#Becuase I find that headcanon funny
breakandbuildfiction · 5 months
Friends On The Other Side
As much as they don’t like it, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz know that there are parts of Danny’s life that they aren’t a part of. So when he asks if they want to meet some of his other friends they quickly say yes. And while they expected his other friends to not be human, they didn’t expect them to not be ghosts either. Where did Danny say they met again?
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flowermodd · 2 months
Laito Sakamaki yandere headcanons
🎩 Due to fact that he was neglected by his mother (just like his brothers), so when he mets the Sacrificial Bride that her blood taste similar with Cordelia's, despite that she doesn't even have her heart to begain with.
🎩 Oh boy, he would be lusted for it.
🎩 Laito finds that she still has faith in God is pretty funny.
🎩 He won't accept to share with others, not even with his brothers.
🎩 Due to his posessive and preverted nature, Laito would force her to do things that are against her will.
🎩 He wants to believe that she is Cordelia and that she came back (refusing to believe oyher wise).
🎩 Laito would force her to have intimacy, because that what he thinks this is what love means.
🎩 He would consume her blood until he starts to have fealings for her.
🎩 Laito would humilate her but doesn't like when the others humitates her, asking if they have death wish.
🎩 Laito doesn't want to share with Ayato and Kanato (if they dare to drink her blood because, again, is similar with Cordelia's).
🎩 Because Laito would mistook her with Cordelia, he would like to make her his immediately.
🎩 If he understand the genuine love, he (maybe) would not view her as Cordelia and more like her own person.
🎩 If not, he would twist his love for her by having sex with her.
🎩 Laito would call her most of the times "Little Bitch" but it would escalates to call her all derogatory names that he can find. Like for example slut (becuase she is only Little Bitch and nothing more).
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(Note: I tried the best to make Laito closer to the canon best as possible, but he has Cordelia's apparence then Karlheinz's.)
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Summary : headcanon version¡ Miles (42! & 1610!) Hobie brown , Pavtir Prabhakar , and gwen stacy. Finding out your Mlp collection.
Miles Morales
●It all started with u beeing good at drawing horses. Miles was impressed and asked how you draw so good.
"Its cause I drew them alot"
●Miles was amazed on how knowledgeable about real facts on horses and the mythologyical one too. Unicorns? Alicorns? Pegasus? Please you can draw them blinded.
●But no matter what your explanation may be Miles just has a little suspicion that its not just cause your born to draw horses. He caught u doodling a purple oddly familiar alicorn.
"Hey what's that?" Miles pointed at your doodles as you closed your sketch book in emberassment. "nothing!"
●It was a normal day you and Miles on your dorm room studying suddenly beeing called by your roomates outside for some help. Miles was left in your dorm he was kicking his foot til he hit a box to hard making it fall down to reveal....
●You walked in to your dorm Miles brushing celestia's hair. You froze. Your soul leaving your body. Miles turned to you in a innocent smile.
"So you like my little pony? I still remember you drawing the purple one! What's her name? Sprakle Sprinkle?"
●It was funny when Miles deliberately or unintentionally mistakes the ponies name and you always corrected him. He once called chrysalis the alien pony. He called Cozy glow a crazy bitch when you forced him to watch all 9 seasons of the show including movies and mlpstopmotion videos.
●Loves the apple family and pinkie pie.
"I cant believe you watched this as a kid. I can understand how your so good at drawing horses now"
Gwen Stacy
●Gwen and you werent too close in the beginning .It was just you two were seatmates so she notice on your "subtle" referance to the show. Be it the elements of harmony colored gems sticker on your notebook. Your twilight sparkle cutiemark earings. Or just you doodling the treehouse of harmony.
"I like your earings"
"T-thank you"
●It was kind of normal of your friends picking or joking on your mlp obsession. It sometimes makes you left out since you couldnt for the life of God relate to alot of they're series of the month. It was hard for you to not cringe at Live action. You were used to animation. The live action just felt stiff compared to animation. Gwen never understood your friends she thought it was cool how you memorize ponies name cutie marks even backround ones.
●It was lunch time and Gwen went to her classroom early and theyre she saw you watching the wedding of shinning armor and cadence. Face full of food as you watch intently.
●Gwen smiled sitting next to you. "Mind if I sit next to you?" You jolted and fell of your chair luckily Gwen caught you. Eversince that day you watched mlp episodes with Gwen everylunch.
●She loved doing theories. Like why theyre never been a baby alicorn born till flurry heart. The connections of equestria magic and the human worls. Loves the idea of Discord beeing the last draconequus and finding solice in invading worlds to feel not alone.
●Loves the seaponies.
"God I love applejack love her honestyand loyalty to her family! And the cutie mark crusaders are adorable! Sweetie Pie is the cutest!"
Hobie Brown
●He didnt meet you as Hobie brown but as spider-punk. It was an accident when beating up some corrupt cops near by he saw you full pinkie pie cosplay. You wearing a pink wig with a blue , pink , and yellow cupcake dress. It caught him off guard of your ballon accecories. He got kicked in the face becuase he was distracted watching you.
