#Cerberus <3
peecyjacksoo · 8 months
Hades offering them something to eat literally killed me. Hades is like "the smart one's gone" and immediately tried to keep them there forever.
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demigoddessqueens · 4 months
Official Ludinus and Liliana art!!! 🔥
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devildomwriter · 1 month
“Y-Yo…DOG! You’d better not mess with my brothers, or you’ll have ME to deal wi—“
“Magic beast! If you dare harm my brothers, you’ll have to deal with me. And it won’t be pretty. Do I make myself clear?”
— Mammon standing up to Cerberus before Lucifer arrives (Nightbringer Chapter 3-10)
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zathura-art · 10 months
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Jack and the Cerberus cheerleader.
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
Took the bus to the big city yesterday and it only stops near where I live in the early morning and late at night, so I left a bowl for Pandolf with enough food for his 2 meals of the day. He didn’t start eating because it was too early for breakfast and he’s punctilious about mealtimes, but I told him “Bon appétit” to Authorise The Kibble, then left. When I came home at night it was long past his normal dinner time yet I found the bowl half-full—he had eaten the breakfast portion but since he only got 1 bon appétit he didn’t dare to eat the rest for dinner. I don’t think if I had said it twice in a row he would have understood that one of them was a Bon Appétit voucher for his next meal unfortunately. But I’m always amazed by his scruples, he is the most principled animal I know. When he was a puppy he would try to stick his head in his bowl while I poured the food so I taught him to wait until he heard ‘bon appétit’ before going anywhere near it—and very quickly in his mind the words became an incantation that turns the contents of his bowl from a miasma of forbidden unthinkableness into edible food that belongs to him.
This is Pandolf waiting for me to cast the Legal Food spell:
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flshmans · 2 months
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i finished turk vinnie awhile ago but now i wanna make another one based off his ec outfit + his gunspinner shot animation…. hes so princess i love him (wip)
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tsima-d · 2 months
Fallout Ask's thing (Charon), translated
Q: Do you communicate with anyone in the Underworld? Or do you just stand grumpy in the corner?
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dispotatorulzz · 5 months
Viv-n-Vex play wobble dogs in my heart
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rhodamine · 2 years
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“Can we just have 5 minutes?”
Oh, yes. He’s back.
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wabbitears · 1 year
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Hey guys I finally got pass 1-4 and beaten the whole game and now erm. Yeag my brain has been emptied out and replaced with ultrakill. Sorry. Its terminal. Ive been like this for weeks now. Expect more fanart of this game because holy shit
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onewolfaday · 1 year
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245. three headed wolf!
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siringadev · 19 days
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I was thinking about why I love Nero so much, and I realized that there is not only something so magnetic and unique about him and his design, but how the core of his whole personality is built on a deep love for Weiss, despite the fact that he is an antihero and does not very good things (first under orders from Shinra, since he is a Deepground soldier, and then out of duress, to summon Omega = to revive Weiss), but all this is out of desperation and love. I do not know any other character inside the FF7 world and beyond, who is so motivated to act out of love as Nero. Even take other iconic pairs of loving brothers (because it is brother's love that is depicted as the strongest in JP games and anime), their motivations were different, and love was secondary.
Take Itachi and Sasuke, for example.
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Itachi is stated to have a very strong love for Sasuke, but what he does ultimately causes Sasuke great pain. Yes, Itachi wanted to save him, but at what cost? And his main motive was: to prevent a world war. So, at the cost of his clan's life and Sasuke's mental health, he does something terrible, and I still can't accept it as an act of love. It seems such an unhealthy, twisted form of love, illogical and scary.
And yet, I cried watching those scenes where Itachi reveals the truth, where Sasuke cries, everything is built to squeeze out tears.
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Next, Madara and Izuna.
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It is stated that he loved Izuna, and loved him even more than Itachi loves Sasuke. And how is this shown and proven? Well, it seems like almost nothing. Madara's main motivation is to become the strongest shinobi, to take control of the world and establish his own order, and thereby establish peace through strict control and then through magical illusions when he became disillusioned with contradictory and rebellious human nature. I understand his motivations, and he is one of the most admired character in Naruto. But what does love have to do with it? Izuna is not even present in his motivation. He simply died and caused Madara's grief, making him cruel and aggressive. And also gave him his eyes. But what besides this?
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As for the others, like Lothric-Lorian from Dark souls, their connection was forced by the curse, and their motivation is simply to disobey their superiors. Their essence is nihilism and fatalism. Love is just an accompanying quality.
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Not to mention Miquella, who did not show love as a personal emotion, although it seems he should embody universal love. We just can't see his love for Radahn or Godwyn or anyone to the point that we start to wonder if there was love at all? Or if there was love but it wasn't shown? So he is out of the love list.
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If we talk about the love of Sephiroth, Cloud and other characters of FF7, they are so far from ultimate love that it does not even occur to me what can be said. Probably, Sephiroth wanted to love, but could not find anyone, suffering from loneliness and his own inability to build healthy relationships, and Cloud had many friends whom he valued, but never found "the one and only", whom he would love completely and unconditionally (which is why ship-wars still rage). It seems that Sephiroth could have become that one and only, considering how much Cloud idolized him, but Sephiroth ruined everything. Yes, Shinra is to blame for this, but partly it is Sephiroth's character, his selfishness and inability to put someone else's feelings above his own. Considering that Nero and Weiss grew up in much worse conditions than Sephiroth, and suffered abuse and pain from Shinra that Sephiroth did not experienced, yet somehow they were able to form the strongest bonds of love with each other and the healthiest relationships with each other (not toxic, not abusive, but built on loyalty, devotion, trust, unity and intimacy).
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Sephiroth was so unlucky in love that even his own clones wanted to leave him in the DFFOO, and Weiss even laughed at this, telling Sephiroth that his puppet (Kadaj) cut his strings. And Kadaj, embodying young Sephiroth personality, longed for a family and to find someone who understood and cared for him, and he saw this in the illusionary form of Jenova. Sephiroth could have given him this care and love, but he simply used him as a tool, which hurt Kadaj. As for Weiss, he remembers Nero as the only one who understands him and cares for him, someone without whom he feels incomplete.
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"Without Nero, there is no me" - this shows Weiss and Nero's relationship from Weiss' perspective. In DoC, we see their love from Nero's perspective and might have doubted about the reciprocity, but DFFOO shows that Weiss loves Nero as much as Nero loves Weiss.
Each case is unique, and each deserves its own respect and admiration. I simply analyzed one aspect, like love in a character, and came to the conclusion that Nero may be the strongest embodiment of this love at the moment.
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essektheylyss · 5 months
Okay but how often do you think Essek or Caleb has called before bed and had the other person pick up in the middle of some kind of minor fight and have to go, "HELLO sorry if I seem distracted, in the middle of something, but that's not important how are you dear how was your day—"
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kikithecoconut · 9 months
listen i get that when cerberus brought shepard back the whole deal was "make her exactly as she was before" but ive taken it upon myself to occasionally do some renegade actions that ME1 shepard would have never done just to make cerberus think theyve fucked it up and that shes just slightly off
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