#charlie x carlise
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rina-walker · 3 months ago
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I go to a film club where they show different films and discuss them. And I found out about this because of the screening of “Twilight” on April 1, 2023 (the day of the draw / April Fool’s Day in Russia)
I really love this film club and recently asked me to draw alternative posters for them, which they are preparing for screening and raffling off. And I was very pleased to find out that "Twilight" part 4 will finally be shown after a year-long break. So this poster was a hell of a lot of fun to draw!
Ahahahahahaha, I know this poster looks like Charlie and Carlisle's wedding, but that was intentional on my part🤣🤣👀🤙✨❤️
Just don't be too jealous🤣✨👨‍💼🧛‍♂️👀✨❤️❤️🤙
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seoll3miwrites · 2 months ago
Sunrise | Twilight J.H
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Chapter 4. A Sisterly Agreement
When she reopened her eyes, the first thing she did was immediately close them again, too blinded by the fluorescent lights above her. Mitsuko groaned as she tried to lift her hand to rub her face, quickly becoming confused when she felt resistance.
Slowly opening her eyes, she realised she wasn't at home in her own bed; in fact, she had no idea where she was. Alarmed, she tried to sit up but winced when a burning pain spread from her shoulder through the rest of her body.
Before panic could fully set in, she was able to turn her head and spot her sister sitting at her bedside. Hoshiko was busy looking at something on her phone, so she hadn't yet realised that Mitsuko was awake.
“H-hoshi?” She tried to speak, but she found herself struggling to speak. “What’s... What's going on?”
Hoshiko looked up from her phone at the sound of her sister's voice. Jumping out of her chair, she was quickly by Mitsuko’s side. “Oh my god, you scared us so much.”
“Am I in the hospital?” She asked as she continued looking around rapidly. When looked down, she realised the resistance she felt was from all the tubing connected from her hand to an IV.
Her sister nodded before explaining, “You got attacked by some kind of animal, lost a lot of blood; we thought you were going to die.”
As her sister spoke, a flash of red eyes appeared in Mitsuko's mind, and an overwhelming sense of fear settled in her stomach. “Riley… I saw Riley.”
“What?” Her little sister pulled away from her slightly, looking at her with a confused expression.
“He was there!” She exclaimed as the heart monitor’s beeps began to grow louder and faster slightly.
Hoshiko began to gently stroke her sister’s hair as she whispered in attempts to calm her down, “Hey, it’s okay; if you saw him, I believe you.”
The two sisters were silent for a moment, broken when Mitsuko suddenly turned to Hoshiko with wide eyes as she spoke.
“I think it was him…”
“What do you mean?” Her sister’s brow furrowed with confusion, eyes full of concern for a sister’s well-being.
“I think Riley… attacked me.” She whispered to her sister, afraid that someone would overhear them. Her mind was still going back to that night; Riley looked so different than the last time they’d been together. He seemed colder and more dangerous, two words that Mitsuko never thought she’d use to describe someone she’d known her whole life.
“Suki, what are you talking—“ Before Hoshiko could finish her question, the doors opened, and Dr. Cullen walked into the room flanked by two nurses.
Upon seeing that she was awake, the two nurses began to flutter about the room, checking her chart and adjusting her IV. Carlisle stepped closer to her bed and spoke softly, “Miss Tanaka, it’s good to see you awake. How are you feeling?”
“I feel fine, just a little sore is all.” She said simply, before continuing, “When can I go home?”
“I want to keep you in just for a few more days just for observations; if all goes well, I’ll be happy to discharge you.” He said as he grabbed her chart and began the required checks.
"Your injuries were quite extensive, but I'm happy with how quickly you've been able to recover," he spoke as he carefully shined a small torch in her face, directing her to follow it with her eyes, "and although I did have some concerns about internal bleeding, it seems you got out relatively unscathed, other than the rather nasty wound on your neck."
As he pointed it out, Mitsuko couldn't help but look down as she realised her neck to her shoulder was thickly bandaged, further limiting her movement.
Carlise continued the checks silently, only speaking every now and then to check her pain levels. Mitsuko wasn't in much pain; she was just overcome with a sense of confusion and fear about what had happened that night.
When he checked her right ankle, she let out a sharp hiss as he adjusted it slightly. "Looks like just a sprain," the doctor explained. "Must have happened when you fell; you're lucky that it's not broken."
"Don't exactly feel lucky…" she pessimistically murmured, earning a small slap on the arm from Hosiko, who was still sitting close to her side. "Sorry, I'm just tired.
Dr. Cullen took her attitude in stride, "It's normal to feel this way, especially after a traumatic experience."
