#i meant to make this just the robins but also add duke and cass if u want
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Reversed Robins
Damian: Tired, exasperated, responsible eldest who tries not to show his amusement at his brothers' antics. (*cough* the mom friend *cough*). Doesn't murder out of respect for Bruce. Has tea with Alfred weekly to bemoan the fact that they are the only ones in this damn family with self-preservation instincts.
Tim: The definition of teenage angst. Killed the Joker, which was never traced back to him. (Damian's rather proud of him for it, especially the planning and skill required to hide it, though he'd never admit that to Bruce). Works with the Bats a lot and is usually on pretty good terms with them, just avoids Batman. Is Oracle's favorite.
Jason and Dick: Adorable small little cinnamon rolls with a side of violent, murderous rage. They feed off of each others' chaotic energy. Have a competition every week to see who can get Damian and Tim to pick them up more (Tim counts for more points because as much as Damian would like to pretend otherwise, he always caves to the puppy eyes, but Tim doesn't usually). Are basically best friends.
#reverse robins#damian wayne#tim drake#jason todd#dick grayson#bruce is so done#batfamily#the robins#im sorry guys i dont know how stephs story would go here feel free to add her if u get ideas#i meant to make this just the robins but also add duke and cass if u want
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I had an amazing fanfic idea while listening to what could have been from arcane, but sadly I suck at writing, but I still really wanted to share it so here we are.
Okay the story goes like this, Jason as red hood has just recently started to re enter the family, but things are still a bit fragile and jason gets in fights with almost everyone in the family, especially bruce and tim, so one day during patrol jason is suddenly hit by villain of the week's weapon and pass out, the last thing he hear is his family screaming for him.
Jason wakes up in his room in the manor, but something is different, his room no longer looks like the childhood room that bruce kept preserved ever since his death, this room looks like it belong to someone much older, did bruce give Jason's room to someone else? Jason immediately gets up to leave cause he doesn't want to spend more time in the mansion cause surely bruce was coming to scold him for being careless on patrol, that's when he realizes he is not wearing any of his RH gear, and for some reason he feels shorter? When he looks in the mirror he realizes that he changed, his white stripe is gone, he is smaller, his face is the same but not as full, and he has considerably less muscle mass than he had before, that's when he suddenly hears bruce call him for breakfast, but he calls him by a name he hasn't heard in years, Jay-lad, Jason has never been more confused.
Anyways Jason will proceed from here to discover that there is definitely something wrong with his family, for starters Bruce is acting all nice to him, asking him how is college, calling him son and hugging him, Dick calls Jason little wing and ruffles his hair, Cass smiles warmly at him, steph and Duke ask him if he wants to hang out latter, the demon kid is there too, but he is actually smiling and he has yet to make a single insult towards Jason. Everything is very fucking weird, but there is something missing, where the fuck is tim? No one in the family seems to remember someone named Tim and they ask him if he is okay, Jason let's go for now cause he doesn't want them to figure out he is not their Jason, he does not want to alert them in case this is some complicated plot to kill him.
Throughout the day Jason finds out what is so different now, Jason never died, Bruce reached him in Ethiopia before Joker could do anything more than a few hits, he finished high school and started studying literature in Gotham U, he has taken over a new mantle as a hero passing robin to Damian, he is smaller because of his childhood malnutrition, something the pit had fixed after he was revived, but the biggest change he found was, undoubtedly, tim drake is dead.
Jason never died, therefore tim never became robin, that also meant that tim never stopped stalking batman and robin through the dangerous streets of gotham. Two years ago Tim Drake had been involved in a mugging in crime alley, the mugger panicked and stabbed tim in the gut, he died, his body was only found the next day, his camera smashed to bits, the drakes did a short and private funeral, they left for work the very next day. That was the last anyone ever heard of tim drake. Jason had no idea what to think.
This is Jason's perfect future, this is all he has ever wanted, this is what he should have had, the future that clown took away from him, Jason goes to college, Jason is loved by his family, loved by his dad, and Jason never died. Jason is now faced with a choice, either he figures out to turn things back to normal and goes back to his miserable life or he stays, let's tim die, and he gets to keep his happy life. Jason has to choose between his dream and tim, and he has never felt more lost before.
