#THIS is why I was scared of rabies
amerasdreams · 11 months
on the other hand it really is nice to sit and do the things i want
Focus on my main things-- writing, research and creating crafts.
If only I wasn't sick. Mind things are a bit hard now.
But the craft things I was able to do ok today
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forestshadow-wolf · 2 months
Werewolf!Soap has rabies, which he got from fully human Roach. Nobody knows where roach got rabies from, but he definitely has it because soap now has rabies after he got bitten by roach.
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torchickentacos · 7 months
I am SO sorry to the guy from high school that I just pocket-dialed while desperately trying to hold my dog back from attacking a fox
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sixteenthtry · 3 months
Errr yeah me, my fear of rabies and my fear of being watched are just gonna sleep in my room.
With the window open.
At night.
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keeps-ache · 5 months
mm i Neeed to go the beach
#just me hi#wauhuhh !#something about just drifting around in water that i am slightly scared of that really makes my brain whir happily lol :>#i am slightly scared of it for two major reasons: 1) fish. lord the fish why are they so scary 2) sometimes i think i'll drown and they jus#won't find the body. which is less rational than the fish so that's why fish is my number 1 fear at all times lmao#/i think out of all the animals on the planet i am the most scared of ordinary fish. not even the deep sea stuff hfbshv#cuz look they're so far down there you Have to assume they look funked. and also they prolly don't like human meat. so it's cool#but regular fish?? some of them eat birds. they eat birds dude. what would they do to me if they knew how to use harpoons??#also they for SURE eat corpses so we loop back to fear no. 2 really just being fear no. 1 hbfhs#/see i'm not even that scared of the animals my parents are determined on exploding. like man if i get eaten that was prolly bound#to happen anyway. i Know how that goes. i know what mauling is lol#i am the only person in this house who will walk around outside on a moonless light w/ no flashlight because if i was sposed to be dead i#can guaranteE there are much better opportunities. funnier ones‚ too#/just looked it up bobcats are SHY little guys. they are just shy babies. except for when they have rabies :)#shy rabies babies <3#/anyway back to the fish. i don't like how there are some that specifically like to eat human skin. mmm no i have never liked that ever not#one little bit. makes my skin crawl hghfsh#i don't care what it does or can do that is NOT cool lil dude ;w;#/hang on i'm googling 'weirdest things fish eat' because i want to scare myself i guess hbfhvbsf :'3#they're only showing me weird fish!!! no !! tell me about a fish that's living exclusively off of plastics!! or car tires !! come on !!!#these guys are just funky looking. and just Kinda funky looking. though this humphead guy is funny lol :)#he looks scary but with a charm that i can't deny#his forehead. and mouf. this guy is awesome#and of course he's endangered because the world is exploding. but it's so cool he exists :D#//anyway fish are scary. and miss humphead is Huge so goofiness aside he's also scary hhfbvs#also why do some of those motherfunkers swim close to shore and bite at you. those guys suck so bad#that's only happened to me so many times but enough for me to have a fear that has lasted for over half a decade lmao#//and anywho i'm running out of tag space lol :)#we're going ot the park!! i'm going to skate :DD !!#i wanna get good at my old stuff again hfsh - so bye! bye !! toodles !!!
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arundolyn · 1 year
there's a baby possum in my house
how is there a baby possum in my house
whose kid is this. where is your mama
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windmill-ghost · 11 months
Oh wait, that's three months from exposure to symptoms so I wouldn't even have that time to get ready to die. I'd have a week.
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random-blog-viewer · 1 year
Trollge ocs/characters in general who kill and eat people are sooooooo rabies coded, like, idk how to describe it. They foam at they mouth and eat you bc your scary to them and have been bitten by a raccoon at least once in their life and unlike the trollges who act more "human-like" they are scared of rain bc it's water and-
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bukuoshin · 2 years
Ahhhh. Raccoons fighting on my fence, not running away when I got close, scare me shitless :)
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amerasdreams · 11 months
if asymptomatic I should be ok right? If i get a shot
The dr seems to not be in too much of hurry. They said to get it tested then like.Waiting for result. but if I have it I could show symptoms any time right? Then I would be dead.
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dcxdpdabbles · 10 months
Ooh I got something for you.
