#somebody gone be knocking on his door soon
of-a-chaotic-mind · 1 month
I've Come To A Conclusion.
I've been looking through 911 Season 8 Bingo cards trying to get ideas for mine and it seems we can all agree:
- Henren gets to adopt Mara. (as they should)
- Gerard needs to fuckin kick the bucket. (right after 118 fam malicious compliances the fuck out of him)
- Captain Dad will return to the 118. (where he belongs)
- Ravi needs more screen time. (yes, yes he does. give us our sweet chaotic gremlin)
- The bees are gonna rise up. (or something... idk can someone please explain it to me bc I am so lost under this rock)
- Chris is gonna come back. (obviously, I can never imagine a timeline where he doesn't)
- Madney is either gonna adopt, foster, or get pregnant. (please, give these two more children. they so deserve it)
- Clipboard Buck needs to return. (I can see him showing up to fuck with Gerard.)
- One of Buck's exes is gonna show up. (ngl I'm kinda rooting for an awkward Buck, Tommy, Abby moment...)
- Someone is gonna visit death's door. (opinions are mixed on who it's gonna be)
- The fact that Buck is in Eddie's will to get Chris will come up at some point. (I'm curious about how Eddie's parents will react)
0 notes
museanddream · 30 days
One Night - part 1 || Ona Batlle x Lucy Bronze x Reader
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Summary: When you complete a dream transfer to Barcelona, there’s only one problem - you have to learn to coexist with your ex-hookup and her new girlfriend.
Warnings: 🔞 | no actual smut in this chapter but contains references to sex and this is just setup for several parts of pure filth
Word count: 5.4k
It takes you all of about ten seconds on your first day at Barcelona to realise that Ona Batlle and Lucy Bronze are dating.
Strangely, it’s not Lucy who gives it away, but instead the young Spaniard.
You don’t actually know Ona beyond the distant professionalism of two people who have played against each other a handful of times over the years. Lucy, however, is somebody you’re more than acquainted with. Intimately so.
You started sleeping with Lucy a few years ago, during her first spell at City. Lucy was charming, hot and available and you were … well, you were young and horny. It was a mutually convenient agreement until she moved to France and you to Germany, when it became obvious within just a few months that a casual situationship was much harder to nurture when you lived in different countries. That’s when it fell apart, heated words fired from both sides then radio silence as if you’d never even known each other.
You knew you’d have to face up to your past when you signed for Barcelona. Lucy’s been here for a year already, but you don’t say no to a club like Barça, not even when you’ve got history with one of their star defenders.
All you can do when you show up for your first day is hope that you’ve both matured enough to be professional about it.
“I’d heard a rumour you might be coming here.”
Of course you find yourself alone with her in the dressing room pretty much straight away, fresh out of your signing photoshoot. The soft fabric of the blaugrana Barcelona kit feels good against your skin, but you feel anything but comfortable alone with Lucy.
“Back on the same team, huh?” you reply stiffly. “Who’d have thought it?”
“The best team,” Lucy brags.
You’re saved from having to make any more awkward smalltalk with Lucy as the door to the dressing room clatters open.
“Lucy, you left your trainers in the-”
The newcomer, Ona Batlle, stops mid sentence when she notices you, forgetting whatever she was saying so that she can instead greet you with a dazzling smile that knocks the air out of your lungs.
She’s pretty. You’re sure that you must have already known this, you just haven’t had time to properly appreciate it, not when you were playing against her and focused on other things.
“Hi. I’m Ona,” she greets you, letting you introduce yourself in return before she turns her attention back to Lucy. “You left these in the gym. If I’d known I’d be tidying up after you, I’d have stayed in Manchester.”
And that’s when you realise that there’s more to the relationship between Ona and Lucy than just being new teammates. It’s a mixture of things that gives it away, the affectionate tone of Ona’s voice, the familiarity with which she teases Lucy, but mostly the look of absolute adoration in Ona’s eyes as Lucy takes the shoes off her. It’s a look that you recognise, because there was once a time when you probably looked at Lucy with that same expression.
If there was any doubt in your mind, what Ona says next is the final nail in the coffin.
“We should stop for groceries on the way home by the way,” Ona says to Lucy. “We don’t have anything for dinner.”
Home. So it’s serious enough that they’re living together, she’s not just another one of Lucy’s flings.
You were never that serious with Lucy. Aside from occasionally carpooling to training the next day if one of you accidentally fell asleep at the other’s post-hookup, you never reached this level of domesticity.
Lucy mumbles something in agreement, tucking her trainers into the cubby behind her, and soon enough Ona is gone as quickly as she arrived.
Left alone with Lucy again, the atmosphere somehow even more tense than before, the first thing that spills from your lips before you have time to think twice is a joke.
“Bit young for you, isn’t she Luce?”
“I don’t know what you…” Lucy trails off and sighs, probably realising that there’s no point trying to deny anything when you’re going to be sharing a dressing room with her and her new beau and will inevitably learn the truth anyway. “Look, I really like her, okay? It’s real.”
You ignore the heavy implications of Lucy’s words, that what she shared with you all those years ago wasn’t real, for the sake of the harmony of the team you’ve just joined.
“I’m happy for you,” you tell Lucy, not entirely untruthful. You never thought that Lucy would be partnered up when you joined Barcelona, but you definitely didn’t expect any of your old history to be reignited either. It’s been long enough that Lucy is just another teammate, someone you can learn to get along with.
You do get along with Lucy, in a kind of amicable yet emotionless way that almost feels like you’ve never played on the same team before, let alone slept together on and off for over a year in your early twenties. It’s purely professional, cordial without getting too close to friendly.
You’re relieved, of course. The last time you encountered Lucy was an international match a couple of years ago, an evening which started with heavy tackles and the two of you earning a yellow card apiece on the pitch and ended with Lucy on her knees between your legs in an empty medical room after the game. It was the last time you saw Lucy, the last time you slept with her, the last time you even spoke to her until you moved to Barcelona.
So you’re glad that you can get along with her, even if you’re still trying to wrap your head around how normal it is to be teammates again after everything.
But somebody you really start to get along with is Ona.
It turns out you have more in common with Ona than just being new signings and finding Lucy Bronze attractive. You bond quickly at training and soon you’re hanging out outside of the training ground, grabbing coffee a couple of times a week and letting Ona show you around the city that has become your new home. Lucy gets invited along once or twice but always manages to find an excuse not to join you - whether Ona knows about your history with Lucy isn’t clear to you and you decide it’s not your place to be the one to tell her.
And that’s how you become good friends with your ex-hookup’s new girlfriend.
You quickly realise exactly what Lucy sees in Ona.
She’s got a personality that matches the Barcelona sunshine, a smile that would charm anybody, and eyes that are so big and perfect you’re not entirely convinced that she wasn’t hand-drawn by a cartoonist.
It’s not a crush, you tell yourself. That would be inappropriate in all sorts of ways. It’s just an appreciation.
One that only grows as the season progresses.
Ona does your hair before a game, putting it into a braid that matches her own, and it quickly becomes a pre-match tradition. You sit on the floor between Ona’s legs while her deft fingers work your scalp and pull strands of hair this way and that and can you really be blamed for the direction your traitorous thoughts threaten to move, especially not when Ona was standing beside you in nothing but a tiny pair of shorts and a sports bra mere moments ago? Now you’re thinking about her abs and her fingers.
She taps your shoulder when she’s done, letting you know that you can stand up, and you make eye contact with Lucy across the dressing room as you get to your feet. Her gaze is intense, not jealous or angry that you’ve become so close to her girlfriend, but there’s something in those familiar eyes that you just can’t place.
Focused on the match ahead, you store that information in the back of your mind for later, but end up forgetting about it altogether.
There’s some kind of mix-up in communication that means that Lucy has joined you for one of your usual outings for coffee with Ona. You try to excuse your way out of it, claiming that you don’t want to third-wheel their date, but Ona is too nice and jokes that it’s actually Lucy who is the third wheel, before saying that you can’t back out now.
So that’s how you end up sitting at a table on a terrace outside a quaint little cafe with Lucy. Ona goes inside, having insisted that she’ll buy the coffees, despite your protests that she paid last time and it’s your turn.
“You’ve got a good one there, Luce.”
Lucy grins across at you.
“I know. Always had good taste in women, me.”
It’s … flirty? At least it feels borderline flirtatious, considering your past with Lucy. Then again, Lucy’s always been a little flirty, she just didn’t have a girlfriend the last time she turned her charm on with you all those years ago.
“I just mean, don’t fuck it up with her, that’s all,” you tell Lucy, rolling your eyes.
“You mean like I did with you?”
It’s the first time in the three months since you joined Barcelona that either of you have openly acknowledged what you used to have and you don’t really know how to react. Your policy since joining Barcelona has been to pretend that you and Lucy were never a thing. That’s a lot harder to do when Lucy is reminding you that you were.
“It wasn’t just you who fucked it up,” you reply, avoiding eye contact with Lucy out of fear that looking at her might bring up old attraction. “Anyway, that was different, it wasn’t like what you have with Ona.”
Lucy hums, then says, “Maybe it could’ve been the same. If we hadn’t been so dumb and immature.”
There’s much less room to misinterpret Lucy’s words this time. Here is Lucy, pretty much admitting that she wishes things had gotten more serious with you when she had the chance, while her actual girlfriend, the same person who has been nothing but welcoming and an all round great friend to you since you joined Barcelona, is at the counter inside the coffee shop.
“We were around the same age as Ona when it started,” you point out, hoping that the mention of her girlfriend will snap Lucy back into a reality where she doesn’t feel the need to reminisce over your past.
“Ona…” Lucy glances at Ona through the coffee shop window and her expression softens. “Ona’s got a wise head on her. Plus she’s a hopeless romantic. She’s been all-in since the start. Probably knocked a bit of sense into me too, along the way.”
They’re disgustingly in love with each other and it’s enough to squash any butterflies in your own stomach.
“Like I said, I’m glad you’ve found each other.”
The conversation finishes there as Ona returns with the coffees, setting the tray on the table carefully and passing the drinks around.
“Thanks, Ona. You know, I might steal you away from Lucy if you keep fuelling my caffeine addiction like this.”
You say it as if having a little flirt with Ona somehow makes up for whatever traitorous thoughts you were having about Lucy before Ona returned to the table, but at least the smile that spreads across Ona’s face at your words is enough to smother some of your guilt.
“It’s good to keep Lucy on her toes,” Ona says, raising her eyebrows at you like she’s letting you in on an inside joke. “And she’s always saying how much she likes a competition.”
Lucy stirs her own coffee, then sets her spoon down as she leans back casually in her chair as if completely unbothered by the thought of having to fight you for Ona’s attention.
“Yeah,” she says with a shrug. “And I always win.”
You’ve always liked away games. Especially now, in a new league. New teams to play against, new cities to visit. And you quickly get used to the expectations that Barça has for its players on away trips.
The main one is the rooming rules. Couples don’t share, you learn that quickly, and also notice that everybody seems to accept that rule. You’ve been on teams before where that’s been an official rule, but teammates have made arrangements between themselves to trade with each other to share with their partner instead. That’s not the case at Barcelona.
The other thing is that while there are some players who mostly seem to always share with each other, there seems to be a deliberate effort to rotate room pairings for the newer signings as they integrate with their new teammates. You’re with Esmee for the first trip, which is a relief to you both as neither of you speaks a word of Spanish yet, then with Ingrid who is just as friendly, having been a new signing herself only a couple of years ago.
You never share with Lucy. Part of you wonders if she’s put in a deliberate request to whoever organises the hotels that sharing with you is just as off-limits to her as sharing with Ona would be, but you’re grateful for it. Though it’s no longer as weird between you, sharing a room with her seems like a step too far right now.
It takes four months at Barça before you room with Ona for the first time, for two nights on a Champions League away fixture in Sweden. The first night is quiet and focused, you talk through some of the tactics from the earlier training session together before getting an early night.
But the second night, after winning the game, there’s a knock on the door when you’re getting ready for bed.
You probably shouldn’t be surprised when you open the door and find Lucy standing outside, given that she’s your roommate’s girlfriend, but you forget that for a moment until Lucy speaks.
“Hey. Is Ona here? Just wanted to say goodnight.”
You blink yourself out of your surprise, then gesture at the closed door to the en-suite bathroom.
“She’s just in there.”
“Can I wait?” Lucy asks.
You hesitate for just a moment, then step aside to let her in.
Lucy enters the room and you close the door behind her. When you turn around, she’s taken a seat on the end of your bed.
“Uh, that‘s Ona’s bed,” you tell her, pointing at the other bed.
“Oh. Shit, sorry.”
Lucy moves to the other bed, but still sits on it just as awkwardly as she sat on yours. Though it’s mostly normal between you and Lucy these days, when it’s just the two of you, you sometimes remember the way things used to be.
And then you remember that it’s not like that anymore.
“Remember when we used to sneak into each other’s rooms at City?” Lucy asks, with a low chuckle. Apparently she’s reminiscing over the past too.
You glance towards the bathroom, wondering if Lucy is really trying to remind you of the late night trysts you used to have at away games while her actual girlfriend is on the other side of the door.
“Is that your way of hinting at me to piss off and leave you alone with your girlfriend?” you ask her drily, arching an eyebrow as you plug your phone in to charge on the nightstand.
“Nah, it’s against the rules, innit.”
“It was against the rules at City too,” you remind her.
“Yeah, but that’s what made it exciting.” Lucy’s green eyes are alight with mischief, and your stomach does a little flip as you remember the thrill of trying to hook up with Lucy at any available moment without getting caught by teammates or coaches.
And then you feel guilty. Because this is another conversation with Lucy that borders on flirtatious, another split second where you forget she’s in a relationship and are transported right back to when she used to want you.
Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, the bathroom lock clicks and the door swings open. Something shifts in the air between you and Lucy as Ona steps out, hair falling in pretty waves over her shoulders. Her brown eyes light up with pure joy and adoration when she spots Lucy sitting on her bed.
“You’re not supposed to be in here,” Ona teases Lucy.
“I’m not staying,” replies Lucy. “Just wanted to drop by and say goodnight.”
An uneasy feeling settles in your stomach and you’re not sure if it’s because they’re so horribly in love with each other that it’s making you nauseous, or if it’s a lingering guilt that Ona has no idea you and Lucy were just talking about your heated past. Either way, you feel like you’re intruding on something you shouldn’t be here for, making a mumbled excuse about giving them a moment and take yourself into the bathroom.
It’s only when the door is locked behind you that you realise you’re now trapped in the bathroom, while they’re saying goodnight to each other in god knows what sort of way.
You press your ear to the door, then jerk away as if the wood is scalding hot when you realise what you’re doing. If they’re talking, it’s not your place to eavesdrop. And if they’re doing anything else…
Your cheeks burn hot at the idea. Surely they wouldn’t? Not while you’re in the bathroom. But they had been so enamoured by each other that you’re not even sure if they noticed you slip away.
You think back to your situationship with Lucy all those years ago. She always had an incredible knack for getting you naked in record time and somehow, you really doubt that she’s lost any of that charm since then.
What if they get carried away with their goodnight wishes and you’re stuck in here all night?
You don’t know how long you’re left wallowing in your own anguish in the bathroom, it could be anywhere from three minutes to three days, but eventually there’s a knock on the door, which is followed by Ona calling your name. You flick the lock then open the door, relieved to find Ona still fully dressed in her pyjamas and now alone in the room again.
“You okay?” she asks. “You were quiet in there. Not that I was listening! Just that you were in there a while and … and I didn’t hear the toilet flush or anything.”
Ona is exceptionally cute when she’s flustered.
“I just didn’t want to get in you and Lucy’s way.”
For just a second, Ona looks like she wants to say something, but she holds it back and the moment passes. Soon you’re each lying in your own bed, the lights off as you settle down for the night.
Sleep feels a whole universe away. Maybe you’re imagining it, but you think you can still smell Lucy‘s perfume lingering in the room. The air somehow feels even thicker than it did when Lucy was here. You can hear every movement from the other side of the room, every shift of the bedsheets, every breath that Ona takes, like it’s being amplified through a speaker.
“I know about you and Lucy.” Ona’s low voice eventually penetrates the darkness. “What you used to have. Lucy told me a while ago.”
That’s - well, it’s not what you’re expecting her to suddenly admit. You’re grateful that the lights are off, saving you from having to twist your expression into something neutral.
“It didn’t mean anything. It was just a bit of fun. It was never anything serious.”
You hear Ona’s chuckle rise up from the other bed.
“I know. She told me everything. I’m not jealous. That was way before I knew either of you. Anyway, it makes sense.”
“It does?” you ask.
“Yeah. I like you both. Makes sense you’d like each other too.” There’s a pause, then she adds, “Also you’re both hot.”
Not for the first time, you wonder if everything that’s happened since you joined Barcelona has been some kind of bizarre dream, because there’s no version of normal that includes your ex-hookup’s new girlfriend implying she thinks you’re attractive in the middle of the night on an away trip.
You don’t really know how you’re supposed to reply.
“Uh, thanks.”
Ona continues, “I’m telling you I know just because I’ve noticed you’re a bit weird around Lucy sometimes, so I just want you to know it’s fine with me if you two want to hang out.”
You wonder if Ona would still be fine with it if she knew that you and Lucy have almost flirted with each other twice now. Your cheeks heat up at the thought and you’re glad for the darkness that hides your flush from Ona.
“Maybe we could all hang out together sometime?” Ona suggests, oblivious to your turmoil.
“Oh, I don’t know if…”
“We could have a movie night,” Ona suggests, ignoring your attempts at declining the offer. “At our place. It’d be fun!”
It’s such a typically Ona suggestion. Because Ona is sweet and kind and of course she wants to do everything she can to make sure that her friend gets along with her girlfriend without any awkwardness. There’s not a bone in Ona’s body that would even consider the possibility of being jealous of the fact that you and Lucy used to sleep with each other.
And so in that moment, staring up at the ceiling in a hotel room in Sweden, you vow to never let yourself have a private conversation with Lucy again that’s about anything other than football, to never let Lucy flirt with you or the idea of flirting with Lucy back cross your mind, and to definitely never reminisce about Lucy when your hand is between your legs.
You don’t manage to talk your way out of going to Ona’s planned movie night, though if you’re completely honest, you don’t try too hard.
When you arrive at their apartment, it’s Lucy who opens the door and you have a brief moment of panic that she doesn’t actually want you here. But you’re quickly reassured by the way she steps aside to let you in and greets you with a mumbled “Alright?”
“Nice place you’ve got here,” you comment to fill the silence, as Lucy leads you through the apartment to the living room.
You sit down in the single armchair, leaving the couch for Lucy and Ona to share. There’s no sign of Ona yet and Lucy doesn’t sit down, instead hovering awkwardly by the door, glancing over her shoulder every two seconds as if looking to see if Ona is joining you.
“I know this was Ona’s idea but if it’s weird I can just go,” you pipe up, wondering if it’s really that awful for Lucy to be alone with you that she needs her girlfriend as a buffer.
“No,” Lucy says decisively. “It was both our ideas. You wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want you too.”
Finally, to the relief of both of you, you hear bare feet pattering down the hallway from one of the other rooms and Ona appears in the doorway. She smiles warmly at Lucy, brushing her fingers against Lucy’s hand as she passes in a gesture that feels far too intimate for you to witness, then grins at you.
“Hi! You came!”
Ona sounds genuinely surprised, like she half-expected you to not turn up, and maybe you haven’t been as good as you thought you were at pretending your relationship with Lucy is one between two normal teammates if Ona was worried that you might bail on a movie night just because Lucy would be there too.
“Of course,” you say, as you try to relax back in your armchair as Lucy and Ona sit down at opposite ends of the sofa. “So, have you already picked out a movie?”
“A movie?” Lucy asks. Confusion briefly flashes across her face, but then it settles into realisation as she turns to Ona and repeats, “A movie.”