Hooray🎉, here it is! What do ya'll think? I have some more ideas for this but this is way to long, everyone feel free to add to the story
#batman#bruce wayne#batfam#dc#dc comics#batdad#robin#jason todd#red hood#tim drake#red robin#tw death
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Gender? In THIS Economy?
Read here on AO3!
Duke is questioning stuff and goes to Tim for advice. (feat. trans!Tim and nonbinary!Duke)
“Here you go. One Batburger with extra pickles, extra onions, and extra extra mayonnaise.” Duke drops the paper takeout bag unceremoniously into Tim’s lap. “Your taste buds need a tune-up, bro.”
Tim unwraps his burger and takes a bite. Batburger may be questionable when it comes to copyright laws, but damn if they don’t pile on the condiments better than any fast food restaurant in Gotham. “Sounds to me like you simply haven’t reached the sky-scraping level of enlightenment that I have, grasshopper.”
“Enlightenment would have been going to Red Robin and using your uniform to get a discount,” Duke says. He sits beside Tim on the rooftop’s edge, their legs dangling side by side a hundred feet above Gotham’s plunging gray streets. He digs into his own burger and makes a face. “Enlightenment would also be getting the Robin Nuggets next time. This tastes like dried leather.”
“I like it,” Tim says with a shrug. “It has personality.”
“So does raw sewage, but you don’t see me eating that.”
Tim concedes the point. His communicator buzzes in his belt. He checks the screen and discovers an alert from Cass composed entirely of clown emojis and red harlequin diamonds.
Duke notices. “Should we get that?”
Tim pockets the communicator. “Nah, Spoiler’s got it. We have time to relax.” And he’s not about to pass up quality time with the one little brother who doesn’t hate him. It’s hard enough as it is for Tim and Duke to find the time, what with them being on opposite sleeping schedules and work snatching their attention away with grabby, toddler-sized hands.
“Don’t get a lot of that during the day shift,” Duke says. “Every time an alarm goes off, it’s my business.”
Tim knocks him in the side with his elbow. “That’s what you get for turning to the light side instead of kicking it in the shadows with us. More employees to go around.” He sips his soda for a moment. “Why did you come out tonight, anyway? I thought you stayed in on weeknights.”
“Right. I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” Duke says it carefully, like he’s testing the waters. “I need advice.”
Tim has to admit that his chest puffs out a little at that. It’s not often people come to him for advice when Dick and Barbara are right there, all full of adult wisdom that Tim is too pitifully shrimpy to possess. “What’s up?”
“It’s kind of...personal.”
“Yes, Bruce does have special powder for suit-chafing. It’s in the cabinet under the first-aid supplies.”
“It’s not that,” Duke says, though he snorts in half-hearted laughter. He looks down at his hands like he’s dreading the words lodged in his throat. “What was it like, realizing you were a dude?”
One of Tim’s eyebrows shoots up. “Oh.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. It’s an invasive question.”
“No, no, it’s fine. You just caught me off guard, is all.” It’s not like this is the first time someone has asked. Tim used to be uncomfortable talking about it, but he’s grown up since then. Talking about his trans journey is as normal as talking about what he did yesterday. He eats a fry. “What do you want to know?”
Duke searches Tim’s face for a sign that he’s lying, that he should back off. When he doesn’t find one, he asks, “How old were you when you figured it out?”
Tim thinks back. “Nine, I think? But even before that, it’s not like I ever really felt like a girl. I knew there was something wrong, but I didn’t know what. When I first heard about what being transgender meant, everything I’d been feeling until then clicked into place.”
“What was it like?” Duke asks, “growing up the way you did? Presenting as a girl when you knew you weren’t?”
Tim shrugs. “I don’t know. It was life at the time. I dealt with it.”
“Was it hard? Pretending to be something you weren’t?”
Tim doesn’t know what answer Duke is looking for, or why he’s so interested, but he won’t ask. “My parents always had this idea of me being the perfect daughter, all obedient and graceful and crap. I’m pretty sure their hope was to eventually marry me off to the highest bidder so they could reap the business benefits.”
