#please stopppp please please
windmill-ghost · 11 months
Oh wait, that's three months from exposure to symptoms so I wouldn't even have that time to get ready to die. I'd have a week.
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were-wolverine · 6 months
i keep seeing cop!dick posts on here so lemme just-
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iamnmbr3 · 10 months
Draco: --and then he said "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." Can you believe it? Not that I care. Who would want to be friends with him anyway?
Pansy: Draco. That was FOUR YEARS AGO!
Zabini: *facepalming* Pansy tell me when it's over.
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squoxle · 3 months
Guys...I can't even begin to explain the absolute HORROR I experienced when my moot told me about this atrocity.
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the fact that this writer is bragging about their success is crazy. there are so many other members in Enhypen to write about and you choose the youngest one who's not even legal yet.
you can literally look this shit up and see that he's still considered to be underage...just write about Sunoo or Jungwon until he's at least legal...uncle howie
tagging the Tumblr police department bc this shit needs to be reported IMMEDIATELY!!!!!
@chlorinecake @norihoyeon @addictedtohobi @nikisvanillaccola @mimikittysblog @wonbinisbabygurl @rikstarreblogs @mrseokstone @jaylaxies @heeslut4life @minhosimthings @rikstar @owatazumi
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marsbotz · 3 months
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i need them to explode btw
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laylaysdelusions · 2 months
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hotgirlstiles · 2 years
okok i know this sounds insane and borderline demented but i talked abt this before and.. the only time ill rly consider fbi agent stiles is if it’s a silence of the lambs-esque au.. fbi agent stiles whos been tasked to interview or do an analysis on the feral wolf.. the feral hale wolf whos locked up inside the eichen house…
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puffpiastri · 1 year
lando and oscar’s heart eyes are affecting ME, the viewer, through the computer screen
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noellevanious · 6 months
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shot-by-cupid · 10 months
Really sad looking Mario like I’m talking just. A real pathetic looking Mario
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That is my. Sopping wet kitten your honour
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gwyoi · 5 months
I’m praying for women to stop having kids without a ring (specifically here in America because we don’t have common law in a lot of states 😭)
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uhhhhmanda · 4 months
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yoyokslut · 11 months
imagine being charles leclerc gf and getting to listening to him playing the piano whenever you want (if he can and wants ofc) and just ask him to play his songs for you and he's just smiling at you bc it makes you so happy and he's so in love bc he would do anything for you
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mazojo · 2 years
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Some Romeo and Juliet kinda shit I just witnessed
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marsbotz · 4 months
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btw this is what i mean by the weirdddd kinda sus dru scene. the brooding. plus a funny subtitle typo
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#like okkk its cus he got 'lied to'... which i dont think he.. technically did?#like he never said he wasnt going to return it. or it was for his job#its still TECHNICALLY what dru asked for which was to do a joint heist#also yeah there was a stupid argument plot. EURRGHHHHH.#like dudeeee u cannotttt set me up w gru and dru connecting bc of both feeling like disappointments to their parents#and then have gru be like 'wellll no wonder dad didnt love u' DUDEEEEE.#esp when in the same movie they tell us gru was blamed for his fathers death????? for being such a failure?????#like it would notttt happen. im sorry#also the fckingggg falling out hing is so stupid. like dru is incompetent and goofy but like whyyyy disown him. he didnt DO anything#except be kinda useless. ANDTHEY MAKE UP IN THE NEXT SCENE#pleaseeeeee please tru villain plot dru return to me please#dude the way the gorls r written too. i feel naught but pain#how do u go from them being kinda scared but brave against vector. to actively fighting against el macho. TO LITERALLY NOTHINGGGG W BRATT#wahhhhh im scareedddd wahhhhhh !! aiiiieee!!! DUDEEEE U LITERALLY SAVEDDD THE WORLD LAST FILM. stopppp#also they reuse the same joke w agnes shattering glass w her scream from 2. TWICE#im such a hater sorry. this movie frustrates me beyond belief#there are like 4 scnes that i rlly like. and all of them r just the minions#i think lucy is the most in character but she has like zero funny scenes compared to the one billion from 2. and her plot w the gorls is ba#also this is just personal but the idea of dru like. coopting the minions makes me soooo sad. THOSE ARE HIS FUCKING FAMILYYYYYY U MONSTERRR#btw the credits sequence rlly is the best part of the film apart from the minion scenes. reminds me of the dynamic w vector and gru. funnn#i wish it could have been. In the movie#man god sorry to literally be such a hater but oh hhhh my god. the amount of cool stuff tehy cld have done vs the NOTHING they did is crazy
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ganja-hq · 4 months
My sister compared me to kaelynn from love on the spectrum? Why don't u just stab me in the face instead dude
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