#hurt choi han
existential-queeer · 4 months
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iikisa · 5 months
been very absent lately have a quick fanart 🙌
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this one is still apart of my dragon!krs au, so why are rok soo’s ears round here? polymorphing. he chose to look human because he really didn’t want the trouble of having elf ears (for various slacker life related reasons) 🥸. I also specifically made his hair a darker shade of his usual cale henituse red, i think it suits his dragon self better and it resembles blood more 😎.
choi hans just happy boy here ☺️
(my art style is so inconsistent because of how indecisive i am to stick to a brush but i think this is a really good piece so i may stick to this style..🥲)
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buddiesmutslut · 6 months
One thing I hate so much about 911 is the LACK OF APOLOGIES.
Bobby shoves Buck against the wall in s1 & it’s written off as acceptable bc Buck is being nosy, like being annoying is a good excuse to put your hands on an employee.
Buck apologized for the lawsuit & not being around in s3, but Bobby never apologized for holding him back (& lying about it) & Eddie never apologized for screaming at him in the grocery store.
Chim assaulted Buck in his apartment before going after Maddie, and it was never addressed. (Also, does anyone remember if Chim apologized for keeping the Daniel secret from Buck but not the bomber in that one episode? I genuinely can’t remember, I haven’t watched the first seasons in like, a year.)
Also, does Maddie ever apologize for telling their parents about Buck being in therapy? I know they fought about it, but it was also tied in with the Daniel secret (which was fucked but they talked about that) and I can’t remember, but that was kind of shitty, too.
Buck maybe purposefully gets rough with Eddie and definitely hurts his ankle during the game. Sure, we see him feeling bad about it & Maddie scolding him, but no actual apology to his best friend, not even a mention of one.
Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, & idk man, people are flawed, and I know that these characters aren’t perfect, but part of that is apologizing & making amends when you’re wrong. So much stuff is just glanced over to keep the story moving, and I get it but I’m not a huge fan of it. They all have this great, family bond, but how sustainable is that when you’re not owning up to your mistakes and making it right when you hurt someone?
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mypromptlair · 4 months
TCF Prompt 27
TBOAH AU - OG Cale and OG Archie
Cale Henituse died by the hands of the WS. In one universe he made a deal and exchanged souls with one Kim Rok Soo. In this one, instead of making a deal, GoD sends him to another timeline to be able to rest and not have to worry about anything ARM or WS related. In this world, he regressed to when he was 16(and was in the process of escaping the Empire. Perhaps he had been kidnapped? Was his family ok and why did he have ancient powers, including his moms??).
Somewhere along the way, he ends up running into Archie, who also like him, was on the run and had his soul sent to this world after he was killed(and oh, it was a horrifying death. turning blood into pure mana burning him from the inside out. Who knew a specific weapon was made just to take him down. Witira fully snapped after witnessing her last family members/commanders death/. She was so scary, that even the WS didn't enter those waters for a couple years).
Eventually, they learn that they had been considered missing(and MIA in Archie's case). Both had been captured 2 years prior and experimented on at some point during that time(Archie had terrible scars on his back, along with part of his phin missing in his whale form he had also had patches that showed some of his hide had been taken at some point. Just wait until Cale found out who on the black market bought whale hide...if Shickler didn't get to them first anyway. Cale had Ancient Powers forced upon his very thin plate. Luckily he and Archie had come across a water power that settled his plate, but he was will very weak. Both their immune systems were gone too.)
A couple months later, they run into the Molans. And all hell breaks loose.
Overprotective Henituse's/allies/Molans
Overprotective Whales
Archie and Cale whump
No Raon and kids(they either don't exist in this universe or live happily with their families)
Cale had acted as trash, but him getting captured and missing at 14 caused everyone to find out the truth, Cale is disappointed(Archie finds it hilarious)
Archie went missing on a mission(which was later found out caused by a mole/traitor). The whale's missed their chaotic commander. Especially his two childhood friends the royals Witira and Paseton.(Shickler sees him as his bratty kid too)
In tboah timeline, Cale and Archie teamed up on certain missions and to cause chaos. They got along surprisingly well after their first meeting, drove the heroes*cough Choi Han cough* mad.
In this AU, Cale and Rosaly are cousins. Choi Han is a knight protecting Crown Prince Alberu. They all become allies/friends eventually.
Archie became friends with Witira and Paseton when they were kids. Archie is a orphan, and does not get along with the other killer whales(some of the Whales are divided up into different tribes, the killer whales are not loyal to Shickler and do not get along with most other whales. They discarded and harmed Archie when he formed a friendship and later loyalty with Shickler's kids, His parents are unknown, but there are rumors his mother is a Lunar Whale and he is a half blood like Paseton..and that was why he was captured/betrayed in the first place).
The Lunar Whales were said to be able to swim amongst the stars. Blessed by the goddess of the moon, they are strong in mana, and were thought to be the best healers in the world, even more than those chosen by the sun god. None have been seen is so long they are thought to be nothing but a fairy tale. but perhaps it isn't?
The Molan family was never attacked and are still going strong. They and the Thames family have worked together for centuries, and Jour asked them to look after her son after she she passed away. They failed when he was captured, but Ron has made it his duty to insure he and his family never fail Cale again.
The Empire is the main 'enemy' but fighting is not the main plot. it's mostly just Cale and Archie learning to heal and rest, etc.
Cale and Archie still cause too much chaos tho. And lots of misunderstandings!
no romance, just lots of family feels, healing and shenanigan's.
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dialoguestetatet · 6 months
Enemies to lovers, but he never hates you. He's so in love with you it hurts. He's never rude to you, just a little arrogant, teasing, and flirtatious. He wants you to be only his. He scares away every boy who has the audacity to be near you. He snarls at every girl who tries to approach him, so you wouldn't think that he has an interest in anyone but you. You, on the other hand, are boiling with anger. This bastard. This jerk. How dare he make your heart beats faster. How dare he make you blush after some stupid remark about your appearance. How dare he stand here so tall, so strong, so handsome, so sexy, and look at you with such love and adoration. How dare he kiss you with such passion after another fight and make an absolute mess of you. How dare he come to your apartment in the middle of the night. How dare he make love to you, worship you, make you scream his stupid name. How dare he stay with you and make you the best breakfast in the morning. How dare he make you so happy and loved that from now on, you feel safe only in his arms.
Windbreaker: Sangho Choi, Wooin, Hajun (Joker), Owen Knight, Vinny Hong, Hwangyeon Choi, Hyuk Kwon, Harry Shepherd, Ryohei
Lookism: Vin Jin, Jake Kim, Samuel Seo, Han Sinu, Olly Wang, Xiaolong, Kim Goo, Gun Park, Ma Taesoo, Hudson Ahn, Seongji Yuk
Get Schooled: Na Hwajin, Lee Junbin
Guard Pass: Jason, Son Do-Hyun
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penguin-stars · 20 days
I just love the temple trials because they bring out the wildest scenarios: *Choi Han wakes up as an Office Worker in modern Korea*: What is an "e-mail"? when you say "click" on the tab you mean...?