“That sounds awful.”
Tim shrugs again. “I didn’t start feeling any different than I should have until around six or seven. I was always a tomboy. I liked doing boy stuff and playing sports, but my parents thought it was a phase I would grow out of. They’d make me wear dresses and go to fancy parties with them, all the while I just wanted to claw my skin off and go home.”
He remembers the nights he would lie awake in bed, imagining what it must be like to have been born someone else. Anyone else. To grow up as a little boy who was allowed to run around, to get dirty, to be himself instead of following some arbitrary guidelines someone else drew up the day he was born. He imagined what it would feel like to answer to a different name than the one he’d been given, which grated on his ears the longer time went on, like an itchy sweater he couldn’t shed. It was hell.
He gives Duke a sly grin. “But the upside of having absent parents is that there aren’t as many people watching you. No one cared if I went to school in the boy’s uniform instead of the girl’s. No one was there to stop me from cutting my hair short the way I wanted it.”
Duke's eyes widen. “You cut your own hair?”
“It went exactly the way you’re thinking. I had to go to the barber the next day and have them fix it because it was so uneven. But by the end of the day, it was the way I always imagined it. I was finally starting to look like the person I wanted to be.”
Duke stares intently at the remains of his burger as if the universe’s answers to an unspoken question were written in sesame seeds. “Did it get better after that? Did you feel...at peace?”
“‘Course not. The world wasn’t magically fixed just because I took a step in the right direction. My problems didn’t go away.” When he says that, Duke looks almost...disappointed? “But,” Tim adds, “it was better than it was before. I still had to act for my parents and the rest of the world, but I didn’t have to hide from myself anymore.”
“How did your parents react when they found out?”
Tim grimaces. “They...didn’t take it well.” He can still hear his father’s voice in his memories, bringing up therapy and camps and whatever places he could think of that would “fix” his little girl.
“But, after a while,” Tim continues, “it was clear that I wasn’t going to change my mind anytime soon. I guess they figured it would be easier to go along with it than fight me every step of the way. They still didn’t like it, but they tolerated it.”
Duke is quiet.
“Why do you ask?” Tim prods.
Duke’s expression doesn’t give anything away. It’s nights like this when Tim can see how perfectly Duke fits into this mental institution they call a family. For all that Duke thrives in the light, he keeps his cards just as close to his chest as the rest of them. He gives Tim a half-smile. “Just wondering.”
They fall into weighted silence, the scales tipping on either side of their post, but never settling. Tim waits. He finishes his burger and busies himself with reorganizing the pouches in his belt, giving Duke the privacy to think.
“I don’t know,” Duke starts after several minutes, “if I’m a boy.” He looks at Tim. “I think I might be something else.”
“Okay,” Tim says calmly. “What do you feel like?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve always felt different, y’know? When I was a kid, it was because I was smarter than everyone in my class. And it was fine, because I knew what it was and how it worked and why it was a good thing, being the smart one. It made sense. Time went on, the other kids started catching up, but that mismatched feeling never went away. I never felt right in my skin.”
Duke’s face rises to the dark clouds, the Batsignal shining from the top of the police station like a holy beacon. “Then I met Batman. My powers started to come in and everything clicked into place, all at once. That was why I never felt like I fit in with everyone else, because I was different. I had powers. That must have been it.”
“But it wasn’t,” Tim guesses.
Duke shakes his head. “I thought it would be. I mean, what else could it have been, you know? It should have explained why I never felt at home in my identity. But time goes on, I learn how to use my powers, and it fixes some of it, but not everything. There’s still part of me that looks in the mirror and sees something off. Some detail out of place.”
“Do you feel like a girl?” Tim ventures to ask.
Duke folds over the corner of his straw wrapper again and again in tiny triangles. “Nah, I doubt it. I like some feminine things, but I don’t think I’m a girl. Or a guy. I think...I might be nonbinary?”
Tim does his best to channel Bruce’s “supportive dad” energy and smiles. “Okay. What pronouns do you want to use?”
“They/them, maybe? For a while?”
“Duly noted.” He puts a hand on Duke’s shoulder. “I really do appreciate you telling me.”
