#Everybody could place their bets on who did it and see who's right
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somegrumpynerd · 4 months ago
Has anybody done like, a utmv murder mystery? Like clue?
Nightmare is found dead in his castle and everybody's a suspect; his henchmen for killing him to escape, the stars for being his enemies, error for wanting to kill everyone, etc. and you have to find out what everyone was doing and figure out who did it
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shdysders · 1 year ago
the bet
pairing: vada cavell x female reader
summary: in which vada makes a bet, and unfortunately you're the victim to it.
word count: 4.8k
warnings: cursing, hints of alcoholism.
author’s note: hope you like! also if y’all feel like following an editing account on tiktok, mine is sdesnk!
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Making bets are something everyone did as kids, whether it was about money, candy or chores. Everyone did it.
Vada grew up constantly making bets with her younger sister, which were pretty easy to win since Amelia would accept pretty bad ones without properly thinking them through.
Vada actually thought she was one of the best gamblers amongst everybody she knew. Until she met Nick. In her eyes he was a literal goddess at making bets, but also at winning them. He always came up with the craziest ones, things that Vada couldn't think of even if she tried.
Their friendship was filled with bets, they pushed each other to the limits, coming up with even more daring challenges and scenarios, putting their skills to the test.
Their parents hoped and prayed that they would grow out of it, thinking that all kids did eventually. But unfortunately, that wasn't the case for Vada and Nick, they kept going even though they had passed the inappropriate age for it.
Not even starting high school stopped them. It was their 'friendship language' as they called it.
"I bet you twenty dollars you won't tell the lunch lady this tastes like fucking shit." Nick spoke, playing around the food with a fork, a grossed out expression on his face.
Vada immediately shook her head, laughing. "Absolutely not!" She could never agree to bets where it involved being rude to someones face, let alone rude to someone in general, she had a filter, unlike Nick; who didn't care if he was hurting someone or not.
Nick smirked, now curiously looking around the cafeteria. A look on his face that only Vada could understand, he was looking for something to make a bet on.
"Okay fine, I bet you fifty dollars.." He started, the big amount of money immediately capturing Vadas attention. "That you won't ask out little Y/n right there."
Nick pointed behind Vada with his fork, an evil smirk placed on his face. She slowly turned to see where his plastic cutlery was pointing. And there you were, sitting all alone at the table a few feet away from them, headphones placed on your head. She could feel her eyes softened as she watched you. Your curious eyes scanning through the pages of the book you were reading.
There was nothing wrong with what you were doing, but in high school, people that sit alone are weird. Vada knew that's why Nick chose you out of all people he could've picked.
People around school used to talk about you, how you were too quiet for your own good, how nobody had heard you speak ever since you were asked to introduce yourself the first day of school, or how some people had forgot you were in their class.
Vada didn't understand quiet people. Growing up, loud was the first word people used to describe her. Her mouth always seemed to be this ocean of words that never seemed to run out. She had never experienced being anything else than talkative, so she would never be able to understand how people didn't like to talk.
She bit her lip as she watched you, actually considering taking the bet. Nick saw her hesitating, "You don't have to stay with her forever, just for like a week or two."
Vada thought hard. She did have to step up her game, Nick had done everything. Every single bet she gave him, and she was starting to grow poor because of it. He had done everything from telling Amelia her outfit looked horrendous, to telling Mrs Cavell that the dinner tasted like vomit.
It was only a week right? Couldn't hurt.
Vada turned back to Nick with a smirk on her face, taking out her hand for him to shake.
Vadas stomach was filled with nerves the next day, but she couldn't figure out why; it was just a bet, nothing of it was real feelings, and she had to do it, she couldn't risk loosing fifty bucks.
Nick had been teasing her since first period, telling her what a cute couple you guys would be. Which was making Vada feel uncertain, if she should do it or not.
When the time arrived at lunch Nick had already ran off to his 'second option friends' as he called them, leaving Vada all alone to approach you. You sat alone again; to no surprise, Nick had told her that you always did.
With no hesitation in her bones, she walked up to your table, standing in front of you; waiting for you to look up. And eventually you did, your eyes filled with curiosity scanned her figure, making Vada shift her weight from one leg to another, almost feeling judged.
"Do you want me to move? I can go to another table." You spoke rapidly, making Vadas gaze soften, did people really only walk up to you to say that they wanted your table?
Vada shook her head, hesitating before sitting down in front of you. "I'm here to talk to you."
You watched her carefully, as if what she was about so say would be something rude or humiliating.
You had history class with Vada, so you knew she was a very talkative individual, that's why you were so surprised when it looked like she didn't know what to say.
"I just..I–.. I've liked you for quite some time now, and I wanted to...ask you out." She spoke, stuttering and pausing way too much. "On a date." Vada ended, looking up at your shocked face.
Your mouth almost hung open, there was no way this was true. Vada Cavell asking you out on a date?
You couldn't believe it. A part of you was telling yourself that it was probably just a joke, that she was doing this for a laugh with her friends. But the other part of you couldn't help but let a smile creep up on your face.
You had always fancied the girl, but you didn't go anywhere with it since you were known for being too awkward around people, let alone somebody you liked. This could end in many ways, you knew that. Yet there was no hesitation in you when you answered the girl who was sitting in front of you.
"Yeah..Yeah sure." You nodded, "What are you thinking?"
Now that you asked that question, Vada didn't know what to answer. She hadn't thought this through at all. She had approached you without even giving a second thought to what she was about to do.
Vada had half a mind to just walk away and give Nick the fifty bucks. But looking into your eyes; that was filled with expectations and surprise, she decided to give in.
"How did it go?" Nick eagerly asked as the pair walked into the school building.
Vada rolled her eyes almost immediately as the question left the boy's mouth. "Fine." She answered simply while trying to flicker the lock to the right code for her locker.
Nick sighed, muttering something Vada couldn't make out. "I need to know details! Don't give me the cold shoulder, it's not my fault you accepted the bet." He ranted, faint frustration lacing his voice.
A sigh escaped from Vada's lips. "It went fine. She's actually really nice."
That was true. You were in fact really nice. You weren't much of a talker, that's why Vada held most of the conversations, which wasn't hard. You were a great listener, Vada went on and on about stuff you probably didn't care about for one bit, but Vada still felt like she was being heard.
Nick let out a snort at that, making Vada shoot him a glare. "Yeah? Because she was quiet the whole time?"
When Vada didn't answer, instead beginning to pick out books from her locker, Nick quietly apologized, realized he might've overstepped. But when she closed it and began walking to class, he caught up and continued.
"Soo.. did you kiss her yet?"
That made Vada spurt to a halt, her shoes making a squeak sound on the tile floor.
"What?" She looked up at him, confusion painted all over her face. "That was not a part of the bet."
Nick just smiled dumbfounded at her. "I know." He started walking again, happy to have brought at least some form of reaction out of the girl. "But I might add another fifty bucks if you do."
Vada walked rapidly to try and keep up with him. Kiss you? Why would she ever do that. Besides, he couldn't just change up the bet after it had already been made. That made no sense.
Although Vada knew that just a few hours back you and her were seconds away from locking lips, the interruption being Mrs Cavell bursting through the door unexpectedly. Which of course made you and Vada jump away from each other.
She didn't know why she thought it would be a good idea to kiss you. It was just in the moment. She didn't like you like that, she just thought there was a bigger chance for you to believe the whole 'feelings' thing if she did.
The date had begun with a dinner at some cheap, yet pretty decent restaurant, later on Vada took you back to her house thinking nobody else would be home; unfortunately she was wrong, but you didn't care. You had given Vada a bunch of compliments about how heartwarming and kind her family seemed, but Vada had just brushed it off.
"Yeah? And how would you know if I kissed her or not?" Vada questioned, her attention shifted towards the present moment.
Nick shrugged, "I don't know, set up a camera or something."
The statement made Vada grimace, but she didn't get enough time to answer him since he had already disappeared into his classroom, leaving Vada alone in the hall. Along with all the other students rushing around, trying to make it to their classes.
Lots of voices could be heard, every single one of them blending into each other so the words were all inaudible. Vada didn't give it any thoughts until she heard her voice being called.
She couldn't hear who it was over all the other voices, but when she turned around and saw that the person calling for her was you, she felt a small smile arriving at her lips.
"Y/n! Hi." Vada smiled at you, eyes flickering to your hands, who seemed to be fiddling with each other.
"So I was wondering.." Your soft voice spoke, "I really enjoyed our date last night, and I was wondering if you'd like to do it again?" You struggled to hold eye contact with her, eyes darting between the floor and Vada's eyes.
Vada bit her lip, thinking hardly. She was starting to feel bad. Did you actually think that the date was a serious thing? Did you actually think that she liked you?
She noticed that the small smile on your face was wiped off quickly, precisely because Vada didn't answer straight away, like you thought she would.
Vada opened her mouth to say that she was busy, but nothing came out. She felt bad. Your big doe eyes that were now filled of insecurity was staring into hers. She couldn't say no, not when you looked crushed at the fact that she hesitated at first.
You let out a sigh of relief when you received a nod from her. "Yeah, yeah absolutely." Vada tried to act as if she wasn't hesitating just seconds before.
"But we're going to your house this time right?" She asked before you had the opportunity to leave.
Now it was your turn to hesitate, but before you knew it your mouth had moved by itself, saying the exact opposite of what you were planning on. "Of course." You nodded.
"Tomorrow? We can walk there after school?" Vada questioned.
You tried to keep the confident look on your face, but it was hard. "Yeah.. Sure." You answered hesitantly.
Vada gave you a small nod and an awkward smile before turning on her heel, walking to class.
You silently cursed to yourself when she was out of your sight. Why didn't you just say no? There were thousands of other places you could've suggested.
You knew something like this would happen. You would either overshare something or say yes to something without thinking first.
You didn't have any friends, hadn't had for a long time either. So your social life wasn't very active, considering you barely talked to your parents at home.
When people don't have much social interaction, they might tend to overshare or be more talkative when meeting someone new, you were a great example of that. And you had learned that the hard way.
People left you all the time, hence to why you stopped making any kind of effort to engage with other people. Known as the reason for why people called you weird. But that's what high schoolers did, picked out people that weren't extroverted or social butterflies and recalled them as weird, starting all kinds of rumors in between.
You couldn't take her to your home. She would leave if she saw it.
'Tomorrow' felt sooner than expected.
By the time you walked out of your sixth and final period, when you saw Vada standing next to your locker; waiting for your classes to finish, you had already forgot the date you guys had planned. Being too busy the night before to clean up the mess your step father had made.
Vada looked as if she was debating something in her mind when you approached her, you obviously didn’t ask why, mainly because her expression quickly changed to a small smile when she saw you arriving.
You smiled back, feeling like this was your chance to change your destination to somewhere else. "Hey uhm, don't you think we should go somewhere else instead?" You started, watching as Vada furrowed her eyebrows.
"I just felt like my house won't be super 'romantic' or like..suitable for a date or whatever you want to call it." You rambled, feeling judged under Vada's expression.
Vada just chuckled when you finished talking. "I don't care if it's romantic at all." Because I don't like you the way you’re thinking, she wanted to continue. But of course she couldn't do that.
"We'll just a watch a movie on your laptop or something. You do have a computer right?" She checked.
You nodded unsurely. You weren't good at debating or arguing with people, so unfortunately you just gave in. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Maybe Vada would be different than all the other people.
The walk to your house went rather smoothly, Vada did the talking - as usual. This time you didn't ask any questions about what she was talking about, mainly because the nerves were getting to you, but also because you didn't listen to all of it; trying to figure out different scenarios on how it all might go down.
"Well. This is me." You spoke almost shakily, voice cracking with nerves. Vada didn't seem to notice, just inspecting the house from the outside.
Vada looked around for a moment, inspecting the other houses in the neighborhood. The house you were standing in front of looked rather neglected compared to the other ones. While every garden looked like it was taken care of neatly, yours looked like the grass hadn't been mowed for months.
The house was painted white on the brick walls, but tons of it had been peeled or flaked off; revealing the actual color of the stones.
Your gaze was set down to your shoes, not wanting to see Vada judging the shabby house.
"Are you sure you don't want to go somewhere else?" You bit your lip, asking the question while staring down at your feet on the asphalt. You could see Vada's head turn to you in the corner of your eyes, a small smile placed on her face.
Vada could see that you were ashamed, ashamed over the fact that your house probably looked like a junkyard compared to what she had expected.
A part of her wanted to agree with you and go somewhere else, but she also didn't want you to be ashamed. Hence to why she shook her head.
"I'm sure." She replied softly, mentally slapping herself before she took your hand in hers, clasping your fingers. She had to make everything believable.
An electric surge ran through your veins as your skin touched. A form of bravery entering your body, making you take a deep breath before pulling you behind her up the faint path towards the stairs.
When the door opened, a cloud of cigarette smoke exploded in your face, nothing you weren't used to, but Vada on the other hand tried to contain her coughs by swallowing thickly.
Loud shattering from the TV was echoing in the house, which made Vada immediately turn her head towards where the couch was placed.
She could only make out the 'big' man on the couch, dressed in a man beater shirt, beer bottles covering the whole coffee table in front of the piece of furniture.
You tried to walk carefully, hoping he wouldn't hear you over the loud volume on the television. But the creaking of the floor failed you as it made the man on the couch turn his head faintly, not entirely, so he couldn't see Vada; who had now carefully walked further away, basically hiding behind you.
"Is that you Y/n?" His dark and raspy voice almost yelled, making you flinch. His voice sounded as if he hadn't spoken to anyone for a week, having to clear his throat while speaking.
You nodded, but realizing he couldn't see you made you speak up. "Yes.. It's me and a friend." Your voice sounded confident, which surprised Vada, because you surely didn't look so confident.
The word 'friend' made the man turn around fully. His angry gaze scanning Vada's body, making her feel judged in less than a second, feeling herself shrink.
"Sluts like you has friends?" He asked, almost laughing while speaking.
Your expression didn't change much. Although Vada could see the sadness and fear that appeared in your eyes.
You just nodded as a response, not wanting to talk any further; afraid that your voice would fail you.
Vada didn't say anything, she figured that the man didn't want her to introduce herself at all, so she didn't.
When the man kept on chuckling to himself and had returned his attention to the TV, you took the chance to pull Vada in the direction to your room.
"Was that your dad?" Vada asked as you closed the door to your room, carefully looking around.
It looked just like she thought it would, if she had to guess based on your looks and personality.
You had a bookshelf that was filled with books of all kinds, novels, thrillers, romance, you name it, everything was there. Your walls were covered with photographs that looked like they were self taken. You had a few plants placed on different surfaces, even a guitar leaning against a corner of the rooms.
"Step dad." You corrected, putting your hands in the back pockets of your pants. Carefully watching her face expressions as she inspected your room.
"He's a drunk with a short temper.. So.. I'm sorry if he scared you." You carefully spoke, not wanting for Vada to feel scared.
Vada quickly shook her head, her eyes catching your laptop on your bedside table. "Now.." she grabbed the computer with one hand, looking up at you with a smile, trying her hardest to lighten the mood.
"Are we doing this or what?"
Vada had done it. She had kissed you. On the lips.
It wouldn't have been a problem when she knew it was just a bet. It would have been fine if she didn't feel butterflies in her stomach when your lips touched hers. Everything would've been fine if she didn’t develop feelings for you.
She didn't know how she was supposed to tell Nick. Obviously she didn't have to, but her ocean of words would eventually expose her when she least expected it.
She had been trying to give Nick hints about it for the whole day, but he just laughed it off; assuming it was jokes about how she felt. Which made Vada feel irritated, it’s not like it’s impossible to catch feelings.
Vada had never excepted to grow fond of a quiet person like you. But you just made it impossible.
You were the greatest listener Vada ever came across. Most of the times when she talked or rambles to Nick, her family or basically anyone, she felt ignored half of the time, like they never payed attention to what she was saying.
But you did. You listened all the time. She didn't have to repeat the things she said or ask if you were listening. You were always nodding when she spoke, always smiling at her, nodding when she needed confirmation.
You didn't have much space to talk, but when you did, Vada felt like she could listen to it for hours.
You were pretty. Every single one of your features was something that Vada admired. She couldn't help it.
She hadn't realized the feelings she had for you until she had kissed you. Which almost made her regret doing it in the first place.
Two days had passed after the kiss, and another date had been planned to happen. Vada laid on her bed, hair sprawling everywhere, phone in her hand directed to her face with Nick on the other line.
"You went to her house?" Nick spoke, sounding satisfied and confused at the same time. A huge grin was placed on his face, making Vada realize he was going to tease her about this too.
Vada just nodded, scrunching her nose in false disgust; trying to play along with the whole 'you're super weird' thing.
"What was it like? Was her parents all quiet as well?" He kept going, almost making Vada annoyed. Before, his snarky comments about the different kinds of preconceptions he had about people didn't seem to annoy Vada at all, in fact she used to add things to them.
But the prejudices he had about you and your family made her frustrated. It made her think of the sadness and fear in your eyes the whole time you were in your own house, the way your hands almost shook when you had walked her to the door.
"It was fine." She answered simply, not wanting to hear him bash you or your family any further.
Nick seemed to notice that since he didn't ask more about it. But he still had questions, like he always did. About everything.
"When are you going to tell her it's just a bet?" He smiled, clearly enjoying the 'torment' he thought he was putting his friend through.
Vada shifted in her laying position, sitting up. A frown on her face as she spoke. "I don't know yet."
And that was true. Vada had no idea when she was going to tell you. The feelings she realized existed didn't help either. How was she supposed to tell you that the dates were fake? That she didn't actually like you.
"There's only a few days left of the week." The boy continued, putting even more pressure on her. Vada didn't feel the need to answer. She knew well enough that the week was coming to an end.
"She's supposed to come over in a few minutes so I got to go." She said, hinting to the guy on the phone that she didn't want engage in a further conversation with him about the subject.
Nick just laughed; something he seemed to do every moment Vada said something about you.
"Alright bye love bird. Make sure to kiss her today then." Nick waved at the screen, a proud smile painting his face. "I mean, if you want those hundred bucks."
Vada almost blushed at the words. The thoughts of the night not too long ago when your lips met filling her mind.
She hung up before Nick got the chance to see the tint of red that was starting to appear on her face; knowing how much he'd tease her about it if he had seen it.
When Nick's voice could no longer be heard in the room, she dragged both her hands down her face, sighing deeply out of relief. But it was quickly filled with tension again as she turned to check the watch on her bedside table.
You should've been here already.
Her eyes widened as she thought of the worst thing possible.
What if her mom had opened the door and let you in? That would be the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to her. It was embarrassing enough that she had greeted you at the worst time possible the first time you came over; the first time you guys almost kissed.
Vada wasn't embarrassed of her mom, the opposite actually. But the problem was that Mrs Cavell always seemed to find the absolute worst moments to appear in. Always.
"Mom!" Vada shouted out, rapidly climbing out of her bed, almost stumbling on her own feet while landing.
"Mom, If someone knocks on the door it's for-" Vada began to yell again, opening the door to her room; that she had shut with force when Nick had called.
But she harshly interrupted herself when she saw who was standing in front of her.
You stood there. With a bouquet of roses in your left hand, your knuckles white from holding them for too long.
Your expression was unreadable, but Vada could see sadness in your eyes. And she couldn't figure out why. Then it hit her.
"H-how long have you been standing here?" She questioned, praying to all gods above that what she thought had happened, wasn't true.
"It was a bet?" Your voice sounded hollow, trails of shaking could also be heard. Your bottom lip trapped between your teeth.
Vada began to panic. You had heard her. She didn't have a single clue on what she was going to answer. It was a bet before. But Vada was feeling like it wasn't now. That's why she had no idea what was about to come out of her mouth.
"No! I-I mean yes.. but no! It was but I'm starting to really feel like-" Vada rambled, her hands being all over the place as she spoke, trying to speak with her hands, but it didn't help since you interrupted her before she got the chance to finish.
"It's fine..Vada." You said softly. No anger in your voice at all. You shifted your weight from one leg to another before hesitantly moving the bouquet of roses towards the petite brunette, almost shoving it into her chest by the time it reached her figure, which resulted in her slowly taking them into her hands. She looked at the roses with a sad gaze, before she shifted her eyes up to you.
"I'm gonna go." You stated simply. Turning your body half way before making eye contact with Vada again. "I really liked you, Vada." You said, then you rapidly walked away down the hall.
"Y/n. I-" Vada tried, she wanted to chase after you, tell you about the whole situation. Even though the story she would tell you wouldn't be great either, she still wanted you to know how she felt; what she was about to say before you interrupted her with your soft voice that Vada adored. But nothing more came out. Her feet were glued to the floor, making her unable to move.
The last thing she heard was the door shutting. Making Vada grown loudly, cursing to herself at the fact that she allowed this to happen to begin with. She was the one that took this bet. It was all her fault. Maybe a little bit Nicks for making it, but still.
You didn't come to school the next day. As expected.
Nick had been asking Vada about the 'date' all throughout first and second period, not knowing that the date didn't happen, it didn't even get a chance to start before it was utterly and completely ruined.
She left the questions unanswered, not feeling the need to share the situation with him.
Vada also didn't feel like telling Nick she had kissed you. She didn't care if that meant she didn't get the added fifty bucks, she had gotten your trust instead of that. And then she ruined it.
She did get fifty bucks from Nick for 'completing the task' as he said it.
But she caused shattered a heart for it.
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v1rtualsalvat10n · 2 months ago
𓆩♡𓆪 for the first time
― luigi thinks of you in his cell. that's it that's the fic.
notes :: thank you for all the support to show my appreciation i would like to throw a rusty screwdriver into your hearts i love u guys!!
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The thing they don't tell you about prison is that it's really cold.
No, seriously. It's really fucking cold, even here in NYC where it's already cold to begin with - it's like you're in the back of a deep freezer in a shitty jumpsuit, because you kind of are. It's cold enough that I have to curl up into a ball on my "bed", knees to my chest in order to try and stay warm.
And because I have nothing to do, I find myself staring at the white, emotionless wall, and doing that sort of thing is kind of a surefire way to get your mind to wander. One of the tried and true methods, if you will.
It's lonely here. Sure, the inmates like me, they're nice, but I mean... I'm not really in the mood to socialize with anyone. This whole ordeal has sucked the energy out of me. I've been being thrown around the country for days, ever since they found me.
I don't even want to think about what's happening outside of this place, either. I'm sure people have lots of thoughts and things to say about what I did.
I wonder if she saw it.
The news, I mean. Of course she saw it, who didn't? I bet her and all my old classmates and friends are probably talking about it, about me, what I'd done - right now. Trying to pick apart my motive, maybe grieving about the life I'd thrown away. Guess I had a lot ahead of me.
Can't help but wonder what she's thinking. I wonder if she's disappointed in me. Or maybe proud. Why am I thinking so much about what she thinks of me? It was one fling, from ages ago, I can't even remember when... at one of countless parties, and yet I still see how she looked underneath me so clearly.
It wasn't really just a fling. I talked to her about it - about how the system was falling apart (if it was ever together to begin with) and I felt the need to put all this privilege I'd been granted to good use. How I felt like I had to do something. She told me about herself, too, how she'd been fucked over time and time again and how she knew countless others who felt the same way.