Cave Danny leaves the house, and comes back with a small child. He of course will be taking the child with him when he leaves, the child attacked him and tried to steal his food, so he must WANT to come with Danny. Stop laughing Jason.
I'll do you one better.
So this takes place before Danny goes on his solo trip to the mall and KOs the Joker.
Cave!boy Danny isn't allowed near humans or to leave the manor- to keep the cover story for his dimension traveling- but he is permitted to take walks on Wayne's property.
So Bruce opens the door to tell Danny that dinner is ready, and Bruce is stunned to see him sitting in the middle of the room surrounded by raccoons, birds, squirrels, and some rabbits.
Danny looks up at Bruce with a bright sparkling smile "Aren't they lovely!?"
The rest of the Bats look at Damian and respond, "Huh.
They never knew Bruce liked animals as a kid as much as Damian. Alfred laughs, saying that he used to chase out rats all the time because young Bruce kept scooping them up in the streets and bringing them home.
"Where are the bats?" Steph asks looking at the menagerie that Brucie snuck in. He got them from the property so she suprise he didn't grab some from the caves.
"No. Bats are evil" Brucie says with narrow eyes. "They remind me of tiny vampires. Fruitloop is a vampire"
Jason suddenly cracks up "I forgot Bruce is scared of Bats! That's why he dressed up as bat-man! To be fear!"
Dick laughs alongside him, voice going low and inheriting a growl " I am the night. I am the vengeance. I am the greatest horror to a fully grown man- a bat!"
Alfred laughs with the family until he sees one of the raccoons bite Brucie and all but launches himself at him with a rabies shot. "BLOODY HELL NOT AGAIN!"
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lririx · 4 months
im a lil shy for asking, but can i request for ithaqua and naib headcanons with a feral s/o? like, raised by the wolves type of feral, will bite u and probably has rabies type of feral. if u dont do multiple chars, then just ithaqua would be fine!!
This is my first request thank you so much!
I hope you enjoy it.
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•Ithaqua never takes interest in people. He didn't have interactions with people for years until he came to the Manor. He talks to the other hunters to relieve his boredom and pass the time.
•But this changed when he saw you. Fragile but ferocious. Human, yet monstrous.
•He didn't feel threatened or scared by your presence, but felt intrigued, since he saw himself in you.
•You two were similar yet different. Both of you were abandoned by civilization yet he was raised by a human while you were raised by the wilderness.
•He was literate thanks to his mother but you could only utter words and incomplete sentences.
•You were intimidated by him as he slowly walked towards you, which caused you to be on guard.
•You growled at him, hoping he'd back off but he came closer without hesitation.
•Surprised by his action, you clench your teeth, raise and hold your hand in a claw like way, snarling at him as a warning.
•Yet Ithaqua didn't stop. He leaned on one leg infront of you as he reached out his hand towards you.
•You scatched him beacuse you were scared, you were frantic of people. They've only ever hurt you and your pack. They only tought of themselves. How could he be any different?
•Ithaqua looked at his wounded hand and his brows crooked into a slight frown but he sighed, grabbed your hands and pulled you into his chest. He tightened his grip.
•You struggled, bit him, scratched him, kicked him to free yourself of his grasp but he only clenched you harder, with no sign of wanting to let go.
•You growled and howled but it had no effect. As panick grew you moved more rapidly.
•“Shhh…I'm not going to hurt you.” He said as he snuggled his face into your hair like how your pack interacted with eachother, showing their love and affection.
•You don't know why he did that. Why he tried to make you trust him. Even Ithaqua himself doesn't know. He just knows that he wanted to keep you close to him from the start.
•Your bond gradully became stronger after that.
•He always stays by your side and never leaves you except for matches which he can't do anything about.
•He'll give the death stare to anyone who dares to look at you even with the slightest hints of anguish.
•On the other hand if anyone has the audacity to become a little to friendly with you he'll bark at them to piss off.
•He's an absolute sweetheart to you though.
•He's constantly cuddling with you and kissing you everywhere.
•He always sings you to sleep. Lullabies his mother sang to him. Thoes melodies are very precious to him and him sharing them with you shows how much he loves and trusts you.
•You two always play with eachother like wolf pups. Run around the big yards of the Manor, play hide and seek, and even playfully bite eachother.
•He gets so excited whenever you bite him he's like a child that just got a new toy. He'll be giggling so much it just melts your heart.
