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barbucomedie · 11 months ago
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Sandstone Altar to Jupiter from Castlesteads, England dated to 241 CE on display at the Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery in Carlisle, England
This altar to Jupiter and the Divinities of the Emperor was set up by a group of Tungrian soldiers in the 3rd century as part of their annual diedication. It honours both the Roman Emperor Gordian and the god Jupiter as well. One translation of the remaining text reads:
"To Jupiter, Best and Greatest, and to the Divinities of our Emperor the Second Cohort of Tungrians styled Gordiana, part-mounted, publicly praised, under the command of Tiberius Claudius Claudianus, the prefect, (set this up) under the direction of Publius Aelius Martinus, princeps, on the 1st of January in the consulship of our Lord and Emperor Gordian, for the second time, and Pompeianus."
The Tungrians came from modern day Belgium and were stationed at Castlesteads Roman Fort on Hadrian's Wall. There is a thunderbolt on one side of the altar and the wheel of Nemesis on the other.
Photographs taken by myself 2023
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vatiiagames · 6 months ago
How would the ros react to finding out mc is hiding their injuries? (Need some angsty-ish)
Hi anon! We all love some angst, don’t we?
Carlise would scold you. How dare you put your life at risk, whether you wished to not inconvenience anyone or whatever the case may be. She would immediately get you into whatever care she can. You would probably think she’s angry, but she’s not. She’s scared. When she knows you're being taken care of, she lightens up. Expect lots of reassuring words and praises during your recovery.
Varre doesn't waste any time asking questions. He is quick to begin using magic to heal you, staying silent the entire time. He will wait until you are taken care of and healed before he begins questioning why you did it; why you hid the fact you were hurt. Varre would make you promise to never scare him like that again.
Ewan doesn’t understand. Why would you hide the fact you were hurt from everyone; from him. He’s desperate to try and help you, but he’s not a healer. Sure, he knows how to patch up minor cuts and scrapes, but your condition is beyond his knowledge. His normal bubbly and charming self shuts down quick in anxiety and desperation. He just wants to help you. But he can’t.
Dea is not happy. At all. But she understands. She is likely the most level headed out of the ROs in finding out that you were hiding your injuries. She has tons of experience patching up stab wounds, cuts, whatever it may be. She’s not good with a stitch but if it’s just the two of you around she will make do with what she has. But she will be silent the entire time.
Kizan. This poor man. He has seen battle. He has seen people he cares about get hurt on the field. He’s lost friends. He’s managed to handle it all with grace, as a Commander should. But he can’t handle it with you. Kizan’s hands are on you at once, easing you down and trying his best to care for you. His fingers tremble as he patches you up the best he can. Maybe some calming words would do good to soothe his mind?
Amysa lived a sheltered life at the White Tower and has only recently been learning how the real world is. She’s brilliant on paper when it comes to knowing the ins and outs of the body, but in practice she turns white as a ghost. Seeing your injuries is no exception. She’s immediately brought to tears at the thought of your pain. While she is a mage and she can perform healing magic, her own fear overrides her abilities. She’s upset mostly with herself, not you.
Lyonel is no stranger to wounds. He almost lost his life during a hunting accident. Time is of the ease bc when you’re in such a condition and the fact you have put it off upsets him. He will help you in what ways he can, but if someone else can do it he will definitely let them. He values honesty above all else and knowing you were hiding your injuries hurts him. He will come to see you regularly and check on you, but until you’re better and the two of you can have a talk expect a cold shoulder.
Shian, like Dea, is pretty level headed about the ordeal. But that doesn’t save you from her motherly chiding. She’s not good with healing magics so she carries medicinal herbs instead. Expect sticky poultices that sting at first but numb soon after. She’ll tell you what each one does as she’s mixing it together. You can’t tell if she’s trying to teach you or keep your mind off the wounds. But her soft touch and caring eyes put you at ease. Even if she’s ripping you a new one with the sweetest tone of voice.
Tannic is good at hiding his emotions. Conceal, don’t feel. Or whatever she said. His expression doesn’t change when he sees your injuries. He does, however, get to working on them. Tannic has seen quite a bit of injuries and such in his day, yours are no different. Or so he thinks. One look into his eyes as he’s healing your wounds tells you what his words refuse to. Hurt, fear, pain… Please don’t ever scare him like that again. I’ll tell you because he probably won’t.
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lovingu43vr · 26 days ago
Jasper Hale x Reader
warnings: Bella, usual twilight warnings
Summary: Bella causes a stir when voicing her opinion on two vampires.
