#They had back to the Sunny eventually and Sanji’s like. Well. That happened
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ꕤ helping hand ꕤ

Warnings: brief mention of Sabaody & Marineford in Luffy's part Genre: fluff Characters: Luffy, Zoro, & Law Summary: How they realize they have feelings for you (acts of service edition) Author's Note: We're back finally omg. Zoro's part of this stumped me so hard because I wanted to keep the idea I had for him for the next installment of this series so sorry if this one falls flat! I kind of hate it, but I promise all the Zoro fans out there will be well-fed in the next segment. ;_; I'm so glad you guys have been enjoying them so far. I hope you guys enjoy this one and as always happy reading! masterlist

Luffy always acts on instinct which makes it all the more pure when he does something nice.
If he sees something that reminds him of someone or wants to do something nice, he'll just do it. He's also surrounded by people who are constantly doing the same for him. However, I think someone really going the extra mile to do something meaningful for him would most likely make his heart flutter and cause him to re-evaluate how he feels about you.
Storms are a common occurrence out on the sea, especially while traveling in the Grand Line. They've had their fair share of wild storms, sometimes with weather phenomena beyond belief, but Luffy loved them all.
Caution to the wind, he was always sitting on the mast, right on the Sunny where he belonged. Nami hated it, always yelling at him about how one of these days he would fall in and something bad would happen, but he knew Zoro would always go and get him, so did it really matter?
So, when he was sitting on the Sunny as he always did and another storm began to start, he simply shoved his hat further onto his head and ignored at all of the crew's attempts to get him to come down and head inside.
"You're gonna get yourself killed, Luffy!" Nami scolded, yelling from her place on the upper deck as Luffy continued ignoring her.
He simply laughed, turning to look at her over his shoulder as the crew scrambled around trying to ready the ship for the winds and rain. "If I fall, Zoro will just come and get me!"
The man in question was still dozing on the deck, seemingly unbothered by the onslaught of rain pelting him. Nami glared, walking down the stairs and hitting him on the head hard enough to leave a welt and the two of them began to bicker. Luffy laughed again, always enjoying his crew's antics and trusting that they would figure everything out. They always did.
He catches your eyes as you're starting to run around the deck, grabbing furniture and rushing it inside with Sanji's help and you flash him a reassuring smile. He returns it, watching as you pick up the foldable table Robin was reading at not a few minutes ago before running inside. He feels warmth spread across his chest and he tells himself that it's his sign that everything will be fine. And it is for a while until a particularly harsh wave crashes against the side of the Sunny as he's watching you grab the last of the furniture. He loses his grip, his balance thrown off by being twisted around and looking the wrong way, and before he can catch himself he's splashing into the sea, sapping all his strength in an instant.
The cold water rushes around him, pulling him further and further down into the water and he can feel his vision blurring the longer he stays in the water. He vaguely sees someone jump into the water causing a splash above and then Zoro's familiar green hair is swimming towards him. All he can manage to do is give him a weak smile before Zoro grabs him and hauls him back up to the surface of the water. Eventually, he's laid out on the deck of the ship, the crew immediately crowding around him as he coughs out water from his mouth.
"You idiot, this is exactly what I said would happen!" Nami chides, hitting him on the head this time instead of Zoro.
He groans, complaining half-heartedly. "But Zoro got me just like I said!"
Nami bickers with him for a little longer until he has enough strength to sit up. He reaches behind him to grab his hat and pull it onto his head once again but is surprised when he's met only with the cold skin of his neck instead of the familiar well-worn straw. His hand goes to his head next, wondering if somehow he was already wearing it and it hadn't fallen off his head while he was in the water, but all he's met with is his wet messy hair.
"Where's my hat?" he asks, turning to Zoro.
Zoro cracks open his eye from where he settled in to resume his nap and looks like he's about to give some snarky reply before he stops. His mouth snaps shut and his eye widens slightly as he seems to remember something.
"I don't know," he says, causing a wave of anxiety to crash through Luffy immediately. "I just pulled you out of the water. I didn't see your hat. Isn't it around your neck?"
Luffy stands up then, running over to the side of the railing to look for it. The waves have picked up in intensity so despite his best efforts, he can't find any signs of his hat. He looks over his shoulder, the rest of the crew besides Zoro oblivious to his panic, too busy resuming their clearing of the ship's deck. He once again catches your eyes and you immediately sense that something is wrong, like you always seem to be able to do when it comes to him, and you run over as Zoro curses under his breath and gets up himself.
"What's wrong Luffy?" you ask, concern evident as you meet him.
He looks back out at the water, still desperately searching for any hint of yellow or red as he responds. "My hat."
It doesn't explain anything, but you know him well enough to fill in the blanks, immediately looking at him and noticing its absence and putting the rest together. By now, it seems that Zoro has informed the rest of the crew as the ship is coming to a halt and everybody has begun to look out to the sea for his hat.
He moves back toward the figurehead, thinking that maybe it caught on the Sunny's head before he fell but has no luck. He can feel a pit forming in his stomach at the thought of him losing his hat forever, of not being able to keep his promise to Shanks, but then he hears your shout.
"I can see it!"
He runs over to the stairs, eyes following your point out to sea and finally, he sees his hat. It's a little far out, but it's there, floating on the water's surface amongst the waves. He looks back just in time to see you hauling yourself up onto the railing, throwing your jacket onto the deck before jumping headfirst into the icy cold water. He hears some shouts of protest from the crew but you've already disappeared into the water, oblivious to their cries.
"What are they thinking?" Usopp calls as he begins climbing the ladder up to the crow's nest. "The waves are so powerful, will they be ok?"
A new kind of panic wells inside of him at Usopps words. He knows that you're strong and he's seen you swim before on the few rare beach days the crew gets, but he also knows that the ocean is a force to be reckoned with, waves and currents pushing and pulling with intense force. He runs over to the railing once more, keeping his eyes trained on his hat and waiting to see you pop up next to it. The rest of the crew joins him quickly, everyone waiting with bated breath as you swim under the water.
Eventually after what feels like minutes but was most likely only a few seconds, you do pop out of the water right next to his hat. You grab it in your hand and turn to face the ship, waving your hand with a smile. His relief is short-lived, however, when a giant wave comes crashing down right on you, pulling you under the water. He hears someone scream your name and it takes a few seconds before he realizes that it's him screaming. He wants to jump in and save you like his instincts are telling him but he feels so helpless, just like on Sabaody, just like at Marineford, because you're right there and he can't help you.
Thankfully, before his body can move and doom himself to drowning, Zoro is jumping in after you. Once again, he's left waiting, wondering if this is how the crew always feels when he's gone overboard and needed to get saved. Seconds tick by before the water breaks once more and there you two are. Zoro begins paddling over to the ship and you're coughing water out while clutching his hat to your chest.
When you're finally lifted onto the ship, all you can do is lean against the railing, still holding his hat to your chest. You finish catching your breath as Robin comes over holding your jacket. You smile up at everyone, first at Robin and then at him. You lift the hat up towards him. "I got it, safe and sound."
The crew breathes a giant sigh of relief, seeing you and your humor still intact. Robin leans you forward and lays your jacket over your shoulders while Nami begins to criticize you for jeopardizing your health. All he can do is stand in front of you, paralyzed as he watches you recovering from your swim. The breeze picks up again and a particularly strong one causes you to shiver, clothes still soaked with seawater.
"Come on, let's go inside. We don't want anyone catching a cold," Nami says, ushering everyone inside.
You stand up with Robin's help and before you go inside, you step towards him. You're holding the hat out to him, more firmly this time as your strength from fighting the water comes back.
"Here," you offer, "The string is broken, so you'll need to fix it but otherwise it's in good condition."
He picks it up, brushing his hand over the familiar three slashes in the top that Nami had carefully sown up all those years ago and he's filled with such gratitude for you. You risked your life to go and retrieve his hat after his carelessness, had held it so close to you as if it was something precious, knowing how important it was to him that you would throw caution to the wind, so it's with a smile that he finds himself placing the hat on your head instead of his own.
"You wear it for now. Consider it my thanks!" he says, his sunny smile radiating the warmth that's spreading across his own chest at the thought that you would risk so much for what most would consider just a hat.
As he heads inside and Sanji begins to serve dinner, he can't help the flutter in his heart every time you look at him in his hat. It suits you so well that he can't find it in himself to take it back from you until you settle it on his head before heading to bed. From now on, he finds more excuses to give his hat to you, and every time it makes his heart stop. He realizes quite quickly why he's feeling this way and it only encourages him to give you his hat even more. The person he loves deserves it, after all.

Zoro really values the actions of others. It's easy to say things without following through, so purposeful actions or a promise kept means everything.
Zoro never says anything he doesn't mean, but he certainly doesn't say anything he doesn't intend to follow through on. Actions prove everything to him and he values the fact he's on a crew that feels the same. I think someone sharing that same devotion to showing care and intent through your actions, especially if it's something for him, would be huge and make him realize his feelings for you.
Zoro isn't one to hold back, but especially not when he fights. He gives everything he has to give, plus a little bit more. In order to be the best, he'll push himself well past his limits. He doesn't see the issue with it, always willing to sacrifice himself for the team because the best should be able to take it. To handle the weight of the world.
Normally, this method works out, but it also leads to him getting wounded more often than he likes to admit.
He always lets Chopper treat his injuries but doesn't always strictly adhere to his recovery plans. Before his injuries truly have a chance to fully heal, he's already off to his next battle or training session. Over time, those injuries turn into something much worse and that was exactly what happened in the Straw Hat's most recent fight.
He'd gone into the battle with a strained muscle in his arm and all it took was for him to put a little too much power into a swing for it to turn into a full-on tear. Chopper had given him a long lecture after the fight and was still getting on him about properly resting this time around as he finished treating him.
"I put a wrapping on the affected area to keep it compressed. You need to rest and keep the area elevated as much as possible. Ice it for 15 minutes every few hours," Chopper instructed as he began rooting around in his medicinal cabinets for something, "I'm serious this time. If you keep pushing yourself you'll cause irreparable damage."
Zoro nodded, humming lowly in agreement as he twisted his arm, trying to get used to the bandages. After a few more seconds, Chopper found what he was looking for and grabbed a small metal tin. He got down from the desk and gave the container to Zoro, who opened it to find a green salve inside.
"That should help with the recovery process. If you apply it once a day it should speed up the healing. I would apply it myself, but it works best when you apply it with skin-to-skin contact which my hooves can't do. You'll have to ask someone else to help," Chopper explained.
"I'll just do it myself," Zoro said, getting up to leave.
"Zoro," Chopper said, the seriousness of Chopper's voice forcing him to stop. All it took was one look from Chopper for him to get the message. He sighed, relenting easily. "Fine. I'll ask someone."
The rest of the day was as close to normal as he could possibly get. He slept on the deck, argued with Sanji (sans swords), and ate dinner with everyone like any other day. He'd almost forgotten he was injured until he went to do his nightly training and received a nasty glare from Chopper that forced him to reconsider.
It was his own personal hell to not be able to train himself like he's used to, but what was even worse was knowing he'd need to suck up his own pride and ask someone to rub ointment all over his arm the next day.
There was only one person on the ship he'd even consider asking, so he wasted no time the next day ci coming to find you.
He knew the most likely place to find you was in the library with your nose in a book and he was pleased when he found you there, all by yourself. He made his presence known by clearing his throat and you smiled at him as you set your book down and gave him your full attention. "I don't suppose you're here to read a book?" you teased.
He rolled his eyes, not even deeming to give a response as he crossed his arms to prepare himself. "No, I'm here to... ask for a favor."
"A favor? Sure, what is it," you asked, any pretense of teasing gone.
Zoro took the chair next to you and placed the container of ointment in front of you. You frowned, not understanding.
"Chopper gave me some stuff to put on my arm, but he told me I needed someone to help me," he explained, a frown pulling at his lips as he continued. "I'd appreciate it if it could be you who does it."
At this, you smiled. Zoro felt his cheeks warm as you shifted your body to face him. "Alright, sure. I can help you."
You never failed to surprise him with how easily you came to his aid. He started to unwrap his arm as you grabbed some of the salve with your fingers. When he finished unwrapping his arm, he held it out to you in an offering. You took his arm in your free hand, your touch more gentle than it ever needed to be with him, and began to rub the mixture into his arm.
"So, why exactly do you need help with this?" you asked to break the silence.
"Something about skin-to-skin," he grumbled, enjoying the feeling of your fingers massaging his skin more than he liked to admit. "Chopper said it heats up or something. Speeds it up."
"Well, I'm happy to help," you hummed, grabbing some more of the mixture and moving to a new spot.
It was cold at first, but the skin of your palm against his arm made it bearable. The longer you rubbed, the more it heated up and the more aware of your touch he became. He couldn't help the way his heart picked up the pace and he only prayed you couldn't feel it.
What the hell was up with him?
When you finally finished, you wiped your palm off and closed the tin, handing it back to him. "How long do you have to do this for?" you asked, already getting back into your book.
"A week or something," he sighed, already missing his regular routine after only one day.
"Gotcha. Well, I'll be here tomorrow if you need me," you said, giving him one last smile before continuing to read your book.
Once again, here you were offering him an olive branch. He felt his stomach flip as he left the room, but he told himself it was his nerves. That being read by you so easily caught him off guard.
For the next week, he came down to have you apply his ointment for him and every day you did it without complaint. Sometimes, he'd stick around, content to enjoy your company over sleeping on the deck. Sometimes, you'd tell him about your research and any progress you'd made while other times he'd doze off while you read your next bit of literature.
Soon enough, his last day of rest comes along and while you're applying his rub, he knows he has to say something.
"Thank you," he mumbles, clearing his throat before continuing, "For helping me."
"Of course. I'm always here for you," you reply, your voice light with the smile that lights up your face.
The question slips out before he can think better of it. He flinches, his immediate reaction to pull away, but with your firm grasp on his arm, he can't get far. Your brows are furrowed and when you look up at him he can't help but get nervous, because the truth is that he does want to know. He can't understand why you always drop everything for him, with a devotion he's only given and rarely received, and why it makes his stomach flip and his heart clench.
"Why?" you repeat, the slightest laugh in your voice as you grin up at him. "Because we're a team. I'd do it for all of you."
He can't help but feel disappointed in your answer, but he doesn't know why. He's about to brush it off and continue when you beat him to it.
"But also... I guess I do it because I can't help but want to. There's just something about you that I can't say no to. When you ask for help, what else can I do but give it to you?"
Zoro is silent for a moment as he lets your words sink in. You continue on like you haven't just bared your soul to him, like sharing something so vulnerable with him wasn't difficult in the slightest. Something about those words made him feel like he was floating, his heart soaring amongst the clouds.
"I feel the same," he says, forcing himself to respond after a long minute of silence.
For a moment, he could swear you clench his arm a little tighter, but your touch is feather light before he has time to process, so he writes it off as his imagination.
After that, he parts ways with one last final thank you, but his thoughts linger on your answer to his question long past that. He mulls it over until he feels like he's lived the moment a million times. It's not until days later that he realizes why your devotion to him makes his heart skip a beat and the realization only makes his feelings worse.

Law is the king of acts of service. This is where his true feelings absolutely shine if you're willing to read between the lines.
I also think this is what means the most to him. Growing up in the circumstances he did, he holds actions in a much higher regard than words or empty promises. I think having someone go out of their way to do something nice or considerate for him, and him actually wanting to do something back in return, would speak volumes to him and would make him consider his feelings.
Law likes to think that he takes good care of himself, but as he struggles to read the same page of his latest reading of choice as the words blur together from exhaustion, he has to concede that the evidence is really stacked against him.
He sets the papers down on his desk, leaning back slightly in his chair and rubbing his hand down his face and against his eyes, trying to will them into focusing when he hears a knock on his office door. A quick glance at the clock indicates that it's a few hours past dinner time and that almost the entire crew should be asleep.
"Come in," he calls out, exhaustion evident in his voice as he straightens back up in the chair. "What is it?"
The door opens and he's immediately met with your warm smile.
"Captain," you greet, peeking into the room with one hand opening the door, "I thought you might still be up."
Your smile softens the edges of the headache that's quickly forming in his head and he knows that you don't interrupt him unless you have something important, so he sits up in his chair even straighter and you take that as your signal to come in. You push the door open and he smells the soft scent of food waft over to him as the door pulls in the air from the hallway. He can feel his stomach churn, realizing just how hungry he is.
The source of the smell becomes immediately apparent when he looks up at you from where he was absentmindedly straightening the papers he set down. In your free hand is a plate piled high with what he assumes is the dinner the crew ate no more than a few hours ago.
"I was on clean-up duty today after dinner, so I made you a plate before I go to bed," you explain, coming over to his desk and carefully placing it on the little space not occupied by books or papers. "You never came out to eat so I thought you'd be hungry."
The meal is simple, but it makes his stomach growl loudly. You smile softly at him and he clicks his tongue against his teeth, the sound only serving to embarrass him and prove you right. He swallows, the fluttery, warm feeling in his chest making him stumble over what he should say. After a few moments of drawn out silence, you seem to take his lack of response as your sign to go.
"Don't stay up too late, ok?"
You're gone before he can say anything back and he finds himself internally kicking himself for just sitting there like an idiot. He sighs, diving into the plate of food after his stomach growls once more. When he's finally about to sleep hours later, he decides to be responsible and brings the plate into the kitchen for the morning crew to take care of. He places it on a counter in the kitchen just as another plate catches his eye.