*Cale, leaving the palace after turning it into utter chaos*: Today was a good day :)
*Clopeh after seeing that Cale, once again saved the world*: And I wasn't there to witness it???
*The Black Dragon after being freed from the mana chains*: I'm going to blow this place up! *Cale, realizing that that includes him*: Heck yeah! Blow us up! *everyone in the room*: ???
Choi Jung Gun to Cale: "Don't worry, I don't plan on you getting hurt." *Gets them into a traffic accident*
Cale: "I'm going to defeat the White Star with the power of friendship and this pebble that I just picked up! I may also beat up a god with it too while I'm at it."
*Choi Han, a random stranger taking kid KRS to his house to feed him*: You shouldn't go around following random strangers to their houses!!
*Kid KRS*: ...Ok....
*Cale, after realizing that CJG used him to lure the hunters away from CJS*:
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*Also Cale*: Understandable, have a shit day
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dragonsbluee · 6 months
So I've recently been re-reading TCF And chapter 196 is such an excellent example of how Cale interacts with the people around him, how he views himself and how they view him. This is also at the point in the novel where he hasn't really accepted that he is Cale now, not KRS, because he doesn't feel like he can.
So anyway, we start the chapter seeing the people of Rain City react to Cale's shield and they say something important!
"Won't he faint is he uses such a large shield? Why doesn't he just activate it when the northern bastards come?" "Can't you tell? He doesn't want to see us or the territory getting hurt at all."
At first, I thought this was just the regular drama of people reacting to Cale, but then Choi Han, the kids, and Ron tell him he's being ridiculous, and I realize the townsfolk are right.
The Wyvern Battle is only the 2nd or 3rd major battle Cale has been in so far but only as Cale. As KRS, he's done this before, and having read later chapters, we know Cale holds so much guilt over those battles and how he wanted to keep those he cared for away from it all but couldn't. After all, record only gives him information to guide them and make plans; he often couldn't physically protect them. How many times has he defended a shelter or teammates and wished he could have just covered them all with a shield instead of giving commands from the back? We know how guilty he feels over Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk's deaths.
He knows he doesn't have to keep it up, and he's the one who spreads a rumour that it's taking all of his energy, but he's already considering himself a "bad person" for taking military command and only giving orders. (except that's what it means to take military command?) There is absolutely another motive for keeping the shield around the city. Cale wants the opposing forces to view him as weakened, or he doesn't want people to think his power is as strong as it is. However, at the same time, he's absolutely protecting them because, just like the townsperson says, he doesn't want to see any of them get hurt by an attack he could have blocked.
Cale is doing what he can to undermine himself while claiming he's going to make everyone else the hero of this battle, but he won't drop the shield, which means no one can disregard or forget his involvement. It's not intentional! He's just literally made himself the first line of defense as a direct parallel to every time he was the last line as KRS. He wants to stay at the back, he does not plan to get involved unless he has to, but Cale won't let himself stay out of it. So the shield goes up and stays for multiple days.
Meanwhile, all Choi Han, Ron and the kids see is Cale surrounded by paperwork (because taking command of the entire Northeast is a lot of work), keeping a shield up that's known to make him cough up blood (they don't know about it getting stronger or the vitality of heart), and only sleeping 1 to 2 hours a night (thank you crybaby), so they assume it's a combination of work and concentration to keep the shield up. As usual, they're worried and frustrated at Cale's self-sacrificing tendencies.
We haven't even gotten to the actual battle yet, but this is such a great setup of how it's going to go and how the novel goes.
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
TCF is all about healing
- This is a review about the novel.
There's possible SPOILERS for readers who haven't finished reading the first volume.
When I first picked up the novel, I didn't have high expectations. After reading a lot of stories that end up disappointing me because of how the author eventually adds romance or harems into the story because their main character apparently needs a romantic relationship to feel good about themselves, I thought that Trash of the Count's Family will be the same thing further down the line.
But damn, did the author prove me wrong.
In the first few chapters, the novel's entire vibe was almost unnoticeable. Sure, there were some small details like him not being used to extravagant clothes or finding a simple meal delicious, but it wasn't obvious. It made me raise my eyebrow but I simply thought that he's a simple salaryman or something.
The first lines about him not having anyone who would miss him if he's gone in his previous world can be excused as him having no lingering attachments. And honestly, some transmigration/isekai stories do have their main characters having no attachments in their previous world. So it makes sense and it didn't alert me of what could've possibly happened to Cale, former Kim Rok Soo, for him to be so aloof and calm at the forced transmigration.
And then...he thought about poverty and pity when interacting with On and Hong. That was the first sign that he may have left a few lines out of his introduction.
It steadily got worse when he was talking to Choi Han about him being used to the cruelty of people like Venion. And then, at the first meeting with Raon, he appeared as if he understood the hopelessness of a child under an abusive adult's hand.
That's when I finally thought that TCF is a story about healing. And I was pleasantly surprised.
Sure, there's action, drama, and comedy, but TCF is mainly about moving on or healing from past hurts. There are moments when it can be called "cliche" but TCF is unique in the way it portrays Cale and his relationships. There's the found family trope that I love but what I love the most about the story is how these characters who have lost something or were about to lose something if OG Cale didn't make the deal with God of Death to have KRS replace him, is slowly understanding that they're not alone and that they can improve as a person if given the chance.
It's heart-warming and completely unexpected. I didn't read the first chapter expecting this fantasy-themed action novel to be about this.
OG Cale, Choi Han, Raon, On and Hong, Lock, Taylor and Cage, Alberu, the Dark Elves, Mary, and so many characters paved the way for me to completely fall in love with this novel.
If I sound like I'm exaggerating, then I don't care because this novel is just beautiful.
What completely blew my mind is the final reveal of Cale's past as Kim Rok Soo.
Listen, I have a love-hate relationship with KR survival novels involving monsters and dungeons and the freaking apocalypse. I love some of them and I can't stand the others. But I did not expect that Kim Rok Soo was in a world trying to survive from the effects of the apocalypse.
My first reaction was "What the actual fuck" because I 100% did not expect for the story to go that way. And my second thought was "So that's why!" Because it finally explains why he hates "papercuts"! This guy is so good at making big things about himself sound so small that it left me stunned when the big reveal happened!
I wanna slap him and hug him at the same time.
It explains why he's so good at being a commander. It explains why he's used to getting hurt or why he hates the thought of his friends and family dying with him as the survivor (I believe he has a survivor's guilt?). It explains everything.
He may be in a new world but he's still stuck in his past no matter how much he says about not thinking about what-ifs and his past. The time he spends in this new world is him slowly realizing that he's not alone and he doesn't have to be so scared.