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It was a quiet day in Forks. An even quieter one in the Cullen house. Rosalie and Emmett out shopping,Alice and Issy Painting, Esme and Carlisle quietly organising the book shelf. Then there was Jasper and Y/n lounging in the love seat in the garden, passively watching creatures scurry past.
“Do you remember when we met?” Y/n softly spoke as she looked up at her mate whose face broke into a wild smile. “I certainly do Darlin, 1940 I was staying with Peter and Charlotte after hearing about new ways. I was reading a news paper trying to control my thirst. Then along came the most angelic being i’d ever seen Y/n Marisol Cullen.” y/n laughed before her husband carried on. “You walked over to me, Said you could help with my situation. I felt this intense feeling of wholeness when you touched my arm. That’s when i knew.” Y/n began “I felt like i’d finally found the missing piece” Jasper held his wife tightly. “And long story short your stuck with me for all eternity Darlin” Y/n Relaxed into Jaspers chest. Relishing in the peace and quiet.
Suddenly Jasper tensed up causing Y/n to lift her body off his and follow hi u s gaze. That’s when the smell of Bella hit her. Rolling her eyes she sighed. “Here she is little miss Florida” Jasper half heartedly chuckled. He Began to open his mouth before a hand being slapped over it. Y/n motioning to shush.
“Are you sure they are actually in love?”
“I mean Jasper looks like he’s in so much pain”
“Jasper always looks like that”
“And Y/n she just looks so perfect and like everything she does is a calculated move”
“No Edward she’s always looking to check if someone’s watching”
“Bella can you hear yourself”
“I don’t think they love eachother Edward i really don’t”
“Bella drop it”
“No Edward, They don’t even seem to like being in eachothers presence. I never see them together”
“You never see them alone either”
Bella clearly forgetting about the heightened hearing the Vampires possessed. Began Slamming into her future In-laws.
Jaspers heart dropped. All he’d ever wanted was for people to know how much he loves his wife. Bella saying those things hurt the empath a lot. He quickly sped off with out saying a word.
“Jasper” Y/n shouted. “Jaz”
Y/n sighed deciding to give him his space before entering the house. She walked in seeing Alice and Issy. “I’m guessing you heard” Issy spoke first her English accent purring. “It’s not true” Alice reassured the vampire. “Alice i’m not stupid. I know but Jaspers took it hard he’s sped off somewhere” Y/n began to walk over to the two Vampires. “I told you Bella’s a jealous girl” Issy nudged her wife. “stop” Alice whispered.
“There you are” Edward smiled walking in with Bella. “I wanted to show Bella some of your paintings” he told the married couple. “Hey Alice,Issy,Y/n” Y/n didn’t respond instead she walked further into the room sitting on the sofa to ‘read’ a magazine.
“Why’d did you say those things?” Y/n closed her magazine. Bella froze. “I mean are you that unsatisfied by Yourself and Edward’s relationship that you start making troubling little fantasy’s about mine?” Y/n stared at the human.
“You wanna know what i found so funny about your little observations?” “hmm?” “You said i’m always looking over to check if someone’s watching, i am your right. But forgive me if this is left field but have you totally lost your mind and forgotten the fact we are literal blood sucking vampires? Oh and the fact that we could be exposed any second?” Edward began to intervene.
“Y/n come on you know she didn’t mean it”
“Really because she sounded pretty set”
“you have no idea what love is Bella, your 17 years old. You have no idea what lays await for you and love in the future” Y/n walked away.
“Jaspers left” Alice told Edward. “What?why?” Edward turned to his sister perplexed. “Edward, Jaspers trying really hard” Issy spoke. “He tries so hard everyday, He worships the ground Y/n walks on and what Bella said was abit of a kick in the teeth don’t you think?” Issy gave the human girl a small glare.
“Now i’ve got to go find my husband, Please refrain from upsetting anyone else Isabella” Y/n sped up the mountains searching for Jasper. She found him. Sitting on a Rock. Watching the horses a field away run around.
“Hey Jaz” Y/n said sitting next to him on the rock. “hi” he quietly spoke. “Wanna talk about it?” Jasper thought about refusing to but he couldn’t. “I don’t want you to think i don’t love you” Jasper sighed. “I love you so much it’s almost painful. You consume my mind, Your in everything i do. When i’m talking to other students at school i’m waiting for you to join because you would love the topic. When u go to the store and i see something i have to get it because it reminds me of you. I spent 80 years suffering until i met you and i can’t even show it” Y/n had never seen her husband so upset by a few words. “Jazzy” she played with bits of his hair “ i know you love me you idiot” Y/n let out a laugh. ��So does everyone else, Just because Bella said some stupid things once again doesn’t mean anything” Jasper cracked a small smile. “She does have a habit of that huh?” Y/n grinned grabbing his hand. “Home?” Jasper nodded as they both sped off.
