#But I will write for this rarepair if it kills me
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aerialflight · 1 day ago
another fic rec list! (march edition)
I read so many good fics this month that I HAD to recommend. And again, I wildly pingponged between fandoms, though some still stuck around so you're in luck. Enjoy!
[Star Trek] (found some more! and reread old favorites)(also, fell in love with multiple ships)
Manner of Attraction by LiterallyThePresident
Ship: Spock/Leonard McCoy
“Spock, you think I’m sexy, right?” McCoy laughed “Yes.” Spock said honestly, and all three of them seemed to stop short
(short, sweet, and sparked my interest in this ship! it's my gateway drug fic and was what made me curious enough to hunt for more. definitely recommend! XD)
Anything You Can Do by igrockspock for ictus
Ship: Jim Kirk/Hikaru Sulu
'Anything you can do, I can do better' is not a healthy relationship philosophy - unless you’re Jim and Hikaru.
(listen, LISTEN, i love rarepairs and my god, this was written so fucking well and made me laugh multiple times. also, hikaru sulu is a bamf and i love when people portray him as the competent man he is! seriously, please give this a try, you won't regret it!)
freefall (flying) by tantamoq
Ship: Jim Kirk/Hikaru Sulu
Kirk is used to falling - what he isn't prepared for is the moment when he might actually hit the ground.
(again! a must read for this rarepair that i've fallen in love with nfewiofewa. seriously, i'm in a hole and i WILL drag people down with me! the potential of this relationship is too much! too powerful! please give it a go, i swear you won't regret it! this fic is fantastic!!)
Quirks and Their Side Effects by highschool-facelesshellion (orphan_account)
Ship: Jim Kirk/Leonard McCoy
Jim Kirk's always been a weirdo. Leonard could use some more weird.
(YES! LET THEM BE WEIRD!! truly, i accept every headcanon and everything this fic has spoken into the world, it's too good not to be true. i actually cried at some parts, you'll know which just from reading it. their friendship/queer-romantic or whatever the hell these two have here is so fucking good and i love it so so much!! seriously, please please read!!)
Long Road Home by EternalSheWolf for eyres
“It’s the greatest ship ever built.” His voice cracks, and he tells himself it’s because he’s been speaking for probably days now and he’s thirsty and his throat is probably bleeding and Bones will kill him, goddamit, Jim – A tear leaks out of the corner of his eye. “I want to go home.” He whispers.
(every time. every fucking time god damn it. *sobbing*)
Houses Made Of Earth by nsmorig for oneatatime
Ship: Spock/Leonard McCoy
In which Spock moves in with, uses the first name of, and falls in love with, Leonard McCoy. More-or-less in that order.
(okay, i just love the author and how they write. full stop. the slow building relationship and understanding between bones and spock was so rewarding and sweet. it's very introspective on both sides and explores what troubles and life changing things they're each going through, while also changing what they thought about the other. it's slow and thoughtful and pulled me in bit by bit. i absolutely recommend both the fic and this author in general, it's so good!!)
Pavlov's Cuddles by InsaneSociopath
Ships: Jim Kirk/Spock, Philip Boyce/Christopher Pike
Chris decides the absolute best way to get Jim to behave is to classically condition him using candy. Because. Um. That's perfectly normal and acceptable right?
(the entire premise of this fic sounds so weird but it works! jim is autistic and chris is deeply, truly weird. his whole relationship with boyce made me cackle so much! boyce has to suffer through chris's shenanigans and yet enables him constantly so he only has himself to blame lmao! and spock! is so cute and every time he showed up it's amazing haha! if you just want to have a good time and watch a successful trainwreck of a man try and adopt jim kirk, this is 100% for you lol)
[The Witcher] (yup! again. these idiots won't leave me alone)
The Neverending Jaskier by TheSilverQueen
Ship: Geralt/Jaskier
Geralt goes fishing for a djinn to solve his sleeplessness. He is not expecting to fish up a man instead. Especially not a cursed, eternally doomed to resurrect bard of a man.
(i know this sounds ridiculous, but the author is just so good at making it believable. i love how geralt slowly starts to fall for jaskier, it's gradual and heartfelt and he doesn't want it lol. and so many of his problems are solved just because of sequence of events and how ridiculous jaskier is, which amuses me a lot. please read!)
in the belly of the beast by TheSilverQueen
Ship: Geralt/Jaskier
On the fifth day after Jaskier is swallowed alive by a lake monster, he meets a Witcher.
Part 8 of The Witcher Flash Fic Challenge
(the concept was so funny that i had to read it. and i was right, it's hilarious! seriously, please read! it made me laugh like a hyena and i never once thought someone can draw inspiration from fullmetal alchemist like this. the fact this is the same author right above has me believing they're just really good at making wild premises work lol. it's amazing!)
no reason to run by SummerFrost
Ship: Geralt/Jaskier
"You'll change your mind one day," says the innkeep. "The road can't love you back." What a strange way to flatten something so beautiful, Jaskier thinks. What a small way to love. Or: When Jaskier is hit with a curse that prevents him from having sex, he's lucky that the first person he meets is a Witcher. It's even luckier that Jaskier is used to hitting the road, because Geralt isn't waiting up.
