#Gerard come back we miss you
fixxxd · 4 months
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5.11.24 prom pics 🫀🌹
not crazy about posting my face on here but i love these pics!
All the jewelry was really special to me. I made the black bracelet from a broken rosary. I wore my grandmothers necklace as well as this dress being a similar one that my grandmother wore to her prom <3 wish she could see me now
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getupcowardd · 11 months
mcr where are you!! get up coward!!! GET UP COWARD!!!!!!!!
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d3ad-on-arriva1 · 1 year
i feel like a little robot with rechargeable batteries but said batteries can only be recharged with images of gerard way. i am slowly running out of charge
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artistic-scribbles · 1 year
mcr fans: i love these guys! they’re so cool! I know everything about them and all the words to their songs!!!!!
p!atd fans: ryan ross
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 1 month
I've Come To A Conclusion.
I've been looking through 911 Season 8 Bingo cards trying to get ideas for mine and it seems we can all agree:
- Henren gets to adopt Mara. (as they should)
- Gerard needs to fuckin kick the bucket. (right after 118 fam malicious compliances the fuck out of him)
- Captain Dad will return to the 118. (where he belongs)
- Ravi needs more screen time. (yes, yes he does. give us our sweet chaotic gremlin)
- The bees are gonna rise up. (or something... idk can someone please explain it to me bc I am so lost under this rock)
- Chris is gonna come back. (obviously, I can never imagine a timeline where he doesn't)
- Madney is either gonna adopt, foster, or get pregnant. (please, give these two more children. they so deserve it)
- Clipboard Buck needs to return. (I can see him showing up to fuck with Gerard.)
- One of Buck's exes is gonna show up. (ngl I'm kinda rooting for an awkward Buck, Tommy, Abby moment...)
- Someone is gonna visit death's door. (opinions are mixed on who it's gonna be)
- The fact that Buck is in Eddie's will to get Chris will come up at some point. (I'm curious about how Eddie's parents will react)
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bunn-iiii · 6 months
mcr fans: *looking at a picture of Gerard Way in dress* remember how we used to run. I love them so much they're my wife and my everything and I miss them so much. come back gerard.....
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ziggyzolch · 6 months
Queen Bee-atch II (Regina George x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of weight, implied eating disorder, Insecurity. No numbers mentioned.
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"Class isn't over yet, I haven't dismissed you!" The teacher's demands fall on deaf ears as the students pack up before the lunch bell rings, eager to see their friends. Your first three classes were relatively uneventful, the only entertaining thing being this ginger girl you've never seen before attempting to leave class without permission. Your eyes scan the hallways after you exit the classroom. Janis and Damien are the only people you can tolerate at this school, so they're the only people you ever seek out. There they are.
You make your way through the crowded hallway and purposefully shoulder-bump your target.
"What is wrong with you- oh you asshole!" Janis curses lightheartedly. She pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead while you stand awkwardly with your hands at your sides. Instead of waiting for his turn, Damien joins in and wraps his arms around you and Janis. "I missed you guys so much!" You manage to get out while still in the bone crushing hug. "Where were you this whole summer? You went completely, like, radio silent." Damien asks with a suspicious look in his eyes. "Sorry, I got grounded for the whole summer. My mom found my cigarette stash." You confessed. "Idiot. Anyways, did you see that new girl?" Janis switches topics and Damien chimes in, "Yeah she's, like, a total disaster. We need to save her." Their words are background noise to you. You're staring through Janis, zoned out. Damien and Janis give each other a look.
"Hey what the hell!" You whine as you rub your forehead. "You weren't with us man, your eyes were drifting apart from each other and everything. Pretty sure I saw a bit of drool dribble out-" you lightly punch Janis before she can continue. "Yeah I was! You were saying something about that new girl. I think her name was 'Caddy' or something.", you defend. "She's a disaster, we should probably help her." Damien stares at you. "Babe, I just said that." Janis stares between you guys before interrupting. "Anyways...let's go look for her!"
Janis and Damien were your best, and only, friends. You wouldn't know what to do without them. As such, you basically stuck to them whenever you could in school. Following them to the cafeteria, you take your seats at your designated table. You spot female Ed Sheeran standing awkwardly in the middle of the cafeteria. She looks so stupid.
"Hey guys should we call her over?" You ask your friends. They stop their conversation and look at where you're pointing. Janis nods and yells out, "Hey ginger! What did you say her name was? Was it Caddy? Caddy!" The girl turns and points at herself, mouthing out a 'me?'. She comes over after we confirm and we all introduce ourselves. "...and that's Damien, he's almost too gay to function." Janis concludes. "So Cady, what do you think of the school so far?" You question. "Oh, I don't really know, I used to be homeschooled so I don't have much to compare it to." Cady replies.
You, Janis, and Damien all look at each other and back at her.
She raises an eyebrow.
You all begin going on about what to know about the high school: The best hiding places, teachers to avoid pissing off and such, and the various cliques in this school. "...and those are the sexually active band geeks. Don't walk too close, lest you get dragged into their never-ending orgy." You finish. Cady glances behind her and asks "What about them? They're kind of pretty." You all turn to see who she's looking at. "Oh honey, no no no, those are the plastics..." Damien goes on his little cautionary rant about how evil they are. You looked towards Cady and smiled while rolling your eyes.
While you're both giggling, your eyes lock onto Regina's...who is currently approaching your table. Perfect. "Hey, Gerard," Damien gives you a confused look at the name, "Who's this girl with you? Why don't I know you?"
You zone out looking at her when she turns away from you, gushing over Cady. You wish her attention was on you. Wait what- You're taken out of your reverie as Cady gets up and follows behind Regina towards her group. "Finally back to the present? What is up with you dude you've been out of it this whole day!" You shrug your shoulders at Janis and turn your gaze back to Regina. What's so great about 'Caddy' that caught the attention of Regina? You could look just as helpless if you wanted to, but you won't! Not on purpose anyways.
You get up.
"I'm going to the bathroom"
Janis replies while looking towards the plastics, "We'd come with, but we kind of want to see where this goes."
The sounds of her friends taking Cady through the requirements to be a Plastic fade as she makes her way to the bathroom. She had forgotten her pocket mirror and had to re-apply her lip gloss, duh. A stench that can only be accomplished by a high school bathroom gets stronger as she opens the door. She stops in her tracks when she sees you reapplying your mascara at the sink.
"Hey Brendon Urie."
You hadn't even noticed someone walking in.
"God, that's actually worse than Gerard." You look at her through the mirror.
She moves a bit closer, "You look so familiar."
"Must've seen me in your dreams," You say while awkwardly winking at her.
She raises an eyebrow, "No, I know you. I swear I do!"
"Well yeah, I'm the one and only Gerard Way! Lead singer of My Chemical Romance-"
"Enough," She rolls her eyes.
You finish up and make your way out of the bathroom, cautiously walking around her with your arms up. "You'll figure it out. Don't worry, Blondie."
She watches you exit the bathroom.
"Oh my god! Regina, remember this?" Regina glared at her mom as she continued trying to seem cool to her friends. She's known them for years! Why does she keep doing this? Cady looks at the book in Mrs. George's hands.
"What is that?"
"No way! We used this book to make fun of the freaks in our school. We'd tape photos of people then write down insults-"
"She understands, Gretchen. Can you get us some snacks, Mom?"
As Regina's mom walks out of the room, the girls are looking through the various insults in the book. They eventually land on a page with a picture of you and Janis.
'Janis, Pyro Lez' 'Y/N, puts in 110% effort because she takes up 110% of the room.'
Cady's eyes widen. "That's not even her." She says while looking at the picture of you.
"I think she moved schools, wait how do you know her?" Gretchen stops what she's doing to ask.
"I sit with her at lunch"
"What? There's no way, that Gerard Way girl?" Regina chimes in and moves from her spot at the mirror to look at the picture.
"Woah, did she just melt off half her body weight since freshman year?"
"I'm so jealous." Karen adds.
Regina stares at the picture of you. So that's why she knew you.
You, Damien, Janice and Cady are all gathered around at your locker. "...and it's just a collection of insults, basically." Cady had been giving a summary of the events from the previous day.
Janice's eyes go wide. "Does it say anything about me?"
"Uhm, nope. Nothing about you."
"Ugh, those bitches."
You didn't want to ask if you were in it. You had an idea of what the insults towards you could be, and you'd rather not have your suspicions confirmed.
The bell rings, interrupting the powwow. You all bid each other goodbye, and make your way to your classes. PE was your next period, and you couldn't wait. It was a break from all the thinking you had to do.
You head towards the gym after switching into your exercise clothes. Most of your clothes were oversized and baggy, including your gym ones. You hadn't really upgraded your wardrobe since you lost weight. Everybody was already in, gathered in a circle, so you pushed yourself in, not paying attention to who you were standing next to.
"Alright! Today, we'll be playing soccer! Or football, as some of you may call it." The PE teacher announces, mumbling the last part of his sentence. "We will work in pairs today, so find a pair. Or partner, I mean. Whatever, just get moving."
"I can't believe they assigned that guy to teach us Sex-ed." Was someone talking to you?
You look behind you to find Regina looking down at you with a...genuine smile on her face? That can't be right.
"Right! He gives off the same vibe as those Reddit incels."
"That's so funny."
Are you having a normal conversation? With the queen bitch?
"What did you call me?"
Oh shit, you said that out loud.
"Whatever, you wanna pair up? None of my friends are in this class, and you're the least annoying one here."
Thanks. You look around to make sure there are no other possible options. Regina rolls her eyes and grabs your arm, pulling you to an empty spot.
She was actually decent at football. You guys were practicing passing to each other while running and you were starting to feel lightheaded.
You waved to Regina, "Hey, I'm just going to get a sip of water."
"I'll come with."
"You should play football more often, you're more tolerable like this."
"Bold, are we?"
"I mean, I basically just called you a bitch and you haven't punched me in the face. So I'm right"
She laughed! What is up with her?
Regina enters the locker room and spots you with your shirt halfway up. You really did lose half your body weight. Guilt pierces through her. Freshman year Regina was cruel. Somehow crueler than she is now, and fat girls were just easy to bully. Did you drop weight because of her?
Your shirt had gotten snagged on both your necklace and bracelet. After watching you twist and wriggle around for a while, Regina deems you sufficiently embarrassed and walks towards you to help you out.
