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trappezoider · 5 months ago
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Thank you, professor.
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karlrincon · 5 months ago
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Rest in peace to an absolute treasure, Dame Maggie Smith.
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They’ve been reunited 🤍
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petals2fish · 2 months ago
Now I'm imagining the events during Chamber of Secrets, when Hagrid is taken to Azkaban. He’s thrown into a cell across from Sirius Black. They don’t speak, just stare. The dementors aura have reduced Hagrid to a state of silent, wide-eyed terror. Sirius, though gaunt and wasting away after eleven years in prison, recognizes Hagrid. He knows who Hagrid is—remembers him as the one who carried Harry to Dumbledore all those years ago. Sirius knows that Hagrid must know Harry.
But time has changed Sirius. He’s no longer the man Hagrid might have recognized. It’s clear the half-giant doesn’t realize who is sitting across from him behind the bars. A few hours go by and Sirius can’t help himself.
"Is he safe?" Sirius rasps, his voice rough and cracked from disuse.
Hagrid jerks his head up, startled. His thick eyebrows knit together as he stares at the man, the familiarity of his face finally clicking. Recognition dawns, but Hagrid doesn’t speak. Instead, he turns his head away, refusing to meet Sirius’s eyes.
Sirius, ever relentless, doesn’t back down. "A bit of advice from a friendly convict; time passes faster in this hellhole if you talk."
"I’ve nothin’ ter say ter you," Hagrid growls, his voice dangerous.
"I know you think I killed them," Sirius replies evenly. His tone is calm, almost resigned. "I good as did. But the guards whispered before you even got here. They say you’re here because of students being petrified. I’m not stupid enough to believe you actually killed anyone. But something in Hogwarts is targeting the kids." Sirius’ voice drops to a whisper, heavy with desperation. "Is the boy safe?"
Hagrid turns his head again, his voice dripping with disgust. "Unfortunately for you, the boy lives."
"I know he lives," Sirius snaps, his tone sharp. "Is he safe?"
Hagrid hesitates, thinking of Dumbledore’s recent dismissal from Hogwarts. The board of governors voted him out after Hermione went under. Not that the board of governors gave two shits about Hermione. Without Dumbledore there, Harry is exposed, vulnerable in ways Hagrid doesn’t want to think about. Slowly, his anger softens, replaced by a deep, gnawing worry.
“He’s like his mother,” Hagrid murmurs into the gloom of the cells, his voice heavy with affection. “Kind, empathetic, and a bit cheeky when he needs ter be.”
For the first time in eleven years, Sirius feels tears sting his eyes, the words cutting through his despair like a blade.
Hagrid continues, his voice quieter now. “He plays Quidditch like James—only he’s a Seeker. And he’s brilliant at it. Does well in classes, too. He’s got his father’s courage, through and through.”
Sirius’s voice wavers as he asks again, for the final time, "Is he safe?"
Hagrid meets his gaze, his own grief barely concealed. “No,” he says, his words laced with bitterness. “He’ll never be safe again. No thanks to you.”
Sirius remains silent until the human guards return, their heavy footsteps echoing through the grim halls. They stop at Hagrid’s cell, unlocking the door with a loud clang. One of them is an auror Sirius recognized. Moody.
“Harry Potter cleared your name,” Moody says gruffly, “Albus Dumbledore and the board have asked we escort you back to Hogwarts, Hagrid.”
“Harry?” Hagrid gasps, taking in a deep breath. “How?”
Moody flicks a look back to Sirius cell, knowing exactly who Sirius is, before glancing back to Hagrid as the half giant stood up. “It seems Potter has once again defeated a dark wizard. I might as well set up a desk for him at the Ministry, he’s got more balls than half my team.”
No one sees Sirius’ mouth lift into a smile in the shadows.
As Hagrid is escorted out, his massive frame stooped under the weight of the air thick with dementor despair, Sirius finally speaks.
“I’m glad I gave Harry to you that night,” he says.
Hagrid pauses mid-step, his shoulders tensing. For a moment, he doesn’t turn, doesn’t respond. Moody places a hand on Hagrid’s forearm, glaring back at Sirius’ wasted form. Then, without looking back, Hagrid lets Moody and the guards lead him away into the shadows.
A few weeks later, Sirius asked the Minister of Magic politely for the crossword.
And the rest of this is history.
