#But! She’s changing! For the better! :D
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I think the fallacy that Downfall/Divergence lays bare is that again, Brennan is not simply a Capitalism And Power Bad guy (and indeed, it's fundamentally impossible to play D&D as Power Inherently Bad - it simply does not support that thesis and indeed actively works against it as a game system, regardless of how you feel about the nature of power in real life. It is also pretty much impossible to play as Violence and Murder Inherently Bad, and I think many analyses of actual play fail when people try to act like it could be played as such). The consistent message is that exploitation and failure to care for those less powerful, and a refusal to change, is the problem. And I think that Aeor and Marlath ultimately serve a similar purpose within these narratives.
The truth of the matter is that Aeor and Marlath are negatively affected by the greater powers within the context of the Calamity. While Aeor has consistently been described and portrayed as an isolationist, authoritarian, and warmongering city-state during the Age of Arcanum and early Calamity, presumably circumstances were more preferable to them during a time of terrestrial abundance, even if they were not themselves farming. Whether or not Aeor's response to the Calamity was justified is a matter of debate; but it is undeniable that they were genuinely scared of the gods. Similarly, Marlath was an opportunistic bureaucrat even before he sold others out (and was not rewarded), but he was still living under the tyranny of the Strife Emperor himself, serving as a cog in the machine because it was preferable to the alternative. Fear was the motivation for him as well, as it is for many who become part of an authoritarian regime.
The mageocracy of Aeor and Marlath's actions caused others concern; but both had opportunity to change for the better. Both failed. They may have again been acting from fear and trauma; but in doing so showed them as entities who would sell out the weakest in their community for their own benefit. Aeor focused not on medicine nor helping their fellow Exandrians, but on weaponry and persecution. Marlath's skills in inventory could have been a boon to a resource-limited community, but he chose exploitation. Selena could have kept her knowledge to herself and at least, in her last moments, tried to save her city if not her creation. She did not.
Within the context of the narrative, the destruction of Aeor and the cutting out of Marlath's tongue are not, in my opinion, joyful triumphs. I may cheer the latter - it is in many ways a victory, unlike Aeor which can only be framed as tragic, and also, crucially, it's pretend - but this is someone who was given multiple chances! Hell, maybe Fiedra didn't make the right choice - not that Marlath didn't need to be stopped (as much was said on Cooldown) but maybe there was, in this case, a nonviolent option. However, it's hard to condemn Fiedra either; she nearly died in the woods and was saved by this camp, and to see someone she stuck her neck out for and suffer with for over a week not just plan this exploitation, but assume she'd be in it on it, is a hard pill to swallow.
And so too in that way do Aeor and Marlath serve as turning points for the people who doomed them. The Prime Deities immediately decide to remove themselves from Exandria as soon as they can seal away the Betrayers again, taking no joy in what they've done. Fiedra tells Nez that she and her gang will be protectors, at risk to themselves, after a lifetime of being survivors at times at the expense of others. They change where others couldn't.
I think a lot of people like to assign D&D villains concepts and epithets, like Capitalism or Imperialism or Landlord or Religion, because it feels very good to destroy these things, and very bad to realize that to destroy them is to cut out the tongue of someone who may have escaped the same horrors as you and crossed the same wilderness. Most people do wish this change will come without "danger, fear, or risk on their part" and are dismayed to find there is not a bloodless option. The BBEG isn't just an avatar of capitalism: they are a person who keeps choosing it and won't listen to signs and speeches to change their ways. Similarly, the hero is not just the person who stops them; they are the person who realizes that they themselves are not without their own ways to change.
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The Lady in Pink
Summary: Terry realizes his feelings run deeper than he though.
Pairing: Terry Richmond x Black!OC (Patrice Ellis)
Word Count: 2,006
Warnings: None
Take a seat in pairs. Put away your books and notes. Prepare for a game of Pop Quiz.
Instructions rattled off in Mr. Turner’s patented Kentucky drawl sounded more like an auctioneer’s ramblings than anything remotely coherent. Still, Terry settled into a stool behind the high black countertops in the back of their 5th period forensic’s lab.
If Terry were honest, he hadn’t cracked open his textbook in days despite a looming chapter test at the end of the week. He’d get to it eventually. Between trying to impress scouts every Friday, another year of book club, and college prep, finding the time to study fingerprinting was low on the priority list. If not for Patrice, he’d be hovering around a measly D+ instead of his modest B-. She kept him steady, especially in impromptu group quizzes.