You feel someone pull your shirt up and off of you. You had made sure to go into the locker room after everyone had already left. So when you were finally free of your cloth prison and came face to face with Regina. You felt nauseous. Of everyone!
She looks you up and down and suddenly you're more self conscious than you've ever been. Wrapping your arms around your stomach, you mumble out a 'Thanks' and put on your other shirt then hurriedly pack up and rush out of the locker room, leaving a guilt-ridden Regina behind.
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yellow-berrys · 2 years
he's like that | sirius black x fem!reader
summary: Sirius Black is colder than ice, and you are not. where you slowly melt down his cool physiognomy and find your way into his heart. all good things come slowly, and surely. fluff.
warnings: references to an abusive household, disowning, alcohol, food.
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Sirius Black was not the friendliest person you had ever met. In fact, his general disposition was somewhere middling carelessness and ice, a combination many people found irresistible. Sirius did have emotions, though. You had seen him laughing with Marlene, one of your best friends. When you had bounded up to her to talk with them, he vanished. 
Oh, he was an enigma, that one. One time, he was in the library, laughing with Remus. You had waved to Remus and he had stopped laughing. You frowned and Remus rolled his eyes, walking up to you.
“He’s like that. I’m sorry.”
You had waved him away, “It’s okay, Remus.”
And that time in Charms left you bitter about him. 
Flitwick had ordered you to partner up with Sirius, and you had. He hadn’t spoken a word to you, never. 
“Now, class,” Flitwick had noticed your very one-sided conversations, “Remember that no matter what, you must all get along. I don’t understand, we’re all from the same house here. Well, except me. But not all of us can be intellectually gifted. Now swivel and tap!”
Sirius still didn’t spare you a glance. Shrugging, you remembered Remus’ words.
You were great at Charms and socialising anyway, you didn’t need some no-good, high and mighty aristocrat to excel. You caught the eye of Lily, “Wanna get out of here?”
“Professor,” you raised your hand in the air, “May Lily and I be excused for prefect duties?”
Flitwick was very kind, “But first, please show me the Protego charm.”
You both casted it flawlessly and he nodded, “Have a nice day.”
“You too!”
Sirius just rolled his eyes. 
“I’m sorry about Sirius, he’s like that.”
“Not your fault, Lils, I don’t mind.”
“It’s never personal.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Early start on Transfiguration?”
“Sounds good.”
“He is just like that, you know.”
“I know,” you said as you sat into your Transfiguration seat, taking out some parchment and beginning to write. People filed in soon enough. 
Sweeping a glance of your whereabouts, you caught the eye of Sirius Black seated close to you, who was currently grinning at the mess of Lily’s hair he had just made casting a spell to straighten it. Immediately his grin was wiped off, replaced by an indifferent stare, but your eyes kept moving. They found the deep brown of Marlene, who just smirked at you in an attempt to look cool as a cucumber for Dorcas.
The class was usually interesting– McGonagall always had the most rigid and demanding lesson plans, but she filed in with a murderous gaze today. 
“Jeez, she looks like she’s on a warpath,” James whispered to Sirius. 
“Yes Mister Potter,” McGonagall drawled, “In fact I just found a sixth year frolicking in the corridors, they had the nerve to talk back to me! Nice to see you Miss Smith, how’s the knee?”
“Well, thanks Professor,” Gertrude Smith adjusted her cast underneath the table. 
“Right, page 679 of Transfiguration Advanced, I want you to pair– would you stop causing that ruckus, Mister Malfoy! And Miss Brathburt, please readjust your tie! Where was I at, yes, I will put you into pairs seeing as you, Miss Holt, cannot stop chatting. We can talk about Potions later, yes I can hear you Mister Crabbe. Your goal is to turn a piece of the other person’s hair curly and turn it back. Make sure to flick, not swish, contrary to Charms, Mister Black, we don’t want to cause a static mess. I dread to see what your Charms work is like.”
As she spoke, she flicked her wand in the direction of Lily and her hair went impossibly tidy. 
“Mister Potter and Miss Mckinnon. Mister Malfoy and Miss Meadowes. Mister Pettigrew and Miss Brathburt. Miss Holt and Mister Lupin. Miss Smith and Mister Gerard. Mister Black and Miss L/n. Miss Evans and Mister Diggory. Mister Samson and Miss Perdentio. Miss James and Mister Gideon Weasley. Mister Fabian Weasley and Miss Rembrandt. And Miss Kane and Mister Rembrandt. Chop chop now, let’s get a move on. I don’t want to see pink hair or any frizz or trust you will be staying in next period.” 
You grimaced. You turned to Lily, and asked her only half jokingly, “Wanna swap?”
McGonagall shot you an amused look, “No swaps, Miss L/n. We must all learn to get along.”
“Funny,” you snarked to Lily, “I remember Flitwick saying that too.”
Huffing, you point your wand at Sirius, who was taking his sweet sweet time talking to Peter. You muttered the spell under your breath and Sirius felt his hair coil up. Then you turned it back.
You turned to the professor, a small smile playing on your lips and she looked approvingly at you. “Page 256 for extension work, class.”
Sirius was apathetic, and continued his conversation. 
You had already completed the work on page 256, so you chose to take out a piece of parchment and continue your Potions homework, glancing at Marlene occasionally to see her gazing fondly at Dorcas. 
“Mister Black,” McGonagall warned, “Mister Pettigrew.”
“Minnie, you know my hair’s already perfect.”
“This is not about the charm,” she drawled back, “It’s about the practice, discipline…”
“And skill,” Sirius finished. 
“Well, show me then.”
Sirius waved his wand casually and your hair turned impossibly curly, more curly than it had ever been. Then he waved his wand again and it was normal. You were grinning at Marlene, mouthing encouragement as she glared back. 
McGonagall frowned. He shrugged and returned to his conversation. 
The bell rang and she strode out, stopping at the threshold, “Class dismissed. Homework is three feet of parchment,” groans rung from all around the classroom, “on the use of Transfiguration within the cosmetics industry and its impact,” more groans, “It will count for your final grade, and it is due next lesson.”
“But the next lesson is in two days, Professor!” someone called. 
She gave them a scathing look, “And whose problem is that? See you all in two days.”
Lily was furious after class. She stormed into Sirius’ dormitory, a whirlwind of ginger and red.
“Sirius Black,” she started calmly, “You are acting like the biggest grinch since Christmas,” her top lip curled, “I don’t want to say this but, you’re mean, Sirius.”
Sirius startled. He sighed. “Am I really?”
“She thinks you’re mean. I would say that’s a pretty good indicator.”
Sirius knew exactly who Lily was talking about. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry isn’t going to cut it. Sirius, you can’t keep on doing this,” she replied softly, “You’ve gotta let people into your life.”
“I can’t, Lily.”
“You can. And you will. I hate to do this to you, but you have to, Sirius. People are inevitable.”
“I’m scared.”
“I know you are, love, but you won’t be any less scared if you ignore everyone for the rest of your life. And I know it’s hard, but you’re strong, Sirius.”
“I don’t want to turn into them.”
“You’ll never, Sirius. You’ll never be them. Just, don’t be mean.”
“Where should I start?”
“Be yourself, but be nice, Sirius. You’re a great guy.”
Sirius started trying harder. When you bumped into Remus and him at the library, he didn’t glance past you, but nodded at you, like men did, he said to Remus. He started looking passively gentle, less cold. There were a few changes, but they became bigger. 
He was headed to Potions after smiling at Flitwick in the courtyard. Flitwick, with his usual assuming nature, which came with being very very advanced intellectually, had seen right through him. 
You had your arms linked with Dorcas, going the same way. 
“So much homework,” she sighed and you nodded, catching sight of Marlene in your peripheral vision.
“Marls! Over here!”
You offered your free hand to her and she snorted. “I don’t do physical contact, remember?”
Dorcas’ head peeked out on the other side. “Really?” she asked softly.
Marlene went red and you smirked to yourself. She stuttered, “I guess I could make an exception.”
Dorcas hummed. You wracked your brains, trying to figure out how to leave them alone. You spotted Lily and James walking, swaying in a romantic embrace. I’m gonna break it up, loverboy and girl. 
“Lily, where are the Muggle Studies notes?” you clashed Dorcas’ and Marlene’s hands together haphazardly, running to her. 
You had never seen Marlene so flustered. Dorcas just looked surprised, doe eyes looking up at Marlene in confusion. It made Marlene shudder, but she regained her composure and linked their hands together. 
“Awwwhh!” you heard Sirius, walking with his group of Marauders bar James, “You guys are so cute!” he teased Marlene, making kissy faces at her. Dorcas blinked innocently. 
Marlene unleashed her most gnarly vocabulary at Sirius, glaring at him. 
“He’s a little confused,” she smiled at Dorcas, “He means that we are both, individually, cute.”
Dorcas nodded, “Makes sense.” 
You were busy chatting to James and Lily, “This older lady came up to me, and I was looking for mothballs for my wardrobe, right?”
“Huh?” James frowned at the same time Lily said, “You could’ve just asked me, I have heaps,” she turned to her confused boyfriend, “They’re the little jasmine balls you were juggling with the other day, remember?”
Realisation washed over James, “Ohhhhh.”
“Yeah, okay, continue.”
Sirius was stone-cold on the outside. 
“So, Pads, you got an eye on any ladies?” Peter asked. 
He laughed, “Don’t think so, Wormtail.”
“Any gentlemen?”
“Shame. Well, Mary and I went to the ice rink the other day.”
“How was it?”
“I’m not really good on land, who was I kidding to go on frozen water?”
Sirius guffawed.
“I was waddling like a fricking penguin whilst Mary looked like the snow queen.”
You kept a firm eye on Marlene and Dorcas. It was a magnificent contrast, Dorcas so quiet and tidy and sweet and Marlene so fiery and hot-headed and rude. Dorcas made Marlene more mellow and more open to love, and Marlene helped Dorcas to be heard more often. You smiled to yourself. What a pair. 
The cohort swarmed into Slughorn’s potions class, who was smiling that same old pretentious grin. 
“Please,” he held out a top hat upended, with little slips of paper, “It’s random tuesday!”
The whole class were used to his antics by now and put up with him begrudgingly. You reached in, and pulled out a slip of paper. 
