When the Sadistic Night can be a Nightmare
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Shu Sakamaki Yandere Headcanons
🎻Being the first born, Shu has no intrest of having a partner and pushing others away, up until S/O shows up.
🎻They are no loud person, but rather they keep it all to themselfs.
🎻Despite his lazy appearence, Shu noticed them and before he knew himself, he wanted them all to himself.
🎻Shu aproch them and even alows them to listen to a music that they want.
🎻As he gets to know S/O, Shu could take this as an oportunaty sneek around them.
🎻S/O makes him to be alive, something that his brothers, father or even his mother falied to make Shu to feel it.
🎻S/O would push to have some activities with him and Shu keeps the façade of laziness, but this was to take an advantage of them.
🎻When S/O trusts Shu, he puts his plan in action and isolates them form the rest of the world.
🎻He would be the ultimate definition of a pervert and goes form teasing to humilate them.
🎻Shu will make sure that he would be locked intro a room, to make sure that they will become one day his bride.
🎻He won't alow his brothers, especialy Reiji to come closer to S/O.
🎻Shu would shut them form the world and tries to make them dependent on him.
🎻When Shu succeeds to make S/O depend on him, he keeps them in isolation.
🎻For the first time in his life, Shu is intrested in live and of a partner

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Reiji Sakamaki Yandere Headcanons
📚This man with mommy issues and when he sees S/O that has potencial to be the perfect lady.
📚Reiji wouldn't hesitate to turn her intro intro a perfect lady.
📚S/O would be subjected intro experiments with poison (similar with Yui's case in that drug moment).
📚Reiji then use harsh methods on S/O be using punishments and then starts the proces of becoming that perfect lady.
📚He would make sure that she will act almost just like Beatrix.
📚S/O doesn't her own choises anymore and her life dictated by Reiji.
📚Everything is controled form their diet to the personality.
📚He is doing this to make sure that Karlheinz would approve S/O.
📚S/O would give impression to everyone that they are fine, but they aren't, just to not upset Reiji.
📚He would most likely to not alow S/O to be closer to his brothers, especially Shu.
📚Once the process is done, Reiji would treat them just like a lady.
📚S/O lost any single part of themselfs and starts to makes excuses for Reiji's behaviours.
📚When Reiji asks something, S/O follows his orders.
📚He feels proud that he turned S/O intro a perfect lady, just like his mother, but better.

(Sorry for not posting this and is been 3 months since I didn't post it.)
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Christa Sakamaki's life headcanons before her marriage with Karlheinz
Thinks @cylabook for the suggestion🥰!
🌺She was the daughter of minor to the top high ranked noble vampires in Demon World that has ties to Sakamaki bloodline (her aunt married Karl's father as the third wife).
🌺Christa's father was known to have a violent temper with others but not to his wife and children.
🌺Her mother was known to be White Rose as well because she was kind and pure, but she wan't mentaly stable and only Christa's father can calm her down.
🌺Christa has an older brother that cared for her and wouldn't even alowd her to marry (knowing what men are capable of).
🌺She want to explore the world, but couldn't. So ger parents gived her a botanical garden to know everything about plants.
🌺Because her family was close to Sakamaki family, Christa visited Karlheinz and Richter, but undrr her brother's supervision.
🌺Christa was invitated both at Karlheinz's weadings when he married Crodelia and Beatrix.
🌺Chista didn't liked Cordelia at all, considering that she would ruin Karl's image but she keep it all to herself as a secret.
🌺She was pretty neutral about Beatrix but considers that she is just a tool for her parents.
🌺She knew that Karl never loved Cordelia and Beatrix.
🌺Before Karl married Christa, they had a platonic realtionship (almost like normal siblings, despite that they are cousins.)
🌺Karl has obsessed to court Christa to marry him in order to continue the experiment.
🌺Her father was at first against the marriage with his daughter, but then accepted.
🌺And Christa became just like the rest of her husband's wifes, but in the worst way.

