#Fallen hero fanfiction
chaniters · 2 years
Tell me about your mother
“My mother was a scientist.” There. A clean answer. There are thousands of Scientists in Los Diablos alone, so it’s not saying much. “Oh, I’m sorry… she passed?” Ortega asks, thoughtfully. “Yes. A few years ago” you lie because dead scientists are notoriously less dangerous than living ones. “Where you two close?” He asks, staring into the bonfire. “We used to be when I was a lot younger?” you start, now knowing where your words will take you. “Fuck…I don’t know. She was complicated. Always obsessed with her work. Always fascinated by the latest discovery… And as I got older I guess I stopped being novelty anymore.” “Mierda. That’s rough Cye. I’m sorry to hear that.” He runs an arm behind your back, squeezing your shoulder as he passes you the beer. Your gaze goes to the base of the flames, staring at the white-hot coal lumps before taking a sip. “Did you love her?” he asks even further. Now that’s a question. All the horrors she created. The torture. The monstruosities. The experiments, the endless mind games. A thousand sins every day and she wouldn’t ever let it bother her. You glimpsed into her mind even, that one time… and you saw not even a hint of remorse. What you saw in there was…. “Yes. I loved her,” you state plainly. Are you lying? You wish you knew.
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muchadoaboutchoices · 7 months
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Fallen Hero Series - Malin Rydén Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ortega/Sidestep (Fallen Hero) Characters: Elena Ortega, Ortega (Fallen Hero), Sidestep (Fallen Hero) Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Wet Dream, Cunnilingus, Fluff, Angst, everything is against when you're sidestep, i have too much love for ricardo ortega and it needs to come out somehow, Fallen Hero: Retribution Spoilers Summary:
A month after the car crash that wrecked her legs, Zeyna Brown is still recuperating and hiding away from Los Diablos in Elena Ortega's ranch. When the most recent visit of Ricardo Ortega brings upon a wet dream for them both, Zeyna suspects that though her telepathic powers are nullified against his epilepsy, her empathic abilities are apparently not.
Rating will update with Chapter 2.
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snail-noodle · 6 months
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"my my my... what do we have here?"
you shivered in fear at the gigantic being before you. you and your cookie friends had tried your best to seal the rift in the tree with white lily cookie. however, your actions proved pointless. white lily cookie's powers were still too weak and your time had run out. you all watched in horror at the towering cookie grinning down from above.
"it's been so long since we've seen new faces! we were starting to get bored being by ourselves in here..." shadow milk cookie smirked as he took a look at each cookie standing before him. when his eyes had reached you, his gaze stayed far more longer on you than the others. you trembled from his piercing stare, a small whimper escaping from your lips as you backed away and hid yourself behind pure vanilla cookie.
shadow milk cookie chortled at the pathetic display. "Oh, how I have missed the faces of fear from you cookies! Never gets old!" now that the rift had opened big enough for him to pass through, shadow milk cookie stepped out of the silver tree that had kept him and the others imprisoned for so long. the smaller cookies screamed in terror as they scrambled to get out of his way. every footstep he took practically shook the earthbread beneath their feet.
"pure vanilla cookie!" fear clouded your mind as you tugged your leader's arm in desperation. "what are we going to do?!" anxiety gripped your heart when he hesitated to think of a solution. one of the most powerful beings in all of cookiekind has just been unleashed and is ready to bring chaos to the world once more. just how on earthbread will any cookie be able to stop such beasts?
before pure vanilla cookie could even think of an answer, you cried out in alarm as you were suddenly lifted into the air. the other cookies screamed your name as you watched their forms grow smaller and smaller. you gasped as you were face to face with the grinning jester.
"what a cute little cookie you are." he eagerly examined you as if he were a child that had been given a new toy, turning you this way and that. "it's been ages since i had a little pet to dote on. you'll make a fine addition to my collection!" your mind raced as you tried to understand what you have just heard. a collection? a pet to dote on? what on-?!
your thoughts were interrupted as you heard a snap of... fingers? confused, you found yourself locked inside some sort of bird cage; the bars were thick enough to keep you from escaping. shadow milk cookie cooed as he watched you attempt to break free. "no-!" you tugged and pulled at the bars keeping you in.
"no! y-you can't keep me in here! Please!" you cried out to him in desperation. shadow milk cookie only giggled and shook his head, "ah, ah, ah! you're staying right by my side, my little cookie." you shuddered in fear as he began to summon his powers once more. shadows seeped out from your surroundings and from his body. multiple cold blue eyes stared at you and the cookies still down below.