It read, “34E” so you sat in the seat. James Potter was behind you, and he tried moving a spot to his right but he was glued into the seat. 
“I know he’s beyond cooky, but this is madness,” he whispered. 
You laughed, “I think it’s funny.”
Marlene walked in and you crossed your fingers she would sit next to you, but she sighed and sat next to James. 
“Seat buddy!” James put his hand up for a high five that was ignored. 
You giggled, and saw a hint of a smile on Marlene’s face. She herself began to smirk slowly as you caught sight of Sirius, nonchalant and handsome.
You had a general disdain for his aloofness, though you did secretly hope he would treat you like he did his friends.
“Hi,” you greeted him and he gave you a nod, taking out his quill and parchment. He swore under his breath when he realised he had forgotten his textbook. You glanced at him in confusion, half concern and apparently he’d been looking at you too. Inwardly, he melted. He loved nice people. But as he had come to learn, some nice people weren’t nice at all. Remember what Lily said, he thought. His eyes remained a cool, distant grey. 
“Textbooks to page 420,” Slughorn boomed, “Ha! Get it?”
You laughed, he was more childish than any of you, flipping open your textbook. Surprisingly, Sirius enjoyed the sound. It was certainly different to James’ big loud laughter, Remus’ quiet chuckles or Peter’s hysteric giggles, but it was a good change. 
Beginning to copy down the notes, you looked to the side to see Dorcas with her head in the clouds, as it usually was. Dorcas was the dreamer of the year. You finished writing and look around. Sirius was glancing at your textbook casually and you made a startled noise. 
“Here,” you whispered, moving the book more to his side than it stayed in yours. He was unmoved, nodding again. Maybe you were worth letting into his life.
“Dorcas,” Slughorn called, “Tell me what the main component of the Healing Draught is.”
Dorcas looked at him glassily, “Pardon?”
Slughorn repeated the question, tapping his fingers on the table in an impatient rhythm. 
Dorcas looked around, relieved as you mouthed “Wrathspurt,” scribbling it discreetly on your hand and showing it to her. 
“Wrathspurt, sir.”
Slughorn looked sceptical. “Very well.”
Sirius admired you a little more after that. He was close with Dorcas, who was best friends with Regulus. 
Slughorn dictated what you were to do next, which was to make a simple Healing Draught. You popped up quickly, retrieving ingredients, hauling a cauldron and juggling a knife, which you ordered Sirius to carry for you. He did so compliantly. 
He was impressed. You were complete competence mixed with modesty and a little charm, good humour. You made jokes which he found very funny but only ever smiled slightly at. He wanted you around more. 
Once the healing draught was made, you gave it a sniff and stared at it satisfiedly. 
“We did it, partner!” You held out a high five but then remembered that like Marlene, he didn’t do physical contact either, retracting it awkwardly and giving him an awkward smile to match. 
It’s the first time you’d seen him smile wide. It was the prettiest smile you’d ever really seen, his teeth flashing dashingly and his eyes lighting up. His aristocratically poised face turned into something boyish and warm. 
“Okay stop smiling now, it’s getting weird,” you laughed and he shook his head. 
You bottled up the potion and handed it to Slughorn, who approved. 
“Best of the lot,” he murmured and you bounded back to Sirius. 
“Sirius, he said it was the best of the lot!”
He smiled again. 
It was a few hours later, with him and James lying on their beds. 
“Hey Prongs?” he asked James, who was flipping through a Quidditch playbook, swinging his legs, like a Muggle girl in a rom-com. 
“Can I invite someone to our Friday night funnights?”
James peered at him, surprised, “Of course, Padfoot! Who is it?”
Sirius told him and James raised his eyebrows.
“I thought she might be a good friend.”
“Okay, whoever you like, Pads.”
“Will Remus and Peter mind?”
“She’s in Remus’ book club and Peter, well, as long as Mary’s there, Peter doesn’t notice a thing.”
“Cool. Cool. I’m excited, Prongs, I think she might want to be friends.”
“I’m proud of you, Pads.”
Friends were good for you, Sirius came to learn. James was there for his brotherhood and support, Remus for his knowledge and his wisdom, Pete for a sense of innocence and boyhood. They were his closest friends but he had Lily, a kind, furious, motherly addition to his list of friends. Marlene for his ability to relate to whatever situation she had going on at home and how they both hated love, and Dorcas for her ditsy humour, and dreams. Dorcas inspired Sirius. There was also Amos Diggory, he was the golden boy and on the rare occasions he and Sirius met, they got along like a house on fire. Maybe you, too.
And here that opportunity sat opposite him, head leaning on Mary’s shoulder as you giggled. You had complimented his choice of music and the questionable room decor that consisted of two broomsticks and a suspicious stick. It was Sirius’ night, James had insisted, toasting his glass of orange juice to new friends and enemies. 
Truth or dare was being played, though by now it had turned into Truth or Truth, a bottle of Veritaserum sourced by Lily half empty. Red cups of orange and apple juice were sitting all around, Firewhiskey discarded. It had been because you opted for orange juice, and everyone else had joined you, not wanting to keep you responsible for all of them when they were past their limits drinking booze. You were sticky with joy and warmth, laughing and crying.
“Prongs, what’s your hot take on Lily?” Remus asked. James took a swig of his orange juice, dosed with Veritaserum. 
“She’s secretly a world-class ballerina.”
Sirius snorted, “Evans? No way.”
“Thanks, idiot. I would be offended but I remember that you have less than two brain cells and pity you.”
Sirius pouted. 
“Y/n, who’s the prettiest person in the room?” James asked. 
You sipped your orange juice, “Marlene.”
“Awh, love you my little hermit,” Marlene smiled at you and you smiled back. 
“I didn’t need orange juice for that, Marls.”
“Okay, quit it.”
Sirius began to see why Marlene hung around you so much. You made Marlene happier, more rounded. She was grinning into her cup of apple juice. 
“So, Y/n, you gonna hang out with us more often?”
“One question only, Potter, but I guess. I already spend lots of time with Lily and Marls and Dorcas. If it’s okay with you.”
“It’s great.”
“Yay! New friend!”
“What about me?” Peter blinked at her and you smiled, “You’re my friend too, Peter.”
“Do I get a ‘Yay’?”
“Yay! New friend!”
Laughing. Sirius looked weirdly meek, weirdly emotional. You noticed, and he was surprised. 
“You too, Sirius.”
He nodded, grateful. Inside, he was elated. His walls were coming down slowly. 
The night began to wear away after the clock hit 11 and Lily had to go, so James had to go. Then Remus went down to pack away the common room. Peter and Mary sneaked off to her Ravenclaw dormitory. Dorcas fell asleep on Marlene’s shoulder, leaving her stunned. 
“That means she feels comfortable around you,” you whispered and Marlene broke into a wide smile. 
Sirius was sitting, and he was quiet. 
“You alright, friend?” you asked him. 
“The orange juice is warm,” he made a face at you and you laughed.
“It’s better than hot cola.”
“Cola?” he asked. 
“What? You don’t know what cola is?”
“He lived a restricted life,” Marlene chimed in. 
“Oh no, no, Merlin, no,” you replied and Sirius thought for a second that you were rejecting his whole existence. His heart dropped, “That simply won’t do.”
You left and re-emerged with two cans of something red. They were cool against Sirius’ skin and he smiled at you. 
“What do I do with these?”
It was opened, and let out a strange hiss. You passed it to him, and he took a sip. 
You warmed one up by the fire and passed it to him. 
“Here, give me a sip.”
You poured it into a cup, took a sip and grimaced. “Gross. That’s really gross.”
Marlene laughed, “Me next.”
You were about to pour her some, but she just grabbed yours and chugged, shrugging, “It doesn’t taste like alcohol.”
“Marls, it’s Coca Cola.”
“What? You mean rum and coke.”
“I keep a family friendly household. I don’t drink.”
“Prude,” Marlene retorted. 
“Dependent on alcoholic substances.”
“She isn’t wrong, Maroon.”
“Maroon,” you said, thoughtful, “That’s nice. Mar is kept and it’s her favourite colour. Maroon. Maroon. Maroon,” you tested. Dorcas stirred, eyes bleary as she blinked up at Marlene. 
“Someone kept saying the names of random colours in the dream I was having,” she mumbled and Marlene shhed her, “It’s okay baby,” you looked at Sirius and faked gagging which made him chuckle. It was a deep and pleasant noise. 
Marlene looked annoyedly at you and you giggled, “Think I’ll stick with Marls.”
Dorcas drifted off again. 
It was a few days later and you were sitting in the library, legs crossed over each other as you lounged, reading a book. Dorcas sat opposite you, sketching a picture. 
“So, Sirius, huh?” she asked, tone far away and feather light. 
“We’re friends,” you said happily.
“Really? He seems to have taken a liking to you.”
“We’re friends,” you repeated. 
“He’s different.”
“We all are.”
“When you met him, what did you see?”
“He’s detached to everyone outside of his bubble. Cold. But when you do see him start to open up, he’s very warm. I wonder what he’s seen.”
“Interesting. You feel the temperatures. I see colours. He’s a purple to me, deep purple.”
“What does that mean?”
“He’s royalty. He’s a mix of blue, for his calm and cool, and red for his emotions and pain. A dash of yellow, because he’s soft when you get to him.”
“What am I?’
“You’re so nice you can be whatever you want to be.”
You laughed. Dorcas flipped her sketchbook around and there was a picture of you, sitting peacefully. 
“Wow. Wow.”
Suddenly the wind, as if heaven sent, gushed through the window in an urgent rush. It blew the pages of Dorcas’ sketchbook, which were mostly filled with one particular face. Marlene. 
Dorcas blushed and you smiled to yourself. Again, the weather changed. Heavy droplets of rain began to fall through the open window and you and Dorcas squealed as she shut it. You both giggled and laughed as you ran back to the dormitories through the corridors. Thunder crashed as Dorcas began to look a little scared. Then a strike of lightning hit not far away, and she shrieked. She was scared of thunder. You felt out of your depth here, but were relieved when Marlene came thudding down the corridors with Sirius.
“Hey!” you called, “Marls! Over here!”
Marlene took care of the situation. Sirius was standing, observing, quiet. 
Marlene turned and gave you a very specific look, which made you start walking back to the common room. Sirius followed. 
“Is she okay?”
