#Best quesadilla fillings
voguegenics · 1 day
It's National Quesadilla Day 2024: Let’s Get Cheesy!
📅 It’s National Quesadilla Day! 🧀🌮 Life is short—so why not fold, fry, and feast on the cheesiest, gooey-est quesadilla today? #NationalQuesadillaDay #QuesadillaLife #GetCheesy #FoldFryFeast #CheeseLoversUnite #TacoTuesdayCousin
September 25th—mark your calendars, because today we celebrate National Quesadilla Day! The most important day of the year, clearly. While some holidays are all about family, love, and togetherness, this one’s about what truly matters: cheese, tortillas, and unapologetic gooey goodness. Let’s talk about how this culinary masterpiece has transcended mere snack status and become an emblem of snack…
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Or: Prince Roier Hires a Faerie to Help With His Divorce (he hasn't gotten married yet)
For day two of @smallchaoscryptid's Spiderbit Week - Fae/Kiss
Once upon a time...
Roier picks his way through the foliage with a grimace. His feet hurt, twigs keep smacking into his face, bugs keep flying into his mouth. This sucks, but it'll all be worth it.
Thunder rolls above, and rain starts pouring down without a second's warning.
...It'll all be worth it.
He's due back at the castle by morning, but, honestly, he'd kinda rather die than go back. If the wolves eat him, so be it!
Grumbling, he pulls his hood up over his head, and he continues onward. If he freezes to death out here, so be it!
He's not planning on going back to the castle alive, anyway.
Legend has it that, deep in the haunted forest surrounding the Kingdom of Quesadilla, there lives a man-eating witch capable of tearing a man's soul from his body before he can so much as breathe in her general direction. Nobody knows this witch's name, but everybody knows that she's totally fucked up: if she isn't eating people, she's eating bears, and her magic is said to be as destructive as the eruption that created the universe.
Roier needs to meet her now.
So he continues trudging through the woods. The lantern in his hand is fighting to stay lit, and his boots are filled with enough water to drown a rat with, but he's fine. He's going to die miserable, but he's fine.
There's a flash of lightning bright enough to blind him, and then there's a crash of thunder loud enough to make him jump and nearly drop his lantern. When his vision returns, the tree in front of him is toppled to the side, leaving only a charred and smoking stump behind.
And then there's the cat.
Roier, frankly, stares. Because... what?
It's a cute cat, at least: brown with black stripes almost like a tiger's and blue eyes so bright that they almost seem to glow in the night. It sits on the stump with its tail curled around its paws, very polite, 10/10 cat.
Hesitantly, Roier approaches. He holds the lantern up to the cat, tilts his head, smiles.
"You're so cute," he coos, bending down to pet the cat between its little ears. "What are you doing out here, eh?"
The cat yawns, and then it huffs, "I could ask you the same question."
Roier screams and recoils and drops his lantern. It goes out, but the forest doesn't grow any dimmer because the cat is fucking glowing now, okay. Okay!
The cat rolls its eyes, tail twitching. "Okay, ouch. I'm not that scary."
"You're a talking cat," Roier breathes. "What the fuck?"
"What, you were expecting the witch?"
A pause.
"Oh, come on!"
Roier finally collects himself, brushing the water off of his cloak and adjusting his hood and picking up his lantern.
The cat stands and starts pacing the stump in a small, annoyed circle.
"The witch isn't even real," it complains. "She never was! Witches aren't real!"
Roier frowns. "Fuck you, man, my best friend is a witch."
"They aren't. Witches aren't real. Magicians are real, but witches-"
"You are literally a talking cat."
"I am a faerie," the cat corrects, sounding almost pained as it does so. "Faeries are real. Witches are fake. It's all anti-faerie propaganda created by the Federation-"
"By the what?"
The cat flicks his tail at Roier; Roier's mouth shuts, and, to his alarm, he finds that he can't open it again no matter how hard he tries.
The cat angrily swipes a leaf off of the stump. Unfortunately, it is really cute as it does so.
But then it starts complaining again, and Roier decides that this annoying fucking faerie cat isn't that cute after all.
"I haven't eaten anybody in centuries!" the cat shouts. "Fucking Cucurucho..."
Roier's eyes widen.
He waves at the cat until the cat does its magic thing again and allows him to talk.
First, Roier sucks in a deep breath through his mouth. That was uncomfortable.
Then, he says, "I know Cucurucho. I'm supposed to marry him in three days."
The cat's eyes narrow. Its shadow beneath it seems to grow; it tinges itself red like a pool of water with blood in it, wow. That's almost cool.
"That's why I'm here," Roier explains. "I need the witch to kill me so I don't have to marry him."
The cat sits.
"I see," it says. "Unfortunately, the witch isn't real."
"Suuuure, but you are." Roier sneaks closer. "Can't you just-" He opens his hands and wiggles his fingers. "-magic me dead?"
The cat stares at Roier's fingers. "Um. No. Faeries can't kill."
Roier deflates. "Ugh."
With a frustrated groan, he sits on the stump next to the cat. The cat grumbles, but it doesn't, like, magic him onto the ground, so that's kinda nice of it.
"But," the cat says, slowly as if questioning itself as it speaks, "I can get you to kill for me."
Oh. Now there's a thought. But...
Roier looks to the side at the cat. "I've tried. I'm pretty sure he's immortal, man."
"You haven't tried killing him with faerie magic. Now, come here."
The cat hops off of the stump and pads into the forest. After a moment, Roier follows.
They walk until they reach a hollowed-out tree. Then, the cat hops into the tree and mutters to itself as it looks for something.
Eventually, the cat pokes its head out of the tree with an opaque brown bottle held in its mouth.
Roier takes the bottle and turns it over in his hands.
"This," the cat says, "is extract of unicorn. Mix this in with Cucurucho's food, and he'll be dead by the end of the night."
Roier's mouth twitches. It'll happen, just like that? Just like that? Decades of oppression over just. Like. That?
"Okaaayyy," Roier drawls. He looks back up at the cat with a small smile. "Thank you."
The cat responds by clambering out of the tree and lounging on a branch hanging by Roier's face.
"No, thank you," the cat insists. "You'll be doing us both a favor if you manage to kill that asshole."
"If this kills him, you'll be a hero."
"Oh, I'm no hero. I'm just..." (The cat grins with far too many teeth in its mouth.) "...an invested party."
Well, the cat is probably evil. But that's fine. So is Cucurucho, and two wrongs make a right, right?
Well, wrong! Because Cucurucho isn't fucking dead.
Roier stomps back to the tree stump with the faerie's empty unicorn piss whatever bottle in hand. He doesn't have a lantern this time because, frankly, he really isn't intent on returning to the castle this time. If he trips over a root and dies, so be it!
The cat is nowhere to be seen. Of course, the bastard.
"Gatinho!" Roier calls. He cups both hands around his mouth and spins in a circle and continues shouting, "Gatinho! Where the fuck are you! Come here!"
No response.
Frustrated, Roier chucks the bottle to the ground and plops onto the stump. He puts his head in his hands and groans.
"I am going to fucking die," he moans. "I can't go home, I need to die, what the fuck."
A twig snaps. A presence ghosts over his shoulder, what feels like fingers grazing his tunic. But, when he snaps his head up and turns around, all he sees is the cat sitting behind him.
Roier's eyes narrow. "You."
"Me," the cat agrees. "Did it work? Is he dead? Please tell me he's dead. He's dead, right?"
"No! He isn't! He thought that unicorn shit was edible glitter! Now he wants it at the wedding!"
The cat blinks. "Huh."