Sliding into the seat beside Terry, Patrice pushed a perfectly curled tendril behind her ear and adjusted her glasses, unaware of the chain reaction she’d set off. Ear perked like a dog hearing its name roll from the lips of its owner. Eyes scanned her from head to toe, taking in every detail from her gold hoop earrings, to her pink strawberry printed cardigan and skin tight jeans. Terry watched her in a haze of teenaged longing and romantic feelings starting to change his brain chemistry in ways he hadn’t prepared for. The more time they spent rubbing shoulders during weekend hang outs and talking about the future, the more some unidentifiable emotion blossomed in his heart.
His mother said he liked Patrice a few weeks back. “Close,” he thought to himself though he vehemently denied it to maintain his privacy. Whatever this new thing was extended far past surface level ‘like’. He ‘liked’ Theresa Allen sophomore year. She was a cool girl, but she didn’t make him happy the way a Saturday at the mall with Patrice made him happy.
He ‘liked’ golfing with his dad on occasion. Though the sport was too slow for his taste, smelling fresh cut grass in the breeze and drinking bland sweet tea along side the man he looked up to most was always fun.
He ‘liked’ a slice of apple pie sometimes. It wasn’t his favorite, but he could go for a piece if the mood hit him.
Liking Patrice was long gone. This new thing, complete with uncontrollable thoughts and a newfound desire to know how her lip gloss tasted on his lips, was something else entirely.
“I like your sweater,” he complimented before she could greet him. “It’s nice. Where’d you get it?”
Patrice giggled. “Thanks, TJ. My auntie made it for me. She’ll be your biggest fan when I tell her what you said.” Her attention flittering to chatter on the other side of the room gave Terry another opportunity fox his daily fix of silent admiration. Yeah, this wasn’t like. This something all consuming and entirely overwhelming.
When she’d had her fill of observing her surrounding, Patrice looked back at Terry to speak.
“You ever get to chapter five,” she asked, looking over at her best friend. Ogling turned into a black stare and a twinge of guilt forcing him to look away from her expectant gaze. She kissed her teeth. “TJ…”
“I know, I know,” Terry groaned. “I’ll be caught up when we study Wednesday, I promise. You want me to bring your favorite?” White chocolate covered pretzels always did the trick. Minor disagreements, his own absentmindness, and everything in between could be cured with her snack of choice. He watched her break into a slow smile and nod. “Yeah, I thought so. You got it. Hand to God.”
“You better. Especially after I carry us through this quiz.”
“Oh you mean like how I carried us through the calc assignment last week?” A friendly nudge to Terry’s shoulder from Patrice pushed them both over the edge into a pit of giggles.
Like two parts of a whole, Terry and Patrice made up the slack where the other lacked. Number crunching and complex math theory was like child’s play to Terry. He enjoyed the grueling process of combining letters and numbers to come to a finite conclusion. As he put it one evening over the phone, math came with logical conclusions. Even if you had ten ways to get to it, there was only one right answer. Patrice let him drone on and on most nights until he provided the solution for her to work her way out of a maze of erased possibilities into whatever would get her the coveted check mark and passing grade she was chasing.
Patrice took over the words and menial task of remembering facts. If Terry needed to know a summary of To Kill A Mockingbird’s core themes or what exactly John Steinbeck was trying to get across in Of Mice and Men, he knew he could ask one question to send Patrice off into a winding tangent. Her ability to simplify colorful language was one of his favorite things. His second, was watching her adjust the satin ribbon in her ponytail before one of Mr. Turner’s famous pop quizzes.
As she gave the pink bow a firm tug, Mr. Turner passed around buzzers for each group. “The rules are simple folks. One spokesperson for the group. You get five seconds to answer after buzzing in. No answer loses points. First group to 25 gets their lowest grade bumped up by 15 points. Any questions pupils?”
“Can Patrice and Terry split up this time? I really need these points.”
Mr. Turner shook his head as his finger wagged in the air. “No easy wins in this class! Earn it!”
Low chuckles rumbled throughout the classroom at the tandem’s expense, earning a quiet eye roll from Patrice. Three school years in and she still hadn’t made much progress with some classmates through no fault of her own.
Terry shot daggers across the room to the culprit before leaning over to offer comfort. “Forget her. She could get as many points as she wants and still wouldn’t pass.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Patrice shrugged. “I don’t lose. Only answer if you’re sure.”
A smile crept across Terry’s face while he watched Patrice settle into her seat, cracking her knuckles before delicate fingers settled on the big red button between them. Competitive Patrice was one of his favorite version of his best friend. Typically, she didn’t involve herself with the taunting, name calling, and brute force of competition. She thought football and boxing were barbaric despite Terry convincing her to spend more time with his two hobbies. Physical battles were never her thing. But mental warefare? She loved demoralizing her opponents with with wit, finding great pleasure in brain games regardless of reward. Diamond Presscott had unfortunately put herself into Patrice’s sniping scope. Doomed. The girl was doomed.
