#But it gets to the point I say I don't care about theses characters
fouralignments · 2 months
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Me in my little corner of the internet. (I know I'm repeating myself after Wandavision). I'm happy and content with knowing that the Fox X-Men movies are over and there's nothing that Marvel or Disney can do or add that will make me stop enjoying those movies. I can go back and rewatch them anytime that I want. Do they have problems sure, what movie doesn't? Which I can't say from newer marvel movies.
I don't give a flying fuck about Deadpool & Wolverine and quite frankly I didn't get it when the first Deadpool came out.
If Marvel/Disney won't give me Dadneto, Stepdad! Charles Xavier and their Quickson, Peter. They were the hater of FinnPoe.
I will do it myself!
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opiopal · 1 month
random mc stuff that I dont want to be their own post so HERE WE GO.(a lot if not most of theses are cracked out lmao)
imagine an Mc who noticed certain dirty things in the HOL and REALLY wanted to something about it but couldn't cause they were still a stranger. so once all the pacts are made Mc immediately goes around the HOL and attacks all the spots that bug them.. and isn't afraid to vocalize their complaints. "lucifer, when was the last time you guys washed these curtains?? you know what, don't answer that, I can already tell that the last time these were washed I hadn't even been born yet." "who is in charge of sweeping?? there is so much dirt under these rugs!! common guys, seriously???" "Mammon, Levi, twins.. I love you guys SO much.. this is commmon knowledge at this point... but cleaning your pillow cases is NOT enough you NEED to also wash the pillow itself. you guys are gross. gather up your pillows we're doing a soak." "beel. come here and lift me up. I'm dusting the chandelier." "Lucifer, I do not CARE if you're working right now your shelves are littered with dust. either ignore me or go take a break because I'm not leaving."
once during breakfast the brothers could hear cerberus growling and grumbling in the basement, it was annoying but they were trying to ignore it until they realized Mc wasn't at the table.... which of course once it was pointed out they all rushed to the basement.. only to find cerberus laying on its back and Mc sitting above it and quickly rubbing and scratching under each heads chins while going "good boys!!!! good puppy!!!!" and cerberus very happily whining and grumbling with their tail thumping on the ground. when they manage to get Mc away from the silly, the only explanation mc gives it "there is a massive three headed dog that lives in the basement and is feared by 6 out of the 7 men who live here, how could I NOT pet them??? clearly no one but lucifer does!!"
imagine an Mc who is a selective mute, and normally communicates through ASL and notes. the first time they talk is after knowing the brothers for a GOOD amount of time, and its not a sweet wholesome moment no no. Mc comes home with Lucifer after they finished running errands, and the HOL had been: flooded by levi summoning lotan, the living room had been torn up by satan, the kitchen was in pieces because beel got hangry, asmo had joined in on the chaos after his bedroom got damaged as well, mammon was struggling to keep everyone together, and belphie was sleeping on a chandelier. of couse it dies down the moment they all see lucifer and mc got home, and before lucifer could say anything Mc threw their ars up and went "guys what the FUCK we've hardly been gone for an hour!!" of course all the chaos is forgotten for a second and replaced by multiple "YOUCANTALK?!"s, which then shock and amazement turned to shame as they realize the first time they were graced by Mc's voice was because they were being idiots and Mc was upset at them.
imagine an Mc who isn't really used to people caring all that much about them, and finds it very odd that the brothers+other characters care so much. so once their birthday comes around its turned into a birthday WEEK because Mc is being gifted things and being taken out everyday until their actual birthday, which BAFFLES them, so when their birthday comes its a huge event, Dia hosts the party at his castle, there are so many presents you'd think it would be for a family of 18 on christmas day. and when Mc is sat infront of their cake they can't help but suddenly start crying, while everyone is panicking the only thing Mc can say is "I-*hic*- love you guys so much!!" once they realized it was happy tears there was much less panic, and it was forgotten about for the rest of the evening.
You guys remember my post about pacts marks and Mc feeling a demons sin really strongly after making a pact with them??? well this relates to that. imagine if mc feels something strongly that sin kind of takes over for a while until mc is satisfied (asmo enjoyers do what you want with that info), so imagine: theres just a day were Mc doesn't get the chance to eat, first they slept in and just had to rush to RAD, then they had to skip lunch because they agreed to help a few clubs with advertising and projects, then they had to stay after for a student council meeting, then, just as they think they can maybe grab a snack they get held up again, by the time everyone is going home all the brothers can sense Mc's aggression, half way to the HOL lucifer says that they should just go eat at hells kitchen. so they're all seated, and the second Mc's food gets out they dont even bother with utensils, they just grab their food with their bare hands and eat like they're a starved dog. of course the brothers are concerned as to why they're acting like this, and mammon reaches to put a hand on Mc's shoulder as he says "hey- are you ok-" but he cant even finish talking before Mc jerks their head and nearly takes a few of his fingers off, though they dont bite him cause he moves away fast enough with a "EEP" and Mc's teeth loudly click together. so from then on the brothers make sure that Mc is able to eat something throughout the day if their schedule is packed to reduce the risk of losing fingers. honorable mention is Mc getting praised to much one day that the amount of pride they feel almost puts lucifer into a coma.(satan and belphie sometimes praise Mc a bunch to distract lucifer while he's working, another cheeky win for the anti lucifer league)
imagine an Mc who gets so over protective of the brothers, like CRAZY protective. there is a point were they hear someone talking SHIT about their found family trope, so ofc the reasonable reaction is to tackle the demon down to the ground and almost bite their ear off like some sort of rabid raccoon. another time Mc squares up with some sort of magical mythical beast in protection of the brothers, almost won and would have if the brothers didn't stop them.
imagine an Mc who is very introverted and is secretly a fanfic writer, so one day levi and Mc are hanging out, he's just rambling about whatever, until he eventually mentions that a fic he was reading hasn't gotten updated in a while and ist just so frustrating to him. when Mc asks which fic he was reading, he pull it up and shows them... which Mc realizes thats THEIR fic... and outloud without thinking they mumble "oohh I forgot about that one..." and levi freaks out and immediately is questioning what they mean by that. which they eventually have to admit it.
Imagine a little kid Mc, I mean like, LITTLE, as in like 7-8 yr. and they are just such a sweeite, and they work so hard. but I can also imagine that when they're first sent there and the introductions are happening, when lucifer introduces himself Mc immediately interupts and goes "lucifer?? like the cat from Cinderella?:0" and then ofc when mammon is assigned to take care of the child he is a lot nicer at first, I wouldn't be surprised if having Mc around reminded him of his younger siblings when they were that small,(yes I am a believer of the brothers being at least little kids at some point in their angel lives) but then eventually gets Mc to go along with a few schemes, which they both have fun cause really it just turns into bonding. then ofc asmo adores this little creature and has little dress up parties and helps Mc get ready for school in the morning so they always look their best!! lucifer gave him permission for this since he agrees that Mc should look put together despite being a child. I still think it takes a while for the brothers to warm up fully to Mc, but it goes by a lot faster since mc quickly becomes their new little sibling. I think it would be cute if what won over lucifer is Mc coming into his office at some point, saying that they have something for him, and gives him a drawing, lucifer ends up scooping them up to sit with him and they explain what they drew, and its mc and all the brothers:( that drawing is almost immediately framed and put up where everyone can see it.
thats all for now, but I have a LOT of Mc what if's and imagines, my fingers hurt from typing now lol.