Next the nurse carefully lifted her into a sitting position so that Carlise could listen to her heart. As he placed the stethoscope against her, she couldn't help but shiver. Amusingly, she thought his hands felt colder than the metal.
Once Carlise seemed happy with his assessment, he looked at her softly before speaking, “All your friends have been quite worried about you. I imagine you’ll have a lot of visitors these next coming days.”
“Oh gosh,” she exclaimed as she realised where the incident happened, “I ruined the graduation party.”
At her words, Hoshiko jumped forward to grab her face, forcing Mitsuko to look at her. “You didn’t ruin anything; whatever attacked you did.”
“Speaking of which,” the doctor spoke again, causing the two sisters to look at him again, “the police are here to ask a few questions, but only if you’re comfortable, of course.”
“It’s okay…” she replied with a small smile, “You can let them in.”
With that, Carlisle walked out of the room for a few minutes, only to come back followed by Charlie and another partner.
“How you doing, kid?” He asked once he approached her bed, “I know your mom’s been beside herself worrying about ya.”
“Where is she?”
“At work, said she needed to, so she was distracted.” Charlie explained as he looked at her sympathetically. When all she did was nod in understanding, he cleared his throat slightly before speaking, “Do you think you could tell us exactly what happened?”
“I was at the party; erm, I was feeling a bit lightheaded, so I went outside,” she began to explain. “And I don’t know why, but I found myself walking into the woods.”
“Why?” He asked, his face furrowed with clear confusion.
“I don’t know, just like a… feeling, I guess.” She responded before continuing, “Anyway, I ended up in a clearing and…”
Mitsuko paused; as much as she trusted Charlie, she also knew how crazy she would sound. If she told them about Riley, they’d just put it down as a hallucination from grief or something, and the next thing she knows, she’s in the psych ward.
So, she took a breath and lied, “It’s all hazy from there… sorry.”
Charlie nodded in understanding, but next to him, Carlisle had a strange expression on his face. As if he knew there was more to her story, but before she could question it, he was already leading Charlie and his partner out.
"What the hell was that?" A voice broke Mitsuko from her thoughts, and she turned to face her sister. "Why didn't you tell them what you told me?”
"'Cause I know how crazy it sounds." She replied in a hushed whisper, "If I'm going to find out what happened, I think I need to do it alone."
Hoshiko almost laughed at her older sister's sheer audacity, "Absolutely not; if he tried to kill you, there's no way I'm letting you do this alone."
Shaking her head rapidly, she quickly rejected her sister's offer, "No, I'm not letting you put yourself in harm's way."
"You either let me come with you, or I go out those doors and tell everyone what you told me."
As much as she wanted to call out Hoshi's bluff, she knew her sister. If summer camp ten years ago had taught her anything, it's that Hoshi will do anything that she says she will. So with a heavy sigh of resignation, she nodded her head, "Fine, but if anything goes wrong, I told you so.”
Hoshiko nodded in understanding, "So when do we start?"
"Seattle, I think, but not till I get out of here," she said simply. "For now, you have to promise me something..."
"Don't do any investigations without me, okay?"
Hoshiko simply rolled her eyes, so she repeated herself, "I'm serious, Hoshi, don't put yourself in danger for me; this could be some massive crime gang or something."
With a small groan she agreed, "Fine, I'll be careful, promise."
"Thank you," she said gratefully. "Now get out of here; you can't stay here all day; besides, you have school tomorrow.”
Before she shooed her sister out of the room, Mitsuko made sure to pull her into a tight hug. Closing her eyes, she savoured the feeling of having her little sister cradled in her arms.
As they pulled away, they looked at each other one more time before Hoshiko finally pulled away, "I'll see you later, oneesan."
"See you later." With that, her sister left the room, leaving Mitsuko in silence.
Left alone with her thoughts, all she could do was think back to that night again. She knew Riley was there; that was a fact she knew. Yet, as she thought more about that night, she still had no idea what made her walk into that clearing in the first place. It was as if her subconscious knew Riely would be there and guided her to him, but why?
"Stop thinking so hard." She whispered to herself in comfort, "Just go to sleep; everything will be fine."
Pulling the covers up, she shuffled further under them and closed her eyes, letting sleep take over her as her mind still raced.
Elsewhere, a young girl with black hair approached the service desk. The woman at the desk acknowledged the girl carefully before asking, "Where'd you need to go, darling?"
The girl paused before finally answering, "Seattle. I need to go to Seattle."
Hoshiko knew she'd be breaking her promise, but if Riley was who Mitsuko saw in the woods, then she needed to find him and quickly. It was only right to start in the city where he vanished.
