#Demystifying investments
kc22invesmentsblog · 1 year
Demystifying Brokerage Accounts: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
Written by Delvin Have you ever found yourself intrigued by the world of investing but unsure of where to start? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will demystify brokerage accounts and provide beginner-friendly insights to help you embark on your investment journey with confidence. Whether you’re a complete novice or have dabbled in investing before, let’s dive into the…
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kajmasterclass · 4 months
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Demystifying Cryptocurrency: A Review of "The Bitcoin Breakthrough"
The world of cryptocurrency can feel like a complex and ever-evolving landscape. For a while, I was curious about Bitcoin but hesitant to invest due to the lack of understanding. Then, I came across "The Bitcoin Breakthrough" ebook, and it's been a game-changer. This insightful guide has equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the exciting world of Bitcoin and explore its potential as an investment.
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Foundational Knowledge: Understanding the Blockchain Revolution
"The Bitcoin Breakthrough" doesn't just jump into trading strategies. It starts with a strong foundation, explaining the revolutionary technology behind Bitcoin: blockchain. The ebook breaks down complex concepts like decentralization, cryptography, and distributed ledger technology in a clear and concise way. This initial knowledge empowered me to grasp the core principles of Bitcoin and its potential impact on various industries.
Investing with Confidence: Moving Beyond the Hype
The ebook steers clear of sensationalizing Bitcoin or promising unrealistic returns. Instead, it focuses on providing a balanced perspective on Bitcoin as an investment. It delves into the history of Bitcoin, analyzes its current market position, and discusses potential future applications. This balanced approach has given me the confidence to make informed investment decisions based on a solid understanding of the technology and market trends.
Building a Strategic Approach: Practical Investment Techniques
Once equipped with the basics, "The Bitcoin Breakthrough" dives into practical investment strategies. The ebook explores various ways to invest in Bitcoin, from buying and holding the asset itself to exploring Bitcoin trusts and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Additionally, it offers guidance on risk management techniques and portfolio diversification best practices. These practical insights have been instrumental in developing a strategic approach to incorporating Bitcoin into my investment portfolio.
Security First: Protecting Your Digital Assets
Understanding how to securely store your Bitcoin is crucial. "The Bitcoin Breakthrough" dedicates a section to cryptocurrency wallets, explaining the different types available and outlining best practices for safekeeping your digital assets. This emphasis on security gave me peace of mind and empowered me to take the necessary steps to protect my investments.
A Continuously Updated Resource: Staying Ahead of the Curve
The value of "The Bitcoin Breakthrough" goes beyond the initial download. The author provides ongoing support through downloadable resources like glossary terms and a list of reputable cryptocurrency exchanges. Additionally, the ebook is regularly updated with new information on market trends, regulatory developments, and potential future applications of Bitcoin technology. This commitment to ongoing support ensures you have access to the latest information to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency.
In Conclusion: Your Guide to Understanding and Investing in Bitcoin
If you're curious about Bitcoin and its potential as an investment, "The Bitcoin Breakthrough" is an excellent resource. This informative ebook equips you with the foundational knowledge, practical strategies, and ongoing support you need to navigate the exciting world of cryptocurrency with confidence. With its clear explanations, balanced approach, and focus on security, "The Bitcoin Breakthrough" has been a valuable asset on my journey towards understanding and potentially investing in Bitcoin.
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windvexer · 1 month
On magic as being a chore, and why I think that's fine and probably a helpful way to frame it for a lot of people who want to do practical sorcery
On the topic of wards, have you ever had to dig a drainage ditch so water won't accumulate around your house?
Or, put one of those little gates in a doorway so a new puppy can only stay in one area? Or, have you ever put out ant bait?
Hung up a "no solicitors" sign? Built a fence so the chickens can stay over there, and out of the garden? Built a shade cloth over the garden?
Because when you're building a shade cloth over the garden, you're casting a ward against the sun, right. You're binding the puppy and the chickens so they are constrained to certain areas. You're crafting a spirit trap to redirect the water so it won't harm your foundations. Casting a hex most vile upon the ants.
But I really do think that in some conversations, wards and protections get framed in a weird Bonnie and Clyde way, where they're assumed to be only for witches living in the Wild West, having witch wars and doing Risky Magic.
I do enjoy the sinister mysticism that can sometimes surround witchcraft. But sorcerous strategy is a big interest of mine, and I think that a very useful way to arrive at useful strategy is to de-mystify the whole operation.
It's just that we've got these weird labels, like hex, bind, banish, ward, protect, conjure; but when you get down to it, you can just be doing the most mundane stuff with your magic.
I can use a shade cloth to ward the garden against the sun. Then, I can string garlic on a red thread to ward against illness.
I can put up a fence to keep the chickens on that side of the back yard, then hang up a magical no solicitors sign because I'm tired of getting knocks at my door.
This is what gets my goat, sometimes, about people saying magic has to feel all wonderful and beautiful and everything. Yes, I love the experience of being productive with a hammer on an early spring morning, but building a fence is tedious. When it comes down to it, it's still just building a fence. Even if I build it with wax and bits of paper instead of wood and nails.
I feel like there is so much magical housekeeping people could be doing, or would greatly benefit from, that people just don't do because it's wrapped up in these sinister-adjacent terms.
I don't think magic is actually hex/bind/banish/ward/protect/conjure. I really do think magic is a lot more like hammer and nails. Needle and thread. Oven and dough. Etc.
Is it a fast cash spell, or are you just going out to search for the eggs your prosperity hens have already laid?
You can have it either way you like; you can frame going out to get physical eggs from mundane hens as a rapid-manifest prosperity spell. Behold, after I cast a spell of going outside for two minutes, I have manifested five eggs, better than any store could provide.
But taking all the mystical stuff and letting it just be mending holes and baking bread and digging drainage ditches I think is helpful.
All in all, I think demystifying the language we couch practical sorcery in can have two helpful results, which are:
It's easier to let yourself do things you want to do, because while it's normal to say "There's no good reason for me to cast protections because there's no reason to think anything will come after me," it's also normal to say, "you know what would be a good investment for this property? A nice privacy fence, it would make entertaining feel more cozy and then we could start fostering puppies."
It's easier to compel yourself to do the things you need to do, because it stops being, "I really want to cast a prosperity spell but I just haven't been in a magical mood," and starts being, "it is my job to water the plants and if I don't they will wither and die. So I'll make myself a nice tea to bolster my resolve and get to it before work."
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crimeronan · 1 month
Luz permanently staying in titan form also opens the door to new kinds of intimacy and softness, now she has fur and horns that need a daily care session :)
YESSS. also maintaining her claws.... she's like wow, and here i thought accidentally scratching myself with a jagged fingernail was painful!! could never have predicted my EVIL BONE HANDS.....