●Eversince he saw you he tried seeing you again but god hates him. He couldnt find for the life of himself. He tried going to cons wandering around finding any familar cosplay. He called it a night at 3rd day going till.
"I am sorry-"
●It was you with the same pink wig , ballon clips , pink , blue and yellow cupcake dress.
"You look dench in that."
"Thank you! I worked really hard on the dress"
●Eversince that day Hobie offered to ask you about the cosplay finding out your suppose to cosplay pinkie pie from mlp. He was a little confuse at first but after watching 4 seasons he gets it. It took him a while to catch up but he thinks the show is enjoyable at the least.
●You convinced him to cosplay twilight as you cosplayed spike. Imagine him with purple glitter extensions , a pony ears and horn with wings. It was funny but he didnt mind. He was Qreally into you wearing loads of spikes on your outfit since you were cosplaying a dragon.
●When he showed up like that on a meeting with Miguel he didnt give a single crap only reapeting.
"I look awesome and you aint doing nothing about it"
●He loves discord and pinkie pie but has a soft spot for thorax.
"The changelings look cool before and after. You can't CHANGE my mind"
Pavtir Prabhakar
●200% already knew about the show. Was actually obsessed as a kid but nobody like to talk about it with him well except for you.
●You two rant about the better element and pony almost every week.
"How dare you ..."
"I am sorry-"
"You say that to Rarity" *caressing Rarity plushie backpack*
●He honestly jsut took potery just to make mlp statues why? To flex on you thats why.
●Will and have bought every single main six plushies but you have the cards of the mainsix and princesses. Even his favourite. Big Mac. This man has begged and pleqded for that card but he held it ONCE.
●How can you hate him so much? It was all for the tease and who got the best merch.
●Loves loves spike and starlight.
"C'mon trade with meeeeee"
Miles G.
●You hid your mlp intrest from him to the point he never even visited your apartment. Not once.
"Hey can we hang out your place?"
"Sorry I have a rat infestation"
●He didnt push it any further and so everytime he asked theyre was a new excuse. The bathroom sink broke. My AC isnt working well. The place is a Mess. A fire recently happend. I almost got robbed so its unsafe. Excuses and Excuses.
●But this time you can't escape. It was you having you having a fever so he had to go your apartment. Nothing out of the ordinary it wasn't to big or to small but when he entered your room.
●Your bed was surrounded with mlp plushies from the main six , to the princesses , to the ponies of pony vill and more. Rapped in a twilight cutie mark pattern blabket sick out of your mind you stood up looking at Miles in you fluttershy pajamas.
"So this is why you dont want me to come here?"
"Ughhhh ... Shut up your lucky I am sick"
●Since you getting sick it became a habit of Miles just watching an Mlp episode or two to cool off. One time Uncle Aaron walked pass him watching the mlp movie and he was flabergasted to the brim.
"The hell are you watching?"
"Something good got a problem?"
●He likes to see your collection of mlp castles his favorite the crysatl empire the little flurry heart jusg warms his heart.
●He loves fluttershy but relates to applejack about family and uses Raindbow dashed motto.
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tinyapplejuice · 28 days
Lawriecolt headcanons pls? 👀
•Lawrie’s the type of guy to deny that he likes Colt and even admit that he hates him but cannot spend a single day and every second where he doesn’t think of that pretty man and kissing his lips. Lawrie beats himself up for this.
•Lawrie gets easily nervous just by the slightest mention of Colt so everytime he sees Colt, he turns red. And Colt finds that really funny not like ‘aww he’s adorable!! ^^ teehee!’ no, it’s more like ‘hah he looks really goofy’. Bonus Lawrie tries to play it cool and it may or may not work BECUASE he doesn’t want Colt to tease him.
•Lawrie STARES like I truly mean it, whenever he sees that man. He will be quick to look and relish his beauty even though he despises it.
•Colt’s good luck, charisma, and gun tricks definitely caught Lawrie’s attention and that was probably how this rabbit hole started. It was probably a small encounter but he fell in love at first sight.
•Could I confess that Lawrie first probably brushed the thought of Colt before he started to think of him almost everyday and that turned into hatred before falling in love? UGHH HES SUCH A LOSER!!!!!!! LOSER ALERT!!!!!
•Colt is an absolute drama queen when he gets one small cut on his face, Lawrie is annoyed by it everytime whenever he hears Colt complain but that small cut doesn’t change his perspective on him.
•Lawrie may never admit but he respects Colt, I mean their jobs are similar. Colts a sheriff and he’s a cop and they basically get bad guys. I do think Colt takes his job somewhat seriously and doesn’t goof off. So Lawrie may regard him for his job but not his personality.
•Oh Lawrie hates Colt’s personality but at the same time, he gets butterflies from him! That charming smile, that little laugh whenever he’s proud of himself, that makes Lawrie go crazy!!!
