#HAD to do it with Sanlu :)
shima-draws · 4 months
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Hey can you guys guess who my favorite One Piece characters are. I know it's literally impossible right
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struwberrie · 7 months
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i (again) forgot to upload this here on the day it was for, day 6 of sanji week, future!
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leftsidebonfire · 6 months
💙Sanlu Week Day 2💙
Day 2: Stealth Black/Gear 5
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All the tales the same Told before and told again A soul that's born in cold and rain Knows sunlight, sunlight, sunlight And at last can grant a name To a buried and a burning flame As love and its decisive pain Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
This was my most ambitious piece. And it is one I am most proud of, too. Accepting both of the prompts, Stealth Black Sanji is shown the sunlight of Gear 5 Luffy. This piece was probably the most "trust the process" I've ever had to do, and I almost quit many times, but I'm glad I stuck it out because it quickly became my favorite piece I got to do for this event, and I wanted to see it through. 🖤🤍
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veryace-ficrecs · 9 months
Sanlu Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
Midnight Snacks by ClockedInside - Rated G
Sanji finds himself baking a cake with his captain at twelve am. He's not upset about it in the slightest.
burnt orange by zo_glassy - Rated T
Luffy wasn’t exactly sure when, but he had been caught staring, and then a plump fruit was being held close to his mouth. Yet at that moment, he’d been unable to tear his eyes away, teeth grazing soft fingertips as he nibbled the orange flesh in a daze. The fruit bursts in his tongue, the sour-sweetness enveloping his senses. He recalls the clear juice that had trickled down the pale wrist, the twinkle of blue eyes winking at him mischievously. "Our secret, don't tell Nami-san." — In which Luffy is clueless, and Nami and Usopp take it upon themselves to play cupid. Happy (belated) valentines day!
The King's Cook: On Love Languages and Adoration by onceuponaneverafter - Rated T
Sanji cooked for everyone. Never not in the kitchen making or preparing something. He never said "Love yous" or "Missed yous" but he always cooked everyone's favourites, and never let a soul go hungry. Luffy notices, and after watching and observing and learning, he decides Sanji deserves to be cooked for too. Or, Luffy loves his crew and knows they have worth, and Sanji needs to be reminded that means him too.
Moment In The Sun by Harubo - Rated T
“So… you’re not a knight at all.” “I don’t know what it means to be a knight,” Luffy shrugged, “But I saw you and I wanted to be by your side and now I am.  Zeff says being a knight means caring for someone more than you care for yourself.  So I guess I’m a knight.”
The Captain's Cook by three_days_late - Rated G
He would do whatever it took to keep Sanji by his side. He would give him whatever he wanted, do anything he asked, just as long as Sanji stayed with him. Sanji was the cook of the Straw Hat pirates, and Luffy would accept no other.
Kindness around the stations by purplefox - Rated T
Luffy is a troublesome little brother but he is kind. Are Sabo and Ace cool with their little brother disappearing into the city and getting involved with a royal? Not so much but they doubt they can pry Luffy away. He seems gone on the blonde royal who cooks and feeds Luffy what he makes.
A Wedding to Remember by GalacticSaz - Rated T
Sanji is waiting at the alter for his future wife to strut in and ruin his life. But, his captain never was any good at leaving them alone in their time of need. So, why did he think that today would be any different?
Growing Pains by grayimperia - Rated G
Luffy’s grandpa was well over nine feet tall and wide as a barn. Other than the occasional fist of love, this had no bearing on Luffy’s life until it suddenly did. Sanji frowned, reaching out to press a hand to the top of Luffy’s head. “Am I going crazy or have you gotten taller?” “If I get bigger, will you still carry me and cook for me and do my laundry and help me wash my hair?” “Yes, you overgrown child—even if you’re more overgrown.” - Luffy gets a growth spurt.
Our Way To Be (And How Everyone Sees Us) by aririnas - Rated G
Five situations where the mugiwara see the strange relationship between Luffy and Sanji. And one in which someone realizes the reality.