“Jasper im-“ Bella was cut off by Jasper stepping back. “I’d prefer it if you didn’t speak to me” Jasper said before moving up the stairs. “Someone’s rubbing off on him” Emmett chuckled. “He needed it” Y/n nudged the boy. “He’s defiantly whipped i’ll tell you that” Y/n rolled her eyes. “And your not?” Emmett held his hands up. “Hey how can i not be” Rosalie grinned. “Another reason to hate Bella Yay” Edward sent the three vampires a glare. “Don’t glare at me Edweirdo, Your the reason she even met us”
Esme and Carlisle listened to the whole altercation ‘Do you remember when they actually got along. Y/n and Edward?” Carlisle asks his beautiful wife. “No i don’t, i remember when Y/n and i quote ‘tolerated that street urchin” Carlisle sighed. “We were so young then” Esme laughed “it was this morning”.
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kyrithenerd · 14 days ago
Hey I loved your posts about the Cullens would you do Carlisle Cullens headcannons?
HIIII! You ask, I deliver😀
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Gentleman obviously
He tells you about his medical practice a lot
Old fashioned, really old fashioned so he likely asked permission from your father before he even took you out on a date.
On dates he's the most polite person ever
Pulls the chair out for you
Melts when he finds you wearing his lab coat.
He felt REALLY nervous when telling you about his secret. I can imagine him dating you for years and you still don't know, nor spend time with his family for obvious reasons
When he does tell you tho, it doesn't come as a surprise, you figured it out already.
By the time you actually meet his kids, they have heard all about you. Dr Cullen apparently can't shut up about his lover 🤭
He never gets angry, you see a white raven before you hear him shout.
He's kind of overprotective but tries not to show it.
Not a big fan of pda, or at least in my opinion, so holding pinkies and such. Maybe hand holding as the relationship progresses
You were nervous that the others wouldn't like you, but they ABSOLUTELY DIDDD. Rosalie was so happy to have a mother figure, and Edward was basically calling you mom by the 3rd week (which you found weird but loved at the same time)
Carlisle is definitely a 'date night every week' type of guy.
He takes you travelling a lot, so you were in all of the European capitals before marriage even came up.
You didn't even realize how rich he was before he gifted you an island as a wedding gift.
(NSFW-?) Big heart, bigger d1ck, biggest bank account.
He treats you like a goddess, so princess treatment is the bare minimum even if you guys are arguing
He doesn't want to turn you, and that's why you guys only have flights
"No, sweetheart, I won't turn you.. there is no reason for me to take your soul"
At the end he does end up turning you (after you tried to give him a reason to save your life)
(I can write a one shot about that if y'all want me to)
When you're still human, he always leaves you notes if you're hunting.
After you get turned tho, he's the one who shows you how to hunt, move, act human.
Very good at holding eye contact for some reason???
Tells you tales of the volturi and his time with them
Wrires you poetry FOR SURE.
Let's you steal his shirts.
Acts like he doesn't want his stuff being stolen but melts when he sees you do it
If you're still human and sick, he takes time off work just to be your personal doctor <3
He lets you choose the movie
I can see him being a cat person. Not bc he's a vampire or anything, but he def owns a calico cat.
He's a huge Doctor House fan.
You can't watch Grey's anatomy with him bc he'll have a crashout at half of it being inaccurate
When Bella comes around I can see him asking you to bond with her
He wants you to tie his ties. He finds it cute.
Has terrible identity crisis and whenever he feels like a monster be curls up next to you
When he's hunting he goes for deer.
If he's not hunting with you, he's likely with Edward or Rosalie
Edward is, in fact the favorite kid. (Rosalie close second)
He can be sassy and sarcastic in private.
Buys you very expensive perfumes (only the ones you like)
If you're a model, that's a Palvin Barbara X Dylan Sprouse at the last VS show ALL THE TIME.
Whatever you do, he's your biggest fan.
If you have siblings, he tries getting along with them as much as he can!
He thinks he is morally grey, but the purest person.
Secretly very afraid of dying? I can see that with him
When one of his kids (Emmett) jokingly said he's a dilf he asked you what that meant.
He lets you style his hair
If you're a werewolf, he speaks to the leader of the tribe about you imprinting on him, getting them to change to contract so he can go to the wolf's land.
Even if you're a werewolf he's not bothered by the smell
DOESN'T LET HIS KIDS CALL YOU A MUTT (they wouldn't anyway since they adore you but still)
Alice had a vision of you months before you started dating, Edward read his mind and soon the whole family was giddy trying to see when y'all get together.