•I could see like Colt teasing Lawrie whenever he does something better and that causes Lawrie to immediately go angry and red. He wants to rip that man to shreds in a loving way!!! But also in a non loving way.. Colt is definitely the one to push Lawrie’s buttons.
•Larry, sigh… he’s the victim of Lawrie’s rants.. he tries to reassure Lawrie that he’s going to be fine and such but he just has to witness his brother go in a love and hate relationship with the sheriff.
•Lawrie grits his teeth and it looks like he’s mad but he’s not. He’s just mad flustered because the very thought of Colt had appeared in his mind.
•Whenever Lawrie blurts out a compliment by accident, Colt will look at him and says something along the lines “hehe, I know right?” with a smirk.
•It will be both interesting and sad if their love is one sided. Like Lawrie is obsessed with Colt and truly loves him but Colt doesn’t mind or notice and just say that he’s a silly guy. UGHHHHH like Colt probably think Lawrie is just a somewhat decent guy to hang out with instead of having an actual crush on him…. GRRRR
I may or may not be a sucker for Larry and Lawrie ships (minus the weird and inappropriate ones) it’s not my intention to my ship headcanons but I JUST LOVE LARRY AND LAWRIE LIKE I DONT CARE IF ITS NOT MY OTP I WILL EAT ANY MEDIA OF THEM!!!!
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fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern AU) - Stomach Troubles
Jaskier sometimes wishes he was a Witcher. Who wouldn't want to basically have superpowers? He admires Geralt's enhanced strength and senses, and his resilience, sturdiness, and overall hardiness.
The man could probably stub his toe on the coffee table and have his toenail hanging on by a scrap of skin and just casually be like "Oh, well f**k. Would you look at that?" as if he were commenting on the weather.
If Jaskier stubbed his toe, it would be game over. That would be it. He'd be on the ground in the fetal position, writing his Will because he was dying.
What Jaskier really admires about Geralt is his constitution. Geralt regularly eats the mystery leftovers that he finds in the back of the fridge that have been hiding there for heaven knows how long.
It still smells good, and it's not all green and runny yet, so..
He could literally eat out of the garbage and be perfectly fine. H*ll, he could probably eat roadkill, maggots and all, and be like food-borne illnesses and parasites? What are those?
If something does manage to upset his stomach, it's usually mild. A rancid fart here and there, maybe a slightly sour stomach. Nothing he can't sleep off.
Jaskier wishes he had a stomach like Geralt's. His diet isn't the best, so he sometimes has to deal with various digestive issues. Most of them are mild issues, like the common upset stomach, acid reflux, and mild cases of needing to make a quick run for the nearest toilet.
He doesn't like to complain and bother his friends, so he tries his best to deal with the problem on his own. Sometimes, he'll ask Yennefer for one of her potions if he starts feeling too much discomfort.
He doesn't have to deal with digestive issues too often, though, because Yennefer is usually the one making their meals. She does it becuase she refuses to allow Jaskier and Geralt to "eat like stoners". Healthy meals are the norm, though she does let them order take away once in a while.
But Jaskier isn't always at home for every meal. He does gigs with his band and sometimes spends days on the road, going from city to city, or he spends a few days at Madeleine's house when they are working on their projects. Those are the times when Jaskier eats whatever the f**k he wants, and often eats too much of it in one go. Most of the time he suffers no ill effects, aside from a little indigestion.
Madeleine wonders how he never seems to have problems until he gets into the car. Then he's ripping a** , and there's no escape. She has the suspicion that he always does it in the car because he knows she can't get out. And it always smells like a dead animal.
Sometimes, he ends up destroying Madeleine's bathroom. And he always seems to run out of toilet paper when it happens. Then he has to yell through the door.
Madeleine pushes the end of a bog roll under the door and lets him unravel it as he needs, or , if she's feeling brave, she'll take a deep breath, yank the door open, toss the bog roll in grenade-style, then slam the door shut before the miasma can leak out.
Yennefer has warned her about not giving him Pepto-Bismol. She said it turns his tongue black, and he thinks it's funny to try to lick her. Yennefer has learned this from experience.
Yennefer has also been the victim of Jaskier's childish sense of humor. The little b**tard will innocently come and sit across her lap on the couch. He'll lean into her and rest his head on her shoulder, the very image of 'I need a cuddle'. He'll snuggle down, and get cozy, and then he'll shift, rip a** on her, and run away cackling while Yennefer chokes on the horrid crud vapors.
It's so rank, she swears she just got pink eye from it.
And it's funny as h*ll when he cracks one in Van Roach with Geralt and Yennefer. The Witcher is always the first one to smell it, and it hits his nose like a f***ing freight train. He's cussing and gagging, and his shoulder is making these tiny, desperate circles as he frantically tries to turn the old-school window crank fast enough to get the window down before he passes out from the smell.
Meanwhile, Yennefer is wondering what the f**k he's doing. And then she's b*tching at him because rolling the window down has done nothing but forcefully circulate the smell and now she can smell it.
