCF Prompt 15
Eleceed AU
Choi Han, an 'orphan' living on his own and on a scholarship at Rain City, was walking back to his cottage home in Harris Village, when he came across an injured fat black cat.
Said black cat was actually one Kim Rok Soo. Who, after being gravely injured escaping the man known as 'White Star' and separated from his hyungs, used an unknown ability to transform into said cat.
The adventures that await Choi Han in this 'ability' world has just begun. And perhaps, they both find a family along the way.
KRS may or may not have been trying to scam a man named "Barrow" not knowing he was le White Star. He almost succeeded. almost. GoD might have fucked it all up...oops.
Choi Hans ability is his dark destruction sword art/dark light(and later awakens his family's ability Black Yong)
KRS abilities are his OG ones: Record, instant, etc
KRS is annoyed at first, but then totally vibes with being a cat. He can finally slackk!! Until Choi Han and Cale cause chaos. ugh. Little shits(but his lil shits dammit)
(OG)Cale also has a huge role to play and his abilities are the ancient powers(silver shield, etc.). He has one secret power which is the same as his mothers(the annual rings of life)
The Annual Rings of Life is an ability of the Thames family. A very high rank ability sought by many, as its very rare and powerful: not only showing ones life span, but showing another users "Achilles heel" so to speak.
The White Star wiped out half of them trying to gain the ability for himself.
They all went into hiding after escaping. Jour stayed behind of course(and they lost contact with each other).
"Barrow" eventually finds her and destroys Jour's plate trying to take her ability. She uses the last of her energy to hide Cale from his sight to protect him.
Cale kept all of this to himself while trying to protect his family from WS and ARM(including Ron and Beacrox). What a heavy burden he placed on his tiny shoulders.
Cale lives alone as it was too uncomfortable to live with his 'estranged' family(not to mention the rumors the staff and other cousins created, and his act).
They do care about Cale tho. He just doesn't realize it(Ron and Beacrox are also protective in their own way too).
The Henituse families ability is either a silver shield or super rocks power(or both. since the family crest is a turtle. aka protection/defensive ability)
While starting off as enemies(and due to a lot of misunderstandings mostly due to Venion and Neo using his name to cause incidents he actually had no idea about) Cale and Choi Han eventually become frenemies to friends to maybe more. But that's way longer down the line…
Almost everyone in the small group knows KRS is trapped as a cat.
Cale gets captured and tortured at some point, protecting CH and KRS. He either escapes on his own or is rescued. Either way, this Ron wont let him out of his sight again…neither will Choi Han or KRS…hmm..
Protective Thames family show up to help when Cale is captured as well.
Both KRS and Cale have weaker bodies/plates and both end up coughing up blood when powers are overused. oh dear.
Cale is a total tsundere and often comes over to Choi Hans to "visit the cats and Rok Soo" but also bringing in food or other things he sees Choi Han everyone else needs.
Rosalyn has elemental abilities(like a black mage). She comes from a family of 'mage' ability users. She is the most powerful so far. She is also a distant cousin of Cale.
Rosalyn eventually becomes a student of the great dragon mage Eruhaben.
Lock has more of a role to play and is the one of the ones who helps them escape with Raon(along with his siblings).
Raon, On and Hong are also ability users, who all live with Choi Han and KRS.
Alberu is the same age as KRS, and has a healing ability(along with his Dark Elf form/skills).
Eruhaben is everyone's protective dad/grandpa.
LSH and CJS are very much alive and causing mayhem trying to find their brother. And then they are salty that KRS an Alberu are causing chaos without them.
CJS and CH family bonding. He had no idea his nephew was alone this entire time(CJS is the uncle this time lol)
CH family was killed when he was young, and he was living on the streets until he was taken in by an elderly couple in Harris Village. They left him their cottage after they passed. He promised them he'd go to school and live happily.
CH unlocked his ability Black Light when he was young. Because of this he starts to see himself as unnatural and a monster(certain incidents with non ability users didn't help). KRS and Co eventually help him deal with this mindset(but its a slow process. Something KRS greatly understands).
