#and he knew he only had one shot to tell them about the kids
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neeeooon · 17 hours ago
YESSS i added the boys u guys voted for most!! (reo has his own oneshot here!!)
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when they find out they have a kid, cont.
ex-husband!bllk x fem!reader. angst, (most get) happy-ish endings! chigiri, shidou, and rin’s kids have names
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itoshi sae
-> the three of you sat at the table, you and your son on one side and your ex-husband on the other. your son was wiggling around in excitement, eager to jump on and hug his father, but you’d warned him against it. you knew how sae felt about touch and didn’t want him to be even more uncomfortable around his son
-> “does he have to use the restroom?” sae asked when he noticed your son’s restlessness. you shot him a glare. “he’s not a dog. he’s excited to meet you, that’s all.” “oh.”
-> if the comment made your son feel any sort of way, he didn’t show it. “are you really the soccer player from tv?!” sae looked at you before nodding once. it set your son off again, causing him to tug on your sleeve in excitement. “see, mama, see! i told you it’s him! i told you he’s my daddy!”
-> you opened your mouth to explain that it wasn’t that simple, but your son continued as he danced around the kitchen. “and he’s here, which means you’re getting back together!” “huh?!” “and i’ve always wanted a little brother or sister!” “okay, calm down.”
-> you wanted to give your son some alone time with his dad, but it was clear that sae was getting overwhelmed by the hyperactive child. it was strange how his son reminded him more of his brother than himself from when they were young
-> after putting your son down for a nap, you retook your spot across from sae, who was staring very intensely at his clasped hands. you felt a pang of… something as you watched him, and your voice came out extremely soft as you asked, “how are you feeling, sae?”
-> he struggling to meet your eyes right away, but when he did you could see unshed emotion in them. “i don’t… know what to do. he’s mine. my kid. i have a kid. my parents are grandparents. my brother’s an uncle. and i had no idea.”
-> “you didn’t exactly give me the chance after you left me, after you told me how much you regretted us. me. but he’s here now, and he wants you to be his father, so let’s not play the blame game.” sae seemed a bit taken aback by your harsh tone, completely contradicting how quiet you were a moment ago. “you’re right. i’m sorry.” “don’t be sorry. be here. be his dad.”
-> sae couldn’t stay in town long, but he promised your son that he’d visit as soon as he was available. there wasn’t a smile on his stoic face, but when your son ran forward and hugged his legs, telling sae he loved him, sae patted the boy’s head and said, “i’ll see you soon.”
michael kaiser
-> your daughter happily ate her choco bears, unaware of the tension at the table. you sat across from kaiser, who was picking at the skin around his fingers to the point where if you didn’t mention it, you thought he’d start bleeding
-> you don’t know what compelled you to reach over and cover his hand with yours, but kaiser looked as surprised as you did. stammering for some sort of explanation, you gave up and went to pull your hand back until he grabbed it. neither of you said anything as you turned your attention back to your daughter
-> she raised a quizzical brow at her dad. “you look old.” you choked on a laugh as kaiser choked on air. “i’m not—! okay. how old are you, again?” your daughter humphed and admired one of her choco bears. “mama said i’m not supposed to give my age to strange men.”
-> you thought the comment would offend your ex, but he only scoffed. there was a slight, amused grin tugging at his lips. “well, your mama is right.” at the sudden softness of his voice, your daughter sank down into her chair and avoided his eyes. “… you’re my papa, aren’t you?”
-> kaiser swallowed hard. “yes.” “why didn’t you come to my birthday, then?” your heart broke, and the way kaiser’s fingers tightened around your hand showed you that his did as well. “i didn’t, um… i’ll be there for your next one, if you’ll have me.” “will you bring me more choco bears?” “all the choco bears you could ever dream for.” that wins her over. “okay!”
-> she lost interest in the conversation after that and tuned you out while she played a game on your phone. though she wasn’t paying attention, you kept your voice low as you leaned closer to your ex-husband
-> “i’m sorry for never texting. it was wrong of me to keep her from you.” kaiser squeezed your hand in return, trying to show you an ounce of comfort. “it’s not okay, but it’s the past. we can’t change the past, we can only… move on.” the kaiser you knew would never say something like that, and it left you reeling
-> “i want to be in her life, y/n.” “i want that, too. i want us to start over, micha. can we try? as her parents? as friends?” his smile is pained, but his voice is determined. “yes.”
isagi yoichi
-> thankfully, isagi didn’t fight you anymore that day and went home. you got his number from bachira, texting him a time and date to officially meet his daughter
-> “mama, what if he doesn’t like me?” after you told your daughter what was happening, her smile faded into a pout. you quickly hugged her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. “no, baby, don’t think like that. he won’t hate you!” “but what if—“ “if he hurts your feelings, uncle bachira and i will hurt his much worse.” you made a silly face to make her laugh and tickled her side before sending her to bed
-> isagi was prepared when he arrived at your house the next morning with breakfast and flowers. peeking around your legs, your daughter gasped at the sight of the sweet pastries. she was on the shyer side, so while you could tell she wanted to grab them and run to share with her ‘uncle,’ she wouldn’t move unless given the go-ahead
-> you took the items from isagi’s hands and offered him a polite smile. “thank you.” as you reached for the flowers, you handed the box of pastries to your daughter and scoffed when she darted into the kitchen with her goodies
-> isagi awkwardly rubbed his nape, still standing in the doorway. “i want to apologize for how i acted yesterday. i was shocked and angry and i took it out on you.” you shook your head and stepped aside for him to enter. “i… understand. why you were angry, i mean. that doesn’t mean i appreciate getting yelled at, but i know that if i was in your position, i’d be upset, too.”
-> “then why not tell me? why keep her from me all these years? i would have loved being a dad, y/n.” something in his voice caught, and the sound felt like driving a knife through your chest. “i know things got all fucked once we got married, but you were my best friend first. i should have checked in on you. i should have paid closer attention. i should have at least sent a text, making sure you were alright.” “yoichi—“i’m not saying it’s all my fault, and i’m still pretty pissed at you for keeping this from me, but i made mistakes, too.”
-> brushing off the silence that fell between you, you put your differences aside and beckoned isagi into the kitchen, where your daughter was drooling over a chocolate croissant. “you can eat if you’re hungry,” isagi offered with a smile, and your daughter didn’t need to be told twice before devouring the pastry
-> “are you really my dad?” isagi choked on his muffin. “um, yeah..” “okay. are you gonna live here now?” “sweetheart—“ “i work a lot,” isagi began with a gentle look. “but if your mom lets me, i’d love to be around more. maybe take you to or pick you up from school.”
-> your daughter loves school, so the fact that he mentioned it all on his own made her eyes sparkle. “really?! and we can go to the park after!” “if that’s what you want—“ “and eat more yummy pastries!” isagi was laughing now. “okay, and eat more pastries. that sounds like a plan.”
shidou ryusei
-> “this is miss poofikins!” your daughter said as she shoved a teddy bear with a tutu into shidou’s arms. “and this is princess buttersquash!” a yellow unicorn. “and that’s fred!” fred was a green monster plushie that you actually got from a pet store, she loved it too much to let you leave without it
-> shidou, slightly overwhelmed, graciously accepted the toys and held them close to make sure none of them fell on the floor. “wow, sachi. i’m so jealous!” your daughter beamed and ran off to grab more from her collection, leaving you alone again with your ex-husband
-> “listen,” you began slowly. “you don’t have to stay. you can walk away now if this is too much. i can handle her on my own—“ “don’t.” you waited for him to continue. “she’s… y/n, i want to be apart of her life. of both your lives. i wasn’t talking out of my ass when i said i’ve changed since we were married.” “… i know.”
-> still holding all three plushies with his arms and chest, shidou reached out and grasped your hand. “i’m serious, y/n. i want this, more than anything. fuck, more that soccer, i think.” you didn’t know why, but your eyes began to ache with incoming tears. “ryu…”
-> his arms were around you before the first tears fall. you laughed when sachi’s plushies pressed between your bodies, but slowly hugged him back regardless. “i’m so sorry, ryusei. i’m so sorry for keeping her from you. for believing that, that,” you couldn’t think of a word insulting enough to describe all you felt for your mother, so you settled with, “bitch.”
-> his laugh rumbled through your body. “whatever. let’s not waste anymore time. i’m here now, i’m all in, if you’ll let me be.” “i will. i want you here with us. with me. i can’t… i don’t want to do this alone anymore.”
-> you felt his lips against your temple, and though there was nothing romantic about the kiss, it made you feel warm inside. “let’s go check on our girl, alright?” you hummed and squeezed shidou once more before letting go. “yeah.”
chigiri hyoma
-> “so…” “so.” “… why is your hair so long?” “😐”
-> you can’t help but snicker at the conversation going on between your son and his father. despite his young age, hikari has a large personality, and you can tell chigiri sees himself before the injury in him
-> “so you, like, play soccer?” “why do you talk like you’re twelve? you’re only six.” “yeah, six inches deep in your—“ “hikari! you really need to stop hanging out with those fifth graders.”
-> despite himself, chigiri laughs. “do you even know what that means, kid?” “…” you rub the ache from your forehead and sigh. “well, i’m at a loss. where do you boys wanna go from here? we fighting for custody, or will this be civil?”
-> chigiri shoots hikari a look before blinking at you. “um, is he allowed to hear this?” “he’ll find out eventually, might as well get his say.” “but he’s six.” “six inch—“ you cover his mouth with your palm. “are you gonna come around, or am i doing this alone?”
-> your bluntness surprises your ex-husband. “i’m in this.” “good,” you nod, posture slouching. “‘cause i am so tired, hyoma.”
-> it’s getting late, so you excuse yourself to tuck your son into bed before you can return to your conversation with your ex. “mom?” “yes, hun?” “do i have to change my name to chigiri hikari? cause that sounds dumb..” you chuckle and give him a kiss on the forehead. “no, you don’t have to change your name. tell me, though… how do you feel about having him around more?”
-> hikari doesn’t hesitate. “well, he’s fun to make fun of, and he’s my dad, right? he should be around… and you won’t be lonely when i’m not here if he’s around.” “oh, honey, don’t worry about me. all i want is for you to be safe and happy, okay?” “okay. g’night.”
-> you find chigiri exactly where you left him. “i have a spare bedroom, if you’d like to stay. i don’t know what your situation is like right now, but if you want to stay and help raise your son, rent is due on the 11th.” “rent?” “mhm! i pushed him out of me and have been providing for six years. you can pay rent.” “… i’ll have your check ready in the morning.”
BONUS! itoshi rin (i had a few reqs for him :p)
-> “will you come play more tomorrow?” your daughter asked. rin’s soft smile fell, but only for a second. “i actually have to fly back to work tomorrow.” “oh..” “but how about this weekend?” she lit up. “really?!”
-> you smiled as you watched the two interact. they’d gotten so comfortable with each other so quick, and your daughter even asked rin to hold her when her legs got tired from standing
-> you weren’t surprised when you checked on them after cleaning up to find emi fast asleep in her dad’s arms. the sight made you want to cry, and you were overcome by a wave of guilt that left tears in your eyes
-> when rin noticed your presence, he gave a small finger-wave, trying not to move too much with the six-year-old in his arms. “hey,” he whispered when you moved to sit on the floor beside his legs
-> “how was it today?” you asked him, fingers toying with the end of your daughter’s navy blue dress. he hummed. “good. she’s a great kid, y/n. you did good.”
-> your exhale was shaky as you dropped your face into your hand. “i feel so awful, rin. how did this happen to us? i should have been the bigger person, not for me, but for her. she didn’t deserve to lose all these years with you just because i wasn’t brave enough to reach out and—“
-> the feel of rin’s fingers grazing your jaw shut you up. his eyes are intense and glimmering as he stares down at you. “don’t. there’s no point anymore. i’m here now, that’s what matters. that and her.” you nod and sink into his touch. “that and her.”
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pt 1 // pt 2 // pt 3
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the-winter-spider · 3 days ago
Yours, Always | Part Nineteen
Steve x reader, Bucky x reader AU
Word Count: 6.7k
Warnings: angst, violence, mentions of su!cide
The city buzzed around them, a steady hum of car horns and distant chatter, but inside the little café on the corner, it was quiet enough for a decent conversation. Sam took a slow sip of his iced tea, watching as Steve stirred his coffee absentmindedly, barely taking a sip.
“You good, man?” Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.
Steve blinked, like he was shaking himself out of a daze, and nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, just, long day.”
Sam smirked. “Tell me about it. My morning was filled with paperwork and a dude who thinks ‘emotional support alligator’ is a legitimate request for housing accommodations.”
Steve huffed out a laugh, shaking his head. “Bet that one was fun.”
“Oh, the best,” Sam said, grinning before grabbing a fry off his plate. “Anyway, my sister’s been on my ass about coming down to Louisiana soon. Says I don’t visit enough.” He gestured with the fry. “You should bring Lily and Y/N down sometime take her out on the boat. I’ll even let Lily think she might see a mermaid.”
Steve smiled at that, a real, genuine smile. “Oh, she’d love that.” He shook his head slightly, amused. “But only if she actually sees one. Kid’s getting too smart for the whole imagination thing.”
Sam set his drink down and leaned back slightly. “What about Y/N? She wouldn’t be into it?”
Steve’s fingers tightened slightly around his coffee cup. He hesitated, then exhaled, shaking his head. “I don’t know, man.”
Sam frowned. “What do you mean?”
Another pause. A longer one.
Steve sighed, rubbing the back of his neck before finally admitting, “Things have been tense.”
Sam didn’t say anything. He just let him talk.
Steve hesitated, then leaned forward slightly, voice quieter. “Back home, before I left, we had a fight. A big one.” He swallowed, rolling his shoulders, like the weight of it was still there. “I told her I wouldn’t move back there, their hometown. She told me she wanted to. It just… spiraled from there.”
Sam nodded slowly. “And Bucky?”
Steve huffed out a breath. “You already know.”
Sam just watched him for a moment. “So what now?”
Steve hesitated. His jaw clenched. His gaze flickered down to his coffee, to his hands wrapped around it, to anything but Sam’s knowing stare.
“I think I’m losing her, man,” Steve admitted, his voice quieter now, rawer. “And… I think I’m ready to let her go.”
The words hung between them, heavy, undeniable.
Sam leaned forward, his voice softer now. “Are you sure?”
Steve let out a slow breath, his fingers drumming against the table. “I love her. I do. But I think I’ve been holding onto something that was never really mine to begin with.”
Sam studied him for a long moment before nodding. “That’s a hard thing to admit, man.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah.”
For a while, they just sat there, the weight of the confession settling in.
And then Sam picked up another fry, pointed it at Steve, and said, “So when I take Lily on that boat, you're telling me I gotta convince a whole mermaid to show up, or what?”
Steve let out a breath of laughter, shaking his head. “At least a tail. You got your work cut out for you, Sam.”
Wanda watched as you walked back toward Steve, your posture tense, your expression carefully neutral. She knew that look. The one you wore when you were trying to swallow something down, bury it deep enough that no one could see the way it cut you.
She turned sharply, glaring at Clint. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
Clint shrugged, arms crossed over his chest. “What?”
“You know what,” she shot back. “Why are you such an asshole to her? Every time you see her, you—” She exhaled sharply, shaking her head. “I just don’t get it. What did she ever do to you?”
Clint scoffed, looking away. “I just don’t like her.”
Wanda narrowed her eyes. “Why?”
“Because why?”
Clint’s jaw clenched. He wasn’t answering her.
Wanda stepped closer, her voice dropping to something softer, but firm. “Because she makes Steve happy? Because she’s wonderful with Lily? Because she’s kind, and patient, and doesn’t deserve the way you treat her?”
Clint exhaled through his nose, his fingers tapping against his bicep impatiently. He wasn’t looking at her.
“Y’know,” he said finally, his voice tight, “Steve wants to propose to her.”
Wanda stilled.
Her breath caught in her throat, her heart skipping a beat. “What?”
Clint nodded, his lips pressing together. “Yeah. He’s been sitting on the damn ring for months. Waiting for the right time.” His voice turned sharp, bitter. “So there you go. You’ll never get your chance. First, you let Nat take it, and now her.”
Wanda inhaled deeply, willing her pulse to slow, to steady.
When she finally spoke, her voice was quiet but sure. “You’re an asshole.”
Clint didn’t react.
“No one took anything from me,” she continued. “It wasn’t mine to have. If it was meant to be, it would be.”
Clint scoffed, rolling his eyes. “There you go again with that fate shit.”
Wanda shook her head. “No, Clint. That’s just reality.”
For a moment, they just stared at each other.
Then Wanda sighed, her expression softening just slightly but only slightly. “You know Natasha would’ve been so disappointed in how you’re acting.”
That one hit its mark.
Clint’s jaw tightened. His gaze flickered, something guarded flashing in his eyes.
But he didn’t say a word.
He just turned and walked away.
Like clockwork, Bucky calls every night.
Sometimes, you call him first, but most nights, it’s the other way around. His name flashes across your screen just as you’re settling into bed, the apartment quiet except for the faint hum of the city outside. You answer every time. You don’t even hesitate.
It feels effortless, the way you fall into conversation, like all those years apart never happened. Like there isn’t an ocean of unspoken things between you.
Some nights, you talk for hours.
Bucky tells you about the land, the house, the way Sam has been giving him endless shit about his lack of interior design skills. “He says I have the aesthetic of a gas station parking lot,” Bucky grumbles one night, and you laugh so hard you nearly drop your phone.
“I mean,” you tease, biting your lip. “He’s not entirely wrong, Buck.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Bucky groans, but you can hear the smile in his voice.
You tell him about the city, about Lily, about the new book you picked up, the latest movie you watched. Everything except Steve. Everything except what actually matters.
Neither of you bring it up.
The truck. The love confession. The way he looked at you that night, like you hung the damn stars.
Maybe it’s because you’re both too afraid. Maybe it’s because if you say it out loud, it’ll make things too real.
So, instead, you let it hang there, an unspoken thing between you, simmering beneath the surface.
Some nights, there are silences that stretch too long, where the weight of what you’re not saying fills the space between words.
You wonder if Bucky hears your heart pounding through the phone.
You wonder if he lies awake after you hang up, staring at the ceiling, wondering how the hell you got here.
One night, as you’re lying on your side, the glow of the bedside lamp casting soft shadows across the room, Bucky exhales through the phone.
“I’ll be in the city soon.”
Your stomach flips. Your fingers tighten around the blanket. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” he says. His voice is quieter now, softer, like he’s feeling something he’s not ready to name. “I’ll let you know when I figure out the exact date.”
You swallow, your throat tight. “Please do.”
For a moment, neither of you say anything.
You think about the last time you saw him, the way his hands felt on you, the way he whispered your name like it meant something.
You think about Steve, the way his voice wavered when he told you he loved you, the hesitation before you didn’t say it back.
You think about everything and nothing, and it all feels too heavy.
So, you clear your throat, forcing yourself to keep it light. “You, uh…you gonna let me help decorate this place, or are you actually going with the gas station parking lot vibe?”
Bucky snorts. “You can help. As long as you don’t pick any weird stuff.”
You gasp dramatically. “Weird stuff? I have impeccable taste, Buck.”
“Yeah I know.” He hums. “You still into those pink doors?”
Your chest tightens. You close your eyes. “Always.”
There’s a beat of silence.
Softly, Bucky says, “Yeah. Thought so.”
And just like that, the conversation shifts again.
You talk about something else, anything else, and eventually, the call ends, leaving you staring at the ceiling, phone pressed against your chest, wondering what the hell you’re supposed to do with all of this.
The morning is quiet. The kind of soft, hazy quiet that lingers in the air before the city fully wakes up.
You’re in the kitchen, pouring yourself a cup of coffee, still shaking off the last remnants of sleep. The apartment is cool, the faint scent of rain drifting in through the open window. It’s peaceful. Almost normal. Almost.
Steve clears his throat. “Oh, by the way, I invited Sam and Bucky to the party.”
Your hand falters, the coffee pot hovering just above your mug. For a second, you think you misheard him.
“Sam?” you echo, your voice carefully even, measured.
“Yeah.” Steve shrugs, stirring a packet of sugar into his own cup. “We’ve run into each other a couple of times. Figured I’d invite them both.”
You stare at him, your fingers tightening around the handle of your mug. He says it so casually, like it’s nothing, like it’s just another thing to add to the list of party details, balloons, beer, food, oh, and Bucky.
You don’t know what to say.
You don’t know how to say anything.
The weight of what happened in that truck, of the words Bucky spilled into the night air, of the way he looked at you presses against your ribs.
Steve invited him.
Steve, who had spent the last few days holding you at arm’s length, careful, careful, like he knew something was slipping through his fingers but was too afraid to grasp it too hard.
Steve, who hasn’t brought up the fight. Hasn’t brought up Bucky. Hasn’t asked you where your heart has been these last few weeks, maybe these last few years, maybe your whole god damn life.
Steve, who has always known you better than you know yourself.
You swallow. Force a small nod. “I’m glad you have another friend.”
It’s a deflection. A quiet, meaningless response. But it’s all you can manage.
Steve looks up at you then, his blue eyes unreadable, a small, almost knowing smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Me too.”
The moment passes. You sip your coffee. He finishes his. The city hums outside, alive and oblivious to the storm brewing beneath your skin.
The countdown to the party begins.
Bucky had been here for two years.
Two years of filth and damp walls and the stench of unwashed bodies. Two years of bruises that never fully healed before new ones bloomed over them. Two years of endless questions, fists against flesh, the sharp bite of metal against skin.
Two years of nothing.
No light. No seasons. No way to mark time except by the way his body wasted away, by the way his mind started to slip, pieces of himself breaking off and drifting somewhere beyond his reach.
They had forgotten him. He’d known it for a while now. There was no rescue coming. No cavalry.
And it wasn’t like they were wrong to forget him. He was dead to them. The military had to have already folded his file away, marked his unit as MIA presumed KIA.
His mother had grieved him. You had grieved him.
His stomach twisted.
You had probably moved on.
He hoped you had moved on.
He hoped you’d found someone who made you laugh, someone who held your hand when you walked down the street. Someone who touched you gently, reverently, like you deserved.
And if you had?
Then there was nothing left for him here.
Nothing left at all. He never got the chance he wanted with you and he knew it was his own damn fault and he hated himself for it.
Bucky lay on the cold, hard ground of his cell, staring up at the cracked ceiling. His fingers curled around the blade he’d found. Just a jagged piece of metal, rusted at the edges, but it would do the job.
It wouldn’t be hard.
One sharp swipe, one deep cut…It would be over.
His breathing was slow, measured, controlled and then he turned his head slightly, pressing his temple against the stone wall separating his cell from Sam’s.
“Wilson,” he rasped. His voice was barely more than a whisper, but Sam stirred anyway.
Bucky swallowed.
He let himself say something that wasn’t just about survival. “You’re a good friend.”
Carefully Sam spoke, “Alright, what the fuck was that?”
Bucky let out a soft, humorless laugh. He closed his eyes. “I just… I’m glad I met you.”
Sam was fully awake now, shifting against the wall. Bucky could hear him, could picture him pressing closer to the stone like he could reach him.
“Barnes,” Sam’s voice was sharper now, urgent. “No. You don’t get to do this, man.”
Bucky’s grip tightened on the blade. His other hand lifted, fingers pressing against the inside of his wrist, mapping out the vein beneath his skin.
One cut.
That’s all it would take.
“Bucky, stop,” Sam pleaded. “You hear me? Stop.”
Bucky exhaled, slow and steady, blade biting into his skin
The blade slipped.
Bucky’s body froze.
Sam’s voice came through the wall, softer now, insistent. “She’s waiting for you.”
A sharp, broken breath tore from Bucky’s throat. His chest ached.
“She’s not,” Bucky choked out. “She’s gone, Sam. She moved on.”
“You don’t know that,” Sam shot back. “You think that, but you don’t know that.”
Bucky’s breath was uneven now, shallow and ragged.
Sam pressed his palm flat against the stone wall. “Listen to me, man. If I know anything from all the shit you’ve told me about her, she loves you, Buck. She’s missing her best friend so fucking much. She’s hurting without you.”
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut, fingers trembling where they still gripped the blade.
“She needs you to make it home,” Sam whispered. “So make it home.”
Bucky sobbed.
