#Genshin impact visions
cessmaga · 5 months
guys I'm not obsessed I swear
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maybe genshin x dc x marvel au thing I guess
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lunathegodkiller · 3 months
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My Apollo Justice brainrot continues with Kristoph Gavin's vision!
Kristoph actually has a delusion, which I honestly only really did because I thought it would be cool in combination with the fact that everyone around him would have a vision. Unsure if the Fatui would actually exist in this theoretical AU to make delusions in the first place, but I've never really thought that far ahead with this sort of thing, so let's move on.
...I actually don't have much to say, other than that, if I'm being perfectly honest; I drew a decent amount of inspiration from actual delusions (particularly the one that's an item drop from an enemy type I don't remember), so I didn't really design for character as much this time. The wing is meant to kind of be a parallel to a vision I haven't designed yet, but look out for that one soon :)
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njorlpinipini · 5 months
Vision users and you! An exploration of common themes and qualities in wielders of different elements
Vision users and you! Observations of common themes regarding the wielders of different elements
DISCLAIMER: this is not a 'criteria' for who gets what vision. Think of this more as an exploration of patterns in Genshin character design, now that we've got a decent sample size from each element to look at.
Anemo users are, to put it bluntly, nosy bastards. They are always watching and listening, even if it seems like they're just zoning out. While they of course make for excellent spies and investigators, (no secrets are safe from the wind, after all) their natural curiosity and observant nature can also bring them success in fields such as alchemy and mechanics. Although living in Observer Mode has its perks, it does not make for a healthy social life; even the most extroverted of Anemos tend to be wallflowers, finding much more enjoyment in people-watching than actually participating in conversation. As for the introverts, getting them to leave their workshop/office/remote mountaintop for any social gathering is a monumental task that usually requires some degree of threatening, cajoling, and/or promises of snacks; when reaching out to them, don't be surprised if you get nothing but dead air in response.
Like the rocks their powers are derived from, Geo users are stable, dependable, and the least likely to turn and run for the hills when things go south. This reputation for reliability in turn inspires loyalty from their peers; Geo users often find themselves in charge of governments, armies, or criminal enterprises, with many loyal employees/troops/minions rallying around them. In addition to strong leaders and hard workers, Geo users also make great actors- their composure is second to none, and you'd sooner catch them dead before catching them breaking character. Unfortunately, despite being excellent at standing their ground, Geos can be extremely susceptible to pressure from behind; they can often be coerced into performing dangerous, demeaning, or completely insane tasks, especially if they feel their personal pride is at stake. You can't stop the rock, but you can push it forwards a bit if you have the right leverage.
The disposition of an Electro user will vary depending on their relation to their base desires and obsessions- their "inner animal." Some Electro users are embarrassed by the animal, and keep a tight lid on it whenever they're in public. Bottling up all this energy inside makes them very prickly and unapproachable, which is fine because it means there's less of a chance people will discover the army of plushies hiding in their closet. On the other side of the Electro spectrum, there are users who open their souls entirely to the world, shocking others with their erratic and bizarre behavior. They will show you all their limited collectibles and they will explain the lore behind each one, whether or not you asked. Once you accept that they're never going to 'act normal,' however, they can be surprisingly easy to get along with. The most fearsome of all Electros are, of course, the ones in the middle. These users have learned to wield their animal as a tool, knowing when to turn up the theatrics, when to keep a low profile, and when to get just under your skin. Those who carelessly play along with their antics may quickly find themselves the ones being played.
Dendro users want to see people thrive. They will extend a hand to the most broken of souls, seek out cures for those once thought doomed, and develop a comprehensive diet and exercise plan for all their friends. They know you can be better, and they're going to help you be better, until you push past the dirt and weeds and blossom like the brilliant flower that they know you are. Some are so dedicated to helping others that they neglect their own well being, much to the dismay of their friends and family. While these sorts of Dendros are extremely compassionate, their determination to see the best in everyone makes them vulnerable to emotional manipulation. Other Dendros focus on their own growth first, snaking their way through all manner of trials in pursuit of self betterment. Whether it's running errands across the world or a cushy, well-paying desk job, they seek a place where they can put down roots, unfurl their leaves, and bask in all life has to offer.
Of all the different types of vision users, Hydro users are the greatest visionaries (ha.) They are those with both the will change their world, and the social, financial, or political clout to make that change happen. Their beliefs vary- some campaign for the rediscovery of old traditions, while others call for revolution- but they all want to make waves. In their quest to turn the tides, nowhere is off-limits; Hydros will search the stars above, sink to the lowest depths of the Abyss, and even kick down the gates of Celestia if they have to. The scariest Hydro users are the ones who forgo the soapbox and pulpit in favor of pulling strings behind the scenes. These are true masters of social intrigue, who move with equal confidence through the currents of the world's grandest palaces and its filthiest slums. If one of them decides you are an obstacle to their plans for change, it's likely you'll be floating face-down in the river before long.