Question one. Mr. Turner shuffled through notecards and settled on the first opportunity for five points. “What is the purpose of cranial features?”
“They allow the skull to grow!” Their shared buzzer could barely light the blinker on their station before Patrice was off to the races with an answer.
“Correct! Way to be quick.”
Terry offered his knuckles for Patrice to pound, receiving a light push away so she could focus. “When we win,” she muttered without looking in his direction.
“My bad, champ. Go ahead.” He chuckled.
Back and forth she and Mr. Turner went as if they were the only two people in existence. Terry observed in awe, mouth slightly ajar at the beauty sitting beside him.
“The size of a shotgun is described by?”
“Handwriting’s individuality is classified as?”
“Class evidence.”
“What are the three types of forgery?”
“Blind, simulated, and traced!”
Each question met with a correct answer and beaming smile from Mr. Turner earned assorted groans from students well aware that the points they needed were firmly snatched from their grasps before they truly had a chance.
Patrice didn’t care. Call it an unfair advantage or being a teacher’s pet – it mattered not to a young girl intent on reaching the highest academic heights possible. She’d do it all again the next day and the one after for the thrill of seeing smug smiles turned into tight frown.
Terry was more than happy to be on the other side. Being in her orbit was gift from God himself and, as he found himself fully engrossed in every soft bounce of her ponytail and glint of light reflecting off shiny, full lips, he couldn’t help but to send a quick thank you to the man upstairs.
He liked Patrice when he met her. Every moment spent side by side in book club meetings and study hall sessions left him giddy once he returned home. He liked her smile and her sense of humor. He like the deep dimple in her right cheek. He liked how she wore her hair, the vanilla body mist she wore, how she tapped her pencil when she was thinking, and her way of infusing smart sarcasm in every conversation.
He liked her yesterday and two weeks before. He liked her when he woke up that morning and took extra time moisturizing his hair and patting careful sprays of his father’s expensive cologne on his neck. He liked her when they passed each other in the hallway and made silly faces en route to separate classes for first block. He even liked her when he sat down in Mr. Turner’s 5th period forensics class, waiting for her to join his side.
So what was this new phenoment?
What was this tightening in his lungs and quickening of his heart? Why did he feel so safe and seen without her ever acknowledging his presence in her pursuit of total domination? Was the absence of everyone but her a sign of something deeper or the result of sitting too close to the TV like his mother had warned about all those years?
As big feelings overtook a starry-eyed young man discovering new information during his favorite science course to date, Patrice quietly pumped her fist and looked to him with a wide smile that rivaled the sun. “Light work,” she boasted while looking for his approval. “Isn’t that what you say during your sports ball thing or did I get it wrong?”
“That was right,” he chuckled as nonchalantly as he could before raising his hand for a high five. “Good job, Treece. I really like being on your team.”
Screwing her face, Patrice placed the back of her hand on his cheek. “Terry being nice before lunch? You must be sick.” Her knuckles searched for heat on his face, softly lulling his eyes closed for a moment to revel in her attention. “You ain’t warm. Maybe you finally realizing who’s really in charge over here.”
Her snickering sounded like a symphony in the ears of a young boy slowly wading into grown man feelings. Terry smiled back at Patrice, totally ignoring lab instructions rattled off and children shuffled pages and prepared for 40 minutes of instruction.
Dark pupils dilated inside green irises. The morning’s previous problems floated away into the ether to make way for unexplained happiness. Stress slid from newly broad shoulders, down his back, and out of the door to know him no longer. His cheeks flushed while the tips of his ears turned a new shade of red. Sweaty palms nearly left handprints on his jeans. Bright red strawberries knitted onto a pretty pink sweater filled gave way to perfectly smooth brown skin as Terry examined Patrice from head to toe once more. His heartbeat quickened to the beat of a thousand flutters in his belly at the sight of her small frown while she sat deep in thought. A beauty like no other.
This wasn’t like, or infatuation, or some thing called lust that his grandma often blamed for the sins of man. Something stronger had taken up residence in his heart.
For the first time in his young life, he could call love by its name. Patrice.
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— logan howlett masterlist
☾: series
i love you, in every time* - Logan Howlett x fem!reader
Logan has spent lifetimes haunted by a curse only he understands—meeting the same woman, you, in every era, only to lose you over and over again. Each time, you’re reborn without memories of your past lives, while Logan, who remembers everything, tries in vain to protect you from the tragedies that seem destined to follow.