"Yeah, 'huh'." Roier huffs and turns back around and hides his face again. "Fuck you, man. You said it would kill him."
"It should've. He's a demon, right?"
"How should I know? He's a fucking bear wizard thing."
"Okay, again, wizards aren't real, magicians are. But you're marrying him, right? How do you not know what species he is?"
"It's not like I'm getting a choice in the matter," Roier spits. He glares into the palms of his hands, shoulders shaking with barely-concealed rage. "Either I marry him or he destroys the kingdom."
There's a pregnant pause as the cat takes this information in. Fair, honestly. Roier hadn't exactly told him that he's a prince. Wasn't important, still isn't important. Doesn't matter if he's a prince if he's being sold off to marry a goddamn bear like he's a common animal.
It's for the good of the kingdom, Foolish had said. He and Vegetta have always liked Cucurucho despite Cucurucho being a legendary fucking creep. It's either you or Leo.
And Roier isn't the one that's meant to take the throne after his parents die.
"Can't you just kill me?" Roier asks. He waves a hand in a random direction. "Just make a tree fall on me or something. It'll be an accident, it's fine, your faerie cops won't know."
"Um, no," the cat says. "That's fucked up."
"Don't you eat people? How the fuck do you eat people without killing them?"
"Who says I killed them before eating them?"
Ah. Sounds about right.
...Kinda cool, to be honest. Imagining a tiny little kitty cat rip a grown dude apart like he's a slice of bread. Almost funny in a way.
Roier jumps as something brushes the hair out of his face.
He jerks his head upright and glares down at the cat, now sitting delicately in front of him.
"I have an idea," the cat tells him. "Follow me."
As they walk back to the hollow tree, the cat asks, "Does Cucurucho still have that freaky mechanical sword?"
Roier thinks. "Maybe? I don't know, he kinda just sits and stares at people. Sometimes he chases the servants around with a sword? Dunno if it's mechanical, though..."
"Well, any sword will work. Hold on."
The cat leaps into the tree and comes out with a new bottle, this one clear.
Roier takes the bottle and swishes it around. The liquid inside looks like oil, okay...
"This is dragon's blood," the cat explains. "It's corrosive to the touch, so be careful. Tell him that it's a special polish for his sword. It should eat his skin to the bone and kill him dead."
"Huh," Roier says, suddenly much more careful with the bottle. He gently slides it into his pocket, makes sure it's secure between a bag of coins and his headband. "Okay. Cool."
"This should work," the cat says. "But I'll try and think of something else for if it doesn't."
"Yeah, well, it'd better work," Roier huffs. "I'm getting married in two days. Then the gods only know what he's gonna do with me."
"Trust me, we'll figure it out."
"Trust you? Aren't you some kind of evil faerie cat?"
The cat looks offended. "Excuse you, I'm barely evil anymore. All I do is read these days. Do you know how many books I have at my house? More than Cucurucho, that's for sure."
"You have a house?"
The cat visibly bristles. "Of course I have a house. What, do you think I'm homeless?"
"You are a cat."
"Not all the time!"
Oh, that's interesting. Roier can almost imagine what the cat looks like in a human form, but the idea escapes him at the last second.
"Whatever," Roier sighs. "Just kill me tomorrow if this doesn't work."
Roier doesn't even bother shouting as he storms up to the stump.
He sits, pulls his cloak off, tosses it to his feet, kicks it away. What the fuck!!
He doesn't so much as blink as the cat appears by his side.
"It didn't work?" the cat cries. "Really? That should've worked!"
"Yeah, well, it didn't," Roier huffs. "He wore gloves today. And Cucurucho figured out that I've been sneaking out to see someone at night, so he told my parents that we're going to move to a different castle out in the middle of nowhere. I bet he's going to lock me up, the piece of shit."
The cat's ears lay back on its head. Its eyes narrow, and its lip curls back in a clear snarl.
"I know," Roier agrees. "Fuck this guy for real."
"Fuck him."
"Fuck him!"
Roier smiles just for a second, and he even manages a brief laugh before remembering, right. He's fucking doomed. Right.
Sighing, he slumps to the side until he's tumbling off of the stump and splayed across the ground. He buries his face in the grass and screams.
To his credit, he hardly jumps as a hand firmly settles on his back and rubs it. Small circles, firm hand, big hand, it feels like, wow.
Something- a knee?- presses against Roier's arm firmly. It's grounding in a way. Almost.
"I'm getting married tomorrow," Roier whines. "Just kill me, gatinho. I promise I won't tell anyone."
"I'm not going to kill you, guapito," the cat says. (Roier blushes. Guapito...) Its voice sounds deeper, almost. Louder. More clear. "I can't."
"Then what am I supposed to do? Marry Cucurucho?"
"I won't let that happen."
"Why? Because you want to kill him? Because that hasn't exactly been working so far."
"Because it's super fucked up that he's forcing you to marry him. I don't give a shit about the kingdom, I don't live there. I want him dead, but I'm starting to think that he's unkillable."
The hand moves from Roier's back up to his head. Fingers sift through his hair. Woooow, that feels good. When's the last time Roier got touched this softly? Before Cucurucho arrived?
"I've been thinking," the cat continues. "I've been keeping an eye on Cucurucho for centuries, but he's never tried destroying the kingdom before now. Before you. I think that, if you're gone, then he might leave, too."
Roier cracks an eye open. He doesn't shift his head at all, so he can only just barely make out a hint of cloth. So the cat has clothes when he's a human, that's cool, Roier guesses. Makes him wonder where they came from.
"So... kill me," Roier tells him. "If it'll get him to leave the kingdom alone, kill me."
"I can't do that."
"I'm not next in line for the throne! It's fine! Just push me into the river, I can't swim."
"You can't swim? Really?"
"Well, I can, but I can pretend that I can't!"
"You are so... selfless," the cat says, sounding completely exasperated. "And stupid. No, come with me. I know how we can solve this without killing you."
The hand leaves Roier's head, and then a cold nose is poking at his cheek until he's sitting up and looking the cat right in its little kitty eyes.
"Do you still have cat eyes when you're in another form?" Roier can't help but ask. "That would be really cool."
The cat chuckles. "Maybe. Come on. I have one last thing we can try."
They go to the hollow tree, and Roier waits as the cat scrambles into the tree and surfaces with a necklace clutched in its teeth.
Roier takes the necklace and inspects it. It's a solid gold chain with a little charm that looks like a cat's head. Cute.
"What, is this evil faerie gold that will melt Cucurucho's skin off?" Roier asks.
"No, it's for you," the cat replies. "Wear it tomorrow. When the wedding reaches the climax, take the necklace off and break it."
Roier points at the cat accusingly. "You are going to kill me!"
The cat rolls its eyes. "I'm not. Just... trust me."
Trust the man-eating faerie cat, sure. Right.
Roier sighs, but he puts the necklace on, anyway. It's surprisingly warm around his neck.
The cat almost seems to smile. "You look lovely."
"This thing is going to explode and blow my head off."
"No, you'll see."
And, well. What choice does Roier have but to wait and see?
The final wedding preparations go by in an uncomfortable blur.
Leo comes in to hug Roier goodbye. She then punches Roier in the stomach and tells him to write to her once he's at his new house.
Jaiden comes in to help Roier finish getting ready. She's happy about the marriage because she really thinks that Cucurucho is a good person, and Roier can't help but be happy that she's happy.
Foolish comes in to walk Roierto the church. He and Vegetta each take one of Roier's arms, and they walk.
And then Cucurucho is waiting at the church in front of the altar in an all-white suit. His fur is meticulously brushed, his claws are polished, his smile is painted on, he's absolutely grotesque.