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misojohnist · 8 months
I know EXACTLY how haughty and ridiculous I sound saying this but whatever it's my blog for my opinions. I genuinely think it's a bit disrespectful to a piece of art to refuse to engage with its moral and sociological arguments. Especially when those arguments are intended as critique of real systems of real hierarchy that cause real damage. It's not cute or funny to me when you say "John Gaius is my poor little meow meow, I'm just not interested in criticizing him!" Because what you are saying with that statement is "I have no interest in the core theses of Muir's work and am willingly to actively ignore the incredible amounts of textual effort she has put into crafting these critiques". At that point just go write fan fiction about Kylo Ren. Clearly you don't actually give a shit about anything Tamsyn Muir is trying to do with John's character since you're murdering his character conceit in cold blood. And I'm not so much getting offended on Muir's part, she has very clearly said she doesn't care what you do with her characters in fandom space and more power to her, but *I* have no reservations about saying that you sound incredibly annoying and vapid when you say shit like that.
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itsohh · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are doing well! When you first started writing here on Tumblr, did you hesitate or were nervous and if so how did you deal with it? Or did you just power through it and fuck it I'm putting my writing out there and I don't care what people say?
Long story short I'm really wanting to write on here just to do something different but I'm hella nervous and just wanted an opinion. Because I really love R6 but I have a very hard time getting out of my shell. Obviously you don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable! Till then I can't wait for your next post! 😊
hmmm I think way back when I first started writing I was a lot more care free at the time back when I was like 13.
I don't think I was ever focused on like anyone hating it or anything like that. Like I've legit never got hate for writing in all the years I've done it. Either people will hit the like button or they wont. Back then I was writing for like supernatural and marvel then eventually overwatch and a bit of Sherlock. In the case of I guess it was 'whats the worst that will happen' in all reality most of the time people who don't like x reader have the tag blocked and so only people who like said thing will find it (so long as u tag correctly)
I've sorta just got to the stage where posting doesn't really phase me in nervousness or anything, like sure for somethings I lose interest or motivation at times but when I started posting I didn't really get any like feedback at all? Like it was very rare I would get anything that wasn't a like or a reblog and requests didn't happen much. I think the fact that Tumblr is so anonymous really helps, like its almost a mask. No one actually knows who I am, worst comes to worst I can legit just delete the blog and start anew.
I think also fandom size is a huge thing, is reconising your audience, there's no point comparing like notes to another fandom cause honestly it just reflects how popular said thing is. After I realised that I sorta don't worry anymore? I used to freak out a bit about people not liking my posts but now I'm just like 'eh R6S is tiny' and it is.
Honestly yeah so long as you tag correctly you should be alg. In the R6S fandom at leat people are pretty chill. (Idk there's some hate to oc's or something but as long as u don't tag as x reader u should be alg)
Anyway I'm rambling a lot but honestly yeah just go for it hun, upload. Nothing bad will happen, might feel a bit anxious or whatever but its like, yeah. You feel me? that being said if your going to write please remember capitals and new speaker new line theses are so important, as someone who breaks a lot of grammar rules those two shouldn't be broken in writing. I know a lot of people aren't a fan of first person so if you do write first person your audience would be smaller than per say second or first
Some people may have different ideas or interpretations of character but I feel as a tumblr collective (speshly this fandom) people won't like hate on you for it.
ANYWAY I went off again, yeah give it a go. eventually you will get used to it and it will become a second habit to upload, frankly so long as you ultimately always write for your enjoyment your always good. uploading writing is pretty much like the same as watching a movie with a friend id say, or like running a dnd campaign sorta vibes. kinda. but yeah just hit that post button and off u go. I guess yeah just power through it, hitting post the first time is def the hardest and you just gotta rip that bad boy off.
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distortedataraxia · 2 years
Hi ^^) it's my first time doing this, so I'm kinda nervous (ahhh how should I start?). Well, I'm here because i got interested in the BSD Matchup thing, so thank you in advancement >////<)
Uh- Im pretty shy and calm in real life, but in Internet I tend to be more teaser (maybe because I can't see the other person's face) even tho I can't really handle them in rl, and because of that ppl usually misunderstood my personality, also I have social anxiety, so it's pretty hard to people ACTUALLY understand and know the real me (honesty sometimes i wish ppl could just read my mind, that would be so much easier?). Sometimes i think like i just have a mask that I can't get off to the point of me forgetting the real me.
About those personality tests: I'm INTP-A, 5w6 and my love language is affirmative words and act of service
If I bake you something/draw you, for sure i treasure or relationship.
As for my hobbies: I like to read, sell, cosplay, draw, listen to true crimes podcast, watch animes, teach, learn languages (for now I can speak 5) study and bake (most time sweets). My dream is someday have a pretty (vegan) coffee.
For now I am a volunteer physic teacher to help 9 graders to pass in exams for good highschools, but I can't wait to get a real job in some quiet place (like a library).
I am a short (150cm T^T), a bit chubby, I'm a sagittarius and I like the caos in the "not so monotonous" way (I just hate get bored), and when I'm not envolved, obviously, just watching, I hate have too many eyes on me. I also hate when people try to force a friendship with me, like, if i hug you, I'm showing that I don't mind you getting too close (even tho it can surprise me sometimes), but that change completely when "you" hug me without intimacy, i will 100% dislike your hugs from now on.
Also I really like to hear people talk about their passion and dreams, maybe I can get a bit of inspiration haha.
Sometimes when I take my medicines I may be oblivious to my own felling, so in that kind of situation i just like so see people I like happy by making them a treat or just walking through the city with no place in mind, just to focus on their happiness to make me feel warm
Whaa- sorry if it was too long, I don't know how much I should say or keep to myself to get a good analysis, usually I don't share that much oh things aaah that's embarrassing... but yeah that's it I hope you are having a wonderful day/night
Note : Hi! Firstly I'd like to apologize for the time it tooks to actually write this and secondly I'd like to assure you that you weren't embarassing ^^ Have a good day/night i hope and take care of yourself ! I haven't written any forms concerning matchups to help people requesting, so anything that you wrote is okay, it's never too long or too short and i'll try my best pairing you with a character with what i have. I hope that you like the one i paired you with and that it aha isn't too much or a mess, matchups aren't really my expertise ahah ^^'
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I pair you with...
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Atsushi ! ★
You, shy and calm in real life, a teaser on the internet, have came across the path of A CAT- I mean, weretiger.
He would be kind, understanding and considerate towards you and would respect your boundaries. Whenever you have troubles with anything, you know that Atsushi will always be with you and that it'll be okay, he'll support, understand and try to help you out.
That boy Atsushi needs theses affirmative words, he've been through a lot and only feel the right to live if he save people's lives and it's good sometimes to remind him that he's good enough just as he is.
if i got this wrong please run me over with a car , dig a hole and bury my brain inside of it... ACTUALLY NO PLEASE DON'T TOUCH MY BIGASS BRAIN
Atsushi would try to surprise you with some little gifts sometimes, he won't overdo it. If you're like kyoka by example, he'd buy you crepes and ice creams. If you're as mysterious as Dazai, he'll try to go with flowers probably.