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Sakamaki brothers has some Parents Issues.
#diabolik lovers#sakamaki brothers#ayato sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#laito sakamaki#shu sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#subaru sakamaki
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So Christa, Karlheinz and Richter are cousins... I have a headcanon that Christa's father and the brothers' mother were siblings and her aunt was known to be a "blessed queen" for giving birth to an heir and a spare because the previous king had a more daughters then sons.
#diabolik lovers#christa sakamaki#karlheinz sakamaki#richter sakamaki#headcanon#that's what i have in my mind at the moment
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Yui's endurement living with Sakamaki's/Mukami's/Tsukinami's/Kino
To understand about Yui's situation, we have to take some criterias in consideration and that her fate couldn't be changed, no matter the outcome.
So in that analysis, I will take some factors around Yui and then to the topic.
Sacrificial Bride and having Cordelia's heart
The one factor that could had being avoided, but we all know that there was one problem: Cordelia's heart. That demonic heart that doesn't alow Yui's fate to be changed, no matter what she want to do with her life
We can easly blame on two specific vampires: Richter (the one responsable to put Cordelia's heart inside of Yui's body) and Karlheinz (the masterminder of Adam and Eve project).
Living with Seiji Komori, the priest
Another factor has to be on her adoptive father, Seiji. Yui might lived alone for the most of her life, which that expains why she acts like she didn't had any role model to look up to.
Might Yui thought that she will go to live by herself and leaving anything behind her when she will be 18. Yui never exepected to be sent to Sakamaki Mansion and leaving with them. Never expecting that vampires are actualy real.
The endurement
In the first game (Hunted Dark Bridal) and season 1 of anime, Yui was sent to live with Sakamaki brothers, not even knowing that they are Do-S vampires and could be cruel to her. Yui was forced to be live in this ever ending circle of constant punishments, blood drinking, harassment, insults etc.
Even in MORE, BLOOD amd season 2 shows the exact same thing happen, but is more like who is going to have Yui instead and some kidnapping stuff. If I had to say one thing that Sakamaki's and Mukami's hand in comon is that they want to became Adam, to make Yui their Eve. The second being to became more powerful and to rule Makai.
The same thing could be said even in Dark fate: another family add. In Tsukunami's case is to try to force Yui to carry many Founder children as soon as possible and even tortured her worst then other two families combinate.
Kino also shows a huge ego (similar with Ayato) and at first disrespected Yui, expecting that everyone to do for him (I'm sory but I'm not that familiar with Kino).
Yui was disrespected by those boys and yet, she treated them with kindness. The boys fall in love with her despite what they did to her makes me feel (some moments) unconfortable. If I had to chose which family could be considetate normal is imposible. Why? Because the way they treated Yui, but also they had their own trauma which let them intro that path.
Yui has her owns trauma and yet, she doesn't let that anger to comsume her and define her nature. The boys have their own trauma and pass those down to Yui, to make her suffer without an explanation is why they do this to her. Two sides in the the same coin.
The hate from fans
I feel that hate that Yui had from fans years ago is so wrong. Just because they say "Yui is annoying" or "Yui is a pick me girl". STFU and put yourself in her shoes and then regret later for your words!
I will protect Yui until my last breath because she deserved better then those boys!
Yui did nothing wrong. She is a girl that wants to be loved. She fate was sealed since from the beganing (her birth), was neglected by Seiji, sent to Sakamaki Mansion, she endured that pain from all fronts. All because of Karlheinz's stupid exepriment
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Cordelia's parents
This is my own interpretation of them.
🥀She is Krone's younger sister and Carla and Shin's aunt.
🥀Unlike her sister, she wasn't desired, but she beauty was remarked for her purple hair that gives a simbol of nobility and royalty.
🥀She was kind and prideful, buy also didn't want to ruin her reputation and to make hwr dear sister live in shame.
🥀She was ready to bertray her brother-in-law, no matter the cost.
🥀She lived for short period under Karlheinz (only to find cure of Endzeit).
🥀Karlheinz took intrest in Menae (just because she is a founder), but never show it.
🥀Menae chaught Endzeit and Karlheinz sent to Burai for a while.
🥀Burai didn't know that Menae was a Founder since he never met her before, even when Krone was alive.
🥀He took Menae as his mistress and cared for her just because she remind her of Krone.
🥀When Menae became pregnant, she was worried that her child might have Endzeit as well.
🥀She gived birth to Cordelia and died, not knowing that her daughter doesn't have Endzeit.
🥀The king of Vibora and second strongest after Karlheinz.
🥀He was known to be a great conqueror for viboras.
🥀Burai wasn't capable to have emotions (similar with Karlheinz).
🥀He was intially engaged with Krone (because he loved her but she didn't) and due to known situation to him, the engagement was chanceled.
🥀Burai ended up to marry to a pure blooded vibora woman, but never loved her.
🥀He has several mistresses, including Menae.
🥀He was pretty abusive to his legitimate children.
🥀Burai also neglected his illegitimate children, including Cordelia.
🥀He was a great friend with Karlheinz (like best friends).
🥀Burai was glad that Karlheinz decide to marry Cordelia, finally could disown her.
🥀When he died, he found out that Menae was actualy a Founder amd Krone's sister and told to his men to be buried next to her.
(I made on picrew)
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Yui becoming Lilith instead of Eve
🌸Yui being so tired that each Diaboy drinks her blood.
🌸This makes her to resent, even hating them because how they treated her.
🌸This puts Yui to question her life choises, her sainity.
🌸More hatred is build apon her, more demonic energy apares around her.
🌸Unknown to Yui, she became closer to Lilith then Eve, wanting to oppose what the boys want.
🌸They where the first to noticed changing in her behaviour, cold and distant.
🌸Cordelia's heart became colder, loosing control over Yui's body.
🌸Yui's blood taste changes intro saltier and undesireble.
🌸Mukami's were the first to noticed this change.
🌸This gives a sudden realisation for all Diaboys that Yui isn't the same person, feeling a powerful demonic nature around her.
🌸Karlheinz also realises that Yui falied to be Eve and is closer to become a Lilith.
🌸Yui became unrecognizable due to change and tires to leave her past behind.
🌸This give no choise but forcing Karlheinz to use his powers to reverse the time.
🌸Making sure that Yui won't became Lilith, but Eve.