He dropped the blade. It clattered against the stone floor and Sam just stayed with him, his voice steady, grounding him. “We’re coming home, man,” he promised. “We’re going home.”
Bucky curled into himself, his chest heaving, his body shaking so hard he thought he might break apart completely. “Were going home.”
The summer heat was relentless, clinging to Bucky’s skin as he wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his wrist. The sound of the nail gun echoed across the open land, sharp bursts of air punctuating the steady rhythm of construction.
The house was finally starting to take shape. The walls were up, the bones of the place standing strong, and if he squinted, he could almost see it, your dream home. The one he’d build with his own two hands. The one you dreamt about for years.
Sam leaned against one of the wooden beams, surveying the progress with a nod of approval. “Man, I gotta say, I didn’t think you’d get this much done so fast.”
Bucky smirked, setting the nail gun down for a second. “What, think I lost my touch?”
“Nah,” Sam chuckled, grabbing his water bottle. “Just figured you’d be dragging ass by now, but you’ve been on this house like it’s a goddamn mission.”
Bucky didn’t respond, just exhaled, stretching his shoulder. He had been working non-stop, sunrise to sunset, barely stopping to eat, throwing himself into every nail, every board, every fucking detail. Building kept him moving. Kept him from thinking too much.
Soon, the electrician would come in, then the plumber, then the flooring guys. One step closer.
Sam took a sip of his water, shifting on his feet. “Ran into Steve the other day.”
Bucky’s jaw tensed slightly, but he kept his focus on securing another panel. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Sam scratched at his jaw. “He does some damn good work with veterans, you know. Runs programs, gets people the help they need.”
Bucky grunted, kept doing what he was doing.
“His dad and grandpa were both military I guess.” Sam continued.
“He didn’t want to follow in their footsteps?”
“Steve wanted to enlist too, but…” Sam trailed off, watching as Bucky carefully aligned a beam. “Didn’t pass the tests.”
That made Bucky pause. He glanced at Sam. “Health issues?”
Sam nodded. “Yeah. Asthma, some other stuff. Didn’t make the cut. Got healthy later, met the girl of his dreams, had a kid… well, you know the rest.”
Bucky exhaled through his nose, setting another nail in place. He knew. He knew it all too well.
A silence stretched between them, the only sound the rustling of the trees and the distant hum of cicadas. Then Sam shifted again, something hesitant in his voice.
“Steve invited us to his party in a few days.”
Bucky’s hands paused, then he scoffed. “You mean you.”
“No, I mean both of us.”
Bucky turned his head slightly, raising a skeptical brow. “His birthday party?”
“Yeah. It’s on the fourth, so he celebrate’s both,” Sam said, watching Bucky carefully.
Bucky gruffed, turning back to his work. “That’s real nice for him.”
Sam sighed. “Look, man. I know what you’re thinking, and I get it. But listen, Steve’s struggling. She’s pulling away, and he’s trying to navigate all of it without losing his mind, he’s a good man Buck.” He hesitated. “You gotta come for her.”
Bucky’s jaw clenched.
“I know you miss her,” Sam continued. “And she misses you. So just… show up. You don’t gotta stay long. Just be there.”
Bucky exhaled slowly, fingers tightening around the nail gun.
“Of couse, I’ll be there.” he whispered. “Y’know I’d go anywhere for her.”
Sam nodded, grabbing another plank of wood. “Good.”
Bucky didn’t want to go.
He really didn’t want to go.
But you had asked, and Bucky would follow you anywhere.
Which is how he ended up here, chasing after you as you dragged him toward whatever harebrained adventure you had set your sights on this time.
“I hate this idea,” Bucky muttered, his sneakers crunching against gravel. “I hate this plan. I hate—”
“Oh, stop being dramatic.” You rolled your eyes, grinning as you pulled him along.
Bucky huffed. “Dramatic is you thinking this is gonna go well.”
You smirked over your shoulder. “Where’s your sense of adventure, Barnes?”
“Dead and buried.”
But still, he went.
Because it was you and he'd follow you anywhere.
He really wished he hadn’t.
One second, everything was fine. The next, Bucky was airborne.
Pain exploded up his arm, a sharp, searing agony that made his vision go white for a second. He hit the ground hard, groaning as he rolled onto his back, the sky spinning above him.
“Bucky!” Your voice was frantic, your hands grabbing at him, touching his face, his shoulders. “Oh my god, are you okay?”
“Never better,” he gritted out, cradling his arm against his chest.
Your eyes flickered down, widening in horror. “Oh my god, oh my god, Buck, your arm—”
Yeah. It was not supposed to look like that.
Tears welled in your eyes, and Bucky swore the pain in his chest from seeing you cry was worse than the pain in his arm. “I—I knew this was a stupid idea. I should’ve—you shouldn’t have—this is my fault, Buck. This is all my fault.”
He groaned, shifting slightly, trying to sit up. “Nah, I’d say gravity’s at fault here.”
You let out a choked laugh that turned into a sob, burying your face in your hands.
Bucky sighed, resting his head back against the ground. “C’mon, don’t cry. You did me a favor.”
Your head snapped up, eyes red-rimmed. “Bucky, you broke your arm.”
He grinned, even though his whole body hurt. “Yeah, and now I don’t have to play football this season.”
Your face crumpled again. “Stop trying to make me feel better. You got hurt because of me, my stupidity. This is my fault.”
Bucky shook his head, voice softer now. “No, beautiful. It’s my fault.”
Your brows furrowed. “What? How?”
His throat bobbed. “Because I’d follow you anywhere.” His eyes locked onto yours, something deeper in them, something you weren’t ready to name. “I’d follow you into the burning gates of hell. I’d follow you if you were to jump off a moving train in Austria.”
Your breath hitched.
Bucky exhaled slowly, blinking up at the sky. “I’m gonna be okay. It’s just a broken arm.”
That only made you cry harder.
His lips twitched, and he nudged you lightly with his good hand. “You wanna make it up to me?”
You sniffled. “Anything, Buck.”
He smirked. “You gotta be the first to sign my cast.”
You blinked at him. “That’s it?”
“And no drawing penises.”
That startled a laugh out of you, watery and shaky but real, and it sent warmth flooding through Bucky’s chest, easing the pain just a little.
“There’s my girl,” he murmured.
You wiped at your cheeks, rolling your eyes. “You’re an idiot, you know that?”
Bucky grinned, wincing as he adjusted his arm. “Yeah. But I’m your idiot. Now help me up, we gotta brainstorm what color I should get while we walk back.”
You carefully slipped an arm around his waist, helping him to his feet. He cradled his broken arm against his chest, hissing through his teeth as the movement sent a sharp pang through his bones.
“Blue,” you said, steadying him.
“Mmm?” Bucky hummed, squinting at you through the pain.
“For your cast. Your eyes.” You glanced up at him, voice quieter now. “Blue.”
Something flickered in his expression, something warm and unreadable.
He smiled. “Okay. Blue.”
It was quiet for a moment, just the sound of your sneakers crunching against the gravel as you walked, his weight pressed slightly against your side.
You groaned. “Winnie’s gonna kill me.”
Bucky snorted, his laughter short but genuine. “Probably.”
You sighed dramatically, already dreading the conversation that awaited you back home. “What do I even say? ‘Hey, sorry I broke your kid, my bad?’”
Bucky chuckled. “Nah, just tell her I finally got my battle scars. Chicks dig scars.”
You rolled your eyes, tightening your grip around his waist. “You are the chick in this scenario, Buck.”
“Damn right I am,” he teased, nudging you lightly with his good shoulder.
Despite the pain, despite the impending wrath of his mother, despite everything he’d still follow you anywhere. .
The apartment is buzzing with movement. The scent of fresh flowers and warm vanilla candles fills the air, mingling with the faintest traces of the city outside. You move through the space with careful precision, making sure everything is perfect setting out drinks, fluffing pillows, triple-checking that Steve’s birthday present is wrapped just right.
The dining table was covered in ribbons, wrapping paper, and a mess of tape dispensers, an absolute disaster zone. But in the center of it all, cradled carefully in a velvet-lined box, was Steve’s gift.
His father’s watch. Restored.
You ran your fingers over the polished metal, tracing the familiar curve of the casing. It had taken months to find the right parts, to track down a seller on eBay who had a near-identical mechanism from the same decade. You had nearly lost the final bid, heart pounding as you refreshed the page over and over until the last second. But you won.
And now, after so many years of sitting broken and forgotten in a drawer, it ticked again.
Steve never talked much about his dad, but you knew. You had caught the way his fingers would brush over the old watch whenever he stumbled upon it. The way he’d turn it over in his palm, lost in thought, before tucking it away again, like the weight of it was too much to carry.
But now, he wouldn’t have to tuck it away. Now, it worked.
You gently closed the box and reached for the wrapping paper. Dark blue, with tiny silver stars.
From Lily, the gift is even more personal something you knew would mean the world to him. A portrait, hand-painted, of Natasha and Lily together, side by side, like Natasha had been here all along. You had worked with the artist for weeks, going over every tiny detail, making sure it was perfect. The curls in Lily’s hair, the softness in Natasha’s eyes. When it had finally arrived, you had cried.
You run a gentle hand over the ribbon on the box, exhaling slowly. He’s going to love this.
Just as you’re about to step back and take in everything one last time, your phone rings.
Your stomach flips.
You swipe to answer. “Hey.”
“Hey.” His voice is warm, familiar. The kind of sound that makes your heart ache in a way you don’t want to examine too closely. “I’m in the city.”
You pause, your fingers tightening around the phone. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” he says, and there’s something different in his voice, something tentative. “Gonna join the support group today.”
Your breath catches. Your ears perk up because he's doing it, he’s actually going.
“Bucky,” you whisper, “that’s… that’s amazing.”
“Don’t make a big deal out of it.” His voice is gruff, but you can hear the tiniest trace of something softer beneath it. “Just… trying, I guess.”
You press your lips together, trying to keep your emotions in check. “I’m proud of you.”
“I know.”
You blink, swallowing past the sudden lump in your throat.
“I was thinking,” he says, clearing his throat. “You wanna meet me here? We can grab a coffee after or something. Show me that café you always talk about before the party tonight? It’ll uh give me some time to wind down.”
A slow smile tugs at your lips. “I’ll be there in thirty.”
“I’ll be done in forty-five.”
“Then I’ll just have to wait.”
He huffs out a small laugh, and you can hear the smile in it.
“See you soon.”
The call ends, and you stand there for a moment, phone pressed to your chest, heart hammering against your ribs.
The night was loud, alive with the crackling energy of fireworks and laughter. The air smelled like cheap beer, barbecue, and summer heat. Someone had rigged up shitty string lights around the backyard, the bulbs flickering unevenly, but it didn’t matter. The entire graduating class was packed into some guy’s house, one of Bucky’s football buddies with music shaking the walls and people spilling onto the lawn.
You were tipsy. Not drunk, but tipsy enough that everything was just a little funnier, a little warmer. Your cheeks ached from smiling, your skin buzzing from the remnants of your last drink.
Bucky was beside you, his hand wrapped loosely around a bottle of beer he’d barely touched, his other hand stuffed into his pocket. You could feel him more than see him, the way he always took up space in a way that never felt overwhelming, just… there.
Some girl from your grade, Heather? Hannah? sidled up to him, laughing a little too loudly at something he hadn’t even said.
“I don’t think we’ve seen you all night, Bucky,” she drawled, twirling a piece of hair around her finger. “Thought maybe you forgot how to have fun.”
Bucky huffed a short laugh, barely sparing her a glance. “Nah, just been busy.”
Her gaze flickered toward you, her lips curling slightly. “Busy, huh?”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes, taking a sip of your drink instead. You were used to this. Girls had been throwing themselves at Bucky for years, but he never really gave them the time of day and yet, they never seemed to get it.
Bucky didn’t respond, just nudged your elbow, like the two of you shared some secret joke. He leaned in, his breath warm against your temple. “You wanna get outta here for a bit?”
You nodded, already slipping your fingers around his wrist, pulling him toward the backyard. You swore you heard Hannah-Heather scoff behind you.
Outside, the sky was a swirl of deep purples and indigos, the air thick with summer humidity. People were scattered across the lawn, sitting on blankets, perched on porch railings, waiting for the fireworks.
You and Bucky found a spot a little farther from the crowd, away from the noise. The grass was cool beneath you as you flopped down, lying flat on your back. Bucky sat beside you, one knee bent, his arm slung lazily over it.
The first firework exploded overhead, brilliant and loud, the colors streaking across the sky in sharp, fleeting bursts.
You sighed, stretching your arms above your head. “God, I love this.”
Bucky hummed. “Yeah?”
You turned to him, grinning. “Yeah.”
But he wasn’t looking at the sky. “Me too.”
He was looking at you.
His expression was unreadable, something soft and achingly familiar flickering behind his eyes.
“You’re missing the show, Buck.”
He smirked, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Nah,” he murmured. “Not missing a thing.”
You swallowed. Your heart stuttered against your ribs.
The fireworks kept exploding, painting the night in reds, blues, golds. But Bucky never looked away.
You don’t mean to overhear.
But when you arrive at the building, an unassuming community center tucked between a laundromat and a bakery you hesitate. Through the open door of the meeting room, you hear his voice and the way he says your name stops you cold.
So you stay. You stand just out of sight, heart hammering in your chest, and you listen.
Bucky shifts in his chair, hands clasped together so tightly that his knuckles turn white. He’s barely spoken all session, just sat there while the others talked, his knee bouncing, his jaw clenched. But now, he exhales shakily and lifts his head.
“There’s this girl,” he says, his voice low, hoarse, like it physically pains him to say it out loud. “She wants me to get help.”
A couple of the other vets nod, encouraging, but they don’t interrupt.
“And I want to get better for her, for me” he admits, running a hand through his hair, shaking his head. “But in order to do that, I’m supposed to talk about it.”
He lets out a humorless laugh, shaking his head. “So, yeah. Here I am. Talking about it.”
“I remember the night I almost did it.”
A shift in the room. Everyone knows what it means.
“I’d been in that fucking hole for years. No light, no sound except for the guards when they came in, except for the screams from the others.” He swallows hard, rubs at his chest like it aches. “I don’t even know how long we’d been there. Time didn’t exist in that place. All I know is that one night, I couldn’t take it anymore. I thought, if I just do it, it’ll finally be over.”
His voice cracks.
He clears his throat, fists clenching against his jeans. “I was ready. I had it planned. I was going to—” He stops himself, exhales hard through his nose. “But then Sam—”
His lips press together. His throat bobs.
“All Sam had to do was say her name.”
Your breath catches in your throat.
“He said her name,” Bucky continues, his voice barely above a whisper now. “That was all it took. Just… her name.” He lets out a shaky breath. “And suddenly, I couldn’t do it.”
The room is silent. No one breathes.
“I’d spent so long convincing myself I was already dead, but then he said her name, and I realized, I wasn’t dead. Not yet.”
He drags a hand down his face, letting out a shuddering breath.
“I told myself if I made it out, I’d tell her.” He shakes his head, lets out a quiet laugh. “I’d tell her that she was the reason I was still breathing.”
A long pause.
“I never told her.”
A voice from across the room, careful, hesitant. “Do you still talk to her?”
Bucky swallows. “Yeah.”
Another pause.
“Does she know?”
Bucky stares at his hands, the tendons taut, the veins beneath his skin stark against his knuckles.
“No,” he whispers. And then, quieter, so quiet you barely hear it, a confession meant for no one. “And I don’t even have her.”
A hollow laugh, sharp and self-deprecating. “I made it out and I still don’t have her.”
Your chest tightens, breath catching in your throat. You turn away, walking fast away from the door back towards where you entered.
You’re still standing in the hallway when the meeting ends.
Your stomach is in knots, your hands trembling at your sides. You don’t even know what you’d say if you walked in there right now, if you had to look at him.
The distant sound of fireworks crackled somewhere beyond your dorm room window, muffled by the thick summer air. You didn’t turn to look. Didn’t care to watch the way the sky lit up in bursts of color, didn’t care to hear the excited shouts of people celebrating in the streets below.
Instead, you sat cross-legged on your bed, the dim glow of your bedside lamp casting soft, golden light across the room.
In your hands, a letter.
The envelope was slightly crumpled at the edges, the ink of your name smudged just a little. You had run your fingers over it too many times, tracing the loops and curves of his handwriting.
You swallowed, exhaling sharply through your nose. Then, with slightly trembling fingers, you tore the top of the envelope, carefully pulling out the folded pages inside.
His handwriting was the same as always, quick, slightly messy, but undeniably him.
You took a deep breath and began to read.
Happy Fourth of July.
I don’t even know what day it is where I am, but I know it’s today for you. I hope it is, I used my barely there math skills to try and time this letter for you. I know if I was home, we’d be doing something stupid right now. Probably sneaking beers from the fridge, watching the fireworks from the field, you rambling about how pretty they are while I pretend to care but really just care about you.
Instead, I’m here.
We didn’t do much today, just some downtime with the unit. Sam swears up and down he can grill, but I wouldn’t let him near the food. We all sat around, ate, laughed, just tried to feel normal for a little while. It was nice. I needed it.
I needed tonight.
I needed something that felt even a little like home.
I miss it. I miss you. I miss your voice. I miss the way you say my name. I miss the way you call me an idiot when I do something stupid and the way you hug me even when I don’t deserve it.
I miss everything.
I don’t know when this will get to you, but I hope you’re celebrating. Hope you’re watching the fireworks. Hope you’re happy. I wish I could see you. I wish I could talk to you. Just for a second. Just long enough to hear you say my name.
You always told me that watching the fireworks made you feel small in the best way, like we were all just tiny pieces of something bigger. I don’t know if I ever told you, but that’s how I feel about you. Like I’m just a tiny piece of something bigger, something better, because I have you.
Yours Always,
Your breath hitched.
You sat there, fingers clutching the letter so tightly the paper nearly crinkled.
For a long time, you didn’t move. Your mind at war, it had been almost a year since he left, you knew you should finally write back so before you had a second thought you reached for your notebook.
You clicked your pen, the tip hovering over the blank page. You started to write.
Then stopped.
Started again.
Stopped again.
The words wouldn’t come.
Not because you didn’t have them. You had too many. Too many things to say, too many things you couldn’t explain.
So, after several long minutes, you let out a slow, shaky breath and then you closed the notebook.
You folded the letter carefully, tucking it back into the envelope.
You decided, you weren’t going to write back, again.
The house was alive. The air thick with laughter, music weaving between conversations, the city skyline glowing through the windows. It was the same as it always was, the annual Fourth of July party, Steve’s birthday celebration. A tradition.
Steve was in his element, a drink in hand, effortlessly moving through the crowd, smiling, laughing. Like everything was fine. Like nothing had cracked, like nothing was unraveling right beneath the surface.
Bucky stood near the entryway, a beer dangling from his fingers, his sharp blue eyes scanning the crowd. He was different in this setting, out of place amongst the pressed shirts and city-polished smiles. But then his gaze found yours, and the noise of the party dulled for a moment.
You didn’t have time to cross the room, didn’t have time to get to him before something else cut through the atmosphere like a blade.
“Man, I just don’t get it.”
You turned at the voice.
He was nursing a drink, his stance looser than usual, the tension he always carried around you now sharpened into something hateful.
Your brows furrowed. “Clint—”
“No, seriously.” He scoffed, shaking his head, his voice thick with resentment. “You just get everything, don’t you?”
A few heads turned. The air in the room shifted, attention sliding toward the unfolding scene.
Your stomach twisted. “That’s not—”
Clint let out a bitter laugh, his jaw clenching. “You get everything. You get your friend back. You get him.” He gestured vaguely toward Steve, swaying he was far gone. “You get it all.”
Your pulse thrummed in your ears. The weight of eyes on you, the heat of Bucky’s stare burning into the side of your face.
Clint took a step closer, his voice dropping into something quieter, crueler. “Meanwhile, Natasha is gone. I lost my best friend. And you? You just keep winning.”
The words slammed into you. It hurt more than it should have.
Your throat went dry. “That’s not fair.”
Clint laughed again, but this time, it was hollow, empty. “Fair?” His hands tightened around his glass. “Life isn’t fair, hunny. If it was, she’d still be here. But instead—” he gestured around the room, his voice dipping into something venomous. “Instead, you get everything, and she gets nothing.”
The silence in the room was suffocating. Your chest tightened, words caught somewhere between your ribs, stuck.
“That’s enough.”
Bucky’s voice cut through the air like steel.
Clint snorted, shaking his head. “Of course. Here comes the knight in shining armor.”
Bucky clenched his jaw. “I mean it.”
Clint took a step closer. “Or what?”
Bucky’s shoulders squared. “Or you’re gonna want to shut the fuck up before I make you.”
It happened fast. Clint’s fist swung.
Before you even thought about it, before your body even registered the movement, you stepped forward.
Clint’s fist connected with you.
A sharp crack of knuckles against skin.
Everything stopped.
The music, the voices, the movement of the party.
The sting spread across your cheek, your head jerking slightly from the impact, the room swaying in a way that made your stomach lurch as the cool liquid ran down from your nose.
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mikaazune · 3 days ago
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Am I the only one drawing wicked parallels between them? And not just the fact that I'm jealous of their hair...
Spoilers for Alien Stage (through Round 5 to Weige)! Seriously, don't read if you haven't watched Weige specifically.
They're both very loyal to their friends and would risk their lives for them (and did in fact risk their lives for them). Baji didn't want Mikey to kill Kazutora over him, hence him stabbing himself. While Hyuna definitely hated or at least really disliked Luka, she wanted to let go of her hate. She was also probably very conflicted because they used to be close friends. Either way, she put herself in the line of fire to protect Luka from being shot.
This could also be aligned with them both being selfless. Hyuna's first action after escaping is literally going back to the Anakt Garden after losing her leg to try to free the other kids. She went back to the place that she'd just escaped from to help others, risking her own freedom and/or life on the process. Baji left Toman because he realized that he couldn't take down Kisaki without causing conflict with him and Mikey. He basically jeopardized his relationship with Mikey and the rest of Toman by joining another gang to find a way to get rid of Kisaki. To everyone else (minus Chifuyu), it looked like he betrayed them.
Additionally, they both have a wilder side and like to cause trouble. Baji is described as liking the thrill of adrenaline and Mikey says that he'll punch people and start fights for no reason, just because he feels like it. The two of them are both described as having smiles on their faces while fighting, even in dangerous situations like Hyuna's often in. She'll be blasting robots and blowing stuff up. Even when she saves Mizi in All-In (notably not Round 5, presumably because of Luka'a presence), she's grinning.
But despite having this wild side, they both care a lot for others, specifically their friends. Hyuna cared for Luka before he killed Hyun Woo, the three of them were really close friends. Hyuna also took in Mizi after saving her with zero hesitation, and she continued to look out for Mizi throughout the events they went through in All-In. In Blink Gone, she didn't want Mizi to go back to save Till because Mizi would be risking everything going right back to Alien Stage and could potentially get killed or get dragged back into the competition. Baji had a lot of faith in Ryusei and Chifuyu and knew he could trust both of them, and he knew he could let loose around them. Baji used Takemichi punching Kisaki as an excuse to leave, yes, but he was also saving Takemichi from a much worse fate because at that point, Takemichi (who iirc wasn't even an official member of the gang yet) had just punched the newly appointed third division captain. Baji mentions several times that he doesn't want to disappoint his mom, hence why he does his best to study. Not to mention that he was sending letters to Kazutora while the latter was locked up in the detention center, even though Kazutora had been the one to convince Baji to sneak into Shin's shop with him and nearly got Baji sent to the detention center too for Shin's murder. The only reason he wasn't was because Mikey testified for him.
They both died for people they cared about. Like I said earlier, Baji stabbed himself so that his death wouldn't be on Kazutora's hands and thus would get him killed by Mikey. Even though Kazutora had stabbed him earlier, Baji was still trying to protect him even though it meant that he'd die in the process. Hyuna, up until the events of Round 7 (at least from what I can tell), had despised Luka, but she was finally ready to let go of that. She took the bullet meant for him because deep down, she still cared for him. Her last words to him were, "I resented you so. I had to keep moving forward in every moment... but you were always my one and only weakness. That's why I resented you so. Luka, live with love. Embrace the pain, the frailty, and the moments so unbearably shameful. Forgive yourself... again and again, endlessly. Because everything... begins from there." She wanted him to lead a better life and used her last words to him to tell him that. They both cared and died for people that were very complicated and had some (putting it politely) issues to work through (let's not forget that Luka killed Hyuna's brother because he wanted her for himself and wasn't willing to "share" her with Hyun Woo).