Atsushi would be really happy if one day you bake or draw something for him.
Atsushi spent a lot of time reading in his orphanage's library as a form of escapism, so you can sometimes chat about books you both read without much problems.
You also love to ask about Atsushi's days as he works in the armed detective agency, and his days are never the ssame, as he like to ask about your day too.
Atsushi would absolutely support you in your dreams of having a pretty vegan coffee, and he'll do what he can to help you make your dream possible.
Atsushi gets flustered easily, and it can be pretty caotic. But cute?
When you're out on a date with Atsushi, he makes sure that you feel comfortable and to not get all eyes on both of you.
You both would be a nice pair.
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timeandspacelord · 2 years
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I posted 5,467 times in 2022
That's 594 more posts than 2021!
326 posts created (6%)
5,141 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,083 of my posts in 2022
#miraculous ladybug - 144 posts
#miraculous - 144 posts
#for future reference - 93 posts
#for the future - 52 posts
#atla - 20 posts
#art - 16 posts
#iron widow - 15 posts
#my art - 14 posts
#dreams - 14 posts
#reading - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#then she got them back and was using the latent powers she had left over (🤷) to make portals (🤷🤷) which made adrien realize she was lb
I sent 8 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sara and Milo Murphy are neurodivergent just like Phineas and Ferb are, and given that I can support both of these theses with evidence from the source material, I am making a credible and valid point
64 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
They could've made Adrien Agreste allergic to cats and been the funniest goddamn people in the world, but thomas astruc is a coward
67 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
I'm so glad that all of Miraculous Tumblr is losing its collective shit over the BEAU. This is what we deserve, and I for one cannot wait to see what Ms. Kelly Buggachat has in store for us
133 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
The three genders are actually
Quiet nerd (feral)
Angry jock (soft)
Furious knife tornado
209 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Y'know, putting aside the potential a-/acephobic reasons, and the "not relying on overused romance tropes/shortcuts" reasons, I think one of the big reasons (that I haven't really seen talked about?) that Good Omens gets accused of queerbaiting is that it's basically the story of an existing relationship. It's not the story of how Aziraphale and Crowley fall in love, or admit that they're in love, or whatever that people tend to expect out of romance stories these days, at least, not in the traditional sense. Yes, technically we get to see their relationship develop and we do get to see them realizing and admitting to themselves that they are in love and that the other loves them back, but that's not really the main focus the way it is in a lot of stories where romance is involved. There's no "will they/won't they" drama, there's no big confession or relationship-affirming kiss or anything, because they've been in a developing relationship for nearly all of 6000 years. That's like, literally what the Arrangement is. It's their relationship, their "basically married", their "involved", their "together but we can't say it outright bc people are watching and also we don't wanna screw it up". And people aren't used to seeing that in stories about relationships (seriously, find me one example of a story where the main, endgame couple is together at the beginning and the plot doesn't revolve entirely around them having issues that they need to work out. Hollywood/the publishing industry is allergic to writing about healthy relationships that stay healthy and in tact and exist after they get together). So when they see Neil Gaiman say "it's a love story" they expect the story of Azi and Crowley falling in love and finally admitting it to themselves and each other and having a big climactic kiss to seal the deal. And when they get a couple who is basically married in everything but name, who have been together for 6000 years but have had to be so so careful and dance around their feelings bc ~bureaucracy~, who don't need a big kiss at the end, just a loving, tender look because they can finally relax and be in love together... it doesn't feel like enough to them. They were so busy looking for the "getting together" plot that isn't really there that they missed the love story that was there. Which is a shame honestly, because it really is an excellent love story. There's enemies to lovers and mutual pining and almost a sort of courtly love situation going on and it's excellent. And people don't see it because it's not what they were looking for.
15,110 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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something-glowing4u · 10 months
when I'm hungry and have no food, I'll get a small amount of salt then just spend an hour eating it very slowly.
anyways new chapter of Daisy Petals Fall coming soon in like. more than 20 seconds. so like. bit over 20 seconds. just a smidge. nothing too crazy. could be 21 seconds if you're optimistic enough. even 22. no guarantee.
I could be bluffing though, and you'd never know. like I could release it in 19 seconds. trip you up. or 1, possible 14 seconds. It could be out right now and you'd never know, because you were busy reading this! now don't go checking now. It's not out. but it will be. In more than 20 seconds from now. no, I'm not tricking any of you. I promise it was just a joke, it really WILL be more than 20 seconds from now. "when is now?" you ask. now is when THIS post was posted of course! so if you see this in 30 minutes, an hour later, maybe a day, then you might be lucky enough to not have to wait 20 seconds! good for you! get excited! there's a good chance it's out right now! key word. chance. yeah. so if you checked about 2 days after this was posted, and it's not there, then uh...sorry about that.
but, kind of your fault if you got your hopes up. I did say chance so. But the good part is. I don't actually have to worry about it that much. It's not like this fanfic is some big thing many people are just DYING to see. maybe like one of you, but it's not a huge priority. you can casually just enjoy following a small story with each update. you don't have high expectations for a fan creating work, because in the grand scheme of things, it's never something so grand. and you know this. that's a good thing. a really good thing. I know the story may be a bit different if I were to have more eyes on me. But even writers who make it big run into problems with life in some shape or form. Surly takes longer than 20 seconds to cough up a draft you been working on for 7 weeks with only 300 words....oh sorry, I mean 300 characters. you can cough and cough and cough, but you can only seem to cough up...flan... ew... Sometimes the passion is lost and, "I'll never be a good writer!" "I suck at updates!" "I can't get passed my art block!" are words the words that will usually come out. as much as I wanna say "don't think like that you can improve!" I also know it's not that simple. you will say these things at some point. especially if your confidence is constantly dull. It's normal to say those things. especially when everything you read is so much better than your own in your eyes. but believe a stranger on the internet for once, it's not true. how corny! what cliché advice! you've heard this a lot, I bet. well.... its good advice. yeah sure, it sounds insincere, due to how overused it is but it's very true. you just need to learn to accept it. it can be hard because we subconsciously think everything we make sucks and will never be as good as those that have inspired you. but those who inspired you probably had the same problems, losers.
naturally, we can get rid of theses thoughts with time. how simple. Some can't though. they need more encouragement, and sometimes they have no one to hype them up. I'll hype you up. yeah, I know I have no clue who's reading this. To you, you're just reading words on a screen that are just saying sweet nothings. K I want you're attention now so don't you dare roll you're eyes....unless you didn't and actually are looking forward to reading this. But um. I'm cheering for you. you don't believe me? tag me, I'll cheer for you personally. I don't care. I know what it's like to feel like no ones rooting for you. I truly believe each word I type. Because to think people are struggling as bad as I am and have no positive thoughts can't go un-noticed. I won't let acid eat away who you are....ew now it's getting all mushy and emotional....uhh... well instead of saying "you are valid" I'll say....you're cool.