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miryum · 2 months ago
In the Dealings of Luck (Mattheo Riddle x Reader)
In which you and Mattheo are reading the same book in the library and start writing notes to each other. What happens when Mattheo realises the reader's identity?
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: Reader is Hufflepuff and muggleborn and has a fear of ending up alone :)
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September 22nd, 1997
Professor Snape had just assigned a project to all of his unfortunate sixth year students. Not even his precious Slytherins were exempt from this. Each student would pick a potion to research for a month. The students would randomly choose their potion from a small selection and as Snape warned, since he had two sixth year classes, another student would have the same potion. 
After having picked the famed Felix Felicis, you went to the library to find a book that referenced it. Luckily (which you found ironic), there was an entire book on the Liquid Luck. You practically skipped to Madam Pince’s desk, thinking the assignment would be a breeze. Everything came to a screeching halt when she informed you that you could not check out the book.
“What? Why?” you asked, staring at her and still holding the book close to you. 
“I’m afraid that since there are two students working on each potion, Professor Snape has asked that all books on the topic be kept in the library so each student has access to all resources.”
Unfortunately, her reasoning made sense, so you grumped back to a table. Cracking open the book and mentally subjecting yourself to evenings now spent in the library, you began to read.
September 26th, 1997
It seemed as if you and your co-reader to All Things Lucky: the Full Composition of Felix Felicis had come to a silent agreement. You would sit in the library on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and they would alternatively pour over the book on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and weekends. 
You had heard from some other friends that they had met up with the person in Snape’s other class that had the same potion as them. The pair would swap notes and run ideas past each other, but for some reason, you weren’t inclined to. With your luck, it would turn out to be a Slytherin. 
The Slytherins in your year were horrid. Years older and younger than you didn’t seem bad at all. In fact, your younger sister was best friends with a Slytherin. The house seemed to get an unwarranted bad reputation. It was just the Slytherins in your year that seemed the worst. Perhaps it was yin and yang. Because Harry Potter and the Golden Trio were in your year, the universe needed to even it out with a Malfoy, Zabini, Nott, Berkshire, and even a Riddle.
Mattheo Riddle had been an enigma to you. You were aware of his presence, as you were sure he was yours, but the both of you kept it at that. He was around. And that was that. Other than the smoking, swearing, and blatant show of girls that paraded by to get his attention, he didn’t seem like a Riddle. He didn’t seem like Voldemort’s son. He was just another Slytherin; nothing atrocious set him apart. 
It was getting late in the library, so with your last bit of time, you circled some key words in the book and shoved a discarded piece of paper into the page to act as a bookmark.
And you left it at that.
October 1st, 1997
You hadn’t managed to get to the library on Monday. Hagrid had just found a new branch of bowtruckles, and knowing your odd affiliation to the current bowtruckles, had asked you to help. It took until dusk to coax the bowtruckles down, even with the reassurance of the old bowtruckles. However, even with your newly acquired bowtruckle friends, that meant you hadn’t been able to do any studying. 
The book thunked down on the table and you flipped it open to the bookmarked page. Silently cursing Snape, you forced your attention onto the typed words, eyes already drooping. It wasn’t until halfway through your study session that you noticed the scribbles on the bookmark you were fiddling with. 
Don’t you think it’s unorthodox to write in a book?
It seemed as if your co-reader was finally reaching out. 
You couldn’t help the small smile that lifted your lips. Maybe this wouldn’t be a horrid project after all. 
September 30th, 1997
Mattheo had thought himself very unlucky when he got the elusive potion of Felix Felicis. He had put off doing any work on the project until the last day of September when Blaise finally began nagging him. The Slytherin was planning to just take the book to his dorm and use a Self-Writing Quill to paraphrase the entire essay until Madam Pince informed him, quite rudely, that the book was not to be taken out of the library. Apparently, there was another unlucky soul who had the same potion as him. 
Almost immediately, he noticed the small piece of paper used as a haphazard bookmark. He flipped to the page to see some sentences underlined. Flipping back a couple pages, he found some notes scribbled in the margins as well. 
Maybe he could use the same passages his co-reader was using. It would save him a lot of time searching for quotes to use. He quickly wrote down the page numbers where the scribbles were.
Mattheo knew the smart thing to do would be to leave the underlined words alone so he could continue copying off of his unfortunate co-reader. But something in him, just before he closed the book, having decided that he had done enough work today, made him flick his pen over the impromptu bookmark.