CH is very smart, and one of the top students with Rosalyn(Cale is extremely smart as well, but he barely goes to class or puts in effort...cause lazy, etc. KRS gets it)
CH and Cale get help with their anger issues(perhaps how they really start to bond).
Everyone is super protective of one another.
future CH/OG!Cale.
Maybe Alberu/KRS?
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hi, yah yah ❣️ apologies if you’ve already talked about this before but i was wondering what your favourite romantic tropes/ elements in fiction are? i personally enjoy when romance and horror coexist in a tale, and i love the way some of your stories have touched on that link. anyway, hope your day’s going pleasant!
I haven't! And God, yes, I really love the idea of romance and horror being two sides of the same coin, and I love that every Good horror story is also a romantic one! Some other romantic tropes in fiction that I adore are;
The entire concept of soulmates, especially soulmates that are made and are sustained throughout lifetimes. First example that comes to mind is Howl's Moving Castle, then The Old Guard, and you know what... The Broken Earth trilogy, platonically with Essun and Alabaster
I love when death isn't the end. I love when love does not stop at the grave. To quote Odette Ain't no grave can hold my body down, wahoooo!
I'm so easy, I see nemeses and enemies with very similar backgrounds and views starting to fall in love because they are each other's polar opposite and I lose my whole shit. Love an enemies to lovers, love to see people go from homoerotic swordfights to straight up gay kissing, amirite kids?
Utterly obsessed with the idea of going through actual hell to retrieve somebody. Orpheus and Eurydice hive make some noise, please. Something other than pained groaning.
Revenge... Now, follow me on this journey. There's nothing quite as romantic as revenge, both in the enemies-AND-lovers sense and in the sense of vengeance for your lover. I like to see a lil gay stabbing to repay another gay stabbing as much as I like to see an Achilles killing Hector for killing his one true love, Patroclus, you feel me?
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menelaiad · 2 years
What do you think of the Antilochus-Menelaus friendship ? I so wish she was explored more, middle aged and his widdle bby friend 🥺
was it not me that didn't shut up about this dynamic like ..... almost 2 years ago??? i think it was.
no, but for real. when you read the iliad this dynamic can certainly fly under your radar. menelaus as a whole can get fucking lost in that book lmfao. but if you read it with hyper-menelaus-vision like i do everything in my life - it's shocking how prevelant that dynamic actually is.
menelaus doesn't interact with a lot of people in the iliad. there's aga, ajax, achilles (well, achilles calls him a dogface and menelaus doesnt really respond but yknow). now, him talking to aga makes sense. ajax is addressed when menelaus needs help on the battlefield (to save odysseus and to defend patroclus) he's the muscle menelaus needs in those moments.
but he talks to and works/fights with antilochus. the most. (outside of aga but their dynamic is ofc gonna be different) antilochus isn't. a big deal. really. he's not one of the leaders. one of the OG big guys. but he's with menelaus in maybe like 30 - 50% of his scenes in the iliad? and for a guy that doesn't appear in the iliad a lot to begin with. that's a lot.
with a oral poem like the iliad there will be a lot of repetition for events, even if the characters change. but i'm sure there's an event that's repeated twice - menelaus calling for ajax's help and then summoning antilochus. again. the ajax thing is explainable - he's a main player. he's also beefy as shit. he can help menelaus YET menelaus summons antilochus as well. why him? using ajax twice for defence makes sense. but summoning antilochus both times (instead of changing to another sidecharacter greek) is purposeful. he CHOOSES him. menelaus clearly forms this attachment to antilochus after book 5 when the lad comes to his rescue.
it's also sweet how in the book 5 moment, there is a mirror between hera's concern for menelaus and antilochus'. hera having this maternal angle to her as well implies that this concern is FIERCE. it's protective. and antilochus feels the same.
i also think it's sweet that antilochus is like menelaus' lil right hand man UNTIL patroclus dies. and then menelaus almost. gives antilochus back to achilles. antilochus and menelaus fight side by side until patroclus dies and then antilochus becomes achilles' right hand man. like. menelaus gives him back. knows how good of a companion this boy is. sees achilles' grief and like .... offers antilochus as a balm to help. patroclus' death is menelaus' fault. and menelaus certainly sees it that way. and to help achilles combat this newfound lonliness he offers up .... his only friend in the whole iliad.