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Sakamaki Brothers as Fathers
Shu Sakamaki

🎻Most likely would have one daughter.
🎻He cares for her unconditionly, not wanting to have similar fate with his.
🎻For once in his life, Shu actually tries to be helpful.
🎻Would teach her to play violin and few other intruments.
🎻Shu tires the best to not push his child aside.
🎻When she sleeps, he also sleeps with her, but keeps one eye open.
🎻Shu doesn't trust Reiji to look at his daughter, his younger brother will always criticise him.
🎻Of all brothers, maybe he alows his daughter to be closer with Subaru.
🎻His would be relaxed, chill person, but not alowed to be lazy, otherwise she would be punished.
🎻Sometimes he feels that his mother would be disipointed that he didn't try to have a son as the future heir, but reminds himself that is his choise, not hers.
🎻Shu teaches his daughter some surviving skills (since he was sent in the North Pole).
🎻He doesn't trust Karlheinz to see his child, but she doesn't know the truth of her grandfather's nature.
🎻Maybe Yuma/Edgar would see his former best friend's child few times.
🎻But in general, Shu could be the best dad that his child could ask.
Reiji Sakamaki

📚I can see him to have a daughter then a son.
📚Reiji would be strict with his child, only to keep then out of trouble.
📚He expects that his daughter would be a lady-like.
📚Reiji wouldn't trust her around his brothers, especially around Shu (being lazy) and Kanato (almost tried to turn her intro a doll).
📚His daughter would have almost same personality with Beatrix, except that she isn't awkward.
📚Would most likely alow her to see her grandfather (being only Sakamaki brother that respects Karlheinz).
📚He would most likely to teach his daughter to make poison and medicine.
📚Despite his strict nature, Reiji cares for his daughter, not wanting her to feel what he being through.
📚He would be pleased when he finds out that his daughter studies Socrates and reads Victorian books.
📚Would teach his daughter Latin, Romanian, German and Greek.
📚Reiji would be proud that his daughter being a lady-like, but with her own personality.
📚His daughter would be multitalented at many things like instruments, painting and poetry.
📚But making one mistake, even insignificant one, Reiji would punish his daughter, but not on the extreme ones.
📚It depeneds his mood, he is a decent father.
Ayato Sakamaki

