#astv gwen
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qirarey123 · 1 year ago
Tried to redraw a comic panel
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ianmalcolmreynolds · 2 years ago
Everyone in Spider Society immediately knowing who Miles is without any context because Gwen probably never shuts tf up about him >>>>>>
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primaviva · 2 years ago
me explaining how donald trump is not only canon in the marvel universe but is also a main villain in comics:
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no because not a lot of people know this and seeing how many people are finding the gwen trump and astv trump mughot photos crazy as hell, i want to be the first to tell you and introduce you to donald trump from earth 65 aka spider gwen dimension
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you cannot make this up like this shit is straight up diabolical and the gwen comics only get more outta pocket than they alr are
and lemme show you bros description
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yes ya eyes is not deceiving you that is in fact a real plot where captain america of earth 65 aka samantha wilson STOPPED DONALD TRUMP FROM ENSLAVING PEOPLE TO BUILD THE BORDER
imagine americas symbol having to pull up on a big ole trump head three sizes too big for comfort and he got the case of the yapps like this man don’t shut up no matter where he at and then got his wig handed go him
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literally why does nobody talk about this like gwen’s comics single handedly has the most ludicrous things i have EVER seen so if somebody modakifys the trump mugshot i will give you like the ten nickels in my hand bag
he deserved to be an anomaly 🙄🙄
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tiredmcj · 11 months ago
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Gwen going through her feelings of longing for certain someone 🤭🥹🤌✨
(I am more hyped now since they released the Spider Within AAAAAA will be doing Miles version soon 😔🤙)
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ickyyrus · 2 years ago
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gwen oodle <3
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parkermell · 1 year ago
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the cuties
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kelpnut-art · 10 months ago
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I’m still not over my Gwen Stacy era ,:3
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apparentlyautistick · 1 year ago
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i have no self control
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wormnamedwax · 7 months ago
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can we talk about how the window is closed for her as spiderwoman. how it’s the part her dad can’t see in her. first the fact that she is spiderwoman, and then that gwen is still his daughter
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bigbawdy-benzz · 2 years ago
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Pairing: Miles 42! X Black Shy Plussize Fem Reader!
Warnings: A little angsty, Rusty spanish
Tags: @aaliyahwalkshere @missmyluv @slutforneteyam @alex110370000 @decapitatedyoshi @gemma42 @mama-2001 @mxa13xx
Summary: First Date with Miles…lets see how this goes will it be a success or will it not go so well stay tuned to find out.You also meet Miles's mother
A/N: The end to the Super Shy series, this was a lot of fun to write and I'm happy all of you enjoyed the first two so I hope you guys enjoy this one!!, also I apologize if it's long I really got into it, Miles is 17 he has a whipski, I was jamming while writing this, that is why so many songs are in the listed. Request me some new suggestions for anyone in astv, This is the end of my Rambling ENJOY my luvs!! pt.1 pt.2
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You were shocked at what Miles just said to you, you didn’t expect him to be direct about wanting to take you out. You were in your head speechless, not sure what to say. Miles broke the silence.
“Give me your number, I don’t like that dm shit and you don't deserve to be dmed date information”. He explained
“My number is (XXX-XXX-XXXX)” You say looking at your phone. 
“Okay imma text you when I get home” Miles announced.
“Actually text me when you’ve made it home it's unsafe out here” You reply, receiving a smile from Miles.
“I will mamita” He says before walking off, you enter your apartment thinking about everything that just happened between you and Miles. You notice your mom looking at you as soon as you come in.
“Hmm..you seem happier than usual”. Your Mom exclaimed
“Yeah I'm going on a date tomorrow with Miles!” You blurt out smiling hard.
“TELL ME EVERYTHING” Your mom shouts, sprinting to the couch, motioning you to come over to spill the beans about everything that went down. 
Miles makes it home immediately apologizing to his Mom before she shouts at him.