And when I finally thought that I'm done being surprised, OG Cale appears and flips everything I knew about the character. They talk about how content they are with their new identities. They smile. They're happy. And that proves why this novel is about healing and not the simple transmigration novel full of action and comedy. Instead of getting angry at Kim Rok Soo, former Cale Henituse, for the deal with God of Death, he's just happy for the man and for himself. I just love how the author doesn't forget about Kim Rok Soo's sacrifices and rewards him with a happy life with his mother.
It's so hard not to finish the novel within weeks because of how good it is. It can be fast in some parts for the action, which makes sense since everything is happening at once. But there are also slow emotional moments that keep reminding me why I love this novel.
So yeah, this is my review about TCF. It's not a perfect novel but it's a good novel about healing and family. And I'm waiting for the second volume to be done so I can finally read the rest.
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jiwoneiric · 8 months
give me your forever
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the world is against you, except one.
pairing: non-idol!pham hanni x bestfriend!reader
genre: hurt comfort
tags: y/n got her heart broken, pham hanni isn't having any of it, y/n is ofc a '04 liner, y/n is much taller than hanni.
warning: cursing, self-hatred, injuries, self-doubts
word counts: 1.8k
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you are never going to be enough for anyone.
the last sentence your girlfriend said to you lingers in your mind.
wait, no.
she’s your ex-girlfriend now.
it was the last thing she said to you and the last thing you have heard from anyone since you drowned yourself in the comfort of your bed. you’ve cried a lot. too much to the point you can’t physically cry anymore. it’s like you have run out of tears to let out. your friends have simultaneously come and go to your dormitory room but no one could get over the other side of the wall. 
well, at least, not yet.
you know deep inside that you will only allow your best friend to do so but her being MIA for the past few days got you worried, and inevitably hurt. 
where did she go? is she sick? or is she just going to abandon you like jinah did?
her absence affects you so much but you don’t have the energy to reach out, adding to the fact that what jinah said to you has affected you significantly.
so, you just wait, albeit the sting on your heart starts to grow into a punch on your heart.
you know your friends are getting worried with the nonstop notifications and ringtones ringing from your phone but you still lay lifelessly on your bed.
it is not that you like jinah that much but the way she took your heart and stomped on that poor thing two days ago hurt you a little bit too much. you hated how you remember vividly the way she slipped out all those words about you being undeserving of being loved, about you being so egoistic that no one would dare to look your way again.
and it is all because of the dare she took from her best friend, who turned out to be one of the suitors you have rejected in the past.
was your rejection too harsh? you don’t think so. you rejected her politely, saying how she is a good person but you are not interested in having a romantic relationship with her. so, why was jinah’s best friend so mad?
or was it jinah who was mad all along?
you don’t know and thinking about the possibilities hurts your head so bad so you shrug it off.
and a soft knock on your door pulls your attention.
“choi y/n?”
the long-awaited voice has finally arrived. you smile bitterly before standing up to open the door for her.
you hadn’t finished greeting her when you got engulfed in a tight hug from pham hanni. reciprocating the hug, you freeze when she lets out a wince.
“i’m fine, i’m fine.”
not convinced, you break the hug immediately and the sight in front of you causes you to gasp loudly.
hanni has bandages all over her arms. her left cheek is in the shade of dark purple, most probably from a punch or two.
“w-what happened?”
your sorrow is neglected as worries fill your entire system. knowing that han won’t budge, you immediately yet carefully guide her to take a seat on the side of your bed.
“who did you beat?”
you say sternly, giving hanni zero chance to change the topic.
“or, should i ask, who the hell beaten you up?”
you let out a grunt when all she did was look away, avoiding your questions like the plague. you are not in a good mood so her act irritates you more than it should.
“if you are not going to tell me, just go.”
that sentence was what you needed to make her look your way again. you know you caught her off-guarded with those words, causing her to panic almost instantly.
“o—okay! i’ll tell you! just…”
her voice dies down but you wait, knowing how she needs some time to rethink her decision and let the silence engulf the room.
“i kinda need a hug…”
you noticed the pained and drained look on her face and immediately agreed in silence as you climbed your bed to lie down before patting the space beside you.
once you think she’s comfortable in her position, you pull her into your embrace. a smile formed on your face when you heard her contented sigh.
“so, the thing is that i was really really mad, and still am, to be very honest, at that damn jinah so i kinda went up to her when i saw her walking outside yesterday.”
“so you throw the punch first, hm?”
you giggle softly when hanni can only let out a whine.
“i mean, she looked so smug at that time i couldn’t hold myself back any more!”
you feel hanni’s grip on your shirt tighten. you love how you can read hanni like an open book and the fact that she only acts like this with you. you keep caressing her silky hair that recently got shorter since she said she wants a change in her so-called dull life, in an attempt to comfort her and yourself. 
“oh no, yn…”
you are so surprised by hanni’s words that you pull back from the embrace to ensure she’s fine.
“why? why? are you hurting somewhere?”
you are left confused as hanni buries her face into your neck.
“the one who should do the comforting is me, not you…”
you are dazed upon the realisation that you forgot about your feelings the moment you saw hanni in front of your door earlier.
“it’s ok—”
you couldn’t finish your sentence when hanni wiggled her way out of your embrace and sat up immediately before looking back at you.
“what did she say to you?”
you stifled your laugh upon seeing her sudden serious face but to be honest, she just looks super cute right now with her lips pursed and her eyebrows so close to each other.
but still, your smile wears down while sitting up when you get taken back to the scene that happened two days ago. when jinah took your heart and stomped it on the ground heartlessly—as if she’s the one being taken her heart away—before throwing out the haunting sentence that filled up your mind.
you didn’t realise how long you were completely quiet until you registered han’s soft and gentle touch on your arm.
“do you want to tell me what happened?”
you hesitate a bit, wary about putting burdens on your best friend’s shoulder.
but the said best friend can also read you like an open book. before you can decline her, she encourages you first.
“just so you know, you won’t burden me with this at all.”
your heart suddenly clenched, your eyes suddenly filled with tears and your head hung low as you bit your lower lips when hanni started caressing your hair.
your resistance has proven weak, especially in hanni’s arms when you started sobbing your heart out while the caressing on your hair gets even gentler than you thought was possible.
“it’s okay, y/n. let it all out. i’m here to catch you. i’m here.”
hanni’s heart breaks when she feels your grip on her shirt tighten alongside your loudened sobs. a tinge of anger seeps inside her heart upon the thought of what jinah had done to make you cry so miserably. even if you won’t tell her what happened, she’ll make sure jinah will pay the price.
“sh-she said that it was all for a revenge b-because i rejected her best friend before.”
you managed to slip it out without stuttering much. you expected hanni to shout her anger like she always does when you’re feeling down because of someone else but all she did was furrow her eyebrows and caress your hair, signing that she’s trying her best to let you let your feelings all out.
“and sh-she said that,”
you gulp your tears down, feeling your heart clenched even harder at the flashback in your head.
“that i will never be enough for anyone…”
the way your voice quietens down hurts hanni’s heart so bad.
