#Biggest inspirations in my life
Big congratulations to our amazing, Obi wan Kenobi!!❤️
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I got emotional and warm feelings, seeing the two of them together again. I love their friendship, Hayden is so sweet too hehe. They both seem like really amazing, respectful, humble and friendly people. I would love to be able to meet both of them together in person one day. I can always dream lol ❤️
I was 15 years old when I first watched Revenge of the Sith back in 2008.
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After watching their amazing performances, I had always been a Star wars fan because of them. Anakin and Obi wan will always be my forever favorite characters❤️.
Star wars has always been a part of my life and has helped me get through some difficult struggles during my childhood. I had always struggled with trying to fit in and it wasn't an easy task to feel like I had to live up to specific social expectations and I also struggled with my mental health and confidence, but I always kept trying and I'm still trying and thriving today. Being able to enjoy these prequels really opened my eyes and taught me about life and helped me grow as a human and understand about the actions of the choices you make in life.
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Thank you Ewan and Hayden for continuing to give me hope and light during my worst days ❤️
I hope Hayden will be next to him on the Walk of Fame one day too. I just hope he has the high ground this time though 😂
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pigswithwings · 1 year
what if aquatic animals had Tumblr would that be fucked up or something lmaooo anyways
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🌿 mx-seagrxss Follow
mating season is such a chore. wdym i have to migrate back ten thousand miles just to find some bitches
🐟 thatsalmonboy Follow
outta my way gayboy I'm boutta get it
🐟 thatsalmonboy Follow
i have been transformed into a creature beyond my wildest imaginations
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🎣 cardinesan Follow
uhhh was nobody going to talk about how the new update makes the site virtually unusable for crustaceans ???
🌊 pelagic-tragic Follow
honestly even if we tell staff you know they're not going to do anything. crustaceans make up such a small percentage of oceanblr right now that it's going to be impossible to get them to care. the treatment of anyone who isn't a bony fish on this website is atrocious tbh
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🌑 the-midnight-zoom
oh my cod its so dark down here why do i have such piss poor eyesight. if my eyes could open any wider id be doing that but nooo my house in the god damn depths says get fucked. not even my cousin in that one cave has to put up with this wtf
🔦 anglerfished Follow
hey come here for a second
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🦑 a-sinkingsquid Follow
absolutely freaking out right now you frys don't understand ... There's another squid at this whale fall and she's really really cute! I want to talk to her so bad but I'm scared as all hell ... what if she thinks I'm trying to eat her and swims away ? ?
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🐋 girlwhaletail Follow
shipping discourse is sooo pointless like? you argue about ships? ⛵ those things that sound really loud & pass by me everyday? 🛳️ whoo whoo?
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🐌 justasnailfish Follow
where is every one ..
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whaledocboi · 1 year
in honor of my reoccuring dishonored obsession, here are some of my all time favourite pieces of art by piotr jablonski (1-4) and sergey kolesov (5-7), thanks to these, i'll never be normal again
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marcmorrigan · 6 months
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According to the artist, when it was suggested that a smile might benefit the look of the finished portrait, Attaché Nohell reportedly replied, "I thought the purpose of this was to be honest."
Super fun commission of @waterloggedsoliloquy's OC Sicely Nohell (they/them) and their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad lusus figure Commanding Officer.
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winterrens · 2 years
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been reading a stupid amount of (modern) elucien fanfic which made me think about Lucien in a button up and Elain in a sundress which has led to this. Modern elucien ice cream date ? 🤔
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usefulquotes7 · 2 months
My biggest regrets in life are being too damn nice, apologizing when I didn’t do anything wrong, and making unworthy people a priority in my life. Unknown
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xxrat--punkxx · 1 year
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I started drawing these with the Vash plushie brush as a joke but it’s not a joke anymore because it’s a rly good brush💀
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i love you butches. you are so so important to me, we look just alike and i think that makes us cousins. butches have helped me approach my masculinity in ways that feel good and true; the writing that starts "my definition of butch includes chivalry" and ends "i was a little knight by the campfire" gets so much closer to who i am as a person than anything else ive read. i think that instead of defining boundaries between each other, we should get together and sit around campfires and wrestle and trade skills with each other. and i think the world would be better for it
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16star · 10 months
how do you manage to draw so quickly and still have it look so nice. tell me your secrets oh great one
!!! Firstly thank you so much! The single biggest thing that's helped me with art is just...Caring less. It sounds a bit counter productive but instead of spending a lot of time fussing over little details, I work on just making it look "good enough" Being looser wit art an only going as far as you need to go to make summat recognizable, rather than fully polished, really goes a long way if you just want to get a project done rather than make your magnum opus. [Which in general helped me a lot, cos i'd always get frustrated when I'd spend a lot of time on a piece an not have it turn out how I wanted. if that makes sense!] And also just a general pro tip that has made drawing people really easy for me [if you're using lineart, does not work if you're rendering them in their entirety] Is i'll do one colour at a time, clip the layer so i can't draw outside what I coloured, an shade each part separately. This way I don't have to very carefully colour in the lines an can just go bam. shading done on this part an keep doing it until the whole girlie is shaded in. This sped up my process a lot. Example v
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nullsleepy · 1 year
Hey, what if the Lazarus pits had a flush, author? What if whenever someone used it a fragment of their personality passed down to it, so to prevent it from being absorbed by the next person that uses it, it needs to be flushed? What if when Ra’s took over the pool he did not care for the advice of the the ones before and just used without flushing it? What if every time he used it, it became more and more corrupted by the evil in his soul? What if that’s why the Lazarus pits are the way they are right now?