Don’t you think it’s unorthodox to write in a book?
October 2nd, 1997
Blaise was surprisingly pleased when Mattheo announced he was going to the library for some studying on Felix Felicis. He was relieved he didn’t need to berate the son of the Dark Lord anymore, but when Blasie’s eyes met Enzo’s, they both knew something else was at play. When was the last time Mattheo went to the library on his own free will? 
But Mattheo missed their exchanged glance, already out the door. Even if he was a Riddle, he was still a teenager, and the prospect of exchanging secretive notes with a stranger intrigued him. 
His co-reader had left him a reply on the bookmark, which said, They’re important. And I plan on erasing them once the project is done.
A bookworm, Mattheo realised. And a smartass. Who did he know in his year that was a bookworm? Of course, he could rule out anyone in his potions class, so that left the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Ravenclaw’s were notoriously smart-alecks and readers, but they also didn’t start their projects right away. They were procrastinators, wanting to study their own niche interests before their school work. However, that was a gross overgeneralization, so maybe his co-reader was a Ravenclaw. 
Mattheo went to grab a pack of cigarettes, for those always helped him think, but then he saw Madame Pince’s watchful eye. Obviously, the librarian didn’t trust him. He didn’t blame her, but just once he wished someone would wait to judge him until they knew him better. With a scoff, he abandoned his search for cigarettes and instead tore off a bit of parchment. Instead of writing any of his essay, however, he ran through the mental list of the other sixth years and wrote down those who were in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.
Padma Patil, Anthony Goldstein, Amanda Goldstein, Leanne Walters, Emily Xiao, Larry O’Donnel, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernie Macmillan, Zacharias Smith, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Y/n L/n…
Padma Patil, Susan Bones, and Leanne Walters all hated him, mostly because he had either slept with them or one of their friends and then didn’t pursue them any further. Anthony Goldstein and Justin Finch-Fletchley were just downright afraid of him, as was Ernie Macmillan, though the kid at least had some spine to pretend to have some bite, when in reality, he was all bark. Amanda Goldstein had a fat crush on him ever since third year, but she really was unappealing in his eyes. Much too meek and weak-willed, though probably someone his father would like. Zacharias Smith was an alright bloke. Hannah Abbott was quiet and the only reason Mattheo knew of her was because she had been his herbology partner once. He thought her much too naive and gullible, but a nice girl nonetheless. 
Was it wrong that he wished his penpal to be you? He was sure his co-reader didn’t know who he was, so it could be any one of the Hufflepuffs or Ravenclaws. But god, how he wanted it to be you. You were the first name that popped into his mind, but he had waited to write it down until the end; he wanted to be the only one to see it. 
The son of the Dark Lord had first met you during the sorting ceremony of Year One. You had found Hagrid immediately once exiting the train and clung to his coat. Mattheo immediately clocked you as a muggleborn. His father would not be pleased with the way his eyes scanned over your features. When you got sorted into Hufflepuff, and he Slytherin, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of disappointment, but no surprise. You didn’t seem like a Slytherin. 
So, do you have any notes for this assignment I can use? he wrote on a new sheet of parchment and stuck it in the book. Mattheo decided that was enough studying and left.
October 3rd, 1997
I don’t make it a habit of giving out my hard-earned notes when I don’t know if the other person has done any work or not. 
It seemed as if anonymity was making you more bold.
October 4th, 1997
Oh, you’re fun. Mattheo grinned as he wrote back. Anyway I could change your mind? Or do you make it a habit of being a smartass? What house are you in?
October 6th, 1997
I just don’t see why you’re asking for my notes. We’re reading from the same book. You should be getting the same information I am. Have you not started writing your essay yet? And I’m not being a smartass. I’m just being smart. You paused, quill poised over the parchment. After a moment, you slowly lowered it to the paper and wrote, Hufflepuff. 
For some reason, revealing that piece of information seemed earth-shaking. You quickly packed up and left after that.
October 7th, 1997
Mattheo thought about trying to catch his penpal in the act, but where would the fun be in that? His lips parted in that coy little smirk of his when he read that they were from Hufflepuff. That narrowed down his list perfectly. 
Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernie Macmillan, Zacharias Smith, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, and Y/n L/n.
