#Harry and Lily moments
trohpi · 6 months
the first time regulus ever accepted one of sirius’ invitations to a gryffindor party, he ended up drunk on the dance floor and made out with lily evans. this led to james choking on a chocolate frog while watching them and remus having to do the heimlich maneuver on him
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lexithwrites · 4 months
im so emotional about james and lily not getting enough time with harry, they were babies themselves when they got married they deserved to be around him for the rest of their lives what the fuck
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ecstarry · 2 months
@marylilymicrofic / mascara / 317 words / this is just absolute fluff
“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Lily could barely hear Mary’s worried voice. She was a mess.
Like a little kid, Lily pointed at the culprit. A pair of toothbrushes.  
“I’m sorry, love, I don’t think I’m following.” Mary tried to lower herself at Lily’s height, clearly not understanding what had caused such an emotional reaction from her girlfriend. 
“It’s us,” Lily managed to say softly. She walked towards the blue and pink toothbrushes and held them up for Mary to see. “It’s you and me, together, as toothbrushes in our bathroom in our apartment. There used to be just one, and now-” She choked on her own words as tears continued to fall down her face. Mary gently cleaned up the smudged mascara with her thumb and lightly brushed away the remaining tears. 
There once was a time when the thought of even kissing Mary seemed unreachable. A time when they tiptoed around their feelings, when she thought that brushing hands as they walked by was the closest she would ever get to touch her.
“You’re crying over us?” Mary’s voice was sweet, a tone reserved only for her Lily. 
“It’s so fucking silly, I’m sorry. I will stop crying in a moment I just-” Lily was interrupted by Mary’s lips. Her hands held Lily’s waist urgently, she yielded instantly. Mary kissed her with devotion, her soft lips parting Lily’s to make way for their tongues to taste each other as if it was the first time. 
Mary pulled away slightly, her hands still holding Lily. “Don’t apologize to me over your feelings. I’m with you because being loved by you is all I could dream of for years. You love me just the right way, baby.”
“Really? Even if toothbrushes make me cry?”
“Even then. Especially then.” Their lips met again, a kiss to remind themselves that all their dreams had come true. They were building a home.
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bihinnyshipper · 10 months
“Mum, dad? Can I talk for a second?” Albus Potter stood in the doorway of his parent’s bedroom. Ginny looked up from her book and smiled at her son. 
“Of course, Al.” She patted the bed in front of her. “What’s up?” 
Albus took a deep breath, sitting precariously on the edge of his parent’s oversized bed. His father had joined his mother sitting up, and now both sets of eyes were watching their son’s every move. “I don’t really know how to say it.” 
“Take your time.” Ginny shifted, glancing at her husband. 
A minute of silence and the teen spoke again. “You know Scorpius?” 
“Malfoy,” it wasn’t a question, but Albus nodded in response to his father’s statement. 
“Malfoy.” He confirmed. “He and I… Well, we aren’t just friends.” Harry and Ginny shared a glance. Albus couldn’t tell if it was amusement, surprise, confusion, or disgust. Maybe a mixture. 
“We know.” Harry spoke up. Ginny nudged him. 
“How?” Albus didn’t really know what he was expecting from his parents. He thought maybe they would have gotten mad, maybe screamed at him. His father may have been even more ashamed of having him as a son. Maybe they would have told him he didn’t know what he was feeling. Either way, the one thing the teen hadn’t expected was that they knew. 
“We may be old, but we’re not blind, Al.” His mother laughed. “We’ve seen the way you two look at each other. Your dad and I were young once, believe it or not. We know the signs.” Albus tried not to think about his mum thinking about his dad the way Albus thought about Scorpius.
“How close have you two gotten?” Harry entered back into the conversation.  
Albus turned Weasley red. “Why are you asking about my sex life, dad?” Harry was speechless.  
Ginny burst out laughing, while Harry turned almost as red as his son. “I don’t think he meant to. Your father was asking whether you just have a crush on him or if you’re dating.” 