“Lo siento, llego tarde sin enviarte un mensaje de texto mami(Sorry, I'm late without texting you mommy), I was walking a girl home.” Miles apologized, after he apologized he saved your number as ‘mamita 😩🫶🏽’texting you that he was home.
“The girl you've been talkin my ear off about?” Uncle Aaron asks, Mrs. Morales looks at Uncle Aaron confused on what she was hearing”.
“¿A mi hijo le gusta una niña?(Does my son like a girl)?” Mrs. Morales asks,surprised. Miles looked at them, sucking his cheeks in to hide that he was about to smile.
“Yes, it is the girl I've been talking your ear off about, I would be lying if I said I didn’t like her and her name is Y/N”. Miles announced looking at Uncle Aaron and his Mother, it was quiet for two seconds. 
Mrs. Morales and Uncle Aaron stare at each other “TELL US EVERYTHING”. They shout startling Miles.
“Okay Okay, at the start of the walk it was very quiet for 5 minutes because she's shy, I didn't want to bombarded her with question so I used my context clues, I noticed she was listening to music so I asked her what she was listening to, she told me I told her to play it out loud so we both can listen to it. I started singing the song mad loud so she can feel a little more comfortable. She started singing which made me smile because she felt comfortable singing wit me, I started dancing because why not. After that, we started talking about music then it got you know…” Miles stopped talking 
“Vamos hijo cuéntanos(come on son tell us),It got you know what?!” Mrs. Morales exclaimed
“ItgotkindaflirtyfromtherebasicallyshegotshyonmeandIdecidedtodothatmovewhereyouputyourfingerundertheirchintomakethemlookatyouandiaskedherificantakeherouttmomorowbecauseIwassocaughtupinthemoment”. Miles rambled, smiling awkwardly at Uncle Aaron and Mrs.Morales wondering if he did the right thing. They both look at eachother nodding their heads.
Aaron está creciendo con nosotros(Aaron he's growing up on us), this is so exciting my son is so good with girls”. Mrs.Morales says giving Miles the biggest bear hug.
“Ayyyy mami” Miles says, chuckling awkwardly looking at Uncle Aaron waiting for his comment.
“You got play little man me and your mother taught you well”. Uncle Aaron says giving Miles a high five”
“Wait, where are you going to take her?” Mrs. Morales asks looking down at her son
“To be honest I had the plan to take her to a record store then an arcade because she likes music and arcades are always fun”. Miles states looking up at his mom.
“You really took some time to think about this”. Mrs. Morales says proud of her son.
“What you know about record stores Miles?” Uncle Aaron asks.
“The amount of old Black movies I've watched with you Uncle Aaron and it's always a romantic space”. Miles explained shrugging his shoulders. Uncle Aaron nodded his head proud.
“Yeah I got high hopes for you kid” Uncle Aaron states.
“eres tan perfecto que sabes que(you’re so perfect you know that?). You better treat her right Miles”. Mrs. Morales states
“Hes fine Rio he got this right?”. Uncle Aaron asks reassuring Mrs. Morales
“Of course I do Uncle Aaron, and of course I will mami she deserves it” Miles says fist bumping his Uncle.
“Whipped” Uncle Aaron says chuckling, Miles rolled his eyes chuckling.
“Mami, can she also come over tomorrow just in case?” Miles asks, she was shocked for a second.
“Yes she can just leave the door open hijo, but I'm gonna go to bed to get a few hours in before my shift” she says Kissing Miles' forehead.
“buenas noches mami” Miles says.
“Beuenas noches, mi amor, and Goodnight Aaron”. Mrs Morales replies.
“Goodnight Rio” Uncle Aaron says waving at Rio, While Miles was on his phone texting You the details.
‘be ready at 6:30 that's when Imma come pick you up ma?’ 
‘okay, is it any dress code?’