"you are valid" sounds too shallow, and lame. wouldn't you rather be cool? I would. dang I hope that wasn't offensive. I mean, not that inherently is, but that just sounds like I'm saying you're cool, but not valid. I men you are but- neverminded. hm lost my thought. uhh something something, hip hip hora?.... something... 20 something?... uhhmmm..... yeah I don't remember. oh well! I just opened text and started writing. I don't even think half of that made sense. hmm. really could have finished that chapter by now.... oh well! couldn't hurt to wait over 20 seconds. Daisy Petals Fall 'CH 2 will be out in more than 20 seconds. :D
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allseeinganalyst · 1 year
Breaking Bad - Review + Thoughts
Dear god, did I really just type that?
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Um. Yeah. Sooo... I watched Breaking Bad?
It's funny, my partner kinda talked me into it, and I wasn't too keen at first (It's not generally in the ballpark of shows I would enjoy.) - In the end I really liked it?
I really probably can't do any justice by analyzing this show, or breaking down the reasons why I liked it. Whole theses have been written on this show and it's characters, and I really should be talking about Sailor Moon here or whatever...
BUT the point of this blog is to record my thoughts on media for later review, so...
Uh yeah! Good show. A very strong finale, although I think seasons 3-4 were the absolute best of it, possibly because they contained one of my favorite villains, Moff Gideon.
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(Truely, a villain that steals everything from others. The Darksaber. Vader's look. Mandalorian armor... And most diabolically, Emperor Palpatine's lines.)
The acting in this show is... Insane. I don't talk about acting often, because my stock and trade is animated or drawn material, but the acting in this show... Holy shit.
Also, it's ability to make you care about characters! While Jesse, Gus and Saul were my favorite characters, I don't think there was a single character I didn't at least care about to some degree.
(Except Lydia. You suck Lydia.)
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(You heard me, you boring, shitty, wannabe Big Bad.)
I really, really don't want to get into this too much but I'll just say that, as far as emotional character arcs go? Jesse Pinkman is setting a new standard for modern television.
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(I don't think Jesse has the attention span to read this review though)
Regardless. I don't think there's much more to say without my taking a box cutter to the review in a clumbsy attempt to analyze the show.
Breaking Bad was Good.
0 notes
mittensmorgul · 4 years
Incoming sad rant about the spn ending. Don't read if you're not interested in reading something like that, but I literally don't know anyone in real life I can talk about this with, and I really need an outlet:
Sometimes I can put the way SPN ended out of my head and think "it's just a stupid show. I don't have to accept the finale, and the writers/network are wrong." But other times I just get gripped with really intense sadness at the disrespect that was done to my favorite characters. To the point where I'll sit still for hours a day, just wallowing in it. It ruins my whole day and mood. And then I think to myself "I'll just find some other stories that end better!" but then I get sad again, cuz I don't think I will ever love other characters as much as I love Dean and Cas, and then I spiral again thinking about all the potential this unique beautiful love story had, and how we're never going to get the closure we deserve.
I really hate that after all this time, I'm a grown ass adult getting sad over fictional characters. I know it's not that trivial, but I sometimes wish it was so I could get over it 😞
Hi hi, and first of all *socially distanced internet hugs* I’m sorry you don’t have an outlet, but you’re always welcome to chat with me (if you come off anon we can talk privately if you want. My DM’s are always open, even when it takes me a bit to reply. no one should have to feel alone in this.)
I’m actually gonna start at the bottom of your message and work my way up, because I also, as a grown-ass adult, get sad over fictional characters. And I need to emphasize that this is the *point* of fiction. A well-written and developed fictional character is *indistinguishable in our minds from an actual real human being.* The way we react to them *feels exactly the same to our brains and bodies* as how we react to real people, and that’s a testament to just how well developed Dean and Cas were in canon.
I am not a young person. I have engaged with a lot of media over my life, and have *never* felt this strongly about fictional characters before, so I understand what you mean when you struggle to think about finding another story that ended better, or struggle to think about finding other characters you might become this attached to or experience this sort of emotional investment in. And I think there is another factor you didn’t consider there: The vast majority of other media I have engaged with, I was able to relate to on a level of “oh that’s nice for them” or “wow that sucks for them.” I have never, and possibly never will again, feel so utterly invested in fictional characters, to the point where it affects my real life as much as Supernatural has. Period.
I will likely never experience *literal physical lovesickness* over two fictional characters ever again. I hadn’t ever experienced it *in my own real life* before, and yet 15.18 triggered all those symptoms in me. As an aromantic person, this was pretty shocking to me. It also says a lot about just how real these characters feel to us, and how important they have become to us. They make us feel this! This is not an accident. It’s *incredibly difficult* to create fictional characters with this range and depth of emotional connection, and yet here we are.
I think that’s the biggest evidence possibly to present in defense of the statement that THIS IS NOT JUST SOME STUPID SHOW.
Other evidence: this fandom, still going strong after 15 years. Look at every SPN convention for proof. Look at AO3, where there are more posted stories about Dean and Cas than literally any other pairing on the planet (by a not-small margin, too). If that isn’t enough evidence, we have fanart to look at as well. Look through @theroadsofararchive where at the time of this posting there are over 40,000 artworks catalogued, and more being added all the time. Same with @canonspngifs where you can search through through nearly 75,000 gifsets organized by an excellent tagging system and made by dedicated fans out of love for the thing. This is all proof that you are not alone, that so many of us care just as deeply about them as you do. Not even mentioning the people who have written hundreds of millions of words of meta, articles, and even masters theses and doctoral dissertations on Supernatural and the fandom. This is a unique thing, even within the larger fandom culture. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that your feelings for it are stupid or irrelevant or wrong.
But also don’t let anyone try to convince you that you must accept the finale as part of the story if you don’t want to. Don’t even let *yourself* believe that if you don’t want to. This show has done more to play with the themes of “what is reality” and “who gives a story meaning” and alternate universes and curses and djinn dreams to easily account for whatever the heck the finale was.
my current go-to theory: everything after Chuck’s defeat takes place in the Mockumentary Alternate Universe... it fits way too uncomfortably well... and then I just apply the fic I received in a cosmic transmission from the actual supernatural universe wrote detailing the events of what *I* hoped would transpire afterward. I know this doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for me, mostly because it *has* to. It means far too much to me not to.
You are not alone in having invested yourself into this story, and these characters. Your feelings about them are not wrong or stupid or frivolous. And the proof is everyone else who feels the same exact way, who connected to this story (and to each other through this story), and whose lives have been forever altered through this journey together. The fact that Dabb turned out to have been Chuck Junior and couldn’t see (or was prevented from showing us) what Team Free Will would’ve chosen to do with that after defeating their original creator just stands to prove to me that the finale can’t possibly be The Truth, you know?
I don’t know if any of this will help you, or provide you some small comfort right now, but maybe it will eventually. We’re all processing the loss of the show and the abject failure of story that was the finale in different ways, and I’m sure our emotional reactions will shift over time. It was just A Lot to process all in the span of a few incredibly emotional weeks-- not even mentioning how all of that emotional response was compounded by the american elections and surrounding nonsense, the general stress of enduring a global pandemic and all that entails, and *waves hands around broadly at everything else contributing to the trauma occurring in the collective of humankind right now.* We’ve all been emotionally compromised, so be kind to yourself in how you feel you’re coping with it all.