“you might not believe me now, y/n but you are more than enough for me”
“how can i be, han?” 
you deny weakly. everyone who knows choi y/n know how strong-minded you are, and how you never get wavered by people’s talks. how you always managed to stand straight no matter what fell upon you.
but this time, it hurts you so bad knowing that someone you allow yourself to be vulnerable with thinks of you like that.
“jinah won't say it if she didn’t mean it, didn’t she?”
“either she meant it or not, she’s so wrong, y/n. you are everything to me, you are enough to be my best friend, you are enough as my listener and you are also enough to be my menace too.”
you smile a bit when hanni ends her assurance with a light chuckle.
“even when i ghosted you for two days straight?”
“it’s understandable, y/n. you were hurt, still are, and it is just right for me to give you space for a little bit.”
the past few days you were so mad at her for not checking up on you when all she was trying to do was to give you space to recollect yourself. a small frown appears upon the disappointment hits you. you were cut off from your thoughts when you felt hanni’s small fingers drawing circles and patterns on the back of your hands.
“what’s wrong, hm?”
“I was so mad at you thinking that you didn’t care about me but it turned out that you care the most…”
your heart breaks a little upon seeing the surprise on hanni’s face.
“oh, y/n… i should have told you first, shouldn’t i?"
you shake your head, disagreeing with her.
“no, no. i should have known better, han. seriously.”
she probably sensed that you are not hiding anything as she proceed to tuck your head under her neck while caressing your hair.
a comfortable silent fills the room, driving you sleepy with the warmth of hanni’s embrace. 
"you're not falling asleep on me, are you?" 
you try to force your eyes open for just a little while but the sleepless nights have caught on you. you let hanni lay you down before pulling you into her embrace once again. hanni’s soft chuckle is the last thing you heard before you were taken to dreamland.
hanni smiles fondly, letting her finger graze on your face, touching every detail on it that she had long engraved in her memory.
“have a good sleep, my love.”
she kisses your forehead so softly as if you are a valuable masterpiece. her heart swollen upon hearing your contented sigh.
“i wish i could hold you like this forever, y/n.”
hanni confesses, pulling you impossibly closer to herself as she, too, drifts into dreamland.
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a/n: thank you for giving this a read! feel free to leave a request on my ask :D comments and reblogs are so appreciated :))))
p/s: might do a second part since I'm on my sem break idk hihi
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blueteller · 7 months
Cale In Lockdown Be Like:
Raon: Human, you must stop getting hurt all the time, or- or...! Cale: Or...? Raon: ...or we will lock you up in your room! With 3 meals a day! Cale: *eyes shining* You mean I wouldn't have to go outside? Choi Han: Cale-nim, no....
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i-might-be-a-simp · 3 months
It broke my heart when I read that Choi Han started to cry when he first saw the Stone Wall marking the end of the forest of darkness, it had taken him so long to reach this point. And how Cale literally became the light in his world because for so long his world was filled with despair, he was lonely and trapped in his worst nightmare, he was just an average highschool boy with a loving family but suddenly he had no one to talk to as he tried to survive without help for so many decades, and past this wall he saw Harris village, but he then lost them too, people who showed him kindness in this new world. Then one day, on his lowest, when he was helplessly angry and guilty for what had happened, when no one was there to check up on him and the people ignored him as some injured homeless man, there came someone who treated him and gave him a new family, a new direction and a new purpose. And it hurts even more when I think about how originally no one actually showed up for Choi Han, he spent the night hungry alone and unconscious, recounting the faces of his loved ones as he buried them, thinking about destruction and revenge. The original Choi Han's despair never ended...
Choi Han my beloved.
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s-crossed · 4 months
“Hmm? What are you talking about? Our human and the smart Choi Han! Both of them! I’m not happy at all because they got hurt! I want to fuck the White Star up!”
“…Where the heck did this little kid learn a phrase like, ‘fuck him up?’ ”
Eruhaben looked toward Cale.
‘Was it you?’
Cale shrugged his shoulders.
Eruhaben looked at Cale and nodded his head. His gaze soon changed.
‘It was you.’
Cale had a lot he wanted to say after seeing that gaze but kept his mouth shut. It was because he felt as if Raon probably did learn it from him.
And this is why exactly you should watch your mouth around kids.
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weirdsht · 2 months
Hihihi hello!!! Hope ur doing well 🫶🏻
Cale n the co with someone who likes to give quick, gentle kisses? It can be platonic as well (sorry i kiss everything i like)—the kids, rosalyn, cage, hannah, their pillows, n many more. Like imagine kissing the kids' foreheads more than just few seconds and so sweetly bc they love their adorable little faces with big doe eyes so much-- I'm gonna cry so bad bro. I live for happiness w my unreal beloveds 🫂
Hershey’s - LoTCF & Gn! Reader
notes: I think 4+1 fics are becoming my go-to...
tags: gender neutral reader, sickfic at the end, fluff, kisses, platonic
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read navi)
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When you first worked with Cale everyone was immediately introduced to your… peculiar habit.
[Name] kissed Cale’s hand as a greeting.
“It’ll be my pleasure to work with you young master.”
“Is this how you greet everyone?”
Cale asked but he didn’t look uncomfortable. Unlike when Clopeh compliments him. Because unlike that lunatic, the young master could feel the respect in that peck.
“When it seems appropriate. I’ll refrain from doing it if you are uncomfortable.”
Yup, [Name] is a hundred times better than Clopeh. They can’t even be compared.
“No, it’s fine. I was just curious.”
“As long as the young master doesn’t mind then.”
It was a rare day when everyone was taking a day off. No one was training or anything. They have all collectively decided to laze around.
“[Name] tells us a bedtime story!”
Raon demands as he and the kittens lie down on Cale’s bed. The owner was rolling around the marble floors somewhere else.
“But it’s still midday? Why would you want a bedtime story now?”
[Name] tilts their head in confusion at the kid’s demand.
“Cale told us that anytime is a good time to sleep nya!”
Hong reasoned as he tapped his paw on the bed for emphasis.
“Fair enough. I’ll get a fairy tale book then.”
Two stories in and the children already looked drowsy. All of them are ready to take a nap. [Name] closed the book they were reading and leaned down to kiss each of the children’s foreheads.
“Sleep well, kids.”
After that, they demand [name] to tell them a bedtime story every night.
…it certainly wasn’t because the kiss felt nice.
…not at all.
“Thanks for training with me Choi Han!”
[Name] thanked the swordmaster. Only the two of them are in the plaza. Everyone else had already finished for the day but [name] asked Choi Han for extra training.
“No problem.”
Choi Han replies as he hands his friend a bottle of water to drink.
Together they sat in silence. Only the sound of the water being drank and the towel wiping their sweat could be heard.
“Come one, let’s go. We have to shower before Beacrox kicks our asses.”
[Name] chuckled as they offered their hand for Choi Han to grab. The black-haired man also laughs as he imagines the chef’s angry face.
Once they reached the door to [name]’s room they got on their tiptoe.
Then kissed Choi Han’s cheeks.