Then she's jumping Jaskier's a** for eating whatever the f**k it was that made that cheek flapper smell like maggoty garbage on a hot day. He'll do it in public too.
He'll drop an air biscuit, then just walk away, leaving one of them standing in it.
Once, after eating some really spicy, greasy tacos with Eskel, he went home and asked Geralt to help him find something in the big upstairs closet. They started looking through the storage boxes, and after a few minutes, Jaskier dropped that hydrogen bomb he'd been holding in and slammed the door shut, trapping Geralt in the closet with it.
Yennefer had laughed when she'd been told about it, because well, it hadn't been her stuck in that closet.
She always threatens some creatively unpleasant consequences if Jaskier keeps eating all that sh*t food he likes so much. She constantly reminds him about his acid reflux, and tells him she's not going to just drop everything and come running everytime he eats something he shouldn't have and thinks he's having a heart attack.
Jaskier tries not to eat what results in stomach issues, but sometimes he just can't help it. Some foods are just too tasty to turn down! And when it's all you can eat... Of course he's going to get his money's worth! Consequenes? Meh, he'll worry about those later!
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fanficfish · 7 months
came on tumblr to find some funny fanart and history facts but i blew theough my feed so funky wrring ideas time!
here's a little hogwarts x hetalia idea i was working on to entertain myself the other day
So the premise was that, y'know how in HP there's dragons and a couple are Scandinavian? Norweigen Eidgeback, Sweedish Shoetsnout. And Denmark has a magical government. Finland the personification also probably has some magic because of the whole santa thing, and just becuase tou can't see norway's trolls doesn't mean you don't know Hp magic cuz even muggles can see that stuff. So let's assume countries could see HP magic, just not always do it themselves. And i would hope they know about their magical governmwnts except maybe America who is in denial. Actually maybe Germany doesn't know either but you canMt tell me the Nordics don't know about theirs, not when Norway is right there and Iceland literally has A TALKING BIRD and can probably dk magic if he wanted to and Sweden is up in the air (i like the headcanon he's very much in need of a new glasses prescription) but i want to say he does because finland + isn't durnatrang somewhere up there and potentially in Sweden? And Denmark, well he's besties with Norway sooooo
also you can't tell me they didn't know for 1000 years like c'mon. Older countries def know about magic and younger countries are like modern people, they don't believe it unless it's smack in their face. Can't tell me HTTYD came out of nowhere either and is based on VIKINGS-
anyways lets say this is set like 2000s after stuff dies down
so i had this little picture where the nordics got really bored and what did they do? Hey look, a dragon! Let's ride it!
iceland thinks it's a bad idea but nation power = animals galore so anyways now Norway and Swedenband suprirsingly Denmark are being menaces on dragons. Finland is filmin but soon joins Sweden on his Sweedish Shortsnout. Iceland will keep his feet on the ground thank you very much he does not like flying, when his whole thing is boats and water and fishing.
well before he knows it, the Nordics have a new paatime: professional dragon riding. And professional HTTYD-type fighting. Cuz wizards love old stuff like that.
they get a little popular to Iceland's annoyance
anyways at some point they end up at hogwarts and oh joy this is fine. Iceland just has to talk to each year, because five days = mornings + afternoons = ten slots for this little guest series and if they give years 1-7 one of those slots each and then some extra time for the COMC class and then pne more day for doing whatever like demos or stuff or in case of a delay, it works out peefectly! Iceland as the one not riding gets deemed "the lresenter" but its fine he leads tours of his home all the time anyways being in tourism buisness.
and anyways they're using Norway's usual ruse of "my name is Lukas Bondevik, heir of the Ancient House lf Bondevik" and Sweden pulls out his "my laat name is Oxenstierna" card whoch Denmark stares and gapes at. While sweden snickers, and Iceland just triesbto figure out s family tree to explain that one because seriously you guys one day the public will realize something's up idc if the both governments muggle and matic said it's fine-
anyways he always starts his spiel to the children with with "don't try this at home dragons are DANGEEROUS, yes rhe hirncolor is natural, and for the older ones "no i am taken i am not single" (he's refering to having a life partner in a bird as his one truest friend btw)
and iceland is just kinda done by the end lf it, cuz he's on the ground and the nordics are showing off more and more and finally on the laat day after telling everyone he doesnt fly for pwrsonal reaskns he loses it at Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland teasing him and oop now he's flying and the others are scrambling a little because it's Iceland that knows things the wizards want to know, and Denmark is trying to keep it together while Norway takes pics and Sweden is flying because kh gosh iceland gkt on NORWAY's dragon and Finland is laughing. Hogwarts is amazed the 17 year. Old can also fly but also omfg-
and that's as far as i got for now tbh
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science-lings · 1 year
I like to headcanon Wind’s dark beast form as an octopus.
Specifically becuase I think he’s enough of a little shit (/affectionate) to find immense joy in suckering himself to the side of someone’s face and refusing to be removed 🐙
oh I love that, octopi are very funny creatures clever little bastards of the sea. He leaves sucker marks on the people he likes lmao.