I'm sure there's way more to analyze between the two of them but yeah, I'll leave it here. I just had to get it all out of my brain so I could take a nap.
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converzhigh · 3 days ago
You can be my dad
John Price x Male! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Words: 2172
The man shot awake from his sleep and looked around the room with fear in his eyes. Everything was dark. He couldn't make out any figure in between the four walls. Only sorce of light was the window facing the woods behind base.
He stood up, the pale moonlight showing him his way to the door as he walked out of his room quietly inside the darkness. The hallway was cold, much colder than anyone would have expected it to be during a summer night.
He counted the doors until he found the one he was willing to get to. Captain Price's room. He pulled out his hand to knock but realized that the door was already slightly open. With a little hesitation, he pushed the door open and walked into the room.
He looked around. It was his first time being into Price's room. It pretty much smelled like him. Cheap cologne and cigarettes. Somehow, it gave the young soldier a feeling of comfort.
The room was tidied. Everything was in perfect place, and the bed was made?
The man called out with a whisper before stopping and waiting for an answer. He walked to the small door that led to the room's private bathroom and put his ear in it to try and listen if someone was in there. Silence was all he heard.
He sight and turned around in order to go back to his room only to be faced with Captain Price himself with a towel in hand and his hair wet.
"Do you need anything, young man?"
Price spoke in a much softer tone than his usual. His voice alone was just enough to make the boy feel sleepy again.
"No, it's just that..."
Y/n started to speak as he fidgeted with his fingers and the bottom of his shirt. To Price's eyes, he pretty much looked like a child going to their parent's room to tell them they threw up in the middle of the night.
Price wouldn't mind hearing whatever excuse the boy had to tell him for being in his room at that hour. He had told his soldiers, especially the new commers and younger ones, that they could come to speak to him about anything bothering them.
To him, they were all family. They were all he had left. And that was what family did. They helped each other.
"I had a–"
The younger soldier started speaking before getting cut off by his captain pulling him in a hug. The man froze for a few seconds before relaxing into Price's embrace and closing his eyes, taking in his scent.
"It is okay, little one. We all have bad dreams sometimes. You can sleep here if you would like."
The soldier felt tears in his eyes at the nickname that Price gave him. Somehow, the older male always had the ability to touch his heart with simple words. He knew exactly what the reason was, but he felt so ashamed of it that he would not even admit it to himself.
He pulled away and looked down at his feet. He couldn't bring himself to look up at his captain's eyes because he knew it would make tears fall down his. He was not ready to show a vulnerable side of him to someone in the fucking military.
He knew from the start that things there would not be easy and that he would have to go along with the overwhelming environment of knowing that your life is in danger every time you wake. But he had nothing more.
Just like Price. He was alone in that world. He had no family other than his father, whom he had chosen to keep in a distance. He had no friends since he was always considered quite a jerk and a weird kid in school. He was not really successful in the romantic part of life, too.
He felt like a huge looser sometimes just thinking of what his life was before. The military was totally a much better place than the one he stood at a few months ago before joining special forces. At least here, he had something to fight for.
He had made friends who were really cool and surprisingly could relate to some of the things he had been through. He had a routine and a goal. And he knew that after every mission, he would come back in base and be waited by Soap, who would tell him how good he did and would spend the whole afternoon together celebrating their victory.
He had to admit this one. The military had saved him. In a way that nothing else had ever done in his life. He was glad he had taken the decision to join. Now, he had a purpose in life. Something to wake up and try for.
"We could watch a movie if you would like. It's just something small to make you forget about that night terror. You can choose what to watch."
Price suggested, making Y/n get back in reality and leave his thoughts behind. The soldier just nodded and started walking with Price, who had offered him his hand. The younger man looked at it before grabbing a hold of his pinky finger.
For no specific reason, but every time he was offered a hand by someone, he felt the need to hold their pinky finger. It had him feel more safe, if he was being honest.
He looked up at his captain right at the moment his hands made contact with his skin. He did not seem to mind one bit. His attention turned back to their hands. Price's hands were big. Bigger that his. Not much, but the difference could be visible.
The hold he had on Price brought back memories of his. Specifically, he remembered once when he was young, maybe eleven years old, he was out with his father in a very crowded place. He did not feel safe but did feel really uneasy between all those strangers. He remembered reaching for his father's hand to hold before having his slapped away and receiving a dirty look from his father.
The words he was told that day would forever stay in his memory. 'Do not go around touching me as if we were the best father and son duo. I did not want you in this world, and I still do not. If law was not pushing me to take care of you, I wouldn't be doing it.' Was exactly what his father said.
And it was a lie. His father never took care of him. Yes, he did bring him food on the table or kept him safe when it came to bullies trying to beat him up, but was never there in any other moment. The young man believed that those limited moments his father was a father were the ones making him still love him. He was his father, after all. He was a part of him.
As the soldier was, once again, lost in thoughts, Price had led them to a room that could be described as the living room of the base. It had a sofa and a TV in it. It was not much, but it was comfy enough for a military base.
Price walked to the sofa and sat down as Y/n picked a movie and put the DVD in the DVD player device that was placed in a selve next to where the TV was located. He pressed start and went to sit next to his captain, who had already gotten a blanket that was previously folded in the corner of the sofa.
Price patted the space next to him for the man to sit as the intro song of the movie started playing. The soldier took the offer, sneaking up close to his superior and getting comfortable under the blanket before turning to the screen.
A few moments later, he felt a hand being placed around his shoulder in a kind of protective way. He looked at it with a small sparkle in his eyes that the man to whom the arm belonged to noticed.
"You can lean in me if you would like. I have no problem."
Spoke Price without taking his eyes off the screen, but the man next to him could see his smile. It made him feel comfortable enough to tilt his head until it made contact with Price's chest.
The younger man put his legs on the sofa and laid his head on his captain's chest as Price's hand moved from his shoulder to his side, but Y/n did not mind it. He was too comfortable at that position to make any comment.
His gaze turned back to the screen, but his focus was still on Price. He was looking up at that man since he hand joined, and he was a little scared of his at first. But, just like he did with Ghost, who was to him ten times scarier, after a little bit of a conversation with him, he came to realize that they might look intimidating, but they were human deep down. And, even if some people do not want it to be admitted, all humans have a soft side.
Some people just hide it better than others.
"Is there something you need?"
Price asked as he looked down at the man who, with realizing, had been staring up at him for a little while.
"No, sir. I was just admitting to myself how much I admire you and your job."
Those words of honesty had truly touched Price. He always viewed the young soldier a little more of just one of his men ever since he learned by Soap about his background story.
Don't get him wrong. He cared dearly for all of his men and viewed them as his brothers, but with this young man, something inside him had been awaken. He felt the same he did when his, long lost, wife told him that she was pregnant. It felt as if that father every man had inside had been awakened.
He felt the need to protect that soldier with everything he had. Just like he felt with some other of his men, meaning of Gaz and Soap since they were the youngest of the all, when they first fell under his orders.
The moment Price looked down at the man again, he heard light snoring and felt a tight grip on his shirt. He looked down and saw the smaller males fist clenched on the fabric of his shirt. He felt himself being in tears but shrugged it off when he heard the loud noise from the television.
He took the remote in hand and turned the device off before standing up with the young man in his arms. Y/n cuddled in his embrace and buried his face on his chest as the cold hit him once he left the blanket.
Price chuckled to himself at the small whimper and the tremble that spread on the man's body with the change of temperature as he started walking back to his room.
He pushed the door open and closed it soft behind him, trying to make no sounds loud enough to wake the man up. He walked to his bed and placed the boy in it before pulling the blanket on top of his body. He patted the blanket on his chest and, without realizing it, leaned down and placed a kiss on the man's forehead.
"Goodnight, little one. Sweet dreams."
Price whispered, and the response he was not expecting to get left him stunned.
"Goodnight, dad, I love you a lot."
The soldier mumbled as he turned to his side and started snoring once again. Price felt a small tear rub down his cheek at the word that had just felt his man's mouth.
He has had such a relationship with both Soap and Gaz before, but neither one of them have ever called him 'dad'. At that moment, he knew that this man was going to be his adopted child from now on.
"I love you too, son."
He said as he laid down next to the man and pulled him back on his chest, letting all his body warmth move to the smaller ones body.
That boy had just changed his life with a simple sleepy mumble.
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rieamena · 6 months ago
your seven year old daughter climbed onto your bed, bouncing on the mattress before settling into your warm embrace under the blankets. running a hand through her pink hair, you answered softly, "yes, sweetheart?"
it was almost like your genes didn't put up a fight at all. your child, chikara, was the spitting image of her father, your husband, ryomen sukuna. same hair, same face shape, same facial features, the only thing that seemed to be your contribution was her personality, and even then, sometimes you'll see your husband's characteristic scowl on her little face
"how did you and daddy meet?" "well, it was–"
"what's goin' on in here? conspiring against me?" sukuna's voice filled the room as he leaned against the door frame, a cheeky smirk on his face. you saw your daughter's face brighten up as she jumped down to run to her father, "daddy! daddy! mommy's gonna tell the story of when you first met!" sukuna immediately looked at you, his index finger barely being fully wrapped by his daughter's hand
"she asked me to. guess watching all those romantic dramas with her rubbed off on her." you giggled, earning a scowl from him. "shut it woman. you know i hate them." "yeah..., that's definitely why we watch 90 day fiance every sunday together." "you got a problem with— stop tryna move me brat!"
"but daddyyyyy," she whined, still pushing against sukuna's body, "i don't wanna miss mommy's story!" "we're literally seven feet away from her."
your daughter pouted and stopped trying to get her dad to move. letting go of his finger, and leaving him at the doorway, chikara plopped herself down at your side with wide, eager eyes, "go on, mommy, tell me! i wanna know everything."
you smiled, looking at sukuna, who rolled his eyes but gave a small nod. "alright, sweetheart. it all started one day in the park when i was watching over megumi, and your dad was taking care of his younger brother, yuuji…"
"yuuji?" chikara interrupted, her face lighting up. "uncle yuuji was there too?"
"yep, yuuji was just a little kid back then," you said with a soft laugh. "he was running around, being his usual energetic self, when he tripped and scraped his knee. your dad, being the great caretaker he is—"
"—i was plenty good at it," sukuna muttered
you shot him a look and continued, "—didn't seem too worried. he told yuuji to stop crying."
"i did not say it like that," sukuna cut in, pushing off the doorframe and coming closer to the bed. "i told him to toughen up. gotta learn how to handle a few scrapes."
your daughter giggled, clearly entertained by the back-and-forth. "but mommy's a nurse, so she went over to help, right?"
"exactly. i couldn't just sit there watching, so i went over, knelt down, and started cleaning yuuji's knee. and i told your father—" you paused, giving sukuna a mischievous smile, "—that he should care more about his son instead of telling him to stop crying."
your daughter gasped dramatically, eyes wide with anticipation. sukuna groaned, running a hand over his face. "i knew you'd bring that up."
"and what did daddy say?" she asked, leaning in as if she could hardly wait
"he looked at me and said, 'that's not my son, that's my brother,'" you mimicked sukuna’s low, irritated tone. "i was so embarrassed!" sukuna chuckled at the memory, shaking his head. "you should've seen your mom’s face. all high and mighty, like she was about to call child protection services on me or something."
you couldn't help but laugh, too. "anyway, i patched yuuji up, and to make up for the misunderstanding, your dad suggested we set up a playdate for yuuji and megumi."
"a playdate?"
"yup," you nodded. "though i think your dad might've had other reasons for giving me his number." sukuna scoffed, folding his arms. "that didn’t happen."
you raised an eyebrow at him. "oh? so your eyes didn’t sparkle when i smiled and told you goodbye?" sukuna groaned again, this time louder. "my eyes did not do that."
chikara giggled harder, clearly enjoying the banter. "i think daddy liked you right away!" you smiled softly. "maybe he did. i mean, why else would he take me to a skate park for our first date?" sukuna rolled his eyes. "you said you wanted to learn how to skate. i was just being nice."
"uh-huh. sure," you teased. "and he was so good at it, zooming around, showing off. i'll admit..., he did look kinda cool! i, on the other hand, spent most of the time falling."
"which is why i had to keep catching you," sukuna added, sliding into the empty space next to you on the bed. "mommy fell? did daddy save you?" chikara asked, her face lighting up at the idea
sukuna ruffled her pink hair. "more like i had to stop her from breaking every bone in her body." you rolled your eyes at him. "i wasn't that bad."
"yes, you were," sukuna said, smirking. "you almost took me down with you half the time." smiling at the memory, you leaned in to kiss your daughter's forehead. "but it was fun. and after that, we went out for ice cream, and your dad actually smiled for real that time."
"daddy smiled? really?"
sukuna shot you a half-hearted glare. "i smile."
"not back then you didn't," you teased, poking his arm. chikara turned to her dad, beaming. "i wanna learn to skate, too, just like you and mommy!" sukuna chuckled, wrapping an arm around her
"maybe one day, brat. but you’re probably gonna fall as much as your mom did."
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gulp... sorry if sukuna is ooc, im tired and im on my period but i really liked this request so...
jjk taglist
@blendingcaramal @gzchaos @theamazingrain @woah-girlz @voloslobotomyservice
@kyozvy @obessionofagrl @bubybubsters @sugurusbaobei @raindropsonrwses
@c-moon20-12 @saltynanobeanie @theamazingrain @synthiiiiis @ghostlyluminarycloud
@poopyyy @supernatrualqueen @bxrbie-jadeee @laitifly @discipleofthem
@cheesecake95 @strawberry-cherrypie @makeshiftproject @magiamad0ka @ncitygreen
@stillnotherapy @oniondrip @cloudy-yyy @definitely-not-leena @kidd3ath
@atigerandabear @russianremy @ohnoitsamistakee18 @ivy-vivii @ourfinalisation
@1ndee @yourhornysister @ancientimes @cupcaketeddybehr @tomikixd
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munsonsmixtapes · 7 months ago
Flattery Works With Me
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Eddie Munson x shy!fem!reader
summary: with a predicament, the boys beg you to ask Eddie to postpone a DnD session because they know he will do anything you ask
part two
The conversations that were happening throughout the cafeteria rang in your ears as you headed to the table that you always sat at. The usual suspects were all there and you were going to take your seat right next to Eddie just like always. 
You were nervous to speak to him, not only because you were shy, but also because you had been meaning to ask him if the DnD session for that night could be postponed because you had a lot of homework. But you knew how he felt about that sort of thing so you were dreading it, hoping that he would agree just this once. 
Before you could sit, though, you could see Dustin, Lucas, and Mike all arguing a little ways away from the table. From the looks of it, it seemed to be pretty heated and there was no way you were getting in the middle of that. You hated hearing people argue, the loud voices always making you feel anxious because you didn’t have control of the situation. And you liked having control, craved it, even. 
But as soon as you set your tray down on the table, Lucas waved you over. You didn’t know what he was wanting, but you reluctantly made your way over to the boys, your curiosity piqued. You now had to know what their little spat had to do with you. 
“What’s going on?” You asked and Dustin was about to speak before Mike cut him off. That was something that happened often considering that Mike didn’t like how slowly Dustin would take to explain the situation. 
“Look,” he said, looking you directly in the eye. “We have a prior commitment and can’t make it to the session tonight.” You just knew that they were only telling you that because they wanted you to ask Eddie. 
“Correction: Mike was out late with El last night and got grounded so he can’t go to the session,” Lucas corrected with a roll of his eyes. 
“We were wondering if you’d talk to Eddie for us?” Dustin looked at you with hopeful eyes and the smile on his face made you want to pinch his little cheeks. 
“Why me?” You knew exactly why, but you wanted confirmation that Eddie did feel how you thought he did. That you weren’t just being delusional. Because that had happened so many times; you having a crush on someone and your feelings not being reciprocated in any way shape or form. 
“Are you kidding? The man is in love with you.” You scoffed at the comment, but couldn’t help but feel heat rise to your cheeks. Could it have been possible? You supposed you were going to have to ask, but you just couldn’t get yourself to. Asking him to postpone the session was one thing, but asking if he had feelings for you? Absolutely not. 
“Yeah, he’ll do anything you say.” There was some truth to that and if you had more confidence, you would have tested just how far you could get by batting your lashes and putting on a flirty tone. “So will you please ask him?” You were going to ask him anyway, but now there was pressure on you to actually make the move.
“Why don’t you ask him?” You didn’t understand why it had to be you. Surely he would have postponed it for them, right? 
Mike rolled his eyes and made a beeline for Eddie and you watched the conversation, barely picking up what they were saying, but Eddie definitely didn’t look happy. He then waved Mike off and the boy gave you a look as if to say “See?” 
“I told you, he won’t listen to us. But with you? I think we have a shot.” 
“I don’t know,” you shook your head. You really didn’t believe them, because why would Eddie have been interested in you? You had barely uttered a full sentence to the man in the few months that you’d known him so there was no possible way that he could have liked you like that. 
“Please?” Dustin begged one more time and the three of them jutted out their bottom lips, their eyes pleading. God, you really were a pushover. 
“Well, I do have a lot of homework to do tonight.” 
“I knew she’d do it,” Mike nodded with a smile and you ignored him, taking a deep breath and heading over to the metal head who was sitting at the end of the table. 
Eddie took no time to turn to you, a bright smile appearing on his face. You were so pretty that it was unfair and he kept wondering to himself what he had done to have been so lucky to have you in his life. He thought your shyness was adorable, the way he’d have to lean forward to hear what you were saying because of how soft spoken you were. 
And the dresses you always wore nearly killed him. The way they swung when you walked and how everyone would stare at you in the school hallway, he wondered how you didn’t realize just how beautiful you were. Surely you had to have known, but with the way you were always so surprised when he complimented you, it was clear that you had no idea. 
“Hi, Eddie,” you greeted him, trying your best to maintain eye contact with him, every time you caught sight of that beautiful brown color, you knew you’d be a goner. They were hypnotizing, so fucking pretty that it should have been a crime. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he smiled, turning fully in his chair to face you. “Take a seat.” If he knew it wouldn’t have made you uncomfortable, he would have offered his lap. 
You hesitantly sat in the seat next to him and he could tell you were uneasy, your anxiety palpable. He let his hand inch towards yours underneath the table, letting his pinky stroke yours gently as if asking for permission to take it. Without a word, you wrapped your pinky around his, ignoring his gaze, unpacking your lunch with your free hand.
You felt your anxiety melt away as you felt his pinky squeeze yours gently, as if to tell you that he was right there for you. And he was. He wanted to make sure that you were okay, because at that point, you were his number one priority and he would stop at nothing to help you. He wished it was possible to go into your mind and quiet the voices that were always whispering to you.
“Can I ask you something,” you asked, feeling your hands shake as you realized what you were about to do. Your voice was barely above a whisper, but Eddie just leaned forward so he could hear you. His hearing wasn’t that great anyway, but he actually kind of liked that you were so soft spoken so he had an excuse to get closer to you. 
“Anything,” he replied, giving your pinky another squeeze and you beckoned him forward. Eddie leaned closer to you with no question and you nervously reached up and tucked some hair behind his ear, cupping your hand around it before leaning in and whispering into it. 
“I-I have a lot of homework to do tonight and I was wondering if it’d be okay if we postponed the session tonight?” You asked and felt your heart hammering in your chest as you waited for his answer. You pulled away from him and bit down on your bottom lip and Eddie had to stop himself from staring, wanting to pull your lip from your teeth and kiss you, not giving a single fuck about who was looking. 
You were so goddamn adorable that he felt his chest ache. Didn’t you know that he would do anything for you? Just one bat of those eyelashes and he would have even been willing to commit murder if it meant that you would give him even a sliver of a chance. 
“Yeah,” he nodded his head furiously. “No problem. You know flattery works with me," he winked, giving you a nudge. He hadn’t even given his decision a second thought as he stood up from the table, his mushy feelings subsiding as he took on his authoritative role. 
“Alright, everyone listen up,” he said, his voice a little too loud for your liking. “The session tonight is being postponed until next week because y/n has homework to do.” You turned to the others at the table and they all groaned, digging into their pockets and pulling out money that Dustin was gratefully taking, thanking them all for the cash. 
You could hear grumbles from the others, upset that not only was there not going to be a session that night, but also because they now were out five dollars. It was seemingly a lose-lose. You turned to Eddie who was already looking at you, a warm smile playing on his pretty pink lips. 
He then leaned down and put his lips right by your ear, his hot breath on your skin making you shudder. His hand fell to your shoulder and the way his hair was fanning around you made your cheeks heat even more. 
“I can help you with your homework if you need it.” He pulled away so that your faces were only inches apart, that stupid smirk still evident on his lips. 
“I-I’d like that,” you nodded. 
“It’s a date,” he said, shooting you a wink before sitting back down in his chair. You lowered your head and began eating your lunch, letting yourself come up with things to do with Eddie because there was no way you were actually going to do your homework.
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on-the-clear-blue · 7 months ago
Dead Man's Diner pt 4
"THOSE FUCKING BITCHES SAM!" Danny shouted as he stormed into his apartment, slinging his backpack off by the door as he toes his shoes off.
Rounding the corner of the hallway, Danny was met with Tucker, shirtless with only a pair of plaid boxers on, staring at him with sleep glazed eyes, he had a box of cereal in one hand, and a bottle of oat milk in the other, raising the bottle in a salute, Tucker stuffed a handful of cereal into his mouth before taking a swig of the milk, holding up a hand to stop Danny from speaking as he chewed, only letting his hand fall before he spoke.
"The Bats are fucking assholes!"
Tucker looked back at the bottle of oat milk, sighed and placed it back in the refrigerator, chucking the box of cereal on the counter, Tucker grabbed Danny by the shoulders.
"Of course they are Jerks Danny..." his grip tightened as he started to shake the Halfa, "I have ten deadlines and 5 missed calls, I really want to geek out right now about you meeting the local heroes but I really don't have the time, so yes, jerks, tell me about it later okay?"
Danny phased through the tough grip on his shoulders, letting out a giggle as he watched Tucker fumble as he no longer had someone to help steady himself, "I did yell specifically for Sam, Tuck so you can't get mad at me! Go huant the Wanyetech building, I know for sure those dudes are way more dead inside than I am!"
Getting a groan from his friend at his dead pun, Danny continued into the apartment, snatching Tuckers cereal box off the counter as he went to sit in the living room.
Spotting Sam typing something on a lap top, her big over the ear headphones blaring as he flops down next to her, which thankfully was enough for her to notice him.
Offering g the box of cereal to her, she sent him a tired smile as she slipped the head phones off and took some of the fruit flavored rings, "Hey there Deadstuff...how was work?"
Danny sent her a grin, "Well, Clocky decided to throw me a bone and I think I got this? He is a little bitch boy that sends me all over the place but this time it was a dined, Lunch Lady taught me how to cook." Pasuing to stuff a new handful of tasty fruity goodness, Danny spoke around the cereal in his mouth "Cookin' ish so much more cool when da food isn't trying to kill you"
Slapping Danny's arm as she rolled her "Don't eat with your mind full and tell me what got you so riled up" Sliding her laptop of her self she tucked her knees up before stretching them out over Danny, who was already going off on his story.
"Wait wait! You had Nightwing in you're restaurant and you didn't get me an autograph?" Same shot Danny a scowl, who at least had the decency to look sorry
"I was going to but they fucking dined and dashed Sam! Even when I was actively Phantom, I never, ever just left a bill!"
Dick knew that perhaps eating the food was a slightly bad idea, given the look B gave them when him and Tim pulled into the Cave.
He was standing there, arms crossed, thankfully cowl down, what made the sight infinitely less intimidating was Damian doing the same next to him, his head tilted to look down at them and perhaps standing on his tittpy toes a little bit.
Dick wanted to coo at the father son bonding, but remembered he had to act at least a little chastised at the moment "Yes I am sorry B, It was my decision to head in, there was no outward danger so we just took a chance."