“Thanks again, Choi Han! I’ll treat you to something nice next time!”
With that, they enter their room leaving the poor man outside with a very red face.
“First time?”
Rosalyn laughs as she passes by the swordmaster.
Choi Han knows that it’s just the way [name] shows affection.
But still, he can’t help but feel embarrassed.
Sniff. Sniff.
On sniffed as she held back her tears. 
Why the tears one might ask?
She accidentally scraped her knee while running around in the Forest of Darkness. The sting from the wound hurts so bad that it makes her tear up.
“Oh no baby come here. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
[Name] picks the silver kitten up so they can clean the wound. Once they entered the room On was placed on the bed so they could get the first aid kit.
In no time, the kitten’s knee is all bandaged up.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“No. Thank you [name].”
[Name] smiled brightly as they received On’s gratitude. They then leaned down and kissed the silver kitten’s bandaged knee.
“To make it heal faster.”
“Then… every time one of us gets hurt we can go to you to kiss it all better?”
On paws [name]’s face. They are now on their way back to meet up with everyone.
“Of course! But that right is exclusive for children. The grown-ups can handle themself.”
[Name] winks at On and both of them giggle as they walk.
Deep inside, On thinks she shouldn’t tell the rest of the kids about this privilege.
She feels like they would deliberately hurt themselves just to get a kiss.
[Name] was sick with a fever. They have been delirious and fading in and out of consciousness for 2 days now.
There’s not much they remember but they did retain the memory of a bunch of people kissing them.
“Get well soon.”
Rosalyn kissed the crown of their head as she wished them well.
“It’s hard seeing my sparring partner sick like this. Get better soon so we can spar.”
Choi Han kissed their hand with a promise of spar.
“I know you said it’s exclusive for children but maybe it’ll work on you too.”
On pats their head as she kissed their forehead.
“Get well soon [Name]! Because you're sick I’ll read you a bedtime story instead!”
Raon kissed their cheek before he started reading a children’s storybook.
…[name] genuinely doesn’t know anymore if their red face is from their fever or their kisses.
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mypromptlair · 2 years
TCF Prompt 23
TBOAH/TCF AU - Afterword's - Hunters
After 22 years of a terrible war - And two years since the death of one Cale Henituse - Choi Han and Alberu Crossman fall at the hands of the White Star and SG.
When they regress, their memories mix in with the new and they are shocked at what has transpired in this new timeline.
Harris Village lives on, and Choi Han is no 'Hero', but a Guardian to the Village, Forest and Henituse Territory.
Alberu Crossman awakens to having the kingdom in the palm of his hands, seemingly loved by his people and having quite the backing he had always yearned for.
And then there's Cale. Cale who regressed, became a dear friend at a young age, and of course an amazing Commander in the war. And along with his brother, Kim Rok Soo, changed the fate of their world and saved it from the White Star/SG. In just two years no less.
They are both pleased at this turnout and at a loss of what to do now(what did they regress for?).
Then a group who call themselves the Hunters attack. And no, they don't go after the Soo's who reincarnated, nor went after Choi Han and Alberu who transmigrated and regressed.
No, they went after Cale. Who knows too much. And much like his mother, places burdens on his shoulders that are too heavy for him to bare alone. All at the behest to protect his loved ones from harm and so that his precious brother can finally achieve his slacker life.
But now its everyone else's turn to protect him.
New timeline - group knows Cale regressed/Soo's transmigrated, etc.(War ended with Cale at 22, KRS 20, etc)
LSH, CJS are here as well. And helped out in the war.
Choi Han, Alberu and Cale were all known as "The Big Three", as they were the strongest fighters left in tboah world.
Cale died saving them and the last few good soldiers they had.
Choi Han and Alberu are very protective of Cale.
KRS and the others learn just how dark/terrible that timeline was
KRS realizes there was a lot Cale never told him, and that while he has slowly healed and learned to finally love himself(with a lot of aid from his said brother), Cale never took the time to do that for himself(the hypocrite).
Cale is extremely smart, and a scary good actor.
Cale has the AP's, while KRS retained his abilities from earth(KRS has a good plate...Cale not so much). They both still coughed up blood/fainted tho. Much to the stress of everyone around them.
Henituse family loves Cale just as much as KRS, there was just tons of miscommunication, etc, once again. And Cale is just as oblivious as his brother. But it gets figured out and fixed.
Cale is still the only red head in the family, KRS has brown hair like Deruth. Which also adds to some of the drama(but is finally dealt with).
Cale is the kids favorite uncle. He spoils them rotten(along with Mary).
Beacrox is Cale's hyung, which he takes srsly*stares at Choi Han*.
Cale doesn't realize Ron, Eruhaben and Fredo think of him as their kid along with KRS. He bout to find out though.
KRS and Cale are downright scary when they work together. And ppl learned never to let Cale and Rosalyn experiment on magic, etc together.
Cale learned a lot of things about the Hunters on his own(while KRS was off resting from his "shenanigans".)
He also learned that GoB isn't so...balanced as it thinks it is. Because of this, he was attacked while trying to get this info to GoD and CJS.
GoD is upset and protective that one of his favs got hurt. And from trying to protect him no less.
Eric, Amiru and Gilbert all had a bigger part to play, and protective of Cale.
OverProtective!Everyone for Cale!
Cale, Cage and Bud are all drinking buddies(and have to be separated cause they cause a lil too much Chaos for Alberu to handle)
Can have romance if wanted, but not needed(ChoiCaleAlberu and PolySoo's for example?)
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yuriisclumsy · 5 months
Hi im still not sure if this is how you request😅😅
But can you please write a scenario about a reader who is very flirty with cale and always having a way to insert flirty lines into their conversation while cale just ignores it (secretly liking it) but one day he had enough and responds to a flirty line that the reader just said which leads to the reader being shocked. Also bonus if the fam also actually sees it HAHAHAHA
Thanks for reading🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
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Who's The Teaser Now?
»»►In this scenario I like to think [Name] has been a servant of Cale’s for years. Like, she saw him when the two were teens , and was like “Well damn, hot momma. You lookin’ fine tonight,” like a high school girl drooling for her crush. And the rest is history.
»»►Having [Name] flirt with you for YEARS makes you unreactive to her remarks; immune to any of her advances. But one day, because he was feeling festive, he decided to reply to one of [Name]’s many flirty lines.
»»►And let me tell you. [Name]. Was. SHOCKED. Pikachu style.
»»►Now we jump to the present.
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Cale was on his way to relax in Heris Village, where his villa resided, after the battle with Arm in the Hais Islands. Only to have it disturbed not even two minutes into the carriage ride back to the Henituse Territory, by none other than [Name] the Simp.
She first started soft, asking if he was alright after the battle: “You didn’t get injured, right?” To: “Well, just WHO would even hurt such a refined gentleman such as yourself, Oh young and handsome Master Cale?”
Now Cale was starting to get pissed. He just wanted a nice, AND QUITE, ride back. But no, he just had to hear your annoying voice…. 