Walking over, he sees 3 rice balls, carefully wrapped to preserve them, sitting on a plate next to a little note. He recognizes the handwriting as yours almost immediately and he picks it up to read it.
An early morning snack for our hardworking Captain <3
His fingers pinch the edge of the note hard enough to make a dent as he feels heat crawl up his neck and across his face. His eyes linger on the little heart you scribbled at the end of the note and the clenching he feels in his stomach is not at all related to his hunger. He eats the snack, grateful that there's no pickled plum filling, and pockets the note before leaving.
This little routine continues for a few weeks. You don't always appear at the same time, but you always do eventually, knocking on his office door and bringing him a plate of whatever the crew's eaten without him. He also finds himself looking forward to your little notes, the collection of them growing in one of the drawers of his desk. You write something different every night, but there's always that little heart at the end that sends the same warm feeling through him even though he knows it will be there every time.
Tonight, however, he finishes his reading a lot quicker. He's been noticing that happening more frequently, his eyes not blurring so much and allowing him to read everything at a steady pace instead of having to read the same lines over and over. He doesn't want to admit that it has anything to do with the fact that he's now eating at least twice a day consistently, but he is a doctor and he knows it does. With nothing else to read, he decides to bring his plate to the kitchen early and head to bed.
He's surprised when he finds the light on in the kitchen and even more surprised when he sees you still awake, back turned away from him as you hum to yourself. You're not wearing your boiler suit, instead wearing what looks like your pajamas as you mix something in a bowl, completely unaware of his presence. He sets the plate down and clears his throat, watching as you jump slightly before turning around, one hand on your chest as the other grips the counter. You let out a shaky breath of relief, the same honey-sweet smile you always give him melting onto your face as you look at him.
"Oh, it's just you. You scared me," you say, laughing slightly as you calm yourself down. You take a glance at the clock and then look back at him. "You're here early."
He frowns, not needing to look at the clock to know how late it is. He knows that he doesn't usually make it to the kitchen until much later, but he also knows that the crew ate dinner hours ago and that it's well past when you should be asleep, so he doesn't bother answering you, opting instead to answer with a statement of his own. "You're up late."
You smile at him again, always do, and begin mixing the contents of the bowl together once again. He crosses his arms, leaning against the counter as he waits for you to explain.
"Just making your snack," you explain, voice soft as you finally set the bowl down, satisfied with it.
He frowns, finally catching the mixture and recognizing it as the filling of his rice balls. He also sees the steam rising as you have some rice cooking and the sheets of seaweed paper laid out, ready to be molded around the rice.
"Why now? It's late," he continues, something in his gut telling him that he's still missing something here.
He knows he's right when he sees you bite your lip and catches the nervous way your gaze flicks over to him. You always meet him head-on, so to see you avoiding him even slightly makes his heart clench, and not in a good way. He narrows his gaze slightly and you open your mouth, about to say something when you're interrupted by the telltale beeping of the machine telling you the rice is done.
You shut your mouth, lips pressed into a line as you quickly start pouring the rice out and getting ready to mold it. He waits for a few moments, wanting to see if you'll say anything on your own, but quickly realizes you won't. If it was anyone else, he would have lost his patience long ago, but he can't seem to get mad at you like he does the others. You give him so much patience, much more than he's ever deserved, so he takes a different route.
He says your name firmly and watches as you sigh, placing the spoon with the filling in it back down into the bowl as you turn to look at him, guilt written across your face. You only stare at him for a few moments before you finally answer him, turning to resume making the rice balls as you do.
"I'm not on clean-up duty today so I had to wait until they were done. It wouldn't be fair to make them stay up late and clean up after my own personal mess, so whenever I'm not on clean-up duty I always just wait."
He doesn't know why it never occurred to him that you would be going so far out of your way to make his late-night/early-morning snack, but the realization smacks him across the face now. He feels more stupid than he's felt in a long time for not realizing that of course you wouldn't always be on the nightly kitchen duty and even angrier at himself that it took him coming into the kitchen early to realize that you prepared all the food by yourself and that it wasn't something you easily pieced together out of dinner's scraps.
But, along with his anger, he feels the familiar twitch of his heart as it thuds against his ribcage. The warm feeling blooms in his chest once more as the idea that you go out of your way to do something nice for him every night, losing precious sleep in the process, settles on him. He's grateful you aren't looking at him, too absorbed in shaping his rice balls to notice the way his ears flame up and the way his grip tightens on the counter behind him.
He swallows, forcing his mind to quiet down as he directs his attention to you once again.
"Here, all done," you say, picking up the plate and taking the few steps necessary to cross over and hand it to him.
He takes the plate and finds himself speechless again, much like he was the first time you brought him dinner in his office, and he hates that he can't just force the words thank you out of his mouth as you turn to begin cleaning the bowl you used out in the sink. He grips the plate and just stares at it for a little while longer before finally picking one up to eat. He takes his time this time, trying to savor what he now knows is something you make with extreme care and at the cost of your own schedule.
When he looks up, you're sitting on the counter just watching him with a satisfied smile on your face and he decides that he has to at least say something.
"What were you going to write?" he asks. He sees your face scrunch up and your head cock slightly to the side out of confusion and he realizes that he'll need to explain. He can feel his cheeks heat up as he forces himself to clarify. "On the note. What were you going to write?"
"Oh," you say, the nervous smile returning to your face as you look off to the side. You bite your lip again, seemingly debating something before coming to a decision and reaching behind you.
He doesn't know how he hadn't seen it earlier, but in your hand is a small piece of paper, the same one you always write your notes on. You push yourself off the counter and hold it out to him, motioning to the now-empty plate still in his hand. "I'll trade you."
He accepts, his fingers grazing yours as he takes the paper and you grab the plate, turning to wash it in the sink. He looks down at the paper and his heart almost explodes.
Tried a new filling today, let me know if you like it. Don't worry, they're still made with love <3
He stuffs the note into his pocket quickly, feeling his face set aflame. He makes the decision to leave, save himself the embarrassment of you seeing him all worked up, so he clears his throat and makes his way to the doorway. He can feel your eyes on him, burning a hole into his back, but he can't bring himself to face you, so he simply lifts his hand and grunts out a goodnight before walking off.
As he passes his office, he finds himself slowing down. There's a nagging feeling in his chest again that's telling him it's not enough. He wants to say thank you, to express how much it means to him that you would do something like this for him, to tell you that he's noticed it helping him, making his day a little easier and the nights not so long, but he knows the second he opens his mouth that none of that will come out and he's left feeling frustrated all over again. He almost gives up, shoving his hands into his pockets to head to bed, but the feeling of your note he stuffed inside earlier gives him an idea.
He heads inside his office, grabbing a piece of paper and quickly writing his own message down on it. It's short, with no cute little heart to accompany it, but he hopes it gets the message across. He stares at it, the simple thank you he'd managed to write staring back at him, and he shambles it into your room before he can think twice about it.
The next morning, you greet him with an especially large and heartwarming smile and he feels the urge to write you another one, if it means you'll look at him like that again. There's an itch in his chest, gnawing at him all day as his heart stutters every time he thinks about the smile on your face and the image of you in the kitchen making him food. At night, he finds himself unable to read his papers once again, but this time his eyes are focused and his mind isn't foggy. No, this time he just can't stop thinking about you and he knows exactly what that means, the innocent flutter in his chest just another piece of damming evidence to his own feelings.

ღ radishaur — i do not own any of these characters. do not plagiarize. please enjoy and remember to be respectful!

#luffy x reader#monkey d. luffy x reader#zoro x reader#roronoa zoro x reader#law x reader#trafalgar law x reader#one piece x reader#radishaur writes
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Ideal ending to WCI is Luffy seeing Sanji cry and then awakening his devil fruit and unlocking Gear Fifth out of sheer RAGE and saying the classic line of “Who made you cry, Sanji?! I’ll DESTROY THEM!!!” and then proceeding to go on a rampage and fucking absolutely EVERYBODY up including the Vinsmokes, Pudding, AND the Big Mom Pirates. Toss in the trope of came back wrong and Sanji can immediately tell something is not right about this Luffy, whose smile is too wide, whose eyes are too distant, who continues to beat upon his enemies long after they’re down, who seems to take a sick sort of pleasure in hurting others, who grins and giggles and tells Sanji he’ll obliterate anything that makes him cry. Eventually he starts to scare Sanji so bad that even Luffy notices his reaction, and immediately turns on himself because if HE’S the one making Sanji cry then he’ll just have to destroy himself too. And that’s when Sanji finally leaps into action and does whatever he can to reach Luffy—including kissing him. Luckily that was exactly what Luffy needed to snap out of it, and when he comes to the Whole Cake Chateau is in broken pieces, the Big Mom Pirates are battered beyond fighting and the Vinsmokes are nowhere to be seen. And softly, tiredly, he asks if they won, if he can bring Sanji home, and Sanji cries again and says yes, take me home to the Sunny, I want to go home with you.
Meanwhile the rest of the Strawhats are like

#One Piece#Luffy#Monkey D Luffy#Sanlu#Lusan#Sanji#Black Leg Sanji#Really what I’m saying is that I want Luffy to go Gear Fifth during WCI. And there’s Sanlu involved.#LMAO#Also I remember reading a Gear 5 Luffy fic where he ties people together in knots. Like that’s FUCKED up#And he would ABSOLUTELY do that in this situation. For funsies. To be silly 🤪#Sanji watches in horror as Luffy uses somebody as a jumprope. To Luffy this is a Normal thing to do#Sanji torn between ‘Holy shit I’m so in love with him rn’ and ‘What the actual FUCK is that thing wearing Luffy’s face’#We’ll get eldritch god vibes up in here.#Luffy uses Conqueror’s Haki so powerful it even brings Big Mom down to her knees#Pudding starts crying out of fear and Luffy’s like :)))) Good. Suffer#He can be scary AND silly. As a treat#They had back to the Sunny eventually and Sanji’s like. Well. That happened#*head#(He also has to mentally process the fact that the regular Luffy—HIS Luffy—only came back to him after he kissed him)#(But again he doesn’t have time to unpack all that right now)#Shima speaks#Sorry it’s self indulgent hours over here. I’m getting sick again and I need some way to cope. Lol#(And I mean actually sick I’ve had the worst sore throat known to man since yesterday)
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"Wanna play a game?" (Luffy, Zoro, Sanji x reader)

Description: One shots with the monster trio. In each fic you play a "game" with one the boys from the monster trio. Who knows..? Something spicy might happen..
Side Notes: Hellooo loves! Please enjoy these oneshots with the monster trio. <3 ..⚆ _ ⚆ (Most likely spelling mistakes + my requests should be open.) Ps: The Zoro oneshot is my absolute fav.
Consider following for more..?
It was a casual and rather peaceful day on the Thousand Sunny. The Straw Hats, including you, had just left a port from a short supply run… already off to find another adventure.
However, it was a rare occasion for it to be this peaceful.. Zoro was napping, Sanji was cooking, Nami drawing her maps, Robin was reading her new books, Franky fixing the ship with Ussop’s help, and Chopper making his medicine.
That just left you and Luffy..
You were just resting on the deck with a chair when you heard one of the Sunny's doors open. To your surprise it was Luffy.
“Ughh.. im hungry and bored and sleepy..” Luffy said, walking sloppy.
Well he was, until he saw you.
“Oh hey y/n!” His eyes and posture snapped into place.
“Hello Luffy..” you raised your glasses and rested them on your head.
“Wanna play a game?” Luffy’s voice also sounded like it got a little happier and excited.
“Sure I guess..” you gave him a smile anyone would fall for.
His gaze was stuck on you. He just blinked a few times before a slight burning sensation on his face struck him.
“U-uhm.. So how about like.. two truths one lie..?
It shocked you that Luffy actually knew that the game existed and let alone how to play it.
“Sure” you gave him a puzzled look.
“Me, Ussop, and Chopper played it once!” Luffy smiled.
Oh, well that explains how he knew.. Ussop always made up fun games for them to pass the time on the ship.
“Ok I’ll go first!” Luffy plopped down next to you on the floor, a look of confidence and blush showed on his face.
“So.. one is I hate meat, two is I want Sanji to cook, and three is I like y/n..”
“W-wait what!?” your eyes were practically popping out of your skull.
“Uhm..” he smiled and then looked down.
He covered this face with this hat slightly and muttered something out..
“Yeah, I like you.. So?” he continued looking down.
“I do too..” you looked away.
Then he looked up immediately after you said those words. His eyes sparkled brightly.
“Really!? You do!?” then he leaned his head on your thigh.
You both were a blushing mess but eventually as the days went by you shared a passionate kiss on the deck in front of Nami which made her choke and spit out her water.
It was safe to say you belonged together. ~(˘▾˘~)
~~~ Zoro:
For Zoro it was like any other day on the Thousand Sunny, minus the fighting parts.. Today you decided to get your moss head and play a game. Now what game exactly you ask?
Let’s backtrack really quickly..
You, Nami, and Robin were speaking about Zoro, you simply didn’t know how to get closer to him. It didn't help that he was reserved and always grumpy, as you like to call it. So Robin, being the brightest in the group of girls suggested to you that you should ask or more so “bribe” the moss head into playing a memory game with you. It sounded harmless but it would definitely have the moss head interacting with you. So you thanked Robin and ran off to put this idea to the test.
Eventually, you found Zoro dozing off into a nap. However you’d have to get to him before he slept because waking up a grumpy man isn’t a pretty sight.
“Hey Zoro! Wanna play a game with me?” you smiled and sat down in front of him on the deck of the Sunny.
“Huh..? No, why would I..? That’s for kids like Sanji and I want to rest.”
He looked back down and was about to doze off again.
This is exactly what Robin, you, and Nami anticipated so it was time for plan-b to be put into action.
“Oi, moss head I’ll give you buckets of booze, but only if you play.” You said smiling, sure of your plan bound to work.
Then his eyes popped open immediately.
“What’s the game..?” Zoro’s face slightly changed to a smile.
“It’s a simple memory game.. k?” you prepared the rules in your mind.
“Fine, get this over with… or..”
You could have sworn he muttered “..or…”, but after all it wasn’t your place to ask him what he had said when you randomly intruded on the man’s peaceful napping session.
“Ok so I'm gonna make up three hand signals in a random order and I'll add to it each time, your job is to copy me. Plus if you fail once you lose and we switch places.”
His mind took a second or two to process all of that info but it seemed like he understood, hopefully..
“Alright..” he looked up at you, now he was giving you his undivided attention.
Robin's plan was working.
After a couple of rounds he eventually failed and snickered at you. Now it was his turn to make up the hand signals..
“Watch me, I'll win!” you smiled confidently.
“Yeah, yeah totally.” The look he gave you was mischievous, like he was planning something you couldn’t predict.
And so he did..
His first movement was to grab your collar and pull you in closer, his second was to lift your chin and lean in on your soft lips, and by movement three..? Well let’s just say you and him were a blushing mess. He assumed that you knew what movement three was already supposed to be..
“Repeat that.” He smiled at you with a deep look.
“Fine I wi-” he cut you off..
“And the third movement too. Unless you don't wanna win..”
“Deal, watch me!”
You repeated the steps of grabbing his collar and lifting his chin. You pulled him in closer and looked up at him unsure about this whole situation.
“Do it” he said while looking at you.
You slowly brought him in closer and kissed him. The kiss lasted for a while until you eventually broke apart.
You were a blushing mess, as for Zoro?
“So where’s my booze at..?” (I was literally screaming when I read this over, this is my fav)
Sanji, as being chef of the Straw Hats was usually always in the Thousands Sunny’s kitchen, either he’d be taking orders from Luffy to cook something tasty like meat or be making special drinks for the lady’s around him.
However, today was different, he decided to finally take a break that he needed. He was walking around and wandered into the Sunny's library. There he found you, studying or reading. Either way he found it cute. When you noticed him and smiled, his heart fluttered.
So as bold as Sanji is, he sat in the seat right in front of you, staring you down intently.
“Whatcha reading there y/n?” he gazed at your book.
“Oh.. nothing much, Robin told me if I had any free time to read it because it was really good. I believe it’s alright.. I’m not too crazy over books.”
He loved the sounds of your voice. The way you talked and looked at him while you glanced at your book at the same time. It was all too much and too perfect for him.
And then all of sudden his day dreaming was abruptly ended by a wave. This wave shook the library and luckily only some books fell out of their place.
“Awh man..” you looked disappointed.
“Sanji, if it isn’t too much to ask, could you help me clean this up..? ..I think Robin would really appreciate it.” you smiled softly.
He took no time to accept your offer and helped you clean up.
As you two were busy cleaning and placing all the books back into their spots, Sanji came around a weird box named “Twister”.
“Hey y/n, look at this.” he faced you with the box in his hands.
“Oh, that’s interesting.. That’s a fun game, I wonder what it’s doing in the library though..” you seemed puzzled.
Sanji adored the face you made when you were confused. Then a great idea popped into his mind.
“Would you wanna play?” he smirked at you.
“I suppose it wouldn't hurt to, do you know how to play though?”
“Not really.. But I wouldn’t mind you teaching me~” He chuckled.
After a long 15 mins of reading the rules over to Sanji, he finally grasped the main idea of the game. This was really his kind of game.
“Ahh.. I see, let's start then~!” He began setting out the mat on the wooden floor of the Sunny.
Then you both began to play and spin the spinner, further and further into the game your limbs both got tangled and tangled.