Roier hates him.
"Good morning," Cucurucho says as Roier settles in front of the altar.
"It's sunset, you fucking idiot," Roier snaps. He can say what he wants now, right? He's going to die, anyway. The cat is going to kill him.
Cucurucho laughs, and then the ceremony starts.
Roier tunes out most of the goings-on if only to keep himself from breaking down and breaking the necklace before it's time. The cat said to wait until the climax, so Roier's going to wait for the goddamn climax.
He comes back to himself as the cleric asks if anybody in the audience has any objections to the marriage.
This sounds like a fucking climax if Roier's ever heard one.
"Yes," he says. "I object!"
He tears the necklace from around his neck and throws it to the floor. Before anybody can stop him, he slams his heel into the charm.
The entire church erupts into screams as a blinding white light fills it. Magic tears at Roier's skin, biting and pulling. He squeezes his eyes shut, anticipating the end of it all.
"I also object," the cat says.
Two large hands settle on Roier's upper arms, and he's pulled back and against a firm chest.
Roier tilts his head back- not too far, because the cat's human form is shorter than he is, funnily enough- and his eyes widen as he takes in the most beautiful man in the world. Long hair the same color as the cat's coat, scarred face, feathery earrings, cat eyes.
"No," Curucucho snaps. "No!"
"Yes!" the cat- well, not the cat, Roier supposes- shouts. "The prince is mine! He swore himself to me the moment he accepted that necklace, and so he will go back with me to the Faewild and become my husband. You know the rules, bear."
Leo, in the audience, cheers. So does Foolish, who always appreciates a good show.
"Gatinho," Roier hisses.
The faerie shrugs his concerns off. Roier is annoyed about this for exactly three seconds before he gets caught up in the faerie's eyes.
Could be a worse arranged marriage, that's for sure...
A long moment passes, but Cucurucho eventually says a begrudging, "Yes."
"So," the faerie continues, "you will not destroy the kingdom for this. If the prince has already been promised to somebody else, then he never rejected you."
"Yes," Cucurucho sighs.
"You're hot when you're arguing," Roier whispers.
The faerie's cheeks redden, as do the tips of his pointed ears. Cute!
Yeah, no, this arranged marriage will be way better than the last one.
"So!" The faerie turns Roier around so that they're looking at each other properly for the first time eye-to-eye. "You will be coming with me."
"Yeah, okay," Roier agrees. Hell yeah. "Take me, gatinho."
"'Take me'?" Foolish gasps. "Ooooo, this is getting spicy!"
"All you need to do is say my name," the faerie says.
He leans in close and whispers right into Roier's ear, and Roier returns the favor... with a couple of flirtatious remarks thrown in for good measure. Sue him, he's about to get married to a sexy faerie. He's going to make the most of the situation.
"Cellbit," Roier murmurs, and something tickles at his skin. Something... purple. It feels purple. Soft and purple.
"Roier," the faerie replies. He looks positively flustered, aww. He's going to be so fun to tease once they're out of the church.
As the Faewild's magic starts to pick up, Roier can't help but give the faerie a grateful kiss.
The faerie blinks away from the kiss after a moment of some very eager lip-chasing. His face is completely red, and his eyes are wide and unblinking even as the magic around them whips like the wind.
"There's more where that comes from," Roier teases. He puts his arms around the faerie and smiles. "You're marrying me, get used to it. That's just part of the deal."
Because faeries are all about deals, right? Well, Roier's the best deal this guys is ever gonna get.
The faerie swallows, an eager grin teasing at his face.
"Yeah," he breathes. "Alright."
He pulls Roier's head down for another kiss just as the Faewild swallows them whole.
(Legends say that there are monsters living in the haunted forest surrounding the Kingdom of Quesadilla. Once monster is a man-spider with glowing red eyes and fangs the length of one's sword. The other is a furry snarling beast of a thing with magic worthy of the most powerful of witches.
Ah, but don't worry, my child, for these monsters don't hunt humans.
No, they hunt bears, and isn't that a good thing for us?)
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menagerofmischief · 2 days
Dia's Diner
Welcome to Dia's Diner, here you'll be able to order your meal (fic) with as many specifications and dishes as you want. We hope you leave satisfied ;)
first step is choosing who you want your fic to be about, so pick a server (you can even pick two)
Max Verstappen
Charles Leclerc
Carlos Sainz Jr.
Lewis Hamilton 
George Russel
Lando Norris
Oscar Piastri
Daniel Riccardo
Alex Albon
Fernando Alonso
Franco Collapinto 
Pierre Gasly
Esteban Ocon
Ollie Bearman
Kimi Antonelli (?)
Sebastian Vettel
Mark Webber
Jenson Button
Toto Wolff
every good meal starts with an appetizer, by choosing your appetizer you're setting the main trope of the fic
charcuterie board (dating)
artichoke dip (brother’s friend)
olives and cheese (friends to lovers)
stuffed cherry tomatoes (sugar daddy)
hummus nachos (teammates)
shrimp cocktail (rivals to lovers)
and how you want it served
hot appetizer (sweet sex) 
cold appetizer (rought sex) 
now it's time to order the main dish, feel free to choose as many as you want
lobster (“I love watching my cum leak out from your pussy”)
caviar and oysters (“Gonna look so good full of my babies”)
fish and chips (“Where are your manners?”)
steak (“Made just for me. My pretty little cocksleeve”)
burger and fries (“Hurts? That’s too bad baby, should have thought about it before being such a slut”)
buffalo wings (“Count them for me”)
ramen (“What would your brother think if he saw us?”)
gyros (“Gonna fill you up”)
full english (“My pretty little slut”)
pizza (“My good girl”)
pesto pasta (“Slow down, you just told me to speed up. What’s it gonna be silly girl?”)
carbonara (“Look so good on my cock”)
sausage rolls (“I’ll make it fit”)
sushi (“Better quiet down, you don’t want them to hear us.)
tacos (“I’m gonna give you an attitude check”)
chicken quesadilla (“So pretty with my cock down your throat”)
crab cakes (“Yeah, gonna swallow like a good girl?”)
chicken nuggets (“Couldn’t help being a brat, could you?”)
kimchi (“Be a good girl and take it”)
tomato soup (“Running away from my dick? I don’t think so.”)
cheese fries (“I love making you squirt”)
stuffed potato (“Just where you belong … on your knees for me”)
sarma (“Gonna put a baby in you”)
moussaka (“You look your best covered in my cum”)
caesar salad (“Lie to me again and you’re not gonna like what happens next”)
chicken skewer (“Be a good girl and cum for me”)
mac and cheese (“Only good girls get to cum”)
mango sticky rice (“Next time you try that shit I’ll make him watch while I fuck you”)
chicken fingers (“Yeah, you like being filled in both ends like a slut”)
butter chicken rice (“If you want it then you better beg for it”)
eggs and bacon ("Are you gonna stop moving or am I gonna hold you down?")
spring rolls ("All you do is complain, perhaps I should shut you up")
sloppy joe ("You have the prettiest mouth. Why don't you put it to good use?")
kebab ("Look at that my cock is splitting you in half")
grilled cheese ("I buy you nice things and then I get to fuck you in them. Sounds fair to me")
pot roast ("You going to let me take my anger out on you, sweetheart?")
chili ("Look at you humping my thigh like a bitch in heat")
california rolls ("Scream my name - I want everyone to know who's making you feel this good)
PB&J ("Look at him while I make you cum")
dumplings ("Ride this cock - it's your cock")
black pudding ("There we good, you're such a good girl, taking you punishment so well")
smoked salmon ("My good girl deserves a reward")
fish tacos ("Just lie back and let me take care of you")
seafood boil ("Maybe I'll make a mix tape of your moans to listen to while I drive")
spaghetti with meatballs ("Why don't you put on that pretty little set I bought for you?")