And know that no matter what, you are not alone in how you’re feeling. The grief is real, and our brains don’t care if it’s felt for fictional characters or real people. This was honestly a once in a lifetime experience for a lot of us, and not even the wtf of the finale can kill it for us if we don’t let it. I reject that particular piece of rusty rebar and choose to believe in a just and narratively coherent resolution. To do anything less feels like dishonoring the story and characters who have drawn me in and made me feel so much for them over the years. If the story itself couldn’t honor them properly, then I can choose to do so myself.
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sapphire-strikes · 3 years
♤Some Danganronpa Headcanons Pt. 1!♤
Based on THH more specifically! I've fallen into this fandom pretty suddenly as well as fallen in love with the characters so here are some nonsensical headcanons. Theses are pretty much meant to be set in some kind of non-despair/normal school life AU where they were given the opportunity to become friends without trumatic life or death stakes forced upon them...because that's what I dig, ya'll.
Part. 1 Part. 2 Part. 3 Part. 4
• I like to think that while Taka had never really had friends growing up, after opening up to Mondo, and eventually the rest of the group he welcomes the change with open arms and embraces it wholeheartedly.
• He has all kinds of obscure information about everybody filed away inside his head and will bring up things that you don't even remember telling him. Like he'd point out where someone went to elementary school if you happened to be passing by that area or remember their small likes and dislikes when it comes to picking out somthing to eat.
"Ah, I wouldn't choose that one it has cauliflower in it!"
"I distinctly remember you saying that you 'don't care for cauliflower'. Here~" He takes the menu, reading over it quickly and proudly pointing to a different item after a second.
"I recommend you get this one, it should suit your tastes much better!
• He can come off as overbearing but he honestly has the purest intentions at heart. Knowing as much as he can about someone and working around that knowledge, or finding a reason to put it to use, is part of his way of putting 100% into a friendship.
• I can imagine a scenario where he invites Mondo over to his place one day as he normally would only to run into Chihiro and invite him to tag along as well. This happens a few more times, each with him insisting that they come along and by the time he's got five or more people coming over he realizes how rude he would seem if the rest of the class found out about their little get together and ends up inviting everyone in his contacts.
• Imagine the look on his father's face when his son who had hardly managed to make one friend in his entire adolescentcy invites eight other teenagers and one twenty-one year old into their little one bedroom, one bathroom apartment.
• He can't bring himself to object though as Taka welcomes them in one by one with such pride and excitement. It's crowded but everybody settles in and it ends up turning into a surprise study session courtesy of Taka, complete with him pulling out a whiteboard to lecture them like a teacher.
• I also adore the idea of Taka having a dog; most likely a Doberman or a German Shepard that's just as austere and disciplined as his owner until told "release" and reverts to one of the sweetest, most excitable dogs you've ever met.
• Mondo loves that dog like his own and almost cried the first time he visited cause he remined him so much of his old dog Chuck.
• Leon, being a total hothead, ends up being the most outwardly protective of his fellow classmates, although it's more in a show offy, macho kind of way. He's usually the first to get in somebody's face if he feels like they've stepped out of line with something they said or were just being disrespect.
Unfortunately even with the intention of defending his friends he can end up making situations worse or escalating situations that could have otherwise ended and he doesn't exactly have the brawn to back up his mouth. This usually leaves the person he was trying to defend to try and defuse the situation before things get ugly or requiring someone actually intimidating like Mondo or Sakura to step in.
• Sakura and Mondo on the other hand are the more quiet protectors of the group. With Sakura usually taking the high road in a stressful situation and emploring both parties to walk away. If the offending person in question decideds they want to keep causing trouble however then that's their funeral. An over exaggeration of course, she'd give them at least a couple chances to back down.
She is the #1 mom friend; only follwed closely by Sayaka.
• Mondo is a bit different from both of them in the sense thats he's almost initially hostile to most people right off the bat, even without reason to believe they're doing anything wrong.
When finding his friends conversing with someone unknown he almost always butts into the conversation with, "This guy/girl bothering you?", or something of that sort, and depending on the answer he'll just hang around until he's sure that everythings okay.
In the event that you are in need of assistance it's not recommended to call on Mondo first because it can and will end in violence and in the end you and everyone else will have to worry more about restraining him than on the original annoyance.
When it comes down to it, he has trouble expressing how much he cares for his friends outside of the exaggerated bonds between men he goes on about, and what he has trouble expressing through words and general friendliness, he tries to make up for by protecting the people close to him to the best of his ability. Too bad that protectiveness usually comes out in the form of busting a few heads.
• A more common headcanon that I've seen that I totally agree with is Hiro basically being the dorky big brother of the group. Sure, most of the time he's going to be hiding behind you when there's danager and will probably never pay back that twenty bucks he borrowed but when it counts he doesn't mind being the mature one.
Mature is probably be the wrong word, optimistic fits better.
• And so I'd like to raise you overly excited little sister Hina.
•While not always the most useful during a crisis the two of them are usually the first to approach one of their friends when they're looking upset.
• Hina's approach is very head on and will always begin by asking if you're sad "What's wrong? Are you feeling okay? Was Byakuya running his mouth again?"
And from there she goes straight into cheer up mode. Are you more of a stupid joke, tickle attack and need to be distracted type of sad or an ice cream, blanket burrito, vent about your feelings type of sad? Either way she's on the case!
Hiro's approach on the other hand is so subtle that for the most part no one even knows that he has an approach.
He won't even acknowledge that someone's sad, sitting down beside them to strike up a lazy conversation. The only possible indicator that he has any idea that you're actually upset is the way that he blantely ignores your attempts to ignore him and keeps talking.
Almost always ends up the same way with him offering to do a fortune reading.
"Looks like you've got good luck in your future, man, good for you!".
"Hiro, those are playing cards, not tarot cards."
"You think that matters? Besides, who's the clairvoyant here, you or me?"
"Fine, you don't belive me? We'll try another method!"
For as seriously as he usually tries to be about his fortune telling the way he'd so casually bounce between methods without at least joking about you owing him money for it is pretty unusual
"There, we've tried tarot cards, palm reading and my secret weapon; my crystal ball! And they all point towards good luck coming your way, and since I'm always like 30% right, if you add them all together that gives it like a 90% chance of coming true. Things can only get better for you from here on out sooo....cheer up, okay?"
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
I have to say I knew that at one point renji, ikkaku, yumichika and iba were in the same squad with kenpachi but good god you managed to paint a beautiful picture for me. I simply assumed that for them it was simply party time all the time along with a few bald jokes but this is much better. Emotionally healthy squad 11 which still love fighting more than anything. I always cringed when someone would just describe them as hooligans that do nothing but fighting. I mean they do that too but I love the idea that they are all emotionally healthy and mature, a loving and supportive family to their own - in their own wakka doodoo kind of way thats endearing - and of course they are in my opinion they single capable force against sexisim. Because they don't care about anything else - gendere, sexuality, gender performances, race, mentality or anything - other than if you fight good you respectable and if you fight good in squad 11 you family. ( like when kenpachi just became captain he made yachiru his lieutenant and no one was against it no one thought it was beneath them, sure thru nag at her sometimes but that's mostly in a banter like way because she call them stupid nicknames but no one hates her for being unrightfully their superior. One day they got a new captain and a new lieutenant that's a child and they just went with it.) I admit their disdain and disrespect to squad 4 is still frowned upon but I do believe some squad 4s can handle their own, it's just that we saw the really peaceful ones. Anyways sorry for ranting. Just wanted to say that yeah, I really like how the past squad 11 with iba and renji in it was a great place in general. I think if they found out some one was being sexist - for whatever reason - they would be there right next to nanao - or iba's mom protesting. Kenpachi and yachiru as well. And that makes me want to be squad 11 ,despite not being much for fighting, so bad.