“Right leg on blue, left arm on red…”
Sanji was trying with all this might to not look up at you with your ‘interesting’ position balancing over top of him. Eventually your muscles both gave out at the same time and you landed on top of Sanji.
Since Sanji is the Sanji we all know and love he automatically nose bled and proceeded to pass out.
With Chopper’s help he was just fine, but those newly discovered feelings he had only for you weren't.
~~~ Finish line here!
Comment your fav Oneshot! <3
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(This is probably one of my fav posts of all time. ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ)
#one shots#fan fic writing#fanfic#one piece strawhats#one piece#monster trio x reader#roronoa zoro#blackleg sanji#sanji#straw hat luffy#monkey d. luffy#one piece luffy#luffy#sanji x reader#vinsmoke sanji#zoro x reader#luffy x reader#fluff#fluff?#one piece anime#anime#follow4follow
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Patience is a virtue
Learning to trust isn't easy, especially when you're still picking up the pieces from the past. Even though the desire to get to know you is a nawing persistence, he values your boundaries. Whenever you decide to open up, he'll be waiting.
a/n: idk I just have a lot of feelings.
Sanji, Ace, Corazon
CW: SFW, gn!reader, angsty(maybe?), fluff, mutual feelings
Sanji: You'd grown quiet around him. The both of you had just been starting to chat a little more. It felt nice to hear your soft laughs as he told you jokes about what had happened that day. But then, the angelic laughter came to a hault, leaving him to question what he'd said to bring such sorrow to your lovely complexion. Even without knowing what he'd done to upset you, he apologized―pleading, in a way, to move past this and get back to seeing you smile.
You needed time though. You didn't have to say it ―it was written all over your face. Backing off was a choice made with much heartache, but he did so nonetheless: deciding that persuing you in the matter would only push you further away from him.
Distancing yourself wasn't something that you'd necessarily wanted to do. However, those buds of elation and adoration sprouting were also accompanied with the bitter cold of past rejection that stifled any pursuit of happiness you were hoping for.
The erosion of the hole in you was swallowing your very being, but when this had shown to be too troublesome for others, he was still there: he didn't pry, he never rushed you, just waited for your return to him.
This was someone worth pushing those doubts aside for. The next time you spoke to him, your heart lead the way, despite your fears trailing closely behind. His warmth helped melt the frost that'd been collecting over the years.
Ace: He was growing accustomed to you rather quickly. You were certainly kind-hearted and nice to have a laugh with, all of which made him start gravitating towards you whenever you were present. There was surely an interest in you, one that he had not fully become aware of. Just as he was discovering his feelings for you, you changed gears: avoiding him, reverting back into your shell. Despite how hurt he felt, he couldn't demand you to tell him the reason―it wouldn't be fair to you.
If you needed time away from him, he would give you that. He wasn't going to force his friendship on you. That being said, this time apart was good for him, as well. Thoughts of you came and went, but many of them stayed: something interesting or funny would happen and he wanted to tell you about it but felt like he couldn't.
This time away from each other only echoed your longing for companionship; you were left with nothing but the same loneliness that'd surrounded you each time prior. Tears brought on by thoughts of the flame lit between you eventually burning out stung your eyes. Even in solitude, fear of abandonment intruded on you.
There were small glances he threw your way, none of which were harboring resentment. Instead, they showed concern. Anticipation for a row that wouldn't come: you stood there wondering what made him different.
How can I learn to trust? Can you help me? Seeing you make your way to him was the remedy he needed for the flickering flame he'd worried was losing its luster in your eyes. However, you were both sure now that it'd never go out.
Corazon: Taking the leap of faith to reveal his secrets to you was terrifying: you were, in fact, different from the others, but something like this wasn't an easy choice to make. That being said, nothing could replace the memories you two were creating together. Each day that passed, regret for the secret he'd let you in on didn't come. The bond he was under the impression you two had been forming was faltering though. It wasn't important for him to know what he'd done exactly―he just knew he wanted to make it up to you.
Your body language did the talking for you: your sunny disposition had clouds rolling in and the gloom of a storm was on the horizon. Even though he longed to come to your aid, he understood that pushing you into a conversation wouldn't fair well for your blossoming relationship.
You wanted to shield this budding love from the harsh storm brewing within. Your frail body could only do so much though when caught in this hurricane. Gale force winds, rain that lashed at your skin: abrasions which came with each potential relationship.
No stranger to the torment this world had to offer, he could see the wear and tear of your inner termoil on your soft face. It took each bit of inner strength not to go to you and tell you everything would be alright. He wanted to give you the freedom to choose to share your burdens with him. In spite of the distance between the both of you, his eagerness to rescue you from yourself was unmistakable.
I can't carry on through this storm alone. Can you be the one I lean on? Finding your way back to him, he instinctively held our his arms to wrap you in the warmth you'd been in desperate need of, yet unable to secure it up till now. You were now fully prepared to take your own leap of faith.
#one piece#x reader#one piece x reader#one piece imagine#one piece x you#one piece fluff#one piece angst#sanji x reader#sanji imagine#op sanji#one piece sanji#sanji#vinsmoke sanji#ace#ace x reader#ace x you#fire fist ace#ace portgas#portgas d ace#sanji x you#corazon#rosinante#donquixote corazon#corazon x reader#corazon x you#donquixote rosinante#rosinante corazon#rosinante x reader#rosinante x you
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You know what would be really funny? If Ichiji and Sanji are bickering over something silly and Ichiji takes a step towards Sanji with his hands raised a bit and Sanji flinches So Hard that he falls down and curls up on himself to protect his hands. Even better if it's after WCI, all Sanji can see is the bright red hair and the hands that used to hurt him so much when they were younger, and suddenly he's a toddler again, and his big brother is trying to break him.
Ichiji sees the way Sanji reacts to him, and he just breaks down. He's a monster again, and then he's 8 and hurting his little brother again, punching him, dragging him, breaking his precious hands that were made to create.
Sanji's reaction to being in stressful situations is to either cook a weeks worth of food or, if it's worse, he just dissociates, almost catatonic, for a few hours or the whole day. The strawhats had never seen the second state, but it happens often after WCI. And they never know what triggers it
Ichiji just cries for a bit, and then his face does this thing where you can't see any emotions at all, and spends the next few days in the library, working like there's no tomorrow. That also happens a lot more after WCI
That would he funny
(I have an hc that the poison Sora took did two things: worsen the modifications in the other three, making them basically emotionless, and also made Sanji experience every emotions but times a 100 in intensity. Ichiji gets better, but not quite, more like Reiju, but he gets Really protective of Sanji when he realizes how much Sanji feels)
Ooof, straight into the angst, I see? Thank you for the ask and here's my take;
(CWs for past child abuse, self-harm, suicidal ideation)
Sanji deals with this by stress-cooking & baking, it's his "happy place" so to say and it calms him down, allowing him to reflect on what just happened and think in a more rational way.
Ichiji doesn't have that luxury, he's mediocre at cooking/baking and he has servere self-worth issues. Post-WCI, he has unresolved suicidal ideation. Seeing his little brother react like that made him more convinced that he was a still irredeemable monster.
He locks himself in the library for days, he tries to use his writing as an outlet but it doesn't work out. Ichiji decides that he needs a physical outlet and he had vowed to never lay a finger on Sanji since they ran away from Germa first time. He gets the dangerous idea to take it out on the person he hates the most; himself. Once he gets that idea, it's stuck in his head.
Remember when Nami stabbed her arm when she was betrayed by Arlong in East Blue Saga? Ichiji is worse. Suddenly, he isn't at the Sunny anymore and he's back at Germa, strapped to a medical chair and is "experimented" on (read: tortured). Ichiji is back in his old mindset that he deserves the pain.
(This being post-WCI means that Ichiji's mental wellbeing is at its' lowest. And it got worse after seeing "Vinsmoke Ichiji" on his updated wanted poster.)
He eventually runs out of space on his arms (littered by fresh and half-healed scars). He leaves nothing on his hands because even in the depths of his self-harm breakdown, he can't bear to hurt his hands because of what Zeff taught him.
Running out of "self-harm space" means that Ichiji wakes up from his daze and realizes what he has done. He knows that he'll get an infection if leaves this untreated and sneaks into the infirmary. Well, he makes a lousy spy in this current state and Chopper freaks out when he sees what Ichiji has done to himself.
When asked what happened, Ichiji only responds "nothing happened". Chopper notices that Ichiji looks at himself and seems to be disgusted by himself and understands that Ichiji had a breakdown. He treats his open wounds properly and bandages them.
What happens then is that Chopper doesn't leave Ichiji unsupervised and ask the others to not let him out of their sight either. It's sorta an open secret amont the straw hats that Ichiji dehumanizes himself and believes everyone's better off without him.
Sanji eventually finds out what Ichiji did to himself and he wants to reach his older brother, but he doesn't know how to approach something like this. Out of options that won't make Ichiji probably worse or try to run away, Sanji decides to call Zeff on the den-den mushi.
They kinda bicker at each other for a long while until Sanji tells about WCI. He's shocked that Zeff already knew about Vinsmoke and what Judge did (since Ichiji told him many years ago and kept this away from Sanji). Zeff asks Sanji firmly to get Ichiji on the line, so they can talk.
Sanji doesn't know what Ichiji and Zeff talks about, but Ichiji cries a lot. He also catches on that Ichiji, even in his self-harm daze, never harmed his hands. It's very heartwarming that Ichiji took Zeff's lessons to heart.
Zeff acts like a mediator between them (read; tired dad who's sick of his stupid sons bickering). He also tells them to talk about their problems with grown men instead of acting like stupid brats. And the usual "don't make me go to the Grand Line to kick some sense in you!" and they know that he can, peg leg or not.
After the call ended, Sanji makes pan-fried seafood risotto (it's their comfort food). Ichiji tells Sanji that he wasn't going to hit him and he'd rather die than to do that again. Sanji quietly asks him if that was what he was trying to do.
Ichiji tells him the truth; he doesn't know why he did that to his arms, all he knew was that he was no longer on the Sunny (mentally) and finds the courage to tell what he endured for six months. What Judge did to him, as part of their "deal". It's a pretty heartwrenching discussion, both of them cries and hugs each other.
(At some point, Zoro walks in to get booze, sees them crying and hugging each other...and promptly walks out again. He felt this was something too personal for him to get involved with. Such an awkward marimo.)
For the next couple of days, Ichiji and Sanji are hardly far away from each other. Ichiji has moved his "writing session" to on deck, sitting by a small table with his typewriter (he uses a rock on his papers, to avoid them flying off to the seas). Sanji is doing laundry nearby and he likes the sound of Ichiji's clattering typewriter.
Also I like your headcanon, but also have my own; Ichiji always had emotions from the start, he was just manipulated and gaslighted that he didn't have any. In many ways, he was similiar to Reiju but add to the fact that he didn't know what emotions was and all he knew was that having emotions was strictly forbidden in Germa.
Also if you look closely in the flashbacks, Ichiji is somehow always standing next to Sanji (which breaks how they're supposed to be lined up in chronological order). Whenever they are lined up, sitting next to him in classroom, etc. And his eyebrows are the same as Reiju (and not like Njii or Yonji), but it isn't very noticable because of his hair covering one eye.
Anyways, thank you for the ask. :3
#answered asks#ask pookily#one piece#one piece ichiji#one piece sanji#vinsmoke ichiji#black leg sanji#whole cake island#straw hat ichiji au#one piece au#ichiji runs away with sanji au#whole cake spoilers#whole cake arc
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A Different Kind of Pirate - Part 2

Hi all, I recently did a poll to see what most people prefer to read and I will be switching the story to second pov :) hope this doesn’t mess anyone up. Thank you for the support!
Zoro X Reader
Part 2: A Routine
You wake up to see no one in the room. Thinking to yourself how odd it is Zoro can stay up so late and yet get up so early. You slip out of bed and go to the bathroom to change back into your regular clothes, leaving Zoro’s shirt folded on the table.
You begin descending the stairs from the crow’s nest observing everyone doing their own tasks. You then spot the broody man working out in the tangerine grove, away from the rest of the crew. You smile to yourself thinking how silly he is to be so closed off and dark, but someone on the crew must you guessed.
You enter the kitchen to the amazing smell of waffles. Sanji sees you and quickly sets a plate down with fresh fruit and hand-squeezed orange juice. You take your place next to Nami and say,
“Sanji, you really didn’t need to do all this for me. I’m okay with just a bit of cereal.” You smile.
“A lady like you? Cereal? God no, over my cold dead body y/n-swan.” He says shocked you even suggested it.
“Is he always like this?” You whisper to Nami.
“Yeah, unfortunately,” She says flatly back.
You both sit and enjoy your meals, chatting about random things and getting to know each other better. Eventually, Nami points out that Zoro hasn’t eaten yet and that Sanji should fix a plate up for him. He rolls his eyes and remarks,
“Fine, but I’m not bringing it to him.”
“That’s alright, I can. I don’t mind.” You giggle.
Weaving through the tangerine trees looking for the green-haired man, smelling the fresh air. It was almost like a maze with how many trees there were. As you’re about to give up and go out and back in again to start over, you back into something tall, but it isn’t a tree.
You slowly turn around to the intimidatingly tall man in front of you. Sure, you were intimidated by him, but by no means were you scared. You found him cute and liked the reactions you got from teasing him yesterday.
“I brought you some breakfast!” You say with a big smile.
“I don’t eat breakfast.” He says with a bite.
“Well, pretty boys don’t stay pretty if they don’t eat. I’ll leave this here, but you should really eat.” You say moving the plate over to a bench.
As you walk away you can feel Zoro’s eyes on you the whole time, as if you are a wild animal capable of doing any random movement at any time.
For the rest of the day, you sit with the other members playing games, telling stories, or reading. You found to quite like Robin’s company specifically. You and her have a very similar sense of humor, and it feels comforting to be around her.
As the days go on you can’t help but believe Nami truly listened to their captain by setting sail for the farthest island possible. You weren’t complaining though. You had come up with a routine for yourself and quite enjoyed being on the Sunny.
Each morning you wake up and have breakfast with Nami and Robin, you then bring a plate to Zoro. He may say he doesn’t trust you but he always eats what you bring him. After that, you play some card games and such with Chopper and Luffy. You then help Frankie with repairs or his next project. After all that activity, you go back to the bench swing. This happens to be where Zoro naps in the afternoons. As he rests you read and enjoy the sun. Each night you all gather around a fire and enjoy the night. As everyone goes to bed you once again make tea for you and Zoro and ascend to the crow’s nest.
After the past week and a half of this Zoro hadn’t warmed up to you like the other crew had, but that’s okay, you know he's different and he takes his time to trust people. But he never once rejected your presence, which you count as a win, especially with how much you tease and flirt with him. It was just too easy! You say something as simple as “Hey hot stuff” and he’s a red mess. It's quite cute you think, and it's not as if you're lying, you truly think he's attractive so why not tell him?
You make your and Zoro’s tea, now knowing how he likes it after days of prodding him about it. You bring it up to him and hand him the cup, choosing to this time sit on the crow’s nest balcony with him.
You both sit in silence watching the waves and stars while sipping your tea.
“Zoro,” You say. He hums in response. “I forgot my pajamas in the wash.”
“For god’s sake woman.” He says exasperated.
He moves to his closet once again and throws a shirt at you. He walks to sit back down where he used to be. You laugh at his reaction, and he looks at you a bit puzzled.
“Why do you always stay up?” You ask curiosity getting the better of you.
“Someone’s gotta make sure no one attacks us while all these idiots are sleeping.” He states with a bit of a smirk on his face. It was faint but you could see the corners of his mouth fighting a smile. You hum in response.
“It must get lonely huh, do you ever get tired?” You ask.
“No not really.” he blandly says.
“Liar.” you say with a smile.
“Excuse me?” He looks at you with bewilderment and a smile on his face.
“I see you in the middle of the night on the balcony asleep, why do you think you always wake up with a blanket in the morning?” You laugh.
“That was you?!” He exclaims. “I thought I was tripping out or forgetting I had gotten a blanket the night before.” He says with surprise. You laugh at his response.
“How about this, I’ll stay up now and you can get some sleep and then when you wake up, I’ll get some sleep?” You say with a smile now looking away back towards the waves crashing against the boat.
He hums while thinking.
“And that way we can both sleep in the bed, and you won’t have back problems.” You try to say while stifling a laugh.
“I do NOT have back problems!” he says. “But it would be nice to sleep in a bed again. Alright, you’ve got a deal. But if I find you sleeping on the job, I’ll throw you overboard.” he smiles.
“You would never” You feign hurt, “Who would be here to compliment you all the time pretty boy?”
He turns away and walks inside before you can see his reaction, but you know he was trying to stop a smile. He quickly returns with a blanket and says to wake him up if you get tired.
You stay up for a while, quietly finding constellations or humming to yourself. Eventually, you start to get sleepy but fight it off so Zoro can get some much-needed rest. But alas you couldn’t fight it off forever.
The next day you wake up in the bed wondering how you got there. You sit up and look at the side table seeing a plate of breakfast and a note.
The note read:
Thanks for taking the graveyard shift last night, I’ll think about not throwing you overboard since you helped me out
You smile as you read it and bring the plate to the table. You sit quietly eating, looking out at the beautiful sky.
Later, when you joined the crew, they all asked what caused you to sleep in so late. You told them you started helping Zoro with the night watches so he could get some sleep too. They all nod at your sacrifice.