(she is so pleased by her evil bone hands.)
hunter being almost Too invested in making sure luz's titan stuff is taken care of, since that's something he can control. they can make a nightly ritual of it as they settle down for bed. babies.....
also. luz trying to demystify herself to amity, because she's trying to get her to understand "no, really, I'M the one who owes YOU. you kept hunter safe when i couldn't. that means literally everything to me. i will move heaven and earth for you amity blight"
....but she can't say that point blank. because amity is Already so constantly flushed and nervous and flustered around her. and luz doesn't wanna be even MORE intimidating
(clearly it's intimidation. that's definitely what's happening here)
so luz is like "you know.... it's not even like being a god, really. it's like being any other demon, mostly. you can even touch my horns and see, here, look. they get flaky and chipped just like anybody else's!! i'm really Very Normal"
and amity is like. oh. uh. thank you!! for the offer. I Am Going To Pass Out .
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discluded · 2 years
MileApo and the rise of Thai soft power
Mile and Apo talking about the Thai period film at the Vogue Thailand Gala on 2022/9/21
I've been meaning to sit down and write about this for a while now, ever since I saw the pattern of Mile and Apo injecting it into their talking points about the 2023 historical film, but it's taken some an effort to actually lay it out. Hopefully the time I sat with it will make the it a more insightful, rich reading experience.
(1) I have no formal experience in international relations aside from reading and watching the news, but my strong point is research. Folks with a more formal backgrounds in policsci or IR are welcome to add their input!
(2) Comments about policies or political actions of nations, whether positive, neutral or negative, are not meant to reflect on private individuals of the nationality, even those with a notable amount of social-cultural capital. Private individuals, despite their positions of social influence, most often have little to no individual influence on a policy level**.
So without further ado:
What is soft power? (aka soft power for dummies)
Joseph Nye, a then-Harvard professor, coined the term soft power in the 1980s/early 90s. He described it as:
“A country’s ability to influence the preferences and behaviors of various actors in the international arena (states, corporations, communities, publics etc.) through attraction or persuasion rather than coercion.”
In his book Bound to Lead, Nye established that three prongs of a country's soft power were its culture, its political values, and its policies. Here are two different graphics that further break down what those look like when evaluating soft power in practice.
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If you feel like all the above is still vague to the point of unparsable in an applied context, I spent the majority of the time researching how to demystify the term especially in the way MileApo discuss it, and found this great explainer:
A strong nation brand and positive soft power perceptions allow a nation to promote itself as a place for people to visit, invest in, and build a reputation for their quality of goods and services. [...] it is often overlooked that a strong nation brand and soft power can deliver better outcomes at home. Primarily it encourages domestic tourism, the consumption of domestic goods and services (rather than imports). Less tangibly it also just makes people feel better about their country.
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Expressed in this context, soft power can be understood as the act of building trust in the cultural products of a nation domestically -- some more abstract in the form of art (music, film) and culture, some more concrete like products including fashion and beauty -- in a manner to appeal to its own citizens while also broadening the appeal of cultural goods abroad in a which can drive international tourism, trade, and commerce.
In other words: yes, our collective desire to actually taste Farmhouse bread.
The Thai government and the push for soft power
While my interest in this topic was originally piqued by MileApo's comments, soft power policy has to originate at the government level. Note again that Nye's definition of soft power is centered around "a country’s ability to influence", therefore soft power policy must always formally be expressed nationally.
Around the time MileApo consistently began promoting soft power in alignment with the period film, I noticed a slew of references in Bangkok Post, one of the reputable English online publications based in Thailand.
Back tracking through some of the articles as a reflection of national conversation, since 2020, there has been a consistent theme in terms of what the government is attempting and how well it's going (or not going):
On Thailand's soft power and positioning in the world, Feb 2020:
According to Kitti Prasirtsuk of Thammasat University, who has carried out extensive research into Thailand's branding and repositioning in the age of interconnectedness and social media, Thailand and its culture, values and foreign policy have charisma and high persuasive power which can attract admiration and cooperation. But the Thai people and bureaucrats must change their mindset and perceptions and appreciate their country in real terms first before they take up new challenges.
Within Asean, Thailand is behind Singapore as No.1 [among SE Asian soft power rankings]. The report stated that Thailand has the potential to rise into the top 30 in the world, if the country can strike the right political balance between the rural poor and urban elite. It went on to say that Thailand's weaknesses are problems related to corruption and inequality. It also said that the Thai government is failing to showcase the full potential of Thailand's rich cultural offerings beyond tourism. One more weak link is its poor performance in public diplomacy and digital infrastructure.
(Mile, Apo, and Bible all attended Thammasat University, which is considered one of the premiere universities in Thailand. Apo later transferred and graduated from a different university.)
On Milli, a Thai rapper who performed at Coachella in Spring 2022:
The presence of the 19-year-old rapper Milli at the Coachella Music Festival in the United States has reinvigorated Thailand's soft power ambitions -- an area the Thai government has not fully explored nor exploited. Milli, whose real name is Danupha Khanatheerakul, is the first solo Thai artist to perform at Coachella, a music festival that draws tens of thousands of fans annually.
[Milli's prescence at Coachella] was able to advance Thailand's soft power [in ways previously stalled]. It is not that the government is clueless about "soft power". For decades, governments have focused on presenting Thailand's soft power to the world. However, that iteration of "soft power" mainly consisted of Thai customs and traditions such as food, costume, classical dance, Buddhism rituals and the wai. These aspects of our cultural heritage, despite being charming to foreign tourists, are not sufficient to catapult Thailand's into a stronger position in the global market. Thai cultural heritage has failed to catch up in the digital age…
Milli's song also includes ideas relevant to international audiences. One of her songs openly discusses sexual consent. Being relevant is one of the keys to increasing the nation's presence among diverse populations. The cultural impact made by a young girl like Milli should make the government rethink its cultural promotion strategy. More support is needed for progressive Thai artists and innovators.
An opinion rebuttable on Milli's performance and the government's blundering of reaching for soft power while not meeting basic domestic requirements:
One of the minister's advisers belted out a long speech that did not seem to address how Thailand will become a "soft power" but used the term multiple times. One can't help but wonder if the ministry knows what it is doing, or what the so-called "soft power" it is espousing is about.
Milli's self-taunting line "I don't ride an elephant" may sound a bit old but her rapping about how "the country is good, people are good, our food is good but the government is bood," seems to have struck a chord. "Bood" means rotten in Thai. It is thus understandable if the government was not too coherent when discussing anything about the phenomenon that Milli created. Indeed, [Thailand's Prime Minister] Gen Prayut should feel awkward discussing the "soft power" of Milli and mango sticky rice when he filed a defamation charge against the teen rapper himself back in June last year.