“Marlene’s got her. She does like Marls, you know. And guess what I saw in the library?”
“Mm?” His eyes peeked over to you. 
“A whole sketchbook. Filled with Marls’ face.”
“I wonder why,” Sirius smiled. 
“Marls is very pretty, Sirius.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Anyway, they’re gonna be at least two hours, I’m going to head to the Prefects’ common room.”
“Hey,” he stopped you, “Marlene usually watches the game with us on Saturday afternoons, which is where we were headed. Do you want to come?”
“As her replacement?” you shook your head, amused. 
“Well- I- no, you’re our friend. And I heard you went for the Cannons. They’re playing tonight.” 
“I’ll come.”
A pleased look came onto his face. It was warm and interesting. 
You followed him to a small little nook where James and Lily were huddled around a wizard’s television, bright colours flashing. 
“Pollarck!!!!!” you squealed as you sat down on a beanbag, admiring the Cannons’ Seeker. 
“Pollarck?” James looked bemused.
“I know, he flies under the radar a lot and is such a humble sport, but he’s my favourite ever made.”
“Um?” Sirius looked at you, confused.
Lily translated, “He’s got a boyish quiet charm that she admires.”
You nodded, “He gets the job done, no fuss, no bravado.”
Sirius smiled, “I’m a fan of GK myself.”
“He’s funny too.”
“Butterbeer- never mind. Apple juice?” James offered and you accepted. 
“We always keep it around now,” James smiled warmly at you.
“You’re nicer than Lily lets on, Jimmy.”
“She’s just in denial.”
You learned that an afternoon of watching quidditch whilst taking tiny very noble sips of coca cola was the way Sirius enjoys spending his Saturday. 
“Pass the coke,” James said, and Sirius passed the red bottle. You choked a little on your apple juice as Lily and you shared glances. 
“Sweet,” Lily began, “That phrase isn’t what you think it is.”
After a quick explanation, you started laughing at James’ bewildered face.
Sirius was looking just as confused.
Eventually, the game did end, with your favourite player collecting the Snitch very quietly and hurrying into the changerooms just as soon as he did, the rest of the team trampling in after him to pour electrolyte drinks all over him. You winced.
“The crudeness.”
“Marlene plays,” Sirius smiled at you.
“The crudeness.”
“She’s been scouted for the Holyhead Harpies.”
“I know. The crudeness.”
“Sirius and I have been scouted for the Cannons,” James said. Lily was smiling. 
“Really?” you clapped your hands, “That’s wonderful!”
“They don’t even need to sit NEWTS,” Lily grumbled and you raised your eyebrows.
Sirius was quick to explain, “Pollarck and Jeffreys are retiring next year.”
“Noooooooo,” you cried, “Pollarck!!!” 
“He’s well beyond his peak,” James grinned, “He told me.”
“And after our careers, a commentating or coaching job is practically guaranteed,” Sirius joined in. He didn’t sound like he was bragging at all. “Want me to get Pollarck’s autograph?” he asked softly. 
“Oh, please!” you grinned at him, “Pretty please!”
“I’ll get everyone else’s too for you.”
You squealed, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” Sirius smiled. Being nice was nice. 
And that’s what he told Minerva McGonagall, lying back in her sturdy armchair in the living room of her quarters. 
“That Lily Evans does have a way about her, doesn’t she?”
“Prongs did fall in love with her, I’d say she’s a great lady.”
“What about you and Y/n?”
“C’mon, Minnie, I just made a friend and you want me to start falling in love. Impossible.” Sirius did not get it. Neither did you, really. He thought there was nothing and wouldn’t ever be anything between you and him. Right now, he just really wanted to be friends. He wasn’t looking for more. 
“I know, but you both work.”
He shrugged, “I work with everyone, if I try hard enough.”
“That is true. How’s the Cannons?”
“Excellent, Minnie, I think I can get you a broomstick that once belonged to Heather Proud.”
“Really? Oh my Merlin, that is exciting,” she lilted.
“Oh yes, and it only comes off my fantastic charm.”
She rolled her eyes, sipping her tea, “I did receive a letter from your parents the other day.”
Sirius’ face dimmed. He turned tense.
“They paid out your tuition here and left you the trust fund from your, I quote, ‘greatest grandfather who enclosed that all grandchildren must have access to the fund, bound legally and within familial bonds.’”
Sirius blinked confusedly.
“Basically, you’re financially steady, which is guaranteed by Perseus Black,” Minerva spoke softly. 
“Why do you seem so uptight though, Minnie? Isn’t this good news?”
“Sirius,” she choked up, handing him the letter. His eyes skimmed the words. 
“Oh Merlin,” he leaned back into his chair, “They’re disowning me!” He chuckled, before burying his head in his hands, “They’re disowning me.”
Minerva put her arms around him, “Oh son.”
“Why am I still sad about it?” he sobbed. 
“Son, no matter who they are, they’re your family. That’s not going to change. You’re bonded to them. It’s normal. It’s completely normal.”
There was one thing that was not completely normal though, Sirius thought, much happier than he had been a week ago. It was Sybil Trelawney. She was strange, odd, elusive. Her big eyes bore into Sirius’ as she examined him. 
He gulped, widening his eyes at James. Something was about to happen. 
“Sirius, my dear,” she stared off into the distance, “Is there someone new in your life?”
He shrugged, “Depends. What do you call ‘new’, Professor?”
“A young lady. Lovely smile. Ooh, she looks rather like that girl who dropped out of my classes. I understand. She told me she had bigger priorities, and with that lovely smile I could not be mad. We all tend to go our own ways…” Trelawney drifted off. 
She recollected herself. “I see, paths will collide and never separate. Interesting, interesting.”
All Sirius saw was that the tea leaves had drowned underneath his tea. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Maybe he should’ve dropped this class too. 
“Ooh, professor, I think I see a heart! Oh, now it’s a gigantic 65 headed monster that has red hair. Merlin it looks like Lily,” James giggled from opposite Sirius. 
“Lovely, Potter,” she sighed, “I do not get paid enough.”
Sirius smiled at her awkwardly. 
“Well, Sirius, there are open ends in your life currently. But I foresee– I foresee a feminine force.”
She moved on to another pair. 
Sirius facepalmed and James laughed. “Bro, I don’t know why I signed up for this class,” Sirius groaned. 
“Eh, don’t complain, you barely try and you’re first.”
“I made up all of my homework!”
“You know Trelawney likes imagination!”
“Surely there should be a limit to how much freedom of speech someone has! Feminine force, my foot. I have you and Lily, that’s enough feminine force to last me a decade.”
They both laughed. 
“Maybe she was talking about, about your new friend,” James wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Sirius laughed. 
“No way she would.”
“Paths converge, never to diverge again,” James mocked. 
“I’m done,” Sirius sat back in his chair, eyes flickering around the room.
“Well, Sirius,” Trelawney observed, “You may be dismissed.”
Sirius “Yippee!”d and James muttered something that sounded like, “Handsome old teacher’s pet.”
He strode out of the room and into the corridor, immediately blasted with the sound of quiet wailing. It was a first year boy, looking so very distressed in his too-big cloak and clutching his wand. Sirius felt very sad, so decided to approach the kid. 
You were clicking through the halls, from the library to your next class. You heard his voice, it ricocheted through the walls, and stopped, sneaking your head around the corner. Sirius was bent down, talking hushedly to a young boy. You could piece together their conversation. 
“Little guy, what happened?” Sirius asked. 
A small voice sniffled, “I got lost. And- and my term hasn’t started well. Mrs McGonagall glared at me today, my potion blew up in my face and Mrs Trelawney said I might fall ill. All my friends ditched me to go play Quidditch and when I was tying my shoelace, none of them waited for me. So I’m here now.”
“Oh, I am so sorry. But let me tell you, Mrs McGonagall has this thing- have you heard of it? It’s called a resting,��� here he swore and the small kid laughed, “face. Don’t worry about Potions, it hasn’t mangled you up at all. I don’t know what you looked like before but you’re very handsome,” he said, tender, “As for Trelawney, why today she said that I would have a feminine force in my life. You don’t take her for real, my dude. Your friends? They’re not nice, little dude, you shouldn’t put up with them. You deserve someone who will wait for you whilst you tie your shoelace. I can show you to where you want to go, which would solve your last problem. I can be your friend too.”
You felt something swell in your heart. It was earnest and deliberate, warm and you wouldn’t ever live the same way ever again. Oh no, you thought. 
This is how you would justify it- this impending crush on Sirius Black. He was so sweet and very beautiful, with those gorgeous eyes. You couldn’t help yourself. And it would be kept aside, you’d leave it alone. You wouldn’t harass him, no, you would continue on building your friendship with him. You wouldn’t act on your feelings. You turned on your heel, nearly crashing into Professor Trelawney.
The last time you had seen her was her crying over your departure from the Divination class. It had been a lachrymose affair. She looked jumbled, all over the place. Her eyes widened, larger than you thought they could ever get. 
“Ah! It is you!”
“Yeah, afternoon! I’ve got to rush, I have Arithmancy, professor, bye!”
“The very Arithmancy you left my class for!” she yelled.
“I regret it!” You smiled back. You didn’t. 
“You don’t, dear, good luck with your NEWTs.”
Your NEWTs did come and go, and after them you and your friends went out to celebrate. A Bacchanalian affair, and even you had decided to take a tiny sip of Butterbeer, recoiling in disgust and viciously trying to drown the bittersweet taste with your orange juice. 
The mood was joyful. Basically everyone had been offered a job after graduation, despite their NEWT outcomes. There were a lot of people crowding in the tiny bar, most being seventh years. Sirius was sitting with James at a counter, cautiously drinking his orange juice. Like always, everyone was staring at him. It wasn’t his dress- he had just put on a simple crewneck sweater with the little triangle under the neckline and some sweatpants. It was his whole physiognomy, you thought. Every day you had spent with him meant he became more and more stunning. He had the loveliest face, sculpted true to Aphrodite. Where did I come from? you smiled to yourself. 
And he was observing you, through his hair. He had a cool enough disposition to offset the amount of staring he was doing. Like him, you weren’t dressed up at all, but you were still pretty. Sirius had forgotten exactly how beautiful you could be whilst he was busy being friends with you. 
Pretty? he thought, Am I out of my mind? 
James tapped him on the shoulder, “You okay, Pads?”
