#Entrepreneur Mind
earlryd · 8 months
In our initial week of  entrepreneurship course , our instructor introduced us about the  concept of a Venture Proposal. We were given the opportunity to brainstorm ideas and innovate a project that has the potential to change our generation. The business plan we developed focuses on developing a Food Delivery System at Central Mindanao University.
The software was developed to allow users to easily place orders using a swipe-and-order system, with an additional benefit of delivery. The unique component of our concept is, its relevance to our academic community, focusing on the issue of people needing to go long distances for meals or essentials goods. In response to this research, we aimed to create a website alongside its application that would benefit both users and riders. This week, before going on to the next phase of our project, we presented our business plan to our instructor. During the defence, we answered her inquiries and considered her ideas. As a result, our business plan was accepted, and we are now tasked with examining essential elements such as potential market partners and delivery riders. Also, we need to validate whether our partner will agree to this system.
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aya-blog-19 · 2 years
Entrepreneur Mind Blog #2
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During our first interview, we felt nervous and anxious while conducting it. Making it difficult for us to speak confidently and clearly, and sometimes making it hard for us to remember what we want to ask. Also, the lack of preparation makes it hard for us to follow up on interesting points made by the interviewee. In our second interview, we were prepared in advance, and we felt more confident and equipped to handle unexpected challenges during the interview. Paying close attention to what the interviewee is saying, asking follow-up questions, and summarizing what we have heard to ensure that we have understood the interviewee's perspective, helps us get the information we need.
The people we empathize with are people who are having a hard time managing their schedules, resulting in them doing it late, we also empathize with people who are having trouble with their mental health.
They could improve by using our application SchedAid which you could download free on our website, an application that helps you keep on time on schedules in your COR, creating a new way of improving yourself from procrastinating, not only do we have a service of time management we also have a mental checker to check your mood each day and some relaxing games to boost your calm self.
Here are some questions that where our team create to interview, and the answer we received:
What do they SEE?
Do you see your friends having trouble managing their time?
What kind of people do you usually see in your surroundings? A procrastinator or a crammer?
Have you seen a single Application that has functions to manage tasks, schedules, and even have an integrated chatbot that addresses mental health concerns?
In our interview, 9 out of 10 have seen their friends having trouble with time management, and they have also experienced these challenges. They have also observed that there are many people around who procrastinate and cram, those who tend to prioritize other things over the task at hand, and those who try to "cram" all they need to do in a short period. And lastly, some of our interviewees have said that they know some existing applications where you can manage schedules, but 10 out of 10 have agreed that they have not seen any application that has a multi-functionality to address time management and mental health concerns.
2. What do they SAY?
How was your class this morning? Aren’t you late?
What is your opinion about managing your time/schedule with your device?
How many times did you miss a class because of forgetfulness? How do you feel about it?
Many students tend to get late for their classes because they lack time management. They feel bad or anxious whenever they enter the room very late. After sharing our concept idea with our interviewees, they gave various opinions about managing their tasks on their devices. They said that using a device is very convenient because they can easily access their schedule from anywhere and at any time, making it easier to plan their day and stay on track. Organized, using their device can help them keep their appointments and deadlines organized and in one place. And lastly, it could potentially help them boost their productivity because with their device they can prioritize their tasks and stay focused on what's important, which can help them be more productive and efficient. 
However, it's important to remember that while devices can be helpful, they can also be a source of distraction and can sometimes contribute to feelings of overwhelm or burnout. It's important to use devices mindfully, take breaks when needed, and find a balance between work and personal time.
3. What do they DO?
How do you manage your class schedule?
Do you use any third-party app to remind you of upcoming events?
What do you do when you are under-pressure?
Based on our interview, students either bring their Certificate of Registration (COR) every time to check their schedule or a saved picture of their schedule on their phones. While some participants said that they set an alarm for every scheduled subject every day. Also, a few interviewees confirmed that they use third-party applications for their schedules, while others use the clock application on their devices to get alarmed on time. There are many ways people do when they are under pressure, 4 out of 10 of our participants thrive under pressure and become more productive as a result. On the other hand, they became irritable, had mood swings, procrastinate, increased their stress and anxiety, and had difficulty concentrating. Thus, it is important to recognize the signs of pressure and to take steps to manage it healthily and productively.
4. What do they HEAR?
Who influences you to be productive?
What strategies do your friends use to avoid delays?