Project Reverie - 3 Part Series:
Sweet Dreams* - Logan Howlett x Original Female Character (platonic relationship)
Alexandria Sokolova spent 15 years with HYDRA, ever since her parents and brother were killed in front of her when she was 3. She was raised to be a soldier; an assassin. But now, faced with coming to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, she has to come to terms that there are people around her who don't want to hurt her, people who actually care about her. But recognizing that is harder than it seems, especially with a teacher like Logan Howlett, who seems to care more about her than he lets on. Just because she's currently safe from HYDRA's grasp now, doesn't mean she's safe forever.
☾: oneshots
Oblivious, Baby, Oblivious - People would tell you that geniuses don't know everything, but you tell them that defeats the purpose of the word. Until one day you're proven wrong.
Sweet Nothing* - Mornings were Logan's favorite part of the day.
Until I Found You - Living in a small town had it's pluses and minuses. But when an older man and his daughter move in, things start to change, perhaps for the better.
Point of View* - You weren't skinny which led to a large amount of insecurities. But Logan doesn't understand them.
Dumb & Poetic - You like Logan, but he likes Jean. Right?
I Wanna Be Yours - You're a hacker for The Organization, a secret group that is currently working on dismantling a mutant trafficking ring. You've been working with Logan for months but neither of you have met each other in person and he doesn't even know your real name.
Call It What You Want - A single sneeze turns into something more, at least to your husband Logan.
love me do* - Logan likes to mark you.
things i wish you said - You and Logan get into a fight and Laura tries to get the two of you to see the errors in your ways.
what are hands for? - After an offhand comment from your father shakes your confidence, you find yourself spiraling into self-doubt.
fantasize - You have a crush on Logan, but you're not sure he likes you back. Why would he? You're not his type. At least that's what you thought.
please me* - After dating for a while, you want nothing more than for Logan to really please you. Or, you beg Logan to finally fuck you.
dress* - You and Logan take a tropical vacation for the new year.
7 minutes - You own a small bakery in Westchester. One day, Logan comes in for an order for the X-Mansion. After that he becomes a regular—something he persistently denies.
☾: connected oneshots
Shut Up - You and Logan are sent on a mission: go to the gala and find out information about a mutant trafficking ring. Nasty* - You and Logan deal with the aftermath of your mission.
Deck The Halls - You and Logan decorate for Christmas with your kids. i just need this love spiral - Logan just wants one night alone with you.
☾: drabbles
possessive!reader x Logan (X-Men)
possessive!reader pt. 2 x Logan (X-Men)
Old Man Logan (D&P) x reader
drunk!fem!reader x Logan (X-Men)
Patch/Logan (D&P) x reader
#logan howlett masterlist#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett x you#wolverine x reader#wolverine x you#james howlett x reader#james howlett x you#logan howlett#logan howlett fanfiction#logan howlett x fem!reader#logan howlett fic
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I think the choice for the name of the main organisation we follow in BSD being the Armed Detective AGENCY is quite deliberate. It is the usual term for a detective organisation yes, but there was the options of that word being changed to 'group' or something similar. To me, i feel like that they use the word agency also in its sociological definition - the capacity for individuals to have power and resources to fulfill their potential via acting upon one's will. This idea mostly stemmed from Fukuzawa's ability of 'All Men created Equal', which gives his employees better control over their abilities and, in many cases this gives them a better quality of life.
To further this point, i'm going to talk about each member of the agency I can apply this to (the ones with enough backstory to do so, sorry kunikida, katai, haruno and the tanizakis).
Atsushi - Atsushi has spent his life in an orphanage suffering abuse, and up until he's recruited is running from a mysterious tiger (that turns out to be himself). Joining the ADA gives him not only a more caring environment but also control over his tiger form, as per Fukuzawa's ability, and a purpose to work towards. These help him strengthen his resolve and he is able to work towards reaching his potential.
Kyouka - Whilst in the mafia, her ability is controlled by her superior Akutagawa, and she k!lls on command (whilst feeling guilt that cannot be expressed). Once working with Atsushi, she has a slightly more hopeful outlook on life and more knowledge of what life is like outside the mafia. The biggest shift is her going from wanting to d!e for her crimes to wanting to help other people, specifically Atsushi in the Moby Dick incident. The final step to her joining the ADA is her almost sacrificing herself in the aim helping others, but gaining control of her ability at the last second to escape as she's now a member and under Fukuzawa's ability. It gave her agency - control over her ability and a new goal to fill her potential as a defender of Yokohama.
Ranpo - the ADA was literally made for him to fulfill his potential with his super deduction. He doesn't really need Fukuzawa's ability, but he still needed Fukuzawa's advice (and a pair of glasses) to feel more confident in his deduction and his way of thinking. It gives him the resources to use it for good.
Yosano - after years of being forced to use her ability in war in ways she didn't want, joining the ADA lets her choose how she uses her ability and be valued for her kindness rather than just her ability. Her having this choice is key for her agency.