Sirius blinked, hard. “Yeah.” 
“Right, well I’m going to go talk to McGonagall. You’ll be okay?”
Sirius played with the handle of his cup. How does Prongs do this love thing?
He felt the seat next to him shift and turned. It was a girl, upon a closer glance at her, it wasn’t you. Why does that even matter? You dolt.
“Hey baby,” she shuffled close to Sirius. Her arm came to hook around his tricep, “You know, you’re really hot.”
He was physically pained by the interaction, prying her arm away. If she felt rejected, she didn’t show it. 
“Thank you,” he said stiffly. He glanced at his fingers, placing them under the table and shifting one of his rings to his ring finger. You caught sight of the strange sight before you. Sirius looked uncomfortable. 
“A drink for the hot man,” the girl declared to the bartender, “And then you can come back to mine.”
He grimaced, “I’m sorry, but-”
“No buts, handsome. I know how to have a good time.”
She went to touch his face but he caught her hand. 
“Will I? You’re far too manly of a man to really make me.” 
“Stop,” he repeated.
She trailed her hand down his chest and he shifted back.
You were quickly shuffling through the crowd and he felt relief as you approached them. His eyes flickered to yours. They very obviously flashed in discomfort. 
“Hey!” you rushed over to him, hugging him very lightly. He whispered a thank you, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere, gosh. And who is this?” 
The girl supplied her name.
“Sorry, but we have to go, don’t we?” you tilted your head at Sirius. He knew this was all a ploy, but he melted, nodding, dipping his head down to whisper another thank you in your ear. You laughed and shook your head. Outside, he enveloped you in a hug. It was lovely and mellow. 
“I’m sorry,” he said finally. “Why?”
“I’m supposed to be strong. I’m a man.”
“No, you aren’t supposed to be strong all the time, Sirius. No one is. Men are manly even when they cry and it doesn’t make them any less if they are girly or like pink or any of that. She was forcing herself onto you, and it isn’t fair that if it were a girl, people would be all over it.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s warranted. Does this happen all the time?”
He nodded. 
“Gosh that is terrible, Sirius!”
“You’re right. I need a bodyguard. You up for the spot?”
“Of bodyguard?”
“Of course.”
“Not cut out for it, I’m ‘fraid,” you grinned. You were already friendzoned, you were sure of it, you didn’t want to be bodyguard-zoned too. 
“Shame.” He didn’t know why he felt disappointed. 
Sirius was struck with the burning revelation the day after. With no NEWTs to worry about anymore, you were always with him, some way or another. He liked you. More than he should, maybe. He thought you were gorgeous and so, so, good to him. Good for him, too. 
“Minnie, I think you were right.”
“Mm?” McGonagall barely looked up from her newspaper. 
“I do like her.”
The woman let out a triumphant ‘ha!’
“I like the way I feel with her.” 
“What are you going to do about it, then?”
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t think she knows, Sirius.”
“I know. Do you think she cares, though?”
“Oh, definitely.”
You peeked your head around the open door of McGonagall’s office. Sirius could recognise you from anywhere. He slunk down in his chair but McGonagall gave him a nod. From the angle you were at, you couldn’t see him.
“Hi Professor!”
McGonagall smiled at you, “Well, good afternoon!”
“I was just here to ask if you could switch Lily and I’s Prefect Duty for tomorrow. I know it’s a short notice, and I’m sorry for that.”
McGonagall swivelled to the calendar on her wall, flicking her wand. 
“Your shift?”
“8am with Connors.”
“8pm with Reginald.”
“Why the switch?” McGonagall’s blue eyes pierced through you. 
“There’s a dance tonight.”
“Aren’t you going to be attending?”
“Oh, it’s a couples event only.”
“Aren’t you- Don’t you have a plus one?”
“Unless you can find me one,” you joked, “But no, it starts at 7 and Lily has to be there. You know how James gets.”
“I do,” she said curtly, “He’s terribly pouty most of the time.”
You nodded, “Exactly. And mine is nice and early! And I don’t have anything on in the evening. You do know, Professor, Dorcas and Marlene got together so that wipes out half of my dormitory. Alice is with Frank, Mary with Peter. Oh gosh, I must sound so miserable. Anyway, enough about me, are you going?”
“I’m supervising,” McGonagall laughed. 
“Exciting! Right, so we can switch shifts, right?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you so much! Have a great day!”
“You too, sweetie.”
Sirius waited for your footsteps to recede to huff, “How come you call her sweetie?”
“That is beside the point. Young man, she doesn’t have a date for tomorrow’s dance. Do you?”
“No. I was just going to flirt my way in.”
McGonagall rolled her eyes, “Now you don’t need to. Go.”
Sirius rose, unsteady, making his way out already. He stopped at the door, turning around and flashing his million dollar smile, “Thanks, Minnie.”
Then he sauntered out. 
He found you in the common room, laughing in a corner as the girls showed you their dresses from above the stairs. 
“Oh my gosh Mary that’s so stunning! I love the detailing. Oh let me go up there, you are so hot, gosh!”
He heard vaguely a voice, a dreamy one, “So, you’re really not going?”
“You know Diggory well, he’s hosting. I’m sure you could get in.”
“And be the only single around? I’d be third wheeling everywhere. Cas, don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. Let’s see your dress.” 
Sirius assumed that Dorcas stepped out, and you squealed.  
“You are so pretty, Marlene will be stumped when she sees you. Oh my golly let me take photos.”
And Sirius was left smiling at you, as you rushed to get a camera. He remembered he needed to make a move. 
“Actually, that won’t be necessary,” he stepped in, “Do you want to go with me to the dance?” he asked, gentle. 
You whipped your head around. 
“I noticed you didn’t have anyone to go with, and all your friends are going.” 
You beamed, he was so sweet, sacrificing his own time for you. 
“You are very kind, Sirius, but you should be asking someone you actually do want to go with instead of putting up with me just so I don’t feel left out,” you laughed. 
“Actually, it’s killing two birds with one stone. I get to ask someone I actually do want to go with and you don’t feel left out.”
“You want to come with me?”
“As friends?” An opening. Sirius took it. 
You looked at him, unreadable and quiet. 
“As more,” he said. 
“Okay then.” 
That was it. Sirius smiled, so brightly at you, so warm and lovely that you blushed and turned your head away. He climbed up the stairs. 
Oh he had never seen anyone more beautiful. He offered his arm to you and you took it happily. 
“We never talked about what we were.”
“Sirius, do we need to?” Your lips were ghosting his, so close. 
“You’re right. Can we go slow?” 
You tippy-toed, pressing your lips to his. He's like that, you thought.
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deadsetromance · 1 year
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(not my gif!)
gerard way x gn!reader
summary: he's your roommate...but maybe he's more than that.
warnings: unedited writing, fluff, no use of [y/n]
note: so sorry i haven't posted in forever! i have a few requests and a few more half-complete drafts, so hopefully those should be up soon &lt;3
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you supposed there were worse roommates out there. actually, thinking about it, you realized how lucky you were.
you got along really well with your roommate, gerard. he’d been sharing an apartment for nearly two years now, and you were sure you knew him better than you knew yourself.
you know he forgets to take the coffee pods out of the keurig, and sometimes he leaves the heater running for too long.
you don’t think you’ve ever seen him sleep. sometimes you wonder if he’s a vampire or something, what with the scribbling coming from his room at all hours of the night.
to be fair… you’re hardly any better. you sleep little more than he does, when you do fall asleep it’s usually on the couch, and you leave the television on all the time.
you’re incredibly lucky, you realize. lucky that he’s as sweet as he is, bringing you coffee in the mornings, and stopping by your job on his commute. he’s even slipped a few drawings your way. some are drawings of you, others are silly little doodles he gives you when you’re having a bad day. sometimes, he’ll show you characters for the comics he’s working on, asking for your input.
you realize that you’re lucky that he’s so helpful, that he’s not a creep, that you both get along so well. you’re lucky that you’ve found a friend who will sit and watch television reruns with you when neither of you can fall asleep.
that’s why you slip a record under his door one night. you don’t know if he even likes sinatra, but you give it to him anyway. there’s no special occasion really, you just thought of him when you found in the wee small hours in the record store you visited. you don’t sign your name on the post it you stuck to it. all you write is “from one insomniac to another”. you feel embarrassed for some reason you can’t place, and something slithers in your stomach. maybe you shouldn’t have given it to him…maybe he doesn’t like sinatra. it’s too late now though, it’s already done.
☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎ ☠︎
it’s late one night…or early, depending on how you look at it. you’re tired, whatever movie you were watching forgotten and on mute. you can hear gerard milling around in the kitchen, you can smell the coffee he’s brewing. you’re tired, but you can’t fall asleep.
“thanks for the record” gerard called from the kitchen. “i really liked it”
you smile, one of those hazy tired smiles, the kind you do when you’re between being awake and asleep. “i didn’t know if you liked sinatra, i hope it’s ok”
you miss the way he grins at you, too busy yawning.
“it’s great i actually…” he walked off in the middle of his sentence, a habit you’d noticed he had, only to come back with the disk in his hands. “do you mind?”
it didn’t matter if you said no, he already turned to put it on, smiling back at you as he dropped the needle to the record.
“what are we watching?” he asked, sitting next to you on the couch. close enough to be touching you, but still far enough to give you space. it’s like a paradox, you think, but then you tell yourself to shut up. you’re too tired to know what you’re talking about.
“i dunno, i stopped paying attention.” your eyes flit to the movie playing on the television, watching the car chase for a moment before turning your attention back to him. “you’re going to keep yourself up all night drinking coffee this late.” you might have frowned at him if you weren’t too busy beaming.
he knew you were teasing, you could tell by the glint in his eye. “i just need a few finishing touches on my project and then i’m done.”
you didn’t say anything more for a while, taking a moment to take everything in. the record playing softly in the background as you curled closer to gerard. his head resting on yours as you listened to his breathing, memorizing the pace of his heart.
it’s quiet…intimate, and you’re tired. tired and happy.
“you tired?” he questions softly.
“a little,” you don’t know why you’re whispering.
“do you work tomorrow?”
“yeah, i open,” you groan, rubbing your eyes. you think you feel him press a kiss to the top of your head, but you don’t want to get your hopes up.
it’s quiet again, though this time it’s too quiet. you’re left with thoughts of gerard running through your head, and you wish that one of you would say something. you should be ashamed, you scold yourself, thinking of him the way you do when he’s sitting right next to you.