"now, my dear..." with a clap of his hands, monsters of every kind stepped out from the shadows, ready to obey their master. with a manic grin, shadow milk cookie spread his arms out in grandeur to the cookies below. with a perfect view from above, you could only watch in horror as your friends were surrounded at every side by monsters of different sizes.
"let the show begin!"
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punkrangerdraws · 1 year
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i don't know why i just default to silly gremlin mode whenever i draw argent.. anyway i was thinking about how her love for movies + tech proficiency means she's the most likely of the rangers to read/write fanfiction, so.. have a sharkwife in her barbiegirl house writing fanfic
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eclipseeraofthebeast · 9 months
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Boy, am I falling in love with this paring idea. In the first iteration of the timeline, Ganondorf slays the hero - whose soulforce laid incomplete when separated from his shadow - in which Ganondorf extracted him within the Sacred Realm.
Instead of attempting to take the demon king by surprise in a last effort - Zelda implores Dark to return the master sword and turn back time in order to rewrite it.
In Timeline 2 - Sheik and Dark must work together to prevent the end of the Hero.
"I love to hate you"
"I'll take all of you. Any day."
I love the idea of exploring the shadow self - especially in such a weighted story like OOT. Imagine if Dark Link was exactly that - his extracted self - the accumulation of all the anguish, suffering, and anger Link has and will go through - as shattered as the timelines themselves.
Of course, there would be a part of him that was angry with Zelda -how could one not be a flurry of mixed emotions? Such begins their complex entanglement of destined souls - and the beginning of the Fierce Deity.
(YES YALL - I HAVE A FICTHEORY that ties in all timelines, Dark Link, and the Fierce Deity)
Watch the Timelines
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mommyofkittens · 1 year
A Court of Fallen Heroes ( Azriel FanFiction )
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𓆩✴𓆪 Summary 𓆩✴𓆪
It was a well known fact: the veil between the worlds grew thinner and thinner, so the possibility of a crashing was already a certainty. The rumours started a long time ago, but no one did anything to stop it. Luckily, time has passed, we went through wars and race eradications, but Faerie Realms and Mortal Lands stayed almost the same, some richer and some poorer.
Nobody was talking about the fallen, untill now, when the fates started working their old, wicked magic and gave us an early Summer Soltice gift: an unprepared girl who was sent tumbling from the sky.
Tumultuous and dangerous,
Bitter and heartbreaking.
This is the story of the Evening star.
About the young woman who holds the Sun as her weapon,
And the Moon as an ornament.
About the Cursed Crown, who chooses its own master
And about the man in the shadows, irreversibly bound to her, by the tongue of death.
And, after all, about us, the nothingness who catches a goal.
I am the Bloody Blade, former leader of the first legion, last of my kind, banished and tormented by dark memories and here is the beginning of our story.
Read on Ao3. 𓆩✴𓆪
Read on Wattpad. 𓆩✴𓆪
𓆩✴𓆪 Playlist
𓆩✴𓆪 Prologue
𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 1: 3:33
𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 2: " God Forbid... "
𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 3: The Waking World
𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 4: The Countess
𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 5: Haunted
𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 6: Decisions. Part I.
𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 6: Decisions. Part II.
𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 7: A Tale of Time
𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 8: Jane Doe 𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 9: The Third One 𓆩✴𓆪 Chapter 10: The Bloody Blade
Hello, everyone! I am new to the writing experince and also English is not my first language. Hopefully, this won't interfere with my work too much. I am sorry if there are mistakes, I'll try to correct them. I didn't give up on this work, but writing one chapter is taking quite some time considering the fact that I always have to check my grammar and if the phrases make sense or if they're too long. Sometimes, when inspiration doesn't come, I write them in my own language and then translate and it takes a while too.
Also, I have exams untill mid July. Med school it's time consuming as hell. 🥲
You can also find me on Ao3 and Wattpad, I always keep my chapters updated and corrected there because it's easier to read them.
Hope you like my work! Have a great day, babes!
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seafoamgalaxy · 18 days
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I was trying to psych myself up to colour this. Then I decided… why should I have to? I don’t like colouring. Sketching is my favourite part of the art process, so therefore these can all stay as tidied-up sketches.
Anyway, here’s Mask, the first of the lineup, trying to get a good look at the damage to his back. A link (ha) to his intro chapter will be added momentarily.