•He always takes you to the Manor yards on the weekends to watch the moon together and you two usually fall asleep on the trees.
•On days were the moon is full he'll even howl with you.
•He always cuddles and holds you tightly when sleeping. He'll get his coat and puts in on top of you to keep you warm.
•And if you're scared of the dark, he'll always have his lantern on by your side.
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Naib Subedar
•Naib didn't have a reaction when he saw you. You were just a new guest of the Oletus Manor. Someone who has to play these games like the rest of them.
•He's pretty closed off towards people except for the few friends he has. But that doesn't mean he's mean to anyone and that includes you.
•One day during a match the hunter was chasing you and you got injured. Naib came to help you out a bit and by the end of it the hunter decided to change targets.
•When they were finally gone he wanted to patch you up but you roared at him. I mean you haven't ever interacted with people and you've only seen them while they were trying to hunt you and your pack.
•He wasn't expecting that and he flinched for a second. “I want to help you.” He said. But you couldn't trust him. This is his way of fooling you he doesn't actually want to help.
•That's what you were thinking of but his presence casted a serene aura. He was scary, you felt that energy of his, but that was overshadowed by that tranquility of his.
•You relaxed you shoulders a bit, thinking maybe he's not so bad. But he reached out his hands to you and that scared you a bit so you took a step back and bared your teeth at him.
•“Please we don't have time.” Naib said a bit annoyed, but he tried to keep himself composed. He didn't blame you. He knew trusting people was hard but now is not the time to be hesitant.
•He got on one knee, his hand still hovering waiting for you to take it. “Trust me.” He said. “I'm only trying to help.”
•His ambiance calmed you down bit by bit. Loosening your muscles, you walked towards him and took his hand.
•He guided you to sit and you complied. “It's going to hurt a bit.” Naib said and put disinfectant on your wounds then started to patch you up.
•After that he always looked after you. If you were uncomfortable around someone he'd step in and take you away from them.
•If you were sitting alone he'd drag you along with him. He never let you feel gloomy or feel like you were in danger, because its Naib. Its his instinct to protect. Well that's what he thought. He didn't realize he was developing feelings for you.
•He’d help you read and write so you could have conversations with the others more easily.
•The Manor provides any food you’d like but Naib made you food himself whenever he got the chance because “The food made by the people close to you tastes better.”
•He wants you to feel calm and safe when you’re around him.
•Naib always gets you toys to play with. He loves playing catch with you. Butterflies flutter in his stomach when he sees you run around and laugh happily.
•He scratches behind your ears alot too. He's really good at it and you just fall asleep on his lap.
•Whenever he's on a match and you miss him you go to his closet and take one of his clothes and wear them since they smell like him and it makes you feel like he's with you.
•When he comes back he just sees a little puppy who is curled up and is sleeping with his clothes.
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puttersmile · 20 days
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Bobby Bearhug questioning the stupid thing she is about to do. Is the risk worth the reward? Probably not.
Can Bobby defy her nature? Or will she go extinct. Its a discovery channel documentary about to happen.
I might give my opinion on the new critters....obviously once all of them are released! But I've felt the woobieforce kinda hard on this frog boy. I mean I know I know...cartoon logic. The skin toxin might not even be a factor.
But if it isn't then why would they bother making him a poison dart frog and not just a tree frog or something?
So I think Icky doesn't get many hugs. Or even punches to the face. Everyone is too scared to touch him.
Rabie Baby flew over and dropped the sign on his head. She has good aim.
The potency of his poison I don't know yet. I may have it that prolonged touch just gets you very sick instead of dying. Ideas?
AN: Reposted because Tumblr apparently thinks Icky's name is...inappropriate? So I didn't see my post anywhere. The only advice I've ever been given is to erase the post and try again, removing anything tumblr might deem problematic. As it turns out its his name. Weird.? This happen with anyone else??
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Midnight Pals: Deceptive Dog
Cody Schroeder: Submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the dog who looked friendly but actually wasn't Dean Koontz: ha ha Koontz: good one, you guys! Koontz: i know you're trying to scare me Koontz: but that just doesn't happen!