Kenji - his control over his ability before joining the agency wasn't as strong, as sometimes he would be taken over by his ability (Chapter 99/100 has the example of the mudslide situation). Now he is in better control of his ability and is able to use it for protecting Yokohama, fulfilling the potential he has in a safer way.
Dazai - The ADA helped Dazai with fulfilling Oda's dying wish for him - to be on the side that saves people. The role of the ADA is in essence the defenders of Yokohama. Dazai is fulfilling the potential that Oda saw for him, using his skills as a way to help others - the ADA members, the people of Yokohama, people like Sigma etc.
So in essence, the Armed Detective Agency is a working environment that gives its detectives their own agency, if you get my point.
[It was kind of difficult to explain some of these examples without repeating a lot of words but I think it makes sense?😭 Anyway there's another long bsd post on the way that i'm working on that discusses a couple specific characters]
#bsd#bungou stray dogs#bungo stray dogs#bsd manga spoilers#bsd analysis#bsd spoilers#bsd manga#bsd dazai#bsd atsushi#bsd atsushi nakajima#bsd yosano#bsd kyouka#bsd ranpo#bsd kenji#bsd fukuzawa
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Gourmand: Any minute now.
Hunter: …I-
Arti: I’m sorry!
Hunter: Huh?
Arti: I-I’m so sorry. For attacking you, and for- for everything.
Arti: I’ve been such an asshole to you.
Hunter: …Yeah you have been an asshole. But I fucked up too, I didn’t know what I was saying. I thought…
Hunter: …it doesn’t matter what I thought. I shouldn’t have said that. I, uh… I-I heard about your k-
Arti: Don’t. It’s in the past now.
Gourmand: Is it?
Gourmand: You attacked him over saying something that triggered you, so no, it doesn’t seem to be all in the past.
Gourmand: It isn’t fair to hurt someone for not knowing something that you never told them.
PART ONE IS DONE!!!!!!!!! Part two will probably come in about, uh, seven years, give or take. /j
(It isn’t perfect, but it’s been too long and I needed to get the first part of this comic out. I’m honestly super happy I finished, because it was unnecessarily hard lmao. Anyways I’m gonna ramble in the tags now)
#Rw siblings au#Rw Artificer#Rw Hunter#Rw Gourmand#okay okay so#The last frame is basically Hunter realizing that Arti doesn’t actually know anything about what happened to him either lol#Also we finally get the reveal of what that one drawing of Hunter being confused was about!#He did not expect to ever hear Arti say she was sorry#Like for anything#The Arti he knows doesn’t do that lol#But! She’s changing! For the better! :D#Gourmand is out here desperately trying to parent these two idiots#He literally put them in a time-out to think about what they’ve done lmfao#Neither of them have ever been hit with the “I’m not mad I’m just disappointed” before lol#But it’s finally happening! They are having a conversation!!! Yippee!!!#The time it took for me to draw this comic is canonically how long they were sitting there for before either of them said anything /j
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98 lovemail doodles >_<
#trigun#meryl stryfe#milly thompson#nicholas d wolfwood#i was able to convince my friend to start 98 after we got back from AX HAHA and so i wanted to doodle the gang again ^_^#it's so funny how i always draw trimax ww super grumpy but then my 98ww is always such a goofy goober BAHAHA#trimax ww is still pookie to me tho dont get it twisted!!! ^_^#but yeah it's fun to decide how i want to differentiate between the different versions of ww#also i love 98 meryl so much she is so let me speak to the manager core (heart eyes)#and the color palette for vash i referenced from the lost july episode bc I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH THE COLORS IN THE PLANT STATION SCENES#idk what it is abt it but it tickles my brain. so pretty T__T#man im fr that type of artist who is posting different versions of the same drawings on different platforms LOL#but yall on tumblr and ig get it better imo hehe. when i post on twitter im like fucket whatever#i usually dont post on tumblr/ig until a day or two later so by then i make a couple of changes/finish stuff/color stuff#so here u go enjoy the colored versions of these doodles HAHA
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Which route do you choose?
♡ Emotionally unavailable Garlean ♡ Extremely sad Ishgardian
#i got the emote for the girls! :D#it feels so fucking dumb running around as a duskwight elezen with a joke lalafell name#god when i get the money to change it it is getting changed#i made a lalafell with a joke name because my former friends i was trying to get into the game also made jokey characters but they also qui#before arr so-- she got fanta'd into ophelie#i made a side blog for ophelie but i still haven't made the pinned for it#it is empty but i think @sepulchre-by-the-see is a cute name#valentiones day#ffxiv#ffxiv screenshots#ffxiv gpose#ajisaijar#knightjar#gposejar#also i should've balanced these better jesus christ the bloom makes me feel like i need to clean off my glasses lol
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been seeing more hobgoblins around and it made me really wanna design arjun, nepenthe's mentor and friend! the dumaran hobgoblins were given dark fur, pale eyes, and the ability to control the giant vermaloc wood spiders from lolth
edit: arjun's pronouns are he/him!