So, for starters, thanks! I try to have fun whenever I write Squad 11, and I’m glad you enjoy my take on them.
My Squad 11 is just... really not very canon, though. Canon Squad 11 is actually pretty gross and sexist. Yumichika is transphobic, Kenpachi makes homophobic remarks about Yumichika, they bully Squad 4, there’s a filler episode devoted to a guy that Ikkaku bullied for, like 100 years because the guy lost his reiatsu saving Ikkaku’s dumb ass.
When you write fanfic, you occasionally run into these more problematic aspects of the source media, and you can choose to dig in and analyze them, or just... remake them in your own way. Take for example, Gin. If you read fanfic about Gin, there are some people who will peel away the layers of him and his fears and insecurities and still make him be a horrible gremlin, and it’s really stellar writing. Other people prefer to write him in an AU where maybe less bad stuff happened to him, and he’s more mischievous than sociopathic, and this is a less meaty interpretation, but it’s also more fun. Sometimes fanfic is a meal and sometimes it’s candy. It fulfills different needs and different fantasies and all of it is welcome.
Yumichika, who for me is the fulcrum of Squad 11, presents this problem. I really don’t like the way his “appreciation for beauty” plays out in canon. He doesn’t actually appreciate beauty, he just likes telling other people they’re ugly. I don’t think he’s ever pointed out beauty in anyone else aside from himself or his zanpakutou. I remember the first time I watched his fight with Charlotte and it struck me as so off -- why wouldn’t he find her beautiful? I mean, I know it’s a transmysogynistic joke, that’s why, men dressed as women is funny, hurr hurr, but Yumichika is gender nonconforming himself. This was an opportunity to make a cool character point, and Kubo took the cheap laughs road instead. Going back to what I said last paragraph, a skilled writer could, in theory, write about his insecurities and his brittleness and meanness and write a pretty compelling story, but a) Kubo certainly doesn’t, and I have never actually found a Yumichika-centric fanfic of this nature, and b) this doesn’t fit the role I need him to play in my stories. I am rarely really interested in writing about Squad 11 for its own sake. I like to write them as a backdrop for the period of Renji’s afterlife where he hit absolute rock bottom and bounced back up again. We already know the role Ikkaku played in this, except that Ikkaku is a complete moron in terms of mental health, and I really, really felt like this is where Yumichika needed to come in.
I like to massage Yumichika’s character a bit, but I do want to keep the flavor of some of his character flaws-- he’s still shallow and mean and judgy, and I love that for him, but I like to add in a positive side to his appreciation for beauty. Having Yumichika make fun of Izuru’s pores is funny but it’s even funnier if he’s just given Renji a compliment on his hair first. The idea that a Yumichika compliment is attainable makes all his drags the more vicious. Yumichika also judged people by their beauty instead of their moral character, which is humorous to me. He dislikes Byakuya as a person, but is obsessed with his haircare regime. I like to have him treat Rangiku as an equal, beauty-wise, and a person whose opinion he respects based on her aesthetic. Rangiku is actually a pretty savvy and very emotionally intelligent person whom many people write off because she likes to present herself as a lazy airhead, so in an extremely convoluted way, this all works out. I like to think that Yumichika’s ideas of beauty are also caught up in boldness and risk-taking and having one’s outward presentation ring true to their inner self. To me, this is the core of why he loves Ikkaku. To him, Ikkaku’s devotion to doing the most Ikkaku thing at all times, no matter how stupid, is irresistibly sexy. 
Aside: At some point, I decided that the fact that a lot of people in Bleach have colorful marks on their faces and elaborate hairstyle and accessory games implied that make-up in Soul Society is gender neutral. I like to think there is actually more of a divide between the nobility, who like their make-up to follow rules and be classy, and, well, Squad 11, who like to get make-up ideas from Jem and the Holograms. I don’t even wear makeup (I don’t know how and it’s expensive and I am ashamed of myself, we can talk about my own gender presentation later) but I like to write about both my male and female characters wearing make-up. I don’t actually know how my readers feel about it, but it just falls under the “Is that what people want?”/“It’s what we do” philosophy of all my writing.
I think one of the theses of my writing is that middle management is more important to the character of a squad than the person at the top. Captains sort of act as ideals to strive for, but they are generally unapproachable for one reason or another. Yachiru is more like her captain in this respect (which makes sense, since she is, in fact part of her captain). Ikkaku and Yumichika present this dual idea that 1) strength is awesome, fighting and being the best is awesome, and 2) part of strength is presenting yourself to the world in a bold and confrontational way. (The fact that both of them are hiding huge parts of themselves is laughably ironic). Kenpachi and Yachiru are shining examples of Do Whatever You Want and Be So Strong That No One Can Stop You. 
What really makes this work is that you need someone one layer down-- does anyone actually subscribe to this nonsense, and that’s why Iba - Abarai Squad 11 is Best Squad 11. I really, really enjoy the genre of Reddit posts where a total bro will find out that his girlfriend is trans and react by becoming a vehement advocate for trans rights. I love the bodybuilders typing encouragement to each other meme. Our world is flooded with disingenuous messages from concern trolls trying to tell us why being kind and inclusive to one another is bad or that you should reject help because struggle makes you stronger and the idea of a Himbo looking at something like that and saying “that seems dumb" is delightful to me.
I actually feel like there are a lot of awful people with bad ideas in Squad 11, it’s just that Renji and Iba don’t put up with their shit, and over time, that becomes the culture of Squad 11. I think that Squad 11 has incredibly turnover, but the ones who stay are the ones who subscribe to the ideas you mentioned-- fighting is what matters, if you wanna go argue about shit, go join Squad 5. In the IkkaYumi story I wrote, which happens shortly after Zaraki takes over, a ton of people leave. The Bount Arc (which I know a lot of people skipped) features a dude who was extremely pissed off because he had liked the old Kenpachi and thought Zaraki sucked and was so mad about it that he betrayed Soul Society. You might think that this arc would feature Zaraki caring about this in some way shape or form, but he really didn’t. So, I think there are a lot of Soul Reapers that took issue with serving under a little girl as a vice captain, they just aren’t in Squad 11 anymore.
Oh, one last note on Iba’s mom. I am of an age where a number of my friends have mothers who were Second Wave Feminists. The moms in question are a real mixed bag, because they Came From a Different Time, and on one hand, you have to respect what they went through, and on the other hand, they are very difficult to get along with. I liked the idea that Iba has always chafed against his mom and her big personality, and then Renji comes in, and is like, “hey, your mom is strong as hell and she has a lot of ideas that I never thought of but they make sense” and Iba realizes that, even though she’s still a huge pain in his ass, his mom is the person who made him who he is. Moms are complex.
Uhhhh, I have definitely lost the thread of wherever I was going with this post. Thank you for enjoying my Squad 11, which is nothing like canon Squad 11. Hopefully maybe this year, I will actually finish my Squad 11 Self Care story, where Renji stops being a drunk disaster person after Yumichika teaches him how to fill his brows; I got stuck on a part where Rangiku gives Renji a talk on ethical sluttery.