Wincing at the gruff grunt he got from that Dick powered on, "I will write a more detailed report, but personally if anything wrong it's likely that the kid working there is Meta? I dont-"
"He can't be meta! He is very clearly a ghost Dick!" Tim interrupted already flipping through some notes he had made on the way back home, "its the only explanation...or he is a 5th dimensional Imp with a passion for cooking but I really hope not those guys suck to deal with..."
Dick nodded at that, but had to say some thing foe his own superfan imp "Nightmite is a chill dude helps sometimes with cases back in Bludhaven!"
Giving a sigh, Bruce rubbed the bridge of his nose, "No mites, no metas, no ghost, go to Medbay I am running blood tests on what sweet hell you have ingested."
Bruce ran the test again, sure that it was wrong, praying that it was wrong.
Underneath was lists of chemical make ups of the samples Tim took and his sons blood, there were varying levels through out the food samples, some lighter but others were heavy on it.
What was stumping him was...it was nearly perfectly pure, the pits naturally over time get polluted, with the dirt and sediment that falls in, and with the various amounts of bodily parts and fluids that are dipped in it.
But the trace amounts Bruce was finding were a better quality than Ra's own personal pool, not the one he dips in to regain his youth that the LOA make a ritual out of, no the privet one in the Alps that was clear as glacial water.
It didn't make any sense to Bruce, who would be spreading Lazarus water around? Ra's would not simply share his secret pure stash...
Lost in thought, Bruce sat back glaring at the test results.
"And after I thought I was giving great service, they fucking left, no bill, no tip! I didn't even get to see Nightwings ass as he left! People say it's a godly experience! I was robbed!" Letting out a huff Danny shot Sam an incredulous look at her sudden burst of laughter. "Sa~am, this isn't funny! Never meet your heroes! I am taking this to Twitter! They shall know my fury!" His words only served to make Sam laugh even harder.
Stifling a grin Danny took out hos phone, a old busted thing that was more ducktape and prayers than actual technology, but dear go's did it still work.
[@.realwing @not-that-red-robin.real yall are toxic twinks came in to my workplace and fucking dined and dashed 0/10 Nightwing has a flat ass.]
Hitting send, Danny put his phone down, choosing to let the nights happenings go past his mind and just hang out with Sam before showering and finally going to bed.
Tim was hunched over his lap top, going frame by frame of his body cam footage, he *needed* to figure this out, it was like an itch in his brain that he would go through bone to get through.
His work payed off as he clicked forward another time, his feed went static before it showed a blurry blue blob in place of the diner! Proof! It was there!
Jumping at the sudden bang of his bedroom door being thrown open, Tim whirled to around to see Dicks distressed face, standing up, Tim prepared for the worst, something happened. Bruce was dead agian it had to be-
"TIMMY I AM A TWINK AM I??" Was Dicks wail as he flopped down on Tim's bed.
Letting out a shuddering sigh, Tim looked longingly at his laptop before closing it, "Dick, what the fuck."
Rolling around on the bed, Dick finally looked up at Tim "Littlewing sent me a tweet and...ugh just look!" Thrusting out his phone as he spoke
Pasuing at the mention of Jason, Tim  looked down at the screen and froze
"Holy shit...we forgot to pay didn't we...fuck Jason is never going to let us live that down."
Tim still remembered the first time he witnessed one of Jason's famous "make Bruce spend more money" rants about tipping.
It was glorious.
Tim now realized he would be one of two that was likely going to have to face it next.
"UGH?? You focus on the money and not the other parts? Tim I was called a toxic twink with no ass! This is a declaration of war! I have never been so offended!" Dick sat up, eyes narrowd while Tim opened up the tweet on his own phone.
"The comments agree Dick, I am sorry, you now have a flat ass congrats and welcome to the club" Tim said dryly, trying to go to the posters page, since it was clearly Danny who posted it.
Only the app crashed when he tried to. And again when he tried to a second time, and his web browser crashed when he tried opening it there
Tim was baffled on what was happening while Dick lemented on his bed before deciding to hack it later.
[@i-haunt-spirit-holloween super sorry about that send me venmo and I'll pay with tip]
[@not-that-red-robin.real Fuck that face me like a coward bitch bet you wont]
Somewhere in a safe house in Crime Ally, Jason let out a little giggled as he scrolled through the comments on the funniest post he had found in a while, Jason was surely going to have to speak to Timberly and Dickiebird about paying their bills but right now?
He was kicking his feet watching Dick have a public meltdown as Nightwing.
Finally, he wouldn't be the only one who had to retake the Bat Media course.
How was he supposed to know doing peace signs next to a person he just shot wasn't allowed?
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toast-on-dandelioms · 9 months ago
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🕷️Just Another Neglected Story🕷️
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[previous] - Part 4.1 - [next]
Any names that you find familiar, in this part, were taken (with permission) from the fanart made by @the-broken-truth, while some changes like description of what's happening were made by me then modified by my beta reader, my bbg, Jamie.
tw: Joker, angst/no comfort, small description of injuries, small description/mention of a panic attack (I am unsure if it was that, please tell me if I am wrong).
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Weeks passed with you still being Spider and a 'normal' teenager at the same time. But some changes and new things happened in these weeks.
You got visited by Superman almost daily, or nightly since he always visited when you were patrolling at night. You never questioned how he knew where to find you, you didn't want to think about it and just let him follow you during your nightly patrols.
He also helped you train while using all of your strength because you usually held back in fear of hurting people, so his tips helped a lot  considering that he also had the same problem before.
Furthermore, now that you started to help with small problems around Gotham, like small thefts and gang problems, those problems started to slowly stop, giving you more time to train with Superman and help around the community.
You still didn't join the Bats or even the Justice League whenever Superman tried to propose it, you just didn't want to fight big shots like Joker or other super villains.
You liked doing small things and loved seeing the change it brought from you helping.
Just defeating super villains won't reward you with a pie from the nice old lady after helping her move her things in the apartment and give her groceries if she can't go to the supermarket, or getting drawings of little kids after you help them go home safely.
You also scored candies whenever the moms had them, which made you incredibly happy because they always had the candies you loved. 
So you were happy, especially since Alfred never mentioned your breakdown after that night and kept on the usual routine of leaving your food on the desk in your room so you wouldn't have to come down to the kitchen.
You did notice him acting a bit weird but you pushed those thoughts aside since you didn't really notice anything weird happening around the Manor so you thought he was just nervous for something Bruce did.
You gave him too much trust and sooner than later you will regret doing that.
But something did change around the Manor, you just didn't notice because you started to walk on the ceiling, without shoes or Alfred would kill you, to avoid annoying encounters with anyone in the house, even if listening to music while on the ceiling was a bit difficult but you’re managing.
Well, Alfred knew that if he walked to Bruce and told him about you and what you felt he would've been ignored, especially since Bruce barely remembers that you even exist in the Manor and that you're a member of the family.
And even if Bruce did remember that you exist he would be annoyed, especially since he clearly hated your mother and was only paying the child support because he had to, especially since your mother threatened to take him to court if he wouldn't pay when he first got the news.
Talking to any of the batkids would've also been useless, because he also knew that no one in the Manor remembers you, especially now that you could walk on walls no one could even see you.
He couldn't count how many times he almost got a heart attack whenever he could see you on the ceiling, just hanging out or doing your homework, even though he still didn't understand how you could work without gravity making everything fall.
So he decided to do it in small steps, starting with leaving photos of you around the house in places where everyone sees them.
He put almost every picture that he owns of you, like you at a dance recital as the lead dancer or you at a science fair to which you won first place with an invention of yours.
One thing Alfred knew by putting your photos was that every person would notice how in all your photos you were alone and how your face never showed any emotion.
He knew it was small but he couldn't wait anymore, he needed to take action now or before you decided to leave for the Kent family, he couldn't let you go after he heard you talk about Clark and Conner while he made food in the kitchen.
He just hoped it wasn't too late for you, especially with your break down. He hoped you could still let someone in after all these years of being alone.
He did try his best but he was only a butler and he couldn't change someone's view of another person if that view was filled with hatred.
And you never noticed thanks to your walking on the ceiling or walls, moreover, you couldn't care less if they actually noticed you now. You were finally moving on and having a new start thanks to Spider.
But now it's not the time to think of Alfred's attempt of getting you acknowledged by the family, you were getting busier thanks to all the work as Spider, school and also dance classes.
You also kept on using yourself as a test subject, just to check the process of the spider DNA that's now in your DNA and seeing if anything changed or you had some mysterious new powers, taking videos to record the process of your evolution with the now Spider DNA in your body.
One thing you acquired after a while was invisibility, or camouflage as you called it since invisibility sounded magical and you didn't want it to sound like you were a kid.
How you found out you could use it was not a good experience.
You were in the kitchen with Alfred, just hanging out with him while he cooked when Damian suddenly entered the room to ask Alfred for some food for a new pet that he adopted.
In your panic at the sheer thought of Damian seeing you and hurting you like he did in the past made you freeze up, squeezing your eyes shut in hopes that he would just disappear from existence. Praying to every god you could recall that Damian wouldn't find you, you tried to not breathe too loudly so he wouldn’t hear you.
After a few minutes of paranoia passed and you didn't hear anything around you, you slowly opened your eyes and saw Damian still waiting for Alfred to give him the food for a cat he adopted and completely ignoring you.
You were still scared he would see you so you stayed silent and waited patiently, albeit apprehensively, for him to go away before actually making a sound, which was a loud sigh of restrained relief as air poured back into your lungs. Somehow you hadn't noticed that you'd been holding your breath the whole time. Strange.
You slowly got down from the counter you were sitting on and walked up to Alfred, confused as to why the old man wasn't looking at you and instead was looking at the ceiling before softly calling out his name.
You got even more confused and slightly worried when he got scared since you were standing right in front of him but he, for some reason, couldn't see you.
After a bit of Alfred trying to explain that he couldn't actually see you and you not understanding why, you finally managed to make yourself visible.
You quickly went to work at the corporation to take a few tests to see what happened and didn't see anything with those tests but after a few days of trying to understand what happened and how you could make it happen again, you managed to go invisible on command.
It took a bit but you managed to do it, which got extremely useful to sneak into the kitchen when you need to get some snacks in the middle of the night so that Alfred doesn't catch you on the wall eating chips at 3 am.
Plus thanks to that time you found out that your eyes glow in the dark, which was a bit weird since the spider that bit you wasn't a bioluminescent one but you figured it was your own DNA that changed some things.
In the time following that discovery and training with Clark, you slowly started to join him in solo missions for the Justice League, but made sure to tell him that you didn't want to partner up with another person except him.
And you made sure that he knew you weren't an official member of the Justice League or of the Young Justice League, you just joined him so you wouldn't get rusty since Gotham is still filled with crime but fighting with teens or men who just swing a crowbar or knife is not really challenging.
You didn't want anyone except Clark to join those solo missions, not because you were scared of hurting another person since you learned to control your strength thanks to him and got pretty good with your spider senses.
You just hated being around people you didn't know or trust, especially if they were a member of the Wayne family, you absolutely detested them.
You refused to look at them and especially talk to them even though you had the voice modulator.
One of the many reasons you used the voice modulator was to not get recognised but also because you hated your own voice and the voice modulator helped when talking to lost kids or just kids in general.
You never told anyone why you hate your voice, you just refused to talk one day and learned asl to communicate with people and also used notes if people didn't know asl.
The mask was like a hearing aid, it changed your voice and helped you use it more so you could talk sometimes.
As time passed, the birdies (basically all of Bruce's kids, you just called them all bird to show how much you didn't care about them) kept on trying to talk to you and showing up where you were when you were patrolling.
You had a list of most annoying to less annoying since you couldn't really do much about them, especially since Clark forbade you to throw another one of them off a roof if they got too close to your liking or just breathed wrong.
They never sustained grave injuries since you always threw them to another building or a dumpster, or to Superman if he was around.
Most of the time in a dumpster to make yourself smile since you would take a photo then swing away before they could do anything, but they started to pose whenever you would take a photo, making you annoyed and ruining your fun.
The most annoying was Dick, with how persistent he was even if he was stuck on a wall thanks to your webs when he got too close or made you uncomfortable by continuing to call you nicknames that he would use with Damian and Tim.
You hated how he would just laugh and call you his little sibling, especially since he would never call you that if you didn't have a mask on and you felt that it was unfair that he suddenly cared about you just because of the mask.
It made you feel like you were getting ignored and forgotten once again but this time to a version of you that he likes while the one behind the mask is always getting ignored.
Just like at the Manor, the real you will never be appreciated and accepted with love.
The second most annoying in the list is Tim, it was gonna be Damian but Tim took second place with how creepy he is around you and how he knows too much of what you do.
Like, you knew he's the one who knows everything about every hero and villain since you saw him work on the bat-computer while you were stealing a few grappling hooks for your web shooters since they broke. (You were invisible and you got lucky that Cassandra wasn't there or she would've found you immediately.)
But seeing him open a folder and watching how many videos and photos he has of you in the bat-computer, like when you were fighting some gang members or when you were helping some nice old lady crossing the street.
If anyone else showed you their collection of you doing badass or just normal stuff while you were a vigilante then you would've felt impressed and very honored because you never thought someone would actually go out their way to be a fan of you.
But seeing Tim, someone you still had some respect for, having so many files, especially from when you first started and hit so many walls while swinging around made you weirded out and somehow violated, especially with how concentrated he was while staring at the videos.
Seeing that folder and all the information he had on you made you lose all the respect you still had for the boy.
Another thing he did was that, whenever you met him while patrolling or eating a few hot dogs with your favorite guy, he would always talk of things you did like he was there and creeped you out so much that you had to restrain yourself from throwing him off a roof or wherever you two were.
Most of the time you just tased him and went your way, paying the hotdog guy a little extra so he wouldn't stop selling you hot dogs.
You're also starting to think that hot dog guy is using you for the tips since you always tip him 50$ or more to stay silent and let you grab more hot dogs from him.
Third annoying but still so annoying that you want to punch his face is Damian. Mostly because he treats you like you're his older sibling.
Like he respects you and looks up to you. But you knew it was because of the mask since you also knew that if you ever took off the mask in front of him he would try to kill you.
You have to be supervised by Clark and even Jon since your only solution to get rid of Damian when he’s around you is throwing him off a roof without worrying about not using your super strength.
You hated the kid and didn't really hide it but he never said anything about it since he thought you two were bonding and you acting like you hate him is normal.
You wanted to tase him when he dared to call you his older sibling in Arabic, hating the look on his face that had so much adoration and admiration for you since it actually made him look like a normal teen.
(You learned some Arabic to get close to Damian when you found out where he was from when you were young)
Like he didn't create so many scars on your arms and legs with his sword and those batarangs. Like he didn’t make you so afraid of the Manor that Alfred had to assure you that he wouldn’t hurt you or you would get a panic attack by getting near the Manor.
Least annoying but still annoying is Jason Todd. You hate that mask he wears because you can't see his face and know what he’s really thinking about, and especially how he acts like you two are two old friends who meet up everyday.
You hate how he pats you on the head when you're distracted, since the spider sense doesn't really deem him a threat for you, and manages to evade your attempts to kick him away or throw him off a roof, laughing whenever you try to do so.
Like you two were just playing and you weren't angry at him and wanting to throw something at him but couldn't.
So your one solution was ignoring him and walking to the side of the building so he wouldn't reach you since he couldn't walk on walls like you.
Which did make you smug whenever he complained about it on the roof of the same building, finding it funny when he acted all offended when he understood you were smug by how you were acting even if your mask didn’t show your face.
Yea you and Jason did get along sometimes, most of the time if you were having a nice day and if he was the first one you would meet of the birds.
You had a decent relationship with Jason, yes you did have fun sometimes but you wouldn't call him a friend or even your brother.
Plus you never forgot about the years he would ignore you and especially when he punched you in the eye and didn't even apologize decently.
Or how he would complain about how terrible of a father Bruce is, or how annoying Dick is to anyone else while you would just stand there, completely ignored since he was probably talking to someone else or to himself.
And acted like he was the only one who's life was 'ruined' when Bruce got in his life when he's still loved even after everything he's done.
Even though he's still remembered every Christmas and given big gifts that means that the person who bought them thought of him, and birthday while no one even remembered you had a birthday and you always celebrated it with a cupcake or some friends.
So you preferred to ignore him or you would punch his skull if he tried to complain one more time about Batman and his death.
Not like Cassandra, Duke and Stephanie were any better.
Cassandra was annoying because of how silent she was. You always managed to see her but you knew she wanted you to see her.
Plus, 'hanging out' with her was just you doing your usual stuff while she followed since you couldn't push her away like the others.
And fighting wasn't in the option since she could kick your ass with just a hand and without moving, so you just ignored her, even though your spider sense was always going crazy when she was around since she was a walking threat.
Even five minutes with her would give you the worst headaches that you had to ask her to stand very far or you wouldn't be able to even walk around without wanting to puke.
You hated her because she was taken in by Bruce like you but instead of being hated because of her upbringing, she got accepted with open arms and he always loved her.
What did she have that you didn't?! Why does she get all the attention and love you always wished for while you're getting forgotten and hated?!
You saw her getting accepted, getting all the love you always wished for, seeing your father going to her dance recitals while he didn't even bother to even acknowledge that you do the same sport as her but in a different and smaller dance studio since you couldn't afford to go to the one Cassandra goes because of how expensive even one lesson was.
Stephanie was another person you hated. You knew of her past, you used the bat-computer whenever no one was in the batcave when you managed to control the invisibility.
You knew about what her dad did. You understood her reasoning to become a vigilante. You didn't hate her for her past, god you didn't even care who her father was.
You just hated her because of how loved she was by everyone. She was like Cassandra but once again, all the love was going towards the two and it never even touched you.
You did try to bond with her when you arrived at the Manor but she did look like she wanted to be everywhere but not with you.
Even when you only talked about things you knew she loved, it still wasn't enough for her. She still avoided you and preferred to spend time with either Barbara, Dick or Tim.
And after a bit you gave up and let her live her life without you in her way since she clearly didn't care about you.
The worst part was that everyone prefers Spider than you, since she also keeps trying to hang out with you when you're patrolling or spending time with kids and teens.
Or getting beat during a game of basketball since you sucked at that game and the teens you played with would tease you which made you laugh since you liked spending time with people the same age as you.
But it would be ruined when she would show up, wanting to play too even though she would just play with you and make it obvious she wanted to make you win.
Which ruined the game entirely for you and always made you leave after a bit with the excuse of being busy as a vigilante, which made the teens and also Stephanie confused.
Duke was the only one of them that you knew tried to hang out with you when you weren't Spider. That's why he was one of the ones you hang out with most if he came to see you while you were patrolling.
He came when you were almost 15, you didn't remember how old you were but you knew he was one of the ones who actually paid attention to you.
But after a while, all his duties as Signal, as a high schooler and as one of Bruce's kids made him too busy for him to spend time with you, to which he explained whenever he was late for something you two planned to do.
And you understood, you cheered for him from the back and always smiled at him whenever he was with you as Signal, even if he couldn't see it. And he did tell you the best places to get food during patrols so you liked him for that, but you remained loyal to the hot dog guy.
But then there was Bruce, acting like he was the savior from his kids that kept annoying you even though he wasn't any better than any of his kids, he was one of the worst in terms of how annoying he was.
He was starting to compete with Dick for the first spot on your list, which you didn't like since you just wanted to be alone, or with Duke and Jason.
Like he would keep on calling you kid and other nicknames you heard him give to his sons over the years, which made you sick because it reminded you of when you were little and that your biggest wish was to also get a nickname like your brothers and sisters and spend time with him as your father even if he never paid any actual attention to you.
But what you hated most was how he always smiled softly at you, even when you tried to kick him away and he would just grab your ankle like it was nothing, like you were his favorite child. Like he didn't tell you that he would never be a father to you when you gave him a father's day card when you were 12 and trying to bond with him.
Looking at you with so much love and adoration, making you disgusted since he was the same man who once looked at you with disgust and hatred just for entering his office because you needed his signature for something.
The same man who clearly told you to not expect him to treat you like his child since you weren't. You were just an annoying kid who had to come to his house since no one else wanted to take you in.
You wanted to puke whenever he looked with love, refusing to forget about everything he did just because you were a child of someone he hated.
You understood why Bruce hated your mother, you couldn't force everyone to like what you like, but you still didn't understand why he had to ruin your life by keeping you with him.
He could have sent you to a foster home, he could have sent you to boarding school all your life so he could never see the face of the one he hates. But he didn't.
No, he decided to accept you in his home and ruined your life, making you miserable by keeping you there and then basically neglecting you and forgetting you even exist.
You wanted to puke whenever he looked at you with love when you were Spider, you had to take so many showers and had to scrub your skin so hard it turned red by how hard you tried to wash away his touch whenever he managed to actually touch you on either the shoulders or head.
You found comfort in Clark since he never forced you to interact with the Robins and Batman and understood why you hated them since you explained to him who you were but didn't tell him everything.
He did annoy you whenever he tried to suggest you to come with him to Metropolis even after you explained that you couldn't just move to another city right in the middle of the school year.
Moreover you were still a minor and you would need Bruce's consent, which you refused to ask since you refused to acknowledge that he was supposed to be your legal guardian.
Plus you always had fun with his kids when they were around since they would throw you in the air and catch you, making you laugh like crazy since their throw was like making you fly for like 2 minutes before catching you.
Conner was more fun to be around because he understood what you were going through since he also had problems with Superman when the kryptonian refused to accept the clone as his son.
Plus he always made the best jokes and made you laugh whenever you would have a bad day after seeing your legal guardian and his kids having a fun outing together while you were at the Manor since they didn't even remember you existed.
Or when you had a bad dance practice and almost destroyed your pointe shoes with your strength because you thought you weren't good enough to be a ballet dancer which spiraled to thinking that because of you not being good at dancing then you weren't good enough to be recognised by your legal guardian and his family.
He was more like an older brother than Dick, Jason and Tim ever were for you. And you didn't even care, you loved him as a brother and loved hanging out with him.
Jon was nice but he was also friends with Damian and you didn't really spend that much time with him because of that. You were scared Damian would be with him and you didn't want to see the evil spawn.
But the times you did hang out with him were nice, he always brought cake that his grandparents made and shared it with you while you listened to him talk about whatever he wanted.
He was fun and very nice but you weren't used to hanging around a small teen who actually wanted to be with you and actively seeked you out for your attention.
You were more used to a small teen who would glare at you and attack you if you dared do anything, even just breathing in his direction, the scars on your arms and back proved that.
But you never said anything to Jon about what his best friend did to you, you didn't want Jon to feel like he had to choose between two sides.
And you knew he would choose Damian's side, no one ever chose your side. You knew no one would even dare to be by your side.
Well after a while of going to missions with Clark and him letting you do most of the work as training with his close by to make sure you wouldn't get hurt, you were finally going on a relatively simple mission with Conner and unfortunately with Jason.
You knew Conner didn't want him there but he probably got Batman to convince Clark and him, so you didn't say anything to him about Jason being there and just stayed by his side while you were in the small ship.
The whole ride was spent in silence, only stopped whenever Conner would check the coordinates or by the sound of you fixing the web shooters to make sure they wouldn't go haywire when you were fighting.
You finally landed in the spot where you were supposed to start your mission, near the villain's lair, if you could call it that since it was an unused bunker a group of cultists found and are now living there, which made you get down eagerly since you wanted to finally do a mission without Clark's supervision.
But your excitement immediately died when you saw Stephanie waiting for you there, making you let out a loud string of curses.
And yes, you did ignore the message on your phone from Clark that said 'language' and just walked past Stephanie and Jason, just wanting to get the mission done and go home with Conner.
Plus he did promise you his grandmother's best pie if you finished the mission and you could not pass up the opportunity of getting another slice of that delicious pie.
As you walked up to the lair with Conner, you patted him on the back before standing in front of the door as Stephanie tried to open it by picking the lock. You waited exactly 10 seconds for Stephanie to unlock the door before pushing her away, kicking the door down with your strength since she was taking too long for your liking.
You didn't even care if they were watching, you just glared at them all in silence for a few seconds before they were able to hear you say.
"Stay here and you two don't follow me, Conner don't try anything or I will tell Clark"
Then, right in front of them you became invisible before walking off, the only sound they could hear were of your sneakers walking down the metallic stairs.
(Switch Pov to Stephanie)
Stephanie knew she wasn't the best person. She knew of her father's evil doings and she knew she wasn't the best Robin or the best vigilante.