Actually, yeah, we spent a lot of time together, thinking back on it. She'd come over on those cold winter nights I remember so fondly and we'd keep warm together, whatever way we could find. She was kind of... below me, I guess. Lower class. Not that I cared that much, though. Didn't make her any less of a lover.
And then I went radio silent. Then I figured out exactly what that thing I had to do was, and I put all my effort towards it. I didn't have time for love anymore. I had to take the chance I'd been given and fix things.
So I started leaving her on seen, stopped answering my door, even when she'd yell that she knew I was there, stopped showing up at the places I'd loved before, I stopped everything. Dropped off the map and left nothing but a ghost in my place.
She probably hates me.
I'd like to think that maybe this brings her solace... that maybe the idea that "it wasn't because you did something wrong" made her feel better, but I doubt it does.
When I get out of here, if I even do, she'll probably have forgotten all about me, because everybody forgets. I'll be old news by the time that day comes, and everything we did, everything we wanted to do - would just be a hazy memory.
I still remember seeing her for the first time. I remember the way her eyes pierced through my soul, and I remember how it made me feel inside.
I wonder if she remembers that too.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year ago
Tim and stpeh’s top ten patrol fails
——— (10) ———
Tim and Steph: *chained together*
Two-Face: *monologues*
Tim: *picks the lock*
Steph, whispering: Free me first.
Tim: Why?
Steph: Just do it.
Tim: *frees her*
Steph: *sprints past Two-Face to the bathroom*
——— (9) ———
Steph: I'm closing in on the museum. Where are you?
Tim: ETA one minute.
Steph: Alright, I'm doing a quick perimeter check. Doesn't seem like there's much happening here.
Tim: Where are you? I don't see you. And this entire gallery looks deserted.
Steph: I've never heard anyone call a science museum a gallery.
Tim: Science? I'm at the modern art museum.
Steph: Red?
Tim: Yeah?
Steph: We're both at the wrong place, aren't we?
——— (8) ———
Tim and Steph: *tied to chairs*
Ivy: I gave the city ONE REASONABLE DEMAND and they—
Steph: *scoots her chair*
Ivy: —but all they cared about was—
Steph: *scoots her chair*
Ivy: So now I'm going to make them pay for—what are you doing?
Steph, biting an apple: ...
Tim: She gets snacky.
——— (7) ———
[on a stakeout]
Tim, stifling a yawn: What time is it?
Steph: Half past one. Still nothing on the drop site. If you need some shut eye you can tell me.
Tim: Nah, I'll just use my phone.
Steph: *peers over his shoulder*
Steph: You're reading an adopted by Batman AU?
Tim: ...I was hacked. Just right now.
——— (6) ———
Steph: I could use a little backup.
Tim, shooting his grapple: I'm on my way. How many are there?
Steph: Four, though I bet more are hiding.
Tim: In that case, we better get you out of there instead of wasting time.
Tim: *swings by*
Tim: Grab on.
Steph: *grabs his legs and pulls his pants down*
——— (5) ———
Tim: What should I call my next contingency plan?
Steph: Fuck if I know.
Barbara: Alright, Tim, let's review your plan for...
Barbara: *squints*
Barbara: Everybody leave. I want to talk to Tim alone.
——— (4) ———
Tim: I'm not so sure about my disguise.
Steph, dressed like the 1980s: It's an 80s-themed roller derby. No way you can mess that up.
Tim: *shows up dressed like the 1880s*
Steph: I stand corrected.
——— (3) ———
Steph: You need to put that computer down. Have a Batburger.
Tim: No. I've almost got it. And don't try to distract me 'cause I've seen everything.
Steph, whispering under her breath: You haven't seen Superboy.
Kon: You called?
Tim: Oh for crying out loud.
——— (2) ———
Tim: *driving the Batmobile*
Steph: Hey, what does this button do?
Steph: *hits the button*
Tim: *gets ejected*
——— (1) ———
Steph: Another successful patrol, if I say so myself.
Tim: All in a night's work.
Bruce: Where's Damian?
Tim: Huh?
Bruce: You were supposed to watch him.
Steph: Pfft, we knew that. He's right... uh...
Tim: We're just gonna—
Tim and Steph: *hop in the car and speed away*
——— (Honorable mention) ———
Steph: No sign of Robin at the dog shelter either. Did you locate his tracker?
Tim: It's offline. Best case scenario he just disabled it, but...
Steph: Oh God, we are in so much trouble.
Tim: Any other ideas?
Steph: Nope. I'm gonna get a drink of water real quick.
Steph: *goes into a store*
Steph: *comes back out with Damian*
Steph: Guess who I found trying to buy a butterfly knife?
Tim: I'll update Batman.
Tim, on the phone: Hey B, guess what?
Damian: *snatches the phone*
Damian: They abandoned me in Crime Alley!
Bruce: Red Robin, Spoiler, you're cleaning the lockers when you get back.
Tim: No wait—
Damian: *hangs up*
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hughes86-43 · 1 year ago
You coming in from a late night at work to find Quinn hughes asleep on the couch, as he was trying to wait up for you
Waiting Up | Q. Hughes
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warnings - none!
love this idea, thanks for requesting!
You just walked in through front doors of yours and Quinn’s apartment when you spotted him on the couch. He was underneath one of your big, cozy blankets fast asleep, and the tv was on in the background filling the silence. He must’ve been waiting up on you to get home.
Usually you’re the one waiting up on him to get home from either practice or games that you couldn’t make it to. Today, however, you had to stay over a bit at work at your marketing job since you have a big proposal coming at the end of the week and had paperwork piled up.
Not wanting to wake Quinn up just yet, you walk into your guys’ shared bedroom to change out of your work clothes and into comfy pajamas and throwing one of Quinn’s hoodies over it. After that, you make your way into the shared bathroom to wash your face to get rid of your makeup from the day.
Walking back into the living room, you take another moment to look at your gorgeous boyfriend who is still sleeping peacefully. Deciding now is a good time to wake him up as you were getting hungry for dinner, you walk over to him and bend down so you’re eye level with him. You lay your hand on his cheek, rubbing circles with your thumb over it. “Quinn baby, I’m home.”
Upon hearing your voice and feeling your touch, he opens his eyes. With a faint smile he says, “Hi baby, I tried waiting up on you but I guess I fell asleep, so happy to see you.”
“I’m happy to see you too, now scoot over, I wanna lay down under the covers too!” Quinn laughs but waits not a second more to pull you under the covers with him. He just got back into town yesterday from a roadie, so he has missed you so much, and you have equally missed him the same amount. You were upset that you had to work late, but now you have time to enjoy moments with your sweet boyfriend.
“How was work anyway? I know you said it was a bit stressful, but did it let up any today?” He say while intertwining your hands together.
“It was better today than it has been, but what can you do when you have a major proposal coming up. During our lunch break though, we all went to that taco place in town that has those birria tacos that you like, and now I have my coworkers obsessed with them,” You say with a smile on your face.
“Hey! Those tacos are the best, everybody needs to know about those!”
“You’re right,” you say laughing. “I’m glad you’re home, it makes coming home from work better.”
“I’m glad I’m home too, just hate that I was asleep when you walked through the door.” As if you could get any closer to him, he pulls you back into him and wraps his arms around you even more.
“It’s okay, I got to admire your lovely face for a bit when I walked in. Also, please never shave because the beard is looking so good.” You say shyly.
“Oh, yeah? I guess I could grow it out a bit, for you anyway,” He says with a wink, and then he starts tickling your sides and that causes you to start laughing. He could listen to your laugh forever.
“Okay stop! I take it back! If you’re going to tickle me, then I don’t need the beard anymore!”
“Hmmm I bet. I’ll let you rethink that decision,” he says pulling back from tickling you and now just admiring your face that is now slightly pink from laughing so hard.
“Okay, never mind, I love the beard too much for you to get rid of it!” Then you pull him into a kiss, instantly melting under him.
Suddenly needing air, you two pull apart. Now remembering why you needed to wake him up, you say, “I’m hungry, what do you want to eat? I’m down for anything that you are, just not tacos!”
“Hmmm, I think I want some macaroni and cheese honestly. I haven’t had it in a while, and you make the best out there. If you get all the ingredients together, I’ll help you make it.” He says, rubbing his hands up and down your leg that has made it out from under the covers.
“Sounds perfect Quinny! Now let’s go eat before I starve!” Sadly you leave the warmth from him and from being under the blanket and make your way to the kitchen to get the ingredients.
As soon as you make it into the kitchen, Quinn grabs your hand and pulls you back into him. “I just wanted to say that I love you so much.”
Giving him a big smile, you pull him into a deep hug, “I love you so much too.” In that moment, you know you’ll always have someone to go home to, even when he is away for games, he will always be your home.
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obeymeshallwedateaddict · 7 months ago
Beach day and 7 kisses
Imagine a day at the beach with your favourite 7 brothers. Are things going to get wild? Or is it going to be calm? Find out!
Summary: You and the brothers go on vacation to the beach. There you share a passionate kiss with each of them separately.
Authors note: This is a group story so I highly recommend you read it from beginning to end for a better experience and understanding the flow of the story.
Contains: Fluff
GN!MC x each of the brothers.
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
It was a hot morning in the Devildom. Some of the brothers seemed grumpy about the high temperatures while others completely ignored it. All eight of you were sitting in the living room, everybody doing their own thing when suddenly Lucifer got a call. He sighed, closed his book and picked up the phone to answer.
-Yes, Diavolo? How may I help you? –Everybody turned their heads towards the eldest as he spoke.
-Yes.. yes.. it certainly is a warm day outside.. yes.. hm? Are you sure? Mhm. Alright then. We will be right there. Thanks on the behalf of the whole family. –Lucifer hung up the phone and looked towards all of you. Everyone had their gazes locked on the black-haired demon, waiting for what he had to say in utter anticipation. That's when he spoke.
-Diavolo arranged for us a day at his private beach so we could go through the high temperatures of today. We are going on vacation. –As the eldest said his final words everybody was already on their feet in excitement. All six rushed to their rooms to pack their stuff and so did you.
After a few hours you find yourself at Diavolo's private beach. It's surprisingly sunny and warm here. There is a relaxing atmosphere around the place and complete silence. Well.. the silence was ruined by the excited demon brothers who were already running towards the water wearing only their swimming trunks. Only one was missing.. The eldest. You turn to look towards the changing rooms and see Lucifer in a full body bathing suit walking out of them. You were disappointed at the sight. You expected to see him bare-chested for once and for all but that idea was shut down from the eldest's attempts to hide his body. You roll your eyes and run over to the water.
-Yo, MC! What took ya so long? Come on! We are having a race! –Mammon yelled and reached to pull you into the water. You stumbled upon your feet but made it into the water nonetheless.
-Sooo first to race would beeeee Satan and Levi! –Asmo shouted and clapped his hands. Leviathan looked around, looking anxious and stopped his gaze at the fifth-born.
-Why me?? Can't you go, Asmo? –He muttered and sighed.
-I don't make the rules, Levi! Come on! Don't be so grumpy!
-Ughh. Asmodeus I told you to leave me for a bit. The sunlight is burning my eyes. I have to get used to it! –Satan hissed at the fifth-born.
-Satan, don't make excuses. Now! Let's start! Three, set, GO! –Asmo screamed and cheered on the two demons who proceeded to race into the sea.
-i'm betting on Levi. He's good with that type of stuff. –Mammon murmurs and screams when he feels his older brother's hand on his shoulder.
-Yo, Lucifer! What's the big idea??!? –The first-born laughs at Mammon's whining and shakes his head.
-Hm. I believe Satan might do better. Levi is always holed up in his room and rarely has time for swimming. He might be out of practice. –And of course the Avatar of Pride was right when the two came back, with Satan swimming ahead of Leviathan.
-Guys! Me and Belphie are playing beach volleyball! Come on! –Everybody turns their gaze towards the twins. Beel was holding a volleyball while Belphie was standing next to him with the biggest smirk on his face.
-What do I get outta it? –Mammon shoots a questioning gaze very at the two demons.
-There will be a special reward for the winning team. Now come on! We need more people! –Belphie shouts and Mammon runs at full speed towards the two. Asmo and Satan followed. As well as Leviathan who was dragged by the arm by the fourth-born. You head towards the sand as well but you are quickly pulled back flush against someone's chest. Lucifer's. He leans down to your ear and whispers.
-Are you having fun, MC? –He whispers into your ear and you nod.
-Yeah, I can't wait to play volleyball with you guys! I'm sure I'll win!
–Lucifer chuckles at your confidence and turns you around to look at him.
-I'm glad, MC.. –He grasps your chin and leans in to press a loving kiss against your lips. Though soon enough the peace is ruined by the second-born screaming at both you and Lucifer.
-YOOO, Lucifeeerrr!!! No getting lovely-dovely with MC! And come 'ere. The game's startin'! –Lucifer groans softly as he hears the screams of Mammon. He pulls away and looks into your eyes.
-We better go, MC. We will finish this later when there is no-one around to bother us. Come to my room after this. –You nod and head over to the beach. Before being stopped by the eldest once again.
-Oh and, MC. You look stunning in that swimsuit. –You smile, trying to hide the soft blush at your cheeks.
-You'd also look better with that diving suit off. Just so you know. –You say and run over to the beach, hearing Lucifer' chuckle from afar. Though he quickly caught up with you, delivering a teasing smack to your bottom when he reached you.
-You'll get to see me with the diving suit off later tonight. I assure you. –He murmurs and you feel your cheeks heat up. Both at his words and his actions before them.
You decided to go to Mammon's team and well you were losing. Along with you and the team were also Belphie and Asmo. The youngest was half asleep and he missed a few hits because of it while the fifth-born was admiring his nails, which also earned a few misses. Mammon was pissed.
-Yo! You two! Come on! We're losin' over here! And it's because the two of you ain't doin' anything! –Mammon yells, loud enough to wake the Avatar of Sloth from his slumber.
-Mammon don't yell like that, you idiot. I was having a moment here! –Asmodeus screamed at Mammon.
You were laughing at the argument between the three when suddenly Mammon looks your way and yells once again.
-MC! Watch out! Satan's hit the ball and it's coming towards ya! –He quickly rushes over behind you after his words but you were too late. You didn't notice the ball and it fell down upon you, pushing you to the ground. Well maybe not the ground but on top of the second-born.
-MC! Don't fall on me like that! –He is quick to wrap his arms around you, sitting up in the sand.
-Are ya okay? Not hurt anywhere? –He asks and moves his gaze over at the fourth-born which has completely lost the colour in his cheeks upon hitting you with the ball.
-Satan, ya fucking bastard! I'm going to kill ya! –Mammon screams which angers the Avatar of Wrath.
-Mammon, calm down, I'm fine. –You said but the demon didn't seem to notice you. So you grabbed his face and pressed your lips against his.
-I'm fine! –You say after the quick peck on the demon's lips. Mammon looked too stunned to speak so you stood up and helped him on his feet as well.
After your team lost the game each of the four of you was assigned to pleasing one from the other team as their reward. They chose who would please who by drawing straws. You were assigned to the third-born, whose cheeks immediately changed colour when he heard that you'd be his for the time being. You took the demon's hand and led him away from the crowd.
If you were wondering about who the others were assigned to Mammon was assigned to Satan, Asmo was assigned to Lucifer (and was happy about it), and Belphie was assigned to Beel. (Lucky)
You led the third born to a nearby rock, which was hit by the waves. You sat on it and pulled Levi next to you. You smiled upon seeing the blush on his cheeks.
-Come on, Levi! Don't look like that! –You say and lean your head on his shoulder. He tensed up at the motion but quickly got used to it.
-You feel w-warm to the touch, MC... Just so you know... –He muttered and looked away. You smiled at his compliment, thinking it was adorable of him to say such a thing out loud. So you decide to tease him a little.
-You've become rather bold, speaking like that, tiger. –You chuckle at your own words, but witnessing the pinish shade at the demon's cheeks change into a shade of red was priceless.
-M-M-MC! D-don't c-call me t-that!! AUGHH. –He screams and you laugh.
-Awh, Levi. You look adorable at the moment. You know that? –Your statement makes him blush even more and you shake your head, trying not to giggle at the sight. You reach out and grab his chin, turning his head towards yours.
-You know what else is warm on my body? Let me show you. –You mutter before pressing your lips against those of the Avatar of Envy. He gasped at the action and you could swear that the heat from his cheeks was reflecting onto your skin as well. After the kiss the flustered demon looks over at you, hiding his cheeks.
-I...I'm pleased! Y-you can go now!!
Upon reaching the wild bunch along with Leviathan next to you, you can't help but laugh at the sight of Satan in his demon form (he was still in his swimsuit though his tail and horns were out) He was glaring at Mammon, who was on his knees before the fourth-born. He had a gloomy look on his face as he looked up at his younger brother. Lucifer on the other hand was sitting in the sand with the most sadistic smirk on his face, watching the scene as if he was watching the most interesting movie there is. Asmodeus was sitting next to him, painting his nails while the twins were eating shaved ice.
-IF YOU, A PIECE OF TRASHY, SCUMBAG, IDIOT EVER DARE THREATEN ME AGAIN YOU WILL DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. UNDERSTOOD? –Satan yelled down at his older brother, who had tears welling up in his eyes.
-S-satan! I'm sorry, Okay!! It was just that.. that.. you hit MC with the ball.. it was an instinct to protect them! –Mammon whines and grabs a fist full of sand, throwing it over at Lucifer who was shaking from laughter. When the eldest got covered in sand the smirk faded from his face and two pairs of black wings as well as two curled horns appeared from his back and head. He raised to his feet, walking over to Mammon and grabbing him forcefully by his ear, which made the Avatar of Greed yelp.
-I'll deal with him, Satan. Leave this idiot to me. –The Avatar of Pride hissed and dragged Mammon away from the bunch. Asmo was giggling over in his seat, trying not to mess up his nail drawing while the twins almost began choking from laughter.
Leviathan on the other hand was already sitting in the sand, playing on a console he had brought along with him. You walk over to Satan and put a hand to his shoulder.
-Satan, calm down. Mammon meant well.. –The demon scoffed and turned towards you, wrapping his tail around your waist, pulling you flush against him. He straddled your face with the palms of his hands and leaned in, pressing a forceful kiss to your lips. Your eyes widened, before you returned the unexpected kiss. When you finally pull apart the demon lowers his head and whispers into your ear
-MC, I'm sorry for hitting you with that ball earlier. Please forgive me.
After, hearing out Satan's apology he said that he wanted some time alone to think things over , before walking to that same rock you and Levi had occupied earlier. As you watched the fourth-born sit on the rock and change into his regular form, you walked over at Asmodeus and sat next to him.
-Hey, MC! Finally decided to spend some time with me did you? I mean.. I didn't think you would come to me after that heated kiss you and Satan shared but here you are. You are full of surprises. –The demon chuckles and finishes painting his nails. He admires them for a split second before looking over at you.
-MC what do you think about my nails? Are they giving a beachy vibe to you? –The fifth-born asks and looks down at his freshly done nails.
-Yup! They are so pretty! –You say and lean your head on the demon's shoulder. His body was warm against yours which made you close your eyes and take a deep breath in contentment.
-Oh? MC? Feeling rather tired are we? Hehe. No problem... You can lean there on my shoulder for as long as you wish. –Asmo chuckles and wraps an arm around your waist, resting his head onto yours.
-You know.. that kiss you and Satan shared earlier kind of turned me on.. just the image of irritated Satan, kissing you forcefully to get rid of his anger had me on fire! I swear! But.. I'm jelly, MC. You can't go kissing Satan like that and leaving me with nothing. Come on! It's my turn. Don't be shy~ –The demon mutters, before moving one hand to your cheek, bringing your lips to his own. The kiss was nothing like what you and Satan shared. This one was gentle and loving. After you finally pulled away the demon asked you to help him put sunscreen on his back and you agreed.
When you finished applying the sunscreen to Asmodeus' back you stood up and walked over to the twins. They were sitting on a bench near a shed from which they got their shaved ice. Belphegor was napping in Beelzebub's lap, while he was eating another portion of shaved ice.
-Oh MC! Come sit next to me there is some space. – Beel invites you after swallowing down a spoonful. A smile creeps on your face and you take a seat next to the demon, moving your gaze down to his twin brother, who is peacefully napping on Beel's lap.
-Belphie said he got tired from all the arguing between Mammon, Satan and Lucifer so he fell asleep on my lap. I don't want to wake him so I'll just continue eating the shaved ice. –Beel murmurs and looks over at you with a big smile on your face.
-Hey, MC? Do you want some of this? It's really good. It has this chocolate topping and it's making it soo yummy. You have to try it. Here. Open up. I'll feed it to you. –The demon says and grabs some of the shaved ice with his spoon, before bringing it to your lips. He had scooped up a lot and you didn't know if it'd fit in your mouth but you were determined to try. Upon opening your mouth, the demon gently pushed the spoon inside it, your lips quickly followed, wrapping around the spoon. You moan and the sweet taste of the chocolate along with the shaved ice. It was melting into your mouth, leaving a cold trace. It was perfect for the hot summer days. Beel chuckled after you swallowed to which you shot him with a questioning gaze.
-Beel, what's up? Is there something on my face? –You ask in confusion and the demon nods.
-You have some chocolate on your lips. –He mutters and you smirk upon getting an idea.
-Get it for me. –You speak and before you know it the sixth-born's lips are on yours, gently licking off the remaining chocolate from your lips.
-Mm.. it's delicious. –The demon moans.
-Me or the chocolate?
The sunset had already risen upon the sky when Belphegor awakened from his peaceful slumber and raised up from Beelzebub's lap. He yawned and looked over at you.
-Hi, MC.. Was I asleep for too long? –The youngest asked and you shook your head in response.
-It doesn't matter, Belphie. How'd you sleep? –You ask and smile down at the youngest brother.
-I slept well.. Beel's lap always makes for a great pillow. –He acknowledged and turned his gaze towards the sunset.
-MC? Do you want to watch the sunset alone with me? –The demon asks and a soft blush raises on your cheeks at his question. It just sounds so romantic.. watching the sunset with someone whom you're close I'm with. You smile and nod.
-Let's go. –When Belphie heard your words he reached for your hand before grabbing it and leading you away from the bench. You two reach the edge of the land and take a seat on the sand, waves hitting your feet. The demon wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him while gazing at the sunset. The problem was that you couldn't focus. You tried watching the sunset but the demon next to you kept distracting you with his presence the whole time. Soon enough you find yourself staring over at the demon instead of the sunset. Belphegor must have sensed that, because soon enough he turned his gaze towards yours.
-What's wrong, MC? Can't focus on the sunset? –He asks and you turn your head away in embarrassment.
-You are just too distracting! –Belphie chuckles to your words and moves your face back towards his, using his hand. He slowly brought his lips to yours in a loving kiss. The last few rays of sunshine hit you before the night took place but your lips kept moving against those of Belphegor.
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estellan0vella · 9 months ago
Robbery Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU Pt2
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You sit at the counter of the parlour, sketching random designs in your notebook while chatting with Gojo. Your best friend since high school, Gojo recently joined the shop as a piercer, and his cheerful banter has become a daily highlight.