Talented as Milli is, and extraordinary her achievements both locally and at one of the world's most famous music festivals have been, the teenage rapper really has nothing to do with so-called "soft power" which government figures are talking about. Her success is largely individual. Milli created a sensation and a craze. For Thailand's "soft power" to be built, let alone recognised globally, it takes more than one successful artist…
The whole product must be good if it is to exert influence. As experts argued, it takes a wide range of qualities for a country to say it has "soft power". These include the quality of its political institutions, education, digital development, innovation, cultural appeal, strength in arts or business brands. That is why it is odd for everyone to talk about Thailand's "soft power" now when we don't seem to have ticked any of the basic requirements.
On Bangkok International Fashion Week (BIFW):
BIFW2022 has been [a] major and continuing mission to promote and drive Thai fashion to international levels. The event strategically aligns with the government’s strategy to empower Thai fashion industry as fashion is one of the most influential soft power that stimulate economic growth.
Note that multiple actors in BOC walked BIFW2022 in September, as well as multiple actors from other Thai BL shows that aired in 2022.
On the increasing popularity of Thai BL:
Thai BL is now popular across Southeast and East Asia[, and] has been gaining traction in Japan, the home of BL, since 2020. Posters of famous khu jin were put up in a train station. Magazines that cover Thai drama, including BL, are rolled out for the Japanese audience. The Tourism Authority of Thailand has launched a Twitter account that uses BL to engage Japanese consumers. They are conducting research on these issues in the context of soft power.
Yes you read that correctly. No joke, BL as a facet of Thai soft power is so prevalent now that the government is literally tracking its popularity and Twitter conversation around the topic.
So what does this all mean?
Thailand is a country within Asia and internationally that has a lot of appeal as a tourism destination. However, with many competitor alternatives in both entertainment (particularly film and music) and beauty/fashion, which are major drivers soft power within Asia and internationally, and domestic dissidence of policy and politicians due to social conditions, Thai cultural power is not as prominent as it could be and also suffers at the international level.
While there is appeal of specific Thai cultural products internationally (such as Milli at Coachella or in the case of Kinnporsche the Series) the government has failed to activate these prominent media products as part of a cohesive soft power strategy.
However, the government does seem aware of the potential, specifically in the realm of BL. Thailand has always maintained an image of being LGBTQ-friendly among all the Asian countries, and may now be looking to push LGBTQ-aligned media (BL and GL dramas) specifically as part of its soft power strategy to increase pop culture and media appeal.
MileApo on Soft Power
Part of the reason my ears perked up at MileApo's consistent talking point of soft power is again, because even without a polisci background, I'm aware that soft power is expressed at the country policy level. Thus when both of them started specifically using the term to discuss the film in pre-production phase, it got my brain gears turning.
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Mile talking about the film on 2022/9/24 at the D7 Grand Opening (vid/txt)
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"Nong Po will act with Hia Mile -- please look forward to this movie next year, please look forward to that a lot. We want to expand Thai culture and soft power..." Apo on the Thai period movie at the KPWT Send off on 2022/9/11
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Mile Phakphum's speech on Mother's Day in Kalasin, 2022/8/5
Here's what we do know. Apo's dance training for the film is with a teacher affiliated with the academy that also produces dancers who specifically entertain the royal court.
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And here is what they individually said in the Vogue Thailand print interview (completed in late August 2022, published October 2022)
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And I would be remiss and dishonest to not point out that Mile's family is prominent in Thailand and his mother is part of the Queen's inner circle. Keep in mind that Thailand is a constitutional monarchy where the monarch has limited powers in practice (think: Japan or UK), and Thailand has a history of cyclical political instability that does not displace the monarchy. So believe him when he says he has limited power compared to Kinn. He travels on a private citizen's passport like all the rest of the cast. (Though my eyes start watering when I'm thinking about baby chaebol CEO Mile and destiny.*)
That being said, what these connections likely did get the production team was access to cultural resources such as the dance expert and most likely credentialed historians to consult on the period film. I would surprised if there aren't ministers' offices who are in the loop about film's production in a way they would not pay to other film or show production teams. I'm sure we will find out more about the interesting and important people involved in the production process around the time the film is released.
Another aspect that stood out to me is the fact that Mile and Apo, neither of whom have policy backgrounds, started iterating the discussion point of soft power in a way you don't see Milli, or Mew Suppassit (who let's not forget was also a RSIFF invitee and the first Thai artist to break into the Billboard World Song Chart), talk about it. Mew actually has talked about soft power a couple of times, but only in the context that he is part of a cultural wave that can increase Thailand's influence globally and never specifically in relation to a project he is promoting. That speaks a lot to the team behind the scenes involved in the writing and consulting (and marketing) process of the 2023 historical film.
The timeline of when these comments popped up is also interesting. While they do coincide with the release of the trailer post KPWT Bangkok, most likely what's happening during this time period is that BOC and more specifically Mile is shopping for sponsors to the project.
Think about Mile speaking about Thailand soft power to an audience of mostly older businesspeople at the mother's day event -- what would the purpose be except an ask for partnership on a project that he is on, which can become a vehicle for Thai products both domestically and globally? Look at the timing of the announcement of the Srichand partnership (end of August), and how successfully that broken the brand into the lucrative Chinese market, moving millions of THB worth of product for a brand that had struggled to get any traction previously. While Srichand's focus is currently on China, working with a Thai beauty brand for a film where the trailer highlighted many historical makeup elements is an actually ideal brand partnership and project alignment.
(Sadly for us, I don't think the film will be the second longest bread commercial in existence. But based on the Farmhouse CEO's comments, I would be unsurprised if they signed on to support the film project too. Ancient Thai bread I guess *jazz hands*)
In Conclusion
MileApo's soft power talking point was an intentional move specifically to shop the film project around for sponsors. The Srichand partnership proved MA-as-a-brand's ability to move product in a lucrative, hard-to-crack foreign market, though Srichand (and Giffarine) as brands aren't necessarily able to stand in the market independently as of yet. Their past brand partnerships' success simultaneously showed how lucrative it is to book MA for a product domestically. I'm sure we'll see a slew of new interesting sponsors and brand partnerships this year. This is only the beginning of MA's power as a cultural brand domestically and internationally.
Mile and Apo have also expressed their pride in the past in being cultural ambassadors of Thailand, both at the RSIFF and when speaking about engaging tourists who are visiting Thailand. Their praise of Thai products (for example, the artistry of Thai silk in the Vogue Th Gala interview) and their active choice to work with mostly Thai brands speaks to their values as businessmen who genuinely want to uplift Thailand's influence in the global market.
That being said, the Thai cultural ministry cannot rely on a single cultural emissary to advance its soft power agenda globally, and as of right now, despite ...some attempts, a cohesive government strategy around soft power does not exist.