Emmett admitted this at the speech he made at y'all's wedding.
Buys you plushies, DEFO.
He held the wedding in whatever country you wanted it to be.
He hates interview with the vampire for some reason.
If you're an artist, he has a whole art studio set up for you.
Same with whatever profession you do.
I'm working in a jasper one shot currently so that can be expected soon!
Also I take any other kinds of requests about the Cullen's and the vampire diaries, some animes and other fandoms too, just ask!
Okay I'm out<3
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rina-walker · 3 months ago
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I go to a film club where they show different films and discuss them. And I found out about this because of the screening of “Twilight” on April 1, 2023 (the day of the draw / April Fool’s Day in Russia)
I really love this film club and recently asked me to draw alternative posters for them, which they are preparing for screening and raffling off. And I was very pleased to find out that "Twilight" part 4 will finally be shown after a year-long break. So this poster was a hell of a lot of fun to draw!
Ahahahahahaha, I know this poster looks like Charlie and Carlisle's wedding, but that was intentional on my part🤣🤣👀🤙✨❤️
Just don't be too jealous🤣✨👨‍💼🧛‍♂️👀✨❤️❤️🤙
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heartagram-vv · 6 months ago
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Rosalie Cullen lookbook moodboard
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xostrawberrymlk · 1 month ago
I used to think my fav sibling duo in twilight was Alice and Edward
then once I started reading fanfic (since smeyer wouldn’t grace us with what would be amazing content of this) Alice and Edward came second to the Hale twins; Rosalie and Jasper
I don’t know why but I think it’s how tragic both of their backstories are (despite Jasper being a LITERAL PROUD CONFEDERATE) and how people write them like - well, obviously it’s quite canon for Rosalie to be “cold and standoffish” but having her be able to understand she relates on some kind of level to Jasper and thus letting him in is such a fucking adorable and sweet dynamic that I wish we got to see in the books (but thank god for fanfic cuz yall really saved this cursed series, tbh I think we should band together like CPS and take Twilight away from smeyer cuz yall fr saved the series and the characters)
but upon reading Tales of the Years (I’m in the middle of 1950) I have actually come to really love not only Edward and Emmett’s relationship, which seemed so natural to me that they’d get along almost immediately right off the bat like they did in this story but I think my fav so far is Edward and Rosalie
@jessicanjpa has written them to be such an interesting sibling duo, their vicious love and hate for eachother is so strong, and so passionate, I love reading about Edward’s reflection on his life with Rosalie, also how protective he is of her - even if they fight a lot, and also how much he does geniuenly love her and how complicated they both are, it’s just so… I don’t know how to describe it. but as I continue on through this series and the outtakes etc, I have come to love Edward and Rosalie’s compelling sibling relationship, arguably the most.
Alice and Jasper will probably always be my fav, but I have found a new love for Edward reading this series.
as well as a new love for not just Rosalie and Emmett, but Rosalie and Edward.
I’m also enjoying how much Edward bases literally everything around Carlisle, their codependency has always been so interesting to me. (I actually saw a post on here once that says something along the lines of “Edward be like I know a place, then just takes you to an altar to worship Carlisle” and that couldn’t be more true)
anyways, I can’t say enough good things and about how much I love Tales of the Years, I’m almost wanting to slow down my reading bc I don’t want it to end 😭
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laughingoutcast · 1 month ago
I still don’t understand why they gave Reese‘s puffs human blood instead of animal blood in the series/movie
If they’re like vegetarian shouldn’t they have like started her on the diet early??
Why the fuck did they make Bella DRINK it from a styrofoam cup in order to give it to Reese?? Like did we forget there are other ways to get blood in the body????
Because if you think about it, it’s so counterproductive, cuz then she comes out like a demon baby and she’s trying to like, I don’t know, destroy the local population?!
(I hate that they pull the ‘she’s half human’ card when everyone has genuine concern over Reese diet. Like shes a CHILD she’s not gonna have self control bro even if she’s ‘developing fast’)
I mean, I guess it could be the fact that she was drinking Bella‘s blood but even then I mean…
Shouldn’t Carlisle have noticed like the effects this child was having on Bella??
I mean she was literally looking like a fucking deflated water balloon.
Shouldn’t they know what being slowly drained looks like?? Because their VAMPIRES????
I don’t know. I feel like as a doctor he should’ve noticed that something was happening sooner. Or even connected the dots as to WHY Reese was doing that in the first place??
(Also SUPER HEARING?? You’re telling me they couldn’t hear Reese slurping Bellas blood in the WOMB?!?!)