Duke rubs the back of their neck, their cheeks flushing. “It feels good to say out loud. Not just in my head.”
“Do you think you’re going to tell anyone else? You don’t have to if you’re not ready, but our whole family will support you.”
“Yeah.” Duke picks at their nails, nodding absently. “I know they will. I’m not worried about that.”
“Then what are you worried about?”
Duke takes a deep breath in, and Tim is reminded of a balloon close to bursting. “My parents aren’t dead. I’m going to get them back. And when I do...what are they going to think when they wake up after half a decade and find out that their son isn’t their son anymore? What if they don’t like the person they see?”
Tim can’t say that he hadn’t swum with the same thoughts years ago, back when the person who is Tim Drake was still on the drawing board. But there’s a difference between his situation and Duke’s. “Your parents love you, Duke. They’re not going to stop loving you just because you’ve grown up since they last saw you.”
“What if it’s too much? The superpowers and the crime-fighting and the new gender...it’s a lot to take in.”
“Well, sure,” Tim says. “It might take some time for them to get used to it, but this is who you are. They’re going to love it just as much as they love the rest of you.”
Duke smiles, and if their eyes are a little misty, Tim pretends not to notice.
“Besides,” he says. “If I were you, I’d just lead with the superpowers thing. Anything after that sounds perfectly acceptable.”
#i know this is choppy i'm sorry i just got sick of staring at the word doc#i want to focus on writing but the other half of my brain is like 24/7#ravencycleravencycleRAVENCYCLE#it's a struggle#duke thomas#the signal#dc signal#tim drake#red robin#robin#batman#batman and robin#batman and the signal#batfamily#batfam#trans tim drake#nonbinary duke thomas#trans duke thomas#pride month#fanfiction#fanfic
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Hi! *Please* don't take this the wrong way, and I'm really sorry if you do, I'm just honestly curious. How do you write fanfiction if you don't do AUs? I personally consider all Fanfiction AUs unless it's a word for word transcript of something in Canon that has additional thoughts or a song or something added. Like even 'these two characters have a conversation that didn't happen in canon that fixes a misunderstanding' is an AU because it didn't happen in Canon? Could you please explain for me?
Oh sure, yeah-- that’s not really how I interpret “AU” but I guess you could look at it that way.
Most (all?) of the stuff I write is meant to fill in the gaps between what canon is already there. I don’t like to change events. Instead I add on stuff that (hopefully, if my characterization is good) could feasibly also be there.
Admittedly that’s a whole task with comic books, because what is “canon” is contradictory and depends fully on whatever version you happen to be looking at. I do play it fast and loose with a lot of things. Sometimes I mash timelines together.
I might keep a pre-boot backstory for one character while still using another character that is new52 exclusive. For example, sometimes I use Duke, a character that did not exist before the n52, at the same time as I use the pre-boot backstory for Cass or Jason.
I guess that might technically be an AU? But when I think about AUs, and when I make decisions about what I do/do not want to write, I’m really thinking more of dramatically altering canon. How about a story where every Robin is the same age? AU. What about the batfamily, but it happens in the context of a historical event or time period? AU.
What if Jason never died, and instead _____ happened? That’s an AU to me. Basically, anytime there’s a “canon, but instead of this, another thing” we’re in the territory of things I don’t want to write. I’ve definitely tried stuff like that in the past, but it just isn’t my jam. The bigger the departure from canon, the more likely I am to pass.
I don’t find them offensive or wrong or anything. I’m just disinterested and unlikely to write them. Really the only time I would consider something like that is in the context of giving a gift.
#what's up kids I went to bed early for once and now I guess I'm up permanently#come hang out if you want#asks#organizational
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if I only had a moment, I’d speak only of you
His parents were right in front of him. Thomas and Martha Wayne, who have been dead going on 30 years, have appeared in the middle of the broken battlefield in the aftermath of a rather nasty League fight. They’re dressed as they were the day they died, with looks of shock on their face as they take in the sudden shift in surroundings. He vaguely hears Zatanna talking in the background about the emotional tether used to defeat Felix Faust brought them to the present, probably just moments before their deaths.