(this fic has everything! it's hilarious, it's soft and tender, and it makes me want to hang it up on a wall for posterity. it's romantic, in the sense that jaskier sees the beauty of everything around him and geralt can't help but be drawn in by it. i couldn't help but be drawn in by it. also, it's so incredibly poly and i love that aspect of the fic, it painted love as such a giving yet selfish act and it's beautiful because of it. as geralt said in this fic, jaskier is a poet, ergo, the author is a goddamn poet and it shows. seriously, please read, it's so damn good!)
Keeping Crows by Castillon02
Ship: Geralt/Jaskier
If it was some kind of weird religious thing, it was for a god Geralt had never heard of. Probably it was just a weird Jaskier thing. Crows, of all creatures! Corpse eaters. Grain stealers. No one liked crows. But Jaskier was voluntarily traveling with a Witcher; maybe he just had poor taste.
(the metaphor!! geralt is a crow! jaskier loves things that aren't meant to be loved and is loved back for it! also, i personally just love crows so this love letter for them had me kicking my feet in delight. seriously, please please read! i want to hug this to my chest and sleep with it, it was so warm.)
[Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them] (yeah, i know, what?? i don't know what to tell you fnewpfwa)
Preantepenultimate by lonerofthepack
Ship: Original Percival Graves/Newt Scamander
Newt Scamander had not intended to return to New York, much less the Woolworth building. Nevertheless, he arrived on the second of May, bedraggled and soaking from the spring rains with his arm trapped in a junior auror's grip, and just in time to make himself useful. Percival Graves has survived Grindelwald, with the scars to show for it, and returned to his role as Director of Magical Security despite a newly developed difficulty in speaking aloud. When Theseus Scamander’s younger brother gets dragged into the bullpen at precisely the right moment to be helpful, Graves seizes the opportunity to bring in a magizoologist for a sorely needed fledgling Beasts division, and a battle-tested asset into the MACUSA fold. Perhaps he should have expected chaos to follow in the path of a dragon rider.
Part 4 of Reticence 'verse
(*buries face in hands* fnewiofae it's so goddamn jane austen. the slow building romance, the respect they have for each other, the fact there's a freaking marriage of convenience plot that isn't contrived and makes sense, all of it! a victorian romance? in 1920s new york?? more likely than you think. god, i got so obsessed while reading this and flew through it in 2 days, it's so good!! and the fact that they show! real actual repercussions of graves imprisonment by grindlewald! he's selectively mute and the author expands how he now manages to live with it in a world where he went through something so traumatic is *chefs kiss* brilliant! and newt is so competent and graves recognizes that and is competent himself and i just, god, GOD, this is the best characterization for this ship i've ever seen, i love it so so much nfiewopewa. seriously, please please read this! i'm obsessed!!!)
Ad Sistendam Furto Magicae by InsaneSociopath
Ships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Hermione is all out of fucks to give. Ron and Harry reluctantly approve.
(time travel fic! a solid, fantastic read and i loved every minute of it! and the fact there's a tag specifically saying they stan ron is all it took to win me over lol. god, it's so hard to find a good ron in fics, drives me mad. if you want to have a fun time and watch as the trio run wild through hogwarts, this is definitely for you :D)
[Buffy the Vampire Slayer] (look it's just one series that i immediately got obsessed with. but it made my month so i NEED to recommend it NOW.)
wouldn't it be nice? (in the kind of world where we belonged) by SummerFrost
Ship: Spike/Buffy
Spike is still beneath her, so hard he's vibrating, and a second ago she was living in this amazing, perfect, fresh piece of Dubble Bubble bubblegum world. A second ago, she loved him. Or: The thing about Willow's will-be-done spell is that, yeah, obviously it sucks that it happened with Spike. But now that all those totally fake lovey-dovey feelings are gone, Buffy is starting to worry that she'll never get them back—with anyone. Too bad the only person who might understand is her mortal enemy.
Part 1 of wouldn't it be nice?
(*deep breath* i need this like i need air. i don't really go for buffy fics but fuck, this is incredible. it's the same author who wrote one of the witcher fics on this list and their writing is just as beautiful here. it really looks at the aftermath of the episode something blue and what it means for both spike and buffy. and as for the rest of this series, it continues on to later seasons of buffy and how spike and buffy being an established relationship changes things in the future. this is the most healthy version of the buffy/spike ship i've ever seen and it's honestly heartbreaking to think about what could've happened if they had just talked to each other. this has become one of my favorite buffy fics ever and i absolutey recommend this to people, it's brilliant!)
[Dimension 20] (i'm so random. also, currently watching unsleeping city s2 so i'm probably gonna rec more fics in the future, not sure)
the i love you fic by jorjudje
Fandom: Fantasy High
a scenario for each and every bad kids duo in which they tell each other they love them.
(this is the sweetest fantasy high fic in the fandom, i will die on this hill!! they love each other so much! the most friendship fic to ever friendship!! god, this made me want to watch fantasy high all over again, i love the bad kids so much fneiwofpewa)
everyone's a pessimist, I see a future painted in pink by HighAsAFlyingFish
Fandom: Fantasy High
Early Freshman year the newly formed Bad Kids run into themselves from the future. Or maybe a future? Who knows, time travel is weird, have another ice cream.