Edit: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56712196/chapters/144165823
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lilacthebooklover · 6 months
the new crk update got me bad
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honor-among-thieves · 2 months
Uhh, I wasn't going to share this because I feel meh about it in general, was kind of just using a flash prompt from the Patreon Discord to play with dialogue, but I upload all my (finished) fanfic even if it's not great and some people found it anyway and no one said they hate it. It is the first time I got to examine how I imagine Connor's own voice vs. the Canonical Sidestep so I don't totally hate it.
General, no triggers, just a lot of kissing. Maybe I can be inspired to finish some of my more involved stuff that isn't so dialogue heavy now?
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thatfangirllyfe · 11 months
Fire Lily was such an amazing fanfic. Tell me why I can’t find a single bkdk angel/devil au since????
Please anyone recommendations????
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ladyshivs · 1 year
Thinking about that post that was encouraging people to talk about their own work like it was already beloved the world over so in that spirit:
You should check out my Fallen Hero fanfiction series How Not to Fall
It’s over 2 full length novels long and still going strong.
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chaniters · 2 years
Keeping the lights on
Cyrus decides to stay where his friends are, come what may --------------
Alone and surrounded by machinery is one of the most calming setups you could ask to spend your time in. The basement level has plenty of unused space, mostly storage units and vaults, one of them which Steel has made abundantly clear that you’re to steer clear of. Easy enough, you’re not here to steal their captured villain doomsday devices, just to assemble the generator and bring the lights back on. It’s been quiet too. You suggested you could work faster if you stayed the nights here, and nobody seemed to object. It’s been three days since then. Pretty safe ones too without the cameras or power, just candles, flashlights, and emergency lights when they can get the emergency fuel generators running. Not a place the Special Directive might be looking in.  
Still, the stay is about to be cut short, mainly because you’re done. 
The generator’s display shows all systems are in order and you’ve done a triple checkup of the control of the fiery plasma inside the reactor’s tokamak. It always amazed you how these devices don’t come pre-programmed and have to be trained from scratch each time one is put online, so they can learn how to control the plasma configuration. It’s not like the computer has any kind of intelligence beyond its assigned duty, but you can’t help but feel a kinship for it. Would it have been easier if your mind hadn’t been designed to do anything other than follow orders? 
“Evening there!” The voice comes from the stairs, pulling you away from the thoughts you had allowed yourself to submerge in once more. It’s Anathema, one of your new friends. 
“Good evening, Themmie. Hadn’t seen you in a while.”
“Been patrolling the streets. Showing our presence, you know. Making sure they see we’re not ‘done’ like PharmaCore and Carter and all those political idiots want.” “And now you’re back. Did Charge send you to check up on me?” “Whaaat, can’t I just come to visit you while you’re trying to help us?”
“I’m pretty sure that he did send you.”
“Fine, read my mind all you want, be that way, it’s totally not creepy at all.” Themmie rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t reading your mind. Much. Was I right?” “Yeah, he did send me. But I still wanted to say hi anyways”. 
“Thanks” you smile back at him. “Hi to you too.” “So now that it’s out of the way, please tell me that you’re done and we’re getting lights again? Can we turn the fridge back on? I really miss having cold drinks!” 
“I’m done. Was about to pull the switch.”
“You're joking. It's real? You're not shitting me?” 
“I promise it's real.”
“Wow this is … it’s huge! I’ll go tell Charge and Steel and then we can all…” 
*CLICK* goes the button as you press it, and the generator immediately starts humming 
 And powering up… and the ceiling lights through the basement slowly start flickering and turning on, pushing back the shadows and placing you both in a perfectly lit environment.
“Awww man! You should have waited a moment until I called everyone!”
“Why? I was here to turn on the lights and I did.”
Themmie sighs. “You know what’s your problem? No showmanship! It’s not about turning on the lights, it’s about presentation!” 
“What more presentation do you want? There were no lights, now there are lights on!” you protest. 
 Footsteps on the stairs make you both lift your gaze.
“I can’t believe it. You actually did it?!” Steel asks amazed as he comes down. “I did” you nod, letting him appreciate the assembled generator. “It’s an old model but every piece was here and most of the assembly was done before they packaged it. “It wasn’t that hard”
“You turned on a nuclear generator and you’re telling me it’s not hard?” Steel’s gaze goes from the machine to you. “I’m starting to wonder what school did you go to?” “I went to the UNYB.” “Where’s that?” “Leave it Chen.” Anathema laughs “That stands for University of None of Your Business, I already asked him the other day” Steel frowns, but Sunstream cuts him off by coming down the stairs. 