🏀Most likely a son.
🏀He wants his son to be better then anyone, just like him.
🏀But Ayato can be a fun dad in most of the time.
🏀He and his son would argue for the last takoyaki.
🏀Both would play basketball in free time.
🏀Ayato would likely alow his brother Laito to be around his son.
🏀Just like the most of his brothers, he wouldn't alow Karlheinz to see his son.
🏀Ayato doesn't talk about Cordelia and mostly would say bad thinks about her, so his son would likely wouldn't ask again.
🏀He would teach his son to dance, mostly breakdance/hip-hop dance.
🏀Ayato would push his son to be better then his cousins.
🏀His son is a master at giving nicknames to the people.
🏀Ayato wants his son to fall in love with a person genuinely.
🏀He would punish his child by calling people with rude nicknames.
🏀Ayato is just a fun dad.
Kanato Sakamaki

🧸Absolutely a daughter, no question.
🧸Kanato would dress his daughter similar with a doll or a princess.
🧸Would spoil her constantly.
🧸He would alow her near her uncles, Ayato and Laito under his supervision.
🧸Constant tea parties.
🧸Kanato would alow his daughter to do wax doll from men and women.
🧸Just like rest of his brothers, he won't alow Karlheinz near his daugher.
🧸Kanato would not speak about Cordelia, not wanting his little princess to be just like her.
🧸He wants his daughter to hold a red panda plush and to talk with Teddy.
🧸She would have a twisted personality, and would even turn young children intro wax doll.
🧸Kanato would sing Scarborough Fair to her but won't alow her to sing it.
🧸She has to wear pink dress in front of everyone.
🧸Would force her to eat sweet and if not, Kanato would torture his daughter if she doesn't appreciate his care.
🧸In general, he can be a nightmare father because of his personaliy.
Laito Sakamaki

🎩Most likely a daughter.
🎩Laito won't show his perverted side to his child.
🎩He would teach his child to make some teasing joke.
🎩Laito would trust Ayato near his daughter.
🎩He woun't alow Karlheinz near his daughter.
🎩Laito wouldn't talk about his mother, not wanting his child to know about her.
🎩His daughter would be a teaser, but won't be a perverted person.
🎩Laito doesn't alow his daughter to wear provoctive clothes and punish her if she does that.
🎩He would teach his daughter to play piano.
🎩In eforts, Laito tries to give a parental love to her, because he didn'y had form his mother.
🎩He won't alow his daughter to have sexual relationship with men, but alows with women.
🎩His daughter ends up to mastubate, but Laito doesn't know about that.
🎩She doesn't care what others thinks of her.
🎩Similar with Kanato, Laito can be a nightmare, but at least tries to be a parent.
Subaru Sakamaki