Honey Hold Me by Harubo - Rated T
When his captain burst out of the wedding cake, screaming furiously that Sanji was his husband, all hell broke loose at the Whole Cake Chateau. (Snippets of a love story between the cook and his captain, the captain and his cook)
Anchor by Trixree - Rated T
It is said that dreams are shared between soulmates. Luckily, the Vinsmoke children do not dream. (Except, of course, for the failure.)
A Gentle Tide by teaandtumblr - Rated G
When it came to people, and creatures, on the Grand Line, Sanji knew that Luffy was one of the toughest ones. He’d known it ever since their first meeting. Luffy was made of rubber but he may as well have been made of iron for how strong he was. Which was why Sanji was so surprised to find Luffy’s weakness to be what it was: Gentleness.
It's Called Falling by Trixree - Rated M
So many bad choices have led up to this moment, standing in the walk-in fridge with his face buried in his hands to choke back what could either be a scream or hysterical laughter, contemplating the Not A Date he’s landed himself, and Sanji cannot fathom how to begin to undig this hole.
Too Bright to See by grayimperia - Rated T
Luffy’s eyes are unfocused as he smiles at Sanji. Robin takes a measured sip of her coffee in the same amount of time it takes Luffy to bite clear through half of his sandwich. Sanji swipes a few napkins off the table and sets about wiping crumbs from Luffy’s face. “I’m so sorry about him, Robin-chan.” “It’s quite alright,” she says. And it is because there is something very sweet about the scene in front of her. Robin smiles. One out of seven lights click on. - Luffy, Sanji, the Straw Hats, and how it takes time to notice the obvious.
Easy as Anything, Simple as That by Trixree - Rated T
“Luffy? What’s the matter?” “We’re gonna’ have a wedding,” he says incomprehensibly. Which—no. Absolutely not. Haven’t they had enough of weddings, lately? Nami's certainly had enough for a lifetime, thanks. “What are you talking about? What wedding?” she demands as coherently as she can while running on only two-and-a-half hours of sleep. “Mine and Sanji’s,” Luffy declares.
That's One Heck of a Gatcha Prize by anarchycox - Rated T
Zeff forces Sanji to take an actual day off from the Baratie and Sanji goes to the street fair/carnival going on. He plays a silly game to win a stuffed animal. He didn't expect to win a Luffy.
face the sun by zo_glassy - Rated M
the summer sun a halo behind his head, and his own ears are completely singed by the heat of the other’s affections.
he learns that Luffy’s warmth, golden-red and burning, may take some getting used to.
(in which Sanji's vulnerable to his captain's flattery.)
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
gosh im such a huge fan of your warlord!sanji au esp all the wonderful angst recently <3 is there anything you have to share abt these executions, failed or successful? the pain is delicious >:)
i adore all of ur work so very much ^^ thank u!!
I'm glad you're enjoying everything so far! There is more in the works, for many people to parent Sanji.
Like, they've probably talked about this very frankly growing up with Sanji. He's already guilty by association so becoming a pirate is the worst thing he could have done and then his parents turned against the government or got sent to Impel Down by him and his crew? Sanji would be the first thought of execution by the government, with how interwoven the cook is into piracy and some of the top pirates in the world.
As for the executions? I had a thought, since the warlords and Luffy saved Ace(they still have scars, just no death) I thought about Sanji's execution where they do make it but Sanji's smiling at them, all of them, blood dribbling out of his mouth as he collapses lifeless on the platform. Or Someone gets him out and Sanji can feel the heat from Akainu's lava fast approaching and turns just in time to lose his hands and maybe his life, blinking at the admiral as people scream.
Maybe they get the whole family up there? Jinbei and Sanji went missing and all of a sudden there's a news article about Sanji, Jinbei, and the others' execution. All lined up and put to death with seastone bullets, or injured heavily. But either way no one ever really recovers from it. Mihawk who was supposed to die by Zoro's blades. Boa who was supposed to die of old age because almost everyone fell in love with her. Jinbei watching everything he's worked for backslide. Doffy who thought he would die by his kid's hands or Law's. Crocodile who was supposed to amass so much wealth he and the others could retire without worry. Sanji who was supposed to find the All Blue and open a restaurant.