(time travel time travel time travel!! seeing how much the bad kids have grown up compared to freshman year always makes me feel teary eyed. and also cackle like a hyena, the freshmen have NO context on ANYTHING and it's hilarious XD)
Modify Memory by foxfantasma
Fandom: The Unsleeping City
“Pete,” the first man says slowly, like he’s trying to calm a spooked child. “What’s my name?” “Kingston,” Pete answers automatically, the feelings of trust and home and a fragment of being shouted at in a bodega he’s never been to all conflicting and coexisting in his skull. He hasn’t tripped this bad since the episode that had gotten him on the antipsychotics in the first place, and even this makes that look like a walk in the park. He can’t afford to get sent back to the hospital, not without insurance, and he really needs to get it together before someone calls an ambulance, or worse, the cops. “You’re Kingston Brown,” he says firmly, hopes to everything there is that he’s right. Or: Pete doesn’t remember being awakened to the Unsleeping City and has a rough time //Chapter two is Kingston’s pov
(i just finished watching s1 and immediately started hunting for kingston and pete friendship fics cause i NEEDED it. and then i found this and wow, it's such a great character study for both pete and kingston, i loved it! please read!!)
[Deadpool and Wolverine] (we're back bitches)
Rotten Ones by atimefeeler
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
“Oh my god,” Wade said. “I’m an idiot.” “Yes. And?” Logan snapped. “I forgot Logan died in 2029,” Wade said, horrified. “It’s 2024." ... (It's okay, Wade. The writers forgot too.) Deadpool and The Worst Wolverine join forces with the X-Men to save Laura and the kids from Project X-23, stop the Westchester Event, and prevent mutant extinction. Oh, and they also fall in love while they do it.
(i combed through so many fics and found this gem among the rubble of my search. it's soft and full of hurt/comfort, yet also plot driven and full of character interactions and moments between wolverine and the x-men of deadpool's timeline. and i have so much respect for the author's attempt to make sense of fox's bizarre timeline of events for the x-men series lol. i'm so invested in this fic and the slow burn between logan and wade has me kicking my feet in delight, it's wonderful! seriously, please read! i'm so glad i found this!)
Harvest Moon by SlugSniffing
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
Logan still can't recall anything from his past, no matter where he goes or who he speaks to. He's at the end of his rope when a mercenary crash-lands at his feet in Bobby Drake's kitchen. (set during the events of X2 - consider this X2 featuring Deadpool-movieverse Deadpool, complete with Origins-era Wade backstory.)
(i'm not fucking kidding when i say i think the author is deapool, their end notes always has me fucking cackling, they sound exactly like him it's amazing. truly, this fic is so damn good and the writing is stellar! there were so many moments where i actually started crying because the emotions the author managed to convey got too fucking real, my GOD. and the plot! wow!! deadpool is inserted in the plot so seamlessly that i honestly wish i could watch this version of events play out on the big screen, it's so much fun! and heartbreaking! seriously, please read this, i'm so so excited to see what happens next and so will you!)
Mr. Forgettable by Arwriter
Ship: Logan | Worst Wolverine/Wade Wilson
Wade’s off the couch, moving slowly until he’s standing right in front of Logan. He’s eyeing him carefully, thoughtfully, like he can piece together a solution to whatever the hell is happening right now. “You’re not just doing this so you can get out of buying dinner, are you?" “Fuck you.” Or: Even if he can't quite place his face, Logan doesn't think he could ever forget Wade Wilson.
(i both want to punch and hug logan, he's really going Through It. this fic is both incredibly angsty yet sweet at the same time, amnesic logan deserves a damn hug! and wade is Suffering and just as bad as him. god, they're so dumb nfewiofpewa)
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scarlett-draws · 2 months ago
Is the game six years old? Yes. Did I only start playing it a day or two ago? Yes. But they made the mistake of giving me grinding mechanics and a sunshine hunk with red hair. What else am I supposed to do but play it non stop and write fanfic?
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ex0rin · 2 years ago
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Layla’s been tracking a rare artifact for years and has finally found its location - hidden away in one of the Power Broker’s warehouses of ill-gotten goods; little does she know that the infamous Power Broker of Madripoor is actually Sharon Carter, who she’s had run ins with before...
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yaoi-hate-machine · 2 months ago
my autism does Not like that my dad spontaneously asked me to meet him for lunch 2 hours after i woke up when i already had a loose plan for today. but my isolated and despondent heart Does like that i get to see my dad and my brother today
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pathetic-gamer · 2 years ago
BREAKING: local fan fiction reader caught throwing themself into a new ship and being disappointed to find that of the 30 fics on ao3, not a single one is tagged as angst. Sources state they were heartened to find three tagged with graphic depictions of violence, but are still dissatisfied with such a limited selection.
At press time, he could be seen opening Microsoft Word while muttering "I have to do all the work around this damn house."
