Ramblings and Ideas
155 posts
she/her | [ao3] | Mostly One Piece, HTTYD, TCF, and DC, but I shuffle through hyperfixations like they're a deck of cards, so a bunch of random stuff will pop up in intervals. Stick around for the chaos!
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dragonsbluee · 6 days ago
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modern au service dog edition (made with @dandelion-jpeg)
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dragonsbluee · 6 days ago
Villainous Woes
AKA "Inspired by that one post where Danny is adopted by a B-rate villain (like Kite-Man) except it's Harley & Poison Ivy and they love their little Eldritch toddler" prompt! And the Batfam side-eyeing the hell out of the women because what was that??
There's just so much potential!!
Maybe Harley's collaborating with Batman and Nightwing to take down Joker, they're in the Batmobile while driving to his potential hideout. Harley's in the front with Batman because, surprise, they're both catty and Harley likes to rib Bruce for dropping out of med school. Meanwhile, he makes snarky comments about her becoming a 'reformed' criminal. And then her phone starts the muffled choir of the Barbie theme song. She's like, "Hi, baby!! Hi, sweetheart!!" Batman and Nightwing then hear, clear as day, this unholy screeching like eighteen kazoos in various pitches.
Harley just laughs and says fondly, "Oh, are you tired, baby?? Mommy will be home soon, honey. " There's more screeching until Harley makes kissy noises at the phone and hangs up. Batman's face is deadpan as ever but Nightwing's face is pale.
"Oh, Danny's just a little tired. He gets grumpy if I don't read him bedtime stories." She shrugs as if to say kids, amirite? and Batman offers a grunt while Nightwing laughs weakly in the back. Once they're back at the Batcave, Dick is like, Bruce, what the hell was that?? A demon baby??
Or the time Poison Ivy is fighting Red Robin and Spoiler!! She's got them tied up with vines, monologuing about that one CEO about to dump 80k gallons of toxic waste into the Gotham Harbor, when Eric Satie's Gymnopedie No. 1 rings out from her pocket. She excuses herself for a moment, but Red Robin and Spoiler can still hear her say softly, "Yes, my love? I see. Of course, sweet boy. I love you as well." Then Ivy hangs up. Turns back to the vigilantes and says, "I apologize. My son is feeling unwell, so we'll continue our conversation at a later time." Batman finds them two hours later talking amongst themselves, did you know Ivy has a son?? Is it Harley and Ivy's son??
And when Selina Kyle comes over for a girls' night, she's met with wine, charcuterie, and a shrieking writhing mass of bright green tentacles.
"Danny's just hangry," Harley assures her. She's got The Thing in her arms and disappears into the kitchen while Ivy's setting up a horror movie on the TV. Sure enough, the screaming petters off. When Harley comes back, there's an actual toddler in her arms - chubby arms and legs intact. Overall, it's an uneventful night. Danny turns into goop at one point but Ivy just scoops him up into a bucket-like cradle. Selina does, however, call Bruce on the way home saying, Harley and Ivy have a goop baby. Yes, Bruce, goop!
Fast-forward maybe 15-18 years and Danny (former Goop Baby) is now in college because both his moms have Doctorate degrees. They empathize the importance of getting a good education, of exploring his academic interests, without being part of the Gotham Rogue gallery. So, he never actually meets any of the Batfam.
But then Danny meets (Robin) Damian, who's attending Gotham-U as a pre-med major. They hit it off! Danny ends up attending a family dinner with Bruce, Selina, Dick, Tim, and Damian. (Maybe Jason, Duke, Steph, Cass, and Babs are busy doing other stuff.) So, Bruce is interrogating conversing with Danny and Danny's like, "Oh! My mom talks about you sometimes."
And Bruce is all cordial, smiling and prompting, "Oh?"
"Yeah, my moms are Dr. Harleen Quinzel and Dr. Pamela Isley."
Tim splutters into his drink as he chokes out, "Goop baby??" (he'd been stalking Bruce when Selina talked about her girl's night) while Dick simultaneously shouts, "Demon baby???" Danny's confused because he's literally never met any of these people? And they're calling him goop and a demon??