"Hey, Y/N/N," Gojo says, leaning over to peek at your sketches. "That's some good stuff. Ever thought about doing the tattoos?"
You laugh, shaking your head. "Nah, I'm happy just doodling. Leave the ink to the pros."
Gojo grins, his bright blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "Maybe I'll just have to convince you one day."
Across the room, Sukuna is working on a client's back piece, his concentration intense and unwavering. His presence is commanding, even when he's completely focused on his work. Toji and Geto are busy with their own clients, exchanging jokes and stories as they ink intricate designs.
The door chimes as someone walks in, and you glance up out of habit. A man stands in the doorway, looking out of place and nervous. Your eyes narrow slightly as you take in the sight of the gun he's trying to hide under his jacket.
"Uh, everybody freeze!" he shouts, pulling the gun out and waving it around.
A tense silence falls over the room, but only for a moment. Then, to the man's surprise, laughter erupts from all of you.
"Wow, seriously?" Gojo says, rolling his eyes. "Compensating much?"
Toji smirks, not even pausing in his work. "Yeah, buddy, did you lose a bet or something? That thing's tiny."
"Is that a lighter in your pocket or are you happy to see us?" Sukuna taunts.
The man blinks, clearly not expecting this reaction. His face flushes with embarrassment and frustration, his grip on the gun tightening nervously.
Sukuna leans back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "I gotta say, if you're here to rob us, you could at least bring something more threatening. That little pea-shooter won't get you far."
Toji chuckles, glancing over at Geto who nods in agreement. "Seriously, man. Did you think we wouldn't notice you sneaking in here with that?"
You, still seated at the counter, can't help but join in. "And here I thought I'd seen everything in this shop. Turns out, we're now a comedy club."
Gojo, with his usual irreverence, adds fuel to the fire. "I mean, look at you. You look like a marshmallow"
"What does that even mean?" You ask with a giggle and Gojo shrugs.
The man’s face contorts with a mix of anger and humiliation. "Shut up!" he yells, waving the gun again. "I'm serious! I'll shoot!"
Toji raises an eyebrow, his tone still teasing. "Oh, are we doing threats now? How about this: put that thing away before someone gets hurt. Namely, your ego."
The man looks flustered, his grip on the gun tightening as he points it at you. "Shut up! I'm serious! Give me all your money!"
You roll your eyes, unable to contain your sarcasm. "Sweetheart, I have epilepsy. My brain doesn't work right on the best of days. A gun doesn't scare me. Just don't mess with my face or my tits, alright? They're my best features."
Sukuna leans back, eyes twinkling with mischief. "Can confirm. I'm extremely fond of them"
Geto nods solemnly. "Seriously, those are top-tier assets. We should put them in a museum."
Gojo nods solemnly as you laugh. "We'd have to hold a memorial service for the girls. It'd be tragic."
Toji finally looks up, his expression one of mock seriousness. "The worst crime you'd commit today would be damaging that rack."
Gojo grins wider. "We'd put ourselves in the line of fire to protect those honkers."
Sukuna gestures lazily towards you. "Hey babe," he says with a grin, "don't worry, I'll protect those masterpieces," nodding towards your chest. "Can't have this guy ruining what I get to enjoy every day."
Gojo nods sagely. "He's right, those are national treasures."
Toji nods in agreement. "Yeah, I'd cry real tears if something happened to those."
The man's face turns bright red, his hand shaking as he tries to regain control of the situation. "Shut up! Just give me the money!"
"Is it an innie?" Toji asks, feigning genuine curiosity. "You know, your... equipment?"
The robber's frustration grows as the room continues to be filled with laughter and teasing. He finally lowers the gun, looking completely defeated. "You guys are crazy," he mutters before turning and bolting out the door.
As soon as he's gone, the room erupts into even louder laughter. Sukuna sets down his tattoo machine and walks over to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Glad our national treasures are safe," he murmurs, planting a kiss on your temple and you snort.
Gojo is still chuckling, shaking his head. "That was priceless. Best robbery attempt ever."
Geto nods in agreement. "Yeah, we really should thank the guy for the entertainment."
Toji stretches, leaning back in his chair. "Who knew our biggest concern today would be protecting Y/N's tits?"
You grin, feeling the warmth of Sukuna's embrace. "Well, they're glad to still be here."
"We're all glad they're still here," Sukuna says with a grin. 
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The next day, you come into the parlour with a new sign you’ve created. It's bright and colourful, with bold letters that read, “No Guns Allowed. Seriously, We'll Laugh In Your Face.” Gojo takes a marker from you and neatly writes 'We will protect the honkers with our own bodies' making you laugh as you hand the sign to Sukuna who takes it from you, chuckling as he hangs it in the window for everyone to see.
Sukuna steps back to admire your work, a proud smile on his face. “Looks great, babe.”
Gojo, standing next to him, nods in approval. “Perfect. Now we just need someone dumb enough to test it.”
Toji and Geto walk in, glancing at the sign and chuckling. “I give it a week,” Toji says.
“Three days, tops,” Geto counters.
You all laugh, knowing that no matter what happens, you’ve got each other’s backs—and that’s more than enough to handle anything life throws at you.
The rest of the day goes by without a hitch. As you sketch, chat with Gojo, and watch Sukuna work, you feel a deep sense of contentment. Life may be unpredictable, but with this group of misfits, it’s never boring.
The bell above the door jingles, signalling a new customer. You glance up. “Welcome to the madhouse,” you say with a grin. “How can we help you today?”
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year ago
Goodnight, Princess
Yandere Dad's Best Friend - Santiago Garcia X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - For @romana-after-dark's Dead Dove December event!
Your dad's best friend accidentally discovers that you're a sex worker. He tries to let it go, but it eats away at him until things go way too far.
This fic was written in first person from Santiago's perspective. I know that's not normally something I do, but if you give it a chance I think you'll like it hehe <3
NSFW, non-con, dubious consent, rape, sex, unprotected sex, praise kink, masturbation, obsessive behavior, possessiveness, porn with some plot, smut, creampie, breeding kink if you squint, non-consensual somnophilia, intoxication, implied murder, dad's best friend, age gap, voyeurism, hidden cameras. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT (that means that what you see in the tags WILL be in the fic, don't act surprised when you get exactly what you were warned about.)
Word Count: 5.7k
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I should’ve put a stop to it the second I realized it was you on the other side of that wall.
Don’t ask me how I knew. A good guess? A hunch? Maybe I’d known you so long that I could tell, based on some deep ingrained instinct, exactly what your lips would feel like wrapped around my cock. You sucked on it like you knew what you were doing, like it wasn’t a challenge for you to take something so big in that pretty little mouth.
I recognized the sound of your moans almost right away. The hum of your voice when you started sucking my dick was the same sound you made at dinner the other night when you popped a spoonful of mashed potatoes in your mouth. Does your dad know you’re doing this? Do you care? Do you ever worry about what he might say if he finds out?
Don’t worry princess, I'll keep your secret. 
Our secret.
I bet you never thought I would find out about your slutty little side job. To be entirely honest, I didn’t think I’d find you working at a place like this. If you know me at all, and I know for a fact that you do, then you’d know I’m a lonely man. Years of serving in the military and the endless night terrors have made it difficult to find any sort of real relationship, so I’ve given up. That doesn’t mean I don’t still have needs, sweetheart.
Everybody jerks off, and I’m no exception. I don’t even know how many nights I’ve been in my room, cock in hand while I watch some crappy porno to get myself off. Every once in a while though, I like to treat myself to a little something more. Most people treat themselves to some kind of dessert, or a nice bottle of wine, but I like to treat myself to a night at Club BJ where all the dirty men go to get their rocks off.
I never thought I’d find you there.
Not a chance in hell did I think for even a second that you would be sucking random cocks on the other side of a gloryhole to earn a few extra bucks. You’re so good at it though, princess. How did you learn to swirl your tongue like that? Hm? Was it all the boys at college who taught you how to do that? Did they tell you what a pretty little girl you are while your lips were stretched around them?
They better have. They better have said thank you when they finished all over that beautiful face too.
I couldn’t speak to you. I couldn’t let you know it was me on the other side of that wall, so I hope the $200 tip I left you gets the point across. 
When I got home tonight, you were running through my mind like a fucking hamster on a wheel. I’m not sure what to do now, but I can’t shake how bad I want to go back to the club for another round. I’d pay thousands, probably even tens of thousands, just to have more…
But I can’t do that. Not to you, and not to your dad.
That was the first and only time I’m going to know what it’s like to feel you sucking my cock.
There’s no possible way for you to know what you do to me, well, for you to know that it was me on the other side of the hole that you were making feel so fucking good. I’m coming back again, despite promising I wouldn’t. I’ve been trying so hard to let it go, but I fucking can’t. You’re like a goddamn siren luring me back to that shithole, and I can’t resist your call.
I’ll be back on Friday, because that’s the night they set the girls up with their asses sticking out through the wall. I would assume the club has you bent over some kind of table on the other side of that wall? I’m not sure, but Friday can’t come soon enough. I feel like I need you.
Maybe if you hadn’t looked at me the way you did when I saw you today at your dad’s for dinner. Were you looking at me like that on purpose, sweetheart? I mean, you must be…right? Or have I completely lost my shit?
I probably lost my shit, let’s be honest.
I’ve known your dad since high school. I even helped him beat up a guy that was hitting on your mom back when she and your dad had just started dating. I’m really not a bad guy, and I’ve never looked at you like this. I mean it. But how can I look at you any differently now? How can I look at you any differently after what you did to me? What you did for me.
“Santi, can you pass the butter?” You asked, looking at me, probably no different than usual but I couldn’t think of anything other than those pouty lips wrapped around my dick again.
Did you notice the way my hand shook when I handed you the butter dish? Maybe not, but they were trembling and to be honest it was fucking annoying. I’m a man in his late thirties and I can’t get a grip on the feelings I’m developing for my best friend's goddamn kid. It’s wrong, disgusting, hell I’d kill someone if you were my kid.
But you’re not, and I can’t fucking help it, even though I tried.
Maybe someday, if you ever find out about any of this, I’ll tell you about how much I hated myself (hell, I still hate myself sometimes), when I came home with that post nut clarity. That might’ve been the best blowjob of my life, but I stood in front of my mirror for a good ten minutes trying to tell myself that I’d never go back to that hellhole, Club BJs. I meant it with all my heart when I said it over and over like a mantra.
Now I’m stuck though. I’m stuck thinking about you bent over with a wall separating the top half of your body from the bottom with countless men fucking you until you’re so full of cum you looked like a damn overstuffed pastry. You deserve to feel good. You deserve to have at least one of those men be someone that cares about you.
I guess I’ll have to be the one to do it. I guess this is how I’ll justify doing something I know I shouldn’t.
I’ll see you on Friday, princess.
It makes me feel a little bit better to know that every man in there is at least checked for STDs before he gets to fuck you. Surely you wouldn’t have signed up to work at a place like this if they weren’t. You’re smart, you’ve always been so smart. It’s one of the things I admire most about you.
Still not clever enough to know that I was one of those men who stood behind you that night. In fact, I was your last customer of the night. Your pussy was so puffy and swollen, those guys really stretched you out and fucked you good didn’t they? Don’t worry, princess, I took good care of you and gave your little hole a break. I won’t lie, it took everything in me not to use you the way they did, but I’ll do that another time.
Tonight I was on my knees for you, grabbing onto both of your asscheeks and spreading you out so I could clean up the mess those filthy men made of my little princess. You sounded so surprised, I heard you gasp, when I started eating you out. Did you like that? It sounded like you did. I could feel your thighs shaking and at some point you even started rocking back and forth like you wanted more.
Maybe you wanted me to fuck you. Were you hoping that the mystery man on the other side of the wall would clean you up and then fuck his own cum into you too? Or maybe you were happy to have the break. Either way, I licked your swollen clit until I could hear your pretty moans on the other side and feel your cunt throbbing against my tongue. Your slick tastes so good sweetheart, can’t believe you made something so delicious all by yourself.
“You’re not going to fuck me?” You asked me. I could almost hear the desperation in your voice, like you were begging me to come back and take you.
“No.” I said firmly, faking a deeper voice than my own.
Next time I will though, don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll fuck you so good you won’t want anyone else.
The same night I ate you out I rushed home to jerk off. It sounds crude to say, but fuck I couldn’t help it. The taste of your pussy was still on my lips. I could still smell you soaked into the stubble on my chin and upper lip. I’m making a mental note to snag a pair of your panties when I come over for the barbecue at your dad’s tomorrow night. Maybe that will help get me through this mess I’m in. Maybe it will help me stop this shit.
I know I can’t keep doing this, but the feeling I get when I’m scrolling through your instagram photos from last summer in your bikini with my cock squeezed in my hand is incredible. I’m looking at those perfect tits hidden beneath such a thin layer of fabric, and your pretty rear is barely covered at all.
When I came it’s like I was possessed, blowing up a picture of your face just so I could imagine myself coating it in all of me. I don’t even really want to talk about how hard it was to clean that mess off my phone.
I feel like I’m losing myself in the depraved thoughts and fantasies I’m having of you. I woke up with soaked sheets and I thought I fucking pissed myself, but I didn’t, it was…something else. I’d dreamt of you. I can’t remember exactly what was happening in that dream, but it must’ve been good, and I’m annoyed that I still can’t remember what it was about.
A small part of me, the part of me that still had some morals left, was hoping you’d be working your day job. (honestly I can’t even remember what your day job is, aren’t you a housekeeper? Or a waitress or something?) At least if you were working I wouldn’t have to see you. I wouldn’t have to think about you more than I already was. Not to mention, I wouldn’t have had to sit there and watch you laugh with your ‘friend’ that you’d invited over.
You told your dad when you introduced him, “we’re just friends dad.”
You said it with such an attitude that both your dad and I knew better. You might’ve thought you were just friends, but that guy wanted more, and I knew you were going to give it to him. I could tell by the way you looked at him when you thought no one was paying attention.
I bet you didn’t think I’d hear you both making out in your room that night, but your moans call me now like a moth to a flame. The other barbecue guests had gone home, and your dad was drunk and passed out in his recliner, and I heard you faintly over the hum of the crappy reality show on tv. I didn’t pause the show, I didn’t want to wake up your dad, so I went upstairs silently, masked by the sound on the tv.
Initially, I wanted to walk in there and rip this kid off of you, giving him a few vicious but empty threats before sending him on his way with his tail between his legs. Your voice stopped me in my tracks though.
“Shh, I don’t want my dad to hear us,” you whispered, followed by a sweet giggle.
He won’t, princess. I thought, as though it were me you were talking to and not this loser.
You’d left your bedroom door open, per your dad’s request, such a good little girl. Despite being a grown woman, you still did what your daddy told you, and that’s the only reason I was able to hide in the bathroom and hear you get fucked while I jerked off and imagined I was with you instead of…whatever the fuck his name is.
“Oh god!” You whined, making my body shudder.
That guy doesn’t talk much, and that made it all the easier for me to imagine myself in his place.
When you said, “mm, harder, please…”
I was right there to say, “anything you want, sweetheart.”
I tried to move my hand in time with the light thump of your bed against the wall. It helped. What didn’t help was the fact that I could tell how little you were enjoying yourself. You were making the same sounds you made when you were ass out at the gloryhole. I knew I could do better, I knew I could make your body shake with pleasure like when I was kneeling down behind you with my tongue working overtime on your sensitive clit.
You were pretty good at faking it though, good enough that I was a leaking mess, precum dripping all down my shaft while I worked myself behind the wall your bedroom shared with the bathroom. I really wanted to go in there, tell that guy to get lost and give you the night of your life, but I didn’t. Instead I stood there, spilling a few globs of cum into some toilet paper and calling it good enough.
I was quick to head back downstairs before you even knew I was up there in the first place. That guy had the audacity to say goodnight to me in the kitchen on his way out the door. I let that go pretty quickly because then it was just you and me alone in the kitchen while your dad slept soundly in the living room.
You have no idea how badly I wanted to ask you for the pleasure of taking care of you, of making sure that you got off too, but I bit my tongue. Instead we made small talk about how your college was going and you asked me about Benny, Frankie and Will. 
For a moment I had forgotten about all the things that transpired between us, or that I’d done while thinking about you, and you were just my best friend’s kid again. We were just two people who had known each other for a long time, catching up and making small talk. Then you had to bend over in your shorts, and my cock ignored its usual refractory period to spring alive and nag for attention again.
“You okay, Santi?” You’d asked so innocently, as if I didn’t know what that mouth was capable of, or what that body could take.
“I’m fine, sweetheart.”
I’m not fucking fine, but that doesn’t matter.
You slept like a rock that night, not even stirring in the slightest when I grabbed your panties out of your hamper by the closet. They didn’t look particularly fancy, so I assume you won’t miss them, will you? Doesn’t matter anyway, you’d never expect that I’m the one who took them.
I can’t even begin to tell you how disgusting I felt when I got home the next morning and I had placed your panties on my bed in front of me like a prize I’d won. I think I stared at them for at least a full ten minutes before I picked them up again and put them in my nightstand. I’ve never been a “panty sniffer” and I tried to convince myself that just knowing I had them in my possession was enough.
Have you ever read The Tell-Tale Heart? I remember when I was in high school I had to, and it stuck with me for some reason. Your underwear in my nightstand reminded me of that story in some ways. It’s like all I could hear were your moans in my ears and no matter where I went in the house the temptation to smell the remnants of your cunt on that fabric was following me.
So finally, here I am, two weeks after you first sucked my cock, and I can shamefully admit that I did it. I smelled them, and sweetheart, you smell so much better without all that cum inside of you. Of course the panties can’t compare to the real thing, which I don’t know if I’ll ever smell without six loads of spend inside, but god I hope I get the privilege one day.
Or maybe I hope I don’t.
I’m still so torn between the fact that you’re my best friend’s kid, and the way I want to bury my dick so far in that pretty little cunt that you’re seeing stars.
I was first in line tonight. It’s Friday night so your ass was out again and untouched this time. You weren’t wet yet which excited me for some reason. It meant I got to have the honors of making you nice and slick.
My hand looks so big against your ass, princess. I wish I could show you. That was me who rubbed your clit, making you shake and whine for more on the other side of the wall. I’m the one who slipped my thick middle finger in that greedy little hole, and then my index finger, and then the ring finger.
I’m guessing you liked it based on how slippery you got, and how much you moaned on the other side. Do you know how dedicated your customers are? One of them got pissed at me for taking too long with you. I can’t say I blame them, your pussy is perfect sweetheart.
God the feeling of sliding my dick between those pretty pussy lips is like nothing I’ve ever felt. As I bottomed out, I felt your walls were squeezing around me like you wanted me deeper, so of course I pushed in more, all the way until I couldn’t go further. You gasped like you hadn’t felt a hundred dicks inside you before mine. 
I slid back again and slammed into you. I heard you begging me to keeping going, and saying, “fuck you’re good, holy shit!”
It was so hard not to say all the filthy things I wanted to when I fucked you, princess. I wanted to tell you how good you looked like that, pussy lips split around my cock like it wanted to swallow me whole. I wanted to ask you if you would like me to stick my thumb in your ass but decided to just try it anyway and see how you reacted.
You liked it.
At least it seemed like you did, your cunt clamped down around my dick like a damn vice grip the moment my thumb popped through your tight little hole. Did you like having something in your ass sweetheart? It’s shocking how tight you are, given how often I know you’re getting fucked. Some of the guys coming in behind me were big, some even bigger than me, but you don’t like them as much as you do when I fuck you, right? Of course not, because you don’t sound like that when you’re with them.
I caught a small glimpse of your eye through the hole. There was a small gap between the wall and your hips and you were looking at the same time I was. Did you see me? Did you have time to realize who I was? Did you come right then and there because you liked the idea of your dad’s best friend fucking you until you were too spent for anyone else?
Your orgasm forced me to come at the same time you did. I can’t even begin to tell you what it felt like to spill my load inside of you like I’d wanted to for so long. I remember so clearly being pushed up against your ass, pulling my thumb out of your hole so I could squeeze your hips and pull you over my dick further. It’s like I was willing every ounce of it to fill you up so full that no one else could. It’s like I was trying to make sure that when you look in the mirror a few months from now, you’ll remember the feeling of the man who fucked a baby into you.
I’m not an idiot. Well, I am, but I know that you’re on birth control. I know that no matter how many times I fuck you, the chances of you actually getting pregant are slim, not that I’d want to get you pregnant anyway. That would be too much, and I don’t want to go too far.
I’m not going to go too far.
I went to your house today.
I already had an excuse planned if I somehow got caught while you and your dad were out. If you or your father saw me, I’d say I came back for my hat. It’s not a total lie, I did leave my hat behind, but neither of you needed to know it was on purpose.
Do you realize how much dust has collected on the little stuffed bear you have on the shelf facing directly across from your bed, sweetheart? I doubt it, but it does make for the perfect place to put the small camera I bought.
I feel so fucking gross I can hardly stand to look at myself. But I can’t stand not to watch you touch yourself either. The glory hole is great, but I want to see that pretty face when you’re coming so hard you can’t breathe right, and I can’t do that when I’m on the other side of a fucking wall can I?
Seeing you later that night while I was at my own house, fist closed around my cock and watching you play with yourself is worth all the self loathing in the world. I had the camera feed pulled up on my laptop, and I could see you walking over to your dresser. God, what an array of toys you have. Do you have all those toys because you like them? Or is it because you haven’t found someone who knows their way around your body yet?
If it’s the latter, I promise you won’t need those things once I’m done with you.
Fuck, princess. The one you picked out is so damn big. I’ve seen you fit some pretty big cocks in that little hole, but I was shocked to see you squeezing lube around the head of that thing and gliding it over your pussy lips. You took a deep breath. Does it hurt to take such a fat silicone dick like that? 
Fuck, I’m glad I put the camera where I did. Who had you so wet like that? Hm? Were you thinking about anyone in particular? Can you even get that entire dildo in there? I hated to admit how much I liked watching you struggle. My cock leaked so fucking much I thought I was going to come too fast, but I kept it together.
You finally pushed it in, and I’m so damn proud of you princess. You had a really hard time going all the way though, didn’t you? That tight little pussy of yours was stretched to its limit and you were only halfway in there. Why do you even have a dildo that size if you can’t get it all the way in your cunt? Are you trying to stretch yourself out for someone? You don’t have to stretch yourself for me, I’d be happy to take care of that for you myself.
I watched you push it in even more, I was so focused on the furrow of your turned up brow and the way you bit your lip while I stared. We both exhaled the moment you managed to fit the entire thing in. Your eyes rolled back like it was the best thing you’d ever felt. You really do enjoy being stuffed full, don’t you, sweetheart?
You started fucking yourself with it, the sounds of your wet cunt hit my ears like the sweetest music I’d ever heard. I stroked myself in time with your movements, my eyes focused right on your face, and my cock throbbed every time you moaned. Wasn’t your dad home tonight? Shouldn’t you be a bit quieter when you’re doing stuff like that? Maybe you just don’t care if he hears you.