MileApo have demostrated their brand has strong impact, and that they can influence purchase behavior internationally (e.g., KPWT ticket sales, Srichand) in ways many Thai media figures have not been able to as of yet. But they are not formally tied to the Thai government, nor should the government intervene and attempt to direct artistic expression.
Culture is one aspect of soft power, and political/humanitarian expression is another major component that advances an international soft power agenda. There are already articles discussing Thailand's problems of political corruption and self/journalistic censorship due to political conditions that prevent full freedom of expression. But that's the government's problem to address that. There is a lot of unharvested potential in multiple realms.
This essay is not about that though. I'm just a fan.
Can it be December 2023 yet 🥺
Additional notes that don't fit into the essay under the cut:
(1) There was a lot of fandom hand-wringing in August and September about Apo publicly having working dinners with Pond over the film project. Let's not forget Mile is someone who cares deeply about the art he makes, and he and Apo both have said multiple times they talk almost nightly about their artistic intent. If Mile talks to Apo and Apo was talking to Pond, why would Mile, a person who cares deeply about art, not be talking to Pond in pre-production? Obviously the answer is a division of labor in the relationship: Mile was working on funding which is just as important, and Mile also needs to sleep and rest and not work. There wouldn't be anyone else he would trust to convey his artistic intent to the director except for Apo. True power couple behavior right there.
(2) * everyday I go feral over baby chaebol CEO Mile. If someone made a kdrama about a handsome chaebol baby who was a CEO but also an actor and model who met his soulmate in university but it was a missed connection and then the soulmate went on to become a famous actor/model who quit because of bullying, but then they met again when the baby chaebol WHO IS STILL A CEO BUT ALSO AN ACTOR met at an audition for a drama... *foams at mouth* I would call this show bizarre, nonsensical and incoherent, and yet HERE WE ARE IN REAL LIFE. The jetsetting supermodel with wealthy CEO part of reality which is now bending around MileApo so they can live their wattpad fanfic life. What the hell am I looking at, I ask myself every day.
(3) ** this statement does not include billionaires like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos whose net worth exceeds those of small and mid-sized countries. Per today's estimate, ~50 people/families have more wealth than 90 of 190 countries. If your net worth can run the economy of half the countries in the world, then your wealth/resources hoarding behavior can control what the media says and influence otherwise free and fair elections.
Once again, Some of you need some contextualization of how comfortably wealthy vs. billionaire resource-hoarding rich looks like.
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meanbossart · 7 months
Asks about VaM, art advice, and miscellaneous stuffs
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HI! Real quick please refrain from referring to Sad Sack as S/S for the uh... Obviously reasons LOL We call it "sads" for short!
If what you're asking for are recommendations for a website to host that kind of thing, Neocities, Twitter, Itchio and as you mentioned AO3 are all perfectly good options! Patreon too (depending on how gnarly you're planning on getting) but I'd suggest keeping that as a secondary host option because I don't think it lends itself super well for getting your work circulating. I believe Bluesky allows that kind of thing too, but I'm not too sure since I don't use it.
Now, If you're asking about public reaction rather than guidelines, anywhere you go you might find people that don't jive with the work you do 🤷 just be upfront about the type of content you're making right off the bat to avoid having anyone stumble upon it by accident to the best of your abilities, otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much. I know we're constantly exposed to examples of overwhelming harassment and "dogpilling" happening to others but... Truth be told, most of us won't ever get to the size/internet level of fame where we experience that. I think the threat is a little bit... Overstated, nowadays. Not to mention that most of the time people are getting harassment for things that have nothing to do with their work, and rather relating to their behavior and attitudes. Play smart, be responsible, and be honest! Whatever comes next is in god's hands LOL
Thank you for the ask! Not sure I was of much help 😅 but frankly when you're just starting out it's best to focus on getting the work done first and just throwing it out there, wherever it may be. You can worry about technicalities like that later!
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I GOT YOU MAN the full sketch is now up on my patreon!
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I love seeing everyone's take on my weirdo so much, anything is honestly welcomed!
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AW DUDE thank you so much! Especially for suffering through the mammoth of a story that ANE turned into - writing has never been my strongest point so I'm always shocked to hear from people that enjoy it 🥲
About the booze question, honestly I'm not picky at all, I usually go by price and by that I mean whatever is cheapest LOL but I prefer a dry white as far as types go.
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You only have to pay for it once! You get a code that unlocks the software and all of it's features and you're free to cancel your subscription after that. At some point the code might change or there might be an update that requires subscribing again - but that seems like a very rare occurrence so I wouldn't worry about it.
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OH NO I HAVE DEFINITELY TRACED MY OWN REFERENCE BEFORE, but not entire poses! When something is challenging I'll make a point of drawing it out the usual way.
I can remember a couple of instances from Nick and mine's comic where I traced pictures I took of myself, just as a time saving measure. Again like I said in the post, there are several ways to employ tracing your own material that is perfectly acceptable. I have also traced bare-bones 3D backgrounds that I made for the same reasons.
I know you specifically asked about tracing when something's complicated, but I still wanted to be upfront to demystify the practice under different circumstances. The rule of thumb is to never use it when you know it would be inhibiting your skill development!
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Happy to hear you wanted to pick up the skill! I definitely understand the urge too LOL since playing BG3 and becoming so invested in the stories and characters my art has improved a ton, simply from forcing me out of my usual style and making me want to capture different moods and scenarios - finding something you're passionate to draw is, frankly a great damn start.
I replied to a bunch of asks asking for pointers and advice a while back, one of the questions was very similar to yours and I still stand behind the advice I gave then. Hopefully you can find something helpful here! https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/740543514692173824/some-art-advice-asks-ive-been-meaning-to-reply
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HMMM I don't usually think of myself as the best teacher/tutorial guy, but funnily enough I can think of a few things about this topic that I could elaborate on lol. If I do that in the near future, I'll put it up on my patreon (for free as with everything else.)
If there are any specific things about it that you (and anyone else who would be interested in it, for that matter) find challenging and would like for me to focus on, let me know!
That's all for now folks, and as usual thank you so much to everyone who's left a nice compliment, word of encouragement or funny tidbit in my inbox as well! I can't reply to you all individually, but I see and read all the messages I get c:
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unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
How Bitcoin Transformed My Life: A Journey of Financial Awakening
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Welcome to my blog! I'm passionate about financial freedom and the transformative power of Bitcoin. Today, I want to share my personal journey with Bitcoin and how it has dramatically changed my life. My goal is to help you understand the potential of Bitcoin and inspire you to explore its benefits for yourself.