Oh. An idea just crossed his mind.
Let’s see if this will resolve his problem, even if there is a possibility of it backfiring. 
“Y’know Master Cale, every girl in the Henituse Territory is now DYING to see your pretty face. Especially after getting that fancy title of yours. A title, which I must say, is rather fitting of you, young master. Honestly, I’m so lucky that I can just admire it whenever you call me. If you asked me to marry you I wouldn’t even think for a second and just say yes. Truly, a dream come true!” [Name] was making his, On’s, Hong’s, and Raon’s ears fall off with how much she was talking.
Ah! Wait a second. This was the perfect opportunity! 
“Oh yeah?” Cale started, “If I were to fall on my knee and ask you for your hand, would you accept in a heartbeat?” He asked as one curious gaze and two unsure gazes fell on him.
[Name] just looked at Cale, unsure at why he was asking. Usually he just orders her to do something to get her away, or simply ignores her altogether.
“Uhh-uhh..yeah?” She answered.
“Then you don’t mind if I do this then,” he said, getting down on one knee in the moving carriage. 
At this point [Name]’s eyes were wide, almost to the point they might pop out her sockets.
Cale took her right hand and looked up to meet her eyes. With a wide smile he asked, “[Name] [Last Name], will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive, and give me your hand in marriage?” He finished.
The children looked at him like he had a loose screw. Had he finally a lost it after not getting a break to be a slacker? Was this his limit? [Name] had an unreadable expression. Almost concerning.
Did I go too far? Cale asked in his head while assessing her expression. What scares me the most is that she isn’t saying anything cheezy inturn, a sweat drop apparent in his face, falls.
A screeching yell was heard from inside the compartment. The carriage stopped and those outside came running to aid–in what their opinion was a threat–those inside the carriage.
“Young Master Cale! Is everyone alright?! What happened—!?” Choi Han asked in a hurry, swinging the door of the carriage wide open, sword in hand. Only to see Cale kneeling on the floor of the carriage with a [Name] crunched up on the corner of the seat opposite to the door.
What happened? 
All everyone could see was a girl that looked like she was dying slowly in a corner, and a young Master that probably fell from his seat after the carriage suddenly stopped. 
To not make things more awkward, Cale spoke.
“Ah, you guys,” he got their attention, “go back. [Name] just saw a bug. So there is no need to worry.” He skillfully lied, sitting back up.
“...if you insist,” getting a hesitant response from Choi Han, and some worried looks from the others. 
All the while Ron is just smiling in the back. We all know he knows what happened.
Going back to their positions, the carriage started moving again. Only this time, it was quiet. Just how Cale liked it. He looked at the source of the blissful peace to see the girl still in a crouched up position.
“Huff, where did that ‘say yes in a heartbeat’ go?” Cale asked the girl, getting that last remark for his triumph.
In response, all he heard was a muffled “Shut up…!” from her.
Red hues adorned her ears, indicating she was blushing. She was trying so hard to hide her face with her arms and legs too.
How cute.
No wonder [Name] enjoyed doing this to him, being the one on the teaser end is certainly amusing.
He smiled, looking out the window, deciding not to tease her anymore to save her from more embarrassment.
He should turn this into a hobby after seeing that expression on her face.
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Hello, lovelies! I hope you enjoy this. Surprisingly I wrote this in two days...fascinating.
𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚜: @lureslutes, @cruzerforce4256, @narcise63, @potterhead-whovian-117, @margieee194, @zenix108, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @potterhead-whovian-117, @alithurism, @matchalyne, @minteaspoon, @dontknowhowtousethis, @valacz29, @rainalovesouya, @vimenorie, @lunavixia, @ru8yx. Re-blog or Comment if you want to get added into the Tag section for Lout of Count's Family for more updates.
Lout Of Count's Family Master-List
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armpirate · 8 months
Wander through my body || San
Boyfriend exp.
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pairing: Idol!Choi San x fem!reader
w.c.: 4k
Warnings: Smut, vanilla sex, oral sex (female and male receiving), masturbation (female receiving), unprotected sex (not you, wrap it up, folks). If you're a minor, refrain from reading it. Also, if you don't like this content, just keep scrolling.
Summary: Your boyfriend has been having a hard time, after he was forced to cancel a trip you were excited about. Even if you have told him everything is okay, he's still stuck on the idea that you're mad about it, so you come up with the idea of showing him how you're okay through actions rather than words.
Aprox. time of reading: 17 minutes
The huge teddy bear rested over the right side of your couch, after you placed it there. You weren't convinced of leaving it there, but it wasn't like you had many other free spots to leave something that was as big as you. Your boyfriend did mean it when he said he'd try to make it up to you, although you didn't expect that would mean seeing your small studio filled with heart-shaped balloons, cuddly teddy bears, and giant tulip buckets.
Earlier that day, he had called you to brag about all the gifts he prepared, including your favorite flower in different bright colors -that, surprisingly, fitted with the aesthetic of your apartment perfectly.
You couldn't say you were widely surprised though. Since you two started dating, San had always been the perfect boyfriend. He loved romance as much as he loved you, and showing his affection by using it was one of his best skills.
A walk next to the Han River in the night while holding hands, or sitting next to your window to see the snow falling down in front of you as you were cuddled next to each other, covered with a soft blanket... Those were the type of things he made you used to. And you loved it each time, because you treasured the efforts he made to see you, although his schedule was too tight.
His idol life was crazy, and you knew it before you started dating each other, when you met at Kangdae's, one of your friends in common, birthday party. San caught your eye immediately. Not only was he dangerously attractive, but his personality trapped you in the moment -and you were afraid you would never escape it. And he felt the same way, although -unlike you- he tried to tear down the walls that you kept building up, until you were completely defenseless to his charm.
One year later, you couldn't be more glad of avoiding everything that could've kept you away from him.
It was difficult at times, but you always managed to make it work.
Barely having time to see each other, the sometimes forced long-distance relationship, having to date in the dark, last-minute canceled dates because rehearsal took longer than he expected... And that week it was the cancellation of a week-long trip you both had been talking about for weeks, their tour would be finished and also neither of your coworkers asked for days off during that period of time -which allowed you to have that freedom to choose.
You already made sure to have that week off from work, when San assured you there would be no problem since there was nothing scheduled for those dates. Although thankfully you didn't buy the tickets nor booked the hotel. Just when you called him for it, the tone of his voice warned you that the next thing that would come out of his lips was something you wouldn't like.
It upsetted you, because you were already acting as if that trip was happening without a problem. But the guilty tone in your boyfriend's voice hurted you more. It was something out of his control. It wasn't like he had any type of control over his team, and the way they dealt with contracts for the group. He was already seeing himself packing his bags in a few months to go with you to Bali after you confirmed you were allowed to have that week off, until he stepped inside his company with the news that Ateez was going to be participating in a festival in Japan that same weekend -which meant he'd be required to rehearse for it. Ever since that happened, he had always been looking after you, calling you several times a day -even if he was using those tiny breaks to eat, even if that meant he stayed up at night -because he was on the other side of the world-, and sending several gifts to your place -where you didn't have any space left for more.