veggie burger ("Feel how hard you make me")
hot dog ("Thought about you while touching myself. The real things is much better")
ratatouille ("I'll mark you up so much no man will dare talk to you again")
having a drink with your dish really elevates the experience, drinks represent different kinks
ice tea (oral giving/receiving)
sweet tea (morning sex)
mint tea (body worship giving/receiving)
redbull (filming sex)
vodka redbull (squirting)
white wine (sir kink)
red wine (daddy kink)
rose (spanking)
champagne (threesome)
old fashioned (drunk sex)
whiskey (double penetration)
mai thai (mirror sex)
beer (bondage)
root beer (blindfold)
apple cider (spitting)
apple juice (edging)
orange juice (overstimulation)
boba (anal)
smoothie (hickeys)
matcha (toys)
vanilla milkshake (nipple play)
hot chocolate (dry humping)
espresso (dom/sub)
black coffee (chocking)
mocha coffee (degradation)
pumpkin spice latte (losing virginity)
fanta (size kink)
coca-cola (somnophillia)
coke zero (free use)
pepsi (car sex)
lemonade (public sex)
strawberry lemonade (breeding)
coconut water (jealous sex)
iced water (dirty talk)
to end the night you might consider getting a dessert, in this case dessert is aftercare
yes (aftercare included) 
no (aftercare not included)
special instructions: tell me your favorite track/race at the end of your request and I'll throw you in a freebie on the house that goes best with your order
Thank you for visiting! Here at Dia's Diner your pleasure is our priority, so be on the look out for new additions to our menu.
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isa-ghost · 19 days
Hey Isa, you wouldn't happen to have any head cannons back there would you?
Also, I hope you're doing well
Yeah hold on lemme check in the back *glass breaking* *metal clanging* *vine boom* *BRUH.mp4* *more glass breaking* *cartoon boink* *high pitched scream* *Taco Bell dong*
Okay got em here ya go
Phil headcanons masterlist
Quesadilla Island gave him SUCH a taste for Latin food and he can't fucking just Get That when he's home in the Hardcore world. Can you imagine him asking Rose to open a portal to another world for a 2am Taco Bell run. That's not even real/good Latin food but can you imagine.
Actually that's another thing he misses, Rose doesn't communicate with him directly when he's home. I don't have an idea of what the reasoning is for that but :(
Goddess of Death likes to tease him about his perching. She makes him so self-aware of it and he hates it but in that "god fucking damn it Kristin. I'm doing it again" way.
Ender King is just a bitch. Phil was scared of him on Quesadilla Island because there was no control or way of predicting what he'd do there. Or why. Or how. Phil generally isn't scared of a long-dead bitch baby. No, there's a hardcore deity we haven't met yet that he's scared of. And if Apollo doesn't dodgeball me on this the day Phil does a new build to introduce one of the two we haven't met yet, I might make a fan deity.
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👆🏻 I mentioned this on stream Friday 9/6, I'm already cooking on the fan deity LMAO.
As a chronic overthinker who's way too insistent on constantly mentally firing on all cylinders in order to survive, this dumbass frequently forgets that taking walks (or more commonly: flights) help him unwind and actually organize his thoughts. He's so bad at walking away for a bit and returning to something with fresh eyes and a clear head. And then he remembers to do that finally and is like 🤯 about it.
Honestly, the same could be said for his emotions. I might have made a hc to this effect before, but he has such a bad habit of clinging to distractions or stubbornly trucking on from things instead of just letting himself Sit with his emotions, processing them and letting them just exist and then pass. He's a very proactive coper, but sometimes action isn't the answer and that's something he hasn't quite learned yet (Rose is trying to teach him this). He absolutely fucking hates doing it, but sometimes the best solution for him really is to just. Sit and cry it out, or seethe, or ride out the panic attack. Whatever it is.
Sitting in the warm sunshine, the sounds of leaves rustling in the wind, and the sight of flower pedals floating in the air fill him with deep, somber nostalgia for comfortably sitting and chatting with Chayanne & Lullah. Watching sunsets too. This is one of few times he'll actually do something to the effect of the previous hc and just let himself sit and Feel. He just can't do it alone, he needs the Murder to sit with him & chat.
Some things he'll do when he actually let's himself sit somewhere & vibe: chat with the Murder, fish, sketch something he sees (often Dorothy), organize his inventory (rarely).
Nowadays he also sketches things of Chayanne & Lullah, sometimes Missa, occasionally Techno. He also really likes doodling random emblems and sigils, often meant for the gods (minus EK) or Techno.
Btw he still gets paranoid about resource gathering, inventory management, and collecting cool stuff ever since his possession. :) Even now that he's back in the Hardcore world, where it's ironically more unlikely that Ender King can/will hurt him, he gets anxious about over-indulging his crow brain.
He's not ALWAYS treating the Murder like it's on sight. Sometimes he'll sit and preen their feathers (or his own while they do their own), he has a massive feeder full of any treat a crow would find yummy imaginable, and half the time they go on those walks/flights he should take to de-stress more often, it's for them because they're the little shits that love to travel so much. He's an explorer and historian/archivist, sure, but he tends to stick to the structures of the gods that he's discovered.
Which btw calling back to that Deep Dark Deity, if they end up existing in canon (and if not, this will be canon for my AU or whatever), he hasn't met/discovered them or their structures yet bc he's too cautious to explore the Deep Dark thoroughly. :)
Honestly this feels like a low-hanging fruit hc that I'm sure tons of people have, but Phil desperately wants to bring Missa to the Hardcore world some day to show him the builds and teach him about the gods.
When he got back to the Hardcore world after QSMP, he took some time to recover emotionally and then anxiously visited Endlantis to add some,, security to the cave Ender King's corpse is sealed in. Will it work? Probably not. But it makes him feel safer.
He has a journal/scrapbook type thing documenting everything he sees & learns about the deities and their associates (ex: He & She). He wishes he could've brought it with him to Quesadilla Island so he could've taught Chayanne & Lullah more about them in detail. But they're somewhere in the world with him now, so he's sure they've learned more over the last 4 months. :)
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liliumblooms · 2 months
You make me wanna
For @anonymous-dentist’s Spiderbit Week Day 4
Prompt: Kiss
It was the moment, she could feel it. Almost as if the breeze carried the air differently, lighter, and the light painted the scene in front of her softly, like one of the many works of art her brunette loved. She could see her through the mirror’s reflection, reapplying her characteristic red lipstick and tucking the stray hairs, delicately falling on her face, behind her ears. Today, she wasn’t wearing her signature bandana, or one of the beautiful hairstyles she usually adorned her lovely brown curls with, which now cascaded freely down her back like a waterfall.
She wanted to frame the image in front of her eyes in a photograph, and be able to remember this day vividly for the rest of her life. Their eyes met in the reflection, receiving a wink and a flirtatious smile that quickly made her look away from the gaze, a brown rich and deep like her morning coffee, and feeling her cheeks blush a soft crimson, like the color of the dress Melissa was wearing, subtly accentuating her soft curves as if she were a Greek statue.
A gentle laugh filled the space within the bar’s bathroom where they were, magically lightening the atmosphere and the nerves she felt on edge. She knew they both could sense it; today was the day.