A tiny smirk graces Ona’s lips as she shrugs and says, “What? You told me to get her here. You didn’t say how.”
Lucy seems equal parts annoyed and amused - about what you’re not exactly sure - as she says, “I thought you’d do some of the explaining instead of leaving it all to me.”
It’s your turn to be confused.
“So we’re not watching a movie then?” you ask slowly, your eyes flitting between the two of them as you wait for an answer.
Silence hangs between the three of you, Lucy and Ona apparently both waiting for the other to say something, before Lucy rolls her eyes and takes control.
“Listen, here’s the deal,” she starts to explain, leaning forwards slightly in her seat. “I told Ona about our past as soon as you signed for Barça and she found it pretty amusing. Soon she was asking more questions about … well, about you and us, I’m sure you get the picture.”
Still trying to figure out what this has got to do with a movie night, you say, “I don’t think I do.”
Lucy lets out a groan.
“Jesus, am I gonna have to spell it out? She wanted to know what it was like to ‘be with you’ -” Lucy throws up some exaggerated air quotes with her hands, rolling her eyes again along with her words. “So I told her. Well, actually I told her that if she wanted to know what it was like then she should just sleep with you herself. Was joking, of course, but it turns out Ona’s really into that idea, actually.”
Your eyes flicker across to Ona, whose cheeks are tinged a pretty shade of pink and eyes are wide with a mixture of worry and expectation as she waits for your response.
Turning back to Lucy, you ask, “So you’ve invited me over to fuck your girlfriend?”
Lucy nods.
“Well, both of us, if you’re up for it. We figured you and me already had that chemistry and I know you fancy Ona, judging by how often I see you checking her out in the dressing room.”
Your mouth falls open, embarrassed that your staring has been noticed, ready to protest, but they’re both looking at you with more amusement than annoyance.
“Anyway, that’s us,” Lucy finishes. “Ball’s in your court.”
Two pairs of eyes watch you, waiting for your reaction. Lucy almost seems indifferent, settling back in her seat casually as if trying to play it cool, which almost has you wondering if you’ve imagined her just propositioning you for a threesome, if not for the way that one of her fingers taps nervously against her thigh. Ona, on the other hand, looks at you with eyes that are wide and vulnerable, as if the prospect of you turning them down might shatter her heart.
The pieces start to fit together - the tour of cute Barcelona coffee shops from Ona, the occasional flirtatious comments from Lucy. To know that they both want you is flattering. To know that they’ve been talking about this, planning how to get you into their home and their bed, is something that your mind struggles to comprehend.
“It doesn’t have to be tonight,” Ona eventually says. “If you need time to think about it?”
“No, let’s do it.”
Your words are decisive. If you give yourself too long to think about it, you’ll talk yourself out of it and you can’t deny that this is something you want. Maybe you hadn’t imagined that it would end up happening like this, with both of them, but you’ve definitely thought about them. Lucy, and the things she used to do to you, the spark you used to have that still makes the occasional appearance when you least expect it. Ona, and the way her hands feel in your hair when she braids it before a game, the way your stomach churns with butterflies whenever she smiles at you and those perfect eyes look into yours.
To have both of them at the same time is beyond your wildest fantasies.
“Go on,” Lucy says to Ona. “I know you’ve been dying to kiss her for months.”
Your heart rate picks up.
Ona counters this by shaking her head.
“Not months. Lucy’s exaggerating.”
“I’m not. She talks about you all the time. About what it’d be like to kiss you, to have you in our bed. And I told her if she was that desperate, she should just go for it. I know you like the direct approach, it worked for me all them years ago. But no. No, Ona wanted to seduce you. Why do you think she’s been taking you on all those coffee dates? She’s been trying to woo you.”
Your ego swells with the knowledge that Ona, beautiful and kind and funny as she is, who has already pretty much hit the relationship jackpot by bagging herself Lucy, has apparently spent months plotting her pursuit of you.
Not that you had any idea. Ona has always strayed onto the affectionate side of friendship whenever you’ve hung out with her. Maybe if she’d been single, you might have picked up on some clues, but you’ve known about her relationship with Lucy since you joined the team and never had any reason to think that Ona’s familiarity with you was down to anything else but the fact that she’s simply Spanish.
You explain this to them.
“I thought she was just being nice.”
Lucy chuckles to herself at this, then says, “Course you did. Sweet little Ona, welcoming you to Barça. Just wait until you find out Little Miss Perfect isn’t so innocent after all.”
If you weren’t already interested, Lucy’s words fill you with intrigue.
“Come here,” you instruct Ona.
Ona glances at Lucy, as if asking for her permission, and Lucy responds by rolling her eyes and clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth.
“Don’t get shy on us now as if this wasn’t your idea in the first place.”
Ona’s cheeks are pink but she pushes up to her feet and crosses over to you. She stops awkwardly in front of you, scratching at a hangnail on her thumb until you reach for her hand and pull her closer, leaving her very little choice but to clamber into your lap.
“You’ve been planning this, huh?” you murmur to her, as if you’re the only two in the room. Your hands find her hips as she settles with a leg on either side of your thighs. “What, Lucy wasn’t enough for you?”
“She is,” Ona says. “But…”
Ona trails off, teeth chewing into her lower lip.
“But what?” You prompt her.
There’s a brief moment where time seems to stand still, except for the visible rise and fall of Ona’s chest as she breathes, then she answers, “But I wanted you too.”
Hearing Ona vocalise her desire for you gives you a rush that comes second only to scoring a goal in a cup final.
It makes you giddy. And you really don’t want to fuck it up, which is why you take a few deep breaths in time with the strokes of your hands up and down Ona’s thighs as you compose yourself before you speak again.
“All those times you took me out for coffee, all the times you translated for me in training or did my hair before a game, you were thinking about this, weren’t you? About having my hands on your body.” You lean closer until your foreheads rest against each other, hot breath mingling in the almost nonexistent gap between your mouths, then whisper, “My lips against your skin.”
Ona tilts her chin up slightly, trying to tempt you into finally closing the gap. When you don’t, she resorts to begging.
“What do you want?” You want to coax it out of her, committing every part of this moment to memory. “Tell me.”
“Kiss me.”
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
part 2 of the lando soulmate th ing?
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The First Part
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Tell me when the F1 comes to your city.
It was a damn long shot, but it was all Lando had. It was kind of crazy, that one of the only things she was able to tell him about herself was that she didn't like the Formula One.
It was, well, nothing to go on, but it was all he had.
Why? So I can tell you how obsessed my friends are with Pube face?
Yeah, he was Pube face. She didn't know what she was calling him Pube face, but he was Pube face. And he didn't much mind.
Just trust me, he said, and he could basically feel the way she laughed at him.
I don't know you, she answered.
But still, she told him when the F1 got to her city. It's here, she said after a good few months.
It had been so long since Lando had said it to her, he'd completely forgotten all about it. What's here? What've you done? He asked as he got ready for the first practice session.
You wanted to know when the Formula One got to my city, she said.
His eyes widened. Fuck, they were in the same city. Have you got a ticket? He asked quickly. The practice session could wait, he decided. This was far more important.
A ticket for what?
The race!
The way his knee was bouncing was uncontrollable. He tapped his hands against his knee as he waited for her to answer. Goddamn, it was taking far too long. And she wasn't fucking replying.
But then, she answered. I've looked into getting tickets and they're all sold out, she said. Plus, they were expensive as hell, anyway.
He looked around his drivers room, looked at the clock on the wall. Somebody knocked on his door, but he didn't care. Look, I'm busy for the next hour, but do you think you could get to the race track?
There was another pause, one that had him so damn stressed. Not the track, she said and he released a breath. But there's a town maybe forty five minutes away. I can get there.
It was the longest Free Practice of his life. But, as soon as it was finished, as soon as he was out of his car and his helmet was pulled from his head, he was running through the paddock to get to his car. He had nothing on him, but he didn't much care. What's the name of the town.
She tried to say the name, but it came out in a way that he couldn't hear it. That was house it worked. Okay, just sit in a café somewhere. I'll pay for whatever coffee you drink.
That was how Lando Norris found himself driving to towns forty five minutes to an hour away from the track. He went to three different towns, not really caring for the approaching Free Practice session. He went in every café in these towns, saying 'Pube face?' to random people.
His phone was going crazy, though, the McLaren team calling him back to the track. A sigh left his lips as he walked into the final café in the final town. I'm gonna have to give up soon, he said as he scanned the faces of everybody in the café.
Omg, she said suddenly. Guess who just walked into the café.
Desperately, he looked around. Who?
Pube face.
His heart felt as if it was going to stop. Stand up.
And there, in the corner of the café, a girl stood up. It looked a little odd, her standing as she drank her coffee. She looked from person to person, refusing to look at Lando.
But then he approached her. "Holy shit," he said as he approached her. "Pube face?"
The surprise was so clearly written on her face as she carefully put her coffee cup down. Because, if she wasn't careful, it would have gone clattering to the floor.
But then she shook her head. "You know you're Pube face, right?" She asked, voice shaking slightly. Good, she was just as nervous as he was.
Lando scratched at the facial hair on his chin. "You don't like it?" He asked, unable to stop grinning at her.
She looked at him, really looked at him and on the facial hair on his chin. "You know what? I think it could grow on me." She sat back down and nodded to the chair across from her. "You wanna get coffee with me?"
604 notes · View notes
luvhughes43 · 9 months
sweetener | jack hughes
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au masterlist⭐️ (apart of the journalist! au)
the previous part is linked here !
word count: 5.8k
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⋆ ★
Three hurried knocks sound out from my front door and I rush out into the entry way as if whoever is behind that door will dissipate at a moment's notice. Of course I know that wouldn't happen, because Jack Hughes is standing on the other side of my door and all week he’s been updating me on his schedule and when he’d be able to meet our daughter. 
He’s been saying that a lot, our daughter. Which, he’s right. Leighton is our daughter but the word our feels so completely foreign to me that my mind reels and my heart races every time I hear him say it. Which is another thing, because Jack is a serial texter and yet, every night this past week without fail he’s called me to talk. He’s completely committed to being a father, and now that the paternity test came back telling us what we already know, Jack is coming to meet Leighton. Our daughter. 
Jack knocks again, and I quickly comb through my hair with my fingers before slowly opening the door. 
“Hey,” Jack waves awkwardly, unsure of what to do when you’re about to meet your secret baby for the first time. We both shuffle around my entryway awkwardly, before I gesture for Jack to sit on my couch. 
“Do you want water or anything to drink?” I ask lamely, twisting a lone baby blanket that was sprawled across the back of the couch in my hands. Jack shakes his head and then rubs his sweaty palms on his jeans. 
What were you supposed to say to someone who was meeting their baby for the first time? Somebody that you had so much history with? Somebody who, despite everything that happened, still has a prominent place in your heart? You wouldn’t know. 
Jack opens his mouth, before quickly shutting it again. 
“I’ll go get Leighton,” I nod dumbly, as if that wasn’t the whole reason that we were both here. I’m not normally this awkward around Jack but… under the circumstances any sort of social queues I know have gone right out of the window. I don't let Jack reply before I shuffle out of the room. 
Leighton is dressed in a pink one piece onesie which was a gift from Jack’s mother, Ellen. Who for the last week has been texting me and sending things over to the apartment. 
As soon as Jack hears my footsteps, he's rushing to his feet and facing us. “Oh wow…” he murmurs as soon as he lays eyes on our daughter. “This is so much better than the pictures and videos…” he trails off again, referring to the numerous videos I've sent him of our daughter this past week. 
“Do you want to hold her?” I ask, to which Jack immediately nods. I gesture for him to sit back down on the couch and he happily obliges. 
“She’s gorgeous,” Jack awes as I shift Leighton to rest into his arms. I’m not surprised that I don’t have to tell Jack how to hold a baby properly, he’s always been so well versed with children. Even when we were dating babies and kids just seemed to gravitate towards him, making it easy for him to handle kids.
Tears rush to Jack’s waterline as he holds his daughter for the first time. He doesn’t bother to wipe them away as they freely run down his cheeks. “I have a baby,” he whispers, gaze soft as he stares at our little girl. “Hi Leighton,” he says again, voice slightly louder as he tries to get the young girl's attention. She smiles up at him gummily, before reaching a chubby hand out and latching onto one of her dad’s fingers. 
I silently pull my phone out of my pocket and capture the sweet moment between the two. I had imagined this moment for months, but no dream would ever compare to what was sitting before me. Jack softly cooing at our daughter, completely in awe of her would be something that I would never forget. 
⋆ ★
When Jack looks back on the past year, he can’t help but wince. If he was more mature maybe he wouldn’t have let you walk away so easily - maybe he would have seen through Vivienne's deceptions and would have realized that he wasn’t truly happy with her. After meeting his daughter and getting to spend time with you in person today he made a promise to himself that he would do better for himself and for his family. 
His family. Whom he had just fully met a few hours ago and yet his happiness still hadn’t slowed or ebbed away yet. It was all so incredibly surreal.
“Like I'm telling you, that was the most.. Like the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” Jack spoke hurriedly on the phone to his older brother Quinn. “I have a daughter, and she’s real, and I held her today,”
“That’s really great,” 
“She grabbed a hold of my finger! She has a really good grip, probably going to be better than all of us at hockey,” Quinn only laughed in response. 
“When can I meet her?” he asked. 
“I don’t know, I'll have to talk to y/n about everything. We’re taking it slow right now you know? Just trying to get me comfortable with the baby and all that,” Jack answers, excitement still laced in his voice. “Mom sent Leighton some things though which… Leighton… What a pretty name? Like I have a daughter”
“I’m really happy everything's starting to work out for you,” Quinn responded. After all the dramatics of the past few weeks, the future was finally starting to brighten.
“Thank you,” Jack replied honestly, mind still reeling from the day's events. “I have a family.” 
⋆ ★
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liked by jackhughes, claudia, and others
ynuser my whole world🤍
jackhughes added to their story !
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⋆ ★
“Are you okay? Why are you smiling so hard?” my best friend said to me as I finished doing my makeup. 
“What? I’m fine!”
“No seriously, what’s going on?” Claudia continues, easily seeing past my poorly constructed lies. 
“Jack’s coming over to see Leighton tonight,” I can’t help the smile on my face as it grows. Jack’s coming over. How long have I waited to say that? Now that this whole mess is behind us, we’ve really started to carve out a routine for ourselves. Jack would make the trip to NYC as much as he could within his schedule, and he’d come over and spend time with Leighton and I. Everything is finally starting to fall into place, and so sue me for getting a little excited that he had the whole evening free to spend time with Leighton and I. 
Claudia rolled her eyes, “You’re moving fast,”
At her words, my forehead scrunches. I don’t like the way she said it, moving fast, it sounds like she disapproves of Jack and I starting to co-parent.
“Well, we already have a kid together so I think it’s a little too late for ‘moving fast’” I remark, busying myself in my makeup bag so she doesn’t see the clear displeasure coating my features. 
Claudia studies me for a minute and I wish she wouldn't. I understand that Jack’s and I’s situation is completely out of the ordinary and that we were childish and immature before. But honestly, how else are we supposed to go about this situation if not barrel straight ahead? We waited for him to meet Leighton until the paternity was settled, we created a clear schedule for his visits and we’ve spent hours discussing how we would go about co-parenting. 
“Nothing I guess,” she shrugs simply. I reach for my powdered blush and messily reapply.
It’s tense for the next five minutes it takes for me to finish my makeup.
 “Well, how “fast” should we be going? Because, I know I'm trying the best that I can here. We have a history, and we have a baby, so i’m sorry if you think things seem to be going “too fast” for you,” 
“You're right, I'm sorry” Claudia immediately apologizes, probably not realizing how her words had offended me earlier.
Ever since Jack started making a reappearance in my life Claudia’s had an attitude about it… always wanting to sprinkle little comments here and there. I get that she’s overprotective, but she takes it too far with Jack. It wasn’t his fault that he wasn’t here for my pregnancy and the first few months of Leighton’s life. 
“I’m sorry,” I sigh. “Things have been… nice recently and I just need this to work out.” 
Claudia nods in understanding, and it makes me want to take my apology back.
When Jack comes over two hours later, any sense of annoyance or stress I was feeling immediately dissipates. We do our usual, watch over Leighton and play with her. She’s only a few months old and so there’s not much that she can do yet besides smile and play peek-a-boo, which I'm learning Jack excels at. 
“And… peek-a-boo!” the hockey player enthuses for what seemed like the hundredth time that evening to an excited baby. Leighton face scrunches up as she lets out another round of loud laughs, which immediately causes Jack and I to giggle.
“We have the cutest kid!”
“We really do,” Jack replies, eyes trained on our daughter who's smiling up at him. I leave the two to play as I make my way into my kitchen. It’s already getting quite late and since Jack’s keeping Leighton entertained… I might as well make dinner before he has to leave and I have to watch over her again. She always gets fussy closer to her bedtime, making it essentially impossible to cook dinner before she’s asleep. 
I pull out all of my necessary ingredients before pausing. “Jack?”
“What?” he calls out. 
“Are you staying for dinner? I’m making pasta” I respond, walking back into the living room so we don't have to yell. 
“Ohh can I? I’ve missed your cooking so much,” 
He missed my cooking… it was such a simple task and yet my heart melted… There was so much we seemed to be missing of each other these days.
Dinner coincidentally ends up being ready just as soon as Jack finishes putting Leighton to bed.
“It’s crazy to think that we’re parents,” Jack voices his thoughts aloud in between bites of his dinner. “Like, really. Were mother and father… like that's insane,”
“Are you having doubts?” I joke, knowing that he’s fully committed to being a father. His amazon cart alone proves that with all the toys and outfits he has ordered for our daughter. 
“No never! Are you kidding me? Being with you two… it feels right,” 
I giggle and end up having to cover my mouth with my hands. 
“I’m sorry that was just really cute,” I explain myself, lowering my hands so that Jack could see my wide smile which he immediately reciprocates with his usual gorgeous smile. 
Jack leans his head on the palm of his hand, and things finally feel like they used to. If I wanted to I could reach my hand out and hold his, but just knowing that he was here was enough. For so many months I wished that what I was seeing now would become true and now everything had finally turned out. 
“I’m really happy y/n”
“I’m really happy too,” my face tingles, but unlike my smile I make no move to cover the redness that was no doubt coating my cheeks. 
⋆ ★
Now that I am back from maternity leave, it seems like my boss is trying to punish me. I’m constantly getting all of the shitty news stories, and I've been getting less opportunities to get out on the field. Therefore, I've been stuck in the office all day writing fluff pieces about influencers and brands that “you need in your life!”. 
So, when I got the call that there was an important story that I could work on but it would mean I had to come into the office on my day off… well… I was going into the office. 
Now usually I had somebody to watch Leighton on the days that I work, but there was just no way that I would be able to find somebody to watch her on such a short notice. So, I did the only thing that I could think of and asked Jack if he was willing to watch Leighton by himself… for the first time. 
The day started out simply enough. Jack had come over to y/n's apartment early with breakfast and some coffee for the both of them. He listened dutifully to y/n explaining Leightons morning routine, and he prepared the baby a fresh bottle with no stress. Even after y/n had left for work, Jack had been running the place smoothly and without any hiccups. Which is why around mid-afternoon when Leighton refused her bottle that Jack had panicked.
“Okay, please just eat. I know you're hungry,” he cooed to the small girl who was cradled tightly against his chest. She squirmed, tears running down her face at a rapid speed. 
He had rocked Leighton, burped her, walked around the apartment with her bundled in his arms all in hopes of her quieting down. When nothing worked he had checked her diaper, changed it although it was clean, and warmed up her bottle again in case that may have been the issue. She continued on wailing.