Hopefully, there she'd find some answers.
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loveswrites · 2 years ago
could I send in a request for Edward (Twilight) if you write for him separately :>
Edward Cullen X reader ~ You Wimp
Warnings: Idk how to do warnings I never do cause I can't stand them but talks of K*lling ones self is here so beware. Who knows might be a gaslighter involved.
Hi lovely anon! Ofc I do write for just about all Cullens and other separately I just love poly because 1. There is not a lot and 2. I can never choose who I want so I go for all half the time. Anyways I hope you like it! Thank you all for the support! I'm loving the request that are coming through btw! I'll get to them when I can, love. <3
Word count: 1034
Time it took me: 1 hour
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"Why are you staring at me?" You asked Edward while turning to look at him. Currently you too were currently in the woods together. Alone just how you liked it. But his intense eye contact made you feel giggly. You were just trying to read right now.
"What do you mean?" Edward said, basically fluttering his eyelashes in his own little way.
“You know what I mean don’t try to play dumb you sparkly mind reader.” You laugh pushing his shoulders playfully, making him smile.
 “You're just so beautiful you know that?” He said, again staring at you with those loving eyes of his.
“You look like a love-stuck fool.” You said softly reaching up to stroke his check.
“I can’t say that you are wrong. I’ve waited for you for as long as I could remember.. I never thought you would come to me.” Edward said doing the same to your cheek.
“Maybe I just wasn’t born yet.” You laughed in his face. Once again making him smile.
“You are everything I could’ve ever wished for. No matter how long it took you to get here I am forever grateful for you and your love.” He said, pulling you closer into him for a kiss.
The kiss was everything you knew he felt for you. The way his lips moved against yours was intoxicating. The way his cold skin brushed against your warm ones brung a shiver to your body that only would happen with his touch. The way he was always so gentle with you, even though you always would tell him that you can handle it. He can let go. He never did. He wanted to make sure you were safe from anyone and everything. Including himself. 
With these thoughts he pulled away from the kiss. Once again holding himself back.
“You make me crazy.” He said looking at you with dreamy eyes.
His words made you smile like they always do.
“I know. Now can you take me home Charlie is waiting for me.” You stated.
“I wish I could keep you here with me forever.” 
“Too bad you don’t have forever because you refuse to change me but you know.” You said standing up gathering your things.
“Why do you have to bring this up?” Edward said, holding his head in immediate frustration on the topic.
“Because Edward you want forever when you know damn well forever is to not be had unless I am changed. What if one day I decide to go on a roller coaster and the ride falls apart cuz someone left a piece of gum on the track. Or what if I’m running from somebody and I don’t notice and I hit my head on a tree huh Edward? Then what! What will you do?!” You shouted but then backed down once you realized you were screaming at him.
“Carlise will fix it. He’ll always help and do his best-”
“His best may not be enough and you know it.” You said, your eyes following him as he stood up.
“I’d only hope that you would come to forgive me as I joined you in the afterlife, If there be a side for me with you.” Edward said.
You blink away the tears in your eyes that came with his words. You couldn’t bare the thought of Edward killing himself just so he could be with you. Were you really that important to him as he says you are? A part of you believed him. The other part of you said that this couldn’t be. You never thought anyone could love you enough to do something like that to themselves. Thinking of it yourself you don’t believe that you could live without him yourself either. 
It would put a damper on your future of dating forever. The trust issues you always have would become 10x worse. You’d always think back to him. Edward. You’d always compare your potinect lovers to him. From the first moment you laid eyes on Edward Cullen you’ve seen yourself with him. That was your man from the minute you said Hi.
You always wondered if you manifested it or if it was just fate. 
“You’d kill yourself? To be with me?” You questioned frowning a little.
“I’d do anything to be with you y/n.” 
“Besides, turn me?” You said looking up at him to which he sighed in response.
“Your my light, My life, My soul. I couldn't do that to you, you have to understand that.” Edward said, frowning. His eyes searching your face. You could tell he was trying to read your mind but he couldn’t. He never could. You weren't necessarily a shield but everytime he tried to read your mind he’d get hit with a wave of overwhelming thoughts. Everything was always jumbled up. Nothing ever made clear since if you tried. And if he tried for too long the voices or thoughts would start screaming at him forcing him away. At least that's how he explained it. 
“I can try.” 
“Thank you, do you want me to take you home?” He questioned.
“Yeah, make sure I don’t die on the way. You know, I don't want to ruin our couple of years too early. That wouldn’t be so kind of me now would it?” You said giving him a soft smile to try and tell him you were okay with it for now, but also that you weren’t done fighting him for forever and a day.