Early Financial Life
Before discovering Bitcoin, my financial life was a constant struggle. I lived paycheck to paycheck, barely managing to cover my expenses. Emergencies, like unexpected car repairs or medical bills, threw my finances into disarray. I felt trapped in a cycle of debt and financial stress, unable to break free.
Discovering Bitcoin
My journey with Bitcoin began when I stumbled upon an article about it online. Intrigued by the concept of a decentralized digital currency, I started to delve deeper into what Bitcoin was all about. The more I learned, the more fascinated I became. Bitcoin's potential to revolutionize the financial system and provide a hedge against inflation captivated me.
Learning About Money
One of the most profound impacts of my Bitcoin journey was the education it forced upon me regarding money. Before Bitcoin, I had a superficial understanding of how money worked. As I researched Bitcoin, I learned about the history of money, the mechanics of inflation, and the flaws in our current financial system. This newfound knowledge empowered me to make more informed financial decisions.
The Transformation
Bitcoin not only educated me about money but also transformed my financial habits and mindset. I began to prioritize saving and investing in Bitcoin instead of spending frivolously. Over time, I built a safety net that allowed me to handle emergencies without financial panic. My financial situation improved significantly, and I felt a sense of control and security that I had never experienced before.
Spreading the Knowledge
Inspired by my own transformation, I decided to create content to help others understand Bitcoin and achieve financial freedom. Through my YouTube channel and blog, I aim to demystify Bitcoin and provide practical advice on how to incorporate it into one's financial strategy. My goal is to empower you to take control of your finances and realize the potential of Bitcoin.
Practical Advice
Here are some practical steps for those looking to start their Bitcoin journey:
Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about Bitcoin and the principles behind it. There are plenty of resources available online, including articles, videos, and podcasts.
Start Small: You don't need to invest a large amount of money to get started. Begin with small, manageable investments and gradually increase your exposure as you become more comfortable.
Secure Your Investments: Make sure to store your Bitcoin securely using reputable wallets and follow best practices to protect your assets.
Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest developments in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency space to make informed decisions.
My journey with Bitcoin has been nothing short of transformative. It has empowered me to take control of my finances and dramatically improved my financial well-being. I encourage you to explore Bitcoin and educate yourself about money. The potential for financial freedom is within your reach, and I hope my story inspires you to take that first step.
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missmagooglie · 1 year
ROTFL honestly about how hair-trigger both Buck and Eddie have been for commitment in 6b. But coming at it from completely different directions. Eddie catastrophizes himself into anxiety attacks over nothing, while Buck ignores every single warning sign and commits himself wholeheartedly at the slightest interest.
First there's Eddie, who literally just sees a woman in his tia's kitchen and immediately goes "I can't marry her!" Like, babe. No one's asking you to? You're allowed to go on dates that aren't lifetime commitments?
He reminds me of those precocious but over-anxious kids who have one (1) minor thing go wrong and they spiral out and suddenly they're like ".... and THEN I'll default on my mortgage and be left with nothing! Is that what you want?" And you, an adult, are just standing there blinking like "How do you know what a mortgage is? You're nine."
And then there's Buck. He's the girl who buys a bath bomb and unironically says, "this will fix my life." That sort of "spiral up" technique they tell you to do in therapy, but in a toxic positivity way.
Honestly, I am so curious about whether Natalia even thought she was on a date with Buck. Like, here she is, a professional whose job it is to help people understand and accept death so that they can have a more peaceful and fulfilling end to their life. And she meets a guy who, within minutes of meeting her, shares that he actually clinically died for a few minutes. As someone who is so invested in understanding and demystifying death, of course she's fascinated! It felt very obvious that she was asking him to have coffee to talk about that experience specifically, rather than having an explicitly romantic intent.
But poor Buck very obviously interpreted it as a date, and now he's over here telling Eddie "I feel like she really sees me" like they're halfway to being in love already.
And listen, I don't think any part of what we've seen so far between Buck and Natalia is a bad thing. Even her "fangirling" over his near-death. Because here's the thing: yes, it would be devastating for Eddie or Maddie or Bobby to hear someone be excited about "that time Buck literally died". But fortunately, Natalia wasn't talking to any of them. She was talking to Buck. She was talking from the perspective of someone who knows Buck is still alive before she even learned that he died, and she's interested in his experience. And I genuinely do not think it's a bad thing for Buck to talk to someone who can recognize that what he went through was transformational in a way that can be positive if he allows it to be. No one who loves him can talk to him about this experience without bringing their own grief from nearly losing him to the conversation - and that's totally understandable, but it's also what makes talking with someone new about these experiences so alluring and so (potentially) helpful.
But the other thing Buck and Eddie have in common is avoidance. We saw Eddie avoid thinking about what he wants from a romantic partner when he was with Ana to the point where the avoidance was giving him panic attacks. Buck talked to Natalia and got the chance to process some if the ways his experience with death was positive. He's also so caught up in that positive feeling that he's letting himself not confront or process some of the ways his death was decidedly NOT positive -- both for him and for the people who love him.
Natalia doesn't have grief clouding her view of what happened to Buck. She doesn't have the tumultuous emotional background of all the ways Buck has been hurt and then tried to tape himself back together. Natalia only knows what Buck chooses to share with her.
In other words, it's easy with her.
Where have we heard that before?
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freeskillshub · 2 months
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Top 20 Personal Finance Podcasts for Women in 2024
Navigating the world of personal finance can be daunting, especially for women who face unique financial challenges and opportunities. Whether you're looking to pay off debt, invest, save for the future, or simply get a better handle on your finances, these podcasts offer expert advice, inspiring stories, and practical tips tailored specifically for women. Here are the top 20 personal finance podcasts for women in 2024:
1. The Financial Confessions by Chelsea Fagan 💬
Hosted by Chelsea Fagan, this podcast dives deep into the financial lives of influencers, experts, and everyday people. The honest and relatable conversations offer invaluable insights into managing money.
2. Bad with Money by Gaby Dunn 💸
Gaby Dunn explores the intersection of finance and social justice with humor and candor, making complex financial topics accessible and entertaining.
3. Clever Girls Know 💡
Hosted by Bola Sokunbi, this podcast is part of the Clever Girl Finance platform, offering practical financial advice for women looking to achieve financial independence.
4. HerMoney with Jean Chatzky 💰
Jean Chatzky's podcast covers everything from investing and saving to career advice, all with a focus on empowering women to take control of their financial lives.
5. So Money with Farnoosh Torabi 💵
Farnoosh Torabi interviews top business minds, authors, and influencers, providing actionable advice on money, business, and life.
6. The Fairer Cents ⚖️
Hosts Tanja Hester and Kara Perez tackle issues like financial independence, the gender pay gap, and economic inequality, offering a feminist perspective on money.
7. Brown Ambition 🏆
Mandi Woodruff and Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche discuss finance, career, and lifestyle topics, helping women of color navigate their financial journeys.