Suddenly their faces look serious and you ask what's wrong.
“We need to go to Dressrosa y/n.” Nami says.
“Oh, why is that?” You question.
“We just got word from our ally Trafalgar Law to meet up before going there to form an attack on Doflamingo.” Robin states.
“Oh wow, I see, okay. And what do you need me to do? Do you need to drop me off at a nearby island or something?” You say hoping that it won’t come to that.
“No! We want you to help us!” Luffy yells.
You smile at his request and nod. Frankie leaves to retrieve Zoro before you all start to plan everything. As Zoro walks back you smile at him, receiving the regular small nod.
The plan was to meet up with the heart pirates and proceed to Dressrosa to plan the attack. We all wanted to take down Doflamingo. You especially, he has always been on your ‘hit’ list but you never thought you could take him alone. You are grateful that you are now with two crews that can.
You smile to yourself thinking about how different life is now. Hoping not to go back to how it was before.
I hope you enjoyed part 2! I am trying to write longer parts because I hate it when stories have short parts, turns out it's hard to do! But the next part should be up tomorrow if I stick to my schedule! Thank you for your support as a new writer! :)
#one piece x reader#one piece imagine#one piece fanfic#one piece zoro#one piece#one piece x you#zoro x reader#zoro fluff#roronoa zoro#opla zoro#zoro one piece#zoro x you#fanfiction#zoro fanfic#zoro fanfiction#zoro imagine
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Anything, Anything, Anything
Sanji x gn! Reader
WC: 1.5k
Warnings: mild spice (just making out)
Sanji isn’t your soulmate, but that doesn’t stop you from being in love with him.

The man you’re in love with isn’t your soulmate, you know that for a certain fact. You met your soulmate when you were eight years old, a passing face in a busy port town. “Sorry, didn’t mean to bump into you,” etched on your side forever and said by someone you don’t know, someone you don’t love.
Sanji doesn’t know you’re in love with him, but you know he hasn’t found his soulmate yet, even if he really wants to. He’s an old fashioned romance type, even if he denies it. You don’t know where his soulmark is, have never asked because it’s painful to think about.
The crew asks about your soulmate, and you answer, saying you never saw them again after the five minutes you’d met, but you didn’t mind, because you wanted to find love on your own, not because some writing on your ribcage told you who you should love.
“Are you sure you’ll never meet them again?” Robin asks, hand on her cheek as she listens to everyone talk intently.
You shrug. “Big world out there Robin, with an even bigger ocean. But, I don’t care if I meet them again. If it happens it happens.”
She nods in understanding, but doesn’t ask anything else.
“I don’t get what the big deal is,” Luffy remarks, “I’ve never had a soulmark. But if I did, my soulmate would have to wait until I was king of the pirates to meet me!”
You roll your eyes at your captain’s enthusiasm, but you admire him. He never seems bothered at the fact that he doesn’t have a soulmate, Zoro the same way. Usopp and Sanji seem to lament not finding their soulmates yet, but they shove that worry aside to follow Luffy everywhere he takes them.
And then, you make port in a small town, known for their unique cuisine, which Sanji is, of course, ecstatic for.
He splits off from the group almost immediately and you fight the urge to tail and scold him. He’s a grown man, if he gets into a fight he can defend himself.
You instead go off with Nami and Usopp, who want to check out the shops. You don’t feel like being alone today.
You spend a few moments looking at a few odds and ends but not really interested in anything. Eventually, you leave the pair behind and walk through town, greeting the occupants with a grin.
And then Sanji runs into you, quite literally. He knocks you on your ass and then helps you up.
“Geez, Sanji, you’re white as a ghost.” You tease, dusting yourself off.
“Sorry,” he says, “I just….I’m out of it.”
“What happened? You were practically bouncing off the walls a few hours ago.”
“I met my soulmate.” The cook sounds scared, not at all like the lovestruck fool you know he can be.
Your heart drops. “Oh. That’s great, Sanji. I’m happy for you.”
Awkward silence passes before you tell him you need to go and you bolt towards the Sunny as fast as you can go. You say a quick greeting to those who stayed on the ship and then bury yourself under the covers on your bunk. You don’t come out until long after everyone is asleep.
You creep into the kitchen, looking for a snack and something to drink when the light brightens the room. You freeze, piece of bread midway to your open mouth.
“Oh,” Sanji says, “it’s just you.”
“Just me.” You repeat.
“I thought it was Luffy. He likes to sneak in here sometimes.”
“I know. Sometimes I help him.”
“You what?”
You sit on the counter, sandwich and water next to you. It’s silent between the two of you as you finish your meal.
“Are you okay?” He asks as you rinse out your glass.
“Peachy.” You respond.
“Don’t lie.”
You sit back on the counter. “Doing as well as I can be.”
“”I’m in love with you.” He says, like he’s telling you about the weather.
“No you’re not.” You say, a little dumbly.
He laughs in disbelief. “I am.”
“You have a soulmate.”
“I told them I didn’t want them. That I had someone else.”
“But- I don’t….I don’t understand. You always went on about meeting them, how could you just cast them aside?”
“I thought that if I pretended I wanted to meet my soulmate bad enough, I’d eventually believe it, that I’d forget about you. But it didn’t work.”
Sanji’s hands are on your shoulders, bringing you close, trying to bring you even closer. His eyes are wide, almost desperate as he stares at you, like he’s trying to get you to believe him through looks alone. His voice is strained as he speaks.
“I’d do anything for you. Anything.”
You let out a soft gasp at his words, almost unable to believe them. “I just-are you sure, Sanji? You met your soulmate, for fuck’s sake. What if you don’t know if this is what you want?” What if you don’t want me, remains unspoken.
“I know what I want,” he tells you, firm, “because it’s right here in my hands.”
You know the tears fall when he wipes a thumb across your face, and then he’s pulling you into a desperate kiss, your arms locked around his shoulders. He’s kissing down your neck and whispering to you: “anything, anything, anything.”
Before you can even think, he’s made his way back up to your lips, and presses against them again, whimpering slightly, like he’s wanted nothing but this for ages.
The two of you pull away and he presses his forehead to yours. His cheeks are flushed, pale skin tinged a light pink. “I love you, I love you.” He whispers, almost imperceptible, almost as if he’s scared you’ll change your mind.
You repeat the words to him, in that same delicate tone, the same soft whisper and he kisses up your arm as you do so, face still flushed.
His blazer comes off, the tie, the shirt. Your shirt. You see his soulmark, etched upon his ribs just like yours, and you run your fingers over it. He doesn’t stop you, though he shivers in response to the touch.
“I can almost pretend they match.” You whisper, mostly to yourself.
“I thought you didn’t believe in stuff like that.” He says, a kiss is placed on your bare shoulder.
“With you I do. I want to be bound to you by fate, Sanji.”
Sanji places his hand on your ribcage in turn. “I’d change it if I could, I’d leave my handprint right here, I’d leave my words etched upon your skin.”
You smile a little. “Do you remember what you said to me when we first met?”
“I asked if you were lost. Even then, I’d hoped you were my soulmate. Even when you didn’t say the words.”
“I don’t even know what it says.” You admit, looking down at the elegant scroll of writing on his side.
He lifts your chin up to meet his eyes. “That doesn’t matter anymore, I’ll get the biggest and ugliest tattoo in the world to cover it up, and then we’ll never think about it again.”
You laugh, albeit a little wetly, but your head swirls with emotions. A few hours ago you thought he didn’t love you back, that he didn’t even think about you. You almost fear that you’re in a dream.
“I love you.” He says again, like he’s testing out the words, but his eyes are still desperate, like you don’t believe him.
“I love you too.”
Reality hits you then and you let out another tear strained laugh. “You chose me over your soulmate.”
“As far as fate is concerned, you’re the only one I need.”
He kisses you again, pulling you close, the skin to skin contact a foreign but welcome sensation and the shiver that it causes leaves goosebumps in its wake.
The door to the kitchen opens and the both of you freeze. You and Nami make eye contact.
“I’m going back to bed.” She announces, and the door swings shut once again.
You and Sanji laugh, his head is on your shoulder as he lets out a silent wheeze.
“No more making out in the kitchen.” You tell him, still laughing.
“Then you definitely aren’t allowed in here anymore.”
You flush but playfully elbow him in the ribs. “Maybe you shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen.”
Sanji kisses your cheek and hands you your shirt. “We’ll hash out the details later.”
You’re loath to leave him, for some reason. But you shake the feeling off as leftover insecurity and kiss him gently, wishing him a good night. He keeps looking behind him as he walks to the bunk room.
You sigh dreamily as you sweep the deck and can’t help but think the stars look a little brighter that night.
#character☀️: sanji#fandom☀️: one piece#daylightarchive#one piece x reader#one piece x you#op x reader#op x you#one piece imagine#sanji x reader#sanji x you#one piece imagines#reader insert#sunbathing with: sanji
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head rush (ver. 1) - sanji x reader
pairing: sanji vinsmoke x reader rating: 18+ summary: When you got with Sanji after months at sea you wondered if his obsession with women was to cover up the fact that he wasn't particularly good in bed. If he wasn't that wouldn't make you stop loving him. But you often wondered. tags: pwp, smut, virgin!sanji, oral sex, sixty-nine
complimentary fics: zoro, law, ace, smoker
When you got with Sanji after months at sea you wondered if his obsession with women was to cover up the fact that he wasn't particularly good in bed. If he wasn't that wouldn't make you stop loving him. But you often wondered.
“You've never had sex?” You asked as you sat on the inn bed with your legs crossed. You watched Sanji look away and scratch the back of his neck.
He exhaled smoke before he took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it out at the night stand. He crossed his legs too and rested his elbows on his thighs. “Well, yeah.” He swallowed, “I've never had sex.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Mr. Womanizer has never had sex, huh?”
He looked away and out the window beside the bed, “You don't need to rub it in. Prior to the Straw Hats it wasn't like I had much time to sleep with someone. Plus like the Thousand Sunny, the Baratie isn't known to have much privacy. I'm pretty sure if I had a girl in my room, the old man would come in and beat me with a pan.” He looked back to you, “Then Luffy happened and I had even less time to sleep with someone. So, no, I've never had sex.”
You giggled and leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips, “I don't mind.” You grazed a hand down his chest then grabbed him by the tie to pull him into a rougher kiss.
Sanji moaned into the kiss and grabbed the back of your head. The blond was a professional at kissing, he even joked he was good with his tongue as well. But that was something you had to test.
When you pulled away, you kept a hand on his tie before you smiled at him, “I guess I have a lot to teach you. There's many ways to pleasure a woman.” You giggled once more, feeling flustered as well, “And since we have a few days off the ship, I guess we should get started.”
He looked at you dumb-struck, he couldn't believe this was happening. He knew that eventually you two would have sex, but sleeping in dorms and with Sanji asleep in a hammock, it didn't provide optimal times to do the act.
But you were right, a few days off the ship and in a shared room allowed you to teach him a thing or two about sex. The thought excited him which led him to pulling you back into another heated kiss.
”How does that sound, blondey?“ You smirked close to his lips before you went in for another kiss. You changed your position so you could get closer to him. Soon your hands went for his tie, you yanked it loose and threw it to the floor.
”Oh, please.“ He moaned as he got his suit jacket off. Soon after you both collapsed into bed together, Sanji's hands tried to reach for the back of your dress but you beat him to it.
You kicked off the garment and worked on getting Sanji undressed. You groaned out of frustration into the kiss, why did he have to wear so many damn layers?
His eyes lingered to your breasts and his cheeks grew red. He had seen you nude a few times by accident, but never this close. He swallowed before his eyes met with you once more, ”Wow.“
You chuckled, ”You're too funny, Sanji. Now stop staring at my breasts and get these damn clothes off. I want to see my partner.“ You undid the buttons of his dress shirt and soon it was on the floor.
He undid your bra and pulled down your panties to your knees, which you then got off and onto the floor. You kissed once more as he hastily got his belt off and tried to get his pants off while he was locked in such a hot kiss.
He thanked every deity out there that you two were sharing a room together.
You gave him room to get his pants and briefs off before he was left completely nude. His chest was rising and falling as his heart hammered in his chest. This was beyond belief.
”Since we don't have any condoms, we can't go full on just yet. But I have something else in mind.“ You winked. Now that you were both nude, you got on top of him with your face in front of his cock, ”I want to see how much you know.“
You started to suck his cock and he moaned loudly. It was so loud that it sounded like a whine. He grabbed your ass and started to lick at your pussy. He was hesitant at first as this was the first time he had ever done something like that.
But soon he took quite well to it. He mostly focused on your clit, the sensation made your toes curl near his head. You held onto the bed under you for support as you deep-throated him. It took a moment before you were able to relax your throat enough to take all of him.
He was rather impressive in size, if it currently wasn't down your throat you would've asked him how he was able to carry it around all day. You were mindful of your teeth and continued to move your mouth and tongue up and down his cock.
His noises were muffled by the fact that your pussy was in his face. He could feel your wetness covering down to his chin. He soaked his facial hair as he continued to lick. He dug his hands into the meat of your ass as he felt pleasure course through his body. You were good at this.
Perhaps too good because soon Sanji was taken off guard and came down your throat. His noises were whiny as he finished. You were almost flattered that he came so fast, you understood why he did. It was the first time he had ever gotten a blow job.
”Fuck.“ He groaned with your pussy covering his mouth.
He couldn't believe the pleasure, it was nothing like masturbation. The orgasm was so intense that his mind went blank for a moment. When he came back, he realized he wasn't licking at your clit anymore.
He started once more but soon you got off of him and sat to the edge of the bed. Your chest was sharply rising and falling and he watched you lick at the corner of your mouth to remove leftover cum that dripped out of your mouth.
”Wow.“ He said still out of breath.
”Now c'mere, Sanji. Get in front of me and I'll show you how to really pleasure a woman orally.“ You smiled to yourself as you watched him kick his legs up as he got off the bed. Soon he was in between your legs with a blush on his face.
His pupils seemed bigger out of lust as he stared up at you. You took him by the head and brought him once more between your legs. He held onto your thighs to keep them open for him.
”You're too sloppy, Black Leg.“ You smiled as you gripped his blond locks as he started to lap at your swollen clit, “You need a rhythm, a steady pace will make me cum.”
He got a little too excited and grabbed you by your bottom and lifted your bottom half up to get his mouth more on your sweet cunt. He caused you to drop your back onto the bed as he tried to get the best angle to pleasure you.
“”Shit.“ You moaned, ”Ah, Ah, Sanji. Oh, oh!“ You gasped as you gripped the bed under you as he just went to town on you. There was little resistance you were putting up, at this angle he had better control of orally pleasuring you.
”That feels good.“ He groaned as he hooked your legs over his shoulders and let you squeeze his head. Giving you pleasure aroused him greatly as he felt his cock twitch as he devoured you.
You were like nothing else he had ever had before. You were the finest, more delectable fruit he could ever gorge himself on. He groaned and continued to eat you like a fine dinner. He gazed at you from between your legs and you could feel the smirk that had formed on his lips.
”I like how you say my name.“ He said and kissed your inner thigh before he went back to licking at you with long broad strokes that were building up to an orgasm. There was nothing else quite like it. The feeling was addictive, he could only imagine what having penetrative sex with you would be like.
You did have a lot to teach him after all.
You were left a moaning mess as he continued. Your noises were like a symphony to his ears. He wanted to hear you making those noises for the rest of his life. He loved you, he showed it every day. He couldn't get enough out of you.
”Oh, fuck, That's it.“ You moaned as you gripped the soft blue covers of the bed under your back. Your back arched off of the bed and he smirked between your thighs. You looked amazing as this moaning mess. You were supposed to be his teacher but it felt like he was passing with flying colors.
Your eyes squeezed shut for a moment when he grazed your clit with his front teeth. You yelped, ”Yes, yes, like that. You found it, oh fuck Sanji!“
He was starting to feel more confident pleasuring you orally. He mixed his teeth in with the licks to your clit. He switched it up but kept it the same pace. Each time his front teeth grazed your clit, your body jumped from the pleasure. Which in turn made him want to do it even more.
”Perfect.' He said, his cock bobbed and brushed against the bed as he held you up to get the perfect angle to pleasure you with his mouth. He was encouraged by your moans that seemed to grow ever louder as you approached orgasm.
He was very pleased with himself for doing so well the first time. Maybe he did have some hidden talent to give oral sex.The thought made him chuckle to himself as he gazed at you. His keen eyes kept a good look on your reactions to his pleasure. If he knew he could do this to you, he would've requested time off the ship earlier.
He gripped your ass and closed his eyes to get into the motions as he could guess that you were soon going to climax. He was going to make sure that his beloved, beautiful girlfriend was going to get the best orgasm of her life.
“You're addicting, Sanji.” You moaned as you watched his mouth work on your pussy. You felt hot all over as you knew soon you'd be climaxing on his mouth. He looked in his element between your legs. For a moment you were second guessing if he was lying about being a virgin. Or maybe he was just being responsive to your noises.
He was a very good student.
You whined as he touched your clit with his tongue. You had to remind yourself next time to tell him about using his fingers and mouth. If he was this good with mouth alone you could only imagine what adding those long fingers would do.
“That's it.” He replied, his face was still flushed and his cock was at full attention. He could see the rise and fall of your chest as you panted. You were feeling good.
Soon like a strike of lightning, pleasure came over you and you squeezed your thighs around his head and climaxed with a sharp gasp. You gripped the covers as the euphoria hit you like a ton of bricks.