And even if all I’m saying is wrong somehow, you’re telling me they just couldn’t just give her a blood transfusion and an IV bag?? HELLO?!
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oncasette · 1 year ago
bon temps, louisiana + carlisle cullen & reader crushing on him as an intern at forks hospital
he's so out of your league. like definitely, totally, one hundred percent, off the table, out of your league. but that doesn't mean you can't daydream just a little bit about him.
dr. cullen had been a physician at forks' hospital for a almost a year at this point. doctors, patients, nurses, all of the other interns. it was impossible not to know him. on top of being possibly the most beautiful person you'd ever seen, he was incredible at his job. far more incredible than he should've been, only looking to be a year shy of graduating med school, and forks probably being his first actual residential position.
everyone wanted to get some sort of a hand on him, and those who successfully manage it were lucky to do so.
you didn't catch him as he passed the nurse's station you were leaned over, chatting with one of the younger girls they'd hired in the last couple months, until he was already past you. he always moved so swiftly, ghostlike as glided from place to place, that you barely even heard him call your name as he went.
you scrambled to follow after him.
"yes, dr. cullen?" you ask as you shoot a weary look at your friend. she gives you an eager smile and a thumbs up that you scowl at in response.
he quickly stops in the middle of the hallway, leaving you to nearly topple into his side as he rummages through the files beside the door before handing over a clipboard with a patient's file stuffed into it.
"i'd like for you to check in on mr. reilly for me," he says. you think you'd do just about anything he asked if he posed his questions like that.
"yes, yes, absolutely," you stammer, opening the file to flip through mr. reilly's history.
"great," he says, his hand coming up to rest against your shoulder briefly. your skin grows hot beneath it, a heat that travels up your neck, despite the uncharacteristic chill the emanates from his palm. "i'll be around if you need me."
you think he winks at you before he's whisked away to handle other matters.
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xer-melody · 2 years ago
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Cullen family x adopted!human!male reader(!platonic!)
Warning: hurt/comfort, three original characters, readers friend sucking, a potential new friend tho, swearing, fighting, blood, getting arrested, mostly Carlisle centered.
Words: 2364
Summary: Y/n Cullen wants to tryout for the Baseball team
(A/n: I’d just like to say fuck Stephanie Meyers. Also this is my first request fill so yay!)
Request by anonymous : Cullen family x adopted!human!male reader hurt/comfort(?) where R wants to try out for the school baseball team, but his friends have little faith in him so he starts to self-doubt. So the rest of the Cullens help their youngest sibling practice and he eventually gets on the team. :)
The Forks High School baseball team had just lost a player. Well, not ‘lost’ but he decided that he'd rather play basketball instead, leaving an open spot on the team just a month and a half before baseball season. And you decided to fill that spot. Last season, tryouts had filled up quicker than anyone could have possibly thought they would, but the entirety of the old team was graduating that year, so with twenty-six spots open, people -most not even knowing how to play- flooded the coach in applications. And in an attempt at management, a team was hastily picked and tryouts were closed before you even got a chance.
While that first season was beyond painful to watch, they've gotten better over the last year, way better.
Ronan leaving the baseball team was, for the most part, a secret, at least for the time being. But he knew you liked to play, so he told you, and while you weren't friends with Ronan, you're glad you were the first he considered to take his spot.
That same day, in between classes, you practically ran to the coach's office and asked for an application.
Turns out applications had changed a bit from last year. Considering the fiasco that was the previous tryouts, he'd made it a bit harder to join. Instead of applications being a simple one-page, name-birthday-signature ordeal like it had been for years, it's become a ten page contract.
‘To weed out the fakers’ he said.
Now you were sitting in the schoolyard on the second to last step of the bleachers, half watching the team practice, half trying to fill out this seemingly never ending application.
“‘Have you ever broken a bone?’ no..” you muttered to yourself, checking off another box among dozens of other tiny boxes.
While the questions weren't particularly hard, there were hundreds of them. And you understood why but goddamnit this used to be so simple.
Leaning back against the beaches you watched as the eighth inning began, short words were exchanged between members as they switched spot, the catcher, a guy named Thomas, let out a playfully excruciating yell as he stood from his squating position for the first time nearly 20 minutes, his teammates laughed, and you let out a small chuckle along with them before returning your attention to the application.
‘Do you have siblings? If so, how many?’ was the next question on the packet.
Another filler question, as many had been, only maybe 20 of the questions retained to your health, or your ability to play.
A few minutes later and you were still answering questions, but kept a mental score of of who did what and how much longer until the ninth inning.