🥊Also most likely a daughter.
🥊Subaru would be scared if he would be a good father.
🥊When he looks at his daugther, he remembers that she is his greatest gift.
🥊He would alow her to be near to Shu.
🥊He definatly won't alow his father near his daughter.
🥊Subaru doesn't want his daughter to be a loner type.
🥊He encorages her to have plants like roses.
🥊When Subaru introduce his daughter to his mother, Christa sees in her graddaughter as younger version of her.
🥊His daughter isn't that kind as her anger can be the worst, sometimes goes in fight with people.
🥊Subaru would respect his daughter's opinons.
🥊He would punish her like not alow to go outside for one day.
🥊Subaru would be proud of his daughter of standing up.
🥊He would teach her some hand-to-hand combat.
🥊Like Shu, he can be the best father.
#diabolik lovers#shu sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#laito sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#headcanon
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The First Sacrificial Bride
⚠️Mentions of abuse, self-harming and suicide
💮Since Karlheinz started his Adam and Eve project, the picked a young girl.
💮She happens to pretty scared of her own fate.
💮When she arived to mansion, she tought that no one lives here.
💮But her fate starts to get the worst.
💮Constant toture, blood sucking and the gulit trip to the point that she can't beared anymore.
💮She tried to take her own life several times, but failed and more punishment.
💮Sakamaki Brothers treatead her like she was their punching bag.
💮One day, she escaped and ran far away from them.
💮Knowing that she would be in the worst position then before, she tooked her life, by jumping off the clif.
💮Her death marked a tragedy to hundreds of young girls up to the last Sacrificial Bride: Yui Komori.
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Vibora Headcanon
Warring: This is my interpretation.
🐍 They have cat pupils on both of their eyes.
🐍Their blood contains poison, that can easly kill other demons, expect First Blood.
🐍Being second most powerful demon race (after First Blood), they hold power in Makai.
🐍 When a female vibora gets preagnant, they usualy give birth to twins or triplets (that explains why Cordelia give birth to triplets).
🐍Just like First Blood, they keep thier blood pure by marriage with other viboras.
🐍If they rule had a child with a woman that is a non-vibora, they are outcasts.
🐍Women wears provocative desses, to attract the attention of men.
🐍Vibora men fight to court a woman in same method as real life snakes (viboras taking a snake form).
An example of viboras:
▪︎A vibora woman:
▪︎A vibora man:
Made in picrew.
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If Sakamaki Brothers had an older sister
💮She is most likely to be a child form one of Karlheinz's afairs when he was young.
💮So he lied that his daughter was his sister to everyone. In fact, she believed that she is his sister.
💮So when he married Cordelia, his daughter was just a teenager (around physical age 16-17 years old).
💮Cordelia didn't know about that her sister-in-law is actually her step-daughter.
💮And when Karlheinz married Beatrix, his daughter didn't fell confortable that her father jumped form one woman to another.
💮So when Shu and Reiji were born, she looked at them. However, Beatrix doesn't want her sister-in-law to be envolved in Shu's education. So she was careful with Reiji's education, literally taking Beatrix's place.
💮When triplets where born, Cordelia literally told to her sister-in-law to look after them. Whe they were children, Cordelia didn't alow her to be closer to Ayato. When it came to Kanato and Laito, Cordelia was alow the young woman to be envolved.
💮But when Karlheinz married Christa, she realises that this tooked to far and believed that she would be next victim.
💮When Subaru was born, the young woman was careful with him, becoming a second mother figure to Subaru and responsable with his education when Christa had psychotic episodes.
💮Unlike their father and uncle, she was the favorite member of the household.
💮So when Richter revealed that their aunt was actualy their half-sister, it tooked both parties to accept.
💮After the event of Cordelia possessing Yui and Richter defeated, their sister that once respected her father and thought that he was her brother, develops a pure hatred to him.
💮The Brothers are actualy greatful to have a sister like her, being the only relative that they absolutly trust.
💮Also, she is over protective to Yui and punishes her brothers for what they have done to her.
This what I think she looks like if Sakamaki had older sister. She is the only one to have her father genes (his eyes).
I made this in picrew.
#diabolik lovers#yui komori#shu sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#laito sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#headcanon
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Sakamaki Moms + Karlheinz having a daughter
⚠️Trigger warnings: hard topics such incest, neglect and some sexual reference.
Cordelia Sakamaki
🥀She wouldn't care of daughter pretty much as the triplets.
🥀Cordelia would push her daughter intro unhealthy diet.
🥀She would expect her daughter to be pretty, but not pretty as her, afraid that she would stole her spotlight.
🥀Cordelia would flirt around her daughter in front of men, the girl would think that this is the right way.
🥀So when she sees that her brother were neglected, she pretty much avoids her mother.
🥀Even starting to hate Cordelia.
🥀And because Cordelia half-First Blood and a Vibora, she daughter somehow manage to be half-First Blood and a Vampire (unlike her triplet brothers that are 100% Vampires).
🥀As she grows older, many men are looking after her, making Cordelia jealous of her own daughter.
🥀 Unknown to all of them, Karlheinz would use his daughter with Cordelia to continue for his experiment.
🥀Literally, incest relationship between him and his daughter.
🥀Therefore, he would make his daughter his fourth wife, putting Cordelia and triplets intro a difficult position.
🥀Her daughter would most likely to mistake her father's actions for love (in platonic way in her eyes).
🥀Ayato would hate his mother, Kanato as well and Laito can understand that his sister is in the same position as he was with Cordelia.
🥀To that Cordelia is too ashamed to look at her daughter to start a competition for Karlheinz's love.