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hi! i heard ur doing tarot readings. i',m quite new to ur blog so let me know if i didn't follow a rule :) what does MC♎ think and or feel about me? i'm AM♋ (+ leo rising + venus dominant + 11h stel)
take care! let me know if i have to pay or anything <3 stay safe
Hey love
Tysm for being so patient and respectful 🕊️🪶🦩🪶🕊️🪶🦩🐢🐾🐉🐾🐢🐾🐉
As a general rule it makes me very happy to see people reblog my ☯️masterlist and posts they like. Feedback in the form of asks isn't mandatory but it's is extremely appreciated and makes me squeal like a kid opening birthday chocolates 🍫❤️ I will need you to interact / reblog your reading so you can save and refer to it layer. This also helps people find my blog and get the guidance or self love talk from the oracles that they need 💕💙💕💙💕💙💕💙💕💙💕💙💕💙💕💙💕💙💕💙
🎀✨Nowww for your reading 🔮
Let's look at your two part question. I believe that that thinking and~feeling~can be very different things unless you're an air sign. Then it can be quite hard to separate the two 🤔⛈️
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🌹You're basically a lesson in self love and a zest for lifeeeee 🦊 You could teach us what it means to truly feel alive 🎶🎻🎇🎈
So firstly, what does he think of you?
Knight of wands. Queen of wands. King of pentacles
He's probably attracted to or interested in you but sees that you're both headed in different directions at the moment. Maybe if he(?) was at a more financially or socially secure point in life he would have been able to pursue this. You could also be a motivating influence. Either way you enhanced his urge to make soemthing if himself and evaluate what he is doing with his life. Divine masculine path. It's like you're the queen and he is still a knight. One of you has personal issues or baggage they need to deal with. They could be feeling like if they were with you rn they would only bring you down with their psychological wounds and shadow self. Separation and themes of divine purpose but individually. You guys could come back together at a later point when you're both doing well for yourselbes but it's too early for me to say.
Don't try to judge me for we have walked different paths. But it brought us here together so I won't take that back. Two roads diverge in a wood and unfortunately your pot of gold awaits at separate ends for now. Just because you meet someone briefly doesn't mean they can't have a profound impact on your life's trajectory.
He is on his heros journey. You're already slef assured and have dealt with some of your inner demons.
You're in your Divine feminine essence as a Cardinal cancer sun. AM is still in a learning phase. Must go through more life experiences to avoid fucking up a good thing. There's a certain nobility and genuine affection here. And honesty.
💙Now as for his feelings + Messages from the Oracle of Shadow and light💡 🌹💙🌹💙🌹💙🌹
I'd just recommend reading the oracle cards quotes
You both need time off to focus on yourself. Love or the other isn't a priority right now.
Comfort kills growth.
It's like when you're born as a twin. Each half gets accustomed to and proficient at doing one thing. So you could actually develop a weakness in areas that the other is good at. This is giving me twin flame vibes.
Also if he runs or displays lying cheating behaviors, theses fairies and strnagkeing wanna fly over to you in their cute little wings, surround you in love and remind you that it isn't because of anyack in you.
Gemini venus energy : needs constant stimulation. And when people are younger, specially those with higher testosterone, it's natural for them to want to experiment physically before getting tied down. It's better not to hurt someone in the process. Right?
All that looks shiny now may not be what is best for your soul growth.
Witch at the end of the world : AM may feel like they need to nip this in the bud so they can go do their thing. Maybe one of you is moving to a different city for a study abroad opportunity. I feel liek you're either in college or doing masters. Early 20 vibes. Like this is the time you make something out of yourself before thinking of settling down.
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Movies : love aajkal 2, kartik aryans character from thr flashback. People I've dated. Friends talking about their exes and why they didn't go on to marry their college sweethearts.
I remember reading a quote that went ' women marry who they choose and men marry when they are ready to.
So, liek girl love yourself. You're this fiery feminine presence ,the queen of Wands is the hottest, most passionate and lively Queen of the lot.
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Chill out, good things are coming. If your life was a romcom this is the phase where the lead is in love with life, working, singing, practicing a hobby, just doing her thing, walking down the street, exploring new cages with her cool new headphones plugged in. Maybe this connection didn't go as you had hoped because you're meant to fall in love with life and how it feels to be alive 💕🎶 Girl in a new city
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Also, if you enjoyed this reading and would like to book/ recommend more custom readings to a friend , I do have paid services for people in India
Alrighty boo, I hope this reading brought you some love, support, clarity . I honestly admire your pizazz. And I'd love to have you on my #girlgang 💕✨
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ng-stowaway · 6 years
gen:LOCK ep.7
TBH I don't know where to start this episode was honestly amazing in an all over the place way. But I guess I'll first start off talking about the side effects of "meta-minding" not only does it allow you to see through the others persons thoughts and read their minds but also seems to copy a set of memories onto the other like with Val and Kazu. Val remembers learning to play the guitar as a child but that was Kazu's memory and from their interaction I'm guessing Kazu may have learned something about Val he wasn't ready for.
Next I want to point out Yaz and Julian's relationship and by that I mean move over Miranda cause someone else might have eyes for Icarus
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I thought these were really cute and sad moments. She wants so desperately to touch him, to be comforted and to comfort him and the fact that she points herself out when saying he's real defiantly gives me some crushing vibes. I ship it
Next there's the new Holons
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I don't think people give cammie enough credit. She designed all of these shells for the Holons. An outdated RoboShogun for Kazu which I really hoped he'd hug her, a I'm guessing based off Yaz's necklace that Cammie made her one to look like a Phoenix which was super sweet, she improved Julian's Icarus shell and made Val a sleek and agile shell on top of the already thin holon. She also made herself a bunny which is kinda disturbing to look at but she's happy with it.
Theses still a lot that happened like the RTSAS, Weller's wife and much more and I would be delighted to discuss all of that in the comments but to keep this post short we're going to get into Cammie moments
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How does she keep getting more adorable every episode?! She made two classic movie references from star wars "I have a bad feeling about this" to wizard of Oz as seen in the screenshot. She showed how much she cared for and pays attention to her team when man in making their shells, she tried sticking up for them when mister Matt Hullum was laying out their past. There is a reason Cammie is the best little sister character.
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jinglyjangly · 5 years
Idk if theses kinds of questions are ur thing, but where do you think the fallout series will go? After 76 I genuinely don't know. Despite it's success 4 didn't exactly feel... impactful. And at this point I think most people would hear "fallout 5" and just groan or have indifference. That being said what would they even do for 5?
Mostly everything depends on whether bethesda directors actually paid attention to the criticism fo4/fo76 got. But, i have a big feeling even if they did they wont ever listen to the “minority” like lgbt. I kinda also remember there were a few articles from POC going around about how bethesda kinda whitewashed history. like i thought it was...interesting how were pretty meticulous about putting a bunch of accurate landmarks but dont put the american civil war memorials...but for some reason have confederate hats you can find/purchase? Like i dont get that.