You started fucking yourself faster so of course I was jerking myself harder, trying to keep up with you without losing it too quickly. It didn’t take long for you to come though. Did you like the feeling of that toy that much? You gushed around it, you choked back some moans but several other soft whimpers escaped, filling your room and hitting my ears through the camera feed. I came too, coating my knuckles and my stomach with so much cum I didn’t know I was even capable of producing that much.
Why’d you have to ruin it? Huh?
It was such a good fucking orgasm for both of us, and then I heard you say a name. It wasn’t my name though, was it, princess? I don’t know why that bothers me so fucking much. Maybe it’s because in some twisted way I’ve managed to convince myself that you were putting on that private show just for me. So if you did do it for me, then I don’t want to hear you saying some other guy’s name while you’re fucking your self like that sweetheart. 
I just don’t.
I lost it today.
I really fucking lost it today, princess.
I found that guy. You know the one who fucked you the other night while I jerked off in the bathroom? That ‘friend’ of yours? The one whose name you called out instead of mine?
I found him.
Did you miss me, sweetheart? I’m sorry, but I had to leave for a while, at least until things quieted down, and until you weren’t sad anymore. I know I should feel bad, but I don’t. I would probably do it again a thousand times if I had to.
You seemed fine during dinner at your dad’s tonight. I don’t really think you were that upset over the guy anyway, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to hear his name come out of that pretty mouth again. Ever.
After too much wine during (and after) dinner, I carried you upstairs. You never could handle your liquor. Remember when you were only eighteen and I would let you sneak a few shots under your old man’s nose when he wasn’t looking? Your dad was sleeping when I put you down gently in your bed. Your skin is so fucking soft it killed me to step away from you.
Your eyes opened for a moment meeting with mine. I felt my gut stir at the sight of you biting your lip. Why were you doing that to me? Didn’t you know how that would affect me? I couldn’t resist the way you looked at me that night. No one would’ve been able to. It’s not fair for you to put me in that position and expect that I’m just going to walk away. When I think back to it, this was all your fault, princess.
“Santi,” you said sweetly.
I almost climbed on top of you right then when you grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer. I almost grabbed your throat and fucked you through your shorts, but I held back.
“What, princess?” I asked you, putting a caring hand on your shoulder, trying to fight back my more primal urges screaming in my head.
You shivered, “I-mm-need something towearto mm-bed,” you slurred out.
I could see the curve of your hip disappear into your too-short shorts. I really don’t want you going out in public wearing things like that. I gave you my shirt to keep you warm. I hope it’s comfortable, sweetheart, I can’t let you go cold, can I? When I leaned down to put it over your head, I felt such a fucking ache in my chest when your face appeared again through the hole. Such a pretty babygirl.
“Thank you,” you smiled contentedly and snuggled into your pillows.
I gulped, “princess,” I whispered, slowly creeping my fingers toward the hem of your shorts where they rested on your waist.
“Hm?” You hummed, but you weren’t really awake anymore, from what I could tell.
When I touched your soft, exposed hip you didn’t stir at all, and when I slipped my fingers underneath your panties, then your shorts, you didn’t make a sound. When I pushed both down to your ankles and dropped them on the floor, you didn’t open your eyes. You didn’t have any fucking clue what I was going to do to you, did you?
Did you feel my fingers when I slipped them between your thighs and felt your little wet cunt? I bet you did, even if you didn’t realize you were feeling it. I thought I would wake you up for sure when I pushed you onto your back and climbed over you. And when that didn’t wake you up, I thought, without a doubt, that when I pulled my cock out and touched it against your slick pussy lips your eyes would shoot open and you’d catch me in the act.
You didn’t though, you stayed deep in your drunken sleep, and I could get away with doing anything I wanted to you.
I’m still wondering what I would’ve done if you’d caught me. What would I say? How would I justify this feeling I craved that only you could satisfy? Would I even need to say anything? Surely you would recognize the feeling of the cock that made you come so good in that glory hole. Surely you’d be desperate for me to keep going.
Being able to look at your face, even if you were asleep, while I slid my dick into your wet heat made my brain stop fucking working. I couldn’t even think. It was like my body just took over, hips rocking into you over and over without a care in the world for how loud the bed was creaking.
You still didn’t feel anything when I dipped down and kissed you, my hips still thrusting slowly against you. This isn’t a Disney movie, and I’m no prince charming, but you’re still my little princess, aren’t you? You’re like my personal sleeping beauty, except my soft kisses didn’t wake you from your drunken slumber.
Thank god.
I kissed all the way down your jawbone until I got to your neck. You’re so soft, and you smell so nice. I kinda wish you’d been awake so I could’ve heard you whimper and whine in my ear. I want to hear you tell me how good it feels to have my cock slamming into your pussy, sweetheart. I want to feel your lips on my neck, my chest, all over my body.
“You take me so well, princess.” I whispered in your ear, hoping that somewhere deep in your dreams you’d hear my words and know I was inside you. “You feel so good, I can’t stop. Never felt anything-so-fucking-g-good-I-f-fuck…”
I came so much that when I pulled back my cum poured out of you as if my cock was a dam holding back a river. I still wonder if I should’ve cleaned you up, but I didn’t. Maybe you’d remember that I was the one who brought you upstairs and you’d put the pieces together.
I can imagine it now, you waking up in the morning with a dried up substance between your thighs. You might not know what it is right away, but I’m sure when you go to the bathroom and notice the hickeys peppered all over your neck, you’ll know that something must’ve happened to you the night before.
I’m not sure what to do now.
I need to have you for myself, that much is clear. The thought of someone else touching you ever again is killing me, so I have to take you. I’ll take you away from all this shit, and I’ll take good care of you. You won’t have to work at that nasty place anymore, I’ll be sure of that. And please don’t worry, princess. When your dad is looking for you, and he needs a friend to help him through the tough times, and the times he’s missing you, I’ll be that friend. He will only be sad for a little while. 
If things go wrong, and someone finds this…well I guess it’s a journal isn’t it? I won’t be able to deny the things I’ve done. I should burn it, but I can’t bring myself to do that. When I read it back, it’s almost like I can relive our time together. Someday I might show you this so you can understand why I did what I had to do, why I have to keep you.
Until then, I hope you sleep well tonight, your final night in your childhood home. I hope you enjoy your last breakfast with your loving dad, and that the two of you don’t argue before he leaves for work. Make sure you give him a kiss on the cheek and tell him you love him, because I’ll be over before he gets home from work.
Goodnight, princess.
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steddielations · 2 years ago
“Evening, sir.”
It’s the Harrington boy. Again.
“I told you, son, it’s Wayne,” he manages a smile, harder to do these days, like chipping it out of cement and dusting it off. But he gets it done.
Steve doesn’t have the Henderson boy with him today, that’s a first.
“Where’s the curly one?” He steps aside, letting Steve into the trailer door, more rickety than before. No money left to fix it after repairing the bulk of the earthquake damage.
“Dustin? He doesn’t wanna watch the game, and trust me, you don’t wanna listen to that kid complaining the whole time,” Steve walks by, sorta chuckling to himself, “I always miss the replay ‘cause he makes me change the channel to those D&D cartoons during the commercials, just like—”
He stops in front of the couch, looking over his shoulder at Wayne like he’s afraid he messed up somehow. Wayne noticed that look often from him, less and less, but still often. All that confidence he carries can drop on a dime, sorta reminded him of—
“Like Ed?”
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“S’alright. I don’t mind talking about him if you want,” Wayne manages another concrete smile, but he means it. Steve always waits for him to bring up Eddie first, like he doesn’t want to remind him if it ain’t on his mind, but Wayne likes to be reminded. It’s nice to feel like he’s not the only one missing him. “But the game was yesterday and y’know the cable’s out.”
“Yep, got it covered. I uh, I taped it,” Steve fishes a VHS tape from his back pocket. Fancy. Wayne would worry about him using that for his sake, but he has a feeling Steve’s folks aren’t around enough to notice.
“The Colts win?”
Steve flips the tape around, “Haven’t watched it, so we can bet on it if you’re feeling lucky.”
It doesn’t feel so dry and heavy when Wayne laughs a bit then, waving Steve to go ahead and start up the TV. He already caught the game on the radio, but he bets on the Colts anyway. Loser’s supposed to do the dishes after they scrounge together some soup, but Steve does them anyway.
Wayne would make a stink about it but he can tell Steve just wants to help, to feel like he’s helping. Same thing when the Henderson boy comes around to see him, wanting to hear all the stories, even the scary ones. So Wayne doesn’t mind letting Eddie’s friends feel like they’re helping him.
His nephew didn’t have many friends. Real, cover-your-six kinda friends. The boys he played his music with, they’ve come by a couple times, Wayne always liked Jeff despite the racket. That older fella that’s doing time now, Wayne wasn’t too fond of. And some of Eddie’s dungeon buddies he talked about were the only few.
Now, casual acquaintances? Anybody who didn’t have anywhere else to sit when he had an empty spot at his table? Sure, Eddie had those in spades.
His boy was good at that, putting on a good old show for his crowd, on a stage to keep his distance. That damn Al did him in good, never could trust easily, having his old man pop up and drag him into his mess before he took off again. And Eddie’s poor momma would’ve done right by him, if she hadn’t gotten sick so young.
Took Wayne a long time to get Eddie to depend on him, to trust this was his place to stay and he didn’t have to earn it, Wayne wasn’t just filling his head to scheme something out of him.
Love ain’t a transaction that way. He wasn’t ever any good at saying it, but he tried to show Eddie the best he could.
His boy though, always carried a debt with him. Like he owed Wayne something for taking him in, had to graduate quick and make it outta here, do something with the better life he gave him. Al dug him in so deep, Eddie stayed roped into whatever his latest scheme was (the cars, the dealing, the gambling, thank God Eddie wasn’t there when the goddamn robbery went wrong, 25 to life) like maybe it’d be enough to keep him from running off again.
The odds have never been in favor of people like them, poor folk in a town that’s stuck in its ways, where everybody’s just like their old man, but Al made his choices and Wayne made his. Rest their mother’s soul, she did her best. Part of Wayne was relieved when Al got locked up, at least Wayne had a better chance of keeping Eddie from going down the same path, try to raise him right.
Being a Munson wasn’t a crime. He didn’t owe a darn thing to anybody. Eddie could graduate at his own pace, play whatever games and music he wanted, dress however, that didn’t mean he was up to no good. And a lot of boys get into dealing for a little easy extra money around here, he was gonna grow out of that just like Wayne did.
It worked until all this mess.
That’s why Eddie ran off after what happened to the poor Cunningham girl. He gets spooked when something goes wrong, like it’ll be the last straw he can’t make up for so he runs off. Like the first time he didn’t make senior year, went and hid out with that Rick fella that Wayne never did like, got Eddie deep into that business he tried to keep a secret.
‘Course Wayne knew. He knows exactly what and where his boy hides. If those damn cops weren’t tailing him, he would’ve gone straight to get him.
That was before he knew it would turn into all of this. Now he wishes he would’ve done it anyway. Gone right to Eddie, told him it wasn’t his fault that everything got all turned upside down. Told him he knew he was innocent right from the get-go, and got him away from this rotten old town.
But he didn’t.
He didn’t go get his boy.
So now he’s just trying to be there for Eddie’s boys, since he can’t.
“You have a night shift tonight right? Gonna put on a pot of coffee,” Steve says once he’s finished up the dishes.
Wayne hums. There’s usually more noise going on during these visits. Steve’s still alright at carrying on, even without the Henderson boy’s chatter to fill any gaps.
It was strange, the first time the two of them showed up. Wayne knew Eddie was close with Dustin, but he didn’t have a clue that he was chumming it up with the Harrington boy. Just don’t seem like the same type of company. He might not believe it if it weren’t so obvious that Steve cared about his boy. He suspected before, but now with Steve showing up here alone, he knows.
Steve misses Eddie in a different sorta way than Dustin.
“No cream or sugar, right?” Steve looks humored by that as he passes the mug of black coffee to him, “How are you related to Eddie again?”
Wayne’s mouth turns upward, remembering his nephew’s god awful sweet tooth. He picked up a box of Honeycombs the other day in the store out of habit. “Just happened to be standin’ there when they beamed him down.”
That gets a good chuckle out of Steve. Nothing wistful weighing it down and Wayne’s glad, watching Steve pour himself a cup of coffee too.
Then bitter-sweetness swirls in his chest, seeing the mug that Steve chose for himself. Must’ve dug it out from one of the boxes Wayne hadn’t hung back on the walls yet. The earthquake did a number on his collection. That Garfield one was the only one he’d gotten around to gluing back together.
“What is it?” Steve asks, cup paused at his mouth.
“Ah nothin’ just,” Wayne waves it off, “That’s the mug Ed always used.”
“Oh, I can use a diff—”
“Nah, nah go ‘head. It’s fine.”
Unconvinced, Steve takes a wary sip.
Mostly these days, Wayne just feels like a watch without a ticker, a chest with nothing beating inside it. He can’t name the feeling he has at seeing Eddie’s old mug being used by someone else, but at least it’s something.
“Y’know, he used to put everything in that sucker. Soda pop, soup, cereal, you name it,” Wayne shakes his head, mouth twitching into a smile, “I’d have to wrestle it away from him just to give it a good washing. It’s well loved, alright. Leaks now.”
As if on cue, Steve has to grab a napkin to sit underneath it.
Wayne lets out an amused hum, “He uh— Didn’t have much stability ‘fore he came to live with me, so he’d get real attached to things like that.”
Carried around a stuffed dragon they picked up at a garage sale ‘til Wayne couldn’t sew the wings back on anymore. Never wanted to throw anything away. Got real anxious about Wayne going to work sometimes, even when he was too old for a sitter. Held onto him saying “Stay home just today, Dad, please.” Which, he didn’t mind Eddie calling him that. It always softened him up, made him give in. Wishes now that he’d told Eddie upfront. Maybe he never would’ve stopped.
“Thought for sure he’d marry that damn guitar one day.”
Steve nearly sputters his coffee, laughing at that, “Yeah, those two are made for each other.”
It’s nice, seeing the way that story lit Steve up. Sorta like his boy can still make someone happy. Hurts like hell that he ain’t here to do it himself, but Wayne was always good at telling stories. That’s where Eddie learned it from.
“I’m uh,” Steve deflates after a minute, looking down at the mug, “God, I’m just really sorry, Wayne.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry too, Steve,” he says, because, well.
Wayne gets the feeling that his boy was Steve’s boy too.
Read the rest on Ao3
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eringobragh420 · 5 months ago
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♣️ Pairing — Gunther ♥︎ f!Reader (no use of y/n) ♣️ Summary — Gunther and his longtime friend finally make their fantasies a reality. ♣️ Word Count — 3.2k 🛑 Warnings — NSFW. Wall sex, semi-public, dirty talk, fingering, super minor blood, cum 18+ ♣️ Notes — Dedicated to the Gunther lovers, especially the ones who go into this not liking him and come out wondering wtf they were thinking 🤷‍♀️ ♣️ Taglist — If you’d like to be added, please click here! ♣️ Requested By — @eboni-napalm Thank you so much for your patience and your awesome idea! Happy Birthday! ♣️ MASTERLIST
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She watched on one of many TVs backstage as Damian Priest defended his title against Gunther. Some days she couldn’t believe she and Gunther were in WWE at all, on the main roster no less, but then she saw him in the ring, and she saw exactly what everybody else saw: a superstar. Of course, she’d known how special he was for years beforehand, having come up with him in NXT UK, so it was really no surprise to see him in a match competing for the World Heavyweight Championship. And her idolization had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she may or may not have had a crush on the man since the very first moment she’d laid eyes on him. It didn’t. Really.
The two gigantic men in the ring, each going pound for pound, exchanged chops, and she couldn’t avoid even the tiniest reaction every time Gunther was on the receiving end. These men, at least some of them, had to be masochists. She was a wrestler, yes, and there was hardly ever a contest that was pain-free, but she never went into it wanting to be hurt. When these men were chopped or suplexed or Pedigree’d, she swore she saw their eyes dazzle, some of them even smiled or laughed. And was she really thinking about whether or not Gunther was a fan of pain while standing amongst dozens of other people watching the same match?
She gasped along with everyone else when Priest rolled Gunther onto his back—I could just ride him right there … I bet he’d forget about losing—and laid over him for the pin. A collective hush fell over the group, however, upon witnessing Finn Bálor’s betrayal, which consequently kept Gunther in the match. Her body was absolutely thrumming during the next sequence, watching with rounded eyes as Priest tried twice to get at Finn before Gunther locked in the chokehold. She was the loudest one cheering when the Ring General was declared the winner, and the new World Heavyweight Champion. Smirking, she shook her head as Gunther snatched the golden title from the ref and held it in the air, and she could tell he was emotional, but he did well hiding it, playing the perfect heel to the perfect end to a kind of perfect night—at least for her, she hadn’t much interest in the Cody versus Solo match. 
She started to say goodbye to those around her, hugging a few, intricate handshakes with others, well wishes to everyone. She gathered her purse and suitcase-on-wheels, turned, and made it only a few steps before pausing. Gunther was exiting Gorilla position, blue Ring General jacket on—he really needs to wear the blue more often—gilded title adorning his waist, and he was headed right for her. How the hell long had it taken her to say goodbye? She looked behind her to see who he might actually be targeting, but everyone had dispersed. When she turned back around, Gunther was only a few feet from her, his eyes rising and falling over her thin tank top, pleated skirt, and Nike sneakers, and her brain was inundated with every memory she had of the Austrian, like she was dying and her entire life was flashing before her eyes. The crush she may or may not have had blossomed within her, growing somehow from the deep, dark, secret place she’d buried it long ago. Entombing these inappropriate and, she assumed, unrequited, feelings for a coworker had allowed her to function like a normal human, and not a lovesick schoolgirl.
“What do you think?” he asked, or shouted, slapping the title against his abs, and she almost, almost, averted her gaze to look, but she caught herself at the very last second. She focused on the blood spatter on his cheek and jaw.
There was a sizzling in the ether, a hum almost, like the sound of current zooming through a power line, and she felt it in her very core. She could smell him now, the closer he came, and his scent had to be pheromonal, because her panties were suddenly soaked and her legs felt heavy. Her arms and hands were numb, so it was quite confusing for her to watch her arm rise of its own volition, hand reaching for Gunther, and she screamed for him to move or slap her hand away, but no sound came out and her lips never moved. Her hand kept lifting until it came in contact with a spot of blood on his chiseled jawline, and now she had sensation in her fingertips, but still no control.
“Are you okay?” she asked, absolutely no recollection of planning to say anything at all.
“You’re worried about me,” he said loudly, grinning, boasting his sexy accent. Those goddamn dimples sank into his cheeks, and his smile, even when he was being evil on the microphone, was genuine and happy, and wait just a damn minute …
Her lips pursed. “Congratulations,” she deadpanned, finally in control of her hand, which she pulled from his face. She glanced at the vermillion liquid on her thumb before idly smearing it on her light-colored tank top, treating it like any other unwanted substance. She looked back up at him, his usually bright, sparkling eyes now a blazing inferno and zeroed in on the stain on her shirt just below her breasts. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
She spun on her heels, twirled her suitcase on its wheels, and she started off in the opposite direction. He might have been just teasing, and that was the most likely scenario, but that didn’t make her feel any less embarrassed. She’d shown genuine concern for him, and he’d cracked a joke about her being worried? It didn’t matter that he was correct—he didn’t have to be a dick about it. 
Unfortunately for her, she had no idea where the exit was in this direction, and she couldn’t very well ask someone while on her angry walk-away, so she stuck her chin in the air and continued on, confidently taking a turn down the next hallway. Her pace slowed then. This concourse was dark save for the light from the corridor that T’d at the end. And she didn’t see an exit sign. 
“Shit,” she whispered. 
A barely audible thud sounded behind her, and she spun around, releasing the handle of her suitcase, instantly hoping for an employee or maybe someone who was also lost. He was mostly a silhouette, but she knew exactly who it was—she was familiar with his size and the haircut and even his squared shoulders under the Ring General jacket—but for a new reason. His scent. It was the sour aroma of sweat, the copper tinge of blood, and tiny remnants of whatever body wash he’d used recently. She inhaled as much as she could, inflating her lungs until they nearly burst, packing them full of her new favorite flavor, and she felt a little dizzy. The man was a goddamn vape pen.
She attempted to recover, “I think I made a wrong—” 
Gunther wrapped a long, strong arm around her middle and lifted her in the air with maybe a little too much vigor—she saw the top of his head for the first time in real life before gravity snatched her and yanked her back to earth. Gunther’s arm tightened around her, halting her progress, crushing their chests together, and she intuitively wrapped her legs around his waist. She felt the outline of the World Heavyweight Championship title belt between her legs and underneath the surprisingly soft fabric of the blue jacket. She clutched at the lapels to steady herself upon landing back in his arm—because it had been so fucking easy for him to nearly launch her into space and catch her with only one damn arm.
Their eyes met, and their noses were brushing, and they were passing oxygen back and forth between them. She’d never been this close to him before, not like this, and his scent was much stronger now. Fuck, she’d waited so long for this, but here? Now? His body was firm, muscles dense, and for some reason, this Austrian Adonis was wholly enchanted by her. So yes—here. Now.
“Gunther—” she whispered, having no idea where this sentence would end up.
“You didn’t answer me,” he cut her off. She blinked at him. “I asked you what you think.” Sometimes his THs came out as Fs and it was the most endearing quirk in the world. He nodded at the title, nestled in the comforting embrace of his jacket and her thighs, and they both cast their eyes downward. She swallowed, looking at her skirt, remembered she was wearing a skirt, and also the opulent title that was only a few inches from an aching, soaking pussy.
“I’m happy for you,” she whispered, hands still fisted in his jacket.
“No,” he growled, kicking her suitcase out of his way with a blue boot. Her grip tightened and her thighs clenched as he pressed her against the nearest wall, his free hand cupping the back of her head as a shield. “I’m only gonna ask you … one more time,” he said, his eyes burning a hole through her very soul, and his hand came out from behind her to hold his finger up. “You think I don’t see the way you look at me?” he tilted his head. She gulped down absolutely nothing, and the hallway was so quiet that the action was actually audible. “So no lying,” he advised, eyebrows lifting. His face closed the space between them, and she couldn’t regulate her breathing as it came out in hot puffs of desperation. “What … do you think?”
Boy, was she done thinking. “Well …” she trailed off, fingers releasing the lapels of his jacket so she could flatten her palms on his chest. She licked her lips, massaging the hard planes of his pecs, and she pulled her bottom lip into her mouth. His eyes darted down to watch. “I think you look like a fucking champion,” she murmured. If he wanted to play a game … let’s play a game. Her thighs tightened as she locked her ankles behind him, spine straightening. Her hand slithered up his neck to his incredible jaw where she gently clutched his chin between her forefinger and thumb so she could turn his face slightly away from her, freeing the route to his ear. Smirking, she pressed her lips to his lobe, and his arm still around her middle tensed. “And I think you look like a champion I’d like to fuck,” she purred, puncuating her statement by biting the lobe and sucking it into her searing mouth.
Gunther leaned back, stealing his ear from her, and he then pressed their foreheads together. “Yeah?” he taunted. She nodded, their noses grazing. “You wanna fuck the champion?”