Beatrix Sakamaki
🧵She won't be most of her daughter's life, because she won't have the crown.
🧵And just because she is a girl, Beatrix would most likely to not even seeing her so important.
🧵Beatrix would reach her daughter how a woman should be and to be obedient daughter.
🧵With those preasures, her daughter would most likely to escape several times (like how Shu did).
🧵She would most likely to place Reiji to watch over his younger sister.
🧵She would looks up that her own mother and even tries to do embroidery (Beatrix's favorite activity).
🧵As she grows older, Beatrix would make sire that her daughter would be a perfect future wife for a noble vampire.
🧵So she asks Karlheinz if they can put their daughter intro marriage.
🧵But he won't alow this and want other vampires to take adavatage over him.
🧵In short, Beatrix can't put her daughter intro a marriage.
🧵For her, the only option was to put her daughter to marry Shu (literally incest).
🧵And since Karlheinz married Christa, Beatrix thought that her daughter and Shu would be a perfect idea.
🧵Both Shu and Reiji where pretty disgusted with this plan, and even their sister as well.
🧵After Beatrix's death, Reiji may keep his sister in line, but definitely won't alow the same thing to happen ever again.

Christa Sakamaki
🌺She didn't want a daughter in the first place (after she gived birth to Subaru.)
🌺Her daughter would be most likely to be on Subaru's hands.
🌺Christa's daughter would be kinder and too innocent.
🌺Karlheinz would most likely to take an advantage of his daughter's kind nature.
🌺And because her mother was his favorite wife, she would be most likely to be his favorite child.
🌺And he finds her nature to be exactly perfect to be an Eve to the point that he won't need Sacrificial Brides (in his eyes of course).
🌺So he would like to see an incestrious relationship for "Adam and Eve project".
🌺But the daughter, much like Subaru, hates her father because what he had done to their mother.
🌺So, Christa's daughter would most likely to put a façade that shr is okey, when in reality she wants her father to be dead.
🌺Older that she gets, Christa has a sofy corner to her daughter because she looks more like her then Karlheinz, even during psychotic episodes.
🌺In fact, she wants her daughter to be unmarried for rest of her life ( judging by Christa's experience).
🌺She is so proud that Subaru was a the perfect brother to his little sister.
🌺Christa would be happy uf her daughter won't be married.
🌺But her daughter develop trust issues when it comes to men (again, because of Christa's situation and Subaru doesn't want his sister near them).

Karlheinz Sakamaki
👑If he has daughter with Cordelia and had First Blood gens, he would corupt her mind and marry her.
👑If he has daughter with Beatrix, Karlheinz would most likely to let her unmarried.
👑If he has a daughter with Christa, she would be (almost) likely to be "Eve" for his projects.
👑But if he has a daughter of a different woman, Karlheinz won't be there.
👑So his daughter would intelligent and manipulative as he is.
👑Similar to Kino, she would claim to be child of Karlheinz, because she is actualy related to him.
👑Her biggest ambition is to became the Queen of Vampires and the head of Sakamaki family.
👑Karlheinz's daughter being an actual feminist.
👑Also she hates her brothers for being the biggest jerks.
👑While Sakamaki brothers are red flag people, their sister will be a green or yellow flag person.
👑And if she mets Yui, she will swich the games rules and makes sure that her father won't use her.
👑Karlheinz would be a little to none surprised if he mets his lost daughter that is capable of same things.
👑His daughter can't be fooled easily like anyone else.
👑But Karlheinz knows that he is glad to met is only daughter.

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Sakamaki Brothers + Kino as Seven Deadly Sins
🎻Shu Sakamaki: Sloth
▪︎Reason: Due to fact that this man sleeps most of the time and doesn't do pretty much anything.
📚Reiji Sakamaki: Envy
▪︎Reason: Because he wasn't as the first born child and in fact, he hates Shu for many reasons.
🏀Ayato Sakamaki: Pride
▪︎Reason: Since his introduction around Yui it shown that he carries a huge ego compared to his other brothers.
🧸Kanato Sakamaki: Gluttony
▪︎Reason: He eats too much sweets and still craves it. He also tends to be more childish member of the household.
🎩Laito Sakamaki: Lust
▪︎Reason: Is pretty obvious that this fedora man shows the lust side most of the time even we all know that he is the most perverted member.
🥊Subaru Sakamaki: Wrath
▪︎Reason: His anger, punching on the walls, would make absolute sence when it comes to this tsundere man.
🎮Kino: Greed
▪︎Reason: Being King of Ghouls and ruled over them, he is probabily is richer then most of ghouls, but not on the same level as Sakamaki brothers.
#diabolik lovers#shu sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#laito sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#kino sakamaki#headcanon
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