“We’re dating.” Albus’ confidence returned to him. “Have been for about eight months.” Ginny and Harry exchanged another smirk, seeing the look on their son’s face as he talked about his boyfriend. 
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” 
“I didn’t know how you would react. Dating Scorpius is taboo.”  His parents looked confused, so he continued. “For one, Scorpius is a guy. I didn’t know how you would react to that. Also, he’s a Malfoy.” 
“Oh, honey. Scorpius being a Malfoy doesn’t matter. Your father is perfectly civil with Draco. As long as Scorpius makes you happy, we’re happy.” Ginny kicked her husband lightly under the blanket, prompting him to agree with her. 
Harry gritted his teeth. “Of course, that’s all that matters.” He got more comfortable. “As for him being a bloke, I really don’t have any room to tell you off in that category.” Harry rubbed the back of his neck, exchanging another look with his wife. He had been wanting to tell his children for some time, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. 
Albus’ eyes grew wide as realization dawned on him. “You don’t mean… you’re gay?” 
“Bi.” Harry corrected him. “I’m married to, and very much in love with, a witch, if you haven’t noticed. But no, I’m not straight.” 
Seemingly having forgotten all about his situation, Albus pried his father for information. “Have you ever dated a bloke?” Harry shook his head. “So then, how do you know?” 
“How did you know, before Scorpius?” Figuring he was too far gone to keep anything from his son, Harry responded honestly. “I’ve kissed guys and had crushes.” 
“Who have you kissed?” Albus looked like he was in the middle of watching the best movie he’d ever seen. 
“That’s on a need to know basis, actually.” 
“Come on, dad. I won’t judge.” He pleaded, his voice coming dangerously close to whining. “At least tell me if it’s someone I know. Do you know, mum?” He directed his efforts to Ginny. 
“Of course I do.” 
“Please tell me!” 
“Can’t do that.” Ginny smirked. 
“Why not!” The fourteen-year-old Potter fell dramatically onto his parent’s bed. 
Albus’ show and his parent’s laughter attracted the attention of his siblings. 
“What’s going on?” James came around the corner, toweling his messy hair after a shower. Lily wasn’t far behind. 
Albus smirked. Even after all these years, Harry was putty in Lily’s hands. Albus knew he, or more likely Lily, could worm the answers he wanted out of his father now. “Dad likes blokes.” 
“Ah, finally fessed up, did you, dad?” 
“It wasn’t some well-protected secret,” Harry began before his youngest son cut him off. 
“Wait - you knew? Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I figured it out on my own about two years ago. Despite being the resident straight of the family, I pride myself on my ability to detect when other people aren’t. Dad’s been unknowingly out to me since fourth year.” James smirked at his father’s raised eyebrow. “Though I will hand it to you, Al, dad was a lot harder to catch onto than mum. I had her labeled by the time I turned thirteen.” 
Ginny cleared her throat, sharing yet another look with her husband. “‘Labeled’ as what, exactly?” She opened her arms and Lily snuggled up next to her. 
“If you weren’t sickeningly in love with dad, I’d say you’d be married to a girl for sure.”
“You’re right,” Ginny answered. “I’m not straight, and if you must know, I do have a preference for women, but that doesn’t mean it’s your place to say that. And I wouldn’t trade my life and your dad for anything.” 
James just shrugged. 
“The point, Al” Harry cleared his throat, “Is that your mum and I love you and will love whoever you love, even if they are a Malfoy.” 
Albus rolled his eyes. “Okay, dad. But don’t think you’re getting away without telling me who you’ve kissed.” 
“Dad’s only kissed mum, Alby!” Lily chimed in from between her parents. 
Laughter erupted from the rest of the family as Harry kissed the top of his daughter’s head and then leaned over to kiss his wife, much to the protest of his sons.