With newfound conviction, she quickly smoothed her lavender dress, adjusting the small wrinkles that were starting to form, and gave her reflection a fleeting glance to ensure she looked her best. She wasn’t used to wearing dresses or being in situations like this, but the beautiful Mexican woman by her side had managed to break down her walls, motivating her daily to see life with new eyes and experience new things. Turning her gaze back to her beautiful companion, she reached out to take her hand, gently wrapping her own around it.
“Cê tà pronta, guapita?”
“Estoy lista, gatinha.”
”Vamos voltar então.” she responded softly, leading her back to the dance floor.
She wasn’t used to dancing or going out at night, or going out at all. If you asked her friends, they would tell you that Celine was simply a solitary and introverted person, possessing a character similar to that of a cat, and she enjoyed her alone time and privacy more than anything else in her life, perhaps except for her work and her childhood cat, Zeno. This was why she had come to the city about five months ago, in search of peace, stability, and a new beginning after a few intense years of family conflicts that had finally overflowed her patience. She was deeply grateful to her past self for making that brave decision because since then, her life had never been so happy.
Her job as a writer allowed her to live wherever her heart desired, and she had chosen Quesadilla Bay because her publisher’s headquarters were there. It was said that the small town had a unique magic in its lands, making its residents cheerful and community-spirited. If you asked her, she didn’t believe much in those words, but perhaps the beautiful woman accompanying her tonight was the personification of those ancient legends.
They had met at the psychological consultation she had started attending a month after moving. She wasn’t her therapist, but they often took the same bus back to their homes, as they lived a few buildings apart in the heart of the city. It was Melissa who approached her first, with an extroverted and curious soul that couldn’t ignore the dark blonde after three weeks of leaving the same place and getting off at the same stop.
They quickly formed a friendship, built on a foundation of common interests and personalities that simply clicked. When her guapita found out that after two months of living in the city, she still didn’t know it beyond the medical consultation, her publisher’s building, the corner minimarket, and her own building, she made it her personal mission to introduce Celine to her new home, aiming for the young woman to fall in love with the unique magic brought by the coastal breeze of Quesadilla.
She had succeeded, it took just three months not only to make her fall for the hidden charms of the bay, but also for her beautiful and charismatic guide. She wasn’t someone interested in romance or particularly attracted to the idea of a relationship, her family giving her a poor example of them, but something in Melissa had awakened her senses, and after weeks of flirting that kept blurring the line between friendship and something more, she was more than ready to finally cross the invisible boundary she had set at the beginning of their relationship.
The brunette had managed to open and enter her heart, and every opportunity they spent together, getting to know each other more and more, made it increasingly inevitable to reach this moment. She knew she had to be the one to take the first step now, and she was finally ready to do so.
Back on the dance floor, she delicately placed her hands on her companion’s waist, subtly pulling her closer to her own body. She could feel the brunette’s arms resting on her shoulders, her slender fingers starting to play with the short strands of her hair. Both moved in a gentle sway to the rhythm of the song playing through the bar’s speakers.
“Your streak has grown out, maybe it's time I help you bleach it again,” her Mel mentioned, moving one of her hands to the older girl’s face to brush her bangs with her thumb.
The white streak decorating her hair had been an impulsive decision during a night of insomnia. Celine had sent a message around two in the morning, not expecting a prompt response, and maybe a brief lecture on why it was a bad idea in the morning, but she was surprised to hear knocks on her door and see the Mexican outside her apartment, just 20 minutes after sending the message, still in pajamas, with her satin bonnet on to protect her beautiful curls at night, and a bag that seemed to contain bleach and toner.
She knew she could always count on Melissa for whatever she needed, as the brunette always reminded her every time they met, but seeing her there, so ready and willing to help her in the middle of one of her identity crises, made her realize, for the first time, how her heartbeat simply accelerated in her presence.
“Do you want to come back to my apartment after we get tired of this place and do it?” she responded, in what she considered a subtly flirtatious way, not wanting to end the night too soon.
Tonight was a themed night at the bar near their homes, and she had taken the initiative to officially invite her to their first official date together, after noticing the Mexican’s interest upon discovering the event in a flyer on the street while they were walking Meli’s puppy, Firusflais. Since then, there had been a special sparkle in the young woman’s chocolate eyes, still present now, as they made eye contact.
“¿Te me estás insinuando, belleza?” she responded with a flirtatious tone, sparking a small panic within her.
“NAO! Quero dizer, sim!… talves?” Her quick, panicked babbling once again elicited Melissa’s soft laughter, which had an automatic calming effect on her nerves.
“Calma, gatinha, I know what you mean. I’m happy to go home with you tonight and help with your beautiful hair.” Her hand rested on her cheek, her thumb now gently caressing it. Her guapita knew about her asexuality, and although it was her nature to make flirtatious comments like this, she always assured her that those were never her intentions and that she simply enjoyed seeing the blush that always appeared on her cheeks when she was flirted with.
She couldn’t help, being so close and with Melissa’s gentle hands still in her hair and on her face, to take a small breath to gather her strength and shorten the distance between them a little more. The brunette, playing along, adjusted her body further into the blonde’s arms, now their bodies fully in contact and their faces just a few centimeters apart.
“Melissa, guapita, this night has been magical…” she gave a small sigh, briefly redirecting her gaze to the girl’s plump, red lips before quickly returning her eyes to hers. “And I really enjoy spending my time with you, you’ve changed my life, little by little, and I’m so fortunate to have you. Thank you for accepting my invitation.”
She paused momentarily as she felt her eyes well up, feeling like a loser for not being able to confess her feelings to the goddess she held in her arms, but before she could continue, Melissa stole the words from her.
“Dulzura, you’ve changed my life too, thank you for coming into it and making me so happy.” She whispered, looking directly into her eyes and still caressing her cheek, the gesture dissipating the tears that still clouded her vision. There was no need to speak louder; being so close, mere murmurs sufficed to understand each other.
“Meli, Lissa, guapita… eu gosto demais de você…” Gently squeezing her waist, she moved closer to whisper in her ear. “E eu adoraria, se você me der a chance, beijar você agora.”
She could feel how Melissa, still with one of her hands tangled in her hair, gently pushed it to establish eye contact again, their faces barely a centimeter apart. Both blushing but with beautiful smiles and a gaze that screamed love as they looked at each other.
“No hay nada que me gustaría más que besarte, corazón.” she responded, the brunette taking the initiative and finally bringing their lips together for the first time.
Melissa’s lips tasted like the margaritas she had ordered when they were still at the table, with a slight hint of cherries, probably due to the lip balm she always carried with her. With her eyes closed, her sweet scent filled her nostrils, almost visualizing her perfume in the back right corner of the psychologist’s vanity. And the touch of her lips, moving in automatic synchrony, completely clouded the rest of her senses.
But, more than anything, this first kiss felt like coming home, warm and comforting, and completely addictive. She knew right then that she would strive for the rest of her life, and all the lives to come, to continue kissing the lips of the sweet woman she could already assure would be the love of her life.
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
soft to the touch…
miguel x fem!afro-latina reader (kitchen scenario)
warnings : smut, finger-fucking, not proofread
“miguel, my love,” you said calling him out as he was busy cooking dinner for the both of you. he always loved to cook for you and him it was just one of the ways he showed that he loves you. you strolled gently to the kitchen as you pressed your body against him, slipping your arms around his waist as you hugged him from behind. you could feel him humming in contentment as he let himself go because your embrace was the most satisfying and peaceful thing ever for him.