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vbee-miya · 2 years
Loved the matchups now can I have a normal one for haikyuu and demon slayer
A male one btw
I'm a straight short girl use she/her pronouns, im around 5'2 with long brown hair and eyes and a leo also a infp,im also ace as for which one im not too sure atm as i just found out not ling ago. I'm 21. I like anime,dragons,reptiles,drawing but I'm not good,tarantulas,sweets,video games, memes,dark humor. I am very kind but I care more about others than I do myself. I have bad anxiety. I tend to overthink about everything. I love to sing especially country music but I am tone deaf. I have trouble standing up for myself because I was bullied alot. I can be very blunt. I also love to swear. I can be very loud. I love a good mystery and cop shows. I love dad jokes and puns.I am terrified of bees and heights. I am very lazy but I can be good at doing stuff if motivated. , unless I know it will happen or if I touch someone. I accidentally snap at people and I find people's pain hilarious so if someone gets hurt there is a good chance I will laugh at them. I sound meaner than intended sometimes. I can have trouble showing that im thankful at times. I pick at scabs as a nervous habit. I love to add alot of lemon juice to my tea to where it's more lemon than tea. When I'm woken up early with low sleep I am very mean and grumpy. I cant tell when people are joking and take it seriously. I do have asphergers which is a form of autism. Becuase of it I am a very picky person with foods and such.
I am very kind but people take advantage of it and I don't usually fight back. I also have adhd and I can go on forever about something but I don't know when to stop and should be told to if it's getting annoying. I have self esteem issues at times as well.
I am a bit overweight it isn't shown well I have thick thighs and am just a but chubby around the stomach it isn't noticeable unless I wear somethign small I usually wear large t-shirts.I have a few weird talents. I can put my foot behind my head while standing and both while sitting down. I can burp for 14 seconds. I have been told I have resting bitch face. When someone stops talking to me my attention goes to something else so I won't be able to hear what they said if they say something again so I end up saying what alot cause I loose focus easily. I am incredibly stubborn if I want something done.
For dislikes I don't like people who don't understand that I'm different and ignore my sensitivities. I also don't like smoking it bothers me. For my love languages im not too sure probably gift giving or quality time as I love to just laze around in bed and play games.
༺❀༻ matchup ༺❀༻
haikyuu one
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honestly i was going to match you with issei.
but daichi is definitely a better fit. he’s a sexy cop man that’s all I can say. but listen issei is also just as sexy and working in a funeral is sexy.
anyways daichi. he’d think your adoration for dragons and reptiles are pretty damn cool just like your drawings. because headcanon he can’t draw for shit and even if he did try it still wouldn’t look like what he’d want.
i also can’t keep thinking about how daichi low key looks like thomas crusader. if not by looks then definitely the vibes. idk that’s just my random take.
anyways your humor and his humor certainly don’t fit like puzzle pieces. but he’d try to understand dark humor which honestly he still wouldn’t find funny. though if it’s a funny meme then what the hell. he’ll give a good deep of a laughter. but he can’t resist a good dad joke and actually would be clever enough to come up with new ones when you guys are taking a stroke in some place.
he’d be weary of you about not fully putting yourself first than others, and he’ll remind you that. he’d make sure you’re taking care of yourself and even if it’s difficult he’ll be there to motivate you. after all you are talking to a former volleyball captain. it’s only natural he’s good with words and motivations of that sorts.
when you overthink he’ll hear you out but pull you back into reality. and tell you to take everything one step at a time. no matter how much you’re thinking about something, the moment you start getting ahead of yourself daichi would pull you out of the loop hole and take time to live in the moment and critically think about things one step at a time and make sure those steps aren’t just empty words but actions as well.
you’re bluntness might scare him, but honestly it’s more of the fact that he appreciates you for it. not many people who say they’re blunt are blunt. he’d also completely ignore you swearing. not that he’s got a problem he just wouldn’t care for it unless if it’s around his parents then he’ll have a word with you elsewhere. really playing that cop fantasy.
as mean as you may portray or perceive yourself daichi knows you’ve got a good heart. and even though it’ll take time for him to actually understand everything about you, just know in those times of being together he’s got insane patience and will never ignore you sensitivities. and like any decent human being will always accept you for who you are and will help you get better because you make them feel like they can also better themselves.
daichi even as great of a motivator as he is sucks at getting motivated. that’s only a joke though but if you give him something in exchange or even a simple talk in quality time he’ll forever be grateful to you. and also i will like to add quality time with you and daichi is watching action acclaimed shows and movies especially ones with cops and he’d play judge and see how well thought out and played the roles of the law are.
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the-kings-of-games · 2 years
Hey, saw you character thing! I would love to hear your thoughts on Rio since you already did Ryoga 🥰
Thanks for the ask, @raventsurara!
