#Election manipulation
organicbeing · 10 days
Rigged Debate: How the Media and Elites are Steering the Election—and Selling Out America
The debate last night was a glaring example of biased moderation. Throughout the event, it was clear that Kamala Harris was given a pass on fact-checking, while Donald Trump was heavily scrutinized. Harris often redirected her responses to make everything about Trump, avoiding direct answers to critical questions. This lack of transparency was frustrating to watch, as she failed to provide clear…
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futurefatum · 12 days
Allan Lichtman's prediction VS An Astrological Analysis.
Astrologer Jeff Harmon predicts a tumultuous U.S. election with potential unrest. He foresees a Trump win despite global instability. #Election2024 #Astrology
Posted September 9th, 2024 by @JeffHarmanAstrologer Allan Lichtman’s prediction VS An Astrological Analysis. ABOUT THIS VIDEO: This video discusses an astrological analysis by Jeff Harmon, contrasting it with historian Allan Lichtman’s prediction that Kamala Harris will win the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Harmon uses both Western and Vedic astrology to explore the possible outcomes of…
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hellyeahheroes · 1 year
America Never Stood For Freedom by Hakim
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headlinehorizon · 1 year
Zimbabwe Police Detain Poll Monitors, Raising Concerns About Election Manipulation
In a sweeping clampdown, Zimbabwean police arrested 41 poll-viewing individuals on accusations of vote count manipulation. This latest development has raised concerns about the credibility of the nation's much-delayed presidential election.
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odinsblog · 2 months
You can be absolutely positive that Elon Musk, Donald Trump and other rightwing billionaires and authoritarian countries are employing these bot armies right now.
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genderqueerpositivity · 4 months
I know that 2016 wasn't yesterday, but even so it seems like our collective memory is shorter with each passing year. The 2016 election and the Internet Research Agency were news a long time ago in media years...and there are bad-faith actors and agents out there who are counting on us forgetting.
As we get closer to Election Day, I encourage everyone to be more cautious of the information that you come across online. Fact check info that you come across in random social media posts, use reputable and reliable sources, get your news from more than one TV channel or website.
Be wary of anyone or anything online designed to manipulate your actions or influence your emotions, whether it's tumblr posts or advertisements or tiktoks. Do not allow propaganda and/or misinformation to sway you into voting against your personal values, your best interests, your personal safety, or the well-being of your neighbors and community in November.
I've already seen things that are concerning online within the past few months, and I expect to see an increase in this the closer we get to November.
Think critically and pay attention.
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ravenkings · 3 months
for the record, my feeling on the "should biden step down?" discourse tbh is that i don't have any particular loyalty to biden specifically but i DO think it's a sign of weakness to switch horses in the middle of a race, especially only 4 months from election day, and would be a death sentence for the dems
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
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we're making fake ai images of trump with black people to make him seem less racist? that's what it's come to?
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esoteric-chaos · 6 months
Energy Healing 101
Welcome to my separate expanded post on Energy Healing. I decided to separate it from my post on Reiki (that I am actively rewriting) for those who are hesitant to get into Reiki (aka lack the funds because it can be quite expensive or not just cannot find a non-appropriative teacher) or would rather learn a different method. This post is for you.
I want to be transparent, as this post is mostly UPG (Unverified Personal Gnosis) and SPG (Shared Personal Gnosis). I don't actually know where I learned to energy heal, as I intuitively knew before I practiced Reiki.
What is Energy Healing?
If you can manipulate energy, you can heal with energy. Energy healing is a form of energy manipulation to heal things similarly to Reiki. Arguably, just as well. Reiki is just a specific practice and guided style of doing so. Energy healing has been seen throughout history in many different cultures and traditions.
How Can I Energy Heal?
First, you have to be adept at Energy Manipulation. It is like building muscle. It can sometimes take a lot of hard work and training to get to the point where you can heal with energy. It takes focus, visualization, physical energy, mental energy, and practice. You might not get it on the first try, but that's okay. Some may also get it on their first try. Try not to beat yourself up about it. We're all different.
I deeply suggest learning how to borrow energy from sources first before you engage in energy manipulation of this type. It can drain you severely both mentally and physically if you are not careful. Especially if you are a healer who takes on or feels others' pain during sessions. I recommend this for Reiki practitioners as well.
When you go to do this healing process, it's not a true healing as it will not remove ailments, but it eases its side effects and pain.
None of this is a replacement method for healthcare practices and psychological practices. If you are feeling unwell, it may be an underlying condition that could prove to be serious. Please take a look with your physician for treatment when needed.