Most answers from the respondents said they were influenced by their friends that are productive and good at managing their time and schedule. The students felt like they are irresponsible for being a procrastinator and crammers while their friends are doing good and well managing their academics, time, and schedules. It inspired them to do the same because they were told that procrastination is not good not only for their academic performance but also for their mental state due to the pressure and stress they might get from rushing their time and schedule, work, and daily activities. Also, their friends mentioned that they use a third-party application where they can organize and plan their tasks and schedule them every day. In addition, other friends suggested that they should spend less time on not-so-important things such as social media and online games, instead of spending more time on their goals, especially in their academics.
If people are given a chance to go back in time, they tend to correct their mistakes by changing their choices and actions. People, specifically students, are spending time on other things such as work, games, social media, etc rather than managing or balancing their time and mental health. In addition, it leads to stress and pressure which will later cause bigger problems such as sickness or mental illness. When these problems occur in their present time and people could go back in time and give themselves advice, people would want to prioritize self-care, setting realistic goals, establishing healthy habits, taking a break and recharging, and also practicing time management. Overall, individuals can improve their well-being and avoid the consequences of poor time management and mental health issues. 
People generally feel anxious, stressed, embarrassed, and guilty when they get late or miss an appointment. People tend to value punctuality and reliability, and they expect others to respect their time and commitments. Therefore, being late or missing an appointment can be a source of discomfort and social pressure, which can affect one's emotional and mental well-being. On the other hand, Poor habits can contribute to negative feelings by creating a sense of guilt, shame, and regret. We obtained various answers from our interview on the strategies they used to address these challenges such as creating a routine, setting clear goals, practicing mindfulness, and tracking progress. With these, they can effectively avoid poor habits and develop healthier habits that contribute to their well-being.
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thepersonalwords · 6 months
Creativity is the new currency, so, are you credited with new thoughts or overdrawn in old thinking?
Onyi Anyado
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thewannabewriter9 · 7 months
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esco-gambino · 4 months
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That Blockwork hits different when it’s legit. We may have to curb our pride but, now we carry on leaving our vulching fears roadside… 🧱🚧💨
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kingbynature · 3 months
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Let's LIVE...
You & me. Me & you! Committed and dedicated to one another.
I'm talking about building something, together. Let's take 2 yrs and pay off all our bills, then LIVE IT UP!
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soulspa · 9 months
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themelanindigitalwave · 2 months
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Your potential is limitless, and in the digital world, your voice matters more than ever. As melanin creators, we are uniquely positioned to make waves in digital marketing, creating products that not only resonate but also educate and uplift our community.
Digital marketing diversity is not just a trend—it’s a movement. With the right tools and mindset, you can turn your passion into profit, leveraging top-selling digital products and impactful affiliate marketing strategies. The growth in the digital space for melanin creators is undeniable, and now is the time to step into your greatness.
Whether you’re launching a new product or expanding your brand, confidence is key. Trust your vision, and let your creativity flow.
🔥 Ready to take the leap? Explore our exclusive digital products, affiliate marketing tools, and print-on-demand merch. Join "The Melanin Digital Wave" and ride the current of success.
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lucysoulfulwell · 10 months
The self is your canvas, painted with experiences and dreams. Embrace your unique mosaic; it defines your essence. 🎨 #SelfDiscovery #InspirationOfDay
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amerasdreams · 11 months
on the other hand it really is nice to sit and do the things i want
Focus on my main things-- writing, research and creating crafts.
If only I wasn't sick. Mind things are a bit hard now.
But the craft things I was able to do ok today
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booksandbooklovers · 2 years
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ashrafulislambabu · 11 months
The DotCom Secrets Summit is a virtual program organized by Russell Brunson. It features top entrepreneurs who share their ideas and methods for creating effective sales funnels. Russell Brunson, the author of the book "DotCom Secrets," arranged this summit for those who want to promote their products and increase their sales. During the summit, the entrepreneurs will teach the exact process for creating successful funnels. Stay tuned to learn more about this summit and how to join.
Read More: https://pagebuilderspro.com/dotcom-secrets-summit/
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kirbychar · 1 year
Never talking with my parents about art ever again
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thepersonalwords · 30 days
It's called entrepreneurSHIP, not entrepreneurSIT. Don't wait. Just ship.
Richie Norton
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thewannabewriter9 · 8 months
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orgonevalley · 1 year
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