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smokescreenedforestry · 5 months ago
Honest to god. Honest To God. I might start writing for them again. Thought about the way Emil died and got nailed in the face w an au idea
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shanastoryteller · 9 months ago
Happy birthday! I would love some more rarepair dot/jack and miss fisher's murder mysteries. You write them amazingly 💚
Dot feels guilty for agreeing to go on this date. Her divorce from Hugh has only just been finalized, never mind that they’ve been living separately for the last year. She’s grateful it’s over with now – she doesn’t know how she would have felt if they’d been separated for longer than they’d been married under one roof, and that’s exactly what would have happened if everything had taken a couple more months.
It still feels too early, and it’s not like she’s ever dated before, Hugh having been her first relationship. But her neighbor Andrea had insisted that this would be good for her, and that her brother’s friend was perfect for her, and Dot is running low enough on friends that she hadn’t wanted to offend her and risk this new friendship collapsing in on itself.
She’d kept Jane and Mr. Butler, and Burt and Cec, of course, but all their other friends had landed firmly on Hugh’s side in everything, which she can’t even say is unfair, considering. But it is a little lonely. There’s a reason one of the first things she’d done was move back to Melbourne, toward the people who still liked her and away from everyone else. Her mother is appalled, but her priest is excited enough at having her back that he’s apparently willing to overlook the whole divorced bit.
She resists the urge to smooth back her hair again, wonders if she should have chosen a dress with a longer hem, but being a divorced woman provides so few benefits that it seems only fair that she take advantage of them.
She looks up, breaking out into a smile at the familiar face. “Detective! How are you?” She gets to her feet, although she still has to crane her neck to look up at him. She forgot how tall he was. “You look well.”
“As do you, Miss Williams,” he says, a teasing lilt to his voice.
She flushes. She never would have worn anything like this a few years ago, but lots of things were different then. Besides, Miss Fisher is always encouraging her to take risks in her letters. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Well,” he says, lips pulled up on one side. On a second look, it seems like she can figure that out for herself. He doesn’t look old, really, but he does look tired, something weary about his eyes and shoulders that he didn’t have when she saw him last.
“What are you doing here?” she asks, cutting off whatever answer he would have grave.
The relief on his face makes her think she made the right decision. “I’m meeting someone, actually, although I’m not sure who. Andrea wouldn’t even give me her name.”
Dot blinks once, twice, then raises her hand to her mouth, heat crawling it’s way up her neck. “I’m going to kill her.”
It only takes Jack a second to catch on. “Ah. But,” his eyes flicker down to her hand, “I see.”
Hugh hadn’t told him, then. He’d called her Miss Williams, but that could have been habit more than anything else. Maybe they don’t talk. She assumed they did, but she’d assumed a lot of things.
Jack’s hesitating. If she lets him, he’ll make some sort of excuse and she won’t see him again unless she starts stalking crime scenes again.
“I’ll tell you the dirt details, if you like,” she offers, sitting back down looking expectantly to the chair across from her. He takes it, some of his hesitance bleeding away as he leans forward. “It’s not that exciting, I’m afraid.”
He smiles at her. He really is very handsome. “I bet I can guess.”
Dot raises an eyebrow, waiting.
“You outgrew him,” he says. “He was always struggling to keep up with you.”
It sounds so cruel put like that, but it’s also entirely correct. Hugh’s a good man and he’ll probably be a good husband – to someone else. To someone like she used to be, perhaps, but not at all for who she is now. “Well, I wish someone had told me that.”
“It didn’t seem appropriate,” he says, almost apologetic, and his eyes start to dip lower before guiltily jerking back up to her face.
“No,” she says, almost breathless. “I suppose not.”
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marichild · 4 months ago
fuck you fuck all of you I hate every single one of you who voted for trump
im south/southeast asian and im sick thinking about how this could affect us . oh my god how could you vote for a felon a rapist a misogynist he's going to kill all the palestinians without any remorse do not fucking talk to me about genocide
to all my queer brothers and sisters and siblings in the US. all my poc brothers sisters and siblings in the US. all of those who will be severely affected by this (such as the Philippines). stay strong . you can do this. there's really nothing to do but stand up and fucking fight because it WILL get better I promise you. do your part and take care of yourself in this horrific time. fuckass trump cannot erase you and everything you stand for. live and breathe and treat yourself. we are all going to get through this together.
stand for palestine. donate donate donate SHARE. don't let their voices drown out in this time. this is just as much their issue as it is ours. don't let them get away with anything unheard. don't let them silence palestinian voices and don't let them stop you from doing your part in saving them.
we can do this. breathes deeply.
excuse me while I go and write chuusig for rarepair week to cope
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velvetwyrme · 1 month ago
i beg (bug) of thee . .. more borrower au pleaze.
now you might be wanting more of the existing dynamic/s ive mentioned but @dubia-015 asked me about the other character concepts i hd in mind yesterday and then i sat down and went AHHHHHH into the void and it rewarded me with even more thoughts
yapping under the cut
please consider Ratchet thinking that the tiny person he helped out when he was still in medical school was a fever dream (too much coffee, not enough sleep). Only to get blindsided when a different tiny person shows up one day, loud and obnoxious but clearly worried about his friend who is injured, begging for Ratchet's help. And well, Ratchet doesn't know what to with the fact that Drift is REAL, but he DOES know what to do if someones bleeding out.