Then you dropped onto the bed in a limp heat. Your brain felt blank for a moment as you felt the aftershocks of pleasure. You eventually groaned, “Holy shit.”
Sanji grinned, his chin rested on top of your pussy. His mouth was red and slick but he looked pleased with himself, “How was that?” He seemed so proud.
“Amazing.“ You panted, "Are you sure-”
“Never, only you.” He put your legs back down to the floor and they wobbled as you tried to sit up. He wiped his mouth on his arm and he sat beside you on the bed, “Relax.” He kissed the side of your head, “Take it easy.”
You swallowed, “Okay.“ and then fully got onto the bed and laid there on top of the covers to relax. Your mind was a buzz.
”I can't wait for you to teach me more.” He smiled, “Do you think we can go for another lesson before the others wonder where we've been?“
You looked at him and reached out for him, ”How soon can we sneak out of here to get condoms.“ Then pulled him in for a searing kiss.
#vinsmoke sanji#sanji vinsmoke#sanji x reader#sanji x y/n#sanji x you#sanji reader insert#op x reader#op fanfic#one piece x reader#one piece smut#one piece#sanji smut#sanji vinsmoke smut#black leg sanji#reader insert#dexlexia writes#anime#anime x reader
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I really REALLY need to tell you my hc that Luffy and Usopp sleep in the same bed 98.37% of the time. They are EXTREMELY hard to seperate.
When Usopp first joins the strawhats along with Merry, the boys have to make do with what they have. And that includes taking turns sleeping in the hammocks. Now I'm going to reference that pic where Luffy is hanging down on Usopp's body from his hammock. Also the one where Zoro and Sanji sleep on the floor face to face. That one. One time Luffy actually falls into Usopp's hammock but neither of them realize it and in the morning the sniper might have hit his head when falling on the floor from the sudden surprise. But then it became a usual thing and both of them were becoming closer friends so eventually Usopp just proposed them sleeping together since they're gonna end up like that in the end. Of course the more they travelled, they got bunks for comfort, because sleeping on the floor/couch got annoying.
Then Water 7 happens and Usopp is devastated. He really wants to go back to them snuggling but he feels like if he offers it right after what happened to them it would feel like he didn't feel sorry at all, which is not true. And besides, Sunny has all the comfort you could ever want, so no more "well, if you're gonna slip into my bunk anyways, why not just share it from the start" excuse.
However, Luffy's thought process is a little different. He gets a little confused as to why Usopp still hasn't invited him over. Well, the sniper apologized, they had an emotional reunion, spent the rest of the day together and now they won't even snuggle like they did before? Something's gotta be up.
So as soon as Luffy makes his decision, he "slips" into Usopp's bunk and hugged the shit out of the sniper, making sure he wasn't going anywhere. Usopp let him stay. He wanted to anyways.
So since then, their habit of sharing one bed and cuddling was fully established. Oh boy, I sure hope they don't get seperated again only for a longer period of time.
No listen you literally read my mind! I’ve literally been thinking about this idea nonstop I’ve it written in my draft somewhere. Still think about that moment post dressrosa where usopp just goes to sleep right on top of luffy and no one bats an eye lol(really tried to find a pic of it but it isn’t in my tag ://) it was just business as usual for everyone but there’s no way that’s the first time that’s happened. They definitely sleep together all the time. It’s just second nature to them to just curl around each other and fall asleep.
And oh w7 ;-; the most devastating arc my beloved <3 neither of them sleeps during their separation(i dont actually have long they were apart but I’m pretty sure it was just one night considering how fast paced one piece is but it was a very looong night either way with Usopp staying up working on the merry while luffy just tossing and turning until he just ends up staring out over that rooftop where nami finds him the following morning telling her he was looking out for robin but really he was just looking out the sea to where the merry was docked🥲)
and ofc luffy would be the one to push past the awkwardness because once usopp apologized that was it he had already forgiving him the moment he saw usopp on that bridge screaming at him to keep fighting(still think about how ready luffy was to bring him to the crew immediately post ennies lobby until zoro knocked some sense into him lol) there was no way he was going another sleepless night without him
#sorry for rambling it’s just#I’ve so many thoughts about lusopp and w7 best arc lol#love interpersonal conflict wish there was more that wasn’t just zoro and sanjis pissing contest#lusopp#asks#thank you for sending this!#love talking to ppl but I also get so anxious about dm ppl bc I can’t hold a conversation to save my life lol#hcs asks
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The Seer
Ao3 link
Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Chapter 3: The Vulgar Eye Will See Nothing
CONTENT WARNING: violence, pinning down, permanent injury, eyes.
In the end, they head towards the Red Line after all.
It’s odd, Robin muses. They’d been sailing there anyway, got turned around in multiple directions, and are back on track like nothing had happened. Except, well. With one fewer crew member.
The atmosphere on board is markedly different, too. Their first attempt at this crossing had been lively, noisy, excited, looking ahead together for the coming adventure. Take two is…not that. The past two weeks have been much quieter, darker, and subdued. The feeling only seems to increase with time, desperation growing as time passes.
Robin knows the old conventional wisdom. If someone’s been missing for more than twenty four hours, their chance at being found alive decreases dramatically. At this point, they are at about hour 330.
And she’s worried. Of course she’s worried. She knows better than anyone what kind of evil is out there, the myriad of ways that people can be hurt, and the myriad of people that take pleasure from hurting others. She knows for a fact that wherever Usopp is, whatever is happening, he is probably suffering to a degree.
However, joining this crew has stamped her with an optimism she didn’t think was possible. If she believes in anything, it’s this crew. If there is anyone who can encounter conventional wisdom and the true evils of the world and laugh in its face, it’s Luffy. He’s performed miracles before, why wouldn’t he be able to do that now?
And, of course, she believes in Usopp too.
They all do. The only one who doesn’t is probably Usopp himself, which is just baffling to her on every level. In all her years on the run, and all the people she’d ever encountered, she has never seen such raw sniping talent as this teenager from a tiny village in the east blue.
Robin’s never seen anyone with as much reserves of courage, ones she knows he reaches into every day to deal with the life that terrifies him on a daily basis. And yet, on he goes, hour by hour, practically never faltering.
Not to mention heart. And kindness.
Yes, Robin misses Usopp dearly. They all do, and the effect that his absence has on them all feels like a physical thing.
This is particularly evident as the wall of the Red Line appears on the horizon, drawing all available crew members to the railing to witness their approach.
Nami is at the helm, reliable as always, and Brooke is in the crow’s nest (although probably staring out at the same direction), but everyone else eventually gathers, bunched together, watching the Red Line approach in almost total silence.
Luffy leans on the railing, dangerously close, hand on his hat to protect it from the strong winds coming in from the choppy crossing. He stares out at the sea, uncharacteristically blank-faced. Chopper stands next to him, clicking his hooves together with clear nerves, eyes flitting back and forth between his captain and the upcoming Red Line. Zoro is on the other side, mouth pulled into a thin line, hands on his swords. It seems to make him feel better, although Robin can understand after their latest experience why Zoro is even more ready to fight at a moment’s notice these days.
Sanji stands right behind Chopper, positioned expertly to face the strong sea breeze. He smokes furiously, clutching onto his pack like a lifeline. Franky stands even further back, unwilling to block everyone’s view, stock-still and concerningly silent.
Robin stands between Sanji and Franky, arms crossed against the breeze. She waits, taking her cue from her Captain.
Luffy stays put. The sun starts to set, dying the water orange-red, turning the Red Line wall into a dark silhouette. The temperature drops as the sky darkens, a chill descending onto the deck as a result.
Luffy still doesn’t move.
The Sunny dips as the waves grow stronger, rises again, Robin’s stomach dropping with the sudden, increased movement. Once the ship stabilizes, they are right in front of the Red Line, and Robin feels her breath stutter in her chest and the vast majesty of the sight, and what it means for their journey.
Luffy’s head follows the wall as they move out the other side and complete the crossing. Here, he moves, levering himself into a standing position and turning around to face them all.
“Here we are,” He says, “The New World. No looking back.”
His face screws up, conflicted. “I promise,” He says, “That we’ll make it to the One Piece together. All of us. I’ll get Usopp back for you. You have my word.”
Robin remembers what they told her about their first crossing into the Grand Line. Five young people with their futures and dreams ahead, feet planted on a barrel, screaming their freedom out into the open air.
She wishes they could’ve had that for this. Instead, she watches Luffy nod at them all before making his way back to deck, patting his arm as he passes her.
They head on into the future.
The next day with the Vance pirates is, in fact, different.
Nobody comes to bring Usopp out of his cell that morning. Instead, he’s left there alone, stewing in his thoughts, trying to sleep while he can. It doesn’t work.
At some point, (by Usopp’s estimation, close to noon) he hears the familiar tap-tap of footsteps approaching his cell. He’s become attuned to the sounds of the footsteps, and knows that when he looks up, he’ll see Katherine in front of him.
And sure enough, there she stands, staring down at him. But instead of her usual disinterested glare, she looks halfway between concerned and nervous. “Hello, Usopp.”
“Katherine,” Usopp acknowledges. He feels his palms start to sweat. “What’s going on?”
She hesitates. “Did you have any dreams?” She asks, and this, at least, is familiar. “Any visions? Stories?”
Usopp almost bites his tongue in frustration. “No,” He says shortly, then: “Do you know what’s going to happen to me?”
Katherine looks…cagey. Nervous. She fidgets, jumping at every noise, eyeing every shadow.
That’s when Usopp realizes: she’s not supposed to be here.
She looks back at him, gaze pleading. “Just cooperate,” She says. “Tell him you’ll try, at least. And then make the effort. Get involved in the search. Something.”
And if that doesn’t terrify him, well…“Why?” He asks. “What’s coming? Please tell me.”
“I can’t,” She replies. “But believe me. You’ll want to go through with this. If not for actually believing in it, then for your own good.”
“You know this is all bullshit, right?” He tells her, hoping that someone, anyone, will believe him when he says this. “I’ve been here all this time and nothing. If I could’ve helped you, you would’ve known about it by now.”
She shakes her head sadly. “Your denial is only gonna hurt you,” She says. “This is your actual last chance. I mean it. After this, we’re not going to be able to help you.”
“Why not?” Usopp demands. “Whatever this is, you know it’s wrong. Why won’t you help me?”
“It’s the Captain,” She says helplessly, and Usopp hates the itching feeling that he can relate. “I believe in him completely. I have to.”
“No you don’t,” He says. “You can let me leave. I won’t bother any of you ever again.”
Katherine shoots him a sad, actual smile. “You know I can’t,” She says. “I understand, you know. You have your Captain. But I have mine. I tried to do what I could. But it’s up to you now.”
With a final sigh, she turns, about to exit the small hallway, before loud whoops echo outside.
They both freeze.
“What is it?” Usopp asks in a whisper. Katherine stands stock-still, listening to the noise outside.
After a moment, she relaxes. “We’re entering the New World,” She says. “The Red Line crossing.”
Usopp feels his heart drop to his stomach. “Oh.”
Katherine continues walking towards the exit. He hears the tap-tap of her feet, and, before she exits the room entirely, he hears a barely-whispered “Sorry.”
That can’t be good. At all.
Usopp stands up, backing up to the bars until he feels them at his back. He jumps, trying to see out the small window, to catch a glimpse of the Red Line.
I miss you, He thinks. He can’t reach the view, can’t see the crossing, I miss you. I miss you.
Running into the mermaid has been an unexpected but welcome surprise.
Having someone who had knowledge of the islands in the vicinity is extremely helpful, moreso that after hearing their story, she had solemnly proposed a deal. “We have someone we’d like to save,” She had said. “And so do you. Let’s help each other.”
Luffy had been more than amendable to the deal. Robin had agreed: as it was, looking for Usopp in the largeness of the sea felt like an impossible task. Any way to make that smaller was welcome.
Not everyone had felt that way, though. Zoro in particular had scowled his way through the entire process. He hadn’t dared voice his opposition, fully dedicated to Luffy’s decisions as he was. It probably didn’t help that the friend of Camie’s they’d be saving was an old enemy of theirs, and of Nami’s specifically.
She could relate, in a way. Once upon a time, that had been her too.
In the end, Luffy had kept his promises, as he always did. And after being waylaid by the Flying Fish Riders, and Sanji and Duval’s fight, they were finally ready to continue on to Sabaody and, hopefully, the path to Usopp.
The Sunny is alight with activity when Robin, making her way to see if they needed any assistance, hears Sanji have a whispered conversation with Franky.
“…already took too long,” She hears him mutter as she approaches. “We’ve gone through too many distractions, we really can’t afford to-”
“I know it’s frustrating, bro,” Franky replies gently. “But we need all the help we can get. If we hadn’t run into these people, it probably would’ve taken us longer to even find Sabaody, not to mention asking around for information.”
Sanji doesn’t seem too mollified by this. “We’re not even at Sabaody yet,” He snaps. “And that’s just a guess! Who knows if anyone there would even know-”
And that’s when Robin knows she’s appeared in his view, as Sanji swallows his words instantly. “Robin-Chan,” He says, getting to his feet, Franky following in confusion. “Are you all right?”
All the worry, the rage, from seconds earlier seems to have been wiped completely. At least, that what she would’ve thought, had she not known him so well by now. She sees the tension in his shoulders, the furrow of his brows, the way his hands tightly clench at nothing.
She shares a fond, amused look with Franky. That Sanji, nine years her junior, is trying to protect her feelings from his doubts and worries is as adorable as it is laughable. “I’m well, Sanji,” She says, giving him a smile. “I’m ready to go get Usopp back, aren’t you?”
Sanji breaks out into a wide grin. “Of course!” He says. “With you lovely ladies, I’m sure we can achieve anything! Including getting Usopp back as soon as possible!”
“Yes,” She says, suddenly distracted by a speck of pink close by. “Now, I’m going to see if my assistance is needed out front.”
She speeds off, hearing Sanji shower compliments at her back, until she reaches the reverse-hiding Chopper. “I can see you, you know,” She says knowingly. Chopper squeaks, instantly correcting his stance.
She kneels down in front of him. “Did you hear Sanji, just now?”
Chopper pauses, then inches his way out of his hiding spot. “Yes,” He says, voice thick with tears. “He’s scared. I’m scared too. The world out there is so big. How are we going to find Usopp? When we do, will I even be able to fix him?”
Robin holds out an arm, waits for Chopper to run into it. “This is how these things go,” She tells him. “It feels slow, I know. But this is how it works with information-gathering. You know what? I think we got lucky with Camie and her friends. Any allies we find will help us cut down the time to finding Usopp. As for Usopp himself,” he moves her hand to the top of his hat. “No matter what happens to him, I know you’ll do whatever you can to make it better, however you can. And that’s all anyone could ever ask of you.”
Chopper sniffles, nods.
“With Luffy on our side,” Robin continues, trying to cheer him up. “Those Vance pirates don’t-”
“Excuse me.”
Robin, surprised at the interruption, looks up to see the Fishman Hatchan. “Did you say the Vance Pirates?”
Robin nods. “Yes,” She says cautiously. “They’re the ones who took our friend. Usopp.”
Hatchan rocks back as if struck. “Surely not,” He mutters, seemingly to himself. “When I got word from some friends in the East Blue, I wondered…well. That was about you?”
“What is it?” Robin says, hope rising in her chest. “Do you know something?”
“I’ve been hearing talk,” Hatchan says. “From former members of the Arlong Pirates. They’ve been followed, interrogated by the Vance Pirates. About your crew. And specifically, about your sniper.”
“Do you know where they are?” Robin asks, springing to her feet.
“Not exactly,” He says, “But I know what they’re looking for. I know what they want.”
Usopp worries and worries until he sees the red light of evening peek its way into his cell.
Suddenly, he’s exhausted. He’s tired of worrying. He’s tired of fear. He’s tired of boredom. He’s tired of waiting, for the terrible things that are implied to happen but still never come.
And so, there’s only one thing to do.
He’s been like this many times before: alone, bored, worried, sad. Not since he’s joined the Straw Hats, not really, but instead during the many years between the death of his mother and when the pirates finally came. When it was just him and the ghost of his mother in the empty house, when he couldn’t stand the silence any longer and needed to fill it with something, anything.
That’s where the stories started.
That’s where he first got the itch in his head that grew and changed into worlds and adventures and people, where he was loved and not alone. He had whispered them like a secret, just between him and the creaky walls, until he fell asleep, having gotten through another day. He doesn’t really remember much of what he had actually said, only that it had been good.
The itch is here now, and godammit, Usopp is not letting them take this away from him too. The stories might mean something more to them, but they are still his.
And so, for the first time in what feels like forever, Usopp lets the story take over.
“Once upon a time,” He begins, keeping his whisper as low as he can make it. “There lived a brave pirate. A captain who commanded a crew that was not only the best in the world, but the closest. They were more family than crew. And the captain had a dream: to be the king of the pirates. But the dream has obstacles, and monsters, and people who got in his way. But he promised himself, and everyone he loved, that he was going to achieve it.”
Usopp traces patterns into the dark, cold wood. “One day,” He continues. “The Captain had to face his most difficult challenge yet. To advance his dream and to save the ones he loved, he had to fight the strongest creature in the world. It was so strong that, even if it tried to die by its own hand, it would return. How could the captain fight something like that?”
“He tried and he tried and he tried again. He died and came back. But it wouldn’t work. He did everything he could, but it wasn’t enough. He had to be stronger. His friends were relying on him. The world was relying on him.”