“Please Leighton, eat for daddy please. Settle down, it's okay!” He tried his hardest but nothing was working. He debated on calling his parents but ultimately thought it was pathetic that he didn’t know how to take care of his own child. He had missed out on so many months with his girl, what if he fucked today up and was never allowed to take care of her again? Jack started to spiral. 
Another painstakingly long hour went by, and Jack felt as if he had truly lost his mind. Nothing was helping Leighton settle down, and now Jack was so far behind y/ns schedule that he was feeling beyond hopeless. 
“Just- okay just eat!” Jack tried again, but every time Leighton got close to the bottle she would shift her head away and cry. “I don't know how to help you!” he rocked his daughter in his arms. “Please, help me help you,” 
It was to no surprise that Leighton kept crying. So Jack did the only thing that he could think of doing next, he walked swiftly to Leightons crib and left her there. Once she was confined in her crib, he simply walked out of her room and back into the living room where he fished his headphones out of his bag. 
Jack's shoulders sagged in relief when the first few chords of some country song played. 
I’m not a good dad
I don’t know what to do
How am I supposed to be a father?
After two more songs played in their entirety, Jack called his mom. 
“Are you okay…?” I ask as soon as I catch sight of Jack whose shoulders were sagging. 
“Listen, everyone has already asked me that tonight so I don't need to hear it again. you don’t need to lecture me”
“Excuse me? I don’t even know what’s wrong?” “It was my first time watching my daughter, and I fucked up, I know”
“Jack… I'm not mad at you?” 
“Right, whatever” he says, gathering all his belongings that were scattered throughout my apartment and stuffing them in his bag. 
I stare at him in confusion, “Can we talk about this?”
Jack continues stuffing shit in his bag, and I walk towards him and place a firm hand on his shoulder. He shrugs it off, twisting towards me. “I don't want to talk about it,” 
I scoff, patience truly wiening thin. “Well, I’m Leighton’s mother and I would like to talk about what happened”
“I can’t do this with you tonight” Jack sighs, running a hand through his messy hair. 
“Do what? Communicate?”
“Look, i’ve had a rough week at work and i’ve been a shit dad tonight so I really don’t need to hear you bitch at me right now”
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Don’t talk to me like that.” 
“Like what!” Jack says defensively. 
“Saying I'm going to bitch at you! I want us to talk through things. You getting upset over a few minor mistakes isn’t going to get us anywhere. Leighton is fine, you’re fine, so tell me what’s really going on so that we can get past this”
Jack scoffs, “there's nothing going on”
“Well, you’re being all rude and defensive so there must be something” I snark, truly fed up with Jack’s behaviour. I understand that today was a lot for him, and maybe it wasn’t the best idea for him to watch Leighton for a full day when he’s only used to a few hours but he can at least try and speak nicely to me. 
“You know what? I don’t need this right now” Jack says, breaking his stance and making quick steps towards the door. 
I’m hot on his heels and he yanks the door open. “Jack?”
He slams the door, and i’m left reeling with whatever the fuck just happened. 
⋆ ★
3 weeks later...
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liked by vivienne, and others
deuxmoi Jack Hughes seems to be a topic of demand recently…. But don’t worry! Viviennes new podcast episode will cover everything you need to know and more! Stay tuned
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user19 vivienne sending her own “tip” into deuxmoi just so she can get views on her new podcast episode… deuxmoi hits a new low every day
user20 this is actually so embarrassing omg
user21 nhl players on deuxmoi is my worst nightmare tbh
user22 theyve been on here for awhile lol its nothing new
user23 ohhhh i’ll be tuned in!
user23 he definitely cheated on her omgggg😭😭
⋆ ★
Pretty Girls Podcast EP 22: Mr. NHL Man
[audio] timestamp: 24:33 - 1:13:03
Co-host: Okay maybe we should address the elephant in the room!
Vivienne: The elephant in the room? I’m crying… [laughs], but yes everybody is here to know about my ex-boyfriend situation so let's just get into it
Co-host: Right so… 
Vivienne: Okay so Jack Hughes!
[both laugh]
Co-host: Oh we're just coming right out and saying it!
Vivienne: I mean everybody knows
Co-host: Right, so let's get into it. What's the story? Because you’ve only told me parts of the story but I don't-
Vivienne: I haven't really gone into detail with anybody yet so this is like, an exclusive
Vivienne: But anyway… as we all know… Jack and I were seeing each other for a while and we were pretty official by the time I did the podcast with Alix Earle. So there was this whole bit of Alix calling her boyfriend “mr. nfl man” and so I teased Jack by calling him Mr. NHL man.
Co-host: Right as one does! And I just want to add, Vivienne and Jack were - you guys were kind of serious at this point. Like your relationship wasn’t just a fling like there’s a reason you're talking about it on the pod. 
Vivienne: Yeah we were fully dating by that point. Like he was staying over at my apartment and things like that. 
Co-host: How did you guys get together? You should tell the whole story, like I'm already sensing the hate comments you’ll get if you don’t tell this right.
Vivienne: Okay. So, I met Jack through a mutual friend of ours and that's how we started talking. We went on a few dates to bars and things, and we really got along well, or at least I thought we did. 
Co-host: Were there any warning signs?
Vivienne: Honestly… 
Vivienne: Things were really good between us and we had a “normal” relationship for the first few months. Like we got together around the beginning of the hockey season, and we broke up like, right before he went on personal leave if you guys keep up with the NHL side of things.
Vivienne: But basically we were doing completely fine and it wasn’t until people started catching on that Jack and I were dating that things became rocky. 
Co-host: I've also seen a lot of things about an ex that he had? Like I'm just going to come out and say it, did he cheat on you?
Vivienne: Honestly, till this day I don't really know. 
Co-host: What? What do you mean?
Vivienne: He didn't tell me why we broke up. Like, I'm being so serious. One day he came over to my apartment and just broke up with me and then unfollowed me on everything. 
Co-host: Oh my god??
Vivienne: Honestly, I think it's because of his ex. Like, the amount of times I caught him searching through his photo albums of her is insane.
Co-host: What an asshole oh my god?? Do you know if they got back together or if they were talking while you two were still together?
Vivienne: No they weren’t talking
Co-host: How do you know?
Vivienne: I uh… 
Co-host: Did you go through his texts or something?
Vivienne: Well… [short pause].. No I didn’t- well- I know he wasn’t
Co-host: Okay…
Vivienne: But it was clear there was something going on there [weak laugh]
Co-host: Damn…
Vivienne: But anyway, he broke up with me unexpectedly and I just don't know why
Co-host: To be honest it sounds like he cheated on you and just didn't want to own up to it.
Vivienne: Yeah… I mean possibly. The ex thing was..
Co-host: He was just using you as a distraction and that really sucks for you.
Vivienne: It's just an awful situation. Like it was clear that he was still hung up on his ex and now I look like an idiot in front of everyone for making our relationship public.
Co-host: I don't think you look like an idiot. You thought the relationship was going to work out and now people are flooding your comment section begging to know what happened. Plus, it's Jack's fault anyway. Like he's no stranger to cheating allegations so what are you supposed to do?
Vivienne: Yeah… my dms are full of his fans basically blaming me for the breakup when they don't even know what happened. 
Vivienne: So, I just want it to be clear that I did nothing. Like I didn't want us to break up. 
Co-host: Even though you knew about the ex?
Vivienne: Yeah… I just felt so… like our relationship was really good I think I would have put up with anything. But now that it’s over i'm stuck looking back and… well it’s clear he maybe wasn’t always faithful or he had commitments with his ex. 
Co-host: Gosh…
Vivienne: But that's honestly it. After this episode is over I'm not talking about this. It's honestly really hurtful…
[end of snippet]
⋆ ★
“y/n i’m so sorry,” Jack's words are fast as he paces the floor of my entryway. He had a game in a few hours which he would no doubt be late for, seeing as he’s all the way in New York City instead of Newark.
“What are you doing here? You have a game?” I wonder aloud, Leighton softly cooing from her spot on my chest. 
Jack pauses at the sound of his daughter and his eyes visibly soften. “I’m really sorry,”
“I wasn’t mad at you,”
“I’m just afraid to mess things up again,”
“And I'm sorry for snapping at you. It wasn’t your fault that I got upset,” 
I walk towards Jack and place a comforting hand on his arm, mindful of our daughter that was strapped to my front.
“I should have stayed,” he says into my hair, his arm coming around to hold onto me. 
I turn my body to hold him properly, and Leighton babbles away as she’s wedged between her parents. “You were overwhelmed. You're not used to watching her all the time and that’s okay,”
“I should be okay watching her while you’re at work I just-”
“You have to be kind to yourself,” I start, slowly pulling yourself away from Jack to lead the two of us into the living room. “It took me a long time to learn Leightons needs and how to read her. With more time you’ll learn and become more comfortable,”
Jack nods reluctantly, ultimately realizing that what I was saying was the truth. We sit in silence for a while, both wanting nothing more than to move on from this situation. 
“Come to my game tonight?” Jack breaks the silence. “You and Leighton? Please?” 
“You want us to come… tonight?” I question. Was this a good idea? 
Jack nods and takes Leighton out of my hands. “I think she should come to her first game,” 
“Okay….” I’m slow to agree. When Jack and I were dating, I barely went to his games. He never really invited me, and I had always felt weird about asking. With our relationship so private, we usually just appreciated each other’s careers from afar. 
Jack looks away from our daughter and back up at me, “I've talked to management about our… situation and they’re okay with you sitting in the box with Nico since he’s out” Jack explains. “It’ll be completely safe, and if you're worried about the drive to the stadium I’ve got my car and I can drive you” 
“What about afterwards?” 
“I can drive you back here after the game or you can stay at my place… I've… i've bought a bassinet for Leighton and some things if you guys want to stay the night,” 
“Okay,” I agree easily now. “Let me pack some of our stuff and we’ll stay with you tonight,”Jack looks beyond relieved at my words.
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Liked by jackhughes, _quinnhughes, trevorzegras, and others
njdevils Jack is back and meeting some fans 🔥
tagged: jackhughes
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jackhughes ❤️
_quinnhughes Love to see it
user24 jack and quinns comments… okay….
user25 jack is such a girl dad ugh! so cute!
user26 jack would be such a good dad im crying
user27 hold on is that his ex gf?? she looks like the same girl from the fan pics
user28 omfg wait???
⋆ ★
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liked by hughesl0ver43, and 351 others
nhl.drama jack hughes ex gf, vivienne aiden, reveals in her podcast that jack seemingly broke up with her for no reason. she also claims that he would constantly look at pictures of his ex gf while they were together, and he may have possibly cheated. what are your thoughts?💭
#jackhughes #nhl #vivienneaiden #confession #nhldrama
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user29 this is honestly just ridiculous like she clearly made this all up
user30 ? what how do u know
user29 she kept rambling on, couldn't confirm if Jack cheated or not, and just started bringing up his ex gf? And also, if she really didn’t know why he broke up with her/would still go back to him.. why would she make a whole podcast about it? it fr doesn't make sense
user31 They said Jack has a history of cheating? How would they even know that i’m so confused
user32 viv was his ex lmao im sure somebody warned her about him.
user33 i think it’s so weird that some of u guys are sticking up for jack… like vivienne sounded so sad / upset during the podcast… like he obviously did something wrong regardless of if shes telling the truth or not.
user34 she did not sound upset at all… she was legit laughing throughout the whole podcast and she could not make up her mind on which “story” she was gonna tell. she clearly lied and i hope jack sues her ass🤷‍♀️
user35 the timeline of this whole thing is so interesting tbh. like what ex are they talking about? also, i wish viv confirmed why jack took a personal leave lol. she left out all the interesting bits
user36 “ex gf” …. do yall think it was the girl from last year ? istg they refollowed each other after vivienne and jack broke up
user37 this whole drama is so lame IMO. just another girl looking for her 5 seconds of fame… nobody should care if jack cheated or not because his job is to play HOCKEY. honestly who gaf about his personal life
user38 his personal life is bleeding into his game lol. 
⋆ ★
Vivienne's podcast episode about her breakup with Jack had gone viral overnight. Everybody online was speculating about their relationship, as well as trying to prove each side right. Some of Jack's fans were trying hard to prove that Vivienne was lying and well, gossipers around the world were sticking up for Vivienne and trying to confirm that Jack is a serial cheater. 
Thankfully for Vivienne, she just had to sit back and enjoy the show. She knew that there was absolutely no way that Jack would come out and deny the cheating rumours, plus she knew y/n was private on everything and wouldn't come forward either. The drama would run its course for a few days until something better came along, and then Vivienne would be completely off the hook for everything. 
Alix E: just watched the pod! i hope you’re doing well❤️
Tana M: HE CHEATED ON YOU?? that's actually crazy. youre so fucking pretty. ugh, men are awful. If you ever wanna come on the cancelled podcast you're always welcome!
Alex C: Men are the worsttttt. Youre absolutely winning life though so make him regret it!💋
Everything seemed to be falling right into the palm of Viviennes hands. While Jack finding out about the whole y/n thing was a colossal nightmare, the support from her peers almost made up for it. She now had deals lining up the block, and she knew her career would only sky rocket from here on out. 
While being with Jack had pulled in massive numbers, the breakup was just insane for her social blade. She had gained soo many more followers across all platforms after posting Jack on her story, plus naming him in her podcast was just… it was honestly too good. A pr dream… It was going to be Viviennes year. 
⋆ ★
As soon as the small family made it back to Jack’s apartment after the game, they were all exhausted. Leighton had fallen asleep well into the second period, and had surprisingly stayed asleep despite how loud the arena was.
Jack quietly guided his girls into his bedroom. He set Leighton in her bassinet, and then helped me organize some of the things I brought over.  
“I haven’t been here in so long,” I mumbled as I pulled my toiletries out of her bag. 
“Well you're always welcome,” Jack whispered back as he silently watched me fumble around in the darkness.
“Shit, I forgot pyjama pants and all I have are jeans…” 
Jack immediately stands from his position in bed, mindful of the fact that Leighton is peacefully sleeping in the recently purchased bassinet. “You can have a pair of my sweats if you want?” he whispers as he walks over to his dresser and pulls out options. 
“It’s okay,”
“I’m not letting you sleep in jeans that's foul,” Jack says quietly as he gives me a pair of his sweats.
“Thank you,” my face heats up. If I wasn’t thinking about our history before, now I am. Everything was becoming a little too much… if I closed her eyes I could still picture the way things used to be. How we’d stay in his apartment and well… yeah.
Jack turned away just then, settling himself in his bed so that I could finish getting ready. He hadn’t thought too far ahead in their sleeping arrangements, and just as he started to worry that y/n might’ve found her way to the couch he felt a dip in his mattress. 
“Do you mind if…?”
“No I uh- No I don’t” Jack stuttered, completely caught off guard by their newfound closeness. 
“Thanks for tonight,” I whispered, snuggling into all of Jack’s blankets and excess pillows, all of which were bought when we were still together. 
“No worries,”
“I mean it though. Thanks for talking to me in person earlier and for driving us to the game” I continued sleepily. “And for letting us stay here tonight,” 
“Of course. Anything for my girls,” 
When there was no answer, Jack looked over to y/n's side of the bed only to find that she was already fast asleep. He checked the bassinet afterwards to find his daughter sleeping peacefully as well. Jack sighed in contentment before drifting off to sleep himself. 
My girls,
My girls, 
My girls..
Life was sweet.
next part
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iiotic · 2 months
neuvillette x fem! reader
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summary: in which you woke up in the ludexs bedroom, confused and vulnerable. Remembering the rather.. intense last night you tried to not make yourself known and sneak out of the bedroom as soon as possible.
wc: 1.2k
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Half asleep, you shifted from laying on your stomach to your side, facing the edge of the bed. The change of the position made you rather more uncomfortable than it should've and more awake. The morning light shining right at you from the window, blinded you even with your eyes closed and something pressured your lower abdomen.
You blinked a few times, squinting your eyes to adjust to the unusual lightning before fully opening them. Taking in your surroundings you realized you didn't sleep in your room, nor in your house.
The soft sound of somebody snoring behind you made you realize where you are, and what you were doing there.
Looking down you could see his bare chest, the rest being covered by the crimson white sheets, you realized that he was naked under the sheets just as you were.
Your eyes widened as you turned around just to be met with the unmistakable white hair. You mentally cursed yourself for turning around in his direction as he could've woken up. You and neuvillette had a truly amazing bond, but there was him not knowing that you developed feelings for him. You were used to seeing him almost everyday, even if it was a quick glance. However what you weren't used to seeing was the peaceful expression on his face, the gentle rise and fall on his shoulder as he slept soundly beside you.
You didn't know how to react, you panicked as more of your memories started flooding in. You recalled the rather.. intense night you two shared the night before. You mentally scolded yourself and you realized the both of you were under the influence of alcochol, not sober, drunk.
You were flustered remembering what happened last night, you didn't know if neuvillette would remember any of this. It wasn't his style sleeping with someone under the influence of god knows what. You just hoped that he wouldn't regret it any of this.
That worry had to come later, because right now you realized that the pressure in your lower abdomen was your bladder, threatening to burst.
Gently and so carefully you slipped out from under the sheets and tiptoed as quietly as you could to the bathroom; making sure to not turn on the light until you closed the door behind.
As you were do in your thing you realized that nor you and neuvillette had cleaned up yourself up before falling asleep. You and the chief of justice had gone so hot and heavy, not just because of the alcochol, you both had just passed out, wrapped in eachothers arms.
Quietly and quickly, you wiped yourself clean, praying that you will get the chance to shower before anything else will happen. You then flushed the toilet, wincing at the loud sound it made.
You panicked as two more things happened simultaneously; The light in the bedroom flipped on and you caught your reflection in the mirror. Your makeup was a disaster. you spent so much time getting ready at the important event that you put a full face of make up and now you look like shit.
Neuvillette had never seen you without makeup before. Fuck.. you probably left your bag with makeup on his silk sheets somewhere, you couldn't go anywhere without it.
There was a soft knock on the bathroom door.
"mon cher?" Neuvillette's voice called for you and he almost sounded insecure, vulnerable? You would think about that later, later, how aweet that little hint of worry in his questioning was and how he meant he wasn't regretting anything either. You weren't going to lie to yourself you waited a whole year and if not more to get that man's dick inside you, but why in that way? You wanted to experience this sober and not the way that you don't remember half of the events that happened.
"I'm fine!" You said with a voice that was far foo high pitched to be believable, you began searching through his bathroom drawers for something to clean your face with. "Just cleaning up a little, that's all!"
He heard the toilet flush, he heard the running if the bathroom sink, he had to hear your rummaging through the drawers. You then heard his soft voice once again, warning you that he's coming in. He caught you desperately trying to wipe your face clean with some water and a random towel.
You were embarrassed as you heard him chuckle and it didn't help you two were completely naked.
"my dearest, there are better ways to go about that."
Frozen from embarrassment, you watched his reflection in the mirror as he walked behind you, you didn't want to look him in the eyes. Instead your eyes were glued to the suddenly gorgeous white floor, trying you best to not look at his equally nude body. He opened a drawer, revealing a packet of make-up remover wipes.
He held one for you and that's when you finally looked up at him, his small smile was there, a touch sweeter and affectionate than usual, but the rest of his face looked as bad as yours. His blue eyeliner had gotten everywhere and not to mention his lips stained with your red lipstick.
You couldn't help the relieved laugh that escaped your lips.
"Hm? you thought it was all natural? please." he gave a dissmisive wave of his hand and wrist and began cleaning his own face.
The tension and nervousness melted away as you followed his lead and after getting yesterday's makeup off, neuvillette even gave you a spare toothbrush for you that he had. None of this was awkward or weird, doing these normal domestic things.. In his bathroom, nude, with him there..
It should have been weird but it was unremarkably comforting. Like it had been this way all along. Just a normal sunday morning, in the best way possible.
"Join me for a shower?" He asked, with his hand held out. There was plenty of other questions left in his gaze.
did you really not regret the night before? Did you really want him? Were you really ready to commit yourself to the unpredictable life of the chief of justice?