But when she saw Spider, she thought that they were perfect. They were always helping people and never too busy for everyone.
She, at first, didn't even know who Spider is because of how busy she was with her life and her vigilante job. But when she saw Tim researching them, she was amazed.
She knew there were other vigilantes in the city, it was a big city but she didn't know about a vigilante who didn't fight big villains like the others.
She saw Spider helping old ladies, stopping small gangs from forming by helping the teens and just being an image for the people to rely on.
She knew Bruce stopped high grade villains like Joker or others but Spider, Spider was different.
They didn't fight Joker, no they just fought the criminals who would bother people that couldn't do anything to stop them.
She admired the vigilante and wanted to be friends with them, maybe one day she could convince them to join her and her family at the Manor.
But what she didn't understand even though she craved to know was why they hated her. Why they hated her and the rest of her family.
She tried so much, she craved their validation so much that she trained so hard and tried so many times to interact with them.
But she would keep on getting ignored or she wouldn't be able to follow them by the speed of them swinging or when they walk on walls to avoid her.
She cried so many nights at the thought of her idol, the one person she wanted, no craved validation would hate her so much when she can't even remember or know why they hate her so much.
But when she heard of Jason joining Spider for their first mission, she was so jealous that she used the bat-computer to check where Spider's mission was supposed to be and followed them in another ship.
She wanted to show to her idol how brave she was, so maybe they will praise her and laugh like when they're with Conner, Clark and Jon.
Plus she wanted to wipe Jason's smirk off his face since he kept on bragging about going to a mission with Spider for days and how he was the favorite since compared to the rest of them, he was the one who Spider stayed the longest before leaving or throwing him off the roof.
But all her excitement and hope died the minute she heard Spider curse when they saw her, her head slowly lowering as she tried not to cry.
And when Spider told them to stay there, god she wanted to protest but strangely Jason held her back and just told her to hack in the security system to watch Spider with the cameras.
She didn't understand why she couldn't follow Spider to help them but did as Jason told her to, watching all the cameras with him and seeing henchmen getting knocked out or tased by Spider even though they weren't visible.
Plus she found it hilarious when a goon got knocked out by a flying metal tray and the others just stood there confused before also getting knocked out by a taser or a punch then getting tied up on a wall or floor.
As she watched the security feed, she noticed that Spider entered the boss's sanctuary, filled with small and useless artifacts that the Justice League used to trace the villain so they could capture him and stop him before he tried to grow his cult or summon some demon.
She kept watching and trying to find a camera inside the sanctuary, starting to get annoyed and also panicking a little because if she couldn't see anything in the sanctuary then she couldn't call for backup if something went wrong, especially by how far Spider was, and even if they were going to help them, it would take too long.
She kept on switching cameras and trying to hack into anything that was electronic, getting more frustrated as time passed since she could see the villain approaching the sanctuary with someone next to him, making her confused since he wasn't supposed to have partners that helped him.
She managed to switch a camera in time to see Joker next to the villain, the blood in her face draining as she stared at the clown on her screen in silence, her eyes wide like bugs and no sound could be heard from all three of the teens.
She went back to where Spider was and noticed a camera was on, to which Stephanie immediately tried to warn them by moving the camera a bit but it was too late and both villains entered the sanctuary and closed the door so Spider wouldn't be able to leave without getting noticed by the cultist and the clown.
She watched the feed without moving any part of her body in terror that if she even moved then the two villains would notice Spider and do something horrible to them.
She gasped when she saw Joker suddenly pulling out a gun and pointing it at where Spider was supposed to be, not managing to hear what he was saying since the cameras were old and didn't register any sounds, plus his psycho-smile made it difficult for her to read his lips so she couldn't even use that to her advantage.
As Stephanie kept watching, not noticing that she was holding her breath by how focused she was on Joker then cursed loudly when she saw the screen turn black, throwing the tablet in anger as she got up, making signs for Jason and Conner to follow as she ran into the lair.
She quickly jumped over any henchmen on the ground, needing to get to Spider immediately and save them.
She had to help. She had to stop that psychopath from hurting them. She needed to protect them.
As she ran, her vision was starting to get blurry by the tears threatening to fall as she ran. As she ran, she suddenly got blocked by the metal door that was blocking her from saving Spider.
She immediately called Conner, wanting to use his strength to open the door but unfortunately he couldn't even throw a decent punch that could leave a dent on it.
Even after a few tries Conner didn't do anything so she started to try to open it by using the panel next to the door, her frustration already growing by how useless he was.
So Stephanie sent Conner outside to call Superman and Batman while she and Jason tried to open the door as they waited for the two heroes to arrive.
As the three of them waited for Batman and Superman to come, Jason and Stephanie saw something coming out the door that made their blood cold.
Some form of gas kept on coming out the door and the only thing they were able to hear were some noises of something or someone getting hit and coughing.
Stephanie did smell the gas, trying to pinpoint what the gas was but she couldn't recognise it since the only thing she could detect was that it had a sweet smell, which was nothing like all the gasses she ever smelled before.
The only thing she knew is that the gas wasn't the usual gas Joker uses on his victims since she wasn't laughing or having a maniacal smile but she still couldn't pinpoint what the gas was.
Stephanie stayed silent, trying not to show how terrified she was while Jason was trying to kick down the door while yelling curses directed at Joker.
Conner was outside the lair to use the ship and communicate with Batman and Superman, knowing they were both on different missions and he couldn't fly to both of them to ask for help, especially since he found out that he couldn't even fly, making him even more desperate for them to come.
As they waited Stephanie tried to make Jason stop punching the door when she saw his knuckles bleed, not wanting another one of her siblings get hurt because of her incompetence before looking at the door.
The blood drained from her face, her knees giving up on her and making her fall to the ground as she heard a scream, the cold metal floor the only thing she could feel at the moment.
She knew the scream couldn't be of Joker. He heard him yell before and this scream wasn't his. She hoped for every god as she tried to hack the panel of the door, even though she already tried before, with a bit of difficulty, her vision starting to blur as tears started to fall and her hands trembling as she was trying to ignore the multiple screams she kept hearing.
She couldn't let Spider get hurt, she should've been there to help them. They didn't deserve the pain and hurt she and almost all of the Robins went through because of Joker.
She stopped when she felt a familiar hand on her shoulder, the realization that she was just messing up the wires and making it even more difficult for the door to be opened when she looked at her hands tangled in between the wires.
She looked up at the man and visibly relaxed, completely giving out on the floor as Jason helped her by cutting the wires tangled in her hands while Batman examined what was happening as Conner explained what he knew, Superman next to him and waiting for Batman to give orders since he knew that if he acted irrationally then Spider would be in danger.
(Switch to Bruce's POV)
Bruce knew he wasn't a good person and a hero like Clark and Diana, that's why he called himself a vigilante since heroes save people and stop criminals but he couldn't save everyone.
Sometimes he was too late and he couldn't save someone innocent that unfortunately crossed ways with a villain or a gang.
Another thing Bruce knew was that he wasn't the best father because he let his kids get hurt by going on patrols with him as a vigilante, not thinking about what could happen to them if they fought someone too strong or if he suddenly decided to make them stop being a vigilante by saying that it was to protect them, which made everyone sneak out to be a vigilante.
He had to bury his children too early because of vigilantism and couldn't help his son when he was being trained by the League of Assassins.
But when he saw Spider for the first time, seeing a child that looked no older than 14, maybe 15, made him think that maybe, maybe he could help this one become the best version of themselves.
And if he was good enough, he could be a father again and get another child saved from the darkness and evil that surrounds Gotham.
Even if the only evil Spider saw was him and his family.
One thing he hated was that he couldn't understand why Spider absolutely loathed him and everyone of the vigilantes who live or have lived under his roof.
He couldn't understand why and even after checking every mission he ever did that included helping kids/teens in Gotham, nothing gave him a lead as to why Spider hated him.
And the worst thing was that Spider decided, out of all the heroes and vigilantes in the world, and especially in the Justice League, to trust and get close to Clark.
To Clark! His enemy! He was supposed to be the one teaching Spider to control their strength! He was supposed to be the one laughing with them while eating hot dogs and sharing funny stories of stupid people they say during patrol.
(He knows about it thanks to a small camera he put on Clark’s costume after he found out that he and Spider got close)
He didn't trust letting them go on a mission even if Clark told him that they could and that they were ready.
He thought it was too early and that they weren't trained to fight villains like he and the others fight everyday, especially with Conner since he wasn't perfectly trained so he managed to convince Clark, with much manipulation and guilt tripping, to let Jason come with them if there was trouble.
He didn't know Stephanie would also be there, especially since he didn't talk about it in the batcave about the mission but he already guessed that Jason bragged about going so she also went to also see her idol, knowing about her obsession with Spider to which he didn't say anything but encourage it with his own obsession towards the arachnid vigilante.
Not that he minded, two of his kids were better than none and Spider needed all the protection necessary even if the mission was one of the easiest possible. Especially since he chose it as a way to make sure Spider wouldn't be in actual danger.
But the moment he got a message from Conner explaining that Spider was in danger because of Joker, someone who wasn't supposed to be there in the first place, made his world crumble as he ran to where his jet was, needing to get there as soon as possible.
He couldn't let another person, no he couldn't let Spider get hurt or worse, killed, by the clown bastard.
He needed to save them, he needed to stop that fucking clown and he couldn't let Clark beat him to it. He knew that if he was the first one to save them, to help them then they would trust him more.
He couldn't lose that huge advantage to Clark or it would be impossible to even be able to get Spider to trust him or any of his kids. Which was already difficult but he saw them being more comfortable with Duke and Jason.
He arrived almost 3 seconds before Clark did, even though the kryptonian made his presence known since he made a crater at his landing and looked extremely infuriated as he walked towards Conner.
Bruce was already next to the boy and listening to his explanation on what happened, his usual frown that always made him seem annoyed with everything since he didn't want to show that he was scared.
He listened to superboy as he explained what happened in detail as they walked in the lair, a small smile appearing on his face whenever he saw henchmen and cultists knocked out and all tied up in Spider's web.
As they walked he noticed Conner and Clark weren't flying even if the space was big enough for them to even float, so he approached the boy, knowing it couldn't be Clark since the kryptonian was flying just two seconds ago, to see if he had anything on him and saw a familiar glowing green stuck to the boy's shirt.
He quickly grabbed it and put it in a container to block its effect since he knew it was kryptonite, the result showing on both kryptonians because they now could fly again.
He showed the container containing the kryptonite when both Supers looked at him "it was on Superboy's shirt, not sure who put it on him" he explained, now confused but especially enraged to who dared to interfere with the mission and put Spider in danger.
When they arrived at the door he saw something that made him frown more but also worried. He saw Stephanie continuing to tangle her hands in the wires of the panel next to the door, probably trying to open it but he saw her shaking and sobbing, making him understand that the girl was too focused on trying to save the vigilante inside the room that she couldn't focus on the task she was doing.
He then turned to Jason and saw him kicking the door and punching it, small dents on it to show how much strength he was putting in it and his bloody knuckles showing for how long he was doing that.
Bruce quickly checked on Stephanie and Jason before telling Superman to get rid of the door, the silence around them being too suspicious and dangerous since almost 2 minutes before they arrived both Stephanie, Conner and Jason could hear screaming from inside the room.
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Dividers were made by @cafekitsune so please check them out because they do amazing stuff.
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wonderjanga · 5 months ago
Billy’s Homelessness
Being a homeless kid has its perks, Billy supposes. He’s picked up tips and tricks from other kids and even adults during his time. It’s practically second nature to him at this point. Only thing is, the fact that it’s second nature in the first place is what can come back to bite him in the future.
Like lock picking. He’s good at it, and it’s not something he’s particularly proud of, but it’s helped him when he’s needed it most. He’s gotten shelter from blizzards, sleet, and rain with this skill. That’s why when Billy, Flash, GL, and Supes got locked in an all yellow room with red sun lamps and a locked door.
Supes, GL, and Flash: *all discussing how to get out* Marvel: *leans down in front of the keyhole of the door*
Supes: “Alright Flash, vibrate through the door-”
Marvel: “Done!” *opens door*
GL: “How’d you do that?”
Marvel: “I picked the lock.” *walks out and immediately gets shot in the face by one of the guards*
Then there’s pickpocketing. He’s also unfortunately good at this. Freddy says he’s better though. Billy isn’t about to make a contest out of it. Batman found out about this particular talent when both him and Billy went undercover for a mission to uncover the scheme of some foreign politician.
Batman: *as Bruce Wayne* “That’s the man.” *subtly gestures to him*
Marvel: “Him? Okay… What do you wanna do?”
Batman: “First, we need to properly identify-”
Marvel: “Oh, okay.” *walks over to the man, passes him, then comes back to Bruce* “Here.” *places the man’s wallet in Bruce’s hand*
Batman: “…that he was involved in the crimes.”
Marvel: “Oh.”
Batman: *opens the wallet anyways and starts looking through it*
Marvel: “Do you want me to put it back?”
Batman: *puts one finger up to Marvel’s face while he continues looking through the wallet*
Marvel: *deflates slightly* “Oh, okay.”
Batman: *pulls out a clue from the wallet* “Put this back, chum.”
Marvel: *scurries off to put the wallet back*
Bruce then heavily lamented how Marvel knew how to pickpocket so well. Cause the thing is, Marvel’s like six feet tall. (Had to make him a little shorter guys. My bad.) A man like that had no business doing that so well in a bright red sweater and yellow hat.
Then, there’s the avoiding cops. He rarely sticks around for them. He does not mess with them. He’s had too many bad experiences as Billy for it to translate well to Marvel. Whenever one tries to talk to him, he’ll say the bare minimum as politely as he can and fly off. Sometimes, if he knows it’s a cop who’s harsher on the homeless than most, he’ll act polite(passive aggressive) and then give them a nice, firm(crushing) handshake. One such incident was when a cop asked for a photo:
Cop A and Marvel: *posing for a photo by shaking hands*
Marvel: *smiling at the camera, his grip tightening on the hand*
Cop A: *awkward laugh* “That’s a tight grip you got there, Captain.”
Marvel: *lightens his grip, looking down to Cop A’s name tag: Richard* (This isn’t Nightwing guys) “My bad, dick.”
Cop A: “Excuse me?”
Marvel: “Oh no no no, not like “dick,” Dick.” *grip tightens again* “Not like some spineless, lowlife piece of shit from the bottom of my boot that gets scraped off onto a bigger pile of shit, kind of dick.” *smiles the whole time as he speaks* “No, like your name, officer, Dick.”
Cop A: “I prefer Richard.”
Cop B: *takes photo*
Also, anybody who gets that reference gets a kiss. Man or woman. It doesn’t matter. I don’t make the rules. By the way, someone definitely recorded that entire interaction and #passiveaggressivecap ended up trending on twitter.
Then, there’s the time Supes came over to Fawcett to hang out. They were chilling on a rooftop talking when down below they both saw a teenager steal food from a seller.
Supes: *doesn’t see Marvel move* “Aren’t you gonna stop that kid?”
Marvel: “Uh… no. He’s homeless. He clearly needs it more than we do.”
Supes: *blinks rapidly but then remembers he’s not in Metropolis and can’t really tell Marvel how to run his city* “Okay then.”
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hamilando · 8 months ago
ੈ✩ he is …. drunk? (smau) ੈ✩
pairing : lando norris x fem reader
summary : the chaotic process of Lando getting a wife
fc: Olivia Culpo
a/n : This is a series, and this is THE FINALE , THANK YOU FOR BEING PART OF THIS ! it was requested anonymously, thank you for requesting it 🫶🏻
·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚
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liked by user1, user2, user3, user4 and 838,297 others
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user2 miss rabbit has fainted 🫷🏻
user3 the plot twist no one expected 🗿
user4 I KNEW IT
user5 max posting the best man duties makes more sense now
user6 after all that fight, max is still lando's best man !?
user8 lando, got tamed
user9 I will miss his fratboy party era 😔
user10 his party era started cuz of yn-
user11 both of them are party animals 😂
user13 talk about talent and looks
user14 but lando's talent is damaged 🙃
user15 can you stop hating on him ?
user13 it's a f1 meme 🗿
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, fransisca.kgnomes and 1,849,389 others
ynnorris since 24'
view comments
user3 he did good on that ring
user4 it's a darry ring, you can only buy it once in a lifetime 🥹
user6 lando 🥹
landonorris from 24 to forever 🌅
liked by ynnorris
maxverstappen1 now he can finally stop eating our brains
pierre.gasly he did good mate
charles.leclerc thank God he didn't stumble
carlossainz55 or fall in the ocean
ynnorris it's my engagement..? can yall congratulate?
maxverstappen1 oh, Congrats to the norris couple!!
alex.albon congrats 👏🏻
lewishamilton Congrats Y/N and Lando !! 👏🏻
liked by ynnorris
ynnorris no.
fransisca.kgnomes lots of love my wife
ynnorris he is just a side quest, dw 😘
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liked by ynnorris, maxvertsappen, mclaren, pierre.gasly and 1,472,937 others
landonorris to forever saying yes to my queen 🌟🌅🧡
comments on this post have been switched off
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liked by ynnorris, landonorris, kellypiquet, alex.albon and 1,987,478 others
maxverstappen1 d1 best man ( Y/N, we just gave him a few shots to calm down and stop revising his vows )
view comments
user8 ayo wtf-
ynnorris if he drops down or shows up drunk, max your ability to produce heirs is gone
maxverstappen1 Kelly will fight you on that
ynnorris will she now ?
maxverstappen KELLY!? say something !?
ynnorris that’s what I thought
landonorris you just had to post the middle picture didn’t you
maxvertsappen1 yes, that’s what you get for crashing into me
landonorris and the way you crashed into my heart ?
alex.albon THATS MAX NOT Y/N
george.russell HE IS DRUNK
alex.albon WAY TO GO MAX
lewishamilton get the chap to sober up, if he doesn’t, I will snap his neck
ynnorris I love you Lewis 😭🧡
lewishamilton anything for you 🫶🏻
landonorris can you guys like not ?
landonorris it’s my wedding day and let me get married ?
landonorris we can see to yours and Y/N’s engagement later
landonorris wait.. Y/N?
landonorris Thank you lewis for telling me about her cheating
ynnorris y’all have 1 hour.
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liked by landonorris, user1, user2 and 3,389,334 others
mclaren and it's signed now as Mr. And Mrs. Norris !!
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user4 mate, get over the delulul
user10 let the kid breathe
user11 he isn’t even born -
user14 Lando keeping up the name of his frat boy era
user15 Landon being drunk for his wedding is iconic 😭
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liked by user1, user2, user3, user4, and 329,482 others
f1news After party pics from the Norris-Culpo Wedding !
view comments
user1 fernando looks like a godfather
user6 lando and and his never ending saga of getting drunk
user8 max, darling you need to stop drinking and getting that man next to you to drink 😭
user9 I can just tell that Kelly and YN are both done with them 😂
user10 the George and fernando pic is so going as my wallpaper
f1news ours too !
tg: @lydia-demarek @mel164 @h34rts4maisey @poppyflower-22 @dolphlinda
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@s0phiad @shiftermeance @coriyaps @formulaal
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@abq654 @mastermindbaby @awritingtree @nichmeddar @emz2092
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@czennieszn @weekendlusting @charli123456789 @mamako23
@mxdi0 @claudiajacobs @harrysdimple05 @luvsforme @haleyjs86 @ale-522
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@plotpal @goldenharrysworld @llando4norris @blooismahboo
@deafeningunknowntyrant @mondflo @jule239 @ririyulife @lucktales
@ellitheflower @wonderfulkawaii
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ithebookhoarder · 10 months ago
Special Delivery (Spencer Reid x F!Reader)
Description: Something's different about Reid and no-one knows what. However, a surprise delivery to the BAU may just have the answer...
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Warnings: Food references, mentions of mental health, mentions of medical procedures, references to smutty behaviour, Spencer being adorable
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“Ok. Am I the only one who’s noticed something’s different with Reid lately?” Morgan remarked, watching as the said boy-genuis made his way across the bullpen and over to his desk. 
“Yeah,” Emily hummed, watching the young agent over the rim of coffee cup. She had to admit it - as much as it annoyed her - Morgan was right; Spencer has definitely been acting different. If anything, she was surprised it had taken them all this long to say anything. 
Normally, they were all over each other the moment they noticed anything even remotely different about each other. Hell, she’d barely taken a step off the elevator, after getting an extra few inches cut off at her latest haircut, before the team were quizzing her about possible life changes and whether or not they needed to be worried about her. 
It was a hazard of working with profilers for a living; it was almost impossible to keep anything a secret. No wonder they were all intrigued and slightly confused by the fact that none of them had been able to pinpoint what was going on with their friend. 
The most notable difference was the gradual disappearance of the dark circles under his eyes. Reid also seemed happier in general, less quiet and reserved when talking to others, and it was starting to make agents talk. 
Morgan and Emily stood up straighter as JJ walked over to join the unofficial gossip session. She took one look at the pair and knew immediately what they were whispering about. 
“Are you talking about Reid?”
“Oh yeah,” Morgan grinned, “my money’s on him having finally found someone.”
Emily choked, seemingly as a result of inhaling her coffee at the grand statement. “What?”
“Oh, come on, Miss ‘super spy’. Just look at him,” he teased. “He’s been distracted. He’s all goo-goo eyed and he’s been leaving this place at a normal hour. Like… tell me that doesn’t scream ‘I got a date’.”
“What? It could be loads of things. It doesn’t have to be a date, right JJ?”
“He’s probably just happy. We’ve all been getting more sleep lately and our paperwork is non-existent at the moment,” JJ murmured, reaching past the pair of them to grab for the coffee pot. She was clearly doing her best to try and put this line of questioning to rest. She’d always been the first to protect the younger agent she now saw as a little brother. “Besides, we all know he’s not interested in dating, he hasn’t been since…. Well, you know.”
Morgan groaned. “But what about the secret texts, JJ!” he protested, ignoring the look Emily shot him in return. “He’s been glued to that phone of his and keeps giggling like a school kid. Then there’s the lunches! I know he’s always been organised and likes things a certain way, but damn. His lunches have been like next level - and actually healthy? And I swear he’s had jello like every day.”
JJ rolled her eyes. “You’re basing your profile on jello? Is that it?” 
“Well, no I mean… did you not hear the part about the texting and the taking secret calls and the fact he didn’t come out for drinks last night-”
“-Can’t we just be glad for him? Whatever is going on, it’s good for him. Let’s just drop it, ok? He’ll tell us when he’s ready if there’s anything to share.”
“JJ’s right,” Emily echoed. “Reid’s just … happy. End of.”
By the way Morgan frowned it looked like it definitely was not the end of this conversation, but he never got the chance to argue. In fact, he was interrupted as the main doors opened next to them and a rather lost looking receptionist hurried through. 
Normally, this wouldn’t have been worth noticing but all three of them spun around at the sound of him calling out the name, “Agent Reid? uh… Is Agent Reid here?”
“Oh, uh, here!” Spencer shouted, soundly vaguely like he was taking roll call. It didn’t help that he shot his arm up in the air too, almost falling off his desk chair as he lurched to his feet and hurried over. “That’s… that’s me - and it’s Dr Reid, but it doesn’t matter. How can I help?”
“Oh, uh, there’s a Y/N at reception for you,” the unfortunate messenger managed, gesturing back the way they’d came. “I told them to wait whilst I came to check with you as they’re not on your visitor list-”
Spencer didn’t even let the poor man finish. He was already racing for the door before the man had even made it to the end of the sentence. Needless to say, the others were quick to follow, with Morgan smugly boasting “told you soooo” as he went. 
There was no way on earth they were missing this and considering Hotch and Rossi hadn’t arrived yet it wasn’t like they were about to get their asses handed to them for missing their briefing either. 
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Despite the amount Spencer had told you about the BAU, you were still surprised by how different the FBI offices were to what you’d imagined. 
The offices were larger and the sheer number of people walking about in suits and carrying a side arm made you feel even more nervous, and that was already a problem considering you were stood there wearing neon blue scrubs, embroidered with jungle animals on the pocket. 
You were like a walking, flashing sign, screaming ‘outsider - does not work here’.  Thankfully, you weren’t going to be there long. You were only swinging by on your way to work, hoping to catch your utterly perfect - and utterly forgetful - boyfriend, before the start of your shift. 
