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kaattlin · 1 month ago
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nightwing | red hood | batgirl | red robin | robin | spoiler | oracle
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versasfanficwastedump · 8 months ago
and while i’m on a self indulgent thing? i think that any of the kids calling Bruce “dad” changes his whole demeanor. it helps him know that whatever they’re talking about is serious.
hearing his name shouted across the house does nothing for him. a hundred people say his name all day, including his kids. whatever the situation is can be fixed.
but hearing “Dad!”, cried out in battle or screamed from the other room, has him rushing to their side. what is it love and i’m here you’re alright and shh i’ve got you
“Bruce, I need help” = can’t open this large jar, have a question about math homework, need someone to look at this case file for me
“Dad, I need help” = I am hurt. I am scared. I am in danger. I need you to make things better. I need you to protect me.
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yeagerbitchh · 3 months ago
Dick: I fucked up Wally: What did you do Dick: I finally got my family to start talking about their emotions Wally: How is that bad? Dick: They have a lot of them.
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fiyaharts · 2 months ago
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silly little drawing of the batboys playing video games <3 based off my own experiences in a brown household lol
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violent138 · 11 months ago
The idea of the Batkids doing normal people things while suited up is hilarious to me, you know, like Red Robin and Spoiler making the 9 o'clock news while racing through a grocery store because they totally forgot to get the things Alfred asked them to bring for the family dinner. Or Damian and Dick swinging into the Bludhaven Zoo mid-patrol because Dami really wanted to see the new baby tiger. Red Hood buying lemonade from a kid's stand and then standing there awkwardly messing with his helmet, trying not to hurt the kid's feelings. Black Bat, on a particularly tiring day randomly appeared in the nosebleeds of the ballet hall and started sniping phones out of people's hands. Or Signal and a deeply irritated Batman changing out a blown-out tyre in some back alley, earning amused looks.
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casscainmainly · 2 months ago
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Duke insulting Jason Todd for no reason oh Duke nation we are so back
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morganbritton132 · 6 months ago
One of the perks of living in Gotham is that occasionally you’ll walk past a Wayne having the most batshit insane conversation anybody has ever had.
Walk past Dick Grayson on the street and hear him say into his phone, “I don’t think he’s anti-vax, but Superman is definitely not vaccinated.”
Stand outside of the downtown WE building and see Tim Drake walk out with his tall friend only to pause and say, “Hold on, I just got the mental image of Lex Luthor pregnant. Thanks for that.”
A lucky few who ride the same subway line as the newest Wayne edition, overheard Duke tell Stephanie that living in Wayne Manor is, “Alright, but when I moved in Jason and Damian gave me a knife and said I had to kill Tim. Said it was tradition.”
��It kinda is. Did you do it?”
“No!” Duke says, to the relief of the overhearers. “Get this…he stabbed himself.”
“…yeah, I should’ve guessed that.”
The downside to living in Gotham is literally everything else.
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princeoxca · 1 year ago
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game night
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shroudedmoon · 17 days ago
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rotating the wings au around in my head once again so i finished up some sketches yay
bird species below cut
jason - harris's hawk dick - tree swallow bruce - verreaux's eagle babs - eastern screech owl cass - great grey shrike tim - fancy racing pigeon duke - evening grosbeak
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batfam-stuff-posts-0 · 4 months ago
Reversed Robins
Damian: Tired, exasperated, responsible eldest who tries not to show his amusement at his brothers' antics. (*cough* the mom friend *cough*). Doesn't murder out of respect for Bruce. Has tea with Alfred weekly to bemoan the fact that they are the only ones in this damn family with self-preservation instincts.
Tim: The definition of teenage angst. Killed the Joker, which was never traced back to him. (Damian's rather proud of him for it, especially the planning and skill required to hide it, though he'd never admit that to Bruce). Works with the Bats a lot and is usually on pretty good terms with them, just avoids Batman. Is Oracle's favorite.
Jason and Dick: Adorable small little cinnamon rolls with a side of violent, murderous rage. They feed off of each others' chaotic energy. Have a competition every week to see who can get Damian and Tim to pick them up more (Tim counts for more points because as much as Damian would like to pretend otherwise, he always caves to the puppy eyes, but Tim doesn't usually). Are basically best friends.
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queenofthearchives · 20 days ago
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BAMF Alfred Pennyworth holding a rifle. Caption reads: 'My rifle? Why, Master Bruce, I never leave the house without it!' This is from my fic Tim and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by QueenoftheArchives on ao3. If you're in the mood for some batfam crack fic, give it a read.
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months ago
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trying to get used to drawing duke (i feel like he looks different every time i draw him but this also happens every time i draw like. anyone. so.) i had fun doodling him he's so cutie patootie
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corkinavoid · 3 months ago
Thank you, @aceinacorner, for this gem:
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You are the inspiration for
DPxDC Ring of Rage? More Like Ring of Engage [pt. 3]
[<- part 2 | part 4 ->]
Duke narrows his eyes.