Offering him your best smile and your hand, you followed him into the most invigorating shower of your life.
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© 2024 iiotic. — do not steal, translate or repost any of my content onto any other platform
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mattslolita · 4 months
lunchbox friends - n. sturniolo ( 002. )
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in which ... they meet at a melanie martinez concert and become best friends. ( platonic!nick & platonic!black!fem reader )
warnings ; cussing, alcohol, vapes, matt lowkey liking reader
"𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
the weekend came, which excited you so much. you couldn't wait to hang out with nick, as you both had been texting each other all the time and you even face timed the few times you could. you and nick's friendship was growing by the week, but now you guys would finally get to hang out again.
instead of going out to eat like you guys had originally planned, you decided on ordering some food instead.
you still had about an hour before you had to be at nick's place, so you freshened up your outfit , then you just sat down on your couch and scrolled through instagram mindlessly. one of your influencer friends vereena sayed posted a video of her at the melanie concert from last year, and you excited dmed her about her experience and asking where she sat because you would've loved to sit with her.
an hour ended up passing by quickly, so you called an uber to take you to nick's house — when it arrived, you greeted the driver sweetly and plugged your earphones in and you propped your hand under your chin as they drove to your destination.
you smiled at the la scenery, having loved being packed all together. it could be noisy sometimes, but you adored the city life. you also mentally remembered the route to nick's house in case something happened, but also because it was good to remember.
you soon arrived and nerves filled your body — even though you had already met nick, you still got nervous hanging around new people. and you were nervous to meet his brothers as well, although he expressed them to be nice people.
you thanked the uber driver and got out of the vehicle, nervously making your way towards the front door of the home. you did two knocks, feeling your stomach tighten slightly because of your nervousness.
nick — or so you thought it was — a man indentical to nick opened the door, his blue eyes widening slightly as he gives you a smile, to which you return.
"you must be y/n," he says, holding one hand out towards you, "i'm chris!"
"nice to meet you, chris!" you smile back, already relaxing due to his demeanor, "and damn, nick should've told me how cute you were!"
chris turns a bright crimson color, stepping aside so that you could walk through — you allow him to guide up to their lounge area, and that's when your eyes land on nick in the kitchen. "nick!"
"y/n!" he grins, immediately running up to you to embrace you in a quick hug.
"you smell so good, what cologne is that?" y/n asks him, sniffing his shirt as they pull away from the hug.
"i told you my cologne smells better than yours!" nick grins triumphantly at chris, "i'll tell you later, i'm gatekeeping it from him."
"kid not everything's a fucking competition," chris says with an eyeroll, turning to you and shaking your head causing you to giggle.
"so, we're gonna order food and we can go to my room," nick says, and you nod eagerly with a smile.
"matt and i are going to target real quick, please don't burn the house down while we're gone," chris tells both of them with a knowing look, causing you to raise your eyebrows with a hand on your hip.
"boy, nobody is about to burn anything!" you tell him teasingly, "wait has somebody almost burned the house down before?"
chris gives another knowing look to nick, who groans loudly. "it was one time, chris! i had to make an important call!"
"brian or whatever his name is was not that important," chris tells him with a glare, and your eyes widen.
"i know you gon tell me bout this guy, right?" you grin, giving nick's arm a light tap.
"girl, c'mon!"
nick grabs your hand and both of you excitedly make your way upstairs towards nick's room. once you enter, you kind of stand there, as you're scared to sit anywhere even though he's been nothing but welcoming.
"sit on the bed, we can watch a movie!" nick says, patting the spot next to him.
you quickly flop down next to him, and he fishes for his remote on the bed which he finds at the foot of it — you prop your legs up on the bed as nick does the same, both of you guys giggling aimlessly at nothing in particular. nick opens youtube and when he hovers over the k-12 movie, you smack his arm slightly causing him to grin and click on the film.
you reached for your bag and pulled out a cart and a small bottle of tequila, and nick's eyes widened. "bitch, you came loaded!"
"period, i always got this shit on me!" you giggle, holding the cart out to nick to take a hit first. "did you order the food yet?"
"i got us some wingstop," nick told you, inhaling then passing it back to you as he blew the smoke away facing the other side.
"oh my gosh! i forgot to bring some shot glasses with me," you whine, pouting at nick, "do y'all got any?"
"they're in the kitchen, the cabinet closest to the fridge," nick instructs you, "and girl get your shoes off my bed."
you stick your tongue out at him playfully, sliding your shoes off now in your black ankle socks as you've gotten comfortable — you walk out of nick's bedroom, your cart in your hand as you bop your head to a song stuck in your head while you walk downstairs.
you took a hit from you cart as you skipped into the kitchen, slowing down as you see the fridge first. you look around and shrug your shoulders, before opening it and looking inside — whatever you took, you would make sure to replace.
"NICK, WHO THE FUCK IS IN OUR KITCHEN!" a loud voice boomed behind you, causing you to gasp and turn around.
a man identical to both nick and chris stood there with wide, defensive eyes, before his expression turned into one of confusion — his brown, messy locs lay scattered about his head, and he ran one ringed hand through his curls as his eyes stayed fixated on you.
"calm down, matt!" chris groans, giving his brother a light shoulder slap, nodding towards you as you stand there dumbfounded. matt is fine as fuck.
"that's y/n."
"hey..." you giggle nervously, taking another hit from your cart as you can barely handle the way his eyes stay on you, "sorry we had to meet like this."
"it's fine, i just wish i could've introduced myself properly," he chuckled, giving you a nod and a small smile, "it's nice to meet you, y/n."
the way your name rolls off his tongue causes a tingle to go down your spine, and you bite your lip and grin at the man in front of you. another small giggle erupted from your mouth as you whirled back around to fish for what you were searching for in the kitchen.
you found the shot glasses, then a ring from the doorbell caught your attention as you gasped and set the shot glasses down. matt watched as you skipped right past him and downstairs, opening the door to reveal the food nick had ordered for you both.
"nick! the food is here!" you giggled excitedly, the bags of food still in your hand as you went back into the kitchen, grabbing the shot glasses as well.
as you went back upstairs, matt noticed you forgot your cart on the counter — he watched you disappear around the corner, quickly going to grab it and pocket it, in hopes he'd end up having a way to talk to you again.
"SHE DID WHAT?" nick yelled, doubled over in laughter as you were both clutching your stomachs.
"this bitch had the nerve to invite me to her party knowing she fucked my man!" you told him, wiping tears from your eyes as you laughed, "so i fucked her ass up!"
"i would've beat her ass too," nick admits, both of you bursting into giggles once again.
you both were drunk, having almost finished the whole bottle of tequila — you ended up devouring all of your wings and fries, whereas nick still had his fries left, which you've quietly been eating to try and sober yourself up some.
the k-12 movie had been over, and now some songs softly played in the background whilst you guys laughed and talked with each other, talking about your lore.
you found out the guy nick was talking about earlier turned out to be a jerk, always wanting to do shit with him but keep him a secret, hidden in the dark. nick deserved way better than that, he deserved a guy who would show him off and not be scared to. you promised him if you caught him in the street, his ass would be as good as fried.
"niiiiick," you sang, moving your head side to side, "is matt the one who asked for my instagram?"
"yeah, he wouldn't stop bugging me about it," he snorted with an eyeroll, causing you to giggle, "oh my gosh, did you guys meet yet?"
"he scared the shit out of me when i was looking for the shot glasses earlier!" you explained to him, shaking your head, "he's so fine though, he could have my insta and my number!"
"please, don't start!" nick whined, slapping you on the shoulder, and you giggled.
suddenly like that by doja cat began playing, and you and nick looked at each other with wide eyes, getting up and beginning to dance with each other.
"i'm gon teach you how to throw it back!" you say to nick, as you danced over to him, "watch me!"
you put both your hands on your knees, arching your back slightly as your ass begins popping up and down, causing nick's eyes to widen as he begins smacking it, hyping you up.
"period, okay then!" nick hypes, causing you to giggle as you both continue dancing.
both of you are so caught up in dancing with each other that you don't realize the door to nick's room opened, and both chris and matt stand there in the doorway — chris looks a little shocked and also terrified to see his brother attempting to throw it back, whilst matt's eyes keep traveling towards you and the way your body moved.
"oh shit!" nick says with wide eyes, finally seeing his brothers standing there.
you turn around and you gasp as a small giggle leaves your lips, a new song now playing. you give matt a flirty wave, causing his cheeks to turn a dark crimson color, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"nick whatever that was, please refrain from doing that again," chris says, shaking his head, as he points at you next, "did you teach him how to twerk?"
"you want me to teach you next?" you say drunkenly, and he shakes his head and backs out his nick's room.
"did you need something, matt?" nick asks his brother with a laugh, as you fall back onto nick's bed, feeling around the blankets for something.
"nevermind, i'll talk to you later about it," matt waves him off, shooting you one last look before he leaves your room.
"so they just came and- y/n?" nick says, looking back to see you had dozed off, that fast.
with a chuckle, nick removes everything from the bed and pulls on the covers to cover up your sleeping figure. he yawned and climbed in the bed next to you, pulling the covers over himself as well — your sleeping figure somehow snuggles up close to nick, taking his arm and throwing over you causing him to let out one last giggle as you brings you closer, both of you falling asleep next to each other.
( lilly's section 💌 )
for my birthday twin @thenickgirl ! i love u so much angel baby, hope you turning up rn stinkaa🤭💋
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @prettiest-poision @mattsturniolosleftnut @mrssturnioloo @guccifrog @junnniiieee07 @astrowh0r3 @v33angel @ilovechrissturniolo1 @e1ias3 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @eyeliketoeatpoosay @sturn777 @stasiesturn @prettypinkprincess15 @breeloveschris @summerssover @mayhem-72 @riasturns @chrissturniolossidehoe @moonk1ss3d @v33angel @h3arts4harry @stargirll567 @bitchydragonparadise @heartsforchrisandmatt @pepsienthusiasts @tillies33ssss @thenickgirl @sturnprime @summerssover @k4di333 @pinksturniolo @middlepartmatt @jnkvivi
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daintyys · 7 months
Can I request a jealous Coriolanus snow fic pls?
jealousy, jealousy
MDNI - fem!reader x coriolanus snow, 1k words, angst, jealousy, cursing, possessiveness, alcohol consumption, intentional lowercase, i wrote this a hot minute ago just didn't get the chance to fully edit it until now hehe
coriolanus was making his way in the world. he had just been elected president of panem, and it seemed like everything was finally falling into place for him. that is, the fact he was infatuated with you, and had no clue how to go about telling you. coriolanus and you had gone to university together, becoming close over the years, and he assumed you just wanted to stay friends.
for weeks after coryo's election, all he seemed to be doing was hosting galas and spending hours in meetings. boring. the only thing that made him look forward to doing anything was knowing that you would be there. you were his personal assistant. whilst attending university with coriolanus, you made a deal with him: if he ever got elected president, you would be his right-hand woman. and here you were.
on a particularly busy day, coriolanus had not 1, but 4 meetings in a row, and then after that, a night long ball to celebrate the new year. he was not excited for all of it. sure, he had power, but he hardly got any sleep.
the meetings drew on for what seemed like ages, with coryo sealing his approval on bills he had no care for and huffing agreements with his government workers. what finally woke him up was a knock on his office door.
"come in." he groaned, smoothing his hair back. you opened the door slowly, a tray of coffee and cookies in your hands. "i heard you were having a long day, and thought some caffeine would prepare you for tonight." you hummed, placing the tray at the end of his desk. coriolanus' mood changed immediately, his frown turning to a grin. you knew him all too well. "that sounds about right, y/n." coryo approved as he sipped his coffee.
you leaned against his desk, arms crossed. "if you're overworking yourself, you know you can just say no, right? after all, you are the president." coriolanus leaned back in his chair, shaking his head. "i'll be fine. thank you for your concern, though." you nodded, heading for the door. "y/n, wait. you're coming to the ball tonight, correct?" the president choked out, looking at you intently. "i will if you want me to, coriolanus. just save me a dance, hm?" you giggled, leaving his office and shutting the door behind you. coryo scoffed, a huge smile plastered on his face, rubbing his temple.
coriolanus could hardly hide his smile as he saw you enter the ballroom. you looked beautiful, your hair in a french twist, and wearing a gorgeous navy-blue gown. you didn't go straight over to him, which was surprising. instead, you made your way to one of coryo's advisors, a man a few years older than you were. he watched as the man kissed your knuckles and reached out to touch your earrings, seemingly complimenting them. fuck.
coriolanus was enraged, his stomach churning violently at the sight of you and another man. you were his. you had always been his. he could go over there and just beat up the man, but that wouldn't look good in the press. you took the advisor's arm, and he lead you over to the bar, handing you a glass of champagne. coryo noticed how happy you looked with the man, how you laughed with him, and it made him positively sick.
it had never occurred to coriolanus that you could have feelings for somebody. not that you were an unloving robot, but coryo had just never heard about you dating anybody. you'd never told him, at least. maybe the man was a just family friend or something, but coryo couldn't seem to get the thought of you all giddy and tipsy with one of his employees out of his head.
coryo soon found himself tossing back glasses of champagne, trying to ease the pain and stop himself from going over to the man and snapping his neck. "fucking bastard." coriolanus chided, handing his glass to a confused waiter. his eyes bore into you, you were standing against the wall with the advisor, deep in conversation. you had promised coriolanus a dance, so what the hell were you doing?
the party was drawing to a close, finally. and even though it was close to 2 in the morning, coriolanus was wide awake. he couldn't stand not being able to watch you leave, let alone not being able to watch you at all. especially not with the man. how controversial would it be for the president of panem to punch the smug smile off of one of his advisor's faces?
he'd finally had enough. his heart was aching, and it had been hours. you hadn't even looked at him. your president. how shameful. coriolanus strided over to you, grasping your wrist lightly. you jumped.
"coriolanus?" you turned towards him, flushed cheeks. his blue eyes bore into yours, narrow and concentrated on your expression. "a word, ms. y/l/n?" you nodded, and coryo lead you into the hallway. you couldn't help but giggle, the alcohol was getting to you. "don't laugh. i'm not fucking laughing." coriolanus fumed, spinning around and planting either of his hands on your shoulders.
you shuddered, he was freezing. "what's going on?" you slurred. "i think you know what's going on, y/n." coriolanus huffed, flush creeping up his neck. "enlighten me, mr. president." you tittered. coriolanus released your shoulders from his grip, and smoothed his suit jacket. "what's the story between you and that man in there?" he questioned, crossing his arms.
you paused. you knew what he was getting at. "you're not jealous, are you, coryo?" a smile toyed at your lips. coriolanus scowled, a look of irritation coming over him. "i-i'm. good god, who was it, y/n?" he loosened his tie, absolutely furious. "my cousin, if you're so interested." you leaned against the wall, smirking.
coriolanus groaned. "unbelievable. i thought you were going out with him. i would have fired him, y/n..." he trailed off, rubbing his temple. "you were jealous." a laugh escaped your lips, and you reached out to touch coryo's arm. "quiet." he whispered, holding his arm out for you to link with.
"yes, mr. president." you took his arm, walking down the hall together. you still had a dance to fulfill, after all.
asks 🩷
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local-crying-boy · 6 months
As If To Turn Back Time
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Carlisle Cullen X Female!Reader
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x Female!Reader
Genre: One-Shot, fluff, reunion
Warnings: literally just ignoring Carlisle’s backstory a bit cause I’m too stupid to understand dates and such, failed attempt at me writing people talking from the 1600s with only Bridgeton as a guide
Summary: You and Carlisle met in the 1600s, you had grown close and wanted to come clean to him. However, you had no choice but to leave. The two of you meet years later, Carlisle realising you are a vampire and you discovering that he had turned.
Word Count: 2.7k
A/n: This poor draft has been sitting in my drafts for way too damn long, so long that you can probably see how my writing style changes half way through :(
The two of you had often walked long walks during the day, talking about seemingly anything and everything. The conversations never pausing or becoming overbearingly dull, it seemed as if you could talk for hours on end.
You, despite not wanting to, grew close to Carlisle, even starting to be on a first name basis. He had always been gentlemen like and was not like the other men you’d talked to, simply wanting somebody to ‘woo’ and eventually marry.
Of course, you never stayed long enough for engagement to even be considered.
However, you didn’t want to leave this one. He was kind, kind unlike the others. His words were genuine, his smile was not faked nor was it practiced. He didn’t say the things he wanted you to hear, he was true about his thoughts and feelings.
He was as though he was too good to he true.
Carlisle thought this about you too. Kind, genuine, true. However, he was correct about being too good to be true, because you knew you had to leave, to break his heart.
Each evening, after parting ways with the Doctor, you cursed yourself. How could you be so careless with your heart? So quick to fall in love? You would outlive him for God’s sake! You would leave before you even got the chance to tell him you loved him, before he could even realise that you were going to leave.
There was no way to ever have a human and a vampire together, not without the Volturi knowing or without the human dying. Having both end up being dead, Carlisle would be buried and you would have half your heart ripped apart. There was no way to run from this problem. You loved him.
You loved Carlisle Cullen.
On June 2nd, 1661, at 3:26pm on a Tuesday afternoon, you had decided to come clean to Carlisle. He was already beginning to piece together that there was something wrong with you, not eating, ice cold skin, never being out in the sun, so coming clean was not going to be a big deal.
However, when you decided that, you had heard talk of your unusual behaviour and your never aging body. That was when it hit you, you had to leave Carlisle before being truthful to him. There was no time for rushed letters or quick apologies.
And so by the 3rd, on the Wednesday morning, you were already out of London and heading to Scotland where you planned to soon move to… Well, you weren’t too sure. You had planned to go to Scotland, but you knew you most likely had to go further, with all your time spent with Carlisle you didn’t think of where you would go next.
When it hid Midday of the Wednesday you left, Carlisle had gone to the house you were staying at, an old friend of yours. He knocked on the wooden door, expecting you to show up in one of your usual light blue dresses. However, one of the Lady of the house’s maids opened the door.
Confusion had hit Carlisle almost immediately, you were always there to greet him, as if you already knew it was him at the door, “Excuse me, Miss. Is Miss L/n home?”
The brunette woman shook her head slightly, “No, Sir. She left not too long ago, I’m afraid.”
“Do you know when she will return?” Carlisle asked, questions circling around his head, you never mentioned leaving.
Once again, the woman shook her head, “She won’t be returning, Sir. Miss L/n said she was not to return.”
Heartbroken, Carlisle almost forgot how to breathe, “She has left London?”
This time, the woman nodded, “I am afraid so, Sir, she said it was something of last minute arrangements, she was adamant there could be no postponing. She mentioned something about Scotland, or Germany.”
Then, right there and then, Carlisle was certain his heart had broken into a multitude of pieces, never to be pieced together again. Had it been something he’d done? Weren’t the two of you getting along well?
• 1936, Forks, Washington •
Thirst was making your throat burn, making you agitated and irritated. You haven’t been able to slip away and hunt yet, since the work you had was piling up and unavoidable, so you had been pretty much relaying on pure luck that you wouldn’t rip open these people’s throats.
It was tempting. Really, really tempting. Especially since the majority of your co-workers were stuck-up, stubborn, assholes of men who got on your nerves on a daily basis and did not respect women what-so-ever. However, with a seemingly unbearable thirst that made your entire body beg to kill them, it became more easy for your thoughts to drift to murder and made the thirst even more unbearable. Almost as if it would kill you.
If you could get headaches, you were sure you would’ve gotten one from these idiotic people. You watched the time and counted the seconds, hoping that focusing on the time would make the thoughts of their blood fade away into the back if your mind.
You barely made another minute before you abruptly stood from your stool and muttered, “Excuse me for a moment, I feel sick.”