How I feel about this character: I really like her!! Rio was completely different from what I expected when she woke up; she's so OP, lmao.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Can't say, lol. Haven't really written her.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Kari and Hart. :) In my headcanon, Stolenshipping, once they get together, start merging their families, and so their siblings and parents start hanging out with each other more. I think Rio would love a big sister and a little brother.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't think I have any? Most people speak well of Rio, so I don't know what there's to disagree with about her. If anything, she's put on a pedestal (not that she doesn't belong there) by fans becuase she's a female duelist, which is fine and all, but I find it much more interesting that she's a younger sibling who duels.
Funny enough, there's so many siblings in YGO, but it's usually the older brother who's the duelist and not the young sibling. And not only that, Rio stands out because she's also good at it and life in general (being smart, athletic, pretty, and charming).
She didn't need development, she was great from the get-go. u_u
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: As oppose to Shark v. Rio duels, I would love to see a Kastle partner team. I mean their decks share the same vibe, one being ice and the other being water. Would've been banger. They have the Arclights a team duel. 030
Send an ask my way! I've watched all the series. 👀👀👀
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boxloonaer · 2 years
do you think chase likes horror movies
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lizandbo · 3 years
cuddling w/ mha bois<3
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-ok, but like c’mon this man is the fcuking definition of “cuddles4life”
- the best cuddles by far
- if he would be goin in the contest for who’s the best cuddling partner it would be him
- i would like to think either he loves spooning you or/ and facing each other and talking about whatever the fuck ya want and give occasional kisses n pecks
- he loves to cuddle you, anytime and anywhere he could get his cuddles he would
- in his sleep, he would sprawl out like a mf starfish
- numerous of times he pushed you off the bed becuase of it
- it wasn’t fun when he woke up, and see you weren’t there...so was trying to look for you cuz like...he needs his cuddlingz>:O
- but then he stepped on you, trampled a bit, left for you to fucking perish from being stepped on like a mcfucking rat
- so yeah you def woke up then
- anyway, besides you dying on the ground... comfort cuddling is a fuckin must
- always always always cuddles when you have a bad day
- cuddles everyday
- if you dont like cuddling well to fucking bad becuase here we are cuddling
- wait why did i say if you dont like cuddling..then why are you even reading about this, this is everything about cuddling
wtf is wrong with me
- completely covers you, no matter what, tall? Short? Extra meat on your bones? Who the fuck cares, he’s still cuddling you
- its his mission to cuddle you
- hugs are a must too
- also i headcanon he has to have a fan while sleeping too
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- when you asked for cuddles, he questioned “what the hell is that, a fighting move or sometin?”
- like, bro...never heard of C U D D L I N G?!
- he didnt really like cuddling at first, he didnt know what to do, where did he put his clammy ass hands? am i holding them too tight?
-its this whole big ordeal about him being stiff as a fucking board, and then he got too hot cuz he’s a human heater
- i almost said human eater
- BUT! After a month or so, he got the gist of it:)
- likes when your head is on his chest and vice versa
- but normally he wakes up weird, there is no telling if he’s gonna have a sleepy pillow fight with you while he’s sleeping because he still is dangerous in his fucking SLEEP
- softly talks in his sleep too
- but its not softly cuz like, god damnnn does he have a gravely voice
- its concerning? At least for meXD
- he also likes to lay on your thighs and lay his head on your stomach
- sweats in bed:( I’m sorry but he does
- every morning has sweat in the fucking bed
- you guys have no blanket, but yet he still fucking sweats
- anyways, I think he would be a light sleeper, so if you move in bed too much...he will wake you up and telling you that you woke him up
- but your like?? Ok, i woke you but why you have to wake me?? Bitch??
- but in his god damn peabrain thinks its a win win so;-;
- he wouldn’t cuddle during the day tho, he has a reputation to keep up
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- flustered boi
- he’s a very cuddly person but at the same time tho, he doesnt know what to do
- i feel liek when he was a child, ya know how Inko was very close (and still very close) to midoriya?well, maybe they cuddled together?
- when he was having a bad day or somethinf
- he fucking LOVES cuddling
- he mumbles and rambles while cuddling a lot too
- either It would be hero’s, how much he loves you, etc
- basically everything under the fucking sun
- cuddles give his anxiousness a break for once
- his favorite position is liek hugging you built cuddling at the same time, does that make senseXD
- he has a lot snacks in the bed so he gets nasty ass crumbs in the bed
- but he does feed you snack at the same time so, how could you say no?
- late night snacks is a yes
- the snack choice is yours
- ok idk why this popped into my head..by what if they have like all might themed..goldfish or like teddy gram cracker thingys ya know?
- if they are real he would def have them
- looks at his phone at night too, so he would have one arm around you and scrolling on his phone:)
- while your here to fucking die like a mf shriveled up rat, suffocated from izuku’s neck
- ok, i never cuddled anyone but, everyone said I shove their heads into their s/o neck, but like wouldn’t they just cant breathe?