He had his suspicions, of course, but that might’ve also been his delusion and hopes of grandeur. He had learned early on to not get his hopes up about anything – not birthdays, test scores, or love. And especially not about trying to break out of the iron-cast mold of being the Slytherin heir.
Contrary to what you may have thought, ever since that first day of First Year, Mattheo had kept you in his peripheral. You were like a song stuck in his head that wouldn’t go away. And the music just kept getting louder and louder. In Second Year, he had noticed all the muggleborns and even half-bloods avoiding him after the first bloody message on the walls. At just twelve, it had cemented what he had known his entire life: he was to be feared. 
But then you had given him the smallest wave in the hallway and the new music had made his heart flutter. He still remembered the relief he felt whenever you weren’t the muggleborn to be petrified. 
The music had gotten louder in Third Year when the Defense Against the Dark Arts class had worked with Professor Lupin (of whom Mattheo had totally known to be a werewolf) on Boggarts. Professor Lupin was wise and didn’t ask Mattheo to stand in front of the cabinet, for they both knew Voldemort wouldn’t be a pleasant sight to see for the other students
Then you stepped up. The Boggart emerged and Mattheo immediately saw the resemblance. The Boggart was an older you, perhaps mid-fifties. The Boggart, poised as you, looked around and, in drab clothing, then shook its head. Mattheo’s eyes flickered down to its hand. No ring lay on its finger. Human you stood, silent, for a while, a crease between your brows. And you muttered the spell and stepped back.
Oh, how Mattheo had wanted to tell you that as long as he lived, he would do everything in his power to ensure that future didn’t become a reality.
In Fourth Year, the music grew into a crescendo. He didn’t have the guts to ask you to the Yule Ball. You were the lovely little Hufflepuff and he had a reputation to uphold. But you were radiant. You hadn’t meant to wear a gown that was green; it was a coincidence. You were wearing the colours of the snake and Mattheo’s little fourteen year old heart was beating hard enough to cause a stroke. He should’ve taken Astoria Greengrass to the dance – that would’ve been the thing his father would’ve wanted – but he couldn’t. Not when you danced so freely and laughed so lovely. Perhaps though, instead of watching hypnotic you, he should have focused on forcing the blood back up to his brain.
The music practically made it hard to hear in Fifth Year. When everyone else was torn between believing Dumbledore and fearing Mattheo’s father or believing their government, you still gave him a little nod in the hallways.
In Sixth Year, the music was all he could hear. Even though he arrived at Hogwarts with a brand-new Dark Mark burned into his forearm, your smile at the opening feast made it all seem worth it.
Hufflepuff, huh? So, are you, like, loyal and kind and stuff? Do you like badgers? Maybe I should call you a little badger.
October 8th, 1997
Your penpal was a part of your life now. It was an expectation that they would have a note ready for you whenever you went into the library. You were sure this essay about Felix Felicis was going to be the best damn paper you’d ever written with how much time you had been spending in the library. Honestly, you should thank your penpal because they gave you incentive to study.
You sound like a Slytherin, you wrote back. And I don’t know. Hufflepuffs are all different, you know? I don’t want it to sound like I’m bragging if I say “I’m kind and amazing and patient.” But don’t call me a little badger.
October 9th, 1997
Do I need to add ‘humble’ onto the Hufflepuff roster, little badger? And you’re spot on. I am of the great house of Slytherin and I am not ashamed to say it. Do you like Quidditch?
October 10th, 1997
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the question. If your penpal hadn’t admitted to being a Slytherin and if Oliver Wood hadn’t graduated a couple years before, you were certain it would be the old Gryffindor. 
I admit, I do like Quidditch. It was really fascinating to me when I first came into the wizarding world, as were most things. I like flying, but never tried out for the team. It was too much physical contact and I don’t want to fall off a broom from fifty feet up. But I still enjoy flying. By your question, I assume you play? And don’t call me little badger.
Maybe you liked communicating with this mystery person more than you let on.
October 11th, 1997
Mattheo was smiling at a piece of paper. He was grinning at a scrap of parchment. He was practically beaming just because his penpal was a muggleborn. And you were a muggleborn. You were one of two muggleborns left on his list: Justin Finch-Fletchley and you.
Mattheo was certain that Justin Finch-Fletchley would’ve stopped communicating with a penpal as soon as he learned they were a Slytherin. So it had to be you. You had to be his penpal.
For once in his life, Mattheo was getting his hopes up.