You hastily left before anyone could say anything, then when you exited the building and was out of site, you ran towards the woods in hopes to find literally any animal.
You, centuries ago, decided to feed only on animals after slaughtering a family of four in the late 1500s and going into the early 1600s. The guilt still pulls at you randomly, which is why you started studying sciences, history and art wherever allowed women to have an education.
When you had gone far enough from the town, you tried to find anything. Luckily, there was a deer close, the pure smell of its blood had almost sent you mental.
Without even hesitating, you ran towards the sent, making it run from the loud rustling you caused. However, it didn’t get far because you had mercilessly murdered it and started feeding on it before it even fell to the floor.
You might as well have been a newborn with the way you were acting, impulsive and without a second thought. Well, perhaps this would have been a lesson to regularly feed instead of putting work first.
When you had your fill of the deer, and it was completely drained of its blood, you had stood from your space and simply started walking. You weren’t ready to go back to your workplace, certain that if one of those bastards said something stupid again, you would kill them and probably end up getting hunted by the Volturi from the inevitable frenzy it would send you in.
You had been in the of calming yourself down when you heard the very distant noise of footsteps, fast ones. Panic hit you almost instantly, you hadn’t been aware of other vampires in Forks.
Listening attentively, you prepared yourself for a fight. Often, vampires were somewhat territorial, if you’d accidentally wondered onto another’s land, you were expecting a fight. Usually, you were always aware if there were other vampires. However, clearly, you were not as careful this time.
However, you became terrified when you started hearing four pairs of footsteps. You definitely couldn’t fight four vampires, not by yourself anyway. Sure, your ability was good, but it took a lot of effort to hypnotise one person - let alone four.
Wiping the small specs of blood from your mouth, you spun your head around, scanning your surroundings. They were definitely getting closer, no doubt about that.
In seconds, four vampires appeared in front of you. One with short black hair - almost a buzz cut -, one with brunette hair, one with long blond hair and the last one, oh, the last one you knew too damn well.
“Holy shit…” You muttered, “Carlisle?”
If vampires could cry, you knew you would start sobbing right there and then. Ugly crying like you had done so when you were being turned over four hundred and fifty years ago.
“Y/n?” Carlisle asked, as if you’d been a ghost. Maybe, in his eyes, it was all you were. A phantom, a ghost, something of the unimaginable.
You took a step closer to the four, each eyes clouded with utter confusion, then Carlisle's whose eyes were clear with a multitude of emotions, “If I had known you’d been bit, I would have helped you.”
You were hesitant to hug him, even though all you wanted to do was tackle him down and feel his arms around you.
“Carlisle, who is this?” The woman with blond hair asked, she seemed hesitant to trust you and seemed defensive - as if ready for a fight, even if Carlisle knew you.
Carlisle’s eyes did not move from yours, a faint smile on his face as he recalled memories from lifetimes ago, “An old friend, from before I turned.”
This time, Carlisle walked closer to you and in a second, he’d wrapped his arms around you and had you in a tight embrace. It seemed so odd to feel his warmth completely replaced with coldness, he'd finally matched your temperature, you didn't find him warm and he didn't find you cold anymore.
You completely melted in his arms, breathing in his scent and closing your eyes in content, you'd never hugged him before, you and him had only exchanged quick and harmless touches of the hand when you knew him as a mortal. It was nice. “I’m so sorry I left, Carlisle. I’m so sorry.”
He had one hand planted behind your neck, making his fingers intertwined in your hair, while his other hand was rested on your back. You knew you would have felt chills go up your back if you were still human, “It’s okay, I understand why you left now.”
When you let go of Carlisle, he let go as well, though, you could tell the man was hesitant to let go. You took a few steps back and took in the other three’s appearance. They all had one thing in common, yellow eyes - one that always reminded you of gold, meaning they all fed on animals like you.
“Hi.” You awkwardly said to the three teenagers, “Sorry to intrude.”
“Who are you exactly?” The brunette haired boy asked, he seemed tense, he didn't trust you and you assumed he must have been one of the eldest - taking Carlisle out of the equation.
You awkwardly fiddled with your hands, a habit you’d had since you were human, “My name’s Y/n, I met Carlisle a few hundred years ago.”
The three exchange looks with each other, then the blond woman looked back at you, her voice was cold. Sharp, "How come we have never heard of you?"
That was when Carlisle spoke up again, turning to the younger vampires, "I thought she was dead." Then he turned to you, "I looked for you, but after you left for Scotland, there was no trace of you."
You stared at Carlisle for a few seconds, did you feel relief or upset that he knew where you had left for? "You knew I left for Scotland?"
"Yes." He simply said, "One of the women who worked for your friend told me, but also mentioned something about Germany."
"Ah, yes." You smiled softly at yourself, looking at your boots. It was almost as if you reminiscing over those sweet, old memories, "Miss Delphine, a sweet lady, a shame I had to leave in such a hurry." You looked back up at Carlisle. "I was headed to Scotland, but I knew I was going to go further, just in case."
When no one spoke again, and the silence grew awkward, Carlisle turned the other three, then back to you, "Y/n, let me introduce you to my family, Edward, Rosalie and Emmett."
You nodded at them nervously, you were never good at introductions, even when you were expected to do them so frequently due to your consistent moving. “Hello.”
There was an odd silence between the five of you, but Carlisle was quick to end the awkwardness. It must have been odd. He had spent this much time by himself, believing that a dear friend of his was dead, only to find out you were perfectly fine - well, aside from the fact that you were a walking corpse for over four hundred years.
It was odd for you, you knew that too damn well. After all these centuries, beating yourself up for the unfavourable situation you and Carlisle were given - him having been a human when you met and you being a vampire. You had loved him for so long, never being able to get his damned voice out of your head, his smile, his face.
He was different from when you last saw him, that was one of the many things you were going to have to wrap your head around. His eyes were no longer their beautiful previous colour, now replaced by the shining gold colour you both now shared. He was paler than before, matching your frozen temperature and you could no longer smell his blood. Perhaps, you could be grateful for not having to take in the scent of his blood - it was a struggle for you all those years ago, and still arose as a problem even after centuries of living as a vampire.
"You three should head back home." Carlisle suggested to the three teenagers, they seemed hesitant at the thought, so Carlisle continued. "Please, me and Y/n have catching up to do."
It was took them a few moments to trust that Carlisle had faith in you, trusted that you wouldn't pose a threat of any kind. It was only when Carlisle made eye contact with the Edward boy, giving him a small nod. Edward had taken only a few, short seconds to give an approving nod, before speeding off with the two other hesitant vampires.
When the two of you were alone, really alone, you both simply stared at each other. Both of you wanted to say something, anything. But how could you? It had been around three hundred years since the two of you last each other, what if that spark between you two had died out? What if you two could no longer hold a meaningful, flowing conversation like you did before?
"Carlisle, I-" You only sighed out quietly, rubbing you eyes with your hand. "I've missed you, so much."
Carlisle only gave you a small smile, he took a step closer to you. "I have too."
You looked up at his golden eyes, you would miss his old coloured eyes - you decided - because you had found his previous eye colour so mesmerising, so different from yours. You wouldn't have wanted this cruel fate for Carlisle, never in your entire immortal life. Though, how bad could it really be? He was like you now, there's was no longer anything stopping you from trying to rekindle that old flame that burnt in your cold, dead heart for him.
You swiftly wrapped your arms around Carlisle, hugging him tightly. It wasn't long before his arms around around you, too. It had been the first time you two had ever hugged in the long time you've known each other. It held up to your expectations, to say the least.
"I don't want to lose you, Carlisle." You admitted quietly. "Not again. I don't want to leave your side, not like last time."
"I don't want that either." The blond replied almost as soon as you stopped talking, he didn't even want you to move from his embrace. "So don't leave my side."
"And stay?" You asked slowly.
"Stay for good." Carlisle said, looking down at you as his hands moved to cup your face. "Please."
"You mean join your coven?" You asked in a hushed voice, looking up at him as he looked down at him. Your question only resulted in a quick nod from him, even if non-verbal answers always seemed so confident.
You wasted no time in leaning upwards and placing your lips onto his, closing your eyes as you kissed him, which he kissed back as soon as your actions registered in his head.
The best part about being a vampire was that you two didn't need to breathe, which meant you two could have stayed like that for a few moments. However, when you parted your lips, you looked up at him.
"I'm never leaving your side again."
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thewulf · 1 year
Don't Go || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - Reader is head over heels for Hotch but always assumes he doesn’t feel the same way. It’s around s7 and he gets together with Hotch and she withdraws over time. When Emily says goodbye she tells reader she is always welcome with her in London if she needs to leave, and after another couple months she takes Emily up on the offer.... Read Rest Here
A/N: Love this guy. Thank you for the request. Loved writing this one!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 3.1k+
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Six Months Prior
“You know, I’m just a phone call away. I’d be happy to hire you as an agent.” You nodded at your best friends words. It didn’t seem possible that you’d ever accept the offer, but you couldn’t deny her either. Not right away at least.
“I’ll think about it Em.” Hugging her tightly you stifled the small cry that wanted to come out. She’d become a best friend to you over the years. The one true person you could trust through and through entirely The one who knew you better than you knew yourself.
She knew all about you crush on Hotch and how you’d never do anything about it. She tried for years after Haley’s death to get you to do something. You never did. He never did. It wasn’t meant to be.
She hugged you back squeezing you tightly into her embrace, “Please do. I’m being serious. Just a phone call away.” Her smile looked sad as she took one last look at you before getting into the security line.
You pulled away nodding at your friend, “Good luck Em. Call me when you land.”
She squeezed your hand once more. A gesture of love you’d grown to care for over the years, “Thanks for driving me. I’ll call you the second the plane lands.” She waved as you walked back to the garage. Man, you sure did hate goodbyes. You knew you’d see her soon but it still hurt.
You watched as she walked off into the airport. It certainly wouldn’t be the last time you’d see her, but it sure did suck you wouldn’t get to see her every day. But it was good for her. A promotion she desired. Maybe you would think of her offer. Maybe, just maybe. You took a mental image of Emily as she waved once more before disappearing.
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Present Day
Maybe you weren’t supposed to hear it. But when you walked by Hotch’s office to drop off some files and Derek was already there you had to listen in. Had to, how could you not? But you’d regretted it the second you heard it, “My girlfriend and I went there this weekend.” His voice, your bosses voice, spoke through the doorway.
You heart sunk but Derek’s apparently soared. He hooted and clapped his bosses shoulder, “You did it? You asked Beth out?”
He nodded. You took a step back making sure you weren’t seen. Clutching the files to your chest you kept listening in, “Yeah. A few weeks ago. It’s been good. Jack seems to really like her.”
Damn. That was it then. Your chance was gone and over. You were the fool though. He’d given you years to make a move. You leaned back on the wall paralyzed. Knock on the door? Walked away? Keep listening to the horror show?
Paralysis won, “I’m happy for you Hotch.”
He hesitated. What did that mean? You took a step backwards before hearing him once more, “Me too. She different. Calm job that she loves. Relaxed all the time.” Everything you weren’t it felt like. Ouch.
Walking back down to your desk you checked the time on your computer. Nine in the morning, which meant that Emily was probably still working. You pulled your phone out of you back pocket sitting down in the office chair. Maybe it was time for a change. Nothing was happening for you here. Hotch was happy with somebody else. Not even the smiles and simple conversations between the two of you enough to satisfy. You’d harbored a stupid little crush that he never seemed to reciprocate. He didn’t hate the attention you gave him, no. He loved it dearly. He didn’t know much he loved it. Not until you began to withdraw from him.
It was the small things at first. Instead of looking at him when he spoke you kept your eyes on the case file or to the person beside you. You decided that smiling at him was no longer an option either. So, when you continued smiling at everybody in the office except for him it started to drive him crazy. Your smile actually dropped when you noticed he walked into the room. You stood up straighter in your chair and sucked in a breath. What in the hell was happening with you?
You were still kind. Still nodded in acknowledgement. Still recognized him as your boss and your boss only. You had to do this, for yourself. Had to break away. Start something new. This life was quickly becoming toxic.
It’d taken you months to find the courage to ask Emily for a transfer. But after you’d heard Hotch gushing about Beth once more it was the last straw for you. You didn’t want to hear about Beth and how fun she was. You didn’t want to hear about any of it. It wasn’t your place to tell him to cool it on her, so you had to do what you needed to do. Transfer to London.
Your knees bounced up and down in the smaller conference room you’d reserved to talk with Emily. You gulped when you heard her pick up from the other side on the line, “Y/N. How are you?” She asked you.
“I’m okay Em.” You let out a silent breath
She paused for a moment, “What’s up?” She knew you. Knew you deeply. Something was bugging you.
Might as well just spit it out, “I thought about your offer. Interpol.”
“Oh?” She sounded genuinely surprised that came out of your mouth. Such a homebody wouldn’t have ever dared to make this kind of decision.
“If you were being serious that is.” You wanted to clarify quickly. Maybe even she didn’t want or need you.
She nodded, but you couldn’t see it, “Of course I was! Absolutely yes. Let me just call Hotch and put the transfer in.”
You let out a breath, “I haven’t told him.”
“Why not?” She asked more as a friend rather than a future boss. How interesting all of that was going to be.
“I don’t know.”
She wouldn’t let you get away with that answer though, you knew that much, “Yes you do.”
You looked around the small conference room seeing all notes scribbled around. Looking ahead you watched as your coworkers walked around smiling and chatting with each other. You saw as Aaron looked around, maybe for you, maybe for somebody else. Your heart clenched when you looked back down at your phone, “He has a new girlfriend Emily. He’s head over heels for her.” You chewed on your already worn-down fingernails waiting for her response. A nasty habit you’d never been able to break in all your years.
“Oh sweetheart.” You heard her sigh from the other end of the phone, “Are you sure about this? Transferring? I don’t want you to feel like you’re running from your problems.” That’s what you’d admired most about Em.
You sat back down at your desk and waited. Waited for God knows how long. He didn’t call you into his office that day. Nor the next. It had been when you had gotten back from a case down in Miami that he asked you to stay behind on the jet for a moment. Nobody thought anything of it, but you knew. You knew exactly why he asked you to stay behind.
“A transfer?” His voice low once Spencer was out of earshot and down the stairs.
You couldn’t bear to look at him, so you just looked straight ahead, “Yeah.” You stated. Plain and simple. What else did you really have to say.
“Why?” He asked walking in front of you. He needed to know. More than ever, he craved to know what in the hell was happening with you. He’d adored you from afar for so long. The loving smile you always wore. The overly optimistic attitude often rubbed off on him. But it was fading. Fading so fast into the night that when Emily called he wasn’t surprised. Just hurt. Hurt that you wouldn’t have told him. And hurt that you wanted to leave him.
“I need a change.” It wasn’t a lie. You did need a change. You couldn’t just pine for your boss who was in love with another woman from afar. No, that was far too embarrassing. And exhausting. You had to go.
His eyes roamed your face for any tell. You were stoic as ever though. Hiding the waves of crashing emotions behind a big ass wall you’d never let come crumbling down. Shields that guarded your mind.
“You can find change here.” He started.
Shaking your head quickly you rebuked him, “I can’t. I’m stagnant. Tired. I can’t do this anymore.” You motioned your hand out to him before grabbing it back in towards your body.
“Can’t do what?” His eyes glazed over in curiosity as he studied you further. Trying to understand the person he thought he knew. Turns out he hadn’t a clue.
Your eyes narrowed. You weren’t actually going to tell him. Might as well keep him tapdancing on his toes, “This. I’m going crazy Hotch. I have to leave. Move on. Start a life.”
“What are you talking about Y/N?” He was either playing stupid or he genuinely hadn’t the faintest idea how you felt about him and that might’ve hurt worse.
You let out a little laugh, smiling because fuck it, might as well lay it all out for him clear as day. Something you never thought you’d have to do for a profiler. Leave it to Aaron Hotchner to act like a man in this situation, “I’ve been working with you for what? Five years now Hotch? I’ve been through a lot with you. You’ve seen me at my worst, and I’ve seen you at your lowest.” You sighed knowing you were just rambling now. Might as well rip the Band-Aid off, “I like you Hotch. Way more than an employee should. More than a friend should. I’ve liked you for so long and I’ve been too much of a coward to move on. So, I’m finally doing something for me. I can’t watch you fall in love Hotch. I just, I can’t. And I’m sorry. I’m weak.” You spilled out.
He shook his head reaching out. You took a step back involuntarily. Your brain reminding you that he had a girlfriend, “You’re not weak Y/N.” He frowned seeing you take a step back. You liked him? Had he never noticed? Had he never thought about it? Had he always seen you as just a friend?
You let out a full-on laugh, “I tell you I like you and that’s your response?”
He looked over your features for what felt like the first time. You were beautiful. Breathtaking even. He never let himself look at his coworkers like that. Things never turned out good when they did. Then you walked him. He knew how stunning you were. Then you were the kindest person he’d met on top of that? He was sure to be a sucker for you. But he blocked those thoughts out fast. He’d just have to enjoy your friendship. That was all. Plus, you were so much younger than him. Had so much more to look towards.
Through the years your smile never faltered. Not when Haley had been killed and he broke down right in front of you. Not when he needed it most. You were there and held him in your arms for hours whispering encouragement to the man. You were always there for him. Always there when he didn’t need you but wanted you to be there. You were always there, in the best way. You’d integrated yourself so seamlessly within his life he couldn’t stand the thought of losing you. That was when he knew he’d fucked up. He’d fucked up with Beth by leading her on for so long. He didn’t want her. He wanted you. Who gave a damn about your age when you wanted him. When you initiated the charge. All bets were off now.
He'd always wanted you but tried to deny it. He hid it away in a locked-up box in the back corner of his brain, “Don’t go Y/N.”
You shook your head tears rushing to the forefront of your eyes, “You can’t do that Hotch. Not now. You have Beth. I have to go.”
He shook his head taking a step forward to match your backwards one, “You don’t have to go. Please. Let’s just talk. Take a seat.” He wanted to punch himself for being so formal with you like he always had. If he was going to try and break down that mental shield you put up being a stiff board certainly wouldn’t help.
You cocked your head to the side unsure of what you’d heard. You thought this was going to be quick and that was certainly not turning out to be the case here, “Okay.” You thought you’d owed him that. You were close not that long ago. That ended when Beth crept into his life taking hold of the crevices of his mind you’d used to hold so closely. How had he not even noticed? How was he this fucking blind?
He leaned forward once he sat on the couch at the back of the jet next to you, not daring to go back to the seat he was previously sitting in. He needed to be closer to you, “Don’t go.”
“Aaron.” You closed your eyes unsure of what to do. Certainly, unsure of what to say.
He shook his head, “Please. I… I can’t let you go.” His voice wavered as his own watery eyes looked onto yours. Damn. Your heart sped up at the sight feeling things you really shouldn’t have at that admission.
You squeezed your eyes shut, “Why?” You needed to know.
When he didn’t answer you opened your eyes. He was just looking at you. Carmel eyes tracing over every feature on your face. He smiled slightly when your eyes met his. You felt the blazing blush rise across your face as he kept studying you so obviously. The tension in the air grew thicker with every passing second of silence. As if he knew you couldn’t take it anymore he finally answered you, “I’m an idiot. I don’t want her Y/N. I want you. I may not have always known it but now that I do, it’s supposed to be you.”
You shook your head quickly in utter disbelief, “Don’t say that. You have Beth. You have a life here.”
His eyes grew serious as he scooted closer to you. His knees brushed yours as he leaned forward once more, “I need you to hear me right now. I don’t want her. I want you. Just… just let me clean this up.” He pleaded taking one of your hands in his. He knew he was onto something when you didn’t pull away from him.
He cut you off, “Please, just don’t go. Please. Let me fix this.” Every part of him begged you. The most emotion you’d seen since Haley had passed. It sent shivers down your spine as you thought about it. He was being vulnerable with you.