“Bruce, it’s not going to last long, a few minutes at the very most,” Zatanna says with sad, compassionate eyes. He nods, understanding that this little miracle won’t last forever but he’ll take advantage of it while he can. There’s so much he wants to tell them, about his life, about his accomplishments, how much he loves and misses them. But all those seem like such bland topics, not when there are better and brighter things to discuss.
“Bruce?,” his mother, ever perceptive says cautiously and he does not hesitate in removing his cowl. He trusts his teammates, his friends, to give him these precious few minutes of privacy in the deserted city. “My god look at you, you’re all grown up.” She takes a step forward and brings a hand up to his cheek. He leans into it for the briefest moment before gently taking her shoulders and turning her towards the others.
“See the man with the blue stripes on his costume,” he begins and he sees Dick look over curiously to be suddenly included. “That’s Richard though he goes by Dick, he’s your first grandson. He lost his parents at a young age so I gave him a home at the Manor. He’s a police officer during the day but he still makes time to go out with the family. He’s the most stubbornly optimistic person I’ve met and he saved me in every way possible, I can’t take credit for his accomplishments because he just naturally that kind and talented.”
His father steps forward as he gestures over to Jason who looks a bit like a deer in the headlights. “That’s Jason, I caught him stealing the tires off my car and adored him immediately. He’s a voracious reader with a powerful stage presence that makes Alfred proud. He gives me the strength to be more than a vigilante, to tackle crime where it lives in corrupt institutions. I… lost him for a time, but he’s come back to us and being able to have my son back has been the greatest joy in my life, second only to knowing him in the first place.”
“That’s Tim, in the red and gold,” he continues, the warm bodies at his side as they always should have been. “He came to me in my greatest hour of need and reminded me why I fight so hard for the city and Batman needs a Robin to keep him straight but also to give him purpose. He’s CEO of Wayne Enterprises now and doing far better than I ever did, he enjoys skateboarding and snack foods and computers. If I had a hundred years I could never explain the feeling I get being able to work alongside such a brilliant and loving soul.”
“Over there is Cassandra, she was meant to be a weapon by her father but she came to me and asked to learn how to use her skills for justice. The peacekeeper of her brothers when she’s not egging them on, she is also a stunning ballet dancer and I gave her a set of your pearls, Mother. She looks just as beautiful as you did in them.” Out of the corner of his eye, he sees that his parents are starting blur on the edges. His heart clenches and for the briefest moment is tongue is heavy with all the things he wants to share and all the emotions he’s not used to expressing in words. But then his eyes settle on Damian and the words come forward once more.
“Damian is my blood son from an amazing woman I met who I hope someday to bring home. He came into my life just a few years ago and, while I would give anything to have watched him grow, I am privileged enough to know him now. He has come so far in such a short period of time and I could not be more proud. He takes care of animals and is an impeccable artist, he takes after his mother but most days I can see you two within him.” His children stare openly at them and he looks at them all long and hard in the eye before turning back to the muddled visages of his mother and father, faded like an old photograph. He misses, misses them every day of his life with a low level aching grief that never went away but most days, the warmth of his new family reminds him that love doesn’t end, it just takes on new faces and comes around again.
“There’s others, Barbara and Stephanie are fellow heroes, cherished allies and friends I consider like nieces. Duke is making his own path, alongside but separate from me to create a safer Gotham. Cousin Kate does her own amazing work, doing what I often cannot. Selina has made mistakes but she’s moving forward to be a hero in her own right and a trusted confidant.” He adds in a rush as they grow more and more washed out. He reaches out and lays a hand on his father’s shoulder but there’s barely any substance there.
“I miss you but everything turns out fine for me. Alfred raised me right and he’s just as much my parent as you both are. I’ve wanted for so long to introduce you to your grandchildren because they bring such light and joy into my life, I wanted to share them with you.” They look away from him and over at the children in their various states of injury and disrepair but Bruce can see that doesn’t matter to them. Mother tucks a wisp of hair behind her ear and blows a kiss while Father gives a small smile and nods at them.