October 18th, 1997
Mattheo had been collecting a plethora of information on his pen pal – which he was certain was you. The problem was, the project was ending in two days and then where would he be? Without his little badger? Should he say something or let sleeping dogs lie?
With a good conscience, could he even bring you into his life? Who would want to be with the son of the Dark Lord? Certainly not you, who he had come to adore and pine after.
Sweet Salazar, what was he going to do?
October 20th, 1997
“Professor Snape?” You stood in front of his desk after the lesson, bag slung over your shoulder as you clutched the strap. “May I ask you a question?”
“What is it?” the professor drawled, looking over the papers he had received about the unique potions.
You shifted your weight from one foot to another. “Um, I was wondering who was the person in the other class that was studying Felix Felicis.”
Professor Snape’s eyes bored into yours. “Why do you wish to know?”
It took you a minute to reply. “We conversed a bit via notes and I think we would make good friends.”
If you hadn’t known Professor Snape for six years, you could have sworn there was some amusement in Snape’s stare. “Perhaps you should write one last letter to your unofficial partner. If they do not respond, Miss L/n, then I will be amenable to responding.”
With a cautious nod and frustration brewing in your chest at the ambiguous answer, you turned and left.
Your feet took you to the library, where the book on Felix Felicis was waiting for you on its shelf. When you pulled it out, it was like the book opened to the exact page where a new note sat. You flipped through the adjoining pages, a bit desperately, looking for the old messages you and your penpal had written. But the parchment wasn’t there.
Defeated, you took the newer note and unfolded it.
If you’re reading this, you’re realising that I took our correspondence, little badger. I apologise, for I’m sure you wanted it, but I couldn’t bear to part with it. Though perhaps we can reach an agreement. Meet me at the astronomy tower?
Was it a coincidence that you had gotten the Potion of Lucky for your project?
October 20th, 1997
Mattheo stood at the top of the astronomy tower, calves deliciously burning with the exhaustion of climbing all the way up there. It was a pleasurable pain, one that reminded him he was alive.
The cool bite of the wind did nothing against the Warming Charm he had cast, though he was sure that even if he hadn’t thought to perform the spell, the adrenaline in his veins would still keep his heart beating erratically. He stared out at the grounds of Hogwarts, mind silent.
Of course he heard the door creak open and your footsteps on the stone. Of course he could feel the silence between the both of you as you stared at the back of his head.
“Mattheo?” Your voice cut through the silence.
He turned around.
“Hey, little badger.”
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remanence-of-love · 1 year ago
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potterharryloves · 1 year ago
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sparsilees · 3 months ago
For the Love of Chocolate Frogs, Harry’s Handwriting isn’t Chicken Scratch!
harry’s handwriting is not illegible. it isn’t terrible, or incomprehensible, or childish, or untidy, or untrained. it isn’t chicken scratch. it isn’t a messy scrawl. it isn’t griffonage. it isn’t something resembling hieroglyphics.
this “chicken scratch” take is pure fanon or some lame headcanon that has absolutely no support from the books. and it genuinely bothers me to see this portrayal so prevalent in fanworks, whether it’s through other characters urging him to improve his writing skills or taunting him for it, or harry himself admitting to his lousy penmanship.
it sort of comes across as ‘oh, poorly educated poor orphan boy’, especially when combined with the other fanon favourite dumb harry concept. y’all love to dumb him down any chance you get, huh? (i have such aversion and loathing for both, if you can’t tell...)
point me an instance where someone, anyone, ever so much as hints at harry’s handwriting in the books. go on. i’ll wait.
you think any of the many people he frequently corresponds with via letter, or the assortment of professors who are most familiar with his written assignments and tests, wouldn’t bring attention to his “chicken scratch” for the sake of better understanding and better marks? hmm?
you think snape, who doesn’t shy away from criticising harry’s classwork, wouldn’t pounce on his less than desirable script? you think hermione or ron wouldn’t have made a passing mention of his scribbles?
harry, however, does remark on everyone else’s handwriting throughout the books, and here are his observations on ron, hermione, and hagrid’s:
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in cos, harry dedicates hours to handling gilderoy lockhart’s fan mail. and this is my personal theory, but i feel that an ugly scrawl would’ve reflected badly on the peacock himself, especially since he takes great pride in his fans, their admiration, and, most importantly, his appearance and personal image. (imagine the horror of his cherished fans being confronted with unsightly handwriting from their fave celeb.)