“hola, querida. how’s my girl doing?” miguel chuckled lightly as he side glanced you while he was continuing to cook what seemed to be birria. he knew how much you loved birria and his birria quesadillas. “i’m doing good, honey. i just wanted to get a taste of you deliciousness.” you smiled softly while you teased him. you slowly slipped your soft hands under his shirt as you traced the outlines and musculature of his abs. you loved it just as much as you did. you loved the way his muscles would casually flex with each small movement he made while he was busy cooking. you would purposely press your body on him just to feel how hard his muscles were. he just loved it so much when you would do that. it low-key turned him on all the time but for now he remained composed not letting his desires get the best of him.
“are you trying to make me fold?” he shook his head softly as he couldn’t help himself but chuckle. he was focused at the task in hand cooking and seasoning the food just the way you loved it. “well it’s working, doll.” he closed the lid of the pan as he turned to you as he sensually rubbed your sides, planting a kiss on your forehead and all over your jawline. he loved the way your body reacted to his touch and kisses.
“mmm, you’re such a tease, mi amor.” you cooed as you embraced him in your arms, rubbing your hands on his back in circular motions. suddenly, he lifted you up and planted you on top of the marble kitchen countertop. it felt smooth but cold as your thighs came in contact of the smooth surface. he was in between your legs as he cupped your face. his eyes full of adoration, love, and desire for you.
“i know but you were also teasing me…so it’s only fair if i do it back to you.” he smirked as he hooked a finger under your chin titling it up gently making sure your eyes were on him. “you look pretty just like this.” he was a very affectionate and physical person. he loved to touch you anywhere in places you liked to be touch. he massaged your shoulders and made his way down to your arms then to your hands. he brought your hand up to his lips as he planted a few kisses on the back of your hand, then your palm, following your wrists and up your arms to you shoulder blade. he continued to pepper kisses on your shoulder then your collarbone. my god did you love it when he kissed your collarbone and nibbled on it gently.
“miguel—go lower.” you pleaded as you wrapped your arms around his neck bringing his face closer to yours. he kissed your lips passionately then parted slightly away from you. “of course, tell me where you want my kisses next,” he said huskily against your brown tinted lips. your breath hitched a little as you felt a few shivers cascade down your spine because of the way he held eye contact with you. his eyes flickered with lust and love. he did as you told him to do. he went from kissing your collarbones to kissing on top of your mounds. he nibbled and bit gently as his fangs grazed them ever so slightly. he then pulled your black top down exposing your small and perky breasts. he couldn’t help himself but massage them with his thumbs rubbing over your hardened brown peaks. his eyes were on you and he loved the way you squirmed under his touches.
“mmmiguel…suck on them, please..” the kitchen was filled with your soft moans as you gripped him tightly, begging for him to suckle on your breasts. he gratefully obliged with a nod and latched onto one of your nipples as he swirled his tongue then suckled gently at first. his other free hand was busy as work as he played with your other breast, rubbing over your harden bud. “god, you’re so pretty like this. my pretty pretty girl moaning and begging me to touch you like this.” his words sent you over to the edge as you felt yourself become wetter and butterflies pooled in your stomach. you couldn’t help but whimper as he sucked on one nipple then the other giving both of your pretty breasts the attention they deserved.
the smell of your arousal was evident. he loved the smell it was sweet. it turned him on even more as he felt himself get harder by the second because of it. you noticed that his bulge was protruding from his shorts. while he continued to suck on your breasts ferociously and hungrily you felt his hand caressing your inner thighs as he hooked a finger on the hem of your shorts pulling them off of you. he still continued to play and suck on your breasts but fingers had a mind of their own. with one hand, he hooked his finger moving your soaked panties to the side. you were so eager to feel his fingers inside of you, but you waited as he took his time with you. “you’re so wet for me, cariño. just the way i like it.” he whispered into you ear, your breathing became rapid. “you always make me this wet for you.” you said softly with a smile. you instinctively spread your legs open for him. he reveled in the way your pussy looked. he loved the way your pussy looked and the way your clit was already swollen. he teased your folds as he played with your slick juices with his middle and ring finger. he moved up to your clit as he rubbed it in circles then side to side slowly. “oh my god..” you muttered out as you bit your lower lip gazing into his brown eyes that were full of lust. he was so concentrated then he didn’t realize he had already stopped sucking on your breasts.
“shit, you’re so fucking wet,” he grunted a bit, “may i?” he asked as he smiled softly at you asking for your permission. “yes, you don’t have to ask me,” you giggled but he did so every time you both were intimate. you loved the way he cared for you and your well-being.
he plunged his fingers inside of you with his middle and ring fingers. the feeling of his big long fingers stretched your inner walls, as your pussy enveloped and coated his fingers with your essence. you clenched around his fingers as you adjusted to the sensations that filled your core. “you feel so tight and so good.” he praised you, “you always take my fingers so well.” praise after praise slipped from his mouth as your airy moans filled the room, and the wet squelching sounds of your pussy became more evident as he finger fucked you to oblivion. he curled his fingers up to your g-spot as his fingers caressed it with every thrust of his fingers.
“holy fuck, miguel..faster please.” he was never one to negate your demands or your pleads always doing what he was told. he went faster driving you to the edge as you reached your high. miguel’s breath caught in his throat as he witnessed your release. the warm rush of your essence cascading all over his fingers as you screamed out his name and clenched around his fingers. your body convulsing with the force of your orgasm. he slowly slid his fingers out of you as he pressed kisses on your forehead and lips.
“you did so well, princesa!” he cleaned you up with a wet rag tending to your first then cleaning up the mess. he always loved to take care of you. you were his priority besides being spider-man 2099. “thank you my love.” you pressed a kiss on his cheek as he helped you off of the kitchen countertop. he went to the stove to glance at the birria that was done being cooked, turning off the stove.
“just in time. you hungry? the food’s ready, mi amor.” miguel chuckled softly as he prepared the food for you both to eat. “claro que si.” you said happily as you felt the pleasure that you experienced subside. you were content and so in love with him. life with him was perfect to say the least.
a/n: i usually don’t write smut so this is just practice ( ̄▽ ̄)
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aphroditestummyrolls · 6 months
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Food. I met up with a beloved friend for coffee, so that was breakfast— oat latte and cinnamon scroll (this place has the best cinnamon scrolls, with orange zest and ground almonds in the filling, I will be trying to mimic the exact ratio of their flavour for the rest of my life).
Lunch was a quesadilla. As per my custom.
In the ✨Little Victories✨ category of the day, I went to do a little cursory shopping for the many weddings I’m attending this year, and became OBSESSED with a suit. I didn’t flinch at the mirror, I didn’t balk when the shop attendant suggested I size up in the trousers (the fabric has a tendency to run small, and UK sizing is such a dizzying thing anyway), and I didn’t start planning my next diet until after I set the suit on hold.
I feel at least a little awful, but it was weirdly gender affirming, validating, and fun. It feels like good progress both for these events, and in my little brain.
The hard part will be not giving in to the urge to diet. It always is.
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theladyragnell · 1 year
Anyways these are some of my favorites
Spinach White Bean Enchiladas from Budget Bytes
I usually don't bother with the sauce on these and just make them with green enchilada sauce because I'm lazy. They also make a great quesadilla filling!
Best Lentil Soup from Cookie and Kate
I have had so many meh lentil soups and this one really stood out to me, though of course there's always personal taste involved!
Smoky Black Bean Beet Burgers from Minimalist Baker
I personally find about 1/3 cup of mix is the right amount for 1 burger
And a couple personal "recipes":
Baked Sweet Potato + Black Beans + Queso Fresco and/or Sour Cream + Pico de Gallo + Fried Egg (optional)
Polenta + Black Beans + Sauteed Kale w/Garlic + Tempeh/Tofu/Chicken w/BBQ Sauce (good with side of cherry tomatoes)
Roasted Root Veg (Carrots, Beets, Squash, etc) + White Beans + Italian Dressing (serve with bread or grain for added heft)
Hope at least one of these sparks a tasty meal in your future!