“About time! I don’t like being on official Lamp duty all day long!” Sunstream follows, turning off her glowing light now that the lightbulbs are back. “Pitty, I was getting a good tan finally” Themmie replies, stealing a half-smile from her. 
The elevator doors open with a ding, and Ortega comes out on his wheelchair. 
“YES!” It’s working again! I knew you could do it!” 
Normally you’d try to weasel out of a hug but you’re cornered by rangers and the machine you just assembled, so Ricardo gets a good hold on you, squeezing you in his arms once more. 
“I told you I could do it.” You reply, trying not to make a fuzz of it, only now realizing that they probably are going to make one. “ It was preassembled in the boxes, it wasn’t that hard really, I’m serious”.
“Stop being so humble already!” Anathema slaps your back. “You did an awesome job here!”
“Yes you did!” Ricardo adds, followed by Sunstream and even Steel acknowledges you did more than what he expected. 
It’s weird to be getting this much praise for your engineering skills. Back at the farm your work was either satisfactory or it was not and that was that. Praise like this was something that was reserved for your commitment to training or actions in combat simulations or the psy-training exercises. Weird but not uncomfortable?
Perhaps you could do some more work like this if they’d let you? It certainly feels nice to be useful. 
“Thank you. I’m glad I could be of help” you say trying your best to not look anyone in the eyes. “You should be able to start recharging your inner generator as soon as I plug the interface into the new grid, Charge” 
“That’s the news I was waiting for! Steel, would you please let everyone know we’re fully back in business!”  
“Right away Marshal!” he smiles as he walks up the stairs. 
“To the elevator my friend,” Ricardo says giving you a wink. “I need some high voltage right now!”
“Right away!” you chuckle, following him as he turns the chair around. 
It only downs on you after he pushes the floor’s button… With the generator’s back up, where are you going to stay tonight? Your plans were to leave Los Diablos for good, yet you threw them away the moment it seemed you were needed.
You decided to stay to help your friends out of this mess, even after all you learned from that other poor regene. Ortega smiles at you as he pushes the chair onward, and you can’t help but follow, smiling back.  
It’s pretty obvious now. You’re not leaving because your friends are here.
It’s not a smart choice. Will it come back to haunt you later on?
Perhaps, but that’s a problem for future you to deal with.
--------------------- My Fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero world. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for his wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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tarisilmarwen · 6 months
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @triscribe.
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Okay uh...
Well, there are still a lot of the same ones from before but now there's a whole spate of unsorted, untitled free-floating new ones so...
Alphabetical by fandom order:
Avatar: The Last Airbender
“The Girl In The Iceberg”
Big Hero 6
Currently untitled Season 2 part two rewrite/rework
Jedi Fallen Order/Star Wars Rebels Crossover
“Kindred Lights”
“A Splintered Path”
Star Wars (General/Crossover)
“Incident At Hanger 37”
Untitled Silver Chair Ahsoka AU/fixfic
Untitled Ahsoka rewrite/fixfic
"Ballroom Blitz" (working title, may change)
No Order 66 AU Maul kidnaps Ezra fic (featuring much of the Prequel Order)
No Order 66 AU Maul tries to crash The Gathering fic
Star Wars Rebels
“Descent Into Dawn”
“Fissured Holocrons” - “Shadow Captive”, “By The Light Of The Holocrons”, and “Tatooine Suns”
“Far Flung Stars”
"Harmless Games"
"I See The Light"
Sword Art Online
“My Brother’s Keeper”
“Gilded Heroine”
Teen Titans
“Broken Wings”
“Tyrants Rising”
“Shades Of Crimson”
TTSWAU - “Nightfall” and “Purge The Darkness”
“Titans Stay Night”
“Pacific Titans”
“Scraps Of Bread”
And I'mma just throw some moots and other writers I know out here uh... @jessicas-pi, @seleneisrising, @kanerallels, @jedi-nurse, @slightly-nerdy-rambles, @angel-gidget, @fireflyxrebel-writes, @findswoman, @kazoosandfannypacks, @starfiretheninja, aaaand @flilisskywalker.
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depressed-sock · 1 year
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Steelstep, Losing their temper
requested by @deviant3lover
I used a default male Sidestep Cyrus (hope you don’t mind!) :D
It starts as something simple. Something that Wei Chen usually would play off as a regular event of his now daily life of having to deal with his… his old friend, his old ally, his lover, his boyfriend, his villain. He’s still not sure how to put Cyrus into the box of who he is to Chen. And considering how Cyrus keeps breaking Chen’s expectations and changing how he fits into Chen’s life... He’s not sure he’ll ever really know how Cyrus is supposed to fit.