He didn't need to make up for anything, yet he made sure he did.
The emotional responsibility he showed, every single time he thought you were disappointed, was something you hadn't seen in any of your exes before -not even in most of your friends. It was definitely one of the things that you treasured with dear life, and that encouraged you to treat him better every day.
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That week you barely had time to text back, or see him whenever he invited you over to the dorm when Mingi and Seonghwa weren't around, and the day he opted to show up at your place, he found the door closing up in his nose, with your eyes widening in surprise when you saw him.
San had never seen you reacting that way when he showed up, and that added to how distant you seemed that week, made him worry. His knocks on the door were gentle, yet insistent, while his voice called your name with an inquiring tone that made you struggle with the way your living room looked.
Ever since he came back from tour, everything seemed fine. You both went back to those late night dates, filled with cuddles that made him never want to leave your side, your random visits to the company... He didn't exaggerate when he thought that he saw you just as much as he saw the members -and he spent almost all day with them. But everything went off a few days back. All of a sudden, you stopped visiting him and seemed conflicted if he showed up to pick you up at work instead. It seemed like he was still on tour by the way you restricted your relationship to texts and calls.
At first, San thought that maybe work was busier than usual that week. But the worst side of his brain couldn't stop wondering whether you could've met someone else or not, or whether you started needing some space after dating for so long. Or if he did something to make you act that way. And it was then when he realized: you were supposed to be on that trip for two days already, yet there you were at home.
Meanwhile, you were inside, trying to choose whether to let him ruin your surprise or knowingly hurt him and give him a hard time to protect it. Work had been a mess, but trying to prepare the way your living room looked, along with all the small details you had to pay attention to, barely gave you time to breathe. If you finished your shift at six, at one past six you were going from one shop to the other to get everything you needed before he left for Japan. And you spent the whole previous day building the "stage" in your free corner of your living room, just to make sure it'd look fine before the day of the surprise came.
"Give me one minute" you screamed.
You weren't going to ruin your surprise. You were just going to give it to him earlier than planned.
Double checking the comfort space, you sighed and walked to the door. That wasn't the way you imagined that day, although you still didn't know if that was for good or bad.
His eyebrows were slightly furrowed at the top of his nose, and his eyes seemed bigger by the way confusion invaded them, by the way he was unable to read the expression on your face.
"What are you doing here?" you first asked, moving to the side so he'd be able to step inside.
"We've barely seen each other this week, and I missed you" San admitted, taking off his shoes before he turned back to you. "I know you're still mad, but...".
You were the one frowning as soon as he started speaking "Mad? About what?".
"I know it's not easy, and I know you were looking forward to that trip, but I promise I'll make it up to you".
Your hands rested on your hips as you heard what got him so worried to go to your apartment that late, out of nowhere. While you completely moved on from that topic days after it happened, he was still stuck there and the disappointment he thought it made you feel after months. If you were doubting on giving him his surprise in a few days, that was the sign that he needed to see why you were actually distant for that week.
Just clicking your tongue, and quickly twisting your neck, you took a step in his direction, reaching for his wrist to drag him inside your studio.
He was confused by the way you pulled him deeper in your house, walking behind you. As he followed you, there was a sound of waves that kept sounding louder with every step you two took, but he didn't pay much attention to it, it was the least of his worries at that moment. It all seemed like always when you two reached the entrance to your living room, except for the few plushies that he sent, that were decorating the shelves. Until his eyes fell over the corner in the living room that was empty. There was a huge beach poster, and the sand at the bottom of it was followed by a wide carpet with a print in a similar tone. Over it, a tiny table that had nothing on it, except for two empty glasses with two pink small paper parasols.
"Crafts were never my thing, so I'll say it for you: it looks a bit lame. But it's still unfinished., I didn't even prepare the drinks to make it spot on" you tried to justify yourself. "I know how bad you felt, and still feel, about that trip. And I tried to make this to make you feel better about it, but the only conclusion you could reach with this is never leaving me in charge of building anything".
The warm hug San trapped you in contrasted with your light jokes about the build up of your surprise. His face was hidden on the curve of your neck, feeling his nose and his lips pressed against your oversized t-shirt, while his arms surrounded your body, one hand cupping your head against his chest while the other pulled you in tighter by your waist.
"No, princess. It's perfect" he assured, with his face sinking deeper on your body -as if that were possible.
Finally smiling, your arms changed places. You wrapped his neck, standing on your tiptoes to be able to land a sweet kiss on his neck, while his arms hugged you tight from your waist.
"You don't need to make up for anything, babe" your fingers tangled on his locks, caressing the back of his head. "You never had to".
You squeezed his cheeks, lightly moving back to be able to look into his eyes during your embrace. His smile was so wide, despite not showing his teeth, that his eyes looked completely squinted.
"At first I thought you were planning on breaking up with me" he mentioned with a pout.
"Oh, you aren't getting rid of me so easily" you joked, pulling in for a peck on his lips.
The shape of his mouth slowly changed, going from the pout to fully adapt to the way your lips moved on his. His fingers pressed on a particular spot, between the curve of your waist and your spine that made you gasp, hugging tighter onto him as you smiled during the kiss. The tip of his tongue peeked through his lips as he smirked, guiding yours lips to his with the hand on your nape.
You had been dating for so long, but everytime his tongue rubbed against yours had the same effect on you. A wave of electricity ran through your body, feeling something waking up every time he flicked it against yours. Your knees went momentarily weak, forcing you to close your fist tight on the fabric of his black t-shirt.
San broke the kiss first, rubbing his nose on yours, before he said "I didn't bring a swimsuit".
That comment made you giggle, moving your face away to look back on him. You tried to seem serious, but you couldn't hold back the smile on your face when you were aware of the way his eyebrow kept rising.
"Lucky you, you don't need that on this beach".
You both mirrored each other's expression, mocking the way your eyebrows raised in a flirty way, while you two were dying to burst out laughing before you kissed again. San guided your steps until you were stepping on the carpet, breaking the kiss again to take his socks off and leave a short kiss on your belly before he was back on kissing you, joining you over the fake sand.
Being first to take off his clothes, he threw his t-shirt away, gluing your body to his while his hands moved down your oversized t-shirt to lift it up slowly. At the same time his hands moved up over the curve of your back, his lips traced a trail of open mouthed kisses that went from your chin to the line of your jaw, that he followed as if it was a path until he reached your earlobe. Once he sucked on that sensitive spot, you knew it was over for you. A heavy gasp fell from your lips, followed by your head tilting to the side, while you were only able to move your fingertips across his collarbones to reach his shoulders.
His skin was burning under your touch, making you the only one to blame for the way he was feeling.