‘nah ma dress to impress or wear what you feel like fits you gon look good either way’
‘boy stop 🙄’
‘What i’m telling the truth hermosa 🤷🏽’
‘I also asked my mom if you can come over tmr after our date’ 
‘so we boutta go out then have a sleepover i'm down with that 👏🏾’ 
‘but i’m boutta go to bed goodnight Miles 🫶🏾’
‘Buenas noches mami 🫶🏽’ 
The next day at school was light, you and Miles walked to every class with each other and your friends. The one class he didn’t walk you to, you and  your friends were gossiping about him.
“Girl what happened during that walk yall real locked in” Aaliyah says crossing her fingers.
“Man he asked me on a whole ass date in the most like omg way I wanted to kiss his fine ass”. You say rolling your eyes.
“Damn it was that good?” Ocean asks
“Yeah he made me really comfortable, because it was quiet for a bit. I played my music out loud and he started singing. I joined him, and we spoke about music. I got shy because he said he liked my smile in SPANISH and then he asked me out. You explained.
“Nah yeah thats your man” Aaliyah stated entering the gym seeing Miles with his homeboys playing ball, you guys sit on the bleachers watching.
“Ugh I don't want to go to Biology” You scoff
“Then don’t go, stay in the gym”. Aaliyah says shrugging, you were watching the basketball game noticing Miles coming over.
“Oh shit your man coming”. Ocean states the obvious
“Hola Mami, shouldn't you be in class?” He asked 
“Why you clocking me?” You say jerking your head back, he chuckled at what you said, surprised.
“Since when you skipped class?I'm just making sure my girl don’t get detention”. He explains, you scrunch your nose trying not to smile.
“I'm your girl now?” You ask
“You will be soon,” He says, smirking , getting close to your frame.
“Actually I'm gonna skip with you, give me 5 minutes to finish bussin they ass then we can slide mami”. He states giving you a smile, you nod your head watching him bounce the ball running back to the court. You were kinda winded. He made you shyer than what you already were.
“I know its purring down there” Ocean laughs 
“Nah wrd you flustered as hell”. Aaliyah adds
“Oh shut up” You say falling deeper for him, the way the compression shirt accentuated his body did something to you, the way he towered over you made you weak, his brown skin glistened whenever you saw him.
“She's in a trance yall seein this' ' Ocean looks at the fake cameras.
“Okay but we're gonna go to class to give you and your man some space” Aaliyah states, collecting her things while Ocean waves at you before they leave. You believe they were psychics because Miles jogged back over to you.
“You wanna shoot around?”. He asks
“Uhh I don’t really do basketball, I'm just a girl”. You say tilting your head .
“I'll teach you”. Miles says, spinning the ball on his finger, you roll your eyes.
“Okay show off!” You say chuckling, walking to the court. Miles stood behind you positioning your hands, under his shooting the ball making it in the hoop.
“See now, try by yourself”. He says holding your waist sending a shiver down your spine. You smile to yourself shooting the ball making it in the hoop.
“Okayyyy mamita I see you lets a play a game called horse the first person to spell horse basically by missing five shots loses” He says bouncing the ball
“Bet what's in this for the winner?” You ask with a smirk
“I don’t know you tell me” He smirks right back at you 
“Maybe a lil cheek kiss” You say being bold, Miles looks at you amused.
“Im jacken that (meaning he can get down with that). He says making a score.
“Your turn ma” He says passing you the ball, you roll your eyes dribbling the ball shooting it in the hoop scoring. This went on for 20 minutes, you only missed 4 times while Miles missed 3. You score another basket feeling yourself.
“Nothin but net baby!” You say flipping your hair snapping in his face.
“You mad cute” He says shooting making it in again, you shoot  making it. Miles misses his next shot.
“One more miss shot and you lose!!” You say making your shot, Miles mocked you shooting and missing.
“WHAT THAT SPELL H-O-R-S-E YOU LOSE!!” You shout proud of yourself.
“Sus inicios suerte,(It's beginner's luck), it's ok because you’re adorable lemme give you that cheek kiss mama”. Miles says grinning.