Imagine if everyone was there? The White Beard fleet, Luffy and his volunteer fleet, Shanks and his crew, Perona, Law and his crew? Just everyone trying to get to the execution platform and save them. Sanji gives Luffy his biggest smile and thanks him, asks him to find the All Blue for him, and then just slumps forward after a bullet exits the front of his skull. His parents follow one by one as Luffy screams as he loses his cook and his helmsman. Loses his friends and family.
As a sanlu truther through and through Luffy watches the love of his life die and after whatever war happens, as they all leave to recuperate. Luffy is shattered and nothing is helping. Shanks, Ace, maybe Sabo is there but nothing is working until Zoro grabs Luffy and asks him if this is what the cook would want. They have to fulfill his dream too now and Zoro will make sure they do if Luffy can't. Luffy nods and wipes his face. Perona says she'll help, Sanji was her baby brother after all. Then everyone realizes they watched the cook and his family die one by one.
Or maybe they save one warlord. Doflamingo goes on a crazed rampage because of his child and then just shuts down after they leave, just a complete dissociative state. Boa who sobs as she takes out marine after marine and can't stop. Crocodile who doesn't shed a tear and kills quickly, not in a rampage but methodically and pats Perona as she looks at him with tears. Jinbei gets everyone out quickly and safely, he watches the waves in silence. Mihawk who kills efficiently and with no mercy and then Shanks asks why he's crying because he hasn't seen Mihawk in years and didn't know. Mihawk blinks and touches his face to feel the wetness.
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trivalentlinks · 3 months
So I have a genuine question for prison abolitionists who believe in only preventative measures for crimes and, in the case that they can't be prevented, non-punitive transformative justice and healing as a response to crimes.
In principle I agree with this for garden variety crimes like rape and murder, but there is one kind of crime where I genuinely cannot see how non-punitive transformative justice could work, and I am very curious as to how other people can envision it working:
So in 2004, China had a baby formula scandal where 13 infants died of malnutrition because several baby formula producers heavily diluted the baby formula with stuff that didn't have nutrients, so much so that the baby formula sold had only 1 g of protein per 100g baby formula (this number is supposed to be around 14 g of protein/100g formula!)
There were also more than a hundred babies hospitalized with malnutrition, with one hospital reporting 66 hospitalizations and 8 deaths in their hospital alone.
(Article about the 2004 scandal on The Lancet here, and article on the NYTimes here. If you want to read more search for "big headed baby formula scandal china", because the malnutrition caused the babies to appear to have large, swollen heads.)
As a response, the Chinese government cracked down on baby formula manufacturing and increased testing for protein content in all baby formula and milk products.
(And, of course, since this is China, which famously has an authoritarian government, they also arrested 22 executives in charge of production at various baby formula companies. Most parts of China have also historically had a strong belief in punishment, so I'm sure they also felt like with so many dead or hospitalized babies (and at the height of the one-child policy to boot!) they would have had a riot on their hands if nobody was punished.)
This worked well and Chinese baby formula was safe again, for about four years.
Then, in 2008, some people at Chinese dairy production company Sanlu discovered that you could fool the new protein tests by adding melamine to milk and baby formula products. This is because melamine increases the nitrogen content, so it could fool the nitrogen-based tests into registering a higher protein content than was actually there.
Thus, they added melamine to a lot of baby formula and milk products so that they could again get away with diluting the products.
Melamine, of course, causes kidney damage, and as a result of this, 300,000 children were sickened with kidney damage and 54,000 of them were hospitalized.
(Here's a wikipedia article about the 2008 milk scandal.)
As a result of this, China imprisoned several executives involved and executed a couple of them.
Now I am opposed to capital punishment in all cases, but I'm curious about the opinions of people who oppose all forms of punitive justice.
What do you think the Chinese government should have done about the executives involved in this?
If your children were among the 300,000 sickened with kidney damage or the 54,000 hospitalized or worse, would you genuinely be okay with no punishment whatsoever for those who knowingly did this?
(Or maybe you can convince me that how these parents feel shouldn't matter? I'm open to being convinced.)
Obviously, China should (and I'm sure does) test for melamine in milk and baby formula now, but keep in mind that the new tests for protein content after the 2004 malnutrition scandal were the reason Sanlu was adding melamine to begin with. You cannot test for things you don't know that people will try to get around the old tests.