“For so long,” she sighed, practically clawing at the jacket. She glanced down, their faces mashed together, a memory slapping her in the brain. She opened the garment and raked her nails down his bare chest, over the marks of Damian’s chops, and it wasn’t the hardest she could go, but his groan was primal, and she knew the pressure was just right. “You should know,” she went on, “if you’ve been watching me like you say you have.”
“Oh, I’ve been watching,” Gunther assured her. His hands were under her arms and he pressed her into the wall, locking eyes with her before he released his grip on her. She kept her shoulder blades and arms flat against the wall, back straight, legs nice and tight around Gunther’s waist, and she was perfectly stable without his assistance. He leaned back, and this new position presented him with the chance to leer at her, gaze inspecting every inch of her, and he leisurely began to lift her shirt. His brows rose and his mouth opened when he came to a barely-there built-in bra. “Look at you,” he said. “You don’t even bother, do you?” 
She regarded him with a wicked smirk, half his face a shadow, and she couldn’t fight the urge to roll her hips against him. The title didn’t feel particularly good when pressed to her pussy, but the thought of humping it, covering it with her juices, was something she never thought would turn her on. “Maybe I hoped you would be looking,” she whispered. He slid the bra, which was basically just thin fabric and elastic, torturously slowly up over her breasts where it stayed, and his eyes met hers once more.
“This is what you want?” he asked, though it sounded more like a statement. She nodded, lost in his murky eyes. “Say it,” he commanded, and there was no mistaking that tone.
She gripped his shoulders and pulled herself against him, her newly exposed nipples making contact with his jacket and his smooth chest. “I want you to fuck me, Gunther,” she told him, lips massaging his thin ones. Her eyes passed back and forth between his, and she knew he needed something else, just a little bit more. “Think you can handle that?”
He smashed her between himself and the wall, his lips finally covering hers, and the desperate moans from both their throats would have been embarrassing for them had anyone else heard them. Her hand on the back of his shaved head was an interesting level of eroticism, and he must have agreed, if his tongue in her mouth was any indication. She felt him unstrap the belt, and he returned one arm around her so he could lift her off the front of it, then he dropped it to the floor. Never once did his lips leave hers or even stop moving.
He repositioned her lower on his body this time, throwing his jacket around her legs, and she gasped, grip sliding from his shoulders back to the lapels as he ground his impressive manhood on her soaking panties. His hand slithered along her thigh, finger dipping under the side of the garment, which he then lifted away from her throbbing pussy. Her eyes were slits as his thumb slid along her dripping folds, relentlessly teasing her before it finally sank within and began massaging the slippery nub. His straining cock was still pressed against her, and if he didn’t fuck her now, she knew for sure they’d be caught. People were still passing by the end of the hallway they’d come from. Had anyone seen them enter? Had anyone seen them not leave?
“Please,” she whispered, not sure how long she would survive without his cock inside her.
“That’s what I wanna hear,” he mumbled, sucking one of her nipples into his mouth. Her back arched and she slammed her hips into his thumb. “You wanna fuck the champion, you have to beg the champion.”
“Please,” she repeated, and somewhere along the way she’d lost the upper hand. Or … had she ever really had it?
“Please what?” he pressed. “Hmm?” He was on her neck now, all teeth and tongue and lips, and her eyes rolled back. 
“Please fuck me,” she begged, hand cradling his neck. “Please?”
“Fuck,” Gunther whispered. 
There was brief movement, and suddenly, the thick head of his dick poked at her hole, and she cried out. Gunther was quick to cover her mouth with his hand, holding it there as his other hand gripped her hip, supporting her weight and sinking her down onto his cock. She continued to squeal, muffled by his hand, until he was buried to the hilt inside her, and then she was breathing in and out quickly through her nostrils. She rolled her hips, sucking him deeper, and she groaned this time. As he started to slowly fuck her, she reached up to squeeze his meaty forearm, opposite hand fisting in his jacket again. He picked up speed, rocking her body up and down on the wall, and she couldn’t believe any of this was happening. Was she dreaming? That’d be cruel.
“You’re taking me so well,” Gunther praised, and she whined, squirming in his embrace. “This pussy was made for my cock, wasn’t it?” 
She nodded, a stifled yes caged in her throat. She wouldn't argue the point even if she could. Her pussy was full, fuller than it ever had been, wetter, and she felt her orgasm building, but that couldn’t be right because no man had ever made her cum simply by penetration alone. Her entire being was vibrating with the quickness of Gunther’s pumps, still grasping his forearm and jacket, holding on for dear life and that ever elusive orgasm-that-she-wasn’t-responsible-for.
“You’re perfect,” he mumbled into her ear. She almost wilted in his possession, but if her body slacked even a little bit, Gunther’s cock would never again find that spot inside her. 
“Please,” she begged. “Please … I’m gonna cum.”
“All over my cock, dirty girl,” he panted. Had someone else called her a dirty girl, she might have laughed at them, but with Gunther’s accent and his tone and just the fucking breathlessness loaded her orgasm from 28% to 99%. “So your pussy will get even tighter,” he went on, “so you can make the champion cum.”
She screamed, a literal scream, and Gunther squeezed her mouth. She did exactly as she was told, clenching around his dick as she came for the first time by a dick, body shuddering while she rode the waves of ecstasy. She was able to experience most of it before Gunther grunted, pulling out with a nasty pop, and he set her carefully back on her feet.
“Down on your knees, dirty girl,” he said, his hand lifting from her mouth. 
She licked her lips, tasting him, and she slowly descended to her knees, which she had to spread to avoid putting any weight on the belt Gunther had discarded earlier, hands sliding down his chest and abs as she went. He jerked his glistening cock over her face, leering at her, and she grasped his thighs. Every instinct told her to stick her tongue out, and what kind of human would she be if she didn’t follow her instincts? He placed his hand on the top of her head seconds before he launched cum on her tongue and across her face, rope after rope, and it was salty and warm and her new new favorite flavor. She couldn’t read the expression on his face anymore as he used his thumb to slide all the cum from her skin into her mouth. She happily accepted all of it, sucking his thumb and cock clean for good measure. When he finished, he tucked himself back into his trunks and held his hand out. She almost placed her hand in it. Almost. At the last second, she reached between her knees for the belt and held it up for him. His chest puffed out as he accepted it from her, and she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding when he held his other hand out for her.
“We should do that again,” Gunther said.
She grinned, her cheeks getting hot, and she pulled her top back down. “Call me when you win another championship,” she winked.
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zombieunicorngamerzu · 2 years ago
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(Warnings - Pre-crash GIP Lottie Matthews x fem reader, Lottie and reader never really liking each other until they meet in the locker room after a fight on the field and fuck, Enemies to Lovers)
“Your so fucking full of yourself, princess!” You spat out at her, in the lockeroom after ANOTHER day of bashing each other on the field, you two were sent off the field early due to a dispute between you two.
Lottie only scoffed and rolled her eyes, her arms crossed as she leans back against a wall, “I don’t understand why you have to act like such a bitch to me, what did I even do to you?”
You just let out a aggressive breath, rolling your eyes as you swung open your locker, blood hot and just angry, practically tearing off your shirt to change as you spoke, unaware of Lottie’s eyes widening and her quickening heartbeat, a blush coating her cheeks as she got a sight of your beautiful back, seeing your breasts pushed up with the bra your wearing in the mirror behind you, her trying to hold back a whimper when she feels herself getting hard way too quick (Thank God for compression shorts) she thought to herself.
“You think your so much better than everybody else, you are your fucking daddy’s money, your always staring at me, always fucking judging!” You yelled out at her as you pulled down your shorts, only making Lottie swallow and blink quicker, her just shivering and squirming from how hard her cock is straining against her compression shorts, god she wants to grab her cock so bad.
But then you’ll know, and she’s terrified of people knowing, especially you, you already hate her, Lottie doesn’t want to know what you’d do if you found out she’s thinking about all the ways she wants to pin you to that locker and fuck you so deep, to worship your body, to finally break you, to just have you stop hating her. If Lottie could ever just get one vulnerable moment with you where you don’t hate her, she swears she’d die happy. (She may have a slight crush and also kinda likes seeing you pent up and angry)
“Look, I’m not trying to seem judgy or snobby or whatever.” Lottie pleads desperately as she watches you get dressed, stepping closer to you as she holds out her hand.
“Yeah right, Matthews, I bet you fucking judge everyone who isn’t born from Daddy’s money, I work every fucking day after school until midnight, I work and work and work because my shitty parents like to steal money from me and not pay the bills and I have to fucking eat and on top of that, I have to worry about school and this team, soccer is my only chance at getting into a college on a scholarship, so stop fucking this up for me.” You rushed out with such a desperate tone through your anger as you swung around without realizing how close Lottie had gotten, she was towering over you, looking down at you, god you hated that, it made you feel small.
Lottie had this furrowed look on her face, pity. You hated that look more than when she would judge you, more than when she’s angry at you, more than her, god you felt so vulnerable you were fucking trembling with hatred and emotions, resulting to shoving Lottie hard, making her grunt but stay in her place due to her height and being stronger and sturdier than you.
“Fuck you, Matthews! Fuck you and your money, fuck you and your friends, fuck you and your pretty stupid face, just FUCK YOU!” You screamed out as you kept shoving her repeatedly until Lottie just kinda grabbed you and pulled you impossibly close while you thrashed into the tightest hug possible, you fought her, but she was stronger,
“Shhh, Shhh, I’m sorry, hey- I’m sorry okay, I’m sorry…” Lottie cooed out as she held you against her while you growled like some animal to get free, her resting her chin ontop of your head, resilient to hold you until you calmed, which slowly happened as you got exhausted, slumping into her, panting so heavy.
Lottie was more ashamed of her hard-on now more than ever, she shouldn’t be hard while your crying and making such noises, but she literally couldn’t help it. You were just sniffling now, letting out these cute adorable noises that made her cock twitch and Lottie’s heart flutter with protection and care for you* “Are you okay?” She asked gently as you nodded with a sniffle, “yeah, just- let me go…” you whimpered out with a broken tone and a sniffle while leaning back slightly, noticing how close Lotties face was to yours, only her expression this time was gentle, you were shocked when Lottie suddenly leaned in and kissed you so tenderly, her hands still on your back.
You just kinda froze for a moment with confusion and conflicted feelings, your supposed to hate Lottie, but with the feeling of her lips on yours, how gently she’s kissing you, it just made you give up and melt into her touch, making Lottie sigh out with a smile of happiness as she wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you flush against her, what you weren’t prepared for as to feel her having a bulge, a… bulge… a very prominent, big bulge.
“Lottie…” You tried to speak but Lottie was already tugging you over to a bench, pulling you into her lap, your clothed core pressing right against what you know now is definitely a cock, making your eyes widen as you lifted your eyes to meet Lotties vulnerable ones* “I-I know you hate me and you probably think I’m disgusting, but I just- i-i care about you, so please can we just have this moment and then you can go back to hating me if you want after?” She begged, Lotties eyes we’re teary and her hips jerked with you in her lap, making the both of you shiver as she felt you buck down in her lap in result.
“Fine.” You just sighed out, you honestly were a super accepting person, you had no intention of ever telling anyone about this even if you did “hate” Lottie, you weren’t evil or a bitch, you just had emotional regulation problems. Sighing softly as you leant in for another kiss, this time taking control as you ground down on her clothes cock with a wiggle, making Lottie choke on a surprised gasp as you slid your hand under her team shorts, smiling once you felt just how hard she was, she was throbbing as you pulled her out of her shorts, her cock sprung up so eagerly, wet with precum, “Jeez, you like me that much?” You tried to joke and tease but your words only made Lottie whimper and nod quickly, “Y-Yes, so much, please…” she was already begging, you were surprised with how sensitive she was, making your eyes widen,
“Wait- Lottie, a-are you a virgin?” You asked the question that made Lottie freeze and her eyes widen, a heavy blush of embarrassment coating her cheeks as her lip quivered, looking down with a nod, “I’m sorry, you probably think I’m some pathetic creep now and I promise I’m not- I really care-“
“Lottie stop it.” You just shook your head and kissed her again, you didn’t like her actually talking bad about herself, the truth is you hated her because you thought she was perfect, your hand gently sliding down the base of Lotties cock while she shivered and moaned so desperately into your mouth, you had to trap her thighs down with yours just to keep her from bucking, Lottie spitting out so many apologies every time she bucked or whined, or whimpered. To be honest, you thought she was adorable, it almost made you smile.
Peppering kisses to Lotties neck as she witnessed for the first time you being gentle with her, she was surprised that you, the fiery-hotheaded, always quiet and broody you was being so kind to her, so gentle, it only just made her thighs shake and her cock throb, but then you spoke,
“That’s it, good girl Lot, your doing so good for me…” You whispered out just to soothe her when you saw how tears were spilling down her face, but as soon as you said those words, Lottie let out a sharp cry, accidentally spurting cum up and all over your hand and wrist as she bucked and babbled our apologies, “Agh- I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” She looked so terrified youd be disgusted or angry with her as she came, only making you shake your head with a gentle look, rubbing her thigh, “Lottie, baby, hey, it’s okay, it’s normal.”
What you called her made her heart flutter, Lottie was so surprised and so excited from how gentle and kind you were being, panting heavily as she squirmed on the bench, she grew hard again basically right after cumming, only making you chuckle, “Oh pretty girl, I’m not that attractive, am I?”
Lottie just whined and nodded, “You are, you really are, I’ve liked you for such a long time but you’ve hated me and I’ve just been trying so hard to get you to like me and nothings worked and-“ You had to cut Lottie off again before she started crying more, shaking your head before you were standing up to undo your jeans, pulling them off.
Lottie just watched with nothing but wide eyes and excitement but also fear, she’d never felt the inside of a girl before, she hadn’t ever had a partner until now and it seemed like a miracle to have you.
“Wait- your not disgusted by me, you actually want to do this?” Lottie asked you as she watched you get naked, she was so surprised and in disbelief you wanted her, but all of her questions were answered when you climbed back into your lap and kissed her roughly before leaning back, hovering right over her throbbing cock* “No Lottie, I’m not disgusted, your gorgeous, pretty, and literally perfect, and- whatever.” You rolled your eyes before grabbing Lotties cock and positioning it at your wet folds, getting her tip wet which made Lottie whimper at the sensation. “N-no, tell me what you were gonna say.”
You just sighed and rolled your eyes before Lottie slid her hands up your waist, making your expression soften as you looked into her eyes, “I-“ you closed your eyes for a long moment before just spitting out, “I like you too, now fuck me so I don’t have to keep looking into your stupid puppy dog eyes.” You huffed, you hated feeling vulnerable or nice feelings, and Lottie was making you feel all of them.
She smiled so bright at your words, practically letting out a happy squeal as she wrapped her arms around you tight in a hug before kissing your cheek and pulling on your thighs to get you closer as she gained a little confidence to start to push in, the way you gasped as she did it, almost made her cum right then and there, but she had to hold it this time, raising her hips with a little grunt as her tip breached inside you, Lottie swore this feeling was the best feeling in the world until you actually helped her by sinking down on her, making her moan so deep and raspy, your moan following.
“O-oh my god… oh my god… OH- my god-“ Lottie couldn’t stop whimpering, almost sobbing again from how tight and wet and just warm you felt, she was shaking and sweating, her brows furrowed as she tried to adjust to this new sensation, it was so hard not to cum right there, she just let out a sob and hugged you, making you smile and kiss her cheek, your arms wrapped around her neck as you slowly rolled your hips, making Lottie cry in your ear as she bucked and started to tremble and squirm so rapidly, her arms hugging you tighter as she squealed and bucked sloppy a few times, accidentally cumming inside you as she humped up and shoved her cock in as deep as she could, you felt so good, she was so pussy drunk she just picked you up as you gasped and pushed you back to hold you up against a locker, your legs around her waist as she started to thrust so rough and sloppy, kissing you deeply as she panted and moaned against your lips, “Oh god, oh god- you feel so good, you feel so good- agh!”
Lottie was full on sobbing as she fucked you against the lockers, your eyes were rolling back as you moaned and were almost sobbing with her at how good she felt, your reactions only made Lottie go rougher, but she tried to slow it down to make you more comfortable, she didn’t wanna hurt you, her eyes locking down with your dripping pussy swallowing her girthy cock, her veins were throbbing to shoot another load in you again, but watching how your cum spilled out around her cock to drip on the floor and make a mess, Lottie was mesmerized, pushing all the way in before meeting your eyes and moaning, “you are so fucking pretty… please, I’m gonna cum in you again- and- and your gonna- agh- be my girlfriend and I’m gonna- Ohh fuck, I’m gonna take care of you, your shitty parents d-don’t deserve you, I-I do!” Lottie growled out as she started to thrust faster, your back was kinda hurting from the locker behind you but you were so distracted by Lotties sudden possessiveness and the way she growled, the way her cock was stretching your walls as you felt your orgasm start to crash into you, your back arching as you cried out for her, her hands going to your back to cradle you against her as she sloppily thrusted her cock up to the balls inside you, the both of you moaning out as she came inside you, stumbling back to the bench to sit down with you in her lap, the both of you sweaty and panting as she held you like your lives depended on it.
“Jesus…” Lottie breathed out, making you groan out against her shoulder, “I don’t think Jesus is anywhere near this room.” That remark got a breathless bark of laughter from Lottie as she rubbed your back and held you close, kissing your cheek with a nod and a smile. “Yeah, your probably right.”
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hooked-on-elvis · 5 months ago
I'm shocked (not really, but it's shocking to hear this anyway) to learn that at some point in life Priscilla sued Marty Lacker for a money Elvis gave him. She dropped the lawsuit when Marty counterclaimed it. Marty says "She messed with the wrong guy, but she was trying to use me as a test case against the other guys. She is a lovely person."
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(1) February 25-26, 1965: Elvis signing autographs for fans in Nashville while he was in town for the recording session for the "Harum Scarum" movie soundtrack. Marty Lacker is seen by Elvis' side.
YOUTUBE - INTERVIEW WITH MARTY LACKER BY JOE KREIN PART 3 (out of 4) (go to 30:00 to listen his story about the lawsuit by Priscilla)
Now, this is just my personal comments on this but for all I've learned about Marty Lacker so far I believe he had the best interests at heart concerning Elvis. He helped EP with his music career A LOT. The way he puts it, it seems he worried with Elvis' name in the business because: 1. Marty knew EP had so much to offer (as everybody else knew), so much talent to go to waste on unworthy movies and its soundtracks and on general commercially weak songs, and 2. I bet it wasn't funny to see people mocking his friend for the kind of music and movies Elvis was making. Marty, as well as some other Memphis Mafia guys, worried about Elvis' personal satisfaction and well-being for multiple reasons... maybe not all of them being selfless but I still believe they did care about Elvis as a friend and human being even if they had hidden interests and whatever was the nature of them.
Now, all of those guys (all the people) around EP were seeing him killing himself little by little while trying to numb the disturbing thoughts in his mind and the sorrow in his soul... they were witnessing all of the sad incidents happening over the years where Elvis would end up hurting himself or almost dead. Marty was one of the few people that would go against Colonel Parker when he convinced Elvis to try something new for his career, something that would end up giving Elvis a great refreshing moment in his life, something he was hoping for deep down but somehow couldn't imagine how to make it happen himself and the ones who were in the place to advice him were too busy with their own personal agendas to care about the King's aspirations for his career.
Marty was the one to manage getting Elvis into the American Sound studio (later at the Stax too), and Marty was also the one to recommend the Sweet Inspirations to work on Elvis' concerts. Just by that alone, ALONE, could you really think Marty deserved a lawsuit for a money Priscilla didn't even need? I mean, where is the gratitude to some of the close friends of the man she allegedly says she loved?
As he said in the same interview, Marty was no saint… he wasn't a leech either. There was a time when Elvis lent him some money and Marty paid him back some time later, so Elvis was deeply touched by it because normally no one would pay him back ever! That shows something, right?
Maybe I don't know enough yet because I'm relatively a new born in the Elvis fandom, and I absolutely don't agree with every statement I've listened/read coming from Marty but in general I see him as one of the good guys from the Memphis Mafia bunch. I mean, every story has two sides. Maybe Priscilla sued Marty after being counselled to do so by some lawyer she had, like she was when she decided take Elvis to the court again in 1973, asking for more money after the divorce settlement had been set in 1972 - and by this I mean she could've been convinced to sue Marty instead of having the idea herself, which at least would make things a little less awful. But any reason she had to do that, I mean... why? There's things in life we just don't do. Even if she didn't personally liked the guy (and we know from Elvis' friends the ones she really liked were Joe Esposito and Jerry Schilling), she had to admit Marty was a great contributor to the Elvis Presley estate from which she benefits until today. I think for all Marty did for Elvis' career it's reasonable to think that any money he could've borrowed from EP would have already made its way back into the Presley's bank account in other ways. Maybe a little bit of gratitude and respect to him wouldn't hurt. I mean, I'm not totally against Priscilla... in some ways I can understand her, I really can, but not on this. Not when it comes to her greediness.
I just wonder what would Elvis think.
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(2) The Presley's wedding day, February 1, 1967. Marty with Elvis and Priscilla.
FURTHER INFO: On July 17 1973, "in the papers presented to the court Priscilla's new attorney seeks to set aside the original divorce settlement." - Excerpt from 'Elvis Day by Day' by Peter Guralnick and Ernst Jorgensen. Now in addition to what has been agreed on the August 1972 divorce settlement, from the 1973 new settlement Priscilla would also receive, among other things, Spousal support, additional $625,000 (in cash) to the original $100.000 agreed and 5% of Elvis' royalties.
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keelt9 · 4 months ago
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This is nuts, I never in my whole life have I’ve seen so many pumpkins in a short period of time, I mean in 15 minutes. 
I totally forgot the first week of October Lilian receives like every year a full load of pumpkins from a local farm, for sale on halloween. It was until early morning a big truck parked in front of the florist’s full of pumpkins.
“The back room is full, I think we should put it here.” Gael said, coming out of the room full of orange fruits. “Don’t worry, it's normal, relax.” 
I nod as I keep signing the paper of receipt; between the bouquets, pumpkins start to take place.
The sound of the door makes me realize that yes, customers will be coming along with the pumpkins. 
“Hi, I’ll be there in a pumpkin.” The scoff of Gael makes me correct myself. “In a second, I’ll be with you in a second.”
“This will be over in four days.” Gael jokes with me walking around the place trying to put in order all the pumpkins.
“Days?!” Gael carried another pumpkin to the back room.
“So, all are here.” I get down my head trying to figure out who four days can become, at least in two.
“Everybody here knows, huh?” The soft giggles sound familiar now, turning around I see Joe arm cross but with a smile.
“Lilian let us know a few days earlier pumpkins are coming.” I curse underneath seeing the last pumpkin enter the florist’s. 
Gael greeted Joe in total calm with a bouquet in his hands. Mental note, asking him why he didn’t say anything the first few days I was here about Joe.
“This is about to be smashed, where do you want it?” A small opium poppy bouquet is safe in his hands, I was working on that before the pumpkin rain interrupted.
I looked around beside the bouquets in their places, it wasn’t any empty spot. 