“We’re happy for you, Bruce. Take care of them, son,” Thomas says just as he fades away entirely, the last word held aloft briefly by the wind before dying down completely leaving the heroes alone once more. Bruce takes a deep steadying breath as he imagines them going back to the past only to be gunned down. Instead of focusing on such grim thoughts, he looks at the result of their lives: a mismatched family of friends and lost children come together for a common cause and held together by love.
It’s Cassandra who approaches him first, stepping forward gently but resolutely and folds herself against his chest. He holds her tight, only moving when the others crowd forward and try to squeeze in as well. Dick buries face in the cowl’s neck to hide his tears and Tim ends up squashed between Cass and him. Damian was closer to his back, curling up tightly in his cape while Jason stood a bit on the periphery but still undeniably within the groups’ orbit. He feels his children, alive and infuriating and the brightest spots in his life and he smiles to himself. This truly is the final lesson his parents taught him, that the best treasure in life is to spend it with those you love. And by that philosophy, Bruce Wayne is rich indeed.
#i wrote this#crying in the club#just...... the idea that if B got to see his parents one last time for just a second#he'd use up the whole time talking about his kids#wanting to show his folks that you know I did okay and I'm happy now#look at these children#these people I love and cherish above all else#I made mistakes but I understand the love you had for me and that connection gives me the strength to move past your death#and look forward to a long happy life with my family#Im a little emotional?#B may be a little OOC but seeing the dead folks got him emotional#and he knew he only had one shot to tell them about the kids#Thomas and Martha die immediately after but they die knowing that Bruce gets to where he needs to be#its rough and its uh not exactly the beaten path but he finds his happiness#yup
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So it’s just the boy Robin? What about Duke? What about the bat girls, Steph, Cass, and Babs?
Reversed Robins
Damian: Tired, exasperated, responsible eldest who tries not to show his amusement at his brothers' antics. (*cough* the mom friend *cough*). Doesn't murder out of respect for Bruce. Has tea with Alfred weekly to bemoan the fact that they are the only ones in this damn family with self-preservation instincts.
Tim: The definition of teenage angst. Killed the Joker, which was never traced back to him. (Damian's rather proud of him for it, especially the planning and skill required to hide it, though he'd never admit that to Bruce). Works with the Bats a lot and is usually on pretty good terms with them, just avoids Batman. Is Oracle's favorite.
Jason and Dick: Adorable small little cinnamon rolls with a side of violent, murderous rage. They feed off of each others' chaotic energy. Have a competition every week to see who can get Damian and Tim to pick them up more (Tim counts for more points because as much as Damian would like to pretend otherwise, he always caves to the puppy eyes, but Tim doesn't usually). Are basically best friends.
#reverse robins#damian wayne#tim drake#jason todd#dick grayson#bruce is so done#batfamily#the robins#im sorry guys i dont know how stephs story would go here feel free to add her if u get ideas#i meant to make this just the robins but also add duke and cass if u want
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Steph is Tim's Bonnie to his Clyde minus the fact that Bonnie and Clyde died.
Reversed Robins
Damian: Tired, exasperated, responsible eldest who tries not to show his amusement at his brothers' antics. (*cough* the mom friend *cough*). Doesn't murder out of respect for Bruce. Has tea with Alfred weekly to bemoan the fact that they are the only ones in this damn family with self-preservation instincts.
Tim: The definition of teenage angst. Killed the Joker, which was never traced back to him. (Damian's rather proud of him for it, especially the planning and skill required to hide it, though he'd never admit that to Bruce). Works with the Bats a lot and is usually on pretty good terms with them, just avoids Batman. Is Oracle's favorite.
Jason and Dick: Adorable small little cinnamon rolls with a side of violent, murderous rage. They feed off of each others' chaotic energy. Have a competition every week to see who can get Damian and Tim to pick them up more (Tim counts for more points because as much as Damian would like to pretend otherwise, he always caves to the puppy eyes, but Tim doesn't usually). Are basically best friends.
#reverse robins#damian wayne#jason todd#tim drake#dick grayson#batfamily#im sorry guys i dont know how stephs story would go here feel free to add her if u get ideas#the robins#i meant to make this just the robins but also add duke and cass if u want#bruce is so done
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