The Big Flush
“You’re telling me, not a single person ever noticed the HUGE LEVER sitting RIGHT BESIDE it?!” Marinette screamed, frustrated beyond belief.
“Well, we noticed it, but we never thought to pull it down. Would you, Ladybug, hero of Paris, pull down a lever of unknown origins?” Robin sneered, glaring at the red spotted hero.
“MAYBE! Especially if THERE WERE HUGE LETTERS SPELLING “FLUSH”!” The teenager yelled at them, pointing at the letters on the lever.
“Tt. That is why you needed help to save Paris, imbecile. No one in their right minds would do so except you.” Robin spat, scowling.
“WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” Marinette screeched, her voice breaking.
“Exactly what I said, you irresponsible fool.” He raised his eyebrow.
“Ugh, YOU!” Marinette took a deep breath, calming herself down. “Alright, fine, you win. But still, do you know the consequences that happen when you don’t flush the huge life-reviving pit?”
“Tt. That is why you are here, buffoon.”
“Just breathe Marinette, just breathe.” She whispered under her breath.
“And what compels you to mention your civilian identity?” Damian side eyed her.
“JUST SHUT UP BIRD-BRAINS!” Marinette’s face turned a deep red with her anger.
“AGH! I SWEAR I’LL-” She shook her fists, upset.
“Ladybug. Would you please continue with the explanation?” Batman intervened, attempting to get them back on course.
“You’re lucky, Damian Wayne.” Marinette glanced at the boy, before turning around and smiling at her idol. “Of course Batman sir! So the pits, as you know, reattach departed souls after death, essentially reviving a person. The body will be repaired, as is essential for the reattachment. It’s a side effect, not the main point of the pits. So, to fuel this, a part of the soul, or personality as most would describe it, is taken and left in the liquids. If you use the pits immediately after a person, then the part of the soul that was left will be attached to you. This might not immediately make you go insane, but it will result in slight personality changes. But, if you continue to use the pits after someone, without flushing it, then you will lose any sanity you have. You’ll be distorted in the worst possible ways. Even if you were the only person to use it, the pits will completely change that part of the soul. It’s extremely gross and life changing to not flush the pit.”
“So in layman terms?” Jason popped out, crossing his arms and leaning in.
“In layman terms, the pit is like this giant toilet, and if you don’t flush it, it’ll become really gross.”
“Oh. Okay.” Jason stood there, slightly shocked at the metaphor, before holding in laughter. The pits were just some huge communal toilet!
“Now, please tell me NO ONE has been using this revival toilet?” Marinette stood, looking up at them all.
“Well, uh.” Jason and Damian looked away, refusing to meet her eye.
“Our enemy, the Ra’s has.” Tim interrupted, pointing out the obvious.
“fUCK! Alright dimwits, let’s go meet this “Ra’s. Preferably before he goes insane.”
“Too late-”
Notes: I’ll probably make another part (or even a third!) that’ll go more into how Ra’s corrupted it, but I hope you liked this, @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks! <3
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crypticwritingz · 1 year
okay i have the urge to tell you all this
I wrote an essay on Dave Mustaine last school year and the theme was supposed to be a person who we look up to ☠️
i wrote 3 full pages, from his childhood to how he took his revenge on metallica by making a better band lmao (my arm hurt from writing)
so yeah. i need help.
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whistlingstarlight · 4 months
Rob Paulsen said my name in Yakko Warner's voice I can die happy-
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kkoct-ik · 7 months
currently watching someone play omori because i know its highly regarded and i am sitting here taking notes for inspiration 📝
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star-ocean-peahen · 5 months
im watching atla with my grandma and it is very much up her alley which is very cute. i think her favorite part is whenever momo does something funny because she smiles the most.
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haemosexuality · 6 months
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usefulquotes7 · 4 months
My biggest mistakes in life have all stemmed from giving my powers to someone else - believing that the love others had to offer was more important than the love I had to give myself. Oprah Winfrey
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