“I’ll take it.” Joe answered by taking the bouquet looking around to the orange room. “And my pumpkins.” 
Making Gael and I laugh. “Are you leaving my heartsease?” This time Joe laughs so hard. 
“Just for a while.” I chuckle taking the bow to put the ribbon around it, meanwhile Gael takes the 5 big pumpkins to Joe’s car.
“I haven’t seen you in days, you get the number?” This time I chose a yellow ribbon.
Joe clears his throat and a big smile appears on his face, good news. “I did.”
“And?” I give it to him one more time, but he licks his lips. “No way! You haven’t texted her, right?”
“It’s not that easy. What could I tell her?” Joe complains, raising his shoulders. 
I cross my arms. “Who could tell? Joe Burrow it’s a shy guy after all.” The loud bump of Gael's arm distracts us for a second. 
“I’m fine! I don’t see the wall.” Joe and I laughed seeing Gael carrying the last pumpkin. 
I think for a second when Collin's message gives an idea. “What about if you tell her about your day?”
Joe scoffs seeing the flowers. “My day?” 
“Hey! If you tell her, maybe she will tell you about hers. I bet you don’t have a boring life.” Joe laughs softly as he puts his hands on his waist. “I don’t know, the good one on this it’s Lilian, you should have asked her when she was here.” 
One more time the door opens, this time the Hunter twins arrive with big eyes running when they see the pumpkin ocean.
“Mom, it’s time!” Mrs. Hunter smiles knowing that maybe her shop of flowers will turn in a car full of pumpkins. 
“I’ll leave you, thanks for the advice.” Joe jokes as we walk to the exit. “I’ll send you a photo after I finish my work of art.” 
He points to the 5 big pumpkins in his car. “I count on that.” 
It was a long day, a lot of pumpkins are still around, it seems we barely reached clean the front of the florist’s. Gael came from the back room tired as I was ready to go home. 
“Do you need help tomorrow for the small ones?” I choke with my sip of water.
“Small ones?!” Gael jokes and explains to me, the first day the big pumpkins arrived and the next the small ones, less than big ones. “Omg!”
“I’ll come tomorrow morning, have a good night boss.” Gael said, walking with his backpack to the exit as he picked his big pumpkin.
On my way to Lilian’s apartment a message from a strange number appears on the screen. Joe sent a photo of one of his big pumpkins, a scary face on it, set in his front door.
I thought if with the frequency of his messages increasing I’ll probably not see him so much, to be honest it’s way much easier, order flowers than come to pick it up, but no; his 3 day visit continues with the same excitement as always. 
“Ok, ok, wait for a second.” I stretch my arms and hands.
When Lilian knows that I have a local full of pumpkins and there aren't any of them on our door, she calls every morning, afternoon and night until I agree I’ll try my best to put at least one. 
In all my life, yes, I decorated pumpkins but my mom and dad, even Collin, are in charge of taking out all the pulp and giving it a proper form, until today.
Reason why, I’ll call my dad early this morning to guide me through this.
“We’re almost there honey, just one eye and a nose and it will be over.” Dad had his cup of coffee next to him as he finished his third pumpkin. 
“I 100% prefer painting them.” After a week, the florist’s is empty of pumpkins, with halloween in 3 days, you start to see kids with costumes from early hours.
One more hour and I finally finished one pumpkin. “We can start the other when you feel ready.”
I shake my head taking out the gloves as I scoff. “Lilian said one, there is one.” 
Dad laughs as he smiles softly at me. “One kid far away and the other ready to go.” 
Lately with me away from home and Collin next to do it too, our parents turn into really sentimental people.
The sound of the door announced the first customer of the day. “I have to go, thanks dad.” 
He smiles waving his hand before hanging out.
I found Joe with his bag in his hand and sunglasses on, making me smile. The Bengals have a game in Las Vegas. 
“You know, there are barely a few sunlights.” He laughs as I point to his sunglasses. “I guess you’re leaving early, huh?” 
Joe nods. “We do. And you’re covered in orange.” I look down at a lot of pumpkin on me.
“I just made horrible things to a pumpkin.” He laughs as he is searching for something in his bag. “I sadly guess, there is no bouquet today, huh?”
“I’m afraid don’t but…” He smiled when he found it in his bag. “Here.”
A small pumpkin painted in gray an black, it’s squidward. 
“Oh my God! This is amazing.” I observed utterly fascinate. 
“It’s for you.” My brain stops working for more than a second. “You said you need one, so, I’ll hope it works.”
I feel so flattered for a pumpkin. “Whoa, hm, thank you, thank you so much.” Joe smiles grow bigger after seeing me smiling. 
“Well, mhm I have to go, I’ll see you when I come back.” I nod unable to say another word as he walks out of the place.
Until I see an orange opium poppy on the desk. “Joe!” He stops outside of the florist’s; with a tremble on my hands I give him the flower. “Who dey.” 
Joe chuckles and I could swear I see him blushing.
Halloween approached in a blink of an eye, suddenly it's Halloween morning; people with costumes since the very first hours of the morning, kids running all over the streets excited for the night and another just with a small item of Halloween in their clothes.
“In your house?!” Gael screamed from the backroom, he just arrived. “You can come with me.”
I chuckled as I took a last review to the orders of the day. “Take your boss to a Halloween party? No, I will pass.”
Since yesterday night when I told him I'll be resting at home on Halloween night he keeps complaining that I should go to a bar for a drink instead of spending the night in Lilian's house.
“Besides I have candies to give, a lot of them.” I bought a lot of bags of candy. If I plan to be at home, kids will be coming too.
Gael came out with a few flowers for a bouquet. “At least do a proper horror movie marathon.”
“Count with that.” I pat his arm. “It's all right, I'm exhausted after all, don't forget this is all new for me.”
Gale bluffs as a customer gets inside picking up the first bouquet of the day.
The day passed with more movement than I expected. After midday, kids started rushing asking for “trick or treat”, people looking for bouquets and another for a specific type of flowers for their costumes.
Gael leaves earlier, he has a party to go and the night is here.
“OH MY FUCKING GOD!” I jumped and screamed as I turned around finding a big mask of an alien.
Joe takes out the mask giggling. “Happy Halloween!” 
With my hand on my chest I shake my head. “What are you doing here? You should be with your girl at a party or something like that.”
Joe blushes, repeating the same words. <My girl.> “She has to work, so she will probably be tired, I don't want to rush anything.”
I smile proudly. “Whoa, I'm gladly surprised, how thoughtful. Still you have a party right?”
He has a mask and a strange UFO suit. After a big win, they came back that same night. Joe told me some of the guys want to be here to spend Halloween with their families.
“I do, one of the guys is making one.” Joe looks around his eyes and stops in the small pumpkin on the desk smiling.
“Hey, great game. I heard you crushed the other team.” I said looking for a ribbon for the last bouquet of the day.
“You heard? You didn’t watch it?” His disbelieving tone made me close my eyes and smile.
“You played the same hour as San Francisco. I can't help it.” I put the ribbon when I lifted my eyes; Joe is biting his lip kind of indecisive. “Are you ok?”
“You know, there is a big divisional game next week…” He lifts his head rubbing his neck.
“Yeah, the Steelers.” I nod fitting for not blushing like a tomato in front of him, the uncountable times I see the videos and pictures of this now so vividly in front of me.
“YES!” He clears his throat. “And… San Francisco has his bye week.”
Never fails to make me laugh. “I know.”
“What about if you watch it?” Joe asks but his eyes are closed. 
“Yeah, sure.” His eyes open right away, looking for something in his jacket.
“In the Stadium.” It's two tickets for Sunday's game. 
I take them, opening my eyes so big. “Are you joking?” Clearly exciting for the invitation. Looking in detail it's first row tickets. “No way!” 
“I mean you could bring someone if you want.” It's hard to contain the thrill even when he knows the only person I could bring is Gael. 
“So funny.” I look at the tickets then at him who has a soft smile. “I'll go, count on that!”
Joe was about to speak but my excitement came with a big hug. “Thanks Joe.”
He tense for a moment but a second later, I feel his arms around me in a warm hug.
“Is there a chance I will meet the mysterious girl?” I asked, slipping apart.
Joe cheeks turned red and whispers almost inaudible, and I’m not sure if I could hear. “I think you already did.”
My phone started to sound, Collin is calling. 
“Sorry, it's my brother I have to pick up.” Joe shakes his head, taking his mask.
“I have to go too. I'll see you in the week before the game, ok?” Joe almost crashed into the wall of the entrance.
“Careful.” He smiles in a shy way. “I'll be here, believe me.” He nods, walking out with a fist tight.
I didn’t have to ask Gael twice to come with me, still he gives the same friendly recommendation. “Making friends outside of the florist's it’s a good option.”
Late at night the day before the game I received the call from Lilian, with good news, if things go as planned they’ll be here the second week of december. 
“That’s great!” Lilian laughs. “I mean, I'm having a great time here but you know, I'm happy for you…”
“And…” She asked as she kept preparing her clothes for breakfast with Jason’s friends. 
“Well, I don’t mind being less involved in hand work.” Meanwhile I was taking out my shopping from this afternoon.
“I bet a lot of pe…” She stops everything and looks right to me. “Hold on, hold on, what do you have there?” 
I see the last things I take out, a bag of chips, a scarf and a beanie. “What?”
“The black, orange beanie.” She points at the camera like she knows where I put it.
“Oh, this.” I raise the beanie, the beanie has a orage-white nine on the middle of it. “Right, I forgot to tell you, Joe invited me to the game, tomorrow's game.” 
I'm aware of the corners of my lips going up. 
“Right.” Lilian has a title head and narrow eyes, like I have something more to tell. “Are you going with h…”
“God! Lilian you’re making this awkward, I’ll invite Gael to come with me; Joe just invited me and gave me the tickets.” I shiver at her mind making a whole story that fast. 
“Sorry! You put all the things for me to start to make my own theories.” She looks more relieved going back to her task.
“He has a girl he likes! OMG! We've been talking about that!” I stand walking to the kitchen to make dinner.
“I know! But… I thought that girl might be you!” I heard Jason asking if everything was alright, he heard the screams. “Fine, Y/N and I we’re having a talk.”
I giggle, imagining Jason nod as he comes out slowly for the bedroom, he has seen and heard our talks so he knows we tend to raise our voices. 
“See, even you scare Jason.” I chuckle seeing her face turning red. “Whatever I have to go.” 
Lilian nods, taking her phone so she can whisper something. “Have fun with…”
I hang out laughing at how imaginative she could be most of the time.
Sunday morning, I found Gael waiting for me one hour before the game started. Honestly I wouldn't mind coming on time, either I don’t mind seeing Joe a little bit more.
“All I’m saying is these are pretty good seats.” I followed Gael through the corridors of the stadium until we came out. “See, just behind the touchdown line.”
Our seats were a few distance from the middle of the touchdown line, having an amazing view of the field, and soon of the game. On the field the players from both teams are finishing their warm ups, going to the locker room and getting ready for the ceremony.
“You know what would be crazy?” Gael said as we sat marveling at the view we had. “They walk right for that hallway.” He points to the big entrance a few meters from us.
I scoff taking a picture for sending to Collin who I bet will burn for this. “Wait, I thought you had already come to a game before.”
Gael nods. “But not this close. These seats at this time of the season are expensive.”
His words trigger something on my mind. “Joe has a box here, right?” He nods and points to where it’s. 
Even from a distance I see a few people there and I keep wondering if the mysterious girl is here too. I am dying to meet her. 
“You think you can get us a pass for that?” He raises and lowers his eyebrows making me laugh.
My words get stuck when I see Joe walking to the other side of the field, he finishes his warm ups, fully concentrates; takes a few minutes to sing and greet the fans near that zone. 
“Damn it! So close.” I chuckle, Gael complains like he didn’t see him at least once at time in the store.
A balling game, what you heard it could be a game of few points turn on the ball coming on going to the other side of the field.
Related to the ideas of Lilian still lingering on my head I almost could swear that in a touchdown Joe approached way too much to zone where we are. 
By the end of the game, Bengals win for a touchdown; we remain until the last players left the field, waving our hands to Joe who left after answering some questions. 
On our way to take a bus, I received a text from Joe; he asked if I could bring a bouquet of opium puppies in an hour when all the duties of the game ended. 
Gael offers to come with me to the florist’s and go back with me but it’s Sunday, I’ll be able to handle this. 
“What does it mean?” Gael asked me to give him the last flower. “The flower.”
“Peace and hope.” He nods. “Why?”
Gael opened his mouth but closed it again. “Nothing, it’s just… Nevermind, my tricky mind.”
“Are you sure?” I put the bow in the middle. 
He nods. “You think you’ll meet the girl today?” Gael asked, sitting on the chair.
I don’t know who's more excited, him or me. “I’m counting on that.”
Joe gave indications for which part of the stadium I must get in, so I just followed instructions when I found a girl at the door, just like he said.
“Hi, I…” The girl smiles at me like she found a treasure.
“Y/N, right?” I nod and extend the bouquet to give it to her but she shakes her head. “Oh, no, Joe asked us to let you come, this way please.”
I follow her seeing players coming out tired but clearly excited for going home with their families and a home win.
“Wait, wait.” A big guy stops us looking at me with narrow eyes. “Cute girl, with flowers and… “ His eyes turn wide open. “Y/N?”
I take a step back, surprised by he actually knows my name, the girl giggles but doesn't say another word. 
Ja’mar who was walking behind him, eyes on his phone, stops when he hears my name. 
“Y/N?” He looks at the bow on my hands. “Please don’t tell me my man makes you bring this.”
“Am, yeah?” Chase shakes his head, making me more confused than I was a second ago.
“Why are so many…” A new guy appears with a bag on his hands, when he sees me, like the two other guys he smiles. “You came here with flowers?”
I nod. “Yeah, Joe asked me this.” I innocent question couldn’t be harmful right? “You know the girl right?” All look at me with a choke head. “The girl who Joe likes?” 
My excitement left them speechless and confused. “Don’t you?” Chase asked with open eyes.
“How could I know her?!” I throw my head back frustrated. “Joe just came for flowers and…” 
The disbelieving expressions, and tender smiles bring memories to my mind; the unusual visits, the texts and photos, the eyes and smiles. Drain the blood of my brain.
“He gave you a pumpkin of Squidward?” The strength on my fingers faded away making the bouquet fall off my hands.
“Oh my…” My phone starts to sound, with trembling hands I take out of my pocket finding the name of Joe on the screen.
Unable to pick up, my brain starts to work as fast as it can, when I lift my eyes, my heart stops for a second.
Joe was walking outside, with comfy clothes as his eyes are on his phone and in his hands a beanie. My phone rang one more time, he heard it lifting his eyes and found me surrendered by big guys, a bouquet on my feet and I swear pale as a ghost.
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nightlyrequiem · 5 months ago
Be Still My Heart
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Chapter 6- Date Night
Masterlist AO3 Next Previous
New Chapter Every Saturday
You're the best in the meth industry but a new product suddenly pops up. You and your boss, Valeria, must figure out who is making it so you can take back the market. All the while tension is building between the two of you.
A/N: I can't copy paste the header image anymore so now I have to add it in on my phone. Boo.
Tags/Warnings: Illegal Substances, Boss Employee Relationship, Angst, Some Hurt/Comfort, Violence, Manipulation, Suggestive Themes, Smut (But Only in CH19.), Dual POV
Your excitement towards the upcoming Friday shriveled up and died the moment you found out you were nothing more than a bet to Corra. Not only that, but everyone you work with was in on the joke. Laughing behind your back at how stupid you are for thinking someone was genuinely showing interest in you. None of these people are your friends and not once have you ever considered them to be, but knowing they're talking about you and laughing at you hurts. It's that unresolved trauma from high school turning you sensitive. You did your best to avoid everybody. Not sure who you could trust. Corra's brother had tried to come up to you to ask a question, but you just stared at him until he left. You sure showed him.
You don't need any of them anyway. You don't need anyone. Nobody in your life has ever benefited you, so you're better off alone. You slink down the empty halls towards the lab. Your anger and embarrassment brews deep within you. The belt loop on your pants snags on a door handle as you pass, and you almost punch a hole in the stupid wooden thing. You storm off and reach the lab. You open the steel door and step inside. Seeing Valeria already waiting, new barrels of pseudoephedrine and sugar sat on the floor by your desk. Her hair is sleeker and neater today and as you approach you catch a waft of something that smells expensive. She's forgone her usual safe turtleneck or simple tank top. Instead choosing to wear a gray button-down shirt with the top buttons undone. It's tucked into her usual cargos and belted.
"What are you so dressed up for?" You mutter. Her attire makes you think of a date. A date which you no longer have. You scowl as you pull on the medical jumpsuit, placing the gasmask on your head.
Valeria stares at you.
"Just felt like wearing something nicer today." She replies. You move towards the barrels and inspect them. When you don't hear Valeria moving or the rustle of fabric you turn to look at her.
"What are you doing?" You frown.
"I'm waiting for you?" Valeria says, brows furrowing in confusion. "What are you waiting for?" She sounds impatient and that doesn't sit well with you. She may be your boss and the head of the operation, but cooking meth is your specialty.
"I'm waiting for you to get dressed in the proper gear, do you think I'm putting on this ugly jumpsuit for fun?" You say harshly.
Valeria leans back, surprised by the bite in your voice. She gets a little stiff, doing that thing where she makes herself seem just a little bigger, crossing her arms over her chest.
"You're smart and an asset so I'm going to pretend you didn't just speak to me that way." She says coldly. Brushing past you to find herself the proper clothes.
"Right." You mutter quietly. "You're here to watch me be an asset and not to make sure I don't mess up."
Valeria pulls the gas mask over her face, and it muffled her words slightly. "You won't mess up." She replies.
"Of course I won't, because if I do, you'll kill me." You meant it as a partial joke. But the room falls into an uncomfortable silence.
"... I wouldn't do that." She says. "You won't mess up because you're in your element, you're the master here."
Valeria's faith in you melts the icy anger around your heart. Only a little bit though.
"Well... even the masters mess up." You murmur. Despite your remark, you do feel more confident. You turn away to get out your notes and jump when Valeria puts a hand on your shoulder. You cringe away at the unexpected touch.
"I know what the common opinion of me is, but I wouldn't kill you for messing up a few times." Valeria says firmly. "If I killed or fired everyone who made a mistake I wouldn't have a cartel."
You turn your head to look at her. Seeing how serious she's taking this. "Right, yeah." You nod.
"I'm serious." Valeria furrows her brows. "You're important here."
You don't quite know what to do with her praise, so you don't acknowledge it or the warm feelings it gives you.
"Okay, we need three cups of Red Phosphorus, and we need to heat it." You say. "Can you pour eight cups of the pseudo into that bowl over there while I do that?"
Valeria promptly opens the barrel and begins scooping the blue liquid into measuring cups. 
You and Valeria work together for hours. She's a fast learner and efficient. Usually, you prefer to work alone but it's nice to have her here. Working alongside her makes her feel more like a person. You sigh and lean back as the large container holding everything together slowly pumps the liquid meth through the drip pipes. The last two batches sitting in plastic bags off to the side. Fifty pounds each. Each with different concentrations of sugar.
"This was enlightening." Valeria hums. Turning to face you. The lights reflect off the glass of her gas mask. You huff in amusement.
"Was it?" You reply. "Are you going to fire me because you know how to cook it yourself now?"
"Go over it with me a few more times, then I will." She replies. "How are you feeling now?"
At first you don't understand why she's asking but you catch on quickly. "I'm... disappointed."
You retract your gaze from her to look at your hands. You had meant to say you were fine. Valeria isn't exactly the first person you'd want to talk about your feelings with.
"Yeah." You nod. "I feel silly, but I was actually a little excited for the date." You admit quietly.
"Oh, did you like Corra?" Valeria asks, eyes burning into the side of your head.
"No, I mean, kind of?" You shrug. "I never saw her in that light until she asked me out and I stupidly got carried away with it. Entertained fantasies of us getting married and moving in together and all that."
Valeria scoffs in disbelief. "Because she asked you out?" 
You frown at her. "I didn't genuinely believe those things would happen I was just imagining them." You feel a little defensive. Like a silly child with a crush. "I just thought I had a shot at it, at being with someone." You act like it hurts less than it does. Finding a life partner is getting slimmer and slimmer and you're slowly accepting that you might never find one. But that's fine, you said you didn't need anyone.
Valeria regards you.
"Is that what you want?" She asks. She glances at the pipes as crystals begin to from. "To... get married, buy a house, two point five kids?"
A meth lab is an excellent place to have this conversation. With your boss no less. This is exactly where you thought you'd be ten years ago.
"Or just getting a partner that sticks around." You shrug. 
"Maybe you're looking in the wrong place for that person." Valeria murmurs.
"What do you mean?" You ask, turning to face her. she speaks like she knows something you don't.
Valeria just shakes her head and moves towards the pipes.
"This is ready to be collected." she says. Carefully pulling the crystals off and into a bag like you showed her. You want her to answer your question, but you let it go and help her. The last bag, batch C is fifty-one point three pounds. ready to be sold off. You and Valeria strip from the PPE and stuff your suits back into the locker. You two walk from the lab, free of the bright lights.
"What are you doing now?" You inquire as you two walk back to her office.
"Paperwork." Valeria says, not sounding too ecstatic about it. "Want to help me?"
You smile. "Not really."
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givehimthemedicine · 3 months ago
Madwheeler and Super-El: Max and Mike's perspectives on El as the (super)hero
working on another post pondering El's role as "the hero" vs the way the show really doesn't support that concept, and places huge importance on teamwork instead.
the hero is usually the strong/capable one expected to take all the risks and save the day, and other characters feel free to throw them at danger without fearing too much for their safety, especially if they also have powers. but when the hero is a little girl, that's harder.
so today I'm chewing on how El is viewed in that light by the two people closest to her - both of whom are prone to contextualizing her powers through a fantasy lens.
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so, here comes one of my favorite El-Max topics, but also one where I've shortchanged Mike in the past. I need to revise some of the old stuff I've said about Bad Guy Mike identifying El as a superhero vs Good Guy Max identifying El as just a girl with superpowers. that was a pretty superficial read on both ends.
(I'm sure the Mike parts will be kindergarten review for his fans/analysts, but I don't usually pay him much attention; this is aimed more at the Mike-hater/ignorer elmax crowd I spawned from)
this is a long ramble, but a fun one I think!
let's start with Max.
for her, El begins as a mythological figure. she doesn't believe she exists as described by Lucas. but then El proves her existence via a very badass entrance, and it only supports Max's idea of her as some kind of invincible, superhero-esque figure.
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Max scoffs at the idea of El needing Hopper's protection at the lab. actually, El does need it, bigtime! closing the gate takes all her focus, and without Hopper there to fend off demodog attacks, she probably couldn't have done it.
Max doesn't see that, though, and presumably spends little or no time around El between seasons, so her first impression goes unchallenged for almost a year.
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we find s3 Max locked in HARD in her faith in El as the hero who can solo the baddie, take care of herself, and save everyone else. she seems to picture that having superpowers means El has nothing to fear.
the sauna is the first time Max actually sees El fight, and it doesn't go how she expects
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El fights Billy, but gets overpowered at one point. everybody's stunned: this is the first time any of the party has ever seen El not decisively win a fight, so "uhhh... should we do something?" doesn't kick in instantly. Max and the others watch as El gets choked purple. only Mike intervenes to save her life and give her a moment to regain control of the fight.