#dungeons and dragons#hobgoblin#barbarian#dnd#d&d#dnd oc art#drawerings#ocs#arjun gorvak#i guess she has some kind of obsession with changing the appearance of her followers#to better control them/ostracize them from society#exandria#dumaran
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The whole crew assuming Luffy is naive about sex and dating in general but he is in fact the most knowledgeable on it, even more so than Sanji and Chopper(safe sex education blah blah blah). He’s literally never dated and has very little desire to, he’s openly sex repulsed, and yet this man will give THE BEST relationship advice you’ve heard in your life. He may not personally get what your going through but he’s a good third party to have since his advice isn’t clouded by a bias of some kind, he just states what he believes is the obvious smarter solution.
#one piece#one piece headcanons#aroace luffy#monkey d. luffy#tbh it’s pet peeve when I see aroace Luffy portrayed as sex or romantic dumb#when a majority of asexual/aromantic folk I know personally or have met briefly#probably somehow know a bit more than others would#idk why tbh#I just feel like Luffy probably got a ‘good enough’ sex education bc Dadan wasn’t gonna#let two boys go out to sea without knowing such things NOR was she about to have them copy#Garp by one day shoving a baby of their own into her arms#and it just led to Luffy having better knowledge than his whole crew#knowledge that he doesn’t plan to use but kinda glad he knows in case he ever did change his mind in the future
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Go play pretend on your own (Patreon)
#Doodles#Helix#Dexter Favin#Coraline#The Beldam#The other side of this coin <3 Call him out but this time make it unfriendly hehe#I talked last time about the daring rescue!! I do love the daring rescue in Coraline AUs ah same thing with the Camp Camp Coraline AU haha#Burst in through the door! Those poor hinges!#It is a bit funny imagining him crawling through the tunnel in a hurry and kicking the doors open all winded haha <3#It's all very serious of course Max needs help! Stuck behind the mirror from disobeying perhaps?#I was pretty hard on him last time that he'd just Immediately give up his soul for cheap tricks but like - would he?#Yes he's reckless and foolish but he's also stubborn and prideful and hates being told what to do so there's that lol#Which does he want more! The high or his freedom to refuse? I could see it going either way#And for Dex's sake I would hope he'd refuse! As if he hasn't suffered enough eye trauma (eventually)#Ough the thought of him starting to say yes and getting one button eye in and then rescinding his yes ouch#Doomed to have one eye no matter where he goes ah 💔#Anyway - Dex!!! Watch I'll make another one with the ideas mentioned here and then talk about more ideas in those tags pft#Since agreeing with him didn't work how about shaming? ''Go away you're no better''#She really is going hard on him like ''What's your angle? You get him back and then what? Will that actually fix anything?''#Very much pulling from Dexter's meetings with Max at the Institute there hhhhhh as if I needed more feelings about it#Eco_Mono did such a beautiful job playing Dex - so much to consider hehe - but there was one question that I can't stop thinking about#''Why would you want him back?'' and Dexter didn't really have much of an answer - he was barely more than a concept at the time!#Having had the opportunity to see his character grow into himself has given me Such brainworms about that question ♥♪♫#Very want to explore it <3#In the meanwhile it's fun to pit these two against each other haha what an odd matchup ♪#I've only barely drawn the Beldam before now that I think of it! And I think only in her final metal-spidery form never in her mid form here#She's fun :D And so tall! Dexter finally feeling small for a change haha#Her having to fight adult selfishness would be quite interesting I think - something tinged with but not quite the same as loyalty#She can relate to the possessiveness at least hehe I'm sure he'd appreciate the comparison
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A biomed student, a graphic design student, and a theology student walk into a bar…
The drawing without a background + the sketch because I’m not suuuuper jazzed about how it looks with one but it looked too empty without it
Disclaimer: the background is from Pexels
Also, I tried asking ChatGPT to finish the joke for me:

#itsa modern/college au yeehaw#in this AU Vash is actually a grad student and Wolfwood is too but re: the whole Wolfwood age dilemma that may change#AU: Safe Haven#trigun OC#Trigun x OC#group: the sanctity you bring#trigun stampede#Vash#Vash the stampede#Wolfwood#nicholas d wolfwood#tristamp#trigun#only drew this cause I needed to swap out some photos on character ai but also I do have an actual college au#maybe some day I’ll actually work on it#Wolfwood’s anatomy is still pretty wonky but I’m getttinngggf better at drawing their faces#slowly but surely#I would’ve added em but I don’t know what major she’d be :-( as of rn don’t think she’d go to college#honestly don’t know what occupation she’d have in a modern setting#maybe she owns the bar they frequent idk#MQ art#MQ's OCs
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Yeah I'm sharing them now because if I decide to wait to pass them digitally I will ✨never do it✨
Spiderverse x One Piece AU!