“You're never gonna stop till I said yes are you?” Edward asked with a slight smile on his face.
“Nope, not until the day I die, Even then who knows I might haunt you.” You said turning your back to him and starting to walk away.
Behind you you heard Edward laugh making you smile even more. You always loved his smile. You loved being the reason for his smiles and laughs. 
“I love you.” He said. You heard him walk with you now.
“I love you too.” And you were left alone with your thoughts and the presence of your sparkly vampire. That you would love till the day that you die.
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sarcasmandships · 5 years ago
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Twilight aesthetics; Jacob Black | not the right kind of monster.
‘“Did you know, you’re sort of beautiful?”’
‘“The clouds I can handle, but I can’t fight with an eclipse”’
‘“Well, there are lots of legends, some of them claiming to date back to the Flood – supposedly, the ancient Quileutes tied their canoes to the tops of the tallest tress on the mountain to survive like Noah and the ark." He smiled to show me how little stock he put in the histories. Another legend claims that we descended from wolves – and that the wolves are our brothers still."’
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twihard-4ever · 5 years ago
Twilight Characters' Jamz:
-Edward: classical obviously (Debussy, Yo-Yo Ma, Bach, Mozart)
-Bella: lana del rey + that weird hard rock CD Phil gave her
-Alice: def billie eilish
-Jasper: old town road by lil nas x. that's it. (maybe mariachi music but idk)
-Rosalie: electronic/indie like odeesza and marian hill
-Emmett: he's totally a swiftie. but pre-reputation taylor bc he was born in tennesse
-Carlise: 1980s rock. livin' on a prayer, tainted love, eye of the tiger, and don't stop believing. he also listens to classical bc he is so old, but he really vibes to the 80s.
-Esme: she's more of a podcast kinda mom.
-Charlie: oldies country.
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loveswrites · 2 years ago
omg poly cullens taking care of a sick reader- i just wanna be doted on frfr
Poly Cullen x Sick reader
I loved writing this it took me 3 hours with people bothering me. I hold you like it. Lemme know what else you would like to see!
Currently you were at the Cullens house for a sleepover. At least that’s what charlie thought, and that’s also what you thought it was as well. You thought you’d have an exciting chill weekend with your secret lovers. That was until you had woken up with a tingle in the back of your throat, your eyes watering, both of your nostrils clogged, and you just simply felt like you were dying. 
“Stop being dramatic.” Roseilane said, rolling her eyes.
“You don’t know how it is Rose, you’ve been dead for like a thousand years.” You said snapping but sneezing mid sentence. She frowned in response. 
“ I may be dead but at least I’m not spreading my germs everywhere.”
“I blame Emmett.” 
“ Wait, what why me?!” He said standing up from the desk he was sitting on.
“ Because you were the one who insisted that we go spend ‘Alone time’ together and go skinny dipping even though you know damn well I can’t swim! That water was cold as hell.” You answered, lifting your tongue as Carlise put a thermometer under your tongue.
When you had woken up immediately complaining you were in Edward's room sleeping with him, because the two of you hadn’t had any alone time together in a while and you could tell it was bothering him. Though he wouldn’t admit it he was grateful that you had chosen to sleep with him without him asking.
I’m not saying it was easy to do so, It was practically like prying a child's favorite toy away with Rose and Emmett. They did not give up without a fight.
“What do you mean you don’t wanna sleep with us?” Rose questioned. 
“ I just wanna sleep with Edward tonight, You’ve done nothing wrong Rose.” You replied in attempts to comfort the defensive vampire.
“But we wanted to watch the game with you, You said you would.” Emmet argued back.
“I know I know but I’m tired, I just wanna take a bath and lay down. Me and Edward haven’t had any time alone together so I thought that me and him could cuddle while I fall asleep. I promise you two did nothing wrong.” You said kissing Rosalie cheek then doing the same to emmett. The frown on their beautiful faces pained you but they weren’t the only one’s in this relationship. 
In Fact you had to think about the last time you spent alone time with Carlise and Esme. They always say that “Your presence in the house alone is enough time for us.” But you know that’s just them being the adults of everything and that is not the case. You knew that just like the rest of the Cullens they went through their own version of possessiveness, it was only right with the soul bond between you all. It’s just they had a better way of hiding it than the others.
Rosalie and Emmett would pout and huff like children. 
 Edward would hide himself in the woods or stuff himself in his room. Saying that he just needed ‘alone time’. When we all knew he needed the exact opposite.
Jasper would be more distant than normal, lost in his thoughts.
Esme would clean. Like there would never be a spot of dirt around this house when she was feeling alone.