“And so, he reaches within and activates the truest power he’d ever seen. The power of gods and monsters. The Captain couldn’t believe what he was seeing. And, with his new abilities, he was able to defeat the strongest creature the world had ever known, and saved the day.”
“He looked upon what he was, what he could do. And, impossibly. He laughed.”
The story whispers its goodbyes before departing and Usopp, somehow, feels better.
The crew takes in the news in shocked silence.
“And that’s what they said?” Brook asks, a frown in his voice. “They said that the Vance pirates think that Usopp-San is a seer?”
Hatchan shrugs. “That’s what they said.”
“As you can see,” Robin informs the group. “We now have motive. They took him because they wanted to use him. And,” She pauses for a moment. “I suppose we finally have to address the elephant in the room. We had all…noticed this about Usopp already, correct?”
Brook’s jaw literally drops open. “What?”
The crew looks at each other, before:
“Well,” Nami says, hesitant. “I thought. I don’t know. I thought it was just the Thing that we never talked about. Nobody brought it up ever, so I didn’t either.”
“Oh, no way!” Franky slaps a fist in his palm. “So you’re telling me this wasn’t something you had all decided to just. Never talk about? You just never mentioned it?”
“It was pretty clear from Little Garden,” Zoro says, eyeing the ground thoughtfully. “He never said anything about it. So why would we? Doesn’t make a difference, not really.”
Chopper shrugs. “You’d know right away if you listened to his stories,” He tells Brook. “If you pay attention, they just…I don’t know. They happened. Eventually.”
“To be fair,” Sanji says. “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know. Or, if he did, he never mentioned it. I don’t think he listens to himself, most of the time. So, I don’t know. How do you even start that conversation with somebody?”
Brook shakes his head. “Incredible,” He breathes. “A true Seer. That is a rare thing. A very rare thing.”
Luffy sneezes, wiping his nose on his bare arm. “So how does that help us get him back?”
Nami looks at him, askance. “Did you know, Luffy?”
Luffy shrugs. “About Usopp knowing stuff? Yeah. That’s why I asked him to be on my crew.”
Nami’s jaw drops. “Huh? From then? How did you know?”
“I mean,” Luffy says. “He said pirates were coming and we came. He told Kaya lies that she would get better, and she did.” He shrugs. “There was more stuff too but I forgot. It’s so cool though! His stories are so much fun and they’re real!”
Robin steps in before Nami can explode further. “The Captain brings up a good point,” She says. “Its true that this is a valuable piece of information. We still need to find Usopp, so please continue what you were telling me before, Hatchan.”
“Yes,” Hatchan says, clearing his throat. “It was also made quite clear that they, too, are heading in this direction. So, if Camie,” he points to her, and she waves cheerfully. “Were to summon fish to do a sweep of the nearby sea, we may be able to locate them. If they’ve made it here, that is.”
Luffy breaks out into a big grin. “Yes!” He says. “Let’s do it! And when he find them, we’ll go!”
“Or,” Robin steps in. “Luffy. If we know where they are, and they’re behind us, we can wait for them here. At the Flying Fish Riders base. That way, we can continue to Sabaody right after, and continue on the journey we planned.”
“Okay!” Luffy acquiesces instantly. “Camie, do your thing! And who knows…maybe by tomorrow, we’ll have Usopp back!”
The sky has turned inky black by the time they come for him.
He hears multiple footsteps enter, echo down the hall, and he just knows. Here we go. He braces himself, feels the tension hit every part of his body.
Three people file in, stand in front of his cell. Captain Vance stands in the middle, eyes glittering, a somber Lark to his left and to his right was Ranger, who refused to look him in the eye.
Vance crosses his arms, staring at Usopp. “Do you know,” He asks, breaking the silence. “Why we’re doing this?”
Usopp lips pinch together. They’re trembling.
“When I was a child,” Vance says. “My village was the center of a battle between pirates and marines. They razed it to the ground. Most people died, and I was one of the few survivors. But they didn’t notice, they didn’t care. They just fought, each side deploying their devil fruits to cause more harm to us than to each other.”
Vance puts his hands on the bars.
“We’re doing this,” He says. “Because those that seek power don’t deserve to have it. And we have to do whatever it takes to make it happen.”
His hands move lower, unlocking the door. It’s now or never.
Usopp gets up and lunges, getting under Vance’s arm, pushing his way out, sensing the cool sea breeze in his air….
An hand grabs his arm and yanks, and he tumbles back into the cell, landing on his back with an oomph. Wind knocked out of him, he wheezed, trying to get his breath back.
A shadow falls over him. He looks up, still gasping, to Vance’s hulking figure.
“Wrong move,” He says.
Quick as lightning, Lark grabs his arms, pinning them to the floor. Ranger grabs his legs, finally making eye contact. His eyes look sad.
Vance steps over them, hovering directly over Usopp. He reaches slowly into his pocket, pulling out two long, thin, knives.
“Please,” Usopp gasps out, fighting, kicking, with all his might. “Please, please, please…”
“You know why it’s called the Second Sight?”
Vance holds the knives right over Usopp’s face.
“Because it should replace the first.”
The knives descend. Usopp passes out as they fall.
Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
#one piece#op#usopp#nico robin#monkey d luffy#strawhats#straw hat pirates#one piece fic#op fic#speaks
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Memories were often filled with mixed emotions depending on what the person had to deal with. Something that Sanji had experienced because of the struggles that he had to deal with in his childhood, those were painful memories for him. He didn’t know if he would be able to let them go despite how much time it truly had been since he saw his family, not until he had been dragged back to the place that was once his home. The only one who he had a good relationship with was with his sister, he doubted that things were going to be fixed with his brother and former father that easily. His family was here though. Uta was someone who he saw as his best friend though. It was unknown if he would be able to talk about the past that Sanji tried to bury, one that the others were well aware of, especially the ones who came to rescue him. It was true that it was difficult for him to speak about the past that he had been desperate to escape from. His situation had gotten better though because of Zeff, a man who didn’t hesitate to raise him once they were able to escape that island. It was going to be a new experience for Uta though, there would be plenty for her to see and learn about the world that surrounded the reckless crew.
Luffy never hesitates to protect the ones that he cares about, something that Sanji was able to learn early on. Something that he learned while under the iron thumb of his father. He probably was the same person that Uta used to know, while it wouldn’t be a surprise if Luffy acted the same back then like he does now. He obviously was a stubborn, reckless fool who wouldn’t stop once he put his mind to something. He didn’t hesitate to stand up to others especially when his crew was in danger. They easily wouldn’t hesitate to follow their captain though, all of them were pretty similar to him when it came to the battles that they had to face. It was difficult to keep Luffy from attempting anything stupid, but sometimes it worked in their favor. They were a family who would protect one another though, Uta included.
“Let’s hope that he doesn’t.” Chopper had a way to deal with difficult patients, especially ones who tended not to sit still like Luffy, Zoro, and sometimes himself. He most likely would be able to handle Uta, but that would be unknown until it finally happened. “I think I can handle that.” A smile graced his lips while dealing with difficult crew members was something that Sanji would be able to handle, he dealt with a lot of them already. Chopper probably dealt with difficult patients more than the crew themselves had, especially with the doctors that he used to work under.
The cold could quite easily cause any of them to become sick which would cause Chopper to be the frantic doctor that they knew quite well. Even if it was something that could help chase those wandering thoughts away. His jacket would help shield her from it, at least. “That sounds about right when it comes to Chopper. He lectures over the smallest things when it comes to our health.” While it was a rare occurrence for him to fall sick, it was something that he would not be able to avoid especially if they continued to stand out here. It would be warmer behind the many doors that lingered on the Sunny. He didn’t know how the future meeting with Shanks would go, he couldn’t judge him just yet despite the bond that was there between Luffy and Uta. He would have to make the opinion himself when the time came to meet the famous red-haired pirate who filled the papers quite often. Something that Luffy always paid attention to because of how much he did respect Shanks, because of how much he did care about him. Uta didn’t have to worry about the meeting with Shanks right now since their journey wasn’t over yet, there was still much for them to do. Much for them to see across this large undiscovered ocean. She would figure out the words eventually once the time came for it, it was something that she didn’t have to figure out right now though.
It was obvious to tell that she was feeling better after dealing with the emotions that she was holding in, there were times when it was best to just let go. “There’s nothing wrong with being scared, I used to deal with that quite often as a child.” The words that would be shared between Uta and Shanks was something that most likely needed to be a private matter unless she wanted someone nearby. He wouldn’t mind standing there, but Sanji would obviously not listen to the words that would be shared since it was for Uta alone to listen to. It was a decision that she would have to make for herself though. They couldn’t make it for her. There was a chance that Shanks most likely would meet Luffy’s fist depending on how things decided to go between them “You aren’t wrong, he is our amazing idiot.”
There were times when that burden needed to be lifted, it seemed that it was Uta’s turn this time. It was unknown what the others would do if they had discovered her standing here, he didn’t mind that it was him. The shirt was nothing since it was just a shirt, it could easily be replaced. He could deal with the cold wind that easily could bring a shiver down his spine. Throwing a fist or two at Shanks was something that he would be willing to do especially for Uta’s sake. He wasn’t going to be able to walk away from him or Luffy. “Who knows? Maybe that will make it easier for you to talk to him.” It was unknown how the words shared between them and Shanks could go while Sanji wouldn’t hesitate to share his thoughts with him. “I’m sure that your father would be able to work things out with a missing tooth.” Nodding, he gave a gentle smile “I will make us something warm to drink.”
It was better to keep those unwanted memories away from plain sight especially ones that easily could cause people to panic. That could cause Sanji to panic. He wanted nothing more, but for them to disappear. Things didn't work like that though. Zeff raised him into the person that he was today, he was the man who taught him how to cook. He was the man who taught him how to fight despite him being a child with royal blood running through his veins. His crewmates didn't care that he was a Vinsmoke, they were quick to overlook at. They saw Sanji for who he was, he was their friend. They never saw him as anything different once the truth came to light, they saw him as just Sanji. They saw him as the person he always when from the moment that he joined the crew as a Straw Hat Pirate. Uta would have plenty of chances to learn about the outside world, all of them had plenty of things to tell her. Robin could even tell her history about anything that she might be interesting in learning.
There was no hesitation to save Uta, Luffy's friend or family quickly became theirs especially when he was determined to save them. She was a member of their crew now who they would easily protect from any harm. She was family, she always was going to be family now. There was nothing that they wouldn't do for one another though, that was just how they were. ' There was no hesitation to save Uta, Luffy's friend or family quickly became theirs especially when he was determined to save them. She was a member of their crew now who they would easily protect from any harm. She was family, she always was going to be family now. There was nothing that they wouldn't do for one another though, that was just how they were.
"Don't let him hear you say that, he just might." Chopper was determined to take care of the crew and anyone who he saw as a patient. He knew what he needed to do especially when it came to a crew that was difficult in terms of sitting still. Recovering from injuries or battles was something that was difficult especially when it came to Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. They hated staying still for long. That care was always going to be there, care that came because of the family bond that was created.
It might have been a simple gesture, but the coat was something that he was willing to give to her. A coat that could easily provide some warmth while they stood out there during the cold night. "It doesn't, Chopper would have a fit if we both end up sick." The cold chill was there to stay until morning decided to come bringing the warmth that tended to follow it. He knew that it was better to come inside especially with the shivers that started to wrack Uta's form, he could make her something warm to drink. He couldn't form a opinion of someone that he did not know, words could only tell him so much about the redhead who was important to Luff and Uta. While he wouldn't hesitate to speak his mind about how he left, he would eventually figure out what the man was like. They would have to meet first though, something that wasn't going to happen until it was time to do so. It would be Luffy's decision when that was going to happen.
It was best to let those emotions go instead of keeping them buried deep inside, holding onto them most likely was going to make them worse. "There's nothing wrong with being scared." The unknown was there about what was going to be said between Shanks and Uta, that was something for them to decide when the time comes. A discussion that they would have to have privately without nosy ears in view. Luffy most likely wouldn't hesitate to give Shanks that earful when the time came, it would be impossible to get him to stop from speaking his mind "It wouldn't be your fault, Luffy wouldn't hesitate to defend any of us even over the smallest thing."
The tears were allowed to fall, he wasn't going to make them stop knowing that it would help make her feel better. It would help release those emotions she was holding tightly onto instead of letting them stay hidden. Sometimes, one just needed to cry depending on the situation. Something that Uta obviously needed during that moment. The wet shirt was nothing compared to what she was dealing with, the shirt could easily be replaced without a second though. It was just a shirt. The smile continued to linger, he could tell that she was feeling better already when that smile started to appear across her face. He wasn't going to hesitate to give Shanks a piece of his mind when the time came though "After I punch him." Sanji couldn't help, but chuckle "You're welcome Uta, I'll try not to be too hard on him. Hopefully, enough to leave a good lasting bruise."
#theallblue#melodysian#m: sanji#v: black leg sanji#(haha crossing fingers that his immune system is better than most)#(he really wouldn't want to be chased around by Chopper)#(he tries his best)#(he just wants to mae sure that Uta is okay)
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Synopsis: There's just more to him than meets the eye.
❧ Relationship: Vinsmoke Sanji x female reader
❧ Content: fluff
Heads Up: Some mentions of Water Seven, Gyojin, and WCI arcs, although I tried my best to censored everything, I think some are just necessary to mention for the sake of the gist of the story. Therefore, if you still haven't reached the aforementioned arcs then be aware of the spoilers! Anyway, you may proceed however you like.
A/N: Just popping from my cave to post this sudden impulse of writing something. This was requested by a friend, and I thought that I might also post it here. Still the same routine: errors are to be expected and I might get back to them once I'll welcome the vacation with a warm hug.
I hope you enjoy! :D
It was the aftermath of the storm, an evening of silence through the series of bloodshed that was still around the corner. The recent happenings to your group had left you lost for words, there were no nights that made you wonder about different aspects of becoming a pirate. Although there are evenings of celebrations with the other Straw Hat Pirates, still there are times that you’re seeking for something calming – soothing in a way that it leaves yourself at ease for the uncertainty of tomorrow.
When death comes knocking at your door and eventually leaves without taking your soul — it leads you to contemplate things. Regardless, none of those thoughts made you feel remorse but rather it deluges you in bothering what-ifs. As much as you despise such notions, it just keeps haunting you in circles.
You volunteered to be the watcher for the night, and it is a good way for you to savor the harmony of the ambience before it turns into a raucous morning led by the captain. Everyone is tired from the skirmish caused by the firmness of your group to take back a member. In the grasps of the Yonkou – Big Mom is where all of you almost had your death, every time you tried to swallow the fear of recalling those seconds it just makes you shiver in fear.
It was a nerve-wracking experience, to say the least.
“When you’re absorbed with musing, isn’t it better if you would have some dessert to go along with it?”
You followed the source of the voice only to see the person whose presence you’ve come to miss since the division of the group at Dressrosa.
“I hear you,” you chortled, straightening your seat.
The atmosphere of The Sunny has always been home to you, but when the unexpected departure of one of your nakama the ship has been stale, everyone felt the despair of having a missing crew.
You helped him with the tray he carried and placed it beside you; there it was – your favorite drink and dessert, freshly made by the ship’s cook.
Before you could utter something, Sanji sat beside the tray that is placed in between you two. “… And of course, a company for hearing the penny of your thoughts.”
Amused by his confidence in wooing women, you chuckled. Of all those he had shown affection, you were one of those less women who would pay no heed about it, although sometimes, Nami would smack Sanji for you.
“Aren’t you supposedly resting?” you turned to the food he brought, “I know how tired everyone is – including you, so have your rest. A storm is brimming, and you must have all the rest that you can get.”
“Leaving you here, alone? No way, I cannot allow that.”
Apart from his respect and admiration towards women, you know how persistent Sanji is, especially when it comes to his nakama he’s always attentive, but an exception comes around typically when it is mainly about the green haired swordsman – Zoro, whom he never fails to show his unequivocal antagonism. He’ll save everyone if you and the rest are drowned on the sea but as long as someone is still there to save Zoro’s ass, then he’ll enjoy his cup of tea before the pleasurable view of Zoro’s struggle.
“Sanji,” picking the cup of coffee, your gaze fixed at him. “I can handle myself very well. Sunny is safe with me, I assure you.”
Leaning against the foremast, Sanji hums – acknowledging your claims. “I know but it wouldn’t hurt to accompany a lady, would it?”
Instead of arguing, you just let him with his desire. There is no point in rejecting his kindness, you are not going to win especially when he sets his mind on it. It has always been like this whenever you’re on patrol for the night, Sanji would accompany you — not that you despise it, as-a-matter of fact, his presence is relaxing to be around. Contrary to his usual demeanors around women, Sanji is a sensible person to talk to — a fact that you have come to notice for quite some time.
“You could simply say that you missed my company,” a soft tittered escaped from you.
Sanji laughs at your plain-spoken character; he has always been fascinated with your outspoken behavior. Most times, it stupefies him but in a good way; you can leave him gob smacked for all he cares.
“Touché,” he surrenders.
Every night when Sanji troubles himself to stay awake just to accompany you - was also the time that the two of you would talk over things that aren’t relevant to the adventures and plans of the crew. It can be the simplest: what would you be if Luffy didn’t invite you to be part of the crew? Or how vast the sky is compared to the deepness of the sea —to the concept of rationality when it comes to practicality.