- I’m curiousXD
- ok this is about you and izuku cuddling not MY FUCKING THOUGHTS
- anyway, yeah, izuku loves to hold you in his arms, it makes you actually feel real
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- stiff as a motherfuckin stone slab
- he doesnt know what to do when someone is touching him becuase he is a touch starved baby:(
- hair messy in the mornings too
- just like Bakugo, he would question what the fuck is cuddling
- i feel like he would find cuddling fun and precious becuase he never experienced it
- the only ’affection‘ that he would ever get was form Fuyumi, but it wasn’t really affection
- he has seen so many toxic relationships, cuddling never was spoken of
- plus once you do it daily, he’s gonna act pretty pouty when you leave from a cuddling session
- but still has that stoic face™
- he likes spooning, he doesnt care if he is a lil spoon or a big one
- he really loves anything but..he does really like spooning
- it would be very...quiet
- it doesnt matter if you are cuddling in the middle of the day or at night
- he’s more a listener than a speaker, this might be obvious but oh well
- I just think he would love cuddles but if anyone interrupts then he’s gonna be more upset cuz liek...HE LOVES OYU AND WANNA HAVE THE BEST TIME IN THE WORLD WITH YOU-
- he’s a real simp for ya btw
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- movies + cuddling = Y E S
- he always has movies as a background becuase he doesnt really like silence
- he doesnt care if he sweats, he will have the blanket either way
- also a blanket hogger
- it would be good at some point becuase you wouldn’t sweat like him
- back to the movie part, he always watches the same damn thing over and over again
- to the point that he knows all the lyrics to multiple movies
- his favoircuddling position is when he’s on top of you
- I’m sorry but he sprawls like mf starfish too
- soemtimes you cant breathe...but we aint talking bout thattttt:)
- plays monster’s inc A LOT
- no matter how many fucking times he sees it, he still laughs in the funny parts of the movie like a fucking hyena
- plays video games a lot so hes gonna have a bunch of video game dates with you
-Mario cart and cuddles? Yes fucking please
- sign me the fuck up
- also the best at Mario cats and 60 seconds
- even tho you both are up at like 2AM playing video games and cuddling each other likethe life depends on you guys
- you.are.cuddling.no.matter.fucking.WHAT
- he likes to interlock his finngers too
- he ALSO (once againXD) likes to zap you for no fucking reason
- fucked up prick >:(
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wyrm-in-a-closet · 2 years
Suitcase for the character ask thingy!! >:)
SUITCASEEEEEEEEE my favorite luggage carrier ever
favorite thing about them: their character relationships. Suitcase has so many good dynamics with other characters
least favorite thing about them: can I say the fact that I didn't realize how good of a character they were at first? yes. that.
favorite line: am shit at remembering lines unfortunately. no favorite one :(
brOTP: she can be besties with everyone I think
OTP: as I'm not a huge shipping person don't think I have one (aroace suitcase <3)
nOTP: idk i guess just. any weird ships (keep her away from Nickel at all costs-)
random headcanon: okay not exactly a headcanon but. where did Suitcase get those tools in episode 2 and where've they been since then. does she normally carry them around? did she just have them? where did she put them during the bucket brigade? (the only other time we've seen open suitcase, iirc)
unpopular opinion: suitcase deserves better
song i associate with them: I need to find more very specific songs about very specific characters becuase I do not have on here
favorite picture of them: I've seen some hilarious suitcase faces in my days. also whenever she's open is just. funny to me. (I don't have any pictrues on hand and don't wanna dig up any
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calpalsworld · 2 years
Random ninjago aromantic and asexual headcanons. to cope. O_ o nsfw cw: mentioning sex being a thing that exists.
Has a type and admires the way people look. But doesn’t have any sexual feelings whatsoever and is confident in that.
A little defensive when someone first asks about his asexuality, because he completely understands himself, but assumes others wont understand.
(Same goes for his identity overall, because he is used to his annoying dad who understands absolutely nothing)
Has had sex and only came to the realization at like age 30 that sex is pretty mid.
Aromantic Asexual
She has always thought romance and attraction is sooooo silly!
Aromantic Asexual
Preformed attraction for a long time before realizing how he really feels
As an important person, he always felt pressured to find a partner
Also felt pressured to like women because he is trans
Would get “crushes” / date people he actually just admires.
Crushes are LAME. Its cooler to CRUSH your enemies.
He went through so many labels. Assumed he was straight then thought he was gay because guys are beautiful as fuck and its cool to kiss the homies. But he was actually neither.
Doesn’t understand feeling romantic towards someone??? Like... what the...???
Kinda gets crushes and wants to have a nice time with them... but doesn’t want to like.. love each other... what the????
Feels conflicted because he wants to be sweet when he hooks up with someone but he doesn’t want them to think he LOVES them.
Has probably been in an awkward situation where someone chases after his ship as it departs because they are so in love with him. They give a romantic farewell speech and the last thing he shouts back is “no worries! im aromantic!”
Listens to edgy love songs and gets mad when its about love and not other emotions
Wu would joke about Morro getting a girlfriend and it made Morro embarrassed :(
Vents to the other ghosts about how romance is stupid and they get it.