That’s not the point anyway. It starts as something simple that get’s under his skin. A comment Cyrus makes about something he has planned that has Chen snapping at him.
Cyrus is sitting at the table in Chen’s apartment watching as Chen attempts to cook them both something simple. They’d already agreed Cyrus shouldn’t touch anything considering last time, Cyrus almost set the kitchen on fire by accident.
Cyrus is talking, his fingers tapping a rhythm on the table. The pleasant hum of the conversation filling Chen’s head. Chen doesn’t know when it turns. When his shoulders start growing tense, his back aching with the weight of some emotion that wants to claw through his very being.
“It should be a simple grab job anyway.” It’s an offhand comment. Lacking any serious details but something about it is the final straw.
“Don’t,” Chen stops chopping the vegetables, setting the knife down with a slap onto the counter. He grits his teeth and breathes through his nose. He doesn’t know how often he has had to remind Cyrus not to tell him anything because as long as Chen has plausible deniability he can still figure out a way to stop Cyrus. This time shouldn’t be any different but for some reason it is.
“Sorry?” Cryus gives him a worried look, setting down his drink on the table. There’s a pinch of his lips, eyes widening in a way that reminds Chen of that familiar fear Cyrus gets when he realizes he’s fucked up somehow.
“How many times do I have to tell you,” Chen grits his teeth, staring Cyrus down and ignoring the guilt that starts to pool into him as he watches Cyrus shutter down. Shrinking in on himself, trying to make himself smaller.
“Sorry,” he says again. He opens his mouth to say more but is cut off by the chime of his phone. He frowns as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and wincing at whatever message he sees on it. “I need to go.”
“Fine.” Chen grits his teeth, hands curling into fists.
Cyrus gives him another look before he leaves with a weak goodbye. The fingers on his left hand tapping together in a rhythm of a song, a familiar nervous habit from his Sidestep days, as he practically runs out the door.
Chen doesn’t think about it much. Not until later when it’s long past midnight and he’s still up sitting at the table staring at the abandoned drink. His fingers tapping against the table. He winces, regret bitter on the back of his tongue as finally pushes himself up and heads to bed. He doesn’t know where that particular anger came from.
Maybe it had just been building up from the rest of the day. Between his own stress and the argument he’d already gotten into with Ortega before he’d met up with Cyrus, he was sure he wasn’t going to be pleasant company today. But then he’d seen Cyrus and it was like all his worries had been stripped away.
He breathes, sitting on his bed and wondering what changed. He’s tired, he’s stressed. He needs sleep. Maybe that’s why he let’s Spoon sneak up onto the bed for the night.
The next time it’s over something more serious. Retribution has killed someone. Not directly, not by his own hands. But someone is still dead because of him and his carelessness.
Chen’s storming down the streets heading for Cyrus’s apartment the anger building under his skin. The repeating thought that he could have done something about this long before now. He could have stopped Cyrus before any of this happened.
He could have killed him.
The thought stops Chen in his tracks. A cold dose of realization that has him taking a few steps back. He gulps, throat dry, and fear suddenly clutching him by every fiber of his being. It’s not a thought he has ever wanted to have of Cyrus. Not now. Not when things are slowly working towards the better.
His hand covers his mouth and he takes in a shuddering breath as he tries to calm himself. Tries to work through the anger he has never had a problem with before. He turns on his heel, making his way back to his own apartment and far away from Cyrus. He needs to calm down, this isn’t a situation that needs his anger. It needs a calm head.
He doesn’t get the chance to think anything through though. Not when he opens his door and finds Cyrus sitting on the ground in his apartment, back against the wall and body curled over his knees.
“What the hell were you thinking?” It’s out before he can stop himself. The anger crashing over him a thousandfold. He grits his teeth, standing above Cyrus, every nerve in his body tight with anger.
“Don’t,” Comes Cyrus muffled reply. Arms tightening, as he curls further in on himself.
“Don’t what Cyrus? You killed someone!”
That gets him, he raises his head a bit, lips curling into a snarl, “I didn’t kill anyone!”
“Then why the hell is someone dead Cyrus?!” He’s yelling. He knows he is but he can’t stop himself.
“It’s not my fault heroes can’t do their fucking jobs!”
“They shouldn’t be having to clean up after you in the first place Cyrus! You’re the one causing this whole fucking situation!”
“Oh fuck you!”