“Not if you can’t catch me”. You say running off, Miles groans chasing after you laughing your ass off. You look behind, seeing him catch up to you.
“Damn you run fast!”. You shout
“Duh I play basketball” Miles says sarcastically rolling his eyes, he catches up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist swaying you back and forth, kissing your cheek. The both of you stayed there catching your breaths. You smile to yourself, loving this moment until Miles starts tickling your sides.
“MILES STOP” You shout, laughing. Miles laughs with you because your laugh is really contagious. Laughter filled up the gyms absence of other students besides you two catching the gym teacher's attention from outside the gym
“Shouldn’t you two be in class, especially you Morales. We don’t want you getting detention when you have to be at practice later” The gym teacher spat.
“Yeah Morales” You say mockingly looking at Miles.
“Oh your not off the hook either Ms.Y/L/N” The gym teacher adds
“Yeah Ms.Y/L/N but we’re in study hall block we just don’t have any work to work on so we came to play some ball Coach Edwards” Miles explains.
“Okay just get back to the main class rooms before another teacher catches you before letting you off the hook lovebirds I was a teenager once two’. Mr. Edwards states leaving you two alone.
“He's right, let's go to the art room, it's always empty there right about this time” You state while getting your stuff.
“Aight lemme just throw this ugly ass uniform in my bag” He says getting his stuff together, you two walk to the art room being as quiet as possible not wanting to be caught. You guys sat down talking about nothing sharing headphones, that's your thing now, you learned Miles had a hobby of drawing from time to time.
“You wanna know something” You ask him
“What's up ma” He answers, giving you all of his attention.
“I would never think me and you would be talking”. You say shyly
“Why?” He says concerned.
“Because I would never think you would notice me because of the girls that constantly throw themselves at you  and the friends you have.” You explain
“Those girls don’t do it for me, they want attention so bad that they do anything to get it but you, you had my eye since day one. I just don’t understand why you're so shy, you have all rights to be outgoing, there is nothing wrong with you. I'm not saying there is” He responds. You go immediately quiet after his statement.
“What’s wrong mamita?” Miles asks, you didn’t answer him, you sat there in silence. 
“Está bien mamita, te escucharé(It 's okay mamita i’ll listen to you)” He says sincerely, you felt  comfortable enough to tell him what’s wrong. 
“I don’t like when people say there’s nothing wrong with me when they notice i’m shy or know i’m shy like, ok yeah im pretty but me being pretty doesn’t mean I have to be the loudest person in the room. it bothers me because maybe I don’t want to be popular having all the  attention for my looks and not for the person I am, then having boys only want you because of your status and the way your body looks, and not having them really like you, and everytime I find myself distancing myself away or pushing others away because  they fail to realize im human as well because i'm shy, Im- Im sorry miles. You rambled, Miles looked at you feeling horrible about what he said. 
“Mírame mamá déjame decirte algo,(look at me mama let me tell you something) I'm not one of those people who obviously don ‘t see you for who you are. I see you for Y/N, from the shyness, from the fire ass shoe game you got, from the giggles I hear when your with your friends, from when you’re quiet in class smiling to yourself listening to music, The Y/N that isn’t just a body, the Y/N that likes music, the Y/N that has a great time singing songs at the top of her lungs. Yeah I only walked you home, played horse with you, and only maybe started at you in class in the hallways but I saw so much personality in the little things. You will never have to distance yourself from me. I'm here to make you feel comfortable. You’re a beautiful soul to me” Miles stated looking at you. 
You felt loved and seen, looking at Miles' beautiful brown eyes as the sun gleamed on his skin just right as you were sitting next to a window, you felt speechless, you tried to talk but nothing came out. Miles smiled at you wanting to risk it all. You two were interrupted by the bell signaling it was time to go home. 
You met up with your friends smiling like an idiot. They look at you, then at Miles, then at each other. They wanted to know everything.