You swallowed unsure of what the fuck to do now. This was certainly not on your short list of items that could possibly have happened to you when you did this. Aaron Hotchner begging you not to go? Impossible. Yet here you were with his hands in yours and pleading eyes.
When you didn’t answer he continued, “Please. Don’t go.” He took your other hand in his. He too had to make a scary confession just like you had moments prior, “I may have been too blind to see it before but sweetheart I… I like you too. And I’ve been missing you. You’ve been here but you haven’t been present. You have been with everybody else but me. I don’t want a life without you in it. So please, please don’t go.” He would ask a million more times if that’s what it took. He’d do anything you asked. Go anywhere you wanted. Be anything you needed really. He always knew it was you. He was just playing by the rules for too long. You’d snapped him right out of that though. He couldn’t actually let you go to London. No way in hell. He’d normally do anything for his employees, but he couldn’t let you go. He’d find you a better job here if that’d what it meant for you to stay.
You gave in. You weren’t thinking right with his big hands covering yours so easily. A steady rub from his palm sent shivers up your arm sending your mind into a frenzy. A moment you were so scared for turned so intimate.
You nodded your head mumbling out a soft, “Okay.” Before being brave and turning your eyes up to his big brown ones.
The relief that washed over him at that was evident. He threw his head back in relief. A big smile crossed his face when he came back to looking at you, “Really?” He asked, not believing it himself.
“Yeah. You have good puppy dog eyes Hotch.”
He shook his head scooting you closer to him, “Call me Aaron, sweetheart.” You heart sped up once your legs tangled with his. Two oblivious idiots soon to be in love trying it for the first time together. Awkwardness and all you soaked it in. His touch. His smell. His presence with you right there on the jet.
“Alright, Aaron.”
He smiled that gorgeous smile you’d grown to love but never saw often enough. Rarely that smile would make its presence and when it did it blew you away. You smiled right back at him as looked you over once more, “Let me drive you home.”
“What about my car?” You asked the most obvious question it felt dumb coming out.
He shrugged, “I’ll pick you up before work tomorrow. No worries.”
You didn’t want to oblige but you really wanted the alone time, “If you’re sure.”
His smile only grew. He stood up and pulled you up right with him, “I’m positive. Now, let’s get you home.” He didn’t drop your hand as he led you down the stairs and over to the parking lot not that far from the air strip. Your smile didn’t falter as he led the way so utterly sure he’d made the right decision, finally.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom
Request Taglist: @mischief-merlyn @mrs-ssa-hotch
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mortalityplays · 1 year
about a month back I was walking home from a union meeting with another member who lived in my direction. I automatically took my usual route, through a quiet industrial block dominated by construction and scrap yards and those single storage unit offices that are basically a metal box with a parking space. he hesitated to follow me, and then explained that he'd never taken this route before because he felt out of place and nervous there. he's from a middle class background, wears blazers and corduroy with lapel pin badges, you know the kind of look.
now this is not me criticising him, as far as I know him he's a good dude who shows up for the union and gets involved in direct action and generally puts his money where is mouth is. he's worked on outreach and gone door knocking in this same area and is very relaxed and pleasant in any company. in this sense he's a better leftist than a lot of people I've met who have the aesthetics and talking points down but turn shy when you ask how they actually participate.
anyway, he walked with me and we talked about it. he admitted he simply had no experience of this kind of industrial environment. he associated it with the rough working class pubs on the main street nearby, and inferred that it was dangerous to him as an outsider. I explained that it was a working environment, that each lot was somebody's business, and that the closed units he saw were offices used by traders who just needed somewhere to manage invoices, payroll and accounts a couple of times a week. nobody is going to beat up a complete stranger in broad daylight for walking past their place of work. as soon as he understood that, he relaxed.
thing is, the only reason I know this is because I grew up around these places. I worked out of an office unit just like those for a while in my teens, and walked to and from my job without ever being hassled in their vicinity. I went to school with the lads whose fathers and uncles owned the construction and scrap yards and shipping warehouses around us, and who went to work there as soon as they were old enough to wear a hard hat. the difference between a dangerous industrial space and a neutral part of the everyday environment is something I learned by living in it. the tradeoff is that I feel uncomfortable in middle class cul de sacs, because the danger zones there are invisible to me.
class is woven into our understanding of the world as children, blended seamlessly with our sense of objectivity before we have a chance to question it. as adults we have the capacity and context to unpack a lot of those assumptions and reinvent the borders around them — go door knocking for the union, build new relationships across class lines — but we can't ignore the fact that class is one of our primary cultural experiences. you will carry it with you like a half remembered motherland your entire life, like it or not.
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I arrived at the address and honked the horn. After waiting a few minutes I honked again. Since this was going to be my last ride of my shift I thought about just driving away, but instead I put the car in park and walked up to the door and knocked.. 'Just a minute', answered a frail, elderly voice. I could hear something being dragged across the floor.
After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her 90's stood before me. She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940's movie.
By her side was a small nylon suitcase. The apartment looked as if no one had lived in it for years. All the furniture was covered with sheets.
There were no clocks on the walls, no knickknacks or utensils on the counters. In the corner was a cardboard box filled with photos and glassware.
'Would you carry my bag out to the car?' she said. I took the suitcase to the cab, then returned to assist the woman.
She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the curb.
She kept thanking me for my kindness. 'It's nothing', I told her.. 'I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother to be treated.'
'Oh, you're such a good boy,’ she said. When we got in the cab, she gave me an address and then asked, 'Could you drive
through downtown?'
'It's not the shortest way,' I answered quickly..
'Oh, I don't mind,' she said. 'I'm in no hurry. I'm on my way to a hospice.’
I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes were glistening. 'I don't have any family left,' she continued in a soft voice.. ‘The doctor says I don't have very long.' I quietly reached over and shut off the meter.
'What route would you like me to take?' I asked.
For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator.
We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they were newlyweds. She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.
Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.
As the first hint of sun was creasing the horizon, she suddenly said, 'I'm tired. Let's go now'.
We drove in silence to the address she had given me. It was a low building, like a small convalescent home, with a driveway that passed under a portico.
Two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as we pulled up. They were solicitous and intent, watching her every move.
They must have been expecting her.
I opened the trunk and took the small suitcase to the door. The woman was already seated in a wheelchair.
'How much do I owe you?' She asked, reaching into her purse.
'Nothing,' I said.
'You have to make a living,' she answered.
'There are other passengers,' I responded.
Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly.
'You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,' she said. 'Thank you.'
I squeezed her hand, and then walked into the dim morning light.. Behind me, a door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life..
I didn't pick up any more passengers that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought. For the rest of that day,I could hardly talk. What if that woman had gotten an angry driver, or one who was impatient to end his shift? What if I had refused to take the run, or had honked once, then driven away?
On a quick review, I don't think that I have done anything more important in my life.
We're conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments.
But great moments often catch us unaware-beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.
At the bottom of this great story was a request to forward this - I deleted that request because if you have read to this point, you won't have to be asked to pass it along you just will...
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.
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cressidagrey · 3 months
Indelible Scars - Chapter 4
Azriel knew pain. So did Galena.
Also known as: Azriel’s mate is a healer and the first time they meet, he nearly dies on her.
Horrible self image, facial scarring, blindness, people behaving abhorrently...
(thanks to @cafekitsune for the super pretty dividers!)
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Breakfast was cut short that morning with the arrival of The Morrigan.
Galena had never actually laid eyes on her. As soon as the knock sounded at the door, she made the trek upstairs, cane hitting the bannister of the staircase with every step she took. She would finish getting dressed and then go down into the stillroom and finish the batch of fertility potions she had been working on.
She had only listened half when her aunt and Zoreen had chattered on the evening before about one of the males working for the High Lord being laid up with a cold. 
For somebody that was apparently some kind of mythical warrior that guy apparently couldn’t deal with having the sniffles, but oh well. It was none of her business. 
Galena’s domain was the stillroom. 
In the back of the apothecary, mixing tinctures and draughts and potions. There, where she could work alone, hidden away, where nobody would see her. 
She liked it like that. 
It wasn’t that she couldn’t do the healing tasks her Aunt Madja carried out…or that she wasn’t good at it. Or that she didn’t enjoy it…it was nothing of that sort. 
She could do it, she was good at it and she did enjoy it. 
But what she didn’t enjoy were the looks she gathered, either pity or disgust or some sick sense of amusement, on the faces of the people surrounding her if they saw her face. 
If they saw the scars that covered most of her body. 
For some people, very rarely, Galena was a proper healer. For Cosima, who was a healer herself and had worked for her aunt for decades…when she had been pregnant, Galena had done all her check-ups…she had brought her son into the world…saved both Cosima’s and Orion’s life that day, when she had cut the baby out of his mother’s womb. Both had survived. She had been right after all. 
But most of the time…all the time nearly…the stillroom was hers, where she could be alone, and nobody would stare at her. Nobody would see her. She could be invisible. 
Her scars didn’t matter. Not here.  
Big windows led out into the garden and the glasshouse they kept there where Galena doted on the more temperamental herbs and flowers she needed, the ones that needed to be plucked on the full moon… or during a specific daytime. 
She loved it. 
Loved being alone. Without anybody else that would just…hurt her. 
She had despised school and the other younglings surrounding her, who were either terrified of her scars or made fun of the same…and so as soon as she had graduated… she had gone into the sanctuary of the stillroom. 
She knew that her aunt worried…worried that Galena, even with nearly 150 years, still lived in her attic…where she had her own little apartment. That Galena didn’t leave the house unless she had no other choice…That Galena had no friends to speak off, unless it were the people she worked with. 
 Galena didn’t go out shopping or to the Palaces if she could somehow get away with not doing it. She knew that if she did, people would stare. People would talk behind her back and she would need to ignore that and act like she didn’t care. 
But she did care.
Aunt Madja tried to get her out of the house. Madja told her to go buy vegetables at the market and every few weeks Galena did that, grinding her teeth and ignoring the whispers and the stares. Unless Zoreen took pity on her. 
Zoreen got her mail-order catalogues and picked up vegetables on her way to work if she could and did everything so that Galena didn’t need to leave. 
Madja thought the world just needed to get used to Galena. Zoreen thought that Galena didn’t owe anybody anything to talk about. 
She loved Zoreen like a sister just for that. 
 And so while Madja and Zoreen were off to see patients, Galena did her work in the stilroom…finishing her batch of Fertility Potions and then stocking up on Sleeping Potions…the usual. 
Most days were similar, unless she had the time and the mood to start and invent something new or make something better. Today, she played around with some Anti-nausea recipes wondering if she should fix the taste of peppermint. Maybe something tasteless would be better... 
She heard the jingle of the doorbell but she didn’t even react to that. Silas was manning the till. He would take care of whoever wanted to buy something from the apothecary…
She wondered how long Silas would survive in the shop because even after two months he was still staring at her wide-eyed, terrified, whenever he needed to actually talk to her. Galena hated it. But she didn’t say anything. She couldn’t give him the fault for it, not when she knew how the scars looked. 
Instead, she started to pour her nausea cure into little bottles, humming to herself. It was horrible off-key and she knew she sounded like she was mental, but if that meant that she got Silas to quit because he was terrified of her, then she was quite willing to do it. 
Besides, it was better than outright talking to herself as she was also sometimes prone to be doing. 
She held back a sigh as she heard the knock on her door. 
“Yes?” she called to answer, putting down her work.
It was Silas. She knew that, could see him out of the corner of her good eye.
Galena had long since moved the still room around so that she could see the door with the eye that could still see more than simple blurs of colours.
 “Galena? There is somebody there to see you? He said Zoreen sent him…with a note,” Silas blurted out and Galena nodded, not bothering to look at him. 
“Just put it on the table, please,“ she requested as she screwed the lid back onto the big bottle of Nausea cure from where she was doling it out. 
“It’s the General,” Silas said. “He’s terrifying.”
Galena highly doubted that, but then,  she had clearly lost her ability to feel fear like a normal fae together with her eye and her face. 
“Could you read the note, please?” Silas said and she finally looked up, facing him with the full brunt of her face and watched how he flinched away. 
It hurt. It always did. Regardless of how often it happened to her. She said nothing, picking up her cane and crossing the room to take the piece of paper. 
Zoreen’s handwriting. 
Galena , both Madja and me don’t know what’s wrong with a patient. 
Madja thought it was just a cold but I think it’s much, much worse than that. And if you can’t figure out what is wrong with him, I don’t know how long he will survive. His fever is getting dangerously high, even with a draught and his lungs are deteriorating as I write this. 
I know you don’t want to leave the stillroom and I understand that…but you are his only chance. 
If you can’t figure it out… He dies. 
He’s the General’s brother and while said General looks terrifying, it’s obvious how much he means to him. So please…ignore the looks and the whispers, and come save a life, Galena.  
It did tickle her professional curiosity.
Something other than making burn cream and Anti-Nausea Draughts…Granted, she would need to ignore the glances and flinches and outright stares at her face and her body…but maybe she would learn something else…maybe he would survive, whoever he was…
Life was precious. Even Galena agreed with that. 
“Tell the General I am coming,” Galena said calmly, folding the note. 
“What?” Silas asked, his voice scaling higher. “You want to leave the stillroom? What are people going to say?” he asked, immediately regretting that question and Galena just stared at him. 
“What they always say,” Galena said drily. “I’ll need to pack a bag.”
Silas went outside and she grabbed the bag she kept packed, adding in this and that, her mind already running with options of what could be wrong with that mysterious patient that stumped bother her aunt and Zoreen. 
And then she grasped her cane and her bag and steeled herself for what she knew was going to happen once she walked into the apothecary.
The General of the Night Court’s Armies was tall and muscular and handsome as well, with a pair of truly enormous black wings, that marked him as lllyrian. 
“General,” she greeted him, her voice soft, meeting his eyes and not moving a muscle as she saw it play over his face. Shock. Surprise. Pity…There was no disgust this time. She gave him credit for that. She had seen that often enough to know exactly when people felt that for her. 
Like the scars that marred her face somehow made her worth less than them…somehow meant that she wasn’t High Fae just like them. 
At least he probably wasn’t going to think that…he wasn’t a High Fae either. 
She watched him swallow and then offer her a broad hand, not flinching away from her own scarred one. She would give him credit for that as well. He was clearly trying. 
“Are you Galena?” he asked her and she nodded. 
“I am. Galena Kosciarz,” she introduced herself. “Madja is my aunt.” Surprise registered over his face and then he nodded. 
“I need your help,” he told her, sounding for such a big male, surprisingly desperately. 
“Zoreen told me,” she assured him. “Where am I needed?” 
“The House of Wind.”
She blinked. “If you expect me to walk up ten thousand steps, I am going to have to turn you down. My leg won’t allow that,” Galena told him drily.
If she had a bad day, her walk to her rooms in the attic was already torture. There was no way she would be able to walk up to the House of Wind, even on a good day. 
“How do you feel about flying?” he asked her, lips pulling into a smirk and she just stared at him. “I’ll carry you.”
Her eyebrows rose at that. 
“Please,” he said, his voice growing desperate. “My brother is really sick and Zoreen thinks you are the only one who could possibly figure out what is wrong with him.”
She had never actually thought that she would get to fly. Nor had she ever thought that that was something that she wanted to do…but…well.
Of all the things she had experienced in her life, why not add flying to it? It couldn’t be that bad, right? Illyrians did it all the time. 
Granted they were born with wings, and she was not, but…
She sized him up and then figured that if he was desperate enough to seek her out, he was probably not going to let her fall and plummet to her death if he could help it. 
“Alright,” she agreed. “But I need my bags.”
His shoulders slumped with relief at that and he happily acquiesced…She did her best to ignore the feeling of his broad hands on her, because she couldn’t even remember the last time she had been touched by somebody other than her aunt or Zoreen…and pressed her eyes closed as he pushed into them sky with one mighty flap of his enormous wings. 
She kept them closed, not daring to open them because she would rather not vomit all over the General.  
“So, what’s wrong with your brother?” she asked him. The more information she could get the better it would be. The more likely it was that she could figure out what was wrong with him. 
“Didn’t Zoreen tell you?” he responded curiously and she shrugged. 
“I would like to hear it from you. You were the first that noticed that something went wrong?” she asked. 
“Yes,” his voice was…tinted with something aking to regret. “He collapsed during sparring. Cutched at his chest….since then he started coughing horribly. Also managed to hit his head on the edge of his desk while trying to get to the bathroom,” he told her and she grimaced, ignoring the way the corner of her mouth tended to spasm at that. 
“Was him collapsing the first time that you realised that something was wrong?” she asked him. “Anything else out of the usual with him during the last few weeks?”
“Nothing that I noticed,” he answered, honestly. “I should have…the one thing was that he got some bruises on his chest, but that was it.” 
“Does he have any ongoing medical problems? Any medication he takes?” Galena asked. 
“Any special abilities? Anything else I need to know?” she asked. 
“He’s a shadowsinger,” the General answered. 
Well, that was rare. 
But Galena highly doubted that his shadows were making him sick. 
“What’s his name?” she asked instead because her aunt always was on her to remember that she was dealing with actual people and not just illnesses. 
“Azriel,” The General answered, just as they plummeted to the ground. The landing wasn’t quite as bad as she imagined it would be. 
And he put her back down onto her feet like she was made out of spun glass. 
“Show me where my patient is,” she told him and he gave her a smile as he led her into the House of Wind. 
A few minutes later they entered a bedroom, where Zoreen and adja were quietly conversing, her aunt looking up as soon as she saw him. 
“Galena,” Madja greeted her and she gave her aunt a nod, before she looked to the enormous bed that dominated the room. 
And then it punched through her. 
No forewarning. 
No, no, no, no.
It punched through her with all the finesse of a boulder, a golden thread tying her to the male lying on that bed. 
Her mate. 
She just stared at him, her hands tightening around her cane, surprised that she didn’t outright faint or collapse to the floor. 
She had never even thought that this was going to happen to her…she had never even thought that…She never wanted a mate. 
Galena didn’t believe in the mating bond. Not really.
And Galena had never thought that she even needed to worry about this, because it wasn’t like she normally left her aunt’s house…wasn’t like she met any males her age that were available for something like that and…
There he was. 
The one the mother chose for her. The one that was supposed to be her other half. 
Andd now she et him. As her patient. So sick and near death that she was considered the last option. 
That was what finally made her move closer. 
She never thought she would have a mate. 
But there he was. 
And even sick and flushed with fever…He was beautiful. Classical handsome. So handsome that he would have no problem whatsoever to have any female he wanted. 
No need to choose somebody like her.
She would never want to saddle any male with herself. And especially not a male that looked like him. 
She swallowed.
“You gave him anything?” she asked, forcing her voice to sound normal, even when it rapeseed in her throat. Something inside her wanted her to reach out to touch him, wanted to see if his skin was as hot as it seemed to be…wanted to check the heartbeat thrumming under his skin…she wanted to do that…but she…
“Fever reducer and a cough draught,” her aunt answered. “Neither have seemed to work.”
Galena nodded.
She took one shaky breath, forcing herself to centre herself…and then cast the first of many diagnostic charms over her mate.
“This is going to take me a while,” she said, forcing herself to concentrate on her work. It always calmed her.  “You don’t need to stay, Aunt Madja,” she promised her.
“Are you sure?” her aunt asked, her voice calm, but Galena could hear the hesitation in her voice. 
“Yes,” she assured her aunt. “I’ll throw every diagnostic I know at him…we’ll know more this afternoon,” she promised her aunt. “I highly doubt I could be safer anywhere but here,” she said pointedly. Right there in their High Lord’s domain. “I’ll send a note if it takes longer.”
Her aunt agreed. “Remember that he’s a person,” she said pointedly and Galena hummed. 
“I will,” she promised.
She waited until her aunt and Zoreen both left the room, before she cast a second diagnostic, letting it run its course as she visually took him in. 