Chen can barely breathe. Can barely think through the haze in his head. He hates this. Hates that Cyrus just continues to ignore the whole fucking problem. Hates that Cyrus can’t just tell Chen the truth. Tell him his plans so that maybe they can actually plan something that doesn’t involve letting other people die. “Why can’t you just think things through for once in your life! I hate when you do this! I hate when you don’t fucking think of the consequences!”
“Yeah well, I fucking hate me too!” He pushes up from where he’s seated, then he’s trying to push past Chen and something in him just snaps.
“That’s not what I’m saying!” His hand grabs Cyrus’s shoulder, yanking him back hard enough that he doesn’t have time to react. Cyrus falls back into the wall with a wince and a hiss of pain that has Chen staring at him in shock.
“What the fuck is your-” Cyrus cuts himself off, staring in horror at Chen’s left hand that’s still at his side. Chen follows his gaze, noticing for the first time his fingers moving. Tapping together in a familiar pattern.
He hadn’t even realized he’d been doing it.
Cyrus makes a wounded sound and suddenly the anger is gone like a crashing wave. Swept away and out to sea. Far enough away that Chen can finally think.
He looks back up at Cyrus, eyes widening in understanding.
“Oh no,” Cyrus’s words are a broken whisper. He’s scared.
And so is Chen.
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weyrleaders · 1 year
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i was going to be like “haha that’s so funny that herald thinks that how wild” but then remembered that herald is remarkably good at reading people by accident and. hm.
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ladymischievous · 8 months
Repostober Fic Collection
Not art, but writing instead. Here's links to a few of my works that I am particularly proud of from over the years:
Mask of the Rose/Fallen London
Dreams of Home
Archibald Reid had finally returned to the surface. He hadn’t realized just how much he had changed. There was a time where he wanted nothing more than the sun and returning to Glasgow. But now, he found himself a stranger to all the things he once found familiar. Archie tries to find solace in his dreams. WARNING: This fic contains spoilers for the 'Baptism' ending of Mask of the Rose.
World of Warcraft
A Twist of Fate
Type: Alternate Timeline, Did a lot of mixing of lore sources from things like 'The Last Guardian, The Movie, WoW, and Hearthstone's One Night in Karazhan to make this.
Warnings: In later chapters there's a bit of horror and psychological horror. This is a character study and exploration of both Khadgar and Medivh.
Main Characters: Khadgar and Medivh
Pairings: RavenTrust (Friendship and eventually romance (not there yet currently)
Curiosity was considered both a valuable trait and horrible vice of mages. It was his own curiosity that got Khadgar shipped off from the only home he had known.
AU Snippet: Dark Deals
Type: Modern!AU, Snippet based off an old RP
Main Characters: Medivh and Kel'Thuzad
Pairings: Kel'Thuzad/Medivh, hinted RavenTrust
Warnings: Spiders, Dubious Consent
Modern!AU. A crime intertwines the worlds of humans and of magic and mages. To help Lothar and protect Khadgar, Medivh must pay a visit to the dark underbelly of his world. Important Note: This is a snippet I adapted a scene from a past RP I did with a friend. I took it and adapted it into a oneshot as a writing exercise.
The Dragon Prince and the Recluse
Main Characters: Medivh and Wrathion
Pairings: Mentioned Hinted Raventrust, (Once I continue an) eventual friendship with Wrathion and Medivh.
It took a bit of work on Khadgar's part to convince Medivh to let the 'dragon prince' stay in his home. Wrathion isn't sure what to make of Karazhan, the ghosts within, or her reclusive master. He heard stories of Medivh, a guardian of Azaroth who fell from grace. Even his father was quite wary of the mage yet Wrathion is far from impressed. A Guardian is meant to protect Azeroth, not lock themself away in self-exile.
Dark Eyes Over Stormwind Keep
Pairings: Wrathion/Anduin, Wrathion & Medivh (friendship)
Warnings: Mild Body Horror
Haunted in his dreams, Anduin teeters on the line between light and shadow.
My Hero Academia
Heroes are for Fiction
Type: Writer!AU
Warnings: This one I wrote when I was in a particularly dark place. Feelings of depression and suicidal ideation. It was a theraputic bit of writing for me as I was navigating heavy emotions at the time.
Main Characters: Toshinori Yagi, Inko Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya
Pairings & Relationships: Inko/Toshinori, Izuku & Toshinori (Fatherly bond)
After a devastating personal tragedy, author Toshinori withdraws into loneliness and depression--at least until a face from his past comes back to remind him that heroes are not just for the fiction he writes.
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