“Okay mami I can't walk you home due to practice but imma see you later” Miles says giving you a hug before walking to the gym.
“You have to tell us everything!” Aaliyah exclaimed.
You and your friends were at your house playing music helping you get ready for your date with Miles. You were in the shower while they were in your room suggesting things you should wear.
“I personally think you should wear a skirt boo show that bawdy baby” Ocean suggests 
“No I agree it's like 90 degrees” Aaliyah agrees
“I MEAN YEAH I'LL WEAR A SKIRT” You say shouting from the bathroom.
“But it's up to your comfortability” Aaliyah states.
“No i'm okay with a skirt it's hot as hell” You say coming out of the bathroom picking out your outfit.
“Okayyy i'm happy you showing your bawdy it's too hot for the baggy jean Y/N” Ocean says 
“Yeah we don’t want you suffocating” Aaliyah adds
“YOO ITS 6:00 HURRY UP” Ocean shouts, startling you.
“Damn okay” You say chuckling, getting dressed and admiring yourself. You’ve never worn a skirt in a long time, the last time you did you felt uncomfortable but around Miles he made you feel so comfortable to do anything or wear anything around him. You take a deep breath before doing a 360 for your friends. The finished look with your hair done, fit, and shoes(Or you can keep the mary jeans like in the picture).
“Girl when did you get your belly pierced”. Aaliyah asked 
“I got it done during the winter” You reply
“YOU NEVER TOLD US??” Ocean shouts.
“Nah I thought y'all would see it someday” You shrug 
“No but you look good as fuck” Aaliyah exclaims 
“AHHH thank you what time is it” You ask
“You really do. I love this moment for you. I'm really happy for you and it's 6:45” Ocean replies.
“Thank you guys!!” You say holding your arms open. They get up giving you a big bear hug,
“I'm happy for you baby”. Aaliyah says, While you and your friends were having a moment, your Mom heard a knock at the door answering it. She saw Miles with 2 bouquet’s of flowers in his hand.
“Hi Ms.Y/M/L/N Im Miles, these are for you and is Y/N ready?”  her gaze softens at Miles handing her the flowers still holding one for you.
“Yes she is, I'll call her Y/N MILES IS HERE FOR YOU”. Your mom shouts. You and Your friends' eyes widen shuffling to get out of your room. They walk out of your room first to give you the floor, you walk down the stairs like the bad bitch you’re. Your friends snap as you walk down  the stairs and your mom is looking at you with the biggest smile on your face. Was Miles shy fuck yes was he going to tell you that hell no. He saw you walk down the stairs gulping mumbling to himself. You finally come into close contact with him smelling his cologne, seeing the flowers in his hand.
“te ves hermosa mamá(you look beautiful), these flowers are for you” Miles stated looking you up and down making you shy.
“Awe thank you these are beautiful you didn’t have to Miles” You say looking at the flowers like you haven't seen them. the carnations, mixed with other flowers, the aesthetic of them were so beautiful, you weren't a flower person but he just made you into one. You put them in the vase right by the door.
“No, I definitely had to how am I supposed to take you out on our first date without a grand gesture. First times are always supposed to be special, beautiful”. Miles says tilting his head, not being able to keep his eyes off of you. You swear you could fall to your knees how he was looking at you.
“Yo-You are something else truly” You say smiling.
“Mhm and you love it ready to go?” Miles asks.
“Of course, see you guys tomorrow!!” You say while giving your mom and your friends hugs. 
“HAVE FUN, BUT NOT TOO MUCH FUN”. Your mom shoes while you're already out the door. You and Miles were in a comfortable silence walking out of your apartment to his car.
“I meant what I said when I said you look beautiful”. Miles breaks the silence making you smile.
“Thank you I could say the same about you, you smell good. I love the hair, and your outfit is gaza. Did you get it your hair done for this specific occasion?” You ask 
“Maybe maybe not, you did  wear a skirt for this occasion”. Miles replied callin your ass out.