Ooh, thank you! I'm publishing these for other bean lovers to enjoy this autumn and winter, and will absolutely give some of these a try!
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rosenallies · 8 months
Phone sex au, Shielding the other person from seeing something upsetting. Maybe “Hey, don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself.” when rosé catches denali scrolling on sort of triggering social media posts
lmao phone sex au nali is so <3 I changed the sentence quote thingy a bit but you get the idea<3
tw/ mentions of ed (sorry everything I’ve written for this au for the past like month has had this trigger warning I’m triggered<3)
"Denali, are you even listening to me right now?" Rosé huffed, lifting the duvet and scooting into bed beside Denali who was engrossed in something on her phone.
"Hmm? Yes, of course I'm listening, Rosie," she replied, still not looking up.
"What are you even looking at that's so interesting? I was trying to tell you about my day."
Denali quickly retracted her phone when Rosé reached for it. "Nothing, I'm not looking at anything important!"
"I'm not sure if I believe you," Rosé chuckled, "Just let me see!"
Rosé reached for it again, but Denali was too quick, pulling it away. Only she wasn't quick enough to miss the title of the Tumblr blog Denali was scrolling through. Rosé felt her chest tighten and her cheeks grow hot.
"Denali," she said softly, "why are you-? You shouldn't be looking at those things, it's not good for you, you'll only end up hurting yourself again."
Denali looked like a deer caught in headlights, her Bambi brown eyes wide and filling with tears. "I-I'm sorry," she sputtered, trying not to cry, "I-I just want to look-"
"Baby," Rosé tutted sadly, "You don't really want-"
"Yes, I do! You don't get it."
But Rosé did get it, and Denali knew that.
"I'm sorry, I know now that you do get it, it's just-"
Rosé nodded, she understood well. Those Tumblr blogs used to live on her high school laptop, hidden in a bookmarked folder labelled 'school' so no one would suspect anything. She knew those thoughts so well, photo after photo of girls where Rosé would zoom in on their bodies, wondering why hers didn't look like that, wondering why her thighs touched when that girl's didn't, why that girl's stomach was so flat compared to hers. Just like she had, Denali had fallen victim to blogs promoting every bad habit under the sun with the guise to stay as thin as possible.
"Can I see your phone, darling?"
Shame staining her cheeks red, Denali handed it over, watching as Rosé blocked the blog she was looking through and then deleted the Tumblr app all together before handing it back to Denali.
"Come here, sweetheart," Rosé cooed as Denali started to cry, sobs hidden in Rosé's neck where she decided to hide her face. "Shh, shh, baby, Mommy's here. You're mommy's perfect girl, aren't you? So beautiful. You don't need to change a thing about yourself. Mommy likes her baby best when she's being kind to herself and taking care of herself."
"Why is it so hard, mommy? Why?"
"I don't know, honey, I wish I did. I wish I could take it all away from you, I would in a heartbeat. All I know is that you deserve nothing but love and kindness from everyone and that includes yourself. Can you do that for me, baby? Be kind to yourself?"
Denali nodded, avoiding Rosè's gaze. "I can try," she paused, biting her lip before looking back up at Rosé, "Mommy, can I tell you something?"
Rosé's brows furrowed together with concern. "Of course you can, baby, you can tell me anything."
"I-I was having a hard time and since you worked late tonight I didn't-I didn't have dinner."
Humming, Rosé placed a gentle hand on her jawline, smiling sadly. "Is my sweet girl hungry then? Do you want me to make you something and help you?"
For the first time that evening, Denali acknowledged her hunger and nodded, shyly looking at her hands in her lap. "Could you maybe make me a quesadilla?"
"Of course, baby girl. I’m so proud of you. Let’s get you to the kitchen and get some food in your tummy, okay?”
“Okay, mommy. I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” Rosé scolded softly, “there’s nothing to be sorry about, darling, I understand how hard it is but instead of looking at those things or not eating I want you to come to me, okay? Can you try that?”
Denali nodded, squeezing Rosé’s hand anxiously. “I can try.”
“Good,” Rosé said, kissing her cheek softly, “just try, that’s all I can ask.”
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rabbitcruiser · 1 day
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National Quesadilla Day
Enjoy the fun and flavor that comes with this festive and delicious day: National Quesadilla Day!
History of National Quesadilla Day
Quesadillas were likely invented in the southern regions of Mexico where Aztecs would have made corn tortillas. It’s unclear exactly who started filling these corn tortillas with cheese. While some have suggested that the quesadilla might have been brought to the West from Spain, it’s more likely that it originated right in Mexico.
Of course, like many dishes, the quesadilla has developed over the years and different variations have evolved into what it is today. Now, these little Tex-Mex sandwiches have popped up in Mexican restaurants throughout the globe.
National Quesadilla Day (Dia de la Quesadilla) was founded in 2020 by V&V Supremo, which is an American company that makes cheese and other Mexican products. The idea for the day is simply to show affection and honor for this little food that can act as a snack or an entire meal.
Put National Quesadilla Day on the calendar and get ready to celebrate!
How to Celebrate National Quesadilla Day
Enjoy celebrating National Quesadilla Day with some of these delightful and delicious ideas:
Eat Some Quesadillas
The perfect way to celebrate National Quesadilla Day is to enjoy eating an order of quesadillas. Head over to a Mexican or Tex-Mex restaurant for lunch with coworkers or dinner with the family, and then order up the chicken quesadillas or cheese quesadillas that are on the menu. Don’t forget to add some guacamole, salsa or pico de gallo for partnering with these tasty, cheesy, Mexican sandwiches.
Make Some Quesadillas at Home
One of the best things about quesadillas is that they are not only delicious but they’re super simple to make! Simply heat a skillet with a bit of oil or non-stick cooking spray. Put a flour tortilla on the skillet. Sprinkle on some cheese, chicken or other fillings. Pop another tortilla on top and let it cook for a few minutes until golden brown. Cut into triangles like a pizza and enjoy!
Host a National Quesadilla Day Fiesta
Looking for an excuse to have a party? Look no further! The only thing better than enjoying quesadillas on your own is having some with friends. Host a little gathering of family, friends or coworkers in honor of National Quesadilla Day.
Invite guests to don their favorite sombrero or perhaps a colorful serape in honor of the day. Decorate with pinatas, cactuses and other brightly colored, themed items. Play some delightful music from south of the border and hand out some maracas from Mexico so that guests can join in on the musical fun.
Drinks can include anything from a Mexican theme, such as Dos Equis beer, Modelo, Corona or Sol Cerveza. Other delightful beverages could include Margaritas, Palomas, or even Horchata. And, of course, the feature food of the evening (and perhaps even the guest of honor) will be a huge platter piled full of tasty and delicious quesadillas!
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A Kinder World AU- Part 5
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Rubius’ Church
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Despite his past, Rubius isn’t much one for religion. The condition for getting his house for cheap was taking up the vacant pastor position at the local church, however, so he has been making the best of it. Services are as non-denominational as he can possibly make them and frequently are a semi-coherent mess of ideas borrowed from various religions mashed together into something approximating a sermon. The general message is always the same however- be kind to each other, don’t commit crimes you can’t handle the punishment for, and try your best to be a decent person. Perhaps something in Rubius’ sermons resonates with people because despite his lack of enthusiasm, most of the town turns up every Sunday to hear him talk. Of course the “communion” snacks he serves at the end of each lecture may have something to do with it too.