A little something that started as an exercise in character design and then I got a little bit into it lmao
I did design the rest of the East Blue Crew but uh... they were kinda ugly/boring, I put more effort into these two because they're the 💕favs💕
Info, kinda. Honestly I don't have a lot thought out its mostly random ideas that mushed together sort of resemble a well put together au, just like everything I do <3
- Spider-Woman of her universe, while her design isn't exactly original I really liked using her orange and blue colors. She has the spider logo on her back because she hates spiders and hates looking at them lmao
- In her universe, her best friend Usopp died when she failed to save him (kinda her "Gwen Stacy" but he was just a friend)
- Has electricity powers, her spidey senses are also really in tune with the climate for some reason
- She has a staff (not pictured) she fights with, and also uses the environment to her favor, not the biggest fan of fighting hand to hand because (compared to other Spider-people) shes not as physically strong
- Has a few enemies and nemesis that she fights, Arlong being the most important/strong one
- She's actually quite happy to know other Spider-people, tho she was kinda shocked when she saw Usopp... It was awkard for both of them...
- The first Spider-man in his world, there are some things of his design I would change (mainly the sweatband, I would change the colors), but I'm actually quite happy with his design. Where does his nose go with the mask on? The same place Hobbie's hair goes, idk..
- In his universe, his best friend Nami died, Usopp failing to protect her
- Uncanny precision with his webfluids, also figths using the environment
- Unfortunately isn't a well received Spider-man 😔, gets complaints about destruction of property or how he's "pretty coward for a superhero"
- Really would rather focus on saving civilians from natural disasters, as he's also not as physically strong (compared to other Spider-people), but it seems every weirdo on the block decided they really need to beat this teenager up, so he also has some enemies...
- Super excited about meeting other Spider-people and finally being able to share life experiences with them, and then met Nami, or Spider-Woman Nami and it was awkard and uncomfortable (but they became besties, bittersweet moment)
Extra stuff from the rest of the East Blue Crew:
- Luffy's spiderman name is Spider-King and the rest of the Spidermans where like "I can't decide if that's the best or the worst name I've ever heard...". Well Usopp thinks it's kinda cool, and wishes he had chosen a cooler name for himself, might be too late for a new signature 🤔, Nami and Sanji think it's stupid, Zoro is undecided
- Sanji does not have a spider logo, even tho his name is Spider-man because he hates spiders
- Zoro is the second Spider-man from his universe, the first one being Kuina, she died and he took her place
- Sanji has fire inmunity
- Zoro carries like 5 extra pockets of web fluids cause he takes "longer routes" (he gets lost a lot)
#my art#one piece#nami#usopp#god usopp#monkey d. luffy#roronoa zoro#black leg sanji#and i dont know what else to tag. i never got around to making the rest of the crew :(#because the next one was chopper and I had zero (0) ideas on what to do with him lmaoo#i guess he could be a reindeer bitten by a radioactive spider??? and he talks... But I also wanna make him human? 🤷♀️#just know if I do ever get to designing the rest robin will be the coolest#also will the rest of the ebc see the light of day? ehhh probably not? maybe zoro.. hes the least ugly 😔#luffy ended up too generic and sanji ended up too 'waiter' lmao#i didnt put much of namis backstory because hers is very similar to gwen in spiderverse and thats kinda boring but idk what to change 🤔#usopps backstory is his mom is still not dead but in a hospital and he lies to her saying he personally knows spiderman#but she knows 😔 and she worries#anyways. I dont have any plans with this au lmao. it was just for the drawings 😭 (that i did last year)#if anyone likes the idea and wants to expand or just run with it they have my full permission 🤷♀️#also wow. ignore my ugly ass handwriting dkdkkfk i promise it looks better nowadays (no one cares. no ones even looking at it. still)
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me literally every time Ki Cheol and Jun Mo are less than three feet away from each other/interact in any way shape or form:

#tv: the worst of evil#the worst of evil#wi ha joon#wi ha jun#ji chang wook#kdrama#local gay watches TWOE (and ships everyone within sight).txt#local gay watches k-dramas.txt#more accurately why are you bisexual but ykw that's obvious. Ki Cheol had bi lighting in the club when he was working as a DJ#and Jun Mo looks like he is in desperate need of d*ck at any moment to calm him down. he also loves his wife but yk you can't#convince me he didn't lay eyes on Ki Cheol and go 'fml. he shouldn't be this hot fml'#even better i raise you the idea that the reason he's so pissed about Ki Cheol and Eui Jeong knowing each other is not just bc she's#his wife and she never told him but bc he wishes it was him. he is jealous af we need to lock all three of them in a room together#and not let them out until they've announced their engagement istg
