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FOLLOW FOR MINIONS! they/them white 23 | art blog is @calpalsworld2 | header by @bingobongobonko
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calpalsworld · 42 minutes ago
He is NOT. SKINNY!!! (picks up a chair and throws it at the wall and it splinters into a hundred pieces of wood) AAAAGGHGGGHHHGGGH (rips the glass pane from the window and smashes it over a vase causing both items to shatter into shrapnel) (and the ground is covered in sharp fragments of wood and glass and ceramic and I use my powers to swirl them all into the air launch them directly towards you. For drawing him skinny)
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calpalsworld · 10 hours ago
Its just weird as fuck behavior to document and "critique" a persons own health struggles, but I see stuff in my recommended like this not infrequently. Literally as if someones problems are "bad enough" or "self inflicted" people think its righteous and helpful to comment on it. Hmmmmm.
If you are interested in health as a subject or want to actually help people, go become a nurse or a therapist or something... (but if you are the ones making these videos I don't trust you in that field of work).
There should not be shock content or "drama" around a person's health. ever
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calpalsworld · 23 hours ago
There should not be shock content or "drama" around a person's health. ever
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calpalsworld · 1 day ago
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While cleaning out my room I found a paper that my therapist gave me some time ago to deal with obsessive and intrusive thoughts. Sorry the paper is a little crinkled and stained, but I figured I’d post it in hopes that it will help someone like it helped me.
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calpalsworld · 1 day ago
Appreciation post for all the beginner artists who work hard despite the AI ​​looming over us. You are fabulous. You are precious. Keep up the hard work, you are needed.
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calpalsworld · 1 day ago
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calpalsworld · 2 days ago
When does it become easy to find out in what way you are sick??? Im 23 and I layed around having breathing difficulties and so worried I had covid, or was experiencing intense anxiety, or had a rare new disease, until I finally started itching all over, and realized its just this thing called adult onset " seasonal allergies"... SIGH
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calpalsworld · 2 days ago
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Somtimes you just get curious about these things
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Very slightly different edit thats how I personally think he would actually look with human color ok lol lol
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original (hes green (for the people who dont know LOL)
Feeling so MOTIVATED. Making all of Oregon Ultimatum TODAY /j
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calpalsworld · 2 days ago
actually i dont feel good ive had shortness of breath and shaking so instead should i edit Enzo Matrix's skin Caucasian colored to see how itd look ?
Feeling so MOTIVATED. Making all of Oregon Ultimatum TODAY /j
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calpalsworld · 2 days ago
Annoys me to no end when people act like Sensei Garm was somehow the truest form of Garmadon that he'll inevitably return to if he wants to be a good person. For starters, as far as we know, he's not even part human, so why would his truest form be his human one? He's clearly comfortable with his oni/part oni self, and there's nothing wrong with that.
When I say I don't want Sensei Garm back, I don't mean I think he should never try to be more active in Lloyd's life or that he should never try teaching again or hell, that he should never try being in a relationship with Misako again. I mean that the obsession with his human form, the version of him that was so clearly trying to be someone he wasn't, trying to fit himself into a mold of "goodness" that just didn't suit him, is weird and uncomfortable to me. Sensei Garm hated himself, it's so blatantly obvious, and while that certainly makes him interesting, it doesn't make for a good ending to a character arc.
Garmadon is not inherently incapable of being a father, a husband, or a sensei, but he was trying to take on those roles when he wasn't ready. He'd spent a lifetime fighting the evil in his veins and the second it was gone he was just expected to know how to be good. So naturally it didn't go very well. People criticize Lloyd's description of his father to Harumi in season 8, ask why he talked only about the time he was evil instead of the brief period where he was good. But it makes sense for Lloyd to have complicated feelings about his father, even before his resurrection when things went to shit, does it not? Yeah the love was there, but so was the strain, the distance, the abandonment, the multiple attempts on his and his friends' lives. A couple years of being on the same team doesn't necessarily make up for that.
Crystalized Garmadon wasn't ready for those things either, but the difference is he knew that, and he was working towards being ready someday. He was doing a parenthood practice round with Christofern, in hopes he could gain the skills to try and be Lloyd's father again. He wasn't in a relationship, but he was learning to better interact and connect with other people through Vinny. He was improving, however slowly.
If we ever do see some version of Sensei Garmadon again, I want it to be a natural progression of where Garm was at last we saw him. I want him to be ready for that role, and to take it on in a way that feels authentic to who he's become. He can't force himself to shy away from his destructive nature, we've seen more than once that his vows of peace don't last long. But he can probably learn to channel it in more helpful ways. The times Sensei Garmadon was at his best were the times he wasn't trying as hard to be serious, the times he teased Lloyd or let himself have a little violence and destruction, as a treat. I think it's entirely possible for him to achieve a functional balance of chaos and order, and I think a lot of that is precisely because of who he became after his resurrection. He's not ashamed of any side of himself, and that lets him harness that power in ways Lloyd can't because he's too scared of who he is.
Idk exactly where I was going with this, I just think I've maybe been a little harsh on the "I want Sensei Garmadon back" people. But a couple stances I'm still firm on: 1) there is no "good half" or "dragon half" or even just "other half" of Garmadon trapped in the Departed Realm or wandering the merged lands, and 2) if Garmadon comes back, it would be a disservice to his character to have him assume a human form, and if he does, they better have a damn good reason for it.
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calpalsworld · 2 days ago
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calpalsworld · 2 days ago
Feeling so MOTIVATED. Making all of Oregon Ultimatum TODAY /j
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calpalsworld · 3 days ago
Look at the silly doctor freak out awww so cutes 💀💀💀💀
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calpalsworld · 3 days ago
Smaller divisions of Oregon Ultimatum, "chapters" are turning out to be like 60-70 pages which is bigger than a typical graphic novel chapter or comic issue. Groups of approximately 3-4 smaller divisions/"chapters" are going to be compiled into thematic groups called "volumes." Should I keep the smaller divisions called "chapters"? or would it be less confusing if I instead called them "books"?
(Fun fact: I am shooting to fit the entire story into 3 volumes, but I might end up going into 4 based on the fact that every comic I make is always longer than expected😏)
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calpalsworld · 3 days ago
I know a lot of Oregon Ultimatum fans are going to be disappointed in this, so I've decided to rip the band aid off now..........
Dr. Windows...she....she..... she doesn't show up again for the rest of Chapter 1
But she does show up right away once we start Chapter 2!
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calpalsworld · 4 days ago
i just turned 23
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calpalsworld · 4 days ago
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almost 3 years later crappy meme redraw
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