Speaking of Spencer, you had only been standing there for possibly five minutes when you saw him barreling through the doors towards you. 
“Hey, Spence-“
“Y/N? Honey? What’s going on?” he gushed, hurrying over and taking your face in his hands. You could see his wide eyes frantically scanning every inch of you, looking for some kind of problem or sign that you were not ok. “Is everything alright? What are you doing here?”
You felt your cheeks warm at the sudden display of concern, very much aware of the scene your wonderful boyfriend was making. Spencer wasn’t normally the most affectionate in public, preferring to save those rare moments for when the two of you were alone. The fact he was so worried about what might have brought you to the FBI on a Tuesday morning was touching and made your heart swell. 
“I’m fine, Spence. Don’t worry-” 
“Then what are you doing here?” 
“You forgot something,” you soothed, pulling back and reaching into your satchel. It was impossible to miss the way his face reddened as you pulled out a neatly labeled Dr Who Tupperware by way of explanation. “I’m here because you were in such a rush this morning that you forgot your lunch.”
“Yes, ‘oh’,” you teased. “I couldn’t exactly let you go hungry so I thought I’d drop it off on my way to work. I don’t start till later as I’m covering Amelia’s shift as she’s visiting her sister in Boston, so I thought I’d swing by.”
Sure, Spencer was an adult and you could have let him just buy something from the cafeteria or order something in for lunch, but considering how much effort he had gone to to cook with you the day before you felt bad letting it go to waste. 
He’d been so proud of the way the recipe had turned out, following the instructions and your guidance with extreme precision and care. The result had been a rather tasty looking dish - and it had the added benefit of being healthy too. You were always worried that Spencer seemed to think fast food, like Pizza, was a food group. Then again, he had been forced to be an adult pretty fast and had been in college so young that it wasn’t a surprise that no-one had been there to teach him about cooking and eating right. He had been too focused on his studies to even think about anything else.  
It was something he had been working on since you’d got together and now cooking had become one of your favourite date night activities. It didn’t hurt that you often ended up spilling food all over yourselves and needing to shower together - it was just a lovely bonus. In fact, your screensaver was now a picture of you and Spencer, covered in flour, and beaming ear to ear. 
“Thank you, that… that’s so nice,” Spencer stammered, “but I feel bad. You didn’t need to go out of your way and bring it to me.”
“As I say, it’s on my way to work. It’s no trouble.”
“Well, still-“
“Hey, pretty boy!” 
Spencer froze. 
“You gonna introduce us to your friend, or what?”
Spencer opened his mouth but instantly closed it again. You knew by the way he rolled his eyes and began muttering under his breath that whoever had shouted that had definitely been talking to him. 
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Pretty boy, huh?” 
“Don’t ask,” he whined, taking a deep breath as you looked over his shoulder and saw a small group of people now making their way towards you. “I should probably mention that I wasn’t sure how comfortable you were with me mentioning you, so I haven’t told anyone about us yet and those idiots are some of my team and I would say ‘run’ but they’re all faster than me.”
“Ah… I see. So I’m guessing that one is Morgan?” 
“Well, no time like the present,” you cheered, turning and waving at the approaching trio. “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N - Spencer’s girlfriend.”
“Wow. A girlfriend?” cooed Morgan, reaching over to pull you into a hug before the other two could stop him. To their credit, they looked slightly embarrassed by the display but they were clearly too interested in your identity to care. “And a doctor to boot? Didn’t know he had it in him. I’m Derek Morgan.”
“Oh, I worked that out. It’s good to finally meet you all.” 
The others were quick to echo the sentiment, with JJ and Emily quickly introducing themselves in tandem. They were also quick to invite you inside the office for some coffee, but thankfully you weren’t lying when you said you had to get to work. 
“You know how it is. People to take care of, medical cases to solve, lives to save - same old, same old. All I’m missing is a snazzy badge and I could be an FBI agent.” 
“Ha ha.” Spencer’s smile was genuine as you stole a kiss before making a dash for your car. However, you could see the nerves in his eyes at being left alone to face the great inquisition that now awaited him following the discovery of your existence. You were pretty sure the entire BAU would know about you before it even hit lunchtime. “I’ll see you later, ok?” 
“Of course. Just let me know if you’re coming home or if you’re off saving the world in another state - otherwise I can’t promise I won’t eat all the leftovers before you get back.” 
He chuckled. “Will do.” 
With that, you bid the others goodbye, making sure to agree when they asked (more like insisted) that you came to their family dinner on Friday night at none other than Rossi’s house. The rest of the team were going to be begging to meet you after this, and they were all bringing their families along too. 
If Spencer wasn’t comfortable with you going you were pretty sure the team would believe it if you said you’d got called into a last minute surgery, but you’d check later when you both returned to the apartment you now called your home. Either way, you were going to have to make something to take with you, just in case. 
As your grandpa had always said, there was no quicker way to someone’s heart than through their stomach. Or, as in Spencer's case, with an unlimited supply of Jello...
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sc0tters · 2 months ago
A Helping Hand | Jack Hughes & Trevor Zegras
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summary: when the boys learn that you've never finished, it's only right that they change that for you.
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, threesome, oral (f & m receiving!), unprotected sex, fingering, swearing, mentions of drinking.
word count: 7.02k
authors note: is it really a trevor and jack threesome from me, without @sweetestdesire's help? no, no it is not... all jokes aside though this may be the dirtiest piece that I have ever written? like i embraced my inner slut, whore and everything inbetween while writing this so I do hope that you enjoy it! I know I did so we may end up with the first series of the year with this one!
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Nobody truly remembered how you all got there.
Sat around the camp fire with a blanket thrown over your legs and a beer in your hand. 
It was these little moments at the lake house that you adored so much. Luke was in the chair next to you, allowing you to send him the occasional whisper after the boys did something stupid. 
Tonight was one of those nights as Cole managed to convince the group to play never have I ever, after Quinn’s suggestion of truth or dare was quickly shot down by Jack reminder of how he had to go skinny dipping in the lake. When the boys stole his clothes and locked him outside, it was the first and last time truth or dare made an appearance at the lake house.
You sighed thinking to yourself of a question“never have I ever done the walk of shame.” It was a good one to get most of the guys to drop a finger as Luke had told you about many of their escapades throughout their careers. 
A while left Trevor’s lips “that one isn’t fair!” He grumbled dropping another finger leaving him with only two up.
Alex looked at the group of girls that had joined you guys as he had found one he wanted to make a move on “never have I ever faked an orgasm.” The boy swore he was going to do a dance of happiness when he saw the blonde one he had been talking to, keep her finger up whilst the first around her thought about their answers.
Your finger went down hoping that someone else would have a much more interesting story to share than you “are you seriously telling me that your little football player boyfriend was shit in bed?” Trevor asked as he let out a laugh seeing your cheeks turn a shade of red. 
Jack turned to you, matching his friend’s curious expression “who is to say it was even with him?” It was something he had never even wondered about before, but now everyone’s eyes were on you as most of the people around that fire knew of your entire love life “she does not need to answer if she doesn’t want to.” Quinn sent you a friendly smile, Luke nodded in agreement with this being something that he didn’t even know about. 
You let out a sigh of relief “yeah why don’t we move on?” There was a pleading sense in your voice that made everyone accept your request. 
Well almost everyone, as the night went on and people went home or to bed. You were left with Trevor, Jack and Luke “you want another beer?” Luke asked as he got up with his empty beer bottle “please.” You nodded, the older two boys giving the same response. 
This was the first opportunity that they got to truthfully ask the question that plagued their minds all night “so was it Jake?” Trevor blurted out as he turned his attention to you “what about the theatre kid before him?” Jack truthfully never liked that one, thankfully he only lasted one summer. 
You toyed with your bracelet “if I tell you do you promise to keep it to yourselves?” If it got out you knew half of the people there would never look at you the same. 
Hell you weren’t even sure if Trevor and Jack would see you the same way again “we will not tell a soul.” They both nodded at the same time, practically sat on the edges of their seats. 
You let out a sigh, rubbing your lips together “it was all of them.” Those words made them freeze “you faked it with every single guy you’ve been with?” Jack let out a shocked laugh when you nodded. 
Trevor felt confused “I didn’t realise you were with such shit guys.” Some of the guys had notable reputations too “it wasn’t their faults-” you tried to give them some grace within the situation. 
But Jack was having none of it “if you have to fake it then it is on him.” Of course that’s what he’d say, the man prided himself on how good he was in bed after all. You had been privy to hearing the mutters through the wall when you stayed over to see Luke. 
The Ducks player nodded in agreement “we won’t tell them if you think they were shit.” He added wanting so desperately to hear more of this “it’s me okay!” Your words suddenly made them both go quiet. 
Their eyes went wide “I can’t cum so when I have sex I have to fake it.” Your voice was quieter as you didn’t know where Luke was “and before you ask yes I know my body is clearly broken-” you were cut off by the sound of the sliding door opening from the house. 
Luke walked out with the four beers in his hands “what is broken?” The three of you looked like kids caught with your hands in the cookie jar in that very moment “oh just the door of my closet in the apartment.” You quickly recovered, it wasn’t a lie. In fact, it was actually something you needed to fix.
He stared at you for a moment before he nodded “wait until I visit and I can help you.” Luke offered making you nod “sounds like a plan.” You sent him a smile, ignoring the conversation that you had just had with the boys. 
It seemed that even if you were able to sleep soundly amongst all of Luke’s snoring, Jack and Trevor were plagued with thoughts. Neither one could fall asleep as they sat there thinking about what you had said. 
How was it that a girl like you could have a problem that seemed so unbreakable? 
“Just so we’re both on the same page, she clearly has a shit taste in guys right?” Trevor blurted out as he stared at the ceiling “I mean it has to be that right?” He added not even sure if Jack was listening. 
Jack let out a harsh sigh “but how is she going got accept that?” He rolled over knowing that he shared the same thoughts “well I mean there is one way we could do it.” Trevor trailed off figuring, that it was the should have been obvious. 
The Hughes boy let out a laugh “yeah like she’s ever gonna go for that.” He shook his head rolling over to look out the window as he tried to force himself to go to sleep.
A party echoed out in the yard, music blared through the speakers as you made your way upstairs “I’m telling you that she’s not going to go for it.” Jack pinched the bridge of his nose as he chugged back the remainder of his beer “why not?” Trevor whined crossing his arms. 
He took in a large amount of air in when he sighed “it’s not like she exactly has any other better options than sticking to never coming.” Those words made you freeze in front of their door. Why were they talking about you, and what was their potential option to help you? 
Your cheeks grew warm when your mind began to travel “because you think little miss perfect is gonna fuck the two of us to prove that she just has a shit taste in boys?” Those words made you scoff, it was a response that was a little louder than you had hoped when the boys went quiet “shit.” Jack was quick to open the door. 
Both of them were visibly relieved to see it was just you “care to join us?” Jack smirked at the sight of the irritated expression on your face “I am not little Miss Perfect.” You announced sticking your finger in his face. 
It was the response he wanted, knowing you had taken the bait “so why don’t you give us a chance then?” Trevor spoke up from behind the younger boy who nodded in agreement. 
Your fists clenched into balls “over my dead body.” You were embarrassed as you stormed off in the direction of your room “on a scale of one to ten how badly do you think we fucked up?” Trevor asked hearing the door slam behind you. 
Jack sucked at his teeth “I would lean closer to ten.” He nodded thinking about what would happen if Luke were to find out about what was said. 
The night had grown dark as you tried to push the boys comments back to the bottom of your mind. It was something that so negatively failed, especially when you began to picture those two. 
You had ended up in the bathroom having a shower trying to calm yourself down at first “fuck!” You grumbled letting your fingers thrust into your cunt as the steam stuck to your skin. 
Your body had started to shrivel like a prune due to how long you had been in there. Your body was hot as the image of Jack and Trevor lingered on your mind, picturing how they’d kiss you and morph your body in the ways they wanted to use you. You weren’t an idiot, if they were talking about you then it was clearly a competition in their minds. 
The peaks of your nipples throbbed as this clearly wasn’t working. Defeat wasn’t something that you accept gracefully, and that’s why you muttered to yourself as you grabbed one of Luke’s shirts and threw it on. Bringing your panties up your legs as you sent Luke one last look, as if you were checking that he was indeed asleep. 
You had to try to be quiet as you knew that everyone else was in there room, and with the minimal amounts of chatter that came from Quinn’s room when he spoke to his girlfriend on the phone. It was the timezones that caused him to be awake, but you knew you couldn’t be certain about the other rooms “shit.” You grumbled landing at Trevor and Jacks door to see that there room was empty. Their beds were made with their sandals missing, which only meant that they were downstairs. 
It was a lightbulb moment as you practically raced down using the banister as support. Chatter could be heard from outside and that’s where they were “pass me the blunt.” Jack’s voice was soft, muffled by the glass. 
Your feet brought you up to the door as you sighed knowing that beyond this moment if you wanted to turn back, you wouldn’t be able to “do my eyes deceive me or is little Miss Perfect stood in front of me?” Trevor teased, using the nickname that Jack had as his eyes drank in the sight of you. 
Jack could sense you were nervous “why don’t you come take a hit?” He offered holding the blunt in your direction “don’t know how.” You shook your head, making him smirk. 
Of course, weed was something you hadn’t dabbled in, how were they not surprised “I’ll teach ya.” Jack patted his thigh as he spread his legs open for you to sit there. 
He held the joint between his ring and pointer fingers when you sat down “just suck the air in but don’t inhale it.” The middle Hughes boy knew that you weren’t exactly some chain smoker so he had to help you. 
You nodded as you followed his instructions when he brought the blunt to your lips. Both boys watched on when Jack let his hand travel up the inside of her thigh “there we go.” He cooed until you let out a cough. 
It made them softly laugh when you shook your head “never doing that again.” You announced assuming that it would have done something to calm the nerves that ran through your veins.
Jack brought the blunt to his lips “what brought you down here?” He asked looking at his watch, you were usually fast asleep “I couldn’t sleep.” You confessed wanting sigh when you felt the breeze brush past you. 
Trevor smiled at your words “anything particular that brought the late shower on?” It was clear that your hair was still wet as it drenched the back of the shirt that you made into a dress “do you think you guys can really fix me?” The words made the two boys freeze. 
It wasn’t something that they thought you would come around to “because if I have to spend another fucking unsatisfactory night with fingers between my thighs I’m going to shoot someone.” Jack let out a soft laugh hearing your confession. 
He smiled bringing his lips to your cheek to kiss “you gonna be a good girl for us?” He quizzed you, circling his thumb on the inside of your thigh “let us break you?” He added which made you whimper in response.
Trevor almost felt jealous at how far away he was from you “why don’t we move this inside?” His proposal made your head snap in his direction. You seemed to sense where the boy came from “c’mon pretty girl.” Jack patted your thigh signalling to you to get up. 
Jack had never been more grateful for the fact that he picked a room downstairs, which you at the moment seemed to so happily run into “c’mere.” Trevor shut the door behind him. 
He brought his hands up to cup your cheeks. A grin plastered on his face as your head tilted in his direction so that he could kiss you. There present taste of beer mixed with the weed on his tongue that he dragged over your lower lip. A moan escaped your lips as Jack placed his hands on your hips “didn’t forget about you too.” you confessed, turning your head so that you could kiss him too. 
It was rougher when Trevor turned his attention to your neck. His kisses were hungry as he sucked at the skin “n-no marks.” You gasped not wanting to worry about covering more than your bikinis already did. 
Jack finally took a step back as he looked at you “why don’t you show us how you normally try to get off?” Jack’s fingers danced over the hem of Luke’s shirt that hung over your knee. 
Trevor nodded in agreement “doll, it ain’t like we don’t see those pathetic bikinis you wear.” His words were sharp, making you listen as you took a step back, “like you want us to know what is under ‘em.” He added, allowing his eyes to burn your skin.
The boys watched in awe as your fingers gripped at the ends of the shirt, you took in a deep breath in like it was meant to give you some newfound confidence. The room grew warmed as you pulled the white t-shirt off of your body, letting it fall onto the floor when you now stood in just a white thong. They both stood in silence, causing you to bite at your lip with your confidence immediately wavering.
You were quick to reach down wanting to grab the shirt, assuming that the boys thought this was a mistake or that you weren’t as pretty as they thought you’d be “let us get a good look at ya.” Trevor’s hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you from leaning over any further. 
 A whistle left his lips when you stood up straight “never thought these tits could ever have looked better than when they were in those bikinis.” His voice was a low growl, letting his fingers cup at your breasts before he gave them a squeeze. 
The feeling made a moan get caught in your throat “god imagine what she’s hiding under those panties?” Trevor turned to Jack, not letting his hands move from your boobs that his thumbs began to massage. 
Possibilities felt endless “you wanna let us see?” Jack asked making you nod. Trevor kissed at your neck whilst you locked your fingers into the sides of your panties. 
The fabric brushed against your skin when Trevor looked down to see your bare mound “don’t know how any of those boyfriends of yours used to let you leave them.” He sighed pressing a kiss against your cheek. 
Jack nodded in agreement “if we had a say you’d always be around ready for us.” Those words made you squirm and force your thighs together. 
Neither one of them were an idiot, easily sensing the effect they had on you “can you sit on the bed for me sweet girl?” Jack cooed tilting your jaw up to him so that he could kiss you. 
That kiss helped settle some of your nerves as you nodded. You sat on the edge of Jacks bed “higher.” Trevor motioned to you to move higher up the bed. 
You drove your hips up until you got sat in the middle of his bed “now why don’t you show us how you get off?” After all that was the entire reason that you were there so it made sense they watched you first.
When you lay down on the bed the boys looked at you like you were the sight for sore eyes “c’mon you can show us.” Trevor’s voice oozed this sense of cockiness as he motioned to you to start, brushing those waves of uncertainty aside.
Your heels pushed up to your ass as you spread your lefs open, seeing the boys stare back at you “need to make it wet.” You whimpered feeling Jack kneel into the bed. 
He took two of his fingers to spread your folds open, saliva pooled in his mouth before he let his spit fall onto your cunt. It ran down your clit making you squirm “that enough?” Jack asked standing back up straight as you nodded. 
You brought your fingers down your stomach and to your slit. The two fingers rubbed over your sensitive nub making the boy’s pants grow tight, your fingers travelled to your cunt as you let them thrust into the hole. The pace you used seemed to be a happy medium using Jack’s spit as some kind of lube that let your fingers create a squelching sound. 
Jack felt his throat grow tight “you think that you add another finger?” He could see how your eyes stuck on his now-formed boner “you want some encouragement?” The boy smirked when you nodded. 
Neither one hesitated to drop their pants as they pulled their cocks out of their boxers “can’t fit.” You shook your head watching as your mouth watered seeing them palm their members. 
Trevor sucked at his teeth “know you can do it.” He encouraged but still that didn’t seem to be enough. 
Your free hand went up to cup your boob, going tease your nipple that had been throbbing since it felt the cool air of Jack’s room “need help.” You pleaded, only ever having two fingers in your hole. Even the guys you dated seemed to stop at two, thinking that it was the perfect number. 
Jack took his precum over the head of his cock as he rubbed it down his length “why don’t you pick who.” If he had it his way he wouldn’t have even given Trevor a chance to get you first. 
When your eyes didn’t leave the Devils players it seemed your answer was written on the walls “no hard feels right?” He smirked tucking his cock back into boxers before he joined you on the bed. 
You sat up letting your back rest against his headboard “gonna relax f’me okay?” Jack asked watching you pull your own fingers from your cunt “okay.” You nodded letting your eyes shut when his thumb circled your clit. 
In the beginning he opted to start easy, with two fingers it was only slightly bigger than what you could fit in yourself “shit.” You whimpered letting your teeth sink into your bottom lip. 
His fingers grazed the spongey area of your cunt “uh huh baby want to hear you.” Jack kissed at your neck wanting to hear you scream “feels good.” You confessed making him nod. 
Jack pressed these opened-mouthed kisses on your jaw as he felt you clench around him “you see how hard you make him?” The Hughes boy turned his eyes to Trevor who palmed his cock at an even quicker pace “feel how hard you make me?” Jack brought your hand with his free one over his boxers. 
You took the time to feel his hard appendage and with that, Jack slid a third finger into your cunt “fuck!” Your toes curled at the new sensation. 
Jack lowered his head to your boob letting his lips wrap around your nipple “right there.” Your head rested against the cool wood behind you. 
His fingers felt every inch of you, the way your cunt clenched around his digits that attacked your needy hole “think you should get her clit Z.” Jack’s words made you whimper as you saw the boy’s swollen red tip look desperate for more of your attention “such a pretty girl ain’t she?” Trevor nodded, joining you on the other side of the bed. 
But he didn’t take the liberty of tucking himself away as he let his fingers tap on your lower lip “and a good listener too huh?” He teased watching your mouth suck at his fingers. 
He was forced to pull them out, not wanting to get too carried away “don’t stop.” There was a feeling you had never felt as Jack curled his fingers in this come hither motion. Trevor added to it letting his fingers drop down between Jacks hand and your clit. His calloused fingers were rough “fuck!” You called out watching Trevor drop his face to your chest. 
The boy clicked his tongue “look at this poor fucking tit all ignored.” He sighed not giving you a chance to respond as he too wrapped his lips around your other nipple. 
Looking down it was a sight of dreams as each boy sucked at your nipples, working in tandem on your clit and your cunt “I feel funny.” You confessed making them both look at each other.
It was encouragement for them to increase the pace of their fingers as Trevor rubbed your clit faster and Jack increased the pace of his thrusts “I think I’m gonna.” You trailed off with wide eyes as your body began to shake not sure if the pleasure was coming from your nipples, clit or cunt, or even a mixture of all three. 
Jack made a muffled grunt against your nipple that sent you over the edge, your face scrunched your face up letting your head jolt. Your cunt clenched around Jacks fingers as your body didn’t stop squirming. The boys didn’t stop there though as they brought you through your orgasm. 
The Hughes boy let his fingers begin to slow as your release didn’t seem to grow any sloppier around his digits “shit baby.” Jack let your nipple drop from his mouth with a pop. Your chest heaved as you nodded enough.” You whimpered feeling them retract their fingers away from you as Trevor finally let your other breast go. 
Trevor and Jack looked at the sight that you were in front of them “why don’t you taste yourself.” Jack offered his fingers bringing them into your mouth “so you can remember your first orgasm.” He added as Trevor had a devilish look in his eyes.
You went to turned your attention to the other boy whilst still sucking on Jacks fingers “I want a proper taste.” Trevor announced settling in between your legs. 
Your body was still sensitive and Jack was able to pick upon that “hey pretty girl.” His voice was soft, his fingers gripped at your jaw turning your head in his direction. 
His eyes caught yours “don’t worry about him right now?” Jack reassured you as Trevor kissed at your thigh “you want to still feel so good right?” Trevor asked wrapping his arm around your thigh when he blew against your cunt. 
The sensation made you squirm “please.” You nodded switching your gaze between both boys “a guy ever eaten this pretty cunt before?” Trevor ran his finger down your slit when he pressed a kiss against your other thigh. 
Jack focused his lips against the hollow of your collarbone “none.” But that wasn’t to say that you never wanted it, the guys you were with just wanted it to be you who went down on them “can’t believe you fucking thought you were the problem.” Jack clicked his tongue watching your eyes stick on Trevor. 
The boy mindlessly stared at your cunt, like he had never seen something so glorious “kiss?” You pleaded looking at Jack who couldn’t help but nod at you. 
His fingers gripped at your jaw as he started kissing you slowly at first. Trevor felt his cock throb watching the scene unfold in front of him. Jacks tongue ended up in your mouth and the Ducks player decided he couldn’t be the only one not having any fun. 
Trevor wrapped his other arm around your bare thigh, allowing your feet to settle on his shoulder blades “fucking hell.” His voice barely above a whisper before his head dropped against your cunt.
His mouth latched over your clit first making you moan into Jacks mouth “such a sweet cunt.” Trevor moaned sending shivers up your spine. The boy let his tongue travel to your weeping hole, his nose grazed your clit as he thrusted his tongue in against your walls. 
Your head fell back as Jack looked down “be a good girl and look at how good Z his making you feel.” He sucked at your earlobe making you whimper. 