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A scene ive been rotating around in my brain
#vineyard art#vineyard ocs#vineyard fan content#levys art#levy draws#levys oc#oc#my art#gow heimdall#gow oc#im bad at drawing action so pretend the throwing panels are better#also! stuff about the oc: :]#her name is Nerine#shes a daughter of Poseidon and a minor river goddess#and shes in the 9 realms for Reasons :]#that throw was a lucky shot actually#shes not built for trident combat#the markings on her face are SUPPOSED to be like Poseidon in the greek era games#but now that im looking at them theyre kinda wonky#may change in the future :D#also no i did not mess up on her eye color#it starts brown and turns green#Poseidon in the games had brown eyes until the fight with him. then theyre blue#also the big heimdall panel - i forgot Gulltoppr behind him#its supposed to be there lmao
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u know at the beginning i kind of thought kfp4 was gonna do something with shifus whole. deal. but they didnt like at all which is a shame
#the plot was extreeeemely thin and formulaic as it stands imo#kind of held together by the strength of the action sequences which i liked#but idk it just felt weird that po said an objectively correct thing (why isnt shifu the spiritual leader hes clearly better at it#) and i kind of expected that shifu would have something to do where he learns not to be so. idk#i guess faith in his own judgement rather than like. just kind of Accepting His Destiny or whatever. they make gags about how#hes clearly kind of upset about this whole thing#especially with tai lung having a speaking role its just like. well i wish shifu was here so you guys could talk this out#given how the idea of destiny kind of shapes their worldviews#i think what i wouldve done is a destiny is not so set in stone thing#bring shifu on the quest but when po has his vision he sees zhen betray him and decides to trust her anyways while shifu advises against it#because The Universe Said So and po is like what if..the universe is wrong. or what if we can change its mind :D she seems like a good kid#maybe she just needs some good influences :D and shifu is like -'_- thats fucking stupid po <- thinking abt his shitty son#and maybeeee they could even have tai lung be more involved in the latter half because his dad is here. and they can talk#idk i dont know if this is anything i just kind of wish the movie was giving More
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Red Eyes and Evil Time, practically the same thing right (Patreon)
#Doodles#Villainsona#Just Desserts#Sona double feature!#Red Eyes and Evil Time /are/ different for the record lol#There's overlap and they're both eye details but they're different#Mmm Red Eyes feels so niiiice <3 And I've been pacing myself so it's Just Red Eyes!#No red shines :) Which can happen even on Red Eyes#In fact it's probably more common - the red shines on Blue Eyes was something of an oddity#No one knows the lore except me I'll explain someday lol#For now it's just fun to be in Red Eyes! :D And the occasional Evil Time as well lol - all the overlaps!#I somehow accidentally made a like?? Cotton Candied Popcorn themed outfit for Eli for the first one lol that wasn't my intention#I mean it's cute I'm not about to fight it lol I'd love for my sonas to have other clothes inspired by each other haha#Eli's eyes are still quite fun to draw as well haha those bright pops of colour - Red Purple or Blue they're all so stark and shaped#Back to their classic feminine outfit good for them uwu#Silly lad#They're also still a scientist first and foremost - it's all chemicals there's gotta be a way to recreate it externally!#Local vampire scientist creates mood stabilizers more at 7 lol#I'm quite pleased with the three-red two-purple one-blue gradient as well hehe - the decay! :D I like it as a visual#Charm tiiime <3 <3 Happy Charm time in Evil Time! Usually better than bad mood Evil Time lol - at least for those around her#Still chaotic to be in it haha - but happy chaos is happy! Lol#Again more fun with eyes the light bounce in the one where she's holding the melt is so cute and looks so nice on my paper too <3#I had a silly comic idea for her for the next time I get into Red Eyes as well - if I remember lol#Big Love is hearts! It just makes sense#Also I am Really proud of the cleaning job I did on that last one lol - from original to this? Night and day ngl#Guess that goes to show how little cleaning I do on-page lol#For some I do! Others...#Still thinking up outfits - you can probably just make out ''Hero Charm'' in her hair lol trying to think around different themes#Something that could become something else! Add or subtract an element and it changes the ''meaning'' of the outfit#Kinda like her initial caped design that Kaiein rejected hmmm
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