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practicecourts · 6 months
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day 11 Moody @jilymicrofics is a little early (maybe I'm getting reckless, we will see, also I've not forgotten day 10...)
and since it's for day 2 of @mppmaraudergirl's Alight With Happines jily fest - The Doe-mestic moments I decided to post it now rather than wait to tomorrow ;-)
Read the Shit Show on ao3 (tw: mentions of - you guessed it- poo)
The Shit Show
With a flick of her wand the water in her mug came to a boil. Lily carefully dropped the heartshaped tealeave holder into it. Just looking at the silly thing brought a smile to her lips.  James had found it on a day out in Muggle London. Sirius got some excellent additions to his Record collection, and her husband had bought this trinket for her. He’d been proud as a peacock for finding such an excellent addition to their kitchen utensils, a tea maker for his love. It was barely light out, through the kitchen’s window she saw their garden turn from grey to green.  Slowly, she made her way up the stairs. The silence was deep, comforting and serene. The door to their bedroom was ajar, she peeked inside and frowned when there was no sign of James in their bed.  The small cot was empty too. Leaving her mug on the bedside table she pushed the door to the bathroom. A deep humming greeted her. In the shower the water rained down. The small room was filled with misty steam. James’s briefs lay on the floor, together with a small bodysuit, with a large yellow stain that caught her attention.  She leaned against the wall and tugged at the shower curtain, there her men stood, her baby boy safely in the strong arms of her husband. James’s hair was plastered to his head, Harry’s wide eyes peeked over the shoulder of his father. She reached a hand and touched his small hand. “Ah, Harry, is mummy there? Good for us, son. I always forget to grab a towel when we take an emergency shower.” “Ah, another shit-show then?” Lily giggled as Harry clasped at her finger fiercely.  “Oh, if you didn’t know better,"James said, sounding more proud than anything else, "you’d think he does it on purpose love, but yes, just like yesterday morning, he was up to his neck in it.”
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xmultifandomsx · 2 months
Sirius's final thoughts
I like to think that despite how much Sirius hates his family and the black family roots they were what filled his final thoughts. Not James, or Remus, or Lilly, not even young Harry. No, his final thoughts were of his dear cousins, specifically Bellatrix. He remembered running through his father’s study, chasing his cousin whose laughter was still innocent. He remembered how her eyes sparkled without malice and how loud she screamed when he caught up to her. Bellatrix was always the wild one and so was Sirius. He loved her with the innocence or childhood, blinded by youthful ignorance to the truth. Before he understood his family, she was his favorite. She was the only one brave enough to put a spider in his mother’s tea and pull the cat’s tail with him. Neither his brother nor his other two cousins, who would drink tea in the small parlor together, would ever amuse him like Bellatrix would. She was the first to go to Hogwarts, he’d heard his first stories of the magical school from her. She was the one to tell him about the stuffy teachers and the secrets that belonged to the old castle. He never told anyone, but it was Bellatrix who told him about some of his best hiding places at Hogwarts. Before the wars and ideology ripped them apart, before the mania set in, they loved each other fiercely. Perhaps that’s why he looked so shocked in that final moment. He had believed she would still remember that boy who chased her through manors, the boy she’d once loved so dearly. Evidently, however, she did not remember or at the very least she did not care.
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georgie-19 · 3 months
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A mixed up powers problem!
Year 4!
Story: their power got switched last night before they when to Hogwarts. White lily has dark cacao’s powers. Golden cheese has white lily’s powers. And dark cacao has golden cheese’s powers.
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sailforvalinor · 9 months
Since last year, I’ve had an idea for a Harry Potter fic rattling around in my head prompted by the realization that Lily’s death is necessary for the love-magic-protection that enables Harry to survive both killing curses, but James’s isn’t—what does the world look like if James Potter somehow survives? I came to the conclusion that because the protection spell that Dumbledore originally uses to protect Harry until he comes of age applies to those of Lily’s blood, he would still want him to live with the Dursley’s, and thus Dumbledore decides that the best course of action is for 21 year old, traumatized, newly-widowed James to fake his death. It’s safest for Harry, the Death Eaters already think he’s dead, and it’s really useful for Dumbledore to have a piece on the chessboard that both the Death Eaters and the Ministry don’t know about. James isn’t thrilled about this, but he’s too distraught (and too used to Dumbledore being right about everything) to argue. He’s really only a few years out of school, after all.