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oksurethisismyname · 11 months
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I feel like this has the same energy as Sanlu/Lusan and I can’t explain why
Also if I had to see this gif so do you
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itsrainingbubbles · 10 months
Gender fluid sanlu
Basically sanlu but both of them are gender fluid
I just thought up an interaction between them that goes something like this
"hey Luffy have you seen my binder?"
"last I saw it was on the chair by the desk"
"oh yeah thanks lu, by the way nice dress, really brings out your eyes"
"thanks! Nami helped me pick it out, oh and can you help me do my eyeshadow?"
"only if you help me do mine"
It came to me in a dream and it was the fluffiest dream I've ever had
Also Luffy would forget he's binding and just wear it until he decides he wants boobs again and before ace and Sabo would remind him to take a break but when they set out to sea Luffy would forget again
Then Sanji would find out about this and he'd start reminding Luffy to take breaks
If Sanji happened to be binding too Luffy would only agree if sanji also took a break because as much as he scolds Luffy for unsafe binding he also binds for longer than he should
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anarchycox · 9 months
Sanlu, for the holiday ficlet, please, and thank you
"Hey, Eggplant, why you chopping like it's your first time holding a knife?"
"Shut up you geezer, my skills are perfect unlike your damn eyes." Sanji looked down and okay fine, the dice wasn't exactly his best, sue him. But he added it to the pot, it was fine. "You read the rules I left you?"
There was a snort, "what do you think?"
"I think that I am going to drown you in this gazpacho," Sanji tried to breathe normally but it is hard. "Who even fucking orders gazpacho on solstice eve?"
"Idiots." His dad was at the station next to him, and they worked in harmony together, even as they traded insults and slowly Sanji's nerves eased away.
Carne burst in, "there is a guy out there saying he's Sanji's husband? And demanding meat and his babygirl? I am guessing he is on drugs and I should kick him out?"
Sanji sighed. Guess Luffy hadn't read the list of rules he had been left either.
"Eggplant, I swear to the All Blue, if you fucking got married without me there to cater the thing!" A paring knife was pointed at his face.
"No! Luffy just, I don't even know!" Sanji threw up his hands. "We aren't married! And if you ask about the babygirl thing-"
That just got Zeff stalking out of the kitchen and towards a table that had Luffy at it. He never should have shown his dad all those pictures of Luffy.
"So you are dating my son?" Zeff sat across from Luffy. So much for introductions.
"No, dating is stupid! If you are dating you might break up, and he can make a food that is like three birds stuffed into each other! So he is stuck with me. Forever and ever and ever." Luffy was nodding furiously. "Which means you are stuck with me for forever and ever and ever, because even though you are old and gonna die, you have to haunt Sanji because he'd miss you too much."
It was the longest night of the year, and somehow it had now been made even longer. Entire eons were passing, kingdoms rising and falling as Sanji stared at Zeff and Luffy.
"Welcome to the family," Zeff said. "I can get four birds stuffed together."
"I love you," Luffy shouted. "Sanji, I love your dad."
Sanji had to laugh, "Yeah, yeah, he ain't so bad." He sat down and kissed Luffy's temple. "Thanks for doing this."
"Can I have four meats right now? And you staying, or do you have to work more?"
"He'll stay with you," Zeff said. "And once we close we'll talk." It was a promise and a threat.
And the longest night of the year, was the longest night of Sanji's life.