LIKE in the funeral games. menelaus is mad that antilochus has broken his trust and their friendship. it was never really about the prize for menelaus (he fucking gives it to antilochus anyway???? like????) he's so upset because antilochus 'played dirty' and breached his trust. THAT'S why menelaus kicks off. and yet he doesn't stay mad for long. he almost cant??? he and antilochus have been through a lot in the short span of time that the iliad takes place. and i've said it before. menelaus is not a proud man, compared to most in greek myth. he will back down. he will admit defeat. and he does it here too. ofc he does?? this is his friend!!! but not before he gets emotional and upset about being betrayed because menelaus just FEELS so much. he is such an emotional and attached character.
EVEN IF IT'S NOT THAT menelaus' anger could be from CONCERN. antilochus has stayed alive for so long and boy is now gonna die cause he cant drive?! menelaus WILL NOT have that. it could be panic or fear. either way. i dont think his outburst comes from a place of malice or 'sore loser' at all.
and like do you gotta make me say it???? antilochus forces menelaus to face his guilt. he LITERALLY SAYS:
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menelaus yields, yes because antilochus is his friend but antilochus is also SO FREAKIN YOUNG. he's probably spent half of his life (or damn close to it) at troy. for menelaus. and menelaus is not blind to that. antilochus embodies all the young men that came to troy for him that have died for him or at the very least have fought and suffered. menelaus' love and care for antilochus is almost symbolic of his love and care for all these lads who came to troy. antilochus represents the army that menelaus carries on his back and cares about so much. and i think the paternal angle to their relationship almost highlights that. menelaus is compared to a mother directly and his relationship with antilochus emphasises this. and that's why their dynamic so so sweet and important to me. their story begins with antilochus coming to his aid and ends with menelaus thanking him for all he's done. menelaus is not blind to the help of this boy or to the army as a whole.
to conclude:
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
レクシーは東京に行きたいと言っていたので、これでいいと思いました。 こんにちは! もう一度ここで私はこの人々の半分のために同性愛者です
So, I tried the tea yesterday and I still had a weird dream but it wasn’t bad so THANK YOU!! OH and also I'm like Alec bc when I cant fix something I start fixing little things to cope, so I had like 20 open tabs with different fics that I wanted to read but I couldn’t and I just read most of them through this day to clear that up and there was one of yours!! I think it was called "Last on the list" Bro, that shit hurted and I fucking loved it so much💙💙💙 I will stop there bc if I continue I will rant about all the things I LOVED about it <3333 Anyway, LETS GO!!!
I also want dreamless sleep please!!! I love that shit too!! (but good for her!!)
I love the words you are using for each one <3
OMG its their birthday??? And 17 yo??? I lost her age at 15 wtf??
“Nope. Rapunzel is currently on Sleeping Beauty mode.” Ok, that was a good pun tho...
Gabriel is jsbdkdkdk🥺
Fuck Michael!!! LOVE SELENA!!! YESSS
The amount of joy I get from them calling her Sirenita.... 💙 AND RUE?!! 💙💙
Bro you haven't talked to Liv??? Get your gay together and talk to her!! (this from a girl that just 2 nights ago realized my best friend liked me back but we were both idiots smh. Dont follow my stepts dude..)
Its amazing that she is controlling her powers and using them to help people as she loves💙
Oh god Lexi and Max are masters at blackmail😂
Jace is so🥺🥺 makes me so emo seeing him be a father💙💙 AND THE PRESENT OMG I LOVE
So, how do I tell you this...?
Now, thats betrayal.... Also him calling Simon a rat jsjhsydkjs I cant with those two
David understands😌
Mavid's picture tho🥺🥺
Wait, how long has this been since last chapter?