There are two main strains of Pyro user. The first and most common type are the optimists. They carry a ceaseless, brilliant flame in their soul, and they want to share its warmth with the world in any way they can. With spectacular performances, heart-pumping music, or even something as mundane as having a hot meal and a warm bath ready for you at home, the Pyros are on a mission to make the world just a little brighter with their infinite enthusiasm. Some will argue that there are places where such an attitude is 'inappropriate.' A Pyro optimist will tell you that you can't spell 'funeral' without 'fun.' Of course, not all Pyros are like this. There is a second, less common type- the realists, who know that warmth and light must be defended with force. They drive back the encroaching shadows, getting their hands bloody so that others don't have to. They might not be as outwardly affectionate as the optimists, but you'd better believe they care just as much, if not more.
Cryo users are plagued by ghosts. Some are haunted by their heritage, their lives dominated by the weight of an ancient family legacy. Others believe themselves to be sinners, and seek absolution from pasts stained in blood. Many got cast into the adult world at an extremely young age, and never got the chance to be children. At least one will never get the chance to grow up. Cryo users often feel like perpetual strangers, subject to whispers and frigid stares despite going above and beyond to prove their worth. Even when they are being praised for their achievements, they wilt at the attention- they don't want to be special, they just want to be normal. Don't assume that the Cryos take all this lying down, though- many have dedicated themselves to fighting the demons head-on. They expose corruption, tear apart deeply entrenched and outdated doctrine, aim sledgehammers at their nation's most profitable industry, and even bust literal ghosts. For these 'icebreakers,' it doesn't matter that they might turn the entire world upside down; the ugly truth will be revealed, and the spirits of the past will be put to rest.
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thereifling · 1 year
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Taryon Darrington dressed as Kaveh!
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windblume-wishes · 6 months
HTTYD x Genshin Impact - Visions
𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤, 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕣!
Since I’ve decided to start writing some HTTYD Fics and HCs on this blog, my dearest travelers, I’ve decided to start strong and do a vision analysis for the main characters of HTTYD! Hope you all enjoy this! ♡︎
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𝕃𝕖𝕥’𝕤 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕨, 𝕀 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕒 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖…
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“The Gods goad us all with the promise of their seven treasures: rewards for the worthy, a doorway to divinity. Yet buried in this world are smoldering remains: a warning to those that dare trespass. That throne in the sky is not reserved for you. But mortal arrogation never stops. None will escape the flames. See for yourself."
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𖣘 Anemo - The Spirit of Freedom 𖣘
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“What does freedom really mean when demanded of you by a god?"
Those who possess the power of Anemo tend to not get nervous or overwhelmed by the situations they face. Anemo bearers value freedom so much that they will sometimes fight for those who deny it to others or themselves…
Ruffnut and Tuffnut - The two are practically the embodiment of freedom in their own unique way, so much so that they take what it means to be free in a whole new meaning. While they like to wreak havoc across the land the two know deep down that even when it comes to fighting for the freedom of dragons there is nothing that can stop them. Freedom can mean many things but what it means to them is being able to free a dragon who is being hurt by evil.
Valka- She holds freedom dear despite it bringing her a heavy burden. When she was taken by a dragon many years ago while trying to save her infant son she immediately knew what she had to do- even if it meant never seeing her husband and son again. She fought for what was right and freed many dragons- protected them too. She knew freedom came with a cost. What she lost was later gained.
ꕥ Geo - Contracts and Order ꕥ
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“In the end, he will sign the contract to end all contracts."
Like the land, they have a calm temperament. Earth types are very grounded individuals, as of realistic. Geo Vision holders seek loyalty, security, reliability, and so on. They value what is set in stone, or believe everything is, and are known to be very stubborn…
Viggo Grimborn- Leader of the Dragon Hunters, a strategic thinker and is smarter with his age and experience in his years. He is realistic in thinking and is incredibly stubborn- everything happens for a reason and knows much can be set in stone. He values loyalty and does not care how he gets it as long as he is feared above all. While he would indeed use his vision for acts of evil it is not a surprise that Geo was meant for a man of his skill and intelligence.
Fishlegs- While some would argue Fishlegs being a Dendro holder it becomes a bit more obvious that Geo is best suited for him. His behaviour is that of a Geo. He seeks a sense of security and is incredibly reliable, someone that people just feel comfortable opening up to and a wonderful friend. Fishlegs values loyalty and kindness, he wishes to shield his friends and beloved dragon Meatlug from foes no matter the cost. While he may be cowardly at times he has a pure heart that is made of gold. He means well and wants the best for everyone.
Stoick The Vast- While some might quick to label him as that of an Anemo holder due to losing his wife, Stoick truly embodies that of Geo in terms of being the foundation of his people’s tradition and wishing to hold true to his well grounded beliefs and ideals. He values loyalty and strength and is very much built like that of a bolder. Stoick the Vast is truly a reliable leader in the eyes of those on Berk. Though he once believed that the hatred to dragons was set in stone a sudden and difficult experience changed his mind- he was stubborn, yes, but that can all come down to him being a true man of Geo.
 Electro - Everlasting Eternity 
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“But what do mortals see of the eternity chased after by their god?"
Eternity, a means where all or at least parts of life is kept the same regardless of what goes on in the world around them. The ideas of unchanging eternity is what strengths the individuals who harness the powers of Electro. They strive to keep themselves in whatever they deem to be eternal. Whether it is eternal beauty or eternal power, they will achieve that goal. No matter what, even if it may be destructive...