Sometimes, depending on the practitioner, this process may sting or feel like you are buzzing with energy. From many practitioners I've talked to, the experience is different. Warn the person before you start. It could sting, feel cold/warm or like you are a small battery. Warn them to expect the unexpected. That it will feel better in the end.
Energy Healing Yourself
First, I like to ground and centre. It helps me get into the right headspace. To ground, I use the tree method of visualizing roots coming down from my core (mine is my heart space) and deep into the earth's soil. I then soak up the earth's energy through those roots to borrow (I always return it after the session and give some of mine as a thank you.) I drag the energy up through the roots, towards my core and let it centre my being. After I feel ground and centred, I visualize that energy seeping down my arms and into my hands.
Next, I assess the pained area of myself. Are my calves really tight? Neck? Shoulders? I'll hover or touch the pained area to see how they feel.
Start an assessment and hover your hands over different parts of your body. See what connects and feels icky. Some pained areas can lead to others within your body.
With your energy, latch onto that negative energy. With my method to make it not uncomfortable, I visualize light coming from my hands and cleansing the area. Like you would energetically cleanse a space. Visualize that light penetrating that negative area and slowly filling, replacing the space and "burning" (sounds scary, but it's not) away that negativity. Those I practice on tell me this feels cold, warm or tingles.
Continue this process until the areas feel clear of the negativity and are replaced with this shield-like glow on the area for temporary pain relief. Think of a temporary bubble ward.
After a final sweep, you are done if you cannot find anything. Get yourself and them a snack with some water. Remember to rest after. That is vital. You may feel drained, or you could even feel energized. Everyone is different.
Energy Healing Others
Ground and Centre, like above. Gets you in the correct headspace.
Access the person I'm healing. Hover your hands over the area of the body where the pain resides. Let your energy touch their body, not your hands. However if that is harder for you, you can touch them with their consent and comfort.
Start an assessment and follow the limbs, torso, neck, and such. In your mind, set your sights on or intend to find areas of pain that will register within you as either dark energy, colour you view as negative, or even temperature. It helps to see where the pain is if you have a visualized goal. When you find a dark, sticky, magnetizing, cold/hot area, anything that feels "wrong," pause there. See if it stretches from that location to other parts of the body. Our bodies are like spider webs. Everything connects. Sometimes, a painful spot will lead to another.
Continue with point 4 above in healing yourself. I see others using these methods, too, by grabbing the energy and dragging it out of the body. I do not use this method personally, as it feels less natural.
Continue this process until the areas feel clear of the negativity and are replaced with this shield-like glow on the area for temporary pain relief. Think of a temporary bubble ward.
If you cannot find anything after a final sweep, you are done. Get yourself and them a snack with some water. Remember to rest after. That is vital. You and they may feel drained. They could even feel energized. Everyone is different.
Channelling Different Energies for Healing
Here's where we get a bit interesting. If you do not connect directly with the earth's energy or it does not vibe with your energy style, try different energy sources. After you do a basic grounding exercise, you can use celestial energy to be present by visualizing a beam of light coming down from the heavens, through the top of your head, and into your centre.
You can also use different elements, depending on your healing method and what you are trying to heal. I find water soothing and healing for emotional deregulation or aches and pains. Try washing your hands with blessed water or spring water before you partake in healing and channel that energy into your hands. Visualize that energy forming around your hands, like a waterbender from Avatar, the Last Airbender, to perform healing.
You can also wear crystals with the corresponding element. You can draw on that energy when needed.
Tips and Tricks
Who says you can't use a wand if you struggle with channelling energy into your hands? Especially if you're a practicing witch. I find selenite wands beautiful for healing and apple wood-based wands.
If you struggle with visualization, simply directing your thoughts and narrating what is happening like a story while using your other senses, like feeling, can significantly improve your energy practice. Any practice, that is.
Books by Barbara Ann Brennan are great resources, and I built off my practice with them regarding energy healing. They are less problematic than most books with chakras in them, but remember they have some elements in there regarding more western washed versions of such. I started with Hands of Light by Barbara Ann Brennan. However, these books are not cheap, so trying to find them second-hand may be your best bet.
Another excellent book is Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith. It covers the Eastern-based practice of energy and puts it into a Western-based framework for understanding without watering down any significance. It also covers the energy channels, how they move with the body, and much more. If you enjoy seeing spirituality from a psychological perspective, this book is for you.
Would you like to see more of my posts? Check out the Masterpost.
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relaxedstyles · 1 month
Kamala's AI audiences Re becoming more and more common ...