8. Financial Feminist 👩‍🏫
Hosted by Tori Dunlap, this podcast aims to help women make more, spend less, and feel financially confident.
9. The Money Nerds 🧠
Whitney Hansen brings on guests to discuss their money stories, providing tips and tricks to help listeners manage their finances better.
10. Millennial Money 📈
Shannah Compton Game covers topics relevant to millennials, from student loans to first-time home buying, making finance relatable and understandable.
11. Journey to Launch 🚀
Jamila Souffrant shares her journey to financial independence and interviews guests about their money journeys, providing inspiration and practical tips.
12. Girls That Invest 📊
Simran Kaur and Sonya Gupthan provide a unique perspective on investing, focusing on demystifying the stock market for women.
13. Popcorn Finance 🍿
Chris Browning's short, digestible episodes cover a wide range of financial topics, perfect for busy women on the go.
14. Mo’ Money Podcast 💼
Host Jessica Moorhouse interviews personal finance experts, providing tips and strategies for managing money, investing, and achieving financial goals.
15. Money Girl 👩‍💼
Laura Adams offers quick and actionable personal finance tips in her podcast, perfect for women looking to improve their financial knowledge and habits.
16. Simple Wealth 🏡
Author and financial coach Rachel Cruze shares practical tips on budgeting, saving, and giving, helping listeners achieve a balanced financial life.
17. Couple Money 💑
Elle Martinez focuses on helping couples build stronger marriages and financial futures together, offering tips on managing money as a team.
18. The Investing for Beginners Podcast 📚
Dave Ahern and Andrew Sather provide beginner-friendly advice on investing, making the stock market accessible to women who are new to investing.
19. Optimal Finance Daily 🗓️
Hosts Diania Merriam and others narrate the best personal finance blog posts, offering a wide range of perspectives and tips on managing money.
20. Afford Anything 🌍
Paula Pant explores the philosophy of money management, interviewing experts and sharing strategies to help listeners afford anything they want in life.
These podcasts provide a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to help women take control of their financial futures. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking to deepen your understanding, there's a podcast here for you.
For more details and resources, visit Free Skills Hub
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kc22invesmentsblog · 1 year
Margin Accounts Demystified: Leveraging Your Investments with Caution
Written by Delvin In the realm of investing, margin accounts offer a unique opportunity for investors to leverage their positions and potentially amplify their gains. However, the allure of margin trading comes with inherent risks that must be managed with caution. In this blog post, we will demystify margin accounts, explore their benefits and pitfalls, and provide essential guidelines for…
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sihasah · 1 month
New Hampshire Small Business Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide
New Hampshire small business insurance is a critical investment for any entrepreneur operating in the Granite State. It provides financial protection against a variety of risks, from property damage to liability claims. However, with so many different types of insurance available, choosing the right coverage for your business can be a daunting task. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify New Hampshire small business insurance, providing you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions and safeguard your business from unforeseen events. https://sihasah.com/new-hampshire-small-business-insurance-a-comprehensive-guide/
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By: Erec Smith
Published: May 17, 2024
Recently, the University of North Carolina‐​Chapel Hill Board of Trustees voted, unanimously, to divert money from its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives into public safety. This is on the heels of other institutions shuttering diversity offices and laying off or repurposing positions focused on DEI work. Are we starting to see a trend? Is this the beginning of a “Great Diversion”?
Contemporary DEI initiatives have been a point of contention for years now. Anti‐​DEI sentiment, which does not necessarily mean an aversion to the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion per se, grows with every exposition of DEI’s driving ideology, Critical Social Justice, which is inherently divisive, illiberal, and, actually, racist.
However, any opposition to DEI programs is usually seen as a right‐​wing attack on anything that can improve the lives of minoritized groups. That accusation holds more water in response to calls for the eradication of DEI initiatives. But the diversion of DEI funds to another worthwhile endeavor—that is, trading one good for another good—is harder to scrutinize.
Yes, UNC‐​Chapel Hill has chosen to divert DEI’s funding to public safety to prevent disruption of university operations. Whether the good of public safety constitutes a “good for good” trade is understandably debatable. However, DEI funds can also be diverted to initiatives more clearly aligned with diversity, equity, and inclusion in the true sense of those words. Initially, I thought of outreach and immersion programs.
Outreach programs geared toward K‑12 students are created by colleges and universities in collaboration with local high schools to help students understand what is necessary to get into college, what they need to do to prepare, and what to expect when they get there. When I say “immersive,” I refer to outreach programs where students visit campuses and experience what it is to be a college student or a particular major. According to the Compass Education Group’s “Guide to Successful Outreach Programs,” students and colleges benefit from such programs in distinct ways.
According to Compass, outreach programs can achieve the following for students: clarify career goals, assistance with access to resources, assistance with the application process, academic advising, introduction to a college’s academic support services, and, obviously, better prepare students for college‐​level work. This kind of outreach can assuage any “culture shock” that may set in among students from marginalized communities. It can also introduce students to the necessary merits for college success at a younger age, thus demystifying academic merits.
The benefits to participating colleges include greater student readiness, better resource management, and increases in enrollment, retention, and, of course, diversity. Regarding diversity, Compass does not mince words: “Helping these students prepare for and transition to postsecondary education helps colleges meet their diversity goals.” Redistributing money from DEI initiatives to outreach programs that can be geared toward underrepresented students may be a better way to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion. Perhaps outreach programs are the new—and more effective—DEI initiative.
Several colleges already have outreach programs that, typically, take place in the summer. However, with sufficient funding, these programs can become more robust. In fact, non‐​profit organizations exist to do that. For example, The Hidden Genius Project, started by five black professionals, “trains and mentors Black male youth in technology creation, entrepreneurship, and leadership skills to transform their lives and communities.” This project has locations all over the country and offers a variety of programs to introduce students to entrepreneurs, leaders, and technologists through either single or multiday events or deeper and longer immersion into a professional culture. What’s more, this project’s effects align with concepts important to DEI initiatives, like cultural representation.
Hidden Genius alum, Tehillah Hephzibah says,
Growing up, I was never really in a place where a majority of the people looked like me. In the program, I enjoyed being around people who look more like myself and connecting with them. Throughout my life, all of the schools I attended were predominantly white or Hispanic students so joining The Hidden Genius Project was a sigh of relief and comfort for me.
Another program graduate, Brandon Bazile, shares a similar sentiment.
As a Black man who has only ever had at most two other Black boys in my grade, to suddenly having a group of Black males who look like me was eye‐​opening. Being taught and surrounded by excellent Black minds, inspired me to believe that I could always better myself, which was a feeling I had never felt before.
This program is a clear source of agency and empowerment for young black students, a goal DEI proponents claim to have.