I know I had worked out all the logical kinks on this one at some point but I don’t really remember now—but the fic would involve James working as a sort of secret agent for Dumbledore, a wild card, if you will, while keeping an eye on Harry from afar. This James would be a little different than the one we’re familiar with—a bit more mature and serious, and of course absolutely wracked with guilt. He hardly resembles who he used to be after losing Lily, and he’s pretty dang desperate not to make any more mistakes, lose anyone else.
Snape of course is one of the only other people who would know James was alive, and the bad blood between them is as terrible as ever, as Snape would blame him for “letting” Lily get killed. (As if James doesn’t blame himself enough.)
Sirius would also know, as he was the first one to Godric’s Hollow after the attack and would have found James, but that doesn’t do much good after he’s arrested. The only way I can think to workaround the fact that Dumbledore would know Sirius was innocent if he had talked to James is if James was so seriously incapacitated after the attack on Godric’s Hollow (don’t ask how I don’t know. WAIT MAYBE IN THIS VERSION VOLDEMORT ENCOUNTERS LILY FIRST AND HER LOVE MAGIC EXTENDS TO BOTH HARRY AND JAMES??? OH MY GOSH???) that the “trial” occurs before James is lucid enough to talk and Dumbledore gives evidence against Sirius because he assumes he’s the Secret Keeper.
Other than fulfilling Dumbledore’s wishes and keeping an eye on Harry, James spends a lot of his time trying to figure out how to break Sirius out of Azkaban. Maybe he succeeds earlier than in the original series? He also is trying to hunt down Peter, of course—probably spots him in the newspaper like Sirius does. Or maybe he sees him with Ron while watching Harry?
Does Remus know that James is alive? I’m gonna say yes, but Dumbledore doesn’t know that. It makes no sense for him not to, he’s the only friend he has left.
I figure by Prisoner of Azkaban, James has had enough of Dumbledore’s nonsense and reveals himself to Harry—it would be pretty dang poetic if it’s during the first patronus scene, and it IS actually him casting it from across the lake. How would Harry react to finding out he’s been alive this whole time? Idk, it would be complicated, but man I’m getting emotional just thinking about it.
Also, while it does make sense that Dumbledore wouldn’t want James to use his original wand, I know it makes the most sense for James to have acquired a spare one somewhere—but the concept of James Potter with a Glock hit me over the head with a broom, and I’d love to somehow finagle it into making sense because can you imagine? Someone in the HP universe with a gun?? The comedic potential???
A dementor: *appears*
Harry and Sirius: “EXPECTO—“
James: *shoots it in the face*
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athenasparrow · 1 year
No. 30 - Wine | Jily Microfic
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@jilymicrofics - second to last one!!!
Read on AO3 | 886 words
This fic takes place after "Oak" which you can read here.
Lily glanced at her husband, admiring the way his forearms flexed as he poured them both a bottle of wine.
It had become a tradition of sorts, ever since they’d met over a bottle.
Not that it had been a meeting of coincidence - Euphemia Potter didn’t like to leave important moments to flimsy things like circumstance. But after their first year together, they’d always made a toast on this day. And today marked four years .
Lily’s stomach knotted with anticipation as James glanced up.
“Four years together, two years married,” he said raising his glass to toast her.
Lily left her glass on the table.
“I can’t toast you love,” she said, biting her lip to keep from grinning.
James looked adorably confused at that announcement, his own glass returning to the original place on the counter.
“What’s the matter beautiful?” he asked, concern furrowing his brow as stepped towards her, his arms finding the familiar place on her hips.
“Nothing James,” she answered truthfully “I just can’t drink wine.”
She saw the moment it hit him. The moment the slight frown on his forehead and concerned eyes underwent metamorphosis to a wide-eyed, cheek-hurting smile of happiness.