1) The belfry has no bell in it, but Maximus and Fit worked together to wire up a speaker system that plays the sound of chiming bells on the hour. The sound system is as weather resistant as they could make it but it isn’t perfect, so every once in a while something short circuits and it’s just endless bell noises on loop until someone can grab a ladder to climb up and turn it off. 
2) There’s a small kitchen off to the side of the sanctuary room and it’s here that the after-service snacks are prepared. On Sundays, Rubius wakes up at sunrise to bake a batch of cookies or try his hand at making muffins. “Unleavened bread” always seemed restrictive and bland to him, so sugary baked goods are a decent compromise in his mind. It’s also a little bit of latent revenge for having to put up with all the children, too; few things make him smile more than sending all the kids home on a sugar high for their parents to deal with. 
3) There are a few potted rose bushes just outside the church entryway. Rubius never planted these and he claims no responsibility for them either, so generally these plants are considered property of the town at large. People will drop by to prune and water them at random, to varying amounts of success, but somehow the roses stay alive anyway. In the spring and summer, they bloom with heady white flowers and fill the air with their fragrance. 
4) In a community as small as Quesadilla, knowing your address is sometimes a little bit pointless when you know every resident by name. Being on the ocean doesn’t help matters, as street names are reserved for topographical maps rather than day to day use. This usually works just fine, except for when it comes to ordering things by mail from the mainland. To remedy this, many Quesadilla residents just put down the address of the church as it’s the only building where the address is printed on the mailbox. Every Tuesday and Thursday, Rubius has to sort through all the mail the church received to figure out what is actually his, much to his exasperation. However, give a spiteful man an inconvenience and he can make something truly funny of it- if he’s going to be unofficially in charge of delivering people’s mail, you can bet he’s going to chuck those packages onto people’s roofs every chance he gets.
5) The small platform adjacent to the steeple is only accessible to a select few: Rubius and those he entrusts with a copy of the key. So far only three people on the island have had this privilege shared with them, but of this small group, only Spreen uses this location with any regularity. It’s a useful place to get away from people for a while and Spreen has a strong disinterest in crowds of all kinds. (Rubius can relate.) It’s a rare day when Spreen and Rubius can be found alone together but when they do choose to suffer each other’s company, it’s always here and in companionable silence.
6) Beyond the steeple and the clean white walls, there’s very little to mark the church as a building intended for public gathering. That’s because a lot of the fancier trappings have been sacrificed in the name of storm safety and weather resistance. The windows are reinforced glass, the roofs checked every Autumn for damage, and the doors have rubber along the bottom to seal out water should unwanted puddles begin to form in unwanted places. Rubius’ house isn’t nearly so storm safe, so he tends to wait out the worst weather here in the church with the hymnals and a mug of instant cocoa. 
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
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u dont have to write a oneshot but if u have any other ideas for psych au…. i am listening 👀
This one won't be a fic just cause it's very hard to write Psych in prose form lol but I do have some ideas!
So Cellbit is a detective (Jules' fill-in) but he's super into the paranormal too. He's goth. His desk is covered in supernatural trinkets, which is how Roier used his 'psychic powers' to tell Cellbit all about himself when they first met. Cellbit, who believes in literally every supernatural creature known to man, immediately believed that this man was a psychic. God help him, he's stupid
Roier is a bit of a player? Kinda like how Shawn had a string of girlfriends before he settled on pursuing and later marrying Jules, Roier had a ton of boyfriends... none of whom actually reciprocated his feelings, but that's fine! He doesn't mind. At all. And the sex was bad, anyway, because he kept accidentally solving crimes during it because he always left the news on as white noise in the background
Roier and Jaiden have been best friends for literally their entire lives and Jaiden is super on board with being a psychic detective with him. She is the one with fewer morals about the whole thing tbh, because...
Roier's grandfather raised him after his parents' deaths. His abuelo was a cop. The best on Quesadilla Island, actually, and he has the same great observational skills that Roier has always had, so he's always been super tough on him. He likes Jaiden fine, but he hates Cellbit for 'corrupting' his grandson with 'delusions of being psychic'. Abueloier is as much of an evil bastard here as he is in canon (he's the Henry stand in lol)
And Bobby is Roier's legitimate son. He hooked up with a girl, the girl had Bobby, and she left him with Roier, and he's been raising him with Jaiden co-parenting since. He is Not happy about the psychic stuff, but he also likes seeing Uncle Spreen (aka the Lassie stand-in) pissed, soooo
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chefrishabhsingh · 4 months
How To Make Quesarito Taco Bell Recipe
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The Quesarito is a popular menu item from Taco Bell that combines the best of both worlds: a cheesy quesadilla wrapped around a beefy burrito. This indulgent and flavorful dish has gained a cult following for its irresistible combination of melty cheese, seasoned beef, and savoury toppings. While you can always satisfy your cravings with a trip to Taco Bell, making your own Quesarito at home allows you to customize the ingredients and enjoy this delicious treat anytime. Let's dive into the recipe and learn how to make this Taco Bell-inspired Quesarito!
For the Quesadilla:
- 4 large flour tortillas
- 2 cups shredded Mexican blend cheese
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
For the Burrito Filling:
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 packet (1 ounce) taco seasoning mix
- 1/4 cup water
For Assembly:
- 1 cup cooked white rice
- 1 cup refried beans
- 1 cup shredded lettuce
- 1 cup diced tomatoes
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1/2 cup guacamole
- Hot sauce or salsa (optional)
- Vegetable oil for grilling
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crynwr-drwg · 1 year
I love my partner so, so, so much. He's a really great cook, best and favourite one I've ever seen, and he's told me before a lot of what he judges and tells what to do is based off smell or some shite? I tried to copy that, but I can't fucking tell anything so idk. Great thing though? In trying to make some quesadilla filling, and I didn't know if I should add more of X y or z, so I brought it to him, and I didn't tell cunt what was in it, but he instantly just said "oh add more X" fuck yeah, man
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kicksomebuttmama · 4 months
75 Hard Day 1
Started the day with my 20-minute indoor workout, this YouTube video by growwithjo. It was super upbeat and low impact, so I could pick my baby up and keep moving whenever she got bored of playing (every 5 minutes or so).
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Then we did a 45-minute stroller walk, just shy of 2 miles. I usually move a little quicker, but baby was fussy!
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My goal is two fruits and two veggies each day. Here's what I ate today (will probably have a snack in the evening too).
Breakfast: honey nut cheerios with bananas and blueberries
Snack: two cuties, 1/2 crumbl cookie
Lunch: homemade chicken salad (chicken, apple, celery, red onion, dried cranberries, Greek yogurt, mayo) and club crackers
Snack: celery and peanut butter, smoothie with banana, blueberries, and spinach
Dinner: food truck quesadilla
Water: full gallon finished before dinner! I use my copycat hospital bottle that I've been obsessed with since giving birth. I fill it with ice and that usually melts before I get to drink it. Drinking a ton of water isn't tough for me, but drinking it all so early in the day meant a lot more potty breaks and keeping baby busy in the bathroom with me!
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Progress Pic
Spot the winter tan lines and yet-to-be unpacked guest room! Moving with a baby is hard work! It's not the best progress shot in terms of angles and showing my exact shape, but it'll do. I'm not sure I'll post my progress pic every day or if I'll just take them for myself.
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thecoolblackwaves · 5 months
It's chicken and cheese, not skimpy with the fillings at all, but then they topped it with crema fresca, cojito cheese, shredded cabbage, onion, tomato, cilantro, and avocado?!?!?!
New favorite Mexican restaurant for sure. Holy fuck. This is so amazing
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