Heather - She is no stranger to chasing her own version of eternity, she felt so alone not knowing where she came from with only fragments of memories left behind in her mind. She wanted clarity and to understand as much as possible of who she really was- one could say that her pursuit of answers was her eternity. From a very young age, she was separated from her real family, and was eventually taken in by a couple who raised her as their own daughter. Even with what adoptive family she did have, her pursuit for answers was evident from the start. She was seen as different- an outcast even but even so being different was what lead her to find what she wanted all along. Her eternity.
Dagur The Deranged- Heather’s older brother, a crazy and rather deranged man befitting his namesake has his own way of defining eternity. He has a strong connection to Electro. The Skrill is the dragon the Berserker Tribe have named the symbol of their people. He is impulsive and never ceases his drive for eternity- an eternity of his own. Now that he is married to Mala of the Defenders of the Wing he seeks an eternity with her where they will fight alongside each other.
Mala- Her eternity is simple, peace and protection for her people and it’s dragons. She is not afraid to turn her katana-like sword on anyone who dare challenges her sense of eternity or dares harm a dragon. Mala holds a strong, religious admiration for dragons, actively antagonizing dragon hunters, suspected dragon hunters and anyone who may have harmed dragons. She is elegant and polite, if anything some may think she is much like the archon of which her vision emanates from.
❦ Dendro - Wisdom and Knowledge ❦
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“The oasis of knowledge is a mirage in the desert of ignorance.”
As the nature, trees, the soil they are the epitome of life. The element with creation itself. Dendro people will often be creative, bring up ideas to change the current situation, and bring a whole new perspective on matters. They are crafty yet incredibly careful, they wish not to overlook a single detail put before them. As with knowledge and wisdom, they seek answers and solutions to any problem put in their path. Daring to risk it all, one might say…
Hiccup- Intelligent and incredibly creative through and through. While he may have been hesitant to share his views on dragons in the past and worked in secret to become the well known dragon rider he is today. It should come to no one’s surprise that Hiccup values knowledge and has a drive to learn as much as he can, like a sponge soaking up water be soaks up knowledge. He is incredibly creative and always seems to have a bright idea to help get the job done.
Gothi- Berk’s resident healer who is skilled with all things medicine. Gothi’s knowledge is in medicine and the earth itself, with her knowledge she can be sure to cure as many as possible by using what she knows about herbs and other natural remedies.
Bucket- Bucket was attacked by a dragon and lost half of his brain. It caused him to lose his sight temporarily, and to protect what was left of his skull, he wears an iron bucket on his head permanently, earning him the name. Now do not let this half-brained Viking fool you, he is indeed a man of Dendro in a very unique way. His injury also awakened great artistic talent, and he made two quality paintings of Hiccup and Stoick, but the second painting was more truthful of Hiccup's appearance; the first was not. True to the Dendro element’s ability to belong to creative minded people, Bucket holds true to his creative abilities proudly.
Trader Johann- Creative and cunning, Johann has proven that he is indeed worthy of Dendro by means of his crafty facade of a dimwitted trader of many goods while being the mastermind of many great troubles the dragon riders have come across. He as is crafty as he is careful, not daring to miss even a little detail as why his act was able to keep going for many long years. While he may not use his vision for good, he is indeed a genius…
𖦹 Hydro - The Desire For Justice 𖦹
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"The god of justice lives for the spectacle of the courtroom, seeking to judge all other gods. But even she knows not to make an enemy of the Divine."
Hydro bearers tend to go along with the flow, as water can take the same shape of its vessel. They adapt to situations quite fast, or are not overwhelmed by what surrounds them. They seem justice and have a rather strong sense of it, holding those who dare question them before their being as if it were court. They are judgmental, but not always in a negative way, some more observant and silent than others. But be warned, they will make sure a tsunami of justice hits you when you are wrong…
Astrid- She is truly the embodiment of the Hydro element’s principles of justice and a quick adaptability to chaos in their way. Astrid’s sense of justice does to always being quick to sense when one is not who they seem, quickly calling them out as an act of judgement- though she may remain silent on the matter she will judge the one worthy of her judgement and without mercy.
Atali- Atali is very polite and gracious, though has little patience for any disrespect. Much like her vision’s very principles she holds Justice above all and will defend in the name of it. She is gentle and kind, nurturing to baby razorwhip dragons in her care but will happily turn her blade against those who dare harm a dragon. Her justice is in the name of protection of those in her care.
𖣔 Pyro - War Within 𖣔
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"The rules of war are woven in the womb. The victor shall burn bright, while the losers must turn to ash."
Pyro wielders are the most passionate people you may find, they do every single thing with huge amounts of willpower, energy and love. That is not to say that there may be a barrier to keep them from reaching their full potential. Many Pyro holders struggle with “war”, the very thing their Vision symbolizes. War is not always a fight with another, but inside yourself…
Drago- The very embodiment of Pyro’s thirst for war. His drive and sheer willpower to concur says it all, he is truly one chosen of the Pyro element. Dragon is fierce and as brutal as a raging wildfire, his temper that of an erupting volcano. He has no love in his body, only the energy and will to concur- that is his flame, his true passion.
Mindin- Like the other Wingmaidens, she is respectful towards the others. However, Mindin’s call to Pyro was the feeling of never truly being enough. Minden has always wanted to prove her worth to Atali, to show that she is a leader material. When she realized that she has made reckless decisions, she feels ashamed and that she is not worthy to become a Wingmaiden. It takes an encouragement from Snotlout to help herself in getting back on her feet and to do the right thing. Pyro can mean that she has conflict burning within, she indeed does but that does not define who she is, her strength and willpower to prove herself has shown her true worth.