Tucking a hair behind your ear, you glanced at the sky with myriads of stars that shared your calmness. “Even the sky just seems to be at ease of everything; I hope it is a portent to what’s waiting for us at the Land of Wano.”
“Does it scare you?”
“Ahuh,” you replied, still admiring the view above. “I don’t know what will happen, but I know we will survive…” lowering your gaze, a hint of fragility was evident through your eyes. “But there is nothing that horrifies me the most with the idea of having an incomplete crew.”
At the sight of fear from your eyes, Sanji recalled how you bawled your eyes to sleep back at the events in Water Seven, and how you were shaking as you tried to compose yourself with the idea of Usopp and Luffy’s fight. In addition to that, were his sudden departure and the confrontation between Luffy. It wasn’t just the navigator whom he scared; apart from Nami, you were shaken down to your core with the happenings that weaved out before your eyes. Unlike with your friend’s reaction, all you could do was to witness everything as your feet were glued to the ground — allowing yourself to shut down.
Sanji breaks the eye-contact, “I’m sorry,” he says. He couldn’t usher himself to look at you — knowing all too well how fragile you are when it comes to the crew. He knew how you suffered back at Water Seven, and he knows how heavy it was for you – along with the rest– to endure all those times of taking him back.
“Let’s not talk about the things that should be buried under the ground.”
Sanji’s eyes were still pierced on the ground. He and Nami already had a talk back at the island, but you on the other hand were not around in those times — trapped and ironically safe in the mirror world where you were located, with the unwavering hope of leaving the island with an accomplished agenda.
This was the first night of conversing in a talk with Sanji since taking him back from the Yonkou.
“I’m just glad that you��re back to us.”
Widened eyes, you met Sanji’s expression with a smile brimming with tenderness. It stayed like that for a while before a liquid in shade of red slowly came out of his nose and blasted him from his seat.
“I-I c-can’t… w-w-with the grandeur before m—” blood splats as he tried to recall how you were beaming with elegance, he was holding onto his bloody nose and kneeling on the ground, taken by your sight. “T-this is too… much.”
From your seat, you just chuckled at his comedic reaction. Really, you couldn’t stand men fawning over you whenever you docked at an island, but with the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates, you could let it slide.
Later on, when he finally regains composure and you stopped teasing him, afraid that he might suffer from loss of blood (and to prevent everyone from panicking, especially Chopper, since he has a rare blood), there was a long silence between the two, only the clinking of utensils against the plate and the sound of crumpling wrapper. Savoring the sweetness of the dessert, you turned to the person beside you with a spoon still in your mouth. A sudden frown crossed your face, it was an odd sight and for sure if the crew would see what you just saw, they would be mouth agape.
Sanji was eating a candy–mint with a wrapper crumpled in his hands. Unaware with the pair of eyes fixated at him, you seized the opportunity to study his bearing. It just then hits you, a gesture of him that he does whenever he’s with you, or that you’re near him.
“Why are you not smoking?” you popped up, tilting your head with an innocent look. “It always puzzles me how you never bring a cigar with you whenever we talk…” you placed your palm on his forehead – feeling his temperature. “You’re not sick either… should I ask Chopper to look after you?”
“Don’t you like the smell of cigarettes?”
Sanji has thought about it a lot of times, he notices how you gently waved your hand in the air when the smoke of his cigarette comes in contact with you. As he tries to understand you further, he has come to learn that you were never a fan of cigarettes, but you never said anything about it, making you almost too good for everyone. Therefore, he had to stay far from you, because Sanji knew that you would not say anything about it.
Although when he finally noticed it, unfortunately–for– him, Zoro also knows about it which explains why the green head would ask for your assistance (even if it wasn’t necessary) or he would call you just to make the cook stay as far away as possible. Because Zoro knows that Sanji would do anything for a woman, but sometimes their not–so–subtle bickering would end up a smack from Nami, one scenario was when the time — out of annoyance, Sanji blew all the smoke from his cigarette towards Zoro’s face which well… resulted in another fight.
Regardless of how Zoro makes you his human shield, Sanji is still willing to compromise for your sake, and by all means with the intent of getting back at the swordsman.
You nodded, contemplating as you held the cup of coffee he placed on top of the wooden bench that encircled the mast, “I don’t, yes — but I could make an exception,” you simply quipped, making a tight-lipped smile at the cook.
“And I could do the same,” he says before turning to the sky, savoring the mint flavor of the candy that he stole at the island where his nakama picked him.
If anyone ever knew the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates, they would answer three things: a great (worthless — Zoro’s description) cook, strong, and definitely he has a thing for women. Although some of it is true, in your eyes there's more to it — more than what everyone can ever think.
He has things for women but the shades of him are thick enough to be confused on who he truly is; Vinsmoke Sanji has never said anything a thing or two about it. Under the hue of the blue moon, he carefully took your hand and guided you to explore his identity in every possibility. This interlude from the imminent uncertainty of life allows you to see the different perspective of the picture because amongst everyone, in your presence is where Sanji's cards are exposed.
#blackleg sanji#vinsmoke sanji#one piece fic#one piece x you#one piece x reader#one piece#one piece fanfiction#sanji x reader#sanji x you#sanji fluff
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Hi! How are you doing? I hope you're doing well! This is my first request so tell me if I'm not following the rules. I'd like to ask for a one-shot reiju x fem reader where the reader is a straw hat. Thank you very much😊
Your request was ok! It was a real challenge to write this since the Whole Cake arc was really, really complicated and every time Reiju appears it’s an important scene in the story, but I love her <3. Hope you like it!
Warnings: spoilers for the mentioned arc, mentions of Reiju’s leg injury | this is a sfw one shot, but miiiiiight make a 2nd part when I get some inspiration on how to include the reader in another interaction with our beloved princess.
The first encounter with the Germa 66 was completely unexpected. No one was mentally prepared to meet Sanji’s family when they made their appearance. Not when your captain was just about to die from poisoning. It was even more shocking when the pink-haired woman jumped aboard the Thousand Sunny, landing just a mere feet away from you, besides Luffy’s body. Her blue eyes scanned his body, quickly identifying the venom in his system. Your own gaze focused on her form, wary of what she could do, but at the same time mesmerized by her astonishing beauty and elegance.
An audible gasp left your mouth when she lowered her head and began sucking the substance from your captain’s own mouth. It was a rollercoaster of emotions: admiration, for discovering someone capable of kissing him, of all people. Disgust, for seeing someone kissing him. Annoyance, at Chopper and Brook obnoxious screaming. Worry, for not knowing what the poison could do to her body. Confusion, when the wings in her attire began to react and the rash appeared in her cheeks. Her cheeks… You couldn’t help but wonder if her skin was as soft as it looked, making heat rush through your own.
Once she broke the contact, your eyes darted to her parted lips as steam seemed to escape from her glossy mouth. This didn’t go unnoticed by her, so as she stood up to allow Chopper to examine Luffy, she was looking directly into you, winking once she presented herself as “Poison Pink”. The world seemed to have stopped for a brief second. You simply stood there while your crewmates cried over Luffy’s miraculous recovery. “Did she just wink at... me?” A strange sensation settled down in the pit of your stomach, wondering why she noticed the woman with the most ghost-like aura of the entire crew. You didn’t even have a bounty to begin with.
Almost fainting at your own thoughts, you quietly listened to her interactions with the rest of the crew, secretly hoping that she could direct her attention to you once more. But you had to concentrate, you were currently on a mission to save Sanji, her brother. This wasn’t the moment to fall for your heart’s desires.
Despite your brief moment of determination, all you could think about was her silky looking hair, her long, defined legs, her beautiful blue eyes, and her plump, seducing lips. Getting her out of your mind was going to be harder than you thought.
And it was. Even after all you went through the following days, running into Pudding herself, trying to cross the Seducing Woods without dying in the hands of Cracker and Brulee or even when you witnessed the heartbreaking fight between Sanji and Luffy, you found yourself constantly thinking about her, sneaking glances in her direction, secretly hoping that she would interfere once again. But she didn’t.
You barely managed to slip away from the gruesome encounter against the Charlotte family without being noticed. Too discrete to be caught, yet too tired to run too far away. You barely managed to hide beneath some of the severed remains of King Baum before collapsing to the ground, consciousness slowly leaving your body while you could only watch your crewmates being brutally crushed and captured by your enemies.
Heavy drops of water constantly fell on your face, managing to wake you up in the middle of the night. I took you a few seconds to remember what happened and where you were, scanning your surroundings to make sure it was safe to get out. With trembling limbs, you managed to quietly get up, still wary in case someone saw you. Fortunately, it was too dark and rainy to be seen, so you decided on being brave, making your way to the castle in an attempt to find any of your currently lost crewmates.
“This is my lucky night!” you thought, as you soon found yourself just a few meters away from Pudding’s own bedroom window and right in front of her, was the woman of your dreams: Reiju herself, but your hopes quickly shattered when you saw the bleeding wound in her leg and the brunette laughing in her face. You couldn’t even process what you were seeing before sensing footsteps coming in your direction. Quickly enough, you hid between the bushes nearby, surprised to see a gleaming Sanji with a bouquet of flowers and a basket.
Your heart clenched, he had betrayed your captain, no, your entire crew just this evening, and now he seemed so happy… And to add more to your feelings your crush was also injured and trapped inside a room with a potential psychopath. Unaware of your presence, Sanji began paying attention to what was going on inside the room, and so did you.
The truth came crashing into both of you like a meteorite. Damn Pudding and her lunatic family. Now not only were your crewmates in danger, but the entire Vinsmoke family was planned to be murdered. You knew there was no way out of this situation if you were to continue being separated, so you hesitantly took a step out and showed yourself in front of the blonde. His soaked eyes met yours in silent, mutual understanding. No words needed to be said in the moment.
Eventually, Sanji helped you get inside the castle. He was a bit shocked that you had already met Reiju, and his mood lightened a bit when you told him you had a crush on his sister, happy that at least you found someone as trustworthy and good hearted as her.
After sneaking inside the infirmary, Reiju soon woke up, surprised to see you and her dear brother there, but then she remembered her injured leg. Then, Sanji and Reiju exchanged what they both knew. It felt awkward for you, this was a matter that involved them as a family, you didn’t even know what to say, glad that for now, they had seemed to forget about you. During these few minutes of them talking, you learned more about both of them than you had ever dreamed of. The way Reiju spoke her mind about her family and her wishes for her brother, only made you fall deeper for her.
A smooth voice brought you out of your daze “Hey, are you alright?” Lifting your head, you realized that Sanji had already left, too busy with his own mind to even remember you were also there. You felt your cheeks burning at the realization that you were now alone with the very same woman who had been plaguing your mind this entire time. Shyly, you averted her eyes, she was quietly observing you, her magnificent eyes scanned your form. Once again, you were in an awkward position, what were you supposed to tell her? You certainly weren’t fine, every muscle in your body was sore from running and passing out in the ground under a tree, your poor heart had also felt too many strong emotions, which brought you to the verge of tears again.
With a kind smile, Reiju motioned you to walk over to her bed. Curious of what she could possibly want from you, you swiftly approached her, almost tumbling over when her hand suddenly grabbed your arm and bent you over to her face level. Your shocked expression amused her, making her release a soft giggle before tenderly cupping your face with both hands.
“How rude of my little brother to leave behind such a lovely lady” Her right thumb began to slowly rub your skin, giving herself time to think what to say next, but before she could continue, your mouth moved on its own. “May I give you a kiss?” Not expecting her to take you seriously, your surprise was big when her soft, warm lips pressed against yours. The contact only lasted a few seconds, but to you, it felt like traveling to another dimension and coming back.
“I certainly didn’t expect you to be so bold, but I’m glad you asked. You’ve been living in my mind ever since we met the other day. Maybe it’s just a momentary thing, maybe it can be something else, but as you already know, everything will end tomorrow for us.” You quietly listened to her words, understanding what she meant. “I think you should go, perhaps you can catch up with Sanji in the hallways. You need to reunite with your friends. Please, take care, and take care of my dear brother as well” A sigh left your chest once she finished.
Taking her hand into yours, you deposited a small kiss on its back, muttering a soft “As you wish, my princess” before heading to the door.
“Wait. As my last wish, I want to know your name.”
Without turning, you simply said “I’ll tell you tomorrow” and walked out the door.
Your mission was now to find your crewmates and stop the wedding at all costs. It wasn’t an option.
#vinsmoke reiju#reiju x reader#one piece#one piece x reader#geerma 66#vinsmoke reiju x reader#one piece one shot#vinsmoke sanji#whole cake island#whole cake arc
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H-hi do u think I could get a drabble or hc of sanji comforting his s/o who just lost her aunt...I just lost my aunt a few hours ago and I'm still in shock and in need of comfort, if not then it's fine thank u tho🥺❤
A/N: Hello dear~!!! And yes, you can get it for sure~!! And sorry for the late reply~
First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope that you stay strong during this time, I'm sure that your aunt won't love to see you sad as well💕
I hope this scenario comforts each reader who had lost someone close to their hearts, please stay strong y'all 🌸
Here you go and i hope it comforts you~
(Y/F/M/N)= Your Family Member Name
Sanji comforting his S/O who just lost a family member Headcanons

During your journey in the New world's ocean, your island was one of the upcoming destination that you had to stop at
Its not just bcs its your next stop, but because its your island, and everyone was interested to know more about the place that you came from, and how does your hometown looks like
Especially a certain blonde gentleman, he was so eager to know more about you his girlfriend and the way you lived there. He wants to know everything about you, and your island is his best opportunity to discover new things about you
Docking by the island, you excitedly rushed out of sunny go running towards your most awaited place, yes your home and family, "Everyone!!! You can explore the island, I'll meet up with my family and join you later, See yaaa~!" You said as you disappeared from their eye sight.
Everyone including Sanji smiled and waved at you, and then each one of them went to do their own tasks, getting supplies to be more specific. And here you are, smiling ear to ear standing infront of your Family house, ready to go inside and surpise them by your presence
Opening the door, you found no one in the ground floor, you were confused, " Maybe they aren't home yet?" You told yourself, until you heard far vocies coming from upstairs, and you enthusiastically rushed up
Until you slowly stopped on your tracks, seeing all of your family members gathered around in one room, " W-what happened?" You questioned yourself as you approached them
This is when you saw (Y/F/M/N) laying soulless on the bed with everyone in a standing their with a melancholic expression, you were shocked...you couldn't believe that they just passed away right in front of you, so eventually you broke in tears
Ever since then, 2 days have already passed, and you haven't returned to sunny until now, everyone was getting super worried about you, especially Sanji, who kept searching for you everywhere.
Until that night, you finally came back, Sanji was the first to approach you worried as hell, " (Y/N)-chan ?! Sweetie wherr have you been??! We were super worried about you-", he was cut off by you passing him, you couldn't hear him actullay its not like you did it on purpose
Your head was blank, and the lump in your throat was growing bigger and bigger everytime you were reminded by the misfortune, you couldn't let out whats inside of you during the funeral, you had to stay strong for the sake of your other family members, bcs you all share the same pain now.
You walked to your shared bedroom with Sanji unintentionally ignoring all of your worried nakamas, they were confused, but little you knew, they all figured out that sth must happened to you during these 2 days
At first Sanji decided to wait for you until you come and tell him what happen yourself, but he soon changed his mind after seeing that you have been so silent refusing to have meals, or basically coming out of your bedroom
When everyone went to sleep that night, Sanji showered and immediately came to your shared bedroom, he knocked the door few times, when he didn't get a response, he let himself inside only to find you sitting in the corner of the room in a fatal position
His heart shattered at your sight, he hated to see your wistful expression, the first thing that came to his mind is that someone have must hurted you and god he was ready to fight them here an right now.
You were drowned in your negative thoughts, if you had just arrived a bit earlier, you would have-, you bit your lips as these thoughts rushed to your head until they were Interrupted by Sanji who was crouching infront of you.
" (Y/N)-chwan, Sweetie..whats wrong? Did someone dared and hurted you? Tell me I 'll teach them an unforgettable lesson", he asked as he caressed your cheeks, you lifted your head and stared at him with your crocodile teared eyes
Now Sanji was taken a back, he didn't expect to see your tears, but he immediately pulled you into a tight hug, his anger was in its utmost agitation, if it was Someone who hurted you, he sweared that he'll kill them for doing this to you, but decided to first listen to you in order to figure out the reason for your sadness
He soothingly rubbed your back with one hand and the other was tangled between your hairlines, he asked you softly once again, " Sweetheart, what's wrong hmm? Tell me why are you crying...?", Your hand clenched around his shirt as you buried your head even more in his chest
" Sanji...I.. (Y/F/M/N) ....one of my family members.....they ...they passed away right in front of me...i couldn't even say goodbye.....If I was there a bit earlier...I would have-" you let out before getting cut by a loud sob that was heard all over the ship
Again, Sanji was taken a back by what you said, this is the last thing he expected to be one of the reasons for your sorrow, he tightned his arms around, he enveloped you as if he's protecting you from this crule world
" its...its my fault...I -I" you managed to say beofre sobbing once again, Sanji parted and cupped your cheek, he wiped your tears with his thumbs and spoke up, " (Y/N)-chan, my sweetheart, its not your fault, its wasn't and will not be your or anyone else's fault, so please don't blame yourself, I'm sure that up there, they don't want to see you in pain as well, I know its hard and difficult to believe, but this is not in our hands and its will never be our fault, Now come here and let it all out, if it makes you feel better, then I'll be right here until you overcome it"
Sanji pulled you once again to his embrace after kissing your forehead, eventually you fell asleep in his arms, you were mentally, physically and emotionally tired, but Without feeling it, you found peace in his warmth.