"like she needs protection" and "you have super powers! what's the worst that could happen?" age like milk here. this is when Max sees that El is not invincible and needs help. lesson learned!
... ehh well.. actually what happens is, Max doubles down on her solo-hero-El stance after this and has a bigtime attitude about it.
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and, okay, I'm ready to admit that Max's overconfidence towards El's abilities leads to her treating El more like she's a superhero than Mike does during this era. not her intent, but, what's said is said. (I'll get into it, bear with me)
when Mike worries about El endangering herself, Max accuses him of not respecting El's right to make her own choices. when Lucas suggests killing the MF with fireworks, she eyerolls him for thinking any non-El approach could be of value.
nobody was 100% right or wrong, but I see Max having the most crow to eat after all this. Mike was right to worry about El's limits and fear for brain damage: she loses her powers entirely (in the sense that this is later likened to the brain-scrambling of a stroke, can it not be said that El did take brain damage from the MF? not exactly how Mike meant it, but?). and Lucas is no dummy for the fireworks idea: it's all that stops El from getting flayed at one point.
El still helps save the day in s3, but as the big powerful solo hero? nah. least of any season. Max's repeated bets on her powers lose.
so why did watching El almost die in the sauna seem to have no effect on Max's perception of her? why does she still assert that El alone will kick all the flayed butts in 3x6, after she needed some nerd's help kicking (1) flayed butt in 3x4?
there is a visible effect! just not the one you expect right away.
mid-3 is Max's guilt and denial era
3 is when all the issues are coalescing that leave Max depressed in 4: she wished for something terrible to happen to Billy, and now it is, so it feels like it's her fault. she's not ready to cope with the guilt that comes from that, or any of the other dominos that are falling as a result.
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"I just stood there and watched" is textually about Billy and the flesh monster. but if Max feels guilt for inaction, she would have similar feelings about El in the sauna, where she also took no action.
Max specified that her inaction with Billy wasn't because she was scared or weak, but because she didn't know if he deserved to be saved. It being a decision not to act is why she feels so terrible about it. I see no reason to think it was radically different in the sauna: I could completely buy that she somewhat chose not to act because she didn't think El needed to be saved.
I don't think either are cases of Max blaming herself for an uncontrollable freeze response, because we see multiple illustrations of her not having that response, whether it's herself or others in danger.
post-sauna, Max has plainly seen that El did need protection, and is struggling with the fact that she didn't provide any. the bathroom scene is when her guilt is the clearest, imo.
watch how she gets lost in the sight of El's bruises and stops what she's doing, and the way she asks if it hurts. you can imagine her logic in feeling like those bruises are her fault: both for "causing" the greater situation and for not making a move to help.
but what's really telling is the abrupt change of subject and tone from "are you in pain?" to "lol that Mike's a yapper amirite?". she has a lot of nerve putting Mike down after he's the one who just saved El's ass, right? but that's exactly why she does it. this is 14 year old coping with heavy feelings in an immature manner, as they'll do.
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choosing Mike isn't just a random "lol madwheeler worsties" attempt to cheer El up. it's an attempt to bury her shame at her own inaction compared to his action in the sauna. by getting a laugh out of El at Mike's expense and shifting the theme of the scene towards making fun of the boys, she's steering into waters that reflect more favorably on herself, and her bond with El, than him/his.
so I think that's one big reason Max is doubling down on her confidence in El in mid-3: to absolve her guilt. she's trying to convince herself that El really CAN take care of herself despite what she saw. because if El is superheroically powerful, Max has nothing to feel guilty about (and in fact, is El's only good, supportive friend for having faith in her!)
season 3's war of the sexes
here's another reason I think Max doubles down. she has some male-specific trust issues at play behind the scenes in this season that have been messing up her relationship. as a result of El coming to her for advice, Max's private personal trauma-foibles get projected out into this "stupid boys" war of the sexes that clogs up most of the party's season.
why do I bring up trust issues? because Max does. her framing in the cabin argument is pretty bullshit: she spins Mike's concern for El's wellbeing into an issue of trust. which is a kinda odd word for the situation, especially considering it does not play to her advantage.
look at her regret that she let that word escape containment lmao:
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Max thinks boyfriends can't be trusted, so it follows that girlfriends should always be trusted - and "trust" here means "trust El to save the day without killing herself". even though I trust it's been explained to her that that's classic El behavior.
she presents her case to Nancy and Jonathan, but a fair trial for Mike goes out the window when only Nancy weighs in. yep, the Nancy who's fresh off her own war with Jonathan about workplace misogyny and how he should've trusted her about the rat story. so Nancy's ruling (while none of it is wrong) has a heavy bias in the same direction as Max's, and totally glosses over the valid aspects of what Mike's saying. lmao at the way Jon mutes himself for this discussion. she's never wrong, son.
El's agency and ability prevail as the only real issues among the loudest voices in the room - neither of whom share the trauma of already having witnessed El exercise both to sacrifice herself.
oh, but then look what happens as soon as El starts losing another fight:
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at least some of that was denial, because it ends abruptly right here. Max doesn't need it anymore, because she has something way better: another chance.
I think if the sauna truly hadn't changed Max's mind about El, then Max would've done the same thing here (stood and watched). but she doesn't. this time when El gets overpowered fighting the flesh monster and almost gets yoinked, Max jumps in to help pull her back.
(this is how we can be sure Max's inaction with Billy and the FM wasn't merely a freeze response. "I imagine myself running to you, pulling you away" - they showed her able and willing to do exactly that for El)
this is a huge step. but still, the anti-Lucas-fireworks stuff happens even after this. (she's a work in progress, okay?)
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in fairness, El's powers are the more effective approach. she still has them here, and nobody foresees her losing them over a leg injury. if all had gone as expected, El would've probably done the heavy lifting in another FM fight at the mall. Max doesn't have to be so dismissive of conventional backup plans, but she's not wrong-wrong about this particular one, either: fireworks don't kill the FM. they're an invaluable distraction, yes, but not fatal.
by this point, Max understands now that El needs help/protection even though she has powers, but still places her faith in those powers above all else to handle the supernatural fighting. which I'd call a fairly reasonable, if sucks-to-be-El assessment.
more progress is made when El loses her powers:
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this little piece of action is sooooo tasty as a bookend to the sauna scene.
this time, Max doesn't wait to see how the fight goes and then jump in for backup if needed. she takes the defensive lead this time, stepping out in front. none of these three have the physical strength to beat Billy, so she figures that as Billy's stepsister, the responsibility falls to her to try to stop him a different way. doesn't work even a little bit, but, credit for the effort to defend. (Mike too, full credit for trying)
s4 Max on El's power loss
we don't know of anything Max ever said TO El regarding her power loss. but during her curse era in season 4 she's still out there wishing for El to get her powers back.
this line was a rock in my shoe for awhile because I thought Max should've grown past the solo-hero-El mindset after s3. I wish the burden wasn't always on El, and I'd like to see Max express that too, and spend more time helping think of conventional solutions instead of just relying on El's powers to save the day.
but actually I just misinterpreted the line.
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she doesn't say this during the discussion about how they're gonna stop Vecna. this is specifically in reply to Nancy pointing out that they need to find a way into the UD in order to do that. so Max isn't saying she wishes El would come kill Vecna / rescue her / save the day, she's just saying she wishes El could poke a hole into the UD for them so they can do it. opening a portal is the part the kids really can't do on their own. shooting/stabbing a guy, sure.
once a gate presents itself, Max never wishes for El's help again. she volunteers as bait while the others kill Vecna, which is an entirely conventional solution.
so, this still fits a general trend away from regarding El as a solo/super hero. as always, Max looks to El for the stuff that can only be accomplished with superpowers; what's really changing is that her perception of "things that can be accomplished without superpowers" is expanding. s3 to s4 shows an enormous decrease in her reliance on El for supernatural battle.
ooh but the final step (so far) is my favorite
Max really no longer expects El to solo, even when she shows up with powers and gives explicit instructions to let her solo. ("stay back" -> so, "just stand there and watch"? mm tasty)
Max does listen, initially, but when things go south, she tries to stab Vecna in El's defense (or more realistically, tries to distract him for a second).
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the interesting piece of character growth here is not that Max tries to protect El even though El has powers. that's not new.
it's the implications of Max growing past volunteering her protection unasked, all the way to insisting on protecting El even after she said not to.
a very interesting choice from little miss trust-El-who's-saved-the-world-twice.
[Regina George voice:] so you agree? it is possible for El to overestimate her own limits? and her decisions should sometimes be challenged or overridden for her own protection?
like. Max and Mike are the only ones El has ever "stay back"ed. I mean, she's fought for everybody, but they're the only two people she's ever explicitly, individually, fought instead of. are we seeing it?
are we seeing how Mike's feelings in that s3 argument had a lot to do with watching El fight the demogorgon after keeping him back for his own protection - and that the instant Max has the vaguely-equivalent experience of watching El fight Vecna after keeping her back for her own protection, her actions get a bit more Mikey?
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where will this go in s5?
unless we get an amnesia plot, s5 Max ought to have a specific brand of El-loss trauma very similar to Mike's, considering she most likely died thinking El had already been killed trying to protect her. (I'm 100% sure she never saw and 90% sure she never heard El in the mind lair with her so it probably looked like she was dead or at very least "gone")
seems very safe to say s5 will require El to endanger herself in order to save Max, and I'm very eager to see how this arc plays out in terms of Max's reaction to that (will we get a scene where Max actually tries to dissuade her?) and whether we'll get any kind of madwheeler handshake type moment about that.
I'm not saying Max and Mike will or should reach equilibrium in the end, but I am enjoying that they've both ended up sliding towards the middle ground since their argument. Mike has learned to better respect El's agency and independence, and now Max has learned that sometimes she too prioritizes El's safety.
so! Max starts out all starry-eyed over El, thinking superpowers are the solution to everything, only to become more and more inclined to help and protect the girl she originally thought of as a superhero. can't tell you how much I love this progression.
now let's talk about Mike
unlike Max, Mike never expected El to be invincible or save the day all on her own. it might have a lot to do with first impressions (which looks like she needs taking care of: the rainsoaked nonverbal child lost in the woods, or the MTV punk who just hurled a monster through the window?)
Mike does encourage El to use her powers to find Will (after she volunteers her ability and willingness), but just the void-searching, screwing-with-electronics type stuff. he never encourages her towards telekinetic battle; she does all that unasked. he never expects her to fight for them in any way that seems to seriously endanger her. in fact, he makes effort to protect her at those times.
season 2, he worries for El when she goes off to the lab to close the gate, in contrast to Max figuring she can take care of herself. Mike formulates the plan to draw away the demodogs to make it safer for her.
season 3 is the big argument where Mike's seemingly the only one concerned for El's safety, accusing everyone of being careless with El's powers and treating her like a machine. (intriguing that the actual word "superhero" wasn't invoked in this scene)
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although Max makes valid points in this argument, bias from her trust issues causes her to take her points a bit too far. the same thing is going on with Mike. he makes valid points, but has bigtime loss issues that cause him to err in the other direction (arguing El is risking her life "for no reason" when literally the world is at stake).
in fact, throughout the series, his concern for El's safety looks chiefly motivated by his own fear of loss.
"I don't want her to die looking for the flayed"
oh boy does that line tell us a lot. he says "looking for". not "fighting". y'all see the size of the can of worms?
Mike worries about her dying not in combat to save the day, but from searching the void for too long and dying from strain of power overuse. which raises the question:
if Mike is worried about power strain... shouldn't it have been a concern when she had to close the gate last year, which was 1000x more strenuous?
El's battery-drainage has been common knowledge since s1, so either:
s2 Mike didn't realize closing the gate would take lots of power (doesn't make sense; Hopper told them the gate had gotten huge), OR
is there some reason Mike would've become even more El-loss-motivated by 3 than he was in 2, even though he got to "keep" El at the end of 2?
yes! the reason is Will.
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in s2, Will was in jeopardy. Mike's response to the El-gate-closing plan wasn't "oh no, El, don't! you might die or get brain damage!" it's "okaycool but let's make sure Will is safe first." when he does fret for El's safety, he specifies that it's the demodogs he's worried about. he makes no mention of power strain.
in s3 the world is at stake again, but suddenly now Mike is all "oh nooo we can't let El strain herself" regarding a comparatively extremely-low-power-intensity task (plus El is older and presumably stronger since s2). the key variable is that this time, Will is fine.
Mike has always cared about El's safety, but back when Will was at stake, he was able to overlook power strain on her as regrettable but necessary. right now, with Will's safety a non-issue, Mike is free to make El's safety his top concern, even to the point of judging all the others for acting basically like he did in s2. priorities.
anyway, back to the greater subject:
none of his behavior in the first few seasons looks much like the way someone would treat a superhero.
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if Mike has always understood that El needs help and protection, why does he get all superhero-y about her by season 4?
has he grown increasingly awed by her powers as they've strengthened? is Mike's arc the inverse of Max's, with him regarding El as more of a superhero over time? I don't think that's it.
I think framing this the same way for Mike as for Max is wrong, and misses what's really neat about this contrast.
we have to think about why each of them liken El to a superhero in the first place. it's not for the same reasons.
Mike and Max admire different qualities in their favorite superheroes.
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Max superhero name drop: Wonder Woman Max is a girl from a broken home who's felt abandoned, rejected, or abused by every male figure in her life, so we can see the obvious appeal in a strong, independent super-woman. (isn't WW's Lasso of Truth also just what a girl with trust issues would want?)
things like relative invincibility (I know WW isn't literally invincible but like, compared to a regular person), female independence, and ability to defend herself (esp from men) are defining superhero qualities to Max because they're a mix of what she has to be, and what she wishes she could be. she probably imagines that if she were WW, she wouldn't have to worry about anyone or anything that's making her life suck the way it does. WW is MM upside down. coincidence????? (yes)
that's what Max thought El was, early on, hence genuinely thinking El could take care of herself in the sauna.
so does Max just stop thinking of El as a superhero? not necessarily in every sense. right around the time Max is letting go of those preconceptions, another El-WW commonality becomes evident: El helps save the world not with superpowers, but with compassion for Billy.
a mainstay of the Wonder Woman character is the dichotomy of her dominant force aspect and her nurturing humanity: her overwhelming belief in love, empathy, compassion, and having a strong conscience.
I'm not sure whether to think El told anybody how she got through to Billy at the end. but if Max does know, then there are still Wonder Womanly things for her to admire about El's actual character, even if she doesn't think of her as a superhero anymore in the defining sense.
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Mike superhero name drop: Superman invincibility is more of a Superman thing, but not one I see evidence that Mike esteems in Supes, wishes for himself, or expects from El.
the qualities I figure Mike admires in Superman are evidenced by the ones that reflect in his own character: things like loyalty, protectiveness, strong sense of justice. nobody thinks his powers aren't cool, but I sense the real allure for Mike is the way Superman uses those powers for good. that's how Mike would use powers if he had any.
I think such qualities are also what he likes about El. I'm giving him a huge benefit of doubt here, because he hasn't made this clear textually. but in the monologue, I see now how he's calling her a superhero for her character, not her actual powers. he admires her for her loyalty to her friends, her commitment to fighting for good, her constant choice of love over hate - all that jazz. stuff that really does apply with or without her powers.
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Mike superhero name drop: X-Men when Lucas says El is a "weirdo, not a superhero" Mike doesn't deny her weirdo-ness, he defends it, in other words saying someone can be both.
the X-Men are outcasts due to genetic mutations, so their appeal is obvious among a group of nerds who are bullied and called freaks over a variety of prejudices. through an X-Men lens, Mike can find strength in the discrimination and struggle to fit in which the party faces in real life.
this all applies to El too, who faces definite struggles from not fitting in, getting bullied and called a freak as well.
two indicators that Mike meant it specifically in an X-Men way when he called El a superhero during their fight:
one: this conversation started with her talking about how she is different, doesn't belong, and everyone thinks she's a monster.
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two, Mike's word choice. he's already referenced his bullying, but his use of "mouth breather," a s1 throwback word referring to Troy ("I was tripped by this mouth breather Troy") links his thought process back to the X-Men conversation specifically (which took place on the heels of Troy bullying the party).
Mike didn't call her a superhero like "they don't have telekinesis and you do, so you rule and they drool!" he meant "yes you are different from everybody else, and I know that sucks a lot of the time, but the way you use your unique qualities to fight evil is what makes you awesome, like the X-Men!"
Mike superhero name drop: Mister Fantastic
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the first person whose superpowers Mike praises isn't El. it's Dustin! he thinks the hyper-flexibility Dustin gets bullied for is cool, kind of like the stretching powers of Mister Fantastic.
I don't know Mister Fantastic so I had to look up what his deal is, and was intrigued to find this:
.. although his cosmic ray powers are primarily stretching abilities, his presence on the Fantastic Four team is defined by his scientific acumen, as he is officially acknowledged as the smartest man in the Marvel Universe.
rather reminiscent of Dustin, the genius child who's always explaining magnets and the plot to everyone else? looks like his "superpower" is not the only reason Mike likens Dustin to Mister Fantastic. just like El's isn't the only reason he likens her to Superman.
anyway, Mike thinking of El as a superhero isn't the problem per se. the problem is him never articulating that he doesn't mean it in the hurtful way
Mike's had two big scenes where he REALLY needed to make this clear to El, and didn't (if I'm even on the right track here).
El doesn't know jack about superheroes except that they have powers, so when Mike calls her that, she has no idea he could be referring to anything other than her powers. you can't tell me she ever read a comic for him or listened to him talk about Superman. I can't remember El ever even politely feigning interest in Mike's interests.
the only time she's ever listened to anyone lore dump about superheroes was Max about Wonder Woman, and if my above reading is accurate, early s3 Max probably focused on superpowers more than character.
the closest we ever came to E listening to Mike talk about a "superhero" he likes is:
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it's not like he extolled Yoda's bravery or anything. just telekinesis. so it's little wonder what her takeaway is here. all she has to go by is what he says out loud.
and when Mike reassures her, unprompted, that she'll get her powers back at the end of s3, it just reinforces her notion that telekinesis is really important to him.
when actually, I think Mike just says that because it's important to her. she's lost a part of herself and he wants her to feel whole. (whether El truly wants her powers back for her own sake or because she fears she's not valuable to others without them is another conversation - point here is, Mike saw her try, fail, and look upset about it, so he reassures her.)
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ps, I do like how reaching that teddy bear for her serves as a micro illustration of the way he's willing to help reach goals in conventional ways instead of relying on her powers.
but yeah, again, clearly she thinks he means her powers when he calls her a superhero and she answers "not anymore".
which leads to a question I've yelled at the tv more than once: why didn't he just clarify as soon as El said "not anymore"? this whole thing could've been nipped in the bud?
I think he doesn't even realize the miscommunication.
his intent with the superhero "compliment" might just be so obvious to him that he doesn't realize it needs clarification for her.
"but how could he miss the miscommunication? what else than her lost powers could she mean by "not anymore"?" maybe Mike thinks she DOES already understand that he means the superhero thing in terms of admirable character. so, when she says "not anymore", maybe he thinks she's referring not to her lost powers, but to her lost standing in his eyes since hitting Angela?
I've pondered before about how maybe Mike's admiration of El's Supermanly "unwavering moral code" is why he was so upset that it apparently wavered after Rinkomania.
he didn't say anything to clarify after "not anymore" because he is still sorting out those feelings.
I'm not sure Mike realizes even after the "I have gone to become a superhero again" note (which he reads after finding out El is in training to get her powers back).
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his reaction to the note isn't "oh no, I didn't mean superhero like that!" but rather seems all about his regret about El leaving him behind as a result of his failure to force an "I love you". (ah, the old fear of loss disguised as romantic love again)
I don't believe he'd fail to apologize/clarify if he realized the way that this hurt El. he can be an ass, he can be stupid, but he does reliably own up to his mistakes and apologize.
I used to think the "with/without your powers" line in the monologue meant he was aware of the miscommunication, and was trying to clarify. but he did such a bad job clarifying that it makes a lot more sense if he actually still hasn't clocked the issue at all. I gotta think he couldn't have been dumb enough to say the superhero thing again unless he still didn't get how it was hurtful in the first place.
he does have El on a pedestal. it's just not because of her powers.
the monologue is largely selfish, and doesn't land well for El, but it's not the worship-of-superpowers Mike is so often accused of. he's locked onto the "I love you" thing, caught up in his own fear of loss, and completely missing the optics for her.
the superhero thing can be cleared up with a single conversation. the true underlying issue, which would still persist, is this "extraordinary vs. ordinary" dynamic in his mind which isn't serving either of them well. he's got low self esteem from viewing himself as some useless loser compared to her; and the last thing she wants is another guy considering her extraordinary, which has been a horrific liability all her life, and she just wants normalcy.
reason #7519 why 🦴.
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in conclusion: Mike and Max having different Super-El arcs is the good arc for both of them
as Max sees El needing protection, she comes to realize that powers don't grant the kind of freedom/safety that she daydreamed would go along with being a superhero in real life. so for Max to decreasingly regard El as a superhero is a positive thing.
as Mike sees El continue to loyally fight against ever-greater forces of evil and the social struggles that come with her uniqueness, he continues to admire the same qualities in her that define his favorite superheroes. so for Mike to still/increasingly regard El as a superhero is a... well-intentioned, potentially positive thing. (it can be, if he takes her off the pedestal and explains this in a way she can understand.)
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darkhymns-fic · 13 days ago
Be Mine
“Besides.” And here, Alastor loomed over him more, leaning closer so that his breath tickled Husk’s ear. The sensation made Husk flutter his eyes shut. “I don’t really enjoy sweets. And neither do you.”
Someone like Alastor shouldn't even care about Valentine's Day, and neither did Husk. But when Alastor gets everyone a Valentine's gift except for him, Husk can't help but feel extremely bitter about it. He didn't know Alastor had other plans for him.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Characters/Pairing: Husk/Alastor Rating: M Word Count: 5052 Mirror: AO3 Notes: I wrote this for Valentine's Day and missed the date. Anyway happy valentine's to the cat and deer!! Part of this fic was inspired by this amazing art by @star-junk, because everyone needs to see it!
When Husk felt something soft and squishy turn to mush as he stepped into the parlor, he genuinely thought he had just squashed some nasty bug.
“Ugh.” He grimaced, hesitant to look at the floor. This is what he got for going around in bare feet, but this was also per the stupid fucking dress code his boss had him on. Also, whatever it was felt extra sticky, which could only mean it was extra gross…
“Oh, Husk! You stepped on my chocolate treats!”
Niffty, scurrying like a little roach trying to hide from the light, went over to lift up his foot. She then immediately took out what looked like a broom and dust pan, sweeping up bits of what had been destroyed.
“...The fuck are you leaving them on the floor then?” Husk finally looked down, and sure enough, it was some little bon bon thing he had just smushed, the nougat filling coming out of it like the insides of some unfortunate six-legged pest. Man, he’d been cooped up in here too long. He was pretty much comparing everything to bugs nowadays.