Snotlout- Pyro was naturally the vision he wanted to hold from the beginning, after all, Hookfang is a Monstrous Nightmare- a stoker class of dragon. If anyone was fit for Pyro it was Snotlout. He embodies Pyro’s traits in an interesting way, always wanting to prove himself. He is passionate… but sometimes his passion may get the better of him….
Gustav- Snotlout’s mini me, a wannabe new and improved Snotlout (well, more like more chaotic version). He admires Snotlout and his ability to train a dragon to the point where he gets his own dragon named Fanghook. Gustav often times mimics Snotlout's personality, although he is easily scared, mostly because he is younger, as has decided to run away twice… despite this he is indeed worthy of pyro based on his dedication, passion, and his inner conflict of not being entirely true to himself.
❄︎ Cryo - Conflicted and Strident ❄︎
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"She is a god with no love left for her people, nor do they have any left for her. Her followers hope only to be on her side when the day of her rebellion against the Divine comes at last."
Cold yet calm, confident yet conflicted. Those who wield the powers of Cryo are individuals who all seem to have something that they deeply despise, whether it be a topic or person they seem to hold a deep inner hatred towards it. They are quick to talk about their despise and come against it rather quickly if given the chances. Cryo holders may seem harsh, but many are kind and well intentioned deep down. Much like a flower hidden beneath the winter snow. They sometimes find hard to love and embrace; just as they have found it hard to embrace their true self…
Ryker Grimborn- As the older brother of Viggo Grimborn, he's the muscle and brawn, while he lacks the brains for many an operation, he makes up for it in pure brute force. He is undoubtedly the type of character that wants to just run in and start beating everybody up and killing everything and everyone in his vicinity, Ryker is far smarter than he looks and is capable of trickery- he is cold and brutal, a pure Cryo at heart. By keeping a relatively calm demeanor before going blizzard crazy, he knows when to attack with ease.
Krogan- He is very quiet, calm and collected, and seems to prefer observing to joining in the commotion. He is quite literally the calm before the storm- or raging blizzard. Most of his actions are overly dramatized, suggesting he's well disciplined and might have a gift for performing. He’s the embodiment of the Cryo principles and personality. He is the farthest from kind, harsh as the coldest of winters and with a heart of solid ice.
Eret- While some might not have guessed Eret is one for the vision of Cryo but he is truly a Cryo deep down. Cocky and overconfident, only appearing to care about saving his own skin. In spite of his cavalier façade, Eret is rather charming, heroic, and kind-hearted. As a Cryo user, a key personality trait is he may seem harsh, but is kind and well intentioned deep down. He has come a long way from foe to friend and has become an incredible leader in his own way.
"Some say a few are chosen and the rest are dregs. But I say we humans have our humanity. We will defy this world with a power from beyond. Now, you will set foot in this world. Your journey has reached its end. But one final doorway remains. Step forth if you have understood the meaning of your journey. Defeat me. Command me to step aside. Show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her. Then the threads of all fate will be yours to reweave."
"My memory is all but faded completely. But I will always remember how much she, too, loved these flowers."
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stellarisstars · 9 months
I’ve been brainstorming my genshin x bsd au for a while and I’ve finally come up with a list of what visions I think each character might have! Lemme know ur thoughts!!
Armed Detective Agency
Atsushi : cryo
Dazai : anemo
Kunikida : geo
Yosano : electro
Kyouka : cryo
Kenji : dendro
Ranpo : anemo
Tanizaki : no vision
Naomi : no vision
Fukuzawa : hydro
Katai : dendro
Port Mafia
Akutagawa : cryo
Gin : hydro
Hirotsu : no vision (geo delusion)
Tachihara : electro
Kaiji : pyro
Higuchi : anemo
Chuuya : geo (but has other fucked up lore, I’ll get into it)
Kouyou : electro
Mori : has no vision (hydro delusion)
Verlaine : complicated! (Oceanid creature)
Arthur : formerly, a hydro user
Oda : pyro
Ango : geo
The Guild
Fitzgerald : geo
Herman : hydro
Louisa : dendro
Margaret : anemo
Hawthorne : hydro
Steinbeck : dendro
Lovecraft : no vision (dendro delusion)
Mark Twain : pyro
Poe : pyro
Lucy : anemo
The Hunting Dogs
Fukuchi : electro
Teruko: pyro
Jouno : hydro
Tetchou : pyro
Others I’m too lazy to fit in one list
Fyodor : cryo
Nikolai : anemo
Sigma : no vision (electro delusion)
Agatha : electro
Shibusawa : electro (cryo delusion)
Tsujimura : hydro
Ayatsuji : electro
Shirase : no vision
Yuan : no vision
(More to be added later)
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mangos-draws · 5 months
Trying to make something and need second opinion(s)
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kaeyacollection · 3 months
Hi, I don't play genshin but sometimes I like to lurk through other people's fandom to spice things a bit on my brain. Anyways, recently I saw some posts talking about some red moon eye-like god (? Something like that, having strong Naruto flashbacks here btw) and I was wondering:
(What with all the eyes?