A few more minutes passed and you were nearly done, just a page and a half to go. You could get that done before practice was even over. You clicked your pen as you tried to think when was the last time you went to a doctor that wasn’t Carlisle.
Then, without warning, the application was pulled from your hands.
Looking up you saw the sudo captain of the Forks Baseball team, Apollo, who you only really knew two things about, both his parents were Greek mythology nuts, and despite baseball teams not technically having a captain, he was the captain. He dragged the team out of the mud by himself, and then proceeded to knock every game of the season out of the park.
And for a reason you couldn’t comprehend, he smiled down at you after quickly glancing over your application.
“You joining the team?” He asked, slightly out of breath (he ran across the field to talk to you).
“I’m going to try..” you responded quickly.
He chuckled, leaning up against the fence separating the two of you he said, “That’s good, we need someone like you-” he passed the application back, “You’ve been at basically every practice and game this team has ever had, won’t take you long to get the hang of things.”
“I play with my siblings all the time, playing on this team shouldn’t be too hard..”
At that, his smile widened.
“You’re confident, I like that. Can’t wait to have you on the team..”
He turned as the current right-fielder called him over.
“I expect you to see you at tryouts- on time, alright Cullen?”
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“Have you lost you’re goddamn mind!” Your self proclaimed ‘best-friend’, Jamison shouted.
You felt like your eardrum was going to burst if he kept yelling in your ear like that. You were driving him home and chatting when the topic of baseball came up, while he wasn’t too much of a fan, his older brother was on the baseball team. The moment you told him you were trying out he blew up.
“Maybe the rest of your siblings might stand a chance but come on Y/n, be realistic for a moment.”
“I am, I’ve been playing for years, I'm pretty sure I can make the team.”
He groaned, rubbing his hand down his face in frustration,
“Dude, the entire team is getting full ride scholarships, you can’t just come in and fuck that up!”
Stopping at a red light you turned to face him, “Who says I’m going to fuck it up?”
“Just..” he groaned again, “You’re not as good as them man.”
“You’ve never seen me play.”
“Still, just think about it playing with your siblings is different, they go easy on you because they don’t want to hurt your feelings, other teams won’t give a shit about you or your feelings!”
The light turned green and you moved your foot from the breaks to the gas, thinking just how wrong he was. This asshole had never seen you play, he didn’t even know anything about the sport and he was trying to tell you that you’d bring the team down.
“Whatever man,” You muttered.
You tried to ignore his words as best as you could, but such heavy doubt coming from one of your closest friends stung. Tapping your finger against the steering wheel, you breathed in deeply in an attempt to calm the anger that was slowly bubbling under your skin.
“Y/n, I love you man, but don’t do this, you’re good at…stuff, but not this. Just let somebody else try.”
You sighed, slamming your foot on the breaks, making Jamison jerk forward, nearly slamming his head on the dash board. You looked at your rear view mirror, no cars as far as you could see, you look forward, no cars. Then, as though the past three years of friendship meant nothing, you said,
“Get out.”
“You heard me, get out of my car.”
He scoffed, sitting back in his seat, “Are you serious?”
After a second of silence he got out of the car.
And you got out right after him.
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The familiar smell of human blood traveled through the Cullens’ home, followed by your scent, followed by Charlie’s.
Four loud knocks echoed through the quiet house, all were hesitant to move. But Carlisle, being the closest to the door, moved to open it.
Behind it he found a very irritated Charlie who was holding your arm behind your back. Blood ran from your nose all the way down to your chin, but other than that you seemed mostly unharmed.
Charlie gave a quick glance to you, then back to Carlisle.
“Found him fighting some kid in the middle of the road.” He said, sounding almost as disappointed as Carlisle felt.
You refused to met your fathers eyes. You have never disappointed him before, not in this way at least. You knew that fighting Jamison would lead to you getting in trouble with Carlisle eventually, you imagined every scenario as you rode home in the back of Charlie's car, but Carlisle crushing gaze of disappointment was harder to face than anything you could have imagined
You tuned out their conversation, but never missed the looks Carlisle would give you every so often, disappointment and worry clear on his face.
You didn’t move until you felt your fathers hand on your shoulder, pulling you into the house.
You heard something along the line of “don’t do it again” from Charlie and then the front door closing behind you.
Now you were facing the entire Cullen family, your family, as they swarmed you with questions. Questions you really didn’t want to answer, not now anyways. So, the moment you found an opening, you slid passed them and up the stairs. While any of them could have stopped you at any moment, they didn’t, instead watching as you climbed the stair and disappeared behind the wall, a second later they heard your door slam shut.