“YEAHHH you're done” You say rolling your eyes. Miles chuckles, unlocking the car as it was in arms reach, you reach for the passenger side hearing a smack of the teeth.
“Nah you betta not this is my job now” He says opening the door for you were shocked, he closed the door walking around to the drivers side. Y'all didn't go anywhere yet and you were already smiling like an idiot.
“Thank you Miles.” You says shyly
“No problem mami that's what a man is supposed to do for their girl” Miles says starting the car pulling off, he hands you the aux. You connect your phone playing Heated by Beyonce, feeling yourself as you felt beautiful, Miles looked over a few times smiling as you were having fun
You sang along with Beyonce “Nevеr met a girl so fine like this, no, no, no, no, no With a waist that wine like this, my love”
Miles smirks at you “You right never met a girl as fine as you”. He says winking at you. You roll your eyes, chuckling, continuing to sing the song.
You start fanning yourself off as Beyonce says, body rolling enjoying yourself Miles looks over, shocked as you were letting loose.
“Get it mama!” He shouted hyping you up, you laughed looking at him.
“I know my life can get so crazy but as long as you're right here” You sing.
“None of the gossip, nothing can stop us
I wanna love you with no fears” Miles sings right after.
“Close your eyes and take my hand 'Cause what we have is something special, Baby let's just take our chance” The both of you sing together, for the rest of the car ride you and Miles were listening to music. Miles suddenly parked and you were lost in your thoughts.
“We’re here hermosa” Miles announced, looking over at you. You nod your head about to get out of the car when you notice miles was already opening the door for you.
“You’re such a gentleman” you say getting out the car, Miles locked the car and you looked ahead of you. It was a record store you always wanted to visit one, but you thought they were all gone or abandoned. Miles looked behind him, seeing you admire the front of the store with a smile plastered on his face.
“Come on hermosa it gets better inside!” Miles exclaims, holding the door for you. You enter the record store in awe, you were in awe. You saw all the vinyls that you wanted, Lana del rey, The Weekend, Sza, Drake, New Jeans, Victoria Monet, Brent faiyez etc.
“Miles, how did you know I wanted to come here?” You ask looking up at him.
“I took a hint and used my context clues music is your thing and you get very passionate talking about it so I took my chances” Miles explained
“You’re truly amazing” You say wanting to kiss him, looking up at him while he was explaining. Miles blushed a little, hiding his face.
“Omg I saw that splash of pink on your cheeks did Miles Morales just blush” You say gasping dramatically.
“Absolutely not,” Miles denies.
“If you're not blushing stop hiding that pretty face from me” You say pouting, Miles looks at you smiling.
“aight you caught me” Miles rolls his eyes.
“Awe my baby so cute” you say chuckling, realizing what you said.
“Oh I’m your baby now?” Miles asks, you got shy scratching your head.
“Yes” you blurred out without even thinking about your answer. Miles nodded his head, liking that answer.
“Hold up do a 360 f’me mama lemme see you” Miles says looking down at you, you do what he says weak in the kneeeeeees.
“I’m sorry you just look so beautiful standing in front of me” Miles states. You walk away from
him not being able to breathe, he’s making you ao
flustered it’s crazy. He laughs to himself following you, wrapping his arms around your waist. resting his chin on your head, rocking you to the song playing in the background(Loveee song by Rihanna). You smile to yourself looking through the vinyls in front of you. It was quiet for about 10 minutes before you moved to another section.
Miles followed you around the store loving every second of it. You were definitely talking his ear off but he didn’t mind, he loved your own takes on what certain albums were about and the symbolism certain songs have. He loved how you were so perfect in your little world, something so simple as explaining songs and or talking about your favorite albums made him even more attracted to you.
“I literally have to have you listen to the Renaissance album by beyoncé because she ate” You exclaimed
“I’m down for that” Miles replied, staring at you. You noticed smiling.
“what you starin at something on my shirt?” You ask.