(Bruce just feels very, very old. The Goop Baby is all grown up and going to college with his baby? Jesus. Just the thought makes all his joints ache.)
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dragonsbluee · 8 days ago
So it's getting close to Easter, which means I am once again thinking about Rise of the Guardians
Since I also live in Canada we're currently experiencing (at least where I am) what I like to call fake-out winter, I have a new hc.
Fake-out winter, btw, is when we get a few days of spring weather and temperatures and then BAM, snow/cold temperatures. And we fall for it every year.
So my headcanon is that it bleeds into spring a lot because, apparently, winter doesn't like leaving without a fight. Or at least a petty argument with the poor groundhog as mediator.
Just imagine Jack Frost, the spirit of Spring and the Groundhog meeting up every year in some random field so Winter and Spring can argue. And every year it escalates into pranks, stubborness and nonsense, which is why fake-out spring exists or we get those unusually sunny or warm days in winter.
Meanwhile the Groundhog is only here because they refuse to leave him alone, and he has a reputation to defend dammit!
(ROBTG fans, feel free to imagine the spirit of spring as Rapunzel; I know you want to.)
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dragonsbluee · 8 days ago
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watched the new ultraman movie a couple of days ago
it's very good and so beautiful! go watch it if you have the chance! :)
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dragonsbluee · 9 days ago
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Ultraman: Rising (2024) - Film vs. Concept Art
“The moment when Emi is born: what does it feel like to see life for the first time? Well, maybe it would feel like a nursery, with a moon and the stars hanging from the ceiling of a nursery.” — Shannon Tindle
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dragonsbluee · 9 days ago
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aw yeah bluey time
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dragonsbluee · 9 days ago
I feel like Tumblr's gonna be mad when I tell them that Netflix has canceled the Ultraman Rising sequel; and that everyone (including me) is mad about it; including the studio that made/owns Ultraman
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dragonsbluee · 11 days ago
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The grip these brothers have on me is crazy
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dragonsbluee · 2 months ago
Tucker: We're married.
Danny: What?
Tucker: If anyone asks you and I are married. We've been married for two years. Not platonic roommates. Understand?
Danny: I'm always down for marriage fraud, but can I ask why?
Tucker: *Sigh* We had a big company meeting today with every level employee at the event center the Wayne rent out. Tammy from accounts was assigned to my table-
Danny: Your mortal enemy.
Tucker: Exactly. So she started giving me grief in the middle of our team exercise project. The other four random employees are looking at me all wide eye and I'm getting tired so I say "Is it because I'm gay Tammy?" To shut her up. But at that time, Timothy Drake Wayne was walking behind me and heard me say it. He jumped in to ask what was going on, and I hate Tammy for being so annoying, but I am not about to accuse her of discrimination for no reason. So I said "Oh it was just a joke. Like on the internet." And then when Mr.Drake-Wayne face didn't relax, I blurted out."My husband thinks my jokes are dumb too"
Danny: Tucker....that's not good
Tucker: I know! I started panicking!
Danny: You ramble when you panic.
Tucker: I do, and I did. Before I realized it, I told Mr. Drake-Wayne, this whole made up childhood friends to lover romance between you and I. It was so good he told me to invite you to the office. So we're married. Please go along with it. If I can get Mr. Drake-Wayne's support I can rise in the company so fast.
Danny: Promotions are 50% networking. Alright, sure, what's the worst that can happen?
Five months later
Steph: What's the big emergency?
Tim sobbing:. I'm in love with the husband of one of my employees.
Steph: Tim....that's not good
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dragonsbluee · 2 months ago
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Fav One Piece artwork 🦜
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dragonsbluee · 2 months ago
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I've been dying to finish this/do this cause Spectra is one my favorite DP Villains
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dragonsbluee · 2 months ago
Today in my brain:
Don't think about how April and the boys become Splinter's caretakers as he gets older. He's always been active, so it's a slower decline than most, but eventually, his body starts catching up with his age in more ways than just appearance.
Don't think about how Donnie and April research and make their home more accessible. Donnie builds mobility aids - a cane, a walker and braces so Splinter can get on and off his favourite couch on his own. A little robot that helps their dad carry things from place to place. April makes sure her first aid certification is always up to date, and learns as much as she can about caring for the elderly. She learns so she can spot symptoms as they appear.