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Laying on your bed, armed crossed over your chest, glaring at the ceiling above you, irritation coming off of you in waves as the fight replayed in you mind. You kicked his ass but he got a single good shot at you and it was with a rock, not even with his own fist the fucking coward. What kind of person throw stones?
You groaned in frustration, you should have put his ass to the goddamn hospital, maybe that would have given him some time to figure out how to not be a total dick!
You don't know how long you sat there stewing in your own frustration, but someone did eventually come to check on you. You heard the knocks, still you hesitated to get up. You didn't feel like talking, or explaining yourself. You did what you did and that was final.
But, then your father's soothing voice called for you and all the stubbornness you'd been harboring to avoid persecution slipped away.
Pushing yourself up and out of bed you walked to the door, and were met by Carlisle's no longer disappointed face, now replaced by worry.
He sighed before he spoke, grabbing your face and examining your still-bleeding nose.
A moment later you were both sat on your bed as he prodded your nose, tissue held to your nose as he asked you.
“Does this hurt?”
He moved to another spot.
“What about this?”
He sighed again.
“It's not broken, are you hurt anywhere else?”
With that he sat back.
“So are you going to tell me why you fought Jamison, I thought he was your best friend?”
“He was,” Groaning, you said, “until today!”
Falling back onto the bed with a huff, letting your legs dangle off the edge.
“Do you remember what happened last year? With the tryout for the baseball team?”
“Yes, you said they were over before they even started, why?”
“One of the members of the baseball team dropped out, and he specifically asked me to try out and take his place.”
Carlisle smiled, but it faded quickly once he saw the hurt expression on your face.
“That's a good thing, isn't it?”
His words only frustrated you more. not with him, but with your so-called best friend, “It is! But when I told Jamison, he blew up on me- told me I'd only bring the team down. Then he told me to not even try because he thinks I'll fuck up their scholarship.”
“Sorry, I just-” you sighed, “it's just so stressful- I don't know if I even want to join the team anymore. I don't even know if I could! I went through all that trouble with applying and I don't know if they’d even let me on.”
Another sigh left Carlisle. Without saying a word he wrapped his arms around you, his cold embrace comforting beyond anything else. You huffed, irritation and betrayal still scorched through your vein but this lessened it.
A moment passes and you mutter, “thanks dad..”
“It’s alright son..” after a moment he continued, “never take advice from someone who doesn’t have your best interest in mind. As your father, I have nothing but your best interest in mind, so I'll tell you this-”
He pulled back for a second, looking down at you, a small smile on his face.
“Try out for the team, you've played with vampires, I'm sure a group of human boys will be more than impressed with your skills.”
With another sigh you held back a grin, your mood- and your heart- feeling tons lighter.
“Well if you insist, I guess I'll have to-”
And then your door was slammed open, the entire Cullen clan standing behind it, except for Emmett, who'd accidentally pushed the door open by pushing his body weight against it while your siblings were violently eavesdropping.
“…surprise?” Alice tried, holding up a metal bat as both a peace offering and mild defense.
“We were just uh-” Emmett started, but fell short.
“-going to help you practice…for your tryout.” Belle finished smoothly- well as smoothly as she could with a speech pattern as unconventional as hers.
With a wide grin Alice tossed the bat at you, you caught it seamlessly, having done it thousands of times over the years.
“Alright, let’s go.”
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Tryouts were over. You were laid out on the dirt, which you were also covered in, the other attendees were in similar positions. Though some were closer to passing out from exhaustion than others. You, on the other hand, we’re just enjoying the sunshine and the breeze after a surprisingly tame tryout.
You closed your eyes, taking in your surroundings with your other sense, the most prominent of which was you potential competition gasping for air just a few feet away.
“You’re not even tired?” A familiar voice said.
Opening your eyes, you saw Apollo, nearly blocking out the sun.
“Not really.”
He let out a short laugh, looking over at the rest of the candidates with his hands on his hips.
“Well, shit- ain’t that something.”
He kneeled down next to you.
“So coach is the one who usually makes these calls with who gets picked after tryout, but you know what I’m pretty damn sure it’s gonna be you.”
“Really, I’ll see you at our next practice-“ then, unexpectedly he whipped his baseball cap off and tossed it onto your face, “-rookie.”
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edwardcullenmasen · 2 months ago
What did Carlisle and Esme give you for Christmas ?
Enrolment forms for my next high school admission. In response I gave Carlisle a bag of potatoes... for old times' sake.
Kind regards,
Edward Cullen
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vatiiagames · 8 months ago
The Cast || Romance Options
Overall there are six main romances. I plan on introducing secret romances later down the line, but we will see. (;
All characters are romanceable regardless of gender.