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charkyzombicorn · 4 months
One piece shipping meme because i can only mentally consume the sillies :( blank template and justification below the cut
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lusopp - my favorite guys! I love the theme of devotion in ships between strawhats but I also love that effort they had to put into it. They don't always understand eachother but they are constantly trying to and I love them I could make a whole seperate post abt it
zolu - the devotion? There. The complete interdependence? There. The full faith in eathother? There. Literally the only problem with them is that any conflict with them has to be them vs the world instead of inter-relationship because they are so symbiotic
zosopp - I'm soooo normal about them. Usopp is everything Zoro is not, but all they see is the benefits of that. Usopp confuses Zoro in a good way
sanlu - the subtext between a captain and a cook got to me, man. Also the devotion still gets to me, and I think those two would make for very cute old people
frobin - genuinely forget this one isn't canon sometimes. Autism x Autism. They make eachother happy. I don't know what more to say
navi - listen. I know a lot of the ship is based on fanon because Yuri is hard to come by in a show that doesn't pass the bechdel test within the first 500 episodes. But I don't care. Let me enjoy my lesbian Aladin in peace. Nami being a cutpurse mad at the world for what it did to her and Vivi being a princess desperately trying to control the world just to keep it safe. I love them
roboa - yes I know it's a rarepair yes I know they haven't interacted but. The potential???? Firstly, Robin could fix her. Secondly, Boa could make her worse. Thirdly, they would be able to understand eachother on a very deep level. Fourthly, undercover assassin scenario ✨ yes I'm delusional leave me be
lawlu - lots of great fics, lots of potential, lots of Dressrosa arc. I like them
zolaw - jock x nerd type ship. Not a bad thing. All the content I see of them is gold
lunami - been obsessed since I read Arlong Park in grade 4 at my school library. I'm very specific about them, though, because a lot of the content is two-dimensional guy-girl tropes that don't fit them.
branky/brobin - strawhat old people polycule real. If Jimbe was in the circle he would be here too
usosan - I get it
acesan - they're funny to me
usonami - most normal couple i think
ronami - depends on the content & context
sannami - drum island ot3 real, but without Luffy it's kinda meh
lawsopp - I've seen some good content, but I don't think they would fit well
zosan - they kinda just act like my brother and I? They're kinda that sore spot between witty banter and actual enemies-to-lovers. Some of the content is good, though
luboa - pretty sure it's canonical boa is only Like That because she doesn't have a lot of good sources that men aren't all dogshit
sabolu/acelu/saboace - doesn't really do anything for any of their characters, kinda pointless unless they're ooc and seems more like a kink thing than anything
sanrobin - don't really see it
lushanks - don't really get it
Nothing is in black because saying something people enjoy that doesn't hurt anyone shouldn't exist seems mean to me, I don't really believe in that.
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shima-draws · 7 months
Ideal ending to WCI is Luffy seeing Sanji cry and then awakening his devil fruit and unlocking Gear Fifth out of sheer RAGE and saying the classic line of “Who made you cry, Sanji?! I’ll DESTROY THEM!!!” and then proceeding to go on a rampage and fucking absolutely EVERYBODY up including the Vinsmokes, Pudding, AND the Big Mom Pirates. Toss in the trope of came back wrong and Sanji can immediately tell something is not right about this Luffy, whose smile is too wide, whose eyes are too distant, who continues to beat upon his enemies long after they’re down, who seems to take a sick sort of pleasure in hurting others, who grins and giggles and tells Sanji he’ll obliterate anything that makes him cry. Eventually he starts to scare Sanji so bad that even Luffy notices his reaction, and immediately turns on himself because if HE’S the one making Sanji cry then he’ll just have to destroy himself too. And that’s when Sanji finally leaps into action and does whatever he can to reach Luffy—including kissing him. Luckily that was exactly what Luffy needed to snap out of it, and when he comes to the Whole Cake Chateau is in broken pieces, the Big Mom Pirates are battered beyond fighting and the Vinsmokes are nowhere to be seen. And softly, tiredly, he asks if they won, if he can bring Sanji home, and Sanji cries again and says yes, take me home to the Sunny, I want to go home with you.
Meanwhile the rest of the Strawhats are like
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
So things we learn in polls if we take them as representative:
SanUso is more popular than SanLu (very surprising to me, although I like either ship), [That poll is ongoing, btw]. (Had UsoLu before.Oops!).
SanLaw is 0.6% more popular than ZoLaw (the percentages count!). Again, I like either ship, but had thought ZoLaw was more popular.
And, that the number of fan works is not an indicator of ship popularity. That’s logical, but as a creator, and as an enjoyer of fan works, I guess I thought they were a bigger indicator of a ship’s popularity than they are, although there are a lot of factors at play of course.