“what are you thinking about?” he prods gently. he’s soft with you, the way he always is, careful not to overstep with his questions.
“nothing really,” you lie, because you’d rather not risk what comfort you have now. “what are you thinking about?”
it seems like he didn’t expect the question to be turned back on him. he hesitates, and the silence is thick…too thick. his face is illuminated by the light from the tv, and he looks nervous. you don’t think you’ve ever seen him look quite as terrified as he does now. the lighting shifts, and he’s blanketed in darkness again, but you notice something change in his eyes.
“i think i love you” he whispers against your ear.
you feel like you can’t breathe. you think you heard him wrong. you’re worried this is all a dream, a good dream, the kind that would leave you reeling when you wake up.
you want to hear him say it again.
you lean your head back against his shoulder, and he breathes out with a shudder. you watch the explosions on tv as your hand finds his. “i love you too.”
that’s it then, everything is out in the open. maybe you’re tired, but you sigh gently as he cups your face in his hands. thinking back, you can’t exactly pinpoint when your feelings for him changed, but you suppose it doesn’t matter now. he loves you and you love him. it’s surprisingly simple.
“can i…?” he doesn’t need to finish his question as you lean in closer to him. his breath is warm, and he smells like coffee and sleepless nights, and you’re waiting for him. your eyes are closed as you breathe him in, and they stay that way as he kisses you softly.
he’s…soft, softer than you imagine, and you can’t help but smile.
in the wee small hours of the morning, he is yours, and you are his.
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sunset-bobby · 4 months
ppl on X are once again pissing me off and so here is the dinner scene told in a narrative style to maybe provide a better idea of what each line means starting after they sit down:
“Are you okay?” Tommy asked, after a beat of silence. He could see the tension in Buck’s face as he plated them some salad.
“I thought we might really lose him this time,” Buck admitted. Thinking back on all the times they had almost lost Bobby. “Bobby’s been the father I never had.”
“Your father’s alive.” Tommy said, because he was sure that he met Buck’s father at the hospital. Often that phrase was used regarding absent or deceased fathers, but what did he know.
“Exactly,” Buck gave him a look that told Tommy everything he needed to know.
“I have to admit, I’m a little jealous,” Tommy laments. The ‘of you and Bobby’ goes unsaid. “My dad and I don’t really talk and when I was at 118, I had Gerard, which did not make me a better person.” Buck nodded along, thinking how he would have been different if Bobby wasn’t such a positive influence on him. Hell he almost didn’t get the chance to experience it. “Come to think of it he was kind of like the dad I already had,” Tommy chuckled, and Buck joined in. Tommy looked down, and for a moment he thought the moment was over, but Buck raised his glass with a smirk.
“I guess we both have daddy issues,” he said, and raised his brow. Tommy grabbed his own glass, matching Buck’s look.
“Oh I don’t.”
“But you think I do?” It was bait, Tommy knew it. They were no longer talking about their fathers or lack there of. Lifting his glass to his lips he exhaled.
“God I hope so.” Quirked his brow and smirked into his wine. Buck gave him a flushed smile in return.
so did i interpret this right?? bc i can see where the joke is and how its funny, but maybe im missing something 🤷🏽‍♀️
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
02/03-04 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Reminder! UK Launch! Wee John Monday!; Cast & Crew Sightings; Day Of Damien Recap; New Nominations; StewAsACrew; S1 Rewatch Party; Tumblr Posts; Articles; Save OFMD Crew Mascot Jeff; Hoist the Ads Followup; Poison Into Positivity with a huge Donation; Morale/LoveNotes/Daily Darby all wrapped up in a Cameo from Rhys Darby Courtesy of @adoptourcrew
Heyyyyyyyy I'm back! I had a great day off-- ty for all the lovely well wishes! Annnnnnnd holy moly did I miss some stuff only being gone ONE DAY. I'm trying to catch up so apologies if you've already heard this or if I'm missing anything! Thank you to @sgtblackbirdpie for keeping me up to date on some stuff while I was out!
= Reminders for Tomorrow! =
= UK Launch! =
Reminders from our lovely @lamentus1!
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We'll be tweeting #RewatchAsACrew #OurFlagBBC in addition to the usual #AdoptOurCrew #SaveOFMD
Season 2 will start at 10pm on Monday Feb 5, so that’s 5pm ET and 2pm PT. 
If you are outside the UK and want to help support the launch, you can connect with a VPN using these instructions also @reallygoodplants has a great post on how to do so here on tumblr as well
= Wee John Monday! =
EDIT: Important update! Time is at 2130 UK time for the first new Wee John Monday! This will be one time only to try and start up before the show airs. Thank you @atomicruinsperfection for this info!!
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Wee John Monday! Want to have your questions answered tomorrow during the show? You can go a few different places to do so: Discord / Twitter / Instagram
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= Cast & Crew Sightings =
Our lovely captain decided to put himself up for Cameos at $499 a pop. If you're flush with cash and interested, feel free to check out Rhys Darby's Cameo.
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I didn't put it here because it fits in the Moral/Love notes section--- but a fan GOT ONE OF THESE for themselves and all of us in the crew. Jump down to the very bottom for a love note from Rhys As well.
= Nathan Foad BTS =
Nathan Foad posted a bunch of new BTS in honor of s2 coming out in the UK tomorrow! Samba and Vico added a bunch of those to their IG stories as well. There were LOTS of pictures and videos, so many that I can't include them all. Here's a side post with a bunch of photos, but if you want to see them all, please visit Nathan Foad's IG Stories.
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=Day of Damien 02/03 =
Our lovely Damien Gerard really felt the love yesterday! Everyone sent love notes, gifts, and generally tried to celebrate our lovely friend on Day Of Damien and it made his night. He sent us lots of kitties pics and videos in return.
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Our Flag Means Death has been nominated for the 28th Art Director's Guild Awards for a Half-Hour Series!
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= Stew As A Crew / S1 Re-Watch party! =
Soooo many people came out for the S1 Re-Watch Party and also Stew As A Crew! Keeping that engagement going across all the platforms! I tried to highlight several but there were so many more!
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=S1 Rewatch Party=
Everybody came back out for the S1 Watch Party to help support S2 being aired for the first time tomorrow in the UK! Some highlights!
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== Tumblr Posts ==
Don't Stream on Max - by @iamadequate1 is absolutely a must read. They did some SERIOUSLY amazing analysis and data collecting on all the shows max has cancelled recently.
== Articles ==
TV guide: 12 of the best new shows to watch, beginning tonight
Save “Our Flag Means Death” – Another Great Gay Series On The Chopping Block - From Feb 2
==Save OFMD Crew==
Save OFMD Crew have announced their mascot/ambassador-- JEFF! As you've been seeing in all their social icons. Check out their post here.
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Hoist The Ads Follow Up
Since I keep seeing posts about hoist the ads being a scam again, I'm going to once again share the receipts for Hoist The Ads
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Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram
== Poison Into Positivity ==
So yesterday, a bunch of people started receiving what looked to be scam from group called entertainmintco. We got notified by @adoptourcrew and @saveofmdcrewmates of it earlier in the day:
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Warnings were sent out, and people from the leadership teams started getting serious with this group, but luckily it looks like it was a mistake that entertainmintco was willing to admit to.
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They then put out a statement explaining the situation, and donated $1000 to an LGBTQIA+ Supportive NonProfit: Rainbow Railroad for the trouble they'd caused.
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Annnd they also shared our petition!
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So overall, everything turned out okay! Definitely a weird one! But $1000 donation to supporting LGBTQIA+? Fantastic! Seriously poision into positivity. Thank you @AdoptOurCrew, @saveofmdcrewmates, and @LCWebsXOXO especially for turning that scam into splendor!
Post Note: There's been some questions on if there's a focus group actually going on-- I don't believe so but I'm asking and will get back to you!
== Morale / Love Notes / Daily Darby ==
Now, I'm sure most of you have seen this by now because it's exploding everywhere, but just in case not, I am going to highlight it as the last thing for today.
@meowzawowza_ went out and got one of Rhys' Cameos for themselves and the crew-- ty @adoptourcrew for sharing it with us. I recommend watching them where ever you can because when I say my hope is renewed, I sincerely mean it.
There's nothing I or anyone else could say that would equal the impact of Rhys' message. Our captain sends his advice and love.
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Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram For more on the unedited parts of the video, @meowzawowza_ gives more deets: @ofmd-ann has a thread you can view here
"Life keeps rock'n ... You can't have peaks without troughs...thank you so much for being you and being so supportive ... love you, bye crew"
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writerlola24 · 4 months
Captain Gerard’s return has ruffled all members of the 118. It appears that the ‘new’ captain has returned to finish what he started, making all members of the 118 miserable. But this time around, Evan Buckley fights back.
Or whenever Captain Gerard targets a member of the 118 Buck is ready to pull that line of fire back to himself. What better way to do so than drop dirty innuendos at your homophobic boss?
Chapter One
The 118 is spread out doing house chores. Chimney glares and uses more force than necessary in pushing the mop across the floor. If only he knew his comment a week ago would come back and bite him in the ass.
“Missed a spot there Han,” Captain Gerrard chims from his perch on the balcony. Chim grits his teeth and the plastic of the pole squeaks at the added pressure he forces upon it.
“I would’ve thought you would be better at this by now,” Gerrard pokes again. Chim stills for a moment and contemplates chucking the mop at his ‘Captain’ when a new voice chimes in.
“Captain Gerrard, I’m ready for hose inspection sir,” Buck calls out from his station beside the truck. Gerrard’s eye twitches.
“I’ll be there in a minute Buckley. Surely a man with your experience can handle a simple fire hose,” Gerrard responds, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Well I’m not just good with a hose sir, I’m also great at brightening your day,” Buck retorts with a bit more cheeriness than would be believable. Chim stifles a laugh and sees Hen double over in the back of the ambulance where shes restocking.
Eddie and Ravi pause their cataloguing at the air tanks with bated breath, looking between Buck and Gerrard.
Gerrard sets his coffee down and stalks down the stairs. Buck simply turns his back and leads the way to the perfectly rolled hose. Of course Captain Gerrard makes him redo all his work, but Bucks retaliation has the Captain monitoring his every move until the alarm rings.