Her mate… Azriel. 
His complexion was paler than what was probably normal, the pallor grey, his breathing was harsher than it should be and he was glowing with fever, sweat pearling on his forehead. Her eyes roamed lower, taking in the muscular chest, covered with a criss cross of white, old scars, and black warrior markings, to his arms and hands that rested on the bedsheets…
His hands…
The scars that covered his hands matched her own. 
Burn scars. 
She wondered how he had gotten his. If it had been as horrible as it had been when her step-father had done what he had done to her…
She wondered…
“Out of pure interest, what did you do that made your aunt remind you that he’s a person?” The General said suddenly and she looked up to find him leaning against the wall, a tall, brown-haired female next to him who was watching Galena with silver eyes. 
“You heal a guy without pain relief once, and it’s considered torture,” she gave back drily. 
He stared at her. 
“Why would you do that?” he asked her and she looked back at Azriel. 
Why had she done it? 
Well...It had been over a hundred years ago, while she was still at school…and one of the males her age had taken it onto himself to bully an eleven-year-old girl for being a bastard. 
“He was a grown man bullying an eleven-year-old girl,” Galena said calmly “He deserved worse. I did him a favour. I could have left him to bleed. It was only a broken nose, anyway,” she said with a shrug. 
He stared at her for a moment and then he started laughing.
“You are a bloodthirsty little thing, aren’t you?” he asked her with a chortle and she just shrugged once more.
“Do you need anything?” he asked her, growing serious. 
“A chair would be nice,” she answered honestly. “Otherwise, a few hours of time…If it gets late, I’ll need something to eat with copious amounts of sugar…I tend to do use that to fuel my magic,” she explained. 
“We can get you that,” the female agreed, and Galena turned back to her mate. 
Her mate. Hers. 
Even when he would never want her…she didn’t want him to die.
So she would do her damnest to ensure that that wouldn’t happen. 
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hearts-hunger · 4 months
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist | Cabin Fever Masterlist | Join my taglist here!
Summary: You have a surprise for Jake.
Pairings: Jake x Wife!Reader, Josh x Baby, Sam x Danny | Genre: domestic fluff, slight angst | Word Count: 3.7k | Warnings: pregnancy, morning sickness
A/N: I have to throw in a little angst, you know me. But here you go! Jake and Sparrow are having a baby! ♡
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Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, you listened to the steady roll of thunder and patter of rain and tried to will yourself into feeling better. So far, it wasn't working very well; rocky and nauseous, there was little you could do but hold your head in your hands and be as still as possible. One wrong move and you'd be down for the count, just like you had been yesterday morning and the morning before that.
You know what that means, a little voice said in your head. You grimaced.
“It’s just the flu,” you said to yourself. “Some weird flu with no other symptoms that only happens in the morning.”
The power of positive thinking seemed to be a useless venture, but you kept it up anyway. You couldn't be pregnant. No way you were ready for that.
There was a knock on the bathroom door, and as you quickly straightened up and made yourself promise that you weren't going to be sick, no matter what, you were reminded of somebody else who wasn't ready for you to be pregnant either. You and Jake hadn't really talked about it — the occasional tipsy proposition to get started having a bunch of little Kiszkas wasn't exactly a serious discussion. Neither of you had pictured it this way, on the cusp of a tour and new album, and you decided to stick with your useless positive thinking for a little bit longer.
“Come in,” you said. Jake made his way in, drowsy and sleep-soft, dressed only in his black boxers and the necklaces he never took off. He looked at you in the mirror as he started to brush his teeth.
“Feel okay, sparrow?” he said around his toothbrush.
You nodded. “Fine. Just don't want to be up this early.”
He hummed in agreement and spit toothpaste into the sink. “You were the one who booked us a flight at the crack of dawn.”
You couldn't deny that. Though Josh and Baby had given you plenty of notice on the date of their son's third birthday party, and though you knew the date by heart because you’d been there the day little John Denver Kiszka was born, you’d procrastinated booking a flight until the early-morning option was the only one. To be fair, you'd had a lot on your mind.
Jake turned on the shower. “You wanna save water and jump in with me?”
You smiled. “I love it when you talk conservation to me.”
He smirked and pulled the shower curtain aside, ushering you in. You felt yourself relax in the quiet morning ritual of showering together, washing each other’s hair and gently bickering over who was getting the most water.
“Can you believe JD is three already?” you asked. His present from the two of you, a pint-sized pirate sword you'd gotten at the ren faire a few weeks ago, was neatly wrapped and packed in your suitcase. “It doesn't seem like it's been three years.”
“Seems like it was only yesterday,” Jake crooned in a teasing voice. “The first baby of the Kiszka-Wagner clan.” He shook his head. “It could be us, sparrow. Can you imagine us with a three-year-old? Holy cow.”
All the tension you’d thought had left quickly made its way back into your body. A nervous hand fluttered to your tummy, somehow worried that a pregnancy that you weren't even convinced was real would show itself. 
“It wouldn't be so terrible,” you said weakly.
He smiled and kissed your cheek, turning the shower off and grabbing you a towel. “No, it wouldn't be so terrible. But not right now. Soon, but not right now.”
You felt nauseous again as you toweled off and dressed. You didn't talk much as you both readied to leave, putting your suitcases in the back of the car and patting Gibson, your cat, goodbye. A kind, cat-loving coworker of yours was coming by to feed Gibby while you were gone, but Jake gave him snuggles and kisses like it was the last time they were ever going to see each other.
“You be good,” Jake said, stroking Gibby’s head as he purred like a car engine. “Mama and I love you very very much.”
Some weird, clawing thing stuck in your throat at him calling you “mama” even though he'd always referred to you that way to your cat. You kissed Gibby’s head and went out to the car, taking a few deep breaths as you watched the rain slide down the passenger side window.
“Five-thirty?” Jake groaned as he backed the car out of the driveway. “Sparrow, we gotta get some coffee.”
Your mood was pensive and distant through the drive, checking in at the airport, and boarding the plane. Jake got away with just one request for his picture and signature in the terminal; the girl was wearing a Mirador shirt, and Jake grinned at her promise to get his signature tattooed right where he’d signed it on her arm. 
“Never gets old,” he said, slinging his arm over yours as you stood in line to board. “Tell me you like being married to a rockstar.”
You gave him a weak smile. “I like being married to a rockstar.” You did, and you wouldn't trade the constant enjoyment of Jake’s skill and success as a musician. But the rockstar life made some things difficult, and you didn't dare think of what problems would arise if you really were pregnant.
Jake very sweetly gave you the window seat, intending and quickly managing to fall asleep against your shoulder. You looked out at the rainy tarmac and thought of Josh and Baby, two of your dearest friends, people who had not only managed to start a family in the middle of the rockstar life but become very good at it. Their son was the light of their lives, and they'd integrated domestic life into Josh’s whirlwind schedule of recording, touring, and constant limelight with every ounce of joy and patience a couple could ever hope to have. They would help you and Jake, happily, if it turned out that your positive thinking came to naught.
You tried to push the thought out of your head and rest against Jake, readying yourself for a day of summer birthday fun with your family. Your friends and your precious nephew deserved the best version of you, and by the time you pulled up to Josh and Baby’s beautiful old house in Frankenmuth, you were ready to jump right in.
The theme was toddler-friendly life on the high seas, and sweet, colorful, swashbuckling decorations adorned every inch of the house. Coming in, you heard your family in the kitchen and out on the back deck, the sliding door wide open to let dripping, bathing-suited partygoers come back and forth for snacks and popsicles before another splash in the pool.
“Ahoy, mateys!” Jake called, following you as you came into the kitchen. Baby looked up, a bright smile on her pretty face, and abandoned the cubes of watermelon she was spearing with tiny plastic swords.
“You’re here!” she said happily, throwing her arms around you. “Oh, I was worried — Josh said you might have bad weather coming out of Nashville.”
“Just some rain,” you assured her, so relieved to be here with her and the rest of your family. You hugged her back tightly. “How’s the party so far?”
She laughed and gestured to the back yard, accepting an affectionate ruffle of her hair from Jake. “Ready to get started, now that you're here. Have drink, put on your bathing suit, enjoy yourself.”
You went to say hello to your brothers, and JD graciously paused his relentless jumping into Sam’s arms in the pool to hug you and Jake. Dripping wet, his curly hair wreathed with sunshine, he looked up at you and your husband like you’d hung the moon.
“I so happy you're here!” he said gleefully. “Is’ my birthday!”
You smiled and kissed his chubby cheek. “It is! Happy birthday, honey.”
You let him get back to swimming and went to change into your bathing suit. Before long, you were happily drawn into sun-soaked hours of lounging by the pool, talking about everything and nothing with your family. Rosie, who wasn't as spry as she used to be but still patient and amenable to JD’s wet hands mussing her fur, thumped her tail as she lay under the shade of Danny’s chair.
“Sam wants another puppy,” Danny said, taking a long pull from a Corona. “He told his mom we're going to be parents, and she almost lost her shit until she figured out he meant another dog and not a baby.”
Sam planted a kiss on Danny’s forehead. “No babies until we're married, Wagner. I've told you this a hundred times.”
“He’s old fashioned,” Danny agreed, giving you a slightly wistful smile. “But he’s right. We’d have our hands full with a bunch of dogs and a whole entire person.”
“Oh, it’s not so bad,” Josh called from the pool, holding JD as the little boy paddled and splashed and giggled. “You should go for it. All of you. Me and Baby feel kinda left out being the only ones with bedtimes at seven-thirty.”
Jake laughed. “No thanks. I've still got some partying years in me.”
Your throat felt tight. “Maybe partying’s not all it’s cracked up to be.” 
“Speak for yourself,” Sam teased.
Baby seemed to notice something was off with you, and she put her hand over yours. 
“Will you come help me get some stuff from the kitchen?” she asked.
You went with her willingly, needing a break from the sun and the harmless teasing that seemed to twist like a knife in you. You took the Capri-suns and sub sliders from the fridge as she mixed a pitcher of what was appropriately labeled “Jack Sparrow’s missing rum punch”.
“You want some?” she asked.
You bit your lip. “Better not.”
She poured herself a drink and joined you at the counter where you half-heartedly put pirate-sail toothpicks in the sandwiches.
“All the decorations came out really cute,” you said, meaning it despite your quiet tone.
She smiled. “Thanks, sparrow. You know Jake’s had JD into pirates since the day he was born, and now that he's finally old enough to enjoy it, I figured it was time to pull out all the stops.”
She brushed your hair back from your face. “Sparrow... are you pregnant?”
You felt a vivid blush rise to your face. Was it pinned to your dress like a scarlet letter? But meeting her eyes, seeing sympathy and understanding there, you slowly nodded.
“I think so,” you all but whispered. “I — I haven't taken a test. I don't know for sure.”
“But your period’s late?” she asked calmly.
“And I've been having morning sickness,” you managed. “It — I mean, it could be the flu, but —”
She laughed, but it wasn't unkind.
“It’s probably not the flu, honey.” She squeezed your hand. “I have a test in the bathroom if you want to take it.”
You were surprised. “Are you pregnant?”
She shrugged. “Not at the moment. I’m not planning on it, but...” She gave you a wry smile. “Sometimes these things happen, sparrow. It’s not the end of the world. It might actually be the start of something really wonderful for you and Jake.”
You felt the sting of tears. “I haven't said anything to him. I didn't want to if I wasn't sure. I don't know if he’ll...” Tears spilled over. “If he’ll be happy.”
“Of course he’ll be happy,” she said, and it was so confident and so sure that you felt a buoying of hope. “He’ll be over the freakin’ moon, sparrow. Don't let all this nostalgia for partying get to you. Josh was happy when we found out we were having JD, and Jake will be happy if you find out you're having a baby too.”
You swallowed. “You think so?”
She smiled and brushed the tears from your face. “Yeah, I think so. Go find out if you are.”
You did as she said, finding the Clearblue test under the sink. Waiting was agonizing; you forced yourself to wait longer than you were supposed to, not sure if you could bear it, whatever the result was. You wanted a baby with Jake; nothing would give you more pleasure than to make him a father, to start a family with the man you loved. But was he ready? Were you ready?
Finally, you looked at the test. There, in little black letters: pregnant.
A gasping sort of sob escaped you. You clapped a hand over your mouth and sank to the floor, holding the test in shaking fingers, reading it over and over. Pregnant. You and Jake were having a baby.
You cried, but whether they were happy tears or just a sign of how overwhelmed you were, you couldn’t tell. Sitting on your best friends’ bathroom floor, you watched your tears blur that one little word that would change everything.
Eventually, you collected yourself enough to wash your face at the sink and tuck the test in the pocket of your sundress. You ventured out to the back porch and found your family in a safe, comforting chaos; Baby and Danny were swimming with JD, and the twins were soundly beating Sam in garbage. 
Jake looked up as you came out, a handsome smile lighting his face. “Hi, sweetheart. You wanna play the next hand?”
You looked over at Baby, and she grinned when you gave her a little smile. She nodded towards Jake, urging you to tell him.
“Um...” You twisted the fabric of your dress in nervous fingers. “Actually, can I talk to you for a second?”
“Sure. Let me just...” He laid out his cards and was met with groans from his brothers, and he smirked. “Read it and weep, fellas.”
Josh gathered up the cards to be dealt again, and Jake was careful of the empty beer bottles on the table as he stood and came inside with you. He was a little tipsy, his piratey swagger giving it away more than anything else, sun-kissed and smiley and so beautiful to you that you thought you would never get tired of just looking at him. Would your baby look like him? You hoped so, and it was the promise of another someone like Jake Kiszka in the world that made you brave enough to speak.
“I need to tell you something,” you said, your voice a little wobbly. 
He pulled you close and gave you a kiss. “Don’t tell me. You want to ravish me.”
You gave a soft laugh. “Not exactly.” You led him to the guest bedroom, though, wanting it to be just the two of you with no one walking in accidentally. 
“This is... not convincing,” he teased when you closed the door behind you. “I guess you’re feeling better than you were this morning, huh?”
You were, but the reason wasn't what he thought. Now that you knew, now that you were sure and had the confidence and encouragement of your best friend, you were feeling much better. Now you just needed Jake to tell you it would be alright.
“I think I might not be... over that,” you said cautiously. “Like, it might be a recurring thing. Every morning.”
He frowned, searching your face. “What do you mean? Is something wrong?”
You shook your head. “Nope. Nothing's wrong.” 
“What is it, then?”
You pulled the test out of your pocket and handed it to him. “Um... I think that’s what it is.”
You waited for him to speak, to do anything, but he just looked at it in silence, cradled in the palm of his hand. Then, after a moment, he looked up at you.
“Are you serious?”
You couldn’t read his tone. Shock, surprise, maybe a little fear, something you hoped was excitement — all of them bled into the color of his voice.
“I'm serious,” you said, starting to feel like you were going to cry again. “I just took it. It's... I mean, it's pretty clear.”
He closed his hand around the test. Almost like he’d taken a blow, he stepped back and sat on the edge of the bed.
Your heart dropped right to the floor when he hid behind his free hand, leaning over his knees. Tears blurred your vision.
��I know it’s not the best time,” you said, desperate for some kind of reassurance. You came close to him. “But I think if we — if —” You didn't know what to say. “I think we can do it, Jake. I think we can have this baby.”
He lifted his head and met your eyes, a big, bright smile shining through a tearful haze. 
“You’re really pregnant?” he asked, and it was all joy.
You all but collapsed against him then, putting your arms around his neck, holding him as he tested your head against your tummy. He put his arms around you and held you close, caught somewhere between laughing and crying.
“I’m really pregnant,” you said softly. “Jake, are you happy?”
He stood and spun you around, exultant, laughing like a little boy on Christmas morning.
“Yes, I'm happy!” He stopped spinning you to kiss you, sweet and messy and so in love with you. “Are you crazy, sparrow? I've never been so happy in my whole life!”
You looked up at him with your heart in your eyes. “You don't think it's a bad time?”
He hushed you with another kiss. “No way. It's the perfect time. Forget everything I ever said about it being a bad time.” His smile was so big and beautiful. “I can't believe we're having a baby, sparrow. You're gonna be such a good mom. I love you, and I'm so proud of you. I love you so much.”
“Oh, Jake,” you said gently. “I love you too.”
He held you close and you melted against him, safe, loved, so happy you were delirious with it. You were having a baby! It sang in every part of you, and you joined in his joyful tears and watery laughter.
“Let’s go tell everybody,” he said, taking your hand. “You want to?”
You nodded, feeling that you'd never been more in love with him than you were just then.
He led you back out to the porch and tried to keep the suspense up as your family watched your giddy, excited entrance. Everyone was sitting at the table now, JD fast asleep on Josh’s lap; Jake was grinning to beat the sun, bright and shining with pride and contagious joy as the two of you stood before the people you loved.
“I don't mean to steal the little man’s thunder,” Jake said, looking with heart-rending tenderness at his brother and his baby. “This a great birthday for a great little guy. But...” He looked to you, and you gave his hand and encouraging squeeze. 
“Well, I guess we’ll be planning another birthday party soon,” Jake said, the words fairly bursting out, “because... we're having a baby!”
Your family erupted into a wonderful cacophony shocked questions and joyful hollering, chairs protesting as they were pushed back, pirate decorations toppling on the tabletop as you and Jake were surrounded with hugs and kisses and congratulations. JD woke, a little uneasy at all the happy noise, and Josh cuddled him close with a beaming smile and told him he was going to have a cousin very soon.
“Oh,” was all the little boy said, one hand tangled in Josh’s shirt as he looked on the gathering with a bleary smile.
Baby fairly tackled you, telling you how much she loved you, how happy she was for you. You stood in the circle of your family and couldn't help a few tears, but they were nothing but happy now.
After the boys reined in their joyful rowdiness and you had been hugged so many times you felt the pressure of love on you like a warm blanket, it was time for cake and presents and celebration of the first little Kiszka your family had been blessed with. JD loved all his presents, running around in his too-big pirate outfit from Sam and Danny and waving the sword you and Jake had gotten him, and the adults settled at the table to enjoy each other's company. In the light of the setting sun, sun-flushed cheeks sore from smiling and music playing and drinks flowing, you family was as beautiful to you as they had ever been.
Jake patted his lap, and you squeezed with him in the chair and welcomed his protective, loving arms around you. 
“So, what are we naming this baby?” Sam asked, dealing out a hand of cards. “Jake junior?”
“Jack Sparrow,” Josh offered.
You laughed. “Maybe. I think it’ll be a girl, though.”
Jake looked up at you. “You know already?”
You kissed him. “Not officially, honey. I didn't mean to get you all excited. But... I don't know. I can feel it.”
Baby nodded as she gathered her cards. “I could tell with JD. Sometimes you just know.”
“It should be a bird name,” Danny suggested. “Since you guys are into that sort of thing.”
Jake smiled. “Yeah, it should.” His hand rested on your tummy, and you put your hands over his. “What about Robin?”
The name washed over you with a special kind of peace. “Okay,” you said softly. “Sparrow and her Jake-bird and their little Robin.”
Your family cooed over the name as you gave Jake a gentle kiss, and you knew it was perfect for your little girl. 
Cake was eaten, drinks topped off, and music cranked up until it was well and truly a party. JD, with all the enthusiasm he could muster while falling asleep on Danny’s lap, joined in the various cheers and groans as you played cards together. You couldn't wait until you had another little Kiszka to join the party — your Robin would be around five months old at JD’s next birthday bash, and maybe there would even be another Kiszka-Wagner baby on the way. For now, though, everything was perfect, and you rested in it as you spent time with the ones you loved.
Jake pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
“I love you, sparrow,” he said gently, just for you. “And I love our little bird.”
You touched his cheek and drew him up to kiss your properly, loving the feel of his smile.
“Jakey,” you said softly. “We love you too.”