“You’re pregnant?” he confirmed in a whisper, as if afraid his voice would shatter the reality.
“We’re having a baby,” Lily answered, her own smile stretching wide to match his.
James let out something between a laugh and a sob as he drew her into a hug. Lily felt the wet press of their cheeks and reached up to wipe his tears only to realise they were both crying.
“You’re going to be an amazing mum,” James murmured into her ear.
“Well then this baby is going to be very lucky with two great parents, because his dads pretty amazing too,” Lily answered, melting into his hug.
“Do you think Remus and Sirius are going to have a tiff over who gets to be godfather?” James grinned.
“I think Remus already knows…or at least has a suspicion,” Lily admitted. “I haven’t told either of them anything, because obviously I wanted to tell you first,” she said, pausing with a smile as she tilted her head up at him, their chests still pressed together from their hug. 
James delayed her next sentence by swooping down for a swift peck.
“But I’m pretty sure he caught me dumping the champagne out last night,” Lily continued, biting her lip. “And then I saw him eyeing my boobs and we both know he’s not checking them out.”
“Where were you dumping your champagne?” James laughed, leaning his forehead down to touch hers.
“In the plant” Lily giggled “If it dies, that’s why.”
James snorted, before gently moving his hands up to cup her breasts.
“I hadn’t noticed them change,” he muttered, looking like the absence of him picking up on a change in Lily’s body was a criminal offence.
“They haven’t yet,” Lily reassured him. “It’s still very early - but you know Dr Remus, I bet he was just checking for all the signs.”
“You were very sensitive the other night,” James hummed, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he brushed his fingers over where here nipples lay beneath her shirt.
Lily shuddered.
“Remus wouldn’t know that,” Lily said coyly. “That’s something only you could know”
“Now I know what to look out for next time,” James said quietly, his hands moving down to the small of her back and pulling her into his chest again.
Next time. Lily liked the sound of that. 
“One kid at a time,” she teased, but her eyes must’ve given her away because James smiled knowingly and drew her into a long kiss.
When she had to come up for a breath, she paused. “How should we tell your mum?”
“I have an idea” James murmured before capturing her lips again.
One kid at a time. But certainly no harm in practising .
“Fleamont, can you get the door darling?” Euphemia called as she stepped into the mud room, tulips in her hands and a smudge of dirt of her cheek.
She hummed softly as she heard the soft steps of her husband making his way to the entrance, but she shucked her shoes off much quicker when she heard the light voice of her daughter-in-law laugh.
“Lily! James!” she said making her way around to greet them. “We weren’t expecting you”. She paused after releasing them from her long hug and looked closer. There was something different about them, Euphemia mused, there was a light in their eyes and a secret in the smile they exchanged. What was–
Her train of thought was cut off as her son answered her.
“No, but we have something for you, so we wanted to drop by” her son answered, handing her a bottle.
Euphemia glanced down where her hand had automatically come up to receive the gift.
It wasn’t just any bottle. It was the same wine Euphemia had sent her son on a chase for, four years ago. And…
“ Fleamont ” she breathed, her hand coming to her heart.
She felt her husband move to her side so he could see what had caused such a reaction from his unflappable wife.
Dear Grandma,
Thank you for bringing my parents together. I can’t wait to meet you this summer.
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normalfrances · 2 years
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Lamby :•)
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mitsuki91 · 9 months
The more I write the more my Lucy Gray become my unhinged Lily Luna Potter and my Coriolanus Snow become my super shy-romantic-touch starved Severus Snape and what can I say? I have one type of ship ever, sigh.