Trevor’s eyes locked onto yours, his arms slightly loosened around your legs allowing you to drive your hips close to him “fuck z.” You moaned feeling Jack cup your tits once again “Jacky you’re missing out here.” Trevor confessed placing his thumb on your clit before he went back to fucking you with his tongue. 
Your eyes screwed shut as you felt Jack softly laugh against your skin “don’t have to worry because we’ve got plenty more in ya.” He looked at you through his devilishly long lashes “don’t we baby?” Jack asked as he sucked at your jaw. 
Silence swallowed you up when pleasure lulled in your ears. Trevor had been paying attention which made him scoff “he asked you a question doll.” The boy cupped his hand as he lay a smack against your cunt. 
The movement made you jolt when your eyes burst open “ahh,” you whimpered almost folding your body over “‘m sorry.” You apologised letting your lips form a pout. 
Trevor accepted the apology as he continued. He pressed a kiss against your clit “we just want you to be a good girl.” He sighed licking a stripe down your slit. 
Your thighs tensed around his head “because we don’t have to punish you then.” Your cunt clenched around his tongue as it lolled back into your hole “just wanna make you feel so good tonight.” Jack confessed going back to kissing your lips as you quickly became like a drug to him. 
There was the slightest scent of your perfume that was still on your skin that invaded his nostrils “please.” You nodded practically feeling like a brand new woman as the boys focused on you. 
Jack nodded running his fingers over your collarbone “c’mon sweet girl.” Jack cooed as you bit at your lip “you let this house hear you or else we’re gonna stop.” He warned squeezing your cheeks in his hand. 
Trevor pulled his tongue from your entrance before he let it lay flat running against your clit “seems like little miss perfect wants that.” Trevor taunted latching his lips around the sensitive nub. 
Jack gasped toying with your nipple between his fingers “you want Lukey to see what we are doing to his best friend?” The image made your voice quiver “h-he can’t.” You whimpered shaking your head. 
The boy between your thighs smirked “shame to keep this pretty pussy a secret.” Trevor sighed pressing a kiss against your clit “when she’s all soaked for us, it’s better to keep it our think no?” Jack asked pressing a wet kiss against your throat when you arched your back. 
The Ducks player let his tongue swirl around your sensitive nub, creating a healthy rhythm that caused your thighs to squeeze against his head “all for you.” You nodded with your voice turning breathy, almost angelic to the duo.
Those words went straight to the boys cocks that they were still so desperate to just let burst out, letting it soak your skin “can’t believe you tried to act like you were too good for us.” Jack pinched at your side making you jolt “I’m sorry.” You cried, your throat feeling raw as your heels pushed against Trevor’s shoulder blades. 
Jack smiled raking his fingers through your hair “‘s okay.” He mumbled pecking your lips “all that matters is that you’re here now.” Jack kissed you harder that time when your nails dug into his thigh. 
Trevor let his lips go from your clit as you whimpered not aware of how that hurt him more to stop than you could have known “please she’s been wanting to be a dumb little slut for us.” Trevor’s words were rough as he thrusted his fingers into your cunt. 
His were longer than Jacks but they weren’t as smooth either “please.” You begged clenching your walls around his digits “please what?” Trevor softly bit that the inside of your thigh. 
Your eyes almost rolled back into your head while Jack kissed at your shoulder “make me cum.” You whined wanting nothing more than to feel the high you felt earlier on “how can I say no to that.” Trevor clicked his tongue as he went back to sucking at your clit. 
His fingers did this scissoring motion stretching you out around him. The squelching noises echoed against the walls of the room, mixing with the sounds of your moans that slipped through Jacks kisses “such a spoilt girl ain’t ya.” Jack saw the sweat that formed on your stomach. 
You nodded whimpering against him “want you to cum really good for him okay?” Those words made your toes curl as the coil tightened in your stomach “can I?” You nodded not knowing it was possible for you to do it again. 
Trevor nodded refusing to slow down his thrusts as he grinded his hips into the bed beneath him. Words left your lips in a shaky chant “please fuck please.” You begged squirming as he didn’t relent running his tongue over your clit. 
You huffed shaking your head “c’mon sweet girl you can let go.” Jack egged you on kissing your lips, swallowing the moans from your mouth. 
Your legs shook when Trevor fingered you through your high, your release coating his fingers when the coil snapped in your stomach “shit, holy shit.” Your chest heaved letting your fingers tug at Trevor’s hair to pull him off of you. 
His fingers dropped from your cunt went you kissed him. Your release shone on his chin “fuck.” Trevor moaned feeling your tongue brush against his, your walls clenched around nothing as you knew it was the taste of your pussy on his tongue. 
Jack grunted from beside you as you turned back to look at him. There was a smile on your lips “you ready for one more?” He asked pushing your hair out of your face when you nodded. 
It made Trevor laugh “of course she is.” He mumbled tugging at the hair on the nape of your neck so that he could kiss you again. You felt as if the wind was knocked out of you with the amount of passion in it. 
A moan escaped from your lips “wanna taste you.” Your confession made his cock throb “how can I say no when a little slut asks me so nicely?” He nodded cupping your jaw as he smiled. 
Jack gripped at your sides “gonna let me fuck you while he does that?” Those words made you nod. 
You weren’t entirely sure how it happened but before you knew it Jack was on the end of the bed with his legs hanging over. You were hovering over his hips and of course Trevor stood over you, taking in the sight that you were through your thick eyelashes “remember when you thought you were too good to entertain us?” Trevor taunted you like those words hadn’t been spoken mere hours ago. 
You nodded feeling Jack kiss your shoulder blade “well I think it’s time you give us an apology for being such a fucking brat.” His words were harsh as Jack dragged the head of his cock against your clit “I’m sorry Trevor.” Jacks hand held your hip stopping you from sinking into his cock. 
Trevor laughed shaking his head “you gotta do a whole lot better than that.” His fingers brushed through your hair “and that’s gonna start with you getting on his dick okay?” You were eager to please them both. 
Jack let out a grunt “condom?” He asked when your head leaned against his shoulder “on the pill.” Your words made him gasp finally letting your cunt sink down on his cock. 
The ducks player smirked watching how your jaw went slack “shit this cunt is-wow.” Jack let his teeth gnaw at your shoulder blade. 
Neither one of you moved, taking the chance let your walls stretch around his cock. Trevor palmed himself watching how your eyes screwed shut enjoying how the boy felt inside of you “gonna have to try it one day too.” He nodded as you finally started lifting yourself up against Jack “you ready f’me to fuck you huh?” Jack asked, your head bobbed with your one hand resting on his thigh your nails digging into his skin. 
Jacks blue orbs burnt into the back of your head “this cunt is so perfect god.” He barked wrapping his one arm around your waist to keep your back flush against his chest “don’t stop.” The Devils player drunk in your whimpers while you squirmed. 
He adjusted his legs so that you had spread yours around his. Letting the feelings of pleasure soak over you, not sure how much more of him you could actually take. A grunt came from in front of you, reminding you that it wasn’t just you and Jack in that room.
Trevor’s precum oozed out of his cock and you swore you could see a smirk on his face when your mouth watered “you wanna suck my cock?” He asked watching you nodded. 
His breath grew short when you used your tongue to spread his liquid around his length “shit this mouth is-” Trevor cut himself off as you took more of his cock in your mouth. 
His fingers messily tugged at your hair forming a loose pony at the back of your head, encouraging you to work his cock between your lips “you want more?” He asked seeing how you looked up at him through your eyelashes. 
Jack had settled into a rhythm he liked unintentionally knocking your hand off of him. This cause you to reach out at Trevor’s thighs “fuck.” Both boys spoke through gritted teeth as Trevor’s cock hit your throat causing tears to spill from your eyes when you clenched around Jacks cock. 
The ducks player watched how you worked your tongue on the underside of his length “don’t stop pretty girl.” He nodded hearing the squelching of your cunt as Jack fucked you “yeah sweets we wanna use you proper.” Jack cooed gripping at your hip, pinching at the skin. 
You moaned around Trevor almost toppling him over “think you like the idea of us using you.” His words were full of desire, fantasies forming in his mind wanting to go through with them in that moment. 
Sweat stuck to your skin, turning you into a whimper mess “god you’re such a cock hungry slut.” Trevor muttered tugging at your hair eliciting another moan from your lips
The sensation made his eyes screw shut “fuck I’m gonna cum.” Trevor response was mangled, Jack started chasing his own high that was quickly approaching when he heard that message “you gonna let me make a mess in this pretty little mouth of yours?” He brought his one hand forward from your hair. 
His thumb brushed against your cheek “mhm.” Tears streamed down your cheeks while your eyes darted up to his. 
Trevor’s movements increased fucking your face as if you were his own hand. He took that moment before he became undone. His hand held you in place so his release hit the back of your throat all at once. 
Your throat gagged at the new sensation causing his cock to twitch before he went lax letting go of your hair. You hollowed out your cheeks as you let your lips swallow every last drop of what had been on his skin cleaning him up in the process. 
Gasps escaped from your lips causing droplets of his release to drip out of the side of your mouth “don’t go making a mess now.” Trevor clicked his tongue catching it with his thumb before he brought it into your mouth. 
Your lips wrapped around his digit swirling your tongue around it like it was his cock all over again “fuck I’m gonna make a mess in this pussy.” Jack announced feeling that he was close. 
His pace turned animalistic and if Trevor wasn’t in front of you, you swore you would have fallen over “such a tight cunt.” The boy moaned with his eyes glued to the way your folds swallowed his cock. 
Trevor felt himself grow hard again “such a pretty little cock drunk slut ain’t ya?” He asked watching your eyes grow glassy “yeah.” You cried hearing how your thighs slapped against Jack with every thrust of his cock. 
He almost felt as if he could feel your guts he was so deep, touch places you didn’t even know were in you “needed you both so bad.” You were surprised you were able to form a coherent sentence “knew you were always gonna be so desperate for us.” Trevor almost laughed watching your head bob as you nodded along. 
Your mouth watered seeing how his cock still oozed while his hand ran along the underside of it “you wanna feel this too pretty girl?” It was almost the sweetest thing he had said that night. 
It seemed to throw you off as you chewed at your lip sensing you were close “or maybe we should stop until this little slut remembers how to talk.” The threat held no weight as Jack was far too close with your walls squeezing his cock to let you off of him, but that wasn’t something that you considered “please Z.” Your moan sounded like you were a pornstar letting the whimpers of desperation escape from your throat. 
Trevor crouched down pumping his cock once more before he let the head sit in your clit “shit doll you like that?” Jack asked feeling you clench around him “so good.” You nodded letting your head fall against his shoulder. 
The sight was something Trevor swore should have been in the Louvre. His cock dragged over your clit matching the pace of Jacks thrusts. The Hughes boy was desperate to get you to cum first because he knew that the moment he finish he was a goner. 
Trevor begun to kiss at your throat which he now had the perfect spot to do as such “go on.” Trevor mumbled sucking at your sweet skin “make a mess on Jacky boys cock.” Your breathy gasps filled the room as your eyes screwed shut. 
Jack grunted from behind you “yeah baby make a mess for me.” Between Jacks cock fucking you senseless, Trevor’s cock against your clit and now both boys marking up your throat you were done. 
You shuttered out a cry while your face contorted letting tears fall from your shut eyes as your orgasm ripped through you. Neither boy stopped what they were doing, wanting to guide you through your orgasm “shit shit so good!” Jack sputtered out feeling your cunt clench around him. 
His eyes practically rolled back into his head as his cock shot warm sticky ropes of release into your cunt “fucking hell.” Trevor softly laughed against your throat when the younger boy lulled his thrusts before he kissed your shoulder. 
Your chest heaved trying to catch your breath you lay against Jack slowly coming back to, before you softly clenched around him remembering that he was still there “you with us baby?” Jack asked brushing your hair out of your face. 
You nodded gripping onto Trevor’s arm to help yourself up “damn.” Jack mumbled looking down at where you had been sat. A mix of your release and Jacks oozed out of your cunt and down the inside of your thigh as you used Trevor to support you. 
Trevor’s eyes followed Jacks before he let out a soft gasp “you know you could do that?” His hand squeezed at your hip before he set you on the bed next to the devils player. 
You shook your head “do what?” You asked growing confused “this broken girl just squirted.” Trevor scooped the release that had fallen before he thrusted his fingers into your cunt once more “we can’t have you forgetting about this now can we?” He asked watching your hand try to wrap around his wrist to stop him. 
Jack smirked seeing how you dropped back onto the bed, allowing your face to contort as you felt with a mix of pleasure and overstimulation “silly girl this summer is only just getting started.” The devils player nipped at your ear knowing that you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Because here is to the summer you’ll never forget. 
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illbegottenfaith · 3 months ago
walking away with your kiss on my cheek...
your relationship with theo starts to sour as you begin to suspect him of keeping secrets from you (theo nott x reader)
Part 1 | Part 2
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a/n - first part of a two-shot I've written! Ngl this thing has gone through wayyy too many drafts and revisions so it’s barely an u healthy relationship, more like unhealthy coping mechanisms, but I have a couple of slightly more intense takes on the trope lined up as well :)
tropes/warnings - mildly (veryyy mildly) toxic/unhealthy relationship descriptions, established relationship, mentions of infidelity, miscommunication, angst
word count - 1.9k
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When it came to love languages, Theodore Nott’s was distance. Many of his past relationships had failed once he'd deemed them too suffocating. Nobody had suited him quite like you did. The two of you had somehow stumbled into a mutual understanding of what you wanted out of a relationship. Some considered what you shared too casual to be considered a relationship. You had your separate schedules and commitments, and in your downtime, you kept one another company.
But it worked for the two of you. The best relationships are built between people on the same page, and your perfectly aligned perspectives made the little time you spent together that much sweeter. In fact, things had been going along swimmingly until Katherine entered the picture.
She, or at least the idea of her, entered your life one foggy morning. You were dead on your feet. The aconite you had been tending to as part of your Herbology project demanded your every waking moment outside of your classes. You were just about to fall asleep into your soft-looking, pillowy scrambled eggs when Ivy half-yelled into your ear, as she was prone to doing.
"Didn't know Theo got a new girlfriend!"
Your head snapped up and you groaned. Okay, maybe she wasn't yelling as much as everything sounded ten times louder with that throbbing behind your right temple. You blinked blearily at your friend.
"Someone's been spending an awful lot of time with Katherine."
It took you a moment to register that you had no idea who Ivy was talking about.
"Katherine Sawyer," she repeated. "Theo's been getting pretty cosy with her, hasn't he?"
Something must have shown on your face, because she immediately dropped the suggestive lilt to her voice.
"I mean - I'm only kidding. It's just that I saw them in the library again last night for, like, the third time this week. I thought you knew." She peered closer at your dark eye bags. "Damn. Are you getting any sleep?"
You shook yourself out of the shock and gave a small smile. "Of course I knew," you lied. If being with Theo had taught you anything, it was how to lie convincingly. "I'm exhausted, that's all."
"Yeah, you look it," Ivy agreed sympathetically. "But really, I was kidding. It's not like he'd do anything. Not Theo."
"Right." You smoothly changed the subject. "So how's your project coming along?"
Still, it bothered you for the rest of the day. Why hadn't he told you about Katherine? He knew you weren't the jealous type, especially when it came to perfectly innocent interactions with the opposite sex. Unless there was a reason for him to keep it from you. You had thought that neither of you was the type to keep secrets from the other, but maybe you had thought wrong. And if he hadn't told you about Katherine, well, what else was he not telling you about?
You dismissed the thought. You were too sleep-deprived for this. It just wasn't like him. Theo would never pursue another girl, not while he already had one on his arm.
These thoughts were still circulating in your head when you found him reading in the Slytherin common room that evening. You approached him as you always did, but something about what Ivy had said that morning made you hesitate. He didn't look up from his well-worn copy of The Divine Comedy in the original Italian until he felt you sink into the couch beside him. He gave you a strange look before pulling you into his lap, nestling his head in the crook of your neck, the way the two of you usually curled up together when one of you was reading.
"Don't be going shy on me now," he teased lightly. You shushed him, tapping the paperback. As you settled your head on his shoulder, he glanced at your face. "You look tired," he noted quietly. You pulled a face.
"Who knew aconite could be such a bitch?"
Theo turned the page. "I knew. I'd say I told you so, but - ow."
You had sharply tugged at the short hairs at the nape of his neck as a warning. You laughed softly as you ran a soothing thumb over the mildly irritated skin, kissing it better. It was moments like these that made it difficult to harbor any sort of suspicion or resentment towards your boyfriend. As moody and mysterious as he liked to come off, to you he was an open book.
But he still hadn't told you about Katherine.
A few weeks later, Theo and a few others were about to leave for a two-week cultural exchange trip to Durmstrang's. Ivy had dragged you down to the Great Hall where everyone was saying their goodbyes, before disappearing into the crowd in search of Ivan.
Somewhat reluctantly, you walked up to your own boyfriend. Between his trip preparations and your Herbology project, the two of you hadn’t had a minute together for the past week and a half, a new record, even for a relationship as casual as yours.
“Got everything?”
Theo nodded. In his soft, fitted navy blue sweatshirt pushed halfway up his forearms, he looked effortlessly put together. You weren’t scruffy yourself, either. That was why you had any kind of relationship at all, wasn’t it? The two of you made an attractive couple, at least when you acted like one.
You looked over at Ivy, whose boyfriend was humoring a much sappier farewell than yours and Theo's. Scratch that, Ivan lived for Ivy's oddities and eccentricities. Right now, Ivy was kicking a fuss over a fortnight being simply too long of a time to be apart while Ivan promised to call every single night. Occasionally, you had wondered what it would feel like to be in a relationship like theirs, where two weeks apart would be nothing short of agony rather than routine.
As you turned back, you noticed Theo had been following your gaze. He cleared his throat delicately.
"So...two weeks."
"Mhm." You weren't the type of couple to explicitly express affection, especially of the vulnerable kind. You'd miss him, of course, even if you didn't say it. Would he miss you? You shook your head internally. No, you decided, you wouldn't ask. You'd only seem clingy and that wasn't the kind of couple you were. "Be good, have fun."
He adjusted the strap of his duffle bag. You fixed the collar of his jacket. You wondered if he'd tell you about Katherine before he left. From somewhere else in the Great Hall, one of his friends called him over. He pressed a final chaste kiss to your cheek. You watched him walk away with a hollow sort of feeling in your stomach. Merlin forbid you express any kind of attachment to your boyfriend.
He glanced back at you one last time, fidgeting with the strap of his bag, and just like that, he was gone.
He didn't say a word about Katherine.
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As the two weeks crawled by achingly slow, you tried to convince yourself that you didn't feel the lack of Theo. You had gone longer without talking to him. Hell, before you started dating, you'd only occasionally meet through mutual friends.
But you had never spent time apart feeling this acrid bitterness towards him.
Unbeknownst to you, your friends had picked up on your frutration, especially in the way you had thrown yourself into your work with renewed vigour, doing your best to keep conversations from straying to topics related to Theo.
"I'm going to the owlery to check for letters from Ivan," Ivy was saying one evening, pulling a woollen hat onto her head. "Wanna come with?"
You barely spared her a glance, writing carefully. "Can't. I have this essay to finish."
Ivy deflated visibly. "Don't you want to see if you have anything from Theo?”
You shrugged. You couldn’t be disappointed if you didn’t expect anything.
“Have you heard from him at all?” Ivy pressed.
You gave her a warning look. “Ivy. Stay out of it.”
“Come on, Y/N. Why don’t you call him? I'm sure he misses you."
You laughed derisively, nearly stabbing a hole in the parchment. You might have done that any other time, but you were too mad about his imaginary affair with Katherine.
“Miss me? Theo doesn’t miss me.”
“How can you be so sure? You don’t know what he’s-“
“Because if he missed me,” you finally snapped, "he’d call. Or send me an owl. But he hasn't, alright? He hasn't called and I haven't gone to the owlery because no one's missing anybody. He's doing perfectly fine without me, just as I'm doing perfectly fine without him."
No one's missing anybody.
Tears prickled behind your eyes. You stubbornly watched Ivy turn blurrier and blurrier as you failed to blink them back. Your gaze landed on your essay, and the spots where your tears had caused the ink to run. Your essay was ruined.
You pressed a trembling hand to your eyes as you finally caved in, a pair of warm, comforting hands almost immediately coming to rest on your shaking shoulders. As miserable as you had been, you hadn't acknowledged the pain, let alone how it was eating away at you. Once you started crying, it was as though you didn't know how to stop.
“Why won’t he call, Ivy?” you choked out. "Doesn't he think about me?"
"Of course he does," Ivy soothed. "He's probably just insanely busy."
You sniffled. "How busy can a person be? One phone call, one letter, anything - is that really too much to ask?"
Ivy hesitated. The silence stretched out between you like the confirmation of a truth neither of you wanted to admit. She said it anyway.
“Maybe he thinks you don’t need that from him."
You laughed, the sound sharp and humorless. “Well, he got that part right.”
You sounded ridiculous even to your own ears. It was a testament to your friendship that Ivy didn’t try to argue with you. She gave your shoulder one last squeeze before standing, her footsteps soft as she made her way to the door. “I’m going to the owlery,” she said, lingering for a moment. “If there’s anything for you -"
"- burn it."
" - I’ll bring it back.”
You focused on the ruined essay in front of you. Messy smudges had formed where your tears had fallen. It was beyond repair, much like the knot in your chest that no amount of rationalising seemed to untangle.
As the door closed behind Ivy, an unbearable silence descended upon your dorm. You pressed your hands against your temples, willing yourself to stop thinking about him, about how easy it seemed for Theo to carry on without you. Maybe that was the worst part—the inescapable realisation that you weren’t half as essential to him as he was to you.
You stared at the blurred words on the parchment, feeling the ache settle deeper into your chest. There was no scintillating revelation, no blinding eureka moment. Just the quiet, gnawing thought that maybe this was all you’d ever be to him—an afterthought.
And maybe, you thought bitterly, crumpling your essay, you deserved it for letting yourself believe otherwise.
Part 2
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fruity-mond · 4 months ago
We don't talk enough how Kaeya literally just. Appeared.
Thinking about how Kaeya literally has NO legal documents. So like, logically, Crepus had to forge some stuff. Where is he from? Who knows but his birthday is on Nov30- don't fact check that.
Since Kaeya was abandoned, it does actually qualify him for the Late Birth Registration law in most places, and it probably makes it a lot easier that they're in the city of freedom but STILL, Crepus having to fill that up is so funny to me because he is STRUGGLING.
This kid is seven and the only way they knew his age was bc of some wacko they met on the way to Liyue for a family trip, who was high as a kite, being like "oh ya I'm a licensed pediatrician that is a SEVEN YEAR OLD" and threw up right after. And that was all they had to go off of bc Kaeya was near meltdowns at any mentions of medical testing (he's scared they'll figure out who he actually is, but comes to the realization that there's nothing to match him to)
This kid doesn't even remember his BIRTHDAY. Crepus and Diluc literally had to assign him one. Dude, he is JUST mastering Mondstadtian, he's still stuttering. How do you expect this kid to remember if he's gotten his mandatory baby shots? And he shouldn't be expected to!! HE'S SEVEN.
Crepus, filling out the forms with Kaeya on his lap:
"Kaeya, do you know your blood type?- Wait have you gotten vaccinated?"
"Archons is this why you're ill 89% of the time"
Eventually, Kaeya agrees for a medical check up bc they genuinely need info on him to fill in his legal meds reports and good fucking lord HOW is this kid SURVIVING. Why is he deficient in 9 different vitamins?? Do we even HAVE 9 different vitamins to be deficient in?? So he ends up in the cathedral for like. A solid 3 months. A month where he literally couldn't leave and 2 where he's in and out for tests and check-ups.
(Turns out he IS seven but alchemy can only go so far so still no concrete birthday)
Crepus is pacing front and back, cursing Kaeya's stupid family.
Not for leaving him, no, Crepus actually feels slightly guilty that he's grateful they left him bc it gave the Ragnvindrs a wonderful new son.
No he's cursing them bc could they really not have made it easier by leaving his STUPID birth certificate and medical records with him? If you wanna abandon him, fine! MAKE IT EASIER FOR THE PERSON TO TAKE HIM IN. GOD.