Soon after, your t-shirt was flying across the room, having San's chest sinking and his growing bulge twitching when he saw you had no bra on. He pulled you close again, trapping your hips in his hands and catching one of your hard nipples in his lips. The moves of his tongue and mouth were slow on you, twirling and sucking on the hard button carefully, showing his devotion the best way he could while you cupped his head in your hands. With the change of one nipple to the other, a small one escaped your lips, along with your hips moving forward to his, rubbing your lower belly against his dick.
San moved down on you, keeping a route of wet kisses through your belly, until he stopped on the edge of your shorts. With his eyes closed, and still kissing the invisible line that separated your naked skin from your clothes, he got rid of the last pieces of fabric left on your body. He went lower, ghosting his lips over the place where your slit started, making your clit throb at the feeling of his warmth breathing over you.
"Lift your leg, princess" he asked, opening his hand in front of you.
Supporting yourself on his shoulder, you raised your leg, resting the back of your knee on his palm, which he moved higher to your thigh to raise your leg a bit more. The air seemed to get thicker with every small move of his tongue on you, making you eager to feel his tongue doing more than just soft kitten licks over your clit and teasing your entrance. His other hand was secured around your forearm, assuring you he had you even if you lost balance. It was something that was bound to happen when his lips enclosed around your bundle of nerves, pulling from it while his tongue drew small circles on it.
San kept testing you, changing his moves, changing the speed -going from fast to slow in a way that caused a short circuit in your brain-, going from your clit to your entrance to ignore both and shower with kids your inner thigh. And when he heard the first moan, it was over for you. Once that sound joined the sound of waves coming out of your small speaker, San sank his face deeper in your core, flicking his tongue a few more times until he moved back to look up at you.
Standing up, he was again towering over you, linking your lips on a messier kiss, that made you aware of the mix of his spit and your own taste on his tongue. He saw your intentions when you broke the kiss again, letting go of his lips with a loud sound before you sank to your knees. Although he stopped before you were able to. Reaching to the first thing to his reach, he handed you one of the plushies he had gifted you.
"Put it under your knees. It won't hurt you like that" he excused himself.
His gesture made you smile through all the lust mist in the air, reminding you that man was always looking after you, even if his brain wasn't completely conscious.
You undid his belt and unzipped his pants, eager to pull them down and see him completely naked. You both have had sex several times, but it always felt like the first time. There was always that nervousness to seeing him naked for the first time -even if it vanished quite fast.
His hand cupped your cheek when the tip of your tongue flicked around his tip, rubbing his thumb on your skin. The way his finger moved sometimes stopped, because he was way too focused on how warm your tongue and lips felt as you licked and teased his shaft, until he was aware and he went back to caressing you to let you know everything was fine.
Spitting a bit on his tip, you moved your hand softly, spreading the wetness all over his dick before you finally wrapped your lips around his tip. A soft groan was heart over you, a hint of what you were provoking on his body with just a few moves, and that went straight to your core. You kept moving down, taking him slowly, inch by inch, until you reached that point where you'd almost gag and that'd make you move back up slowly. You bobbed your head over his cock, with a steady yet slow pace, joining your hands to the way your lips were taking him in so good it felt like heaven for him.
His eyes were always closed when you looked up at him, with his head thrown back, while his lips were parted, sometimes mumbling praises, but other times just gasping and moaning with every move you made. And it was like that that day. He reassured you through the touch of his fingertips on your cheek, feeling how you sucked in every time you moved back to the tip and feeling it get thicker under his palm every time you took him in.
You were indeed heaven for him.
"Babe, stop" he stopped you, gulping thick when you reached his tip again. "Let me make love to you".
You cleaned the corners of your mouth and threw the teddy bear away, before he kneeled with you. His kisses were soft and sweet, but something on them that day made them feel way more tender. As if he was indeed treasuring that moment to the depths of his heart because he didn't want to forget it, sucking onto your lips so deeply every time your heads rolled that you thought you'd end up dizzy from it.
Through kisses and hidden touches, he helped you lay on your back at the same time he lied on top of you, molding himself to the spot in between your legs. Your hips instantly lifted to his touch, feeling that throbbing sensation again when he rubbed your clit a few times, moving lower through your folds until he reached your entrance. The moan you let out when two of his fingers slipped in you broke the kiss, but he just stayed there, admiring every millimeter of your face, knowing he was the only one you reached that way for. You wrapped around him tight, making him groan when he felt your walls enclosing around his digits as perfectly as he remembered.
"Does it feel good?" he asked, rubbing his nose on yours.
"Yes" you moaned, rocking your hips subtly against his hand.
A few seconds later, you were feeling empty again, when he pulled his fingers out to rub the tip of his dick through your folds to lube himself with your arousal, ghosting over your entrance every time he moved down. With one last annoyed gasp from you, San smirked, finally lining his length to thrust inside of you slowly.
Once he made sure it was fully in, he showered your neck and face with kisses, thrusting his hips back and forth slowly, feeling your walls taking him in like he belonged there.
San always worshiped your body through sex, moving his hands over your curves, letting his fingers wander through your body as if it was his most desired destination. He always gave the best balance between love and sex, rolling his hips for the best angle, while he whispered sweet things into your ear or spread soft kisses over your shoulder.
Sex between you two was always a full on representation of intimacy on all the possible levels. It wasn't only how you became one whenever he pounded into you, but also the nakedness of looking into each other's eyes, the romance of every little touch to encourage the other, and the passion of being vocal through moans and some mumbled words that made no sense.
He rested his forehead on yours, moving one hand to your hip while the other played with your hair. Your hips lifted after the first friction of his pelvis on your clit, looking for that same friction with every thrust he made. And San was aware, rolling his hips in a way that made that friction hold onto his arms and wrap your legs tighter around his hips.
"You feel so good, love" you moaned against his lips, moving your mouth down to bite his chin and kiss his skin.
"Does it feel good, hmm?" he asked with a raspy voice. "You wrap around me so well".
"Go a bit faster, babe" that whine went along a tight clench around his dick, that made him aware of how you were feeling almost instantly.
His thrusts were a bit faster, and deeper, just like you asked for it, making you hold onto his forearm and shoulder before he sunk his head on the curve of your neck. Your skin clapped with every thrust, just adding that intensity you both needed to push you closer to the edge. You felt the way his muscles contracted against your body with every move of his hips, while his gaps kept turning to high-pitched moans in your ear as he ran after his release. The synergy of all those sounds only worked as the last drop before everything overflowed.
Your back arched as you hugged him tight throughout your prolonged moan that announced your orgasm smacking into your system, while San sank his nails on your flesh and bit on your shoulder to drown his moan on your skin as he spilled inside of you.
You stayed like that for a few minutes, helping each other to calm down through touches and gentle kisses on the other's skin, thinking of getting some oxygen back before you looked into each other again.
"You liked the surprise?" your breathing was shaky as you spoke.
With a smirk, San nodded "You make me feel so lucky to have you".
You pouted to his words, tilting your head a bit, before you pulled him in for another kiss.
Maybe you'd keep that corner for a few more days until he left for Japan...
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