MIT’s Introduction to Technology, Engineering and Science (MITES) is an outreach program that has strong partnerships with universities nationwide. The program “provides transformative experiences that bolster confidence, create lifelong community, and build an exciting, challenging foundation in STEM for highly motivated 7th–12th grade students from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds.” As with the Hidden Genius Project, representation and confidence building are some of the most salient effects of MITES.
Indigo Davitt‐​Liu, a graduate of the program, stated, “I’ve always loved math, but I always saw STEM kids as a group removed from me, a type of person I could never be. Through this program, I realized the true amount of diversity there is in STEM fields. I now see myself as part of a STEM community.” Also similar to the Hidden Genius Project, MITES immerses students in environments indicative of a given STEM field. This immersion helps students gain merits they would not have otherwise. MITE graduate Moses Stewart says,
MITES connected me with so many other brilliant and passionate people and gave me an avenue to explore a brighter future for myself. It gave me the opportunity to learn about career paths that would have otherwise been inaccessible. And, to apply and assert myself in challenging courses. Most of all, it gave me guidance and helped me grow into someone who is more confident, hard‐​working, and optimistic about the future.
The outcomes of MITES, the Hidden Genius Project, and comparable programs strongly suggest that funding for DEI programs that have proven to be more ineffective than effective could be put to better use elsewhere.
I must be clear, current DEI initiatives are often undergirded by Critical Social Justice, an ideology that frames the world into an oppressor/​oppressed dichotomy and insists that oppressive forces are present in every human interaction. Surely, funds should be diverted to initiatives that don’t promote divisiveness, resentment, and even a kind of racism. However, I believe diverting funds to immersive outreach programs for K‑12 students is so important that even DEI initiatives steeped in classical liberal values cannot be justified. Workshops on the history and nature of discrimination, cultural differences, and policy are important and should take place, but these things need not be expensive or necessarily whole offices.
No matter what ideological foundation a DEI program has, funds are better spent on programs like The Hidden Genius Project and MITES.
A great diversion is in order. DEI programs have proven relatively ineffective at enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, thus proving to be a waste of money. Continuing to spend money on these programs is indefensible, especially when better ways to help our students abound. The day after UNC‐​Chapel Hill diverted funds away from its DEI initiatives, Virginia Commonwealth University and George Mason University did away with required DEI courses for students. The tide is turning when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Let’s make sure it turns in a healthy and generative direction.
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jjtax · 2 months
Understanding Tax Refunds: JJ Tax made it easy
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Handling tax refunds can seem overwhelming, but having a clear grasp of the process can make it straightforward. This newsletter aims to demystify tax refunds by covering key aspects: eligibility criteria, claiming procedures and tracking your refund status.
What is a Tax Refund?
A tax refund represents the amount returned to taxpayers who have overpaid their taxes over the fiscal year. This situation arises when the total tax deducted or paid exceeds the actual tax liability determined based on their income.
In India, tax payments are made through TDS (Tax Deducted at Source), advance tax, or self-assessment tax. When the total tax paid or deducted surpasses your tax liability as calculated in your Income Tax Return (ITR), the excess amount is refunded. This mechanism ensures taxpayers are reimbursed for any overpayments.
Who is Eligible for a Tax Refund?
Eligibility for a tax refund depends on various factors:
Excess Tax Payments If your TDS or advance tax payments exceed your tax liability, you’re eligible for a refund. This often applies to salaried employees, freelancers, and individuals with taxable investment income.
Claiming Deductions If you claim deductions under sections like 80C, 80D, etc., and these deductions lower your tax liability below the total tax paid, a refund may be due.
Filing an Income Tax Return Only those who file their Income Tax Return can claim a refund. The return must accurately reflect your income, deductions, and tax payments to establish if a refund is warranted.
Losses to Set Off If you have losses from previous years or the current year that can be carried forward and set off against current year income, you might be eligible for a refund if these losses reduce your tax liability.
Who is Not Eligible for a Tax Refund?
Certain situations or individuals may not qualify for a tax refund:
Income Below Taxable Threshold If your total income is below the taxable limit, a refund may not be applicable.
Salary Below Government Criteria Individuals earning below the minimum threshold specified by the Government of India may not qualify for a refund.
No Overpayment If your tax payments match your tax liability or you haven’t overpaid, a refund will not be available.
Non-Filers or Incorrect Filers Those who fail to file their Income Tax Return or file it incorrectly will not be eligible for a refund. Proper filing is essential for initiating the refund process.
Invalid Deductions Claims for deductions that do not meet tax regulations or lack valid documentation may result in a refund rejection.
Incorrect Bank Details If the bank account information provided in your ITR is incorrect or incomplete, the refund may not be processed.
How to Claim Your Tax Refund
Here’s a step-by-step guide to claiming your tax refund:
File Your Income Tax Return (ITR) Access the Income Tax Department’s e-filing portal. Choose the correct ITR form based on your income sources and eligibility. Accurately complete all required details, including income, deductions, and tax payments.
Verify Your ITR Verify your ITR using Aadhaar OTP, net banking, or by sending a signed ITR-V to the Centralised Processing Centre (CPC). Verification must be completed within 120 days of filing your ITR.
ITR Processing The Income Tax Department will process your return, assess your tax liability, and determine the refund amount. This process can take a few weeks to several months.
Refund Issuance After processing, the refund will be credited directly to your bank account. Ensure your bank details are accurate and up-to-date in your ITR.
Update Bank Account Details (if needed) If your bank details change after filing your ITR, promptly update them on the e-filing portal to ensure correct refund crediting.
How to Check Your ITR Refund Status for FY 2024-2025
To check your refund status, follow these steps:
Visit the Income Tax E-Filing Portal Go to the official Income Tax Department e-filing website.
Access the 'Refund Status' Section Navigate to the ‘Refund Status’ page, typically under the ‘Services’ tab or a similar heading.
Enter Required Details Input your PAN (Permanent Account Number) and the assessment year for your filed return.
Review the Status The portal will show the status of your refund, including whether it has been processed, approved, or if further action is needed.
Track Refund Processing Keep an eye on any updates or notifications from the Income Tax Department regarding your refund.
Understanding the tax refund process can simplify the experience. By following these steps and staying informed about your eligibility, you can make sure that you have a smooth process and quickly receipt of any excess tax payments. For expert guidance and personalized assistance, consult with JJ Tax. Visit our website or contact us today to get the support you need for all your tax-related queries.
JJ Tax
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anarkittyuwuuniverse · 2 months
Under scrutiny, democracy does not live up to the values that drew us to it in the first place—egalitarianism, inclusivity, self-determination. Alongside these values, we must add horizontality, decentralization, and autonomy as their indispensible counterparts.