Mikey starts being stricter about what they eat . He makes more pizzas from scratch, finds substitutes for Splinter's favourite snacks - and still keeps the junk food, but as a treat. The others are dragged in because there's no way he's cooking two meals, they all need to be healthier anyways, and they can't let dad feel alone!
Suddenly Leo is labeling everything! He has a system and of course it's colour coded. Leo ensures that Splinter is never left alone for too long. He starts creating shifts for patrols so someone is always nearby. The lair is no longer allowed to remain unclean for extended amounts of time, and they're always stocked with supplies.
Raph starts keeping track of doctor's appointments and schedules. He makes sure Splinter gets up and moves throughout the day, taking walks, even playing games with the others to keep his mind working. He encourages splinter to go to activities and make friends in the hidden city, anything really to keep him from always being cooped up in the lair.
It's not a perfect or easy reality. There are bad days when Splinter is stubborn or April and the boys get frustrated. They're still young, it's not going to happen perfectly, in fact it rarely does. They're becoming caretakers for thier dad, but they still need thier dad. They get into fights when the boys start making choices and changes. When Splinter's memory begins to fade, it upsets everyone and April forces everyone out to the rooftops at night for some fresh air and a much needed conversation.
There are still good moments too! Splinter may need to adjust, but he loves his children more than anything. So what if he can't spar with them anymore, he shows up to the next training session with score cards and ranks thier best moves mid fight. He calls out points and imitates the announcers from those boxing matches Raph loves so much.
He makes sure to spend time with all his kids individually, he leaves them little gifts, when he mixes up thier names they laugh at it more then they're upset about it. They make peace with it.
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dragonsbluee · 2 months ago
READ THIS! omg it's so cute! I'm keeping it forever.
I love these two together, I lvoe how passionate they are for the thing they love and each other. They're PERFECT.
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Where this goes, part 1.
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (end)
Hrrrrmmmmm okkaaaay soooooo
this is a sketch comic i drew last year (November 2023) shortly after finishing Ennie's Lobby and starting a new full time job. I didn't really write a script for it and i finished it in 2 weeks... this is completely unedited and just how i made it a year ago (lol rip good luck)
when i tell you i have never responded to anything more passionately in my life that is the truth... idk i fell into a coma or something, it was crazy
there are some things about this that I think are quite nice, which is why I'm sharing it!!! But also please note that it also deserves a good helping of "HE WOULD NOT F***ING SAY THAT" and i understand that 😂 i hope you are able to enjoy it anyway, i said what i said
I'll go through and link all the parts appropriately and work on the alt text once they're uploaded, please be nice to me :0 Read from left to right!
UPDATE: Alt text has been added! Sorry for the bad handwriting. Also added some description for the silent parts for potential text/audio only folks
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dragonsbluee · 3 months ago
So my Batfamily brain rot is back (not that it ever really left) and I just had a thought like…
If you’re a henchman/criminal in Gotham, seeing your life flash past your eyes is gonna be a somewhat regular occurance but… what if like… the thing that truly made a henchman’s heart fall to his ass was when they hit Robin just a little too hard and this 10 year old kid just starts crying and goes ‘Daaaaaadddd!’
That’s the moment when they truly think they’re going to die because said dad, the kid is calling for is a 6’6 demon from hell who’s all muscle and shadows and vengance and a lot of Gotham still thinks he’s a cryptid
The henchmen all drop their guns and try to calm the kid down but it’s over in 5 seconds flat. Batman breaks several bones before speaking to Robin in the softest voice they’ve ever heard him use and the criminal world, who was already a bit hesitant to fight a kid have even more reason to take it just a little easy on Robin.
And like, I can picture different reactions with every Robin.
Like, for Dick, he’s ten and we all know he was the most violent Robin second only to Damian so maybe when he’s ten or eleven and has calmed down a little, a henchback who still remembers what a little shit he used to be decides to get back at Robin, slips on a pair of brass knuckles and BAM
And then, little Dick just stares for a moment in shock, cheek already starting to bruise, the criminals he’d been fighting all stay still because it was a nasty punch and then…
“Daaaaad!!!” He cries out in a whiny voice that reminds them that Robin really is just a kid and it all clicks into place.