Diluc and Kaeya was NOT aware of their father's anguish lmao Diluc kept sneaking in with a bunch of trinkets and books to make sure Kaeya isn't bored. Him, Jean, Kaeya and Thoma play Uno on Kaeya's medical bed
(No one is winning but Diluc is DEFINITELY losing. Kaeya has 6 wins, Jean 5, Thoma 5, and Diluc none. He nearly accidentally set Kaeya's cathedral bedsheet on fire after his 12th loss)
At some point, Crepus just starts making shit up bc dude he just wants to take this kid in please. The kid seems to know as much abt himself as Crepus knows of him, so he's no help
(and that's not his fault but come on these documents need filling)
He tells Adelinde this in a rant once:
"You forged legal documents."
"I mean, technically? Most of them were true and obtained by legal means"
"…most of them."
"Okay lets be honest right now, Addie, this is probably the tamest crime you know I've committed"
Ragnvindr Family ily (Also I'm a firm believer that Thoma was a frequent friend in Jean, Kaeya, and Diluc's schemes)
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rebelspykatie · 2 years ago
Steve’s never had anyone show any genuine interest in the things he likes. Robin rolls her eyes when he brings up sports or silly movies that don’t have a bigger plot or character work. Even though she played soccer, she doesn’t care about it in the same way that Steve cares about basketball or football. 
The kids make fun of everything from his taste in music to his choice in snacks for movie nights. Mike calls him a little housewife for baking one time and he never shows up with cookies again. They’re never intentionally mean spirited, or at least he doesn’t think so. He knows he can give as good as he gets when it comes to catty, sarcastic comments, but he tries to steer clear of personal attacks on someone’s identity these days. He learned that lesson with Jonathan. 
But even before the party came along, it was like that. His parents never stuck around long enough to find out what he was up to, never attending a game or meet, and certainly in the dark about what he might be up to outside of school. Tommy only ever cared about himself and Carol, only following Steve around for clout, popularity by association. If he asked him right now, he’d bet a lot of money that Tommy doesn’t even remember his favorite food or the movie he used to watch when he was sick. There was a point where he thought he could share things with him. Until he realized mid ramble about sports cars that Tommy wasn’t even listening to him. He was staring at Carol and nodding along with a vacant expression. 
So he stopped sharing. Stopped caring if people knew anything about him because they never asked. People always made assumptions about him anyway. The girls he slept with only wanted one thing. The kids were happy to let him chauffeur them around with no questions asked. Robin was the only one he let in, the only one that cared about digging deeper. But, and she never said in so many words, he could tell that she thought his interests were mundane, and clearly not something that sparked any enthusiasm from her. She couldn’t even keep up with the girls he slept with, giving him the same bored stare as Tommy. 
Even now, after a few years, Steve’s reminded that they never would have become friends if not for trauma and the secret inner workings of the Russian’s within Hawkins. He’s lucky to have her, but he doesn’t think she ever would’ve chosen this, chosen him. And that’s fine. He’s used to not being chosen. His parents didn’t choose him when they started leaving him alone at age 12. Tommy and Carol chose each other and the reign of a new king when Steve fell from his throne. Nancy chose Jonathan. 
He doesn’t think he has a lot to offer. 
Well, at least until Eddie comes along. He’s taken by surprise when Eddie asks after the song that’s playing in his car. He’d assumed Eddie only liked metal music, and yeah he pokes fun at the genre of music Steve seems to stick to, begging him to give metal a shot, but he doesn’t say a word about how lame it is. When they’re having a movie night, Eddie notices that Steve gravitates towards coke and brings him one without Steve asking.
After Eddie sees his bedroom, Steve gets a pack of hot wheels for Christmas. Eddie jokes that he should give one to each of the kids as their new ride, since they seem to be ungrateful little twerps. Steve places them right under his posters on his dresser and Eddie grins at them every time he comes over. They lay in bed and pretend to drive them on the ceiling like they’re kids again. It shakes something loose in Steve’s chest. 
Eddie hates sports, but he invites Steve over on Mondays, when Wayne is perched in his chair for football. He quietly works on his campaigns while Steve and Wayne watch the games. Eddie somehow worms his way into Steve’s heart, digging deeper and deeper with each new thing, like he wants to know more. Steve’s history is a minefield, but Eddie expertly navigates through it, leaving who they were behind, building something new together. Steve’s already halfway in love with him before he even realizes that Eddie is something that he likes. 
He expects to freak out a bit more, but who is going to stop him? Who is going to care if he wants to be with this boy? He’s spent so long ignoring parts of himself for others that he wants to cherish this fragile thing, to cradle it in his hands, make sure no one can ruin it for him. When he kisses Eddie, it feels like coming home, like he’s finally found that place he’s been searching for his whole life. It’s a kind of devotion that Steve’s not used to, born of love and not obsession or jealousy or anger. 
He’s not sure he deserves it, but he’ll do everything in his power to keep it.
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 5 months ago
Hi! First of all I *love* your guidelines. I’m just recently getting into Stray Kids and while I will read smut about 2D men, smut about real people is off putting to me, so that was really cool to see. Anyway, I love love love your angsty shots. They’re so good! Could I put in a request? I was thinking like how they would all react like, they were out on a date and paparazzi get too aggressive with Y/N and it causes her to get hurt? (I had a dream where I was on a date with Bangchan and we were trying to get into the back of a car and once I got in a paparazzi went to the other side of the car and yanked me out and Bangchan was BIG mad at them, especially cause when I fell out of the car I broke my wrist from landing on it) ANYWAY SORRY FOR THE RANT I’m just big in my feelings about these guys now and since it’s just new I know I’m in for a ride. Thank you!
When Paparazzi Gets Too Violent
OT8 x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight cussing
Bang Chan
The night had started off perfectly- just you and Chan enjoying a cozy dinner in a quiet restaurant. It had been a while since you two had some time to unwind, since he had been busy with a comeback, and he looked so relieved to just be in your company. You loved watching him let down his guard, his tired eyes softening as he smiled at you across the table.
But the peace didn’t last long.
As soon as you both stepped out onto the street, the flashing lights and swarm of paparazzi descended. You heard your boyfriend let out a deafening sigh.
"Let's just get to the car," Chan whispered, his hand firm on the small of your back as he tried to guide you through the crowd of photographers, questions flying at both of you.
Despite his calm facade, you could feel his body tense under the pressure, his jaw clenching tighter each time someone shoved forward for a shot. You could tell he was on edge, trying so hard to keep his cool.
But then it happened.
You were just about to step into the safety of the car when a paparazzo grabbed you by the arm and yanked you backward. The sudden force threw you off balance, and before you knew it, you were crashing to the pavement. The pain in your wrist was immediate and sharp as you braced yourself on the concrete. The gasp you let out sent Chan into a rage.
"Y/N!" His voice was frantic as he rushed to your side, but the second his eyes landed on the man who had pulled you, something dark flickered across his face.
Bang Chan was not one to lose his temper. He was the leader, the level-headed one, but seeing you hurt because of someone else’s carelessness was his breaking point.
He stood, stepping between you and the crowd, his entire posture shifting from protective to menacing in the blink of an eye. "What the hell do you think you’re doing?!" His voice was low and dangerous, and you could see the tension in his fists, knuckles white as he held himself back from doing something drastic.
The paparazzo who had grabbed you shrunk back under his icy glare, but the cameras kept flashing, people still trying to get closer.
Chan shoved him back, hard. "Get. Away. From her."
It was only when he heard your voice again, a weak "Chan, I'm okay…" that he turned his attention back to you, his anger melting instantly into concern. His eyes softened as he knelt down beside you, his hands gentle as they reached for your wrist.
"Does it hurt?" he asked, his voice shaky, filled with guilt. "I’m so sorry. I should’ve-"
You shook your head, biting back the pain, not wanting to make him feel worse. "It's not your fault."
But he wasn’t having any of it. "We’re going to the hospital," he said firmly, scooping you up into his arms as if you weighed nothing. "And I swear, I' won’t let them get away with this. I'm ruining that bastard. "
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Lee Know
You and Minho were just trying to enjoy a quiet evening stroll through the park- nothing fancy, just some much-needed alone time. Minho had been busy lately, so this was your chance to reconnect, to talk, to be close. The air was crisp, the city lights reflecting off the pond as you held hands, walking slowly. It was a short escape.
Paparazzi had a way of ruining even the quietest moments. You didn’t notice them at first, but Minho did. His grip on your hand tightened subtly, his gaze shifting as they began to close in, cameras ready, questions already being flung at both of you.
He didn’t say anything- just kept walking, his jaw set, but you could feel the tension in his steps, the way his body became a shield between you and them.
"Ignore them," he muttered under his breath, pulling you a little closer. His voice was calm, almost icy. Minho never gave them the satisfaction of a reaction.
But then one of the paparazzo's got too close- pushing past Minho to get a better shot of you. The sudden shove caused you to lose your footing, and before you could even process what was happening, you were on the ground, a sharp pain shooting through your knee.
You winced, your hands instinctively reaching for your leg, but before you could even say a word, Minho was already in motion.
He froze, his eyes narrowing in on the photographer who had knocked you down. The air around him seemed to grow colder, his usual composed demeanor unraveling in the blink of an eye. "Are you out of your mind?"
His voice was so calm it was terrifying.
Minho’s eyes were dark as he stepped toward the paparazzo, and though he wasn’t yelling, the quiet, seething rage in his voice made everyone around stop in their tracks. "You’ve got five seconds to leave before I make you regret it."
The man stammered, backing away, but Minho didn’t even spare him another glance as he knelt down next to you, his hands surprisingly gentle as they inspected your scraped knee.
"Does it hurt?" he asked, his tone soft and completely different from the menacing one he used just moments before.
You nodded, wincing as he brushed some of the dirt off your skin. "It’s just a scratch though, I'll be okay."
His eyes softened, though you could still see the anger simmering beneath the surface. "I’m sorry," he whispered, more to himself than to you. "The night's ruined now..."
You shook your head, knowing it wasn’t his fault, but Minho wasn’t easily reassured. He stood, lifting you in his arms as he headed toward the car. "Let’s go home. I’m not letting you out of my sight again."
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Being with Changbin was always full of fun, laughter, and energy. Tonight was no different as you both walked hand-in-hand down the street after attending an small festival and grabbing a bit to eat. The air was light, and Changbin was chatting animatedly about music, making you giggle as he recounted a funny story from practice earlier.
But the night took a turn for the worse when you two were spotted. At first, it was just a few cameras, nothing unusual. Changbin was good at staying composed in these situations, but tonight, the crowd of photographers seemed to multiply within seconds, blocking your path as they shoved their cameras in your faces.
Changbin’s expression shifted instantly, his playful smile fading as he moved protectively in front of you. "Stay behind me," he muttered, his voice low and firm.
You did as he said, gripping his arm as he tried to push through the crowd, but the paparazzi weren’t letting up. One of them shoved past Changbin, aiming for a close-up shot, and in the process, they knocked into you hard.
You stumbled backward, tripping over the uneven pavement and hitting your head against the side of a parked car. The impact sent a sharp pain through your skull, and you gasped, your hand flying to your head as you tried to steady yourself.
That was all it took for Changbin to snap.
His usually calm and playful demeanor was gone, replaced by a burning fury that made everyone around stop in their tracks. "What the hell do you think you’re doing?!" His voice boomed through the crowd as he stormed toward the man who had hurt you.
Changbin wasn’t usually one to raise his voice in anger, but when he did, it was enough to make even the bravest person shrink back. The photographer stammered, trying to backpedal, but Changbin was already in his face, his fists clenched as he loomed over him.
"You touch her again, and I swear-"
"Changbin," you called out softly, trying to bring him back to reality as you cradled your head. "I’m okay…"
Hearing your voice, he snapped out of it, his expression softening instantly as he rushed back to your side. "Are you hurt? Let me see."
His hands trembled slightly as he gently brushed your hair away from your face, his eyes filled with guilt and concern. "I’m so sorry," he whispered, his voice cracking.
You shook your head, trying to reassure him. "It’s not your fault."
But Changbin wasn’t convinced. He helped you into the car, his jaw still clenched as he muttered, "I’m never letting them get near you again."
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Hyunjin had always been good at keeping his emotions in check when the paparazzi were involved, but tonight they seemed particularly aggressive. You two had just finished a late-night art gallery visit, one of Hyunjin’s favorite ways to unwind, when the paparazzi caught wind of your location.
At first, Hyunjin tried to ignore them, his arm securely around your waist as you both headed toward the car. "Don’t look at them," he whispered, his voice calm but with an edge of anxiety. He hated the way they intruded on your private moments. Especially when you weren't too keen about having your face all over the internet.
But as you got closer to the car, the crowd surged forward, one of the photographers getting too close. In the rush, someone shoved you hard from behind, causing you to trip and fall forward. You reached out trying to grab Hyunjin- accidentally bringing him down with you, which caused the cameras to snap even more. Hyunjin had somehow landed on top of you; while you landed awkwardly on your elbow, pain shooting up your arm as you let out a soft cry.
Hyunjin had already gotten up but upon hearing your cry his entire body froze. His gaze shot down to where you were on the ground, and for a moment, he didn’t move, the shock registering on his face. Then, something snapped.
His eyes blazed as he turned to the photographer who had caused your fall, his usually soft expression darkening with anger. "Why the hell would you think it's okay to get rough?!" he spat, his voice shaking with fury. Hyunjin wasn’t one to yell, but the way his voice trembled with suppressed rage was even more terrifying.
He stalked toward the man, his entire body tense as if he was ready to lash out at any moment. "Do you have any idea what you’ve done?" His voice was quiet, but the threat in his tone was unmistakable.
The photographer backed away, stammering apologies, but Hyunjin wasn’t listening. His focus was on you now, his anger dissipating the second he saw you holding your elbow in pain.
"Y/N…" He knelt down beside you, his hands hovering over your arm as if he was afraid to touch you in case he made it worse. "Where does it hurt, love? I’m so sorry…I didn’t see them coming towards you, it's my fault.”
You winced, trying to smile through the pain. "I’ll be okay."
But Hyunjin wasn’t having any of it. "We’re going to get your elbow checked out." he said firmly, his voice still shaking as he helped you to your feet. "And then we'll deal with the idiot who pushed you."
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Jisung had always been protective of you, but he wasn’t one to confront others unless he absolutely had to. Tonight, however, the situation forced his hand.
You and Jisung were leaving a small café after a quiet date, enjoying the peace that came with being together without people around. But that peace was shattered when a swarm of cameras appeared out of nowhere, crowding around you both as you tried to make your way back to the car.
At first, Jisung tried to keep it together. His grip on your hand tightened as he led you through the mass of flashing cameras and shouted questions. His heartbeat raced, anxiety bubbling in his chest as he tried to remain calm for your sake. You could easily tell he was anxious by the way his hand shook in yours.
But then it happened.
One of the photographers got too close, bumping into you as she shoved her camera forward. The force of it sent you stumbling, your knee hitting the ground hard as you let out a sharp cry of pain.
Panic surged through Jisung. His breath caught in his throat, and for a moment, he froze, his wide eyes darting between you and the crowd around you. He wanted to lash out, wanted to yell, but his anxiety made his words catch in his throat.
Instead, he knelt down beside you, his trembling hands hovering over your injured knee. "Y/N, are you okay?" His voice wavered, the fear and guilt evident in his tone.
You winced, trying to smile through the pain. "I think I’m okay, just a bit scraped up."
Jisung’s mind raced. He knew he should say something, do something, but his usual anxious thoughts were louder than ever. What if he made it worse? What if he couldn’t protect you?
But then he saw the look on your face- how you were trying so hard to stay strong even though you were in pain -and something in him snapped. His fear was replaced by a surge of protective anger.
Jisung stood up, his usually anxious eyes hardening as he faced the paparazzi. His voice was shaky, but there was an unmistakable edge to it. "Back off," he said, his voice barely louder than a whisper, but firm. "You’ve done enough."
The paparazza who had bumped into you tried to offer an apology, but Jisung wasn’t listening. His focus was solely on you as he crouched back down, gently helping you to your feet. His hands were still shaking, but his grip was steady as he held you close.
"I’m so sorry," he whispered, his eyes glistening with guilt and worry. "I should’ve done more."
You shook your head, placing a hand on his cheek. "It’s not your fault, Jisung. I’m okay. And there isn't much you can do about them."
But Jisung wasn’t convinced. He gently wrapped an arm around your waist, helping you limp toward the car. His voice was quiet, filled with an anxiety-fueled promise. "I’ll protect you better next time, I swear. I won’t let them hurt you."
As you both reached the safety of the car, Jisung finally let out the breath he had been holding, pulling you into a tight hug. His body trembled slightly, but his arms were firm around you, as if he was holding onto you for dear life.
"I love you," he whispered, his voice barely audible, but filled with sincerity. "I’m never letting this happen again. Never."
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Felix had always been the softest, sweetest soul you’d ever met, but even the kindest person had their limits. Tonight, you found out exactly what that limit was.
You and Felix were on your way to a late-night movie when the paparazzi caught wind of your date. It started with a few photographers, nothing Felix couldn’t handle. He just kept you close, his hand in yours, trying to keep the mood light as you both walked toward the theater. If anything, some cute and candid photos of his love for you would be broadcasted to the world. Nothing too bad about that, right?
But then the crowd started to grow, and they weren’t just taking pictures- they were yelling questions, getting closer and closer with each step. Felix’s grip on your hand tightened, his steps growing faster as he tried to get you away from them.
"Just ignore them," he whispered, his usual bright demeanor gone as he focused on getting you to safety.
But then, in the chaos, one of the photographers reached out, grabbing your shoulder to pull you back for a better shot. The force of it caused you to stumble, your ankle twisting painfully as you cried out in surprise.
That was when everything changed.
That limit was reached.
Felix’s usually bright eyes darkened, a storm brewing behind them as he turned on the photographer who had dared to touch you. You had never seen him like this- his entire body radiated fury as he stepped toward the man, his voice low and dangerous.
"Touch her again, and I swear to God, I'll end you." Felix’s voice was a quiet snarl, each word laced with venom. He didn’t have to yell to be terrifying. The photographer shrank back, clearly not expecting this reaction from the usually soft-spoken Felix.
But Felix didn’t stop there. He took a step closer, his eyes narrowing. "You think you can just push her around like that?" His voice trembled with rage, his fists clenched at his sides as he held himself back from doing something he might regret.
Despite Felix’s usually soft-spoken nature, tonight, seeing you hurt pushed him beyond his breaking point. The paparazzo who had shoved you continued to cower as Felix approached him, his eyes blazing with a fury that you had never seen before.
No one had, really. You now understood why the members had once said Felix might have been the scariest one of them all, when he was truly angry.
"You think this is a game?" Your fiancé's voice was low, almost a whisper, but it was filled with a deadly calm that sent chills down your spine. His usually gentle demeanor had been replaced by something darker, more dangerous.
The paparazzi stuttered an apology, backing away, but Felix didn’t move. He took another step closer, his fists clenched at his sides. "You don’t get to touch her," he growled, his voice barely above a whisper but carrying an unmistakable threat. "You crossed a line, and that was a huge mistake."
The photographer muttered an apology, scurrying away, but Felix wasn’t interested in anything he had to say. He turned back to you, his expression softening instantly as he saw you clutching your ankle.
"Oh, love," he whispered, his voice full of guilt and concern as he crouched down beside you. "I don't know how I got blessed with someone like you. The fact you put up with all of this is insane."
He helped you up. "Is your ankle, okay?"
"Yeah, I think I just landed on it weird I'll be fine..." Your voice was a bit shaky- not because you were in pain but because an angry Felix was...scary, to say the least. "I can walk- woah!"
Felix scooped you up into his arms effortlessly, the pure rush of adrenaline giving him a strength that you figured could rival Changbin's in the moment. His eyes still blazed with anger as he shot a look towards the rest of the paparazzi who left without another word. "They'll never bother us again." he promised, his calm. "I swear."
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Seungmin was always calm under pressure, the voice of reason when things got chaotic. But even he had times where his rationale would fly out the window.
You and Seungmin were walking through the streets after dinner, enjoying a date night together when the paparazzi found you.
Or someone else for that matter. As you two quickly realized they were focused on a different idol who had happened to be in the same area. So, Seungmin just kept his arm around you, his posture relaxed, guiding you through around crowd without a word- without so much as a look to the cameras.
And you almost got away.
That was until more photographers joined in, pushing and shoving to get closer, to the other idol. Seungmin’s calm demeanor began to slip. He tightened his hold on you, his eyes flickering with irritation as he tried to get you through the growing crowd.
"Just pay no mind," he muttered, his voice low, but you could hear the tension in it.
You nodded, staying close to him as you reached the end of the crowded space- but then another swarm of the pap came in and in the midst of chaos, someone pushed you from behind, causing you to stumble and fall against the pavement. Your hands hit the ground hard, scraping your palms as you let out a small whine, trying to get up but nearly stampeded in the process.
That was when Seungmin snapped.
His usually calm eyes darkened as he turned on the photographer who had pushed you, his entire body radiating fury. "What the hell is wrong with you?" His voice was low and controlled, but the anger in it was unmistakable.
One of the paparazza's turned to see Seungmin, who in the middle of the commotion had somehow lost his hat.
Seungmin wasn’t the type to raise his voice, but the way he looked at the photographer made everyone around stop in their tracks for a second. The woman stammered, trying to back away, but Seungmin wasn’t letting her off easily.
But the second the words left his mouth, he felt the cool breeze ruffle his hair and he knew he made a mistake. He mutter a curse under his breath and he rushed to your side blocking you from the paparazzi as their cameras started flashing in his direction. His hands were gentle as they reached for yours, inspecting the scrapes on your palms. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice full of guilt.
You nodded. "I’ll be fine."
"I'm sorry I drew attention to us." He murmured.
"It's okay."
But Seungmin's mood was ruined. He helped you to your feet, his eyes still flickering with anger as he glared at the paparazzi over his shoulder. "No pictures." he said firmly, his voice trembling with barely restrained fury as he guided you to where he had parked the car. It was no use, since they never listened. But he continued chanting it as he hid your face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." He said once more. "They're the fucking worst."
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You and Jeongin had been trying to enjoy a quiet day out, just the two of you exploring the city. He’d been excited to show you some of his favorite spots, and the day had been perfect, but the inevitable happened.
Jeongin tensed the moment he saw the cameras approaching, his hand tightening around yours as he tried to keep his cool. "Just stay close," he whispered, his voice calm but a little shaky. "It hasn't happened to me yet but sometimes they can get rough..."
You could tell he was nervous, but he did his best to protect you, stepping in front of you as the photographers got closer. They started snapping pictures, throwing questions at you both, but Jeongin just kept walking, his arm securely around you.
But then one of the paparazzi got too close, pushing past Jeongin to get a better shot of you. The sudden shove knocked you off balance, and you tripped over the curb, falling hard onto the pavement. You cried out as you landed on your tailbone.
Damn that hurts.
You felt blood seeping on the back of your leg too, a shard of glass seeming to have cut through your pant and wounded your thigh.
Jeongin froze, his eyes wide with shock as he saw you on the ground and the bit of blood. For a moment, he didn’t know what to do, his usual calm demeanor slipping as panic set in. "Y/N…" he whispered, his voice trembling as he crouched down beside you.
"Where are you bleeding from?" he asked, his hands hovering over you as if he was too scared to touch you, afraid of making it worse.
You winced, in annoyance, since the fall was painful but not unbearable. "I think that there was a broken bottle..."
Jeongin’s eyes filled with guilt as he glanced back at the paparazzi, his usually soft expression hardening for just a moment. He wasn’t the type to get angry easily in front of you, but seeing you hurt because of someone else’s carelessness made something inside him snap.
He stood up, turning to face the photographer with a look of quiet fury. "You shouldn’t have done that," he muttered, his voice low and steady, but there was a fire in his eyes that you had never seen before. "Get away now before I call the police on all of you."
When the paparazzi didn't listen his voice raised.
"I SAID LEAVE!" His voice was sharp and threatening. So much so the group immediately dissipated.
He quickly turned his attention back to you after making sure everyone was gone, his hands trembling slightly as he helped you up. "I’m so sorry…" he whispered, his voice thick with guilt as he wrapped an arm around you. "I didn't think they would do that..."
You shook your head, trying to reassure him. "It’s not your fault, Innie."
Jeongin frowned, pulling you closer to him. "Next time we can bring one of the Hyungs. Then I can protect you better."
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