Horizontality has gained a lot of currency since the late 20th century. Starting with the Zapatista uprising and gaining momentum through the anti-globalization movement and the rebellion in Argentina, the idea of leaderless structures has spread even into the business world.
But decentralization is just as important as horizontality if we do not wish to be trapped in a tyranny of equals, in which everyone has to be able to agree on something for anyone to be able to do it. Rather than a single process through which all agency must pass, decentralization means multiple sites of decision-making and multiple forms of legitimacy. That way, when power is distributed unevenly in one context, this can be counterbalanced elsewhere. Decentralization means preserving difference—strategic and ideological diversity is a source of strength for movements and communities, just as biodiversity is in the natural world. We should neither segregate ourselves into homogenous groups on the pretext of affinity nor reduce our politics to lowest common denominators.
Decentralization implies autonomy—the ability to act freely on one’s own initiative. Autonomy can apply at any level of scale—a single person, a neighborhood, a movement, an entire region. To be free, you need control over your immediate surroundings and the details of your daily life; the more self-sufficient you are, the more secure your autonomy is. This needn’t mean meeting all your needs independently; it could also mean the kind of interdependence that gives you leverage on the people you depend on. No single institution should be able to monopolize access to resources or social relations. A society that promotes autonomy requires what an engineer would call redundancy: a wide range of options and possibilities in every aspect of life.
If we wish to foster freedom, it’s not enough to affirm autonomy alone. A nation-state or political party can assert autonomy; so can nationalists and racists. The fact that a person or group is autonomous tells us little about whether the relations they cultivate with others are egalitarian or hierarchical, inclusive or exclusive. If we wish to maximize autonomy for everyone rather than simply seeking it for ourselves, we have to create a social context in which no one is able to accumulate institutional power over anyone else.
We have to create anarchy.
Demystifying Institutions
Institutions exist to serve us, not the other way around. They have no inherent claim on our obedience. We should never invest them with more legitimacy than our own needs and desires. When our wishes conflict with others’ wishes, we can see if an institutional process can produce a solution that satisfies everyone; but as soon as we accord an institution the right to adjudicate our conflicts or dictate our decisions, we have abdicated our freedom.
This is not a critique of a particular organizational model, or an argument for “informal” structures over “formal” ones. Rather, it demands that we treat all models as provisional—that we ceaselessly reappraise and reinvent them. Where Thomas Paine wanted to enthrone the law as king, where Rousseau theorized the social contract and more recent enthusiasts of capitalism über alles dream of a society based on contracts alone, we counter that when relations are truly in the best interests of all participants, there is no need for laws or contracts.
Likewise, this is not an argument in favor of mere individualism, nor of treating relationships as expendable, nor of organizing only with those who share one’s preferences. In a crowded, interdependent world, we can’t afford to refuse to coexist or coordinate with others. The point is simply that we must not seek to legislate relations.
Instead of deferring to a blueprint or protocol, we can evaluate institutions on an ongoing basis: Do they reward cooperation—or contention? Do they distribute agency—or create bottlenecks of power? Do they offer each participant the opportunity to fulfill her potential on her own terms—or impose external imperatives? Do they facilitate the resolution of conflict on mutually agreeable terms—or punish all who run afoul of a codified system?
-From Democracy to Freedom by Crimethinc
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bangkoksolicitor · 2 months
Thailand Board of Investment
The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), established in 1966, stands as a cornerstone institution promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) in Thailand. It plays a pivotal role in propelling the nation's economic growth and diversification by offering a plethora of incentives and streamlining the investment process. This article delves into the intricacies of the BOI, exploring its objectives, investment promotion strategies, and the advantages it offers to foreign investors.
Guiding Principles: The BOI's Vision and Mission
The BOI operates under the purview of the Office of the Prime Minister, highlighting its significance within the Thai government's economic development agenda. Here's a closer look at the driving forces behind the BOI:
Vision: To transform Thailand into a globally competitive and innovation-driven economy, fostering balanced and sustainable growth.
Mission: To attract high-quality foreign investments that contribute to technological advancement, knowledge transfer, and job creation in Thailand.
Strategic Arsenal: The BOI's Toolbox for Investors
The BOI employs a multi-pronged approach to incentivize foreign investment. Here are some of the key offerings that make Thailand an attractive investment destination:
Tax Incentives: Corporate income tax exemptions or reductions, import duty exemptions on machinery, and exemption from import duties on raw materials for export production are some of the tax benefits offered.
Investment Allowance: Companies can deduct a portion of their investment costs from their taxable income over a specified period.
Land Leasehold Rights: Foreigners can be granted extended leasehold rights for land plots under specific BOI-promoted activities.
Simplified Business Registration: The BOI facilitates a faster and smoother business registration process for promoted companies.
One-Stop Service: The BOI acts as a central point of contact, providing guidance and assistance to investors throughout the investment process.
Tailored Assistance: BOI's Promotion Sectors and Activities
The BOI prioritizes specific sectors and activities deemed crucial for Thailand's economic development. These sectors are categorized into clusters, each with its own set of promotional strategies and incentives. Some of the key focus areas include:
Advanced Technologies: The BOI actively promotes investments in industries like robotics, artificial intelligence, and digital technology.
Future Industries: Sectors like bioeconomy, medical and wellness services, and aviation and logistics receive significant support from the BOI.
Targeted Industries: The BOI offers incentives for investments in targeted industries like automotive, electronics, and food processing, which contribute significantly to Thailand's export sector.
Beyond Incentives: Additional Advantages of BOI Promotion
While the financial perks are substantial, BOI promotion offers a range of additional benefits:
Enhanced Credibility: BOI-promoted companies gain a mark of recognition from the Thai government, potentially boosting investor confidence.
Streamlined Bureaucracy: The BOI assists in navigating complex regulations and obtaining necessary permits, saving investors time and resources.
Access to Networks: The BOI connects investors with potential business partners, suppliers, and research institutions within Thailand.
Eligibility and Application Process: Demystifying BOI Promotion
Not all foreign investments qualify for BOI promotion. Here's a breakdown of the eligibility criteria and the application process:
Eligibility: Companies involved in activities aligned with the BOI's promotional sectors, demonstrating potential for technology transfer, job creation, and export generation, are most likely to be considered.
Application Process: Investors submit detailed proposals outlining their business plans, projected investments, and anticipated contributions to the Thai economy. The BOI thoroughly evaluates each proposal before making a decision.
A Look Ahead: The BOI's Role in Thailand's Future
As Thailand strives to navigate a dynamic global economic landscape, the BOI's role remains crucial. By continuously refining its promotional strategies, attracting high-value investments in cutting-edge sectors, and fostering a supportive business environment, the BOI is well-positioned to propel Thailand's economic transformation and secure its place as a leading investment destination in the region.
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