“Nah you real pretty mama” Miles replied.
“Oh my god” You say, rolling your eyes.
“You wanna buy any of these vinyls hermosa?” Miles asks. You nod your head, speed walking to the New Jeans Super Shy album.
“Power puff girls?” He asks, tilting his head.
“No, that's just the album cover, and their aesthetic you got a lot of music to listen to my love” You say chuckling, he smiles at that name.
“You only want that one?” He asks, you nod your head. The both of you walk to the cashier, you prepare to pay but already slid the cash on the counter.
“Miles you didn’t have to” You say pouting.
“I did you out with me you don’t gotta spend your money and it was cheap you good ma” He responds walking out the store. You follow behind him.
“Wanna go to the arcade across the street?” Miles asks.
“OH PLEASE” He shouted back, "you guys cross the street entering the arcade. You and Miles hit basketball first (of course athletic ass nigga),He beat you but you were delusional.
“YEAHHH I BEAT YOU” you shout prancing around.
“Nuh uh” Miles says
“Fuck you mean nuh uh the scores is right there!” you say pointing to score of 25 to 13 💀,Miles holds his laughs back letting you brag.
“okay okay mamita you beat me” Miles says walking to ski ball, you follow him with the biggest smile on his face. You and Miles play every game up in that arcade you had the upper hand on Mileses winning streak.
“See I told you i’ll kick your ass” You say, Miles had his eyes on a game with a big ass teddy bear hanging on the side of it. He was determined to win you one. He suddenly disappeared and you saw him, throwing balls at bottles. He was so focused. You stood next to him watching, he only had one more left to hit and he hit it. You clapped at his victory.
“Here you go!” The host says giving Miles a huge hello kitty plush. Miles then gave it to you, you looked at the plush in awe. You squealed, hugging it. Miles rushed to get his phone out taking a picture of you hugging the plush, It was adorable.
“awe thank you baby…” You say skipping around with the plush, Miles smiled at you witnessing you so happy thinking, ‘i'm the only one that gets to see her like this’. He snaps out of his trance.
“Mamita let’s go get some food!” He states.
“Yes I'm starvinggg” You say skipping over to him, holding his hand, Miles was shock feeling the warmth of your hand fill his. Miles looks down seeing you hold the plush so close to you. You and Miles walk around a bit to find something to eat. You two decided on Chipotle something simple.
You sat your plushie down in an empty chair right next to you, while Miles sat across from you. You were stuffing rice in your face, Miles looked at you laughing his ass off.
“Damn little lady, you can sure put it away”. He says, cackling.
“Youu soooooo funny” You muttered.
“I'm sorry that was funny as hell”. Miles states, you mock him rolling your eyes.
“I don’t even sound like that” Miles declared.
“Mhm sure…” You say laughing to yourself, you couldn’t lie miles looked cute while he was eating his food. You took your phone out taking a picture of him, He glared at you.
“What, I'm sorry you looked like a cute chipmunk!”. You exclaimed
“You’re so lucky you're cute”. Miles says finishing up his food, You and Miles cleaned up the table, taking pictures in the window. You weren’t a picture person and so wasn’t Miles but, when you two are together it's all you wanna do with Miles to keep the memories. You and Miles were wandering around Manhattan taking pictures of random things well, you were taking pictures of random things, he was taking pictures of you taking pictures of random things. You took a quick glimpse at Miles and he looked exhausted. 
“Are you tired Miles? we can go back to your house” You say examining his face. He shakes his head, giving you a tired smile.
“No no you're sleepy it's okay” You say, Grabbing his hand walking back to his car, he let you drag him back to the car, it was a new feeling that he liked. Miles unlocks the car, still making sure to open the car door for you before he gets in. You and Miles sat in, comfortable silence considering the both of you were tired, you looked at your plushie, then at your vinyl smiling to yourself. The music in the background (Heal your heart by brent faiyaz), made this moment better for the both of you. Before you knew it, You were at Miles’s house, you were nervous to be honest what if his mom was home, your thoughts were interrupted by Miles opening the door for you.