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jacks-weird-world · 4 days
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odinsblog · 2 months
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Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign is accusing billionaire Elon Musk of spreading "manipulated lies" after he reposted a video on X featuring an AI-generated voice imitating the vice president. Musk, who has endorsed former President Donald Trump, shared the video on his social media platform without noting that the video was originally released as an explicit parody, violating X's own policy that bars users from sharing “synthetic, manipulated, or out-of-context media that may deceive or confuse people and lead to harm."
The fake video reiterates racist attacks against Harris, who previously served as a U.S. senator and attorney general of California.
“I, Kamala Harris, am your Democrat candidate for president because Joe Biden finally exposed his senility at the debate,” the voice says, adding she is a "diversity hire" who doesn't know "the first thing about running the country." The fake-Harris voiceover is played alongside real clips of Harris used by her campaign in an earlier ad, authentic Harris campaign branding and the occasional statement from the actual candidate.
The mocking statements by the voiceover echoes statements from Republican politicians that Harris was only picked as Biden's running mate because she is a Black and Indian-American woman.
Two AI experts told the AP that the video represents the growing power deepfakes in shaping popular opinion and belief.
“The AI-generated voice is very good,” UC Berkeley digital forensics expert Hany Farid told the news service. “Even though most people won’t believe it is VP Harris’ voice, the video is that much more powerful when the words are in her voice.”
Rob Weissman, co-president of the advocacy group Public Citizen, said that many people will be completely fooled by the video.
(continue reading)
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tylchristine · 3 months
america needs a young hot president to save us
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tomorrowusa · 1 month
Trump was putty in Putin's hands. That's the assessment of Gen. H.R. McMaster – a former national security adviser to Trump.
Vladimir Putin exploited Donald Trump’s “ego and insecurities” to exert an almost mesmeric hold over the former US president, who refused to entertain any negative evaluation of the autocratic Russian leader from his own staff, and ultimately fired his national security adviser, HR McMaster, over it. The bold assessment of Trump’s fealty to Putin comes in McMaster’s book At War With Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House, published by HarperCollins and arriving on 27 August. The Guardian obtained a copy. “After over a year in this job, I cannot understand Putin’s hold on Trump,” McMaster recalls saying in the memoir covering the turbulent 457 days the now retired general served as national security adviser from February 2017 until he was effectively fired by tweet in April 2018. The comment, to McMaster’s wife, Katie, came in the aftermath of the poisoning in the UK by Putin’s agents of Sergei Skripal, a Russian former intelligence officer, and his daughter, in March 2018. [ ... ] In reality, McMaster says, Putin’s apparent simpering over Trump was a calculated effort by the Russian leader to exploit the president and drive a wedge between him and hawkish advisers in Washington DC such as McMaster urging the US to take a harder line with the Kremlin. “Putin, a ruthless former KGB operator, played to Trump’s ego and insecurities with flattery,” McMaster writes. “Putin had described Trump as ‘a very outstanding person, talented, without any doubt’, and Trump had revealed his vulnerability to this approach, his affinity for strongmen, and his belief that he alone could forge a good relationship with Putin.
Weird Donald thinks he comes across as strong by hanging around with tyrants like Putin. In fact, he's just fawning for their approval because he's so personally insecure.
It's bad for American national security when a rogue Russian dictator finds it so easy to manipulate a US president. Vladimir Putin will pull out all the stops in manipulating the media to put his patsy back into the Oval Office.
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sanctiphera · 4 months
She wasn’t released - she was found, rescued, and freed by the IDF and others.
Teared up at this. Thank GOD. I am so glad you are safe now, Noa. Also happy for the three men who were rescued today.
A reminder of what Israel is fighting for. Very good news, but until the last children are returned, the agony will go on.
If it were my children/family kidnapped like this, I would expect the government to continue doing everything possible to rescue them.
120 left to find good luck.
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claraameliapond · 1 month
Trump Ally BUSTED after Posting on WRONG ACCOUNT
I mean ...
This is one of the reasons that testimonials have less argumentative weight than actual reputable verifiable evidence and sources in any information sharing.
Don't get tricked by pretenders on the internet telling you they're from marginalised backgrounds when all they're doing is pedalling non voting and anti voting propaganda . This was a proven tactic in 2016 , they're doing it again
Things like "voting doesn't do anything/ make a difference " -
Or one like "I'll vote third party instead" when everyone knows all third parties do is take votes away from the parties big enough to defeat the worst ones, especially in elections like this. That "logic" is used by : bots, paid disinformation anti voting peddlers, and idiots who think that will make them blameless and unaccountable.
Please engage critical thinking when encountering any information. And research any information you receive beyond what you first encounter from multiple reputable sources before you accept it
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