The number iof LawSan fics, from different writers, has really increased over the last year, btw, and I’m assuming SanUso fics are on the rise against SanLu 🤷‍♂️
But yeah, as said, fan content doesn’t necessarily indicate fan faves (more creator faves, perhaps?). The other really close poll is Noland/Kalgara vs Saboala. Not much fan work (in comparison) exists of the former, but the voter’s heart wants what the voter’s heart wants. (That poll is still open too).
Also, sometimes it’s very hard for creative content to get a look-see on this site, and possibly the results of the polls kinda tie into that? Like possibly the majority of folks who want op fanart or fanfic etc. populate other sites. I find that a screencap of an episode can do a 1000 times better than a reblog of fanart. Meta too (although not always). [I leave out fanfiction, cos we all know how that goes!]
Just musing.
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More SanLu for your consideration:
-Post WCI, Luffy sleeping curled around Sanji like a snake. Well, I say sleeping- which they do, eventually- but mostly Luffy fucking Sanji like that, curled around him with as many limbs as possible, fucking into Sanji from behind, stroking Sanji's cock and kissing him/his neck, maybe Luffy even stretching his head around to blow Sanji, too, because licking Sanji's cum off his hand just isn't enough. All while muttering things like, "I love you, Sanji" or "Welcome home" or "My cook..." in his ear. Sanji probably had to talk him into saving the frantic, rough, fast sex for "midnight snack" time only, so they wouldn't wake the others. So the sex they have in bed is slow, and gentle, and nice. Sanji still has to muffle himself and Luffy with a hand or a pillow, because it just feels so good, but they do try. Not sure if Luffy would bite Sanji, but maybe? As another way to remind Sanji where he belongs/who he belongs to (as long as Sanji wants to, obviously).
-Luffy fucking Sanji while Sanji wears Luffy's straw hat. Maybe for the first night that Sanji is officially back with the Strawhats, because WCI was rough on everyone, and Luffy missed his cook/Sanji, damn it.
oh 🍓anon you spoil me <3
nsfw under the cut!
post wci possessive and slow sex is *chefs kiss*
Luffy is pretty possessive in general but I think after getting Sanji back from whole cake island, he's really protective over the cook. everything is *My Cook* and *My Sanji* and he'll murmur both while taking Sanji from behind at night in their bunk. Sanji will try to tell him to keep quiet but he wants to hear Luffy say it. the words alone make him twitch with need, craving to be filled up more.
Luffy 100% leaves bite marks and hickeys over Sanji. marking him as *his.* the rest of the crew will wake up for breakfast and see dark spots peeking out from underneath Sanji's collar
and OMG the idea of Sanji wearing Luffy's strawhat while straddling Luffy's lap, riding his cock, apologizing with his words and his body for leaving. promising to never leave Luffy's side again as he finishes hhhhhgggnnnnnn
thank you for the sexy sanlu brain worms!!
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ishikawayukis · 2 months
HOLA WEEEEENAS!!!! OP anon here after disappearing for so long sjdjkwksje- had wonderful vacations but they were followed by some emotional and mental breakdowns but here we are 👊🏽✨ how are you Belle?? I noticed you changed your url :D✨
AY SI<333 the eyes don’t lie chico and neither does the heart, wci en serio fue maravilloso y tan emocionalmente cargado, I’m still 100% a Zoro girly but I will willingly become a Sanji defender any day dude nadie me va a insultar a ese hombre sin razón vayan a tener sus discusiones sin sentido de poder a otro lado🤺👊🏽
TE LO JURO ES QUE *punches air* okay so, I might be a little insane pero ya llegué al episodio 1112 JAJAJAJAJAHAHAJA PERO- literal Luffy es la encarnación de libertad (Nika, JOYBOY OMG-), he’s a not a hero even tho he might give the vibes of one: he’s a liberator!! whatever is restricting and holding back his friends he will fight it and get rid of it!! y si Luffy es tan inteligente emocionalmente, I very fondly call him dumb and silly but he’s so mature, a la edad de 6-7 vio a Shanks dejarse humillar por alguien que no vale la pena pelear y después darle una paliza cuando se mete con sus seres queridos. how can you remember all of that from that age and become conscious and mature enough to understand the reason behind it afterwards, and live by it for the rest of your life??