Or the flipside of that, Drift returning to his old house that he nearly died in, and finding out that the tiny man who helped him during that time is REAL and not a drug induced hallucination. If you want to get extra tasty with it, Drift almost stabs Ratchet, the blade THUNKING down in front of the borrower as Drift glares down at him. He wasn't even been looking, he just knew Ratchet was there. But as soon as Drift sees him his eyes widen and soften, as recognition finds him and he whispers... "Ratch?"
(I imagine he IMMEDIATELY panics and pulls the blade out because OH GOD HE NEARLY KILLED RATCHET) and can you tell i really want to draw this but also i really dont want to draw People.
And some other concepts!!
Borrower Brainstorm trying to one up human Perceptor while also trying to not be caught. He wants to be NOTICED and RECOGNIZED but he's meant to keep hidden but Perceptor is so brilliant he NEEDS to prove himself.
Human Whirl and his two tiny partners who he tries to scare off,,, or alternatively, Tailgate and Cyclonus and the borrower that they're luring into their home like a stray cat.
Borrower Skids pining fruitlessly over human Nautica!! Roommateless Swerve having a little borrower buddy in his walls who listens to him ramble. I can't decide who but my silly rarepair brain immediately went ULTRA MAGNUS because i have a soft spot for Swagnus hdjdhdjfbjd
And of course you can't forget tired veteran OP who has been passing messages with a mysterious stranger in the library who writes the most beautiful poetry and has a fresh new perspective on life, albeit one that is jaded, hardened by a life of being underfoot, downtrodden and struggling to survive day to do,,,,, like. Ghhhrghg.
im gonna fucking explode so you also get more thoughts abt the various versions ft the Constructicons, J/P and SW
Also if you go borrower!Soundwave and Prowl (Human Constructicons+Jazz) then you get the two of them working together somewhat begrudgingly at first- they have a working respect for each other that gives way to mutual appreciation for each other's logical prowess and intelligence, things that are required when trying to navigate a house filled w/ 5 rowdy guys. In that same version you have Rumble, Frenzy and their like. 8 dads. Since they're human, it's easier for the other humans to wrangle them but Soundwave and Prowl are the real powerhouses there who keep everyone in line.
In the one where the Constructicons are menacing J/P, they all slowly befriend Jazz first, who stays well out of the way of Prowl's investigations- he could tell him, but... this is the most fun he's seen Prowl have in a long time and it looks good on him. Also getting doted on by the pack of borrowers is a nice perk.
i literally cannot create fast enough to keep up w this. Also logically if I did anything I'd. probably cut down the amt of characters so I don't have to deak w/ as many interconnecting pieces but IN MY HEART OF HEARTS THIS IS THE DREAM
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fabled-lady-twilla · 11 months ago
Hi, I'm Twilla and I'm currently in the process of writing a ShigaDeku Dystopia/Soulmate AU fic that no one, and I mean literally NO ONE, asked for! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why do I always join fandoms late and why do I always somehow end up loving/shipping the rarepairs in fandoms that barely anyone likes or wants to read about lmao? 🥺👉👈
I just finished reading the latest manga chapter, watched all six seasons, and binged all three movies. I am absolutely BURSTING with ideas of where I want this story to go. I want to at least post the first chapter by the time ShigaDeku Week 2024 is here next month. :)
In my fic timeline, the MHA canon story line doesn't happen until Class 1-A's third year, and since my story is set six years after their graduation, most of the main characters are in their mid to late twenties. My story starts after the Quirk Affliction, a strange illness that begins killing off Quirk-users all around to world, resulting in a massive a death toll that causes civilized society to collapse.
Anyways, here's the general synopsis:
The Final War was over before it had even begun. With the onset of the Quirk Affliction, a mysterious illness that disproportionately targeted the Quirks of heroes over the Quirks of villains, the world was left defenseless as it plunged into a new era of chaos and devastation.
It’s been six years since the onset of the Affliction and the death of All Might. Six years since the world’s heroes, and the society they desperately fought to protect, have crumbled into dust in Shigaraki Tomura’s hands.
From the ashes of this destruction, Japan’s new regime was born. The country was split into three territories, each with its own Grand Commander, united in nothing save for one singular rule: life for those who submit, and death for those who do not.
As Grand Commander of the largest and most plentiful of Japan’s territories, Shigaraki has lived the last six years reaping the fruits of his labors and taking pride in helping his Sensei accomplish his dream. But as of late, Tomura has been having strange dreams of his own: hazy memories of an abandoned park, of blooming wisteria trees, of laughter and freckles and forest green eyes.
Midoriya Izuku, now Quirkless due to the Affliction, has not stopped his pursuit of helping others, despite the world — and everything in it — turning itself upside down. Izuku dreams of a brighter future, and strangely enough, dreams of his long-lost childhood friend, Shimura Tenko.
The same Tenko that Izuku had unknowingly befriended as a young boy. The same Tenko who’d stopped him from jumping off the rooftop all those years ago. The same Tenko that, Izuku realized with horror, was now the monster known as Shigaraki Tomura.