The 118 load up and head out. Captain Gerrard reassigns Buck away from hose duty after that.
Chapter Two
The team has caught on quickly to what exactly Buck is doing. It didn't take a genius to see that with every remark made by Captain Gerrard towards one of their own, Buck was quick to draw the mans attention to a new target, himself.
The 118 could only hopelessly stand by and watch the slow motion car crash that was Evan Buckley versus Vincent Gerrard.
Ravi and Eddie are in the gym when it happens again.
“PANIKKAR!” Gerrard bellows into the room. Ravi startles and nearly drops the weight on his chest but Eddie catches the bar.
“Yes captain?” Ravi calls standing at a stiff attention.
“I thought I told you that you were on bathroom duty until further notice,” Gerrard growls.
Ravi opens and closes his mouth a few times.
“He completed his duties before we came in, sir,” Eddie states, he stands at Ravi’s side with his hands on his hips.
“Tell that to the biohazard in the second stall,” Gerrard grits. Eddie opens his mouth with a twisted snarl when he feels a hand on the small of his back, tugging at his shirt.
“That was me sir, so its only fair that I fix it. After all, I am very good at cleaning out pipes,” Buck deadpans.
Captain Gerrards face spasms in a complicated array of emotions.
“Well then get to it Buckley,” Gerrard relents before storming away.
Ravi heaves a relieved sigh and gives Buck a grateful nod.
“I don't know how much longer I can do this,” the youngest member whispers.
“Don’t worry, Bobby’s working on his reinstatement as we speak,” Buck encourages with a placating shoulder pat.
Ravi walks away, leaving Eddie to glare at Buck.
“I wish you’d stop doing that,” Eddie whispers.
“Doing what?” Buck asks with an exaggerated confused expression. Eddie sighs and shakes his head.
“I just don't want to see you getting hurt, Buck,” Eddie says.
“He can’t hurt me. And I won’t let him hurt all of you. I can handle it Eds. It's not like he's been able to get to me. If anything, I think I can get him to quit before too much longer,” Buck whispers with a conspiratorial grin.
Eddie sighs, “Yet Buck. He hasn’t gotten to you yet.”
Buck shakes his head before jogging over to the storage room and making a show of swinging around the toilet plunger as he all but skips past Gerrard to the bathroom.
Chapter Three
Hen and Chim take refuge in the ambulance after a medical call. Hen is glaring at a valve mask when the tell-tale signs of stomping boots can be heard.
“I’d take that rebar now,” Chim mutters in defeat when Captain Gerrard rounds the ambulance door.
“Wilson! That valve mask failure was your fault. Do I need someone more competent to supervise the equipment checks?” The older man baits.
Hen was already on the verge of tears after nearly losing a child due to the faulty mask in her hand. Luckily her quick thinking had her patching the hole and makeshifting the equipment so that it still worked. The child survived, but they lost precious seconds all because of a hole the size of a pinprick at the seam of the valve.
“Don’t worry Captain Gerrard, I’m always trained in mouth-to-mouth, in case you need resuscitation,” Buck chimes from the rig, slamming the door a bit more forcefully than necessary.
“Buckley,” Gerrard responds with a warning tone. Over the past couple of weeks its been a battle of wills on who would break first.
Gerrard assigned Buck every possible demeaning task to which the man was overly happy to do and made into quite the ‘bordering-on-calling-HR’ spectacle. He was struck from hose duty, bathroom duty, mopping, and Gerrard knew better than to have Buck pole polishing anytime in the future. No matter the task Buck was assigned, so far, he got the upper hand on Captain Vincent Gerrard.
The problem was that most of Bucks quips were nonreportable. Everyone was aware of the double innuendos, but everyone was also aware that nothing was a fireable offense.
Buck holds up his hands in a placating manner, “I’m just trying to be helpful sir! I’m like a fire hydrant, always ready for when you need me.”
“For the love of-“ Captain Gerrard spins on the soles of his boots and storms away in frustration.
“And another point to team Buckley,” Chim hoots. The team morale appears lifted as Hen reaches out to take Bucks hand, a silent ‘thank you’ exchanged between the pair.
“That's like what….12-0?” Ravi asks joining the scene.
“Something like that,” Eddie responds with a chuckle.
Chapter Four
It was only a matter of time before someone other than Buck snapped back. Today, it was Eddie.
“DIAZ! I told you to pair up with Pannikar, NOT Buckley!” Captain Gerrard shouts through the radio. Eddie huffs a sigh of annoyance. Captain Gerrard did find an achilles heel with Buck, his partnering with Eddie, and was exploiting that button whenever he possibly could. The problem was that in times of crisis, the Buck and Eddie team worked best and this was a time of crisis.
“DIAZ! You are defying a direct order. Do I need a translator for you to better understand me?” Gerrard bellows. Eddie growls in rapid Spanish and turns his radio off.
“BUCKLEY! Tell Diaz to turn his radio back online and get your asses out of there! You’re both getting written up for this!” Gerrard screams over Bucks line. Buck gives a whole body groan and pounds through the door in front of them after a hurried ‘LAFD Coming in.’
“Copy that Captain Gerrard,” Buck calls into the line.
Eddie spies the children and mother huddled in the corner of the bedroom. Buck takes the unconscious mother while Eddie scoops up the children. The building is about to cave and Buck nudges Eddie towards the second story bedroom window. Buck shouts out that they’re changing their exit plan and the duo work together to scale the side of the home while carrying the civilians. Ravi and Chimney are setting up the crash pad while Hen is grabbing all the oxygen she can onto the gurney. The second fire station arrives as Buck and Eddie make it to the ground with the civilians.
They just finish handoff to Hen and Chimney when Captain Gerrard is in their faces, spittle flying at them as his veins pop.
“What the hell were you thinking! You defied a direct order and put this entire fire house at risk because you’re too stupid to understand basic Engli-“ Captain Gerrard is cut off quickly by Buck shouldering in front of Eddie.
“You can’t really blame me for wanting to pair with Eddie Captain Gerrard, he’s hotter than any 5-alarm fire,” Buck says with false nonchalance.
“You’re already on thin ass ice Buckley, don’t think for a second i don’t know what you’ve been doing with all your little remarks and insertions,” Gerrard hisses stepping up nose-to-nose with Buck.
“Wherever his ass is concerned is the only place I’d like to insert myself, sir,” Buck quips without missing a beat.
“THATS IT! YOU ARE DONE BUCKLEY!” Gerrard bellows, snatching Bucks helmet from his head and throwing it across the lawn.
“And what is it that I have done, sir?” Buck asks, squaring his shoulders and crossing his arms.
“You have been insubordinate! You have been inappropriate! And you keep spreading your perversions all over my station!” Gerrard lists.
“Please explain to me how I have been doing any of those things, sir,” Buck asks with a challenging expression.
Gerrard opens and closes his mouth. Aside from today with Eddie and Buck defying a partnering order, Gerrard had nothing on Buck and they both knew it.
“Perhaps you would like to come with me to the board so that we can both review our accounts of my behaviors and the environment that's being created,” Buck proposes with a defiant smirk on his face.
“You are playing a dangerous game, boy. You are playing with fire,” Captain Gerrard warns.
“Well Captain Gerrard, I do resonate with fire. It’s hot, dangerous and uncontrollable,” Buck whispers in a low growl.
They stare nose-to-nose until the other units Captain calls Gerrard over to debrief. Captain Gerrard mutters something indescenable under his breath before shouldering past Buck and away.
“I might actually be in love with you Buckaroo,” Chim says, sidling up to Bucks side.
“Me too,” Eddie adds.
“Me three,” Hen tags.
“Same here,” Ravi says.
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Any fluff seasons 5-6 or post cannon sterek fics?
I think so!
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Lost and Insecure, You Found Me by Wicked_Starlight_Collector
(2/2 I 1,972 I General I Sterek)
“What’s wrong?”
Act dumb, Stiles thought. “Who said anything was wrong?”
Derek’s scowl grew, if that was even possible. “You know that I can smell your emotions, right?” He slowly tilted his head to the side. “You stink.”
What if Derek came back to Beacon Hills during season 5, and Stiles goes to see him after Scott found out about what happened between Stiles and Donovan in the library?
A Quiet Night (Not in the Cards) by Delightful_I_Am
(1/1 I 4,369 I Teen I Sterek)
"Derek fucking Hale!"
The shout rang through the bar and for a long moment nobody moved. It was like something out of a movie. Everything just stopped; the music cut off; one of the servers had frozen mid-pour. Grady would have laughed if he weren't holding his breath. The kid straightened his shirt, a glimpse of stomach showing the curling edges of a tattoo on his hip, and strode toward where Hale was sitting in the dark corner. As one, every supe in the place turned to see Hale's reaction; the last person to try to confront Hale in here had left with a broken hand and a whispered threat that the next time Hale would rip their throat out. With his teeth. Unsurprisingly, Hale's face was set in its usual glower, although it seemed a bit softer around the eyes. It took Grady a second to realise Hale knew the kid.
2. Diamonds by brokenes
(1/1 I 12,170 I Teen I Sterek)
The pack is up against a monster that manifests itself as your worst fear, but what if Derek's fear had already come to life? What if he'd already lost Stiles? And it was nobody's fault but his.
Stiles and his other half by babisays
(1/1 I 17,332 I General I Sterek)
Stiles has a little secret that just happens to be back in town to bring even more chaos back into his life.
Or how everyone found out Stiles has a twin and how they both prevent everything that happens in season 5 with the great power of friendship.
The New Normal by midnightcas
(27/27 I 63,392 I Teen i Sterek)
After Stiles gets hurt...again, Derek puts him on the metaphorical supernatural bench. Meanwhile, Stiles tries to have a normal life and make normal friends. But when a new pack comes to town and the Hales start getting threats, things start to get a little....not normal.
Tomorrow We Thrive by KouriArashi
(19/19 I 82,927 I Mature I Sterek)
A prominent alpha is murdered on the eve of Stiles and Derek's wedding, throwing a wrench into a years' worth of planning. With a hundred suspects and a surplus of possible motives, Stiles focuses on the mysterious Gévaudan Society and their possible connection to a missing teenager whose father is a well-known anti-werewolf activist.