BIEN LINDOOOOOOS!!! es que la dinámica que mostraron funcionaba tan bien and I’m not gonna lie, I heard that part and thought the same JAJAJAJAJA Y PUEDE QUE SI SEA ASÍ porque si tomaron esa decisión personas que no hablan español pueda que solo buscaron la traducción básica y dijeron “hey they’re saying Black Leg guy!!” JAJAJAJAJ I’m not gonna lie, I also love all those ships but any ship with Luffy (sanlu, zolu, lawlu y demás pero no Nami JAJAHAJA) makes me SOOOO soft, yo sé que son representaciones fanon pero es que Luffy es así de lindo y capaz de traer luz a cualquier persona que ay no, lo quiero mucho al Luffy<3
y tú tipo “aaaaah, mira que bueeeenoooo” JAJAJAJAJAJA I honestly don’t know how would I react if I encounter a Sanji or Usopp or Nami hater like, I’ve seen people complaining or hating in comments on the websites I watched op and they literally have 0 sense or logic 💀 man I would die for Frobin, PERO EN WANO (oh boy I have so many things to say about wano) cuando van a entrar al palacio y Franky aparece en su moto y le dice a Robin “want a ride?” Y SIN DUDAR DICE SI TODA FELIZ CÁSENSEEEE!!! and then Brook takes her place and Franky is just like “whatever you can come I guess” JAJAJAJAJAJA also when they literally run over Big Mom LMAO ICONIC PERO Franky just turning around and saying “oh, I think we run over something, as long as it wasn’t over a pretty flower” Y MIRA A NAMI NOOO YO TAMBIEN LLORARA Y LO ABRAZO JAJAJAJAJA Franky best brother, best boyfriend, and best all-rounder award fr
los quiero mucho también estoy tan feliz que Jinbe ya sea un strawhat🫶🏽 más que vi los primeros dos episodios de Thriller Bark hace poco y casi lloro por Brook otra vez JAJAJAJA see this is why I hate those dudes even LUFFY who loves to get more powerful and fight powerful people has said not everything is about power, creo que lo dijo en la película Stampede que vi hace poco (debería volver a decirlo en el anime/manga😔👊🏽) Brook could literally be in an asylum, a risk to society even worse than most enemies yet he’s just making silly skeleton and panties jokes, everyone should be glad LMAO
ES CIERTO SAILOR MOON!!! más que después hacen la mini transformación de Luffy y Chopper imaginando el traje de Sanji AND THEN SANJI TRANSFORMS??? ngl mixed feelings at that moment porque me imaginé el conflicto interno pero cuando dice que se llamaba Soba Mask si me reí JAJAJAJAJAJSJSJA good for you man I’m so proud<3 y Law fanboying ahí enfrente pero diciendo “todos saben esto” YEAH OFC THEY DO YOU NERD 💀 I’m glad he broke it tho, like yeah it was cool and pretty useful but he doesn’t need it and he’s quite amazing as he is<3 kinda sad when his genes got awaken tho :c también casi lloro JAJAJAJAJA
nothing like an emotional and mental breakdown after a vacation, your brain truly was like yeah time to fuck shit Up
i diiiiid change my url it's what yuki deserves 😌 and i'm doing well! things are definitely not as shitty as they were LMAO
wci my beloved puedes creer q hay cualquier persona q dice q si zoro hubiese estado en wci le habría sacado la cresta a sanji y yo nuevamente me pregunto, ustedes ven one piece con el poto? AJJAAJ but yeah whole cake truly is a wonderful arc i'm so happy you enjoyed it!!