I mean, visions look like eyes (and the name lol), the fallen nation's king had a single eye, Kaeya covers an eye, Furina has something weird in her pupil, that god is an eye.
That was really not the point tho.)
Is that eye god stuff the reason visions exist or celestia really said "oh, yes, lets give these tenacious mortals who have reasons to hate me a way to become stronger, there's no way this fires back at me"? Or is the eye god stuff Celestia? Or are all higher up gods just eyeballs? (Half joking with this one but that would be kinda fun) Though according to religious stuff, biblically accurate angels would look like eyeballs or something.
Anyways, I know you probably don't know the answer (since the game seems to be like an unfinished book with the real plot still unfolded), but I wanted to share the senseless questions in my head with someone and the chosen one (by my brain) is you (based on vibes).
Lmaoo hell yeah I passed the vibe check 💖💖💖
But you're right in that currently we're only working off of speculation for Visions
And oh boy did this become a long one lmao (tldr at the end ✨️)
The most popular theory back in the day was that Visions were the eyes of Celestia
Because as you said, they've also been given to people with reason to hate them, so this was a way to keep an EYE on them lmao
As we continued our journey we learned the archons would set aside a fraction of their power for those who hit certain marks in their life in order to be granted a vision - but they had no control over who got them or why
What finally challenged this theory is that Neuvillette, a dragon (that the ever composed Zhongli, ex archon, hid from), also set aside some of his power to be handed out as visions. Something that wouldn't seem to line up if they were actually harmful to the humans he's come to care for
And then we got his Friendship 6 Vision story:
"To continue to subdue and control the resentments and loathing of the world, the usurper and one who came after created the Gnoses together. So it came to be that an order was made to be upheld, and thus did humans come to only possess these seven remembrances ... From that day on, whenever a person's wishes reached the heavens, the seven overseers of the material realm were duty-bound to grant them a gift.
... And when one so gifted completed their duty... the gift the gods would receive in return would be more abundant still."
Neuvillette was also opposed to the fates/constellations before later caring for humans and allowing his own mark to be etched into the sky
"He did not initially care much about such, for the puppet strings glossed as "divine rules" would one day be burned away by the fires of judgment."
"And could it not be, he would explain, that King Nibelung had been wrong, and that the black void could only be opposed if all life were to band together as one? Thus did he, in the end, come into his own "fate." The skies had left a special, ennobled place for him, one reserved for the overseers and those who could defy the world itself — that of his own reflection."
Obtaining a Vision, and therefore a constellation, seems to represent a unity of goals instead. Not of a hatred for the Usurper but of an unbreakable will to keep pushing forward. A Will that when unified together, like in the fight against Ei, can become something more. It's easily why many Vision holders get theirs in dire situations, when faced with death they stand defiant against despair.
Perhaps when facing off against an all consuming void that threatens the world created by the Usurper, a darkness that would also threaten their very lives, these Wills will be at their strongest to push back the calamity, at least for a while longer.
To counter the despair of the world is to rise to your own judgment and demand to have a place in the world anyways... or at least that can be one interpretation 🤷
'Cause you see, the Narzissenkreuz Institute also brought up the belief that "one's own will is an obstacle, and that obtaining a Vision is a "guaranteed path to destruction." "
Whether a dramatic/poetic interpretation of giving up your Will to act as a battery for some anti-void machine, or much like Fontaine's prophecy, a twisted truth, it's not a line that should be disregarded so easily.
(Could also mean that having a will to stand in defiance would really fuck up their plan of everyone giving up their identities to seek shelter in the one water droplet during the end of the world. So "guaranteed destruction" in the belief that their plan was the only way to survive, and not that the visions themselves were the cause for the end)
So all in all, what we know about visions is that it's soft locked behind poetry and lines we don't have the full context for, and I suck at reading poetry (looking at you Fischl istg) ✨️
As for why eyes in general? Genshin takes inspiration from a LOT of mythos/stories/religions that ALSO have a thing for eyes
Like at this point I think they went through their own red string conspiracy of eyes throughout history and decided to compress it into a single story lmao
But man you just reminded me of the "Natsuhiboshi red eye" Naruto song I used to listen to a bunch lmao
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ifellintothestyx · 11 months
My Take on Reasons why Visions are Granted, Based on the Traveler's Journey
I'm going insane. Also, hi, not dead yet.
There's been a bunch of theories on why Visions are granted, whether it depended on the allogene's ambition, values, personality, defining moment, etc. To each their own, and my own view on this matter is that the reasons why Visions are granted can be surmised using the Traveler's journey.
Not sure if anyone else has done this take yet, but I'd love to know to compare notes.
Let's start with our first element. We receive Anemo at the very, very beginning, when we have zero memories, zero clues, basically we're at zero for everything. After obtaining Anemo, we make our first friends in Teyvat, join the Adventurer's Guild and become an honorary member of the KoF. In other words, Anemo is about beginnings. Anemo is given to those who desire a new start or who are already on a new journey and are just discovering themselves.
Next element is Geo. When we obtain Geo, we already have surer footing in Teyvat. We know what we need to do, we have plans to achieve our goals, and we've basically got a rough draft of what we're doing. After obtaining Geo, our reputation in Teyvat is solidified. We're a hero, we get recognition as such, and this is where people start to recognize us. Geo is about firmness (hahaha). Geo is given to those who have set a plan for their lives, who have decided upon what they want to do, and who people define based on said goals.
