#Crimes of a Weirdo
chocolatewoosh · 1 year
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Redrew an old piece with Alexander that I originally drew 9 whole years ago........ Damn
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finsterwalds · 5 months
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The think tanks if they were synths in game (where's the mod @ fallout community!!!). I gave Mobius and Klein the scrubs you find for them in the Big MT, but the rest of the crew wears the standard mad scientist scrubs. I know Klein also wears glasses apparently, but my headcanon is that he only wears them when he's reading!
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clownsuu · 1 year
im eatimg all ur art can we feed more on howdy plz i beg im still hungry for more
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At this point I feel I’m creating half of the fandom’s howdy content LMAOOO (just more excuses for me to draw my favorite worm man 😔🥄🥄🥄🥄)
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Headcanon: the one apple Wally has is the old ass apple he found baby howdy in as a child
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corsairspade · 26 days
me: i really like celegorm. i think he's a really interesting character and i enjoy rotating him in my mind like a particularly ill tempered pigeon
also me whenever i see luthien content: get his ass. steal his dog. bonk him over the head with a hammer. no rights.
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bookshelfdreams · 6 months
Saw a Take earlier today like "Ed stans have only 1 argument and it's accusing everyone who likes Izzy of being problematic" or something to that effect
and it made me think "Nah babe, you're not problematic. You're just wrong."
And then I thought. Huh. Why do I think that?
It's a perfectly respectable thing to read a text in a way it wasn't intended to be read. In fact, "reading against the grain", doing critical readings, shifting perspectives when engaging with a text - all of thee are important skills! You can, and should, do feminist, antiracist, postcolonial, queer, etc readings of texts that were never intended to be read that way. Hell, all fandom (often) is, is doing queer readings! Ask the text uncomfortable questions it doesn't want to answer!
However. It's pretty difficult to do a queer reading when the text already is a queer narrative. The questions you would ask the text if you did a queer reading, or a reading focused on gender roles, or similar things - those are questions the text is already actively exploring.
If you want to do a subversive reading of a text that is already quite subversive - what do you end up with?
"What's the story like from Izzy's perspective?" is a question ofmd deliberately doesn't focus too much on because Izzy's perspective is the default and ofmd wants to challenge that. There's a reason the angry white man is the antagonist in this show, and if you ask "Okay, but could he be right though?" you're missing the point.
Or rather, you're turning everything that's interesting about ofmd back around. You're asking "Okay, but why don't we focus on a white perspective that strictly adheres to oppressive power structures?" of a narrative who already asked itself this question and gave the answer "Because that's been done enough and there are other stories worth telling."
And I think people are aware of that, which is how we end up with completely bizarre takes like "Izzy has the only queer character arc". He hasn't, but he has the only arc that a queer reading can be done on - for everyone else it's text, plain and simple. Refusing to engage with that text in favour of centering Izzy is basically doing a heteronormative reading without being willing to admit it to yourself.
And no, interpreting Izzy as a queer man doesn't change that.
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silly-centipede · 2 months
I was watching Hannibal thinking "surely Will isn't like this in the book." Then I started reading Red Dragon and it's like no he is just like that.
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enoodlez · 4 months
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God I hate them both
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bunnygirllover45 · 3 months
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HAVE I SEEN IT?????????? I JUST WOKE UP AND IT WAS THE FIRST THING I CHECKED OUT, OMFG SHE'S SO PRETTY, THE COLORS, THE ELEGANCE, SHE LOOKS LIKE A LITTLE FAIRY. Omg she's colored with the colors of the Padisarah flower. Her little pigtails are now a little curly that's so adorable actually,,, I can't believe they made her look prettier but now She IS. God I love her, she brings me so much happiness... The only thing is... please give my girl some shoes, she's going to burn her feet in the sand, please give her some sandals or something. But overall, please take my money hoyoverse. (first time I'm saying this seriously.)
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"Batman pulled Catwoman" "Batman pulled Superman" "Batman pulled Wonder Woman" "Batman pulled-"
No Brucie Wayne can pull and flirt like he's on fire but you think Bruce, you think Batman, knows how to Emotion when he's got a crush.
I'm sorry but Batboy got rizzed up, folded like a wet paper towel, and carried over a shoulder. That little man cannot emotion for the life of him sometimes, he didn't pulled, he got pulled, he got collard and yoinked.
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saltlog · 1 year
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chocolatewoosh · 1 year
i love seeing the new ocs youve been posting! what ocs of yours are your favorites, whether new or old?
daAAW YOU'RE SO SWEET?? THANK YOU???? ;; That means an awful lot to me!!
Gosh what a question though it's like The question of all time oK SO my favourite characters of All Time would have to be my main four guys- Tyler, Codie, Marcus, and Phillip!!
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These four mean So Very Much to me it's Kind of insane. OF these Tyler is the oldest, made back in 2012! Then there's Codie, made in 2014, then Phillip in 2016, and Marcus in 2021! All of which were designed by me EXCEPT for Marcus, who was designed by the incredible CyanCybershock on ToyHouse!!
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enii · 1 year
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With my favorite💕
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Mabel: OMG you guys are so a cult!
The Westies: What?! No! Why, you wanna join??
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shrimpsuru · 7 months
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dungeon meshi oc!! I will be drawing him more, as well as dungeon meshi fanart!!
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sher-ee · 3 months
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Happy Father’s Day.
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wingsmadeforflying · 9 months
My freak Evan would absolutely make pin-up board things of butterflies when he finds out. Collecting a bunch of them and pinning them himself (all found dead or sourced ethically, he's not a monster! And Barty would kill him [cold shoulder for a few days] if he brutally murdered a butterfly).
I love my stupid idiot freaks.
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