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padfootastic · 1 year
(modern) prongsfoot!!!
hello! so, this is a multi chapter fic i was really excited about a while ago (started it, got to a few thousand works and then it fizzled out lol the basic premise is this:
muggle AU with single dad James and model Sirius who’s fed up of his ~meaningless life (feeling some…ennui, if u will) and ends up taking off to like. a seaside city where he runs into harry and then, james. it was such a fun premise because A. i was writing it to ‘have we met before’ which is the perfect j/s song, B. i wanted it to be low pressure and chill, a simple meet cute romance type situation.
there’s also aunt cassiopeia who sirius is temporarily living with and she’s like this. ‘spinster’ who’s cut off from her family, has a pet cheetah she rescued one time, and has three blades on her at all times. a Character. i love her. she loves james. tries to match make. sirius is so baffled?? because aunty cassie doesn’t like anyone??
this is what my notes look like for this fic
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i have. clearly. put an unnecessary amount of thought into it lol
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hiccupjuice · 10 months
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ayyponine · 2 months
not to be a milennial but harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban really is that bitch....
#mom wanted to rewatch the movies so we've been going thru them <3#talk about a movie thats just like. grief. i turn into the jamie lee curtis halloween trauma supercut#SORRY..... the visuals are peak like that IS the hp vibe to ME and i am BLOWN AWAY this movie was made in 2004 it feels ahead of its time#the first two are so whimsical and magical enrapturing and this movie is like. a well worn cardigan. this feels 2011 cozycore to me#sorry but the introduction of lupin becoming a comforting trusted guardian type of figure AND the dementors representing hollow depression#this 13 yr old whos been kept in the dark on so many things being extra vulnerable prey to them bc of the severe trauma#but getting lessons on how to withstand that creeping dread.. through happy memories... still bonding w lupin increasngly ouagh...#the grief between them both over james and lily. also btw ofc defense against the dark arts being fighting yr fears through laughter. aaaaaa#and then sirius. black. im. i know we meme on the twelve years of it! in azkaban! but as a bitch whos now closer to those characters in age#and can appreciate and understand them obv more than i could when i was. a tween. that just hits like ok shit. VALID#so valid and real to see the child of your friends you knew at that age but who DIED and then see the friend who betrayed them#to see like the best of BOTH of them mirrored and living on in him and be like yknow what???? you WILL be protected frm that same fate#hoooo the briefest moment where harry might hope things will turn out okay. w sirius' name being cleared and peter having to explain himself#and sirius being like hey i get it if you want to stay w your family that is fine but. if you wanna move in w me...#(harry relaying this to hermione later as well. dreaming of a place fr just the two of them somewhere in the countryside#somewhere..... sirius might see the sky..... bc he thinks he would like that after all those years locked up do not even touch me rn.......)#only fr everything to turn to shit two friends fighting w deadly force. the chance to set this right slipping off into the night.#a million dementors descending relentlessly until utter exhaustion and certain death. some strange salvation? fight for a second chance?#but then still havign to say goodbye when they only just GOT this. and everything still being so. god. and lupin having to leave as well.#the thought of sirius also WANTING that guardian type connection but being forced to live in 1. a cave barely living more freely than before#2. then being confined to the stuffy somber abusive home he ran away from as a teen w that portrait still up there and everything.. bitch...#oh man the way i KNOW when we get to ootp (my favourite) its gonna leave me blasted into a million little pieces#the way i know shit like the knowing wink the entirety of the wall tapestry room scene and of course nice one james is gonna DESTROY me..#dont even talk to me abt that dark turn at the end of gof and how everything after gets soooo. god. w everything just getting destroyed and.#i cant even think abt it i cant even talk about it. wah#i dont care btw that they aged those guys up undermining how insanely young these people died. perfect casting fr the remaining marauders ok
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made-by-moon · 1 year
I am convinced that one of the main bonding moments for Lily and Marlene was when Lily would introduce Marlene to Mitski (we are talking about some kind of modern au here). I can imagine them screaming their lungs out to Nobody.
Damn my lack of writing skills. DAMN YOU MY AUTISM
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the-purple-possum · 1 year
Okay so listening to an audio book of atyd:
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I mean he ain't wrong. Remus does end up making the most money out of all of then for 16 years... as a teacher... because sirius was in prison, hiding or dead, Peter was hiding as a rat and James... well he was just having a fun game of possum as to pass by the war obviously and got up after moldevort lost.
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