Unfortunately, Izuku learns all too late that having a Soulbond with the King of Villains comes with a heavy cost. Shigaraki seems hell-bent on keeping Izuku as close to him as possible, believing Izuku to be his Soulmate, and thus, Shigaraki’s only true weakness, stirring up an ill-fated romance that neither has prepared themselves for.
As a new calamity encroaches upon them in the form of a mad man attempting to become a god, the heroes and villains must find a way to work together and solve the mystery of the Affliction before it destroys the world and everything they hold dear.
✨ P l e a s e ✨ let me know if you're interested in hearing about this by either, liking, reblogging, or sending me a PM. I'm working really hard to get the first chapter of this out by ShigaDeku Week 2024 in May!
Thank you so much for reading. 💚💚💚
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writing-for-life · 6 months ago
Dreams of Light
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Art by JH Williams III, words by @writing-for-life
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Another poem for the @sandman-rarepair-fest , this time for the Hand Holding prompt.
I wish I’d found the time to write a fic for the event for these two, and I will one day—Alianora is such an important and yet ignored character.
Dreams of Light
[Alt text for the poem]
From realms unknown
She came to be.
Bearing a scar
Of battles won.
Dreams are shaped
Hand in hand.
Touch builds worlds
And weaves love.
Time is a thief
Of joy and light,
Casting shadows
On what once was.
And love dies
In silence.
Pain remains
Just like scars.
Final farewells
Holding echoes
Of dreams of light
In endless night.
[The metre/syllabic structure in this killed me, but that just as an aside 🤣]
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altraviolet · 3 months ago
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Thank you @spicedrobot for the template! (template HERE)
My stats are kinda wonky because Echo Garden took 4 years to write but since it ended in 2024, all its stats go towards 2024's totals.
Other than TEG, I only wrote 2* other fics and I love them all equally tbh so I chose Nucleus Memory simply because it isn't TEG and was a really fun big bang with Sync :)
The numbers for the fics at the bottom are total comments and total bookmarks (AO3 distinguishes between comment threads vs total comments and public bookmarks vs total (public + private) bookmarks so I went with total for both).
*I also wrote my secret solenoid fic but it won't be published until tomorrow which means it'll count towards 2025's stats!
Long post!
This was a challenging year for many people, for sure! Personally, there were a lot of things that took away the energy/time I need to write. Family things (2 funerals and a wedding) and my day job (which is killing me, sometimes fast, sometimes slow). TEG ate my brain completely and so even though it ended in February, I haven't written very much since then. But I've decided to try to take a healthy view of this and not be mad that it's taking so long to recover xD but I do hope it hurries up! I had an initial goal to move on to original writing after TEG, but I think I'll try one more Really Big Fic as practice before doing so.
Since I only wrote 3 fics in 2024, I'll do a lil list of my thoughts:
The Echo Garden: massive fic! thanks so much to all the new readers and to everyone who's drawn art or left comments or rec'd it to new folks. it's astonishing to me that it's still drawing new readers :u I'm very happy overall with the fic. it was hard to write, sometimes, but I'll keep it positive here! there are so so so SO SO many posts about this fic, and comments, and the whole last chapter of it is a giant author's note with even more info. honestly I don't know what else to say about it that wouldn't either be a repeat of information or extremely long. it's very probable that if you're reading this post, it's because of TEG, so thank you for reading! :)
Nucleus Memory: reverse mini bang project with sync! they drew a pic and had a pitch, and I and another writer each wrote a fic about it! sync had some awesome ideas, I'm really happy I was selected to do their prompt. they did some beautiful art!! be sure to check it out if you haven't!
Bismuth: this fic was done for a Soundwave-centric zine! in Jan 2024 I read The Locked Tomb series and it had a big effect on my brain. this fic was an attempt to write something in an inspired style: disjointed, parallel timelines. scenes out of order. purposeful confusion to make the ending reveal rewarding. plus I got to jam another rarepair into the TF mire
In 2025 I hope to plan and post another big Rodimus/Soundwave fic, as well as any little idea that comes along, and also maybe participate in the TF big bang and secret solenoid events again! I'll probably abstain from zine events, but, I say that every time and then apply anyway xD
2020-2024 will always be the TEG years for me, and it's honestly strange to leave it behind. the 5 year anniversary of posting chapter 1 is in a couple months (holy moly :u) and that's wonderful and humbling. I don't think anything else I ever do will resonate so much with people, which is good in that I'm glad it gained such a happy audience and helped so many people. But it does make the idea of working on future fics to less reception a little less appealing.
There's nothing to do but keep going, though. I mean, the alternative is to not do anything? Nah. I do think unless another TF One style canon production drags a bunch more young people into the fandom, there probably will be a slow decline of new readers throughout 2025. Eventually it'll become less of a daily reminder for me, and it'll become more of a Past Thing and less of a Now Thing. If that doesn't make any sense, don't worry. It's like... idk. I get a lot of reminders of its existence every day. Which is fine! I think it'll peter off, though. And I'll work very hard again to make something to share, and I hope people will love it just as much =)
Thanks for reading! I hope 2025 will be a very fun and productive year for all writers! 🎉✍️✨ That will mean so much good stuff for readers! Be sure to encourage your favs with comments!