Lovehollow are just big softies💙💙
Gabriel and Selena live in my heart and head 24/7 free rent <3
They are literally the cutest parabatias💙THEY ARE MY RELIGION
"Be Gay. Do Crime." Bro, bro thats the sweetest thing like ever!!!  THEY ARE THE SWEETEST!!
David and Jace being protective fam!!
Ok, but David must look so good tho...
Honestly cant blame Max😂😂 he is a lil horny shit I love sjsjjsksns
"Selena was always happy for other people. Now she was happy for herself." YES SHE IS SO HAPPY AND SHE DESERVES THAT💙💙
Yes she has, Jace, she had a sword😌
Istg this girls better talk to each other or so help me god...
Ok, but I just realized Selena is wearing a crop top!! AND STRIPED JEANS!! She is getting better and happier each day I'm kdjsisjsis <33
David touching Izzy's belly is literally so soft and wholesome I'm about to cry 😭
Firecrackers with the colors of the pride flag... Can the stop being perfect??? Honestly they settle really high hopes for friendship its not fair!!
Malec being malec >>>>>
Yes Brother Enoch is here yall!!!
"Sit here and brood with me.”😂😂
He has no time for bullshit. He has enough Herondale practice
I didn't see that coming!!! Liv was the one who asked for the potion 🥺 AND SHE STILL GOES HOLY FUCK!!
"Alexandra. Do not make me push you off the rooftop." Please do it bro!! I love her but she need it dbjslsnd
I can't believe he is giving Lexi dating advice 😂 he is so done with Jem and Herondales pining and I say GO OFF
If I do it, will you promise to leave me alone? “We both know that’s not going to happen, bro.” (Come on, you love Lexi and you know it!!)
I love all their pijamas!!! I barely have and old one of a salior :(
Achilles knows the real tea kdbsksnsn
You like each other!! Just kiss already!! (although I also love their awkwardness <3)
"This fake thing we did?” Lexi asked. “It was the realest shit I’ve done.” (I'm-🥺🥺🥺🥺)
“Then let me wake you up.” HOLY FUCK YESS FINALLY OH GOD I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM AND I'M CELEBRATING AND JDBDKSKKSM. ALSO "The kiss was very good and very gay. The end." FUCKING MOOD
“You’ve always been my angel. Olivia. You are the only angel I care about.” I just cant with this scene. My heronstairs feelings came true and they are a power couple and I'm so gay for them
Honey... Stop talking😂😂
*sigh* girls, right?
“No,” Lexi said and pulled back. “I booked a date with you for the rest of my life.” (You cant just say romantic shit like that and expect me to be ok!!! But yess bloody Herondales!!!💙💙)
"And Lexi, for once, fell with a smile." I'm not ok and I'm perfect at the same time jdjdksns
Air is no important when you are gay and there are two girls with swords kissing each other
😂Yeah, she is bad at snicking out
Clary, it wasn’t your fault!!! 🥺🥺
She can keep some parts for helself hell yeah!!
CLARY IS SOO WISE AND HER ADVICE SO GOOD I'M AMAZED BY HER (and honeslty saving some to rember later bc everything she said was on point and I sometimes forget it)
Loyalty before all lmao😂😌
"Sometimes it doesn’t, baby,” her mother said gently. “But you get better at carrying it, okay?” 💞💞
Pressure? Ok, I aprove and love it💙💙Yeah, they can also pass good pressure!! SOMETHING THEY CAN FIGHT WITH HOLY-
WOW. Her. Just wow. She is such an amazing character.. Strong and funny and kind and everything else (still so gay for her)
バイバイ!! また近いうちにお会いしましょう! 今週のご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。
Hello baby 💙
oh noooo you read that fic idk why I even wrote that lmao skdfnksf it was just pain lol. Glad you survived.
Also, you said it's a tough week. How are you keeping up? I'm glad the sleep is a little better!!!!
And god I love your reactions.
As always, I sneak in random things that make me uwu and you someone always manage to spot them.