Before entering the nation, we already have the identity of a hero. After obtaining Electro, our identity and reputation takes a drastic change from hero to criminal. We choose to value our own ideals and understanding of the situation which clashes with the gov't of the nation, or the status quo. Electro is about personal identity. Electro is given to those whose identity is in conflict, or which don't agree with the status quo.
Before this nation, our conflicts were very straightforward. We have one bad guy, a collection of allies from our chosen side, and a mentor we can always rely on to appear (prev. examples: Venti, Zhongli, Yae Miko). After obtaining Dendro, the conflict becomes more complicated. There are layers upon layers of conflicting motives and factions. We see the corrupt body, but we cannot act to remove it immediately. Our allies each came from different factions and all had their own motives. We weren't the only highlight this time, since a political coup cannot succeed or rely upon a single individual (looking at you, Inazuma). Nahida, our mentor and first true ally, is notable absent. Our main objectives were to gather information, reliable sources and allies, discern the truth through deductive reasoning, and then follow through with the best possible outcome. We acted more as a catalyst rather than a hero or villain here (I love this AQ so bloody much it's my fav).
Knowledge and wisdom became our most essential weapons; we used them to navigate through this complicated environment. However, I believe that Dendro is actually about the truth, while knowledge and wisdom are the tools used to seek it. Dendro is given to those who always seek the truth, and who value honesty even if they do not always practice it. They have their own personal truths that they accept and uphold, and dislike deception and illusions that cloud one's judgement. And who else seeks the truth above all but scholars?
(Still not sure on this one since we haven't gotten to the end of the AQ, so take this with a grain of salt. )
So, to recap, we've played a multitude of roles since arriving in Teyvat. We were always able to get by from scratch. After obtaining Hydro, we gain the role of an attorney to defend Lyney, and we are bound by laws and societal perspective. We are thrust into a whole new role with more rigid rules than before. After all this, we then play the role of infiltrating prisoner, and again, we are bound by rules and regulations we did not previously experience. In other words, we were actually forced to respect and obey the laws while doing our usual thing, unlike our criminal-like behavior before (I like how, in the entirety of our stay, the only times we got arrested were by choice, did you notice?).
So, from what I know for now, Hydro is about adaptation. Hydro is given to those who are thrust into difficult roles with rigid rules and standards they must abide by. As much as they desire their personal freedom from the role, they still succeed in their environment and have simply accepted their positions, mainly because they feel they have no choice.
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herrsherofsorrow · 1 year
Chapter One
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This is a slow-burn love story between Crepus Ragnvindr and Male Reader. The reader will be overpowered but it comes with a cost. Diluc and Kaeya are in their teens if I remember correctly and a part of the Knights of Favonius.
Warning: There will be slight spoilers to the Genshin Impact mangas and will be taking place before the game's events. This story will be mostly focused on Crepus, Diluc, Kaeya, and the Reader. Also, this will be taking its own path with the plot of the manga being mentioned at the end of the story.
This book was inspired by a music playlist on youtube called "POV: You are dancing with Howl but He's slowly falling in love with you." created by Krimson ツ.
Ursa the Drake, a dragon that terrorized Mondstadt for thousands of years stood tall in front of Diluc who was frozen in fear and pain. His father, Crepus, moves to face the dragon wearing a glove with a pyro delusion attached without a single hesitation. Chains sprout from Crepus' wrist successfully capturing Ursa. All was still, no one dares to move until Ursa's behavior suddenly changes and becomes aggressively violent. Breaking the chains around itself, Ursa raises its claws to lay a blow on Crepus, who was preparing for the worse.
Cepus was forced on his butt next to Diluc only suffering a grazed cut at his side. "Father?!M/n?!" Diluc called out rushing to Crepus' side.  M/n stood in Crepus' place holding Wolf's Gravestone tightly in his grip as he used the greatsword to bock the claws. His teeth were clenched and heavy breaths escape through his nose as he feels blood seep through the rips decorating his clothing in red. M/n lowers the weapons and lifts one hand to free the claps on his cape and grasping one side pulling it off his shoulders. Keeping his feet forward, M/n slightly turns, ignoring the pain in his side, to look back at Diluc and Crepus before tossing his cape in their direction giving them a final warm smile that was soon replaced with a look of determination as he faced Ursa once more. Dulic and Crepus eyes widened as they obverse M/n back. A delusion... no delusions, attached to his clothing alined down his spine: Pyro, Cryo, Hydro, Electro, Anemo, and Dendro.
"I... I was never blessed with a vision," You let out a breathless laugh, your hand brushing the geo visio-delusion at your hip before continuing, "Each one of these was given to me by those who traveled by my side until their last moments..." You held your hand towards the sky, dark clouds surround the area. You slam your arm, multiple lighting stricks flash down from the clouds hitting their target but they don't deter the dragon heading towards you.
"...I told them my promise..." The cooling feeling of raindrops on your face creates a smirk. The raindrops around you come to a stop in mid-air swift reforming similar chains around Ursa holding the dragon in place although it continues to struggle free and inch closer. "...So they asked me to carry them out with them by my side..." You return your grip onto the handle of Wolf's Gravestone as the water chains being to freeze spreading over Ursa's scales.