Basically when bethesda does listen to the “minority” i think we get something like far harbor. Sure, theres a gay(?) guy, but his husband is dead and you can only talk to him if you pass a medical check oh and hes basically suicidal and you will never see him again after that quest. Like theyll put it in there but they wont actually give a fuck. What they will probably change for any upcoming fallout games are just more SPECIAL checks and maybe like, more faction related dynamics they did in far harbor? Who knows though. I just bet theyre going to do more playersexuality because i dont think enough of the fans cared about that. Bethesda probably didnt care about any criticism on the player character having a backstory with a wife/husband/baby either so the next game will probably have another unnecessary backstory.
Tl;dr My bet is it will be hyped up and ppl will say its great but overlook the problems, and the problems will be the same. No gay characters, very few POC, playersexuality, very uneven gender ratio for companions, forced m/f backstory, ect. If they do fix any problems itll be them adding more rpg elements like checks, not fix the things people looove to deem “political”
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I don't blame you at all for keeping quiet about the show. I just can't understand how the people running the CW can look at what Dabb is doing to this show and go, "Eh - good enough." It's NOT good enough. It is demonstrably terrible, and at this point I desperately hope there will be a new show runner next season who will reveal the last 2 seasons were all a dream because one of the boys was in a coma. I don't know how else to fix things without acting like the Dabb era just didn't happen.
Not sure my ask went thru… What’s up Girly-girl! Long time no comment, edit, review, rant, observation, bitch session…  we miss you! You still watching? Curious as to what you think about theses past 5 episodes. Looks like Dabb in his ultimate suckitude as a Showrunner has screwed Jensen over again and handed off his DeanMichael storyline to another. Shocker. I’ll be really pissed if he has. And it definitely looks that way.             
Hello dear!
I assume these two might have been written by you? And probably some time ago as well. I’m sorry about replying so late, but tumblr hasn’t really been a prioriy these past months. Thank you for your message though. :) I think tumblr is working perfectly alright without me though, but thank you for being sweet and saying you missed my rambles.
That being said, I don’t think there will be any rambles, specs or metas posted on my page in any foreseeable future - though I could probably just schedule the around 200 meta-, gif- and edit-posts that are still sitting in my drafts, but then again… they have collected some dust by now.
To be completely honest, it’s a combination of things why I have been silent on here. One being that my daily life with work has been pretty demanding and doesn’t leave me with a whole lot of energy after I get home, but it’s also that I simply don’t have as much to say about SPN anymore these days.
I joined fandom in the middle of S7 and my personal highlight times on here has been from S8 to S11 - those were the good old days of meta, really they were golden and I cherish that time dearly still, but fandom has changed since then (and what people deem most important as well), the show has changed and I don’t feel like I am having a place in this fandom any longer. While I also always love editing, my primary focus on tumblr and with my blog has been analysis and meta and I feel like the kind of meta I strived for, loved reading and wrote myself theme wise is no longer of any interest to the majority of people - which doesn’t really bother me, I would continue to post my views regardless, but these past 3 seasons under Dabb’s reign have been hard on me. He turned the show into something I can barely recognize as the show I fell in love with. The storytelling is a mess and so much other stuff as well that I have been very vocal about up until a few months back, but I didn’t want to be just negative any longer so I took a break hoping that maybe SPN would inspire me again to write, but Dabb’s version of SPN is so shallow, so foreseeable from miles away that it has simply not been the case.
To put it plainly, Dabb has made me fall out of love with SPN these past 3 years as he turned it into a show that has nothing in common with the show I love. Of course all of our tastes differ, but my personal favourite seasons past Kripke were the Carver years as he imo knew how to craft story, craft emotion, craft characters and he knew how to play subtle, how to set up a story and follow through, how to make your heart ache in the best way possible. His style of storytelling and showrunning is what I adored and Dabb’s style has hardy anything in common with that so the past three years watching the show, seeing canon thrown out the window, replacing deep emotion with cheap melodrama and stories that built up and had a climax to millions of stories that go nowhere has left their mark on me. It’s been a tough three years, years that were frustrating, yes even painful, it was like a relationship that you always hoped would blossom again but never did. It’s like a relationship that had all the raw potential but ended up hurting you more than it made you happy.
Don’t get me wrong, I will always love this show and there will never be another show that will have this impact on me and my life and I can guarantee that there will NEVER be a character that will mean as much to me as Dean Winchester, but Dabb era has been painful, because I cared so much about the show. I was mourning it and it’s characters while they were still there on my screen but treated with such careless hands that I needed to take a step back and to be honest, I think it was the right call. For one because no one needs a negative voice all the time, but even more so now that J2M have revealed that S15 will be the last.
I see a lot of people very broken up about it and I’d have been the same way after S8 or 9 or 10 or 11 if it had ended then, right now I feel relief - and I don’t want to hurt anybody with saying that - and strangely enough for the first time in a while interest again (I have been watching the episodes btw, but like I said… nothing that would need to be written about - aside from Jensen rocking it with his Michael struggle, which like you said now has been given to someone else, once more) and a faint bit of hope and even happiness, because this way they should be able to craft an ending that is planned from the get-go. And that is something that could be very good for the storyline - then again, sadly I doubt that someone like Dabb could pull it all together. But here’s to hoping. All I want at this point is for them to make it count, make it worth it - I’d love nothing more than seeing the first episode of S15 and feeling like writing meta again.
So, what does it all add up to? I know this is a long ramble, but I felt it was overdue given my silence on here. I don’t know how often I’ll be on here from now on, I’ll check in here and there, but I doubt I’ll be posting much. To everybody who is hurting due to SPN coming to an end: HUGS. Really selfishly I can say I truly don’t hurt or feel broken up, I feel more like resolution is finally on the horizon and potential for a wonderful ending. And something that I will always be grateful for is the people this show has brought into my life, people who’ll stay in my life way past this show, that’s what makes the show count: just like the character will transcend, keep living, so will these friendships for life and that’s how this show will become “immortal”. Not through the storylines, not through the 15 seasons it aired, it had impact through and due to the people who watched it and who found like minded people through it they can consider close friends and even family now.
Anyway, if I could have one wish fulfilled, it would be to get all of the good writers back on the show for this last hurra, Ben Edlund, Jeremy Carver, Sera Gamble, Raelle Tucker, Robbie Thompson and Adam Glass for example and of course Eric Kripke. Let them pen the ending to the show that famously once said “endings are hard, but nothing ever truly ends, does it”. And yes, I still stand by my sceanrio that I have written about many a times before in terms of endings. I’d love it if the ending scene was a shot of the Impala on some stretch of the road (the brothers may have died fighting the good fight or finally retired or whatever else) and some guy who looks to be lost, but a good soul tries the door and it swings open. He sits down, rumages through the car to find the keys and finally looks into the glove compartment where a thick envelope sits that reads:
“For you”
And the guy picks me it up and opens it and inside there’s a leather journal, reminiscent of John’s but not his and a folded piece of paper and the keys to the Impala. And you can see in Dean’s handwriting there’s written:
“May she be as much of a home to you as she was for me and my brother. Treat her well, or I swear I’ll haunt your ass.”
And the guy laughs and turns on the ignition, “Back in Black” starts blasting from the radio so that he turns down the volume and fumbles for the journal, opens it up and looks at the first page that says:
“My name is Dean Winchesters. And then is my story. Buckle up.”
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