Walking to his door number he picked up on your nervousness. 
“Don’t worry hermosa she’s gonna love you”. Miles says, unlocking the house door, you take a deep breath walking in right after him. 
“Hola mami” Miles greets his mother as she is in the kitchen. Today was her day off and he was confused why she was still awake at this time.
“Hola Mrs.Morales Im-'' Before you could finish your sentence, she rushed into the living room to greet you.
“You’re the famous Y/N. It's nice to meet you, wait you speak spanish”, Mrs.Morales greeted you.
“Yes, just a little I have to brush up on some phrases”. You say, giving her a smile.
“What am I chopped liver?”. Miles says, crossing his arms.
“Lo siento hijo su saludo me tomó por sor (Sorry son her greeting took me by surprise), did my son win that bear for you” Mrs. Morales says apologizing, while asking you.
“Yes he did, he did a great job”. You say, nodding your head looking at Miles giving him a warm smile. You and Mrs.Morales sit down talking about your date, yourself, and everything you like about Miles building a bond with his mother. He watched leaning on a door frame smiling to himself.
“My two girls” He says yawning smiling to himself, heading for bed.
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qirarey123 · 1 year ago
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I understand miguel's reason but he had no reason calling a 15 year old a mistake and then slam dunking him onto a moving train 😭
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ianmalcolmreynolds · 2 years ago
Miles and Gwen’s color theory in ATSV is so incredible. I know Gwen’s world shows her emotions, but even on Earth-1610, Brooklyn takes such a noticeably pink hue in the sunset while they two of them swing around.
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And whenever Gwen’s in a position to hurt Miles, such as thinking she’s never going to see him again or when he finds out she’s known about canon all along, she’s always bathed in blue light.
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Honestly, I love this just as color theory, and that’s probably all it is. But the introduction also points to the idea that we’re actually viewing this story through Gwen’s memory of it? With the way her world adapts to her emotions, it’s neat that her memories do, too.
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primaviva · 2 years ago
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tiredmcj · 6 months ago
Wrapped around your finger, I was caught up in your orbit.
I finally rigged it!!!
Some errors are there, but I finally know how to do animation rigging. I will do more in the future 🥹🤧💗💗
Also I kept replaying Post Malone's Wrapped Around Your Finger and I think it fits them so much 😔✨
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human-space-heater · 2 years ago
incorrect quote generator (Spiderman: across the spider verse pt2 feat. spider noir, spider ham, and peni parker)
Miles : Fight me! Hobie , standing behind them and holding a knife: *mouths* Do not.
Gwen: Are you a masochist or a sadist? Pavitr , deadpan: I’m a Taurus.
Hobie : I have issues. Miguel : Finally, you admit it! The first step to redemption is accept- Hobie : With you.
Miles : *speaking Spanish* Gwen : I know, I know. Hobie: You speak Spanish? Gwen : No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Miles  speaks.
Gwen : Can I get a waffle? Jess and Miguel : *fighting and yelling at each other* Gwen : Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
Pavir : *eating a cinnamon roll* Gwen: Cannibalism. Pavir : *confused chewing noises*
Spider noir : *holding a salt packet* It’s just a little sodium chloride. Peni : Actually Spider noir , it’s salt. Spider noir : That’s what I said, sodium chloride. Peni : Uh Spider noir , that would be salt. Peni : *takes salt packer from Spider noir * This is iodized table salt, which in addition to sodium chloride contains anti-caking agents and potassium iodate, which is added to prevent iodine deficiency. So not only are you being overly pretentious by insisting on using scientific terminology for everyday items, you are factually wrong. Your arrogance is your downfall, you annoying little shit.
Spider noir : If you water water, it grows. Peni Parker: ...What. Spider Ham : They've got a point.
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jujouzdk · 2 years ago
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