Wishing you all the best in 2025!
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on-a-lucky-tide · 5 months ago
Curious what you'd say about Soap for the character ask game. You haven't really spoken about him as much as the others so I'm curious :O (id love to hear about every single character tho i wont lie to you but i have a feeling you'll get asked about those lol)
@nekrosmos asked for Soap too.
Honestly? There is unfortunately a reason. I lingered around fandom for a good few months before I got involved at all. I saw some behaviour from his fanbase that I didn't like and so I made the conscious choice that he's not a character I'd probably be creating much for. I love the art, happy to support creators, etc. Besides, there are so many delicious, delicious rarepairs to love and create for and plenty of gallant, productive, devoted Ghoapers.
He's quite compelling though, and I've got quite a few thoughts and headcanons, and I'm happy to write prompts with him. A few friends on Discord really love him and I like to create for them too, cause happy friends give me the fuzzies. So, you know, a story idea might grip me by the balls and I'll wack out a long form thing.
favorite thing about them
His journals.
Reading those finally gave me a connection with his character that I hadn't developed previously. But they really show how driven he is, how much he wants to be the best he can be, so he's not a burden, so he doesn't let anyone down. He's constantly striving to earn his place to the point that it kills him in the end.
I think he genuinely struggles with wanting to be liked (as part of 'earning his place'), and I think he is often too much for people. Ghost giving back as good as he gets is a comfortable relationship because the line for Ghost is way, way in the distance; Johnny doesn't have to worry like he does with 'normal' people. Neither of them is fuckin' normal.
Price giving him a chance would have been the first step towards the hero-style worship he has for him. "What? Me? Ye want... me? Aye, aye I will be the best fuckin' dog ye ever had, I will bite my own leg off for ye." Everything Soap does is to prove that Price didn't make a mistake. That he was a good investment. And Price, the sly fucker, knows it. He sees himself there.
least favorite thing about them
I wish they had given him a stronger accent and leaned more into that in the games. In fact, I wish that for all of them.
I also think that Soap has capacity to cause great harm without even realising it. Like, we get glimpses of it; he's nearly court-martialled for punching out a copper. In his single-minded pursuit of something, I reckon there could be a lot of collateral damage.
He lacks confidence but will cover it up by being an arsehole and doing arsehole things (such as smuggling a girl on base to impress The Guys). I say I like "least favourite"; I think this makes him compelling as a character. He's not all sunshine and rainbows. He's just as gritty, professional and flawed as the rest of 'em.
favorite line
"You sick bastard..."
"My kingdom for a suppressor..."
"Price?... This belongs to you, sir."
Gaz & Soap
Uh... none really. Ghost/Soap?
Don't have any strong feelings on any.
random headcanon
He's really bad at team sport. He showed no interest in any when he was growing up. Gym? Running? Swimming? Anything where the only competition is himself and his own limits? That's where Soap's head is.
unpopular opinion
Honestly? I don't know which of my opinions would be unpopular. Probably the 'not sunshine and rainbows' one, maybe?
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
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raayllum · 1 year ago
"Don't leave" Rayllum <3
Plus send me a number with a ship and i’ll write it (accepted ships are tdp canon ships + rarepairs (claudiez, sopreli, corvus/terry, sorvus)
He gets nightmares on the way to the Starscraper.
Callum won't say so, but Rayla knows. She's taken to always waiting at night to hear his soft adorable little snores before she lets herself drift off, too, and with every night that passes since they've left the castle, it takes longer and longer for him to fall asleep. He wakes up close to noon with bags under his eyes, blankets tangled up along legs from thrashing in the night.
The first time she wakes him up, he whimpers and pushes her away, and won't—for the first time—accept her comfort. It hurts more than any cold shoulder ever did upon her return.
The second time, his eyes are wild, staring like they don't recognize her at first. Then the terror fades, warmth amid the clammy quality to his skin seeping back into his eyes, even if he still shies away from her touch and twice as much from her words.
"It's nothing you can help with," he mumbles regarding the hell in his head.
Her heart squeezes painfully. Something she can't protect him from.
Maybe that's why he never lets her comfort him back to sleep, lie with him on the mattress, nor hold his hand to ward off the monsters that hurt him so. He doesn't want her close, and she can't understand why, but... Rayla is the last person to question wanting space or to demand closeness.
She doesn't tell him that she lies awake on her mattress after each terror, watching over him while he sleeps, because that's something she can do.
It's their last night in the creaking boat before they reach the shoreline. Before it will just be a long, snowy trek to the Starscraper.
Tonight, when he thrashes, she shakes him away as her name escapes her lips, his desperate cry twisting her heart painfully, and when his eyes fly open, they look at her with only teary-eyed relief. "Rayla—"
"It's okay." She kneels by the side of the bed, taking his face in her hands. Brushing away his tears best she can. "We're okay."
His breathing slowly calms, helped by a few small sky incantations, before he removes her hands from his cheeks and they fall to her sides again. She wants to hold him. She wants to help him. But if he—
"Do you want to talk about it?" she offers, even as she has her suspicions: Aaravos, a puppetmaster. And whatever Finnegrin had done to him on that cursed ship. Not for the first time, she wishes she could kill Aaravos herself, just to put him at ease; that Finnegrin being in the belly of a sea leviathan was enough to calm the roiling storms in her best friend's mind.