He swears Tim was not in the Cave just five seconds ago, and yet, in the brief moment when Duke wasn't looking, he just materialized out of motherfucking aether. Smelling like Chinese food and holding a chicken skewer that looks so good that Duke's mouth waters.
"Can I have a piece?" He asks, the divine smell of food overriding the urge to ask 'where did you get it' or 'how did you get here'.
Tim nods, smiles, and hands Duke the whole skewer before going for the elevator.
Is it Duke's hallucination, or is he really humming something as he goes?.. Actually, that doesn't matter. The chicken tastes even better than it smells, and Duke is perfectly willing to keep his mouth shut in exchange for food.
You don't talk with your mouth full, after all.
Cass watches Tim over the table. She hasn't heard him coming into the dinner room - no steps in the hall, no rustle of clothing or breathing. It's like the boy has somehow appeared right in front of the door out of nowhere before entering.
What's more, he seems obviously not hungry, picking at his food with an absent, if a bit dreamy, expression. Granted, Tim always picks at his food, but Cass can see the difference between 'Tim's mind is busy with a new case and therefore too distracted to eat' and 'Tim already had dinner elsewhere and is too full to eat now'.
The bags under his eyes are also not as dark as they usually are. Come to think of it, Cass hasn't seen him in a bad mood for a few weeks now, which shouldn't really be that strange, but it's Tim. The smallest of inconveniences can put him in a bad mood.
Tim notices her looking and raises an eyebrow.
Cass blinks and goes back to her plate. Whatever is keeping her brother happy, it deserves her full approval.
Jason is... not so sure as to what is happening.
He did notice that Tim was really chill lately, but this is going a bit overboard.
"Did you spike it with arsenic, Replacement?" He asks, suspiciously looking the offered cup of coffee over without taking it. Tim - surprisingly, actually - doesn't react to the nickname in the slightest, instead giving Jason a deadpan look. Then, he brings the cup up to his mouth, takes a sip, and hands it back again.
Okay, well, that proves no arsenic, at least. It's still very weird. Tim doesn't just buy coffee for people, and he especially doesn't buy coffee for Jason.
"Am I going to owe you something for it, or what?" He asks, slowly reaching for the cup. Tim sighs.
"No. It's just a drink - my boyfriend loves it, and I think you'd like it as well," he explains with a shrug, and Jason is honestly too befuddled to ask about anything. Including the boyfriend part.
No, but since when does Timbers have a boyfriend? He sure hadn't mentioned anything about it to any of the others.
The drink turns out to be not coffee but something else, tangy and thick, and when Jason takes the lid off, it's green like Mountain Dew.
It does taste great, though, and later Jason considers asking Tim for another one. He hadn't had anything better in ages.
Damian strikes through the last one of the training holograms, breathing heavily. And yet, just as the 'simulation complete' message pops up in the air, he hears a step behind him.
He turns around faster than a lightning, and-
Finds Timothy's neck at the tip of his katana, with his hands up in surrender.
"What are you doing here?" Damian sneers, lowering his weapon, and Tim swallows. Not because of surprise or fear, though, he clearly had some half chewed up food in his mouth.
"Inaccurate drop off," he says, looking Damian straight in the eyes, "I was aiming for the main floor."
He smells of Indian food and spices, and Damian almost sneezes.
"What do you mean 'aiming'?" He demands, but Drake just waves him off, heading towards the elevator up.
"No worries, I'll do better next time," he shoots a smile over his shoulder, "See you on patrol!" And with that, the elevator doors close after him, leaving Damian alone.
Drake has always been strange, but this is too much even for him.
Not that it's Damian's business. He huffs and starts the simulation over again.
If Dick didn't witness it with his own two eyes, he would have never believed it. Alas, he did, and even though the swirling green vortex has already disappeared like it was never there, Tim, whom the strange portal just spat out on the floor of the Cave, is still here.
"What the fuck was that?" He nearly yells, and Tim looks up, a face of perfect innocence.
"What was what?" He returns the question, and Dick can't find the words to explain, so he just wildly gestures to the place where the portal has been less than five seconds ago. Tim blinks, "Oh, that. That was my date."
Dick chokes on his breath.
"Your date?" He parrots, hoarse and breathless, and Tim nods, like there's not a single thing wrong with anything that has just happened. "Since when do you go on dates? Wait, I thought you were engaged, you said it was cheating to date anyone else, even if you didn't know the spouse, you said-" he cuts himself off, feeling his own face slowly falling and his stomach sinking down in horror. "No. No, don't tell me."
But the shit-eating grin on Tim's face is already proof enough.
Dick clears his throat. Takes a deep breath.
Seeing that Tim is still in one piece, and, well, that he did just casually come out of a magic portal in the middle of the Cave, it's probably safe to say that it's not the first time.
And, judging by the mirth in Tim's grin, it's also safe to say he's been rather enjoying it.
Dick releases one long, loud breath and forces a smile on his face as well.
"So, how is it?" He asks, trying in vain to sound light-hearted, not suspicious. Tim's smile gets wider, and there's a glint of excitement in his eyes now, which Dick considers a good thing, all in all.