canonically, the only clue we have about harry’s own script is that it resembles lily’s to an extent, most notably their ‘g’s:
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with harry’s low self-esteem, he barely makes mention of his personal strengths and accomplishments, so it’s not as if he’d comment postively on his own handwriting. but he’d probably be embarrassed by a deficiency in it had those around him brought up such an issue. so i’d venture to say his handwriting is quite acceptable — perfectly alright and readable.
it’s bewildering how this misconception has taken such a strong hold that it’s treated as canon. the boy grew up in a cupboard, which may have stunted his social skills and self-esteem — nothing to do with his handwriting! he attended kindergarten and primary, practising his writing for years before hogwarts. harry’s handwriting is definitely okay, and it's time to set the record straight on that.
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stitchdory · 10 days ago
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Meemoop, when I read this, I saw your Little Hand-Me-Downs Harry and Little Dapper Draco, with cute shopping-bag Neitzsche, in my head. And your Hagrid. Along with an incredibly glamorous Narcissa in fabulous shopping attire, of course!!!!
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loonylupin2 · 4 months ago
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wookiecookiesfactory · 5 months ago
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The trio that never was but should have!
I aged up hagrid and myrtle up a bit so they would be in the same year just because.
english and version en español :)
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unbfacts · 12 days ago
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ashdashcrash · 2 months ago
hogwarts moodboard 🏰🪄
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the-colourful-witch · 5 months ago
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🎃Rubeus Hagrid🎃
Larger than life and a heart to match it :) I love Hagrid. He's so amazing. Despite all the tragedy in his life, he remains a friend to all. He is so positive and happy about little things; even though he knows darkness, he chooses to live in the light. We could all use a little Hagrid in our life 💛
I love how hardworking he is and how much he cares about the school and the students. He makes sure there are pumpkins with the Halloween feast, he takes care of the creatures in the forest, he invites Harry and his friends over for tea and a chat, because he knows Harry didn't have anyone looking out for him at the Dursleys. We don't deserve this man! 🧡🥹⚡️
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anyaharveyii · 9 months ago
I think the saddest part about Harry Potter is that the poor guy never does find a place where he can just feel normal.
like, for a fraction of a second, Hagrid gave him hope, and he was like, "omg wait, I'm not a freak? there's a place where the things I can do are considered normal? where people won't automatically despise me because of who my parents are, and I can just be myself?"
and Hagrid really hit him with the, "yes, you're not a freak, but you're the savior of the wizarding world (which isn't much better). and what you can do is normal, except that you also did something no one else has done before. and most people won't automatically despise you—though some still will—however, they will automatically feel intimidated and intrigued by you ... so, I guess you still can't really be yourself, sorry dude."
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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 7 months ago
"harry potter is literally about wizards and magic stfu" just say youve never fucking read a book ?? or interacted with media and thought about it ??? that youve never tried to find meaning in anything ???? that even when the meaning is shoved in your face you ignore it because its easier for you to oversimplify complex characters because you dont get it ?????
harry potter tackles overthrowing the government, prejudice, exploitation, complex and heavily morally grey characters, war, prison escapees, death, child soldiers, guilt, abusive families, sacrifice & redemption, ptsd, corrupt governments, ethnic cleansing, betrayal, ethics of morality,
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theatreslave · 7 months ago
Hermione doing anything remotely unhinged and the Staff finally hearing about it.
Hagrid: “I ca' believe she did i'. She ca' be righ' scary, tha' one.”
Minerva: “We are speaking about the same student, are we not?”
Sinistra: “Her knowledge would make her a formidable opponent if applied properly.”
Sprout: “She kept Rita Skeeter hostage in a jar for 4 months.”
Minerva: “She what!?”
Severus: *can't stop the great guffaw of mirth that explodes forth*
Minerva: ...
Sprout: ...
Sinistra: ...
Hagrid: ...
Severus: *ahem* 10 points to Gryffindor.
Minerva: Severus!
Sprout: Only 10, Severus really. I think 25 points to Gryffindor would be better.
Sinistra: I think 50 considering it was Skeeter.
Hagrid: ... 100 points to Gryffindor for makin' Snape laugh for the first time since I been 'ere.
*noises of agreement*
Minerve: *buries her face in her hands*
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