He shakes his head. "No."
She straightens, pursing her lips, turning to leave—because ever since coming back, she still can't quite stay, because the world is still in danger, and because it will take more time for the distance he's enforced to dwindle and that's fine, really, it is—
He snags her wrist. "Wait," Callum croaks, and Rayla turns back around. Waiting. Watching. His thumb strokes over the place her binding used to rest. "Don't leave."
She inhales sharply,
Believe me, I want to go down there with you... You've got to stay with me... Really, that's it, just — goodbye? You're going to stay here and die out of... But would it be alright, maybe, if I stay?
He's never asked before. Not like this.
She steps closer. "Callum—"
"I want you to stay," he states, looking up at her. A beat. "Please."
Rayla crawls into the bed beside him and wraps him up in her arms. He settles, forehead pressed to her neck—faintly listening to her heart, she thinks, as she holds him tight.
If he wants her to... if he wants her, then—
Rayla kisses his forehead. "I'll never leave again," she promises.
She'll keep it this time.
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spnfanficpond · 3 months ago
November 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @leatafandom
The Oldest Trick In The Book by woundlingus (AO3)
I love Loki/Gabriel and this story was perfect. Their dynamic is just wonderful in this story. The playfulness, the baiting, the taunting, and so hot. It is truly fantastic
Of His Own Volition Day 14 and 18 by @masoena
The art is fantastic and story compliments it so well and was such a good read. Demon Dean and BloodFreak Sam are always a favorite of mine but the slow build of Demon Dean breaking Sam and training him until Sam comes to him was simply masterful. Just magnificently written.
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
His Faithful Love by @samanddean76
I'm nominating it because first: it's Gadreel/Dean, omegaverse, AND it has many of my preferred stuff. This all made me pick to be its artist. I'm also nominating it because it's very well written and I loved the little hints we got at their future together. My favorite scene was when they finally met, and the subsequent love scene - the trust and love and care was so much!!!!
What Do You Want? by bbvhrla (AO3)
Alastair/Dean is one of my fave rareships and I wish the writer had written more of this to be honest because aaaah it's amazing! I love how manipulative Alastair is honestly.
Nominated by @ladylilithprime
Lost Long Ago (All Coming Back To Me Now) by @rodiniaorzetalthepenguin
It's a rarepair with a plausible canon divergence, a fix-it, a showing of how awesome and worthy of care Sam is, and I just love it, okay?! *flails*
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
Raking Leaves by @cloverhighfive
It was so cute! Very fluffy!!
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Seduction at the Disco by @rizlowwritessortof
Riz is so good at humanizing even the most loathsome characters to show us their depths without being an apologist. Who doesn't wanna fuck *that guy* on occasion, even if he's a jerk, and who's to say it wouldn't be enjoyable and emotionally gratifying? I enjoyed the heck out of this.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
A House, the Puppy, and Everything by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
This story is cute and adorable and painful and sad all at the same time. Adorable Weechesters, too adult and responsible for his age Dean, innocent and cute with the puppy eyes Sam, and the painful reality that presses the weight the world on Dean's shoulders. This killed me in all the best ways!!! *ugly sobbing fades into the distance*
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @heavenssexiestangel, and @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes!
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oscconfessions · 6 months ago
Same anon from Fantube and Lightbrush ask that had taht squidward qoute)
some of you are straight up extremely werid towards Brain. I'm not somebody who belives if a show writer/creator likes a ship that automatically makes it canon, but some of you guys are acting like Brian liking basic ships is some horrible thing.  your acting like he dose this to piss you off specfically which huh?? I'm sorry a guy who has a job and clearly finds shipping a silly cute fandom dosen't ship rarepairs between two characters who haven't ever interacted, and that he dosen't have your more ""refined"" taste in shipping?? I'm sorry. I'm sorry he wants to post about his ships/talk about them (as if you all don't do that 24/7) It was funny at first but it's getting soo old.
Also some of you guys(that Lightbulb dies ask) are acting like his writing is bad specifcally because of the things he ships??? Which?? Wtf would you think that?
I  don't want to make assumptions your all hardcore rarepair shippers but coming from a rarepair lover the II fandoms rarepair communtiy is somehow one of the worst things I've ever seen. Like how the hell are you all soo petty and how have such hardcore "not like other girls syndrome". Why do some of you (not on here but othewhere) act like your a minority and are being discrimnated againts because someone just dosen't like the idea of rarepairs. You all whine about people respecting your ships 24/7 and then don't do thst for basic ships?? Who hurt you guys was it Brian? Did he kill your mom??
Like this isn't a issue in the II communtiy only it's honeslty a bigger issue in the tiktok rarepair scene (glad I fully switched to tumblr).
Like when the homestuck fandom dose something better then you MABYE you should think abt how your acting...
(I'm sorry this is soo long but I've been into rarepairs since I was a kid and seeing this shit BOILS me inside, I'm properly just as bad as some of you for making this ask but ohwell)
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