Appearance - Ewan is a strikingly handsome man with short, chestnut colored curly hair and dark amber colored eyes with flecks of brown in them. He is clean shaven and when he smiles he has deep set dimples. His skin is tanned with sparse scars covering his arms and other parts of showing skin. Ewan stands at 6'0 and has an athletic/lean muscled build.
Personality - Despite being very flirty and charming, Ewan isn't into flings and wishes for something more. He is fiercely loyal and protective of those he cares about; even willing to put his life on the line for to keep them safe. Ewan will often share fond stories of previous adventures with those he takes company with.
Appearance - Varre is elven, marking him with extremely elegant but handsome features. His hair is stark white and cascades down his back with elegant braids interwoven in its strands. Varre’s eyes are a deep emerald green, contrasting greatly with his pale skin color. His cheekbones are sharp, as well as his jawline. Varre stands at 6’4 and has a slim but toned build.
Personality - Despite being elven, Varre has no connection to his people. He is considered a city elf, born away from the cultures of his people only to be shipped off to the White Tower when he displayed magical capabilities. He is a quieter individual but very caring in his own way. Varre’s intelligence is rivaled by almost none and he is well aware of this.
Appearance - Carlise has the typical Aurelios features: Black hair, olive skin, grey eyes. Her curly hair is long and normally worn in a long, thick braid thrown over her shoulder. Loose curls fall over her forehead. Her olive skin is peppered with beauty marks. Carlise has a hooked nose that is adorned with a golden hoop. She stands at 5’6 and has a curvy build.
Personality - Times have changed Carlise. Her father’s assassination turned her once caring and warm heart to ice. She is afraid of letting people close to her and has a habit to push them away. Carlise is a driven individual and enscripted the help of Varre to learn how to weaken Harkahn. She is not afraid to pull strings to get what she wants.
Appearance - Being a half-elf, Dea gets a good mix of both her parents’ lineages. Her sandy blonde hair is thick and wild, barely being wrangled into a high ponytail whose length reaches her mid back. Her eyes are dark and piercing, with sharp cheekbones and a beautiful face. Dea’s ears are pierced, with the left one being scarred and cut short at the tip. She stands at 6’1 and has a muscular build.
Personality - Dea grew up rough. Halfbloods, as they’re called, are extremely frowned upon and outcast in Ordaire. She had ran the streets for quite some time before finally joining a mercenary band. Traveling and working with different groups of rougher people has earned Dea a crude mouth but a heart of gold. If you needed the shirt off of her back, she’d gladly give it to you. But if you needed a swift kick in the ass, Dea would gladly give you that too.
Appearance - Kizan's most striking feature, apart from his stature, are his mismatched eyes. His right eye is a striking electric blue whereas his left is a rich brown color. Kizan's blue-black hair is styled into a short dreadhawk. His cool brown skin is practically flawless, save for one small scar on his bottom lip. Kizan stands at 6'2 and has a thick, muscular build.
Personality - Kizan can be intimidating at first. His father served the Grand Duke as his protector, and now Kizan serves Carlise and her brother Asan as their protector. Due to his position, Kizan is expected to be the typical stoic knight and leader of his men. While he fulfills his role well, he is actually quite the charmer outside of the armor. He finds fun in the little things and lives to enjoy every day he lives.
Appearance - Amysa has a youthful appearance. Her soft brown hair is pulled into two waist length braids, one over her shoulder and the other hanging down her back. She has short choppy bangs that cover her forehead. Amysa’s nose is straight and topped with circular glasses. She had a beauty mark above the right side of her lips. Her skin is a peachy color. Amysa stands at 5’4 and has a thin build.
Personality - Amysa has spent a short time outside of the White Tower of Castavel. Not quite acquainted with the way of the outside world, she can appear naive. However, Amysa is a knowledge sponge and learns extremely fast. She is incredibly caring and eager to please. Although she is an incredibly intelligent individual, she thinks with her heart instead of her brain. It has gotten her into trouble numerous times.
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onceuponafile · 1 month ago
Shout out to Esme Cullen for having the patience to spend eternity in a house full of people whose frontal lobe will never fully develop, up to and including the man she married
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callmebracken · 1 month ago
brb just thinking about how much religious guilt edward probably carries after growing up in the early 1900’s and probably being a strong catholic and then turning into a monster against his will and being destined to go to Hell.
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linggluu · 2 years ago
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it's time.
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fanaticloser · 1 year ago
I want to know if the graduation cap mural in the Cullen’s house makes sense. Like was it possible for them to graduate that many times.
Like how many times have they moved and how many times have they graduated?
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