Schroeder: yeah BUT Schroeder: this dog seems friendly Schroeder: but in reality Schroeder: it's really a monster!!! RARR!! Koontz: ha ha yeah right! Koontz: i know there's no such thing as a bad dog Schroeder: Schroeder: jeez i was so sure that would work
Koontz: haha you guys Koontz: you're always trying to scare me with stories of bad dogs! Koontz: but I wasn't born yesterday! Koontz: i know there's no such thing
Koontz: this is like when steve made up that story about the really fast dog King: the really fast...? King: dean, are you talking about cujo? Koontz: yeah cujo! King: rabid! rabid, dean! King: not RAPID
Koontz: yeah that the rapid dog King: that's RABID dean King: and dean rabies is a real thing! Koontz: no it's not, you're just trying to scare me Koontz: there's no force on this earth that could make a good dog bad! King: dean- Poe: no steve let him believe that
King: edgar i really don't think we should, it's irresponsible King: what if he gets hurt Schroeder: wait i've got it! Schroeder: this monster that looks like a dog? it can also change shape and look like a cat Koontz: oh yeah i believe a cat could be evil Poe: now hold on there!
Poe: why does the monster have to look like a cat? Schroeder: well, i mean, technically, it could look like anything Poe: yeah but WHY a cat?? Schroeder: Schroeder: you know its just a story guys Lovecraft: i can tolerate racism but i draw the line at badmouthing cats!
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
… for the tiny tiger au. How about Wanda and Nat freaking out thinking that R got out. Which we did, we’re alone outside. But instead of running like they think we did, we found a baby fox and start poking it and what not to see if it’s alive (cause it’s sleeping) and thinking it’s cute we bring it back to mommy and mama who are in hysterics trying to find out where we went, only to turn when tapped to find us covered in mud/dirt presenting the new friend we have to them, wide eyed kan we eep em? Mommy mama pweeesss?
Nat and Wanda don’t know what to do side eyeing one another because they don’t want their baby to cry, but also. It’s a fox.
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Muddy Buddies
Paring: Mommy!Wanda Maximoff x Little!Reader x Momma!Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: this is a dark AU, wandering off into the woods, finding a friend, fluff, heavy MD/LG, needles, rabies shots
A/N: This immediately reminds me of this video I saw where this kid found a raccoon and is crying because she can’t take him home 😭 Another small drabble for Into The Tiny Verse:) Also, I'm so sorry. I am so tired so if it sounds like a 10-year-old wrote this (my vocab sucks when I'm tired) then just- Idk bear with me here 😭
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Your little self was none the wiser when an opportunity to go outside came up. You didn't have any intention of escaping from your new caregivers, all you wanted to do was go on an adventure with your lion! And when this opportunity came up, you took it.
Natasha had just returned from her trip to town, grocery bags in her arms. Usually, she was much better at keeping an eye on you when Wanda was busy, and when she didn't see you come running to the door to say hi to her, she figured you were asleep or with your mommy.
At this point, you were now a couple feet into the forest surrounding the cabin. Not wanting to scare your mommies, you never lost sight of the house. That is until a little hint of orange just a little further inside the trees caught your eye.
Your curiosity moved your feet closer to the unknown blob of color, and once you saw it you let out a soft gasp. Your hand covered your mouth and you moved just a little closer.
It was a baby fox!
Looking around, you grab a stick with some leaves still on it and you kneel down next to the still fox. Is it dead? Your head pushes. Why isn't the mother here? Another question you ask yourself. With the stick in your hand, you gently poke the soft bum of the fox. The animal twitches, and you jump in surprise. Dropping the stick, you crawl to it, not caring about the mud on your pants or hands.
The small fox squeaks, and opens her little eyes, looking up at you. However, it did not run away. Instead, she yawned and got up from her position on the muddy forest floor. She stretches and even approaches you. Carefully, you hold your hand out and you smile as the fox's wet nose sniffs your fingers.
"Aren't chu jus' the chutest ting?" You whisper, scratching the fox's chin. "Yous name is Butto! (Butter)"
Butter lets out a small whine and a raspy bark, and you pick her up. She looks around as you stand up with her, and she slightly starts to struggle. You hold her comfortably tight, and you walk quickly back to the cabin.
Upon entering the cabin once again, you hear your mommies' worried voices. They shouldn't be worried... I'm right here! They don't hear you come in through the front door, too focused on reviewing the camera footage from outside of the warm abode. The two women don't even hear you enter their office!