This is the face David had every time he felt Abigail kick in Izzy's stomach:
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seaprofound · 3 years
✦ ❝ But Queen Poseida, who was returning from the Ethiopians, caught sight of Odysseus a long way off, from the mountains of the Solymi. She could see him sailing upon the sea, and it made her very angry, so she wagged her head and muttered to herself, saying, “Good heavens, so the gods have been changing their minds about Odysseus while I was away in Ethiopia, and now he is close to the land of the Phaeacians, where it is decreed that he shall escape from the calamities that have befallen him. Still, he shall have plenty of hardship yet before he is done with it.”
Therefore she gathered her clouds together, grasped her trident, stirred it round in the sea, and roused the rage of every wind that blows till earth, sea, and sky were hidden in cloud, and night sprang forth out of the heavens. Winds from east, south, north, and west fell upon Odysseus all at the same time, and a tremendous sea got up so that his heart began to fail him. 
“Alas,” Odysseus said to himself in his dismay, “whatever will become of me? I am afraid Calypso was right when she said I should have trouble by sea before I got home. It is all coming true. How black is Zeus making heaven with his clouds, and what a sea the winds are raising from every quarter at once. I am now safe to perish. Blest and thrice blest were those Danaans who fell before Troy in the cause of the sons of Atreus. Would that I had been killed on that day when the Trojans were pressing me so sorely about the dead body of Achilles for then I should have had due burial and the Achaeans would have honored my name, but now it seems I shall come to a most pitiful end.”
As he spoke, a sea broke over him with such terrific fury that the raft reeled again, and he was carried overboard a long way off. He let go the helm, and the force of the hurricane was so great, that it broke the mast halfway up, and both sail and yard went over into the sea. For a long time, Odysseus was underwater, and it was all he could do to ride to the surface again for the clothes Calypso had given him weighed him down; but, at last, he got his head above water and spat out the bitter brine that was running down his face in streams. In spite of all this, however, he did not lose sight of his raft, but swam as fast as he could towards it, got hold of it, and climbed on board again so as to escape drowning. The sea took the raft and tossed it about as autumn winds whirl thistledown round and round upon a road. It was as though the south, north, east, and west winds were all playing battledore and shuttlecock with it at once. ❞ — The Odyssey (trans. Samuel Butler), Book V (pg. 487-488)
This is gonna sound so dorky considering the source material—but this passage from the Odyssey honestly cracks me up every time I read it. Let me set the scene for you guys.
Po was on vacation—you know, minding her own business—and there was Odysseus just sailing away, thinking that he was being all slick. Naturally, she got pissed. So, what does she decide to do? Why, create a storm, of course!
Pretty par for the course for her. (All that’s missing is a sea monster that she personally sics on him.) What makes me bust a gut, though, was how she interrupted him mid-monologue.
She really had no time or patience for his melodrama. The moment that Odysseus falsely credited Zeus for the storm that SHE created is the moment that Po lost her shit entirely ngl. She really said, ❝ Shut THE FUCK up! ❞ lmao, what an icon.
(A sensitive lil’ bish icon but an icon, nonetheless.) 
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caffernnn · 3 years
Yeah hi again! More tsoa au snippets anyone?
Now that i think about it, albert could be apollo in tsoa, so imagine him taking a look at makoto climbing the walls of troy, disdainfully raises his nose, spits "puny little mortal" and flicks him off the wall with godly telekinetic powers to be killed by our hector, which is hiyori; i mean albert is already symbolized as a god in canon.
Kinjou could be the dickwad pyrrhus since people refer to pyrrhus as achilles without his patroclus, and kinjou is hinted to have given up personal relationships in order to be a stronger swimmer, and fans theorize him to be creating a rift between haru and mako, so yea...there's that. He could be our proud, arrogant, homophobic lil shit pyrrhus who thinks everybody should be like him- friendless and glory-hungry.