"...Each time, each one... I was weak and helpless..." The wind picks up at a rapid pace pushing Ursa back all while peeling the ice that tears its scales off. "...Even with these delusions, I'm a failure, a curse... I bring nothing but death to those who follow my promise..." To replace the ice, thorned vines sprouted from the ground while Cecilia flowers flourished underneath Crepus and Diluc, both of their injuries healing.
"...Then I realized my fears, my hesitations, my guilt..." You took a few steps towards Ursa, twirling Wolf's Gravestone in hand. Before stoping raising the greatsword and embed it into to ground. "...Cost many lives... I have a promise... No... I have promised..." Geo spikes shot up aiming at Ursa who let out a roar. Once again Ursa struggles just as before slowly managing to break the vines and leftover ice. "... And I will... ACHIEVE THEM!..." Flames burst from your body and Wolf's Gravestone blade. "...SO LONG AS THIS WEAPON NEVER BREAKS!..." A red wolf symbol appears before you with a faint howl you charged at Ursal. "...AND THERE IS A WIELDER TO ACCEPT THE BURDENS IT CARRIES..." A pillar of Geo spouts out from under your feet launching you into the air. "...NOTHING WILL STOP THE PROMISES... TO PROTECT THE ONES WE LOVE!" 
Growing more fierce, the tip of Wolf's Gravestone blade to your fingers and finally down to your elbows was covered in flames. The flames lick your cheeks as it cases your hair into waves of fire. You can feel the flames burn through your clothes and your skin starts to heat in pain. But, you simply lifted Wolf's Gravestone above your head. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Your scream and Ursa's roar filled the air sending chills down Crepus and Diluc's bodies. Due to the brightness of the flames, Crepus and Diluc look away and cover their face with arms. The flames could be seen miles away, those who see from a distant question in fear except for one whose heart is filled with worry.
"Father! Diluc!" Kaeya cries out upon seeing them in the distance with a few knights following closely behind him.
~ Months Ago ~
Humming a familiar tune to himself but an unknown tune to others. The adventurer with his eyes closed sat comfortably in the back of a wagon. His humming soothes passengers as they travel from Liyue to Mondstadt. The mother is thankful towards him for calming her two youngest children as others were thankful for feeling at ease. The wagon carried a Father who steered the horses, the eldest daughter, and eldest son, a mother holding a newborn, a young boy who reset against his sister, and an adventurer with a few resting creates near him. The family was kind enough to allow the adventurer to join them in return he was to protect them from harm seeing as he wielded a vision. The young boy with curiosity moves away from his sister and towards the adventurer. Such movements caught everyone's attention although the adventurer simply continues.
The young boy takes the chance to get a better look at the stranger. The adventurer had (hair color) hair, dressed in strange clothing, black gloves, a black cape attached to the collar of his top it was long to the point he sat on it. There was a geo vision, on top of his left thigh, attached to a belt around his waist. 
"Hey mister, what song are you humming? I never heard it before," the younger boy asked. The adventurer stopped humming as he opened his (eye color) eyes and looked towards the boy, a joyful smile raises on his face.
"It's a song my father song towards my mother when he proposed to her. It was a song he sang on their wedding day and their anniversaries. One day, he came to me and taught me how to sing it so I may share its love." The adventurer couldn't help but chuckle when the young boy made a disgusted face as love was mentioned. The two eldest join in the fit of laughter and decided to join in asking the adventurer questions.
The eldest son asked about the adventurer's weapon to which he carefully summoned a greatsword. "His name is Wolf's Gravestone, I was told he survived greater battles and he never fails to protect his wielders and what they fought for. He originally belonged to a close family friend, who was an uncle to me. That old man gave Wolf's Gravestone to me for two reasons; he wanted this weapon tale to be remembered and to continue until the very end of time, the second reason was Wolf's Gravestone deserves a dedicated wielder whose goal could be shared with him and his burdens are trusted upon them." With a flick of his wrist, the greatsword disperses into thin air. 
Next was the daughter who asked for his name and his reasoning for traveling. "Hehe... M/n L/n 's the name, and well Tayvat has many places to offer. The breathtaking views, many challenges, and battles to endure on the way. Besides I have a promise to keep after all."
Once again the younger boy wonders what places besides Liyue and Mondstadt have M/n traveled to. M/n cupped his chin thinking to himself. "Hmm... I have been to Sumeru: Never thought sand could be my greatest enemy, Snezhnaya: I nearly froze to death on multiple accounts, Inazuma: although it was short-lived I plan on going back when the time is right-" The wagon came to a sudden stop cutting off M/n and drew confusion. The mother moved to push back the cloth but was stopped by M/n who motion all of them to move further in the wagon before stepping out himself. 
Carefully, you moved to the front of the wagon to see the father had stepped down from the driver's seat and stood in front of the horses. He was talking with two men dressed in armor, you notice the symbol on their chest plates identifying them to be a part of the Knight of Favonius. You looked around the environment see that both sides present a wall of rocks, ahead there was a cliff that stretches above and over the pass meaning they were under Windwail Highland.
"Is there a problem, sirs?" You asked standing next to the father giving the knights a sharp look. You were familiar with the Knight of Favonius as they are with you. Frenemies is what you like to call your relationship with them, there were many reasons as to why. But, know isn't the time to reminiscence about it.