Even Bruce wasn’t expecting that, Dick has just started calling him dad and he still isn’t used to being called that so to hear his kid calling for him in the moment where he is startled and hurt and a little scared… the henchmen don’t even have time to react and they wake up in the hospital with concussions and maybe a few broken bones.
It doesn’t take Dick long to calm down, it was mostly that the hit from a random henchmen really startled him and got him right in the cheekbone. But Bruce still finishes patrol early and Dick still hides under Bruce’s cape all the way to the Batmobile.
Then comes Jason and Jason was such a sweet kid, I headcannon he was the one that called Bruce dad the most often while being Robin. So one night during patrol maybe he finds himself fighting Penguin or Two-Face and it’s been a long night and he has an exam the following day and Bruce is fighting another villain at the other side of the warehouse
The point is, the henchmen and Two-Face start landing hits on eleven year old Jason in his gut and at some point he loses sight of Batman fighting on the other side of the room. Jason gets scared because he’s never really fought without Batman and while he knows that Bruce is still in the warehouse, he can’t see him and the handle of a gun hits the back of his ankle and he falls and he sees Two-Face or Penguin or one of the henchmen getting ready to grab the front of his uniform and beat him up and…
The criminals freeze for a moment. They’ve heard the stories of what happened the last time a Robin called scared for dad.
They’re fucked.
They all drop their guns and try to get Jason to calm down, but he’s crying just a little bit and calls again, his voice breaking and despite having been at the other side of the warehouse just a second ago, Bruce somehow drops from the ceiling and it’s over before the criminals can keep pleading with Robin to calm down.
Jason tries to apologize for ‘acting like a baby’ but Bruce is having none of it and carries him back to the Batmobile and Jason is happy to just hide his face in Bruce’s cape because he knows his dad will always be there to save him.
Then comes Tim.
And Tim gets found out while doing reconnisance and somehow he finds himself face to face with Bane who manages to wrench away his bo staff and Tim is just eleven and he is scared because Bane doesn’t look like he’s going to hold back
All Tim knows is that the crack he hears must surely be his ribs either cracking or breaking and he can’t breath and he can only muster enough air for a single word… and he calls for his dad through tears and fear
And at this point… at this point Batman has already lost a Robin, Tim may not be his legally but he is his son just as much as Jason was
Bane spends a month in the ICU
Tim is embarrased that he reacted like that. He thinks it makes him less of a Robin to called scared for Batman… for dad.
So Bruce tells him of the other two times it happened. It’s one of the first times he’s spoken about Jason to Tim so bluntly.
Then comes Stephanie.
Stephanie never calls Bruce dad when she’s Robin. She’s not his daughter and he’s not her dad. They’re not sure what exactly they are to one another.
As far as Bruce knows, Stephanie’s version of Robin never called out to him when she was scared.
What he doesn’t know is that it did happen. Just once
It was the last time she was Robin. When Black Mask had her and she thought she was going to die
At some point while bleeding and feeling nauseous and so scared she could barely hear anything that wasn’t her own heart beating wildly against her chest… she called for dad. Not for Arthur Brown, but for Bruce
Black Mask laughed at her
Stephanie never tells Bruce
And finally… Damian
Now, we know Damian would probably never be startled enough to call for Bruce out of instinct, so I can see 2 scenarios in which this could happen.