What About Us? by Dan13la
(37/37 I 202,312 I Mature I Liam/Theo)
 While dealing with the hunters and Gerard, Liam has to deal with his anger, and Theo become part of the pack. He also seems to be the only one who can calm Liam down. What does that mean for them?
236 notes · View notes
shes-a-badkid · 2 months
I finally finished season 7 of 911 and I have things that I need to happen in season 8.
I’m gonna go by character and then just things I want to happen so strap in if you want to read my nonsense-
•Bobby- has this man ever ACTUALLY gone to real therapy? We’ve seen him talk to his priest and go to his meetings and that’s great, but like go to see a certified therapist. Please. I am actually begging.
•Athena- speaking of therapy… I love mom and dad, but I think they may need some marriage counseling. Just a tune up. (Because I don’t think mom here has ever talked about all of her trauma either, maybe even less than captain dad over there)
•May- I just want to see more of May. I miss her
•Hen and Karen- I need Henren to team up and take down the bitch. I don’t know how, but I need it. My heart says they call up Taylor and help her expose her abuse of power. (I don’t care what anyone says- I love Taylor) And I need them to get Mara back.
•Eddie- THERAPY! So much therapy. Solo therapy, family therapy, therapy that specializes in ptsd, maybe even therapy that specializes in religious issues… also please, we are all begging you to come out of the closet. And once you do, I do want Buddie to happen, but I kind of want Eddie to have his gay hot boy summer.
•Chris- honestly, I want this boy to stay mad for a bit. He deserves it. But I also want him to realize that his grandparents are toxic. Like maybe he realizes that, comes home, but he’s still mad and it SHOWS. Then, Eddie and him go to therapy. Maybe he vents to Buck and Buck is like trying to be neutral.
•Buck- I want him to move in with Eddie to help him not totally spiral (maybe that’s the catalyst for Tommy and him breaking up), and maybe he lets Bobby and Athena stay in his loft until they find a place. Other than that, he is doing surprisingly well and that frightens me for him…. Ooohh maybe, while Eddie is having his gay hot boy summer he gets all flustered and jealous and finally realizes he’s in love with Eddie.
•Chimney and Maddie- They need to continue to be happy and beautiful and adorable. Maybe we get another Madney baby. But, they can just continue with the good, happy married vibes.
•Ravi- just give me Ravi main. I will pay you. PLEASE. Just give it to me. And a Ravi Begins episode
•Gerard- I, personally, would love to see the team drive this man into an insane asylum or a grave. Just saying
-NOW- general things I want to happen
•Bottle episode- full episode at the station, no calls. Just silly station antics. Maybe someone is keeping a secret and this is when it all comes out. I saw someone talk about this in regards to Buddie- like they just go together and are kind of just seeing how it goes still and keeping it on the down low and they keep almost getting caught like holding hands or stuff like that and they make it through the whole slow shift and JUST as they are leaving they think they make it and they go to get into like Bucks jeep or whatever and they just barely kiss thinking no one sees except like everyone of course sees they just don’t know it and that’s how the episode ends. I don’t remember who it was but I would love that episode. Plus I just love a bottle episode.
•another good Chimney/Karen bonding moment. Like it was so cute and funny when they got drunk together when they thought Hen was up to something
•any scene with Maddie and Eddie together actually speaking to one another. I would love it if Maddie straight up calls Eddie out about his crush on Buck, but that’s just me
•Bobby having a friend that isn’t his wife or team. I know why the actor playing Michael is gone and that whole issue, but I miss their friendship/chemistry. His team (especially Buck) are most like his kids. He needs someone he can get into shenanigans with again
•more Buck/Hen scenes. We deserve them. They always have such cute scenes and we need more
•Chimney making fun of Eddie’s mustache
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mychemical-brainrot · 2 months
was looking for gerard pics to draw nd i started crying bc missed him..
real 😭 gerard we need you come back
22 notes · View notes
thisisnotthenerd · 2 years
bands of iron, bands of gold
Elody finds out about the siege from a messenger. Snowhold struck while her forces were scattered, holding back the rapid encroachment from the north.
“The women and children have gathered–,” he says, “--gathered in the cellar of the keep while the guardsmen defend from the parapets. They say the prince is with them, with so few guards to spare.”
“And what of the progress?” she pores over slowly shrinking territory on a map that changes every hour. The prince is with them.
“The castle walls have not been breached, and the keep remains unmolested. The people of Greenleigh are afraid, but hidden. They cannot last much longer without aid.”
“I will send all that I can, but we are more than a day’s ride out. Their forces here may yet seek to join the siege, and there are not enough soldiers even now to hold the line.”
“Whatever you can spare, your highness.” The prince is with them.
Prince Gerard is hidden in the keep of Castle Greenleigh, with the women and children of a falling kingdom.
As the troops under her command march back to the heart of Greenleigh, Elody cannot help the impulse to hold her mace. The gold, far less burnished now, dulled with the blood of enemy combatants, is far from the simple trinket it once was. This is not something that can be left to fall in a pond, to be found by something more than a frog. The weight of a kingdom rests in her hands, scepter and orb made a weapon of war.
She snaps back to attention as the verdant flags of Castle Greenleigh flutter on the horizon. The sigil of a lily flutters in the wind, torn to and fro as beings of ice and wind batter at the walls of the keep. The stones fall with every mile she pushes forth.
When all is said and done, the survivors emerge from the keep, eyes seeking the light and wincing at the brightness of the winter sun after weeks of darkness. One by one, they emerge from a battered keep, seeking the comfort of home.
She does not wait to see if he comes up, safe in the hope that he would not have left the castle.
The call to search comes hours later, when no one has seen the prince in over a day. Those that stayed with him only recall the reflection of bloodshot eyes in a shadowed corner, and the reassurance that war could not reach them dying down in the final days.
In all the rubble and destruction, there are many bodies–but none that she knows, warped as it has become.
Prince Gerard is gone, gone with the winds that battered the keep for days on end.
She sends scouts to search in the guise of monitoring the changes in borders as the Snow Queen sends her inhuman armies. Many people have fled Greenleigh in the wake of the battling soldiers, but there is no prince to be found among them.
The pond is her last resort–maybe the only place left in Greenleigh that has not truly been touched by war. It is a feeble hope that this worry might be allayed by whatever is there.
But indeed, there is only the pond she remembers from nearly twenty years ago–frozen over in the dead of winter, the frogs and fish far beneath the ice.
War has never stopped for love–why would it now? She cannot afford the time anymore than she can the heartbreak, buried as it is.
Prince Gerard is gone, gone like her parents, gone like the peace that Greenleigh cherished for decades.
Whispers of battles fought across the Neverafter reach Greenleigh as fast as all tales of war spread, rapid enough to know the nature of the danger only after the conclusion of the battle. Undead armies in the north, giants in Marienne, missing princesses and dead princes in faraway Elegy.
Jubilee is her closest ally in this ever growing war–the old king is solemn as he fights in the name of fiddlers three. When the kingdom falls she offers him a place in Greenleigh, if only for a moment’s respite. He thanks her, but leaves in the night for the Blackwood Forest.
After a while, she stops hearing from Old King Cole. At first, she sends scouting parties down the road to Shoeberg to track the latest caravan. The people who flee may brave the haunts of the Blackwood to find refuge in Shoeberg’s prosperity, as the world falls apart around it.
She goes herself on impulse, wanting to know what happened to the old king.
A ways off the path, she finds furniture, misshapen and warped into the proportions of men, wandering the Blackwood in search of flesh and blood, the magic that changed them fading into the air.
A day’s ride after she passes the border into Elegy, she happens upon a town, abandoned and falling apart as all things do in the Neverafter.
The remains of the fairy who made men of objects are easy to find in the outskirts of the abandoned home of the princess of Elegy. A large rotting pumpkin sits at the heart of a battlefield, surrounded by the rogue enchanted furniture. The fresh bodies are more unnerving than the silence of the clearing, disturbed only by the creaking of wood and metal joints that bend in strange and fractal ways.
The first is an old man–past the prime of life, limbs spread at odd angles–crushed by the enchanted creatures. He has the look of a budding witch, magic tinting the air around, but a strange lack of personal effects.
The second is that of a young woman in a tattered gown and small tiara. Her bow lays at her side, quiver emptied into the enchanted onslaught. The scavengers have already started to come for her far more than any other. When Elody moves the bow to try and see what felled this girl, this young princess far from the land of her birth, foreign briars creep up the wood towards her seeking hand. They do not grow from the cursed ground but seemingly from the girl herself.
The sight of a mutilated little girl is jarring; the various chests and tables surround a canyon in which she is the only occupant, presumably drawing fire from her allies. Had Elody and Gerard married earlier, she could have borne a daughter the same age as this girl in a red cloak, bearing the ax of a woodsman far larger than her.
The puppet left under the table must be the toy of the younger girl, abandoned on the battlefield. Shaped like a marionette’s attempt at a little boy, it reeks of fading enchantment magic and something else, darker than the innocent face would have her believe. The only thing marring the toy is a missing nose, ripped from a wooden face with clawed hands that do not match those of the martyred girl.
The cat in boots is peculiar, and sticks in her memories of Marienne, of a humble boy rising to become the Marquis de Carabas with the aid of a trickster. This little animal, mangled by magic, is far from the estate now, no title nor land to speak of. She would not have noticed it save for a little blue cape now stained with blood.
The fairy’s corpse is odd–the progress of rot and death more advanced than would be expected for something that could not have died more than a few days prior. At a glance, the magic sustaining her and the furniture is seeping into the blackened earth and spreading from the clearing with a vengeance. Elody brandishes her mace and approaches the fairy, hoping the magic is not a sign of the fairy’s life returning, when she sees it.
A glass shard, torn from a greater structure and bloodstained buried in the chest of a man whose eyes she recognizes, warped as they are. Gerard.
He looks more froglike than the last she saw of him, at the dinner table arguing that war could not reach them in the castle. His crown rests on his brow between bloodshot human eyes, ill-sized for a frog’s head. His hands, membranous and viridescent, are flayed where they desperately pull at the shard. The shard pins his body to the earth–much as she tries to remove it, she cannot without taking it into herself.
She walks from the battlefield, mace stowed and Gerard’s wedding ring on her right hand.
Prince Gerard is dead and gone, taken by the times of shadow. Not in Greenleigh, but in a forest, far from home, condemned again at the hands of a fairy.
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