Soon He picked you up in a bridal style and gently placed you on the bed, as he slipped next to you, bringing you even closer and brushing his soft lips on yours, it was said that he never slept that night, he played with your hair, caressed your cheeks and puffed eyes, when he heard your soft whines in your sleep, he massaged your body gently, he sure blammed himself for not figuring it out sooner, but he promised himself to be right by your side in this hard time until over come this loss
Sanji Never failed to comfort you whenever you were in agony, and you were glad that you had him in your life 💙
#one piece#one piece strawhats#one piece scenarios#one piece imagine#one piece x reader#sanji#sanji x reader#sanji scenario#sanji imagine
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Yes! Some male reader stuff! How about some nice and easy (bc I feel embarrassed lmaoo) just Monster Trio with a Male s/o! Little random ideas that you have lol. I don’t really mind if it dosent follow a story!
The Monster Trio With A Male! S/O
A/N : haha, don’t be. Thanks for requesting, and hopefully in the future, you have some more specific requests in mind. :DD hope you like this.
note : these are pretty general relationship headcannons. These are also short and quick, so I’m sorry ;-; hopefully, next time, you can give some more.. specific details? 😅😣
Summary : what life would be like if the monster trio had a male significant other.
Luffy does not give a shit about your gender.
He really doesn’t. He just wants someone who can share the same energy as him and be strong, willing to put your life on the line.
He just loves the danger and loves someone who’s willing to challenge life and death with him.
Luffy hadn’t really thought about having a significant other, so he didn’t really think of a preference of gender, but then again, to him, it didn’t matter. Does it matter what gender you are? As long as you love the person, it’s fine and it doesn’t matter.
So when you admit to him your crush on him, he’s a bit dense of course, so he says the same until you clarify what you mean. When you do, Luffy comes to a realization and thinks a bit. Makino had told him confessions like these were important, so he decides to confess to you properly.
And properly.. in Luffy’s way. Which is him, standing on the Sunny’s head and facing the upper deck where the whole crew sat, and he shouts at the top of his lungs. He’d be staring at you as he shouts to the world that he wants you to be his. That he accepts your confession and he wants to be with you as well.
Regardless of your reaction or the crew’s, Luffy would just laugh and have a wide grin across his face as he hops down to in front of you and wraps his arms around you, his smile becoming softer and warmer.
He’d place his hat over your head and ignore the shouts and grins of the others towards him and his action and become so cheery when you thank him and hold his hand or something, however you react—
To Luffy, the benefits of having a male significant other, is that you two can bathe together without worrying about.. bodies being seen. Of course, only if you’re comfortable with it, but he likes bathing with you.
His favorite activity though, is just playing pranks on Usopp and Chopper, even Zoro, together. Just playing jokes and making each other laugh by doing stupid things with each other whilst getting reprimanded by Nami for being loud and messing around too much.
And he loves exploring. He’s naturally curious about most things, so when the crew comes to a new island, the first thing he does and wrap an arm around you and jump off to run into what he hopes is a new adventure.
But then again, anything that he gets to do with you and learning new cool things is always an adventure to him. As long as he gets to spend time with you anyhow, makes him joyful and happy. :D
Honestly, Sanji would be the most.. iffy? About being in a homosexual relationship. But after quite a bit of bonding and actually getting to know you, Sanji would be head over heels.
At first, Sanji would question himself a bit, since he’s always grown to love women, so this change is sudden and overwhelming for him.
Then he might question you a bit, because he naturally assumes that all men would like females like him, but he doesn’t judge.
When he hears about your interest in men, or even your crush on Sanji, he becomes a bit flustered and extremely confused and avoids you at times.
But soon enough, the support and assurance from both you and his crewmates will let him know that this is okay and you’ll be there waiting when he’s ready.
Eventually, Sanji becomes pretty glad to have a male significant other. Like Luffy and Zoro, his instinct tells him that since you’re a man, you’re quite strong and he’s glad he doesn’t have to worry too much about you getting hurt,
But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t drop everything for you. If he sees even a scratch on your, asses are getting kicked with his diable Jambé.
His way of confessing when he finally gets the courage, of course, is during the night, where he can really just enjoy his time with you and give you a candlelit dinner before taking a stroll around the ship, or around the coast of an island they docked at.
He’ll apologize for thinking and taking so long, before pulling your hand to his lips and admitting his admiration for you and list all of your amazing traits and even the flaws that he adores.
Sanji would treat you as he does with every woman, maybe even more or even less. He’s not afraid to stand beside you and tell everyone you’re his. Sanji loves you.
He loves to teach you cooking, and seeing you wear his apron when he’s teaching makes his heart beat quicker, because it’s so cute. If anyone even dares to tease you about it, he’s going to kick ass before you can even blink.
Actually, Sanji would be even more glad to have a male significant other, because you would be like his best friend too. With women, he feels like he has to constantly be showing affection for them,
But with a male, with you, Sanji can actually be comfortable and enjoy long talks and jokes late at night together. He can just share a cup of tea or two with you and talk all night about anything and just truly be close and comfortable with one another, instead of how he acts with women.
“I feel like I can talk about anything with you. You make me feel comforted, safe and loved. Thank you for choosing and being with me, even if I took a while to take in your confession.”
Zoro doesn’t give a damn about your gender either, he’s just never thought about it. His mind is never on a relationship, but his goal, his swords, his sake, and sleep.
So when it comes to having a significant other, a male one at that, he doesn’t give it much thought so he doesn’t really care.
but I will say, he does like having a male significant other.
He understands both men and women are extremely strong, you can’t compare the two genders, but seeing you and having a male s/o reassures him just how tough you are and sees it as a challenge, especially if you’re willing to spar with him.
Training sessions are a breeze, depending on your personality. If you’re a fighter, he does not hold back a bit, and he doesn’t want you to either. He’s going all out and if he loses? He’s annoyed at first before he finds it as a challenge and several more rounds happen after that.
If you’re not so much of a fighter, Zoro respects that but you have to be somewhat strong right? Otherwise Luffy wouldn’t really have invited you on board... if you need help and want to train, Zoro is there. He doesn’t go easy on you at all, but he encourages you in his own way, the best he can.
Zoro would confess to you bluntly, while you two are out patrolling or out hunting for whatever on a island the crew comes by. The two of you would be alone and he’d just say it.
Of course, he may also be awkward about it since he’s actually committing into a relationship, and he doesn’t talk about the details, he just straight up confesses, and the two of you are together.
Zoro actually rather likes having a male significant other, because one, he’s not quite.. good with ladies. He’d be awkward, unsure of what to say but with a guy, he feels more comfortable and relaxed.
He’d love sharing a cup of sake and just drinking and talking the night away, cracking jokes whilst sitting by the window or just out in the open air late at night. If he’s really drunk, you’ll find him talking about some deep stuff with you, and maybe professing his admiration and love for you. DON’T mention it in the morning.
Zoro’s favorite activity with you would probably be attacking enemies, if it wasn’t sleeping. Just any time the crew comes cross an enemy, you and Zoro are side by side and brutally slicing or knocking them down swiftly. Partners in crime, always up first to volunteer to take care of it.
Although Zoro does enjoy having the fun time to himself, he enjoys it even more doing it with you, because you two really compliment and work with each other, which he loves. It’s always a fun workout and challenge for you both, and plus, he’d make a bet on it, on who takes down the most.
“You up for a challenge, [Name]? There’s about 50 of them. It’s winter, so how about the loser sleeps on deck without any warmth?”
you take the challenge and either way, you’re both going to sleep together with a blanket anyways—
A/N : hope you enjoyed!! :DD I’m sorry if this is a bit messed up or like, not what you wanted / expected.. sorry for the delay too ;-;
This was pretty difficult. Ngl, because these seem more gender-neutral than male, 😅 so I’m really sorry.
#tooweirdforyou#one piece#one piece x reader#op x reader#x reader#op#luffy x reader#sanji x reader#zoro x reader#monkey d. luffy x reader#monkey d. luffy#vinsmoke sanji#vinsmoke sanji x reader#roronoa zoro x reader#roronoa zoro
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hiya!!!can I ask for a scenario with some angsttt?😂😂I was thinking maybe sanji got hurt in a fight and was hiding his injuries but his fem!s/o found out? thanks so much in advance!! (I don't rly like nsfw smut stuff I just love angsty stuff for some reason loool)
(´• ω •`) ♡ Hey yo!! Thanks a bunch for requesting! I got so upbeat reading your ask since we all love Sanji, so I couldn’t wait to write it! Like you, I find myself appreciating writing/reading angst stuff lately so... your request came in handy !! I hope you enjoy it, have a nice and safe day! <3
I’d never think of you as a failure
Sanji x fem!reader
Summary: Sanji has been acting weird since he came back from an exploration mission. Thanks to that, an excruciating event happened between you and Sanji. Obviously, you couldn’t help but try to figure out what’s going on with him. Sanji’s cheeling past with his family certainly has to do with it. Well, at least he has you to count on.
Warnings: angst, disagreements, troubled past
Word count: ~1.7k

"I miss him..." You mumble to yourself as soon as you wake up, seeing the left side of your bed empty.
It's been a few days since Sanji, your boyfriend, left the ship with Luffy, Robin, Franky, and Law's crew to explore an island. The band split into two groups to streamline the process of going in search of the blue poneglyphs. Consequently, you and the rest of the crew are in charge of keeping tabs on the ship, while the other group is using Law's submarine since all of you agreed to meet at the next island.
You and the others have been waiting for the rest of the crew as you already arrived on the encounter island four days ago.
"Good morning, Nami." You greet the Straw hats' navigator while you approach Sunny's aquarium. She is sitting on the bench, "Morning, Y/N!". You both start a conversation, then you bring up the subject of the rest of the crew's members comeback, showing your worries about Sanji's safety. "I can't stand it anymore. I miss him so freaking much." You say as you cross your arms, with your hands gripping upper them. "I guess I've been used to be by his side." Nami can't help but give you a sad look. She tries to comfort you by saying they will arrive when you least expect it.
Suddenly, You hear someone yells, "THEY'RE HERE!! LUFFY AND THE OTHERS!!"
"Oh my god. And I want to earn a hundred million bellies!" Nami jokes as soon as she realizes the amused fluke. You don't hesitate a second and run towards the room's door in an attempt to check if it's true, with your heart pounding out of your chest, utterly desperate.
You see Usopp in the ship's mainmast, with his hands screening his eyes from the sun's light as he tries to get a better view of the group coming. He can't stop smiling and screaming about the other group's return, giving you a glad feeling.
"Oi!! Oi, oi, oi!" It's Luffy, happily waving at all of you. Your eyes automatically start looking for Sanji in the crowd. As soon as you see your boyfriend, without a second thought, you run towards him, immediately jumping out of Sunny, "Sanji!!".
When Sanji notices you, a smile from ear to ear on his face appears. He opens his arms, implying to give you a tight hug.
Quickly, you hug him. The warmth you feel when you both embrace each other is incomparable, "I missed you." Sanji whispers as he holds you.
When you are about to let go of the embrace, you slowly rub your arm over Sanji's right shoulder, "Ouch!" Sanji unintentionally lets out, as if he was in pain. "What happened??" You worriedly ask. "It's Nothing, Y/N-chan." Sanji grins while he tucks a lock of your hair behind your ear, "I'm okay. Don't worry." You can't help but fret about him. Still, you pass this matter over for a while.
Thereabout eight hours have passed since Luffy's group return. Since then, you've been spending this whole time with Sanji.
You are sitting on a bench in front of the kitchen countertop while you watch Sanji cooking the banquet for the celebration later, "You look tired.", you say with a concerned voice tone as you fold your hands together on the countertop. "How long has it been since you've slept decently?" Sanji scratches his neck with his index finger, "I'm not tired, Y/N-chan." Sanji replies while he puts some flour on the tip of your nose, leaving it entirely white. So then, he chuckles. "I've been sleeping well, don't worry." Afresh, he smiles, but you know he's hiding something from you. Sanji is unsettled, for sure.
The big celebration starts, lots of food all over the dinner table, which follows the Straw hats' classic menu: basically, the favorite dish of each one of the members. All of these, prepared by your sweet boyfriend and, also, the best cooker you've ever met, Sanji.
Luffy approaches the table, his mouth drooling for complete. Expectedly, he starts eating a piece of meat. When suddenly he asks with his mouth full, "Where's Sanji?" He's right. Sanji said he was quickly going to go to the room of you both about 45 minutes ago. You lean back and look up, wondering why Sanji is taking so long. Owing to that, you get up from your seat, "I'm gonna go call him."
An anxiety awareness comes as you walk towards your room. You don't know why, but you are having an awful feeling about Sanji's absence; a quickened breath takes over your lungs. Perhaps this is due to his behavior since he arrived. Genuinely, you know that he is not well, and it worries the hell out of you.
Even though it's also your room, you try to respect Sanji's privacy, considering that you don't know what he is doing inside there.
In reason of that, you knock on the door. No answer. You try it again. Still no answer. You do it five more times, and Sanji doesn't reply.
So you decide to come in.
You gradually open the door as you murmur, "Sanji?"
You take slow steps on the wooden floor. Sanji is not in the main room, so you call on his name using a louder voice, "Sanji!". Suddenly, a noise comes from the bathroom.
You immediately head over there. Hence, a feeling of shock erodes your body as you see Sanji failing to try to hide a big bruise on his right shoulder. You can't stop looking at the wound as you put your hands over your mouth in shock. The wound is really bad. It looks like it was an extremely strong punch's blow or something like that. Apparently, the injury has been there for about a week, so it's not recent. That is, Sanji was hiding it from you.
Sanji freezes and stares at you with wide eyes and raised eyebrows, " Y/N-chan..." His voice, a stuttering timbre. "Why didn't you tell me?" You ask him as you crease your brow and twist your mouth, trying to think of a logical reason that explains why he'd done that.
Sanji is simply shocked. He presses his fingers firmly against the palm of his hand. As if he is holding on to the urge to do something he doesn't want at all. Unexpectedly, his eyes flood with tears. Sanji was holding back the urge to cry. Cry in front of you.
"No, don't cry!! I hate it when you cry!!" You give him the saddest look you've ever had. He's paralyzed from head to toe. The only movement you see as you look at him is the tears running down his cheeks.
"Sanji!!!!" You shout to him while you fight back the craving to cry. Hands lead to your forehead as you feel your bloodstream on fire. Sanji is not saying a thing. He is doing nothing but cries and staring at you while he does so. "God...This is breaking my heart." Your voice is in a whiney tone, implying an inevitable shedding of tears. Then, eventually, your eyes well up.
"J-just talk to me...Please." You beg. Sanji shakes his head slightly as if he is trying to take a kind of stupor away. He glances at you with a fake smile, "I'm sorry for not telling you." He wipes his tears with his left hand, "I don't know why I cried." Sanji artificially chuckles, "I'm okay."
The cooker is lying to you again, so you confront him, "Stop telling me you're okay!!!!!" You exclaim. Sanji looks surprised at you. Then you add, "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong." And when he opens his mouth to answer you, you interrupt him, "And don't try lying to me again." You give him a severe look.
A bleak silence takes over the bathroom for about 10 seconds. Sanji keeps staring at you, hesitating to speak the truth.
But then, he decides to blow off steam to you. "I got hurt in a fight." He looks down, avoiding your glance, "I didn't wanna you to think..." A line appears between your brows. "To think I'm weak." He looks back at you, "Damn it! How pathetic am I for crying like a baby in front of you??!" Sanji sighs as he palms his forehead.
You give Sanji a once-over, "Sanji!!!". He wide-eyed stares at you, "Why would you think that??" You can't help but be nervous, "I can't..." You cross your arms, "I can't just sit by and do nothing when obviously you're suffering." Further, Sanji is hesitating again. He lights a cigarette as a down look fills his face. When, finally, he confesses, "My family... used to treat me like..." Sanji blows a cigarette smoke, "... like a failure because they thought I wasn't strong enough." Sanji admits as he squeezes his eyes shut, fighting back his tears. "I don't wanna you to think I'm a failure and to doubt my strength as they did." He adds, "That's why I hid my injuries from you." Sanji quivers his lips as you gradually approach him.
"Sanji..." you mumble his name while you walk towards him. He opens his tearful eyes and gazes at you. When, suddenly, you hug him like you're never going to let him go, "I'd never, under any circumstances..." You look up, trying to maintain eye contact with him, "...Think of you as a failure." You smile with your eyes and mouth at him.
Sanji is shaken. Now he's crying again. But with joy. He can't stop smiling and crying at the same time. He holds you even more tightly in his arms; even though it is painful for his injured shoulder, he doesn't care. It's like he's anesthetized at the moment.
"Mmm...You're warm." He says.
The words you just said ended up comforting Sanji's traumatized and troubled soul. "Now, let me treat your injury properly." You ask him with a grin.
Later, you're sitting on the edge of the bed with Sanji as you bandage his injured shoulder. When, suddenly, you stop bandaging and then, you kiss it, "If I could..." You say as you look at Sanji's profile face, "I'd kiss away all of your scars." Lovingly, you smile at him. At last, Sanji looks back at you.
A pleasant silence fills the room as he presses his forehead against yours, "I love you." Sanji whispers.
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