Holding Butter and Leo (your lion) in one arm, you gently tap Wanda's shoulder to get her attention with the other hand. Her head snaps to the side, her eyes widening when she sees you. "Tiny! Oh my- Oh, and tiny's friend..." She says with a hesitant laugh, pulling her hands away from your muddy self and your muddy friend.
You tilt your head at her reaction to you but shake it off to ask the more important question at hand. You look up at the woman with doe eyes, "kan we eep em? Mommy mama pweeesss?" Wanda and Nat look at each other, surprised to say the least, but not wanting to hear you cry if they take your friend away.
"Who- uh- who is this, little one?" Natasha says, looking down at the fox in your arms.
"Her name Butto'" You say nonchalantly, as if it was just a new stuffed animal.
"Butter?" Wanda confirms and looks at her wife, eyes wide and asking for some type of support. Natasha can’t help but chuckle, and she kneels down in front of you.
“Tiny, I know this little one looks like a friend, but these little guys are tedious. They aren’t very friendly,” Nat frowns, starting to take the fox from your arms.
“Nnnnooooo! No she fren, mama, she nice,” you protest, pulling yourself away from the woman. “She tan stay wif me in m’room, and she can snuggle wif us!”
Wanda and Natasha devise a plan to get the little fox away from you and back to its mother, and they do that by putting you outside with Butter. In the backyard of course.
Butter in fact wasn’t nice. She scratched you, bit you, and made you cry, but your intentions on keeping her never wavered. Your little brain was just seeing another friend, and that’s all you thought this little fox was.
Wanda offered you a deal. “How about we make a trade?” She asks with a smile. “How about I take Butter, and you take Pancakes?” Your mommy pulls a plush fox from behind her back, and you tilt your head. “Just like you need mommy to take care of you, so does little Butter, and we need to get her back to her mommy.” Wanda says, and you start to understand.
“Butter has mommy too?” You ask, tears forming in your eyes at the thought of being taken away from your caretakers. Wanda nods softly and takes Butter from your hands.
“Yeah, so let’s get her back to her home and we can play with Pancakes all night. How does that sound?” Wanda asks you, finally pulling the baby fox from your scratched up hands.
Natasha had contacted Bruce Banner. He may be a human doctor, but he knows where this little fox can go to get real care. He even said that you and your mommies could visit her too! While Wanda held you in her arms, Natasha was distracting you while Bruce gave you a few rabies shots, and a few other vaccines to help you stay healthy after touching a wild animal.
You were not a fan of needles, and the two women knew that.
As you waved goodbye to Bruce and Butter, you sighed softly. “Butto’ sc’atched me,” you sniffle, looking down at your hands that now stung.
“Oh honey, it’s ok, let’s go get you cleaned up for dinner, ok?” Wanda says, picking you up bridal-style and taking you to the bathroom to wash up.
Once your bath was finished, Wanda bandaged your hands and arms and got you all warmed up in your pjs. After dinner, your mommies kept their promise and you played with your new (fluff-filled) friend until you fell asleep!
“We need to watch her carefully…” Natasha chuckles, stroking her knuckle over your sleeping face.
Wanda nods, “Agreed!”
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seluneclerics · 3 months
Headcanon time!
I have this fun HC that Miranda post-infection can’t get drunk off normal alcohol anymore, like her brain is completely hardwired differently, she can only get drunk off a speciality brew of alcohol mixed with the mold, and even then she can only get kinda buzzed. being immortal is hard!
Fraser is scared of bats. Literally terrified of them. She heard about that false rabies statistic one time forever ago in childhood and hasn’t let it go since.
Alcina loves bats. A pack of them dwell in the underbelly of the castle. Occasionally, she’ll feed a few. Whoops!
Miranda whittles. She makes small wooden dolls (you can guess why :() and Donna has taken a few of them from her. She hides that she does it, it’s to keep her hands busy.
Cassandra is Fraser’s favorite of Alcina’s daughters. She gets on her nerves, but something about her aggressive nature makes her more sympathetic in Fraser’s eyes.
Donna is scared of thunder
Fraser doesn’t know she’s allergic to hazelnuts :)
Miranda & Mia are exes and act like they are divorced wives that hate each other (they do, deeply)
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