AJHSAKDJSK I WANT TO SEE THE CONFRONTATION BETWEEN BRISEIS AND PATROCLUS AS KISUMI AND HARU!!! Imagine haru being mad at kisumi for daring to touch makoto even after his death, when all kisumi wanted to do was clean him since he doesn't deserve to lie in filth, and haru goes apeshit that nobody should touch his makoto and kisumi goes "you're not the only one who ever loved him!!". Kisumi goes on to rant that haru only cares about chasing his honor and that makoto only died to save his reputation, which i got from a prompt under the #kisumako tag where kisumi confronts haru about how makoto chose him instead of kisumi even though he only takes makoto for granted, then jabs haru with "i wish hiyori kills you tomorrow" and haru goes "do you not think i wish the same?" Omg I'm just quoting from the book at this point I'm so sorry 🤭🤭😅😅✌✌✌
I have an idea on how to include the fireworks scen to the scene where patroclus convinces achilles to fight and save the greeks where haru goes "not you too! Do you not see how they don't care for me?!?!" Or like how they are only nice when they need him smth like that and makoto drops the bomb "then let me fight in your stead" and haru goes on an an Achilles-like tantrum "ask me of anything, but not this!!!" Anw that's not the whole dialogue but haru relents in the end.
Imahine hharu arriving in the underworld expecting to find makoto waiting for him only to be unable to find him even after an eternity of searching, so finally breaks, like the fireworks aftermath where he looked like he just got dumped by his bf, and ge curls into himself, realizing he may have lost makoto forever (again)
I just can't stop thinking how the gay panic nao gave makoto is very similar to odysseus' "sharing beds is gay" comment, so imagine makoto, who followed haru everywhere and shared everything with him, suddenly distancing himself and sleeping outside their tent because he feels that he cannot let the entire army they are gay, especially haru, the best of the greeks, so haru confronts him "what's wrong?" And then they resolve by saying "let them think what they want" or "i will not let them hinder us" or "we don't have to change" smth like that and proceeds to do their nightly cuddle, kinda like the dolphin courtship ritual they performed at the pool.
Aaahhh i just want to expand on phoinix's (that would be mikhail???) story about the king who supposedly was forced to choose between his pride or people he rules, and he chose his pride, even with the king's wife (best friend, in this context??? The king in the story would be ryuuji) and did not help his people win the war so his people turned against him. The wife's name sounds like patroclus, and so phoinix was hinting that only makoto could talk haru into fighting. Makoto had to fight, which results to angst, since haru chose his pride, much like the king (pls let this not be what happens in the movie kyoani we beg you)
So that's it. I'll send more when the ideas come. I swear i will try to turn this into a fic if i ever get out of my slump. IF 😫😫😫
Patrochilles AU fans, come get y’all’s juice 💕
It’s always so interesting to see people explore Haru’s relationship with his own pride because it’s definitely multidimensional. There are so many characters who fall victim to their own hubris or struggle with it more externally (the people who appear as antagonists or rivals to Haru both in canon and in different AUs), but it feels more complicated with Haru, at least to me. His pride doesn’t manifest through Haru boasting about his talents or trying to control/lead people, especially early on in his story - the moment(s) his self-esteem shifts into a double-edged pride is when his belief in his current successes and happiness stops him and the people around him from growing and changing. That’s his downfall. My thoughts from my own Free! x Hadestown AU are sporadic at best, but this verse always makes me think about Haru, especially his descent into hopelessness during ES:
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Haru falls apart when he clings to his vision of comfort and happiness and forgets the ever-changing life involved in that scene. He holds onto the life he has with Makoto, the life he has with his friends, the life he has swimming however or whenever he wants to… and he blinds himself from the reality that everything evolves and continues to change. His pride comes out in his desperate delusion that he can stop the hands of time through willpower and refusing to watch time go by. He’s definitely not the only one going through this sort of internal battle (I’d argue many of the “antagonist” characters go through similar struggles) but it’s the one we arguably get the most insight on.
ALSO: I love Haru dearly but I also love seeing characters pull himself out of his own head for a bit. That Kisumi interaction to remind Haru that Makoto was loved by a lot of people? Knowing Makoto often holds himself back when it comes to Haru because he’s almost too aware of Haru being watched by the world around them?? There’s so much there to explore I just !!!!
I’m rambling, but thanks for sharing as always!
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