Both the knights stiffen when you spoke, the father turned towards you and replied, "Ah! Traveler, it seems that we might need to take another route." You raise an eyebrow looking to the knights gesturing them to explain.
It took them a moment for one of them to answer, "W-well, there's a camp of hilich-" the knight that spoked was elbowed by the other stopping him midsentence. "What I mean is that this path is temporarily blocked off for the time being?" You rolled your eyes and sighed, not surprised by the poor attempt to hide information.
"How long may I ask? I may be able to help the process." You asked before innocently adding, "It would be a real shame to travel at night or camp out, especially with a newborn on board." You internally smirk seeing the knights contemplate before giving up and explaining how a hilichurls made camp on the path ahead. They and two other knights on the other side were instructed to redirect anyone until reinforces came to deal with the camp.
You looked to the sky and glace at the sun's position. If you were to take another route the time you reach Springvale the sun would be set so that wasn't an option. "I deal with the hilichurls, sir please wait here...and knights watch over them for me." You walk past the knights and down the past, you been itching for a fight.
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cessmaga · 5 months
DC x Genshin Impact
what visions I think would fit them with my understanding of it
I really like the idea of a thing that is based on a character's personality, traits, motives, etc and vision are based on ambitions
I might make it for avengers too and other justice league heroes
Justice League:
Hydro Vision- Superman
Yeah I think he fits here I think, I think he fits hydro because he knows he has god like powers and the best way to use it to help people
Electro Vision- Batman
I think his vision is electro imo
he'll do anything to change the state of Gotham city by using all of his wealth and resources to take Gotham safer
Geo Vision- Wonder Woman
not sure but her devotion for her duty and ideals and also for humanity
(I have nothing else to say but that pretty much it)
Dendro Vision- Flash
(A little weird considering flash mostly has electric powers lol)
Part of me that he's dendro cuz he always acts what's right (pretty much the main reason why he never slows down)
Anemo Vision- Green Lantern
I might misinterpret everything about him but I can see his overcoming fear as being free of something you are holding back
(if you think about the whole going on with will vs fear has something to do about freedom vs control)
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lunathegodkiller · 4 months
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You can tell I've got AA4 bias because I did Apollo and Klavier in succession, even though I planned to work on Athena's next!
I'm not sure if I'm entirely happy with this one from a design (and, partially, artistic) standpoint but I *do* think that Hydro fits Klavier perfectly!
You could easily pull the "nation/archon of justice" card if you wanted, but Hydro, to me, is an element assigned to those who work in service of others, who dedicate themselves to doing something that benefits someone else, regardless of if it's in their own best interests. Which is also, I believe, why the element has so many healers in Genshin itself, but that's a separate conversation, I think.
Klavier is someone who repeatedly continues to pursue the truth, for the sake of ensuring justice is properly served -- even if it costs him his record, his band, a friend...
...and his own brother.
(Post written & scheduled May 23)
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andie0216 · 7 months
I decided to do TBP characters and what Visions would they have based on their personality?
Finney: Dendro
Dendro vision was given to those who selfless, they help other before themselves, but they can also be observant and find solutions scientifically, which I think fits Finney because he usually observes what the problem is and found the answers.
Robin: Pyro
Pyro vision was given to those who have a burning passion and never ending ambition, just like Robin. He does whatever makes him happy and he doesn’t like to be criticize by his actions, even though he knew that it wasn’t the right choice.
Billy: Geo
Geo vision was given to those who are associates with order and rules. They achieved goals despite the hardships they faced, the sacrifices they make, their goal is still their priority, and Billy fits here because of how hardworking he is and how he has to wake up early just to deliver newspapers
Vance: Cryo
Cryo vision was given to those who goes against their hearts and preferences to do the right thing. They have secrets and had a hard time opening up others because they don’t want to be vulnerable and taken advantage of that, so they made a hard exterior to keep their emotions intact, just like Vance.
Bruce: Hydro
Hydro vision was given to those who are open-minded and tactical. They like learning new things and believe in equal exchange, yet they have to stay away from their personal needs to pursue their goals. Like Bruce, he is amazing about his baseball skills, yet he is humble to compliment Finney’s pitches.
Griffin: Electro
Electro vision was given to those who are different than other people. They don’t give up on their dreams and can be very stubborn about it, kind of like how Griffin can be slightly stubborn to his friends’ opinions because of how different his opinions are.
Gwen: Anemo
Anemo vision was given to those who seek freedom from their choices and are alone in this world when it comes to ideals. This also means they receive their vision after losing someone who shared the same ideals, like Gwen losing her mother because of they shared visions and how it affected her mother’s mental stability.
(And that’s it! Not gonna lie, I have to search about visions and how people gain it, which is tiring, but I managed to finish it. So yay…)
[I decided to switch Billy and Bruce’s vision because it made me realized that the Hydro for Bruce is more accurate than Billy’s, so yeah]
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thereifling · 11 months
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Wriothesley, Administrator of the Fortress of Meripede
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thormanick · 9 months
Crazy thought,
are humans with visions supposed to be “batteries” for gods/divine thrones/whoever issues the actual vision?
/lots of thoughts in the tags/
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aloilmokka · 9 months
Drawing visions from Genshin Impact is fun.
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