"Oh, I thought you'd never ask."
Bonus Scene (that somehow turned out longer than I planned)
"Where's Tim?" Bruce asks when all the rest of his kids are already seated around the table for breakfast.
"At Danny's, probably," Steph shrugs before digging into the waffles on her plate. Bruce frowns.
"Danny's?" He asks. He hasn't heard that name before. Is that a friend of Tim's?
"Drake's paramour," Damian clarifies, not bothering to look up from his own food, and Bruce's mind comes to a screeching halt. He blinks stupidly, looking around the table and sincerely hoping it is some sort of a prank, but Cass smiles and nods, and Dick has an expression of pure exhaustion on his face, and Duke is huffing a snort of laughter at him for it.
"Since when-" Bruce starts, but he is suddenly cut off by a glowing circle that appears just a few feet away from them all.
It grows quickly, morphing into a vortex, a green and ominous tear in reality big enough for a person to walk through, hanging in the air a few inches over the ground. The space around it feels staticky somehow, and the color is too bright to look at directly, and it definitely doesn't belong to their dining room. But before Bruce is able to say another word or do anything at all, Tim steps out of it, his hair and clothes ruffled.
"Oh, fuck," he mutters upon seeing them all, and turns around, sticking his head into the vortex just as it starts to close. The vortex pauses.
Bruce is almost too stunned to move.
His kids don't share the sentiment, though, most of them not paying the portal any attention at all. Bruce would have reprimanded them for the poor awareness of their surroundings if he didn't notice how Damian simply glanced up at it before going back to his food.
They saw the portal. They just didn't deem it dangerous. For some reason.
Tim's face comes back out, and he turns to Bruce. His expression looks different than before: a bit smug, a little mischievous, and just a tad bit nervous.
Then, another head pops up through the surface of the portal. A boy - or at least they look like a boy - with snow white hair that floats in the air and bright, almost neon blue eyes. His skin is far too pale for him to be human, and- he has freckles that look like constellations.
For some reason, that's the part that makes Bruce finally resign to the fact that this is just how his life is. With breakfasts interrupted by green portals and otherworldly boyfriends - because who else might it be, really - before he even had his morning coffee.
"Hi!" Said otherworldly boyfriend grins and waves his hand. "I'm Danny, Tim's fiance," he introduces himself, and Bruce conjures the last scraps of his scattered mind to smile and nod back.
"Good morning, Danny. I'm Bruce." He has no idea what else to say; it seems like a bit late for shovel talk, but a bit early for welcoming speech.
"Would Young Master Danny care to join us for breakfast?" Alfred's calm, but still slightly amused voice comes from the door. Bruce turns to look at the butler with a sense of exasperation - is he really the last one to learn anything in this house? - but the man seems... well, not surprised, at least not on the surface. But his grip on the pitcher of orange juice is just a little too tense for him to have been in the know all along.
Danny turns to him and smiles nicely - his teeth are also way too sharp for a human - before shaking his head, "No, sorry, I was just dropping Tim off."
"For God's sake," Tim rolls his eyes, "Just put on some pants and come out, I refuse to suffer through this alone."
Dick chokes on his toast. Steph gasps, her eyes snapping between Tim and Danny in delight. Cass snorts and kicks her under the table. Damian groans.
"Spare me from the details of your personal life, Drake. Need I remind you that I am thirteen," he narrows his eyes.
The constellations on Danny's cheeks shine just a bit brighter, and Bruce has no idea what that is supposed to mean, but his guess is along the lines of embarrassment. Especially when the boy completes it with rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"You mean to tell me that, at thirteen years old, you don't know what sex is?" Tim deadpans, running a hand through his hair in a useless effort to smooth it and taking his seat at the table. Dick's coughing fit comes back with renewed force.
"We didn't-" Danny starts, still kind of hovering midway through the portal, but Damian pays him little attention.
"I do. Yet, I prefer my mind free of the knowledge when it applies to you."
"I want all the details, though," Steph pipes up, looking at Danny from her seat, "Can you, like, sprout tentacles or something, because I know for a fact Tim likes that kind of-"
"Steph!" Tim yells at her, face red, and then turns to Danny, who suddenly has a very interested, if a bit mischievous, look on his face, "Don't you dare."
"Yeah, okay," Danny snorts and disappears back in the portal. Bruce half-expects it to close after him, but the vortex stays.
Which probably means the boy - the King of Infinite Realms, Keeper of Unseen Worlds, Eyes of the Universe - is going to be right back.
After he puts on some pants, supposedly.
Bruce watches Tim rub his face in frustration while Steph giggles and elbows him in the side, and sighs. This is so not how he expected this morning to be.
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redsray · 1 year ago
Urban Legends was FOUL for showing us this panel of 'Bruce's dream version' of the Batfam. DC when i CATCH YOU
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batfamhastwitter · 7 months ago
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Part 18! They're so oblivious its paining me, and I'm the one writing it!
Prev ~ Beginning ~ Next
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