And Carlisle would just bury himself with work. Always taking up extra hours making sure he is busy enough to not think too much about it.
All of your partners were just begging for attention but none of them would voice it out loud. 
So right before you went to sleep you stated to yourself in your head that you would make time for each Cullen the next day even if they each only got a hour alone with you, Something was better than nothing.
That was until you woke up feeling like shit.
Carlisle shook his head, taking the thermometer from under your tongue. “You have a fever.”
“I could tell that from down the hall she’s sweating like she’s a witch and we just set her on fire” Edward said with his emo attitude upset that his time with me got cut short because of Emmett’s shenanigans 
“Edward please.” Carlisle said tucking your hair behind your ear while pulling you closer to him to kiss your forehead. This made you smile. You had middle his forehead kisses. You felt like he always gave the best ones. You wouldn’t dare say that out loud ever though. You know Rose would kill you out of jealousy.
“I’m going to get you medicine okay? You’ll be okay.” Carlisle said, pulling away from you when Jasper walked into the room. You nod in response.
“Esme and Alice are making you some soup.” Jasper said with a sly smirk on his face know your next words.
“Soup? Ew You know I can’t stand soup! That shit is nasty. I'm not eating it.” You said, shaking your head and frowning in distaste. You heard soft laughs in response.
“It will make you feel better, I promise.” Jasper said in his southern accent that just honestly was a panty dropper you would always tell him.
“That doesn't help me at all, I’d rather eat sand.” You said rubbing your eyes as you felt a pounding headache come on.
As if sensing your discomfort, Carlisle was right by your side again with supplies in his hand. Rubbing your back with one hand he put his things down on the table you were sitting on.
“You need to rest, Whose room would you like to sleep in? I’ve already contacted Charlie and told him you fell with a cold so you shouldn’t worry about him. He’s fine.” he stated but you were now faced with the most difficult decision of the day.
Looking around the room Jasper was standing by the doorway watching you with calculating eyes still with the sly smirk of his which always made your heart pound. Him hearing it he chuckled, his actions made you look away in embarrassment.
Looking towards Emmett and Rose. Emmett was sitting on the table near the window and Roselie was sitting in between his legs and they both were looking at you with their signature puppy eyes. Moving your eyes to edward very quickly because you knew if you stared at them for too long you would give in.
Edward looked lost in his thoughts which would always make you put him because you felt that he felt like he was lonely. You would call him the lone wolf of the pack which he hated. But he couldn’t stay mad at you just like you couldn't pick just one of them right now. You need all of them right now. And that’s exactly what you would have.
Jumping down from where you were sitting with the help of Carlisle you didn’t respond verbally. You  just did your hand moment you would always do when you wanted all of the Cullens to follow you but didn’t feel like saying it out loud. And they always answered.
Walking to the kitchen where Esme and Alice were, like she could smell you in the air she turned around with a smile on her face.
“There you are my beautiful, Your soup is almost done. Would you like me to add anything to it?” She said so softly, like if she spoke too loudly you would melt aways in pain. Which was a high possibility the way you were feeling. 
“Nope, you didn’t even have to make me anything you know, I would’ve been fine without.”
“Oh no, you know I love a chance to use the kitchen for you.” She said making you smile because you knew it was true.
“Well if you must, can you come up to the room where you're done?” You asked which she nodded in response to. Satisfied with your answer you turned around walking up the stairs to Carlisle and Esme bedroom. 
All that could be heard behind you were soft footsteps of all of your lovers following you.
Once you made it to the room you sat on the bed finally speaking. 
“All of you, all of us, and all of me. Here in this bed now.” Leaving no room for argument, you got comfortable.
The first to get in the bed with you was Jasper surprising you. He claimed his spot behind you so that you were in his arms and laying on him. 
“The best spot in the house.” He whispered into your ear making you giggle at the ticklish feeling.
Soon following along, each Cullen claimed their spot next to you. Everyone getting one piece of their love. They were satifisty. Meaning so where you.
Once everyone was relaxed Esme came up to the room to feed you the soup she had made you. Though you tried to fight it, you were falling weaker and weaker each minute. This ‘cold’ was kicking your ass. Soon after she was done feeding you she also claimed her spot between you and Caslise. 
A few minutes into laying there you felt your eyes growing heavy. The feeling of hands all over you. The coolness of your lovers cooling you down. You felt content. But you had One question.
“Guys, can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” Each of them said collectively.
“Would you love me if I was a worm?”
“Oh my god-”
“I’d probably step on you.”
“I’d keep you in a beautiful enclosure.”
“I’d give you a little cowboy hat-”
“That’s so stupid.”
And just like that. You were out like a light.
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