no soy nadie pa juzgar literal me vi toda la serie en 3 meses AJAJAJJ WHEN THE DRUMS STARTEEEEEEEEEEED the way i was shitting myself it was such a sick moment, he truly is liberation incarnated. and honestly luffy is dumb but he's also ridiculously smart the duality of a mc LMAO pero toda la razón vio cómo shanks se comportaba y dijo ah yo debería hacer lo mismo literal el mejor cabro 10/10
no pero literal "bien por ti" AJAJAJ i'm trying to learn how to ignore comments online because you're gonna find the most braindead people that only care about powerscaling so their only argument against nami and usopp is "well they don't do anything in the fights" once again, dejen de mirar one piece con el poto JAJAJ franky taking all of that in stride like ok brook it wasn't for you but you're my pal so you can do as you please LMAO la vez q aparecía franky en wano hacía algo maravilloso oda por favor dale más tiempo a este hombre es una necesidad a este punto
nooo si yo veo thriller bark de nuevo no lo logro, sería puro llanto constante sabiendo todo lo q va a pasar ajajajaj brook podría ser el loco más inútil de la vida y luffy igual lo tendría en su tripulación pq las ~vibes~ le importan más q el poder AJJAJA y honestamente? bien por el cuál es el punto si no es divertirse un poquito en el camino
THE SANJI TRANSFORMATIOOOOOOOON literally my fave thing because they gave 100% gave him the magic girl treatment LMAO that clip is one of my fave things because it's so unnecessary but so funny. and law being so dissapointed when sanji said soba mask instead of stealth black LMAO we know what you are nerd (también amo q ahí se formó literal el fanclub the north blue boys para sanji JAJAJA) sanji genes awakening.............. the promise with zoro.............. if oda ends up making that actually happen i will fly to japan and kick his ass. but also!! antes de q sanji destruyera el traje literalmente pensando "q versión de mi le serviría más a luffy" AMIGO!!! amigo por la chucha ya pasamos por esto luffy te ama de cualquier manera puedes ser cualquier versión de ti y luffy te va a seguir queriendo en su tripulación pq eres tUUUUUUUU SANJI POR FAVOOOOOOOOOR no necesitamos otro wci AJJAAJ
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vulpiximisa · 1 year
I’ve had approximate knowledge of whole cake arc over the years so this was what I thought would happened
So mostly my knowledge was about sanlu but I don’t know a lot of the context
I knew that Sanji was getting married and of course the crew (Luffy) had to stop him from doing so, wasn’t sure why other than he’d have to leave the crew
I knew pudding had a third eye and I wished it didn’t mean she was evil but I was waiting for it and half hoping I was wrong and that she was actually a nice girl
I was totally unaware of the whole carriage scene, the “I’ll starve here” and the first crying Sanji scene
I knew of germa, didn’t quite know what was up with them, knew that judge was an asshat but didn’t know about the siblings.
I thought the marriage went through already, or something because Sanji made the bento for pudding.
I was aware that the bento ends up in luffys hands but I thought that Sanji and pudding were at like a couples picnic and maybe pudding drops her reveal or something but i thought Sanji would be left alone and break down “I want to go back to sunny” scene. He’d be crying and leaves not knowing Luffy was listening behind a tree. Luffy gets the bento that way, tasting the love made in sanjis food and resolves again to stop the wedding. (That I thought occurred already, fuck iunno)
Anyway maybe there’s another ceremony because in my head I thought Luffy would definitely barge in with an “I Object!!!” And that’s where he’d fight big mom. (I’m imagining the Thriller Bark but you know, SanLu version)
And I was aware of a Sanji catching Luffy scene, I thought it’d be a big defying moment after Luffy is pretty much beaten by big mom. Sanji, who had been pretty assimilated to big moms group or hiding it pretty well, breaks out of it and takes his stand there, not letting any more harm come to his captain
Anyway, that was what I thought WCI would have been like before ever watching it lmao
Also I kept seeing people thinking Carrot would join the crew so I thought she was the makeshift chef while Sanji was away. Girl only packed some carrots for herself and called it a day 😂 also I had never even seen or heard anyone talk about Pedro, so rip
My other thought while watching it was that Big Mom eats the delicious wedding cake and she gets so happy that she remembers what actually happened to Mother Caramel and her friends. Or she had always known and didn’t want to believe it but she gets so distressed and upset that the mugiwara were able to escape that way
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solarmantle · 2 years
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Lusan Week Day 2: God Au!
Aw yes, Sanji who-is-not-actually-a-priest but still dresses likes one, finds out the Sun God Luffy thinks he's very cute, so much so that he appears just in front of him
Another artwork + a small doodle and a meme
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