First, he sees another kid do it. He sees a kid close to his own age laughing and playing, then tripping and staying quiet for a split second before crying out for mom and dad and he just… assumes that’s something kids do when scared and hurt and startled and does it mostly in an attempt to be a little more ‘normal’
Or, my favorite scenario… he hears of the other times it has happened. He overhears maybe Dick remind Jason of what Bruce did when Jason called out to dad as Robin. Tim maybe jokes that a Robin calling for dad is still the villains’ greatest fear
So Damian stores that knowledge away as a battle strategy just in case he ever needs it… and maybe a small part of him wants to put it to the test, to see if his father would protect him as brutally as he’s protected the Robins before him
So some random night during patrol, he’s up against several henchmen, a few of them grab him from behind, trying to hold him down. Damian is fighting against them when one of them swings a cylinder of metal that Damian thinks might’ve been meant for the plumbing and…
The henchman breaks Damian’s nose, there’s blood dripping down his chin and staining his uniform
Now… it is most certainly not the first time he’s broken something, he’s more than used to the pain, in fact, he barely feels it. However, it gives him a chance to put his little theory to the test
And so Damian allows himself to sound like the ten year old that he is and in a whiny, teary voice, goes… “Babaaaaa!” (Bonus points if it’s the first or second time he’s called Bruce baba instead of father)
What Damian didn’t take into account though, is that Batman and Robin aren’t the only ones on patrol that night. They made a big bust. The biggest part of the operation was over but they were still fighting a few stragglers. The whole fucking family is here.
And they all hear his cry.
Damian doesn’t think he’s ever seen a fight end so quickly. The henchmen only have a split-second of surprise before vanishing, being tackled or shot or having knives buried on their shoulders by his siblings.
The one that actually broke Damian’s nose is being beaten up by Nightwing, Damian doesn’t think he’s ever seen Grayson so angry.
A shadow kneels in front of him, father. Baba. He’s checking Damian and Todd is right at his side, both speaking in hushed tones, checking his injuries and wiping the tears that usually came with a broken nose.
And now… Damian is used to his father and Grayson treating him like a child, trying to be as soft as they can with him. Even Cain does it to some extent.
But… having Drake wrap an arm around him, calling him baby when knocking out one of the criminals that had hurt him ‘that’s my fucking baby brother!’ and continue to hold him later into the night on the couch, having Brown willingly give up all the snacks she keeps in her utility belt and promise to take him to Batburger the following day for milkshakes because he was ‘a champ’. And Thomas wraps his favorite blanket around Damian while they’re fixing him up.
Todd decides to stay the night at the manor. Which he never does. They all decide to spend the night at the manor when Damian still sniffles on the Batmobile and they have breakfast all of them together. Which Damian isn’t sure has ever happened before and Cain gets Alfred to make pancakes with chocolate chips instead of blueberries.
They call him baby in hushed whispers but for once, it doesn’t bother him even though it really should
But most of all, Bruce refuses to let him go for a good five minutes after he first cries for him. Smoothing down his hair and whispering that it’ll be okay and just being soft in a way Damian has never seen before.
He sleeps between his Baba and Grayson and he knows that Todd and Drake and Cain check in on them at least twice in the night for some reason.
And he realizes it’s… it’s nice. Maybe this really could be an effective battle strategy to be employed again someday.
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dragonsbluee · 4 months ago
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Blue Prints of the Thousand Sunny
Gallery Shop Link
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dragonsbluee · 4 months ago
Danny: What are you doing?
Dan: Setting up a dating profile. I think I'm ready to get out there now that we moved to Gotham.
Danny: That's great, Dan! I'm proud of you
Dan: Thanks. I'm a little nervous if I'm honest. I killed all life on earth before dating sites really took off, so I'm not too sure if I'm going to be good at this.
Danny: The first step is admitting you were wrong and trying anyway. I think this will go well—look, you already have someone interested!
Dan: That was fast! Let's see here. He's the same age as me. He loves classical books, musicals, plays, and long rides on his motorbike. His hobbies include writing and cooking, and he volunteers at the library for books with kids.
Danny: Sounds like a nerd, but that's a good start. Someone friendly and calm. This date can be a fun first time to help you dip your toes in the dating scene!
Dan: Yeah, I think you're right. I'm going to give him permission to talk to me.
Danny: What's that? *Points to approval notification*
Dan: This site only lets you see pictures once you agree to talk to someone. The creators put this in to eliminate hookups. I don't know if it's working, but now I can see his album.
Danny: Don't keep me waiting! Click on them.
Dan: Don't get your hopes up. Based on his profile, he's likely to be as skinny and scrawny as you.
*Photo Album of Jason Todd loads*
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Danny: Quick! Send him a yes for a date before he has time to see your pictures!
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dragonsbluee · 5 months ago
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if you can share or reblog i would owe you my life <3
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