Aromantic Asexual
Yes. The funny skeleton. He just gives me those vibes ok. He and Nuckal are “All or Nothing”
And I’m sure more are aro / ace but I don’t make orientation head canons for every character
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Hello! Sorry to bother you but like Dad Karasuma and son Karma HCs if possible? Like Karma's parents weren't really there for him and I just imagine Karasuma taking him in becuase he found out Karma bring neglected. It would probably happen after graduation when Karasuma didn't find Karma's parents.
Hi hi!! Aww you’re not bothering me!! 🥰
Karma and Karasuma: Father & Son headcanons
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I think for this to happen, Karma would have to get…really comfortable around Karasuma. Like there would have to be a bond.
I’m not sure how likely this is, considering both their characters and what goes on towards the end of canon, but since it’s an au, let’s say…
They move into Karasuma’s apartment together, which is small but it’s fine. It takes a lot of adjustment from Karma tho, since he used to have a whole huge house to himself.
Karasuma tries to prepare meals for both of them in the beginning but he fails. His first time, the kitchen nearly burns down and they have to order takeout. He apologizes to Karma, who just finds the whole thing funny lol.
After that, they either make meals together or Karma handles a good chunk of it alone. They both have pretty bad diets in canon, so by living together lol, it cancels out and they actually start to eat healthier.
Karasuma left Karma's room alone for him to decorate by himself. And so Karma does just that. But poor Karasuma almost has a heart attack when he walks in and the whole room is suddenly doused in crimson red neon lights, scary posters, skull imagery all over the place, and a giant fish tank in the room.
"Karma...I said you could decorate. Not go completely wild." "That means the same thing to me." Sigh.
One time, Karasuma invites Irina over for a dinner date while Karma is out sleeping over at Sugino's home. Things start to get a little ~spicy~ between them just as Karma walks in, bc he forgot something. Safe to say, the experience was very embarrassing for them.
They go on little bonding activities with each other, like watching movies, fishing, etc. It's a little awkward since they're both not used to it, and always chaotic just because of Karma lmao. But they enjoy them a lot.
Karasuma is a supportive parent. Not at the point where he can instigate conversations and is comfortable to approach. That's gonna take some time. But if anything were to happen to Karma, he would drop what he's doing instantly to go to him. If Karma gets in trouble at school, Karasuma 100% defends him.
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
Random Chloé idea: after becoming Queen Bee, since the miraculous probably fixes your eye sight while transformed, Chloé learns VERY quickly just how fucked up her normal vision is. So later on she shows up in class with a pair of glasses and people find out that like more than half the times she's been seen glaring it was literally just becuase she was blind as hell.
I know a lot of people have made similar headcanons but I always find it funny.
Lmaoooo I love this
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vtinesday · 3 years
Bench trio racer car au where Allium duo are the racer team and Tubbo is the pit crew but also the secret wild card if they need a back up;
Basically Tommy is newly certified car racer who is also a (bio/adopted, doesn't really matter) son of one of the famous national racer, Philza who just retired to become a personal coach after 33 years of working as a racer. He's also a little brother to Technoblade, who is an international car racer and Wilbur Soot, the famous band singer.
Tournament is about to happen in a month and The dream team were supposed to race against technoblade and his team, which got delayed and cancelled due to techno being really sick and had to stay in the hospital for the time being. So what did he do? Nothing actually. He do picked ranboo to replace him but Wilbur and Phil insisted to make Tommy joined as well.
Now people don't like Tommy that much lmao. They think he has no potential and he'll never success like techno or even ranboo(who had race for a good two years with tubbo being his pit crew) and it's even funny the fact that they all never know this Tommyinnit the car racer is actually a kid of the famous SBI
Things go bla bla yk the whole Phil and Tommy training montage and tubbo finding out Tommy was his kindergarten childhood friend who had to move out to other country becuase of Phil's work and Tommy being envy over how close ranboo is to tubbo and tubbo being jealous over how Tommy has a close best friend named after a colour purple and the argument between bench trio and the dream team abt who has the best cars and shit
Cut to the actual tournament, the race have 5 rounds, 2 for players A and the B and 1 round as a whole.
Now, you would think, oh obviously dream team win bla bla
See now
People forget that the blonde gremlin is a literal kid of two famous racer and a literal singer
They also forgot that means the kid has learned tricks and techniques by these famous family of his, forgetting how much potential he has
Beep boop racing car go booooom
Allium boys win !!! People realized during the tournament at how fast Tommy's car were and him being able to focus. Sometimes it reminds them of both philza and technoblade.
The news were fucking crazy when they find out Tommy's full name is Theseus Watson/Minecraft, then realized that's the kid, the KID
Also techno and Wilbur watched the tournament in the hospital, Wilbur was cheering so hard when he saw Tommy won, techno didn't say a word, he simply smiled a little (knowing well the man was squealing at how badass his annoying little brother actually is)
That's for now :0 , I will probably post some headcanons or something I really love this au so :>
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