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flower-boi16 · 2 months
I feel like Alastor returned way too soon after the fight with Adam. Picture this, the last Charlie and the gang see of Alastor, Adam was rushing to challenge him. After the battle was over and the hotel is destroyed, he's nowhere to be found. The only logical assumption is that he was slain by Adam.
Imagine the varied responses from the gang. Shock from Charlie, relief from Husk, devastation from Niffty, so on. That somebody like Alastor, who's been such an important fixture in their life is now dead and gone. How will they carry on? How will the Hotel function without it's host? What will Husk and Niffty do now that the owner of their souls has perished?
Then imagine the feeling of betrayal that would come when Charlie finds out that not only is Alastor alive, he fled from the battlefield. Like a coward, he ran away when his allies needed him the most. He protected the hotel from small fry like loan sharks this whole time. But when a real threat is knocking at the hotel door, he books it. Charlie can't trust him anymore. How can she rely on a coward like him? Just think of the potential drama that season 2 could have seen.
This show blew its load way too early in many regards, this being one of those times. It felt like Lute was singing about this show's writing quality in episode 6 when she said that
That would be interesting, though it’s probably something the show couldn’t do due to having little time.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
My Little Secret
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader 
Summary: A little story of how Yelena’s little secret was exposed when Natasha comes by the home unannounced.  
Fluff | 1.3K | Smut implied | 
Translations: dorogoy (darling), Ty takaya krasivaya (you’re so beautiful), moy malen'kiy sekret (my little secret), 
AC: writing this made my own heart explode!! Im thinking of a part 2??
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“Hi dorogoy” Yelena spoke softly as she leant over you and kissed your lips softly, “your home, I missed you” you smiled against her lips before brushing a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. “I missed you so much” she kissed you once more before taking off her vest. “How was the mission?” you asked, putting your laptop to the side of the bed, and watched as she made her way into the ensuite to shower. “Better now I’m home” she called as she turned on the shower. 
Yelena was never one to talk about her missions or the work she did. When she wasn’t with you, she was a trained spy and assassin doing her best to path over her bad name she earned from Red Room. She was stubborn, blunt, and work focused but when she was with you, she was soft, caring, funny, loving and all yours. You didn’t mind as such when you found out that Yelena hadn’t told a single soul about you or your relationship, you found it cute she wanted to keep you all to herself but you saw that the life she lived with you was much different than the life she lived without you and from the look in her eyes, it was the life she wasn’t going to risk for anybody. 
She’d been gone for weeks without decent contact besides a few short texts to assure you she was fine and still alive to your relief. Now that she was home and soaking her body in the warmth of the shower you felt no need to worry about anything. You wandered into the kitchen of the shared home, a home Yelena had built for the two of you in the middle of nowhere surrounded by tall pine trees, and wildlife that you loved listening to each morning as you drank your morning coffee. Fanny loved the chase of squirrels and rabbits when Yelena was home to allow it. 
The kitchen soon filled with the smell of your girl’s favourite meal, mac n cheese. You stirred the pot as the sauce thickened, humming your favourite song as you did so. You felt Yelena’s arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closely into her hold. “Mac n cheese, my favourite” she smiled, her right hand moving your hair out of her way of her lips placing soft kisses on your neck. “Only for my favourite” you smiled softly as her lips left their mark, “you’ve gotta eat, baby” you turned the stove off before turning in her arms to face her, your arms wrapping around the back of her neck as she looked into your eyes. “Later” she smirked as she kissed you once more. 
Melting right into her lips she lifts you up so you could wrap your legs around her waist, never breaking the kiss as she led the two of you both back to the bedroom, gently laying you down on the bed. “Ty takaya krasivaya” she brushed your hair back as she took in your features, “moy malen'kiy sekret" her lips found yours once more before traveling down to your neck. 
Your soft snores kept Yelena looking over you as you slept in her arms, your naked skin against hers reminding her that this was real, that she’d found somebody to love and cherish for as long as she lived. The loud knock on the door broke her thoughts, gently she slides her arm out from under you and threw on her robe and grabbed her gun. Nobody knew about this place beside you and Yelena. She held her gun tightly with both hands as she pointed it towards the front door, Fanny trained not to bark unless told so (a safety thing Yelena wanted for when she was away). 
“Yelena, it’s me, open the door” Natasha’s voice came from the other side. Yelena sighed and put her gun down before opening the door. “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” she asked with a frown. “Please. You thought I wouldn’t know about your secret hide out? Anyways, what’s with the robe? Did I interrupt a relaxing bath?” she chuckled as she let herself in. 
Yelena rolled her eyes and quietly closed the door so it wouldn’t wake you. “You didn’t answer my question, what are you doing here?” Yelena walked over to the kitchen where Natasha pours them both a shot of vodka. “Wanda and I had a bit of a disagreement and now I’m in the doghouse basically, so I thought why not come and crash here with you. It’s a bit lonely out here don’t you think?” Nat’s eyes looked around at what she could see before she downed the shot. “I like it that way” Yelena mumbled before downing her glass, “can’t you go stay with Maria or Carol? Maybe even Melina and Alexei” she suggested. Natasha chuckled, “Because Wanda sees Maria and Carol at work every day and Alexei annoys the shit out of me and also Melina and Alexei are a bit too much these days” she explained. “Well, you can’t stay here, I like to be alone here” Yelena replied while Nat poured two more shots. 
The emptiness of Yelena’s side of the bed woke you, Fanny wasn’t asleep in her bed on the floor, and you could hear Yelena’s muffled voice from the kitchen. 
“Lena, baby, save some Mac n cheese for me!” You called out as wrapped your own robe around your naked body. 
Yelena’s eyes shot open, Natasha placed the bottle on the countertop and looked into the direction of the bedroom then back at Yelena. “Oh, you reek of sex! That explains the robe” she teased. “No, it’s not like that!” Yelena stood from the stool at kitchen island. “Is everything o- “you froze once you saw the guest standing in your kitchen with a smirk. 
“Baby” Yelena spoke softly as she turned to you. Your eyes looked at the woman you’ve never seen before. “Baby, this is” Yelena paused to glare at Natasha, “this is Natasha” she spoke. You walked up to Yelena and reached to shake Natasha’s hand when you felt Yelena place a hand on your hip. “Natasha, this is Y/n” she introduced you.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard many things” you smiled softly. “You let your hook up stay here but not me?” Natasha ignored your kindness and looked to Yelena. Your hand dropped to your side, but Yelena protectively pulled you closer to her. “She’s not a hook up!” Yelena snapped, “we’ve been together for over 2 years” she adds. Natasha looked between the two of you and felt bad for brushing you off so quickly. 
“I’m just going to go back to bed” you looked slightly over your shoulder to Yelena. “No, please, stay. I’m sorry, I didn’t know” Natasha spoke before Yelena could, “I can’t believe you hid this from me” she added. 
“Nobody knows” Yelena replied, her thumb stroking your hip gently. “I don’t want to put her in any danger” she added making your heart swell. “Two years huh? Well, I guess I better get to know you then” Natasha cocked a brow, you smiled “I’d like that”. 
“Does this place have a guest room or am I taking the sofa?” Nat looked to Yelena once again, she rolled her eyes. “We do, I’ll show you” you offered kindly. “Thank you! You’re already so much more welcoming than Yelena” she chuckled before following you to the guest room. 
“I’m sorry you had to meet her like that” Yelena spoke softly from behind you, her arms keeping you close to her as you both got comfortable in bed once more. “It’s okay, I want to meet your family” you replied as your body slowly started to drown you into a slumber once more. “You do?” Yelena questioned before placing a soft kiss on the back of your neck. “Of course, I do” you said tiredly as she kissed more of your exposed skin, you giggled quietly, “baby, we can’t have round 2, your sister is across the hall” you squirmed playfully in her arms, but she didn’t care, her lips found your cheek before she turned you on to your back and looked into your eyes. She smiled softer than the clouds and whispered, 
“Marry me” 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | 
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ssswadaa · 3 months
An Awkward Date In Konoha
A Shino Aburame X Gender Neutral Reader Fanfic
Words: 2,457
A/N: This took so long, happy I got it done!
Descrition: Today's supposed to be your first date with Shino, but something comes up...
Under a cool morning sunrise in Konoha, you slowly fold the note into a small square, and devolve into a coughing fit. You had prayed that this sickness would go away through the night, but it had just gotten worse with time. You wished you felt the way you did when Shino Abarame asked you out the day before, all giddy and excited, and able to breathe through both of your nostrils. But now, even getting out of bed and running this small errand hurts everything in your body, there’s no way you could show up, even if it was your first date. Now the pretty, new green dress that you and Hinata Hyuuga picked out for this special occasion (in secret of course) would probably grow stale in your closet for who knows how long until Shino forgave you.
Sighing and holding back tears, you slump your way out of your apartment, and down the hall. Two doors down was the infamous Naruto Uzumaki, a moderate acquaintance of Shino’s. You slid the note under his door and knocked, before retreating to the bacteria-filled uncomfort of your apartment. You grab a glass of water, and head back to bed, wishing to be unconscious and thus free from your thoughts. Crashing onto your bed sends sharp pains throughout your entire body, as if somebody had run into you. Luckily, you fall asleep quickly.
Under the warm sun of the afternoon, Shino dodged the hands quickly, narrowly avoiding them before getting lightly tapped in the chest. Luckily, Hinata wasn’t using her Gentle Fist jutsu, or he’d be left unconscious at best, and at worst… Well, he didn’t want to picture ruining the rest of his day, or even the rest of the month.
“Good aim, Hinata. You’re getting quicker.” He remarked.
Hinata smiled warmly. “Thank you, Shino!” She posed herself rigidly again, signaling a call to get back to training, when…
“HEEEYYYYY!!!!! SHHIIINNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” called an abrasive voice. Hinata and Shino turned to see Naruto jumping between trees, and eventually down to their level. “Shino, Shino! Y/n left me this note, it says they can’t meet you tonight because they’re super sick. They wanted me to pass on the message.” He held up a folded note as proof of concept.
Shino froze, although this went unnoticed by Naruto and Hinata. How could this be? He had prepared so much for today, how could this happen? His bugs stirred beneath his pale skin.
“Give me the note, Naruto.” Shino demanded.
“Well, okay then.” Naruto said, slightly puzzled. He handed the note over to Shino, who snatched it from his hand. Shino carefully unfolded the note and read to himself,
Please tell Shino that I cannot meet him tonight, I have caught an awful sickness. You may be busy, but please tell him as soon as possible, I don’t want to keep him waiting. And tell him I’m terribly sorry for the hassle.
Shino’s hive buzzed with mixed emotions. He knew now that you were being genuine, the handwriting was uncharacteristically large and filled with loops and holes. And the note was blunt and quick, when normally you love to talk on and on about little things, much like he does his bugs. How awful, such a sweet and caring shinobi did not deserve to be infected this badly. He had to do something. He still wanted to make you happy, to see you giggle like you always did. Shino would treat you right. It would be difficult, nerve-wracking, and a little embarrassing, but he had to do this for you.
“Naruto, where does Y/n live?” Shino asked, refolding the note and putting it into his jacket pocket.
“Uh, like two doors down from me, so like 307 in my complex-” Naruto started.
“Thank you.” Shino nodded, and turned to Hinata. “Hinata, I’m sorry, but I must go. Have a nice day.” With that, Shino was gone, rushing through the trees to get back to the village as soon as possible.
“What’s his deal?” Naruto said, as puzzled as always.
“He…probably just wants to see them and re-make plans.” Hinata smiled innocently. She knew what stirred between Shino and you, but kept quiet about her esoteric knowledge.
Shino shouldered his bag with little effort up to the third floor, and walked down the hall to find your room. In his hands, he held a large cooking pot, fit for a good stew. He stopped before your apartment, and to his dismay, he heard soft sobbing from the other side. The bugs were restless now, he could hardly keep them all together. Are they crying for me? He thought guiltily. Although he would normally knock when visiting another home, this time he just opened the door, desperate to help with any of your issues. You didn’t notice anybody enter, you kept crying as Shino lightly put down the pot, his shoes and his bag before stopping at the doorway to your bedroom. Your floor was home to empty tissue boxes, as you laid on your stomach, crying into your soggy pillow. A symptom of being madly in love, you wished for him always, to be with him out to dinner, or just in the forest cuddling and looking at the wildlife. All those wishes were now delayed for who knows how long, just because your feeble body fell ill at the wrong time. Will Shino ever forgive me? You worried. He is the type to hold lots of grudges. Shino stood in the doorway for a moment, working up the courage to call out to you. He, too, desperately hoped to see you today, and now more than ever he wanted to hold you tightly and whisper sweet nothings to you, you humming into his chest as you fell asleep together in the woods.
That could still happen, Shino had to remind himself. But right now, it’s about making Y/n happy here. Shino breathed deep, tried to compose himself and his bugs, and muttered… “Y/n?”
You jolted your head up instantly, as if your pillow had become magma. You turned around slowly to see the man you had just failed, standing in your doorway. “Shi…Shino…” you stutter, before breaking into painful wails. You felt so disappointed in yourself.
“Y/n…” Shino stammered nervously, rushing to the side of the bed.”What is wrong? Is everything okay?”
“Oh, Shino!” You sob. “I’m so sorry! I know…I know today was supposed to be important and…and I’m so sorry that I’m sick… and…” You break into a small coughing fit.
“Y/n, the day isn’t what’s so important to me.” The hive buzzed almost as loudly as your wails. I have to do this now, for them.
“You are what’s important to me, Y/n. I love you.”
“...Really?” You ask, sniveling and holding your breath, waiting for someone like Naruto or Kiba to undo a transformation jutsu and laugh at you.
“Yes, I want to care for you.” Shino held back, not wanting to express everything just yet. He didn’t want to move too fast for you, or even himself. This is about you right now. “Come into the kitchen, I have things for you. When you are ready, please join me.”
Shino lowered his head, turned around, and went to the kitchen, leaving you alone to process what happened. He loves me? He really loves me? And how can I say it back after he did it so well? You coughed aggressively, hoping to just cough away all your tears. You got up and went to the bathroom to brush your hair and look at least okay to Shino.
Meanwhile, Shino put the pot to boil on the stove, and started chopping some vegetables to distract himself, to no avail. His kikaichū crawled up to his fingertips and surrounded the cutting board as he thought about you, some hovering over the stew, impressed with what their master began to create. Did I do it right? He thought, as more bugs escaped from his protection. That must’ve been so embarrassing. I should’ve waited, I really should’ve waited. But…I just want to make them happy… He slid the vegetables from the knife into the pot, and began to season the stew he prepared.
With a small cough, to politely alert your presence, you step cautiously into your kitchen. Shino turned around, his face lowering once again, now a cute shade of pink, and gathered all his bugs that were on the counter. Shino had made the table, put his mission bag neatly on your couch, and seemingly cleaned the counters, all while you tried your hardest to look even presentable.
“Wow…Shino…” You’re completely stunned. “Everything looks great! This is unbelievable…”
“Please believe it.” Shino blurted as he approached his bag, although he couldn’t quite believe it himself. “I have gotten some things for you while you’re sick, I hope you appreciate them.”
Shino motioned for you to come closer, and unpacked his bag. Your jaw drops as he lays out the items he got: multiple boxes of tissues, many different flavors of tea bags, a thermometer, and a massive blanket, much bigger than your actual bed or couch. Shino’s bag deflated as he turned to you, anxiously waiting for a response. You approached your couch and ran your hand across everything Shino had gotten for you. Oh my…he had gotten all this because I said I was sick? And it’s…real? He really loves me? You thought, as your hand made its way to the blanket. It was incredulously soft, you felt tired even touching it.
“Shino…” You begin. “Shino, this is all so wonderful, it’s hard to believe. Thank you…thank you one thousand times over. It’s all so lovely, and coming from the man I love too…thank you, Shino.” You approach Shino and give him a weak hug, partly to not disturb his standoffish nature, partly because your body couldn’t handle anything stronger. Surprisingly, Shino did not hesitate in hugging back, both of your faces flushing.
“Thank you, Y/n.”
Your body melted into his, attracted to its natural heat. Shino pressed his cheek against the top of your head, kikaichūs humming beneath his skin, before quickly tensing. He broke away from the comfort of your body and noticed some bugs swirling above you. He walked back to the pot and seasoned it more, stirring it lightly, and then taking it off the stove.
“The stew is ready. You can sit down.”
“Oh, thank you Shino.”
You sit down at your own dining table as Shino takes your bowl and fills it, before carefully setting it down before you. The stew is coloured a comforting orange, filled with small green bits of leaves and other vegetables. You take a spoonful as Shino joins you with his own bowl.
“Wow, Shino…this is amazing! So warm, so smooth, do I taste winter melon? You’re such a good cook!” You compliment as the stew flows through you gracefully. It was cooked to perfection, with zings of winter melon that wonderfully coated your mouth.
“Thank you.” Shino said softly, looking down at what he created, a microscopic smile contouring onto his lips.
As you both ate, you continued with light small talk about Shino’s entomology work, but you still felt like you could’ve coughed up an organ or two. As much as Shino’s presence was comforting, he couldn’t quite cure your illness. As coughs shivered down your entire body, making you eat more stew to balance the temperatures, you noticed Shino always grimaced and looked away whenever you did so. You decided not to say anything, but you couldn’t help but wonder if you being in pain also pained him too.
When you both were finished your meals, Shino took the bowls over to the sink and began to wash them.
“Shino, you don’t have to do that…” You start.
“I want to, Y/n. Please, let me.” Shino continued to wash the bowls.
“Okay…but next date I get to treat you, and there’s no escaping that; okay?”
“You considered this…a date?” Shino said cautiously, lightly blushing.
“I liked to think of it as one…is that okay with you?” You ask, his shyness passing onto you.
“If you believe it to be a date, that is okay with me. We were supposed to have a date today anyways.”
“Do you wanna have another?” You say without thinking.
“Yes, please. We can have a picnic.” Shino responds, also without thinking.
Shino drastically raised his eyebrows, and you began to giggle. No way we both just blurted that! That’s so cute! You think as your giggles transform into coughs, and reform into giggles again, all while making you colder and colder. Knowing Shino’s uncomfort, you try to hide it as you respond;
“Oh, that’s a lovely idea! I’ll wear something really nice and formal!”
“Yeah…thank you.” Shino kept his head down and washed the already clean bowls. Did I really just say that? I guess they’re on my mind too much. Shino thought as he ran through the scenario in his head multiple times over, before realizing the bowls were well beyond clean. He dried them off and put them back, all while hiding his increasingly red face.
“I should get going now.” Shino announced, grabbing his bag and slipping on his shoes. “You need to get some rest, you’re cold.”
Of course he noticed, dammit. You grumble mentally. “Okay then, when do you want this date?”
“Well…once you’re better, and whenever you’re free, well, when would you want that?” Shino started for the door.
“Shino, you give me a date. I want to treat you too, remember?” You remind the timid boy.
“...I would prefer next week exactly.” Surprisingly, Shino smiled brightly, seemingly accepting that being treated was unavoidable.
“Alright, I’ll mark it down. All good?”
“Yes, thank you very much, Y/n.” Shino opened the door. “Please get some rest, you need some.”
“I will, Shino, don’t worry. Goodbye.”
“Goodbye, Y/n.” Shino turned away quickly and closed the door behind him.
It was a perfect end to the day. The tea was just warm enough, with a perfectly mild melon zest to it. Taking a few pills along with it, you melted into your new blanket on the couch. It was gigantic, much bigger than what your actual couch, but it was just fine anyways. While carefully holding the teacup so as to not burn your fingertips, you were able to feel comfortable and refreshed at the same time, all while looking at a warm Konoha sunset out your apartment window. While enjoying everything that Shino brang to you, you slowly, yet calmly fall asleep thinking of him.
Thanks so much for reading! <3 Feedback is always appreciated, positive and negative!
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