“Well, that’s where it belongs, silly!” After her rapid clean-up, she then held out a little box where more of the chocolate treats dwelled. “I set them up on the floor and then I go and snatch them and put them where they belong! In my mouth!”
All of them were in the shape of some sort of insect, like cockroaches, praying mantises, some three-headed abomination with three sets of mandibles that he forgot the name for, and then even more roaches. They looked so convincingly real, with details carved into the chocolatey surface, that Husk wondered if maybe they were literally made from bugs in the first place.
“Fancy,” he drawled. “You even got the money to get yourself this treat?” Maybe she bludgeoned some rich sloth demon to death.
Niffty shook her head in disbelief. “Why would a gal buy a gift for herself on Valentine’s Day? That’s crazy!” Then she laughed. Then laughed some more, going off-kilter every few seconds with her pupil dilating in the process. “Nope! Sir got it for me!”
Husk took a moment to let that fact process itself into his brain. “Wait, the boss did?” A pause. “On what day?”
“Yeah! He got stuff for everybody!”
Husk was still not fully functioning on all cylinders (lack of sleep, hangover, depression, etc.) so it took him a bit to realize other people were gathered in the parlor. He could already see Charlie seated on the couch with Vaggie, squealing with joy as she unwrapped a heart-shaped box. “Vaggie, look! I bet this one has raspberry filling!”
“How are we sure it’s not blood? Or poison?” The other girl eyed the treats like it was a snake ready to lash out. “Here, you should let me test it—”
“Oh, you want me to feed it to you?” Charlie was more than happy to oblige, already stuffing the three different chocolate pieces right into her girlfriend’s somewhat shocked mouth. “Alastor makes the best food!”
“Wait, slow down—!”
And right by his bar, even Sir Pentious and Angel were bonding over their chocolate gifts… sort of. The failed villain in the making was still eyeing everyone with suspicion, especially Angel who was leaning over and asking for some ‘extra treats.’
“Come oonnn. You ain’t gonna eat all that, are ya?”
“I don’t ssseee your name on it!” Sir Pentious pushed the box to the side on the counter, smug that he had gotten it away from the other. “It’ll be for safekeeping! Alastor gifted it to me personally, his most noteworthy rival, and no one else!”
Said noteworthy rival was unaware his chocolate box was currently being poked around and eaten by his Egg Boiz, where one half-stepped into the box while another fell into it completely, squashing some pieces.
“Hey, there you are, sourpuss!” Angel waved both left hands to Husk, holding up some crooked shaped treat that was already melting. “Not gonna unwrap your little V-day gift with the rest of us?”
Another gear clattered in Husk’s skull, spurred on by Angel’s obnoxious grin. “He even got you something? For Valentine’s?” There was no way.
“Why you gotta act so shocked, huh?” Angel replied in mock hurt. “It was only a matter of time before Smiles would have the hots for me. Look what he made me!” He held up that chocolate treat in his hand, dangling it by its wooden stick. His eyes waggled up and down suggestively as he slid one long tongue up the length.
Husk rolled his eyes. It was just a stupid chocolate popsicle. Dumbass was going to drop it to the floor if he didn’t eat it fast enough.
But nowhere in sight was the man who supposedly got everyone a bunch of treats. Niffty was still looking up at Husk, munching one of the chocolates, always starting with the head first. She looked happy. If the boss was going to give anyone anything, it would be for Niffty. But the rest of these people?
His eyes shifted to the sides, expecting a shadow to pop out any moment. Nothing. He then looked down at Niffty. “When did—?”
Then right into his ear, shitty filter and all. “Surprise, dear Husker!”
For fuck’s sake, he even looked around for him!
A quick jab of that radio mic cane on the shoulder stopped Husk from flying off instinctively. Fur slightly spiked, Husk glared as Alastor circled from behind him. What stopped a tirade of curses from his mouth was seeing his boss dressed in an outfit that wasn’t the tattered coat he always favored. 
Well, it was still tattered. But it was different-tattered. The red suit was replaced by a black shade, stitched with red threading. His black bowtie was now a bright red, matching Husk’s own, though it fitted more snugly over his collar. There were even some goddamn hearts over his cuffs, trailing over the seams in patterns of pink and red. It was both so alien and so familiar to Husk that he was effectively tongue-tied for the moment. To top it off, he had a pretty little rose on his lapel. It was a miracle it wasn’t already wilting.
Alastor gazed at him for a moment before he then tapped the head of his cane over Husk’s hat. “Don’t spend all your time gawking! No wonder you’re late for work again!”
“Can I ask what the hell are you wearing?” Husk finally found it in himself to say, still befuddled at it all.
“Oh, this old thing?” Alastor looked over at his outfit with just a small bit of pride. “I thought it would be fitting for this whole Valentine’s shin-dig. I don’t really care for the day personally, but sometimes it serves to do a little something to help boost the hotel’s morale! It even gave me an excuse to take a turn at some chocolate recipes I’ve been hoarding! Homemade treats always do the trick!”
That was the most unbelievable thing he ever heard, but as Niffty continued to smile up at their boss with chocolate covering her face, he had to believe the truth of it.
“Thought you enjoyed all of our suffering. Ain’t this go against all that?” The man certainly enjoyed Husk’s suffering.
“Oh, of course. I would never say no to such things! But the best seasoning for despair is always a little bit of hope and happiness. And most of these sinners surely do need some of that now more than ever!”
Alastor then fully twisted around his neck to gaze at Charlie, who was now getting fed one of those homemade chocolates by Vaggie. “Isn’t that right, Charlie!?”
“Erm… wha?”
“The morale boosting! How a little holiday celebration is what this hotel desperately needs! Especially with the Extermination happening in, oh, about—” Alastor checked his wrist for a non-existing watch. Husk held the instinct to groan. He always did this stupid joke. “Four months from now! An inevitable horrible day of bloodshed for everyone!”
Charlie slowly blinked, a piece of chocolate still half-in her mouth. Then she looked down at her knees. “Ah…”
Even with Vaggie glaring death spears towards Alastor, the demon paid such an expression no mind at all. He waved to them again. “So be sure to eat to your heart’s content, girls!” 
Alastor then turned back to Husk with his wide and sharp grin. “See? It’s already working.”
“Oh, whatever.” Husk bristled again, not up for whatever bullshit antics Alastor was planning. He sighed, rolled his shoulders, then held out his palm. “Fine, then. Just get it over with and give it here.”
Alastor blinked. A shifting of his head, the static blipping in and out between stations, one from classical music to one talking about car jacks in some sort of radio commercial. “Give what?”
Husk felt like he was being pulled into a bit he had no say in. He tried all he could to not give in and act huffy like Alastor probably wanted him to. “My Valentine’s gift. Like what you got everyone else? I’m sure it’s something stupid like chocolate fried fish.”
Although, the thought of it actually sounded pretty tasty.
There was another stupid blank gaze from Alastor’s face that it was really pissing Husk off. But before he could say anything, his boss let out a sharp “HA!” with the force of it knocking his hat right off.
“Oh, Husker! Of course I didn’t get any for you!” Alastor chuckled, holding up his cane near his own face. He tapped Husk’s forehead with the very point of his claw, pricking his skin slightly. “Just use your head!”
With a growl, he pushed that hand away. “Stop playing around and give me the chocolate already! I don’t want to have to wait for whatever joke you’re gonna pull with it.”
Alastor tsked sensibly. “It seems you still don’t understand. There is no such thing for you. And if you think about it a little more, you’d know why! Now, with dear Niffty for example, I can give her all the chocolates she wants with no fear!”
Niffty was now on the floor, scarfing up the chocolate bugs she had thrown around the room. Husk could hear her fangs bite into the wood as she did so.
He felt like the rug was pulled loose from him. But Alastor remained standing there, looking stupid in his outfit even when it wasn’t that much different from the usual.
“So that’s the joke then,” Husk figured. “The deadbeat drunk gets nothing while everyone else does.” Fitting, he supposed.
Alastor laughed once more, his mic joining along with the applause as he then tousled Husk’s fur for a brief moment. “Such a riot, Husker! Now that we got that settled, you should get to your station. I’m sure you’ve prepared some Valentine’s-themed drinks for our guests!”
“Yeah, fucking studied all night for it.” It was said through gritted teeth, bending down briefly to retrieve his hat and get away from Alastor’s touch.
“Well, I’ll be seeing you!” And just like that, his boss dissolved into shadows, though he did so while trailing heart-shaped black puddles across the carpeting. For today’s special day.
Husk hadn’t expected much—hell, he thought Alastor would be a little petty and just give him a Valentine’s box with nothing in it. Or maybe a box filled with fakes, so that when Husk bit into a piece, it just fell apart to dust. He even expected a box that would be filled with eyeballs or something gross.
But he just got nothing instead.
Husk slammed the bar counter open to get behind, feeling more frustrated than he thought. Why did he care that Alastor didn’t even bother getting him some sort of joke gift?
Just ridiculous.
And of course, it was today Husk was forced to go and get some groceries for the hotel’s kitchen, since apparently Alastor had gone ahead and used up most of everything for his chocolate-making earlier.
Just how his boss could even use so much of their ingredients (even the damn meat and booze!) was over Husk’s head, but Alastor certainly enjoyed pushing Husk out through the front doors and shouting, “Be sure to get there while the buy one head, get two free sale is going on!”
So, it had been two hours, and Husk was nowhere near any damn store. He was already half-drunk on a bottle of cheap liquor he managed to sneak away from the bar. His journey was a mess of bright lights from what must have been the Entertainment District, along with sexy commercials that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. He was treated to a gallery of genitalia in crisp HD, apparently a porn special for Valentine’s Day, with all the heart swipe transitions that were put in as an excuse for some awful editing.
He didn’t always care about whatever would be playing on screen. Hell, sometimes he’d just take a seat and watch a bit while he was bored, but today it was irritating.
Everything was irritating. So he took another swig from his bottle, and wandered off more. Past the lights and sexy moans, past the clearance sales for cheap used dildos and chocolates garnished with human bones.
He’d wandered off somewhere—way past the city and into an abandoned park, more in the center of Pentagram City. It took ages to walk here, and he knew this because his bare feet were aching by the time he got there. Half-bent trees loomed over the cracked pavement, while sections of the everlasting red sky shone between the dry boughs. The leaves were pure red, and the tree trunks were decorated with thorns, inviting absolutely no one to touch it. There were bushes filled with roses that dripped red, and he was sure some of these plants were the man-eating kind as well if he weren’t too careful. It was a dismal, eerie place.
When he got drunk like this, he didn’t know where he was going half the time. Sometimes a week would go by that he would then completely blackout from his mind. Maybe that would happen now too.
Husk took another drink, feeling more and more bitter by the second. Alastor could get his own damn groceries. Husk would just go and find some bench and take a long nap, finally sleeping in the somewhat fresh air—if one ignored the toxic fumes seeping in from the factories nearby. 
He didn’t give a shit that he got nothing. He didn’t care.
It was all Alastor ever promised for him anyway. Nothing.
Then, as he turned down an isolated path that curved among the trees, something in the thrush moved. Rose petals shivered, as if alive.
Husk stopped, looked over his shoulder. 
Then that something pounced. Red and black streaked through the air.
Oh fuck right off!!
Husk was usually quicker on his feet, but the liquor was doing its work in dulling his senses. Even then, he was still able to sidestep the thing approaching him, despite half-stumbling over his tail. His stupid cat body was both a blessing and a curse, tripping him up constantly, but also giving him those reflexes to begin with.
The only way out was deeper into the park, over the cracked-up pathway that twisted among trees and bushes that no gardener had tended to in probably centuries. It gave Husk little room to fly, the trees’ branches above blocking the way like prison bars. He could only run, and was already hightailing it out of there, even as his chaser hounded him down.
Again, Husk was drunk, barely able to think straight, let alone run. His feet managed to find every root and vine, and his wings dragged behind him like weights, feathers catching onto the grass. Still, the thing chasing was always just at the edge, blending with the low lighting. At one point, he thought he saw a sharp hand reach out, to grab him by the tail.
There was a hot breath at his neck. There was a sound that dug inside his ears, grating.
He didn’t come here completely defenseless. He had his cards, and he had his dice. They weighed in his pockets right now, and it would only take a second or two to reach down and aim it right at his assailant’s blurry head.
But the thing was, his body was running on pure instinct—which can also be incredibly stupid. So instead of going for any of his usual tricks, he instead hurled his still half-full bottle right at the other’s head. He’d carried it with him during his run, close to his chest, and then just threw it away like that.
The immediate regret was beyond painful.
“Oh!” The shadow solidified, tilting its head to dodge the bottle so that it collided with a tree trunk instead. Both glass and booze exploded from the impact, all to scatter and soak the already dark soil beneath. “Aren’t you jumpy!”
A growl left his throat. Even before Husk had even seen the details formed, he’d known it was Alastor. He’d felt it, in the way the chase had gone, being so purposely close but never quite reaching him. Anything that was a game for Alastor, who loved scaring off his snacks before feasting.
Even if he hadn’t feasted on Husk just yet.
“I have good fucking reason to be jumpy! You stalking me now?”
Alastor also took his damn time to reveal himself, breaking away from the shifting magic to be whole again. The lurid red shade of the sky made everything seem darker, more ominous. Alastor was still wearing his stupid holiday outfit, which was like a piece of shadow taken from beneath the trees. It made the stark red of those hearts stitched into his cuffs, along with that rose on his coat lapel, even more obnoxious in contrast.
Husk found it aggravating that he couldn’t stop staring. His hand ached for that drink he so stupidly threw away.
“Such a way to talk to your employer, Husker! I was only checking up on you. I figured you might have gotten yourself a bit lost.” His eyes shifted to around them, static filtering with each turn of his head. “Looks like I was right!”
Husk knew that wasn’t the reason. Hell would freeze over first before Alastor would check up on him for anything. He could call up his boss and beg for help, and it would be weeks before Alastor would even deign to leave his business to even bother with any sort of wellness check.
“Though I must say, this is quite a lovely spot you led us to,” Alastor continued, unperturbed by Husk’s thoughtful silence. “Why, back in the day, I heard this was known as a popular lover’s walk! Until the cannibals set in and ate those unsuspecting lovers. I suppose the popularity waned a bit after that.”
Husk grimaced. He hated how this was working as a distraction, but he caught that glint in Alastor’s eyes.
“Why are you really here right now? I know it’s not just to tell me some disgusting trivia.”
Those eyes, gleaming underneath the red glow of the sky, latched onto him. That smile widened, along with another tilt of his head. A small snap, like the breaking of a twig, subtle but still filling Husk’s sensitive ears. Then, the soft, nearly sonorous notes of a melody, filtered through a weak signal.
“To give you your gift.”
Something about that annoyed Husk so greatly, to the point that he ignored the strange glow in Alastor’s eyes. The outfit made it hard for him to take such a look seriously. “Oh, so you’re now doing this? Thought we already decided that I’m a deadbeat that doesn’t deserve a gift, I got that loud and clear.”
The barbs were meant to strike at Alastor, but they turned on himself instead. He always spoke too honestly when he drank.
Alastor continued to stare, but his smile seemed to upturn even more. A little shaking of his shoulders, but the laughter was clear enough. It only provoked Husk further.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh, do you really not know?” Alastor shook his head. “Valentine’s is a chocolate-giving holiday, and cats can’t eat chocolate! It’s quite dangerous for you, and I have to be responsible.”
Husk blinked—momentarily stunned. But no, he heard that correctly.
“I’m not a fucking housecat, you lunatic!”
Even so Alastor laughed, and as he laughed, he seemed to move closer. Not unlike when he had been chasing Husk further into this park, always so close yet just being far enough to not reach. 
Such a thing was by design.
“Husker, you know the best gifts are with a bit of a surprise to them,” he said. The song continued to play, with the faint notes of brass and piano, intermingling with his words. “And just the same old thing can get boring so quickly.”
Husk took a step back, then another. His feet crunched against petals, a quick look noting the rose bushes nearby. “What’s that got to do with me?”
It took another moment for Husk to realize—Alastor’s mouth was slightly open, his eyes glazed, and the sharp points of his teeth gleaming and salivated. Alastor was looking at him the way a predator would look at his prey. 
So, like the predator that Alastor was, he leapt forward.
Husk’s instincts here failed him. He didn’t move quick enough, his feet slipping slightly from all those petals underneath. Like a fool, he fell right onto his back, wings flinching from the strain of the ground hitting them. Reflexes could only get him so far.
Alastor stood over him, looming, staring—as if he had never moved at all. Hands were behind his back, as if he were studying Husk underneath the weak light.
There was a rapid beating in Husk’s chest. It took him a while to understand that it wasn’t just from fear. 
Alastor certainly took his time, somehow pinning Husk down to the ground just from his gaze alone. But eventually, he knelt down on the grass, shifting away some of the loose petals with a careless wave of his hand. That same hand reached to grip Husk’s knee, moving it just slightly to give adequate space.
Husk shivered with his back against the grass, watching Alastor slide a hand up his leg. “You’ve certainly picked a secluded place, my friend…”
“You chased me down here.”
“But you still led the way,” spoke the demon with a softness in his tone. The static laced over it was almost like silk, even with its subtle sharpness, meshing too well with the music that he played. “Maybe it was just meant to be.”
He slowly crawled over Husk’s body, a few claws playing with a suspender strap. A knee shifted to move between Husk’s legs, keeping him further locked in.
His soul was wrapped up in Alastor’s hands, in the same way those hands now wrapped around his waist. Claws kneaded through fur, soothing, hypnotizing. Of course, when he was drunk like this, he was less able to fight this.
Except it felt freeing to just lay back, his wings stretched out among the grass and the stray petals that floated from the poisonous rose bushes nearby. Alastor’s smile was shining in the dark, those sharp canines looking like they’d drip venom at first bite.
“You still didn’t get me anything,” Husk said, and the pettiness of his tone instantly made him regret it. Like a spoiled kid denied his favorite treat. 
Alastor twisted his head, just short of being uncanny. The red sky shone against his monocle, the chain attached to it falling forward and brushing against Husk’s fur.
“So materialistic, Husker,” he answered with a chuckle. “Perhaps I should have known. You always were so greedy.”
“It’s just common courtesy, you bastard.” Fuck this guy for not even getting him a stupid gift like he did everyone else. Not like it had to be chocolate anyway.
But it wasn’t easy to hold onto that anger. He felt one hand shift down his fur, down his waist to grip him from behind. A lift, and Husk’s back curved. He leaned into that touch, so natural. It was as if their waists were magnetic.
Husk kept quiet, but the heat of Alastor’s hands melted down any flimsy defense he had. His wings rustled beneath him, like brittle leaves and dying petals.
“You should trust me in knowing just what you want, dear.”
Did the bastard have to sound so smug, even if he was right?
“Besides.” And here, Alastor loomed over him more, leaning closer so that his breath tickled Husk’s ear. The sensation made Husk flutter his eyes shut. “I don’t really enjoy sweets. And neither do you.”
No, he didn’t. Husk always enjoyed something more savory, more bitter in a sense. A taste that moved through him, leaving a sharpness on his tongue. When Alastor’s mouth hovered over his, the heat of it made his heart stutter. He thought for sure he’d taste some of that chocolate that Alastor had been making all day, a hint of sugar that was buried deeply. But the tongue that lingered over his own let him know none of that sweetness was there, just something harsh, and bitter, and sharp.
It’s what he always liked, something that Alastor knew so well. Husk leaned into the hot kiss, arms reaching up to wrap over the other’s neck.
He could barely get a word out. Hands were already slipping away suspender straps, moving away what little Husk wore, all while Alastor remained overdressed. The kiss left him panting, left him oversensitive as he then felt the imprint of sharp teeth over his fur and skin.
The touch was subtle and dangerous—and it left Husk both tense with worry and ardor. “Al, what…”
“You must understand, Husker… I haven’t had a good meal all day.”
Husk then remembered the tidbit about cannibals laying in wait, hunting down unsuspecting lovers for their feast.
He raised his head, and Alastor’s eyes shone. His sharp teeth grazed over Husk’s chest, so close to piercing deep enough, to do far more than just draw a little blood.
Husk gasped, his back arching. He leaned further into those teeth.
“Please,” he gasped out, before he felt a soft swipe of a hot tongue, before that mouth moved further up his chest to latch onto his shoulder. 
“A good gift is thoughtful,” Alastor whispered. “Don’t rush it.”
Small bites, almost playful, but just barely hiding the real hunger beneath them. They traveled over his neck, down his torso, even around the meat of his thigh. A sting, a brief rush of adrenaline, then a strange ecstasy he couldn’t name. The sharpness of those teeth, followed by the softness of a tongue. If he bled, he could hardly tell, Alastor lapping it up like spilled whiskey. All while hands held him so close, heating him up until it was unbearable.
Husk had always been pathetic, desperate, and easy to read. The pettiness he felt before in not receiving Alastor’s attention had been so plain to see. His boss must have been thrilled at the sight of it.
He had that attention now. The intensity of it made his fur stand and his toes curl into the grass.
“What…more do you want of me?” he asked, fast running out of breath.
Alastor took his time to respond. Part of the game, the entertainment of it. But maybe Husk saw a flash of something in other’s eyes. It was as if he was truly considering what to say.
“Only to make you feel special,” he finally said. Fingers played with the base of Husk’s tail, pulling at it gently. “That’s all I ever want out of you, Husker.”
Charming, with a silver tongue. Still, even as Husk’s mind fogged over with both his hangover and Alastor’s kisses, there was a part of him that demanded something else. 
He was selfish as hell, but he felt he deserved it.
“If you…want me to feel special… then shouldn’t you give me something else? Or say something else?” Husk found the air to speak, even allowing himself to smirk. He could play this game if Alastor insisted on it. “If you’re gonna celebrate this stupid holiday.”
If the freak even went as far as to dress up for it, he could at least follow through.
Alastor’s fangs were hovering over his neck once more, hot breath ghosting over him, all while hands continued to grip his waist. They didn’t let him go. They wouldn’t let him go. But that wasn’t what Husk was asking for.
So when Alastor lifted away to gaze at Husk so closely, the red backdrop of the sky outlining him like some otherworldly aura, it seemed he had nothing to say. Just his expression, the placement of his hands, the marks he had already left over Husk’s body—and the music still playing, on low frequency and over a warped vinyl.
“Isn’t it a waste to say what you already know? How I love you and adore you?” Shadows seemed to slip around them, binding Husk to the ground, yet it wasn’t like he struggled. “But I can say another thing, one that is good to be reminded of, as you’re so prone to forget.”
Husk didn’t let go. He only gripped the back of Alastor’s neck tightly, claws shifting through red hair. Like blood-drenched silk. Maybe his claws pierced through skin, but such a thing would only excite Alastor more.
“Fine,” he said with a tremble in his voice. So far out here in this abandoned part of the park, no one would hear him shout. And even if they did, they wouldn’t come. But he accepted that and the beast above him. “Then tell me.”
Alastor’s kisses were fire and bitterness, but ones that filled an aching in his throat. A sharp gasp left him at the fervor of it before a brief pause as Alastor spoke. 
“You’re mine.”
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